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UK’s complicity in Israeli genocidal 
war on Gaza to shape Thursday's 
by Yara Mahdi
July 3rd, 1:51pm
 (Press TV)
Britons will be casting their votes in the general election 
on Thursday, however, this year, a dark cloud weighs 
heavy over the ballot boxes, that will serve as a 
powerful reflection of - not just the political 
trajectory of the nation - but our own 
moral compass as voters.
Almost nine months into the genocide in Gaza, 37,765 
Palestinians have been martyred, 86,429 wounded 
and 1.9 million have been forcibly displaced 
whilst we are left to listen.. to leaders of 
parties contesting the election debate 
topics of ceasefire ....and whether 
Israel is ‘really’ committing 
war crimes.
Since the events of October 7, London has been a hub 
of political activism and protest, where Britons have 
mobilized as a united voice --- in support of the 
civilians in Gaza enduring the violent 
genocidal war.
The digitalization of terror inflicted by the Zionist regime, 
with the backing of Western powers, has flooded our 
timelines - with the reality of bloodshed and 
destruction ------ that has blanketed the 
narrow and besieged strip of Gaza.
The constant broadcast of massacres and war crimes on
 our screens - has driven us to the streets in thousands, 
shaming and condemning the British leaders who are 
directly aiding and facilitating the Zionist regime's 
genocidal was against Palestinians. 
Inflamed with the spirit of Gaza, it is undeniable that this
 genocide will play a key role in the July 4 election. 
Labour vs. Conservative - two sides of same coin
Throughout the election campaign,....it has been made 
abundantly clear that Keir Starmer, the leader of the 
Labour Party, and Rishi Sunak, the leader of the 
Conservative Party, share the same podium
 for their unwavering support for Israel.
Despite... more than 70 percent of British citizens 
supporting the implementation of an immediate 
ceasefire deal in Gaza --- due to the pressing 
humanitarian urgency, Starmer and Sunak 
have proved --- to be completely out of 
touch with British public opinion.
The UK abstained three times on United Nations 
Security Council resolutions that called for a 
ceasefire in the besieged and bleeding 
Palestinian territory.
Meanwhile, Sunak believes that calling for “humanitarian 
pauses” is a sufficient move to achieve, what he refers 
to as, “peace, dignity and security” despite Gaza 
being completely flattened.
In a similar light, amid the vote that was conducted 
in November ----- with the SNP’s emergency motion 
instructing the UK government to vote for an
immediate ceasefire ----- the Labour 
leadership instructed the party
 ...to vote against one.
The political coercion fabricated by Starmer, resulted 
in shadow ministers quitting their roles to back the 
motion from the SNP, including Jess Philips, 
Afzal Khan and Yasmin Qureshi.
Gaza fuels election anger against Labour and Tories
Britain’s tightly controlled political system is facing new 
challenges from independent candidates ---- especially 
in light of the country’s ongoing support for the 
genocide in Gaza.
According to the UK parliament website, statistics 
compiled by the Campaign Against Arms Trade 
(CAAT) underlined that -- since 2008 -- the UK
 has licensed arms worth over £574 million
to the Israeli regime.
By approving and sending a huge cache of arms to Israel, 
the UK is not only facilitating the genocide against the 
Palestinian people, but actively inciting the Zionist
 regime ---- to continue committing horrendous
war crimes ---- with impunity.
Following a review of the Israeli military’s presence
in Gaza, UK government ministers concluded in a 
statement that: “as required by the UK’s robust
 arms export control regime, (sic) the foreign 
secretary... has now reviewed the most 
recent advice about the situation in 
Gaza and Israel’s conduct of their 
military campaign.”
It further stated that the assessment covered the period 
to 24 April 2024, adding that the “business secretary 
has therefore decided our position on export 
licenses ...remains unchanged”.
To add to their tone-deaf line of thought, Oliver Dowden, 
the deputy prime minister, insisted that Israel was 
conducting a “legitimate war of self-defense”.
A poll commissioned by Action for Humanity and 
conducted by YouGov found that 56 percent of 
UK voters are in favour of banning the export 
of arms to the Israeli regime, while only 
17 percent are against the ban.
The poll further underlines that an overwhelming
 71 percent to 9 percent of those intending to 
vote Labour back an arms export ban on 
the Tel Aviv regime.
Despite the distinct poll results, Labour has failed 
to call for a ban on arms sales to Israel and has 
instead, demonstrated its commitment to the 
Zionist regime as it wages the most violent 
and genocidal war against Palestinians, 
in what they regard as, self-defense.
Where does this leave voters?
There is no doubt that the apathetic responses of the two 
major parties to the Israeli-orchestrated genocide in 
Gaza --- have visibly diminished their support
 the UK.
However, it has sparked an evident rise in independent
 candidates to stand in this year’s elections, which 
augurs well for the country.
Spread across 317 constituencies, 459 independent 
candidates will be running in Thursday’s election, 
a figure that has more than doubled since 2019.
This surge reflects the public's lack of trust in the
 Conservative and Labour leaderships, who
 appear set for their lowest combined 
vote share ------ since 1945.
Several independent candidates have been mobilized by
 pushing for a pro-Palestine campaign and standing as 
an alternative to mainstream parties, thus giving 
British voters the chance to vote against the 
genocide of Palestinians.
After being barred from the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn 
is a prominent independent parliamentary candidate 
running in Islington North.
His campaign has prompted several leading members 
of the Labour Party in his constituency to resign or 
announce that they are willing to be expelled 
--- in order to campaign for him.
Corbyn has been a staunch voice for the oppressed and 
has, consistently, since October 7 navigated the field 
of political activism to campaign against the 
Zionist onslaught on Gaza.
Corbyn has insisted that he will use his platform in 
parliament to expose the arms trade, along with 
British military participation - and their use of 
RAF Akrotiri.. (the British airbase in Cyprus) 
throughout the Israeli aggression on Gaza.
He further stressed the importance of effectuating 
a ceasefire - and the immediate recognition of 
Palestinian statehood.
Beyond doubt, the British public has grown increasingly 
disillusioned with the current political leadership 
structure: resulting in the diminishing support 
for both Conservative and Labour parties.
This discontent --- triggering the remarkable surge 
of independent candidates, in this year's general 
election has certainly challenged the traditional 
dominant two-party system, thus signaling... a 
promising move towards a more diverse and 
representative political landscape.
The genocide in Gaza has had a momentous effect 
on UK politics, with the upcoming election 
introducing a plethora of candidates 
.....who are driven to be forces 
of justice and serve as a 
beacon of hope for 
British voters.
Yara Mahdi is a UK-based political analyst.
(The views expressed in this article 
do not necessarily reflect those 
of Press TV.)


Foreign Ministry of Pridnestrovie: 
Moldova rewrote the declaration
 on a peaceful settlement
July 1st, 7:17pm
The Moldovan Government has rewritten and made 
unacceptable the declaration of commitment to 
a peaceful settlement with Transdniestria.
This was stated by the Head of the Ministry of Foreign 
Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic 
Vitaly Ignatiev to the "First Pridnestrovian".
"This is the sad reality in which we 
have to work, every day," he said.
Earlier, former Moldovan President, and leader of the
Party of Socialists, Igor Dodon, said that the actions
 of President Maia Sandu are leading the country 
---- to war.

The population of Moldova 
has dropped to the level 
of 1953
June 29th, 6:29pm
The number of people living in Moldova 
has decreased to the level of 1953 ----
2.7 million people.
The data was announced by Vyacheslav Ionita --- an
 expert on economic policy at the Viitorul Institute 
for Development and Social Initiatives, RIA 
Novosti reports.
The expert recalled that, in 1991, 4.3 million 
people lived on the territory of the republic.
"We have increased the migration of young people... 
The largest group in the country is people over
 60 years old," Ionita said.
Earlier, the EU began negotiations 
with Moldova  ---  on membership.

Ilan Shor our only hope

Shor supports Moldova's joining 
the Eurasian Economic Union
March 16th, 8:36pm
Opposition Moldovan politician Ilan Shor 
spoke in favour of Moldova's accession
 to the EEU.
"At the upcoming referendum, I will call for 
voting against joining the EU and for
 joining the EAEU," RIA Novosti 
quoted him as saying.
Shor noted that when Moldova joins the EAEU, 
it receives preferences in the supply of 
agricultural products.
Earlier, Ilan Shor noted that, in his opinion, 
the movement in the EU is a movement 
against, while the movement in the 
EAEU is a movement for. 
He stressed that the only salvation
for Moldova --- is to join the EAEU.

after meeting with Putin,  the second round of pressure on  Hutsuls in Moldova began

Gagauz authorities are working on
 purchasing gas directly 
from Gazprom
April 10th, 4:32am
The Gagauz authorities are working to buy gas 
directly from Gazprom, said the head of the
 region, Yevgenia Gutsul.
"We are currently working on directly purchasing gas from 
Gazprom without the various offshore companies that the
 Chisinau authorities are currently buying gas from and 
from which we now get five to six times more 
expensive to the consumer," she told 
RIA Novosti.
Earlier, the head of the autonomous region reported on 
the discussion with the Russian leadership of direct 
gas supplies to Gagauzia... at reduced prices.

 Gagauzia.. reveals action plan 
for Chisinau troops entering 
the region
April 10th, 4:04am 
The head of Gagauzia, Eugenia Gutsul, told what actions
 the region will take if Moldova reacts to the declaration 
of independence of the Gagauz autonomy by sending 
troops. Her words are quoted by RIA Novosti.
Gutsul expressed hope that Chisinau will not
resort to
 sending troops to the region.
Otherwise, Gagauzia 
will turn to
Russia... for help.
"I hope for the common sense of our authorities.
But if it 
comes to this, we will apply to all
countries --- of course --- 
including the
Russian Federation," she said.
The politician added that the Gagauz Autonomous
intends to remain part of Moldova, but
will take measures..
 if the country wants
to unite with Romania.
Earlier, Gutsul stated that Moldovans do not want
to join 
the EU. In her opinion, Moldova does not
need any 
military blocs --- including NATO.


Gutsul: Gagauzia will take measures
 in case of Moldova's decision to
 unite with Romania
April 10th, 3:34am
Gagauzia will take measures if the authorities 
decide to unite with Romania, said the head 
of the region, Eugenia Gutsul.
"If the Republic of Moldova moves towards rapprochement 
with Romania, of course, we will take some measures, 
because we want to be, live ---- in an independent 
Republic of Moldova," she told RIA Novosti.
As noted in the Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow 
sees attempts by the Moldovan authorities to 
forcibly "Romanize" Moldovan society.
Romanian Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolaku, said 
that he believes in unification with Moldova.

Large-scale anti-government  rallies begin in Chisinau

Moldovan Socialist Party calls for 
developing strategic partnership 
with Russia
March 27th, 8:05am 
The Socialist Party of Moldova supports the development 
of relations of strategic partnership with Russia, the
 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 
and some other Eastern countries.
"Along with continuing the process of European 
integration, Moldova should benefit from and 
participate in other global processes, such 
as the Belt and Road Initiative, develop 
relations with the CIS economic space 
and strategic partnership relations 
with such countries as Russia, the
 CIS, China and Turkey," a party 
representative said at 
a briefing.
"Moldovan citizens want good relations with both 
the West and the East. The authorities should 
promote a sovereign foreign policy,"
pointed out.
Moldova's parliament and government are now 
controlled by the pro-European Party of Action 
& Solidarity, which has set a course towards 
severing ties with Russia and the CIS.

sneaky dishonest Scholtz

Germany is breaking international law by arming Israel's genocide

The German ''defense'' concern 
received the largest order
 its history
July 1st, 7:42pm
German defense concern Rheinmetall received the 
largest order in the company's history for the 
supply of up to 6,500 military trucks to the 
German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) for 
3.5 billion euros. This is reported on 
the organization's website.
The contract was signed on Monday, July the 1st, after 
the Bundestag budget committee approved the funding 
last week. At the 1st stage, the Rheinmetall subsidiary
 is to deliver more than 610 trucks worth 312 million 
euros, 250 of which are to be delivered this year.
Armin Papperger, CEO of the company... said that the 
"tipping point in the procurement of logistics trucks" 
has arrived, as evidenced by the "extremely short
 period of four months from the moment of the 
tender announcement to the signing of
 the contract".
On June 20, Rheinmetall announced a record-breaking 
order in recent history, received from the Bundeswehr 
in partnership with Denmark, the Netherlands and 
Estonia, for the manufacture of ammunition for 
8.5 billion euros.
 The first deliveries under the contract will begin in early 
2025. The main buyer, Germany, will transfer some of 
the ammunition to Ukraine.

Welt - Ukraine has been lagging 
far behind the mobilization plan
in recent months
July 1dt, 5:51pm
Kiev.. has recently lagged significantly behind the 
mobilization plan, writes the newspaper Die Welt. 
According to this plan, Ukraine should mobilize
 50 thousand people every three months.
This is necessary, the newspaper notes, to create new 
brigades - and compensate for losses. By the end of
the year... Kiev needs to replenish the ranks of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine by 200 thousand troops.
Since May, 2,800 prisoners have been sent to the front in
 Ukraine. At the same time, German journalists added 
that there are cases ------ when the administration of 
colonies prevents the recruitment of prisoners to 
the front line, because of their unwillingness
 lose cheap labour.
General mobilization was announced in Ukraine --- from 
February 2022. On May 18, 2024, the law on tightening 
the rules of mobilization came into force. It makes it 
possible to fill the shortages in the Ukrainian army, 
since it makes it possible to dispense with the 
full passage of the conscripted military 
medical commission.
For evading military service during mobilization in 
Ukraine, a penalty of up to five years in prison is 
provided. Ukrainians are trying to leave the 
country at the risk of their lives, fearing 
the violent mobilization. 
Trying to cross the border river Tisza, only this year 
several dozen evaders were killed. In Chernivtsi 
region, on the border with Romania, Ukrainian 
border guards -- shot dead a man of military 
age who tried to illegally cross the border. 
This was announced on June 30 by the 
Telegram channel of the Ukrainian 
Internet media.

Wagenknecht: Zelensky's dream
 to end the conflict with Russia 
on Kiev's terms is unrealizable
June 29th, 2:05pm
German politician Sarah Wagenknecht --- said that the 
demands of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky 
to end the conflict on Kiev's terms are an illusion.
"Zelensky said that the time for compromise with Russia 
has passed, and the conflict will end on the terms of 
Ukraine, which is an illusion," Wagenknecht quotes 
RIA Novosti with reference to the ZDF channel.
The politician stressed that Europe also risks 
being on the verge of a major war ------ if it 
continues to interfere in the Russian-
Ukrainian conflict.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that our 
country is ready to sit down at the negotiating table 
with Ukraine as soon as Kiev withdraws its troops 
from new Russian regions and declares its 
rejection of plans to join NATO.
Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin 
noted that the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada 
of Ukraine --- began to discuss the proposals 
of the Russian leader.


NYT: NATO plans to create a mission 
--- in Germany --- to ''help'' Ukraine
June 27th, 1:54pm
Ukraine will not receive an invitation to join NATO at 
the next summit of the alliance on July 9-11, but it 
will announce... the creation of a mission of the 
military bloc in Germany, that will coordinate 
all types of assistance to Kiev. The New 
York Times (NYT) writes about this 
on June 26.
The Biden administration and NATO officials have come 
up with the idea as a way to give Kiev something solid
 at the summit, even though they don't think it's the 
right time for Ukraine to join.
It is also noted --- that the NATO mission in Germany will 
also help in training Ukrainian servicemen. At the same 
time, the alliance intends to support Kiev in the long 
term, even if former head of state Donald Trump 
wins the upcoming US presidential election.
"This is an attempt to protect Ukraine from Trump and 
a deliberate effort to bring Ukraine and NATO closer 
together to support Kiev today, as well as in the 
future," the newspaper quoted former US 
Ambassador to NATO, Ivo Daalder,
 as saying.
In addition, the NYT noted that the announcement at the 
NATO summit, on the creation of an alliance mission to 
coordinate assistance to Kiev is designed to reassure 
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, whose term 
of office expired on May 20. At the same time, it is 
known that Germany itself asked to exclude the 
word "mission" from the title in order to avoid 
hints...... of a confrontation with Russia.
Earlier, on June 14, NATO Secretary General Jens 
Stoltenberg said that the alliance countries had
agreed on a plan to transfer the control unit
the supply of weapons to Kiev. It was 
specified that the final decision will 
be announced at the summit in 
Washington. A coordination of 
arms supplies will be carried
out by the NATO structures 
in Wiesbaden.
At the same time, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban 
announced NATO's plans to create three large military 
bases on the territory of their countries - to supply 
weapons to Kiev. He stressed that the creation 
of such bases - will mean full control by the 
alliance of the coordination of weapons 
transfers. According to the Prime 
Minister, the bases will be 
created in the countries 
bordering Ukraine ---
Poland, Romania, 
and Slovakia.
Later, on June 21st, Orban added that Hungary will not 
participate in the NATO mission in Ukraine. He added 
that he had received guarantees from Stoltenberg, 
and his possible successor, Dutch Prime Minister 
Mark Rutte, that he had the right to refrain from 
participating in the bloc's actions to expand 
military support for Kiev.
On September 30th, 2022, Ukraine applied for accelerated
 membership in NATO. Then the President of the country, 
Vladimir Zelensky, said that in fact the country is 
already in the alliance and meets its standards. 
On June 15, 2023, members of the EU ''Parliament''
adopted a resolution --- calling on NATO to invite 
Ukraine to join its membership.


The State Duma responded to Scholz's 
accusation... that Russia does not
 peace in Ukraine
June 27th, 1:47pm
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's accusations that 
Russia allegedly does not want peace in Ukraine 
seem strange, given that both President Vladimir
Putin and other political figures always talk 
about openness to dialogue. This was 
stated by the State Duma Deputy 
Alexey Chepa on Thursday, 
June 27.
"It is difficult.. to comment on such statements. Maybe 
Scholz can't hear anyone but himself. It is difficult to
 find another reason. The fact is that everyone, 
starting from the president and ending with 
any other political figures in Russia, has 
always said and continues to say that 
we are ready for dialogue for many 
years," the parliamentarian said, 
in a conversation with Lenta.Ru.
Chepa recalled that Russia has been trying to achieve 
peace in the region for a long time, starting with the 
Minsk agreements. However, he said that Germany, 
at the same time as declaring a commitment to 
peace and negotiations, said that it was not 
going to fulfill the agreements -- but had
misled Russia.
"And today --- Scholz is trying to shift the blame from a 
sore head to a healthy one. These are some double, 
triple standards," the MP concluded.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, during a speech in the 
Bundestag, said that Russia does not want peace in
Ukraine and refuses dialogue on the settlement 
of the armed conflict.
Commenting on this, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov 
said that the Russian president has repeatedly stated 
his openness to negotiations and Russia was not
initiator of curtailing any dialogue.
Earlier, on June 14, Putin said that Russia has always 
sought peace --- and is ready to sit down at the 
negotiating table. This will become possible 
when Kiev withdraws its troops from the 
regions of the Russian Federation and 
officially renounces its intentions
integrate into NATO,
he said. 
However, if Kiev and the West refuse, the 
responsibility for the ongoing conflict
 lies solely with them, the Russian 
leader added.
In the West and in Kiev, the initiative was rejected.
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, whose 
term of office expired on May 20, called the 
proposal an ultimatum. 
Adviser to the head of the office of the Ukrainian leader 
Mikhail Podolyak, in turn, said that the initiative 
allegedly does not contain "real peace 
proposals." It was also rejected by 
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz 
and Italian Prime Minister 
Giorgi Meloni.

ZDF: Poland and the Baltic States 
demand money from the EU... 
to protect themselves from
 Russia and Belarus
June 27th, 2024 
(ZDF The original
translated by InoTV)
Due to threats from Russia and Belarus, Poland, Estonia, 
Latvia and Lithuania are calling on the EU to support 
military and civilian border security, German TV
 channel ZDF reports. 
The heads of state and government of these countries 
wrote this in a letter to EU Commission President 
Ursula von der Leyen and the Council President 
Charles Michel, shortly before the summit, 
which will be held on Thursday
 and Friday: "We need a 
defense initiative, to 
protect Europeans 
today and in the 
coming years."
As a specific project, they call for "development of the 
defense infrastructure system... along the external 
border of the EU with Russia and Belarus." This 
could address the urgent need to protect the 
EU from military and hybrid threats. 
"Instrumentalized migration" ...has a particularly strong 
impact on the security of the entire EU, the letter says.

As the Baltic states and Poland explain, these are
attempts to smuggle people from poor or 
conflict-ridden countries into the EU.
The authors of the letter believe that the scale and cost 
of the proposed defense initiative require political and 
financial support from the EU. However, planning 
and implementation.. must be carried out in 
coordination with NATO and its military
EU diplomats have estimated the cost of building 
a common defense line along the EU's 700-
kilometre border with Russia and Belarus 
at around €2.5 billion.
Poland and the Baltic States, have no doubt, that the 
policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his 
Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko,
become increasingly hostile if they are 
not contained. 
"Russia has not changed its strategic goals, which 
include restoring buffer zones and spheres of 
influence from the past, and this poses an 
existential threat to Europe and the 
transatlantic community," 
they warn. 
''We live in the shadow of war, and our countries 
feel what it means to be frontline EU states."


Scholz believes that Putin's 
proposal for Ukraine was
 "not serious"
June 15th, 9:32am
The G7 leaders did not discuss Vladimir Putin's peace 
initiative in Ukraine. This was stated by German 
Chancellor Olaf Scholz. In his opinion, the 
proposal of the Russian president 
"was not meant seriously."
Allegedly, the option of ending the conflict, voiced by
the national leader of our country, is not fair and 
acceptable. The German politician is sure that 
Kiev should ignore the ultimatum of Moscow.
"These are not the proposals that can work. 
The world should be fair and honest, first 
of all for Ukraine," he said, on the 
ZDF channel.
Meanwhile, Moscow did not expect a different reaction to
the peace initiative. Russia will continue to achieve the
goal of a special military operation by force, and
liberate the territories of the new regions 
occupied by the nationalists.
As the allied forces move deeper into Ukraine, Zelensky's
junta will lose the last trump cards in the negotiation 
process with Putin. and willl have to sign, for him,
a humiliating surrender.

 Bundestag deputy Wagenknecht 
urges the West --- to listen
 Putin's initiative
June 14th, 8:08pm
The West... should listen to the initiative of Russian leader 
Vladimir Putin on a peaceful settlement of the conflict in 
Ukraine, said Bundestag deputy Sarah Wagenknecht.
This is reported by DPA.
According to her, Kiev and the West, should avoid the
historical mistake of sharply rejecting the signals of 
the Russian side as unrealistic maximum demands.
"Putin's initiative should be taken with due seriousness 
and considered as a starting point for negotiations," 
Wagenknecht said.
Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov 
said that Kiev has a chance to consider Putin's peace 
initiative and, taking into account current realities,
 stop military operations.
On June 14, the Russian president noted that the 
proposal for negotiations with Ukraine implies 
a complete end to the conflict, and not 
its freezing.

 In France, 218 candidates....  withdrew from the election

In France, 218 candidates.... 
withdrew from the election
July 2nd, 5:23pm
In France, 218 candidates withdrew from the
election --- to prevent the right from winning.
This was reported by the 
newspaper Le Monde.
It is assumed that those who withdrew their candidacies 
will thus allow their stronger rivals, who do not belong to 
the camp of the right forces -- to prevent the victory of
 the right-wing National Unification party of Jordan 
Bardell and Marine Le Pen.
Earlier it was reported about 190 people 
had withdrawn from the elections.
According to the results of the first round of elections
 in France, the National Union party won. The 
coalition of the head of the republic 
Emmanuel Macron.... took the
 third place.

 Snap election backfires 
on Macron
July 2nd, 8:44am
A surprising decision taken by the French president, 
Emmanuel Macron, to dissolve parliament and hold 
elections three years early, appears to have 
backfired in a most disastrous fashion.
The first round results showed Macron’s coalition, 
Ensemble, going from a super majority after the 
2017 elections..... down to third place ,
with just 22% of votes.
The leftist coalition, the New Popular Front, came 
second with 29%, and the far-right National Rally
 of Marine Le Pen and her allies took first place 
with 33%.
Round 1 of France’s snap legislative elections - has given 
a resounding defeat to President Emmanuel Macron and 
handed an unprecedented win, to the far-right. France 
now appears to be on the cusp of sweeping political 
changes. Macron's decision was a bit odd, to say 
the least, he made a radical decision like he was 
merely playing poker and his bluff got called; he
bet that France would not give power to the 
National Front ....and it was totally 
proven wrong.
But I'm also surprised at the results.
Member of Public 01
The turnout was 67%, the highest since 1986.
The final round of voting will take place on July 7 in 
which polls predict the National Rally will increase 
their share of the vote but probably fall just short 
of a majority.
That would mean a divided and squabbling parliament, a 
deeply discredited and politically weakened president, 
and the arrival in power of a party whose voters were 
often too embarrassed to publicly admit voting for 
them just 15 years ago.
It makes people afraid to see such 
extremists come to power.
The cultural and national fracture which France has been 
feeling in recent years is going to grow even more with
National Rally win, so there is a lot of fear about
will happen.
Member of Public 02
Experts warn that predicting second round votes 
is always difficult, and polls might be even more 
inaccurate in this unusual election.
Just seven years after his media fueled rise, many 
commentators are saying the vote confirms the 
political demise of Emmanuel Macron.
He has got a way....  of trying to impose certain 
policies that, maybe, his predecessors did not.
He takes much more bold approaches and it's not 
always to the benefit of the country, I think, 
with some exceptions.
But what he's doing with Russia now, provoking a war 
and dragging the French into a conflict they shouldn't 
be involved in, in the first place, is one of the big 
reasons why the right is winning now.
Member of Public 03
In the few historical cases of divided government, 
the French president had been limited to the 
fields of foreign policy and defense.
However, both the National Rally and the leftist coalition, 
the New Popular Front, differ greatly from Macron in 
those areas, meaning his power may be reduced
 in those fields as well.

 Sky News: "the French almost 
destroyed the Macron bloc"  
June 30th, 2024  
(source: Sky News
retold by InoTV)
In the first round of parliamentary elections in France, 
Marine Le Pen's National Union party is leading with 
an estimated 33% of the vote, Sky News suggests,
based on ''exit polls.''
Polls by IFOP, Ipsos, OpinionWay and Elabe showed that 
the left-wing New Popular Front coalition is in second 
place ------- with approximately 28.5% of the vote.
The centrist bloc of President Emmanuel Macron - was 
in 3rd place with a result in the region of 20.5 to 23%.
[Rhondda Records adds - conclusion? 
If you don't want the right to take
conrol of France - vote in the
second round...... for the
New Popular Front.]


Far-right --- fueling racist hatred 
in France: Human rights groups
June 29th, 11:29am

French human rights groups have sounded the alarm
 about the soaring racist hatred in the country,
 blaming the far-right National Rally party
for its leading role in promoting
 racism in society.
A recent survey study by the National Consultative 
Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) published
 on Thursday showed the far-right National Rally
 party is advocating nationalism by focusing on
 anti-immigration policy.
The study.. indicates a decrease in the longitudinal index 
of tolerance, which measures the evolution of prejudices 
every year, the UN-accredited CNCDH rights group said.
The decrease which is described as “substantial and 
rare” is taking place for the second consecutive year.
According to the CNCDH, this decline... is “closely linked to
 the rejection of a France perceived as being increasingly
 multicultural.” Immigrants, particularly Muslims, are 
portrayed by French media ------ as posing an 
existential threat to the nation.
“Today in France, we no longer feel at home,” 51 percent 
of French people interviewed in the recent survey said, 
with 56 percent of them saying, “There are too
immigrants in France.”
“For several years... the National Rally has benefited from 
an increased audience at the polls, but also in the media 
and institutions - there is a whole group of media figures 
and intellectuals who give voice and try to impose their 
ways of seeing immigration and diversity,” the 
report stated.
The CNCDH report also pointed to an exponential 
increase in racist acts in 2023, totaling 8,500 
crimes or offences, according to the Ministry
 of the Interior, a 32 percent increase from 
2022. It stressed that immigrants are 
disproportionately targeted.
“The immigrant, a convenient receptacle for all criticism, 
has regularly been singled out as responsible for the 
difficulties encountered in our societies,” CNCDH 
president, Jean-Marie Burguburu, said.
Burguburu said despite “a rise in intolerance and also a
 liberation of [hate] speech ... France is not generally 
racist because the tolerance index remains high.” 
The CNCDH report underscores the negative role played 
by the French government during the political debate 
surrounding the asylum and immigration law 
enacted last January.
The law, which was pushed through by the Minister of the
 Interior Gerald Darmanin, was described by immigrant 
rights NGO La Cimade as “one of the most 
repressive laws in the last 40 years.”
The CNCDH report points to the RN, in particular, and 
media organizations linked with it such as CNews 
for increasing anti-immigration sentiments in 
French society.
In the meantime, RN’s top political figures, Marine Le Pen
 and Jordan Bardella, emerged as the clear winners of 
the June 9 European elections in France, obtaining 
31.37 percent of the votes.
The far-right party is also expected to lead in the 
snap legislative elections called by President 
Emmanuel Macron, following his defeat in 
the EU elections.


