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All-Russia is moving to liberation

 (only on youtube)
'come and see'
- a partisan film
Watch this film --- and you
will - finally - understand.
Some in the West are fond
of a loose use of words...
''stunning'', for example, to describe
a work of art... but believe me
when I say - this film about a
lad of 14 - made me laugh
and cry and - by the end 
- I was left stunned.

A recent attempt on youtube by an obvious
anti-Russian, to pour scorn on this film's
historical accuracy, tries to point out
that the nazi troops state they are
members of a unit that was not
there.. but can't bring himself
to see that they might have
been lying!



St. John of Kronstadt Orthodox 
Spiritual Care Centre
"Veterans and children of the Great Patriotic War:
to the Government 
and people of Germany".
By events in Ukraine
Today, when the German government decided
to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons, the
world has changed — the silhouettes of a 
new world war are more than clearly 
outlined! And again - Germany! 
But there are honest people in Germany, anti-
fascists, and we hope that this Message will 
fall into their hands. People born between 
1927 and 1945 have the status of "war 
children" in Russia.
All those who survived that war can subscribe to this letter.
We think that actual signatures are not necessary, we
suggest that veterans
(or "war children") read them
this letter, 
independently or with someone's help, 
and send us (at the coordinates indicated
below) something like 
the following: 
Moscow, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, 90 years old, disabled
war veteran (or otherwise), Hero of 
the Soviet Union
(or Holder of the Order of 
Glory... or otherwise),
was repatriated to
 Germany during the war
(or otherwise). 

Or just the city, full name, and age. The 
main thing, is that they should be real 
people who are familiar with the text.
We, the last veterans and all the peoples of 
Russia who survived that great and terrible
war, are now on the verge of death! Our 
time is already running out. For a huge 
part of our lives, we hoped we would 
come to the end of it, in peace - 
without all-destroying hatred! 
For the painfully long decades after the Second World War,
we overcame our righteous anger! I 
long for retribution for
the innumerable wounds, spiritual and physical, that we
still carry in our bodies and our hearts! And most of us
have forgiven! And not in a small way due to the fact
that Germany for many years has demonstrated its
repentance its understanding of what it has done!
And we have overcome, not only ourselves, but
also the voice of the blood of 
our barbarically
exterminated relatives! 
By whom?
Germans ...fascists! 
We have forgiven... following the laws of human
coexistence! So it was... until 2014. And then,
in 2014, when everything began in Ukraine... 
we looked with hope at Germany and at the
then Chancellor Angela Merkel. We couldn't
imagine that after all that the Germans did 
in Ukraine, after Babi Yar, after mountains 
of mutilated corpses, they would still look 
with lust at the Ukrainian fields that can 
feed Europe today! Or they, the Germans, 
who have covered the Crimea they once 
promised with blood, will still somehow
be interested in turning the Crimea 
an American and in general a NATO 
base, ideal for aggression against
Which would be clearly
aimed at a future war. 
After all, only fools do not understand the meaning and
goals of the entire coup in 
Ukraine... in the conditions
of which 
Russia behaved in the only possible way! But
the Germans are not fools! 
We the Russians, know for
your psychology, as "brothers in blood" - our
blood, which you 
"prudently" shed in rivers! 
We remember your "systematic methods of
population reduction"! Our population! Until
now, in different parts of our once united
Homeland, where the boot of German 
fascism was trodden, we find hidden 
mass graves of our civilians: in the 
Novgorod region, in the Kuban, in 
the Rostov region, in Karelia. In 
Belarus, in 2021... hundreds of 
civilian remains... were found 
in Brest    ...on the site of the 
Jewish ghetto the Trostenets 
concentration camp....  near 
Minsk terrible in its tragedy
revealed the secret of the 
remains... of thousands of 
tortured and killed people! 
We are talking about tens of thousands of newly
discovered victims of Nazism! This blood - still
cries out for revenge - and for decades the
memory of the barbarously destroyed 
Russian people, and monuments to 
Russian soldiers, liberators, have 
been desecrated with impunity! 
And the new Nazis are marching in the Baltic
States and Ukraine, in front of the entire
"civilized" world!  But in 2014, we were 
sincerely convinced -- that in this new 
Nazi demarche it's the Germans who 
will be our associates in preventing 
this meanness! 
We hoped that, guided by an elementary
conscience, the Germans would not 
participate..  in an obviously fascist 
anti-state coup in Ukraine! After all 
...the subsequent catastrophe of 
modern Ukraine was committed 
by direct descendants of those 
who were special bastards in 
the German army! Clearly, 
Americans and Canadians have only hidden and preserved
this diabolical heritage, feeding this 
generation, but the
product of this evil... is Germany! Hitler's Germany! And
it was impossible for us to believe that it was 
that would again give a 
"road map" to these inhumans!
we were wrong! Germany has once again allowed
these fascist geeks 
to enter the world! 
The support of modern Germany - in the face of
the new government of Ukraine-Bandera, the
heirs of the SS division " Galicia ", the thugs 
of the UPA OUN and all other abominations;
is simply unthinkable for us! This is beyond 
all that is human!  But you, Germany, have
already done it and continue to do it! You 
have, once again, set your sights on the 
Slavic world and these geeks are blood 
from the blood of German Nazism! And 
again to Russia! 
Only, even more despicable: inciting our closest
Ukrainian brothers against us! And you know it!
You know this as well as we do! You killed one
nation in that Great War! Yes, we are
one people! 
The truth is written and often spoken about 
by your own Steinmeier, who at the same 
time viciously took a direct part in the 
Kiev coup of 2014 — fascist in fact! 
This American may not be clear about some-
thing, but it's more than that, for you!  And 
after all, it was your vykormysh..  that got 
ready..  for their torchlight processions in 
Kiev! The living shadow of Nazi Germany 
is behind all this. It was only temporarily
covered up by sly diplomacy — "helmets 
instead of guns"! But that's it, "masks 
are reset"! Your supply of German 
weapons to Ukraine today, is 
natural, it is in the logic of 
your policy of recent 
Today it is clearly pro-fascist! You have taken 
this step: German weapons will kill Russians 
again! Keep killing. During the years of the 
conflict in the Donbas, your professional 
killers have already killed Russians, at 
least by teaching them...  "how to kill 
correctly"! Only now -- it's even more 
despicable — you're teaching this to
- your blood brothers!  Donbass is on 
your conscience! Thousands of lives 
of its peaceful citizens --- again your 
handiwork! We do not care about the
role of Americans, in everything that
happens: there, is money-God!  We, 
veterans of that war, its children, 
are concerned about the role of 
the Germans! Because it is you 
who know -- exactly -- who the 
Ukrainian "national battalions" 
consist of --- and could have 
prevented and stopped, this 
new fascism !  But they did
not do it! And just by doing 
this — you are once again, 
responsible to history! 
And you are definitely participating -- in the 
preparation of Ukraine for war with Russia! 
You can't help but understand the purpose 
of everything that happened --- from the
unconstitutional coup in Kiev ....to the 
bloodshed in the Donbass!  But, in fact
this is preparation for the Third World 
War! And again, you are Germans... 
Germany!  We hear from the high 
German rostrum in Berlin today: 
"Russia will pay a high price"!!! 
This is the German Chancellor's 
speech! Unthinkable! We have 
already paid the price — 27 
million of our lives! Isn't that 
enough for you?! What price 
are you still talking about? 
There is no home --- in Russia, Ukraine and
Belarus - where "this price" isn't paid! And
there is no home in Germany, that did 
not participate in that terrible, bloody 
barbarism!  It's scary!  It's wild! And 
today, there are, already, more than 
13 thousand dead Russian people 
in the Donbass at the hands of 
the new Nazis! 
The German Chancellor's public mockery of the
Russian genocide in the Donbas is a crime in
itself! How much can the lessons of history 
be misunderstood and discredited!  The 
scariest story in the world! Do you want 
to be even scarier?! After all, this new 
"Dranch nach Oschtern" ..may lead to 
the fact that the 2nd Nuremberg trial 
over you will no longer be - there will 
simply be no humanity! You won't be 
here! But a special Ecumenical trial 
of you Germans is inevitable! Over 
all aggressors — but over you 
World justice will be served! And we, the last
veterans of that terrible war, are leaving this
world as witnesses!  Witnesses for the 
PROSECUTION! And today the victory 
will be ours, but those who died 
yesterday, or those of us who 
will die today, already bear 
witness to the role of the 
German people, in the 
history of the human 
world — a bloody 
German weapons are back in the 
hands of Nazi thugs! Please stop!
Email addresses for information:
- Russian Union of Veterans: organizing
 questions and collecting signatures of
 veterans and children of the Second 
World War
veteran1944@yandex.ru -questions about 
this publication to its author: Monk John
(Adlivankin), Deputy Head of the Russian
Orthodox Church. head and ved. 
specialist of the St. Peter's 
Orthodox Counseling Centre. 
St. John of Kronstadt.

If you want the truth about
the massacre of civilans
in Bucha - paste the
web address below
into your browser


The video above is of a pro-Russia cavalcade
in Germany
 and it surely brought heart-
bursting tears!

More than 5,000 cars in just one campaign
in support of Russia --- in Germany !!!!!!!!!

NATO has a Scandinavian
'leftist' as its head - WHY?


Efran and Poet's tribute to
 all those killed by wars


A Portuguese mercenary - was killed 
in the SVO zone after the execution 
of a Russian prisoner
July 3rd, 11:09pm
Russian servicemen destroyed a Portuguese mercenary 
in the special operation zone. This - was announced in 
his Telegram channel by military expert, Boris Rozhin.
It turned out that Rico Chavez, who came to fight on the 
side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine --- was listed as
of the neo-Nazi battalion "Carpathian Sich". 
In November 2022, he executed a Russian prisoner,
 after which - he ''posed'' with the body of a fighter.
In February, the Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's 
Republic (DPR) sentenced the 22-year-old Georgian 
mercenary, Mamuka Gatsarelia, to life in prison.
He was found guilty of shooting three 
Russian soldiers in Mariupol, in the
spring of 2022.
The General Staff of the Armed
 Forces of Ukraine: announced 
a tense situation in the
 Toretsk direction
July 3rd, 10:48pm
The General Staff of the Ukrainian troops announced 
a "tense situation" in the Toretsk direction.
Information about this appeared in the 
Telegram channel of the department.
"The situation in the Toretsk direction
 is ---- tense," the statement reads.
In mid-June, the General Staff of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine --- recognized the situation in the 
Krasnoarmeysky direction as the 
most tense.
Three civilians of the DPR injured 
in attack by Kiev's Armed Forces
July 3rd, 10:20pm
Three civilians in the Donetsk People's Republic were 
injured as a result of an attack by the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine on Donetsk and Gorlovka. This was 
announced on July 3rd, by the head of the 
DPR, Denis Pushilin.
"In the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, men born in 1967 
and 1985 were wounded in a barrel artillery attack 
(moderate condition). In the Nikitovsky district of 
Gorlovka, as a result of dropping an explosive 
object from a drone, a man born in 1978 was
 injured (moderate condition)," the 
Telegram channel says.
Pushilin noted that the victims received the necessary 
medical care. He added that in the morning --- as a 
result of an attack.... by the armed formations of 
Ukraine with a high-precision HIMARS missile,
 the building of the Primary Health Care 
Centre No. 7, in Donetsk, received 
significant damage.
Izvestia correspondent Alexander Martemyanov 
illustrated the consequences of the shelling of 
Ukrainian militants in Donetsk.
"There was a massive explosion, and the hospital 
windows blew in. This is the only such powerful 
explosion, even from there, I heard it at home," 
said a local resident.
In addition, according to the head of the DPR, 12
 residential buildings were damaged in the Kiev 
& Petrovsky districts of Donetsk, Nikitovsky 
district of Gorlovka, as well as five civilian 
infrastructure facilities. 
In total, 18 armed attacks were carried out by 
Ukrainian militants, and more than 40 rounds
 of ammunition were fired.
Earlier in the day, Izvestia correspondent Yevgeny 
Bykovsky reported that in Donetsk, the only 
supermarket that worked in the Kievsky 
district of the city burned down from 
the attacks of the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces. 
The first republican supermarket was allegedly 
attacked ---- by a US-made HIMARS multiple 
launch rocket system.
On July 1, Ukrainian troops fired 13 155mm NATO shells 
at the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. As a result of the 
shelling, two apartment buildings on Nakhimovskaya 
Street were damaged. There was no information 
about the victims.
Earlier, on June 30th, in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, 
four employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 
were injured due to the shelling of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine. The victims got to the hospital on their own,
and were hospitalized.
Ukrainian militants - are firing daily at the territories of 
the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well 
as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, against the
background of a special operation to protect the 
Donbass, which Russia announced on 
February 24, 2022.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian 
Federation told about the exploits of
 the Russian Armed Forces in
 the free defense zone
July 3rd, 10pm
The Russian Ministry of Defense indicated -- that Guard 
Sergeant Ihor Bondarenko, performed combat missions
 to engage clusters of equipment and manpower of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of a
howitzer artillery 

His crew was subjected to retaliatory fire from 
the enemy ---- while changing positions. 
However, Bondarenko ----- brought the gun into combat 
position and, having calculated the coordinates of the
target - personally destroyed the artillery installation 
and up to 10 enemy personnel with an accurate shot.
Due to this, the Ukrainian militants lost artillery support, 
were unable to hold the occupied lines and were forced 
to leave their positions in a hurry, suffering losses.
The Defense Ministry - also noted the merits of the chief of 
the calculation of the anti-aircraft missile division, Senior 
Lieutenant Maxim Borisov. He performed tasks to cover 
the grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian 
Federation from enemy air attacks ---
with his unit.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the positions of 
Russian units, using strike unmanned aircraft and 
multiple launch rocket systems, to destroy 
important military infrastructure and 
reduce the combat potential.
However --------- the crew under Maksimov's command 
immediately began to repel the air attack, destroying 
an unmanned aerial vehicle of Ukrainian militants, 
as well as.. six MLRS shells. Maksimov's courage 
and determination and the high professionalism 
of his subordinates helped to save the lives of 
his comrades-in-arms, while preventing air 
strikes on the manpower and equipment 
of the covered units.
The Border Service of Ukraine 
reported the detention of 10 
evaders.... in a wheat field
July 3rd, 9:40pm
In Ukraine, 10 men tried to enter Hungary through 
a wheat field to avoid mobilization. This was 
reported on July 3 by the press service of 
the Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
"10 reapers (evaders. - Ed.) tried to sneak into Hungary 
within a wheat field," the ministry said in a message
 on its Telegram channel.
It is noted -- that all those who fled paid from $7 thousand 
to $10 thousand to the guides to organize their transition. 

The service clarified that two of the detainees,
tried to escape from the border guards.
"The detainees are now facing administrative 
punishment, and the organizers — criminal,"
 the report added.
Earlier, on June 30, it was reported that in Ukraine, border
 guards shot a man who tried to cross the border with 
Romania in the company of a partner. As noted, the 
border guards opened fire after the men attacked 
them with a machete. One was shot in the leg, 
and the other was shot in the head.
President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term 
of office expired on May 20, signed a law on tightening 
mobilization on April 16. The document clarifies the 
categories of persons subject to mobilization and 
toughens the penalties for evading it, but there 
are no provisions on demobilization. The law 
on strengthening mobilization came into
 force on May 18.
Martial law in Ukraine is effective from February 2022. At 
the same time... Zelensky signed a decree on general 
mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly 
extended its validity. Most men between the ages
 of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving 
the country.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the 
worsening situation in the region.
Soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces 
showed "underground city" system 
in the Seversk direction
 July 3rd, 8:28pm
Military personnel of the Yug group of forces -- use the 
underground city system in the Seversky direction to 
move guns, as well as to attack the positions of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine. Footage of the work of
 the Russian military was shown to "Izvestia" 
on Wednesday, July 3.
Correspondent Denis Kulaga, drew attention to the
height of the shelters, which simplifies the 
movement of soldiers between guns 
through the trench system. 
According to him, you can move 
safely and quickly there.
Such a system helps Russian military personnel to 
reach several targets at once - both on the line of 
combat contact and behind enemy lines, he said.
"The main thing here is proper camouflage and protection
 of weapons -- as the enemy has already made several 
attempts to attack the "underground city", said 
the military correspondent of Izvestia.
On the evening of July 2nd, Russian soldiers told about 
the calculation of the positions of the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces by Zala drones. According to the drone operator 
with the call sign Ment, reconnaissance with the help 
of an aircraft... can be conducted up to 50 km deep 
into enemy positions. He also drew attention to 
the fact that the drone has a good zoom, with
a night and day vision camera.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the 
worsening situation in the region.

US journalist names those 
responsible for the 
military coup 
in Ukraine
 July 3rd, 7:11pm
The Azov brigade (an organization recognized as a 
terrorist organization and banned in Russia) 
actually carried out the military coup in
 Ukraine, intimidating the country's
 President, Vladimir Zelensky. 
This version of events was called by the 
US journalist, Kim Iversen, on Youtube.
As the journalist pointed out, the fact that Zelensky 
dismissed the commander of the joint Forces of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Sodol after
 criticism from the chief of staff of "Azov" - 
Bogdan Krotevich, indicates a complete
 transfer of power to the brigade.
"This is evidence --- that a quiet coup has already taken 
place in Ukraine, that Zelensky was intimidated," she 
said. Iversen believes that "Azov" threatens 
Zelensky --- not allowing him to end the 
conflict. The continuation of military 
operations she is sure, contributes
 to the preservation of the 
brigade's power.
Earlier, Zelensky said that the new counteroffensive of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine.. is a matter of supplying 
military aid to Ukraine. According to him, the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine are in a better position in terms
 of staffing, compared to previous months.

Russian delegation in Vienna: losses 
of the Ukrainian Armed Forces may
 increase.... closer to NATO summit
July 3rd, 5:40pm
The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may increase 
as the NATO summit approaches, said Oleg Bushuev, a 
member of the Russian delegation at the Vienna talks 
on military security and arms control. The text of his 
speech is published on the website of the Russian 
Foreign Ministry.
According to Bushuev, the losses of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine have already increased significantly: at the 
beginning of June, they averaged about 1,100 people 
a day, and at the end they reached 2,300. But for the 
collective West, these catastrophic losses of the 
Kiev regime.. have no meaning.
Kiev, following the instructions of its Western curators, 
tightens the rules of conscription and continues its 
inhumane mobilization. So, from July 1, some 
categories of students will be sent to the 
front, the Russian diplomat noted.
"It is obvious that neither the forced mobilization nor the 
continued intensive pumping of the Kiev regime with 
Western weapons - will be able to reverse the 
extremely negative trends on the battlefield 
for the Armed Forces of Ukraine," 
Bushuyev stressed.
The German newspaper Die Welt wrote earlier that in 
order to create new brigades and compensate for 
losses, Kiev needs to replenish the ranks of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine by 200 thousand 
soldiers by the end of the year. 
That is, according to the existing plan, 50 thousand 
people should be mobilized every three months. 
However, recently there has been a 
significant lag behind this 
mobilization plan.
The NATO summit is scheduled for July 9-11 in 
Washington. It will be dedicated to the 75th
 anniversary of the alliance.
Soldiers of the Lipetsk battalion 
defended a stronghold in the 
SVO zone at the cost of 
their lives
July 3rd, 4:40pm
Soldiers of the Lipetsk battalion tactical group were
 in the area of a special military operation,
defended the stronghold, at the cost
their lives.
 The head of the Lipetsk Region Igor Artamonov 
wrote about this in his Telegram channel.
According to the governor, the soldiers defended the 
point for almost two weeks, while the enemy tried 
their best to knock them out of their positions.
"Shelling and attacks were carried out every day. The 
men didn't back down. They did not give up a single 
centimetre of land," he wrote, emphasizing that
among the dead ....is the commander of the 
tactical group with the call sign Tulweke.
According to Artamonov, the fighters were professionals 
from the very beginning, able to perform any task set.

 He also said that representatives of the region 
visited the site of the battle and "saw 
everything with their own eyes", 
showed photos and videos 
from there. 
The governor noted that it is difficult to imagine how 
the group was able not only to resist, but also to 
push back the enemy.
In the Lipetsk region, they will apply for awarding heroes, 
and the families of the fighters who gave their lives will 
be provided with all the necessary assistance. 

The wounded will be able to undergo 
rehabilitation after discharge.
Sinegubov: FAB-500 
can reach anywhere
 in Kharkiv
July 3rd, 3:45pm
The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, 
Oleg Sinegubov, warned that the Russian FAB-500 aerial 
bomb with an extended range..... can reach anywhere
 in Kharkiv.
A modified high-explosive bomb with flight-correcting 
equipment has already been used by the Russian 
army in the Kupyansk direction, Sinegubov 
stressed. And recently, the Russian 
Armed Forces have begun to use 
this powerful weapon to attack
 industrial facilities in Kharkiv.
After the modification, the FAB-500 has acquired a new 
feature in the form of an increased range of up to 
80 kilometres, which allows it to reach any 
military facilities in Kharkiv.
Earlier, it was reported about similar strikes on a 
warehouse with ammunition and the production 
of drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in 
Nemyshlyansky and Industrial districts 
in Kharkiv.
Sinegubov noted that the use of this type of weapons
 led to the fact that in Kharkiv the duration of air 
alerts sharply increased – up to 12-16 hours 
a day.
Merkouris: an ever-widening gap 
has been created in the defense 
of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
July 3rd, 2:31pm
British expert Alexander Merkouris said that an ever-
widening gap has formed in the defense of the 
Ukrainian army in the Avdiivka area.
"After the fall of Avdiivka, the Russians made a huge 
breach in the Ukrainian defense. We see that this 
gap.... is increasing all the time," the analyst 
noted in his blog on YouTube, adding that 
the defense lines were breached, in
strongest place.
According to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are 
desperately trying to contain the offensive of the
 Russian army in the breakthrough zone, but 
they are not succeeding.
"In the process, they suffer catastrophic
Merkouris concluded.
Ukrainian military officer Khodakovsky 
admitted that the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces may soon lose Chasiv Yar
July 3rd, 12:59pm
The commander of the Revanche volunteer battalion, 
Bohdan Khodakovsky, said that the Ukrainian 
militants may soon lose Chasiv Yar city.
According to the Ukrainian newspaper Strana, 
Khodakovsky confirmed that the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces --- had lost some of their 
positions in the eastern part of the 
town of Chasiv Yar. 
According to the military, the loss of the 
settlement has come closer and closer.
According to TASS, the Ukrainian military has left its 
positions in the east of Chasova Yar and is trying to 
strengthen the defense in the west of the city. The 
Russian Defense Ministry also confirmed that the 
Novy district in this locality ---- is fully liberated.
Earlier it was reported that the Volunteer battalion 
"Espanyola" destroyed the AFU repeaters at the 
highest point of Chasiv Yar, leaving the 
militants without strategically
 important equipment.
Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation 
July 3rd, 11:35am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
 continue the special military operation.
The units of the Sever Group of Forces have defeated 
manpower and hardware of the 57th Motor Infantry
 Brigade, the 71st Jaeger Brigade of the AFU, the 
36th Marine Brigade, 113th and 125th territorial
 defence brigades and the 13th National Guard 
Brigade close to Volchansk, Neskuchnoye,
 Malye Prokhody, Staritsa, and Liptsy 
(Kharkov region).
In addition, one counterattack by a group of the Vostok 
Special Operations Forces' centre has been repelled.
The enemy losses, were up to 140 soldiers, one Tunguska 
anti-aircraft gun combat vehicle, eight pickup trucks, one 
152-mm D-20 gun, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, one 122
-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and one 
122-mm D-30 howitzer.
The units of the Zapad Group of Forces, have taken more 
advantageous positions and defeated formations of 14th, 
63rd, 115th, 116th mechanised brigades of the AFU and 
the 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade close to Sinkovka 
and Petropavlovka (Kharkov region), Grigorovka, 
Torskoye, and Krasny Liman (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
During the day, two counterattacks by the 3rd Assault 
Brigade of the enemy have been repelled.
The AFU losses were up to 540 soldiers, one armoured 
fighting vehicle, and four motor vehicles.
In addition, in the course of counter-battery warfare, one 
Czech-made Vampire multiple-launch rocket system 
launcher, one 155-mm US-made M777 howitzer, one
 152-mm U.S.-made Msta-B howitzer, one 105-mm 
U.S.-made M119 gun, and one 100-mm U.S.-made 
Rapira anti-tank gun - have been hit.
Three AFU field ammunition depots have been destroyed.
The units of the Yug Group of Forces have completely 
liberated Novy district, of Chasov Yar locality
(Donetsk People's Republic) and improved 
the situation along the front line.
In addition, AFU 24th, 30th, 93rd mechanised, 56th
 motorised infantry, 81st airmobile brigades, 109th, 
114th, and 119th territorial defence brigades have
 been hit near Vasyukovka, Kalinina, Chasov Yar, 
Konstantinovka, Krasnogorovka, Raigorodok, 
and Vesyoly Gai (Donetsk People's Republic).
Four counterattacks by formations of the 46th Airmobile 
Brigade, the 79th Air Assault Brigade, and the 214th 
'Opfor' Battalion of the AFU have been repelled.
The enemy losses were up to 450 troops, two tanks, 
three armoured fighting vehicles, including a U.S.-
made M113 armoured personnel carrier, and 
ten pickup trucks.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, one 152-mm 
Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one 122-mm 
Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, a 152-mm 
Msta-B howitzer, three 152-mm D-20 guns, one 
105-mm U.S.-made M119 gun, two Anklav-N 
electronic warfare stations, and one U.S.-
made AN/TPQ-48 counter-battery 
warfare station - have been hit.
Four AFU field ammunition depots 
have been also destroyed.
The units of Tsentr Group of Forces have improved their 
tactical position. Russian troops have defeated 
formations of 31st, 118th mechanised, 79th air 
assault, 142nd infantry brigades of the AFU, 
and the 2nd Brigade of the National Guard 
near Kirovo, Yevgenovka, Selidovo, 
Voskhod, Vozdvizhenka,
and Progress (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
In addition, five counterattacks by assault detachments 
of 95th air assault, 23rd, 41st, 47th mechanised, and
 68th jaeger brigades of the AFU have been repelled.
The enemy losses were up to 420 troops, one tank,
 two infantry fighting vehicles, including one U.S.-
made Bradley IFV, two armoured fighting 
vehicles, and two motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, one 155-mm 
U.S.-made M777 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 gun, two
 122-mm D-30 howitzers, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-
propelled artillery system, one 105-mm U.S.-made 
M119 gun, and one 100-mm Rapira anti-tank gun 
have been hit.
The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have taken more 
favourable lines and, also -- defeated the manpower and 
hardware of the 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade, 120th, 
125th, and 128th territorial defence brigades of the 
AFU close to Velikaya Novosyolka, Rovnopol, 
Vremevka, and Novoukrainka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
Russian troops have repulsed three counterattacks by 
assault detachments of 108th and 123rd territorial 
defence brigades.
The AFU losses were up to 145 servicemen, one 
armoured personnel carrier, six motor vehicles,
 one 155-mm UK-made FH-70 howitzer, and a
 155-mm U.S.-made M198 howitzer.
The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces --- have defeated 
the 141st Infantry Brigade, the 128th Mountain Assault 
Brigade of the AFU, and the 35th Marine Brigade near 
Nesteryanka and Novopokrovka (Zaporozhye region), 
and Tokarevka (Kherson region).
The enemy losses.... were up to 45 troops, six motor 
vehicles, one German-made IRIS-T-SLM anti-aircraft 
missile launcher, one 155-mm U.S.-made M777 
howitzer, one 152-mm U.S.-made Msta-B 
howitzer, one 122-mm Gvozdika self-
propelled artillery system, and one 
U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-
battery warfare station.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces have destroyed one Mi-24 helicopter of the
 Ukrainian Air Force at a base airfield, one work-
shop of an enterprise for the manufacture of 
tank guns and large-calibre ammunition, as 
well as clusters of enemy manpower,
 in 125 areas.
The Black Sea Fleet forces have destroyed three 
uncrewed boats of the Ukrainian Navy 
during the day.
Air defence facilities have shot down three HIMARS 
multiple-launch rocket system projectiles, as well 
as 39 unmanned aerial vehicles.
In total, 625 airplanes, 277 helicopters, 27,160 unmanned 
aerial vehicles, 537 air defence missile systems, 16,490 
tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,363
 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 11,272 
field artillery cannons and mortars, as well 
as 23,289 special military motor vehicles 
have been destroyed.... during the 
special military operation.
The captive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
stated that it is impossible to escape 
from forced mobilization
July 3rd, 10:55am
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term of 
office expired on May 20, comes up with such laws that 
do not allow men to leave a military enlistment office. 

This was announced on Wednesday, July 3rd, by a 
captured serviceman of the Ukrainian army,
 Serhiy Olkhov.

He clarified that - until the last - he fought the military 
enlistment office.... so as not to be taken to the front.
"Zelensky invents such laws that you simply can't get 
away from the military enlistment office. I also say, 
that I didn't want to come here - to go," the 
prisoner shared on the video, which is 
available to Izvestia.
As the military man noted, he is against military action, 
against killing people. The Ukrainian military men 
escape from the army --- but they are found, 
Olkhov added.
The ''President of Ukraine'' ..signed a law on tougher 
mobilization on April 16. It clarified the categories
 of people subject to conscription - and also 
introduced heavier penalties for evading 
service.. in the Ukrainian army. There 
are no provisions on demobilization 
of the military - in this law.
Zelensky lowered the age of mobilization, from 27 to 25 
years and signed a law on the creation of an electronic 
register of those liable for military service, which will 
combine information about the personal data of 
Ukrainians. He also abolished the status of a 
limited serviceable person in the army. 
So, in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be
able to serve ----- patients with HIV, with some forms
cancer, with residual symptoms of tuberculosis
------ and men with mental retardation.
Martial law in Ukraine is effective from February 2022. 
At the same time, Zelensky signed a decree on general 
mobilization. Later... the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly 
extended its validity. Most men between the ages
 of 18 and 60 ---- are prohibited from leaving 
the country.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24th, 2022, continues. The decision
 was made --- against the background of the
 aggravation of the situation in the region,
 due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.
In the DPR, a marine of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine was sentenced to 26 years in
 a penal colony for murdering a civilian
July 3rd, 10:45am
The Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic 
has sentenced a 27-year-old marine of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, Alexey Kazymov, to 26 years
 in a high-security penal colony for the murder
 of a civilian.
 This was reported on Wednesday, July 3rd -- in the press 
service of the Prosecutor General's Office of the region.
The soldier is accused of committing murder, attempted 
murder, intentional damage to other people's property 
and ill-treatment of the civilian population.
The court found that -- in the period from July to September 
2019, the marine ordered the military to fire at residential 
buildings - of civilians located in the villages of Oktyabr 
and Kominternovo in the Novoazovsky district and the 
settlement of Chermalyk in the Telmanovsky district.
"As a result of the shelling, a civilian was killed, and 
another woman received a shrapnel wound. Also, 
20 persons suffered property damage totaling 
more than 7.6 million rubles," the agency's 
publication says.
It is noted that the military personnel who carried out the
 order and carried out the shelling were convicted for ill-
treatment of the civilian population. At the moment, 
Evgeny Ermolenko, Sergey Prisyazhnyuk, Maxim 
Polegenko, Stanislav Voitok ------ are serving 
sentences in the form of imprisonment.
Earlier, on May 30th, the Supreme Court of the DPR 
sentenced Alexander Svinarchuk, commander of
 the engineering and technical company of the 
36th separate Marine Brigade of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, to life imprisonment. 
In March 2022, he ordered his subordinate to open fire on
 three civilians in a combat position in the building of the 
Azovsluzhmash plant, one of whom died on the spot. 
The other two were able to escape.
The underground reported a strike 
in Zaporozhye --- on the APU 
warehouse and the place
 of launching drones
July 3rd, 9:29am
In the village of Malinovka in the Kiev-controlled part of 
the Zaporizhia region, the Russian Armed Forces hit a 
warehouse of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a cluster 
of equipment --- and a place where UAV launches 
were made.
According to the coordinator of the Nikolaev underground
 Sergey Lebedev, first an airstrike was carried out, then 
"the remnants of the fleeing Banderites were covered 
with MLRS", and after a while drones arrived at 
Malinovka. They hit vehicles and artillery
 installations - together with the crew.
"In the end, several series of artillery strikes were carried 
out. As a result, there was a hit in the warehouse with a 
powerful detonation," said a source in the underground.
In addition, according to him -- strikes were carried out 
on the location of the Ukrainian military in two private 
houses, and one "precise strike" fell on the utility 
room.... from which the UAVs were launched.
Several strikes were carried out by the Russian military 
on the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 
the area of the railway station of Malaya Tokmachka
village, in Zaporozhye, RIA Novosti reports.
Explosions were also heard in the suburb of Gulyai-Pole, 
where there is an oil depot and factories with the 
location of personnel and equipment of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In addition, the strike hit military facilities in 
Dnepropetrovsk, where Ukrainian military
 equipment is stationed ....and artillery 
systems are being repaired, a source
 in the underground said.
In Kiev, they said that they do not 
want to compromise with Russia
July 3rd, 8:58am
Ukraine is not ready to compromise with Russia on issues
 of territories and sovereignty, said the head of the Office 
of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak.
A senior Ukrainian official said... that Ukraine is ready to 
listen to advice to establish a "just peace", but will not 
compromise on the issue of"values". Among them... 
Yermak attributed the issues of changing borders, 
as well as freedom, independence & democracy.
If Donald Trump comes to power in the United States, 
Kiev intends to convince the new US authorities that 
Ukraine should be supported further, the head of 
Vladimir Zelensky's office added, to Reuters.
Earlier, Trump said that he was ready for some steps to 
quickly end the conflict. Yermak, who is on a visit to 
the US, commented on these words, noting that he
 did not know what Trump meant.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited Kiev on 
Tuesday. He said that he suggested that Zelensky 
immediately cease fire and start negotiations 
on a peaceful settlement. 
According to Orban, Zelensky was not happy with the 
proposal and noted that it is necessary to think 
about this topic, the Ukrainian president has 
doubts.... since previous agreements on a 
cease-fire "were not good for Ukraine."
Ukrainian Armed Forces
fired almost 100 rounds 
of ammunition at DPR 
July 3rd, 2:01am
Ukrainian forces shelled the territory of the Donetsk 
People's Republic 32 times during the day.
"32 facts of armed attacks of the VFU, were recorded 
by the DPR representative office in the Joint Centre 
for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to 
War Crimes of Ukraine over the past day," the 
representative office's Telegram 
channel reports.
As pecified, 18 attacks were recorded in the Horlivka 
direction, 13 in the Donetsk direction, and one in the 
Yasynuvata direction. The Armed Forces of Ukraine 
fired 99 rounds of ammunition at populated areas 
of the republic. Two residential buildings and
two objects of civil infrastructure 
were damaged.

Mayor Kravchenko --- Novorossiysk 
repels attack of unmanned boats
July 3rd, 1:05am
In Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, they 
repelled the attack of unmanned boats.
Information about this, appeared in the 
Telegram channel of the mayor of the
 city, Andrey Kravchenko.
"I ask you to remain calm, observe security 
measures, and stay in safe places,"
message reads.
Earlier it became known that a siren sounded
in Novorossiysk ----- due to the attack of 
unmanned boats.
Russian snipers told about
a two-on-two 
duel with
Ukrainian Armed
Forces soldiers
July 3rd, 1am
Russian snipers with the call signs Sych and Vanity from 
the Nevsky detachment - part of the Volunteer Assault 
Corps (DShK), met in a sniper duel - with a pair of 
professional shooters of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine (AFU). 
According to the fighters, they spent most of the
performing tasks near the town of
Chasov Yar --- 
disrupting rotations
and countering
When the loss of infantry from the fire of Sych and Suet
 exceeded several dozen people.... the Ukrainian 
command decided to send a sniper pair that 
was supposed to calculate and destroy 
the Russian shooters. 
"We knew for sure that they would come after us.
 Sometimes they invite foreigners, but at that 
time, as I understood, it was the Ukrainian 
duo. The enemy also has professionals," 
the military said.
To calculate the positions of snipers of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine.. the soldiers had to spend almost a day. The 
enemy gave himself away when he decided to change 
his position ....and thereby unmasked himself.
"I shot a Ukrainian machine gunner in a nearby landing. 
They spotted our shot & began to shift quickly. I saw 
the flash of a rifle and fired a second shot. Then 
everything... is like in the movies," explained 
Vanity. At the same time, according to the
 volunteers.... the second number in the 
pair of the enemy survived and later 
.....managed to escape.
Earlier it was reported that a Russian fighter in the 
special operation zone (SVO) broke the record of 
a famous Soviet sniper. He destroyed several 
hundred enemy soldiers ------ using drones.

