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Siarad Gwmraeg? A page for Welsh patriots


dydd-gwyl-dewi-hapus yng Gaerdydd

Best celebration in Cardiff
---- for YEARS !!!

If you want to watch ''Prince Edward''
speak Welsh ------ there's the link:


As For the Rugby....

Our boys did as well as they could ----- giving of their best
a Scottish team at the top of their development.
They showed immense courage and commitment!

This bodes well against the English team
...and their coming game at home.


Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd
Wrthrych teilwng o fy mryd;
Er o'r braidd 'rwy'n Ei adnabod
Ef uwchlaw gwrthrychau'r byd:
Henffych fore! Henffych fore!
Caf ei weled fel y mae.
Caf ei weled fel y mae.
Rhosyn Saron yw Ei enw,
Gwyn a gwridog, hardd Ei bryd!
Ar ddeng mil y mae'n rhagori
O wrthddrychau penna'r byd;
Ffrind pechadur! Ffrind pechadur!
Dyma'r llywydd ar y môr.
Dyma'r llywydd ar y môr.
Beth sydd imi mwy a wnelwyf
Ag eilunod gwael y llawr?
Tystio 'r wyf nad yw eu cwmni
I'w gymharu a'm Iesu Mawr.
O, am aros! O, am aros!
Yn Ei gariad ddyddiau f'oes!
Yn Ei gariad ddyddiau f'oes!

Pro-PS Protesters vs McDonald's
on St. Mary Street, Cardiff


Self Build Wales
What is the Self Build Wales scheme?
Established by the Welsh Government and delivered by
the Self Build Wales team, the scheme aims to remove
 the barriers and uncertainty that prevent people in 
Wales from building their own homes. 
In doing so, underdeveloped or underused land will be
transformed into suitable plots for new self-build and
custom-build homes.
If you have your own land, or have found land you'd like
to build on, Self Build Wales can fund 100% of the build 
costs, as well as providing funding towards 
purchasing land, or readying land 
for development.
For more information on how each of the routes 
into the scheme work, please go to:

Aaaah ! What a song above!

Watch it on Youtube, and find
in the comments a wonderful
explanation... of this song's
deeper levels of meaning.

Wales must work!

The Harder We Work
The Easier it gets!
The head of Wales' largest pro indy group 
YesCymru, Gwern Gwynfil, did not mince
words - when it came to the challenge
the independence movement faces.
"There is much more work to be done if we are to persuade
our fellow citizens to buy into our vision for a free and
independent Wales. We are facing a cost of living 
crisis --- that has been engineered in the 
crumbling halls of Westminster.''
"As a movement, we at YesCymru need to show there is a
real alternative -- and demonstrate how independence
would give 
us the tools we need -- to improve living
standards in Wales
 and lift our people
out of poverty.''
''For Welsh independence to be taken seriously, we need to 
offer a compelling vision of this brighter future for Wales. 
Indy supporters must unite with one voice, we must 
speak clearly, we must convince all of our 
communities that independence is the 
only way that Wales will break free
of the cycle of poverty and under-
achievement to which we have 
been consigned by centuries 
of Westminster rule 
and domination."
"There is no insurance policy --- Westminster does not care for 
Wales or the people who live here, there is no comfort in the 
blanket thrown over Wales by London - it merely stifles us 
and stops us growing, investing and innovating. Let all of 
us who are supporters of independence stand together, 
make our presence felt across Wales and shine a light,
 both on the failures of the Union and on the hope and
 potential --- that independence represents.”

Thousands protest for Welsh  independence - from UK

Thousands protest for Welsh 
independence - from UK
(Al Mayadeen English)
 October 1st, at 10:38pm 
Sources reported on Saturday, that thousands  
marched on the streets of Cardiff in support 
of Welsh independence from the UK.
Demonstrators began to march at noon on Saturday 
in the capital of Wales, Cardiff ... local sources
 reported. The protesters carried flags and 
banners that read "Independence".
Among the protesters was actor Julian Lewis Jones, 
who plays Boremund Baratheon, in the hit HBO 
series "House of the Dragon", according to
 the Wales Online news portal.
Last July, a similar protest of 8,000 demonstrators
 took place in the city of Wrexham, in the north 
of Wales.
Source: Agencies