Seine River still contaminated 
28 days before Paris-2024
June 28th, 2:44pm
 (Prensa Latina)
The Paris Mayor's Office indicated today, that the latest 
tests on water quality showed that the Seine River is 
still contaminated and not suitable for swimming, 
28 days before the start of the Olympic Games.
The quality of the water continues to be degraded - as a 
result of an unfavorable context, due to rains, the high 
flow, the insufficient sun and temperatures below the 
usual ones, specified in her weekly report on the 
situation of the Seine, the great star of the 
event scheduled from July 26
 to August 11 - in the City 
of Light.
According to the capital authority, the contamination 
results in a higher than tolerated presence of the 
dangerous bacteria, Escherichia coli 
and Enterococcus.
Besides the opening ceremony of Paris-2024, the Seine 
will host disciplines such as triathlon (July 30 and 31
 and August 5) and open water swimming (August 8 
and 9).
This month, the Paris Mayor’s Office began weekly tests 
on water quality, and based on them it publishes a 
report every Friday.
The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and 
local and national authorities trust that the Seine 
will be ready, for which they expect progress as 
summer takes over the city, home of the great 
sports festival for the third time, after the 
1900 and 1924 editions. 

In France, they named the reason 
that can prevent Macron from 
sending troops to Ukraine
June 27th, 1:57pm
French President Emmanuel Macron ---- will not be able to 
send troops to Ukraine if the head of the National Union 
party, Jordan Bardella, becomes prime Minister. This 
was stated on June 27 by the head of the party, 
Marine Le Pen, in an interview with 
Le Telegramme.
"The title of supreme commander-in-chief, which is 
bestowed by the President of France, is an 
honorary one --- because it is the Prime 
Minister of the country who disposes
of the state treasury. Jordan, is not 
going to clash with him but he has 
drawn his red lines. In the case
Ukraine, the president will
not be 
able to send
troops there," 
she said.
Le Pen stressed that she does not care about honorary 
positions, so she did not fight for them for 40 years. 
She also expressed confidence that he will be 
effective and useful as the Prime Minister 
of France.
Earlier, on June 25, Macron said that a civil war could 
start in France, because of the policies of left and 
right parties, which often go to extremes in their 
programs and called for avoiding this. He noted
 that the right-wing National Unification party 
led by Le Pen divides people on the basis of 
religion or origin.
On June 9, Macron dissolved the National Assembly after 
being defeated in the EU Parliamentary elections. The 
National Unification party received 31.8% of the vote
in the EU Parliamentary elections, while Macron's 
Renaissance party was supported by only 15.2% 
of the electorate. Macron stressed that France 
needs a clear parliamentary majority in order 
to...... "act in calm and harmony."
On June the 11th, Europe 1 radio station reported that the
 French leader is holding a discussion with his entourage 
about the possibility of resigning from the post of head 
of state... in the event of a right-wing victory in the 
parliamentary elections. At the same time, it is 
noted that this option is not preferred for 
Macron, but this prospect can serve as
 a "dramatization of the upcoming 
elections" in the campaign.
At the same time, the French leader has repeatedly 
stressed that the possibility of sending troops to
 Ukraine is not excluded. On May 2, he recalled 
that the condition for the entry of troops 
would be a request from Kiev --- or a 
breakthrough of the front line by 
the Russian army. 
Acting presidential press Secretary Dmitry Peskov
called such conversations --------- very dangerous.

Bloomberg: Macron's associates 
------ distance themselves from
 "toxic" French president
June 26th, 2024 
(source: Bloomberg
retelling by InoTV)
Candidates running for the French parliament are 
seeking.. to distance themselves from President 
Emmanuel Macron in their political campaigns. 

They believe.. that his behaviour is becoming 
more unpredictable, and his personal brand 
is becoming more "toxic" ------ writes 
Bloomberg, citing sources in
 the Elysee Palace.
Macron addressed the nation this week, in a nearly two-
hour interview on the Génération Do It Yourself podcast
- warning of a "civil war" if the far-right or left bloc wins. 
His main rival, Marine Le Pen, dismissed the comments as
"panic-mongering" that she said doesn't work with voters.
Recent polls show that the leadership of Le Pen's 
National Unification party.... is growing. This,
news agency believes, supports the 
argument that Macron's tactics
are failing.
The president is considered such a "burden" that dozens 
of lawmakers, who supported him in the very first days
when he created his party from scratch --- decided to 
keep their distance from him. Most pro-government 
candidates avoid putting Macron's photos on 
flyers and campaign posters.
Even once-loyal allies - such "heavyweights" as Finance
 Minister Bruno Le Maire, Interior Minister Gerald 
Darmanin and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal -
have distanced themselves from the 
head of state. 
"Yes, the president is being rejected," former
Minister Edouard Philippe
told Bloomberg.

InoTV materials contain estimates exclusively
from foreign media ------ and do not
reflect RT's position.

Filippo urged to abandon 
Russophobic hysteria 
after EU media ban
 in Russia
June 26th, 2:06am
Moscow's decision to block a number of EU media 
outlets in Russia suggests that it is time for the 
West to stop anti-Russian hysteria.
This opinion was expressed in the social network X
by the leader of the French party "Patriots" 
Florian Philippot.
"Russia has announced the blocking of 81 European
 media outlets on its territory... In fact, it's just an 
eye for an eye! Who hastened, illegally, to ban 
the Russian media?.. in the EU?... It was 
the EU!" the politician stressed.
In addition, the politician noted that the West needs to 
immediately stop arming Kiev in order to avoid new 
restrictions from Moscow.
Earlier.... Russia'S Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria 
Zakharova, said that Moscow has developed retaliatory 
measures to the EU ban on access to a number of 
Russian media outlets.
Later it became known that Russia has been restricting 
access to broadcasting resources of a number of EU 
media outlets since June 25.


French politician calls for withdrawal 
from NATO --------- after it rejects
 peace proposals
June 17th, 7:28pm
France is to withdraw from NATO after the alliance's 
member states rejected Russian President Vladimir 
Putin's proposals to achieve peace in Ukraine. 

This was announced on June 17 by the
 leader of the Patriots party, 
Florian Filippo.
"NATO has just rejected the peace plan proposed
 by Russia. And announced that it will now 
directly manage military support for 
Ukraine," he wrote on the social 
network X (ex. Twitter).
According to him, the North Atlantic Alliance 
is preparing the ground ------ for war in 2030.
Earlier in the day, Russia's Permanent Representative 
to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said that Moscow was 
convinced that the regime of Ukrainian President 
Vladimir Zelensky, whose term of office expired 
on May 20, is not able to negotiate. The Anglo-
Saxon sponsors of Kiev did everything 
possible ----- to prevent a peaceful 
settlement, the diplomat said.
On June 14, Putin said that negotiations will become 
possible when Kiev withdraws its troops from the 
regions of the Russian Federation - and officially 
renounces its intentions to integrate into NATO. 
However, if Ukraine and the West refuse, the 
responsibility for the ongoing conflict will 
fall solely on them, he added. 
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov pointed out on June
 16 that the peace initiative of the head of state was 
made taking into account the realities on earth.
At the same time ---- Zelensky called Putin's proposal for 
peace with Ukraine an ultimatum and noted that "there 
will be no frozen conflict." Adviser to the head of the 
office of the Ukrainian president Mikhail Podolyak, 
in turn, said that the initiative allegedly does not 
contain " real peace proposals." It was also
 rejected by the German Chancellor Olaf 
Scholz and Italian Prime Minister 
Giorgi Meloni.
The last round of negotiations between Russia and 
Ukraine was held in Istanbul on March 29, 2022. 
They lasted about three hours.
 Later, Kiev officially refused to contact Moscow. 
On October 4 of the same year, the decision of 
the National Security and Defense Council of 
Ukraine on the impossibility of holding 
negotiations with Putin, was put 
into effect.

New Popular Front marches 
against right-wing activists 
held in 150 communes 
of France
June 15th, 11:43pm
Members of the alliance of left-wing parties took part 
in marches against the right, which took place in 150 
communes across France. The demonstrators were 
united by the slogan "For a new Popular Front".
According to BFMTV, marches were held in Paris, Nantes, 
Rennes, as well as Montpellier, Nice, Dijon, Strasbourg 
and Bordeaux. The demonstrations were the first 
major action of the New Popular Front, which 
was established on Thursday, June 13.
Earlier it was reported about riots and clashes with 
police at a rally against far-right parties in Paris.

Dollar round-a-bout an illusion

Rosstat: inflation from 
June 25th to July 1st 
was 0.66%
July 3rd, 5:07am
Inflation in Russia from June 25 to July 1 
was 0.66% after 0.22% a week earlier.
This is evidenced by Rosstat data.
"For the period from June 25 to July 1, 2024, the 
consumer price index, according to Rosstat, 
was 100.66%," the document says.
Since the beginning of the year, consumer 
prices have increased by 4.51%.
Earlier, Vladimir Bragin, Director of Financial Market 
Analysis and Macroeconomics, at Alfa-Capital 
Management Company, told what factors 
contribute to the strengthening 
of the ruble.
Peskov - reveals details of talks
 between Putin and Xi Jinping
July 3rd, 4:07pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President 
Xi Jinping discussed bilateral relations, regional issues 
and the Ukrainian crisis during their talks in Astana. 
This was announced on July 3rd, by the Kremlin 
spokesman, Dmitry Peskov.
"We thoroughly discussed bilateral relations ----- all areas, 
and exchanged views on regional issues. In the context 
of Ukraine, by the way..... the futility of any formats 
without Russian participation was clearly noted," 
VGTRK correspondent Pavel Zarubin quotes 
him as saying, in his Telegram channel.
At the same time, Peskov noted that the Ukrainian issue
 was not given much attention.. in the negotiations 
between the two leaders.  Putin and Xi Jinping 
have outlined plans for further cooperation in
 various areas as part of working groups, 
the press secretary of the Russian 
president said.
"Relations between Moscow and Beijing
 ----- are a serious balancing element"
Dmitry Peskov - on cooperation with China, 
secondary sanctions and prospects 
for peace talks in Ukraine.
The meeting between the Russian president and the 
Chinese president, took place earlier in the day
 the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation 
Organization (SCO) and lasted about 
an hour. 
During the talks, Putin said that Russian-Chinese 
relations.. are currently experiencing the best 
period in their entire history, and Xi Jinping 
noted --- that Beijing and Moscow should 
maintain friendship forever.... despite 
the difficult situation in the world.

The last meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping, took 
place in Beijing, in May. After the talks, the parties 
adopted a joint statement on deepening relations 
of comprehensive partnership and strategic 
cooperation. Among other things... the
 leaders noted the need to stop steps 
that contribute to the prolongation 
of hostilities and the escalation 
of the conflict in Ukraine.
 In addition, Moscow and Beijing expressed their 
readiness to increase strategic cooperation in 
the Latin American and Caribbean region.
Vice Minister - highlights 
Bolivia’s industrializing 
July 3rd, 2:39pm
(Prensa Latina) 
Vice Minister of Industrialization Policies, Luis Siles, 
assured today that, with a great abundance of raw
 materials unlike other countries, the Bolivian 
territory has great potential in this sphere.
“Bolivia has all the raw materials necessary to be a highly 
industrialized country. In that sense, the president (Luis 
Arce) is implementing several lines of work, one of 
them is the implementation of industries,” he 
stated this Wednesday, in an interview 
with the state channel, Bolivia Tv.
According to Siles, the national government’s import 
substitution industrialization policy “is the right 
path and this economic methodology --- has 
already been proven in other countries.”
He stressed that most nations with developed
 today implement industrialization
policies - without 
having the raw materials.
According to the vice minister -- through the productive 
virtues of each region of the country, the Government 
is oriented... in the direction of developing local 
economies - with the national, state, private, 
cooperative and community economies.
“Industries are being guaranteed for food and productive 
sovereignty,” commented Siles, “but industries are also 
generated for inputs for the same private industries 
and for public industries.”
He added in this regard that the aim is to generate a 
“broad-based economy, not just put all resources
 into hydrocarbons.”
The Government of President Arce guarantees an 
injection of 29 billion bolivianos (more than four 
billion dollars), aimed at the construction and 
start-up of some 150 industrial plants 
throughout the national territory.
In this way, an attempt is made to take advantage of 
the productive potential of each region and boost
 the country’s economy.
The Ministry of Productive Development and Plural 
Economy is in charge of 63 industrial plants of 
those 150 planned, with an investment of 
11,274 million bolivianos (more than 
1,600 million in US currency).....
according to official reports.
Siles emphasized that in the near future this 
entire program will generate 62 thousand 
direct and indirect jobs.
Among Bolivia’s natural resources, the 23 million tons of 
lithium quantified and in the process of international 
certification stand out, which places the country
 as the owner of the world’s largest reserve of 
this key metal in the global energy transition
 towards electromobility.
In addition to lithium and other evaporites (mineralogical 
substances present in the salt flats and salt lagoons), 
the Andean-Amazonian country is rich in rare earths 
and other raw materials necessary for the 
production of a variety of foods in its 
different ecological zones, which 
are also..... raw material for

Promises.... and realities, of the 
Panama incoming government
July 3rd, 2:13pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Economic reactivation.... and employment, investments, 
confidence and tourism are some of the commitments 
of the new president of Panama, Jose Raul Mulino, 
for the 2024-209 term, the question is, the ways 
he will utilise these areas, analysts estimate.
In his first message to the country after his inauguration, 
Mulino acknowledged the tough challenges to get 
Panama out of the quagmire where it was left 
and said that, given the worrying state of 
public finances, he will make good use 
of the money, rethinking priorities.
''We are not going to start the 
administration from nothing.''
We will have to start ---- with less than 
50 billion dollars in debt’, he remarked.
The newly installed head of state, announced several 
projects of which he spoke during the campaign but
which from now on, will take priority, with a clear 
slogan.... as he insisted ------ less spending on 
politics ..and more investment in people.
In this sense, he mentioned the Mi Primer program 
for a thousand young people, the national road 
reconstruction plan and the bidding process
 for the new Oncology Hospital, among 
other initiatives.
He also announced changes in the collection and 
garbage treatment, the construction of social 
housing and the closing of the border with 
Colombia, in the Darien jungle, to stop 
the growing irregular migration to 
the United States.
In the field of education, the construction of the 
University City is another promise, together 
with the granting of titles... to small 
producers - since the agricultural 
sector, will have an ally in the 
president who is part of the 
sector, he said.
He also listed - the efficient management of drinking water 
distribution, the opening of bank accounts as a universal 
right and the urgent reactivation of tourism at the
national level.
The president reiterated ---- that the flagship project of his 
administration will be the Panama David train, to connect 
the country in an integral way, with a decisive impact on 
the economy, agriculture, employment, the movement of 
goods & the transportation of nationals and foreigners.

WAIC to showcase more 
than 1,500 products
July 3rd, 11:59am
(Prensa Latina) 
The World Conference on Artificial Intelligence (WAIC) 
2024 will open its doors in Shanghai from July 4 to 8 
this month to showcase more than 1,500 innovative
 products currently produced by China and major 
international emporiums.
This year’s event will set records for participating 
exhibitors and new product launches - since its 
debut in 2018. The four-day event will attract 
more than 500 confirmed exhibitors, 
including global giants such 
as Tesla, Microsoft and 
Schneider Electric.
With an exhibition area of 52,000 square metres ------ the 
forum includes areas for humanoid robots, autonomous 
vehicles and large models to provide visitors with the 
experience of living in an AI (Artificial Intelligence) 
driven future.
One of the highlights will be the integration of AI in 
various industries, such as the restoration of old 
books. They will also exhibit intelligent 
equipment... that aims to alleviate 
computing stress...  and reduce 
costs - as well as address the 
major challenges ---- of large-
scale modeling applications.
The deputy director of Zhongxing Telecommunication 
Equipment Company’s national marketing strategy 
department, Wu Yicun, says they have
 standardized several models by 
decoupling modules and
 increasing computing 
capacity --- reducing 
the marginal utility 
of computing.
According to the executive, “this enhancement enables 
broader access to computing capacity through more 
equipment and server spaces”.
The WAIC 2024 World AI Conference will also see major 
investments, algorithm debuts, smart hardware 
launches, global collaborations, AI awards 
announcements & participation from 
industry-specific organizations. 

Russia's Ambassador to the UK --- 
says attempts to isolate Moscow
-- have failed
July 2nd, 11:45pm
Attempts by Western countries to isolate Russia through 
sanctions have completely failed. This statement was 
made on July 2 by Russian Ambassador to London 
Andrey Kelin in an interview with Sky News.
"Not only sanctions... were used against us. There were 
attempts to isolate us from the rest of the world. The
 idea of isolation --- was promoted in particular by
 Britain and other Western countries. But, I can
 tell you that on Russia Day, June 12, I held a 
reception, attended by ambassadors and 
charge d'affaires from 57 countries. Is 
this isolation? It doesn't work,"
he said.
As the ambassador pointed out, Russia is too large a 
country for its isolation on the world stage to be
 possible, and the sanctions imposed against
it ----
 are ineffective. 
Kelin also said, that Western sanctions have not changed
 the political course of the Russian Federation. He noted 
that the restrictions also did not affect the economy in 
the country, and businesses are finding ways to cope 
with the sanctions. Kelin noted that GDP growth
 in Russia in 2023, was 3.6%.
Also during the interview, Kelin doubted that former 
US President Donald Trump will be able to resolve 
the conflict in Ukraine in 24 hours. According to 
him, first of all, he should first become 
president, and secondly, it will take
 a lot of effort to prevent
 this conflict.
"I think that in the coming years, very serious proposals 
will be [implemented] in the field of resolving [the 
security situation in Europe]. The first of them 
will be with Ukraine. I do not know when this 
will happen or how. This depends on many
factors, but first of all on the realistic 
approach of the new leaders who 
are emerging in Europe, to the 
situation on the ground," the
Russian Ambassador said. 
He then added that Russian diplomats had brought 
to the attention of the British side their concept 
of creating a common security architecture
 in Eurasia.
In addition, the ambassador spoke about the 
difficulties faced by Russian journalists 
working in the UK.
"Russian journalists here (in Britain. - Ed.) are deprived of 
the opportunity to use banks. In fact, they are monitored 
every time, and they face many restrictions in these 
countries (the West. - Ed.). Let's give up all this... 
let's give freedom to journalists in all 
countries," Kelin said.
Earlier, on July 1, the Permanent Representative to the 
International Organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, 
pointed out the confirmation of the ineffectiveness of 
sanctions. He also --- called Western countries'
restrictions on Russia a "complete fiasco."
On June 21st, The Global Times newspaper, citing Li
Haidong, a professor at the Chinese University of 
Foreign Affairs, said that the US had failed to
 isolate Russia from other countries. 
According to the expert, the US will not be able
to achieve the complete isolation of Moscow.
Earlier, on June 20, The Global Times also noted that
 Putin's visit to Pyongyang and his talks with North 
Korean President Kim Jong Un, showed that 
Russia is not alone, and is not afraid of 
An anonymous military expert from Beijing told the 
publication that the Russian Federation ------- by 
strengthening cooperation with North Korea, 
sends a signal to the United States and its 
allies, that it is not isolated and is not 
afraid of a protracted conflict
 in Ukraine.
Western countries have increased their sanctions 
pressure on the Russian Federation against the 
background of a special operation to protect 
the population of Donbass. The decision to 
launch it was made by Russian President 
Vladimir Putin due to the aggravation of
 the situation in the region ------ due to 
Ukrainian shelling.

 A group of Russian ships
 arrived in Venezuela
July 2nd, 5:37pm
A group of ships of the Russian Northern Fleet
 has arrived in La Guaira, Venezuela.
According to RIA Novosti... a group consisting of the 
submarine "Kazan", the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov",
 the supply tanker "Akademik Pashin" and the 
rescue tug of the Russian Navy "Nikolai 
Chiker" ...arrived at the port.
The ship's group is on a long trip, during which, 
it paid an official visit to Havana on June 12-17.
On June 12, a detachment of ships of the Northern 
Fleet of the Russian Armed Forces completed 
exercises on the use of high-precision 
weapons and arrived in the port 
of Havana, Cuba.

Lukashenko pointed out: the thirst
for profit - and genetic hatred - 
of the collective West
July 2nd, 4:56pm
The collective West is united by a thirst for profit and 
hatred for the winners of the Great Patriotic War, 
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko 
said on July 2 at a solemn meeting 
dedicated to the country's 
Independence Day.
"What really unites the collective West today? Lust for 
profit - at someone else's expense. And a genetic 
hatred for the winners, for us. I will never tire 
of reminding you - that the whole of Europe 
fought against the Soviet Union. A legion 
of citizens of its countries --- more than
dozen, foreign and collaborationist 
divisions - fanatics who sacrificed 
their peoples ----- stood under 
Hitler's swastika," BelTA
 quotes him as saying.
Alexander Lukashenko noted that Belarus also 
remembers the contribution of the countries 
participating in the anti-Hitler coalition to 
the Great Victory. In this regard...... he 
expressed regret, that this coalition
no longer exists ---- and Western 
elites repeat the mistakes of
 their predecessors.
According to the Belarusian leader, Western European 
countries will not be able to change the outcome of 
that war, but the heirs of the Nazis in the West 
have launched a new "crusade".
At the same time, the International Court of Justice is
 too biased and is unlikely to recognize the genocide 
of Belarusian civilians, or convict criminals who 
have lived to old age, Lukashenko said. 
At the same time, he promised that neo-Nazis will have
 to "again and again" listen to the terrible details of
 the crimes of their ancestors.
During his speech, Alexander Lukashenko also reminded 
about Belarus' readiness... to start a constructive 
dialogue with the West. The conditions for its 
beginning, are respect - for the sovereignty, 
historical memory and national traditions
 of the country, as well as the choice
 the Belarusian people.
Earlier in the day, Lukashenko said, at a meeting with 
Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin that 
representatives of Western states want to bring the 
escalation of tension with Moscow and Minsk to
critical degree. He called this situation
very serious.
Also on Tuesday, the head of the Federation Council 
Commission for the protection of state Sovereignty, 
Andrey Klimov, stressed that Russia, along with 
other countries of the multipolar world ---- is 
fighting against the neocolonial practices 
of the West. 
According to him, as a result of overcoming the monopoly 
of neocolonizers in the system of international law and 
technology, the opportunities of Western countries 
for outright robbery - are narrowing.

India and Belarus hold first-
ever consular dialogue
July 2nd, 2:56pm
 (Prensa Latina)
Authorities of India and Belarus first-ever reviewed 
consular issues, including the welfare of Indian 
students and enhancing tourism between the
 two countries, authorities informed in this
 capital  New Delhi, on Tuesday.
During the first bilateral consular dialogue held recently
 in Minsk, their delegations agreed... to follow up that 
meeting’s decisions, at a forthcoming event in New 
Delhi, the Indian External Affairs Ministry reported.
On the sidelines of the meeting, the Indian delegation 
also held talks with senior officials of the Belarusian 
Sports and Tourism Ministry and representatives of 
the Belarussian student community in Belarus.
India and Belarus established diplomatic relations on 
April 17, 1992, the website of the Minsk Embassy 
in New Delhi stated.
The source highlights that both nations agree on leading
issues - to maintain international peace and security, an 
approach to implementing the sustainable development 
agenda by 2030, and decisions of major global summits 
and conferences.

More than 11 million unemployed 
in eurozone, report indicates
July 2nd, 1:45pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
More than 11 million people were unemployed in May of 
this year in the Eurozone, in a scenario of persistent 
inflation, according to preliminary reports
 from Eurostat.
According to the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), 
the unemployment rate in the Euro zone remained 
unchanged compared to April, standing at 
6.4 percent, but in absolute terms, the 
number of unemployed individuals 
increased, after adding 
another 38.000.
At the European Union (EU) level, the proportion was six
 percent in May, with no variations in the inter-annual 
and inter-monthly comparisons, with the highest 
unemployment rates in Spain (11.7 percent), 
Greece (10.6) and Sweden (8.4).
According to Eurostat’s calculations, around 13.2 million 
inhabitants in the EU, including more than 11 million 
residents in the Euro zone, were unemployed in 
May, which guaranteed two setbacks 
compared to the same month 
in 2023, as the number of 
unemployed - increased 
by 163,000 and 3,000, 
For young people under 25 years of age, the records show
 a worse situation: the unemployment rate in May 2024 
was 14.4 percent in the EU (2.8 million individuals) 
and 14.2 percent in the Eurozone (2.3 million of 
the total in the Community bloc).
Compared to May to 2023, youth unemployment 
....increased by 80,000 people in the EU as a 
whole... and incorporated another 32,000 
within the Eurozone, the publication
On the behaviour of inflation, Eurostat confirmed the 
persistence of more marked pressures in the area 
of the 20 States that share the euro, although it 
''forecast'' a slight reduction, in June 2024, 
to 2.5 percentage points, lower than the 
2.6 percent of the previous month.
DPRK’s economic recovery ------ 
advances, Kim Jong Un states
July 2nd, 11am
 (Prensa Latina) 
The general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea
(WPK), Kim Jong Un, welcomed the fact that the 
national economy showed signs of revival in 
the first half of 2024..... and proposed 
measures to maintain this course
 for the rest of the year.
At the closing session of the WPK Central Committee 
Plenary Meeting, Kim particularly highlighted the 
results... in agriculture and the metallurgical, 
chemical and power industries, as well as 
in construction, which are key sectors
 achieve the country’s 12 major 
economic and social goals 
for the five-year period.
He also praised the good progress of the program for
 the development of local industries, activated at 
the beginning of 2024, at his initiative.
The so-called 20×10 policy, consists of building high-
efficiency factories in 20 districts during each of 
the next 10 years, so that after a decade the 
task will be accomplished in all 200 
districts into which the DPRK
 is divided.
The chairman of the State Affairs Committee told the 
plenary session that this colossal project will level 
up the development of towns with that of big 
cities and reveal the nation’s indigenous 
political and economic potentials, 
on the way to a new era.
According to the state news agency KCNA, the WPK 
general secretary also exposed the distortions and 
deficiencies observed in different sectors - and 
proposed concrete actions to overcome them.
KCNA also indicated that Kim “clarified the direction of 
the military and political activities of the KPA and the
 rest of the armed forces of the DPRK,” but without 
further details.
The information made no reference to an issue that 
international media had been keeping an eye on:
 the agreements signed between the DPRK and
 the Russian Federation during President 
Vladimir Putin’s recent visit.