In the Crimea, the main accomplices 
of Kiev's crimes --- were named
July 3rd, 12:59am
Co-chairman of the Assembly of Slavic Peoples of Crimea 
Roman Chegrinets called the United States, Great Britain 
and France --- the main accomplices of war crimes 
committed by the Ukrainian authorities,
 RIA Novosti reports.
"The terrorists who are in power in the United States, 
Great Britain and France --- bear exactly the same 
responsibility as the terrorist regime in Kiev," 
he said.
Chegrynets reminded, that the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
(AFU) are striking the peninsula not only with American, 
but also with French & British missiles. According to
 him, all countries that supply military aid to Kiev - 
should be punished for this.
Earlier, US Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne 
Smith, said that the alliance countries at the summit in 
Washington intend to decide that the organization will 
lead the coordination of efforts to provide military 
assistance to Kiev..... and train the 
Ukrainian military.
Ukrainian authorities forcibly 
evacuate children ----- from a 
community in Kharkiv region
July 2nd, 10:51pm
The Ukrainian authorities.. have announced the forced 
evacuation of children in the Volchansky community, 
located in the Kharkiv region in a 30-kilometre zone
 from the border with Russia.
This was stated by the head of the Volchansky district 
military administration Tamaz Gambarashvili, 
reports the Ukrainian publication "Public".
It is noted that it is planned 
to take out 112 children.
Earlier in the Kharkiv region, a forced evacuation
 of 47 settlements was announced.
Later, the authorities of the Kharkiv region commented 
on rumours that the head of the regional military 
administration Oleg Sinegubov left Kharkiv 
amid fighting in the region.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian 
Federation told about the exploits of
 the Russian Armed Forces in the 
free defense zone
July 2nd, 10pm
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - 
indicated that the captain of the 3rd rank, deputy 
chief of communications of the battalion 
Konstantin Veselov ----- organized the
communications for the battalion 
tactical group --- when it was 
attacked by the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine. 
The offensive was accompanied by massive mortar and 
artillery strikes. After one of the volleys, the satellite 
communication antenna located on the hardware 
machine was damaged ---- which caused 
communication within the group and
 with the higher headquarters
be disrupted. 
Veselov, during the ongoing enemy attacks, 
promptly repaired all the damage - 
and re-configured the satellite 
communication station.
This made it possible to transmit the coordinates of the
enemy units' locations to a higher headquarters, and
 the Russian Armed Forces were able to destroy 
four units of enemy equipment and more
30 people of manpower. 
The Russian Defense Ministry - noted Veselov's selfless 
actions, which made it possible to restore control of 
the battalion tactical group ...and ensure stable 
communication with the group's command, 
as well as deprive the advancing enemy 
of attacking potential ----- led to the 
subsequent counteroffensive of 
Russian troops.
The Defense Ministry also noted the merits of Lt, platoon 
commander of the mortar battery, Mher Kocharyan. His 
unit carried out a combat mission --- to support the 
offensive of Russian troops with mortar fire. 
During reconnaissance with the help of a drone, the 
fighter discovered ....a disguised AFU stronghold.
promptly transmitted its coordinates, and 
continued to observe... the actions of the 
Ukrainian militants - who began to pull 
together additional forces in order to 
counterattack the units of the 
Russian Armed Forces.
Kocharyan waited for the accumulation of a large number 
of manpower and military equipment of the AFU militants, 
after which he gave the command to the mortars to hit 
the target, and then continued to adjust the fire. 
The professionalism and competent actions of the 
platoon commander of the mortar battery & his 
subordinates, made it possible to destroy the 
stronghold of Ukrainian militants, including 
equipment and manpower, with targeted 
strikes. The Defense Ministry noted the 
courage and bravery of the platoon's 
personnel, which made it possible 
to thwart an attempted counter-
offensive in this direction.

Ukrainian troops shelled 
Panteleimonovka in the 
DPR with cluster shells
July 2nd, 8:25pm
Militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), shelled 
the village of Panteleimonovka in the Donetsk People's 
Republic (DPR) ..with 155 mm cluster shells. This was 
announced on July 1 at the republic's representative
 office in the Joint Centre for Control and 
Coordination of Issues Related to War 
Crimes of Ukraine (JCCC).
"Shelling was recorded from the VFU in the direction
of Novgorodskoye 
three 155 mm calibre (cluster)
were fired," the Telegram 
channel says.
Earlier, on July 1, the JCCC reported that Ukrainian
 troops, fired 13 NATO 155-millimetre shells at the 
Petrovsky district of Donetsk. The mayor of the 
city Alexey Kulemzin specified that as a result 
of the morning shelling, two apartment 
buildings on Nakhimovskaya Street 
were damaged.
Earlier, on June 30, the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, 
said that two children were injured as a result of the 
shelling of Yasinovataya in the DPR by the 
Ukrainian Armed Forces.
 According to Izvestia correspondent Yevgeny Bykovsky, 
the missile, presumably with a cluster warhead, hit a 
nine-story residential building, passed through
the roof of a residential building and 
penetrated nine floors.
Ukrainian militants are firing daily at the territories of 
the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well 
as Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.... against the 
background of a special operation to protect the
Donbass, which Russia announced on 
February 24, 2022.
The military expert - pointed out 
the need for Ukraine to change 
tactics - in relation to the 
Russian Federation
July 2nd, 8:12pm
Viktor Baranets, a retired military columnist for
Komsomolskaya Pravda --- said that no efforts 
and persuasions of Hungarian Prime Minister 
Viktor Orban will help if Ukrainian President 
Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term of office 
expired on May 20, does not change 
tactics towards Russia.
"We must remember: with such stupidity in Kiev, which
 exists in relation to plans for further relations with 
Russia, nothing can be done without Zelensky 
compromising. If he does not compromise, 
then no efforts of Orban, even the most 
populist ones --- will help," Baranets 
said in an interview with Radio 1 
on Tuesday, July 2.
Earlier in the day, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban 
arrived in Kiev, where he held talks with Zelensky. The 
Hungarian Prime Minister... suggested that Ukraine 
temporarily cease fire and develop a settlement 
plan during this period. The Hungarian Prime 
Minister --- also expressed his desire to 
establish relations with the country 
and sign a global cooperation 
agreement with it.
Zelensky did not like Orban's proposal for a cease-fire 
"very much", since, in the past, he had a negative
 experience with truces that he "interpreted as
 harmful to Ukraine." He also added, that
 Kiev.. intends to seek a settlement of 
the conflict through peace summits.
Earlier on July 2, Candidate of Political Sciences, 
associate Professor of the Academy of Labour
 and Social Relations Pavel Feldman said in an
 interview with RT that the visit of Hungarian 
Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, to Kiev, is 
connected with the beginning of the 
country's presidency in the EU. In
 his opinion -- Orban arrives there 
as a representative of Brussels 
....rather than his own state.
Political scientist Yuri Svetov in an interview with 360.ru
called Orban's visit to Kiev a ritual procedure. Hungary
 assumed the six-month presidency of the Council 
of the EU, on July 1.
On June 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that 
Russia has always sought peace and is ready to sit 
down at the negotiating table. This.. will become 
possible when Kiev withdraws its troops from 
the regions of the Russian Federation and 
officially renounces its intentions to 
integrate into NATO. Zelensky 
called the proposal 
an ultimatum.
The Russian military defused more
 than 100 mines of the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces - with one 
smoke munition
July 2nd, 7:46pm
Smoke munition neutralized more than 100 mines of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it was dropped after 
adjusting the fire by the drone operator. A 
soldier of the 40th Marine Brigade with 
the call sign Farm told about this in
 the Telegram channel.
According to him, the enemy spent the whole night 
mining an area of about 200 metres long with anti-
tank mines. "In the morning, I directed a mortar 
crew, gave accurate proofreading and set fire 
to this place with a smoke shell, about 120-
140 mines were burned," the 
serviceman said.
Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces 
tried to save fighters from strikes ------ using drawings. 

Silhouettes of fighter jets were drawn in the parking 
lots of the airfield in Mirgorod, to distract attention.

The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed
 to the responsibility of the West for 
fueling the crisis in Ukraine 
July 2nd, 6:39pm
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Alexander Grushko, 
during a consultation with Serbian Foreign Minister 
Marko Djuric, pointed out the responsibility of 
Western countries --- for the escalation of
 the crisis in Ukraine.
In Belgrade on July 1 and 2, the diplomat had separate 
conversations with President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime 
Minister Milos Vucevic and other officials. During the 
visit, a wide range of issues of cooperation between 
states, as well as international issues, aspects of 
interaction on international platforms 
were discussed. 
The Russian Foreign Ministry clarified that attention was 
paid to the Kosovo settlement and the situation in the 
Balkans, with an emphasis on the situation in 
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"The Russian side gave principled assessments of the 
West's responsibility for fueling and escalating the 
crisis around Ukraine, actions aimed at blocking 
the possibility of a political settlement, and 
attempts.. to create the illusion of broad
 international support for the formula 
[of the Ukrainian President] that is 
divorced from reality and initially 
doomed to failure." the press 
service of the Russian 
Foreign Ministry said 
in a publication on 
July 2.
The ministry's publication added that they also 
reviewed the implementation of agreements 
and the implementation of joint projects of
 Russian-Serbian cooperation.
Earlier in the day, Deputy Chairman of the Federation 
Council Konstantin Kosachev said that the West 
had made five fatal mistakes in the context of 
the Ukrainian crisis, the latest being their 
rejection - of Russian President Vladimir 
Putin's initiative to resolve the conflict. 
He pointed out that the first mistake 
was the lack of Western reaction to 
the coup in Ukraine in 2014.
In his opinion, the second mistake is the West's refusal 
to recognize that the change in the status of Crimea 
& Sevastopol was the result of a coup in Ukraine, 
as well as an expression of the will of the
 inhabitants of these regions. 
Other mistakes include the West's failure to recognize 
the "civil war" in southeastern Ukraine, refusing to 
accept Russian proposals in December 2021, 
and missing a chance to prevent a 
special operation.
Before that, on June 14, Putin said that the Ukrainian 
crisis is not a conflict between two states --- much
 less two peoples, because if this were the case, 
the Russians and Ukrainians would find a way 
- to resolve the issues. As the Russian leader 
noted, the West did everything to undermine 
interstate ties and set peoples against each 
other, but did not dare to go for a complete 
break with Russia because the south-east
 of Ukraine, where people were in favour 
of close relations with Moscow, 
prevented such a policy.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
was announced on February 24, 2022, continues. 

The decision was made against the background 
of the aggravation of the situation in the region 
due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.


Medvedev: members of the SVO 
will strengthen the United 
Russia party --- and 
the country
July 2nd, 5:10pm
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council,
 Dmitry Medvedev, said that the participants of 
the special military operation who joined the
 United Russia party, will strengthen it, and 
strengthen the country, and also handed 
them party tickets.
"You are really starting a new stage in your life.
 It is different, it is no less difficult in some 
ways, because several other skills will 
also be required," said the chairman 
of the EP party, addressing the 
participants of the special 
operation who joined 
United Russia.
In total, seven members of the SVO received tickets.
Medvedev noted that everything that the participants of 
the special operation managed to acquire, "including 
the respect and trust of their comrades," will 
definitely be preserved in the new part
 their lives.
"We count on you very much and hope that all of you... 
will strengthen our party, strengthen our state,"
the deputy chairman of the Russian Security 
Council concluded.
Medvedev also wished great success to the SVO 
participants in the upcoming elections, noting 
that on the eve of a single voting day, "there 
are enough candidates in the EP, who are 
trying their hand at politics for the first 
time," and called on his party 
colleagues to "pay special 
attention" ....to such 
party members.
Ukraine - rejected Orban's 
proposal for a cease-fire
July 2nd, 4:51pm
Kiev got acquainted with Orban's proposals for 
a ceasefire, but refused to consider them in 
isolation from other aspects of the 
conflict settlement.
Deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine 
Ihor Zhovkva said that Kiev refused the proposal of 
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, on a 
cease-fire in Ukraine.
Zhovkva, on the air of the Ukrainian telethon, noted that 
Zelensky listened to the interlocutor, but refused, since 
such proposals cannot be considered in isolation from
other aspects of the conflict. He also noted, that 
Hungary is not the first country to make such 
proposals, but Ukraine's position on this 
issue is "clear, understandable and 
According to him --- Ukraine intends to continue 
to seek a settlement through "peace summits".
The first summit on the situation in Ukraine was held 
in Switzerland on June 15-16. It was attended by 92 
countries, but Russia was not invited. Ukrainian 
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba later said that 
in order to end the conflict, the Russian side 
will also be invited to the next meeting.
Syrsky - called the situation in 
Pokrovsky direction ''difficult''
July 2nd, 4:20pm
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
Alexander Syrsky, acknowledged that the situation 
in the Pokrovsky direction remains difficult for the 
Ukrainian army, and stated the need to constantly 
provide this direction with an additional amount 
of ammunition and firepower.
In other areas, as he wrote on the social network,
the intensity of hostilities decreased --- and
active front line increased."
Syrsky also listed the main problematic issues for 
commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
 at any level.
These, according to him, are the recruitment of units 
and subunits with "motivated and well-trained 
military personnel", as well as providing the 
Ukrainian army with modern air defense 
and electronic warfare systems to 
counter Russian drones.
The teenager deceived by the curator 
burned the equipment at the station
 in the Kaluga region
July 2nd, 1:29pm
Employees of the Russian Federal Security Service 
have detained an attacker ...who was performing
 tasks for a Ukrainian curator, the Investigative 
Committee said on Tuesday.
As follows from the statement of the press service of 
the Western Interregional Investigation Department 
for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the 
Russian Federation, the person involved in the 
investigation started a fire, damaging the 
battery cabinet at the Ludinovo-2 
station in the Kaluga region.
A criminal case was opened on the fact of the emergency 
under the article on sabotage committed by a group of 
persons by prior agreement. It was established that 
a 16-year-old young man was involved in the crime.
"Actively supporting the armed forces of Ukraine, offered 
the minor to join a criminal group with him, in order to 
destabilize the activities of the authorities of the 
Russian Federation, by setting fire to a battery 
cabinet," the department said.
The teenager -- received strict instructions, and he was 
also ordered to film his actions on video. At the same 
time, the arsonist did not receive the promised 
reward of 50 thousand rubles.
After the arrest, the young man was charged, and then 
sent to custody. Currently, he has already admitted 
his guilt and repented of his act.
Belousov congratulated the Tula
 paratroopers' division - on the 
liberation of Razdolovka
 in the DPR
July 2nd, 12:09pm
Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov congratulated 
the 106th Guards Airborne Division of the Tula Red 
Banner Order of Kutuzov II degree --- on the 
liberation of the village of Razdolovka 
in the Donetsk People's Republic,
 the Defense Ministry said.
More than 7 thousand servicemen of the division already 
have state awards and departmental insignia, four 
received the title of Hero of Russia, the 
department said.
In a congratulatory telegram ---- Belousov noted that the 
division solves tasks with honour in the most important 
areas of the special military operation, the servicemen 
bravely and courageously go into battle, which is why
 the enemy suffers heavy losses.
The agency reported on June 28 that units 
of the Russian group of troops "South"
 liberated Razdolovka.
In addition, over the past week, the fighters of the 
"Southern" group destroyed more than 4,400 
militants of the Kiev regime, two tanks,
 eight armoured combat vehicles, 48 
vehicles, 39 field artillery pieces, 
including 11 US M777 and 
M198 howitzers.
Russian troops destroyed nine aircraft
 of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during
 the day
July 2nd, 11:15am
Nine aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force were hit over
 the past day, during a special military operation.
As a result of the strike on the airfield, five Su-27 
aircraft of the enemy air forces were destroyed 
and two were damaged.
Two more MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft.... were 
shot down by Russian air defense systems.
In total, since the beginning of the special operation, 
Russian troops have destroyed 625 enemy aircraft 
and 276 helicopters.


Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation 
July 2nd, 11:10am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces -- inflicted losses 
on manpower and hardware of the AFU 57th, 115th 
mechanised brigades, & 113th Territorial Defence 
Brigade nr Chumakovo, Yunakovka (Sumy region), 
Sotnitsky Kazachok, and Liptsy (Kharkov region).
Two counter-attacks launched by assault detachments 
of the AFU Vostok Special Operations Centre and 
36th Marines Brigade, were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 70 Ukrainian troops, 
one armoured fighting vehicle, three motor vehicles, 
one German-made 155-mm Panzerhaubitze-2000 
self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 
155-mm M198 howitzer, and one 122-mm 
D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on
formations of the AFU 14th, and 115th 
mechanised brigades, and 3rd Assault 
Brigade near Pershotravnevoye 
(Kharkov region), Nadiya, and
 Stelmakhovka (Lugansk 
People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to more than 475 Ukrainian 
troops, one tank, one infantry fighting vehicle, five 
motor vehicles, a 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, 
and one 122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle.
Moreover, three AFU artillery ammunition 
depots were destroyed.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 56th Motorised 
Infantry Brigade near Kalinin (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
One counter-attack launched by assault detachments of 
the AFU 214th Opfor Separate Battalion - was repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to more than 635 
Ukrainian troops, two armoured fighting 
vehicles, and 16 motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, one UK-made 
155-mm FH-70 howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 
howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one UK-made 
105-mm L-199 howitzer ------ and two U.S.-made 
AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery warfare stations.
Six AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.
Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation - and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 
47th Mechanised Brigade and 109th Territorial Defence 
Brigade nr Rozovka, Novgorodskoye, and Novosyolka 
Pervaya (Donetsk People's Republic).
Six counter-attacks launched by assault detachments of
 the AFU 23rd, 31st, 41st, 110th mechanised brigades,
 and 95th Air Assault Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 440 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured fighting vehicles, seven motor vehicles, 
and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 58th 
Motorised Infantry Brigade near 
Urozhaynoye (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
One counter-attack launched by assault 
detachments of the AFU 123rd 
Territorial Defence Brigade 
was repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 110 Ukrainian troops, 
three motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer,
 two 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 
artillery systems, and one 100-mm
 MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces - inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 65th Mechanised 
Brigade, 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, and 35th 
Marines Brigade near Malaya Tokmachka and 
Zherebyanka (Zaporozhye region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 70 Ukrainian troops 
and two motor vehicles. One electronic warfare 
station - was destroyed.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware 
clusters in 115 areas, during the day.
Air defence units shot down six UK-made Storm Shadow 
cruise missiles, one French-made Hammer guided aerial 
bomb, one U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectile, 81 
unmanned aerial vehicles ------ including one 
Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 unmanned
 aerial vehicle.
Nine aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force were neutralised.
As a result of a group strike by precision weaponry at the 
airfield, five Su-27 aircraft were destroyed and two Su-27 
aircraft were damaged. One MiG-29 and one Su-27 
Ukrainian aircraft were shot down by Russian 
air defence units.
In total, 625 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 27,121 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 535 air defence missile 
systems, 16,478 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,362 combat vehicles.. equipped with
 MLRS, 11,215 field artillery cannons & mortars
 ...as well as 23,238 units of special military
 equipment, have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.
Alaudinov is confident that the SVO 
will be completed --- in the Autumn
July 2nd, 10:12am
Major General Apty Alaudinov, Deputy head of the Main 
Military and Political Directorate of the Russian Armed 
Forces, and commander of the Akhmat special forces, 
believes that the special operation will be completed 
in the Autumn of this year.
According to TASS, Alaudinov is confident that the 
special military operation will end in the Autumn, 
and the Ukrainian side already knows about it.
In his opinion, the enemy understands that the conflict is 
coming to an end. The Major General cited the wife of 
Ukrainian President, Vladimir Zelensky, Olena 
Zelenskaya, as an example - who bought a 
luxury car with money earned during the 
war. However, according to Alaudinov, 
this will not help them.
Earlier it was reported that the Russian military struck
an airfield in Mirgorod, Poltava region ------ thus 
destroying five Ukrainian Su-27 fighters.
Greece - accuses Europe of 
instigating war in Ukraine
July 2nd, 10:02am
 (Prensa Latina) 
Instead of an initiative to establish a ceasefire in Ukraine 
and find a peaceful solution, Europe is implementing an 
increasingly aggressive policy of the conflict, former 
Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis said
 on Tuesday.
During the presentation of his book, The Secret Archives 
of Karamanlis by journalist Manolis Kottakis, the former 
leader, who was quoted by the public television website
 ERTNews, accused the European nations of militarizing 
the region, due to Ukraine.
The unequivocal and ''unanimous'' condemnation of the 
so-called Russian invasion of Ukraine is not sufficient 
justification for adopting an increasingly aggressive 
and harsh attitude ------ towards the conduct and 
continuation of the war, Karamanlis said.
According to him, instead of finding a solution based on 
the Minsk agreement, Europe often exaggerates its 
behaviour, as a supporter of the war.
According to Karamanlis, this is likely to lead to a steady 
and dangerous escalation of the conflict, or to the 
search for a way out at a later date, but under 
even more unfavorable conditions.
For the West, it doesn't matter
what territories Ukraine 
will lose
July 2nd, 4:15am
"I am not at all happy with Zelensky's change of rhetoric, 
because we are entering a very dangerous period," 
says Spiridon Kilinkarov, an ex–deputy of the 
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Now... against the backdrop of a clear defeat on the 
battlefield and the election campaign in the United 
States, the West will try to convert all this into its 
political and diplomatic victory. How does this 
happen? First, they hold a "peace summit", 
change the formula for peace, and do 
everything... to attract as many 
countries as possible to the 
very process ----- that has 
already been launched. 
Zelensky at the same "peace summit" is bent on the idea
of agreeing to conduct some negotiations, that is, they 
force him ------ to abandon his categorical "no" to
negotiations. Certain goals change. In the
 information field of Ukraine.. the idea is 
already being thrown in that "yes, we 
have lost part of some territory, but 
we have preserved statehood. We 
still have the capital and access 
to the sea."
We have repeatedly said -- that there is a contradiction 
between the position of the West, the image of victory 
that the West could perceive, and the image of victory 
that Zelensky painted for the Ukrainian people. And 
for the West, to present victory to its electorate, it 
is quite enough to leave one street in the Lviv 
region, and preserve Ukrainian statehood. 
What territories Ukraine will lose - for
West - does not matter at all,
expert notes.
Today they are trying to lead us into such a trap, in what 
way? Just think about it – the very idea that was voiced 
by Zelensky regarding the negotiations. The danger of 
this stage is that it is completely unclear how it will 
actually work.
"I am not happy with either Arestovich or Moseychuk. 
Because I don't trust these people," says 
Spiridon Kilinkarov.
All these timid statements.... that there is some sound core
among the political elite of Ukraine, on the basis of which 
it will be possible to build political activity, are nonsense.
It's impossible. It is impossible to organize any political 
activity. The only way for Ukraine, even if it retains
its statehood – is if it is granted to the 
Russian Federation.
Because with what is happening now, there are 
two solutions. The first is capitulation with all 
its consequences. Although this also does 
not imply.. the elimination of Ukrainian 
statehood. It will be exclusively the 
right of Russia --- to preserve the 
state, as such. But then Russia 
will have the right to say what
this state should look like, in 
the face of defeat. Or - if the 
path that Zelensky followed
- fulfilling the tasks of the 
West, is continued, it is 
highly doubtful - that 
such statehood will 
remain, Kilinkarov 
The continuation of the war, even from the point of view 
of those people... who advocate the preservation of 
Ukrainian statehood --- is the worst option. War is
the worst option for Ukraine. Maybe....  even the
path of capitulation - but with the preservation 
of statehood, gives at least some chance that 
there will be statehood, the state -- will be re-
established, there will be a new constitution, 
a new political elite. "But I think ---- it might
better to abandon the political elite, 
rather than statehood?" - asks 
Spiridon Kilinkarov.
The West is already speculating about where the 
government-in-exile might be. Maybe in Poland. 
Or maybe somewhere in Central Europe.
"We don't mind. Create a government-in-exile wherever 
you want. Leave this country alone. Do you want to 
have regalia and positions? Have them, but leave 
Ukraine alone. Give them at least a breath of 
fresh air," Spiridon Kilinkarov sums up on 
the program "Evening with 
Vladimir Solovyov".
KCNA --- North Korea tested a new 
tactical missile with a super-large 
warhead on July 1
July 1st, 11:05pm
On July 1, the General Directorate of Rocket Science of 
the DPRK successfully tested a new tactical ballistic 
missile "Hwasong-11da-4,5" with an ultra-large 

This is reported by KCNA.
According to the agency -- the new missile is capable of 
carrying a super-large warhead weighing up to 4.5 tons.
It is noted that as part of the tests, two missiles were 
launched at a maximum range of 500 km and a
 minimum range of 90 km.
On June 30, Yonhap said that North Korea launched a 
ballistic missile in the direction of the Sea of Japan.
Orban ------ with the arrival of Trump, 
there will be a cease-fire in Ukraine 
and the start of negotiations
July 1st, 10pm]
If Donald Trump wins the US presidential election, there 
will be a cease-fire in Ukraine and, sooner or later, 
negotiations between Russia and the US
 will begin.
This opinion was expressed by Hungarian Prime Minister 
Viktor Orban ---- in an interview with M1 TV channel.
"If he wins, then at least there will be a cease-fire, 
whether this will lead to a lasting peace is the 
music of the future, but it will not be like this,
 that's for sure," the politician said.
At the same time, he added that Europe needs to think 
about who and how will represent its interests in 
this case.
Earlier, Trump promised to resolve
 the conflict in Ukraine.
Also in Reuters wrote that Trump intends 
to force Ukraine to negotiate.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian 
Federation told about the exploits of 
the Russian Armed Forces in the
 free defense zone
July 1st, 10pm
The Defense Ministry said ----- that Lance Corporal Ignat 
Tolstikov, while performing the task of liberating one of 
the settlements controlled by Ukrainian militants - as 
part of a group of servicemen of the Russian Armed 
Forces, came under mortar fire. As a result, one of 
his colleagues received a shrapnel wound. 
Tolstikov found the wounded man, gave him first aid and 
dragged him to a natural depression in the ground, 
where he finished rendering assistance and 
prepared the victim for evacuation under 
the incessant shelling from the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
Thanks to his professionalism and ability to quickly 
navigate the situation, Tolstikov managed to save
 the life of a combat comrade, the Russian 
Defense Ministry said.
The military department also noted the merits of Private 
Andrey Razzhivin, a driver of a motorized rifle platoon.
 He performed tasks for the delivery of material and 
technical property to Russian servicemen. 
However --- the Armed Forces of Ukraine, seeking to 
deprive the units of the Russian troops of a timely 
and full supply of military-technical equipment -
attempted to destroy a column of Russian 
vehicles.... using rocket artillery. It also
included Private Razzhivin.
The serviceman managed to quickly orient himself in 
a difficult stop and timely withdraw his vehicle with 
ammunition.... from under the fire of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine to a safe place, without 
allowing the enemy to defeat and 
detonate the ammunition.
 In addition, he helped a wounded comrade who received
 shrapnel wounds. Razzhivin took him to a shelter, gave
 him first aid ------ and handed him over to medics for
evacuation to a medical centre.
The Russian Defense Ministry stressed that his 
competent and professional actions made it 
possible to save the life and health of the 
unit's servicemen, avoid detonation of 
ammunition --- keep the entrusted 
equipment and property in good 
condition, and replenish the 
material reserves of 
Russian units --- in 
a timely manner.
The Ministry of Defense reported that Sergeant Alexey 
Artemov, as part of the evacuation group of the 
motorized rifle division of the Russian Armed 
Forces, saved more than 300 colleagues in 
the area of the SVO.... for several months.
 In addition, he personally took out more than 30 
colleagues from under the fire of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine (AFU).


Footage of the work of the Russian 
Armed Forces on the accumulation 
of aircraft of the Armed Forces
Ukraine.... has appeared
July 1st, 9:51pm
Scouts and rocket men of the Armed Forces of the 
Russian Federation in the course of joint work 
hit a cluster of aircraft of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine (AFU). On July 1st, Izvestia 
obtained footage of the work of 
Russian military personnel.
Operators of reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles 
--- for several days --- observed the movement of enemy 
equipment at Mirgorod airfield, located in the Poltava 
region of Ukraine. After a significant number of 
aircraft gathered at the airfield, the relevant 
information was passed on to the rocket
 men, and they sent Iskander-M there.
Ukrainian militants made attempts to quickly withdraw 
the surviving aircraft, but a second missile hit the 
military equipment, which again hit the 
AFU targets.
Earlier in the day, the Russian Defense Ministry reported 
that Russian military personnel, during the day, hit 
Ukrainian aircraft in an open parking lot and the 
infrastructure of a military airfield. In addition, 
the Ministry indicated that the repair and 
restoration complex of weapons and 
equipment of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, and storage sites for
 unmanned boats... were
 also affected.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24th, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made.. against the background of the 
aggravation of the situation in the region 
due to shelling by Ukraine's military.

Filipchuk -- Kiev is trying to hide the 
situation with the cholera epidemic
 in the Ukrainian Armed Forces
 in Kherson
July 1st, 7:14pm
Kiev authorities are trying to hide the 
situation with the cholera epidemic 
in Kherson.
This was stated by the head of the Kakhovsky 
municipal district, Pavel Filipchuk, in 
social networks.
According to him, cholera continues to kill 
soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
"Kiev continues to pretend that nothing 
is happening," he wrote.
Earlier, an outbreak of cholera 
was recorded in Kherson.
The number of victims of the DPR shelling 
by the Ukrainian Armed Forces
 increased to three
July 1st, 7:07pm
The number of victims as a result of the shelling of the 
DPR by Ukrainian troops has increased to three.
This was announced by the head
 of the region, Denis Pushilin.
"One person was killed and three more civilians were 
wounded today as a result of Kiev's aggression," 
Pushilin wrote on his Telegram channel.
Earlier, the head of the Kherson military Administration, 
Roman Mrochko, appointed by the Kiev authorities, 
reported explosions in the city of Kherson 
controlled by the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces.
Nebenzia: the conflict in Ukraine 
cannot be settled in one day
July 1st, 6:24pm

The conflict in Ukraine cannot be resolved in one day. 
This was stated by Russia's Permanent Representative 
to the UN Vasily Nebenzia during a press conference.
"The Ukrainian crisis cannot be resolved in one day," 
he said on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.
So Nebenzia commented on the statement of US 
presidential candidate Donald Trump, who 
repeatedly claimed that he would end 
the conflict between Ukraine and 
Russia in a day if he returned 
to the White House.

Finland authorized the U.S. 
to use its military bases
July 1st, 2:08pm
(Prensa Latina) 
The Parliament of Finland authorized today the security 
agreement signed in December with the United States 
regarding the use by Washington, of military bases
 in the EU country.
According to the public broadcaster YLE, the pact, 
officially called...... the Defense Cooperation 
Agreement (DCA), is part of the process 
of Helsinki’s accession to NATO.
The United States has such agreements -- with about 
twenty countries, and even Sweden, which recently 
ratified its accession to the Atlantic Alliance, has 
also ratified a similar text.
The proposal adopted a few months ago, includes the 
opening of up to 15 military bases in Finland to U.S. 
forces ---- which will be able to import their own 
equipment, supplies, material and military 
equipment to that territory.
Last June, however, Finland’s Constitutional Law 
Commission ruled that the DCA must receive 
the support of a qualified two-thirds 
majority in Parliament.
This is because the pact impinges on several aspects 
of the Magna Carta, as it defines the conditions for 
cooperation between Helsinki and Washington 
and allows the U.S. to operate in Finland 
without much bureaucracy, in crisis 
and peacetime situations.
The Centre group --- liberated
Novopokrovskoye in the DPR
July 1st, 11:31am
Divisions of the Russian group "Centre" liberated the 
village of Novopokrovskoye in the Yasinovatsky
 district of the Donetsk People's Republic.
The village is located 32 kilometres 
northwest of Donetsk.
The tactical position of the Russian troops in this area 
has been significantly improved. Five counterattacks 
of assault groups of 5 AFU brigades were repelled. 
At the same time, the enemy lost up to 405 soldiers killed 
and wounded. A US Bradley infantry fighting vehicle was 
shot down, a US-made MaxxPro armored vehicle was 
destroyed, and a 155-mm US M777 howitzer was 
also hit ("Three axes"), 152-mm howitzer 
"Msta-B" and two 122-mm 
howitzers D-30.
In addition....... seven Ukrainian 
military trucks were destroyed.
Russian units inflicted fire damage on the positions of 
the 109th Territorial Defense Brigade, as well as four 
mechanized and one jaeger brigade of the Armed
 Forces of Ukraine near the settlements of 
Novgorodskoye (New York), Progress, 
Sokol, Toretsk and Timofeyevka
the DPR.
On June 30th, soldiers of the Veterans group of the 
Centre group used a 3-kilometre tunnel along the 
Seversky Donets Canal to capture a key 
enemy stronghold.
Over the past day, as the press service of the Russian 
Defense Ministry reports, another important village 
was recaptured from the Ukrainian Armed Forces
- Stepovaya Novoselovka in the Kharkiv region.
Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation
July 1st, 11:30am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces --- inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware... of the AFU 41st Mechanised 
Brigade, 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade, 34th Marines 
Brigade, 113th, 125th Territorial Defence Brigade, and 
13th National Guard Brigade near Volchansk, Tikhoye, 
Goptovka, Neskuchnoye, Zhovtnevoye, and Liptsy 
(Kharkov region).
Two attacks launched by assault detachments of the 
AFU Vostok Special Operations Centre and 92nd Air 
Assault Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 320 Ukrainian troops, 
one armoured personnel carrier, seven motor vehicles, 
two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one 152-mm 
D-20 howitzer, and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Moreover, one AFU field ammunition depot and three 
U.S.-made and one Israeli-made counter-battery 
warfare stations were destroyed.
As a result of active actions, units of the Zapad Group of 
Forces liberated Stepovaya Novosyolovka (Kharkov 
region) and took more advantageous lines.
Losses were inflicted on formations of the AFU 21st, 
44th, 60th, 66th mechanised brigades, and 125th 
Territorial Defence Brigade near Makeyevka,
Novovodyanoye, Nevskoye, Stelmakhovka 
(Lugansk People's Republic), and Terni 
(Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 475 Ukrainian troops,
 one U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carrier, and 
four pickup trucks.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, one Grad MLRS 
combat vehicle, two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, 
one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, one 122-mm Gvozdika 
self-propelled artillery system, one 122-mm D-30 
howitzer, and five AFU field ammunition depots 
were destroyed.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 23rd, 93rd 
mechanised brigades, 56th Motorised Infantry
 Brigade, 5th Assault Brigade, 80th Air Assault 
Brigade, 109th, 114th, and 119th territorial 
defence brigades near Grigorovka, Chasov 
Yar, Konstantinovka, Krasnogorovka, and 
Spornoye (Donetsk People's Republic).
One attack launched by an assault detachment of the 
AFU 10th Mountain Assault Brigade was repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 620 Ukrainian troops,
 four armoured fighting vehicles including two U.S.-
made M113 armoured personnel carriers, and 
12 motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, one Polish-made
 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-
made 155-mm M198 howitzer, one 152-mm Msta-B 
howitzer, two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, two 122-
mm D-30 howitzers, one U.S.-made 105-mm 
M119 howitzer, and three Anclav-N 
electronic warfare stations 
were neutralised.
As a result of active actions, units of the Tsentr Group of 
Forces liberated Novopokrovskoye (Donetsk People's 
Republic) and improved the tactical situation.
Losses ---- were inflicted on formations of the AFU 24th, 
31st, 110th, 118th mechanised brigades, 68th Jaeger 
Brigade, and 109th Territorial Defence Brigade near 
Yevgenovka, Novgorodskoye, Timofeyevka, Sokol, 
Toretsk, & Progress (Donetsk People's Republic).
Five counter-attacks launched by assault detachments
 of the AFU 142th Infantry Brigade, 95th Air Assault 
Brigade, 23rd, 41st, and 47th mechanised brigades 
were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 405 Ukrainian troops, 
one U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, one 
U.S.-made MaxxPro armoured fighting vehicle, 
seven motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm 
M777 howitzer, a 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, 
and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 33rd 
Mechanised Brigade, 82nd Air Assault 
Brigade, & 123rd Territorial Defence 
Brigade near Urozhaynoye and 
Nikolskoye (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
One counter-attack launched by an assault 
detachment of the AFU 58th Motorised
 Infantry Brigade was repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 120 Ukrainian troops, 
seven motor vehicles, and two UK-made 155-mm 
FH-70 howitzers.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces -- inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 65th Mechanised 
Brigade, 35th Marines Brigade, and 126th Territorial 
Defence Brigade near Rabotino, Novopokrovka 
(Zaporozhye region), and Tokaryovka
 (Kherson region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 85 Ukrainian troops, 
four motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777
 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 
Anclav-N electronic warfare station, & 
one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-
battery warfare station.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups 
of Forces destroyed aircraft of tUkraine's Air Force 
in an open park and infrastructure of the military 
airfield, repair and recovery system of the AFU 
weapons & equipment, a location of storage 
and a launch site for uncrewed surface 
vehicles, as well as clusters of enemy 
manpower in 124 areas during
the day.
Air defence units shot down 8 UK-made Storm Shadow 
cruise missiles, 5 French-made Hammer guided aerial 
bombs, 5 U.S.-made HIMARS & Czech-made Vampire 
MLRS projectiles, and 72 unmanned aerial vehicles.
In total, 616 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 27,040 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 535 air defence missile 
systems, 16,471 tanks & other armoured combat 
vehicles ---1,362 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 11,185 field artillery cannons & mortars,
as well as 23,201 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.
The group "West" liberated Stepovaya 
Novoselovka in the Kharkiv region
July 1st, 11:29am
Units of the Russian Western group of troops have 
successfully liberated Stepovaya Novoselovka in
the Kharkiv region, the Russian Defense
said in a daily report.
The group "Zapad" took more favorable positions during
the day and hit the formations of the 21st, 44th, 60th,
66th mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine (AFU) and the 125th teroborona brigade
at Makeyevka, Novovodyany, Nevsky,
Stelmakhovka in the LPR and
Ternov in the DPR.
The group's military destroyed up to 475 Ukrainian soldiers,
a US-made M113 armoured personnel carrier and
4 pickup trucks... during the day.
In addition, a Grad MLRS combat vehicle, two American
M777 howitzers, an Msta-B howitzer, a Gvozdika self-
propelled artillery system, a D-30 howitzer and five
Ukrainian field ammunition depots were hit
during the counter-battery fight.
General Podlesny: to deceive the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces, the Russian Armed Forces 
act differently --- all the time
July 1st, 10:01m
The commander of the army corps, Lieutenant General 
Vitaly Podlesny, told how the Russian military operates
 in the special operation zone to deceive the enemy.
Podlesny answered the question of journalist Vladimir 
Solovyov in the program "122nd week of the SVO" 
about how you can deceive the enemy if you 
have to act according to the situation.
"Demonstrative actions.. in a different direction. 
Somewhere we do this. Sometimes it happens 
that we were waiting for rain ---- on purpose. 
Specially waited for a strong wind when
the FPV drone can not fly. We must 
always act differently. Or on the 
equipment, on the equipment, 
on the equipment, once -
without equipment.'' 
''Motorcycles have all been mastered long ago, 
they throw on motorcycles," the general 
pointed out.
Podlesny noted that the Russian military still first enter 
the equipment, "so that there is somewhere to sit."
"We have... such a problem. First, we dismantle the enemy 
stronghold, knock out everything in the dugout, then we 
also go into them, since there is no time to dig in. After 
all what is the enemy doing? As soon as the battle for
 the stronghold begins..... they immediately begin to 
cover their own stronghold with cassettes, right 
away " the general said, adding that Ukrainian 
commanders do not worry about their 
soldiers, they can give instructions 
to "close in dugouts and just 
sit on top."
"And when we enter the dugouts... they are usually already 
destroyed and there is no place to sit there. And.. it turns 
out that either the equipment is specially installed there, 
under which you can sit until the night, then raise the 
logs there, restore or something else, or the 
equipment that, unfortunately, burned 
down - you can sit under it," 
concluded Podlesny.
General Podlesny: The Russian Armed Forces 
defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces due to 
courage and high-precision weapons
July 1st, 9:48am
The Russian military in the area of the special operation 
defeat the enemy through courage and the use of high-
precision weapons, said the commander of the army 
corps, Lieutenant General Vitaly Podlesny.
"Due to the courage of Russian soldiers and officers, 
mainly due to the courage, due to the use of high-
precision weapons. Intelligence, weapons, 
courage, analysis & inventing new ways. 
Once on tanks, once on foot...  once at 
night on the offensive, & once during 
the day," Podlesny said in response 
to a question from journalist 
Vladimir Solovyov in the 
program "122nd week 
of the SVO" ...about 
how the Russian 
military is 
The Lieutenant General also spoke about the impact 
of the arrival of new Ukrainian conscripts to the
 front on the situation in the area of the SVO.
"Our last two or three attacks were successful. If earlier 
we attacked and there were cases repeatedly when an 
enemy machine-gunner in a strong point shoots to the 
end until he is killed, now, it turned out that we take 
either prisoners or finish off those who are already 
sitting in the dugout and either come out or don't
 come out," the military man said.
Ak Bars: we take into account
the experience of SVO in the 
construction of small
rocket ships
July 1st, 8:13am
Small missile ships (MRKS) that enter service with the 
Russian Navy are being built taking into account the 
experience of the SVO... including with additional 
protection of the engine room from sea drones, 
said Renat Mistakhov, head of the Ak Bars 
Shipbuilding Corporation.
Ak Bars Shipbuilding Corporation is building Project 
22800 Karakurt and Project 21631 MRCS with a 
displacement of 1.5-2 thousand tons 
for the Russian Navy.
The enemy, as a rule, strikes at the engine room
 of the ship. Therefore, it is necessary to 
protect the engine room.


