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Mother Africa


Cuba thanked Ethiopia for 
support against the 
US blockade
July 3rd, 4:26pm
(Prensa Latina)
 The interim Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Gerardo 
Peñalver, today -- thanked the Ethiopian government 
for its support to the island in the battle to lift the 
genocidal United States blockade, an official 
source reported.
During a meeting here with the Ethiopian ambassador, 
Genet Teshome, who concludes his diplomatic 
mission in Havana.... the Cuban diplomat 
highlighted the historical ties between
 both countries, which began 49 years
 ago and continue to strengthen.
According to the Cubaminrex site, Peñalver recognized 
Ethiopia’s position against the genocidal US blockade 
that has lasted more than 60 years, both in the UN 
and in the African Union.
Likewise, he addressed the potential that exists to 
continue developing mutual cooperation, the 
publication stated.
On his part, the Ethiopian ambassador thanked the 
meeting and showed satisfaction for the welcome 
provided by Havana and the support of the 
institutions of the Antillean country for 
the fulfillment of his mission, 
Cubaminrex assured.

Egyptian President reshuffles
 government --- with 20 
new ministers
July 3rd, 2:06pm
(Prensa Latina) 
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi today swore 
in the new government presented by Prime Minister 
Mustafa Madbouly with 30 portfolios, 20 of them
 with new heads, including Defense and 
Foreign Affairs.
As part of the reshuffle, the Ministries of Transportation 
and Industry were merged... now headed by Kamel El-
Wazir, as well as that of International Cooperation 
and Planning and Economic Development, 
headed by Rania Al-Mashat.
The ministries of Emigration and Expatriate Affairs and 
Foreign Affairs, which will be headed by diplomat Badr 
Abdelatty, were also merged.
In Defense, Lieutenant General Abdel-Mequid Saqr was 
appointed, while Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar will continue 
to head the Health and Population portfolio, and 
Amr Talaat.... will continue to head the 
Communications and Information 
Technology portfolio.
In the midst of the economic difficulties faced by 
the country, due to the convulsive regional and 
international crisis, the Ministries of Finance, 
Ahmed Kouchouk; Local Development, Manal
 Awad Mikhail; Supply and Domestic Trade, 
Sherif Farouk, and Petroleum and Mineral 
Resources, Karim Badawi, were renewed.
The changes are part of the ministerial reshuffle after
the start of El-Sisi’s new term in office last April, 
after winning the presidential elections held
December last year.
The president also swore in the 27 provincial 
governors on Wednesday, 19 of whom took 
office for the first time.
Five active terrorists 
arrested in Algeria
July 3rd, 12:49pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
The search and capture operation launched by 
the Algerian Army a few days ago arrested 
four armed men and a fifth, a fugitive 
from justice, all identified 
as terrorists.
Intelligence reports led to the capture of those suspects 
in Bordj Badji Mokhtar and Tamanrasset (south), where 
two FMPK submachine guns, four Kalashnikov assault 
rifles, two ammunition belts, and six magazines were 
confiscated, the official release stated.
The statement, endorsed by the Ministry of Defense, 
identified In Adjena Ahmed, Fughas Abdelkarim, 
Aberzulegh, and Ousmane Buyemaa, who 
were captured in Yemaa. The fifth, 
Barbuchi Mata Mulan....
was wanted by the 
security forces.