Deal with Russia, heralds 
Iran as regional gas hub
July 2nd, 10:49am
Last week, much of the news about the signing of 
a “strategic” memorandum to supply Russian 
pipeline gas to Iran was lost in political din 
as the election fever gripped the nation.
The MoU was signed on Wednesday during a visit 
by Gazprom’s head Alexei Miller to Tehran at a 
ceremony attended by Iran’s interim 
President Mohammad Mokhber.
“A strategic memorandum has been signed with 
the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC)”, a 
statement by Gazprom said, adding “the 
parties proceed from developing long-
term mutually beneficial cooperation
 going forward”.
Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Javad Owji said the signing 
of the memorandum will yield favorable changes in the 
energy balance in the region, where Iran will be fully
 ready to receive gas from Russia ------ with its 
infrastructure and gas transmission lines.
The gas agreement, he added, will bring about 
a revolution in the energy and industrial 
ecosystem of the region.
Iran sits on the world’s second-largest gas reserves after 
Russia, making the two countries natural rivals in the 
global market. However, the changing landscape of
 the world's energy market is pushing them into 
an alliance of convenience.  
As both countries are subject to heavy sanctions by the 
West for different reasons, their growing partnership 
enables them to dodge the restrictions and call the
 shots in the tightening market where they 
possess 60% of the world’s gas 
reserves - combined.
Natural gas has a wide range of applications across 
sectors, including power generation, heating, and 
high-temperature industrial processes, as well 
as being a feedstock in, for example, the 
petrochemical and fertilizer industry.
As the political momentum behind low-emissions gasses 
is strengthening, global gas demand is projected to 
grow past 2030 in all scenarios. This signifies the 
important role of the global holders of this 
energy source in the energy supply 
chain .....at least until 2050.
Natural gas represents about one-fifth of all primary 
energy used across Europe. While Russia has long 
been the main supplier, accounting for up to 45% 
of imports, the war in Ukraine has prompted the 
European countries to reduce their reliance on 
Russian gas.  
As a result, market dynamics are much changed, with 
supply sources and routes majorly altered. Just as 
Europe is faced with arguably the most serious 
gas crisis in its history, Russia is left with 
surplus gas in its transmission network 
and struggling to find new markets.
This also leaves Iran with a million-dollar question as to 
how it should deal with the situation, as a country with 
massive reserves and a major producer of natural gas
 in order to secure its national interests best.   
Over the last decade, Iran has been able to develop its 
natural gas industry to a significant extent by relying 
on its internal capabilities and the cooperation of
neighbouring countries.
However, limitations in attracting international funds 
due to sanctions have dogged the development 
process where production has only been 
enough to meet domestic needs.
Russia's exit from the European gas market provides 
Iran with a unique opportunity... to forge short-, 
medium -- and even long-term partnerships 
with the country -- as a major exporter 
of natural gas.
This is plausibly the most appropriate option, given the 
apparent enthusiasm and warmth which the Russians 
show of late to cooperation with Iran, contrary to the
past.... when they often sounded cold-footed and 
most bilateral agreements remained on paper.
Two years ago, Gazprom signed an MoU with the National 
Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) to develop several oil and gas
 projects in Iran.
Under the $40 billion deal, the Russian energy company 
was supposed to help NIOC develop the Kish and North 
Pars gas fields and six oil fields, and to become
 involved in the completion of liquefied natural
 gas (LNG) projects and the construction of 
gas export pipelines.
Cooperation with Russia, however, should not lead to the 
loss of current and future Iranian gas export markets 
and the replacement of Russian gas in 
those markets.
Any cooperation should help increase Iran’s share in the 
global gas trade and turn it into a gas hub in the region. 
If the Islamic Republic wants to become the natural 
gas exchange centre of the region...  it ought to 
maintain its market share in the neighbouring 
countries and increase it in the long term.
Meanwhile, the partnership should lead to the attraction 
of Russian financial resources and use of its technical 
capabilities in the development of Iran’s gas industry, 
and boost Iran's LNG production and export capacity.
The shift in the world countries’ economic pivot to Asia 
and the emergence of new natural gas markets in 
countries such as China, India, Pakistan and 
Southeast Asia nations provide a unique 
opportunity to forge a new energy 
alliance ---- especially among 
natural gas producers.
Iran, thanks to its strategic position and huge natural gas 
resources, can play a major role in the sustainable 
energy supply in the region and the world, 
especially in view of the changing 
market dynamics.
The signing of the agreement on Wednesday 
to supply Russian pipeline gas... is the first 
step in this regard.
Vietnam asks Seoul for support 
to access global supply chains
July 2nd, 10:36am
 (Prensa Latina) 
Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked the
 National Assembly (Parliament) here on Tuesday to 
ratify those policies aimed at facilitating more
participation of Vietnamese companies in 
the global supply chain of South 
Korean companies.
At a meeting with South Korean Legislative Chairman 
Woo Won-shik, the Vietnamese head of government 
called to continue to open this market for products 
with export potential from Vietnam, including 
agricultural goods.
Minh Chinh also proposed promoting bilateral ties in the 
sectors of digital transformation, green transition and 
human resources training in the semiconductor
 industry and artificial intelligence, as well 
as expanding cooperation in the 
parliamentary field.
Woo, in turn, asserted that the Parliament will work 
closely with its Vietnamese counterpart to support
 the 2 governments -- in effectively & substantially
implementing the action program to deploy the
 new framework for relations between the
two nations.
He also requested that the Vietnamese government pay 
attention to, and create favorable conditions for, South 
Korean enterprises doing business in China --- and 
affirmed a readiness to promote cooperation 
in the economic security and labour 
resources connection.
According to media sources, the two leaders appreciated 
the fruitful development of Vietnam-South Korea ties 
since they were upgraded in 2022 to the level of 
comprehensive strategic partnership, with 
positive results in trade, investment and 
people-to-people exchanges.
The Vietnamese prime minister also met on Tuesday 
--- with the chair of South Korean electronics giant 
Samsung, Lee Jae Yong, whom he thanked for his 
intentions to collaborate in the future - with new 
products ---- particularly in the fields of the
green and circular economy.
In this regard, Minh Chin expressed confidence that 
Samsung will continue to expand investment, 
markets and diversify supply chains and
consider Vietnam ------ a strategic 
production base.
Vietnam, he said, continues to negotiate free trade 
agreements and explore new export markets in 
the Middle East, South America and Africa, 
which may help Samsung increase its 
sales to other countries.

SCO priorities: cooperation, 
security and new global 
July 2nd, 8:36am
(Prensa Latina) 
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization promotes a 
new concept of cooperation, development, security, 
civilization and global governance, with global 
recognition, a Chinese expert said in 
statements to Prensa Latina.
Pan Deng, professor at the University of Political 
Sciences and Law, stressed, regarding the 
upcoming Summit of SCO Heads of State, 
that the organization is the largest 
regional bloc with the greatest 
potential in the world. 
“It advocates partnership and non-alignment, rejects 
Cold War thinking and the zero-sum concept, 
promotes equality among large and small 
countries, and establishes a broad 
network of partnerships,” he said.
In the expert’s opinion, the upcoming summit in Astana, 
Kazakhstan, will be a significant event, during which 
leaders will discuss how to strengthen pragmatic 
cooperation and formulate medium- and long
-term plans for the future.
“It also marks China’s return, as president of the SCO, 
after seven years, which exemplifies the importance 
Beijing grants to this mechanism,” Pan added.
Chinese President Xi Jinping presented the Belt and
RoadInitiative (BRI) in Kazakhstan in September 
2013, which promotes connectivity and 
economic development in the region 
and to which 150 nations in the 
world, already belong.
“As the US and other Western countries try to decouple 
supply chains and apply unilateral sanctions, the SCO 
advocates ---- opening and cooperation, creates 
favorable conditions for regional economic 
development and the post-pandemic 
recovery,” the professor said.
According to Pan, the BRI achieved synergies with the 
SCO agenda, promoted infrastructure building, trade 
and investment in Eurasia, stimulated economic 
growth --- and strengthened regional stability.
“China encourages cooperation in cultural exchange 
and environmental protection, and emphasizes the 
importance of “soft power” to build strong 
relations among member countries,”
 the expert added, and mentioned 
less effective decision-making 
and the increase... in internal 
contradictions, exacerbated
by external interference, as
the SCO’s challenges.
China is expected to gather consensus, promote 
multilateral dialogue and propose strategies
 for the future of the SCO.

Senior Russian and Belarusian 
officials discuss bilateral 
July 2nd, 6:10am
 (Prensa Latina) 
The head of the Presidential Administration of Belarus, 
Dmitri Krutoi, met in Moscow with Russian Foreign
 Minister, Sergei Lavrov, to discuss bilateral 
cooperation, the Ministry of Foreign 
Affairs informed on Tuesday.
Krutoi and Lavrov met on the occasion of the end of 
the former’s diplomatic mission in Moscow, the 
Russian Foreign Ministry wrote, on its
Telegram channel.
The two officials discussed the current issues
of Belarusian-Russian cooperation, highly 
appreciated the results achieved on 
the path of inter-ministerial 
cooperation, outlined 
promising areas of 
work and agreed 
to continue the 
contacts, the
 report says.
Lavrov presented Krutoi with the award “For 
Contribution to International Cooperation.”
Before his appointment at the end of June as head of
 the Belarusian Presidential Administration, Krutoi 
was the ambassador of the Republic of Belarus 
to Russia..... with the rank of deputy 
prime minister.
When appointing Krutoi to his new position, Belarusian 
President Aleksander Lukashenko stressed that he 
remains responsible for the implementation of
 all agreements with Russia.

Ex-Prime Minister of Greece ---- called 
the results of the European elections 
a revolt of peoples
July 1st, 11:07pm
Europe is at a crossroads, and its "captains" must realize 
that they are facing a "crew riot". At the same time.... 
Europe has an unprecedented shortage of leaders 
and no great personalities, said former Greek 
Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras.
The politician spoke at the presentation of the book 
"Secret folders of Karamanlis", the speech of the 
former prime minister was published by the
 public television website ERTNews.
"The recent elections in Europe were extremely important.
The low turnout of European citizens to the 
polls, even
now, during the war, clearly shows that 
Europe is
really at a crossroads," Samaras said.
According to him, the recent election results 
in France may even be evidence...... of a riot.
After the failure of the EU Parliamentary elections, 
French President Emmanuel Macron announced 
the dissolution ----- of the lower house of the 
country's parliament, the French National 
Assembly --- and called early elections. 

The first round of elections was held 
on June 30.
Earlier it was reported that the "National Association"
 is leading in the first round of elections to the French 
parliament. Preliminary data.... was called in the 
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic. 

Marine Le Pen's party got 33%of the vote.
In turn, Sky News correspondent Adam Parsons said 
that Emmanuel Macron's "big gamble" with early 
parliamentary elections, is probably doomed
to failure. 
According to the journalist, before the EU Parliamentary 
elections ------ it was clear that Macron's bloc might be 
defeated, losing to the alliance of the right.


Switzerland plans to allocate €500 million 
to Ukraine ------ at the expense of the 
countries of the Global South
July 1st, 12:56pm
The Swiss government was criticized -- for its decision 
to unilaterally allocate more than €500 million for the 
reconstruction of Ukraine instead of supporting the 
countries of the Global South, the Tages-Anzeiger 
newspaper reported on June 30.
On June 26, the Swiss Cabinet of Ministers decided to 
reserve 500 million Swiss francs (€516 million) ....for 
projects aimed at restoring Ukraine, over 4 years. 

The funds should come from the fund for support 
of developing countries, and the Swiss 
Parliament has not yet approved 
this measure.
It is noted that these plans have attracted criticism from 
experts. According to them, as a result, the aid will be 
provided "at the expense of the countries of the 
Global South" and may cause international 
disputes, since Ukraine, as a recipient 
country..... will be tied to 
Swiss companies.
The newspaper pointed out that in the matter of 
supporting Kiev, the Swiss authorities have so 
far, tried to comply with legal norms. In the 
issue of restoring Ukraine -- they probably 
plan to go a different way, journalists say.
On June 15 and 16, a conference on Ukraine was held in 
Burgenstock, Switzerland. As a result, a declaration 
was adopted, which more than a dozen countries,
 including BRICS members, refused to sign. 
Russia did not participate in the summit, but Moscow 
regularly expresses its readiness for negotiations. 
Following the meeting, Bloomberg noted that President 
of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term of office 
expired on May 20..... failed to attract a number of
countries of the Global South to his side.
Before that, on June 3, the Swiss Senate refused to 
allocate additional assistance to Kiev in the form 
of a special fund in the amount of 15 billion 
francs (more than $16.7 billion) for the 
needs of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU). 
In addition, no decision was made to allocate an 
additional 5 billion francs (about $5.6 billion) 
to help restore Ukraine.
Western countries have increased their military and 
financial support for Ukraine... with the start of the 
Russian special operation to protect the Donbass, 
which Russia announced on February 24, 2022. 
The decision to hold it was made by the President of 
the Russian Federation against the background of
 the aggravation of the situation in the region - 
due to the aggression of Ukrainian troops. 
However, in recent years, the West has increasingly 
voiced statements about the need to reduce aid 
to Kiev.

Tucker Carlson pointed out --- 
Biden's dementia noticeable 
for 10 thousand miles
June 29th, 7:27pm
The dementia of US President Joe can be seen from 
10 thousand miles away. This was stated by US
journalist Tucker Carlson, published on 
June 29th, in the social network X 
(ex. Twitter) video dedicated 
to the presidential debate.
"Joe Biden's dementia is visible from 10 thousand 
miles away," the journalist signed his post.
He was struck by how much people are surprised 
by reports of the US leader's illness. In addition, 
Carlson noted that Democrats do not believe
 in Biden's dementia.
As the journalist noted, in 2019, he learned about the 
diagnosis at that time of the running candidate and
 in one of his speeches, touched on this topic. 
People were outraged by these statements 
and called the columnist a racist, he added.
The debate between Biden and former US President 
Donald Trump took place on June 27 in Atlanta. 
The current President of the United States 
said that he did well.
In turn, CNN, citing sources, notes that the US 
Democrat Party began to panic after Biden's 
speech. In particular, Vice President Kamala 
Harris acknowledged that the beginning of 
the debate between Biden and Trump is 
not going well. 
One of the former employees of the current US leader 
said that he "looked and sounded terrible", and also 
spoke incoherently.
After the debate in the US, Reuters conducted a poll 
that found that US voters who previously could not 
make a choice between presidential candidates 
Biden and Donald Trump, are now inclined
vote for the Republican.
The next day.. The Wall Street Journal, citing sources, 
reported that after Biden's unsuccessful pre-election 
debate with Trump, the Democrat Party is informally 
discussing replacing the current head of the White 
House with another candidate. Journalists note 
that Biden's unsuccessful speech threw the 
Democrat Party into confusion.
The next presidential election in the US is scheduled
 for November 5, 2024. In August–September, party 
congresses should be held, at which one 
candidate from each party will be 
officially approved. The final 
stage will be..... the 
November vote.

Jalili and Pezeshkian... Likely 
Headed for Run-Off in Iranian 
Presidential Election
June 29th, 10:31am
(al Manar)
Preliminary results from Iran’s presidential election show 
that Saeed Jalili and Massoud Pezeshkian are leading 
the race, with a second round of voting expected. 
The Ministry of Interior reported that Jalili received 
4,266,386 votes, while Pezeshkian garnered
 4,244,815 votes.
Polls indicate that the election is likely to proceed
to a run-off round, with voter turnout reaching 
approximately 40%. Campaigns are already 
gearing up for the next phase, with Jalili’s 
campaign manager announcing that the 
election will go to a second round.
Iranians are currently selecting their 9th president since 
the Islamic Revolution in 1979. This election follows the 
tragic death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter 
crash. With over 58,000 polling stations available, 
Iranians have been voting for one of four 
candidates, including Jalili, Pezeshkian,
 Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, and 
Mostafa Pourmohammadi. 
Stay tuned for more updates as the official 
result is expected to be announced.. soon.
Source: Iranian Websites (Edited
 by Al-Manar English Website)

 IMF: decision to use income from 
Russian assets threatens the 
currency system
June 29th, 3:21am
The West's decision to use the proceeds from frozen 
Russian assets to help Kiev, continues to threaten 
the functioning of the international monetary 
system - due to a lack of legal framework.
This was stated by the head of the International 
Monetary Fund (IMF) mission in Ukraine,
 Gavin Gray.
"We call on the countries involved to ensure that 
any actions have a sufficient legal basis and 
do not undermine the functioning of the
international monetary system,"
he said.
Earlier, the newspaper Politico reported that the first 
tranche of profit from Russian assets to the aid 
fund for Ukraine... will amount to €1.4 billion.
Later... the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrel, said 
that the first tranche of profits from frozen Russian 
assets will ''arrive'' next week.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said - that Moscow may 
appeal to the UN court ----- because of the situation 
with the transfer of income from Russian assets, 
to Ukraine.

Conservative Jalili beats 
reformist Pezeshkian in
 Iran's election
June 29th, 2:56am
The representative of the spiritual leader of Iran in the 
Supreme National Security Council of the republic, 
Saeed Jalili, who belongs to the wing of the
conservatives, beats reformist Masoud 
Pezeshkian in the elections in Iran.
This was announced by the representative of the 
election headquarters of the Islamic Republic,
 Mohsen Eslami.
It is noted that these interim results became 
known after counting 8.379 million votes.
Earlier, Tasnim wrote that Masoud Pezeshkian 
is leading in the Iranian presidential election.
In addition, it was reported that unknown 
assailants attacked a car with ballot 
boxes in Iran.

US House Speaker Johnson says Biden’s 
cabinet - should remove him from office
June 28th, 10:28pm (TASS) 
US President Joe Biden’s cabinet should consider 
removing him from office, due to incapacitation, 
US House Speaker Mike Johnson said.
"There’re a lot of people asking about the 25th 
Amendment, invoking the 25th Amendment 
right now - because this is an alarming 
situation," Johnson said. 
"Our adversaries see the weakness in this White 
House as we all do," he said. "I think this is a 
very dangerous situation."
According to the 25th Amendment to the US 
Constitution --- if a president is unable to 
discharge the duties of his office, the
 vice president becomes president. 
The amendment also details the 
procedure for replacing 
the president.
"I would ask the Cabinet members.... to search their 
hearts," Johnson continued. "It’s not just political. 
It’s not just the Democrat Party. It’s the entire 
country. We have a serious problem here --- 
because we have a president who by all
appearances, is not up to the task."
"We hope that they will do their duty," he said.
On Thursday, Atlanta, Georgia, hosted the season’s 
first US presidential debate between incumbent 
President Joe Biden and former President 
Donald Trump. 
The Wall Street Journal reported Democrats 
were panicking as they thought Biden’s 
performance was ''poor''.
The US... will hold a presidential 
election on November the 5th.

Maduro highlights strength 
of relations with China
June 28th, 2:45pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
President Nicolás Maduro assured that diplomatic 
relations between China and Venezuela, are 
increasingly strengthened, in sisterhood 
and fraternity, on the 50th anniversary 
of bilateral ties.
“It is a sincere alliance for the construction of a new 
world of Peace ....and more humane,” the head of
 State posted on X.
Maduro said that on this day -  “we celebrate with great 
happiness 50 years of a friendship that is unbreakable, 
foolproof and at all times.”
The head of State sent “a big hug, to my big brother 
President Xi Jinping and to all the Chinese people.” 
China and Venezuela will always be united, 
he stressed.
In an audiovisual that accompanies the message, 
Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) said to 
the “comrades of China, that here we have 
raised the flags of socialism.”
''I take advantage of this wonderful circumstance 
to stress the great importance of our sovereign 
policy,'' he affirmed.
The Bolivarian leader noted that the relations 
between China and Venezuela proved “it is
 not necessary to run over other peoples
 to be a world power.”
He stressed that Beijing & Caracas feel “as brothers, 
as equals, complementing each other, mutually 
learning from each other,” and assured that 
both nations will “always walk as 
true sisters.”
Maduro said on the video he appreciated “very much the 
friendship we have cultivated in 50 years of China-
Venezuela relations. We are entering the fifth 
stage, which will be the expansion of the 
economy, health and development of 
tourism beneficial to the people,”
he asserted.
The Bolivarian president highlighted that China is 
an example in the world of how it has achieved 
a sustainable development that impacts the 
entire world.
“China ---- has already become a superpower of peace,” 
he stressed, and sent greetings to the Chinese people.
The leaders exchanged messages on Friday, on the 
occasion of the commemoration, in which they 
ratified the solid ties of union and sisterhood 
expressed in the all-weather comprehensive
alliance promoted by President
Xi Jinping
 last year.
Diplomatic relations between the two countries were 
established on June 28, 1974 and up to date they 
have signed over 600 cooperation agreements
 in various sectors of the economy, science, 
health, education, mining, and aerospace, 
among others.
Progressive International
Cuba’s removal
from SSOT list
June 28th, 2pm
(Prensa Latina) 
More than 250 organizations globally, grouped in the 
Progressive International (PI) founded in the United 
States in 2018, demand this Friday the immediate 
removal of Cuba from Washington's State 
Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list.
“Cuba is not a sponsor of terrorism,” the PI affirmed
 in a letter of appeal published on its X profile, 
explaining that the Caribbean nation is 
indeed a sponsor of health, peace, 
and liberation.
Across its revolutionary history, more than 605,000 
healthcare professionals and technicians have 
provided their services in some 165 countries, 
the text stressed, referring to Cuban 
cooperation in that field.
It also stated that Cuba sponsors peace for its role in the 
peace agreements with Colombia and liberation for the 
heroic deeds of the Cuban internationalist forces, in 
the liberation of Angola and Namibia, besides the 
elimination of Apartheid in South Africa.
The letter recalled that Cuba has suffered for more than 
six decades a US blockade that, as the April 1960 
infamous secret memorandum by then Under-
secretary of State Lester Mallory stated, 
was intended to lead to the people’s 
desperation to overthrow their 
social project.

Georgian association demands 
removal of Cuba from 
US SSOT list
June 28th, 10:08am
(Prensa Latina) 
The Georgian-Cuban Friendship Association has firmly
rejected Cuba's inclusion in Washington's State 
Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list, Cuba's 
Ambassador to Georgia, Carlos 
Valdes, informed on Friday.
The diplomat told Prensa Latina...... that the Friends of 
Solidarity of Georgia handed him a document signed 
by Pavle Jibuti, president of the said Friendship 
Association - which describes the drawing-up
of that list as a selective mechanism of the 
US ---- against progressive countries.
Cuba’s inclusion in this list violates the principles of 
the United Nations Charter, human rights, and the 
prosperity of the Cuban people, states the 
document, which was addressed to the 
Cuban Institute of Friendship with the 
Peoples (ICAP) and the Cuban 
Embassy in Georgia.
The text points out that such behaviour is a dangerous 
act of interference and seeks to destabilize Cuba’s 
internal order.
The note of the Georgian Friendship Association adds 
that Cuba does not sponsor terrorism and has been 
a victim of this scourge in the development of its 
revolutionary history; what is happening ---- is 
illegal and dishonest.

Bolivia TV: military personnel
 leave Murillo Square in the 
Bolivian city of La Paz
June 26th, 10:53pm
This is reported by the Bolivia TV 
channel, RIA Novosti reports.
"The military is leaving Murillo Square,"
 the report said.
Earlier, the Bolivian leader, Luis Arce, 
addressed the nation, with a 
statement about the 
attempted coup.
General Zuniga -- who is leading the coup 
- demanded "the return of democracy" 
and the release of political prisoners
including the former President, 
Jeanine Agnes.
Jailed former Bolivian president 
Agnes denounces coup attempt
June 26th, 10:46pm
Former Acting President of Bolivia Jeanine Agnes, 
who is currently in prison, has condemned the 
attempted coup with the participation of 
the military.
She wrote about this on her page in 
the social network X, reports TASS.
"I fully condemn the mobilization of the armed forces 
trying to destroy the constitutional order in Murillo 
Square," the statement reads.

Russia says work underway 
on ‘big treaty’ with Iran
June 26th, 5:28pm
Russia says it is working on a significant cooperation 
agreement with Iran, a sign of growing friendship 
between the two nations.
"Now we are working on a treaty – probably you have 
heard about it, and I ask you, once again, not to use 
the formula ‘the same as the one with North Korea’
 – now the work is underway on the big treaty with
 Iran," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria 
Zakharova told a presser in Moscow 
on Wednesday.
Her comment referred to a comprehensive bilateral 
cooperation agreement that has been negotiated 
between the two sides, for years.
In January, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said a new inter-
state treaty reflecting the "unprecedented upswing"
 in Russia-Iran ties, was being finalized.
Over the past couple of years, the two countries 
have strengthened their bonds of friendship.
Earlier this month, Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali 
Bagheri Kani said Tehran and Moscow had serious 
intentions of expanding their cooperation ------ in 
several domains.
Bagheri Kani, in an interview on the sidelines of the
 BRICS Foreign Ministers’ meeting in the Russian 
city of Nizhny Novgorod, said Iran and Russia 
are two neighbouring countries... with 
historical relations.
“In the past years, the relations between the two 
countries have increased and also the two 
countries... share similar challenges 
and threats -- promoting several 
opportunities for cooperation.”
For his part, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov 
expressed Moscow’s commitment to finalize the 
comprehensive long-term cooperation 
agreement with the Islamic Republic 
of Iran. “Moscow is dedicated to 
concluding this memorandum 
with Tehran.”
In a press conference following the BRICS meeting, 
Lavrov said the draft of the agreement had been
 agreed upon - but still had to be signed - by 
the presidents.
He said signing the agreement would need to go 
through some formal protocols, to be finalized.
Lavrov said the signing of this document.... would 
elevate Tehran-Moscow relations to a new stage. 
“As soon as the stages I mentioned 
are implemented in Iran, we can 
do this.”

Nebenzia blamed Kiev - for 
the deaths of 192 children 
in the Russian Federation
June 26th, 4:47pm
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are responsible for 
the deaths of 192 children and injuries of 554 children 
on Russian territory from February 2022 to April 2024. 
This was stated on June 26 by Russia's Permanent 
Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia at a 
meeting of the World Organization's 
Security Council.
This day's meeting is dedicated to 
the protection of children during 
armed conflicts.
"Armed groups controlled by the Kiev regime, deliberately
hit civilian objects: schools, kindergartens, and medical 
institutions. Ukraine's Armed Forces are responsible for 
the deaths of 192 children and the mutilation of 554 
children on the territory of the Russian Federation 
--- just for the period from February 2022 to April 
2024," he said.
Kiev is also responsible for the deaths of 129 minors and 
the maiming of 503 children in the Donbas region 
between 2014 and 2022, Nebenzia added.
 In addition, he said that in 2023, the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine destroyed or damaged more than a thousand 
medical and educational institutions in Russia.
Earlier, on June 19, the State Duma and the Federation 
Council approved the report of the parliamentary
 commission for the investigation of crimes 
against minors in Kiev. 
Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina 
Matviyenko then said that the report proves 
that the Ukrainian leadership committed 
criminal acts against children, and 
called for its dissemination 
around the world.

Cuba recalls declaration of 
non-revocable socialism
June 26th, 4:37pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
The National Assembly of Cuba (ANPP) on Wednesday 
recalled on X the 22nd anniversary of the declaration 
of the irrevocable socialism, after a referendum 
supported by more than eight million people.
On X, the Secretary of Organization of the Central 
Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC),
 Roberto Morales, distinguished that --- ''in 2002, 
after a broad process of popular participation 
and the signature of millions of Cubans, the 
ANPP approved the Constitutional Reform 
Act --- that proclaimed the irrevocability
of Cuba's socialism.''
Electors voted in favour of the socialist content of 
their Magna Carta, in response to the interfering
protests of the then president of the US,
 W. Bush (2001-2009).
Later, the ANPP members unanimously approved the 
inclusion of an article in the 1976 Constitution,
declaring that Cuba would never return 
to capitalism.
The text clearly expressed the irrevocable nature of the 
prevailing political, economic and social system --- as 
well as the prohibition to negotiate under pressure, 
coercion or threats..... from a foreign power.
After approving the agreement by the Cuban Parliament, 
the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro
expressed that the purpose of this action, was to 
preserve the fruits of their revolutionary work - 
when the unfeasibility of capitalism, to solve
the most pressing problems of 
was increasingly evident.
Syria inaugurates the
specialized food fair
June 26th, 2:19pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
The nineteenth edition of the Food Industries Fair 'Food 
Expo 2024' was inaugurated today at the Damascus 
fairgrounds, with the participation of over 280 
national and foreign companies.
After touring the various exhibition halls, the Minister of 
Industry, Abdel Qader Joukhadar, said that the event 
represents an opportunity for participants to 
promote their products and update 
themselves with the latest 
technologies in food 
While the Minister of Agriculture, Hassan Qattana, 
highlighted the increase in the number of
industrialists participating in this new 
edition and revealed that the rise 
in agricultural production in the 
country demands an 
expansion... of the
food industries.
The governor of Damascus City, Mohamed Tariq Krishati, 
explained that the fair is an important promotional 
platform for agricultural industrial products and 
an important opportunity to tell people about 
the latest developments in Syrian industry 
--- despite the unjust US blockade.
The magnitude of the national participation shows
 the great capabilities of the food manufacturing, 
packaging and marketing sector, said the head
 of the Syrian Federation of Chambers of 
Commerce, Abu Al-Huda Al-Lahham.