Aberystwyth Uni nursing degree 
to encourage Welsh speakers
by Craig Duggan
BBC Wales news
September 4th, 10:29pm
Caryl James: "It would have been impossible for me 
to travel to a course in Swansea or anywhere else"
Students enrolled on a new nursing degree course
 have welcomed the opportunity to learn close 
to home.
On Monday, Aberystwyth University in Ceredigion
 welcomes 53 students to the new course which 
is partly in Welsh.
Health support worker Caryl James, from nearby Bow
 Street, said, as a single mother, studying for a degree 
course away from home was never an option.
"Getting a place on the course is amazing. I was really 
chuffed. I cried when I heard I had a place," she said.
Ms James, who also works as a phlebotomist alongside
 nurses at Bronglais Hospital in the town, said
 qualifying as a nurse had always been
 an ambition.
"But being a single mother, it would have been
 impossible for me to travel to a course in 
Swansea or anywhere else, so having 
the chance to do the course 
in Aberystwyth makes 
everything easier,"
 she said.
"It feels like I'm stepping into 
somebody else's life."
Fellow fresher Anna Stevens, from Penrhyncoch, 
said studying for such a degree would have 
been impossible while she had been an 
unpaid carer for her disabled son.
But, since Philip became an adult, she has 
received funding to enable carers to look
 after him.
"This is more than just a new chapter for 
me. I feel like it's a new life," she said.
"It's just surreal to have the opportunity to 
do this, and it's on my doorstep, which
 is amazing."
Ms Stevens, who also has a daughter in secondary
 school, said becoming a nurse would be a way of
 repaying the community that has helped her.
"This feels like my opportunity to give back, to give
 to my community and to make a difference to 
people as well," she said.
The university has been awarded the contract by
 Health Education and Improvement Wales which
 provides support to NHS Wales' organisations, 
with the majority of the students drawn from 
across the region.
About half are Welsh speakers who will be able to
 study part of their degree in Welsh as part of a 
drive to increase the number of those speaking 
the language in health and care sectors.
"This is a boost for our NHS, benefitting the 
recruitment and retention of nurses both 
locally and regionally," said university 
vice-chancellor, Professor
 Elizabeth Treasure.


Arts Council of Wales
finds itself racist for...
asking employees 
to speak Welsh
August 21st, 2021, at 2:20pm (RT)
The Arts Council of Wales spent £51,000 on a report 
that found its own Welsh language policies, 
“systemically racist.” By asking workers
 to know the language, the council 
upholds a “white supremacist 
ideology,” the report
The Arts Council of Wales tests its employees on their 
Welsh language skills every year, while National 
Museums Wales assesses whether Welsh
 language skills are “essential” for 
particular roles. 
However, the arts council, recently, paid an outside 
organisation -- the Welsh Arts Anti-Racist Union -- 
£51,000 ($69,474) to investigate whether these
 language policies exclude black people and 
other non-white minorities. 
The organisation ''found'' that the Arts Council of Wales 
and National Museums Wales were both “systemically
 racist” for setting Welsh language requirements. 

Artists and workers quoted in the report, said 
that they thought “Welsh meant white,” and
 that the arts groups were run by “white 
people (gate-keepers),” with the
 language requirements used
o “[keep] it that way.”
The arts groups’ “continual exclusion and disregard for 
black and non-black communities is not due to willful 
ignorance; it is due to a calculated and repetitive 
pattern,” the report continued, accusing them 
of “white supremacist ideology” ...among 
other Robin DiAngelo-esque buzzwords.
As for recommendations, the report’s suggestions included 
“relaxing the emphasis on having to speak Welsh” or “job 
sharing in roles that may require Welsh language 
proficiency.” It also recommended the arts 
groups hire more black and non-white 
workers in HR, to break down 
“the barriers to inclusion... 
particularly in regards
to how people
 are hired.”
Far from pushing back and safeguarding their unique 
language, the Arts Council of Wales and National 
Museums Wales... both eagerly accepted the 
report’s findings. In a joint statement, both 
groups said that it was “not acceptable, 
that access to publicly funded culture 
is so unequally distributed.”
“At the same time, we had to face some difficult and 
important truths, in response to the Black Lives 
Matter movement and to reflect on our role in 
tackling racism,” the statement continued. 
“As a result, we have started to develop a sharper 
understanding of the role that Amgueddfa Cymru 
[National Museums Wales] and the Arts Council 
of Wales can play in achieving race equality.”
According to the latest census data, Wales is more 
than 95 percent white. However, the language 
requirements don’t just impact the less than 
five percent of the country that’s black, 
Asian, or mixed. Many white Welsh 
can’t speak the national language 
either, with less than a third
to speak and under-

Yr Awr Gymraeg





The best Welsh language move in 2016?

Welsh medium college call by
 Merthyr principal John O'Shea

The principal of Merthyr Tydfil College called for
a Welsh language college to be established in
the region.

John O'Shea said it could help the Welsh
 Government's drive to have a million Welsh
speakers by 2050 if more post-16 education
opportunities in Welsh were available and
adult courses.

Ministers announced their plans & a consultation
 --- at 2016's National Eisteddfod in Abergavenny.