Will South Africa walk back its 
Gaza genocide stance under
 new coalition government?
by Iqbal Jassat 
July 1st, 1:31pm
Has South African politician and leader of the country’s 
second-largest political party, Helen Zille, emerged
a leading agitator to reverse South Africa's 
groundbreaking efforts in solidarity with 
Palestine's freedom struggle against 
Zionism's illegal settler 
colonial regime?
Her demands on the African National Congress (ANC), 
the country’s largest party, to concede a number of
 key ministerial posts in the proposed Government 
of National Unity (GNU), to her Democratic 
Alliance (DA) party, include that of 
International Relations.
If the foreign affairs portfolio falls into the hands of
the DA, South Africa may have to say goodbye to 
the enormous strides made by successive ANC 
governments from the time of anti-apartheid 
icon Nelson Mandela until this GNU moment.
DA's mimicking of the Israeli regime’s hostile position
 on Palestine’s leading resistance movement is 
spelled out by it in these words:
"In Palestine, radicalism (sic) is represented by Hamas. 
The DA, along with most of the world, regards Hamas
 as a terrorist organization..." 
The language used by the DA is coded in typical Zionist
 semantics. "Radicalism" ....is often associated with 
Islamophobic racists - to imply that Muslims are 
"irrational" and unwilling to "conform" to 
"normalized behaviour". 
If one decodes the word "radicalism" ...in the context 
applied by the DA linking the Palestinian resistance 
movement Hamas to it, apart from the fact that 
such malicious usage comes straight out of 
Israel’s propaganda handbook --- it also 
makes clear the DA's pro-Israel bias. 
To illustrate how far-removed John Steenhuisen and his
party are from the reality of Israel’s illegal occupation 
of Palestine, the DA willfully ignores... what many 
human rights organizations cite as root causes 
for Palestinian resistance ----- settlements, 
annexation, ethnic cleansing, siege 
and occupation. 
Failure to correctly diagnose the source of Palestinian 
discontent will result in the type of misalignment 
evident in the DA's bizarre "solution":
"Part of the path to peace involves eliminating (sic) 
Hamas’ capacity to utilize Gaza as a staging 
ground for terror attacks and a supply
 base for its militants". 
Again... once such outrageous language is decoded, 
it reveals that the DA shows scant regard for South 
Africa's own freedom struggle against years 
of apartheid. 
Importantly, to proclaim without any shred of evidence 
that it, the DA "along with most of the world, regards 
Hamas as a terrorist organization...” displays 
arrogance, and a sense of recklessness 
coupled with Israeli-styled impunity. 
Sure, the Zilles and Steenhuisens of the world ---- are free
to align their anti-Palestinian bias with that of the Zionist 
regime's racist war criminals led by Benjamin Netanyahu
but to do so, by regurgitating false Israeli propaganda is 
extremely naive. 
If the DA lives under the illusion that the US 
administration along with the British and 
German governments equate to "most 
of the world", it demonstrates how 
skewed their understanding is. 
Also by demonizing Hamas as a "terrorist organization", 
the DA... seems not to have learned any lessons from 
South Africa's political history during the notorious
era when liberation movements, its leaders and 
members were hunted and mowed down 
as "terrorists". 
The successive regimes in Tel Aviv have acted no 
differently to the National Party's racist mantra:
 proscribe your opponents - especially those 
engaged in armed struggle against your 
policies of oppression and subjugation 
- as "terrorists". 
Once dehumanizing is underway, "most of the world (sic)"
---  i.e. Western capitals and their respective military-
industrial complexes --- will spare no effort 
to finance and arm you to the hilt to 
"eliminate" freedom movements 
wrongly - and deliberately -
profiled as "terrorists". 
The DA's participation in any form of coalition with the 
African National Congress in the proposed coalition 
government is problematic, to say the least. 
Being firmly embedded in the North by articulating 
Western hegemony in its vision of international
relations ---- whether concerning Ukraine or 
Israel, the DA will remain an impediment. 
Equally, it is highly unlikely for the DA to suddenly 
embrace South-South cooperation. 
Developing countries in the Global South.. have adopted 
meaningful plans of cooperation, in which South Africa 
has been pivotal, especially in pursuit of human rights. 
Having failed to take a principled position on the defense
 of Palestinian rights --- by not supporting South Africa's 
groundbreaking legal initiatives at the International 
Court of Justice (ICJ), one is skeptical of the DA's 
so-called plea for "peace" ----- in the absence 
of justice. 
To ridicule Palestine's freedom struggle -------- in terms
associated with Islamophobia such as "radicalism", 
"fundamentalism" and "terrorism", does very little
 to engender hope, that Zille and Steenhuisen's 
Democratic Alliance will move away from
pro-Israel position. 
Iqbal Jassat is an executive member of Media 
Review Network, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Ethiopia increases tea 
plantations to attract 
July 1st, 12:54pm
(Prensa Latina) 
With the planting of 460 million seedlings to strengthen 
production, the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority
 today called on investors to participate in the 
booming tea sector.
The Authority’s director general, Adugna Debela, told the 
Ethiopia News Agency that in the current fiscal year 
they used 30,000 hectares of land for the crop, a 
significant jump from the previous concentration
 of 5,000 hectares in the Wushwush and 
Gumero species.
Debela specified that despite exporting 950 tons of 
premium tea leaves and generating US$2.1 million 
in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year (a 
substantial increase of 50 000 tons over the 
previous year), they are still in the area of
 the sector’s potential.
He acknowledged that limited investor participation 
restricts the country’s ability to capitalize on its 
abundant resources and generate significant 
foreign exchange, just as annual export 
revenues do not exceed $3 million.
Ethiopia’s diverse topography and favorable climate 
have ideal conditions for tea cultivation, which 
thrives even on acidic and sloping soils, 
he added.
This versatility offers an excellent opportunity for
 farmers to diversify and expand their production, 
he said.
The official stressed that small farmers alone cannot 
drive the necessary expansion, hence the Authority’s 
call for investors to venture into the industry with 
various government-driven incentives.
Tea plantations offer a long-term sustainable investment, 
with a productive life of 30 to 40 years and biweekly leaf 
harvests that provide a steady income stream, he noted.
In addition to the significant employment potential, he 
encouraged other regions to prioritize tea production
 in their agricultural strategies.

Putin treated the president of Congo,
 to quail dumplings and Gzhel dessert
June 27th, 2024, 20:14 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin, treated his Congolese
counterpart Denis Sassou-Nguesso to quail dumplings,
veal cheeks stewed in kvass and Gzhel dessert
in the Kremlin.

This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to
 the menu of the official breakfast with the 
participation of the leaders of the 
two countries.

For a hot meal... the guests of Russia tried
muksun fillet with truffle puree & spinach.

Among the drinks presented --- were the
Russian wines "Usadba Divnomorskoe".

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier, awarded his 
Congolese counterpart, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, the
 Order of Honour, for his great contribution to the 
development and strengthening of relations
 between the two countries.


Kenyan President Says He Will
Not Enact New Tax Law
June 26th, 2:23pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Kenyan President William Ruto confirmed that the budget 
bill, cause of the recent protests that have gripped the 
country in recent days, will not be enacted.
Ruto said that he would not sign the new law at a news 
conference in the capital, though he acknowledged he 
had taken that decision under strong public pressure.
Some sources point out that the violent protests of the 
previous day, left a toll of 23 dead and more than 300 
injured, although this figure is not yet official.
Meanwhile, the country dawned on Wednesday to a tense 
calm, following the storming of the parliament building 
and vandalism in Nairobi and other cities.
Meanwhile, President Ruto today condemned the violence
 during the protests, lamented the loss of lives and 
injuries suffered and offered his condolences to
 the families who lost their loved ones.
Ruto urged restraint to restore order and provide space 
for dialogue, but said he would use all means at his 
disposal to restore calm to the country, which is 
why army troops were deployed in the capital.
The first outbreaks of violence earlier in the week forced 
the government to scrap two of the proposals, an 
increase in VAT on bread, and a tax on vehicle 
ownership, but the conciliatory gesture was 
insufficient and the protests continued 
with the death toll ----- and hundreds 
injured and arrested.