DPRK celebrates Anti-Yankee 
Struggle Day in Pyongyang
June 26th, 1:49pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
A large number of events were held in Pyongyang, and the 
main cities of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 
(DPRK) on the occasion of the Anti-Yankee Struggle Day, 
the state news agency KCNA reported on Wednesday.
The rally held at the capital’s May Day Stadium, one of 
the largest in the world, was attended by more than 
100,000 workers, youths and students, as well as 
members of the diplomatic corps and a group 
of overseas Koreans visiting the homeland.
Several speakers recalled the atrocities committed by US
 troops and their allies during the Korean War (1950-1950), 
a documentary was screened on the subject, in addition 
to the sentiments expressed during these days in the 
so-called Oath of Vengeance Acts.
On the occasion, a White Paper was made public in the 
country depicting the brutal crimes perpetrated by the 
United States.
According to the text, edited by the Institute of American 
Studies of the Foreign Ministry, more than five million 
people were harmed at the hands of US soldiers, 
nearly 1,250,000 of whom died, more than 
910,000 were kidnapped and around 
390,000 were reported missing.
The interventions also highlighted the need to strengthen 
the armed forces and the nuclear deterrent system as a 
warning against new enemy threats and aggression.
Cuban president congratulates
the leader of the Russian 
Communist Party
June 26th, 12:52pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Wednesday 
congratulated the president of the Communist 
Party of the Russian Federation, Guennadi A. 
Zyuganov, on the 80th birthday of the party 
leader, during the post-Soviet era.
On his X profile, the head of State referred to a telephone 
conversation he had with Zyuganov, in which he thanked 
him for his ongoing contribution to the friendly relations 
between the two peoples, parties and governments.
The secretary of Organization of the Communist Party 
of Cuba (PCC), Roberto Morales, conveyed cordial 
congratulations on X, and thanked Zyuganov for
his ongoing support for and solidarity 
with, Cuba.
The head of the PCC International Relations Department, 
Emilio Lozada, in turn, highlighted on X the Russian 
politician’s firm commitment to his homeland, 
to Cuba and to the PCC ---- throughout 
his fruitful life.
President Vladimir Putin honoured Zyuganov on 
Wednesday, at his birthday ceremony, noting 
“his great merits in the development of the 
Russian State, the strengthening of civil 
society and his fruitful work over 
many years.”
Xi meets with Vietnamese
 prime minister in Beijing
June 26th, 11:57am
 (Prensa Latina) 
President Xi Jinping met with Vietnamese Prime Minister 
Pham Minh Chinh in this capital on Wednesday. Chinh 
is in China to attend the Summer Davos Forum.
The head of Government attended the World Economic 
Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions for the 
second year in a row in Dalian and gave a speech 
at the opening ceremony.
On the forum’s sidelines, Pham Minh Chinh is paying a 
working visit to China until Thursday, during which 
he will meet with other senior Chinese leaders.
Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Thanh Binh 
said that the meetings in China are crucial to improve 
political trust and materialize perceptions and high-
level agreements between the two countries.
During his participation in the Summer Davos Forum,
 the prime minister shared Vietnam’s views on the 
short-term prospects, opportunities, and 
challenges of the global economy and 
proposed solutions to optimize the 
potential and strengths of the 
Asia-Pacific region.

Assange's lawyer: WikiLeaks' 
activities -------- will continue
June 26th, 3:18am
Julian Assange's lawyer says WikiLeaks' 
work will continue. This is reported by 
The Guardian.
Lawyer.. stated that.. ''Assange.. will continue 
to advocate for freedom of speech and 
government transparency.''
According to the lawyer, Assange - "has
 a strong voice that cannot be silenced."
On June 26, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded 
guilty to charges of violating the Espionage Act. Later 
it became known that the court finally released 
Assange, after pleading guilty.
WP: Assange pleads ''guilty''
June 26th, 12:45am
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, has pleaded 
guilty to charges of violating the Espionage Act.
This is reported by The Washington Post.
Earlier, the court hearing in the Assange case 
began in the Northern Mariana Islands 
District Court.
On June 25, it became known that WikiLeaks founder 
Julian Assange may admit part of the charges as 
part of a deal with the US attorney's office, 
which will allow him to be released. 
Later, it was reported that Assange was released 
from prison in the UK..... and is flying to Australia.

The plane with Julian Assange
 landed on the island of Saipan
June 25th, 9:44pm
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's plane landed on the
 Pacific island of Saipan, where he is expected to be 
released after a trial. This is evidenced by data
 from the Flightradar service.
Assange's plane left Bangkok at 21:21 local time (17:21 
GMT) and arrived in Saipan at 06:14 am on Wednesday
(23:14 on Tuesday GMT).
On Wednesday, June 26, a hearing will be held in the case
 of Assange on the island of Saipan, the largest in the 
Northern Mariana Islands, which are not part of
United States.
Earlier it became known that Assange, released on bail 
from a British prison on June 24th, flew from Bangkok,
 Thailand, to the island of Saipan in the Pacific Ocean.

 It is noted that there should be final court hearings
 --- with his subsequent release.
In turn, military analyst Scott Ritter said that no one 
should suffer what the founder of WikiLeaks had 
to face.
On June 24, Julian Assange was released from Belmarsh
 prison in London and flew out of the UK. The decision 
to release the journalist was made after reaching a 
preliminary deal with the prosecution.


Lavrov said BRICS decided to
 "take a pause" in the entry 
of new members.
June 25th, 8:22pm
The BRICS countries decided to.. "take a pause" 
on the issue of new members joining, Russian 
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
"By an overwhelming majority of votes in the top ten, 
it was decided to take a pause with new members 
in order to" digest" the new arrivals, who 
doubled their membership," he said.
Earlier it was reported that Thailand and Malaysia
have applied to join the BRICS' work.
It also became known that South African President 
Cyril Ramaphosa will arrive at the BRICS summit 
in October accompanied by a large delegation.

Putin awarded Orders of Courage 
posthumously to 15 policemen 
killed in Dagestan
June 25th, 7:49pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded 20 police 
officers who confronted militants in Dagestan 
with Orders of Courage.
This is evidenced.. by the decree posted on the 
official portal for the publication of legal acts.
It is noted that 15 policemen were awarded 
Orders of Courage, posthumously.
The presidential decree notes that the law 
enforcement officers were awarded "for 
courage, bravery and loyalty to duty --- 
shown in repelling a terrorist attack."
Putin also awarded the Order of Courage to Archpriest 
Nikolai Kotelnikov, who died in Dagestan, and the 
medal "For Courage", to security guard
 Mikhail Vavilin.

Gang member calls for ------ public 
services for Haiti’s working class
June 25th, 2:43pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
The leader of the gang coalition, Jimmy Cherizier, alias 
Barbecue, asked the Haitian Government to provide 
public services for the working class, as a first 
step to pacify the country that today lives
 in chaos.
The best way for Haiti’s transitional Prime Minister
Conille to bring peace back to the nation
is through 
dialogue, Barbecue said.
Cherizier accused traditional politicians and 
entrepreneurs --- of using violence for 
personal ends --- and now they want 
to take back by force ------ all the 
weapons they once distributed.
“The problem that exists nowadays, can
only be 
solved through dialogue,” the
former policeman 
Barbecue, for months, announced a bloodbath in Haiti if 
corrupt politicians continued to lead the country, but 
blamed France, Canada and the United States
for what happened in the nation.
The gang leader’s intention to establish a dialogue 
comes against the backdrop of the arrival of the 
first Kenyan troops.
Kenya will lead a multinational force that along with
the Haitian National Police --- will begin a war of 
extermination against the Barbecue coalition
 that today controls 80% of the capital.

Dominican Republic boosts 
agricultural growth with
 Brazilian support
June 17th, 4:16pm
(Prensa Latina) 
The Ministries of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic 
and Brazil signed a collaboration agreement for the 
knowledge and technical transfer to improve 
agricultural production in this country, the
local press reported on Monday.
To this end, the Dominican Republic will have the
 support of the Brazilian agricultural research 
company (EMBRAPA), the Ministry of 
Agriculture said in a statement.
Both ministries approved a memorandum of cooperation 
and understanding that has been promoted for about 
three years through the Dominican Embassy in 
Brazil with this agreement.
By the agreement, both countries are committed to 
working together on digital and virtual production 
tools, knowledge transfer and advances in the 
agricultural and livestock models they use.
Dominican Minister of Agriculture Limber Cruz announced 
plans to establish an office of the Brazilian multinational 
EMBRAPA in the country, which will work with 
technicians, local producers and 
professionals from other 
neighbouring countries.
Dominican Ambassador to Brazil Patricia Villegas 
de Jorge said that it is of great interest to the 
Government to develop a policy focused on 
the transfer and capture of knowledge 
from nations such as Brazil, with 
greater development ------ in 
research and technology.

Cubaindustria 2024 bets on 
industrial development
June 17th, 10:59am
 (Prensa Latina) 
The 4th edition of Cubaindustria 2024 opens on 
Monday, with a broad agenda -- that includes 
technical and scientific exchanges, the 
strengthening of technological 
associations, the promotion 
of exportable products &
the consolidation -- of 
national production.
The event is held at the Conference Centre and the 
Pabexpo fairgrounds in Havana. It aims to achieve 
the country’s integration, complementarity, and 
international insertion in the industrial sector.
In a press briefing, before the Cubaindustria meeting, 
Deputy Industry Minister, Ernesto Cedeño, explained
that the event is an opportunity --- to join efforts and
strengthen alliances with companies in the sector, 
national and foreign technological partners, non-
state management forms, and the Union of 
Military Industries.
Cedeño recalled that this edition, marked by the existing 
national and international complex scenario, highlighted 
the effects of the economic, financial, and commercial 
blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.
In addition, other measures implemented by the 
US Government affect the country’s industrial 
and economic development.
Cubaindustria 2024 will have an industrial development 
policy that will be the leading issue in each gathering, 
congress, and trade fair.
The International Congress, will feature ten congresses 
and a design forum; 62 keynote speeches, 38 of which 
are national and 24 international; and 333 lectures, 
including 315 national and 18 international.
About the exhibition fair, Carlos Alberto Gomez, 
vice president of the event, said that some 360 
participants, 338 exhibitors, 276 nationals 
with 94 companies, 49 foreigners with 22 
firms,13 non-state management forms,
and 22 related to design activity --- 
will display their works.
Salvadorans in a state of
 national emergency
June 17th, 10:08am
 (Prensa Latina) 
The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approved 
the National State of Emergency at the request 
of President Nayib Bukele --- due to the bad 
weather affecting the country today.
Since yesterday, Sunday, Salvadorans have been on high 
alert (red) due to heavy rains and the development of 
Tropical Depression 19-E, located southwest of the 
coast of El Salvador, which led to the decree of 
emergency, for 15 days.
From the early hours of Sunday morning until 04:30 this 
Monday, the Ministry of Environment and Natural 
Resources (MARN) reported an accumulated 
rainfall of 307.6 millimetres in the district 
of Apaneca in the department of 
Ahuachapán. The amount of 
rainfall .....could reach 700 
milimetres in other areas 
of the country in the 
coming days.
This increases the threats of collapse and landslides, 
which according to the Observatory of Threats of the 
ministry, raises the probability of 80 and 100 percent, 
causing damage to road infrastructure and housing 
in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain range area, 
something that increased in some areas of the 
west by the occurrence of small earthquakes.
Also in this period, a total rainfall of 205.6 millimetres 
was recorded at the El Imposible station in San 
Francisco Menéndez, always in Ahuachapán, 
while 166.4 millimetres were reported in 
Los Naranjos, Juayúa, in Sonsonate.
President of Brazil - to receive
against organized crime
in Amazon
June 17th, 8:36am
 (Prensa Latina) 
President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will receive 
the signature of the contract to allocate 318.5 million 
reais (about 62 million dollars) from the Amazon 
Fund for the so-called Amazon Plan: Security 
and Sovereignty (AMAS).
Apart from investing in the federal and local police,
intelligence and inspections, other actions will be 
reinforced by acquiring and renting equipment to
 fight organized crime... such as medium-sized 
helicopters, armoured boats, and vehicles.
One of the main objectives of AMAS is to structure and 
equip the International Police Cooperation Centre, in 
Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas, and 
strengthen integration with the Environmental 
Operations Company, a unit of the National 
Force specialized in beating deforestation.
The idea... is to expand and facilitate the exchange 
of information between federal security forces, 
representatives of the public security 
secretariats of the nine states of the 
Legal Amazon, and representatives 
of the other countries that make 
up the biotic community.
Environmental organizations have warned ------ that the 
expansion of criminal factions, increases indicators of 
violence in the region and aggravates criminal actions 
linked to the devastation of the Amazon, such as 
deforestation, mining, land grabbing, and fires.
The presentation entitled Cartographies of Violence in 
the Amazon ---- released in November by the Brazilian 
Public Security Forum, & the Madre Criolla Institute, 
warned that criminal factions gained ground in the
 region, not only expanding drug trafficking but 
also associating them with environmental 
crimes that devastate the Amazon.
A third of the region’s inhabitants live in conflict areas 
and clashes between criminal groups. At least 8.3 
million people live there, who are subject to the 
dynamics of extreme violence in their routines, 
such as exchanges of gunfire and murders in 
broad daylight.  59 percent of the region’s 
population, equal to 15.4 million persons,
 live under the rule of at least one of 
those factions.
Honduran government ------ to appoint 
prosecutors for anti-crime operations
June 17th, 8:18am
 (Prensa Latina) 
The Attorney General's Office of Honduras will designate
magistrates and other personnel as requested by the 
National Police, Armed Forces, and Military Police 
of Public Order for anti-crime operations.
This was agreed during the celebration of the most 
recent National Defense and Security Council, 
presided over by President Xiomara Castro,
in which the radical actions of the
plan against crime in
were presented.
Attorney General of Honduras Johel Zelaya explained 
that the Ministry of Public Security and the National 
Police will coordinate this plan for radical solutions 
against crime in collaboration with the Ministry of 
Defense, the Armed Forces, and the Military 
Police of Public Order.
During the meeting, the President ordered all instances 
to plan and execute urgent interventions, in all the 
municipalities of the country... identified with the 
highest incidence of crimes of contract killings, 
drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, among 
other transgressions committed by maras 
(gangs) or organized crime.
The order was also given ----- to immediately build an 
emergency detention centre with a capacity for 20 
thousand prisoners.... in the depopulated area 
between the departments of Olancho... and 
Gracias a Dios, where prisoners currently
 confined in the national penitentiary 
system will be transferred to be 
processed for the crimes 
mentioned above.
The authorities will also control and recover order in the 
physical spaces -- taken over by criminal structures in 
colonies and neighbourhoods, and... in the areas that 
represent the highest criminal incidence. In addition
they called to intensify investigation & operations 
for the location, eradication, securing, and 
destruction of Coca leaf plantations, plus
marijuana, and drug and prohibited 
substance processing centres.
The president of the National Congress of Honduras, Luis 
Redondo, announced that the legislative branch must 
reform the penal code.. so that members of gangs,
and organized crime bands who commit crimes 
of contract killing, drug trafficking, extortion, 
kidnapping, arms trafficking, and other 
crimes.... should be classified 
as terrorists.
Chinese PM says China-Australia
 relations on the right track
June 17th, 8:04am
 (Prensa Latina) 
After some ups and downs, relations between China 
and Australia have returned to the right track, said 
Prime Minister Li Qiang, during his official visit 
to Australia.
However, joint efforts are required to develop these ties, 
said Li, who co-chairs the 9th Annual China-Australia 
Leaders Meeting ---- with his counterpart, 
Anthony Albanese.
The visit of the Chinese head of government coincides 
with the tenth anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s 
successful state visit to Australia and the first 
decade of the establishment of the 
comprehensive strategic 
partnership between 
both countries.
Li arrived in Australia on Sunday from New Zealand, 
where he embarked on the 13th on a tour
 that will last until the 20th and 
conclude in Malaysia.
In statements to the press, Li maintained that 
cooperation between China and Australia can 
cross the vast Pacific Ocean, transcend 
differences, and achieve shared 
achievements - and mutually 
beneficial results - as long 
as both sides treasure it.
In announcing Li Qiang’s visit to Australia, Chinese 
Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian emphasized 
that both nations --- are important in the Asia-
Pacific region, because they have highly 
complementary economies and broad 
prospects for cooperation.
The spokesman stressed that China works for 
high-level exchanges, mutual understanding, 
trust, deepening practical cooperation, and 
jointly building a more mature, stable, 
and fruitful ......comprehensive 
strategic partnership.

US military ran secret anti-China 
campaign during COVID-19 
pandemic: Report
June 15th, 11:20am
The US military ran a secret psychological operation 
to undermine China during the COVID-19 pandemic, 
an investigation has found.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the US 
military launched a secret operation to manipulate and 
neutralize what it deemed to be a Chinese threat 
posed by Beijing’s growing clout in the 
Philippines, Reuters reported
ON Saturday. 
The Philippines was among the worst-hit
 nations affected by the deadly virus.
To undermine China, the US launched a disinformation 
campaign in the Philippines, claiming the Chinese 
had not only developed and spread the virus 
but were providing cheap masks and fake
 vaccines to other nations... to gain 
geopolitical influence.
According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 
the US military had launched its anti-Beijing campaign 
via fake online accounts meant to impersonate
 real Filipinos.
“COVID came from China --- and the VACCINE also came 
from China, don’t trust China!” one typical anti-Beijing 
post on Twitter from July 2020 read. Another post 
read, “From China – PPE, Face Mask, Vaccine: 
FAKE. But the Coronavirus is real!”
Reuters said it had reportedly found hundreds of 
accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched 
descriptions shared by former US military 
officials... familiar with the 
Philippines ''operation''.
Its investigations found at least 300 accounts were
created in the summer of 2020 and centred on the
slogan #Chinaangvirus - Tagalog for China
 is the virus.
Reuters said approached X and asked 
the company about these accounts.
The social media company, now owned by billionaire
 Elon Musk, removed the profiles, determining they 
were part of a coordinated bot campaign based 
on activity patterns and internal data.
Health experts believe the anti-China campaign 
persuaded people to avoid vaccines, causing 
more COVID-19-related deaths.
A spokesperson for the Philippines Department of Health 
said the “findings by Reuters deserve to be investigated 
and heard by the appropriate authorities of the
 involved countries.”
Some public health experts in the United States have 
also condemned the US military campaign, saying it 
put civilians in jeopardy for potential geopolitical 
gain. An operation meant to win hearts and 
minds endangered lives, they said.
“I don’t think it’s defensible,” said Daniel Lucey, an 
infectious disease specialist at Dartmouth’s
School of Medicine.
“I’m extremely dismayed, disappointed 
and disillusioned to hear that the US 
government would do that,” 
Lucey added.
Survey: Majority of S. East Asians favour
China over US in regional alignment
Over half of Southeast Asians would now prefer
to align 
with China - and not the US - if forced
to pick sides, a 
regional survey has found.


Medvedev: the ambitions of 
Western "neo-colonialists" 
know no bounds
June 13th, 10:41pm
The ambitions of Western "neo-colonialists" know no 
borders, neocolonialism has long been very close 
to the borders of Russia, said Dmitry Medvedev, 
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security 
Council, in an article published in 
Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
According to him, for many years it was assumed 
that neocolonialism, in all its unsightly 
manifestations, exists somewhere 
far away - in Africa, Asia or 
Latin America.
"The ambitions of new metropolises know no limits -
neither economic nor political... We have to admit 
that neocolonialism has long been very close to 
the borders of our country," Medvedev said.
He stressed that the first step in this direction, was 
the neo-colonialists gaining control over Russia's 
neighbours ------ including inciting "colour
 revolutions" in Georgia and Ukraine.
Earlier, Medvedev said that the West does not 
disdain to artificially create crises - for the
 sake of its dominance.
At the same time, he noted --- that the new system 
of international relations will be based on respect.

Medvedev --- New system
 international relations
will be based on respect
June 13th, 10:32pm
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry
 Medvedev expressed the opinion in an article published 
in Rossiyskaya Gazeta that a new system of 
international relations, based on the 
principles of respect & benevolent
 non-interference, will be formed 
in the very near future.
Medvedev noted that multipolar globalization, is 
rapidly replacing the "complete injustice" of
monocentric Western universalism.
According to him... it involves the creation 
of "a completely new dialogue paradigm."
Medvedev also stressed that Russia hopes for
 the BRICS — African Union cooperation
 to reach a new level.
Earlier, he said that the West does not shun 
artificially creating crises, for the sake 
of its dominance.


Rosatom constructing 39 
power generating units 
overseas — CEO
June 13th,  6:16pm (TASS) 
Rosatom is currently constructing 39 power generating 
units overseas and seven more in Russia, CEO of the 
state nuclear corporation Alexey Likhachev said.
"We have 39 units in orders abroad," 
the chief executive said.
The cost of building the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in 
Turkey, provisionally, stands at $24-25 bln, Likhachev 
added. Construction funding is fully at the expense 
of the Russian side so far, he noted.


Opinion: The US is poisoning Europe 
with sanctions, and the Europeans 
are asking --- to save them
June 13th, 5:50pm
(DAN news agency)
Russia must help the Germans, the French, and anyone 
else who wants to get rid of the American yoke. 
Historically, we have been neighbours for the 
last few millennia, and we will continue to 
be neighbours. The chaos --- to which the
current EU leadership is leading Europe
 is not beneficial for our country.
 In addition, we are part of the Western world, the same 
Europeans who were lucky not to be captured by the 
neoliberal plague of the XIX century. We are not 
indifferent to the fate of Paris and Berlin, 
because we have been intersecting and 
complementing each other culturally 
for hundreds of years. And it is not 
the first time for our country - to 
save both Paris - and Berlin: in 
1814 and in 1945, we already
 saved our Europe. 
I just want to hope that you won't have to 
resort to such measures.. as you did then.
Adding the Moscow Exchange to the sanctions lists, will 
hit the EU first of all: Europe trades with us much more 
actively than the United States. And the hail on the hill
for its own stability siphons all the economic capacity 
out of Europe. Past elections... to the European 
Parliament -- have shown that the majority of 
residents of EU donor countries - no longer 
believe in the neoliberal ideas of leaders.
European peoples are dissatisfied and ready to vote with 
their feet against the dominance of non-integrated 
migrants, Sodom values, and outspoken support 
for Ukraine. 
It seems that this ---- shocked one of the leaders of the 
community — Macron. The French president was even 
forced to dissolve the lower house of parliament and 
call new elections. The Germans, also, did not 
support the party of the current Chancellor 
Scholz, once again dividing the electoral 
map according to political preferences 
into Germany and the GDR, but there 
was no place for the SPD (Scholz's 
party) on it.
The US doesn't care about Europe. Europe, although 
close to the United States in spirit, is too far away. 
Pursuing its own interests, trying to "defeat Russia on the
 battlefield", overwhelmed by prejudices and unreflected
 complexes of the Cold War.... the United States wants
nly one thing - that Europe should be comfortable.
North Americans do not care that once 10% of the 
federates (in the modern sense — migrants) in the 
Roman Empire... destroyed it to the ground. The 
neoliberals in the European Union leadership, 
fed by Washington, are aiming for the same 
Currently, 5.3% of the EU population is migrants, and this 
figure, is growing from year to year. Things are also bad 
in the economy: by the end of 2023... German industry, 
the locomotive of the economy of the entire European 
community, collapsed by almost 5% in annual terms, 
and the government has not yet found a way to stop 
the recession, because most of the production is 
transferred to the "white owners" in the 
United States. 
The corruption of children with neoliberal rainbow values
also takes place at the expense of the US's foundations.
But how can Russia save Europe from the Anglo-Saxon 
yoke? Support the new political leaders of the EU 
through all official and unofficial channels: 
Alternative for Germany, the National 
Association in France, the Austrian
 Freedom Party, the Freedom Party
 in the Netherlands and others. 
Don't American foundations sponsor lobbying for their 
interests in Russia? Our country can and should also 
afford to train cadres, and create an "independent" 
press in Germany - or France. It is also necessary 
to try in every possible way to maintain contacts 
with any national-oriented parliamentary
 in Europe.
President Vladimir Putin... is already working in the same
 direction. We can see this in our relations with Hungary
------ a country that was one of the first countries to 
understand the ruinous nature of the US path. 
Moscow has the warmest relations with Budapest, which 
are built on mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual 
respect for values — both traditional and common for 
both sides, and sovereign and sacred for each.
We need to start acting now. It is clear that neoliberal 
fans of the United States are not asleep -- and have 
already seen that the chair under them began to 
crackle. For us, for Russia, the votes of the 
European voters have become a signal 
that they are ready, and that they 
themselves, do not want to live 
under the heel... of the North 
American states - anymore.


 Trust in dollar will decline 
even further, after new 
US sanctions — official
June 13th, 3:29pm (TASS) 
Trust in the dollar will fall even further after new 
sanctions from the United States, not only in 
Russia, but also in other countries, as the 
US uses its currency to resolve political 
issues, Chairman of the State Duma 
Committee on Financial Markets, 
Anatoly Aksakov, told TASS.
On Wednesday..... the US Treasury Department imposed 
sanctions against the Moscow Exchange. The National 
Settlement Depository and the National Clearing 
Centre (part of the Moscow Exchange group) 
were also included in the sanctions list.
"Such decisions...... undermine the United States’ financial 
dominance. Trust in the dollar will undoubtedly plummet 
further. It is apparent that such judgments are being 
scrutinized - not only in our country - but also 
internationally. People are becoming more 
aware of the fact that the United States 
uses its currency to resolve political 
disputes. Many other nations --- may 
fall under this situation (sanctions -
TASS) after Russia - and, therefore, 
de-dollarization will happen even 
faster than it has recently," 
Aksakov said.
The Bank of Russia said earlier on Thursday commenting 
on the new sanctions, it will calculate the official ruble
 exchange rate on the over-the-counter market, the 
rate will remain uniform, and market-based.
"The Bank of Russia... will determine the official ruble 
exchange rate on the over-the-counter market. The 
rate will remain uniform and market-based, but the
 range of data used to calculate it will shift. It 
should be noted that both the international 
and domestic currency markets of most 
countries in the world are over-the-
counter," the regulator’s press 
service said.
The Central Bank also emphasized that currency 
exchange trading is not a necessary condition
 for the convertibility of the national currency, 
the free circulation of foreign currency, and 
the formation of market exchange rates.
The US introduced sanctions yesterday --- against
Moscow Exchange, the National Settlement 
Depository & the National Clearing Centre. 
The Moscow Exchange said that it would not trade
in the dollar, the euro, and the Hong Kong dollar ,
since June 13th, due to sanctions.


PM blasts EU court ruling
 to penalize Hungary over
 ''noncompliance'' with 
migration rules
 June 13th,  9:47am (TASS) 
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has castigated 
as outrageous and unacceptable the decision by the 
EU ''Court of Justice'' in Luxembourg --- to fine his 
country 200 million euros for refusing to 
follow EU migration rules.
"Under today's ruling by the EU Court of Justice, 
Hungary will be fined 200 million euros -- plus 
a million euros a day for not letting in illegal 
migrants. This decision ----- is outrageous 
and unacceptable!" the prime minister 
wrote on his Facebook page (banned
 in Russia, as owned by Meta 
Corporation... recognized 
as extremist in Russia).
The EU court decided to fine Hungary 200 million euros, 
as well as daily payments of one million euros for 
refusing to comply with previous court rulings 
related to the ''rules'' on the admission 
of migrants.


Medvedev urges to turn life in West 
into a --- 'permanent nightmare'
response to sanctions
June 13th, 7:19am (TASS) 
Russia should get biblical, with its response to Western 
sanctions by turning life in the West into a "permanent 
nightmare" ----- and inflicting maximum damage on 
unfriendly countries, Russian Security Council 
Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.
"We should try -- every day -- to do as much damage as 
possible to those countries that have imposed these 
restrictions on our country and all our citizens. Hit 
them where it hurts," the official wrote on his 
Telegram channel.
"Do damage everywhere ---- paralyze the operation of their 
companies and government agencies. Find vulnerabilities 
in their critical technologies & attack them mercilessly. 
Literally destroy their energy, industry, transportation, 
banking and social services," he said.
"Let's turn their lives into an ongoing permanent 
nightmare," Medvedev concluded, referencing
 the Old Testament principle of "an eye for 
an eye."