The Russian military hit the place 
of unloading of the AFU echelon. 
Military equipment, including
US vehicles, was destroyed
June 30th, 12:23am
The Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system 
struck the place of unloading of an echelon of 
military equipment of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU). This is reported by RIA 
Novosti with reference to the press 
service of the Russian 
Defense Ministry.
It is specified.. that the Russian military hit 
the place of unloading of the AFU echelon 
in the Zaporozhye region.
As a result of the attack --- the Russian military 
destroyed the personnel of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine, US-made M113 armoured 
personnel carriers, fuel tankers, 
Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile 
system (SAM), BMP-2 and 
truck transport. 
The results of fire damage were controlled by 
the fighters using the "SuperKAM" drone.
Earlier, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces exploded in Zaporizhia region.
In the evening of June 29th, in the part of Zaporizhia 
controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, an attack 
was recorded on a quarry, where the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces... kept a warehouse with 
ammunition and military equipment. 

The explosion was also recorded 
in Matveyevka, where there is 
a Ukrainian warehouse with 
missiles for HIMARS.
Earlier, the head of the Zaporozhye Regional State 
Administration, Ivan Fedorov reported on the 
attack.... as a result of which an object of 
critical infrastructure was damaged, in 
the territory of Zaporozhye controlled 
by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 
However.... he did not specify 
the exact object in question.
On June 27, it was reported that the Russian military had 
established a foothold in the southern and central part 
of the village of Urozhayne in the Vremyiv direction in 
the Zaporozhye region. This was stated by the head 
of the Zaporozhye public movement.... "We are 
together with Russia" Vladimir Rogov.
''Our guys have gained a foothold in the southern 
and central part of Urozhaynoye. They are 
completely under our control.''
In addition, the Armed Forces of Russia, took control of 
the village of Zagorne in the Zaporozhye region. More 
favorable positions were occupied by units of the
 Vostok group of troops.

Two kamikaze drones ----- attacked an 
apartment building in Belgorod region
June 30th, 12:23am
In the city of Grayvoron, Belgorod region, two kamikaze 
drones attacked an apartment building, the region's 
governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said.
According to him, the windows were broken
 in two apartments. In addition, one car 
was hit by shrapnel.
The Belgorod region is regularly attacked by the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine (AFU). In the evening of June 29th, 
Gladkov reported that 3 settlements in the region 
were attacked. In the village of Sovkhozny, 
Grayvoronsky City District, an FPV drone 
attacked a private non-residential 
household. As a result of the 
attack, the roof and canopy 
of the house, as well as the 
roof of the garage and the
 fence, were damaged.
In Britain, they announced 
a shortage of aircraft to 
respond to Russia
June 30th, 12:11am
Britain has only four fighter jets ready to deploy
if Russia launches a nuclear strike, Air Marshal 
Greg Begwell told The Sun.
The former Air Force commander believes that 
the army will not be able to defend itself from
a significant attack by Russia, if the alleged 
strike is carried out in the near future. 
Only four Eurofighter Typhoons are ready to take 
off immediately. Two fighters are based at 
Lossiemouth in Scotland and two at 
Coningsby in Lincolnshire.
"Two decades of relative peace in the post-Cold War 
era meant that the UK, like most of the European 
NATO countries, did not invest in the army," the
 expert said. He believes that now the country 
does not have enough planes to respond 
to Russia.
Earlier, a report by the British Defense Committee said 
that the British Air Force... is experiencing a shortage 
of combat aircraft. They also do not have sufficient 
reserves in the case of a war with Russia.
Junior Sergeant Davletzyanov cleared
 the path of an armoured group of the 
Russian Armed Forces from mines
June 29th, 11pm
Junior Sergeant Kamil Davletzyanov, driving a tank, 
cleared a path through a minefield for an armoured 
group of the Russian Armed Forces in the zone of 
a special military operation (SVO). 
The tank crew... conducted fire support for attack aircraft 
during the offensive, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
(AFU) tried to gain a foothold in new positions.
"Junior Sergeant Davletzyanov - driving a tank - made a 
maneuver and broke directly into the front line of the 
enemy's defense. Thanks to the sudden rush, the 
Russian tankers caught the enemy by surprise 
and began to destroy the Ukrainian militants 
at point-blank range -- preventing them from 
gaining a foothold and preparing defensive 
structures," the ministry said.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to plant mines in the 
path of Russian armoured vehicles. This information 
was passed on to Davletzyanov. He --- despite the 
danger... made a safe passage in the minefields 
with the help of a mine trawl, thereby
 the armoured groups of
the Russian Armed 
to leave the territory
without losses.
Thanks to the actions of Junior Sergeant Davletzyanov, 
the tankers provided fire support to the advancing 
Russian assault groups, which significantly 
improved the position along the front line
 and consolidated their positions.
Also, the Defense Ministry told about the feat of the 
Guards senior sergeant Denis Khaprov, who 
disabled an armoured vehicle of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine 
and caused damage to 
enemy personnel.
Assault units of the Russian Armed Forces were
 performing the task of suppressing AFU firing 
points when Russian intelligence detected a 
Ukrainian armoured personnel carrier with 
enemy infantry inside. 
Khaprov took up a firing position and hit the target with 
a grenade launcher, destroying the APC. After that, the
 senior sergeant opened fire with small arms, as a 
result of which five servicemen of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine were eliminated.
Khaprov's competent actions made it possible to 
ensure the advance of Russian assault groups.

"Iskander" --- attacked the place of
unloading of the railway train of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine
June 29th, 8:08pm
The Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system 
struck the place of unloading of an echelon of 
military equipment of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine (AFU) in the Zaporozhye region. 
This is reported by RIA Novosti with
 reference to the press service of
 the Russian Defense Ministry.
As a result of the attack in the area of the settlement of
Ukrainka, M-113 armoured personnel carriers of US
production, fuel tankers, Buk M1 air defense 
systems, BMP-2 and truck transport 
were hit. 
In addition, the Russian military destroyed the 
personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The results of the Iskander fire strike were 
carried out using a SuperKAM drone.
Earlier it was reported that a warehouse with 
ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
exploded in the Zaporozhye region. It also
 became known about the explosion in
 Matveyevka, Zaporozhye region... 
where the APU warehouse with
 missiles for HIMARS is stored.

Fighter of the Russian Armed 
Forces Montana ----- when the 
APU retreats, even children's
 toys are mined
June 29th, 6:35pm
Even children's toys are being stuffed with explosives by 
Ukrainian militants. According to a Russian sapper with
 the call sign Montana, he saw a stuffed rabbit that says
"I love you" ....when you press the button. Neo-Nazis
connected an electric detonator to this button.
Fortunately, the Russian military immediately 
discovered the trap and defused it, 
so no one was injured.
Montana added that Ukrainian militants are also mining 
radio stations, small arms stores, personal belongings 
and much more.
Earlier, military expert Andriy Marochko said that in 90% 
of cases, civilians in the Kharkiv region are injured in 
mine explosions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

And this happens...... far from the front line.
The waiter of a cafe in Sevastopol 
told about saving people from the 
beach during the attack of the 
Ukrainian Armed Forces
June 29th, 6:18pm
Waiter Kirill Strupinsky, who worked in one of the cafes 
on the beach in Uchkuyevka, told Izvestia on June 29 
about how he saved several dozen people during
attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine  
on Sevastopol.
The young man explained that he came out from behind 
the bar when the shelling started and shrapnel began 
to fly into the cafe.
"At first I wanted to run, but a fragment flew in front of 
me. I lay down and asked if there were any wounded. 
I was told that there is," Kirill said.
Then he decided to take out about 15 people through
 the back entrance to the cafe. Then the waiter
 rushed to rescue the wounded. First.. he put 
a tourniquet from his own T-shirt.. on the 
wounded man's elbow. Then he helped 
the girl, who was shot in both thighs.
"My grandfather was seriously wounded, through and 
through. I covered his wounds with the remains of
T-shirt so that no blood would flow out," 
he continued.
After that, Kirill ran along the beach 
to find the wounded and help them.
Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev has
announced the completion of the public 
notification system. 
According to him, first of all, it will be finalized 
taking into account ballistics. He added that 
the city's beaches will not be closed, but it 
is recommended to refuse to visit them.
On Sunday, June 23, the Ukrainian Armed Forces 
attacked Sevastopol with the help of American 
ATACMS missiles. Four people were killed,
 including two children, and another 
153 were injured. 
On the same day, it became known that among 
the dead was the daughter of the deputy 
mayor of Magadan, who was with her 
parents on the beach.
The Investigative Committee of Russia opened
 criminal case --- under Article 205 of
the Criminal 
Code of the Russian
Federation ("Terrorist act"). 
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova 
called the strike a ritual crime because Ukraine's attack 
took place on Holy Trinity Day. The Russian Defense 
Ministry noted ------ that the involvement of the US
 not raise any doubts, Washington and its 
satellites are engaged in inciting Kiev 
to kill Russian civilians.
Ukrainian militants are trying to strike at Russian
 territories against the background of a special 
operation in the Donbass, the beginning of 
which was announced on February 24, 
2022. The decision was made due to 
the aggravation of the situation in 
the region -- due to shelling by
Ukrainian military.
The number of victims of the attack on 
Sevastopol has grown to four people
 June 29th, 4:48pm
Four people were injured, as a result of a missile attack by
 the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), on Sevastopol on the 
morning of June 29th. This was announced by the city's 
governor Mikhail Razvozhaev in the Telegram channel.
"As a result of the morning rocket attack, four civilians 
of Sevastopol were injured. They have minor shrapnel 
wounds. All were taken to the hospital, one person 
was released home after an examination," 
he wrote.
According to the governor, three private houses were also
 damaged in the city, and windows in several apartments 
were broken in three apartment buildings. Seven cars 
and a motorcycle were also damaged, 
Razvozhayev said.
"Two overhead power lines in Balaklava...... were 
also damaged as a result of the missile attack. 
Because of this... houses on Vygonnaya, 
Zhukov, Marines...  and Zdorovitelnaya 
Streets were left without electricity,"
 he added.
As the governor noted, after conducting an inspection 
by EMERCOM employees, the power engineers began 
restoration work, and by 16:00 Moscow time, power 
supply to consumers was restored. At the moment, 
all services continue to work.
Earlier in the day, Razvozhaev reported three victims.
This morning, an air alert was issued in Sevastopol. 
Later, the air defense system destroyed two aerial 
targets over the city. Razvozhayev said that 
fragments of downed targets fell in the 
coastal zone and Balaklava district.
Izvestia on Saturday showed footage from Sevastopol. 
According to local resident Oleg Sovetin, his garage 
was damaged -- and the windows of the car were 
also broken. During the attack of the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces, the man was at home.

American historian Kuznik:
 the world - is on the verge
 of a new Caribbean crisis
June 29th, 3:55pm
Peter Kuznik, a professor in the Department of History 
and director of the Institute for Nuclear Research at 
the American University of Washington, said that 
the world is on the verge of a new Caribbean 
missile crisis.
According to Kuznik, the coming crisis is provoked not 
only by the start of Russia's special operation in
 Ukraine, but also..... by NATO's actions in
 to this conflict.
"A direct confrontation between Russia and the alliance 
can really arise, and the Third World War becomes not 
just one of the possible nightmarish outcomes, but 
the end of human civilization," RIA Novosti 
quotes Kuznik --- with reference to The 
American Conservative.
Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry noted the increased
 intensity of flights of American strategic UAVs over the 
Black Sea ---- which increases the risk of a NATO 
confrontation with the Russian Federation.
Captured soldier of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine Karpyuk: soldiers are
being transferred to positions 
without fortifications
June 29th, 2:18pm
The Russian army ----- captured another soldier of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine. He fell into the hands of our servicemen
 in the Kharkiv direction. Junior Lieutenant Oleg Karpyuk 
was abandoned on the battlefield with shrapnel wounds.
At the front, the platoon commander of the 42nd brigade 
turned out to be straight from the Vladimir corrugated 
cardboard factory. In a short time, he completed 
combat training in training schools. After that, 
he served under the Clock Yar.
"There are a lot of drones, the artillery is working. 
The Russian army is actively advancing. And we
 have nothing. We were forced to prepare our 
positions from scratch," the prisoner of 
war admitted.
For Karpiuk, the war was over. At the same time - many 
of his compatriots continue to bear all the hardships 
....prolonging the agony of the Zelensky regime.
APU fired at a group of refugees 
during evacuation from Toretsk,
 7 people were killed
June 29th, 12:27pm
Residents trying to evacuate Toretsk (formerly 
Dzerzhinsk) were shelled by Ukrainian troops. 

At least seven civilians were killed when
the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit a group 
of refugees. 
This was announced by Igor Kimakovsky, adviser 
to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic.
Now the city, located 43 kilometres in a straight line from
 Donetsk --- is being fiercely fought. On June 28, the first 
group of 10 residents evacuated from the city arrived 
in Gorlovka... from Toretsk. The Mayor of Gorlovka,
Ivan Prikhodko in a Telegram channel, promised 
to help them in accommodation, plus providing 
medical care, providing food and finding 
relatives in Russia.
Earlier, Kiev tried to forcibly evacuate residents of 
Toretsk to the controlled territory. The Ukrainian 
authorities ------ forcibly removed 500 of the 
six thousand people from the city.
Russian troops have been advancing on Toretsk from
 Horlivka for a week. On June 29, they liberated the 
village of Shumy, 10 kilometres from Toretsk.
Russian troops have improved the operational situation 
in the area of Novgorodsky, renamed New York in Kiev.


Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation
July 29th, 11:50am
The units of the Sever Group of Forces --- have defeated 
manpower & hardware of the 42nd & 57th mechanised 
brigades of the AFU and the 105th Territorial Defence 
Brigade close to Neskuchnoye, Volchansk, and 
Liptsy (Kharkov region).
The enemy losses were up to 270 servicemen, one tank, 
4 motor vehicles, one 155-mm U.S.-made M109 Paladin 
howitzer, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and
 three 122-mm D-30 howitzers.
The units of the Zapad Group of Forces, have taken more 
advantageous positions and also defeated formations of
1st, 14th, 63rd, 116th mechanised, 4th tank brigades of 
the AFU, the 112th Territorial Defence Brigade and the 
1st Brigade of the National Guard near Petropavlovka,
Sinkovka & Berestovoye (the Kharkov region), plus 
Chervonaya Dibrova and Stelmakhovka (Lugansk 
People's Republic).
In addition --- two counterattacks by the 
3rd Assault Brigade have been repelled.
The AFU losses were over 500 servicemen, one infantry 
fighting vehicle, three motor vehicles, one 155-mm U.S.-
made M198 howitzer, one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-
propelled artillery system, and one 122-mm 
D-30 howitzer.
Two AFU artillery ammunition depots and one U.S.-
made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar station 
have been destroyed.
The units of the Yug Group of Forces have improved their 
position along the front line and defeated manpower and 
hardware of the 56th Motor Infantry Brigade, the 72nd 
Mechanised Brigade, and the 214th ‘Opfor’ Battalion 
of the AFU close to Zaliznyanskoye, Grigorovka, 
Chasov Yar, Kalinino, and Konstantinovka
(Donetsk People's Republic).
One counterattack by the 10th Mountain Assault
Brigade of the AFU --- has also been repelled.
The enemy losses were more than 430 troops, 
3 armoured fighting vehicles, and eight 
motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, two U.S.-made 
155-mm M777 howitzers, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab 
self-propelled artillery system, three 152-mm D-20 guns, 
one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, one UK-made 105-mm L-119 
howitzer, one 122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle, one 
U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery warfare radar 
station, and two electronic warfare stations
 have been destroyed.
In addition, five AFU field ammunition 
depots have been destroyed.
The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have liberated 
Shumy (Donetsk People's Republic), improved their 
tactical position and defeated formations of the 
41st Mechanised Brigade and the 109th 
Territorial Defence Brigade close 
to Kirovo, Leninskoye, Sokol, 
Novgorodskoye, as well as 
Novosyolovka Pervaya
(Donetsk People's 
Six counterattacks by assault detachments of 
47th mechanised, 142nd infantry, and 68th
 jaeger brigades of the AFU have been 
repelled during the day.
The enemy losses, were up to 360 servicemen, two 
armoured fighting vehicles, one motor vehicle, one 
152-mm D-20 howitzer, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, 
one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 gun, and a 100-mm 
MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun.
The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have taken 
more advantageous lines and defeated manpower
 and hardware of the 58th AFU Motor Infantry 
Brigade and the 102nd Territorial Defence 
Brigade near Urozhainoye (Donetsk
 People's Republic), & Kulturnoye 
(Zaporoshye region).
In addition, two counterattacks by units of the enemy 
72nd Motorised Infantry Brigade have been repelled.
The AFU losses were up to 135 servicemen, five motor 
vehicles, one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, one 
152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, one 122-mm 2S1 
Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, one 
122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle, and 
a 100-mm MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun.
One Anklav-N electronic warfare station 
has been also destroyed.
The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have defeated 
the 65th mechanised and 128th mountain assault 
brigades of the AFU, the 35th Marin Brigade and 
the 15th National Guard Brigade nr Pyatikhatki,
 Rabotino, Malaya Tokmachka (Zaporozhye 
region) & Novotyaginka (Kherson region).
The AFU losses were up to 100 servicemen, six motor 
vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 
152-mm D-20 gun, and one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika
 self-propelled artillery system.
One AFU field ammunition depot 
has been also destroyed.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces have destroyed the enemy division's control 
centre, one illumination and guidance radar, one 
low-altitude detector, and two S-300PS anti-
aircraft missile system launchers.
In addition, enemy manpower and military hardware 
clusters have been hit in 119 areas.
Air defence facilities have shot down one MiG-29 aircraft 
of the Ukrainian Air Force, 119 unmanned aerial 
vehicles, five U.S.-made ATACMS operational-
tactical missiles, and 10 U.S.-made 
HIMARS rockets.
In total, 616 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 26,896 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 535 air defence missile 
systems, 16,453 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,359 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 11,060 field artillery guns and mortars, 
as well as 23,076 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.
Putin vows to consider deploying
 nukes near NATO countries
June 29th, 7:50am
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced his 
plan to consider placing new nuclear missiles near
 NATO countries.
Earlier this month, Putin warned the West that Moscow 
could supply arms to other countries to strike Western 
targets in retaliation for allowing Ukraine to fire long-
range missiles supplied by NATO countries’ military 
forces to hit targets inside Russia.
His latest announcement on Friday is seen as the Russian 
leader’s latest attempt ------ to respond to the escalated 
conflict with the West after signing a comprehensive 
strategic partnership pact during his landmark 
Pyongyang visit aimed at finding new ways 
to defend non-Western countries against
US hegemony.
Russia, North Korea fighting 
US hegemonic policy: Putin
The Russian president --- lashed out at the US 
and its allies over their schemes to change 
the objective of a multi-polar world.
Putin vowed that his nation would produce new 
intermediate-range nuclear-capable missiles, 
and then decide whether to deploy them 
within range of NATO nations in Europe,
 as well as US ally countries in Asia.
The Russian leader blamed the Russian move 
on the United States for deploying nuclear 
missiles in Europe and Asia.
During the US presidency of Donald Trump, 
Washington pulled out of the 1987 
Intermediate-Range Nuclear 
Forces Treaty (INF).
The INF treaty banned the production, testing, and 
deployment of land-based cruise and ballistic 
missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 klms.
The withdrawal from the treaty was one in a series of 
treaty withdrawals that marked the end of decades 
of nuclear arms control treaties signed by 
Washington and Moscow over fears of 
launching a nuclear conflict between 
the former Soviet Union and the US.
The only arms treaty that remains to this day is
New START, which limits the intercontinental 
weapons each nation can maintain.
This nuclear arms reduction treaty between the US and 
Russia, formally known as Measures for the Further 
Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive 
Arms, was signed on April 8, 2010, went into 
force in February 2011, and expires in 
February 2026.
During the Cold War era, the US and the former Soviet 
Union slowly developed common views and interests, 
driving the two sides to sign treaties governing 
nuclear technologies and materials and to 
seek global cooperation and trade in 
nuclear energy while preventing 
weapons proliferation.
These treaties continued in the post–Cold War era 
despite a range of military issues arising across
 the global sphere amid increasingly conflicting 
interests in international commerce.
The West’s gradual encroachment on Russia, 
culminating in Moscow’s decision to launch 
a special military operation... in eastern 
Ukraine, in February 2022 ------ marked 
the end of the decades-long tradition 
of cooperation between Washington 
and Moscow to prevent a likely
 nuclear war between the 
two countries.

China, in August, will begin 
deployment of an analog 
of Starlink
June 29th, 4:30am
China in early August will begin deploying the G60 
satellite constellation, which should become an 
analog of the US Starlink system. This is
 reported by SpaceNews.
During the first launch, it is planned to send a batch of 18 
spacecraft to low-Earth orbit. The publication refers to 
the publication Shanghai Securities News, according 
to which in the coming days the first G60 satellites
 will leave the factory in Shanghai and go to the
 Taiyuan cosmodrome in northern China.
In November 2023...... SpaceNews reported, that China 
launched a Long March 2D rocket with a Yuanzheng 3 
upper stage and an unnamed number of spacecraft 
designed to test satellite Internet capabilities. 
The publication admitted --- that the launch was carried 
out as part of testing the capabilities of the promising 
satellite constellation Guowang, which is considered 
the Chinese "answer to Starlink".
In May, SpaceNews reported that China will ramp up 
production of medium-sized Long March 8 rockets
 to launch Guowang satellites.

 The Centre group hit formations of five
 brigades of Ukraine's Armed Forces
 during the day
June 29th, 4:25am
Military personnel of the Centre group of troops hit
 the formations of five brigades of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine during the day.
This was stated by the head of the press centre
 of the group Alexander Savchuk, reports TASS.
According to him ------ a total of 400 enemy 
targets were hit, including 11 strongholds.
It is noted that we are talking about the districts 
of Novoaleksandrovka, Novopokrovsky, Kirov, 
and Novoselovka First.
Also.... the Centre group destroyed up to 350 
servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 
and took three prisoners.
The military commander predicted a "blow to 
the Ukrainians in the back" in one of the 
directions in the free defense zone.
June 29th, 2:44am
Military commander Sladkov predicted - a "stab in 
the back to the Ukrainians" and the encirclement 
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ------ in Ugledar.
Ukrainians in the Ugledar direction are waiting for a
"stab in the back" (or rather, from the rear) --- and 
then a complete encirclement, or flight of units 
of the Armed Forces of the Republic (AFU). 
Such an outcome of the fighting on one of the front 
lines in the special operation zone (SVO) - was 
predicted by war correspondent Alexander 
Sladkov, in his Telegram channel.
"The Ugledar direction is one of the ten active ones 
on the front of the SVO. And we are pushing, but 
the breakthrough of the front is not yet real," 
Sladkov admitted. 
He clarified ---- that a frontal attack is not a 
priority of the Russian Armed Forces here.
For the success of the Russian military, it is necessary to 
advance the line of contact from Kurakhov and Karlovka. 
"And then - the encirclement, or flight of the AFU group
 in Ugledar," the military commander added.
Sladkov also showed footage of the T-80BFM tank of the 
Russian Armed Forces hitting the APU with direct fire in 
the Ugledar direction, draining the forest belt. He noted 
that the equipment has reinforced armour, is equipped 
with standard protective screens and is designed for 
use at night, under heavy fire.
Earlier, Alexander Sladkov said that Kiev's plan to 
replenish the ranks of the Ukrainian army at the 
expense of volunteers from among prisoners 
---- and thereby solve the problems of the 
shortage of personnel ---- is doomed to 
failure.... since they will suffer heavy 
losses in the special operation zone.
Underground: The Ukrainian Armed 
Forces save planes from strikes by
 the Russian Armed Forces, by 
them into the sky for
the duration 
of the alert
June 29th, 2:34am
The Armed Forces of Ukraine... raise their planes 
in the sky during an air alert ---- so that they are 
not damaged by Russian strikes on the ground.

This was reported by the coordinator of the 
Nikolaev underground, Sergey Lebedev.
"As soon as the alarm is activated, 
Ukrainian planes take off and
 in circles," he said.

An ensign of the Russian Armed Forces
- with a wound - saved his colleagues 
after a mortar attack
June 28th, 10pm
The foreman of a motorized rifle company, ensign Igor 
Khokhlov, who was engaged in delivering various 
necessary supplies to the frontline servicemen 
of the Russian Federation's Armed Forces 
showed heroism ---- and saved the lives
of his 
wounded colleagues ------ the
Defense Ministry reports.
Ukrainian militants discovered Khokhlov's transport - and 
subjected it to mortar fire, which caused the serviceman 
to be wounded, but he continued to direct the unloading, 
and then provided first aid not only to himself, but also 
to several colleagues. After that, Khokhlov evacuated
 the wounded soldiers and brought the transport out 
of the shelling.
The Russian Defense Ministry also told about the feat of 
Lieutenant Alexander Solovyov, who not only saved 
wounded colleagues, but also helped create 
conditions for the further advancement 
of the Russian Army.
During the battle -- an infantry fighting vehicle (BMP) of 
Russian attack aircraft was attacked by an FPV drone, 
as a result of which the commander of the assault 
group was injured. Solovyov took command and
 evacuated the wounded, after which he 
organized a defense at the captured 
stronghold of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine (AFU).
"During the day, repelling attacks by Ukrainian militants 
& constantly inflicting significant losses on them, the 
group led by Lieutenant Alexander Solovyov held 
positions --- which made it possible to bring 
reserves into battle ....and push the 
enemy back," the ministry said.
Thanks to the courage and dedication of Lieutenant 
Solovyov, an important enemy stronghold was 
captured.. the lives of wounded servicemen 
were saved... and conditions were created 
for the further advance of Russian troops.

The US ''wants'' to continue patrolling 
the Black Sea with aircraft and UAVs
June 28th, 7pm
US aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will 
continue to patrol the Black Sea over international 
waters. This --- was announced by Deputy Press 
Secretary of the US Pentagon Sabrina Singh, 
as quoted by TASS.
"We continue to fly, conduct sea voyages and operate 
in international waters and international air spaces 
....where permitted by law," she said.
Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov 
instructed Staff to make proposals on measures 
for rapid responses --- to US provocations over 
the Black Sea.

Putin pointed to a fairly rapid 
pace of recovery of the LPR
June 28th, 3:58pm
The restoration of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) is 
proceeding quite rapidly, despite the fighting. This was 
stated on June 28 by Russian President Vladimir Putin 
during a video call with graduates of the personnel 
reserve program of the Higher School of Public 
Administration (VSGU) of the RANEPA.
"The Luhansk People's Republic, as well as our other 
new, but in fact historical territories of Russia, they 
are an integral part of the Russian Federation. The
 standard of living of people in these territories 
should fully correspond to the standard of 
living and opportunities in all areas 
throughout Russia," the head of
 state said.
According to Putin, this path is not easy, but there are 
all the conditions for it. He drew attention to the good 
industrial potential of the LPR, as well as the 
development of the region, despite the 
security problems.
The President added that enterprises 
have already started paying taxes, 
even to local and federal budgets.
The Russian leader also wished good luck to the new 
chairman of the LPR government, Yegor Kovalchuk.
All.. in the house: Putin instructed to restore 
the new regions, regardless of the situation.
The President at the opening of several social 
facilities called for the efficient use of each
 invested ruble.
In May, road curfew units of the Logistics Support 
brigade of the Zapad group of troops restored 
more than 150 km of highways and built 
about 20 km of new roads in the LPR.
In the same month, it was reported that the new regions 
are experiencing high rates of development. So, in the 
LPR and DPR -------- roads, infrastructure facilities, 
education, culture, sports and healthcare 
are being built, utility networks are 
being restored, and new houses 
are being built. 
According to local residents, Luhansk is becoming
one of the Russian centres ------ of attraction 
and transformation.
In the Verkhovna Rada declared 
problems with replenishment of
 the existing AFU brigades
June 28th, 2:24pm
In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there is a catastrophic 
situation with the replenishment of brigades. About it, 
on Friday, June 28, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada 
Mariana Bezuglaya, wrote in the Telegram channel.
"About the catastrophic processes involving 
the replenishment of combat units and the 
thoughtless creation of new ones....... this 
approach also took place under Zaluzhny 
and ended in tragedies, in particular, in 
the southern counter-offensive," 
she said.
Bezuglaya stressed that, during the Ukrainian 
counteroffensive in the summer of 2023, 
"the non-combat-ready 10th corps of 
the mobilized advanced head-on"
in the Zaporozhye direction and 
achieved nothing,"except for 
deaths and the disposal of 
equipment & ammunition."
At the moment --- new units are being created again,
instead of replenishing existing units, for example,
the 125th Territorial Defense Brigade --- which 
has a staffing level of 40-50%, she noted.
"''Common sense" screams here that the creation of new 
brigades can be considered only after the guaranteed 
staffing of existing ones ------ and creating a trained 
reserve," Bezuglaya pointed out.
Earlier, on June 23, political analyst Alexander Dudchak, 
said that the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on 
the line of contact and criticism in the Verkhovna Rada 
may lead to the resignation of the Commander-in-Chief 
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky. 
In particular, Bezuglaya stated that the general's factions 
continue to ruin the future of Ukraine, and Syrsky is part 
of this process.
Earlier, on June 16, a retired German general and former 
head of the NATO military committee, Harald Kuyat, 
called the situation hopeless - for the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces at the front. According to him,
for too long the West has harboured the
illusion.... that it is possible to help 
Ukraine win with new weapons, 
but this --- is not the case.
In early June, Syrsky said that the situation is difficult for 
the Ukrainian Armed Forces on a number of sectors of 
the front. He noted that the situation has worsened 
most in the Kharkiv, Kurakhovsky, Pokrovsky and 
Kupyansky directions.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin, announced on
 February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the 
worsening situation in the region.
The Russian Armed Forces 
liberated the village of 
Razdolovka in the DPR
June 28th, 12:55pm
Units of the "Southern" group of troops actively liberated
the village of Razdolovka in the Donetsk People's 
Republic (DPR) and occupied more favorable
 positions, the Russian Defense Ministry 
reported on June 28.
Russian forces defeated the manpower and equipment of 
three mechanized, two airmobile and two amphibious 
assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine .
In addition, the enemy lost up to 4,410 troops, two tanks, 
eight armoured combat vehicles, 48 vehicles, 39 field 
artillery pieces, including 11 M777 & M198 howitzers
manufactured in the US, from June 22 to 28. Seven
electronic warfare stations.. "Enclave", "Bukovel" 
and 25 field ammunition depots were destroyed.
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces did not expect our 
appearance and surrendered without a fight"
Russian soldiers have revealed details of the 
rapid assault on the village of Ocheretino, 
north of Avdiivka.
Earlier, on June 7, Russian forces liberated the town of 
Paraskoviyevka in the DPR. Before that, the Russian 
Armed Forces liberated the village of Umanskoye
 in the Donetsk People's Republic, on June 2.
Earlier, on May 31, the Defense Ministry said that during 
the week, the Russian Armed Forces liberated the 
settlements of Berestovoe and Ivanovka in the 
Kharkiv region, as well as Arkhangelsk and 
Netaylovo in the DPR and continued to 
advance deep into the defense of the
 Armed Forces of Ukraine. Then, the
 head of the Defense Department.. 
Andrei Belousov, said that in just 
May, the Russian army soldiers 
liberated 28 settlements.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on
 February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the 
worsening situation in the region.

Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation 
(22 – 28 June 2024)
June 28th,12:55pm
From 22 June to 28 June 2024, the Russian Armed Forces 
have carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision 
weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles. 
Enemy energy facilities, infrastructure of military airfields, 
logistics centres for storing weapons delivered by 
Western countries to the AFU, as well as 
assembly and storage facilities.... for 
attack unmanned aerial vehicles 
and uncrewed boats.
Temporary deployment areas of AFU troops and 
foreign mercenaries ---- have been also hit.
Over the past week, the units of the Sever Group of 
Forces continued to advance into the depths of the 
enemy defence and inflicted losses on manpower 
and hardware of three formations of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, one marine brigade, and
 three territorial defence brigades.
The AFU losses were up to 1,560 Ukrainian troops, 
12 armoured fighting vehicles & 43 motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, 33 field artillery 
guns, including seven foreign-made howitzers, three 
Nota electronic warfare stations, Bukovel-AD, and
 two U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar 
stations, have been eliminated.
The units of the Zapad Group of Forces have improved 
the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on four 
mechanised and two tank brigades of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, as well as on two territorial 
defence brigades. Six counter-attacks of 
AFU assault detachments have 
been repelled.
The AFU losses were up to 3,230 Ukrainian troops, four 
armoured fighting vehicles, 40 motor vehicles, three 
Grad MLRS combat vehicles, 24 field artillery guns,
 six of them were U.S.-made.
In addition, three U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 and AN/TPQ-37 
counter-battery warfare radars, as well as 11 field 
ammunition depots have been destroyed.
The units of the Yug Group of Forces have liberated 
Razdolovka (Donetsk People's Republic) and 
seized more advantageous lines.
The strikes have been delivered, at manpower and 
hardware of the three mechanised, two airmobile, 
and two air assault brigades of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine.
The AFU losses were up to 4,410 Ukrainian troops, 
two tanks, eight armoured fighting vehicles, 48 
motor vehicles, and 39 field artillery guns,
 including 11 U.S.-made M777 and 
M198 howitzers.
In addition, seven Anklav, Bukovel electronic 
warfare stations, and 25 field ammunition 
depots, have been destroyed.
The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved 
the situation along the front line and defeated units of 
four mechanised, two infantry formations of the AFU 
and two territorial defence brigades. 39 Enemy  
counter-attacks have been repelled in 
this direction, during the week.
The AFU losses were up to 2950 troops, three tanks, six 
armoured fighting vehicles.... including two U.S.-made 
Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 30 motor vehicles, 
and 42 field artillery guns, including six U.S.-made
 M777 howitzers.
The units of the Vostok Group of Forces, have improved 
the tactical situation and inflicted losses on manpower 
and hardware of two brigades of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, three formations of the Territorial Defence 
and two National Guard brigades.
The AFU losses were up to 930 Ukrainian troops, six 
armoured fighting vehicles, 36 motor vehicles, and 
19 field artillery guns, including six UK-made 
FH-70 howitzers.
The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces -- have defeated 
units of two formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
and three brigades of the Ukrainian Territorial Defence.
The AFU losses were up to 740 Ukrainian troops, three 
tanks, two armoured fighting vehicles, 48 motor 
vehicles, and 23 field artillery guns, 11 of 
them --- were foreign-made.
In addition, eight Anklav, Bukovel electronic 
warfare stations, and six ammunition 
depots... have been destroyed.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces have destroyed six M142 HIMARS multiple-
launch rocket system launchers, one M270 MLRS 
launcher, and one transport and loader vehicle 
together with foreign specialists who ensured 
their use, as well as three P-18 air target 
detection and tracking radars.
Air defence facilities have shot down two Ukrainian Air 
Force's MiG-29 aircraft, 589 unmanned aerial vehicles, 
six U.S.-made ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, 
8 U.S.-made Patriot anti-aircraft guided missiles, 
a U.S.-made HARM anti-radiation missile, and 
61 U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles, 
as well as Czech-made Vampire and 
Olkha projectiles.
Over the past week, 56 Ukrainian servicemen 
have surrendered on the line of contact.
In total, 615 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 26,777 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 533 air defence missile 
systems, 16,446 tanks & other armoured fighting
 vehicles.. 1,357 combat vehicles equipped with
 MLRS, 11,020 field artillery guns and mortars, 
as well as 23,049 units of special military 
equipment, have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.


Austrian Chancellor says it is 
necessary to involve BRICS 
countries in negotiations
 on Ukraine
June 28th, 11:36am
The EU should do everything possible -- to involve the 
BRICS countries so that peace can come to Ukraine, 
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said on June 28.
"We must do everything possible, to prepare the ground
 for peace talks. This, is the most important thing. We 
need the BRICS countries-China, India, South Africa, 
Brazil - to be on our side," he told reporters before 
leaving the EU summit in Brussels.
The Chancellor pointed out the need to involve the 
above-mentioned countries, especially India.
"We must do our best to engage them so that peace
can come. Especially necessary, for example, is 
India. And Austria will build bridges on this
issue," Nehammer said.
BRICS is an intergovernmental organization that was 
founded in 2006. Initially -- it included Brazil, Russia, 
India and China. It was later joined by the Republic 
of South Africa, and from 2024 ― Egypt, Iran, the
 United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia 
and Ethiopia. The Russian Foreign 
Ministry also indicated... that a 
number of African countries 
want to join the BRICS.
Russian President, Vladimir Putin, said on June 14th that
Russia has always sought peace --- and is ready to sit 
down at the negotiating table, even tomorrow. 
This will become possible when Kiev withdraws its troops
 from the regions of the Russian Federation, and officially 
renounces its intentions to integrate into NATO, he said. 
However, if Kiev and the West refuse, the responsibility
 for the ongoing conflict --- lies solely with them, 
the Russian leader added.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the 
proposals of the Russian leader are the most realistic 
basis for the Ukrainian settlement. He expressed 
confidence ---- that serious political figures 
understand the need to turn on their 
diplomatic abilities ---- and start 
thinking about real politics, 
and not about illusions 
......sucked out of 
their fingers.
In the West and in Kiev, the initiative was rejected. 
President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term 
of office expired on May 20th, called the proposal an 
ultimatum. Adviser to the head of the office of the 
Ukrainian leader, Mikhail Podolyak, in turn, said
that the initiative, allegedly, does not contain
''real peace proposals." It was also rejected 
by German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and 
Italian Prime Minister Giorgi Meloni.
The last round of negotiations, was held in Istanbul, on 
March 29, 2022. They lasted about three hours. Later, 
Kiev - officially - refused to contact Moscow. 
On October 4th of the same year, the decision of the 
National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine 
on the impossibility of holding negotiations 
with Putin --- was put into effect.

The Russian army --- delivered 
a massive blow to the Kraken
June 28th, 7:53am
The Russian army delivered a massive blow to the 
location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 
militants of the neo-Nazi unit "Kraken" 
in the Mykolaiv region, stated
the representative of the 
Mykolaiv underground, 
Sergey Lebedev.
Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit 
near the village of Galitsinovo, at least seven 
arrivals were noted, Lebedev replied, to a 
request from RIA Novosti.
The three strikes were followed by a burst of flame 
and detonation that lasted 25 minutes. "We are 
investigating the consequences. Medical 
workers were alerted and escorted 
away by the military --- in the 
direction of Galitsinovo," 
Lebedev concluded.

Russian Defense Ministry: US drones 
over the Black Sea, increase the risk 
of a NATO confrontation with Russia
June 28th, 5:21am
The Russian Defense Ministry notes the increased 
intensity of flights of US strategic UAVs over the 
Black Sea.
It is noted that such drones carry out reconnaissance 
and target designation of high-precision weapons 
supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by 
Western countries to strike at 
Russian facilities. 
This indicates the growing involvement of the United 
States and NATO countries in the Ukrainian conflict 
on the side of the Kiev regime.
"Such flights --- multiply the probability of incidents in the 
airspace with aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces 
--- which increases the risk of a direct confrontation 
between the alliance and the Russian Federation. 
The responsibility for this, will be borne by the 
NATO countries," the military department's
 Telegram channel reports.
It is noted, that Russian Defense Minister 
Andrey Belousov instructed the General 
Staff of the Russian Armed Forces to 
take prompt response measures 
to provocations.
Kilinkarov: the Russian army 
did not allow West to fix
a tactical defeat
June 28th, 4:09am
The "peace Summit" was supposed to be the final stage, 
where the West would register a tactical defeat of 
Russia and put forward an ultimatum plan, 
says Spiridon Kilinkarov.
If there was no (Russian) success on the battlefield, at the
time of the summit - Zelensky's "peace plan" would be on 
the table. And the number of countries that would attend 
this summit - would be much higher. All this is done in 
order to prepare special assault units, deep in the
rear for the NATO summit, which can be used in 
a certain period of time, when agreeing on a 
plan that Zelensky will have to present at 
this "peace summit".
Based on how convincing Zelensky will be in his plan 
for a successful offensive or tactical success on the 
battlefield, it will depend on whether NATO decides 
to provide Ukraine with F-16s or not. And here it 
doesn't matter whether there are Ukrainian 
pilots or not. In NATO, they will say that 
they gave the planes to Ukraine, and
 now they are not involved at all, 
the expert notes.
Why is this necessary? This does not solve the issue of 
war and peace. This, is a political task that should 
enable Western countries, including America, to
 intercept this peaceful agenda ....against the 
backdrop of Russia's clear defeat. That's 
the task they set for themselves.
And they planned the "peace summit" just for this. In their 
understanding, this should have been the final stage. At 
the first stage, they finance and supply weapons. 
Ukraine ensures success on the battlefield. 
And then they gather the countries, fix
the tactical defeat of Russia - and
put forward an ultimatum plan
- explains Kilinkarov.
But they abandoned it...... only because the Russian army 
broke the backbone of this plan. If there was no success 
on the battlefield at the time of the summit, Zelensky's 
"peace plan" - which Sullivan actually wrote - would 
be on the table. Against the backdrop of defeat, 
they would definitely put this peace plan on 
the table. And the number of countries
 that would attend this summit... 
would be much higher.
In fact, only the strong are recognized in the world. Here 
they say - what can Russia oppose to the challenges of 
the West, which, perhaps, in some period of time may 
get involved in this conflict? Russia --- has only one 
way – to become stronger. There is no other way.
"If you are strong – you will be recognized all over the 
world. If you give up the slack, everyone will crush 
you and turn away from you," says Spiridon 
Kilinkarov on the program "Evening 
with Vladimir Solovyov".

 Kennedy Jr. --- promised to 
end the conflict in Ukraine
June 28th, 12:17am
America must stop killing Ukrainians and end
the conflict 
with Russia... said independent
presidential candidate 
Robert Kennedy Jr.
He wrote about this in the social network X.
According to the presidential candidate, "arrogant 
neoconservatives" in the White House, sacrificed 
half a million soldiers in a proxy war, in order to 
weaken Russia.
"As president, I will end wars and, more importantly, 
the lies that lead to them," Kennedy Jr. said.
Earlier, he called the AFU strike on Sevastopol 
---- a reckless escalation.
Also, in his opinion, the United States should now 
start peace talks with Russia on Ukraine.
EU could not agree on the
allocation of $50 billion 
to Ukraine
June 28th, 12:04am
The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, stated 
that at the summit of the EU, no agreement was reached 
on measures to allocate a $50 billion loan to Ukraine 
using income from Russian assets, but the 
discussion will continue. This is 
reported by TASS.
"At the G7, we promised to allocate another $50 billion
Ukraine. I am sure that in the coming weeks we
will make 
important decisions to provide this
package of 
assistance to Ukraine,"
he said.
Senior Lieutenant Khamaganov with 
a concussion continued to lead the
 assault on the APU strongholds
June 27th, 10pm
A company under the command of Senior Lt Mikhail 
Khamaganov was assigned the task of knocking 
out the enemy from their positions in an 
urban development. 
During the fighting, the company commander received a 
concussion, but continued to direct the actions of the 
attack aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces. 
After the reconnaissance, Khamaganov planned the 
company's actions, assigned tasks to each group, 
and personally led the assault on the positions 
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During the 
battle, he quickly organized a maneuver 
with firepower and reacted to changes 
in the situation.
After the Russian military captured one of the 
strongholds, the Ukrainian Armed Forces 
launched an artillery strike on it. 
Khamaganov was littered with the wreckage of 
the building. Subordinates within half an hour
 released the commander, who continued to 
lead the battle, despite the concussion.
During the fighting, the company of Senior Lt 
Khamaganov knocked out the enemy from 
four occupied strongholds and completely 
cleared the quarter. This allowed the 
Russian Armed Forces to gain a 
foothold on favorable lines and 
continue the offensive deep 
into the enemy's defenses.
After some time, the company was relocated to another 
area with the same task — to knock out the enemy from 
strong points in the forest belt. Khamaganov personally 
led the actions of the assault groups, which secretly 
crept up to the positions of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine and broke into the trenches.
The enemy was suddenly disoriented and began to 
retreat, which allowed the assault groups to 
completely clear over half a kilometre of 
the forest belt, capture prisoners and 
inflict significant losses to the 
enemy in manpower.
This ensured a significant advance of Russian troops in 
an important tactical area and created conditions for a 
further successful offensive.
Meanwhile, Lance Corporal Denis Yudin, as part of an 
assault unit, was performing a combat mission to 
capture an enemy stronghold. During the 
reconnaissance, the group discovered 
fortifications of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, got close to the positions 
of the defending militants and 
prepared for an attack.
Attacking ------ and moving deep into the enemy's 
fortifications, systematically squeezing them 
out of their positions, the servicemen of the 
Russian Armed Forces were attacked by 
kamikaze drones. 
One of the UAVs was destroyed by Corporal Yudin
from small arms. Then, entering into close 
combat, he destroyed two soldiers of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine --- but was 
wounded. He refused to evacuate, 
and continued his combat mission.
Russian attack aircraft... broke the enemy's resistance, 
cleared the stronghold and took up defensive positions 
until the main forces arrived. During the removal of the
wounded from the battlefield, Lance Corporal Yudin 
covered the actions of the evacuation group.
 In an open area, an infantry fighting vehicle was 
attacked by a Ukrainian kamikaze drone -- Yudin 
received a concussion, but found the strength 
to provide first aid to a combat comrade, 
which helped save his life.

The US -- recognized ''problems'' 
sending equipment to Ukraine
June 27th, 7:21pm
The United States.. is experiencing problems with sending 
equipment to Ukraine. This recognition, was made by the 
Permanent Representative of the United States to NATO 
Julianne Smith. Her words are quoted by TASS. This is
 due to the difficulties experienced by the military-
industrial complex (MIC) of Western countries.
"The military-industrial complex is hardly returning to the 
production lines... that were stopped many years ago. 
There is also a labour shortage. There're questions
about global supply chains and how quickly 
equipment can be transported.. across 
oceans and territories," Smith said.
A few days ago, the Financial Times wrote that the main 
problem with the production of weapons in the United 
States was the instability of orders. For example,
 the security agreement between Washington 
and Kiev may be broken by the next head 
of state, Donald Trump.
British analyst reports record 
daily losses in the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine
June 27th, 6:50pm
On June 25, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) lost 
a record number of soldiers in one day. This was 
stated by the British analyst Alexander 
Merkouris, in his personal 
YouTube blog.
"The Ukrainian army lost 2,345 people on 
the contact line," he said on June 26.
According to the analyst, these figures are a record, 
and the Ukrainian army did not have such losses 
even in the worst period for them — in the 
summer of 2023.
He also said, that he had heard that some soldiers of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine are sent to the front after just 
a few days of training. Merkouris noted that this may 
be due to disorganization and administrative chaos, 
which "seems to be quite common in Ukraine at 
the present time."
Earlier in the day, Ukrainian ''President'', Volodymyr 
Zelensky, whose term of office expired on May 20, 
acknowledged heavy losses in the ranks of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine. He claims that for 
this reason, Kiev does not want to prolong
 the conflict. Zelensky also called for 
developing a settlement plan 
in the near future.
The difficult situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has
 been repeatedly pointed out in the West. On June 3, the 
former head of the NATO Committee, Harald Kuyat, 
...announced the failure of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, despite the huge costs of the West. 
According to him, now the situation for the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine is "much more difficult" than it was at the 
beginning of the conflict. The New Yorker warned - 
that the situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
could worsen significantly over the summer due
 to the Russian offensive and lack of reserves.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which the 
Russian president announced on February 24, 2022, 
continues. The decision was made --- against the 
background of the aggravation of the situation 
in the region --- due to shelling by the 
Ukrainian military.

Razvozhaev --- the air defense system will
be strengthened --- to protect the Crimea 
from shelling by Ukraine's Armed Forces 
June 27th, 5:22pm
The latest attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces 
has highlighted the need to further strengthen 
the protection of the Crimean Peninsula. 

The statement was made by the 
Governor of Sevastopol, 
Mikhail Razvozhaev.
He noted... that the protection of Sevastopol and the
entire peninsula has been repeatedly strengthened. 

And work in this direction,
according to him, 
"It is clear that the air defense will strengthen their 
work, it is clear that other measures will be taken," 
TASS quoted him as saying.
Earlier, the governor of Sevastopol announced 
additional protection of the Balaklava Bay 
due to the danger of terrorist attacks 
by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Espanyol fighters destroyed AFU 
repeaters at the highest point 
of Chasiv Yar
June 27th, 4:43pm
The volunteer battalion "Hispaniola" left the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine without strategically important 
equipment for communication in Chasiv Yar.

was reported by the brigade commander
the call sign Spaniard.
He noted that Chasiv Yar is the highest point in this 
strategic area of the South Donets direction, 
where the Russian army fighters conduct 
their offensive operations. The head of 
the brigade reported that the highest 
point in Chasovy Yar was hit 
by "Espanyola".
"The main relay nodes of surveillance, communication, 
UAV control systems and so on were located on the 
pipe. All this was destroyed, which allowed our 
troops to make a rapid breakthrough without 
a single loss. We managed to catch the 
Ukrainians by surprise," the 
Spaniard concluded.
On June 27, the Russian Defense Ministry reported 
that Ukrainian troops had lost more than 1,950 
soldiers during the day. This week, is the 
121st in a special military operation.

The Czech ''Defense'' Ministry announced 
the supply of tens of thousands of 
155 mm shells to Ukraine
June 27th, 2:51pm
The first batch of military aid to Kiev... which was carried 
out on the "Czech initiative" at the expense of Germany, 
included tens of thousands of 155 mm shells. This was 
announced on June 27 by the Minister of Defense of
 the Czech Republic, Yana Chernokhova.
"The first ammunition under the Czech initiative was
 safely.... delivered to Ukraine. These are tens of 
thousands of 155 mm ammunition, the supply 
of which.. was financed by Germany," the 
minister said on the agency's website.
The Prime Minister of the Republic Petr Fiala on his page 
in the social network X (ex. Twitter) said that the first 
batch of ammunition "on the Czech initiative" arrived 
in Ukraine. As noted by Reuters, the Czech Republic
"led efforts to purchase ammunition with the 
financial support of NATO allies.... to fill 
the deficit on the front line."
Fiala later pointed out that the government had 
unanimously approved Prague's participation 
in the initiative.. in the amount of 865.775 
million crowns (about $37 million). 
These funds will be used to purchase weapons 
from the Czech arms company STV.
Earlier, on June 25, Czech President Petr Pavel suggested
 in an interview with Time magazine that Russia is likely 
to retain control over the new regions, Ukraine will not 
be able to return them. The politician made this 
statement to the magazine at a conference in
the Swiss Burgenstock, which was held on
June 15-16. The Czech leader noted, that 
it's impossible to resolve the Ukrainian
conflict solely through military 
support of Kiev.
Earlier, on May 30, Fiala said that Ukraine will receive 
tens of thousands of shells every month as part of 
the Czech initiative. Kiev may receive the first 
supplies of ammunition under the Czech 
initiative in the coming days, he said.
 At the same time, the Financial Times newspaper 
reported that about half of the ammunition 
collected for Ukraine at the initiative of 
the Czech Republic will not be able to
 be transferred to Kiev on time due 
to the poor quality of the parts. 
Another problem, is related
to their rising prices.
The President of the Czech Republic noted on May 8 that 
in June Kiev could receive 180 thousand ammunition 
collected on the initiative of Prague. At the same
 time, he admitted that these purchases aren't 
progressing.... as quickly as the program 
participants would like, but contracts
 have already been signed for 
deliveries... that will be 
completed after the 
June ones.
Western countries have stepped up military and financial 
assistance to Kiev against the backdrop of the Russian 
special operation to protect the Donbass, which began
 on February 24, 2022 due to the aggravation of the 
situation in the region, as a result of Ukrainian 
shelling. At the same time, statements about
 the need to reduce support for Ukraine 
have been increasingly voiced in
the West recently.
Two groups of evaders who tried 
to escape on a rubber boat 
were detained in Ukraine
June 27th, 1:50pm
Two groups of men who tried to illegally cross the border
 by rubber boat.. across the Tisza River to Hungary and 
Romania were detained in Ukraine. This is reported 
on June 27 by the Ukrainian State Border Service.
"Two groups of violators, one of which was assisted by 
teenagers, planned to cross the Tisza River. Four men 
wanted to enter Hungary illegally, and three more 
wanted to go to Romania," the ministry's 
Telegram channel says.
The State Border Service specified that the cost of such 
a "service" ranged from $8 thousand to $10 thousand. 
The first group of men was accompanied by minors. 
The border guards informed their parents and the
 police about this. Administrative protocols were
 drawn up for the remaining detainees.
At the moment, many violations during mobilization are 
recorded in Ukraine, and attempts by young people of 
military age to escape the country, or avoid 
conscription by other means, are also 
often reported. 
So, on June 25, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBR) 
of Ukraine.. reported that 100 evaders who planned to 
flee the country, were detained in the Odessa region.
It was noted that a large-scale scheme of illegal transfer
of persons... was also exposed. It also included a law 
enforcement officer -- who gave advice to drivers on
how to avoid roadblocks on the way to the border. 
For their services, the organizers charged from $5 to $18 
thousand, and for a party of 100 people they planned to 
earn $1 million.
Earlier, on June the 23rd, the head of the Border Control 
Organization Department of Ukraine's Border Service 
Ihor Matviychuk, said that every day, more than a 
hundred people of military age... are trying to 
illegally cross the state border of Ukraine 
and enter European countries. 
According to him, most of the evaders are detained by 
border guards. For violators, the penalty is only a fine, 
and the organizers of illegal exit schemes from the 
country, are criminally liable.
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, whose term 
of office ended on May 20, signed a law on tougher 
mobilization on April 16. The document clarifies 
the categories of persons subject to 
mobilization, toughens penalties 
for evading it --- and does not 
provide provisions for any
The law on strengthening mobilization 
came into force on May the 18th.
Martial law in Ukraine is effective from February 2022. 
At the same time ---- Zelensky signed a decree on a
general mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada 
repeatedly extended its validity. Most men 
between the ages of 18 and 60 ----- are 
prohibited from leaving the country.
The status of veterans will be granted 
to the participants of the SVO --- in 
Zaporozhye and Kherson regions
June 27th, 1:16pm
The Russian government will grant the status of combat
 veterans to participants of the special military 
operation in Zaporizhia and Kherson regions,
 Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin 
said on June 27.
"A decision was made --- to grant the status of a combat 
veteran to citizens who ensured the fulfillment of the 
tasks of a special military operation, in these two 
Russian regions of the federation. I would like to 
note that this norm is already in effect for those 
working in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's 
Republics," he said at a cabinet meeting, 
pointing out.... that the situation in 
Zaporizhia and Kherson regions 
was not easy and required 
adjustments.... in the 
current regulation.
The Prime Minister reminded that this status provides 
for a number of social guarantees, including tax 
benefits, vouchers to sanatoriums and an 
extraordinary right to purchase 
a land plot.
It is important to quickly conduct parliamentary 
procedures for the adoption of such a bill, so 
that people can receive the necessary 
support measures ------ as soon as 
possible, Mishustin stressed.
He also urged, not to forget that, in addition to military 
personnel and volunteers, civil servants of the Armed 
Forces of the Russian Federation, doctors, war 
correspondents and representatives of other
 professions helped to establish life in the 
new regions.
In this regard, Mishustin recalled the position of Russian
 President Vladimir Putin ---- that people who defend the 
country with weapons in their hands should be on an 
equal footing. The Government constantly 
supports them, the Prime Minister said.

Earlier, on June the 21st, the Russian Defense Ministry 
reported that, by the 3rd quarter of this year, military 
personnel and their families will be able to apply
benefits in a digital format. To implement
possibility, Defense Minister Andrey 
Belousov..... has created an inter-
departmental working group.
Prior to that, on March 29, the government simplified the 
procedure for assigning the status of a combat veteran 
and issuing single-issue certificates. It was clarified
 that -- under the updated rules, this status can be 
obtained without a copy of the contract - based
 on a number of other documents.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which the 
Russian president announced on February 24, 2022, 
continues. The decision to hold it --- was made 
against the background of the aggravation 
of the situation in the region --- due to 
shelling by the Ukrainian military.
Kadyrov --- ridiculed sending 
Estonian troops to Ukraine: 
they will be held back.. by 
a couple of our wounded
June 27th, 12:38pm
Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, joked that after 
the words of an Estonian diplomat about sending
Estonian troops to Ukraine, he instructed to 
transfer two wounded Russian soldiers 
without weapons, in their direction.
Kadyrov responded to a report that the Estonian 
Ambassador to Kiev Anneli Kolk said she was 
ready to discuss sending Estonian troops to
 Ukraine. A week ago, Kolk said that 
sending troops to Kiev is 
"not a red line."
The head of Chechnya said that he contacted the 
commander of the special forces "Akhmat", 
deputy head of the Main Directorate for 
Military and Political Work of the 
Ministry of Defense of the 
Russian Federation, 
Apty Alaudinov.
The general was instructed to quickly transfer
 two wounded Russian soldiers "towards the 
Estonian troops".
According to Kadyrov, Russian fighters will not 
have to get up from their hospital beds, and 
they should get weapons as a trophy.
"...We know that this terrible Estonian army has a 
whole pair of rubber boats and six submachine 
guns," the Chechen leader said, in his 
Telegram channel.
RS: Russia sharply warned the West 
about the inevitability of a response 
to the escalation in Ukraine
June 27th, 12:38pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin has harshly and 
unequivocally, warned NATO countries not to 
continue escalating the conflict in Ukraine, 
writes the American publication 
Responsible Statecraft.
The authors of the material claim that the Russian 
leader ordered exercises on the use of non-
strategic nuclear weapons, deployed 
Russian ships off the coast of Cuba, 
and also signed a mutual security 
treaty with North Korean leader, 
Kim Jong-un in response to the 
support of the North Atlantic 
Alliance countries for the 
Kiev regime -- and their 
''attempt'' to find more 
dangerous solutions 
to the aggravation 
of the situation
 in Ukraine.
At the same time, Western states are realizing that only 
financial support and arms supplies are not enough, 
as the situation at the front for Kiev is becoming 
increasingly desperate, the article says.
"For more than two years.... the West has been feeding 
Ukraine the hope (with funding, military advice, and 
increasingly sophisticated weaponry) - that it can
 push Russia back... to its pre-2014 borders. This 
is an imaginary result that the words of fiction 
will not be able to achieve," the publication's 
journalists say.
They also call erroneous...... the statements of Western
leaders, that if Putin is not defeated in the conflict in 
Ukraine, he will move to Europe to absorb them. 

Such statements have no evidence and 
defy logic, the authors explain.
Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov 
said that the exercises of the non-strategic nuclear 
forces of Russia and Belarus, are very important 
against the background of provocations from 
Europe and the United States. 
He explained that the situation on the European continent
 is quite tense, as it is heated up, every day, by European 
capitals and, above all, Washington, acting in a hostile 
manner towards Russia, the Kremlin official said. 
Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special
 military operation
June 27th, 11:10am
This morning, the Armed Forces of the Russian 
Federation delivered a group strike by long-
range sea-based precision weaponry, 
Kinzhal- hypersonic air-launched 
ballistic missiles and unmanned
aerial vehicles at the Ukrainian
airfield infrastructure... where 
Western-made aircraft were
 planned to be stored.
The goal of the strike has been achieved. 
All the assigned targets have 
been engaged.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces inflicted losses 
on manpower and hardware of the AFU 42nd, 57th 
mechanised brigades, 113th, 125th, 127th 
territorial defence brigades near 
Volchansk, Neskuchnoye, and 
Lipsy (Kharkov region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 190 Ukrainian troops, 
four armoured fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, 
two UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzers, and three 
122-mm D-30 howitzers.
Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 
formations of the AFU 14th, 21st, & 115th
 mechanised brigades near Nevskoye 
(Lugansk People's Republic), 
Sinkovka (Kharkov region), 
and Grigorovka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
One counter-attack launched by assault detachments 
of the AFU 63th Mechanised Brigade was repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 585 Ukrainian troops, 
four motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 
122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 
artillery system, and one 
122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Four AFU artillery ammunition depots, one U.S.-made 
AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery warfare station, and one 
reconnaissance radar station were destroyed.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces.... improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines, as well as inflicted losses 
on manpower and hardware of the AFU 79th Air Assault 
Brigade and 46th Airmobile Brigade near Kurakhovo
 and Konstantinovka (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to more than 640 Ukrainian 
troops, one armoured personnel carrier, five motor
 vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, 
one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, three 
152-mm D-20 howitzers, and one 122-mm 
D-30 howitzer were eliminated.
Five AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.
Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 
24th Mechanised Brigade and 109th Territorial 
Defence Brigade near Novgorodskoye and 
Toretsk (Donetsk People's Republic).
Six counter-attacks - launched by assault detachments 
of the AFU 23rd, 41st, 31st, 68th mechanised brigades, 
and 95th Air Assault Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 345 Ukrainian troops, 
three motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, four 
122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one 100-mm 
MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 123rd 
Territorial Defence Brigade and 17th 
National Guard Brigade near 
Urozhaynoye and Velikaya 
Novosyolka (Donetsk 
People's Republic). 
Two counter-attacks launched by units of the 
AFU 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade 
were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to more than 115 Ukrainian 
troops, one armoured fighting vehicle, five motor 
vehicles, one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, 
one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 
artillery system, one 122-mm D-30 
howitzer, and one U.S.-made 
105-mm M119 howitzer.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware, of the AFU 35th and 37th 
marines brigades near Dneprovskoye, Tokaryovka, 
and Otradokamenka (Kherson region).
The AFU losses ---- amounted to up to 80
Ukrainian troops and 13 motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, three U.S.-made 
HIMARS MLRS, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, 
one UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, and one 
122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery 
system were destroyed.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware 
clusters in 117 areas during the day.
Air defence units shot down two MiG-29 aircraft of the 
Ukrainian Air Force, 62 unmanned aerial vehicles, 4 
U.S.-made Patriot air defence guided missiles, and 
two U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles.
In total, 615 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 26,704 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 533 air defence missile 
systems, 16,439 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,356 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,963 field artillery guns and mortars,
 as well as 23,008 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during
 the special military operation.
About 10 thousand migrants who 
received Russian citizenship
have become members
of the S.M.O
June 27, 10:06am
About 10 thousand migrants who have recently received 
Russian citizenship, have been sent to the special 
military operation zone. This was announced by
 the Chairman of the Investigative Committee 
of the Russian Federation,
 Alexander Bastrykin.
Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum 
on Thursday, he said that, in total, over 30 thousand 
foreigners were identified who, having become 
Russian citizens, did not register for military 
service, as required by Russian legislation.
Alexander Bastrykin stressed that the Constitution and 
other laws of Russia provide for the obligation of new 
citizens to register for military service and, if
necessary, participate in a special 
military operation.

Bolivia appoints new 
military leadership
June 26th, 10:34pm 
Bolivian Luis Arce has appointed a new military
 leadership - amid an attempted coup in the 
country. This is reported by RIA Novosti 
with reference to the broadcast of
state TV channel Bolivia TV.
In the presence of military personnel and journalists, 
Arce swore in the new commander-in-Chief of the 
army, General Jose Wilson Sanchez. During the 
ceremony, there were sounds of special 
equipment being used in Murillo 
Square in La Paz.
Earlier, Bolivian President Luis Arce, surrounded by 
ministers, addressed the nation because of the 
attempted coup. He called on the population 
to mobilize against the coup, in favour 
of democracy.
Earlier, former Bolivian President Evo Morales warned 
of the risk of a coup d'etat in the country with the 
participation of the army. He said it was trained
 by General Juan Jose Zuniga.
Private Smirnov - as part of the 
self-propelled artillery account 
destroyed the D-30 howitzer of
 the Ukrainian Armed Forces
June 26th, 10pm
Guards private Vladimir Smirnov, as part of the self-
propelled gun crew, was providing artillery support 
to the defending Russian motorized rifle units in 
one of the directions of the SVO, when the 
enemy tried to attack. 
The Armed Forces of Ukraine......  having concentrated 
assault groups of infantry under the cover of artillery, 
attempted to attack in order to break through the 
Russian defense line. The crew of the Russian 
self-propelled artillery unit (ACS)... on duty, 
received the coordinates of the position 
of the artillery of the Ukrainian 
militants -- and entered into 
a counter-battery fight.
The skills and experience of Private Smirnov's Guards,
made it possible to take a projectile & form a charge
at rapid speed and quickly load the gun. Their fire
the enemy positions --- was conducted with
maximum rate of fire.
Despite the return fire of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and 
close bursts of shells, the crew of the Russian self-
propelled guns continued to perform the task. 

Thanks to the coordinated actions of the 
Russian self-propelled artillery unit, a 
122-mm D-30 howitzer of the Armed
 Forces of Ukraine was destroyed 
during the counter-battery fight.
Meanwhile, Ensign Dmitry Borodich, the head of the 
radio relay station of the separate communications 
battalion of the motorized rifle unit --- ensured 
uninterrupted communication between the 
control points of the Russian troops. 

Repeatedly, at the risk of his life, 
he restored communication to 
units on the contact line.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces, while trying to destroy the 
command post of the Russian unit, launched a massive 
artillery strike using multiple launch rocket systems 
......which caused some of the equipment and 
communication lines to be disabled. 
Then, Ensign Borodich and his platoon, being under 
fire from the APU, began to repair the damage and 
organize backup communication channels.
The team of Ensign Borodich, promptly restored 
communication lines and damaged equipment, 
which made it possible to ensure the stable 
management of subordinate units --- and 
complete the assigned combat tasks.

 In the underground reported a strike 
on the area of the aircraft factory
 in Kharkiv
June 26th, 5:36pm
Coordinator of the Nikolaev underground 
Sergey Lebedev reported about the 
strike in Kharkiv on the area of 
the aircraft factory.
"Two powerful arrivals in Kharkiv....... near 
the aircraft factory," he told RIA Novosti.
According to Lebedev, the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces deployed heavy artillery in the city.
Ukrainian media previously reported 
on a series of explosions in Kharkiv.
Also, the head of the Odessa regional Military 
Administration, Oleg Kiper, said that the 
industrial sector in the region was hit.


 Russia's Foreign Ministry spoke about
emergence of a new phenomenon
------ hybrid aggression
June 26th, 4:52pm
Aggression in the sphere of international relations has 
ceased to be only a military tool. This was stated by 
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, 
RIA Novosti reports.
"An aggressive hybrid war - is being waged against states
in several directions at once. In particular, geopolitical 
aggression is expressed -- in provoking conflicts, and
military and political pressure," the diplomat said.
According to him, aggression as an economic tool 
is manifested, including in the form of sanctions.
Earlier, the deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry 
said that Moscow does not rule out a military-technical 
response to the actions of the United States after the 
attack of the Armed ForcesUkraine (AFU) on 
Sevastopol on June 23.
Apologies of Dagestani terrorist's
brothers ...captured on video
June 26th, 4:52pm
The brothers of Osman Omarov, who staged the terrorist 
attack in Dagestan on June the 23rd, have asked for 
forgiveness from the families of the victims. 

Footage of the Omarovs' apologies is 
published by the Telegram channel 
"Ask Rasul".
On the posted video, the men are standing with their 
eyes downcast. One of them speaks on behalf
of all 
Omarov's relatives.
"Dear Dagestanis, brothers and sisters, we, the Omarov 
family, deeply grieve... for what happened. We have 
always been against extremism and terrorism. 
We apologize to all the victims for the 
despicable terrorist act that our 
brother committed. For the 
sake of Allah, forgive us," 
said one of Osman's 
Earlier, an eyewitness told about the shootout of 
Dagestani terrorists with the police and said 
that he hid residents of the city at home.
On June 23, a series of terrorist attacks took place in 
Dagestan. An Orthodox church and synagogue were
 attacked in the city of Derbent, and a traffic police
 post was shelled... in Makhachkala. Among the 
terrorists were the children of the head of 
the Sergokalinsky district, Magomed 
Omarov Osman and Adil.

Ex - colonel of the SBU Starikov: 
APU can get into the cauldron
June 26th, 3:26pm
A former employee of the SBU, Colonel Oleg Starikov,
 in an interview with a Ukrainian journalist, 
expressed the opinion - that the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine can be surrounded 
if they do not leave the territory in 
the South Donetsk direction.
He acknowledged that the situation there, is 
now "particularly tense" and "really difficult".
"If we don't get out of there, we will fall into the
cauldron," the ex-employee of the Security 
Service of Ukraine believes.
In an interview with Ukrainian journalist Vasyl 
Golovanov, Starikov suggested that if the 
Russian Armed Forces advance in this 
direction both from the north and 
from the south - the Ukrainian
military will have to retreat.
Two days ago, the Russian Defense Ministry reported 
that operators of attack FPV drones of the Pacific 
Fleet marine brigade destroyed a Leopard tank
 in the South Donetsk direction.

Belarusian border guards - found
the body 
of a deceased refugee
on the border with Latvia
June 26th, 3:23pm
On June 25, Belarusian border guards found the body 
of a deceased refugee... on the border with Latvia. 
The man was on a sleeping bag, wearing jeans 
and clothes, but no shoes.
According to the State Border Committee of Belarus, 
the deceased had a passport and a driver's license
 in the name of a 44-year-old Indian citizen.
"The distance from the alien's body to the animal 
gate in the Latvian border fence was 150 m. An 
investigative and operational group worked at 
the site," the publication says.
In May, it was reported that the Polish 
security forces threw five beaten 
refugees into the territory 
of Belarus.
The military expert speaks
about a new type of drone
June 26th, 3:18pm
Author of the telegram channel "Zhivov Z. Battle for 
Donbass", military blogger Alexey Zhivov said on 
Wednesday, June 26, that a new type of drones
 with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is
 currently being developed.
"Now.... artificial intelligence technologies are already on 
the way, when not the operator takes aim at his target, 
but the drone itself, having certain skills, can do it. It 
is enough for the operator to fly up to the target and 
press the button, and then the drone itself takes 
aim and hits the object," the expert said in an
 interview with Radio 1.
According to the expert, the next step will be "swarms 
of drones", similar to a swarm of birds or bees.
"They will begin to fly - independently - along the front line, 
like a swarm of birds or bees, and will be endowed with 
a single intelligence. As birds fly synchronously, turn, 
make shapes, it seems that they have a collective 
intelligence that guides them, so it will be with 
drones," Zhivov believes.
Such drones will have a common understanding of where 
they are flying and for what purposes, and they will also 
be able to choose priority and non-priority tasks, 
he added.
Zhivov noted that... as the means of countering drones 
develop, their effectiveness will decrease. Over time, 
the military industry of different countries, should 
create means of countering drones, which will 
turn them into one of the simple elements of 
military weapons, the expert concluded.
Earlier, on June 24th, it was reported that Western arms 
manufacturers are studying the potential of small arms 
against unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Thus, cheap 
& widely available anti-electronic weapons can turn 
into a reliable means of protection, according to
website. kp.ru.
Meanwhile, Russia... is also improving its anti-drone tools. 