The State Duma is preparing an appeal 
to the UN ----- on the placement of
 US biolabs in Africa
June 26th, 11:17am
After the Russian army managed to stop the introduction 
of military biological programs, in the former territories 
of Ukraine, the Pentagon actually transfers unfinished 
research to African countries. This statement was 
made by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, 
Alexander Babakov, in an interview with 
Izvestia on June 26.
The head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological 
Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, 
Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, stated that the 
documents available to the Russian Defense 
Ministry --- show that the US military and 
biological presence in Africa is
 increasing rapidly.
"Africa ---- is not a field for experiments of US military 
biolabs. In fact, the Americans continue their racist 
colonization policy towards the peoples of Africa. 
American political elites - with their colonial 
ideology and sense of national superiority - 
continue to lecture the whole world about 
democracy, while not just sending troops
into sovereign states, and organizing 
colour revolutions there. Now, they 
are conducting experiments on 
people and organizing biolabs
 in search of new weapons,"
 Babakov said.
According to him, bio-research for US military purposes is 
a direct violation of the requirements of articles I and IV 
of the International Convention on the Prohibition of 
Biological and Toxin Weapons.
"This issue - needs to be discussed at the UN Security
 Council, and now we are preparing a corresponding 
appeal to the UN. We also plan to apply to the 
parliaments of African countries with 
explanations and materials about 
this bio-research conducted by 
the United States - & organize 
consulting and informational 
assistance, at the inter-
parliamentary level.''
''It is necessary -- to maximize the dissemination of 
information about illegal US activities in the field 
of bio-research, not only in Russian, but also in 
African media, as well as among independent 
media and bloggers around the world," said
 the deputy Chairman of the State Duma.
Earlier, on March 30, in a conversation with Izvestia, 
the Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council, 
Konstantin Kosachev, said that Ukraine is a 
testing ground --- for dangerous Western 
technologies. The Vice Speaker also 
reminded about the American 
biological laboratories in 
the country.
In July last year, the Russian Defense Ministry published 
the names of individuals who participated in US military 
biological programs in Ukraine and are trying to hide 
data on working with pathogens of dangerous 
infections and testing drugs on Ukrainians 
and the military of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine.

Russia plans to introduce 
visa-free travel with two 
African countries
June 25th, 11:23pm
Russia... is discussing the introduction of a visa-
free regime with two African countries, namely 
Kenya.. and Chad. These plans were reported 
by Izvestia.
It is noted that these destinations are gaining 
popularity among Russian tourists. Thus, the 
number of trips to Kenya, increased by 40%.
"Visa cancellation makes travel easier and more
 affordable - and can have a positive impact on 
the Kenyan economy, particularly in the hotel 
industry and other related sectors. Kenya 
has always been a popular destination 
for tourists from various countries, 
including Russia," said Louis 
Gowend --- the head of the 
Commission for working 
with African Diasporas 
of the Russian-
African Club.
At the same time, Russia is concerned about the 
issue of security. This problem has become 
more acute amid the protests in Kenya.
Earlier, the Minister of Economic Development Maxim 
Reshetnikov said that Russia hopes to cancel visas 
with six countries. Negotiations are already under-
way with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, 
Malaysia, and Myanmar.

Kenya sends military 
to fight ------ ''riots''
June 25th, 9:26pm
Kenyan William Ruto said in an address to the nation 
that he ordered the military to be sent to quell the 
riots, and all forces were mobilized to fight the 
protests in the country. He said this on the 
Citizen TV channel.
"All the country's security forces.... have been 
mobilized to counter the protests," Ruto said.
The Head of State called what is happening in the 
country a threat to the constitutional order. He 
expressed his readiness ------ to give a full 
response to the current events.
Earlier, protesters in Nairobi broke into the
parliament and detonated smoke
bombs there. 
The legislative body of the country was 
voting on the draft budget with ---- 
tax increases.

During the riots,
the half-sister of former
President Barack Obama
was injured.
Later, President William Ruto said he was ready 
to engage in dialogue with the protesters. At
 the same time, it should be organized "on 
the basis of constitutional mechanisms".

