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Rhondda Records Home Page
Peace Page
A Page from the Rhondda dedicated to Peace
One Union
A Page to help unity among working people
The Miners' Next Step and Donbass news
A pamphlet,a song and a future for loving people everywhere
Rhondda Records Cartoon Page
A page to help the Rhondda laugh
Quotations Page
Words said in truth or jest
Your Health Page
A page to help your health - be positive !
Africa Page
Africa - news, progress, events
genuine leftwing Mass events Page
Some activities you just might like to aid Peace
Discussion Page
Let's open up and share (communicate)
Poisoning Earth and our terrible fate, if, if, if
Human degradation ruining our beautiful planet
Siarad Gwmraeg? A page for Welsh patriots
Wales News and our Welsh language News
Poetry and Literature in Wales & the World, Page
Poetry and Literature in Wales
Rhondda Records' Top Recommended Books Page
Great Thinkers point the way forward
A Page for those who DO care about true folk
Richard Gould's Page
Move over Titch Gwilym and Micky Gee, Richard Gould IS the new Welsh virtuoso
Efran Kaye's Page
The master of music, Efran Kaye is here!
Glynbyerful Male (voice) Choir's Very Own Page
a choir from all the Glyns of the Rhondda for nutters
Rhondda History Page
A page to help those who want to know the Rhonddas past
Penrhys, Rhondda Page
A page telling the story of a unique magical village - Penrhys, in the Rhondda !
Poet's Page
music and opinion from Wales' wandering poet.


THIS is why I love folk music...

Liam Clancy - Band Played Waltzing Matilda
for all those who don't know the true price
of war - very touching.

In the in-between time - here's a song from us!

White Horse Guitar Club

White Horse Guitar Club,

Wow - just been soaking up this
tremendous group of friends
who've been spreading 
love and soul through
various locations
with folk.. and
other magic

Wide River to Cross

on youtube is a great place to start:



Hi there -- would you like to be part of a small group
 for a walking and music tour of Scotland?

 It includes beautiful and historic walks, plus private
and public musical events and sessions with some
of Scotland's best musicians.

 Four tours available, three have
 spaces left for this summer.

 For more info, visit this link! 

You can also see traveller's comments from past years.

Amazing experience, a chance to really put together
the land and the culture.

Remembering Dolores O'Riordan

Remembering Dolores O'Riordan,
a tribute to The Cranberries'
 lead vocalist
January 16th, at 9:21am

Dolores O'Riordan, the lead singer of the Cranberries,
 died suddenly on January 15th. She was 46. So far,
cause of her death has not been determined.

O' Riordan was the vocalist of the popular rock band
The Cranberries, starting in 1990. The group earned
world recognition in 1994, with the release of their
song, Zombie. That hit single won the Best Song
award at the MTV Europe Music Awards in 1995.

The band’s last album titled "Something Else"
 was released on April 28th, in 2017.

(Source - TASS)




How can the Rhondda show the world the difference
between folk music and show biz? It's easy !

For thousands of years musicians cheered up their
friends, communities (& themselves) by playing
music. They didn't get paid, or even consider
"a career in music", until relatively recently.

Today, the Rhondda is FULL of groups of musicians
happy to meet as friends & play beautiful music...

Come to the Rhondda and find the true spirit of
"folk" music... it's a real revolution!

and for those reared on the '50s US hegemony
of Pete Seeger, et al, it's a real revelation !



Hello Friends,

Sadly, the campaign to prevent development on
 environs surrounding the Hill of Tara is ON AGAIN!

To refresh memories, go here:

I'll update the online information asap.

I posted the following info' to my Facebook wall.
Please share with audiences and friends!

Still Crying "SAVE TARA"!

Ireland is in trouble 'all over' again...

Just when reports are showing how important
 agriculture is to Ireland's recovery, the Irish
National Roads Authority (NRA, dominated by
 the real estate industry) and Meath County
 Council have granted the first development
 permits to build Type 1 FULL service areas
 every 100km along the controversial M3
Tolled motorway network, starting between
 the Clonee and Blundelstown junctions.

Yes, the corporate land speculators and
developers are ON TARGET with plans for their
 'model' developments starting with a Type 1 FULL
 SERVICE area - "a building housing a convenience
 shop, restrooms, washrooms & tourist information
 in addition to fuel facilities, parking and a picnic
 area" across an archaeological site which has
 survived as rich agricultural land for millennia.

It won't be long now before they will get permits
 to begin building industrial parks and housing
developments. We know this model only too well.


See route maps, etc.:

Coincidentally, Ireland's celebrated economist,
 author & commentator David McWilliams wrote:

 "despite all the hipster hype about hi-tech, start-
ups and Silicon Dock in Dublin, agriculture is still
Ireland’s biggest indigenous sector, contributing
 €24bn to the Irish economy, almost 10pc of all
exports and 7.7pc of all employment. (According
to Teagasc, this figure rises to 10pc when all
agricultural subsections are included.)"

 Read his full article here:


Carmel Ní Dhuibheanaigh has written the following
 letter template and I'm asking everyone I know to
 join me in telling everyone they know to get the
 word out.

raise awareness!

Write LETTERS and emails to

The more the merrier- everything is logged.

Here is Carmel's letter TEMPLATE

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to register my concern at the recent
 Meath Chronicle announcement that a Type 1
Service Area is being planned by the NRA in
 conjunction with Meath Co.Co.between Clonee
 and Blundelstown junctions.

Part of this area runs between the Hill of Tara and
 the Hill of Skryne. As you know, this landscape
 was the subject of huge contention during the
 construction of the M3 Motorway. Development
 of the area runs contrary to the proposed Tara
 Skryne Landscape Project. I remind you that it is
 an objective of the County Development Plan
 2007-2013 to designate the historic Tara Skryne
area as a Landscape Conservation Area and
 that under Strategic Policy HER SP2 Meath Co
  is committed to "Protect the historic and
 archaeological landscapes of the county".

I will oppose all and any such development
within the Tara Skryne Boundary as defined
 at the Boundary Workshop for the Landscape
Conservation Area Project in 2010, and will
 continue to monitor any such proposals

Yours sincerely......




Multimedia Production:

Arts Action:

Music Journal:

YouTube Lyrebird Channel:


a dollar burning

Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee - God and Man

(spoken) In the beginning, there was just God,
So God made man in his own image: a little image that is.
Man asked God, "My God, how great art thou?"
And to show man his great power, they played a game.

Sonny, I'll play the part of the man, and you'll play the part of God

God and man played hide-and-go-seek.
God told man, "Now man, don’t you peek."
Man counted to ten, and then looked around,
But God was nowhere, nowhere to be found.

Man looked on the mountain.
He looked across the sea.
He looked in the stars, in the skies, in the trees.
He looked in the wind, in the sun, on the ground,
But God was nowhere, nowhere to be found.

So man made an image and he gave it a name,
But this man-made god brought nothing but pain.
Man started shouting "God! Where can you be?"
"I’m right here man, inside of thee."

Oh, man was so shocked, he was really surprised.
'Cuz he looked everywhere, but right there inside.
Now when man found God, man found love,
And man found out what we all are made of.

God is in you and God is in me.
To love all of God is to love humanity.
God is in you and God is in me.
To love all of God is to love humanity."



Welcome to FOLKWALES,
a new internet magazine
which has gone on-line now.

Edited by journalist, researcher and musician
Mick Tems, FOLKWALES magazine promises
a new concept in media publishing; news,
views, reviews, features, articles and comment,
the all-Wales Listings and Events, focussing
on Wales and the World.



- look forward to seeing you there!


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We support LOCAL community
entertainment and culture,
won't you?

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