Russian-Pakistani trade exceeds 
$1 billion in 2023 — ambassador
June 13th, 12:30am (TASS)
Trade turnover between Russia and Pakistan 
exceeded $1 billion in 2023, the Russian 
Ambassador to Pakistan, Albert 
Khorev said.
"Russia and Pakistan have strong ties of friendship," he 
said, addressing a reception at the Russian embassy 
on the occasion of Russia Day. "I arrived in Pakistan 
six month ago, and I can already see the huge 
potential - for deepening and strengthening 
our bilateral relations. Russia & Pakistan 
cooperate closely on various multilateral 
platforms, including the United Nations, 
the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
 (SCO) and the Organisation of Islamic 
Cooperation (OIC). Our bilateral trade
 is growing..... exceeding one billion 
US dollars last year, and I’m sure 
that this not the limit."
"Russia...... values Pakistan’s independent and 
balanced position --- regarding key issues on 
the global agenda," the ambassador added.

Putin said that the BRICS Games 
will demonstrate the triumph 
of sports values
June 12th, 6:25pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, June 12, 
declared the BRICS Games open. The Head of State 
addressed the participants and guests of the video 
competition and wished them successful starts 
and bright victories.
"For the first time this year, they are held in an open 
format. This means that the Games will become 
another symbol of the expanding intercultural 
dialogue -------- a significant contribution to
strengthening the friendship of 
and fruitful interaction 
between states
in the interests 
of people & universal 
development," the Kremlin's press
service reports.
In addition, the Russian leader noted, that the games in 
Kazan will demonstrate an example of fair competition 
and equal opportunities. According to the head of 
state, the two-week competition will bring 
together more than 3,000 athletes 
from almost 100 countries.
Among the largest delegations -- are Russia, Belarus, 
China, Brazil, India, Iran & the United Arab Emirates
Also on Wednesday, the head of Tatarstan, Rustam
 Minnikhanov, pointed out that such major sports 
events as the BRICS Games prove that Russia 
is not isolated. He stressed that the event 
unites different peoples --- and the
representatives of all countries 
are welcome to attend.
The BRICS Games kicked off on June 12 and will last 
until June 23. The program includes 27 sports, 
which will be held in Kazan and Moscow. 
A total of 387 sets of medals will 
be awarded.


 Mockery of human rights: 
Iran blasts US sanctions 
on disabled community
June 12th,  8:02am
The head of State Welfare Organization of Iran (SWO) 
has censured illegal sanctions imposed by the US 
and Western governments on the country’s 
community of persons with disabilities.
Ali Mohammad Qaderi said “The global community and 
human rights forums must address these critical 
questions: Which human rights principles are 
consistent with and justify the sanctions
 imposed on the Iranian community of 
persons with disabilities?”
He was speaking at the the 17th session of the 
Conference of States Parties (COSP17) to the
 Convention on the Rights of Persons with 
Disabilities in New York on Tuesday.
Qaderi said Iran will make every effort to promote 
services needed for the disabled in accordance 
with the convention’s framework as the Islamic 
Republic has prioritized the implementation of 
community-based rehabilitation programs at 
the national level.
Washington's sanctions against Iran have taken a new 
turn since May 2018 when the former US President 
Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew his country
 from the 2015 nuclear deal and reinstated
 harsh economic bans on Tehran.
Qaderi said the Islamic Republic, with a commitment to 
further enhancing the empowerment, independence, 
and social integration of persons with disabilities, 
has embarked on comprehensive initiatives to 
ensure accessibility in both physical 
environments and cyberspace
 for the disabled.
“This is notwithstanding the fact that the cruel sanctions 
imposed by the US and many Western countries on the 
Islamic Republic of Iran have significantly increased 
the prime costs of rehabilitation items and 
specialized services, and affected the 
economic capabilities of individuals 
receiving such services,” he said.
Qaderi asked the forum, “Don’t you think that creating 
barriers to the international communication of the 
Iranian community of persons with disabilities 
will ultimately deprive them of their equal 
rights to educational and rehabilitation 
The Iranian authorities have - on numerous occasions - 
censured the decades-long unilateral US sanctions on
 the Islamic Republic as a crime against humanity 
since they severely undermine the basic rights
 of the entire nation.
Blaming US sanctions for a shortage of medicines that 
treat special diseases --- such as cancer and epilepsy, 
health experts have warned that the harm caused by 
bans on Iran’s access to medicine supplies may get 
worse, in the future.
Iranian governments have tried to circumvent the 
sanctions and import the drugs from suppliers
that normally charge exorbitant prices.
'Gaza genocide occurring before our very eyes'
During his address to COSP17, Qaderi underscored the 
dire plight of the Palestinian people, particularly the 
children of Gaza and persons with disabilities, who 
endure unimaginable suffering under the Israeli 
regime’s brutal occupation.
"The Zionist regime’s systematic repression --- serves as a 
stark reminder of the most harrowing chapters in human 
history," he said. "Atrocities such as war crimes, crimes
 against humanity, genocide, and widespread 
humanitarian crises ---- are occurring 
before our very eyes."
Qaderi stressed - that the deliberate destruction of 
healthcare facilities and infrastructure has further 
compounded the Gaza crisis, depriving 
Palestinians with disabilities of 
access to vital services.
"It is incumbent upon the international community 
to act decisively and hold the Israeli regime 
accountable for its egregious violations 
of international humanitarian and 
human rights law."

USA Today ---- the guilty verdict for
Joe Biden's son 
was the first such
case --- in the history of the US.
June 11th, 2024 
(USA Today - The original
retold by InoTV)
Hunter Biden was found guilty by a jury in the case of 
possession of weapons, reports USA Today. This 
decision was the first in the history of the US
 guilty verdict handed down to the son of
 sitting president.
A jury found Hunter Biden guilty of violating the 
federal gun possession Act, USA Today reports.
This -- was the first time in the history of the US 
when the offspring of the current head of state 
was found guilty of committing a crime.
Joe Biden's son now faces up to 25 years in prison on 
three charges — illegal possession of weapons, as 
well as providing false information to registration 
authorities and the seller. The article notes, 
however, that in the United States, first-
time perpetrators of nonviolent crimes 
usually receive shorter sentences.
U.S. District Judge Mariellen Noreika will soon 
set a sentencing date for Hunter Biden.

InoTV materials contain estimates exclusively
from foreign media and do not reflect
RT's position.
Newsweek: EU elections
---- have 
Moscow's supporters
 June 10th, 2024
(Newsweek The original
translation by InoTV)
The ruling parties of Europe suffered a resounding 
defeat: Moscow supporters, Eurosceptics and 
opponents of immigration took revenge
the last parliamentary elections, 
writes Newsweek. According to 
the publication this may affect 
the pro-Ukrainian course
 the EU.
The European Parliament elections - caused a shock in 
the EU establishment, reports Newsweek. The liberal 
Renew Europe bloc... is projected to lose more than
seats, while the centre-right European People's
returns at least 185 lawmakers to the 
next parliament, and the right-wing 
European Conservatives and 
Reformists (ECR) party, is 
projected to gain about
 73 seats.
185 million votes cast in 27 countries provided the 
predicted surge in support for the far-right: Euro-
sceptics, anti-immigration and Moscow-
sympathetic parties won big victories 
in both France and Germany. 
These countries are --- traditionally --- considered the 
economic and political pillars of the EU community. 

A far-right turn in either direction could derail the 
pro-Ukrainian transatlantic strategy spear-
headed by the Biden administration.
Marine Le Pen's National Union (RN) won almost a third 
of all votes cast in France ------ prompting President 
Emmanuel Macron to dissolve parliament & call 
for early elections. In neighbouring Germany, 

Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his Social 
Democratic Party (SPD) were also 
humiliated by rivals on the right. 
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, recently 
expelled.... from the far-right Identity and 
Democracy bloc in the EU Parliament, 
is projected to win 16% of the vote.
While the immediate effect of the vote will be limited, a 
change in the balance of power in Parliament poses 
"the risk of growing divisions - and even chaos,"
newspaper notes. 
The vote will change the battlefield for EU Commission 
President Ursula von der Leyen, who is seeking a 
second term in office. 
The Parliament will also have an impact on the
 expansion of the bloc. Ukraine, along with 
Moldova, Georgia, and a number of other 
countries where Russia has significant 
influence, is currently in the EU 
waiting room. 
A more powerful far-right bloc in parliament 
may try to delay or torpedo the addition of 
new members, writes Newsweek.
InoTV materials contain estimates exclusively
 from foreign media and do not reflect 
RT's position.


BRICS nations to expand
developing countries
June 10th, 4:29pm
The BRICS foreign ministers have committed themselves
 to expand cooperation with developing countries, 
according to the joint statement they passed 
during their conference in Nizhny Novgorod.
"The Ministers committed --- to enhancing engagement 
with the developing countries. They welcomed their 
participation in the special session to be held on
June 2024 within the framework of the
Foreign Ministers Meeting --- as
a good 
opportunity for an exchange
of views 
on the current global &
developments," the 
document reads.
"The Ministers noted the considerable interest of
 emerging markets and developing countries in 
joining BRICS. They discussed the Partner 
Country Model in line with paragraph 92 
...of the Johannesburg II Declaration. 
They reviewed the progress on the 
relevant preparations to be 
reported to the BRICS 
Leaders, by the XVI 
Summit in Kazan,"
 it says.
"Welcoming the active participation of the new members 
of BRICS, the Ministers assured continued support to 
their seamless and full integration into BRICS 
cooperation mechanisms," the 
statement emphasizes.
This is the first ministerial meeting, following BRICS' 
expansion in 2023 when Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi 
Arabia, and the UAE joined Brazil, Russia, India, 
China, and South Africa as full-fledged BRICS 
members. About 30 more countries are 
interested in cooperating with the 
association in this or that format.
Representatives from Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belarus, 
Cuba, Kazakhstan, Laos, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, 
Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela, and 
Vietnam are expected to attend events 
on Tuesday, June 11.
Russia took over the BRICS’ year-long presidency on
January 1, 2024. Russia’s presidency features more 
than 250 various events, with a BRICS summit in 
Kazan, in October 2024, being the central one.

 The Green Left party won the
EU ''Parliament'' elections
 in the Netherlands
June 10th, 3:47am
The centre-left Green Left party - won the European 
Parliament elections in the Netherlands with 21.6% 
of the vote. The relevant data was published on
 the website - with the election results.
According to the latest information, the Green Left Party 
received 21.6% of the votes (nine mandates)..... the 
Freedom Party-17.7% of the votes (six mandates),
 the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy-
11.6% of the votes (four mandates)... and the
Christian Democratic Appeal — 9.7% of the 
votes (three Democrats 66 — 8.1% of the 
vote (three mandates), Volt — 4.9% of 
the vote (two mandates), Farmers' 
and Civil Movement (5.3% of the 
vote), Animal Protection Party 
(4.4% of the vote), New Social
 Contract (3.8% of the vote) 
and Reformatskaya Pravda 
party" (3.4% of the vote) —
 one mandate each.
In total, Dutch parties took 31 places in the new 
composition of the EP. The turnout was 46.8%,
 which is almost five percentage points more
 than in 2019 (41.93%).
Earlier in the day, former Slovak Prime Minister Janez
 Jansa announced the victory of his Progressive 
Slovakia party in the European Parliament 
elections. In Spain...... the opposition 
"People's Party" won. In Hungary, 
the ruling Fidesz alliance won 
the election.
On June 9, it was reported that the turnout for the 
European Parliament (EP) elections, according to
 preliminary estimates, was 51%. In the last 
election in 2019, the overall turnout 
reached 50.66%.
Sunday, June 9, was the final day of the EU ''Parliament''
elections for over 350 million voters from EU countries. 
The results of the election campaign.... running 
from June 6 to 9 will be announced on June 10.

This gentleman picks holes in the intellectual
''mistakes'' of the West and points to the
best solution for the world's people.

Britain's enemy is not Russia
but its own ruling class,
UN report confirms
by John Wight
November 19th, at 2:48pm

John Wight has written for a variety of newspapers
and websites, including the Independent,
Morning Star, Huffington Post, Counter-
punch, London Progressive Journal,
 and Foreign Policy Journal.

As the UK political establishment rips itself to pieces
over Brexit, a far greater crisis continues to afflict
millions of victims of Tory austerity.

A devastating UN report into poverty in the UK provides
incontrovertible evidence, that the enemy of the British
 people, is the very ruling class that has gone out of its
way these past few years to convince them it is Russia.

Professor Philip Alston, in his capacity as the United
 Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and
human rights, spent two weeks touring the United
Kingdom. He did so, investigating the impact of
8 years of one of the most extreme austerity
programs among advanced G20 economies
in response to the 2008 financial crash
and subsequent global recession.

What he found was evidence of a systematic, wilful,
concerted and brutal economic war, unleashed by
the country's right-wing Tory establishment, 
against the poorest and most vulnerable
section of British society – upending the
 lives of millions of people who were not
responsible for the aforementioned
financial crash and recession, but
who have been forced to pay
the price.

From the report's introduction:

"It…seems patently unjust and contrary to British values
 that so many people are living in poverty. This is
obvious to anyone who opens their eyes: to see
the immense growth in foodbanks, and the
queues waiting outside them, the people
sleeping rough in the streets, the
growth of homelessness, the
sense of deep despair - that
leads even the Government
to appoint a Minister for
Suicide Prevention - and
civil society to report in
depth, on unheard of

levels of loneliness
and isolation."

Though as a citizen of the UK, I respectfully beg to differ
 with the professor's claim, that such social & economic
carnage, seems "contrary to British values,"(on the
contrary - it is entirely in keeping with the values of
the country's Tory establishment, an establishment
for whom, the dehumanization of the poor and
working class, is central to its ideology), the
point he makes about it being "obvious
anyone who opens their eyes,"
well made.

For it is now the case that in every town and city centre in
 Britain, it is impossible to walk in any direction for more
 than a minute, before coming across homeless people
begging in the street. And the fact that some 13,000
of them, are former soldiers, casualties of the
country's various military adventures in
recent years, undertaken in service
to Washington, exposes the pious
platitudes peddled by politicians
& the government as reverence
for the troops & their 'sacrifice,'
 as insincere garbage.

As inequality increases, the wealthy and powerful
become more desperate to cling onto their gains
and distract us - with imagined threats and
political sideshows - such as Jingoism,
Russophobia and red-baiting...

Overall, 14 million people in the UK are now living in
poverty, a figure which translates into an entire fifth
 of the population. Four million of them are children,
while, according to Professor Alston, 1.5 million
 people are destitute – that is, unable to afford
the basic necessities of life.

And this is what the ruling class of the fifth largest
economy in the world, a country that parades itself
on the world stage, as a pillar of democracy and
 human rights, considers progress.

The values responsible for creating such a grim social
landscape, are compatible with the 18th, not the 21st
century. They are proof positive, that the network of
elite private schools – Eton, Harrow, Fettes College
 et al. – where those responsible for this human
carnage are inculcated with the sense of
entitlement and born to rule ethos that
defines them, are Britain's hotbeds
of extremism.

Professor Alston: "British compassion for those who are
 suffering, has been replaced by a punitive, mean-spirited,
 and often callous approach, apparently designed to
discipline where it is least useful, to impose
a rigid order
on the lives of those least capable
of coping with today's
world, and elevating the
goal of enforcing blind
compliance, over a
genuine concern to
improve the well-
being of those at the
lowest levels
of British

Here, set out above in bold relief, is the barbarism that walks
- hand in hand - with free market capitalism. It is the same
 barbarism that was responsible for pushing post-Soviet
Russia into a decade-long economic and social abyss, 
in the 1990s, and the values that have pushed 14
million people in the UK into the same economic
 and social abyss, in our time.

Austerity, it bears emphasizing, is not and never
has been,
a viable economic response to
recession, in a given

Instead, it is an ideological club, wielded on behalf of the rich
and big business, to ensure that the price paid for the said
economic recession, is borne exclusively by those least
 able to bear it - namely the poor and working people.
is class war by any other name, packaged and

presented, as legitimate government policy.

However in Britain's case in 2018, this is a war like no other, 
because, as Professor Philip Alston's report lays bare, one
 side in this war has been throwing all the punches
one side has been taking them.

As the saying goes, wars take place when the government
 tells you who the enemy is; revolutions take place when
 you work it out for yourself.

(Source - RT)


Keiser Report: Reality
of Creditor Jubilees

- fantastic - asks ''why don't we act like
Jesus preached - and forgive debt?''

When what we do now,  is what led to the slavery
of feudalism: by refunding the creditors, instead!

free or slaves? uk workers could choose better

watching bbc news go through the motions

Neocons have taken over Committee:
UK's FCO Committee Report
'Through the
Looking Glass'

by Neil Clark

''The decision not to intervene in Syria
has had very real consequences for
Syrians, their neighbours, the UK
and our allies. We believe the
Government needs to under-
stand the role the UK's
inaction has had, and
learn the lessons
from it,
the future.''

Between December 2015 and June 2016 there were a total of
 51 British air strikes in Syria. This year, there has been
 further bombing, including the targeting of military
bases near Damascus and Homs in April.

"We believe that the consequences of inaction can be every bit
as serious as intervening," the Foreign Affairs committee
report states.

How can we explain this extraordinary attempt to portray Britain's
 extensive and well-documented operations in Syria as 'not
intervening'? After all so much is on the public record,
 including, on the Ministry of Defence website,
details of RAF air strikes.

A look at the membership of the Foreign Affairs Committee is illuminating.
 Its chair, Tom Tugendhat, Tory MP for Tonbridge and Malling, is a hard-
core neocon and a former member of the Intelligence Corps. Peter
Oborne, the highly respected political commentator, wrote about
the 'neocon coup' that took place on the committee last year
and warned us of its consequences. But how many were
paying attention?

Other members of Tugendhat's committee include Ian Austin, the
Labour MP who likened Russia's holding of the World Cup to Nazi
Germany's hosting of the 1936 Olympic Games, and who told
Jeremy Corbyn to "sit down and shut up" when he was
criticizing the Iraq war.

Then we've Chris Bryant, a signatory to the statement of principles
of the uber neocon, Henry Jackson Society, and Priti Patel, who
stepped down from the Cabinet, in 2017, when it was revealed
she had undisclosed, unofficial meetings with Israeli ministers.

In fact, if we look at the composition of the committee and compare it
to the far more balanced one under the chairmanship of Crispin Blunt,
(which produced a critical report on the UK government's intervention
 in Libya in 2016) it's no surprise we've got the document we have.

Neocons know that after the disasters of Iraq and Libya, 'interventionist'
foreign policies have been utterly discredited. So, the only way out is to
portray Syria, however ludicrously, as an example of UK 'non-intervention',
in the hope that some people might fall for it and support 'rectifying' the
'inaction' at some point in the near future. Perhaps in response to a non-
independently verified chemical weapons attack in Idlib, later this month?

The Foreign Affairs Committee report, which makes George Orwell's 1984
 look quite understated, is perfectly timed for that.

(Source - taken from longer article
on RT, Beyond Orwellianism') :


Union Boss Says UK Labour 
Under Starmer... Suffering 
from ‘Lack of Authenticity’
March 29th   (FNA)

Labour under Keir Starmer is suffering from 
a “lack of authenticity” and direction, Len 
McCluskey claimed as he challenged the 
leader to “honor” the left-wing pledges 
he committed to, 12 months ago:
offer a ''credible alternative''
 the Tories.
In a scathing assessment of the Labour leader’s 
1st year, the general secretary of Unite - one of 
Labour’s biggest financial backers - stressed 
Starmer’s personal ratings are “plummeting” 
and suggested voters were unsure who the 
party speaks for.
Writing in The Independent, the union chief added,
 “Focus groups show that, at best, his Labour Party 
is seen as dull, absent of convictions or presence, 
at worst opportunistic, only following the political 
wind after it's blown, rarely making the weather.”
Citing a complaint by the Conservative Willie Whitelaw 
that Labour under Harold Wilson at the 1970 election 
campaign was going around the country “stirring up 
apathy”, McCluskey went on, “Today it is true.”
“Turmoil engulfs constituencies at the sharp end of 
unwarranted and undemocratic interference from 
on high, just as we head to the biggest day of 
voting since the general election on May 6,”
 the key ally of the Corbyn project stated.
“Starmer would have to be living in a cave to be unaware 
of the concerns about the direction, or lack of it, of his 
Labour Party - and the consequent disaffection this 
has caused in voters,” he stated.
He later added, “The danger is that voters can smell it – 
an identity confusion, a lack of authenticity. They 
know that this is a party unsure about who it 
now is, and who it now speaks for.”
In recent weeks Starmer has sought to attribute polls 
showing a widening gap between Labour and the 
Conservatives to a “vaccine bounce” – reflecting 
the relative success of the UK’s vaccination 
programme. He also admitted that he, as 
leader, and the party, have “got to do 
better” to win over support.
The remarks from McCluskey underscore how the left 
has become increasingly at odds with Labour’s high 
command over the party’s direction almost a year
 on from Starmer’s landslide victory in the 2020
 leadership contest.
A key point of frustration has been the 10 pledges made 
during Starmer’s leadership campaign, which built on 
his predecessor’s policy platform. Critics have hit out 
at certain commitments being abandoned, including
 EU free movement, while the party’s prevarication 
over whether to support increases in corporation 
tax, also provoked a backlash, ahead of the 
chancellor’s Budget. 
Other dividing lines have concentrated on the so-called 
spy cops bill, and the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn
 from the parliamentary party, over his response to
 the equalities watchdog antisemitism inquiry –
decision, Starmer has stood by.
Raising the pledges during the leadership contest, McCluskey
 added in his article, “They [voters] may not much like [Boris] 
Johnson or his right-wing cabal, but really, they ask 
themselves, where’s the alternative?"
“Fortunately for Keir he has that alternative. The ten policies 
he stood on, policies popular with the public, spoke to hope, 
renewal, the reversal of inequality and a better country for
 our people, as we build back, out of Covid. Those policies
- building on the best of Labour’s values - would put the 
pressure on the Tories ---  if powerfully advocated,"
 he said.
“In the coming days, Keir should look again at his pledges. 
Understand, that they got him elected:  that they told
 who he was and what he stood for – and that
he is 
expected to honour them,” he continued.
Reflecting on Starmer’s first 12 months, Andrew Scattergood, 
the co-chair of the Momentum organisation, stated his initial 
hopes for Starmer’s leadership were dashed rapidly, telling 
The Independent, “Where we are now, with the polling, his 
first year has been completely substandard and very 
He added, “I think people are – not just us on the left of the 
party – looking at him and thinking: ‘What do you stand 
for?’  I don’t know the answer to that.”
Disillusioned with Labour’s direction, the organisation has 
recently launched a ballot of members to decide what key
 policies Momentum will now support at Labour’s autumn 
conference. In total, 32 motions have been put forward,
including  ---  a £15 minimum wage, a universal basic 
income, a wealth tax & proportional representation. 
The organisation will throw its weight behind eight 
of the most popular among its membership.
James Schneider, once director of strategic communications
for Jeremy Corbyn, stated he had “no idea” what was meant 
by “Starmerism”, adding, “Starmerism was pitched as 80%
of Corbynism plus competence and winning. But that’s not 
what we’ve had.”
“In policy terms it’s not clear, there haven’t been clear dividing 
lines with the government. I don’t know what their politics are 
really, other than tone. There is a tone that they want to take, 
which is kind of grown-ups in charge, bossy managerialism, 
which I don’t think is particularly attractive, but it is what it 
is. Maybe it’ll work. At the moment it’s very, very poorly 
defined,” he noted.
Veteran left-winger Jon Lansman, who helped run Rebecca 
Long-Bailey’s leadership bid, said that internal polling from
the campaign, showed that nearly half of the people who 
supported Corbyn in 2015, and again in 2016, were 
supporting Starmer.
“I think most of those people are now very unhappy and 
that does not bode well,” he told The Independent.
Lansman announced that Starmer had a “very hard” job in the
circumstances of the pandemic, with interactions between 
advisers & the shadow cabinet being curtailed, but added,
“It has been a bad year, both for Keir --- but also for the 
Labour Party.”
But other wings of Labour also praised Starmer’s efforts 
during his first 12 months at the helm, claiming he had 
“exceeded expectations”, in the challenging circum-
stances of the pandemic. They suggested progress 
has also been made on rebuilding the party from a 
disastrous 2019 general election, which resulted 
in the Tories’ biggest majority since Margaret 
Thatcher’s 1987 victory.
Among those to offer a staunch defence, is Neil Kinnock, 
Labour leader (1983 to 1992), who told The Independent,
“In a politically unprecedented year, especially for an 
opposition, Keir has been consistent, coherent and 
firm in his challenge of the government and in
leadership of Labour."
“He has shown innate qualities of maturity and common 
sense, that are a vital contrast with joker Johnson’s 
circus acts,” Kinnock said.
Kinnock added, “They are a strong base from which to 
generate and project his developing practical policies
for security --- in a time when so many people and 
communities are faced with present and future 
personal, economic and national insecurities. 
Britain wants decent government & decency
in government. Day by day, Keir is 
demonstrating that he’ll
Former deputy leader Tom Watson, who resigned as an 
MP before the 2019 election, said, “I think I should say..
most people do not understand how it is impossible 
to lead the Labour Party in current times", adding, 
“I think he’s done an excellent job. He has far 
exceeded expectations of where [Labour] 
would be, after a year."
“Voters are still getting to know him as a new leader, but 
I think what they’ve seen in the first year they like. They 
see decency, they see integrity, they see seriousness,
they see ability. They are now looking to him... in a 
different light. We all know that’s a long journey 
back from the election," he said.
“We took a near knock-out blow, at the [2019] election,” 
Watson added, stressing, “People rejected our leader; 
they rejected our manifesto and they rejected us all 
over the country. So, I think one year in he should 
be very satisfied that he - sort of - stemmed that
haemorrhage of support.”
Deploying a stock phrase used by Starmer and the 
shadow cabinet, when quizzed about Labour’s 
chances of electoral victory in 2024 – of it 
being a “mountain to climb” – the former 
deputy leader stressed, “It’s possible, 
because, at the last election, it was 
an unexpected election --- where
there was very little confidence 
in our leader at that election."
“A lot of voters voted for, what they saw,... as the least 
worst option: they weren’t particularly wedded to the 
Conservative programme, and therefore I think there 
could be more volatility in the next election, than 
people expect. One year in, so far so good,” 
the ex-deputy leader continued.