First 400 Kenyan troops 
already in Haiti
June 25th, 2:28pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
A group of 400 Kenyan troops arrived today in the capital 
to help the Haitian National Police fight the gangs that 
control 80 percent of the capital.
The Kenya Airways KQ7681 military plane landed 
at mid-morning on the runway of the Toussaint 
Louverture International Airport.
These 400, out of a thousand due to arrive in a phased 
manner, are elite officers from the Kenya Police Rapid 
Deployment Unit, who underwent rigorous training, 
ensuring they were fully prepared for the mission.
The deployment was approved... by a UN 
Security Council resolution last October.
Other countries, in addition to Kenya, will soon travel 
to Haiti to join the large operation, including Benin, 
Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Suriname 
and Chad.
This mission is causing concern among the Haitian 
population regarding respect for human rights ---
some organizations dedicated to the issue, 
accuse the Kenyan police - of an excessive 
use of force and extrajudicial executions.
Kenya should have been in the Antillean country since 
May 23, but inspectors told Nairobi there was a lack of 
shelter conditions, vehicles for transporting personnel, 
helicopters for evacuating the wounded and other 
logistical elements.
Hence, he postponed his arrival here, where it is 
supposed to head the multinational force - but 
some local media insist that the real head of 
the operation ---- will be the United States, 
which always seems to be controlling
 Haiti’s domestic affairs.
The gang members will have to choose between jail and 
the cemetery,’ said the ambassador of the US in the 
Caribbean country, Dennis Hankins, according to 
the digital newspaper, Haiti Libre.
Angola and Ivory Coast.. will sign 
Twelve cooperation agreements
June 25th, 2:23pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Angola and Ivory Coast will sign 12 cooperation
agreements..... in the context of the visit of 
President João Lourenço to that country, 
the Angolan Presidency reported today.
Lourenço will travel tomorrow to Abidjan, where he 
will make an official visit on the 27th and 28th, 
during which he will talk with his counterpart 
Alassane Ouattara, about bilateral relations 
and cooperation, as well as tour 
industrial areas.
According to the person in charge of Institutional 
Communication and Press Affairs of the Angolan 
Presidency, Luís Fernando, the president will 
also hold a meeting with the community 
residing in the Ivory Coast.
He also announced.. that the head of state 
will receive the key to the city, and will be 
proclaimed “Honorary Citizen of Abidjan.”
This Tuesday the Angolan Foreign Minister, Téte 
António, arrived in that city, where he was 
received by the delegate minister of the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African
Integration and Ivorians Abroad,
 Wotabola Ouattara.
The visit of the Angolan president, is part of the 
strengthening of bilateral cooperation between
the two countries, which is expected to reach 
new horizons --- with the signing of legal 
instruments.... and the deepening of 
ties in sectors such as agriculture.
Ethiopia and EU.. discuss ways to 
strengthen ''parliamentary'' links
June 25th, 2:14pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Ethiopia and the EU discussed possible ways
 to strengthen existing parliamentary 
collaborations, the EU mission 
reported today.
The meeting was attended by the chairman of the 
Ethiopia-EU Friendship Committee of the House 
of Peoples’ Representatives (parliament), Dina 
Mufti, and the Chargé d’Affaires of the UEA 
Delegation here, David Krivanek.... and a 
member of the Directorate General for 
External Policies of the EU 
''Parliament'', Christian 
The two sides exchanged views on a number 
of areas that could further deepen their 
''parliamentary'' cooperation.
EU approves military assistance 
to Kenya to fight Al Shabaab
June 25th, 1:02pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
The EU approved military assistance worth 20 million 
euros to develop the operational capabilities of the 
Kenyan army and fight the Islamist group Al 
Shabaab, Sky News reported on Tuesday.
The EU will specifically fund tactical unmanned aerial 
vehicles, non-lethal interceptors & jammers, systems 
used to defeat improvised explosive devices, and 
electronic warfare tools for Kenyan military units.
The EU bloc aims to protect the territorial integrity and 
sovereignty of the country and its civilian population 
against internal threats and counter the increasing 
operations by the Al Shabaab terrorist group 
along the border with Somalia.
The funding follows joint consultations on security 
and defense in the framework of the EU-Kenya 
Strategic Dialogue.
The source stated that the aid will be channeled 
through the European Peace Facility, the extra-
budgetary instrument through which the 27 
EU member States finance their 
''defense'' policy.


The State Duma, pointed to the
of the US --- because of
loss in Africa
June 17th, 6:16pm
The US State Department's desire to counteract Russian 
influence in Africa - is the senseless agony of American
officials from the realization of their geopolitical loss. 

This was stated on June 17 by Deputy Chairman of
 the State Duma Alexander Babakov to Izvestia.
Thus, he reacted to the news about the US State 
Department's request for funding from Congress
 to.. create a Fund to counter Malicious Russian
 influence in Africa (CRMAA) at the end of May.
Babakov recalled that the history of Africa is full of pages 
when European powers and the United States cruelly 
exploited the land and peoples of the continent.
"Today, fearing that the African continent is gaining true 
sovereignty and independence in partnership with 
Russia, the United States has decided.. to pour 
another tens of millions of dollars into a false 
propaganda campaign - against Russia. For 
this purpose, a specialized fund was even 
created. This is similar to the senseless 
agony of American officials from the 
State Department from realizing 
their geopolitical loss on the 
African continent" --- he 
commented --- on the 
State Department's 
According to him, the Russian side can respond to 
such "senseless propaganda attacks" with real 
measures — assistance in forming a sovereign 
financial system in Africa.
"Russia can, and should, help African countries gain
financial sovereignty, including via the mechanism 
of creating digital currencies of central banks. A 
new payment eco-system should be created on 
the basis of innovative financial technologies: 
high-speed real-time processing, work with 
digital currencies and assets, blockchain 
technology ---- and the absence of 
intermediaries," Babakov said.
He concluded that Africa needs to abandon 
the external dictates of the United States 
and Europe and strive for cooperation on
 equal terms.
U-turn to the South: experts predict 
an increase in trade.... between 
Africa and Russia. By 2026, 
it may reach up to
 $40 billion.
Earlier, on June 8, the Russian Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Izvestia 
that BRICS is always open to cooperation 
in matters of Africa's integration into big 
politics --- and meets the established 
quality criteria --- based on equality. 
According to her, the West should
and has something to repent of 
before the African continent.
Back in February, the Russian Embassy in the US 
claimed that the State Department was trying to 
hide the truth about Washington's dirty schemes 
in Africa, spreading unsubstantiated allegations 
against Moscow.
As noted by the Russian diplomatic mission --- many 
politicians in the United States cannot rest, due to 
the fact of successfully developing cooperation 
between the Russian Federation and 
African countries.
The EU General Staff announced 
the weakening of the West's
position in Africa
June 17th, 4:50pm
The West is losing ground in a 
number of African countries.
This was stated by the head of the EU General Staff,
Lieutenant General Michael van der Laan, 
reports TASS.
"They are being pushed out of Niger, Mali, Burkina
Faso, and other countries,"
the officer believes.
The head of the General Staff stressed that Western 
representatives are increasingly noticing the 
growing role of China, Iran and other 
countries on this continent.
Earlier, the US began withdrawing
 its contingent.... from Niger.