Earlier, on June 10, Russia developed a communication 
system between electronic intelligence (EW) and 
electronic warfare (EW) equipment and UAV 
operators. The system will allow soldiers 
of neighbouring units to receive 
information on the radio-
electronic situation on
adjacent sections of 
the contact line.

Four children injured in the 
shelling of Sevastopol 
underwent surgery 
in the RDKB
June 26th, 3:14pm
Doctors of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital (RDKB) 
In Moscow, operations were carried out for four children 
who were injured as a result of the AFU missile strike
 on Sevastopol.
According to the message published in the Telegram 
channel of the medical institution, doctors assess 
the condition of the children delivered from 
Sevastopol - as stable.
"At the moment, four patients have already 
undergone surgical interventions," 
the publication says.
Earlier it was reported that four children 
evacuated from Sevastopol are in 
a serious condition.

Serbian president is hopeless about 
peaceful solution in Ukraine
June 26th, 1:23pm
(Prensa Latina) 
Serbian President Alexander Vucic felt pessimistic on 
Wednesday about a possible peaceful solution to the 
conflict in Ukraine, even though he described a 
proposal in that regard made by China, as
 very good.
''For now, I do not see any variant, capable of ending
 the confrontation in Ukraine,'' noted the Serbian 
head of State, as quoted by local television.
''I reviewed the six-item peace initiative presented by 
China, it is really good and I welcome it ---- as it 
already has the support of nearly a hundred
 countries, which is very important -- as
it is 
a call: for an immediate end of
Vucic commented.
Only when the armed clashes end and people stop dying, 
it will be possible to start talks, but I do not see that 
option now, noted the Serbian politician, whose 
country is forcefully pressured by the West to 
join the economic war against Russia.
Earlier, Vucic pointed out that the confrontation in 
Ukraine is leading the world more and more to
 a possible global catastrophe.

Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation
June 26th, 12:05pm
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces inflicted losses on 
the manpower and hardware of the AFU 3rd Assault 
Brigade, 42nd Mechanised Brigade, 57th Motorised 
Infantry Brigade, 71st Infantry Brigade, the 36th 
Marines Brigade, 13th National Guard Brigade, 
and 127th Territorial Defence Brigade near 
Ternovaya, Glubokoye, Veterenarnoye, 
Tikhoye, Veseloye, Neskuchnoye, 
Pitomnik, Volchansk, and Lipsy 
(Kharkov region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 300 Ukrainian troops, 
seven motor vehicles, one U.S.-made Bradley infantry 
fighting vehicle, a U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer,
 two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, one 122-mm D-30 
howitzer, one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-
battery warfare station, and one Nota 
electronic warfare station. 
Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 
formations of the AFU 14th, 30th, 66th 
mechanised brigades, 107th, 112th 
territorial defence brigades, and 
1st National Guard Brigade near 
Sinkovka, Petropavlovka, and
Tabayevka (Kharkov region), 
& Platonovka (in Donetsk 
People's Republic) as 
well as Makeyevka
- plus Chervonaya 
Dibrova, (Lugansk 
People's Republic).
Two counter-attacks launched by assault 
detachments of the AFU 3rd Mechanised 
Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 400 Ukrainian troops, 
a tank, five pickup trucks, one U.S.-made 155-mm M109 
Paladin self-propelled artillery system, two BM-21 Grad 
MLRS combat vehicles, and 2 field ammunition depots.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation and inflicted losses on manpower and hard-
ware of the AFU 24th, 72nd, 93rd mechanised 
brigades, 46th, 81st airmobile brigades... and 
143rd Infantry Brigade, near Zaliznyanskoye, 
Grigorovka, Chasov Yar, Verhnekamenskoye 
Kurakhovka, and Konstantinovka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 510 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured fighting vehicles, eight motor vehicles, 
one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, a 122-mm D-30 howitzer, 
two U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzers, one 
Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station, and
 three ammunition depots.
Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines - and inflicted losses on 
formations of the AFU 24th, 47th, 110th mechanised 
brigades, 109th Territorial Defence Brigade and 2nd 
National Guard Brigade nr Kirovo, Novgorodskoye, 
Novosyolovka Pervaya, Rozovka, Mikhailovka, 
and Toretsk (Donetsk People's Republic).
Seven counter-attacks launched by assault detachments 
of the AFU 24th, 31th mechanised brigades, 68th Jaeger 
Brigade, and 95th Air Assault Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 405 Ukrainian troops, 
a tank, one U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, 
three motor vehicles, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer, 
and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines - and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 116th 
Mechanised Brigade, 58th Motorised 
Infantry Brigade -- and 48th Assault 
Battalion of the Territorial Defence  
near Urozhaynoye, Makarovka, 
and Prechistovka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
Two counter-attacks launched by the battalion tactical 
group of the Territorial Recruitment Centre of the 
Ukrainian National Guard and an assault 
detachment of the AFU 123th 
Territorial Defence Brigade 
were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 140 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured personnel carriers, five motor vehicles, 
and one 122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces - inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 65th Mechanised 
Brigade, 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, 37th 
Marines Brigade, and 121st Territorial Defence 
Brigade near Kamenskoye, Nesteriyanka
(Zaporozhye region), and Tyaginka
 (Kherson region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 60 Ukrainian troops, 
two infantry fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles,
 one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and one U.S.-made 
105-mm M119 howitzer.
Three AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.
Operational-Tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups 
of Forces wiped out three U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS 
launchers, as well as one loading vehicle and 
foreign specialists responsible for its use.
Moreover, one UAV assembly workshop and one UAV 
launch site were destroyed, as well as manpower
 and hardware engaged in 109 areas.
Air defence units shot down 76 Ukrainian unmanned 
aerial vehicles and two U.S.-made MLRS projectiles.
In total, 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 26,642 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 533 air defence missile 
systems, 16,433 tanks & other armoured fighting
 vehicles, 1,353 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,913 field artillery cannons & mortars, 
as well as 22,975 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.


Russian soldiers -- come 
close to Konstantinovka
by Sergey Samokha
June 26th, 4:29am 
A small settlement in the DPR -- is important for the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine in the defense of Ugledar ----------- and is 
therefore seriously fortified. But our fighters have already 
cracked this protection: now it's the turn of the battle on 
the streets.
The assault.... on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces begins in the pre-dawn haze. At this time, the 
APU drones are almost blind --- and a person can 
already see the enemy fortifications. Ukrainian 
trenches in several rows are in the shape of a 
horseshoe. This means - the enemy has the 
ability to conduct a circular defense. The 
positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces 
are being bombarded with ammunition 
from the air. Then - a shooting battle. 
So the attack aircraft of the Vostok 
group from Sakhalin are clearing 
the last line of defense of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine, to 
the south-west of Maryinka.
"Now we have come close to Konstantinovka and are 
ready to take it away. At certain borders, I will not 
say at what ranges, but in principle we have 
already pressed it," says the commander 
of the assault squad, with the call 
sign Ten.
Konstantinovka is a small settlement between Marinka, 
which is already under the control of the Russian army, 
and Ugledar, where the enemy is entrenched. Despite 
serious fortifications, Ukrainian soldiers are reluctant 
to fight. Mostly here, the positions of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine --- are forcibly mobilized.
"I don't get many professionals. Mostly elderly people, 
mobilized," said the commander of a company of 
stormtroopers with the call sign Hunter.
As a rule, now the assault is carried out in small groups
 – five or six people. This is enough to make the enemy 
start to give up.
"There are many cases.. when the opponent gives up. 
They give up their weapons, give up, and don't want
 to die. Everyone understands this. We take them 
prisoner," the Russian commander said.
Now, the assault detachments of the Vostok group from 
Sakhalin are preparing to clear the last enemy fortified 
areas in this direction. Entering populated areas is one 
of the most difficult tasks for assault groups, because 
after rough terrain & forest belts in urban conditions,
 the tactics of combat change dramatically and you
 need to adapt to this.
The heavy work and advance of Russian troops in 
the area of Konstantinovka greatly complicates 
the defense of Ugledar for the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces.

Three people were killed and nine 
wounded after the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces hit Donetsk
June 25th, 11:10pm
At least three people were killed and nine others were 
injured as a result of a strike by the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU) on the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk. 
Izvestia on Tuesday, June 25, showed footage 
from the scene where a shell hit directly 
into a residential apartment in a 
multi-storey building.
"In the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk, during the shelling 
from MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems. Ed.) three 
people were killed: in an apartment building on 
Kuibyshev Street, house 210 --- a woman born
in 1987 and a man born in 1957; on Sokolina 
Street at the RTK gas station - an employee 
of a gas station - a man born in 1996," the 
head of the Donetsk People's Republic 
(DPR) Denis Pushilin, wrote in his 
Telegram channel. 
In addition, an 18-year-old girl and a boy, a 17
-year-old teenager, a woman and two men 
received moderate injuries.
In Petrovsky district there are victims: members of
 the same family were injured there. One woman 
was seriously injured, while the injuries of the 
other woman and the man, were classified 
as moderate.
All the victims were hospitalized, they are 
receiving the necessary medical care.
Also in the Kuibyshev and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk,
 Nikitovsky and Central City districts of Horlivka, six 
residential households were damaged as a result 
of the strikes. In the Kuibyshev district, a gas 
station was damaged, and in the Central 
City district of Gorlovka, a shell hit a 
boiler room.
"From the VFU (armed formations of Ukraine. - Ed.) 16
 attacks were made, 39 rounds of ammunition were
 fired. They used rocket artillery, 155 mm barrel 
artillery, including cluster-type artillery," 
Pushilin said.

Underground: The Russian Armed Forces 
struck in the area of Vesyany, in the 
Mykolaiv region, where there was 
a battalion of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine
June 25th, 10:30pm
Russian forces launched a strike in the direction of the 
village of Vesyanoye in the Mykolaiv region, where 
the AFU battalion was located.
About it, informs RIA Novosti, the coordinator of
the Nikolaev underground, Sergey Lebedev told.
"Around midnight, a strike was launched in the 
direction of Vesyanoye village. According to 
the resistance, one of the AFU battalions
 is based there," the report says.
According to Lebedev, in Nikolaev 
the lights ------ are disconnected.
Earlier --- the group of troops "South"
 their situation on the front.
Also, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed two
 warehouses of military-technical property of
 the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Rembat fighters defeated the AFU DRG 
on the way to the front line with 
repaired equipment
June 25th, 10pm
The armament division of the zamkombatallion, Major 
Alexey Karavaytsev, performed the task of ensuring 
the survivability, evacuation and operational repair 
of weapons, military & special equipment (VVST) 
of a group of Russian troops. 
Near the contact line, Major Karavaytsev's personnel, 
with his participation, promptly and smoothly carried 
out repair work. The Major personally planned and 
carried out the evacuation of equipment from the 
most dangerous areas of the SVO.
On one of the days... he and his staff delivered repaired 
equipment to Russian units on the front line. During the 
movement, the convoy was ambushed by the sabotage 
and reconnaissance group of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU).
Having got his bearings in the situation, Karavaytsev 
gave the order to join the battle. The enemy's DRG 
was defeated without losses among the personnel 
of the Russian Armed Forces. Thanks to the 
competent management of subordinate 
personnel and the courage of Major 
Karavaytsev, the repaired 
equipment was delivered 
to the front line, in time.
Meanwhile, Guards senior sergeant Maxim Vavulov, on 
combat duty as part of the radar station crew, during
 a counter-battery fight in one of the front lines, 
discovered a column of APU equipment that 
was moving along the line of contact.
Having transmitted the coordinates to the control point, 
he - promptly - provided intelligence processing for the 
further work of the artillery division... in combination 
with air reconnaissance equipment. After clarifying
 the coordinates..... of the location of the enemy 
column, a battery of self-propelled artillery 
units destroyed two MLRS combat 
vehicles and one truck with 
APU personnel.
Thanks to the professional and precise actions of 
Senior Sergeant Vavulov's guards, an attempt by 
Ukrainian militants to rotate on the contact line 
--- was stopped.
Returning from captivity of the 
Ukraine Armed Forces, the 
Russian military shared 
their emotions on the 
way home
June 25th, 9:42pm
Returning from captivity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
(AFU), the Russian military shared their emotions after 
returning to their homeland. On June 25, the Ministry 
of Defense published a video with Russian soldiers 
who called their relatives on the way home, sent 
them greetings and informed them, that they 
are alive and well.
The video shows happy fighters riding on a bus, hugging 
and shouting "Thank you!" in unison. In the salon, 
someone calls their relatives, someone sends 
a video guide to their native village.
"I'm very happy! Everyone is happy!" says 
one of the soldiers, not hiding a smile.
All fighters are united by genuine 
happiness and joy in their eyes.
Earlier, Russia returned 90 Russian military 
personnel from the territory controlled by 
Kiev. 90 prisoners of war of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, were transferred. 
All those released --- are provided 
with the necessary medical and 
psychological assistance.
On June 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin said
 that there are currently 6,465 Ukrainian 
prisoners of war in Russia, and 1,348 
captured military personnel of the 
Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.


University Sq. blocked
in Makhachkala
June 25th, 9:06pm
Security forces blocked the University Square in 
Makhachkala amid reports of gunfire. This was 
reported by the Baza publication in its 
Telegram channel.
It is noted that information about an armed attack on 
police officers was not confirmed. Law enforcement 
officers received a message about a suspicious car. 
Traffic is blocked and information is being checked.
In the evening of June 25, it was reported that a shooting
 occurred in Makhachkala. The sound of gunfire is heard 
on Lenin and Korkmasov streets. Security forces are 
working on the site, the roads are blocked. 
On June 23, a series of terrorist attacks took place in 
Dagestan. An Orthodox church and synagogue were 
attacked in the city of Derbent, and a traffic police
 post was shelled in Makhachkala. 
Among the terrorists were the children of the head of 
the Sergokalinsky district Magomed Omarov Osman 
and Adil. The total number of victims of the 
terrorist attack was about 25 people.

 Russia and Ukraine exchanged 
prisoners with the mediation 
of the United Arab Emirates
June 25th, 7:24pm
Russia has returned 90 Russian soldiers from Kiev-
controlled territory and handed over 90 prisoners 
of war to the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 
exchange, the Russian Defense 
Ministry said.
"As a result of the negotiation process...... 90 Russian 
servicemen who were in mortal danger in captivity 
were returned from the territory controlled by the
 Kiev regime. In exchange, 90 prisoners of war 
were transferred to the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine," the ministry said in 
a statement.
The Defense Ministry clarified that the return of the 
Russian military was facilitated by representatives
 of the United Arab Emirates.
Earlier, Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia 
Tatyana Moskalkova reported that more than 40 
prisoner exchanges have already taken place 
between Russia and Ukraine.
On June 14, Moskalkova published a list containing the
 names of 430 Ukrainian prisoners of war who are
 ready to return home on exchange, if 
Ukraine agrees.

The captured fighter of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine --- spoke about 
the unwillingness of Ukrainians
 to fight
June 25th, 6:08pm
The Ukrainian military at the front is experiencing fatigue,
 they are tired of participating in combat operations. This 
was stated on June 25 by a captured militant of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), Roman Fedotov.
"It's just that everyone is tired, everyone is tired," 
Fedotov told Izvestia correspondent 
Alexander Safiulin.
At home, Fedotov had to leave his wife and child and 
mother. Together with his colleagues, the man was 
sent to the front line. He spent more than a day 
driving on the road, but he and the other 
recruits were not allowed to rest, and 
were immediately ordered to start 
digging trenches.... under cover 
of night, because, where they 
arrived, the shelters needed 
to be strengthened. 
At first, there was no question that Fedotov would 
participate in the battles. However, later he was 
given ammunition and sent as part of a group 
to the area of direct engagement. First-aid 
kits were distributed to the Ukrainians, 
but they were told not to use them — 
everything taken from there would 
have to be paid for out of pocket.
"We're coming - they said to jump out quickly. Our guide 
arrived, began to loop himself, got lost. Drones started 
flying, and we scattered. They started hiding and ran 
away," Fedotov said.
When the Russian military offered the AFU fighters to 
surrender, they dropped their weapons and raised 
their hands. Fedotov noted that in captivity with
 the Russian army, he was treated completely 
normally, observing all his rights.
Earlier in the day, a prisoner of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, Alexander Milyutenko, said that he was 
sent to the front without training, and the unit 
was "shuffled" from place to place for 
two months. 
Once his group was sent on a mission at night, and 
the guide who led the militants got lost, and the 
group came under fire. Then the Ukrainians 
decided to surrender to the Russian army. 
Milyutenko expressed gratitude to them 
for their humane attitude towards 
the prisoners.

The Russian military rescued a 
female soldier of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, whom
 colleagues tried to kill 
June 25th, 3:21pm
At the disposal of Russian journalists, a video appeared in
 which a girl who served in the 111th territorial Defense 
Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a shooter
 tells about the attempts of her colleagues 
to kill her.
Larisa Khodakovskaya was rescued by the Russian
 military. They saw that the girl was wounded and 
offered to bandage her, but then ---- their own
opened fire on her again.
According to the captured Ukrainian servicewoman, 
the soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces protected 
her from bullets, reports TASS.
Khodakovskaya explained that her colleagues 
tried to deal with her, after she complained to
the command -- that the brigade did not take 
out the wounded.

In Ukraine, they reported the escape 
of armed prisoners from the training 
centre of Ukraine's Armed Forces 
June 25th, 2:19pm
Six armed prisoners who joined the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU) have escaped from a training centre
in Chernihiv region. This was reported on June 25 
by the publication "Country.ua" with reference 
to sources.
"The prisoners agreed to join the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine. They were taken to the Desna training 
centre in Chernihiv region, from where they 
escaped, taking weapons with them," the 
message posted on the Telegram 
channel says.
It is noted - that the command of the unit has already
notified the commanders of the training centre units. 
The publication notes that the fugitives are dressed
 in military uniforms, adds ''Country.Ua".
Earlier, on June 17, the Washington Post reported that
in Ukraine, more than 2,750 people were released
from prison to be sent to the front line as part of
the country's Armed Forces. According to the
publication, Ukraine released convicts who
served time.. for drug trafficking, armed
attacks, murder, as well as for other
serious crimes.
Earlier, on May 25, The New York Times reported that 
about 350 prisoners were released in Ukraine - to be 
sent to the front. The newspaper reminded that the 
convicts can join the ranks of the Ukrainian troops, 
after which, they will have the opportunity to be
 released on parole at the end of their service.
On May 17, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky 
signed a bill on the mobilization of prisoners. All
convicted persons are subject to it, except 
"persons who have committed crimes 
against the basics of national 
security, murderers, rapists, 
pedophiles - and those who
committed fatal accidents 
under the influence of 
alcohol or drugs."
In addition, the law on strengthening mobilization came 
into force in Ukraine on May 18. The document signed 
by Zelensky clarifies the categories of persons 
subject to mobilization and toughens the 
penalties for evading it. However, it 
does not provide for provisions 
on demobilization.
Among other things.... Zelensky lowered the age of 
mobilization from 27 to 25 years and signed a law 
on the creation of an electronic register of those 
liable for military service, which will combine 
information...... about the personal data of 
Ukrainians. He also abolished the status 
of a limited serviceable person in the 
army. Thus, patients with HIV, 
certain forms of cancer, 
residual tuberculosis, 
and men with mental 
retardation.... will be 
able to serve in the 
Ukrainian troops.
Martial law in Ukraine --- is effective from February 2022. 
At the same time, Zelensky signed a decree on general 
mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly 
extended its validity. Most men between the ages
of 18 and 60, are prohibited from leaving
 the country.
The Russian Defense Ministry 
pointed out the importing of 
radiochemical substances 
to Ukraine --- via Poland
 June 25th, 1:35pm
The import of radiochemical substances that can be used 
to create a "dirty bomb" continues on the territory of 
Ukraine. This was announced on June 25 at a 
briefing.... by the head of the radiation, 
chemical and biological Protection 
Troops (RCBZ), Russian Armed
Forces Lieutenant General 
Igor Kirillov.
"According to available operational information, the 
import of radiochemical substances that turn the 
country into a landfill of spent nuclear fuel and 
waste from hazardous chemical industries 
continues on the territory of Ukraine for 
further disposal," he said.
Kirillov stressed that the main routes go through Poland 
and Romania. He also pointed out that the substances 
can be used to create a so-called dirty bomb, and it 
can be used under a false flag.
In February, the chief of the RCBZ troops --- noted that the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU) are engaged in creating a 
new mode of combat operations, including the use of the 
so-called special chemical belt. He stressed that this is 
happening with the assistance of Western curators.
Evidence... of the use of chemical weapons by Ukrainian 
soldiers on the front line in the same month was shown 
by Izvestia. It was - a TEREN-6 grenade. According to 
one of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 
they were taught how to handle such ammunition 
by chemists. They warned that the grenade 
should be thrown, then - "stay away".
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made, against the background of the 
aggravation of the situation in the region 
due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation
June 25th, 11:06am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces continued to engage
 in active combat operations and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 36th Marines 
Brigade, 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade, and 
71st Jaeger Brigade near Volchansk, 
Ternovaya, and Tikhoye
 (Kharkov region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 235 Ukrainian troops, 
two motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, and one 
122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Zapad Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and positions, as well as
....inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 
14th, 54th, and 66th mechanised brigades
 near Petropavlovka, Sinkovka (Kharkov 
region), Platonovka (Donetsk People's
 Republic), and Makeyevka (Lugansk 
People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 445 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured fighting vehicles, five motor vehicles, one 
U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 
howitzer, one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 
artillery system, and one U.S.-made 
105-mm M119 howitzer.
In addition, one AFU ammunition depot 
has been destroyed.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical
 situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower & hardware of the AFU 72nd Mechanised 
Brigade, 46th, and the 81st airmobile brigades near 
Konstantinovka and Kurakhovo (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 830 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured personnel carriers, seven motor vehicles, 
two U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers, one U.S.-made 
155-mm M198 howitzer, one 152-mm Msta-B howitzer,
 one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer, and one 
electronic warfare station.
Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and positions, as well as
 inflicted losses on formations of the AFU 
24th Mechanised Brigade and the 2nd 
Territorial Defence Brigade nr Toretsk 
and Mikhailovka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
Three counter-attacks launched by 
AFU units were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 560 Ukrainian troops, 
one tank, eight motor vehicles, three U.S.-made 155-mm 
M777 howitzers, three 152-mm Msta-B howitzers, one 
152-mm D-20 howitzer, and three 122-mm
 D-30 howitzers.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation and inflicted losses on manpower and hardware 
of the AFU 128th Territorial Defence Brigade... near
Velikaya Novosyolka (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to more than 150 Ukrainian 
troops, two armoured fighting vehicles, four motor 
vehicles, a U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, a
 UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, one 152-mm 
2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and one 122-mm 
D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Force delivered strikes at 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 35th Marines
 Brigade near Ivanovka (Kherson region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 125 Ukrainian troops, 
five motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 
122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one U.S.-
made 105-mm M109 howitzer.
Operational-Tactical and Army Aviation, unmanned aerial 
vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Groups of 
Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
destroyed two AFU materiel depots, one P-18 air 
target detection and tracking radar station, as 
well as engaged manpower and military 
hardware in 128 areas.
Air defence units shot down 79 Ukrainian 
unmanned aerial vehicles and four U.S.-
made HIMARS MLRS projectiles.
In total, 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 26,566 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 533 air defence missile 
systems, 16,423 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,348 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,856 field artillery guns and mortars, 
as well as 22,924 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.


 Ukraine calls holding a world summit 
without Russia ------ a mistake
June 17th, 7:41pm
Ukraine made a mistake ------- by not inviting Russian 
representatives to the world Summit in Switzerland, 
Verkhovna Rada, Yevgeny Shevchenko, said in an 
interview with political analyst Vadim Karasev.
"We made a mistake, and this summit showed, I think 
everyone already understands perfectly well --- that 
they did not invite representatives of Russia there. 
We were afraid that they might influence this 
situation, but it turned out the other way 
around," he said.
According to the parliamentarian, the second part of
 the summit will not be held due to the fact that the 
event in Switzerland... showed its failure.
Earlier, Austrian Karl Nehammer said that the settlement 
of the conflict in Ukraine is impossible without Russia's 
participation and taking into account its interests. At 
the same time, he stressed --- that he considers the
 summit to be the first step towards a settlement.
The head of the Swiss delegation at the summit, Gabriel 
Luchinger, said that the second conference on Ukraine 
will not be held in Europe. The most likely venue is 
Saudi Arabia.


APU attacked more than 10 
settlements of the Kursk 
region --- in a day
June 17th, 7:10pm
The Ukrainian army - attacked more than 10 settlements 
in the Kursk region during the day. This was announced 
by Acting Governor Alexey Smirnov.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled eight settlements in 
the region. Ammunition drops from UAVs and attacks by 
kamikaze drones were recorded near four settlements.
"None of the residents were injured," Smirnov said.
The head of the region noted that power lines were 
damaged in the village of Krasnooktyabrsky. 
Residents of the village of Volkino and the 
village of Volkinsky were temporarily left 
without electricity. A residential building
 was destroyed in Troitskoye village.
Earlier, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a 
KAMAZ truck and two combine harvesters
 in the Belgorod region.

Jacques Bo: infantile leaders of the West 
do not see that Ukraine is a black hole
June 17th, 2024 
(source: daniel davis/deepdive
retold by InoTV)
DANIEL DAVIS, podcast host: This is so much... I keep 
repeating the word "paradoxical", but it's all so 
completely perverted. It just depresses me 
that during the current peace process - or 
at least that's what it's officially called,
in general - during this peace summit, 
we actually continue to lay the 
foundation ----------- for our own 
weakness and unhappiness, 
while allowing the so-called 
enemy that we very much
want to damage -------
 to develop. 
Our actions lead to the opposite result, and so do we... 
I don't know if we can't or don't want to admit it, but it 
doesn't change the real situation on the ground. It is 
better for us to open our eyes and change the 
course of behaviour as soon as possible, 
otherwise we will have a lot of big 
troubles ahead of us.''
JACQUES BO, Swiss intelligence veteran: the problem here
is the infantile behaviour of our leadership. It's just that. 
They've started to pursue a strategy that doesn't work;
and instead of admitting this fact & trying to back out
here (as we know ----- there is no such thing for these 
people), they continue to follow the same path, even 
though they understand that this will doom them to 
failure — just because they don't want to lose face. 
& probably for this reason, the elections in Europe 
can now lead to changes: a new majority, a new 
political leadership is not tied to the mistakes 
that were made by their predecessors, and 
as a result, we can see some political 
changes. This is an unknown 
factor here...
JACQUES BO: ...just like the US presidential election...
JACQUES BO: ''Donald Trump promised to solve the 
problem in Ukraine. And his attitude is probably 
correct — after all, he knows that the situation 
in Ukraine (especially for the United States — 
because the United States has invested a lot
 of money there) is a black hole...
JACQUES BO:  Because everything that is invested in it is 
completely lost. There's nothing left. The equipment sent 
there, all the investment — everything disappears... But 
probably, of course, not for everyone — we see that 
many leaders...
JACQUES BO:  ''...in Ukraine, everyone is getting richer... 
thanks to the West...''
DANIEL DAVIS: Yes, and some US arms manufacturers
are very happy with the situation. Definitely.
JACQUES BO:  'Exactly.'


Kremlin says NATO chief’s 
nuclear weapons remarks 
are an 'escalation'
June 17th, 3:14pm
Russia has assessed the latest nuclear comments 
by the North Atlantic Alliance military bloc as an 
inadmissible "escalation" of ongoing political
 rivalry between world powers.
The Kremlin said on Monday the US-led NATO Secretary 
General Jens Stoltenberg’s remarks pertaining to talks 
on deploying more nuclear weapons ---- would only
exacerbate the threat of atomic warfare.
Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov 
said on Monday Stoltenberg's remarks ---- were 
"nothing else but an escalation of tensions."
Peskov added that Russia's President Vladimir Putin 
would never make comments regarding nuclear 
weaponry "at his own initiative, as he takes 
the issue seriously."
He pointed out Stoltenberg’s comments appeared 
to contradict the communique of the Ukraine 
Conference that said any threat or use of 
nuclear weapons in the Ukraine 
context was inadmissible.
Moscow maintains that Washington and its allies in 
Europe are taking the world to the point of nuclear 
warfare by giving Ukraine, a former Soviet republic
--- an unending supply of Western arms and ammo
 to fight its neighbouring country, Russia.
On Sunday, Stoltenberg revealed there were ongoing 
talks between members on taking missiles out of 
storage and placing them on standby as a 
deterrence force.
Stoltenberg said in an exclusive interview with Britain's
 The Telegraph newspaper’s reporter conducted at the 
NATO headquarters in Brussels that the US-led bloc 
was in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in 
the face of a growing threat from Russia, 
North Korea, and China.
“[A] world where Russia, China, and North Korea have 
nuclear weapons, and NATO does not, is a more 
dangerous world,” the talking head of the US-
led North Atlantic Treaty Organization said.
In order to scare off adversaries, and to send an 
effective message, NATO needs to pull out and 
show the nuclear weaponry, he insisted.
“I won’t go into operational details, about how many 
nuclear warheads should be operational and which 
should be stored, but we need to consult on these 
issues. That’s exactly what we’re doing,” 
Stoltenberg said.
In addition, Stoltenberg further, sounded the alarm about 
China’s alleged nuclear development programs, claiming 
soon “NATO may face something that it has never faced 
before, and that is, two nuclear-powered potential
adversaries - China and Russia.”
For the time being, Russia and the US are by far the 
world’s biggest nuclear powers. They hold about 
88 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons, 
according to the Federation of 
American Scientists.
The US has about 100 non-strategic B61 nuclear 
weapons deployed in five European countries:
Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, and the 
Netherlands, according to the Bulletin 
of the Atomic Scientists. The US has 
another 100 such weapons within
 its borders.
Russia has about 1,558 non-strategic nuclear warheads, 
though arms control experts say it is very difficult to 
say just how many there are, due to secrecy.

Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation
June 17th, 11:45am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
The units of the Sever Group of Forces, have improved 
the situation along the front line. Manpower and hard-
ware of 42nd mechanised, 57th motorised infantry, 
71st infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, 105th and 125th of territorial 
defence brigades have been hit close 
to Volchansk, Deep, Sinelnikovo, and 
Liptsa (Kharkov region). In addition, 
one counter-attack by the 36th 
Marines Brigade's assault 
detachment has been 
The enemy losses were up to 300 Ukrainian troops, four 
pickup trucks, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm 
D-30 howitzer & a BM-21 Grad MLRS fighting vehicle.
 The units of the Zapad Group of Forces have taken more 
advantageous lines and defeated 14th, 43rd, 44th, 116th 
mechanised, and 3rd assault brigades of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine near Shiykovka, Sinkovka, Peski-
Radkovskiye, Druzhelyubovka (Kharkov region), 
and Nevskoye (Lugansk People's Republic).
The AFU losses were up to 405 Ukrainian troops, three 
armoured fighting vehicles, seven motor vehicles, two 
Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, and one
 Nota electronic warfare station.
 The units of the Yug Group of Forces have improved the 
situation on the front line, as well as defeating the
manpower and hardware of 93rd mechanised, 
79th air assault, 46th aeromobile brigades of
 the AFU near Katerinovka, Aleksandro-
Schultino, and Gornjak (Donetsk
 People's Republic).
The enemy losses were up to 535 Ukrainian troops, two 
armoured personnel carriers, three pickup trucks, two 
155-mm U.S.-made M777 howitzers, two 152-mm D-20 
howitzers, and 122-mm D-30 guns. In addition, three 
AFU ammunition depots have been destroyed.
The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved 
the tactical situation and defeated 47th mechanised, 
68th jaeger, 144th infantry brigades of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, 109th territorial defence 
brigades near Vozdvizhenka, Kamyshovka, 
and Novaya Poltavka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
Four counter-attacks of 23rd, 47th mechanised, and
 68th jaeger brigades of the AFU have been repelled.
The enemy losses were up to 335 Ukrainian troops, one
 U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, one U.S.-
made MaxxPro armoured fighting vehicle, and 
two motor vehicles.
During counter-battery warfare, one 155-mm U.S.-made 
M777 howitzer, a 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 152-mm 
Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm 
Msta-B 2A65 howitzer, 2 122-mm of D-30 howitzers, 
one 100-mm Rapira gun, one BM-21 Grad MLRS
 combat vehicle have been hit.
The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have taken more 
advantages lines, defeating manpower and hardware of 
the 72nd Mechanised Brigade of the AFU, 102nd and 
128nd territorial defence brigades near Velikaya 
Novosyolka (Donetsk People's Republic) and 
Varvarovka (Zaporozhye region). 
Two attacks by assault detachments of the 123rd 
Territorial Defence Brigade and the 31st Brigade
 of the National Guard, have been repelled.
The AFU losses were up to 150 Ukrainian troops, three 
motor vehicles, two 155-mm Polish-made Krab artillery 
systems, & two 155-mm British-made FH-70 howitzers. 
2 AFU field ammunition depots have been destroyed.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have engaged units of 
the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade & the 141st Infantry 
Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine nr Zherebyanki 
and Nesteryanka (Zaporozhye region). The AFU losses 
were up to 50 Ukrainian troops, two motor vehicles, 
a 152-mm D-20 gun, and a 122-mm D-30 howitzer.
 Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware
 clusters in 110 areas during the day.
Air defence facilities have shot down 12 
Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.
In total, 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 25,867 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 529 air defence missile 
systems, 16,359 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,343 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,569 field artillery cannons & mortars, 
as well as 22,634 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.


Ministry of Defense of the Russian 
Federation: the Ukrainian army 
lost more than 1,700 soldiers 
in a day
June 17th, 11:32am
The Russian Defense Ministry said that over the past 24 
hours during a special military operation, Russian troops 
improved their positions and inflicted significant losses 
on Ukrainian forces.
In the northern sectors of the front, in the Kharkiv region 
and the LPR, units of the "North" and "West" groups 
repelled counterattacks and defeated more than a 
dozen brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 
and the Territorial Defense of Ukraine, 
destroying up to 705 servicemen, 
equipment and artillery 
In the DPR and LPR, the troops of the Yug and Centre 
groups also made improvements, repelled counter-
attacks and inflicted losses of up to 870 people 
on the enemy. The Ukrainian Armed Forces 
also lost several pieces of American 
equipment in these areas — two 
155 mm M777 howitzers, a 
Bradley infantry fighting 
vehicle and a MaxxPro
 armoured vehicle.
In the Zaporizhia region and the DPR, units of the Vostok 
and Dnipro groups took more favourable positions, 
defeated several AFU brigades, destroying up to 
200 servicemen, four Polish and British 155 mm
 howitzers, and several cars.
Over the past 24 hours, Russian tactical aircraft, drones, 
rocket troops and artillery struck 110 areas where 
enemy personnel and equipment were gathered, 
and air defense systems shot down 12 
Ukrainian drones.
China slams G7 statement as 
'full of arrogance, prejudice 
and lies'
June 17th, 11:10am
China has slammed a statement issued by the Group of 
Seven (G7) industrialized countries at the end of their 
summit in Italy as “full of arrogance, prejudice 
and lies.”
The G7 leaders convened in Italy from June 13 to 15, 
with souring trade relations with China as well as 
tensions over Ukraine and the South China Sea 
on top of their agenda.
The G7 states consists of the US, Britain, France, 
Germany, Canada, Italy and Japan.
Their end-of-summit statement claimed that Beijing was 
sending “dual-use materials, including weapons 
components and equipment” to Russia, which
 they say were helping Moscow in its war 
with Kiev.
The statement also criticized what is called China's 
"militarization, and coercive and intimidation 
activities" in the South China Sea.
China claims sovereignty over almost the entire 
South China Sea, which overlaps with the 
waters of Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, 
Taiwan, and the Philippines.
In response, China's foreign ministry spokesman
 Lin Jian said the statement had "slandered 
and attacked China."
It had "rehashed cliches that have no factual basis, 
no legal basis, and no moral justification, and are
 full of arrogance, prejudice and lies," he said
at a news briefing on Monday.
The G7 statement came while China has 
repeatedly denied supplying Russia 
with weapons and munitions.
Beijing, in return, has blamed the US for igniting the 
Ukraine conflict ------ via NATO's eastern expansion.
In February 2022, Russia launched what it called a 
special military operation in Ukraine partly to 
prevent NATO’s eastward expansion, after 
warning that the military alliance was
 following an “aggressive line” 
against Moscow.
The Western countries have been fueling the flames
 of the war, with their unchecked delivery of 
weapons to Ukraine.
Moscow has repeatedly warned, that
such a flow 
of weapons to Kiev will
only prolong the conflict.              
Colonel Karasev: APU soldiers
 lose motivation to fight
June 17th, 9:04am
The commander of the motorized rifle brigade of the 
Russian troops, Sergey Karasev, said that the 
Ukrainian militants are losing motivation 
to conduct military operations, and 
their morale is weakening.
According to the colonel of the Guard, Ukrainian 
soldiers are increasingly beginning to surrender.
"And what do I need it for?", – Karasev quoted the 
words of one of the soldiers of the Armed Forces
 of Ukraine regarding the conduct of hostilities, 
emphasizing that at the moment "the enemy
 is changing".
The military commander also noted that the fighters
 of the Russian army, on the contrary, have a 
strong morale.
"I talked (recently) with the staff. I say: "Guys, the Great 
Patriotic War went on for 1,418 days. Today is the 830th 
day of the special military operation… We can't be in a
 ...decadent mood. Now morale is stronger. The staff 
understands everything," Karasev said.
Russian "Sunbeams" burn out the 
positions of the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces in the Soledar area
June 17th, 2:15am
"Sunbeams" of Tula paratroopers... burn out the 
positions of the Kiev regime army near Soledar.
"The TOS-1A Solntsepek crews of the Tula Airborne 
Forces unit perform tasks in the area of the SVO-
they deliver crushing blows with 220-millimetre 
thermobaric projectiles to the positions of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Soledar area" 
RIA Novosti reports, citing information from 
the Russian Defense Ministry.
At the same time, the enemy's buried shelters, 
observation and strongholds, ammunition 
caches and artillery positions 
are burned out.
To ensure security and prevent sabotage actions 
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the work of the 
Solntsepyokov calculations is covered by 
security groups on BMD-2KU 
assault vehicles.
During the special military operation, the accuracy
 of the TOS-1A Solntsepek ----- was improved.