"We need to start thinking of different ideas,"
said Mr O'Shea.

"We have Welsh medium schools but we're
not getting that breakthrough in take up
of the language."

The 2011 census reported a drop in the number of
 Welsh speakers from 582,000 in 2001 to 562,000,
about one in five of the population.

Mr O'Shea said: "If we don't have parity for the Welsh
 language, then the chances of the Welsh language
developing and growing, are reduced."

He claims vocational courses or A levels for pupils
aged 16 and over, who want to study through the
medium of Welsh aren't as varied, if compared
 to the range of subjects available to students
who study through the medium of English.

He added: "In the first case, we would need to find
 a site in the middle of south east Wales where you
could bring all of the Welsh-speaking staff together
and all the Welsh speaking-students together in a
tertiary college --- because, at the moment, there
aren't enough numbers to set up a number of
these colleges.

"As it succeeds then, of course, you could diversify
 and have more colleges in more local locations."

Iestyn Davies, the chief executive of Colleges
 Wales, which represents further education
 colleges, welcomed the idea.

He said reaching the Welsh-speakers target
would be a challenge and different options
 should be considered.

In a statement, the Welsh Government said:

"We want everyone to have the opportunity
to learn through the medium of Welsh from
early years, to higher education and this
should be an integral part of the general
provision instead of something separate.

"The million speakers consultation is an opportunity
for everyone to have their say on the future of what
could be claimed the best asset of the country.

"We are confident that this will enable the language
 to develop in a proactive and balanced way."


The BBC’s portrayal of
Wales and the Welsh

On November 2nd, 2016, the Welsh Assembly’s
Welsh Language and Communications

Committee, scrutinised the Director General of
the BBC.

Angela Graham singles out the issue of portrayal.

His State
Is Kingly.
 Thousands at his bidding speed
And post o’er
 Land and
Ocean without rest:

This month the Director General of the BBC appeared
before the Assembly’s Culture, Welsh Language and
 Communications Committee. The night before, the
University of South Wales described his BBC role in
 terms so imperial, that Milton’s deity came to mind.

At this conferral of an honorary doctorate on Lord
 Tony Hall we were reminded of the Corporation’s
 magnitude and complexity. To be at its head
must require an uncommon set of talents
underpinned with relentless determination.

Was this, then, why, at the next day’s scrutiny
session with the AMs, I had the impression of
 repeated collisions as the progress of the BBC
 ship was impeded... by reefs of objections in
Welsh waters?

Lord Hall ‘gets’ Welsh concerns,
 he so frequently
reassures us, that it may irritate
 him to find that
dissatisfactions and concerns
remain. Surely by
now we should all have got
 happily on board?

No. The AMs are right to press him hard on the
 implications for Wales of the BBC’s decisions
on funding, governance & portrayal. Precisely
 because the BBC enterprise is so complex,
Wales must help the DG see through its eyes.

What can seem crystal clear from afar may look
 murky at home. Portrayal – how Wales and its
people appear & are depicted in BBC media
− is a case in point.

Lord Hall referred to quarterly meetings, begun a few
 months ago, between Charlotte Moore, Director of
BBC Content, and the Directors of the Nations and
Regions at which the BBC’s ‘portrayal objectives’
 are analysed. He promised a report & data which
 would allow an examination of the justification for,
 and effectiveness of, one element or another. The
 portrayal objectives are not public knowledge.
Their existence is a welcome sign of how far up
 the agenda portrayal has moved, but why keep
them away from scrutiny?

And how frank will the report be? Lord Hall appeared
 to give with one hand and take away with the other.
Yes, there will be information but ‘we need to find it
 in a way that makes sense for us and sense for
you too…’

Rhodri Talfan Davies, Director, BBC Cymru Wales
 added, ‘And just to be clear on that, in terms of
our reporting, the key thing is to tell you about
the programmes and the series that are being
 delivered. It’s not so much the data – the real
 test is what’s on screen. I think what we can
do routinely is to actually publish what it is
 that is portraying Wales on screen – rather
 than the metrics on volumes and hours…’

‘We might…’ Bethan Jenkins responded drily,
 ‘be interested in both.’

Lee Waters immediately pushed further on criteria for
portrayal and its relation to production by noting Lord
Hall’s citation of the BBC One series Ordinary Lies as
 an example of portrayal of Wales. Claiming that the
 series ‘could be set anywhere’, Lee Waters asserted
 that Belfast-set, Belfast-made series, The Fall is ‘not
 about Northern Ireland. So how are we going to get
that portrayal – rather than just the production,
which is very welcome − how are we going
to make sure that portrayal happens?’