Keir Starmer’s leadership
 is seriously on the ropes
March 28th 2021 (The Canary)
Keir Starmer’s leadership of the Labour Party 
appears to be seriously faltering. Because
 there’s dissent in his own ranks. He’s 
already reported to be thinking of a 
shadow cabinet shake-up. And the 
disquiet at the grassroots level is 
becoming louder and louder.
Mutiny incoming?
First up, the Observer ran a piece on Starmer’s 
leadership on Sunday 28 March. It reported on 
several anonymous Labour MPs who were 
unhappy with the situation. One said:
People do underestimate the mountain of shit 
Keir inherited. It is a monumental task. But 
there is a complaint of a lack of grip.
It seems popular socialist policies and a huge 
membership equate to a “mountain of shit” 
for some Labour MPs. 
Another commented:
There is deep frustration in the shadow 
cabinet over a lack of direction.
Bring back Blair?
The Observer noted that:
Shadow cabinet ministers are understood to be 
among those who have concerns that Starmer
 is losing crucial momentum at the end of his 
first year in office, with several MPs calling 
for more experience to be injected into his
 team to spell out “what Keir is for”.
But the solution, it seems, is a joke. The Observer 
said that these MPs want Starmer “to bring in a 
“big figure” to provide greater direction to his 
leadership”. Given that Starmer’s brand of 
centrism hasn’t so far paid off in the polls, i
f this “big figure” has a New Labour-like 
character, it’ll probably make matters 
worse. So, what’s the leader of the 
Labour Party’s solution? Sack the
 UK’s first ever woman 
shadow chancellor.
Blame everyone else
As Joe wryly reported:
Starmer is set to sack the shadow chancellor of the 
exchequer Anneliese Dodds, the Times are reporting.
The Labour leader, who has been in the position for
 just short of a year, will shake up his front bench 
after local elections in May, in a bid to arrest the
party’s continued slump in the polls.
The Times report that Dodds is respected, but will be 
moved on after failing to effectively communicate the 
party’s “vision”, which is supposedly a thing 
that exists.
Oh dear. As The Canary previously wrote, Starmer has
 repeatedly attempted to rebrand Labour. It seems his 
next big move is laying the blame for the current 
shitshow at someone else’s door.
Grassroots disquiet
Meanwhile, at the grassroots level, things 
are looking just as bad for Starmer.
The Morning Star reported that:
Suspended members across the country are now
 forming ghost CLPs to form a “national linked-up 
shadow Labour Party.”
The plan is to resist what is considered to be a purge 
of the left, according to Labour In Exile Network (LIEN).
LIEN member Terry Deans said the shadow party “will 
be real Labour, the real grassroots party working on 
a truly democratic basis.”
Daily carnage
Also, things are heating up
in the Hartlepool by-election.:
SquawkBox reports that the Northern Independence Party 
announces their candidate for Hartlepool, at 8pm tonight.
The latest polling shows Labour only has a three point
 lead over the Tories there. And as if all this wasn’t bad 
enough, SKWAWKBOX reported that Labour is using 
old photos of Jeremy Corbyn rallies for campaign
 material. Except, of course, they’ve removed any
 reference to the former Labour leader.
Could things become any more dire? Give Starmer a few 
hours, and something equally bad will probably happen.
Momentum presses for Labour 
to adopt radical agenda, as
 left-wingers condemn Keir 
Starmer’s policy direction
March 25th, 2021  
By Nigel Morris
Political Editor
(The politics news)
The left-wing group Momentum is launching a drive
 to push the Labour Party into adopting a “socialist 
policy platform” – including support for electoral 
reform – amid growing disillusionment among 
Jeremy Corbyn loyalists over its direction 
under Sir Keir Starmer. 
As Sir Keir approaches his first anniversary as Labour 
Party leader, it is preparing to force votes on a series
 of radical policy proposals at the party’s
 autumn conference.  
The Momentum agenda is likely to include backing for 
proportional representation, a ‘green new deal’, a £15
 an hour minimum wage, reforming drug policy, 
repealing trade union legislation and
It is balloting members on which policy proposals 
Momentum should champion at the conference in 
Brighton, which will be the first time Sir Keir has 
addressed activists in person. 
They are being asked to choose eight from a shortlist 
which also includes a four-day working week, a wealth
 tax, abolishing the monarchy and reform of the media. 
John McDonnell, the former Shadow Chancellor, is 
leading calls for Labour to scrap the “rigged” and 
“archaic” first-past-the-post voting system which
 “turns minority support for the Tories into their 
long-term dominance in Parliament”. 
Momentum, which was formed in 2015 to support and 
defend Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, had around 
42,000 members in 2018. 
The number has fallen to between 20,000 and 30,000 
since his departure and an internal reorganisation,
 but remains the largest grouping within
 Labour ranks. 
Its plans for the post-Corbyn era include increased 
activism, such as joining campaigns against 
evictions, electing more left-wingers to
 party posts and forging stronger links
 with trade unions.  
It is also pressing for the reinstatement of “unjustly
 suspended members” and opposing the “anti-
democratic crackdown being waged by the 
party leadership on the rights of members 
and local Labour parties.” 
Andrew Scattergood, Momentum’s co-chairman, 
argued that Sir Keir has failed to set out a clear 
post-pandemic policy platform and had been 
outflanked by the Tories on such issues as 
raising corporation tax. 
He warned that some of Labour’s core vote will turn 
its back on the party unless the socialist left can 
reverse the current direction of travel. 
He said: “The left platform for Labour's conference 
will be decided by the grassroots of our movement. 
“We’re excited to see what transformative ideas 
members decide upon. From democratic reform 
to a wealth tax and a massive increase in the 
minimum wage, our movement has the a
nswers to this crisis.” 
After drawing level in the polls at the end of last year, 
Labour has fallen behind during the last two months
as Boris Johnson enjoys a “vaccine bounce”. 
It sets the scene for a challenging set of elections 
across the UK for Sir Keir on May 6th, the first 
chance the voters will have to deliver their 
verdict on the new-look Labour Party.
[Rhondda Records adds: Not to mention
the Hartlepool by-election, hanging on
a thread!]

Unions slam government’s
billion pound cut
to Britain’s railways
7/12/2020 (Morning Star)

Unions have branded the government “foolhardy” and 
“shameful” after ministers announced a £1 billion cut 
to Britain’s rail infrastructure which will consign the 
country to the “slow lane” amid the coronavirus 
and climate crises.The reduction was omitted
 from Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s announce-
ment last week.

Rail Minister Chris Heaton-Harris said today that Network 
Rail’s funding for enhancements during 2019-24 will be
 £9.4bn following the government’s spending review.
This is down almost 10% on the £10.4bn which rail regulator 
the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) had previously calculated.
The reduction was omitted from Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s 
announcement last week when he told the Commons the 
government would deliver on “record investment plans
 in infrastructure.”
Industry experts have said the decision is likely to affect a 
number of forthcoming projects, which they say calls into 
question Britain’s ability to rebuild following the corona-
virus pandemic.
The government defended its decision, saying it continues 
to “invest significant sums in modernising our railway” but 
admitted it was “closely examining” spending to “strive for 
a better deal for taxpayers” given the scale of support 
for railways.
A Department for Transport spokesman added: “We must 
ensure that, where necessary, projects are reviewed to 
reflect the changing demand for rail services as a 
result of the pandemic.”
Rail unions have warned the decision threatens jobs when 
Britain should be investing and building its way out of the 
Covid and climate crisis — also hitting out at the govern-
ment also over its latest environmental targets, which 
were announced today.
Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association general secretary 
Manuel Cortes said: “On the day when the government 
has committed itself to increased binding targets to 
emissions, it is foolhardy to cut investment to
the green 
transport offered by our railways.
“The fact that this spending cut didn’t feature in the Chancellor’s 
speech, in which he lauded record investment in rail, but was
 instead snuck out, says it all. The Tories are duplicitous - 
and their commitment to levelling up and investing in 
our futures, is paper thin.
“Without doubt cutting investment in our railways is both short-
sighted and reckless, particularly when borrowing costs are at 
a historic low.
“You can’t trust Boris Johnson and this lot as far as you can
 throw them.”
Aslef general secretary Mick Whelan said it was time for the 
government to “come clean” on what it plans to cut.
He added: “How is Britain to be rebuilt after Brexit, and after
 the pandemic, which has ravaged this country’s economy?
 And what has happened to this government’s promises?
“This revelation puts a question mark over not only some long-
planned, and much-needed, improvements to our transport 
infrastructure, but to the whole question of rebuilding this
 country after the pandemic.”
Environmental campaigners hit out at the government’s continued
 spending on road building while snatching back cash to improve 
rail infrastructure.
Greenpeace UK’s Sam Chetan-Welsh: “The Chancellor is happy 
to waste £27bn on road building schemes that will tear up our 
countryside --- adding to harmful air pollution and climate-
wrecking emissions that we desperately need to reduce.
“But when it comes to the little money that was available 
for upgrading our railways, he’s snatched it back at the 
first opportunity.
“This is completely indefensible, as is his attempt to bury this 
bad news, by leaving it out of last month’s spending review.
“Rishi Sunak either doesn’t get that we’re in a climate
 emergency or he simply doesn’t care.”
RMT representatives demanded the government reverse the 
cuts and instead invest and build its way out of the corona-
virus and climate crises.
The union said the spending cut could jeopardise planned 
works to electrify parts of the rail network, threatening 
 the creation of new skilled jobs and Britain’s
reduction promises.
General secretary Mick Cash said: “These massive cuts to 
rail infrastructure budgets are a shameful indictment of the
 government’s understanding of the importance of our rail 
network and fly in the face of their stated objective of 
building and investing our way out of the 
Covid-19 crisis.
“At a time when our economy and transport links need a 
once in a generation investment in rail to create skilled
 jobs and shift passengers and freight off the roads 
and on to rail, this Tory austerity by stealth, will 
only serve to do the opposite.”

Unison says Welsh Labour must
democratise leadership contest
by Peter Lazenby
Friday, July 27, 2018
Labour’s biggest trade union affiliate in Wales
 is demanding that the party democratise the
process of electing its Welsh leader.
At present, there are three blocks of voters
in leadership elections – party members,
affiliated trade union members and
elected members of legislative
bodies (the Westminster
Parliament, the Welsh
Assembly, and the
European Parliament).

Each block of votes carries the same weight.

The Labour Party in Wales has around 25,000
individual members and 76,400 affiliated
 union members.

It has 58 legislators - 29 Welsh Assembly members,
28 MPs and one MEP - whose combined voice
 counts for one-third in leadership elections.

Unison says the voice of MPs, AMs and MEPs in
a leadership election “is completely out of
proportion,” compared with party and
 trade union members.

The union wants a 50-50 split between party members
and union members, with legislators simply have
vote each.

Unison Cymru/Wales Labour Link chair, Dan Beard, said:

“We cannot support the disproportionate voting bloc
of elected members continuing in its present form.

“The Labour Party is the fastest-growing political party
 in western Europe, and it’s time we agreed a more
democratic method of electing our leaders.

“It’s vital unions retain a significant voice, when
electing the leader and deputy leader of
Welsh Labour.

“Unions helped establish the Labour Party at the
beginning of the last century and we have
supported it through some very
difficult times.

"Our members help to keep the Labour Party’s feet on
 the ground, and in touch with its natural supporters.

“Reforming the electoral college will mean that,
whoever becomes the new leader of Welsh
Labour, will have a firm mandate from the
members and trade unions --- to work
together, to deliver the policies
contained in the manifesto.”

(Source - Morning Star)


Defence diversification
 Scrapping Trident nuclear weapons
‘could create thousands
of engineering jobs’

A pioneering new report argues that thousands more
engineering jobs could be created, by stopping the
 renewal of the Trident missiles system.

The report, Defence Diversification: International Learning
 for Trident Jobs, was published today by the Nuclear
Education Trust. It examines various government
and Civil Service initiatives in Britain, western
Europe and the United States.

It argues that an internationally led programme to diversify
the work of Trident’s workers, would cost far less than it
would to renew the cold-war-era nuclear weapons
 system — estimated to be between £180 billion
 and £205bn over the next several decades.

The authors claim that further jobs — particularly in the
skilled engineering sector — may be created by ditching
Trident, and point to the decline in British arms industry
employment, in which 263,000 jobs have vanished
 since 1980.

CND general secretary Kate Hudson said that the report
demonstrates, from real-world examples, how the
scrapping of unpopular projects such as Trident
doesn’t have to mean the loss of high-skill

“Far from it, in fact — if there is the political will to fully
 engage with defence diversification, far more high-
skilled jobs can be created in the engineering
sector,” she said.

Shadow minister for peace & disarmament Fabian Hamilton
 commented that while it is not Labour’s policy to get rid of
Trident, “a defence diversification strategy would go hand
in hand with Labour’s plan to invest in our economy.

“We do not lack the talent, we simply lack the funding.

“There is no denying that Trident is a major employer
some parts of the country, so proper funding must
made available so those in high-skilled work stay
high-skilled work.

“High-skilled jobs are good for our economy and, if we
decide to transition away from Trident, defence
diversification is the only way to ensure that
the vital skills used in the development of
Britain’s nuclear weapons, are not lost.”

The study argues that workers and local communities must
be lead decision makers in diversification decisions related
to nuclear weapons, and that serious government
intervention - at every level - must be taken in
their support.

stop & scrap universal credit

Vatican calls for more regulation
of markets, financial systems,
condemns ‘economic

May 17th, at 10:52am

The Vatican called on Thursday for more regulation
 of markets and financial systems.

 A major document says economic crises showed
they were not able to govern themselves, and
needed a strong injection of morality and

‘Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding
Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial
System,’ jointly prepared by the doctrinal office
and the department on human development,
appeared to take aim at the plans to further
de-regulate markets in some countries,
such as the US, Reuters said.

The document attacked the “economic cannibalism” of
some financial practices, saying profit for the sake of
profit and not for the greater good, was “illegitimate.”

The Vatican condemned an “amoral culture of waste”
that has created oligarchies in some countries, while
 leaving great masses of impoverished people
 “without any means of escape.”

The pronouncement is considered official teachings of
the Catholic Church and could affect the attitude of
 the church’s 1.2 billion members.

(Source - RT)


 Marx's theory still
shines with truth: Xi
May 4th, at 10:53am

Xinhua - Two centuries on, despite huge and profound
changes in human society, the name of Karl Marx is
 still respected all over the world and his theory
still shines with the brilliant light of truth,
Chinese President Xi Jinping said
on Friday.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China
(CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central
Military Commission, made the remarks at a grand
 gathering in Beijing to celebrate the 200th
 anniversary of Marx's birth.

Xi said Marx is the "teacher of revolution for the proletariat
and working people all over the world, the main founder of
 Marxism, creator of Marxist parties, a pathfinder for
international communism and the greatest
of modern times."

"Today, we hold this grand gathering with great veneration
to mark the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth, to
remember his great character and historic
deeds and to review his noble spirit and
brilliant thoughts," Xi said at the event.

''With noble ideals and no fear of difficulty or adversity,
throughout his life, Marx devoted himself to
perseveringly striving for the liberation of
humanity, scaling the peak of thought in
his pursuit of truth, and the unremitting
fight to overturn the old world and
establish a new one'', according
 to Xi.

''Marx is not only a great figure who bore the weight
of the world, but also an ordinary person with a
passion for life, who was sincere and true to
his friends'', Xi said.

''The most valuable and influential spiritual asset that
Marx left us is the scientific theory named after him
 -- Marxism. Like a spectacular sunrise, the theory
 illuminated the path of humanity's exploration of
 the law of history, and humanity's search for
 their own liberation'', Xi said.

"The thought and theory of Marx are of his times and
go beyond his times," Xi said. "They are the essence
of the spirit of that times and the essence of the
spirit of all humanity."

Xi said Marxism is a scientific theory that reveals the
rules of human society's development, in a creative

Having developed the materialist conception of history
and surplus value theory, Marx showed how humanity
would leap from the realm of necessity, to the realm
of freedom, and also showed the road for people to
realize freedom and liberation, Xi said.

Marxism, the first ideology for the liberation of the
 people themselves, is a theory of the people.

"Marxism, for the first time, explored the path for humanity's
 freedom and liberation from the stance of the people, and
 pointed out the direction, with scientific theory, toward
an ideal society with no oppression or exploitation,
where every person would enjoy equality and
freedom," Xi said.

Stressing that practicality is a prominent characteristic of
Marxism that makes it different from other theories, Xi
 said Marxism is a theory of practices that directs
 the people to change the world.

It is an open theory that is constantly developing and
always stands at the frontier of the times, Xi said.

"That is why it is always able to keep young,
explore the new issues in the development
of the times and respond to the new
challenges for human society."

The general secretary said that over the 170 years
since publication of The Communist Manifesto,
Marxism had been spread around the world,
 unrivaled in the history of human ideology
 in terms of the breadth and depth of its

After the end of World War II, a large number of socialist
countries were established, Xi said, stressing that the
founding of the People's Republic of China, especially,
has greatly increased the socialist strength in the world.

"There might be setbacks in the development of socialism
in the world, but the overall trend for human society's
 development has never changed, and it will never
 change," Xi said.

"Marxism has not only profoundly changed the world,
but also China," Xi said.

The reverberations of the October Revolution in Russia
brought Marxism-Leninism to China, pointing out the
direction forward, offering a brand new choice for
 the Chinese people in their struggle to survive,
and setting the scene for the birth of the CPC.

Since the CPC's birth, it has combined the fundamental
principles of Marxism with the reality of the Chinese
 revolution and construction, transforming the
Chinese nation from "the sick man of East
Asia" to one who has stood up, by
uniting and leading the people
through long-term struggle.

"This tremendous transformation serves as cast iron proof
 that only through socialism, can we save China," Xi said.

Since reform and opening up, the CPC has combined the
fundamental principles of Marxism, with the reality of
China's reform and opening up, and the nation who
 stood up, has grown rich.

"This tremendous transformation serves as cast iron proof
that only through socialism with Chinese characteristics, 
can we develop China," Xi said.

In the new era, the CPC again combined the fundamental
principles of Marxism with the reality of China in this
new era, uniting and leading the people in "under-
taking the great struggle, building the great
project, advancing the great cause and
 realizing the great dream."

The Chinese nation has come to embrace a tremendous
transformation, as the one who has grown rich, now, is
becoming strong.

"This tremendous transformation serves as cast iron proof
 that only by adhering to and developing socialism with
Chinese characteristics, can we realize national
rejuvenation," Xi said.

"It is perfectly right for history and the people to choose
 Marxism, as well as for the CPC to write Marxism on its
 own flag, to adhere to the principle of combining the
 fundamental principles of Marxism, with China's
 reality, and continuously adapt Marxism to the
 Chinese context and the times."


 China lifts 740 mln rural poor
out of poverty since 1978
September 3rd, at 12:57pm

Xinhua - China lifted 740 million people in rural areas
out of poverty from 1978 to 2017, roughly 19 million
each year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
 said on Monday.

The poverty ratio in rural areas dropped 94.4 percentage
points during the same time period with an average
annual decrease of 2.4 percentage points,
 according to the NBS.

NBS data shows that China's poverty relief achievements
have contributed more than 70 percent to global poverty
 alleviation work, in the past 40 years.

The average annual income of rural residents in impoverished
areas rose an average of 10.4 percent each year from 2012
to 2017, up 2.5 percentage points from the average for
rural residents.

Over the past five years, over 68 million people were lifted out
of poverty in China. The country aims to further lift 10 million
 people out of poverty this year and eradicate poverty by 2020.

China recently released guidelines on winning the battle
against poverty in the next three years, in order to
prepare the nation for eradicating poverty
by 2020.

According to the guidelines, the impoverished people
should be guaranteed food & clothing, and children
from poor families should be guaranteed a 9-year
compulsory education. Basic medical needs and
living conditions of the impoverished, should
 also be guaranteed.

People whose annual income is lower than 2,300 yuan
(337.3 U.S. dollars), are defined as living below the
 poverty line, in China.

international community thugs

Almost half of Russians
 see USSR collapse as
 shameful – poll
January 17th, at 12:11pm

The collapse of the Soviet Union is considered a reason
 to be ashamed, by 45 percent of Russians, according
a recent opinion poll. The only option that scored

higher, is Russia’s failure to eradicate poverty.

The poll, conducted in late 2018, by the Levada Center
its latest study of what Russians are proud and

 ashamed of, about their nation. The demise of
the USSR, saw a rebound in popularity from
low point of 28 percent in mid-2015, and
at a level comparable with the late
and early 2000s.

The only more popular answer is Russia’s failure to
eradicate poverty, which was named as a reason
 to be ashamed, by 61 percent of the people
 polled. This answer has topped
polls, for decades.

Russians are also ashamed of fellow countrymen
 treating each other disrespectfully (37 percent),
Russia’s failure to catch up economically with
the Western powers (24 percent), the out-
come of Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms
 (24 percent), and Joseph Stalin’s
 reign of terror (21 percent).

On the opposite side of Russians’ national identity
 are the qualities and events, people are proud of.

Defeating Nazi Germany in World War II remains the
 one thing Russians are overwhelmingly proud of
 (87 percent).

There is also the role that the country played in
space exploration – about half are proud to
belong to a space pioneering nation.

The third most popular option is accepting Crimea
(the breakaway former Ukrainian region) as part
of Russia again, which is seen as a point of
 national pride, by 45 percent.

Many people are also proud of Russian literature,
 science, and martial prowess, Soviet-era
industrialization and the best qualities
of the Russian character, like
resolve and patience.

A record 75 percent said Russia is definitely, or most
 likely, a great nation today, while 88 percent believe
that it should be one.

There was no apparent
correlation between wishing
greatness for
Russia and regretting the USSR’s
the agency noted, suggesting that
Russians expect a great nation to - first
and foremost - provide
justice, and protection.

Sixty-two percent said the Russians are a great people.

Levada remarked that about 80 percent of the people
polled, identified themselves as Russians.

When asked what makes them feel connected to their
 people, most respondents named national history
(53 percent), Russia’s land (35 percent), their
place of birth (33 percent), and the nature
 that they call their own (25 percent).

The formal national symbols, including the flag,
the coat
of arms, and the national anthem,
was the least popular
option (5 percent).

Interestingly, religion is a relatively small factor
in Russian national identity (9 percent).

(Source - RT)


Number of Russians who

 regret collapse of USSR
hits 10-year high
December 26th, 2017, at 7:20am

The number of Russians who regret the collapse of the
 Soviet Union has reached its highest level since 2009,
with almost an equal share saying the event could
have been avoided.

A public opinion poll conducted by the independent Levada
Center in late November this year found that 58 percent of
Russians now regret the collapse of the USSR. Twenty-five
 percent said they felt no regret about this, and 16 percent
 could not describe their feelings in one word.

When researchers asked those who regret the end of the USSR
 what the primary reasons were behind their sentiments, 54
percent said that they missed a single economic system,
36 percent said they had lost the feeling of belonging
 to a real superpower, 34 percent complained about
the drop in mutual trust among ordinary people,
and 26 percent said that the collapse had
the ties between friends
and relatives.

The same research showed that 52 percent of Russians think
 that the collapse of the USSR could have been avoided, 29
percent said that the event was absolutely inevitable, and
19 percent did not have a fixed opinion on the matter.

The share of those who regret the demise of the Soviet Union
has risen continuously over the past decade, but in 2009 it
was even higher than today – at 60 percent. The all-time
 high – 75 percent – was recorded in 2000.

President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly addressed the issue of
the collapse of the USSR in his speeches. In an address to the
Russian parliament in 2005 he called the event the greatest
geopolitical disaster of the 20th century and a cause of
 major disruption for the Russian people. In September
2016, Putin said the Communist Party should have
 transformed the Soviet Union into a democratic
rather than see it break into
separate nations.

At the same time, Putin has always emphasized that he and
other Russian officials have no plans to revive the USSR,
and has expressed anger that people cannot accept this.
He's also accused Western governments of deliberately
confusing modern Russia with the USSR and harming
the interests of ordinary people, on the pretense of
preventing an imaginary threat.

(Source - RT)


Historian: Russia's October Revolution
 Was Inevitable, Relatively Bloodless
November 10th, at 4:33pm
by Ekaterina Blinova

The October Uprising of 1917 became the logical conclusion
of the February Revolution, Michael J. Carley, a professor of
history at the Universite de Montreal has told Sputnik.
According to the academic, the Russian Revolution
 was inevitable and occurred because evolutionary
 processes of change to benefit the lives of
ordinary people had failed.

"February 1917 marked the beginning of a revolutionary change
in power in Russia, that was accomplished in October," Michael
Jabara Carley, professor of history at the Université de Montréal
and the author of "Silent Conflict: A Hidden History of Early
Western Relations," told Sputnik, commenting on the
anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

"The tsarist order was bankrupt and doomed. Almost everyone
 at the time said so. The immediate cause of the bankruptcy
was the Great War [The First World War]," the Canadian
 academic stressed, adding that "the result was calamity
marked by millions of casualties, large territories lost
and an economy thrown into chaos, by the
 unsustainable financial and economic
demands of fighting a world war."

Russian Provisional Government:
'Neither Revolutionary, Nor Democratic'

The so-called February Revolution, which is regarded as a
combination of a popular uprising with an elitist anti-
monarchist plot, led to the abdication of Russian
Emperor Nicholas II and the establishment of
 the Provisional Government.

Still, the Provisional Government "was neither revolutionary
 nor democratic," the academic pointed out: The crux of the
matter was that it was largely controlled by the "bourgeois"
 urban and rural elites and old tsarist establishment "that
was opposed to the revolution and attempted to block
further development."

October Uprising Was Relatively Bloodless

The professor explained why, contrary to popular belief, the
October Revolution of 1917 that took place on November 7
(October 25 in the Julian calendar) was relatively bloodless.

"Well, in the first instance because the Provisional Government
 was utterly discredited. It had no popular support. It was a head
 without a body. It could give orders or issue decrees, but had no
power to enforce them. In a revolutionary period, power comes
from the support of the insurgent masses and the Provisional
Government had none," Carley told Sputnik.

The professor suggested that 1917 could have been averted if
old elites as well as their forebears had not blocked "political
and economic evolutionary processes" in Russia.

'Provisional Government Became a Cork in the Bottle'

"The Provisional Government became a cork in the bottle
holding back the revolution," the historian said. "The
 revolutionary masses in Petrograd [Saint Petersburg]
and elsewhere put pressure on their socialist leaders
to blow the cork out of the bottle…. It was the
Bolsheviks who put themselves at the head of
the mass movement & articulated its demands,
essentially peace, bread and land."

He pointed out, however, that "the Bolsheviks themselves
 were not united on all the big issues and most importantly
on the seizure of power in October (the Julian calendar)."

"I would propose that the Provisional Government collapsed
 of its own rot. The insurgent masses led by the Bolsheviks
only had to kick it over," Carley remarked.

Was the October Revolution of 1917 Inevitable?

"It is a question impossible to answer except in this way:
popular revolutions come about because political and
economic elites over time are too selfish to share
 wealth and power with the masses," Carley
responded. "Like the tsarist autocracy, they
treat the masses as a resource to be
exploited and rung dry. When
evolutionary processes of
change fail, revolution is
often the result."

According to the academic, it is wrong to think that such
revolutions succeed "because of the evil genius and
cruelty of a small revolutionary elite"

"They succeed
because of mass support
and effective, responsive

The question then arises as to whether it was possible
 to follow an evolutionary path, rather than go through
 a revolution.

"A revolution occurred because evolutionary processes
of change to benefit the lives of ordinary people had
failed," the professor responded. "Serfdom, inequality,
exploitation, violence, continued unabated until 1917."

October 1917: 'Driver of Transformations Across the
 Globe'. Revisiting the October Revolution of 1917.

Addressing the 14th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion
Club, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "the largely
 utopian social model and ideology" the Soviets tried to
implement initially following the 1917 revolution became
 "a powerful driver of transformations across the globe,
caused a major revaluation of development models,
and gave rise to rivalry and competition, the benefits
 of which were mostly reaped by the West."

The Canadian professor disagrees that the term "utopian"
could be used with regards to the "Communist model,"
for instance.

"Is free, public education for everyone, no matter what their class,
nationality or religion, utopian? Is the elimination of illiteracy, utopian?
 Are women's rights, or universal health care, utopian? Was the desire
to create a more equal society, socially, economically and politically,
utopian?" Carley asked, adding "in fact, that Soviet society was
eventually able to withstand and then to destroy almost single-
handedly, the so-called invincible Nazi 'colossus.'"

Still, he believes that the 1917 revolution certainly was "a powerful
driver of transformations" around the world since it "inspired
successful revolutionary movements in China, Vietnam,
Korea, and Cuba."

As Putin noted during his Valdai speech "many Western achievements
of the 20th century were an answer to the challenge posed by the
Soviet Union," such as "raising living standards, forming a strong
middle class, reforming the labour market and the social sphere,
 promoting education, guaranteeing human rights, including the
rights of minorities and women, overcoming racial segregation."

Red October: Allied Intervention and 'Beginning of Cold War'

The October Revolution became the trigger for the Civil War
(1917-1922) and prompted the Allied intervention of major
foreign powers in Russia.

The Canadian academic pointed out that the October Uprising
 "produced an immediate violent reaction by the United States,
France and Britain, whose elites attempted to overthrow the
Soviet government."

"The foreign intervention against Soviet Russia fed a civil war
and exacerbated the violence of the counter-revolution by
many times over," Carley said. "On its own, the former
tsarist elite could never have mounted such violent
resistance to the October Revolution."

The professor underscored that after their failure to overthrow
the Soviets, "the Western powers spent the next 70 years,
with the exception of a truce between 1941-1945, in
trying to harm or bring down the USSR and all
revolutions to which it had given birth."

According to the academic, the Cold War
started in October (November) 1917.

"Just ask the Chinese, Vietnamese, Cubans, or N. Koreans
 about the frightful price of resistance to US and Western
hegemony," Carley remarked. "Or for that matter, we
might ask, if we could, the soldiers, sailors and
workers of Soviet Russia, what price they had
to pay, to defend their revolution."

(Source - Sputnik)


Communist leader dispels
new Russian budget as
"oligarch orientated"
October 28th, 2017
 Fort Russ News - KtovKurse
translated by Inessa Sinchougova

Communist Party leader, Gennady Zyuganov, called the draft
federal budget for 2018-2020,  "a budget of the oligarchy",
which will increase stagnation and poverty.

On Friday October 27th, the State Duma considered the first
reading of the draft budget for 2018 for the planning period
 2019-2020. According to the draft of the Ministry of Finance,
the budget deficit in 2018 will be 1.3 trillion rubles or 1.37%
 of GDP, in 2019 it will be 867 billion rubles or 0.84% of GDP,
and in 2020 - 960 billion rubles or 0.87% of GDP.

Such a budget Zyuganov considers "a budget for the oligarchy,
 where further stagnation and deepening of poverty in the
country will occur."