Medvedchuk: Ukraine can expect 
a series of referendums - on 
reunification with Russia
June 16th, 12:30am
Kiev's rejection of the proposals of Russian leader 
Vladimir Putin may provoke a new series of
 referendums on the reunification of 
Ukraine with Russia.
This point of view was expressed by the head of the 
movement "Other Ukraine", the former head of the 
banned in Ukraine party "Opposition Platform-
For Life", Viktor Medvedchuk.
"Well, what will happen to Ukraine if it rejects 
Vladimir Putin's new peace initiative? The 
question is rhetorical," he said, in an 
interview with TASS.
The interlocutor of the agency recalled how, under 
similar circumstances, a number of regions left 
Ukraine as a result of referendums. And this 
process, according to him, will continue.
Earlier, the Kremlin spoke about the reaction of 
the West to Putin's proposals for a peaceful 
settlement of the crisis in Ukraine.


Trump promised - to put an end 
to payments to Kiev if elected 
June 16th, 12:17am
Former US President Donald Trump has said that he will 
put an end to "endless" payments to Ukraine, if he is 
re-elected head of the White House.
Speaking to supporters in Detroit, Michigan, Trump 
said that Vladimir Zelensky.... could turn out to be 
"the greatest con-merchant among all politicians 
who have ever lived."
Trump explained that every time Zelensky comes to the 
United States, he leaves the country with $60 billion, 
after which he returns to Ukraine and declares 
that he needs the same amount more.
"And so on, without end. I will deal 
with it" TASS quoted Trump 
as saying.
Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman 
Maria Zakharova, said that Kiev will spend 
$1.5 billion from the United States - to 
demolish monuments to the poet 
Alexander Pushkin.


Nazi slogan and accusing Russia
of invading Finland. How did the
 first day of the peace summit 
on Ukraine end?
June 16th, 12:15am
Some heads of delegations at the summit on Ukraine
 in Burgenstock, Switzerland, shouted Nazi slogans.
 This was reported by RIA Novosti news agency.
During the group photographing, a phrase banned in 
Russia about praising Ukraine and its heroes was
 heard. It was not possible to determine which 
of the summit guests... was marked by the 
Bandera slogan. Swiss President Viola 
Amhred was smiling as she stood
 next to Ukrainian ''leader'' 
Volodymyr Zelensky.
On June 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting
 with the chief editors of world news agencies at the 
SPIEF.... explained the meaning of the term 
"denazification" - one of the goals of a 
special military operation (SVO) 
in Ukraine. 
According to him, this means banning the propaganda of 
Nazism at the legislative level. He admitted that he was 
very surprised, when people started asking him about
 the meaning of this term.
A number of high-profile statements 
were made during the summit
Finland entered World War II, on June 25, 1941, declaring 
war on the USSR three days after Hitler's troops crossed 
the Soviet borders. Helsinki.. stayed an ally of Germany 
until September 1944, when Finland was listed as the 
losing party in the 1947 peace Treaty.
On the sidelines of a peace conference, Finnish
Alexander Stubb -- accused Russia of invading 
his country during World War II. According to 
the head of state ----- Finland lost 10% of its 
territory as a result of military operations.
Stubb also stressed the importance of holding a 
second conference on Ukraine - as soon as 
possible. He explained this necessity by 
saying that "peace is not a result, but 
a process."
 Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine 
Igor Zhovkva later noted that Russia could "in a 
certain format" ...take part in the second
 such summit, preparations for which
 have already begun.
Zelensky himself said that the action plan agreed at the 
"peace summit" will be transferred to Russia - and also 
allowed the conflict to end at the second conference. 
Commenting on the priority points of his "peace formula", 
which are planned to be discussed at the current event, 
the Ukrainian leader explained that, having reached an 
agreement on nuclear, humanitarian and food security
 in the future - it will be possible to create an action 
plan for each next point of the peace formula.
French President Emmanuel Macron's statement. 
According to him, the summit participants do not support 
the escalation of the conflict and "no one in this room 
wants to fight with Russia."
 This statement was made - one week after the decision of
 the head of the Fifth Republic to transfer Mirage fighters 
to Kiev, train and equip a brigade of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine from 4,500 fighters, as well as permission 
to use French SCALP missiles ---- for strikes on 
Russian territory.
Answering Macron in absentia, a member of the 
Federation Council Committee on International 
Affairs, Senator from the Republic of Crimea 
Sergey Tsekov reminded that... about 20 
NATO countries.. are involved in the 
conflict in Ukraine. We are talking 
about states that support Kiev 
and supply it with weapons.
 "They, I believe, are at war with
 Russia," the lawmaker said.
Russia called the summit a farce
Viktor Vodolatsky, First Deputy Chairman of the State 
Duma ----- pointed out that the summit in Burgenstock 
completely discredited itself in the eyes of the world 
community and turned into a bad farce for the United 
States, France and Germany. 
He stated, that the participants of the 
conference were "collected by force". 
"Naturally, under various pretexts, and messages, 
they were forced to come in any composition of 
any delegation: the main thing is to have a flag," 
he said.
Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry 
Rodion Miroshnik, expressed the view that the idea 
of the Swiss conference was a failure.
 "The Peace Summit began with the statement that it 
will not be possible to talk about peace today, 
maybe next time," the diplomat said.
In the meantime, all those who have arrived can give 
themselves up to their favorite pastime ----- throwing 
verbal bowel movements in the direction of Russia
Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry
of Russia, as well as a number of key countries of 
the Global South, including China, are not 
participating in the summit. 
Moscow has not received an invitation to participate in 
the summit. As suggested by Russian Deputy Foreign 
Minister Alexander Grushko, the conference in 
Switzerland is needed - to maintain the
 anti-Russian psychosis.

Draft communique: peace
in Ukraine 
requires the
involvement of
all parties
June 16th, 12:07am
The participation and dialogue of all parties is essential 
for achieving peace in Ukraine. This is stated in the 
draft communique of the Swiss Conference 
on Ukraine.
The document, the text of which is quoted by Reuters, 
says about plans to take concrete steps in the future
in this direction and with more active participation 
of the representatives of all parties.
"We believe that achieving peace requires the 
participation and dialogue of all parties,"
 the document says.
In addition, the draft version of the communique
contains a thesis on Ukraine's control over the 
Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
Engineer-operator of the UAV calculation
 in the dark revealed the position of the 
Ukrainian Armed Forces and helped to 
defeat it
June 15th, 10:10pm
Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Borvinchenko, an engineer-
operator of the UAV crew, conducted aerial 
reconnaissance - and corrected artillery 
fire using an unmanned aerial vehicle. 
Being on the position at night in conditions of high cloud 
cover and the use of electronic warfare by the enemy, 
Senior Lieutenant Borvinchenko opened a well-
equipped position of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU).
He quickly identified and transmitted to the artillery 
position ---- the coordinates of the target to be hit. 
Then.. Borvinchenko corrected the Russian 
artillery fire on the enemy -- as a result of 
which the position of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine was destroyed along with
 the militants and equipment 
located there.
Meanwhile, the commander of the Guards tank, Sgt. 
Bator Takhanov - supported the assault units of the 
Russian troops in conducting offensive operations 
in one of the tactical areas. In the course of 
performing another combat mission, 
moving through the terrain, 
Takhanov - found a group 
of AFU militants hiding 
in an abandoned 
With a well-aimed shot, the tankers destroyed the
 enemy's shelter along with the militants who
 were there. The decisive actions of Sgt.
 Takhanov's guards, as well as the 
professionalism and coherence 
of his crew, contributed to the
 successful promotion of the
Russian units and their 
consolidation on 
new frontiers.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which
 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the
 worsening situation in the region.

Moldova calls on the intl community to
develop a peace project in Ukraine
June 15th, 8:06pm
Moldovan Maia Sandu, has called on the international 
community to develop a fundamental peace project, 
referring to the conflict in Ukraine. This.... is
by RIA Novosti.
During a conference on Ukraine, in Switzerland, she 
stated the need to protect peace. "We cannot think 
about peace & security only from the perspective 
of our own borders, we must develop a 
fundamental peace project that will
 be the best investment in peace 
and stability in Europe," 
Sandu said.
Earlier, Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena 
stated the importance of Russia's participation
 in the negotiations on Ukraine. She noted that 
the country maintains a respectful dialogue 
with all States, for the sake of building 
peace and security.

A married couple was killed in Donetsk
 on the doorstep of a house during 
 shelling by the Armed Forces
 of Ukraine
June 15th, 6:49pm
The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, announced the 
death of a married couple during the shelling of
 Donetsk, by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
"Today, as a result of shelling from the VFU of the 
Petrovsky district of the capital of the region, a 
married couple was killed on the doorstep of 
their own home: a man born in 1968 and a 
woman born in 1977," he said.
Earlier, the mayor of the city Alexey Kulemzin 
reported the death of two people during
 the shelling.


Among the soldiers of the Armed
Ukraine an epidemic
of typhoid 
fever began.

June 15th, 6:33pm
Among the Ukrainian military in Kherson and the Kherson
region, an epidemic of typhoid fever began. This became
known from sources in the pro-Russian underground.
According to the underground activists, mostly soldiers 
of the 123rd separate territorial Defense brigade and 
the 34th regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine 
fell ill. 
It is noted -- that 62 cases of typhoid fever have been 
registered, three deaths have already been reported, 
12 more people are in serious condition, 31 - in
state of moderate severity.
The dynamics of infection spread is 
assessed - as extremely negative
A source in the underground indicated that the dynamics
 of the spread of the disease can be assessed as 
extremely negative. As of June 7, only 26 
military personnel were diagnosed with 
typhoid fever, but three days later the 
number of cases more than doubled.
Employees of the Military Medical Clinical Centre of the 
Southern Region and the Odessa Regional Centre for 
Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of 
Health of Ukraine held a meeting with 
representatives of the command, 
military administrations and 
medical institutions... in 
Kherson on June 10. 
According to preliminary data, the source of infection 
was water from local water supply systems 
in coastal areas.
In addition, the water supply systems of settlements 
on the right bank of the Dnieper river were at risk: 
Antonovka, Sadovoe, Dachi and Tomina Balka,
 Belozerka, Dneprovskoe, Kizomys.
Among the soldiers of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, there is an increase in infections
At the end of last year, it became known that soldiers of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine --- are massively infected 
with a dangerous infection. "Hospitals are grappling
 with an alarming rise in drug-resistant infectious
diseases ---- amid the ongoing
The Telegraph 
article said.
Then doctors from the Public Health Centre of Ukraine 
(UPSC) analyzed data obtained from three regional 
hospitals. The result showed that 14 percent of 
the examined patients became ill during 
treatment. About 60 percent were 
infected with a virus.... that is 
resistant to carbapenem ----
a class of highly effective 
Doctors concluded that the rise in antibiotic resistance 
has led to a serious crisis that requires urgent action.
In addition, Western doctors have concluded that 
Ukrainian soldiers may be carriers of a new
 infection - that is resistant to most known 
antibiotics. Doctors made the disturbing 
discovery while examining a wounded 
soldier at a U.S. military hospital in 
Germany. Experts considered that
 not only Ukraine could suffer 
from the consequences.
The previous outbreak of legionnaires ' disease was 
recorded in Rzeszow, Poland, Subcarpathian 
Voivodeship - where military aid is being 
transported to Ukraine. 
Later, the infection spread to other regions of 
Poland, with a total of about 160 people
 infected. Legionellosis is a disease 
that manifests itself in damage 
to the lung tissue with the 
development of severe 
Soldiers with psychological injuries have become
 a problem for the Ukrainian Armed Forces
The spread of infectious diseases is not the only threat 
to the health of the Ukrainian military.  Along with 
diseases, soldiers receive psychological trauma
------ which is why they pose a threat to 
their colleagues.
British journalists have learned that many soldiers of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine suffer from post-traumatic 
stress disorder — PTSD) - it has already been 
detected in at least several thousand 
military personnel. 
At the same time, the authorities are in no hurry to deal 
with this problem — only those who have the most 
noticeable signs of PTSD are sent for treatment,
 the rest are returned to the front line.
"We may lose a serviceman. He will have problems, 
and he can cause harm not only to himself, but 
also to other people," the British edition of 
Sky News quotes the words of one of 
the soldiers of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine.
In addition, earlier it was reported that an epidemic of 
gambling addiction... began in the ranks of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine - online casinos and sports betting 
destroy the morale of the military. "If you are going
to legalize *****, then at least control it," said 
Pavlo Petrichenko, a Ukrainian soldier — 
aerial intelligence officer of the 59th 
Brigade of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine.
Against the background of this phenomenon, President 
of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on 
restricting gambling on the Internet --- and also 
banned it ---- among soldiers of the Armed 
Forces of the country.

Ukrainian border guards opened fire 
while detaining four evaders
June 15th, 5:53pm
Ukrainian border guards - used weapons to detain four 
evaders who wanted to escape to Hungary. This was 
reported on June 15 by the western regional 
department of the State Border Service 
of Ukraine.
"During the detention, the violators tried to escape from 
the border patrol," the agency said in a Facebook post 
(owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist
banned in the Russian Federation).
It is noted that to stop the intruders, the border guards
 were forced to shoot several times in the air.
The western regional department of the state Border 
Service added that there were only three groups of 
evaders. Among them were residents of Kiev, 
Chernihiv region, and Transcarpathia. The 
latter were involved in the shooting 
incident. The men... used the 
services of the organizers 
of illegal travel schemes 
abroad and paid them 
$5.5 thousand each,
 she added. 
Due to increased mobilization and the unwillingness of 
citizens to serve in the armed forces, such incidents 
occur regularly. On June 9, a group of 32 people in 
a GAZ-66 truck broke through the border and fled 
to Hungary. At the end of May, two men attacked
 a border guard officer, took away his weapons 
and fled to Romania. In the same month, 
border guards detained a 44-year-old 
man disguised as a woman.
Martial law in Ukraine is effective from February 2022. At 
the same time, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, 
whose term of office expired on May 20, signed a 
decree on general mobilization. 
Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly extended its 
validity. Most men between the ages of 18 and 60
 are prohibited from leaving the country.

Swiss President: peace process 
in Ukraine is unimaginable 
without Russia
June 15th, 5:35pm
The peace process of the Ukrainian settlement is 
impossible without Russia's participation, Swiss 
President Viola Amherd said.
"We all understand... that the peace process without 
Russia's participation is unimaginable. A long-term 
solution must involve both parties. We will discuss 
how and under what conditions Russia can be 
involved in this process," TASS quoted her 
as saying.
According to Amherd, care should be taken to 
ensure that the first step in the Burgenstock
 is followed by the second.
Earlier, Russian presidential press Secretary Dmitry 
Peskov said that the conference in Switzerland
 will not discuss peace in Ukraine.
According to him, the Kremlin has nothing to convey
 to the participants of the Swiss conference.

Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special
 military operation
June 15th, 11:20am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
The units of the Sever Group of Forces continue to 
advance deep into the enemy defences. The AFU 
71st Jaeger Brigade and the 125th Territorial 
Defence Brigade have been hit close to 
Volchansk and Ternovaya 
(Kharkov region).
Russian troops have repelled seven counterattacks by 
assault detachments from the 36th Marine Brigade 
and the 13th National Guard Brigade.
The enemy losses were up to 350 troops, two tanks, 
three motor vehicles, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer... 
and two Bukovel-AD electronic warfare stations.
The units of the Zapad Group of Forces have taken more 
advantageous lines and defeated formations of 14th, 
63rd, 116th mechanised brigades of the AFU, the 
AFU 117th Brigade and the 13th Brigade of
National Guard close to Sinkovka, 
Petropavlovka (in Kharkov region), 
Dronovka, Grigorovka (Donetsk 
People's Republic), and 
Chervonaya Dibrova 
(Lugansk People's
The AFU losses were up to 495 troops, three armoured 
fighting vehicles, and nine motor vehicles.
In addition, during counter-battery fire, two 155-mm 
U.S.-made M777 howitzers, a 155-mm British-made 
FH-70 howitzer, a 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, 
a 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery 
system, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one 
122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle have 
been hit.
The units of the Yug Group of Forces - have improved 
their position along the front line and also defeated
manpower & hardware of 56th motorised infantry, 
41st mechanised, 79th air assault, and 46th
 airmobile brigades of the AFU close to 
Elizavetovka, Kalinina, Orekhovo-
Vasilyevka, and Chasov Yar, 
Stupochka, & Gornyak 
(Donetsk People's
Russian troops - have repelled one counterattack
of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the AFU.
The enemy losses were up to 630 troops, one infantry
 fighting vehicle, and five motor vehicles.
In the course of counter-battery warfare, one UK-made 
155-mm FH-70 howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 self-propelled 
artillery system, one 155-mm AS-90 Braveheart self-
propelled artillery system, a 152 mm D-20 howitzer, 
122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery 
system, four 122-mm D-30 howitzers, two 
U.S.-made 105-mm M119 guns, plus one 
122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle, 
and one U.S.-made AN/TPQ-37 
counter-battery station.
In addition, three AFU field ammunition 
depots have been destroyed.
The units of the Tsetr Group Forces have improved the 
tactical position and defeated formations of 47th and 
110th mechanised brigades of the AFU close to 
Vozdvizhenka, Novoaleksandrovka, Voskhod, 
Novopokrovskoye, and Yevgenovka 
(Donetsk People's Republic).
Russian troops have repelled five counterattacks by 
assault detachments of 23rd and 24th mechanised 
brigades of the AFU.
The enemy losses were up to 320 troops, three infantry 
fighting vehicles, two motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 
155-mm M777 howitzer, three 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B 
howitzers, three 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one 
U.S.-made 105-mm M102 howitzer.
The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have taken more 
favourable lines and also defeated the manpower and 
hardware of the 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade of 
the AFU, 102nd and 125th brigades of the AFU, 
and the 21st Brigade of the National Guard, 
near Novoukrainka, Neskuchnoye, Oktyabr 
(Donetsk People's Republic), and Gulyai 
Pole (Zaporozhye region).
The AFU losses were up to 140 servicemen, one tank, 
one armoured fighting vehicle, three motor vehicles, 
two Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled 
artillery systems, and one 152-mm 2A65
 Msta-B howitzer.
The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have defeated 
manpower and hardware of formations of the 
23rd Brigade of the National Guard near 
Vyshetarasovka and Dobraya Nadya 
(Dnipropetrovsk region).
The enemy losses were up to 75 troops
 and three motor vehicles.
In addition, U.S.-made MLRS M142 HIMARS and M270 
MLRS launchers, as well as one 122-mm 2C1 
Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system 
have been destroyed.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces have neutralised manpower and military 
hardware in 106 areas.
Air defense facilities have shot down 54 unmanned aerial 
vehicles, four French-made Hammer guided aerial bombs, 
as well as ten U.S.-made HIMARS projectiles.
In total, 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 25,845 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 529 air defence missile
systems, 16,340 tanks & other armoured combat 
vehicles -- 1,341 combat vehicles equipped with 
MRLS, 10,491 field artillery cannons & mortars
...as well as 22,567 units of special military 
equipment, have been destroyed during
 the special military operation.

Nebenzia accused military
& enlistment
offices of Ukraine of --- 
hunting for men.
June 14th, 8:47pm
Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily 
Nebenzia, said that the military registration and 
enlistment offices in Ukraine - have opened 
a hunt for men. 
His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.
At the site of the collapse of the 
entrance to Shebekino found 
two dead
June 14th, 8:38pm
At the site of the collapse of the entrance of a residential 
building in the Belgorod district of Shebekino, two dead 
people were found. EMERCOM of Russia wrote about
this in its official Telegram channel.
The publication clarifies that the bodies of a man and a 
woman were found at the site of the collapse of the 
entrance to Shebekino.
On Friday afternoon, June 14, a residential building in 
Shebekino was shelled. As a result of the attack, the 
entrance collapsed. It was reported that after the 
collapse of the entrance of a residential building 
in Shebekino after an attack from Ukraine, ten 
people are missing. 
As the governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav 
Gladkov specified, seven people were injured, and
 rescue operations are continuing on the spot.

Peskov shared Putin's words about
 the reaction of the West and 
Ukraine to his initiative
June 14th, 6:54pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin called the reaction 
of the West and Kiev - to his initiative for a peaceful 
settlement of the conflict in Ukraine "predictable".
This was announced by Presidential press 
Secretary Dmitry Peskov, TASS reports.
"Vladimir Putin was informed about the reaction of 
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and 
NATO Jens Stoltenberg to his initiative. 
According to the president, their 
reaction is predictable," the 
press secretary said.
He also added that the US response to Putin's proposal
 to resolve the conflict.... is also "predictable", since 
Washington "needs to fight to the last Ukrainian".
Earlier, Zelensky called Putin's proposal to resolve the 
conflict with Russia an ultimatum. Stoltenberg said 
that the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine from the new Russian regions 
will be "the achievement of Russia's 
military goals."
Putin pointed out the need to 
move the front line in the 
direction of Kharkiv
June 14th, 6:06pm
Russia - is forced to push back the front line in the Kharkiv 
direction in order to reduce terrorist attacks on Belgorod. 

This was announced on June 14 by
Russian President 
Vladimir Putin.
"We need.. to act carefully, gradually. But if the enemy 
continues to do what it has done so far, then we will 
think about how to proceed further, to secure our 
settlements," he said... at a meeting with 
participants of the Time of 
Heroes program.
At the same time, the head of state pointed out, that the 
depth of 10-17 km does not deprive the enemy of the 
ability to strike with longer-range weapons, "but 
still gradually pushes this threat away from 
our large settlements."
He also stressed that the military personnel serving in 
the Kharkiv sector, perform their tasks with dignity.
Earlier in the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) 
once again, shelled the town of Shebekino in the 
Belgorod region. As a result of the actions of 
Ukrainian militants, the entrance of an 
apartment building collapsed. 
Analysis of the rubble will continue 
at night, people may still remain 
under it.
Also on Friday, Putin said that Russia has always sought 
peace and is ready to sit down at the negotiating table 
even tomorrow. According to him, this will become 
possible when Kiev withdraws its troops from the
 regions of the Russian Federation - and officially 
renounces its intentions to integrate into NATO. 
The President stressed that Russia is once again 
making a real peace offer, but if Kiev and the 
West refuse, the responsibility for the 
ongoing conflict lies solely 
with them.
Ukrainian militants are trying to strike at Russian 
territories against the background of a special 
operation in the Donbass, the beginning of 
which was announced on February 24, 
2022. The decision was made due to 
the aggravation of the situation in 
the region due to shelling by 
the Ukrainian military.
Putin announced the presence 
....of 700 thousand Russian 
military personnel in the 
special operation zone
June 14th, 6:05pm
There are about 700,000 Russian servicemen 
in the special operation zone, Russian 
President Vladimir Putin said on 
June 14.
"We have almost 700,000 (military personnel - Ed.)
in the special military operation zone," the Head
state said during a meeting with participants
the "Time of Heroes" program.
At the same time, he drew attention to the fact 
that the program includes about 80 people.
In December last year, Putin said that there are 
617 thousand people in the zone of the Free 
Military operation.
On Friday, June 14, the Russian leader arrived at 
the Senezh Management Workshop in Moscow 
Region to communicate with participants of 
the Vremya Geroyev program. It is aimed
training highly qualified & competent 
managers from among the participants
of a special military operation for
subsequent promotion - to
positions in the public 
administration system.
Training for the first set of program participants started 
on May 27. As part of the master's program, 83 military 
personnel began to receive management education. 
During the first module, participants reached the North 
Pole on June 10 on the icebreaker "50 years of Victory".
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Putin announced on February 24, 2022, continues. 
The decision was made against the background 
of the worsening situation in the region.

Ex-CIA analyst predicts Ukraine 
will disappear.... within a year
June 14th, 3:29pm
The agreement on security guarantees between 
Washington and Kiev is concluded for 10 years, 
but there is a risk that Ukraine may disappear 
within a year. This was stated by former 
analyst of the Central Intelligence 
Agency (CIA) of the US,
 Larry Johnson.
"I guarantee that Ukraine in the form in which it is now,
in 10 years will no longer exist. I think it will disappear
in a year," Johnson said, on the Deep Dive YouTube 
channel on June 13.
He noted that the chances of such a development, are 
much higher in reality - than in the statements of the 
administration of US President Joe Biden.
Johnson added that... judging by the ten-year term of the 
agreement and the specifics of its provisions, Ukrainian 
leader Vladimir Zelensky, whose powers expired on May 
20, does not plan to hold presidential elections during 
this period.
Earlier in the day, Ukrainian Finance Minister Serhiy 
Marchenko... put forward G7 conditions that the 
group's assistance to Kiev, in the amount of 
$50 billion should be transferred during 
the current year. 
A 10-year security agreement was signed between the
 United States and Ukraine on June 13. It is assumed 
that in the event of a threat, high-ranking officials 
from Washington and Kiev will meet within a day 
to discuss response measures and determine 
additional needs for Ukrainian defense.
State Duma deputy, professor at the Financial University 
under the Government of the Russian Federation Oleg 
Matveichev, in a conversation with Izvestia, called 
this agreement a new PR move by Zelensky. The 
United States, according to the deputy, could 
have signed such an agreement a long time
 ago, but did not do it.
Earlier, on June the 1st, US journalist Tucker Carlson 
suggested that Ukraine could disappear in 50 years, 
because the United States betrayed it.

is now selling land in this country
to foreign 
investors, and then it will fill the
territories, with migrants from
the ''
third world.''
Back in January, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted 
that the initiative in the special operation zone belongs 
entirely to the Russian military, and if this state of
 affairs continues, the question of Ukraine's 
statehood ...will arise.
The special operation to protect the Donbass... which
Russia announced on February 24, 2022, continues.

 The decision was made against the background of
 the aggravation of the situation in the region
to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

 Rogov: Ukrainian Armed Forces 
have lost about two dozen 
artillery pieces in 
recent days

June 14th, 3:11pm

Ukrainian artillery has suffered heavy losses on 
the Zaporizhia front line in recent days, said 
Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the "We are 
Together with Russia" movement.
This is reported by RIA Novosti.
According to him, in recent days, about two dozen 
different artillery pieces of the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces, including Western-made ones, have 
been destroyed on the Zaporizhia front.
Rogov noted that the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces have sensitive artillery losses.
This was made possible - thanks to a successful 
counter-battery fight on the part of the Russian
Armed Forces.
Earlier, the head of the Zaporozhye region 
administration, appointed by Kiev, Ivan 
Fedorov, reported damage to a critical 
infrastructure facility in the Ukrainian
-controlled Zaporozhye.


Summary of the special operation
 in Ukraine from June 8 to 14
June 14th, 2:18pm
The Ministry of Defense reported that during the week, 
in response to the Kiev regime's attempts to damage 
Russian energy facilities, the Armed Forces of the 
Russian Federation conducted 19 group strikes 
with high-precision air-and ground-based 
weapons, as well as strike unmanned 
aerial vehicles (UAVs), during which 
energy facilities that provided the 
operation of military-industrial 
enterprises were hit.
In addition, the infrastructure of military airfields, 
storehouses for Storm Shadow cruise missiles
 and other aviation weapons, ammunition and 
explosives depots, workshops for the 
production of attack UAVs, training 
sites for the use of unmanned 
boats, as well as temporary 
deployment points for 
nationalist & foreign 
were hit.
Also, from June 8 to 14, the active actions of the units of 
the group of troops "West" during the week occupied 
more favorable lines and liberated the settlements 
of Artemovka in the Luhansk People's Republic
 (LPR) and Timovka in the Kharkiv region.
Units of five mechanized, tank, assault and airmobile 
brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), a 
tero-defense unit, as well as three brigades of 
the National Guard of Ukraine were defeated.
In this area -- the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 3,405 
servicemen, four armoured combat vehicles, 32 vehicles, 
30 field artillery pieces, including 7... US M777 howitzers.
In addition, three electronic warfare stations and four 
field ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine were destroyed.
The Ministry of Defense added that units of the Dnipro 
group of troops defeated the formations of three 
brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a 
marine brigade and a unit of the National 
Guard of Ukraine.
The enemy's losses in this direction amounted to 555 
military personnel, 37 vehicles, 26 field artillery 
pieces, seven of which were foreign-made.
Russian air defense systems shot down a MiG-29 
fighter jet, as well as two Mi-8 helicopters of the
 Ukrainian Air Force.
In addition, 13 US-made ATACMS operational-tactical 
missiles, three Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems, 
two Neptune anti-ship missiles, two US-made 
HARM anti-radar missiles, eight US-made 
Hammer and JDAM guided bombs, 46 
HIMARS, Vampire, & Uragan rockets
were destroyed during the week....
and "Alder", as well as 465 UAVs.
Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air
Force were destroyed at their home airfields.
During the week, 46 Ukrainian servicemen 
surrendered on the contact line, the 
Defense Ministry said.
In total, since the beginning of the special military
 operation, 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,791 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 529 anti-aircraft 
missile systems, 16,329 tanks and other 
armoured combat vehicles, 1,337 
multiple launch rocket systems, 
10,441 field artillery & mortar 
guns, as well as 22,542 units 
of special military vehicles 
have been destroyed.

The media reported: on the 
dissatisfaction of Western 
countries with the training 
of AFU pilots
June 13th, 11:48pm
Kiev insists that the West and Europe expand the 
program and train more Ukrainians. However, 
pilots are not yet ready to start flying F-16 
fighter jets... due to difficulties with the 
knowledge of English ---- and the flight 
program of pilots undergoing training. 

This was reported on June 11 by
US newspaper Politico.
"The training program for Ukrainian pilots to fly the F-16 
is rather poor," a senior US Defense official, who 
requested anonymity, said in the article.
The publication reported that Western officials expressed
 confidence in their decision ---- regarding the training of 
Ukrainian pilots for flights on the first batch of F-16s. 
They noted the need for a gradual improvement 
of the program.
"You don't just need pilots. Maintenance and training of 
service personnel is also a key part of this process," 
said Charles Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 
of Staff of the US Armed Forces.
According to the second senior official of the US 
Department of Defense, there is no problem with
 the lack of places. The West fears --- that there 
will be more pilots ready to fly on the F-16.... 
than the fighters themselves in the country, 
since in this case, the skills of pilots will 
be forgotten.
Earlier, on June 11th, US human rights activist, Ajamu
Baraka, warned against deploying F-16s in the EU 
and NATO countries. He recalled the existence 
of the fifth article in the NATO charter, which 
states that in the event of a strike on the 
territory of one of the participating 
countries, the other members of 
the association must take the 
necessary actions to 
protect it.
On the same day, the head of the State Duma's Defense 
Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, said that F-16s and 
airfields outside the territory of Ukraine -- where 
they can be located -- will become a legitimate
 target for the Russian army if they take part
 in combat sorties.
At the same time, the chief of aviation of the Air Forces 
Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy 
Golubtsov, said that some of the US F-16 fighters 
that Western countries will transfer to Ukraine 
are planned to be deployed at air bases 
outside its borders. He clarified - that 
such a measure will allow the army 
to constantly maintain a certain 
number of fighters ready 
for departure.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on March 28 that the
delivery of F-16s to Ukraine ----- would not change the 
situation on the battlefield. These fighters will also 
be a legitimate target for the Russian Federation 
if they are launched from third countries.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which the 
Russian president announced on February 24, 2022, 
continues. The decision was made against the 
background of the worsening situation in 
the region.
Russian Foreign Ministry criticizes 
UN response to attack on 
Russian journalists
June 13th, 11:31pm
The United Nations condemns the attacks on journalists, 
but does not name the perpetrators of these events. 
This was stated by the Russian Foreign Ministry's 
Rodion Miroshnik, in his Telegram channel.
"International structures traditionally lack the will to give 
a real political and legal assessment of the actions of 
the Kiev regime, & its militants. Killing journalists is 
very bad, but to point out the obvious perpetrators 
of the murder, there is no guts," Miroshnik wrote.
Earlier, the NTV TV channel said that correspondent 
Alexey Ivliev, and cameraman Valery Kozhin, were 
injured in Gorlovka, along with an escort officer. 
NTV employees were hospitalized, they were
 in a coma.
A possible reason for the injury of the NTV TV crew could 
be a Ukrainian drone. According to the head of the DPR 
Denis Pushilin, the journalists received 
mine-explosive injuries.
Later it became known that the cameraman Valery
 Kozhin, whose rescue doctors worked on for 
several hours, did not survive. He was 
46 years old.
The Pentagon auditor: again 
revealed an overestimation 
of prices for weapons 
for Ukraine
June 13th, 10:56pm
According to the results of an audit of military assistance
 provided by the US to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, new 
cases of overstating the cost of weapons by $1.9 billion
were identified, according to a report by Pentagon
 Inspector General Robert Storch, published
 on June 13.
Thus, in the current fiscal year, the Pentagon will be able
 to spend almost $2 billion more on weapons for Ukraine 
than expected, due to an accounting error.
"The identification in our sample, of additional defense 
items with an inflated cost of $1.9 billion, in addition 
to the previously announced $6.2 billion, shows that
 the Department of Defense and its departments 
failed to fully implement the updated policy 
------ related to the instructions of the 
Department of Defense regulator 
in the spring of 2023," the 
Storch report says.
He added.. that the audit revealed cases when some 
departments of the Ministry of Defense involved in 
the evaluation of defense goods did not have a 
complete understanding of the accounting 
principles set out in the updates to the 
department's regulator's policy, and 
were unable to implement these 
updates - due to significant 
deficiencies in financial 
A similar error in maintaining documentation became 
known in June 2023. Then it was reported that the
 Pentagon overestimated the cost of weapons 
sent from its stockpiles by $2.6 billion in 
fiscal 2022 and by $3.6 billion 
in fiscal 2023.
Medvedev named the condition for
 the liberation of Ukraine from 
Western shackles
June 13th, 10:39pm
Completing the tasks of the special military operation will 
free Ukraine from the neo-colonial shackles of the West. 

This condition was stated by the Deputy chairman of
the Security Council of the Russian Federation, 
and chairman of the United Russia party, 
Dmitry Medvedev, in an article for 
Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
"As a result of the coup d'etat in February 2014, the 
country completely lost its political subjectivity. In
 fact, external control.. was established over the 
republic, examples of which are innumerable 
all over the world," Medvedev recalled.
 The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council 
sees the fulfillment of its tasks as the only solution 
to this problem for Ukraine.
Earlier, Dmitry Medvedev said that a new system of 
international relations based on the principles of 
respect and benevolent non-interference will be 
formed in the near future. This --- will make it 
possible to solve the tasks of "eliminating 
the socio-economic manifestations 
of neocolonialism".
Guards private Bazhenov single-handedly 
destroyed a machine-gun crew of 
saboteurs of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine
June 13th, 10:25pm
Moving along the route as part of the head patrol, the 
driver of the Guard's mortar battery, Private Dmitry 
Bazhenov --- discovered a sabotage group of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine preparing an ambush 
on the route of the Russian Armed Forces. 
Despite the numerical superiority of the saboteurs, the 
Russian military entered into an unequal battle. At this 
time, Bazhenov secretly outflanked the enemy, who 
threw the main forces to repel the attack. With 
targeted fire, he destroyed an equipped AFU
 firing point with a machine-gun crew 
located there.
Having lost machine-gun support, the enemy with losses 
hastily left the position and retreated. As a result of the 
dedication and courage shown by Private Bazhenov to 
the Guards, conditions were created that allowed the 
column to arrive in a timely manner in a given area 
without losses.
Meanwhile, Guard lance Corporal, Pavel Kachurin, at 
the observation post found a drone approaching the 
positions of Russian troops. After the report and 
clarification of the UAV ownership, he was 
given the task of destroying the 
enemy drone.
Guards Lance Corporal Kachurin opened accurate small 
arms fire on the quadcopter. A kamikaze drone of the
 Ukrainian Armed Forces, designed to deliver a fire 
strike on Russian troops, was hit and detonated
 in the air.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the 
worsening situation in the region.