India congratulates Ramaphosa
 on his reelection as president 
of RSA
June 17th, 12:22pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated 
Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday on his re-election 
as president of South Africa.
In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the Indian head of 
Government greeted Ramaphosa and expressed
 his desire --- to work together with the South 
African leader, to further strengthen the 
strategic partnership between the
 two nations.
On Saturday, Ramaphosa, of the African National 
Congress (ANC, the country’s main party), won 
283 votes from the newly appointed 
parliamentarians, against the 
leader of.... the Economic 
Freedom Fighters (EFF) 
party, Julius Malema, 
who received 44 
votes from the 
Cyril Ramaphosa will be sworn in as head of State 
on June 19th in Pretoria, the South African capital.
In addition to being founding members of the Brics,
 India and South Africa share 30 years of 
significant bilateral relations.
According to the Indian Ministry of Commerce, since
 diplomatic relations were established in 1993, 
economic interactions have increased ---
10 million dollars in 2015-2016, 
to 17 million dollars in 2021-2022.

Southern Africa & EU to discuss 
peace and security issues
June 17th, 11:04am
(Prensa Latina) 
Angola will host tomorrow a new session of the 
Ministerial Political Dialogue --- between the 
Southern African Development Community 
(SADC) and the European Union (EU), to 
discuss peace and security issues, the 
Foreign Ministry informed.
SADC will be represented at the meeting by the Executive 
Secretariat of the organization and the member states of 
the dual troika: Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo 
(DRC), Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, 
while the European External Action Service
 (EEAS) will be the counterpart for the EU.
Issues such as human and sustainable development, 
climate change, environment, trade and investment 
will also be on the agenda of the meeting.
According to the Angolan Foreign Ministry, the dialogue 
session is expected to serve as a platform to 
strengthen relations between the two 
regional blocs, as well as to promote 
cooperation in the areas of peace 
and security, trade, and policies,
 with a view to sustainable 
economic growth.
The meeting will also review progress made in the 
implementation of SADC-EU cooperation, and the 
investment and programming package of the 
Africa-Europe Global Gateway.
It will also address global, continental, and regional 
issues affecting not only the peace and security 
situation in the region but also development 
and cooperation.
The last session of the SADC-EU Ministerial Political 
Dialogue was held virtually on June 16, 2021 --- and 
Angola is hosting the new meeting in its capacity
 as Chair-in-Office of the Community.
Ethiopia will strengthen relations 
with China ------ in all areas
June 17th, 9:34am
 (Prensa Latina) 
The vice president of the ruling Prosperity Party of 
Ethiopia, Adem Farah, affirmed that they will 
continue strengthening long-standing 
cooperative relations with China 
in all areas.
Farah - highlighted China’s status as a solid economic 
partner in the development of Ethiopia during his talk 
with the director of the International Department of
the Communist Party of China (CPC), Liu Jianchao, 
on the sidelines of the “World Majority for Multi-
polar Order” forum meeting in Russia, Fana 
Broadcasting Corporate reported.
The Ethiopian authority said that many Chinese 
companies... are actively involved in various 
Ethiopian sectors and welcomed the CPC’s 
support in Ethiopia’s quest to become a
 member of the BRICS group... (Brazil, 
Russia, India, China, South Africa, 
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab
Emirates, Iran, and - recently 
- Ethiopia).
Liu Jianchao, conveyed his warm congratulations
to Ethiopia, on its recent accession to the BRICS, 
reaffirmed China’s commitment to strengthening 
their long-standing relationship and cooperation, 
and highlighted Ethiopia’s fundamental status -- 
as a centre of the African Union, and Ethiopia’s 
crucial role in facilitating Beijing’s cooperation 
with other African nations. He also, expressed 
interest in strengthening ties between parties, 
exchange of experiences, training programs, 
and capacity development initiatives.
Regarding bilateral relations in terms of trade and 
investment, the Chinese official cited the Addis 
Ababa-Djibouti railway built in collaboration 
with the Belt and Road Initiative, as an 
illustrative example of joint efforts.
 He also invited the Ethiopian delegation to
participate in the China-Africa Forum,
scheduled for October 2024.


 Bloomberg: French Orano may be 
deprived of the right to extract 
uranium in Niger
June 15th, 7:48pm
The largest French uranium mining company Orano SA 
may be deprived of the right to extract uranium... from 
one of the world's largest deposits Imuraren in Niger.
"The second and final notification will come to an end on 
June 19, after which the company's operating permit 
will be revoked," Bloomberg quoted the Niger 
Mining Ministry as saying.
It is noted that the company's plan to develop 
the field did not coincide ---- with the
 expectations of the authorities.
Earlier, the new government of Niger 
decided to suspend the export of 
uranium and gold to France.