In his opinion, the draft budget does not meet the current
challenges and can only aggravate the split in Russian
civil society.

The Communist Party leader stressed that incomes and
expenditures are constantly declining. Zyuganov noted
that "in plain language" this means that the "share of
the national pie" created by the working people is
 constantly shrinking in the budget.

Zyuganov's main issue with the budget was the reduction in
government expenses for 14 out of 13 articles listed within.
He explained that for eight of these articles, expenses are
simply cut, and for four other articles, a small increase is
 offset by inflation, and as a result, real costs are below
the ones prophesized.

According to Zyuganov, the current budget policy "creeps
of the old Gaidar-Chubais reforms. It does not smell of
modernization, nor a breakthrough for the future."

"I do not know why the president has not reacted to this
helplessness, to this impotence of the financial and
economic blockade on behalf of the government,"
Zyuganov said.

President Vladimir Putin does not oversee forthcoming bills
until they pass all the stages of parliamentary negotiation -
that is until his signature is required. It remains to be said
that a majority of Russia's parliament and governmental
organs, are liberal representatives, both economically
and culturally, whereby it is only the President that
stops certain bills being passed.

Without looking at the document in detail (which is not yet
available to the public) it makes sense to assume that the
Communist Party leader has every right to become
concerned at this early stage.

Zyuganov's Communist Party enjoys the second most
popular rating in the Russian political sphere, after
United Russia (Vladimir Putin.)


And a Record Number of Russians

 Want Socialism Back !!!

First published in Komsomolskaya Pravda
Translated by Kristina Kharlova

The number of those nostalgic for the
 Soviet Union, is now growing steadily.

According to the findings of sociologists,
56% of respondents now express regret
 for the collapse of the Soviet state.

A majority of Russians regret the collapse
of the Soviet Union, and do not mind if it's
restored — conclude the sociologists of

2016 sees a record number of respondents
 nostalgic for the Soviet Union, in the whole
history of public opinion surveys.

 At the same time, the percentage of those who
 don't long for the Union, decreases over time:
 if, in November of last year it was 37%, today
 only 28% do not feel any pity.

58% of Russians would like a socialist system
and the Soviet Union to be restored, and 31%
say they don't want the Soviet Union back.

Over half of respondents, 51%, believe that it
was still possible to save the country in 1991
while 33% of Russians say the collapse was

Experts, meanwhile, note that those most
nostalgic for the Soviet Union don't yearn
 so much for the Soviet ideology, as for the
 stability, justice, confidence in the future,
 secure jobs, free education, medical
and housing.

serbs say no to NATO

Serbia: Mass anti-NATO demonstrations silenced
Nothing has been the same since NATO brutally
Yugoslavia 17 years ago. The 5th column,
trained by
NATO, took over the destroyed country
to continue
the job that the West had started.

The economy
collapsed, the country was
ripped apart, and the
Army, dismissed.

Year by year, malicious plans brainstormed by
NATO, and executed by the government, are
 pushing all of the Balkans into the deep maw
 of the West's 'modern' imperialism.

 The latest move was the Agreement with NATO
 about logistics. Parliament has approved, and
the President has signed, an agreement which
 gives NATO soldiers immunity and freedom of
 movement on the territory of Serbia. The same
 people who killed thousands of innocent Serb
 civilians are now given freedom and immunity.
NATO personnel rule the roost in Serbia

NATO personnel are exempt from paying taxes,
VAT and/or customs duties. The adoption of the
 Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), lets
 NATO soldiers use Serbia's infrastructure, with
free transit across the whole territory of Serbia,
as well as protection from the law -- being given
 'special status' while staying in Serbian territory.

However, although almost two decades have
passed since NATO's cruel attack, most Serbs
 have not forgotten how important freedom is --
 which is the main problem for the ruling elite.

 In the mainstream media, news about signing
the agreement with NATO, was published as
small & irrelevant. In a couple of sentences,
 mainstream journalists wrote about it, as if
 it was tomorrow's weather forecast, but
 they couldn't fool people.

Boiling situation hidden by Government

The situation was boiling. A few patriotic parties
 and war veterans managed to organize a protest
 -- & expected no more than a thousand people in
Belgrade, to show their disagreement with the

ruling party's decisions.

On the 20th February, more than 15,000 Serbs,
mostly youth, came onto the Belgrade streets 
 to join in with the protesters. Even the police
were surprised, quickly trying to reinforce --
  fearing nonverbal shows of disagreement.

The mainstream media weren't at all interested
 in massive protests in the capital city. They just
 reported, after the protest, that there were only
a couple of hundred demonstrators.

 Amongst all media, just one, the alternative
 patriotic website, Srbin info, sent reporters
to the vicinity, to cover the whole protest.

 It was the only media that had pictures and
 videos of the massive protests, showing the
 huge number of protesters.

During the protest, over 2,000 readers per
 second were following their live streaming
 of the demonstrations. Each minute, their
website was gaining more followers.

 Just a couple of minutes after the end of the
peaceful protest, huge cyber-attacks began.

The weak website couldn't defend itself from
 the biggest attacks in its history, & the web-
site eventually crashed. Attacks continued
 for 24 hours, never letting the website repair.

The only possible source of the attacks on
 the website & freedom of the speech, is the
ruling elite. There is no one else who would
 be able to manage such strong attacks.

 The main problem for the alternative, free media
in Serbia is that the web providers, most of them
 belonging to the SBB company, part of the Soros
 foundation, don't want to reveal who was behind
the attacks. However, some opposition forces,
also attacked by hackers, discovered that the
IP address of the hacker belongs to one of the
 directors of SBB company.

It is also interesting that 25% of web providers
 and some mainstream media in Serbia - belong
 to David Petraeus, former director of the CIA.

Despite their crashed website, Srbin info reporters
 managed to find way to send the real story & used
 Facebook to spread the truth. A video showing the
 masses of people protesting, was viewed by over
1,700,000 Facebook users --- a huge number for
 Serbia, with its 7 million population.

For 48 hours after the attack, the website was

Thanks to its loyal readers, who appreciate Srbin
 info's fight for freedom of speech, donations were
 collected to make a new website, with better

But the problem of having a neutral web provider
 who will not sabotage the website -- after orders
from the Government -- still exists. A much worse
 problem.... is that the once proud and honorable
 Serbia, is now under the boots of imperialists.

keep the guard on the train

I support my postal worker

‘Appalling injustice’ overturned as UK
court clears names of 
Post Office
workers wrongfully
due to faulty software
April 24th, 11:09am (RT)

Dozens of former Post Office workers have had 
their convictions for theft and fraud thrown out 
--- after an accounting system used in their 
branches was later deemed faulty, 
bringing partial closure to a 
decades-old legal scandal.
Some 39 subpostmasters were cleared on Friday of 
wrongdoing after being accused of stealing from
 their offices. Their cases hinged on a soft-
programme called Horizon.
 The system, developed by the Japanese firm Fujitsu, 
was used by the Post Office to keep track of trans-
actions and accounting. There was one problem:
 the software had a bug, that caused accounting
 errors, leading to hundreds of suspected cases
 in which employees were accused of theft.
 According to reports, some employees even used their 
own money to try and correct the software’s account-
errors, and avoid accusations of wrongdoing.
Between 2000 and 2014, the Post Office prosecuted 736 
subpostmasters based on data outputted by Horizon. 

Six other convictions were overturned back in 
December. According to the BBC, the 
miscarriage of justice is one of the 
largest the UK has ever seen. 
Shockingly, the Post Office “knew there were serious 
issues about the reliability of Horizon” but didn't take
 action, to investigate possible defects, concluded a 
judgment issued by the Court of Appeal of the Royal 
Courts of Justice in London. Instead of looking into 
the matter, the Post Office consistently claimed that 
Horizon was reliable, effectively “steamrolling” any 
employee who challenged the software’s accuracy, 
one of the presiding judges commented. 
Many former employees who were slapped with criminal 
charges due to Horizon’s bug went to prison or had their
 lives ruined in other ways. One ex-employee spent nine 
months in prison in 2007 after her Post Office branch 
reported a shortfall of £59,000. The ordeal took her 
away from her two children and “destroyed 
Another subpostmaster who was convicted of theft in 
2008 and spent more than three years behind bars 
denounced the Post Office as a “disgrace” and 
demanded that the “bullies” responsible for 
pressing the charges against ex-workers,
such a
s himself, be held accountable. 
Post Office chief executive Nick Read expressed his regret 
over the episode, and said that the quashing of convictions 
served as a “vital milestone” in correcting past wrongs by 
his organisation, adding there should be compensation
 for the victims that “reflects what has happened.”
In December 2019, the Post Office settled a civil claim 
brought by 555 ex-employees for £57.75 million, but 
did not admit liability. 
Prime Minister Borish Johnson also weighed in,
 describing the scandal “an appalling injustice 
which has had a devastating impact on these 
families for years.”
No one has yet been held accountable for the scandal. The
 government launched an 'inquiry' into the matter last year,
 but campaigners seeking justice say that the investigation 
lacks teeth and suffers from a conflict of interest because 
it is being carried out by the Department for Business, 
Energy and Industrial Strategy, which runs the 
Post Office.
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Len McCluskey RE-ELECTED


"Serving you, our members, is the greatest privilege
of my working life. I'm proud to have stood shoulder-
to-shoulder with you in your struggles and proud to
 have been asked by so many, to continue to fight
for you"


The Corbyn Supporters From Hell -
Attila The Stockbroker, 15th Oct 2015
 at The Blue Boar Hotel, Maldon, Essex, UK


Two weeks before Brexit, the African Union
 announced a new single African passport
that permits holders to enter any of the
 54 AU member states without a visa –
an interesting turn in African history
which NO-ONE in the West knows
or cares about !  What a stunning
reflection of how far our mindset
and media are, from the 'world
community' we say we love.



“Most people under 40 have never been a member of
 a trade union. So unions are irrelevant, right? Wrong.
Unions are more relevant than ever before. With in-
work poverty, zero hours contracts and precarious
employment, trade unions urgently need to make
inroads into the private sector where the majority
 of us work, but a majority are still un-unionised.”

3 recent campaigns show how this might be done -


"Better than Zero" is an exciting campaign launched
 last year by the Scottish TUC to combat employers
 using zero-hours contracts. It is run by young people
 for young people to take on the issue of insecure
 work. Its activists are mostly in their teens or
twenties. The campaign calls upon an older
generation not to stand by while a generation
of young people are forced into insecure work.

It has responded to tip off from employees in
 workplaces charging staff for training or uniforms,
 and bars and restaurants where workers tips are
taken by the company. It's fought against people
 routinely expected to work additional late hours
at short notice, with little or no thought given to
how they'll get home & whether they will be safe.

The campaign uses direct action, stunts and creative
 protests such as targeting bars and restaurants with
 'flash mob choirs', activists and former staff posing
 as customers, before each stand up in a restaurant
to make speeches while other activists leaflet out-
side, Halloween funeral marches on exploitative
employers, or, memorably, activists clad in
chemical-spill clean up garb placing several
 popular bars & restaurants in 'quarantine',
for exploitative work practices. A recent
campaign victory saw restaurant chain
Las Iguanas end a policy of deducting
money from staff tips.


Unite has waged a dynamic fightback against Sports
 Direct including pickets of over 30 stores across the
 UK, occupations, direct action such as the unfurling
 of a #SportsDirectShame banner by Newcastle
United fans at the club owned by Sports Direct
boss, Mike Ashley, other banner drops from
bridges, shareholder action, and a social
media campaign,

Sports Direct is Britain's biggest sportswear
 company. It made over a billion in profits last year,
 but the majority of its workers agency staff are on
 zero hour contracts with no holiday or sick pay, and
 no guaranteed work from one week to the next. It
has been called more 'workhouse' than workplace
with intense surveillance and searches of staff, a
 culture of fear, bullying and intimidation rife.

Unite's campaign had forced the issue of its
Victorian working conditions into national media
& a company review. Unite demands all staff are
 re-employed on permanent contracts on a living
 wage. So far they have won a pay rise for staff
and the company is now being investigated by HM
 Revenue & Customs after the union exposed it for
 effectively paying under the minimum wage.


Unite scored a victory against Pizza Express after
exposing and ending the company deducting a
proportion of staff's hard earned tips as an 'admin
 fee', recruiting new members. The campaign
 involved union activists going into Pizza Express
 branches to speak to waiting staff, weekly pickets,
handing out hundreds of flyers with customers given
 a ‘scrap the admin fee’ postcard to leave with their
 cash tips, and finally a 'meal of justice' when
 protesters went into a restaurant, enjoyed a meal
 and when the bill came, one person stood up and
 told customers about the admin fee while others
handed out postcards. Customers often respond
 with spontaneous applause.

We need to think creatively of how to bring politics
 into the workplace whether collections for refugees
 in Calais, foodbanks or local homeless, organising
 delegations from our work to local protests, or even
 setting up People's Assembly networks with
 likeminded people we work with.

Cardiff People's Assembly is part of The People's
 Assembly Against Austerity, a UK anti-cuts network
 sponsored by eight trade unions. Locally we have
 worked with Unison defending our city's library
 service & PCS to organise solidarity with museum
 workers, we will be supporting Unite Community's
day of action against benefit sanctions. With much
 of our nation's workforce unorganised in their
 workplace in unions, joining movements like ours
can boost people's confidence to stand up to their
employers and build workplace organisation.

In the 1980s Thatcher declared war on the unions
--- as a prelude to letting the market rip through
society --- transforming us into a highly unequal
low pay, low skill economy. The assault on the
 'social wage' means we now have the highest
private rents, highest energy bills, highest rail
 fares, and most expensive university education
 in the EU. Now the Trade Union Bill aims to take
 out a key part of the resistance to extend the
 cuts, privatisation and outsourcing agenda and
 shift even more power and wealth from the 99%
 to the 1%.

Our economy is dominated by low paid jobs. Low
pay makes people insecure. A low pay economy
and tax avoiding corporations make it hard to
invest in public services. Joining a union is
one way to fight back.


Profit Is The Only Concern
 For Railway Privateers
2016 Thursday 29TH DEC

The only way to have a public transport system
 worthy of the name is to have a fully nationalised
railway, says GORDON MARTIN

All things transport have been making the news in
 Scotland for a number of months and the signs are
this isn’t going to change in the dark winter months

Scotland’s railways have been subjected to an
 unprecedented level of scrutiny and criticism with
 opposition politicians, media columnists and some
 trade union officials calling for Nicola Sturgeon to
sack her Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf MSP.

In my view the roots of the public’s dissatisfaction
with Scotland’s railways goes back to the Scottish
 government’s ill-conceived decision to award the
ScotRail franchise to a state-owned rail operator.

Unfortunately for passengers and the ScotRail
 workforce, the state in question was not our own
 — and the Netherlands now benefits from profits
 made by its state company, Abellio, out of ScotRail.

A public-sector bid from Scotland was not allowed
 when the franchise was awarded to Abellio for a
10-year period. With profit the first and only
concern of the profiteers at Abellio, a major
 dispute with Scotland’s biggest rail union
RMT was highly predictable.

Abellio’s attack on the role of the guard on our trains
 brought a summer of discontent as industrial action
 spread across much of the Scottish rail network.

The Scottish government quickly showed its true
colours. The normally very assured and competent
 First Minister committed a monumental blunder
 when she disgracefully inferred the strike was
only about who pushed a button to open and
 close train doors.

While the SNP government very often claims to be
 on the side of working-class communities, it remains
 very much a political party wedded to capitalism.
The First Minister should have taken the trouble to
 speak to disabled passengers or those travelling
on Scotland’s trains who feel vulnerable in any way
 about how crucial the role of the guard is in making
their journey a safer, more relaxing experience.

Thankfully the Scottish government and Abellio
 ScotRail finally saw sense and a negotiated
 settlement was reached which was favourable
 to RMT and which will see safety-trained
guards remain in place.

Following on from our successful efforts to Keep
The Guard on the Train, RMT has launched a high-
profile “Safer Scottish Trains” campaign designed
to ensure trains, stations & rail infrastructure in
 general are properly resourced and managed to
 ensure the best possible service is delivered.

Everyone, in particular disabled people, should be
able to travel on a 21st-century rail network without
 having to check ahead days in advance to ensure
 staff will be in place to assist them.

At the same time, Westminster and the European
Union have also intervened in a negative way
which may have serious repercussions for rail
workers and passengers in the years ahead.

 Earlier this month Chris Grayling, Transport
Secretary in Theresa May’s rotten Tory
government, delivered a speech which
potentially takes the rail industry back
to the complete fragmentation foisted
upon the people of Britain by the hapless
 government of John Major in the 1990s.

 Grayling now seeks to reintroduce “competition”
into rail infrastructure, maintenance and repairs.

Inevitably this will eventually lead to the complete
break-up of Network Rail. The centralised standards
implemented by this public-sector organisation will
be discarded and profit and loss will become the
decisive factor in deciding the standards for
maintaining the rail infrastructure. This is a
frightening scenario with potentially deadly
outcomes and RMT will fight this
 with everything we have.

The latest plans for railways across the EU,
the ultimate bosses’ club, are contained within
 the Fourth Railway Package which MEPs are
 voting on. These proposals make it mandatory
to put rail passenger services out to competitive
 tender. With the Scottish government recently
 beginning to engage with the rail unions and
others regarding a public-sector bid for the
ScotRail contract, the 4th Railway Package
 underlines how fragile and fleeting this
public-sector bid could ultimately be.

Scotland’s ferry sector also had a fair amount
of publicity in the last year or so, with RMT
engaged in a high-profile, long-running and
 ultimately successful campaign to keep
CalMac ferries in public ownership.

RMT stands by our assertion that the Clyde and
Hebridean ferry service did not have to go out
to tender under the Teckal exemption.

Unfortunately, the Scottish government are keen to
 be seen as good Europeans, despite the negative
 impact on the Scottish people, and meekly went
along with directives from the EU.

The uncertainty for island communities and the
stress for the CalMac workforce while their future
 was unclear, was not high on the government’s

Unfortunately it looks highly likely that the workforce
 and the islanders on the Northern Isles are about
 to be put through the same uncertainty as their
counterparts on the west coast.

The government is once again meekly following
diktats from Brussels by putting the Northern Isles
 ferry service out to a competitive tendering process,
despite the people of Britain voting to leave the EU,
 including a sizeable section of the Scottish working

RMT has a clear and principled position which is to
 insist that the Northern Isles contract is brought
back into public ownership forthwith.

We demand an immediate end to the exploitation
of eastern European seafarers. These workers,
employed on a Scottish government contract, are
 being paid wages at a derisory rate while being
 denied the protection of a trade union agreement
 with wages and conditions covered by collective
 bargaining agreements.

As part of our ongoing Save our Seafarers campaign,
 we have highlighted this disgraceful fact to the
 media and the public with our slogan SNP —
Ships of Shame.

This is causing the government and, in particular, the
Transport Minister a great deal of embarrassment. I
 make no apologies for this and I sincerely hope the
 embarrassment will lead to action before too much

It is clear to everyone, with the possible exception
 of right-wing profiteering zealots, that the only
way to have a public transport system worthy
of the name is to have a fully nationalised
railway, properly resourced, with adequate
staffing levels --- together with a publicly
owned ferry operator, working exclusively
on behalf of ferry users and the Scottish
government, & money raised reinvested
--- instead of lining the pockets of private

Gordon Martin is Scottish
 regional organiser of the RMT.

(source - Morning Star)


Tory aid-dumping revelation means
the money should be seized and used
by Mike Sivier

The worst part of this is, it suggests that people
 who said the International Aid budget could be
 used in better ways, were right.

The Times reports that the Tories have been
 ‘dumping’ billions of pounds in aid into shady
World Bank funds, to sit unused indefinitely
– in order to "keep up the appearance" of
 meeting the government’s commitment
to donating 0.7% of the UK’s GDP in
foreign aid.

According to the Times, at least £9 billion has
 been transferred like this in the past 5 years.
Rather than helping developing countries,
the money, which is spread across over 200
 different bank accounts, simply sits there –
 doing nothing except rack up World Bank
‘administration fees’.

UK International Development Secretary Priti
 Patel’s only qualification for her job appears to
 be the fact that she had previously wanted to
 get rid of it and the funding it oversees. This
seems to be the standard Tory qualification
 for any ministerial role that is supposed to
 help people – Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt
 infamously wrote a book, before becoming
Health Secretary, that called for abolition
of the ’60-year-old mistake’ of the NHS.

Clearly, to a Tory, maintaining the appearance
 of doing something is far more important than
 actually doing it – especially if it helps you put
cash into the bank accounts of your backers
 and allies and ideally while you get rid of the
 very thing you’re supposed to be looking after.
 If you hear Tories say ‘reform’, run for cover –
 or better yet, get the pitchforks out.

Source: Keeping up appearances: aid-dumping
shows Tories care for PR, not people

Join the Vox Political Facebook page.


Left Looks To Unite To
Protect Its Power Base

The Labour right was desperate to see the
back of 
“Red Len,” as the tabloids call him. 

But Len won his victory.

Now’s the perfect time to join Unite, with full
membership costing just £3.50 a week,

reduced to 50p for the unemployed.

The AWL and its allies may have won the national
committee battle, but they won’t win the OMOV
war --- if the movementists get organised.

A new current called Opening Momentum has
rallied round the point that anti-OMOVers had
denied members their advertised right to
“vote in national-level elections.”

And it’s crucial that every member who really
 believes in the fabled “new kind of politics”
turns up to their local branch meetings - if
 they have them - to halt plans for a
 parallel party.

This is bigger than Momentum. We need to see
 much more direct democracy in Labour itself,
 although there will always be resistance
 from those who benefit most from the
delegate system.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of
 Labour members and Momentum’s top
priority --- should making
 sure their voice
is heard at next year’s 
party conference.

The Labour left can’t afford to be crushed again
 on the conference floor, as happened this year.

While Momentum was dazzling everyone with its
 World Transformed free festival, right faction
 Labour First was distributing fliers to let
delegates know when and where vital
votes were taking place.

Critically, Momentum must:-  have slates of
candidates ready when local constituency
 parties select conference delegates in
coming months.

The new left movement needs to get serious if
 it wants to win the looming electoral battles
within Labour, the trade unions and the

Defending, strengthening and expanding this
power base at the ballot box, will take back
the leadership, and keep the  movement
 fighting fit for the general election.

• Chat to Charley on Twitter:

(source - Morning Star)

A New Lucas Plan For The Future
by David King

The ideas pioneered by the Lucas workers are just
 as, or more, relevant now than in the 1970s, and
there are strong political similarities in the situation.

As in the ’70s, we have an economic crisis caused
by unjust economic policies and the failure of
successive governments’ industrial strategy.

As usual, this has hit the working class hardest,
and anger over this is being channelled into racism
 against immigrants. Now, the environmental effects
of industrial capitalism are far more evident than 40
years ago, already creating wars, militarisation and
widespread concern about insecurity.

Finally, introduction of new technologies threatens
structural unemployment on a scale considerably
greater than the ’70s.

The Tory government’s response to the economic
and political crisis, despite continuing to publicly
 espouse neoliberal principles, looks a lot like a
 classic Keynesian economic stimulus package.

In the last few months it has made decisions to go
 ahead with a range of industrial infrastructure
megaprojects — Hinkley C, fracking, HS2 and the
Heathrow third runway, as well as pressing ahead
with spending £200 billion on Trident renewal.

A key element in the case for all these projects is the
 jobs that they will generate or preserve, although the
 jobs estimates are bound to be inflated, while the
 price tag will be massively underestimated.

Compared to the ’70s, far fewer jobs will be
created in this way because, due to automation
 and mechanisation, they are all highly capital
rather than labour-intensive.

The Lucas Aerospace workers’ idea of socially
useful production suggests a far better way

Even in the early phase of the environmental
movement, before most socialists realised the
 significance of these issues, the Lucas Plan
acknowledged that protecting the environment
 is part of the concept of socially useful

With the exception of HS2, all the new projects
 are environmental anathema, and the damage
 that project would do to the English countryside
 and people’s homes and communities, for the
 sake of saving 30 minutes of executives’ time,
makes it emblematic of neoliberalism.

The working-class people who voted for Brexit
 are demanding jobs and regeneration of their
communities, but these industrial vanity
 projects are not the solution.

Now is the moment to realise the proposals of the
 Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union
Group (Million Climate Jobs Campaign), which is
 often seen as a successor to the Lucas Plan.

We should be investing in renewable energy,
home insulation, public transport etc as part
of the international trade union initiative of
Just Transition, ie transition to a low-carbon
economy with job protection for workers
 in industries that need to be phased out.

Imagine what could be achieved in regional
 economic renewal and environmental benefits
 with the Trident billions.

But exactly how that money should be spent
should not be decided by economic planners

One of the great strengths of the Lucas Plan was
that it came from the bottom up, from workers,
 not managers.

Recognising that they could not, by themselves,
define what people need, the Lucas workers began
to work with various regional communities to
 develop “popular planning for social need.”

In London, the Greater London Council created
 technology development networks that involved
users, for example disabled people, in
 technology design.

These traditions of bottom-up local planning have
 been continued by various citizens’ local planning
initiatives, such as Just Space in London, and
would be vital to a democratic solution to the

The current economic and environmental crises
 are symptoms of a deeper crisis in the industrial
capitalist mode of production, and they demand a
fundamental rethink of how we produce the basic
things that people need for a decent life.

One of the less well-remembered, but crucial aspects
 of the Lucas Plan was the workers’ struggle against
 the automation and deskilling of their work with
 computer-controlled machinery, a struggle shared
with trade unionists around the world in that period.

As Phil Asquith of the Lucas Combine puts it, “Harold
Wilson’s ‘white heat of the technological revolution’
was burning up workers’ jobs.’

The continuation of this trend over the last 40 years
 is a major source of the jobless recoveries and
 income polarisation that are creating the
“squeezed middle” of angry, Daily Mail-
reading, Brexit voters.

Forecasts suggest that digital technology will
eliminate half the jobs in the economy over the
next 20 years, but its track record shows that
it creates far fewer new jobs to replace them.

One response to this that has become popular on the
 left is the belief that automation will usher in a post-
capitalist society, if we can only feed those useless
 human workers with basic income.

This is a complex argument, but one thing for sure
is that this was not the Lucas workers’ philosophy.

Instead of: “Demand Full Automation, Demand
Universal Basic Income, Demand the Future,”
they would have reminded us that the romance
of high-technology leads to what historian of
technology David Noble aptly called:
 “Progress without people.”

The Lucas workers’ slogan would likely have been:
 “Demand Democratic Control of Technology, Demand
 Socially Useful Production, Demand Equality and

They were very clear that the idea of socially useful
 production is also about how things are produced.

There is no point in socially useful products if they
are made in a way that alienates and deskills the
 workers who produce them.

They went on to design “human-centred
technologies,” in which the point was to
 use and develop workers’ skills, rather than
 design them out of the production process.

A skills and people-based, more labour-intensive
 approach is, in the era of Brexit and environmental
 crisis, a much better way to create a socially just,
 sustainable economy than old-fashioned, capital-
intensive high-tech mega projects. This is the
 agenda we will be discussing in Birmingham

(source - the Morning Star)

Construction Workers
Can’t Be Expected
Work Into Their Sixties

by Brian Rye
(source - The Star)

British governments seem to think one of two
things about construction workers: they're
 either superhuman, or they don’t give a
toss about
them. That would be the
logical conclusion,
given the raise
in the pension age, to 68.

With the state pension age due to rise to 67 by 2026
and 68 by 2044, our political elites seem to believe
 that we are breeding a race of human beings with
 quite exceptional physical capabilities.

While professional sportspeople are pretty much done
by their mid-thirties, with their strength, speed and
 stamina leeching away by the day, the British
 construction worker - if you believe our politicians
 - lives in a world that defies conventional science.

Despite the early starts, the exposure to the
elements, the heavy lifting, the long hours,
poor diet & susceptibility to minor injury,

 these lions of the labour force are all going
 to get their telegram from the king - because
 the stats say we’re all living longer.

Sadly, if you have a shred of common sense
you will immediately know this is not true.

Construction workers are the same as any other
human being. Like professional sportspeople,
they can feel their physical abilities start to
wane from their mid-thirties.

The only difference being: construction workers
 have to stay in the game. & not only that, given
 the increase in the pensionable age, the game
 just went into extra time.

Empathy is a wonderful characteristic for a human
 being to possess because it creates understanding
 and caring for others.