Lord Hall agreed The Fall is not about Northern
 Ireland but ‘it goes down very well’ there.
Hardly a sophisticated response.

Comparisons between Wales and Northern Ireland
 require some scrutiny because Northern Ireland has
 had a great deal of attention from tv drama focused
on its political conflict, so material that stresses that
 it has problems common to the rest of the UK is not
 unwelcome. Wales is in a different position. It has
seen so little drama originating from its own specific
circumstances that it must be very cautious about
scripts – and a drama slate taken as a whole −
 which portray it as just like anywhere else,
and nothing more.

Although seeing Welsh characters portrayed,
hearing Welsh voices & seeing Welsh locations
 are legitimate and welcome types of portrayal,
 there should be, alongside these, an attempt to
share the experiences and viewpoints of people
 in Wales, emerging from the country’s experience
 of itself. Lee Waters is right to be worried that the
 BBC may opt for material produced in and set in
 Wales, but not about Wales in the deeper sense.
That would be to treat the country as little more
 than a set or location-shooting opportunity with
 novelty value. We have yet to reach a stage at
which seeing Wales portrayed, incidentally or
directly, in drama and other genres is

Lord Hall did move on to offer a ‘serious answer’,
 asserting that the BBC has done so well for Wales
 on hours and money that ‘we’ve even overshot the
 target’. Not pausing to explain that, he endorsed
Rhodri Talfan Davies’s look-at-the-screen approach
 & added, ‘then I suspect we’ll have disputes about
– or proper arguments, rather, debates about –
whether Ordinary Lies is really about Wales
or is about anywhere else, or whatever.’

This was not a helpful answer to Lee Waters’s
 reasonable point and seems to put the cart
 before the horse.

Lord Hall’s ‘whatever’ is revealing. Is it tiresome that
Wales wants to be seen as being distinguishable
from the rest of the UK? Many circumstances are
indeed common to, and therefore filmable in, any
British city and any village. It is easier to produce
network drama that makes use of commonalities
among the nations and regions of the UK than
to work from the local and specific outwards,
towards the universal.

 The easier path can mean a tokenistic inclusion
 of a few regional identifiers and the loss of a
 distinctive lens through which universal
 circumstances are seen. The plots work
but the depth of focus is shallow. We’ve
 all encountered drama which has been
 bled of local complexity --- leaving it
eminently digestible but insipid and

 Hovering around Lord Hall is the ghost of
 an infamous perhaps apocryphal London
commissioner’s response − ascribed to
Alan Yentob −  to a Nineties BBC Wales
drama proposal, ‘It won’t be too Welsh,
 will it?’

The politicians must also be wary of any tendency
to regard portrayal as something that applies only
to drama. Portrayal happens across genres, as
Lord Hall pointed out:-  ‘Every network genre
now has a portrayal objective.’ That is certainly
something to keep an eye on and – pace those
metrics – to quantify too. The BBC knows the
value of the measurable and we are all capable
 of dealing with assessments of both quantity
and quality. We would like both.

Angela Graham is Chair of
the IWA's Media Policy Group.

                                      HERE'S A GREAT PLACE TO START:                                       


Twitter in Welsh

Jill Evans Plaid MEP

Bilingual People Are Faster at
               Processing Information               
 People who speak 2 languages may have
 brains that are more efficient at language
 processing and other tasks, new research

The new study suggests that bilingual
 people are more efficient at higher
 level brain functions such as...
ignoring other irrelevant information.

The study's brain scans show that people
 who speak only one language, have to
harder to focus on a single word,
to a study published in 'Brain
  & Language'
by the University of Illinois.

People who are bilingual are constantly
activating both languages in their brain,
 choosing which to use & which to ignore.



We all know that 'ir hen iaith' is in
need of being used more, as well
as taught.

Did ANYONE read Leighton Andrews'
magnificent 2012 policy statement, in
which spoken Welsh refresher courses
were identified as needed for/by the
age group 14 up?

You ALL read it?  (it's just me then!)

Why isn't Welsh now spoken on our
streets, after we've schooled so many
thousands of youths in Welsh schools?

I've just discovered a tremendous blog,
which discusses Wales in most facets
- including how we're failing to help
our youngsters on their language use:



This blog is an amazing panorama of Wales,
the issues, and possibilities, and - if it also
starts to address how we could make it PAY
to speak
Welsh in businesses and work

- it could be perfect!

Welsh Flag


Here's a great starting point website if
you'd like to learn Welsh online:



Grant O God your protection,
and in protection strength,
and in strength understanding
and in understanding knowledge
and in knowledge
the knowledge of justice,
and in the knowledge of justice
the love of it,
and in the love of it
the love of all existences,
and in the love of all existences
the love of God and all goodness.


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