US military’s disgraceful exit 
from Niger another thumping
 win for multipolarity 
June 15th, 2:48pm
by Musa Iqbal
Since the military-led overthrow of Niger’s neo-colonial 
president, Mohamed Bazoum, in July last year ---- the 
country has started the process of ousting colonial 
forces it sees as parasitic and exploitative.
The first entity it targeted -- was its longtime colonist, 
France. And now, the latest entity to leave the West 
African country in humiliation is the United States, 
the usual suspect.
One of the immediate demands of the military 
government in Niger, since last year, was the 
removal of foreign forces that have asserted 
themselves as security guarantors.
But nothing could be further than the truth. The 
concerns for security by Western powers is a 
disguise for the continuation of colonialist 
practices - resource theft, labour 
exploitation, military testing 
sites, and other activities
 imperialist powers can
not conduct on their 
own soil. 
France was the first to be kicked out, with the last plane 
leaving in December 2023. France’s relationship with 
Niger was always a parasitic and colonial one.
For the past few decades, France relied on Niger for 
cheap export of uranium into France - which is a 
commodity that France desperately depends on 
as a significant chunk of its power is sustained 
through nuclear energy. 
With France out of the way, Niger’s military junta-led 
government turned to the US, which has a heavy 
technological military presence in the country.
In March, the military government announced it would 
revoke all existing military accords with the US. This 
announcement came shortly after the US 
government threatened the Niger junta
 for pursuing its further economic 
partnership with Iran and its
military partnership 
with Russia. 
Now the US is set to be completely out 
of Niger, by September of this year. 
For the United States, this means the loss of two air 
bases it used, to conduct surveillance and military 
operations in the region. One airbase in particular, 
Air Base 201, exceeded a cost of $100 million to 
build and maintain - all approved by the
US Congress. 
The bases were used primarily for spying and 
reconnaissance but also carried out military 
strikes using manned and unmanned aerial 
vehicles, primarily drones.
The US government asserts that these bases are used 
to combat extremist elements, including Al Qaeda and 
Daesh. Niger’s junta government rejects this outright, 
with junta leader Abdramane stating that the very 
presence of US troops in Niger was illegal and 
violated constitutional and democratic rules 
and that the US presence was unilaterally 
imposed on Niger --- since 2012. 
Niger’s previous neocolonial regime backed by the West 
ignored the popular will and possibly subverted its own 
laws to welcome Americans into the country. The
 junta will not allow this practice to continue. 
It cannot be overstated how much of a significant loss 
this is for global imperialism. For years, US military 
leaders, particularly those in AFRICOM (US Africa 
Command) considered Niger the “anchor” of their 
operations in Africa.
According to the Intercept, the airstrip at the base is 
large enough for both C-17 transport planes and 
MQ-9 Reaper armed drones. This means the 
Niger base can house armed drones that
 can strike nearly 2,000 miles away. 
The previous neo-colonial leaders of Niger allowed the 
US to conduct armed operations on its own soil using
 the Air Base, much to the disdain of their own people.
 It is thus no surprise that the ouster of the previous 
US puppet regime ------- was met with 
nationwide celebrations. 
One must examine the relationship... between the 
Washington regime, and the Niger junta. Upon the 
overthrow of the neo-colonial puppet government, 
Washington threatened the junta with sanctions.
If the US is so invested in countering terrorism
 in the region, then why must it threaten every 
government into submission & subordination?
The junta understood this calculus as the people were 
quite familiar with the schemes of imperialism. It did 
not back down and instead looked for partnership 
elsewhere - with Iran and Russia, two of the
 United States’ main adversaries.
It has become evidently clear ------ from decades of 
experience that the US presence is never there to 
eliminate terrorism. That would be antithetical to 
the capitalist model the US champions.  
The goal is to never find the “cure” 
for an issue, it is to “treat it.”
Treatment -------- is where corporations 
can make  profits of billions of dollars.
Takfiri terrorism from Daesh and Al Qaeda may indeed, 
have been legitimate threats to Niger and surrounding 
countries. But a military partnership with the US just 
meant US forces would keep a lid on things. It's not 
in the US’s material interest to decimate an 
opponent it can make billions off. 
It wasn't the US military that annihilated Daesh in Iraq 
and Syria, 'though they most certainly used Daesh as 
a justification for military occupation. It was the Iraqi 
resistance and Syrian Arab Army, guided by Iran’s 
top anti-terror commander, General Qassem 
Soleimani --- that annihilated Daesh.
The longer the US stays in a region, the longer it can 
exploit its resources. It is in no rush to “wrap things
 up” if there’s profit to be made. 
As the US is pushed out of Niger, Russian troops
are welcomed in. In fact, they are already there, 
stationed metres away from packing US troops
 at Air Base 101.
Understanding the political context of this development 
is important. It is not simply limited to the US being 
forced out of a country, but rather, where the 
host country --- is looking for support.
Russia, despite being entrenched in a war of its own in 
Ukraine, is being viewed as a supporting partner for 
countries struggling against the remnants of US 
hegemony. Iran is viewed as a respectable 
trading partner as both Niger and Iran 
are operating under sanctions and 
threats of economic warfare.
The same could also be said for a power like China, 
who famously brokered steps toward peace 
between Yemen and Saudi Arabia 
in April of 2023. 
Countries other than the US are stepping up to the plate 
to replace the US as a power broker across the globe. 
This trend ------- part of the growing march of world 
multipolarity - is the death knell of US hegemony.
Nations are engaged in struggles against neocolonialism, 
where puppet regimes controlled by the US are being 
opposed by their own people, replacing them with
a true leadership, that cares for them. 
The paths these nations take trend towards aligning 
themselves with countries generally unfavorable to 
Washington, as they refuse to be subordinated into
 an imperialist world order.
Decades of planning and sacrifice by these countries 
have resulted in them being able to operate outside 
of a global economy that the US is a primary and 
often the sole benefactor of. 
Thus, these countries are prepared to exchange 
and cooperate in a fashion that is not parasitic 
and one-sided. 
Niger is one of the latest countries following a pattern 
of the rejection of imperialism and neo-colonialism.
Though Western countries pretend that the days of 
colonialism are long gone, nothing could be further
 from the truth. Western militaries still maintain 
strongholds across the globe, particularly 
wherever there are natural resources 
and labour to exploit.
However, with the West’s decline due to its years of 
entrenchment in war, mismanagement of resources, 
and inner socio-political turmoil, a multipolar world 
------ is quickly becoming a pathway for countries 
across the globe, to reclaim true sovereignty. 
Musa Iqbal is a Boston-based researcher and writer 
with a focus on US domestic and foreign policy.
(The views expressed in this article..... do 
not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

Medvedev: Russia hopes
 BRICS-African Union 
cooperation ---- will 
reach a new level
June 13th, 10:24pm
During its BRICS presidency, Russia hopes to create the 
necessary conditions for cooperation in the BRICS — 
African Union format to reach a new level of quality.
This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Russian 
Security Council Dmitry Medvedev in an article 
published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
According to him, the development of cooperation 
between the African Free Trade Zone --- and the 
EAEU -- as well as other similar formats in the 
trade and economic sphere, is also promising.
Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria 
Zakharova said on the sidelines of SPIEF 2024 that 
the West needs to pay its debts - for centuries of 
their exploitation of Africa.
Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa
also stressed the importance of building a 
multipolar world for Africa, during the 
SPIEF 2024 session.