So we have to ask ourselves, as our besuited,
overweight politicians sit back in their comfy
chairs before skipping off to their subsidised
 three-course meal in the House of Commons -
 with a glass of wine or two — how much
empathy are they feeling with their
compatriots in construction?

Can they imagine the freezing mornings, the
 hours of standing up, the repetitive physical
 work or the greasy chips for lunch? It would
 seem not.

Recent research carried out by the TUC, in a
report called Postponing the Pension, shows
 that a significant proportion of the population
 won’t reach the pensionable age of 68 in any
 fit state to enjoy their retirement.

The results show that half a million workers within
five years of the state pension have had to leave
 work for medical reasons, and that nearly half of
 60 to 64-year-olds stopped working before
 their official retirement age.

This is why Ucatt is currently trying to get the
Labour Party to support policies that would
 mean a future Labour government would
introduce a flexible pension age for
physically demanding professions.

Construction work is hugely physically demanding
 because it involves prolonged standing, highly
 repetitive work, heavy lifting, working with the
hands lifted to shoulder height or higher, and
working with the back twisted or bent forward.
It can lead to musculoskeletal disorder,
 cardiovascular disease and long-term
sickness absence.

These work conditions and their effects need to
 be factored into the calculation of a pensionable
 age. It is only fair.

At 60, most politicians are on a few company boards,
 are picking up consultancies, maybe writing a book
 and reaping the benefits of a lifetime’s work.

The current presidential candidates in the US
are 68 (Hillary Clinton) and 70 (Donald Trump)
- beneficiaries of a lifetime of comfort, good
 food, little or no physical exertion and
 excellent healthcare on demand.

These individuals see no reason to retire -
 they’re feeling fine. Construction workers
 often aren’t feeling fine.

We all know that one in four people in Britain will
 now live to 100 — but what about the other three?
 At what age will they be checking out? And
what jobs are they doing?

According to figures from the government’s
own Office for National Statistics, doctors
and accountants are outliving builders and
cleaners, by as much as eight years.

Men in professional occupations can expect to
live to 80, almost eight years longer than those
 in unskilled jobs, whose life expectancy is 72.7.
So people are not all the same - shock, horror!
Comparing the accountant to the construction
worker is comparing apples with oranges - and
yet our governments conveniently ignore this.

Our ageing population and the fears surrounding
the viability of the state pension in the future has
caused the political class to legislate in a heavy-
handed, insensitive and unsophisticated way.

The phrase “we’ve all got to work longer” is bandied
about by those sitting comfortably behind a desk. For
 those leading a more active life, this phrase is just a
 plain, old-fashioned threat.

To quote ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn: “Living longer
doesn’t mean we are able to work longer in physically
 demanding jobs like that of the firefighter, police
officer or paramedic. And it’s not just in the
 emergency services. Construction workers, care
 workers and prison officers cannot be expected
to work into their sixties. We need a flexible
pension age that allows people to work for
as long as they want to.”

Ucatt’s campaign plainly states “68 is too late.”
It’s a campaign that needs to be fought to a victory
 - for the sake of thousands of British workers. We
need to present our case, find broad support and
build empathy within the country. And we have to
 find acceptance that it may cost us all a little
 bit more while we’re of working age.

Otherwise we will all be using another well-
known phrase: “flogging a dead horse.”

We’ll leave the last words to Mr Corbyn: “If we
want dignity for all in old age, then it has to be
 paid for.”

Brian Rye is acting general secretary of Ucatt.


Britain’s workers feel stressed and insecure
(originally in the Morning Star)
by Carolyn Jones

The UK's 31 million workers are among the most
insecure, stressed and unhappiest in Europe.

No wonder! According to the latest report by
 the Institute of Employment Rights (IER), the
 evidence is damning.

On average, UK workers work more hours per week,
 more days per year, more years before retirement --
 after which, they receive lower levels of pension --
 than most of their European counterparts.

In comparison to other European workers they
 generally receive less education and training,
 and (because of lack of employer investment)
their productivity is lower.

They get fewer paid holidays than almost all
European comparators and their pay is so low
that a great proportion of them are in poverty
--- with the state subsidising employers’
low wages.

And it doesn’t end there. The UK has a high
 proportion of its workforce in so-called “self-
employment,” agency work, temporary work,
 and/or on zero-hours contracts.

It has more part-time workers who want full-
time jobs, than other European countries.

UK workers have less entitlement to redundancy
 pay, sick pay, and maternity pay, than most
 European workers.

Workers’ rights to remedies for unfair dismissal
and discrimination are set low and have been
 made practically unenforceable by the
imposition of high access fees.

In the UK, unlike most European countries, there
 is no ministry of labour, no labour inspectorate
 and a negligible complement of health and
 safety inspectors.

All this in the fifth richest nation in the world.
 It is obscene. So what’s to be done?

An excellent starting point is the establishment
 of Jeremy Corbyn’s Workplace 2020 initiative.
 Launched in May 2016, the aim of the project
 is to start a national conversation on what
 work should be like in 2020.

Under the chairmanship of Ian Lavery, shadow trade
 union minister, the Labour Party wants to hear the
 good, the bad and the ugly stories about working
 life in Britain.

On a recently launched website people can submit
their comments, complaints and suggestions on a
 range of workplace issues.

So whether it’s job security, pay and pensions,
 training and apprenticeships, diversity and
equality, trade unions or health and safety
 that raises your passion, there’s scope to
 feed into the policy agenda.

Once again the Labour leadership team is turning
 out to the country for ideas rather than assuming
 it knows best in the corridors of power.

Labour is already committed to raising the
 minimum wage, banning zero-hours contracts,
 ensuring workers are given access to justice,
 and giving temporary workers the same rights
 as permanent staff. But it recognises that more
 needs to be done -- not just to secure fairness at
 work but to rebuild the UK's economy and industry.

So, at the request of Jeremy Corbyn and Ian Lavery,
 the IER drafted a contribution to the review, using
 15 of its academic and legal experts. At the heart
 of our proposals is the need to ensure the voice of
 the UK’s 31 million workers is heard & respected --
in government (via a ministry of labour), in the
economy (via a national economic forum) and in
 industry (via sectoral employment commissions).

The manifesto offers 25 major policy
 recommendations for consideration.

It proposes changing the way in which working
 conditions are regulated. It moves responsibility
 for workplace regulation from legislation to
 collective bargaining.

It calls for the repeal of the Trade Union Act 2016,
 the removal of tribunal fees and the introduction
 of fundamental & enforceable rights for workers,
 enforceable in a labour court with the assistance
 of labour inspectors.

The Thatcher concept of individual rights for
 individual workers has to go. It does little for
 workers, it’s costly to enforce and it fails to
 deliver fairness at work.

IER’s manifesto offers a system based on
 the collective voice of workers, negotiating
 collectively agreed standards & delivering
 collectively enforced fairness at work.

A new framework of labour law should
 be built on the following 10 points:

A ministry of labour

A national economic forum

Sectoral employment commissions

Sectoral collective agreements and
wages councils’ orders

Workplace bargaining

A strengthened framework of statutory
employment rights

Labour courts and labour inspectors

Employment tribunals

Stronger support for freedom of association
 and collective rights

The right to strike

Carolyn Jones is director of the Institue of
Employment Rights

A manifesto for labour law: Towards a comprehensive
 revision of workers’ rights --- is available from IER.
Go to www.ier.org.uk for more information.


 Why Labour is putting energy reform
 at the heart of its green agenda
Jeremy Corbyn

No issue better connects the environment to
people’s lives than energy. To deliver clean,
 affordable electricity, we need to change
our undemocratic system of supply.

We are on course for a climate catastrophe. 2016
is set to be the hottest year on record. Unless the
 Paris agreement’s target of limiting the rise in
 temperatures by 1.5C is met, heatwaves like that
 in 2003, which killed tens of thousands of people
 in Europe, will become the norm. And that's before
 considering rising sea levels and desertification,
 that will sink cities, and kill and displace millions,
 or the fact that the Earth has already lost half its
 wildlife, in the past 40 years.

The task for politicians is to propose real solutions
to the single most important issue facing humanity.
Too often, the environment is considered a matter
 for scientists, enthusiasts & activists. To increase
 public understanding and energise the political
 debate, we need more than facts – we need a
 programme that resonates with people’s every-
day experiences, offering not just warnings,
 but opportunities and improvement.

No issue better connects the environment to
people’s lives than energy. In Britain today,
 7 million households struggle to pay their bills
 because of spiralling costs, while the big six
energy companies have seen their profits rise
 by more than tenfold since 2007. The energy
 market is not just expensive, inefficient and
 polluting – it is, above all, undemocratic.

In order to deliver clean, affordable heating and
 electricity we need to change the whole system
 of energy supply. When energy is driven by the
 needs of people, it will be greener – because
saving the planet is in the interests of

That is why I am today announcing a bold new set of
policies which will pioneer a democratic, community-
led system of energy supply. Over the course of the
 next parliament, we will use public investment and
 legislation to promote the creation of over 200 local
 energy companies, giving towns, cities & localities
 the powers they need to drive a clean, locally
 accountable energy system with public,
 not-for-profit companies.

At the heart of this policy will be a new generation
of community energy co-operatives. We will create
 1,000 of these co-operatives with the support of a
 network of regional development banks, and
 legislate to give them the right to sell energy
directly to the communities they serve.

At the same time as building a new publicly run,
locally accountable energy system, we will invest
 in the high quality homes & insulation needed to
 make Britain environmentally sustainable. We will
 create a National Home Insulation programme to
 insulate at least 4m homes to energy efficiency
 standard B or C. In the private rented sector, we
 will set compulsory standards at the same level
& end the misery of cold rented accommodation.
 This would save millions of people money on
 their bills as well as saving energy that is
currently wasted on poorly insulated homes.

In order to have any hope of keeping the rise in
temperature to 2C – let alone meeting our Paris
 agreement target of 1.5C – we need to keep 80%
 of fossil fuels in the ground. This can and must
 be done. Scotland is already on course to
generate 100% of its electricity by renewables,
& Britain has an ample supply of wind & water.
In government, I'll commit to generating 65% of
 Britain’s electricity from these sources by 2030.

All of these measures will create secure, skilled
 employment for hundreds of thousands of people.
 As part of our transition to a low-carbon economy,
 we estimate that we will create 316,000 jobs in
 wind, solar and wave power. We'll use a £500bn
national investment programme, with a National
Investment Bank and a network of regional
development banks, to ensure that these jobs
 and opportunities are created in places where
 they are most needed – in coastal towns and
areas with high unemployment.

Too often, environmental catastrophe is explained
 in the same terms as an asteroid hitting the earth.
 But the problems and the solutions are political –
they are about the prioritisation of profit over the
 needs of people and, at the heart of it all, a lack
 of democracy in how decisions are made. By
 democratising our energy supply, and giving
people power over their own destinies, we
can rebuild and transform Britain so that
no one and no community, is left behind.


Together --- Stronger!

Change, when it comes, will not come from
 Westminster. The campaign to save our NHS
 must become a visible reality on every high
street and a priority for Labour members.

The NHS is at breaking point, and as
Keep Our NHS Public secretary John
Lister says: “by 2020 it will all be over.”

To reverse the damage of four more years of A&E
 closures, outsourced or pared-down services and
 reduced access, could verge on the impossible.

MPs who obsess over the need to attract Tory
 voters may find that the champions who saved
a local A&E win more hearts and minds than a
lorryload of anti-immigration mugs ever could.



John Dunn, ex-miner and a Labour Party member
 for 45 years, was blocked from voting for Corbyn,
because he challenged Owen Smith
for exploiting
the legacy of Orgreave for electoral

He has been told he is suspended from the
 Labour Party.

John says: "45 years continuous membership
and they couldn't even address me by my name"

It looks like the NEC are creating
their very own blacklist.

Help John, if you like, by going here:





Labour grew hugely under Corbyn
  and the ''guess'' is --- most of new
members we
re Corbyn supporters.


Support for Jeremy Corbyn from Tyrone O’Sullivan,
a fourth-generation south Wales miner, who led a
workers’ buy-out of Tower Colliery, to save it
 from closure.

"I’ve been close to Jeremy since the miners’ strike.
 Knowing the man, knowing his abilities and his
education, it was a dream come true for me when
 he became leader. His ideas and values are more
 necessary, here in south Wales, than probably
 anywhere else in the country. He wanted
 for Labour, but only under
our terms -
 for a change."

O’Sullivan, a lifelong Labour member, says
Jeremy is the only true socialist we have
had as leader --- for
20 or 30 years.



Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership opponent
flaunted his contempt for democracy
by backing a second referendum on
membership of the EU.

And MPs pressured Jeremy Corbyn to resign,
by constant smears, media lies 
and attacks
on Labour's membership !!!

No wonder the Unite policy conference
has overwhelmingly backed mandatory
reselection of MPs - to ensure genuine
democratic accountability in the party.


Unite pushes for
reselection of MPs

 by Conrad Landin

Candidates ‘should reflect members’ views’

Labour's largest affiliate is now behind the
push for mandatory reselection of MPs, as
Jeremy Corbyn critics have “destabilised”
the party, to ditch 
anti-austerity policies.

Delegates at general union Unite’s conference
are resolved to support the approach, in order
 “to ensure democratic accountability, and the
 rights of party members to select candidates
 that reflect their views.”

Currently, sitting MPs are only subject to a
 “trigger ballot” -- where they automatically
 become the candidate -- unless a super-
majority of branches in the constituency
support a new selection.

London  and eastern region's delegate,
Parslow: “The current trigger

mechanism is difficult, & weighted
in favour of the incumbent.

“We put ourselves up as reps and
branch officers for election regularly.

“I don’t think it’s unreasonable for MPs to
 put themselves up for re-selection. They
 should be accountable to us, and not to
Murdoch’s press: they're there because
they have the Labour Party name on
 the ballot paper.”

Mike Hedges, another London delegate:
 “Four weeks ago I would have spoken
against this motion --- but after the
treachery of 172 MPs --- we have
 no option.”

The union’s leaders are also mandated to
 “support moves to bring more democracy
 into policy-making -- by returning powers
 to the party conference.”

A Unite spokesperson:

 “This vote simply reflects the immense
 frustration that our members feel. They
at the conduct of some within the
party, the
challenge to the elected
leader, and they
feel angered.

“They want Labour fighting the
Tories, not among themselves.”

Join Labour Party now


Momentum and Labour are engaged in a huge
consultation to expand democracy in Labour...



*         *         *

With 640,000 members - and a huge 200,00
 joining in just 2 weeks - Labour was the
largest left-wing party in Europe.

If you haven't done so already, join Labour,
join Momentum, and let's rebuild




GMB Wins Lidl Recognition
by Peter Lazenby
Ruling affects hundreds of warehouse staff

The Star - General union GMB has won a landmark
 legal ruling giving hundreds of warehouse workers
 at giant cut-price supermarket chain Lidl the right
 to be represented by the union.

The German-owned chain opposes union
 recognition and resisted the union’s claim.

But the Central Arbitration Committee, whose
 decisions are legally binding, supported the
 GMB case, and gave the union full rights to
represent and negotiate on behalf of its 223
members among warehouse workers at
 Bridgend, south Wales.

GMB now presses ahead with its campaign
 for recognition at 8 more Lidl warehouses
 across England and Scotland.

National secretary Justin Bowden says:
“Lidl’s attempts at union-busting were quite
 properly thrown out by the judge --- in a
victory for rights at work.

“[Wednesday’s] ruling opens the gates to not
 only improving employees’ pay & terms and
 conditions at the Bridgend site, but is also a
major victory for the GMB’s campaign for
a trade union voice at the workplace.

“The suggestion that Lidl’s workers don't
 need the option of a trade union to stick
 up for them and fight for their interests
 is baloney, pure and simple.

“As a result of today’s ruling, employees
 will get the chance to decide for them-
selves, if the company’s own ‘personal
personnel hotline’ is any match for an
independent union taking their side &
 defending their interests in the

GMB Wales and south-west regional secretary
 John Phillips adds: “Regrettably, Lidl continues
 to show both hostility towards GMB & shameful
 disregard for the wishes of its own workforce,
 with expensive challenges against fair and
objective decisions made by independent
third-party organisations.”

Lidl is also resisting attempts by shop workers’
union Usdaw to recruit and represent staff in
its supermarkets.

An Usdaw spokesperson said: “Lidl will not
even let our representatives into stores, to
talk to staff.”

Lidl has 637 stores & 9 regional distribution
 centres --- employing over 18,000 staff. Its
ambitions to expand in Britain, could see it
more than double in size --- with plans for
1,500 stores & 2 more distribution centres.


Tax offices’ own cleaners
don’t get minimum wage

Cleaners at 6 government offices on Mersey-
walked out over their employer’s failure
to pay them the legal minimum wage.

The staff began the two-day strike, because
have not received that £7.20-an-hour
rate the
government introduced on April 1.


Wales: 50,000 days lost
due to teacher stress

The number of teachers off sick due to stress
 in Wales has soared by thousands in just one
 year, new research shows.

Stress-related illness caused the 51,795
 sick days: an increase of 2,568 on 2014,
 freedom of information figures revealed.


Unions stood by
Corbyn & McDonnell

The entire labour movement could have
been concentrating all of our efforts -
bringing down this mean government.

Instead, 172 Labour MPs launched an attempted
 coup on Corbyn. If it's true that Angela Smith MP
 described the 10,000 activists, including general
 secretaries of affiliated trade unions, who were
a recent pro-Corbyn rally, as “dogs,” --- then
questions need to be asked about the
between the PLP and the trade
union movement.

Every trade union in Britain has regular elections
 for shop stewards, branch secretaries, and their
general secretary.

It's time those who fund the Labour Party
the same level of democracy
for sitting MPs.

Anything less than a mandatory reselection of
before every parliament is now untenable.

Let’s get this straight: none of these MPs backed
 Corbyn for leader, most of them abstained in the
 Welfare Reform Bill, many of them voted for the
Iraq war, & to this day, hero-worship Tony Blair.

The 172 Labour MPs aren't just trying to change
 the Labour leader -- they are plotting to drag the
 movement back to a Blairite view of politics.

The vote of no confidence wasn't just an attempt
 to oust Corbyn --- it was a declaration of war on
the entire organised left.

The gloves are off and there’s no going back.
 Everyone will need to decide: which side are
 you on? I stand with Corbyn and McDonnell.

    Dave Smith is co-author, with Phil Chamberlain,
of Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big
Business and Trade Unionists,
 (New Internationalist Publications).


RMT: We Must Fight
Assault On Our Rights

Union ‘disappointed’ with
lack of action from TUC

Unions should move to take “generalised” strike
 action: with or without a go-ahead from the TUC,
RMT activists insisted.

The union was meeting in Cardiff that week --- but
 you wouldn't know it, if you'd read the Welsh press!

Delegates at the transport union’s annual general
 meeting in Cardiff expressed disappointment that
 fiery rhetoric about defeating new anti-strike laws
 was not followed up with action.

The union unanimously passed a motion expressing
 concern at the TUC’s “lack of campaigning” on the
 issue and called for a “high-profile campaign.”

Leeds delegate Trevor Howard said: “Personally,
my own view is that the TUC is a waste of space
 and it needs to be reorganised.”

The Trade Union Act, which received Royal Assent
last month, imposes arbitrary thresholds on strike
 ballots & other curbs on labour movement activity.

RMT general secretary Mick Cash said: “It’s
 fundamentally undemocratic when you put
these thresholds in.”

He said unions must respond to the law by ramping
 up their organising. “Whatever we do, we’ve got to
 make sure we get our members’ support,” he said.

And he praised Jeremy Corbyn’s Workplace 2020
agenda, which aims to introduce new labour rights.

 “What we need to be doing is turning the tables,”
 he added: “We’ve got to get an alternative to
this legislation --- to get us positive rights.”


RMT AGM: Labour traitors
 have ruined our moment

Cash blasts ‘self-indulgent MPs’
for sabotaging left’s moment

“Self-indulgent” Labour MPs have squandered
the left’s best moment to go on the offensive,
RMT's general secretary, Mick Cash, stressed.

He used his address to the transport union’s
annual general meeting to warn of “massive
fights ahead” amid “political and economic

He said the divisions in the Tory Party and
 shockwaves in the world of capital should
 have been an opportunity for the left to get
 its message across. But he said this had
been sabotaged by the frontbenchers
resigning and calling for Jeremy
Corbyn’s head.

He fumed: “What have they done? Self-indulgence.
They’ve created division, they created a lack of
 leadership of progressive forces.

“They’ve created a situation where, if we’re not
 careful, we’ll have a Tory government ------ and
worse, a Tory government supported by Ukip.

“We need to seize the opportunity to put forward
 an agenda to fight against austerity, against cuts
 and for workers’ rights. But that won’t happen if
our politicians in London are playing the game
 they’re playing.

“Ordinary working people are sick of the
political class and what they’re doing ---
 and yet they’re doing it again.”


Putschist MPs ‘Let The
Tories Off The Hook’

Unions rally round previous Labour leader

Union reps on Labour’s ruling executive signed
defiant statement to show that Mr Corbyn
still has
institutional support.

The leader of Labour’s most recent affiliate Fire
Brigades Union
general secretary Matt Wrack
pointed his hoses at
the quitters, saying their
action was “co-
ordinated to cause maximum
damage” to Mr Corbyn.

“It is bizarre that some of the MPs making the
criticism of Jeremy Corbyn over the
referendum --
completely failed to convince
the electorate in
their own constituencies,”
he said.

“After the referendum, Labour should be
out policies to defend jobs, public
services &
wages, as an exit from the EU
is negotiated.
Instead, some Labour MPs
are playing irresponsible
& silly games,
from their Westminster bubble.”

Unite south-east secretary Jenny Formby, one of the
 executive members behind the statement in support
 of Mr Corbyn, said it was “nonsense” to blame him
 for the result. “Now, more than ever, is a time for
loyalty and unity,” she stormed.

Communication Workers’ Union leader Dave Ward
 fired off a missive, stating Mr Corbyn “has our full
 support” as leader.

“Jeremy Corbyn is, and remains, the catalyst for
change in the Labour Party and the country,” he
“Those who seek to oust him, represent
the politics
that forgot ordinary people.”

And food union BFAWU turned up the heat.
They said plotters would “only serve to let the
 Conservative government off the hook for the
 damage they've heaped upon our communities
& the crisis they've caused in pursuit of power.”


Visit our new, interactive website

International Health Workers
for People Over Profit

want to engage with you!

We've launched a new, interactive website

Our pages are open to all who share our goals
for better social services, better working
conditions and a healthier world for everyone.

Our Solidarity Page is dedicated to promoting
causes & struggles intersecting with our own.

Our Debates page is open to discuss
and clarify the way forward.

Our Upcoming Events page will feature
timely events, anywhere in the world.

We are looking for useful information
to post on our Resources page.

And, as before, all of our past newsletters
are posted in the Newsletter Archives.

We invite you to comment on our newsletter,
our articles, anything at all!

Please Use Us!

Send your submissions to


Please limit the length of each submission to
1 page or less, and include links and photos
when possible. All submissions are moderated
and may be edited for length and clarity.


International Health Workers
for People Over Profit
has joined the Boycott, Divestment
Sanctions Campaign against Israel.

We oppose
Israel’s repression of the
Palestinians and
support a single
state in Israel/Palestine
with equal
rights for all.

Stop the closures and cuts in Wales, Clegg !




Youth unemployment rates in some parts of
Britain, such as the North East, have reached
the highest recorded level ever, recent data
gathered by the GMB union shows.

The GMB report says unemployment rates
 among people aged between 18-25 have
record levels.

Wales is top of the unemployment
 list, with almost 23,000 claimants.
The GMT reveals that some parts of
 Wales have a jobless rate of 37%.

Paul Kenny, GMB general secretary:

"In the UK there are nearly 400,000 young
 workers aged 18-24 claiming jobseeker's
 allowance. When you add to that number
 the rest of the young people not in jobs,
but seeking work, the real number is
 more than double that figure.”

The number of young UK job seekers is
 really almost one million;- which makes
 this young generation the real victims of
the current recession in Britain.

Kenny again: “The Government is in
denial that it is deliberately creating

This is while reports say almost 150,000
 jobs are under threat across the country.

What Wales needs is AN ECONOMY


"Regional aid" - artificially importing factories
that owe no allegiance to Wales - has failed.

Innovation means NEW ! New thinking.

Stop moaning about the past. Start building
economy NOW, for our youngsters.

Or else!!!

New means old, if you want to build a
genuine economy. From the ground
up, means exactly that!

Agriculture, producing smart new food
and drinks. But based on our strengths.

All the land we need is here, and if we
 look up, 80 percent of Wales' "valley"
 land is up in the air, like Penrhys!

And it's almost unused. Imagine! All that
 land from the Rhondda over to Aberdare
 and beyond.

I'm sure people with vision can see orchards
and new products... new ways of working, etc.

All it requires is a WILLINGNESS TO CHANGE.

Try and Stop US


The UK's TUC is calling on the UK government
end its meddling policies in the Middle East

and North Africa.

“The “war on terror” is still continuing and has
failed, after ten years, to bring the promised
peace and stability to either the Middle East
or the wider world,” the motion says...



Last year’s table of 10 top EU economies
- assessing income, prices, working culture
public spending, put the UK in last place.

The UK now has the 4th-highest retirement
of any country averaging 63.1 years -
and this,
thanks to the Tories AND a
supine work-force,
is set to keep
higher and higher.

Average net household income after tax, (and
remember, this "average" includes the stinking
rich) is £37,172 a year, but even after ignoring
the ridiculously high "average", this is now
lower than the average amount
earned in Ireland,
the Netherlands &
Denmark, where there are
less of the
obscenely rich, to distort the figures.

In Wales, we know that the "average" worker
earns far less than this: (£15,000 after tax)

Life for most in the UK is set to get even worse
- if people don't fight back - as  public services
 are to be cut more, after the next Spending
 Review ..and will lead to budget cuts of up
 to 40% in many public service departments.

France and Spain again top the quality of
 life index, as workers there have more paid
 holidays, earlier retirement, lower prices,
 longer life expectancy and, just to rub it
better weather.

There are no separate figures for Wales.... why?

Could it be that knowing...  might lead to
or is it because Welsh workers,
with their vibrant
economy, as they stop
mindlessly following London... 
and build
their new economy, are now so well off,

that the English might get jealous?
Yeah, right!

The lesson is obvious. Strong unions with
membership abound on the continent,
while UK
residents sink apathetically down
& down & down.

As Tony Blair said: we British are "special".

We think life gets better for us if we let the
bankers of London exploit the rest of the
world, and
our non-working workforce
sinks into apathy
and selfishness...

Makes you proud, doesn't it!

Does it?

EU workers unite against cuts

eaten alive cuts cuts cuts


Workers from across Europe took part in a major
demonstration in Brussels --- to demand that
austerity measures be dropped in favour of

an end to wars & for peaceful reconstruction.

Europeans took to the streets of Brussels to
 demonstrate against wage & pension cuts
and diminishing job opportunities.

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC),
one of the EU's leading unions, says that about
100,000 people from 30 countries took part, and
police estimates say 20,000.

“Cutting in a recession's crazy and we must
fight it,” AFP quotes the ETUC's general
secretary, a prominent UK union leader.

Marches also took place in Portugal, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Cyprus,
Serbia, Romania, Poland, Ireland and France.

The rallies coincided with a general strike in
Spain where the government froze pensions
and cut the salaries of government workers.

“This is the worst economic crisis in the post-
war history of Western Europe,” the eTUC
leader adds.

"We call for a rethink and a change - in Spain
and in Europe. We are mobilizing, and they
have to listen to us."

The union says European workers could be
the main victims of a financial crisis set off
by bankers and traders.

Many European governments have imposed
 reductions in wages, pensions & employment
 - to deal with the escalating economic issues.



The OECD has released its long awaited Action Plan
to curb "base erosion and profit shifting" (BEPS) by
large multinational enterprises.

"The OECD Action Plan has the ambition to effectively
curb tax evasion by large multinational enterprises –
but it is a plan, and it needs effective commitments
by governments and effective implementation,”
says ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

The Action plan consists of 15 measures to strengthen
corporate income tax rules and prevent tax avoidance
through manipulating intra-group transfer pricing
between subsidiaries, and the use of empty shell
companies in low tax jurisdictions.

Tax challenges created by globalised production and
service systems, the digital economy and increasing
importance of "intangibles" – r & d, and intellectual
property – feature prominently in the OECD
Action plan.

Read the action plan here

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