One of the NTV employees injured in 
the attack of the Ukrainian Armed 
Forces...  died 
June 13th, 6:37pm
One of the injured NTV employees who were injured in 
the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in 
Horlivka has died. This was announced on 
June 13 by the editorial board of the 
TV channel in Telegram.
"Our cameraman Valery Kozhin, who was wounded today
 in Gorlovka, has died. Doctors saved him for several 
hours, but Valera's injuries were not compatible 
with life," the report says.
It is specified that the man was 46 years old. He started 
working in the TV channel's team in 2006... and has 
repeatedly been on business trips to hot spots.
In addition, Kozhin was awarded the medal "For Bravery",
 medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II
degrees, and the medal of the Ministry of Defense of
the Russian Federation "Participant of the military 
operation in Syria".
According to representatives of the TV channel, 
journalist Alexey Ivliev was operated on 
and is in a stable condition.
On Thursday, the UN Secretary-General's office
 stressed that the organization opposes any 
attacks on journalists.
The official representative of the Russian Foreign 
Ministry, Maria Zakharova, in turn, pointed out 
that the shelling of NTV employees 
was targeted. 
The diplomat also noted that international 
organizations such as UNESCO and the 
OSCE ------ are obliged to hold Kiev 
accountable for such attacks.
Ukrainian militants have repeatedly attacked media 
representatives. So, in April, as a result of criminal 
actions of the Kiev regime, during the shooting of 
a report, Izvestia military correspondent Semyon 
Eremin was killed. In addition, Boris Maksudov,
 Rossiya 24 journalist, died in November last 
year, and Rostislav Zhuravlev, a RIA Novosti 
military correspondent, died in July.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are firing daily at the 
territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's 
Republics, as well as Zaporozhye and Kherson 
regions, against the background of a special 
operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russia announced on February 24th, 
in 2022.

In the Russian region, they decided to 
install anti-UAV systems on buses
June 13th, 4:56pm
Electronic warfare systems will be installed on regular 
buses in the border areas of the Belgorod region. This 
was announced by the governor of the Russian region 
Vyacheslav Gladkov, during a live broadcast 
on VKontakte.
A local resident asked the head of the region about 
protection measures against unmanned aerial 
vehicles (UAVs) during the broadcast. In turn, 
Gladkov said that such measures are in the 
plans of the authorities.
On April 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed 
to provide emergency medical care in the frontline
 zone with electronic warfare equipment. Prime 
Minister Mikhail Mishustin and the heads 
of Russia's regions... were appointed 
responsible for this task.
In June, it became known that electronic warfare 
systems were installed on 19 ambulances in the 
Belgorod region. "There are 11 more cars in 
operation now. We will also work with 
other types of transport," 
Gladkov said.
In Britain, the flight of SBU officers
 from Ukraine --- was called an 
ominous sign of collapse
June 13th, 3:54pm
The flight of employees of the Security Service of 
Ukraine (SBU) abroad is a sign of the collapse of 
statehood. This was stated by the British expert 
Alexander Merkouris in a video on his
 YouTube channel.
"The number of people crossing the border to escape
 from the territory of Ukraine is growing. Some of 
them went to Hungary. Among those who 
escaped are police officers and the 
SBU, which is an ominous sign
 for Ukraine," he said.
According to the expert, this way Ukrainians are saved 
from mobilization. He stressed that Kiev is gradually 
approaching the point where the collapse of the 
state will be inevitable.
Earlier, Merkouris explained the refusal of countries 
to participate in the summit on the settlement of 
the conflict in Ukraine. He believes that many 
states ignored the Swiss conference 
because of the loss of confidence
 in the President of Ukraine 
Vladimir Zelensky.


General Brown: the West's goal
 is to deliver F-16s to Kiev
 this summer
June 13th, 3:23pm
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US 
Armed Forces, General Charles Brown, said that
 Western countries consider it their goal --- to 
supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter-bombers 
this summer.
"We are working hard to make sure that Ukraine 
has everything it needs," Brown said. ''The 
goal is to deliver the F-16 to Russia 
this summer."
In May, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen 
announced that the F-16 fighter jets
transferred to Kiev will appear 
in Ukraine within a month.
The Netherlands also announced its readiness to 
transfer at least 24 F-16 fighter jets to Kiev. The
 first vehicles are expected to be delivered in
 the second half of 2024.
According to experts --- the F-16s are outdated and 
do not pose a problem for the Russian air defense 
and aviation. Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey 
Lavrov stressed: that the delivery of F-16s to 
Kiev will be regarded as a deliberate signal 
from NATO --- in the nuclear sphere.
Defense Ministry: Lance corporal 
Meshcheryakov destroyed 
10 enemy soldiers
June 13th, 2:26pm
A Russian fighter single-handedly destroyed a squad of 
Ukrainian militants - and helped his comrades capture
 the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces without 
losses, the Russian Defense Ministry reports.
As specified by the military department, Lance Corporal 
Yevgeny Meshcheryakov together with his unit stormed 
the enemy stronghold. Russian soldiers waited until
end of artillery training - and hit the positions
of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine from the flank.
Meshcheryakov was among the first to break into the 
Nazi trenches and open fire on them. As a result, the 
lance corporal destroyed 10 militants, and put the
 rest to flight.
After that, the Russian servicemen were able 
to continue their offensive against the enemy.

Argentina participates for the first time
 in the work of the Ramstein group 
on arms supplies to Kiev
June 13th, 1:05pm
Argentina for the first time took part in the work of the 
group on military assistance to Ukraine (Ramstein
 format) at the meeting of NATO defense ministers 
in Brussels, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd 
Austin said.
"I am delighted to welcome Argentina as a new member 
of the group. Argentine Defense Minister Luis Petri,
 I am glad to see you among us," Austin said.
NATO countries voluntarily supply weapons to Kiev
--- but coordinate these deliveries, within the 
framework of the US-led Ramstein group.


 Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation 
June 13th, 11:55am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 
continue the special military operation.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces --- took more 
advantageous positions. Losses were inflicted 
on formations of the AFU 57th Motorised 
Infantry Brigade and 127th Territorial 
Defence Brigade near Ternovaya, 
Volchanskiye Khutora, Tikhoye,
 and Volchansk (Kharkov region).
Eight counter-attacks launched by assault 
detachments of the AFU 36th Marines 
Brigade and 13th National Guard 
Brigade... were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 305 Ukrainian troops, 
five motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 
howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and 
one BM-21 Grad combat vehicle.
Units of the Zapad Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 115th 
Mechanised Brigade and 117th Territorial
 Defence Brigade near Krasny Liman, 
Torskoye, and Kirovsk (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 450 Ukrainian troops, 
two pickup trucks, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-
propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm 
M777 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 
122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery 
system, and one Nota electronic 
warfare station.
Two AFU field ammunition depots were destroyed.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation and inflicted losses on manpower and hard
ware of the AFU 22nd Mechanised Brigade, 46th 
Airmobile Brigade, and 241st Territorial Defence 
Brigade near Ostroye, Belaya Gora, and Stenki 
(Donetsk People's Republic). One counter-
attack launched by an assault 
detachment of the AFU 10th
 Mountain Assault Brigade 
was repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 635 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured fighting vehicles, six motor vehicles, one 
UK-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer, two 152-mm D-20 
howitzers, and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers. Seven 
AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.
Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
formations of the AFU 23rd, 47th mechanised 
brigades, 144th Infantry Brigade, and 109rd 
Territorial Defence Brigade nr Timofeyevka, 
Yevgenovka, Rozovka, Novgorodskoye, &
 Karlovka (Donetsk People's Republic).
Four counter-attacks launched by assault 
detachments of the AFU 24th and 113th 
mechanised brigades, were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 345 Ukrainian troops, 
one German-made Marder infantry fighting vehicle, one 
U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carrier, one U.S.-
made MaxxPro armoured fighting vehicle, one U.S.-
made 155-mm M777 howitzer, two 152-mm Msta-B 
howitzers, three 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and one 
BM-21 Grad MLRS combat vehicle.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces ---- took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on man-
power and hardware of the AFU 21st National 
Guard Brigade and 125th Territorial Defence
 Brigade near Neskuchnoye and Oktyabr 
(Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 155 Ukrainian troops, 
two infantry fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles,
 and one U.S.-made M198 howitzer.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on 
formations of the AFU 65th Mechanised Brigade, 
128th Mountain Assault Brigade, and 15th 
National Guard Brigade near Mirnoye & 
Novopokrovka (Zaporozhye region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 100 Ukrainian troops, 
three motor vehicles, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab 
self-propelled artillery system, one 155-mm D-20 
howitzer, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, and one 
Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of 
Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware 
clusters in 103 areas during the day.
Air defence units shot down 33 unmanned aerial 
vehicles, four Czech-made Vampire and U.S.-
made HIMARS MLRS projectiles.
In total, 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 25,653 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 air defence missile 
systems, 16,326 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,337 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,393 field artillery guns and mortars, 
as well as 22,505 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during
 the special military operation.
British Foreign Office: strikes on Russia
 will stop when it withdraws its troops
June 13th, 11:55am
British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, said that 
Western military strikes on Russia will stop --- if it 
withdraws its troops from the territory of Ukraine.
"If such strikes cause concern in Russia... then 
just withdraw your troops," the British Foreign
 Secretary was quoted as saying, by TASS.
Cameron also stressed that on Thursday, 
June 13, a new package of anti-Russian 
sanctions will be announced.
Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg 
said that the supply of Western weapons to 
Ukraine --- will become mandatory for the 
countries of the North Atlantic Alliance.
Journalists wounded in
 Gorlovka are in a coma
June 13th, 11:36am
Gorlovka doctors continue to fight for the lives 
of NTV employees. Currently, the victims 
are in the operating room.
This was reported to TASS by the chief physician 
of the Yakunenko hospital. According to him, 
members of the film crew fell into a coma.
"They're not talkative. I can't say 
what happened," he added.
Recall that the NTV film crew came under fire 
from the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the 
village of Golmovsky in the Donetsk 
Republic. Journalists were 
seriously injured - during
the filming of the story.
Colleagues were taken to the hospital 
with a traumatic brain injury and 
traumatic amputation.
Russia and Belarus to hold second 
stage of non-strategic nuclear
 forces exercises
June 13th, 11:16am
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian 
President Alexander Lukashenko have decided 
to hold... the second stage of non-strategic 
nuclear forces exercises, said the head 
of the 12th Main Directorate of the 
Defense Ministry, Lieutenant 
General Igor Kolesnikov.
The joint training of Belarusian and Russian units has 
been worked out during the exercise. In particular --- 
the Russian military ensured the delivery of training 
nuclear weapons to field storage facilities and to 
the airfield of attack aircraft.
"The preparation and delivery of missiles in special 
equipment and suspension of aircraft weapons for 
carrier aircraft were carried out," the Defense 
Ministry said. The parties are working out 
issues of ensuring combat duty --- in the
 locations of training nuclear weapons.
After the exercises, the military will summarize the 
results - and outline measures to improve the 
training of non-strategic nuclear forces - in 
order to guarantee the fulfillment of tasks
 in the current military-political situation, 
the Defense Ministry concludes.
Latvia starts delivering
drones ------ to Ukraine
June 13th, 9:44am
Latvia has delivered the first batch of drones to Ukraine 
as part of the "drone coalition" created with Britain, 
Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds said.
The "Drone Coalition" is an agreement between countries 
that are willing to finance and supply drones to Ukraine. 
The cost of the program is 500 million euros.
Meanwhile, Ukraine has the right to defend itself 
and can launch strikes with Western weapons
 against targets in Russia.
Britain and Latvia announced on June 7 the launch of 
a tender for the supply of FPV drones for Ukraine. In 
addition to the UK and Latvia, the "drone coalition"
 includes Denmark, Australia, Canada, Estonia,
 Germany, Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands,
 Sweden and Ukraine.

Russian soldiers --- destroyed a unit 
of "thugs” of the Ukrainian Armed
 Forces in Novomikhailovka
June 13th, 3:12am
A special unit of "thugs" of the Kiev regime army was 
destroyed during the liberation of Novomikhailovka 
in the Donetsk People's Republic.
"It was the 233rd brigade. We know they're thugs. 
Ideological, aimed at killing. They don't care 
whether a person is a civilian or not,"
soldier of the amphibious assault 
battalion of the 155th Marine 
Brigade of the Pacific Fleet 
with the call sign Peretz,
 told TASS.
He added that the tasks of this brigade were reported, 
including prisoners captured during the battles for 
the settlement.
In April 2024, units of the Yug group of Russian 
troops completely liberated Novomikhailovka
 in the Donetsk People's Republic.
Four people were killed in the DPR 
as a result of shelling by the 
Ukrainian Armed Forces 
during the day
June 13th, 2:15am
"27 facts of armed attacks of the VFU (armed 
formations of Ukraine – ed.) were recorded 
by the DPR representative office --- in the 
Joint Centre for Control & Coordination 
of Issues Related to War Crimes of 
Ukraine --- over the past day," 
the representative office's 
Telegram channel reports.
As it is specified, 18 attacks were recorded in the 
Donetsk direction, nine - in Gorlovka. In total, the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine fired 81 rounds of
 ammunition at populated areas of the 
republic. Four civilians were killed, 
three more were injured - and four 
Emergency Situations employees
were also injured. 2 residential 
buildings were damaged.
Units of the Yug group of troops improved their 
position in the areas of 7 settlements of the 
Donetsk People's Republic during the day.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces 
lost up to 600 servicemen.

Stoltenberg says: Ukraine
 must defeat Russia
 to join NATO
June 12th, 5:47pm
Participants of the NATO summit in Washington will say 
that to join the alliance, Ukraine will have to defeat 
Russia, said Secretary General of the military
 bloc, ''Jens'' Stoltenberg.
He made this statement at a press conference 
before a meeting of the alliance's defence 
ministers in Brussels.
"We need to make sure - that Ukraine wins. This is 
the minimum condition - for Ukraine to become a 
member of the alliance," said Jens Stoltenberg, 
quoted by TASS.
According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, 
Ukraine will probably not become a member 
of NATO..... in the next 30 years.


Stoltenberg: Netherlands-based 
F-35s will be able to carry out 
nuclear missions
June 12th, 5:24pm
Europe's first F-35 fighter jets, based in the 
Netherlands, will be ready for NATO 
nuclear missions in June.
This was announced, by NATO 
Sec. General Jens Stoltenberg.
"In June, the first F-35 combat aircraft will 
be prepared by the Netherlands for NATO 
nuclear missions," TASS quoted him
 as saying.
Earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron 
said that Paris will hand over upgraded 
Mirage 2000-5 multirole fighters
 to Kiev.
Sullivan: The US is monitoring the 
situation with Russian ships
 in the port of Havana
June 12th, 5:23pm
The US is monitoring Russian warships in Cuba, 
said National Security Adviser to the President 
Jake Sullivan.
"We are closely monitoring this. We will see what will 
happen next, but we have seen this before, and we 
expect to see it in the future," he said during a 
briefing on the president's plane en route to 
Italy, where the G7 meeting is scheduled.
On June 11th, it became known that ships of the Russian 
Northern Fleet are conducting exercises in the Atlantic 
Ocean on the use of high-precision weapons at a 
distance of more than 600 km.
On June 12, the detachment of ships completed the 
exercise and arrived at the port of Havana, Cuba.
The detachment includes the frigate Admiral of the Fleet 
of the Soviet Union, Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered 
submarine missile cruiser, Kazan, the medium 
sea tanker Akademik Pashin and the rescue 
tug ship, Nikolai Chiker.


Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special
 military operation
June 12th, 11:47am
This morning, the Armed Forces of the Russian 
Federation delivered a group strike by long-
range air- and ground-based high-precision 
weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles at 
flight lines and infrastructure, of the AFU 
Air Force base --- as well as a temporary 
deployment area of foreign mercenaries,
preparation sites of uncrewed surface 
vehicles, ammunition and 
explosives depots. 
All the assigned targets have been engaged.
Units of the Sever Group of Forces continued advancing 
to the depth of the enemy's defences. Losses were 
inflicted on formations of the AFU 42nd Mechanised 
Brigade, 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade, 82nd Air 
Assault Brigade, the 125th, and 127th territorial 
defence brigades.. near Neskuchnoye, Liptsy, 
Tikhoye, Izbitskoye, Zovtnevoye, Volchansk, 
and Staritsa (Kharkov region). Six counter-
attacks launched by assault detachments 
of the AFU 36th Marines Brigade and 17th
 National Guard Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 190 Ukrainian troops, 
four motor vehicles, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-
propelled artillery system, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, 
and one BM-21 Grad MLRS combat vehicle.
Four AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.
Units of the Zapad Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 3rd Assault 
Brigade, 14th, 43rd mechanised brigades, 1st, 
and 13th national guard brigades nr Kupyansk
Petropavlovka, Zagoruykovka (in Kharkov 
region), Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People's
 Republic), and Serebryansky forestry. 
The AFU losses amounted to up to 500 Ukrainian troops, 
three pickup trucks, one UK-made 155-mm Braveheart 
self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm 2S3 
Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one 
152-mm D-20 howitzer, two 122-mm 2S1 
Gvozdika self-propelled artillery 
systems, and one U.S.-made 
105-mm M101 howitzer.
Units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical 
situation along the front lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 30th, 33rd, 41st 
mechanised brigades, 56th Motorised Infantry 
Brigade, 79th Air Assault Brigade, and 46th 
Airmobile Brigade near Zaliznyanskoye, 
Orekhovo-Vasilyevka.... Grigorovka, 
Chasov Yar... Artyom, Katerinovka, 
and Kurakhovo (Donetsk People's 
Republic). Two counter-attacks - 
by assault detachments of the
AFU 10th Mountain Assault 
Brigade - were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 600 Ukrainian troops, 
two armoured fighting vehicles, 10 motor vehicles, one
 U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one U.S.-made 155-
mm M198 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and 
one U.S.-made 105-mm M119 howitzer.
Five AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.
Units of the Tsentr Group of Forces improved the tactical
situation --- and inflicted losses on formations of the AFU
 23rd, 110th mechanised brigades, 25th Airborne Brigade,
 144th Infantry Brigade... and 109th Territorial Defence 
Brigade near Novoaleksandrovka, Novopokrovskoye, 
Progress, Novgorodskoye, Kalinovo, and 
Vozdvizhenka (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
Seven counter-attacks launched by assault detachments 
of the AFU 24th, 47th mechanised brigades, and 78th 
Air Assault Brigade were repelled.
The AFU losses amounted to up to 350 Ukrainian troops, 
one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, one U.S.-made 
155-mm M777 howitzer, and a 122-mm D-30 howitzer.
Units of the Vostok Group of Forces took more 
advantageous lines and inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 21st 
National Guard Brigade, 123rd, & 102nd 
territorial defence brigades near 
Neskuchnoye, Velikaya 
Novosyolka (Donetsk 
People's Republic) -- 
as well as Gulai Pole
 (Zaporozhye region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 115 Ukrainian troops, 
two infantry fighting vehicles, six motor vehicles, and 
two Czech-made 122-mm MLRS combat vehicles.
Units of the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted losses on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 128th Mountain 
Assault Brigade and 35th Marines Brigade near 
Kamenskoye, Pyatikhatki, Stepovoye 
(Zaporozhye region), and Lvovo 
(Kherson region).
The AFU losses amounted to up to 80 Ukrainian troops, 
three motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M109 
Paladin self-propelled artillery system, and two
U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzers.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial 
vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the 
Russian Groups of Forces engaged AFU 
manpower and hardware clusters in 
113 areas during the day.
Air defence units shot down nine U.S.-made ATACMS 
operational-tactical missiles, two French-made 
Hammer guided aerial bombs, three Olkha 
MLRS projectiles, and 61 unmanned 
aerial vehicles.
In total - 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 25,620 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 air defence missile 
systems, 16,319 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,335 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,372 field artillery guns and mortars, 
as well as 22,486 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during
 the special military operation.


Kilinkarov --- The US understands 
that it is losing on the battlefield
June 12th, 4:58am
The so-called peace summit will be held in the near 
future. Let's remember how the Russian special 
operation began, says political analyst 
Spiridon Kilinkarov.
First came Borrel's statement, that everything would be 
decided on the battlefield. And this was said more than 
once, and not only from Borrel's lips. And now we have 
reached a situation where we say that a "peace
 summit" ...should be held. On whose initiative 
should this summit be held? If everything is 
decided on the battlefield, and you are 
successful, what kind of "peace 
summit" do you need to hold? 
You are able to achieve your 
goal by military means. The
 first conclusion is that you
 cannot achieve your goal 
by military means, the 
expert notes.
We say that the initiator of the summit is Zelensky. But in 
fact, this is not Zelensky. In fact, the initiators of this 
"peace forum" --- are Americans. They gather this 
forum, and Zelensky performs as a certain 
entertainer there. Yes, Zelensky is doing 
some of the work, putting up posters 
"We invite everyone... to the Peace 
Summit". As they say – global. It 
might have been global if there 
was only one Ukraine on the 
globe, Kilinkarov says.
But the words "global" and" summit " should simply be 
abandoned. There will be some kind of conference or 
forum. It all depends on what will be on the exhaust. 
By the way, it is unlikely that there will be at least 
some signed declaration. We don't know how it 
will end. Probably nothing. A "peace forum" 
will be held, the participation of such and 
such countries will be presented in the 
information field, and all this will be 
presented as a successful event.
But the very idea of holding the forum means, for us, the 
search for a non-military solution by the West, including 
the Americans. They are looking for this solution 
because they understand ---- that they are
losing on the battlefield.
"I will repeat once again --- these are crooks, this is a 
country that professionally knows how to convert its 
defeat on the battlefield into some kind of political 
and diplomatic victory. So now they go to make 
the same "feint with their ears", - says 
Spiridon Kilinkarov.
What success can there be? How can I sell this victory? 
Yes, very simple. Now we are talking about the possible 
entry of Ukraine into the European Union. Of course, 
they can forget about the lost territories, say that 
they have succeeded in preserving the Ukrainian
 statehood. And if a part of Ukraine controlled by 
the Kiev regime is integrated into the European 
Union, they will, of course, sell it for victory 
and say: "Yes, we won. We didn't achieve 
those goals, relatively speaking, but on 
the whole we won. Ukraine remained 
as a state, while Ukraine became 
part of the European Union." And 
they will sell it to their voters as 
a victory, the political scientist
And one last thing. Zaluzhny as a politician will probably 
be in demand at the last stage. Zelensky, of course, 
wants to stay in power indefinitely. By the way, he
 said this in Germany. He said that he did not
 want to leave the war as a legacy to
 his descendants.
"I translate it into a clear language. "I will not resign as 
president until the war is over. And the war won't end, 
because I don't want it to," explains Spiridon 
In the near future, we will first expect a parliamentary 
coup, then, perhaps, there will be elections with the 
participation of some Zaluzhny and all the others 
on whom the bet will be made. But in order for 
even this to happen, the Americans will still 
need to complete the main task – to push
the British out of there.... along with 
Zelensky and Yermak. If they don't 
do this... we will never go to any 
peaceful tracks. This, will be a 
continuation of the war... with 
all the consequences ---- that 
follow, including for Ukraine, 
political analyst Spiridon 
Kilinkarov sums up --- on 
the air... of the "Evening 
with Vladimir Solovyov".


The Netherlands has allocated
 tens of millions of euros for 
the purchase of drones 
for Ukraine
June 11th, 8:03pm
The Ministry of ''Defense of the Netherlands'' announced 
the allocation of 60 million euros for the purchase of 
drones for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU),
 RIA Novosti reports.
"The Netherlands... allocates 60 million euros for 
offensive drones for Ukraine," the report says.
It is noted that Kiev will receive, among other things, 
surface drones --- and drones with a first-person 
view function.
Earlier it became known that Germany will supply
 Ukraine with sniper rifles, drones and missiles 
for Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems. New 
military assistance to Kiev was promised 
by the German Defense Minister Boris 
Pistorius, after his meeting with a
Ukrainian leader, Vladimir
The Investigative Committee has opened 
more than 5 thousand cases against 
Ukrainian security forces and 
mercenaries since 2014
June 11th, 7:04pm
Since 2014, the Investigative Committee (IC) has opened 
more than 5 thousand cases against Ukrainian 
government officials, security forces,
 nationalists and mercenaries. 
This was announced on June 11 by the press service of 
the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the 
Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, held a 
meeting of the Coordination Council on 
Assistance to children affected by 
humanitarian disasters, natural 
disasters, terrorist acts and 
armed conflicts. 
One of the topics discussed was ensuring the safety of 
children during the special military operation (SVO).
"Bastrykin stressed that since 2014, about 5 thousand 
criminal cases have been initiated against over a 
thousand individuals, including representatives 
of the military and political leadership of 
Ukraine, Ukrainian law enforcement 
agencies, members of radical 
nationalist associations and 
mercenaries" ------ the press
service of the Investigative 
Committee of the Russian 
Federation said --- in a 
Telegram channel.
It was also established that during the special 
operation, 6,139 civilians were killed, 
including 173 minors, and at least 
15,012 civilians were injured, of 
which 734 were under the age 
of majority. 
The head of the department also noted that 
more than 5.477 million people have 
arrived in Russia - since 2014, 
including 749,183 children.
Also during the meeting, its participants made 
reports on topical issues, and presented their 
initiatives. Following the event, Bastrykin 
said that all the proposals made would 
receive the necessary support, and 
also gave a number of 
relevant orders.
On June 3, the head of the Russian delegation at the 
Vienna talks on military security and arms control, 
Konstantin Gavrilov, told Izvestia that as of the 
end of March, about 6 thousand mercenaries 
had been killed in the ranks of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
Earlier, on April 5, the Russian Foreign Ministry's 
Ambassador-at-Large for crimes of the Kiev 
regime, Rodion Miroshnik, said that the 
Russian Investigative Committee has 
already opened more than 4,500 
criminal cases --- on crimes 
committed by Ukrainian 
militants and the 
Kiev regime. 
According to the diplomat, currently 980 persons are 
being prosecuted in these cases. In addition, in 215 
criminal cases, the courts have already sentenced 
310 individuals, 87 of whom were members of the 
nationalist regiment "Azov" (recognized as a 
terrorist group and banned in the 
Russian Federation).
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which
 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made against the background of the 
worsening situation in the region.
The Ministry of Defense of Slovakia
 recognized the illegality of the
 transfer of the MiG-29s 
to Ukraine
June 11th, 6:47pm
Slovakia illegally transferred MiG-29 
fighter jets to Ukraine in 2023.
This.. was announced by the State Secretary of 
the country's military Department Igor Melikher.
"MiG-29 fighters went to Ukraine illegally,"
 RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.
Earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg 
acknowledged the existence of disagreements 
in the alliance --- on the issue of providing 
military assistance to Kiev.
According to Armin Papperger, the head of the 
German concern Rheinmetall, the stocks of 
weapons transferred to Kiev by Western 
countries, will last for a period of six 
to 12 months.
A civilian resident of Horlivka was killed 
as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces
June 11th, 6:43pm
The Armed forces of Ukraine shelled Horlivka in the
Donetsk People's Republic on June 11. As a result,
 a civilian was killed.
As the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin reported 
in his personal Telegram channel, the 
Nikitovsky district of the city 
was shelled.
"As a result of the shelling of the Nikitovsky district
 of Horlivka by the armed formations of Ukraine, a 
woman born in 1986 was killed today," he wrote.
Earlier it became known that in the DPR, three 
employees of the Ministry of Emergency 
Situations of Russia were injured 
while extinguishing a fire.
Putin --- Russia is grateful to Türkiye - for 
striving to resolve the crisis in Ukraine
June 11th, 6:35pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Türkiye
for its desire to contribute to the settlement of 
the Ukrainian conflict.
He said this at a meeting with Turkish 
Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan.
"We note with gratitude the determination of our 
Turkish friends to contribute to the settlement 
of crisis situations, including the crisis
 around Ukraine," Putin said.
Putin also said that he expects to meet with 
Turkish Leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan 
in July, on the sidelines of the 
Astana summit.
The media reported on the deception of
 Sri Lankan citizens who left in search 
of earnings in Ukraine
June 11th, 4:23pm
Sri Lankan citizens who left for Ukraine in search of 
earnings and joined the army to participate in the 
conflict with Russia were deceived. As reported
 on June 11th, by France 24 TV channel, those 
Sri Lankans who still remain in the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are desperately 
trying to return home.
Last month, the Colombo Parliament launched an 
investigation to find out the whereabouts of at 
least 2 thousand citizens involved in the 
conflict, both as part of the Armed 
Forces and in mercenary groups,
 the TV channel reports.
"We are asking for help to get our husbands back," 
Renuka Karunaratne, 49, was quoted as saying 
by the media.
According to the government, about 12 Sri Lankans are 
being held in Ukraine as prisoners of war, after they 
went there to earn money. There are also reports 
of at least 16 dead and 37 injured citizens of 
the country. 
It is noted that residents of Sri Lanka were attracted to 
work by advertisements in WhatsApp (owned by Meta, 
which is recognized as extremist - and banned in the 
Russian Federation), which were placed by retired 
military personnel. People were promised...... a 
monthly salary - of more than $2.1 thousand, 
which is 13 times higher than the average
 income in Sri Lanka.
According to the representative of the country's Defense
 Ministry, Nalin Herat, they were all deceived. He added 
that at least 22 Sri Lankan... men managed to escape 
after deserting the Armed Forces - & returned home.
Earlier, on May 16th, Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, Taraka 
Balasuriya said that a special delegation from Sri Lanka 
will go to Russia to check the well-being of its citizens 
involved in the conflict in Ukraine. It turned out that 
some of them entered Russia.. on tourist visas. The
Sri Lankan authorities also reported the deaths of
 16 of their citizens in the conflict zone.
On June 8, a prisoner of war from Colombia, Angel 
Cardenas Montilla, who is in Russia, said that he 
came to Ukraine to "guard buildings", but ended 
up on the front line. A former police officer told
 Izvestia.... that he saw an advertisement for a 
job in Ukraine on the TikTok social network 
and decided to respond --- because he 
needed money to feed his family 
and pay the mortgage. 
For the "protection of buildings", the Colombian 
was promised 120 thousand hryvnias (about 
265 thousand rubles).
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation 
said on April 21 that more than 3,1 thousand foreign 
military personnel are already taking part in the 
Ukrainian conflict on the side of Kiev. 
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in February 
that it was necessary to fight the mercenary activities 
in Ukraine.
In Odessa, there was a mass fight 
between ambulance doctors and 
military commissars
June 11th, 3:16pm
Employees of the military enlistment office in Odessa 
did not let out of the building ---- ambulance doctors 
who came to the call, as a result of which the 
doctors staged a fight. About it, on June 11 
reports the edition "Сountry.ur".
According to the online publication --- the ambulance driver
came to the territorial recruitment centre to update data. 
There, his blood pressure rose, and doctors were called 
to the military enlistment office. Doctors who arrived 
at the scene, were also refused to be released from 
the shopping centre. Then other ambulance crews 
came to help their colleagues. After that, a fight 
broke out -- between doctors and employees of
the military registration and enlistment office. 
It is noted that people in civilian clothes with 
baseball bats also participated in the scuffle.
According to local social networks, the first ambulance
 team arrived at the shopping centre around 9 am, and 
left only at 14: 45, after a fight with the military 
commissars. Social networks also published
 footage of the incident, which shows the 
massive nature of the fight.
Earlier, on April 30, Ukrainian media reported that in Lviv, 
two medical physicists who were going to work at the 
First Medical Association were taken to the military 
enlistment office. As a result --- the work of the 
medical centre stopped - and children with 
cancer did not receive radiation.
Later, on June 6, a member of the US House of 
Representatives, Marjorie Taylor-Green, 
compared the mobilization in Ukraine
 to kidnapping. She noted --- that 
Ukrainians "are being torn 
out of their homes, and
separated from their 
parents & mothers."
Martial law in Ukraine is effective from February 2022. 

At the same time, ''President'' of Ukraine Volodymyr 
Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization.
 Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly extended its
 validity. Most men between the ages of 18 and 60 
....are prohibited from leaving the country.
The Kremlin, on the supply of weapons to Azov: 
the US does not disdain anything ------------ in its
attempts to suppress the Russian Federation
June 11th, 12:51pm
Russia's authorities are extremely negative about the US 
decision to lift the ban on the supply of weapons to the 
Ukrainian "ultranationalist" battalion "Azov", which is 
recognized as a terrorist organization and banned in 
Russia said the press secretary of the President of 
the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov.
The decision on the "Azov" means a change of position 
and shows that the United States "does not disdain 
anything in its attempts to suppress Russia,"
 Peskov said.
According to him, Washington uses Ukraine as a tool and 
is ready "even to flirt with neo-Nazis," since Azov
is an 
"ultranationalist armed unit."
In the actions of the United States, Peskov saw a new 
confirmation --- of concerns about the spread of 
neo-Nazi ideas in the world.
On Tuesday, Mikhail Sheremet, a member of the State 
Duma's Security Committee, called the US decision 
to lift the ban on arms supplies to Azov - support
 for fascism.

El País: the world has reached
highest peak of conflict
since World War II
June 11th, 2024 
(El Pais The original
translated by InoTV)
The world is currently experiencing the largest number 
of conflicts since the Second World War, which are 
also becoming more and more international in 
nature, writes El País with reference to a 
study by the Institute of Economics 
and Peace. 
Meanwhile, as noted in the document, despite the 
Ukrainian conflict, Europe turned out to be the 
most peaceful region in the world.
Currently, there are 56 active conflicts in the world —
the largest number since the Second World War, 
writes El País with reference to the" global 
peace index", annually prepared by the 
Institute of Economics and Peace.
These conflicts are increasingly international in 
nature: in particular, 92 countries are engaged 
in wars outside their borders.
According to the study, the most
 ''peaceful'' region.... is Europe.
At the same time, even despite the conflict in Ukraine, it 
is Eurasia that most increases the level of peacefulness
 due to the improvement of the situation in the rest of
 the continent.
"In all other regions, there is a deterioration in the level 
of peacefulness, especially in Tropical Africa, where 
36 out of 46 countries are involved in conflicts 
outside their borders, and jihadist terrorism
 is growing in the Sahel," the study says.
InoTV materials contain estimates exclusively from 
foreign media and do not reflect RT's position.


Russian Defence Ministry report 
on the progress of the special 
military operation
June 11th, 11:45am
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
 continue the special military operation.
The units of the Sever Group of Forces continue to 
advance into the depths of the enemy defences 
and inflicted fire damage on manpower and 
hardware of the AFU 42nd Mechanised 
Brigade and the 36th Marine Brigade 
close to Glubokoye and Tikhoye 
(Kharkov region).
Two counter-attacks by assault detachments of
 the 13th Ukrainian National Guard Brigade 
have been also repelled.
The AFU losses were up to 265 Ukrainian troops,
 two motor vehicles, one German-made 155-mm 
Panzerhaubitzer self-propelled artillery system, 
one 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery 
system, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 
122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle, 
and one Nota electronic warfare 
station. In addition, one AFU 
field ammunition depot has
 been destroyed.
The units of the Zapad Group of Forces has liberated 
Artyomovka (Lugansk People's Republic) and 
Timkovka (Kharkov region).
In addition, Russian troops have launched the attacks 
on AFU 3rd assault, 14th, 28th mechanised brigades 
close to Kupyansk (Kharkov region) and Nevskoye 
(Lugansk People's Republic).
The AFU losses were up to 560 Ukrainian troops, five 
motor vehicles, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-
propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm
 M777 howitzer, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and 
two electronic warfare stations. Two AFU 
artillery ammunition depots have been 
The units of the Yug Group of Forces have improved the 
situation along the front line and inflicted fire damage 
on manpower & hardware of 54th, 93rd mechanised, 
79th air assault brigades of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine near Konstantinovka, Andreyevka, and 
Razdolovka (Donetsk People's Republic).
The AFU losses were up to 740 troops, two armoured 
personnel carriers, 12 motor vehicles, a U.S.-made 
155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B 
howitzer, four 152-mm D-20 howitzers, a 122-mm 
2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, 
and two 105-mm U.S. M119 howitzers. In 
addition, three AFU ammunition depots 
have been destroyed.
The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved 
the tactical situation and inflicted fire defeat on 24th, 
28th mechanised, 68th jaeger brigades of the AFU 
and the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade near 
Ozaryanovka, Rozovka, Mayorsk, 
and Umanskoye (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
In addition, five counter-attacks of AFU 23rd, 
110th mechanised, and 142nd infantry
 brigades have been repelled.
The enemy losses were up to 350 Ukrainian troops, one 
U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, one U.S.-
made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 2A65 Msta-B 
howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and 
three 122-mm D-30 howitzers.
The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have captured 
more advantageous lines and inflicted fire damage on 
manpower and hardware of the AFU 58th Motorised 
Infantry Brigade near Urozhaynoye (Donetsk 
People's Republic).
The enemy losses were up to 135 Ukrainian troops, one 
tank, five motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 
howitzer, and one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer.
The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have hit 
manpower and hardware of the 128th Mountain 
Assault Brigade, the 14th Infantry Brigade, and
 the 37th Marine Brigade of the AFU near 
Kamenskoye, Nesteryanka (Zaporozhye 
region) and Tyaginka (Kherson region).
The AFU losses were up to 105 Ukrainian troops, eight 
motor vehicles, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, 
two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, and one 105-mm 
U.S.-made M119 gun.
Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, 
Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of
 Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware 
clusters in 118 areas.
In addition, Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air 
Force have been destroyed at airfields of departure.
Air defence facilities have shot down 45 unmanned aerial 
vehicles, two French-made Hammer aerial bombs, and 
ten U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles.
In total -- 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 25,559 
unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 air defence missile 
systems, 16,312 tanks & other armoured fighting 
vehicles, 1,332 combat vehicles equipped with 
MLRS, 10,332 field artillery cannons & mortars, 
as well as 22,445 units of special military 
equipment have been destroyed during 
the special military operation.