Report alerts --- on the use 
of strong opioids in Africa
June 13th, 12:13pm 
(Prensa Latina) 
Investigations by anti-crime organizations detected
the first time in Africa, traces of highly potent 
synthetic opioids --- that are very dangerous
 for human health, local media published
 here today.
These opioids are known as nitazenes... and have been in 
use for some time in Europe and North America, as well 
as in Asia, where they have been associated with 
overdose deaths.
According to a report focusing on Sierra Leone and 
Guinea-Bissau by the Global Initiative against 
Transnational Organized Crime, samples 
containing nitazenes were discovered
 in both countries.
The document also notes that some of these opioids can
 be up to 100 times more potent than heroin and up to 
10 times more potent than fentanyl, increasing the 
risk of overdose and death.
Investigations suggest that nitazenes are being imported 
into Sierra Leone from elsewhere and urged officials to 
deploy surveillance teams to illicit drug markets and 
develop evidence-based responses.
The President of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio, 
recently declared a national emergency on drug
 abuse, in response to the devastating impacts 
of these harmful substances.
Without electricity 570 million 
people in sub-Saharan Africa
June 13th, 10:40am 
(Prensa Latina) 
Around 570 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, live 
without electricity, which is equivalent to more than 
80 percent of the world's population without access 
to that service, multilateral organizations maintain 
A new report from the International Energy Agency, the 
International Renewable Energy Agency, the United 
Nations Statistics Division, the World Bank and
 the World Health Organization shed light on
 the current panorama.
On a global scale, the situation, instead of improving, 
worsened: in 2022 the number of inhabitants 
without electricity grew for the first time in
 more than a decade, says the study 
released the day before.
At least 685 million people lacked access, 10 million 
more than in 2021, and the decline in sub-Saharan 
African territories meant an increase in the deficit 
compared to 2010 levels, the analysis exemplifies.
According to the diagnosis, the global gap in energy 
access continued to rise as population growth 
outpaced new connections, while 2.1 billion
 individuals continued to depend on 
harmful fuels for cooking.
If the observed trend continues, it is unlikely that 
Sustainable Development Goal number seven 
(SDG 7) will be achieved, which established
 the commitment to guarantee access to 
affordable, reliable, sustainable and 
modern energy by 2030, the 
research warns.
The goal includes achieving universal access to 
electricity & clean cooking, doubling historical 
levels of efficiency improvements, and 
substantially increasing the share of
 renewable energy in the global 
energy mix.
Its achievement would have a profound impact on 
people’s health and well-being, helping to protect 
them from environmental and social risks such 
as air pollution, and expanding... access to 
primary health care and health services,
 the text states.
However, ongoing efforts are not enough to achieve SDG 
7 on time, even if there is some progress on specific 
elements, including increasing the rate of 
deployment of renewable energy in 
the electricity sector.
In the opinion of the sources, the main adverse factors 
have been the global energy crisis, inflation, the 
growing indebtedness of many low-income 
countries ----- and the increase in
 geopolitical tensions.
The joint report calls for “immediate concrete actions,” 
especially to address the large disparity in clean 
energy investment, as 80 percent remained 
concentrated in just 25 countries.
With current policies, in 2030 there will still be 660 million
 people without electricity and around 1.8 billion without 
access to clean technologies and fuels for cooking, 
the document summarizes.


WHO warns about 
looming famine 
in Sudan
June 13th, 1:18am (TASS)
The people of Sudan are dying because of lack of access
 to basic medical services, while some regions of the 
country are under the threat of famine, the World 
Health Organization (WHO) Director General 
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.
In his words, Sudan is gripped by "the 
world’s largest humanitarian crisis."
More than 70% of hospitals in conflict-
hit regions are not functioning.
"People are dying from lack of access to essential 
services and medicines, while there is a very real 
risk of mass starvation in some regions," the 
WHO chief said.
The situation in Sudan... escalated in April 2023 --- amid 
disagreements between the army chief, Abdel Fattah 
al-Burhan, who also heads the ruling Sovereignty 
Council, and the head of the paramilitary Rapid 
Support Forces, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo. 
The main points of contention between the two military 
organizations are related to the timeline and methods 
of forming unified armed forces of Sudan, as well as 
who should become the commander-in-chief of the 
army: a career military officer, which is an option 
supported by al-Burhan, or an elected civilian 
president, as Dagalo insists. 
On April 15th, armed clashes between the rival military 
factions erupted near a military base in Merowe and in 
the capital, Khartoum. The conflict has left thousands 
dead and tens of thousands injured. The conflicting 
sides held a series of consultations, in Jeddah,
 in 2023.


The President of Malawi instructed to
 start searching for the 'plane with 
the Vice-president of the country
June 10th, 7:18pm
Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera has ordered an 
immediate search and rescue operation to locate the 
missing plane --- carrying Vice President Saulos
 Chilima and nine others. This is reported 
on June 10.
"All attempts by the aviation authorities to establish 
contact with the aircraft after it disappeared from
failed," the President and Cabinet of
Ministers of 
Malawi said, in a press
release published on the 
network Facebook 
by the Meta 
as extremist
in the 
It was also reported that Chakwera canceled a planned 
visit to the Bahamas, in connection with reports of a 
possible plane crash with the vice president.
Earlier in the day, the media reported that the plane 
carrying Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima 
and nine other people disappeared from radar 
screens". Local portal Malawi24 wrote that 
the aircraft could have crashed, as, 
according to its data, it did not 
land at Mzuzu airport.
Saulos Chilima... has been Vice-
President of Malawi since 2014.

 Last operating hospital in
Darfur city shut
...after paramilitary 
June 10th, 11:27am
The medical aid group Doctors Without, also known as 
MSF, says the last operating hospital in a key state
 capital of Sudan’s Western region of Darfur has 
been shut after an attack by the paramilitary
 Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
"On Saturday, MSF and the ministry of health suspended
 all activities in South Hospital, El-Fasher, North Darfur, 
after RSF soldiers stormed the facility, opened fire &
 looted it, including stealing an MSF ambulance,"
 the NGO, in a statement posted late
Sunday, on X.
According to MSF, "intensified fighting" around 
the hospital earlier this week had triggered its 
evacuation, and "there were only 10 patients 
and a reduced medical team" there by the
 time of the attack.
"Most patients and the remaining medical team... 
were able to flee the RSF shooting," MSF said.
It noted that "due to the chaos, our team was unable 
to verify if there were any killed or wounded" in the 
latest attack.
The RSF has been fighting the army, led by Gen. Abdel 
Fattah Burhan, for control of the North African country 
since April 15 last year in a war that has killed tens of 
thousands of people --- and displaced nearly 8 million.
Michel-Olivier Lacharite, head of emergencies at MSF,
 said it was "outrageous that the RSF opened fire 
inside the hospital."
"Warring parties must halt attacks on medical care,"
 he said, adding, "Hospitals are closing. Remaining 
facilities can't handle mass casualties."
Fierce fighting reignited in El-FasheR....... the last state 
capital not under RSF control in the western region of
 Darfur and a key humanitarian hub for a region on the 
brink of famine, on May 10 in what UN chief Antonio 
Guterres has called "an alarming new chapter" in 
the conflict.
Since then, "at least 192 people have been killed and 
more than 1,230 wounded" in the city, according to
 a conservative estimate by the MSF.
The United Nations, and Sudanese and international 
organizations and institutions denounce the recent 
attack on a village in Sudan’s Gezira state that 
claimed the lives of more than 100 civilians, 
calling for an immediate investigation.
Sudan on edge of ‘world’s largest humanitarian crisis’
Menahiwle, the World Food Programme (WFM) warned 
that Sudan may soon become the “world’s largest 
humanitarian crisis.”
The WFP executive director, Cindy McCain, emphasized 
the significance of maintaining safe access and open
 crossings to transport humanitarian aid as the 
“forgotten crisis” in Sudan rages on.
“We cannot get food in, we can barely get food in, we 
certainly aren’t getting it in at scale, and you see the 
results of what can happen if people aren’t fed. 
We’re also coming into the lean season, which 
makes it very difficult many times for our 
trucks to even operate if they can get 
in,” McCain said.... in an interview
CBS on Sunday.
“We need safe and unfettered access.”
McCain warned that the crisis could 
have “catastrophic effects,” further 
destabilizing that region of Africa.
Both warring sides in Sudan have been accused 
of war crimes ------ including targeting civilians,
the indiscriminate shelling of residential 
areas and torture.


Ethiopia -- is Africa’s fifth 
largest economy in 2024
June 9th,10:59am
 (Prensa Latina) 
Ethiopia is ranked fifth among African nations 
with the largest economies in 2024, 
according to the International 
Monetary Fund (IMF), Fana 
Broadcasting Corporate 
noted on Sunday.
Ethiopia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amounts to US
$205.1 billion and globally ranks 57th according to IMF.
Ahead of Ethiopia are South Africa, Egypt, Algeria and 
Nigeria, in that order, as the largest economies on the 
African continent. 

 Lavrov arrives in Congo
June 4th, 12:13am
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in the 
Republic of Congo on June 3rd, for talks. This was 
announced by the official representative of the 
Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova
 in her Telegram channel.
"In the city of Oyo, negotiations will be held tomorrow 
with the leadership of this country," she wrote. A 
representative of the Foreign Ministry published 
a video from the airport. At the ramp, Sergey 
Lavrov was met by Congo's Foreign 
Minister Jean-Claude Gacosso.
The Russian Foreign Minister's African tour began in 
Guinea, where he met with the country's Foreign 
Minister, Mori Sandan Kuyate. The politicians 
discussed economic and military-technical 
cooperation between the two countries. 

Prior to that, Lavrov paid a working 
visit to Guinea in February 2013.
This is Lavrov's sixth tour of Africa
 in the last two years.

All Africa music winners

Sudan's Wazza instrument

will africa solve hunger by 2030?

bust of  queen Nefertiti


Two weeks before Brexit, the African Union
 announced a new single African passport
that permits holders to enter any of the
 54 AU member states without a visa –
an interesting turn in African history
which NO-ONE in the West knows
or cares about !  What a stunning
reflection of how far our mindset
and media are, from the 'world
community' we say we love.


This is one reason why Rhondda Records
is devoting this page to Africa - and there
are so many other reasons!

Here are two - one bad - one good.

I was stunned, when I read a year or so
ago, that 40% of Africa has no regular
electricity supply! How could this be?

And, second, Africa is not only the
Mother of the human species...
it is, now, becoming the hope
of the new multipolar world.

Rise up, Africa!

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