"Huge changes are waiting for us." 
What impressions did the military 
commanders have --- from the 
meeting with the Defense 
Minister Belousov?
June 10th, 9:58pm
On Monday, June 10th, Russian Defense Minister Andrey 
Belousov held a meeting with military correspondents 
covering the special military operation in Ukraine.
It is specified that the conversation between the minister 
and journalists was frank and constructive. It is noted 
that such meetings will be held regularly.
In addition, on June 10, Belousov arrived on a working 
trip to the military hospital and personally presented 
military awards to the participants of the special 
operation. The Minister also noted the role of 
doctors and nurses in providing assistance 
to military personnel.
Commenting on the event, military commander 
Semyon Pegov, considered it constructive.
''Frankly. Constructively. The desire to cooperate with
 the voenkor brotherhood is obvious. I will not lie.. if I 
say the main thing - we were heard. And that's a lot.''
In turn, military commander Yevgeny Poddubny called
 the conversation with Belousov frank & constructive. 
However, he did not disclose details, saying that the 
meeting was closed.
''But my impressions are excellent, and we managed
 to voice and discuss all the problematic issues.''
Military commander, Alexander Kots, said that the 
meeting with the Minister lasted almost two hours.
''Almost two hours of live communication on all topical 
topics. No restrictions or restrictions. We discussed 
everything that is discussed in kitchens and carts.''
Another participant of the meeting, military commander 
Murad Gazdiev promised that after the meeting with 
the Defense Minister, "huge changes are waiting 
for everyone."
''We've delivered everything you asked for. Both 
good and bad. Absolutely everything. Huge
 changes await us.''
Belousov was appointed head of 
the Defense Ministry on May 14.
Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed this to 
the Federation Council on May 12. On May 14, 
Putin approved the composition of the new 
Cabinet of Ministers — Belousov took over
the post of Defense Minister instead of 
Sergei Shoigu.
According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, 
appointing a civilian head of the defense 
department will increase the Defense 
Ministry's openness to innovation 
and cutting-edge ideas.
Speaking about his tasks as head of the Defense 
Ministry, Belousov said that, in particular, the 
president set him the task of making the 
military economy and the work of the 
defense department as open to
innovation as possible. 
Among the priority tasks of the Defense Ministry, 
the minister also called the provision of modern 
weapons and equipment to the group in the 
zone of a special military operation.
Earlier, Belousov called the phrase "you can make
 mistakes, you can't lie" the main principle.....
 his life.

In the US, the consequences of
 the West's mistake in Ukraine 
were revealed
June 10th, 7:23pm
Ukraine risks losing Odessa and Nikolaev, because of 
the West's decision to deceive Russia with the Minsk 
agreements. The fateful mistake was announced by 
former agent of the Central Intelligence Agency 
(CIA) Larry Johnson on the YouTube channel 
Dialogue Works.
According to him, at one time..... the West acted as a 
guarantor of compliance with the Minsk agreements, 
but in reality this time was used to strengthen 
Ukraine. After that, Russia will not trust its
foreign ''partners'' and will not allow Kiev
----- to retain control over Odessa and 
Nikolaev, the former agent stressed.
"Merkel admitted that they lied --- that they did not 
take this agreement seriously," Johnson recalled.
Earlier, retired Colonel of the US Armed Forces Larry 
Wilkerson expressed the opinion that Russia could 
take Odessa and other territories within one to
 two months of fighting. If this conflict 
continues, Kiev will lose many 
territories, he said.
In the US, Zelensky's escape
from Ukraine was predicted
June 10th, 7:21pm
Former Pentagon adviser and retired Colonel Douglas 
McGregor said that Ukrainian President Volodymyr 
Zelensky will try to flee the country when Russian 
troops approach Kiev. McGregor predicted the 
escape of the Ukrainian leader --- in an 
interview with the YouTube channel 
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive.
"What will happen in Kiev, especially when it becomes 
clear that the Russians are heading down to it?
 I suspect that we will see Zelensky pack up 
his things and run away," he said.
McGregor added that the events that are currently
 unfolding on the front line - will be key for the fall 
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the further 
advance of Russian troops. In his opinion, at 
any moment the Russian army "will pass
the south and cut off Kiev."
Earlier, McGregor predicted the siege of Kiev by Russian
 troops. According to him, the President of Ukraine is
 warned that the Armed Forces of Ukraine can not 
oppose anything to the Russian troops, 
regardless of where they want to 
move further.

In Ukraine, they announced a fourfold
 increase in the rate of mobilization
June 10th, 7:04pm
In Ukraine, in May, after the law on mobilization came 
into force, the same number of people were called 
up to the army as in the previous four months. 
This was announced by the secretary of the Verkhovna 
Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and 
Intelligence Roman Kostenko in an interview
 with radio NV.
"We have now increased the pace of mobilization. Over 
the past month, we have gained, perhaps, as much as
 in the last four months. We had the biggest 
[recruitment] in May," he said on June 9.
Kostenko drew attention to the fact that employees of 
enterprises of the military-industrial complex (MIC) 
are being taken into the army. According to him, 
2-3 thousand mobilized employees of 
enterprises will not play a role on 
the battlefield, but they are of 
great importance for the 
country's defense 
"The people we have recruited will be, let's just say, 
without any ammunition or drones. Because the 
engineers who made them will fight alongside
 them somewhere on the battlefield. This is 
also an important task but when there is 
nothing to fight with, this is a problem,"
 the MP said.
The Kiev regime continues to tighten its mobilization
On May 18th, the law on strengthening mobilization 
came into force.. in Ukraine. The document signed
by President Volodymyr Zelensky - whose term of
office expired on May 20, clarifies the categories
of persons subject to mobilization and toughens 
the penalties for evading it. However.... it does 
not provide for provisions on demobilization.
Among other things, the Ukrainian leader lowered the 
age of mobilization from 27 to 25 years and signed a
 law on the creation of an electronic register of 
those liable for military service, which will 
combine information about personal data 
of Ukrainians. 
He also abolished the status of a limited serviceable 
person in the army. Thus, patients with HIV, certain 
forms of cancer, men with residual tuberculosis 
and mental retardation will be able to serve in
 the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Martial law in Ukraine is effective --- from February 2022. 
At the same time, Zelensky signed a decree on general
mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly 
extended its validity. Most men between the ages 
of 18 and 60 ------ are prohibited from leaving
 the country.

Wang Yi: China supports the
 of a real peace
conference on Ukraine
June 10th, 3:28pm
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, speaking at a meeting
 of BRICS foreign ministers in Nizhny Novgorod, said that 
Beijing calls for a peace conference on Ukraine, which 
is recognized by both Moscow and Kiev.
According to him, which are given on the website of 
the Chinese Foreign Ministry, this should be equal 
participation of all parties, with an honest 
discussion of all peace plans.
On June 10, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and 
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed aspects of 
the new security structure in Eurasia on the sidelines 
of the BRICS summit.
The State Duma denied the fall of 
the A-50 over the Sea of Azov 
with the phrase "godlessly
June 10th, 3:21pm
Statements made in the United States, about the 
destruction of the Russian A-50 long-range radar 
detection aircraft (AWACS) by the Patriot system
 do not correspond to reality. This was stated by 
the head of the State Duma Andrey Kartapolov 
to RTVI. A fragment of the conversation was 
published in the Telegram channel of 
the publication.
Earlier, the destruction of a Russian AWACS aircraft 
over the Sea of Azov was announced by the 
Assistant Chief of Staff of the 10th US 
Army, Colonel Rosanna Clemente.
"They are lying godlessly" - Kartapolov responded to
the words of the US woman and urged not to attach 
importance to the statements made from the US. 
No one shot down the plane, including the 
Americans, said the head of the State 
Duma Committee. 
Earlier, Ukrainian military intelligence announced the
 defeat of the latest Russian Su-57 fighter at an 
airfield in the Astrakhan region. State Duma 
deputy Alexey Chepa urged not to trust 
Ukrainian sources. He added that 
Ukraine... is ready to take 
responsibility - even for 
man-made accidents.


 The Polish plant Mesko, where the 
explosion occurred, cooperated 
with the military-industrial 
complex of Ukraine
June 10th, 3:06pm
The Polish arms factory Mesko, where the explosion 
occurred, cooperated with the Ukrainian military-
industrial complex, according to materials on 
the manufacturer's website.
For example, in April 2023, an enterprise owned by 
Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa signed an agreement 
with the Ukrainian holding "Artem" on 
cooperation in the production of 
tank ammunition.
As previously reported by the director of the enterprise 
Elzbieta Srenyavskaya, the explosion occurred in the 
centre of rocket fuel at the plant. It is known about
 one dead person.
The factory is located in the 
Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship.

The Federation Council announced 
Ukraine's decision --- to go all-in
June 10th, 3:02pm
Russia is ready to respond to strikes by aircraft of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on its territory. This 
was stated by First Deputy Chairman of the 
Federation Council Committee on 
International Affairs, Vladimir 
Dzhabarov, on Monday, June 
10, responding to reports of 
the first air attack of Kiev 
on Russian territory.
"The Ukrainians went all in. They believed, with the help 
of the West, in infinite [help] on any scale. I think they
 are mistaken. I think that if we are talking about 
attacks using aircraft, Ukraine will definitely 
lose here. We will definitely prepare for this 
new tactic of the Ukrainians. I think that
 Ukrainian aviation - most likely - will 
cease to exist at all," the senator 
said in a conversation with 
He expressed the opinion...... that the Russian 
military is preparing a response to this attack.
In the LPR and Kherson region, June 8, 9 and 10 
are declared days of mourning --- for the victims 
of strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Earlier in the day, the British TV channel Sky News 
reported that an aircraft of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU) for the first time used weapons 
against a target on the territory of the 
Russian Federation outside the new 
regions and Crimea.
It was specified that the Ukrainian militants allegedly 
attacked the target in Belgorod, but it was not 
specified from what distance the launch 
took place, reports 360.ru.
At the moment, it is unclear what type of ammunition
 was used and whether it was a Western weapon,
 reports RT.
On the same day, it was reported that, in Donetsk, one 
person was killed and four were injured as a result of 
shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In Kirovsky 
district of the city, a woman born in 1947 was 
injured. Two residential buildings were also 
A total of 33 attacks were carried out on Donetsk 
and 87 rounds of ammunition, including cluster 
munitions, were fired.
Also on the same day, a missile danger siren sounded in
 Belgorod, and a Neptune guided missile and drones 
were destroyed in the sky over the region. Over the
 past 24 hours, Ukrainian militants have fired 143 
shells at the region.
Ex-colonel of the SBU
predicts a general 
battle in Ukraine
June 10th, 2:31pm
The general battle... between the Armed Forces of 
Russia and the Ukrainian army will take place in 
August---September. This was announced on 
Sunday, June 9th, by retired Colonel of the 
Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Oleg 
Starikov in an interview with journalist 
Alexander Shelest (...entered by the 
Ministry of Justice in the register 
of foreign agents) on his 
YouTube channel.
"From a military point of view, the main operation, a 
strategic operation the final operation, the final 
battle-this will be August — September,"
expert suggested.
According to Starikov, this forecast is based on military 
analysis. As the ex-colonel of the SBU noted, political 
scientists also hold this opinion, analyzing 
other factors.
Earlier, on June the 3rd, the former head of the NATO 
Committee, Harald Kuyat, announced the failure of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine - despite the huge 
costs of the West. According to him, now the 
situation for the Ukrainian army, is "much 
more difficult" than it was at the start of 
the conflict..... despite all the support 
measures that "hit the pockets of 
European citizens hard."
Prior to this, on May the 21st, Newsweek predicted that 
Ukraine would need to recognize the loss of territories.
 In London, some high-ranking officials are convinced 
that it would be reasonable for Kiev to compromise 
- which implies the transfer of most or all of the
 territories lost over 10 years.
Former analyst of the US Central Intelligence Agency 
(CIA) Larry Johnson said on May 12th that Ukraine is 
rapidly losing in the conflict with Russia. In his 
opinion -- the Russian Federation feels that 
despair is growing in Western countries 
regarding the Ukrainian conflict.
On May 9, the commander of the 92nd regiment of the 
Ukrainian army, Colonel Pavel Fedosenko, said that 
what is at stake now is not the territorial integrity 
of Ukraine, but its survival, so slowing down the 
advance of Russian troops in the Donbass is 
crucial. He noted that the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine lose 20 square kilometres a week. 
According to him, there is a "70% probability" that
 Russia will be able to take the rest of the Donbass.
The special operation to protect the Donbass, which 
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on 
February 24th, 2022, continues. The decision 
was made... against the background of the 
aggravation of the situation in the region 
due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

More than 30 Ukrainians --- broke 
through the border with Hungary 
in a military truck
June 10th, 2:03pm
The representative of the Ukrainian State Border Service
 Andriy Demchenko, said that in the west of Ukraine, a 
truck with military license plates illegally crossed
 the state border with Hungary.
This is reported by the publication 
"Ukrainian Truth".
It is noted, that the movement of the truck towards the 
border through the field was recorded with the help of 
technical means of monitoring the terrain.
According to Demchenko, the response team found 
traces of transport in the direction of the 
neighbouring country.
The Hungarian side also announced the discovery of 
a truck and the detention of 32 Ukrainian citizens.
Earlier, the body of another Ukrainian evader was
found on the slope of Mount Pop Ivan on the 
border with Romania.


Colonel Koshelenko: modernization 
in the Russian Armed Forces --- is 
happening right before our eyes
June 10th, 1:28pm
Vasily Koshelenko, Chief of Staff of the 35th Guards 
Motorized Rifle Brigade, told host Vladimir Solovyov 
that the modernization of the Russian Armed 
Forces.... is taking place before our eyes,
the brigade is being re-equipped.
Host Vladimir Solovyov visited the 35th Separate Guards 
Motorized Rifle Brigade, and spoke with the brigade's
 Chief of Staff, Colonel Vasily Koshelenko. Solovyov 
asked how the brigade is dealing with weapons 
and ammunition, whether there is everything
 you need.
"….The fact that the modernization of the armed forces 
has taken place, well, it can be seen before our eyes, I 
will even say honestly. The soul rejoices, yes, because 
you do not give out the old, you give out the new, a 
new replenishment comes," Koshelenko said in 
an interview with Solovyov.
The chief of Staff of the brigade said that now the 
brigade is being re-equipped. According to him,
tankers receive new T-72 B3Ms, "the fire 
control system is already different, 
thermal imagers are available, 
everything --- is completely 
different, the power plant
...is more powerful."
Koshelenko noted that the electronic warfare systems 
are located directly on the tanks, the communication
 system is "completely different, you can 
already switch".
According to the Russian military, tactical medicine 
does not stand still. "First-aid kits are normal, we
 try to keep people alive," Koshelenko added.
Groups "West" and "South" of the
 Russian Armed Forces destroyed 
up to 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers 
in a day
June 10th, 12:01pm
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 
on Monday reports that during a special military 
operation, Russian troops over the past day 
inflicted significant losses in manpower 
& equipment on the Ukrainian armed 
formations near Kharkiv --- & in the 
DPR and the southern direction.
In the Kharkiv direction, near the settlements of 
Volchansk, Veseloe, Hoptovka, Radyanskoe and 
Tikhoe, the Sever group attacked units of the 
57th motorized infantry, 42nd mechanized 
and 3rd tank brigades of the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine, as well as the 
113th and 125th territorial 
defense brigades. 
The Russian military --- repelled seven counterattacks by 
assault groups of the 82nd Airborne Brigade, 36th Marine
 Brigade & 416th Infantry Battalion of the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine. According to the Defense Ministry, the 
enemy lost up to 255 servicemen, nine vehicles, 
an Acacia self-propelled artillery system, two 
D-30 howitzers & 2 counter-battery stations.
In the Donetsk direction -- the forces of the Zapad group
continued to improve their positions, attacking units of 
the 77th airmobile, 14th, 43rd, 54th, 63rd and 116th 
mechanized brigades, the 12th Special Forces 
Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 
the 18th brigade of the National Guard of 
Ukraine in the areas of Srebrianka, 
Berestove, Synkovka 
and Timkovka. 
According to the ministry, the Ukrainian forces lost up 
to 570 soldiers and four vehicles. During the counter-
battery fight, the M109 Paladin self-propelled guns 
and the US-made M777 howitzer were destroyed, 
as well as the Msta-B, D-30 and British 105-mm 
L-119 howitzers.
The Yug group managed to improve its tactical positions 
in the areas of the settlements of Verkhnekanenka, 
Dyleevka,  Katerynovka, Kurakhovo, Dzerzhinsk 
and Chasov Yar. 
The Russian military conducted offensive operations 
here against the 46th airmobile, 78th airborne 
assault, 24th, 28th, 41st and 54th 
mechanized units --- brigades of
 the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces... lost up to 430 servicemen and seven 
vehicles here. During the counter-battery fight, the 
German-made Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled 
guns, the M777 howitzer, the Msta-B howitzer, 
three Gvozdika self-propelled guns and the 
D-30 howitzer were destroyed.
The Bukovel-2 electronic warfare station and 
2 ammunition depots --- were also eliminated.
Underground reported a strike on 
a warehouse of the Ukrainian 
Armed Forces and a group 
of saboteurs
June 10th, 10:40am
Several effective strikes were carried out by the Russian 
army against enemy forces and assets in the Sumy 
region of Ukraine. This --- was reported by the 
coordinator of the Nikolaev underground, 
Sergey Lebedev.
As he said in an interview with RIA Novosti, on Monday 
the strike was carried out on a warehouse where
 fertilizers were previously stored, and now, 
probably, weapons, because there was a 
detonation. Explosions were also heard
 in the area of workshops (Yunakovka), 
where Ukrainian troops repair and 
store equipment.
In Belopolye, a small warehouse and about 
10 military personnel... were covered.
Near the village of Khoten, a small sabotage and 
reconnaissance group was hit..... which was 
making its way to the border with Russia.
In Krasnopol, a rotation of the remaining personnel
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - was disrupted. 
30 Bandera members were hit by artillery fire.
In the area of Nikolaevka, drones hit moving 
vehicles. Two armoured personnel carriers 
and about 15 Ukrainian soldiers 
were destroyed.
Russian troops: liberated
Staromayorskoye village 
in the DPR
June 10th, 10:28am
Units of the Vostok group of troops continue to advance 
into the depth of the defense of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine, as a result of which the settlement of 
Staromayorskoye of the DPR was liberated.
In the areas of the settlements of Vodiane, Neskuchne, 
Velikaya Novoselka, Ugledar and Urozhayne, Russian 
soldiers defeated the equipment and manpower of 
the 58th motorized infantry and 72nd mechanized 
brigades of the Ukrainian army, as well as the 
128th and 123rd territorial defense brigades 
of the DPR.
As a result of the coordinated work of the units of 
the Eastern Group of Forces, up to 140 Ukrainian 
militants, 2 vehicles, a British-made FH-70 
howitzer, a D-20 gun and a D-30 howitzer 
were destroyed.
Konstantinov spoke about the 
new phase of the conflict in 
Ukraine due to the lack of 
people ---- in the Armed 
Forces of Ukraine
June 10th, 8:39am
The Ukrainian conflict is entering a new phase: amid 
heavy losses, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will 
focus on strikes on Russia - with Western 
weapons, Crimean Parliament Speaker 
Vladimir Konstantinov believes.
Ukrainian troops are experiencing an increasing 
shortage of people due to heavy losses and the
unwillingness of Ukrainians to "die for the 
Zelensky clique" --- the situation for the 
Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front, 
is tense, Konstantinov noted.
According to him, in such conditions, a new phase in 
the conflict begins: the Kiev regime will focus on 
strikes on Russia with missiles and drones 
supplied from the West. "We need to be 
prepared for this," ..the speaker of the 
Crimean parliament told RIA Novosti.
He added that the West does not care about losses in
 the course of the Ukrainian conflict, Western 
countries with their colonial thinking are 
only interested in the economy.
Earlier, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan 
stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are 
already attacking Russia with US weapons 
---- using US ''permission''.
Russian President, Vladimir Putin - admitted the 
possibility of a symmetrical supply of weapons
to Western opponents, for strikes on sensitive
objects. Press secretary of the Russian 
leader Dmitry Peskov also pointed out 
that Moscow will not leave without 
consequences... the supply of 
weapons by the West to 
Ukraine for strikes 
on Russia.
Azarov: Ukraine has lost 
0.5 million people, it is 
not far from the point 
of no return
June 10th, 7:49am
Ukraine's irretrievable losses at the front --- have already 
exceeded half a million people and may soon reach one 
million, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov 
has said. He noted that, after this, Ukrainians will not 
be able to "heal themselves".
In a post on his Telegram channel, Azarov stressed that 
the country is on the threshold of a "point of no return", 
and pointed out serious demographic problems that 
are manifested in a larger number of 40-year-old 
men compared to 20-year-olds. The birth rate 
has already almost halved, which, in his 
opinion, will lead to the fact that by 
2035-2037, only 12-15% of the 
population will be under the 
age of 18, while in 1993 
this share was 25%.
In addition to the losses at the front, and the low birth 
rate, Azarov pointed to the mass departure of women 
aged 18 to 34 years abroad, which further 
exacerbates demographic problems. 
He stressed that the longer the conflict continues,
 the more serious the demographic "hole" in
 Ukraine becomes.
In April, Sergei Shoigu, then Russia's defense minister, 
claimed almost 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers 
since the start of the special operation.
Pushilin: for mine clearance of 
Artemovsk it is necessary to 
push back the opponent  
20-25 kms
June 10th, 7:30am
The head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis 
Pushilin said that the demining of Artemivsk will
 begin --- when the Ukrainian troops are moved 
another 20-25 kilometres, as at the moment, 
the APU has the ability to strike at the city.
"We will have to push the enemy.... another 20-25 
kilometres away from Artemivsk... To have the 
opportunity... to start any work," Pushilin
 said on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.
The head of the DPR noted that he was referring 
to the work on clearing rubble, demining and 
conducting damage assessment.
"So far, the enemy is still very attracted to this 
locality. It was a serious blow for them when 
Artemivsk was liberated," he added --- 
emphasizing that, at present, even 
taking into account the liberated 
Andreevka and Kleshcheyevka, 
Ukrainian militants can still 
shell the city.
Following the results of military operations in the 
summer of 2014... Artemivsk remained in the 
territory of the DPR controlled by Ukraine.
On May 20 last year, it was liberated by the Russian 
army. Currently, the city is completely under the 
control of the Russian Armed Forces.

 Russian gunners - spoke about the 
situation in the Kharkiv direction
June 10th, 3:44am
Gunners of the Russian group of troops "North" --- told 
about the situation in the Kharkiv direction. They told 
RIA Novosti that ---- thanks to the suppression of the 
enemy by artillery and manpower, the situation has 
become calmer.
"It became quieter. It has become much quieter than 
at the peak of the offensive," the Russian military 
told the agency.
Earlier, the Russian military advanced into the depth of 
the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in 
the Kharkiv region. Units of the group of forces 
"North" - hit the equipment and manpower of 
the 57th motorized infantry Brigade of the 
Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 125th 
territorial defense Brigade in the area 
of Granov and Konstantinovka.
Meanwhile, gunners of the Guards tank army of the group
 of forces "West" destroyed the calculation of a mortar of 
the Armed Forces of Ukraine during its work on Russian 
positions. Scouts found Ukrainian mortars...... in a 
wooded area.

Kadyrov announced the liberation 
of the village of Ryzhevka in the
 Sumy region
June 9th, 10:09pm
Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian
 Federation - liberated the village of Ryzhevka in the 
Sumy region from Ukrainian militants. This was 
announced on June 9 by the head of 
Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.
"Soldiers of the Akhmat-Chechnya regiment of the 
Russian Defense Ministry, together with military 
personnel of other Russian units conducted 
tactical actions and liberated another 
settlement from the enemy. This is 
the village of Ryzhevka, which is 
located on the border with the 
Kursk region," he said, in a 
Telegram channel.
Kadyrov noted that this was achieved.. "without certain 
difficulties, in just 3 days." In turn, the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine (AFU) suffered losses as a result of large-scale 
offensive operations, and then they had to retreat. The 
head of Chechnya sincerely thanked every soldier 
who participated in the storming and liberation 
of the village.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian 
Federation told about the exploits of 
the Russian Armed Forces in the
 free defense zone
June 9th, 10pm
On June 10, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced
 new feats of military personnel of the Armed Forces of 
the Russian Federation, who risk their lives for the 
sake of successfully performing combat tasks 
during a special military operation (SVO).
The Defense Ministry pointed out that Junior Lieutenant 
Alexander Frundin provided timely assistance to 
wounded comrades, despite the incessant fire 
from the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and 
attacks by FVP drones. 
During the battle, Frundin personally carried out from 
under fire and provided assistance to four soldiers 
who were injured and unable to independently 
get out of the enemy's zone of destruction. 
The serviceman correctly organized the loading and 
transportation of the wounded to the field hospital, 
which allowed them to save their lives.
It is noted that while moving along the route, Frundin 
discovered minefields erected by enemy saboteurs. 
Risking his own life, the soldier removed the mines 
from the path of the evacuation group and 
continued to withdraw the wounded. 
Frundin's bold and decisive actions 
helped save the lives of 
Russian fighters.
The Russian Defense Ministry also noted the merits 
of the Guard Senior Sergeant Fyodor Pogodin. The 
serviceman, together with the group entrusted to
 him, performed tasks to liberate the settlement
 from armed formations of Ukrainian militants.

 During the battle.... having gained a foothold 
on one of the central streets of the village, 
Pogodin and his group held off enemy 
attacks for about a day. The enemy, 
having concentrated their forces -- 
decided to go for a breakthrough 
in the area of responsibility of
 the Pogodin group.
Despite the serious numerical superiority of the enemy, 
the use of artillery and mortars, thanks to well-built 
defenses, skillfully selected, equipped and 
camouflaged firing points, the group led 
by Pogodin managed to hold off the 
offensive of the Armed Forces of 
Ukraine until reinforcements 
arrived. Having repelled all 
enemy attacks, Pogodin's 
group -- reinforced by the 
incoming replenishment
-- launched a counter-
offensive and forced 
Kiev's militants to 
The Russian Defense Ministry stressed that the bold 
and decisive actions of Senior Sergeant Pogodin's
 guards..... as well as the dedication and 
steadfastness of his subordinates, 
made it possible to dislodge the 
enemy from the village.



China peace plan to end Ukraine war

Morgan Artyukhina

US Systematically Removed Trust 
and Transparency Safeguards 
Preventing Nuclear War,
Ignores Remainder
by Morgan Artyukhina
January 28th, 11:13pm (Sputnik)

During and after the Cold War, when NATO and the
 Warsaw Pact armies faced each other down, 
backed by nuclear arsenals, the two sides 
reached agreements to make war much 
less likely.

 However, the US has systematically pulled them apart 
in its quest to maintain global dominance --- making
 present situation significantly more dangerous.

As the US threatens to send thousands of troops
 Eastern Europe... joining an already-boosted 
an Enhanced Forward Presence by the NATO 
alliance, claiming... it needs to deter an
 imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine, 
it is proving inflexible... toward any 
defense considerations of Russia, 
on whose border, several NATO 
members sit.

The situation has Russian leaders, who have patiently
 and publicly articulated their concerns in Eastern
 Europe - as a way to resolve the present crisis -
flummoxed. The US has demanded that Russia 
pull its troops back from parts of Russia's 
territory near the Ukrainian border, 
claiming they pose an inherent 
threat to Ukraine. 

However, Moscow has denied any intent to invade, 
saying that its troops are engaged in drills, and
asserting its sovereign right to send soldiers
anywhere on its territory. Ironically...  the
 leaders have also downplayed
US claims
 that an invasion threat exists.

The situation is so volatile because of years of
 building tension in the region, while at the 
same time, many of the safeguards 
intended to keep tensions and 
suspicions low have been 
removed or ignored by 
the United States.

1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty

The first blow was struck in 2001, when then-US
 President George W. Bush, unilaterally pulled 
the US out of the ABM treaty, which limited 
the US and Russia - the Soviet Union when
 the treaty was signed - to two complexes 
of ballistic missile interceptors.

It had been feared in the early 1970s that recent 
technological developments, such as multiple
 independent reentry vehicles (MIRV), could
 provoke a dangerous arms race, in which, 
a nuclear first strike might seem like the
 advantageous option for a nation with 
such a defensive network. 

By limiting defensive measures to a set of interceptors
 around the capital city and another around a complex
 of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) silos, the
 US and USSR believed the threat of war 
was diminished.

Bush claimed... the treaty had left the US vulnerable to
 attack and created the Missile Defense Agency at the
 Pentagon to oversee a new generation of air defense
 systems, such as the Terminal High Altitude Area
 Defense (THAAD), Patriot PAC-3, and Ground-
Based Midcourse Defense. 

However, just 18 months prior, then-US President Bill
 Clinton had joined Russian President Vladimir Putin 
in calling the ABM Treaty the “cornerstone of 
strategic stability.”

As predicted, the treaty’s removal sparked an arms
race, with Moscow dusting off old plans for hyper-
sonic weapons which it unveiled in 2017, in order 
to compensate for Washington’s dramatically
 increased protection from ballistic

2002 Treaty of Moscow/ New START (Almost)

The Treaty Between the USA - and the Russian
Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions 
(SORT), also called, simply, the Treaty of 
Moscow, was a simple arms limitation 
treaty. Russia and the US agreed to
limit their nuclear arsenals 
between 1,700 and 2,200 
operationally deployed 
warheads each.

The deal had many faults, including that no warheads
 were destroyed, meaning they could be put into
 storage and then unpacked in 2012, when the
 treaty expired - and expire it did, albeit also 
being superseded by the New Strategic 
Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) 
in 2011. 

New START called for halving the number of strategic
 nuclear missile launchers, and established a new
 inspection and verification regime, although, it 
also did not get rid of the storage loophole.

The administration of former US President Donald
 Trump fully intended for New START to die, when
 it expired in February 2021, but after he lost the 
November 2020 election to US President Joe 
Biden, a new leader came into office just 
weeks before the expiration --- and
enewed it for another five years.

1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

Similarly to the ABM Treaty, the US unilaterally pulled
 out of the INF Treaty in 2019. However, instead of
 simply stating it wished to develop weapons 
beyond the treaty’s limitations, the Trump 
administration accused Moscow of 
violating the treaty by lying about 
the range of its 9M728/9M729 
missiles used by Iskander
 missile systems. 

Nonetheless, within 2 weeks of the US’ formal 
departure from the treaty, in August 2019, it 
began testing the first of multiple missiles
 that violated the treaty’s limitations.

The origins of the INF Treaty lay in a dramatic
 showdown, across Europe, in late 1983, 
triggered by Washington’s deployment 
of ITS Pershing-II intermediate-range 
ballistic missiles (IRBM) to Europe.

 With a 900-mile range, a flight apogee of just 60 miles,
 and a maneuverable, radar-guided reentry vehicle, 
the missile could put an 80-kiloton nuclear war-
head on Moscow in between 6 and 11 minutes
 ...according to Pentagon leaders. Such a fast 
strike time gave the Soviets just minutes to 
identify, analyze and respond to the threat, 
greatly increasing the risk of them mis-
reading a situation and launching a 
mistaken nuclear return volley, 
believing it to be their 
only chance.

In addition, tensions in Europe had already been
 ramped up by years of psychological operations
 designed to increase Soviet anxieties, such as 
US bombers charging Soviet borders and 
turning away at the last second

That’s why, when NATO began the vast, ultra-realistic
 “Able Archer-83” war games, simulating an all-out
 attack on the Soviet Union, in November 1983,
put Soviet fears through the roof. 

However, it wasn’t until after the war games had
concluded, several days later, that NATO 
commanders discovered key signs: the 
Soviets had loaded hundreds of strike 
aircraft in East Germany and Poland 
with nuclear bombs, and orders to 
strike “front-line targets” at a 
moment’s notice.

The INF Treaty eliminated missiles like the Pershing-II, 
banning land-based missiles with ranges of between
 500 klms and 5,500 klms. This significantly cooled
 tensions in Europe... although the treaty was only
 between the US and Soviet Union -- now Russia --
 which left other countries, such as China, free to
 develop their own intermediate-range missiles.

The INF’s absence now is especially poignant,
considering the long-standing Russian fears 
over a NATO Aegis Ashore missile system, 
built on a land base in Deveselu, Romania. 

While the US claimed the system was purely
 defensive, Moscow noted... that Aegis can 
also be used to launch offensive missiles.

 Among the missiles tested after the INF Treaty lapsed
 was a land-based Tomahawk missile with a range of 
1,600 kilometres - a cruise missile US Aegis 
cruisers have fired at sea for years.

1992 Treaty on Open Skies

The Open Skies treaty... was an attempt to increase
 transparency and put to rest fears of an impending
 attack by the other side. The deal allowed 35 
partner nations to perform reconnaissance 
overflights over other nations... using 
specialized aircraft with specialized 
equipment. However, flights could 
not interfere with other military 
activities and could be refused 
by the overflown nation, for a 
variety of reasons.

The US sent signs it was interested in leaving the
 treaty as early as 2019, claiming it was caused 
by Russia refusing US Open Skies aircraft 
access to several areas almost a decade 
earlier - denials Moscow insisted were 
within its rights under the treaty. 

The US finally made the move on May 21ST 2020,
 meaning the six-month cooldown time had the 
US leaving the treaty, after the November
 elections, that Trump lost.

The decision sparked an outcry across Europe,
 Ukraine being one of the loudest critics;
that nation having long used Open Skies to 
perform overflights in western Russia, to
calm its nerves about troops and 
installations there.

Indeed, the Open Skies Treaty was drafted precisely to
 avoid the type of anxious confrontation... unfolding on
 the Russia-Ukraine border, over the last two months.

The Democrats publicly attacked Trump’s withdrawal
 as illegal then... although much of their criticism 
focused on his refusal to notify Congress before 
pulling out. However, in March 2021, a leaked 
message --- sent to concerned “international 
partners” by the Biden administration said
 it was afraid that doing so “would send 
the wrong message to Russia and 
undermine our position... on the
 broader arms control agenda.”

Istanbul, Astana Declarations

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in
 Europe (OSCE) has its origins in the November 
1972 multilateral talks in Espoo, Finland 
...intended to further the peaceful 
cooperation of the Detente era.

 Today, the OSCE has 57 members and 11 observers
 and continues to serve as a regional forum for 
resolving international issues.

Two of its most important declarations of principles
 came at summits in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1999 and in 
Astana (now Nur-Sultan), Kazakhstan, in 2010, 
which, among other topics, affirmed each
 nation’s right to its own security in the
 context of an international community.

"The security of each participating State... is
 inseparably linked to that of all others. Each
 participating State, has an equal right to 
security. We reaffirm the inherent right 
of each and every participating State 
...to be free to choose or change its
 security arrangements, including 
treaties of alliance, as
they evolve.''

 ''Each State also has the right to neutrality. Each
 participating State will respect the rights of
others in these regards. They will not 
strengthen their security ...at the 
expense of... the security of 
other States.'' the Astana
 declaration states.

While the OSCE met in Vienna, Austria, 2 weeks ago,
 the talks yielded no major breakthrough. Earlier this
 week -- when the US and NATO delivered separate
 written responses to Russia’s December security
 proposal -- the US response was considerably 
more intransigent, while NATO’s, sent from 
Brussels and speaking for 30 member 
states, acknowledged the Russian 
security concerns and proposed 
mutual briefings in the NATO-
Russia Council and the re-
establishment of their 
respective envoys in 
Moscow & Brussels.

However, neither reply gave deference to Russia’s
 central concern --- the eastward expansion of 
NATO and the impact that has on Russian 
security, especially since now, the US 
explicitly regards Russia as a 
challenger to its position
leader of the post-
Cold War
 global order.

Speaking on Thursday, about the US response,
in particular, Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey 
Lavrov said "The principle that one should not
strengthen one's security -- at the expense of 
the security of others is deliberately avoided.
Neither the Istanbul or Astana declarations
are mentioned by 
our Western partners
in the 
discussions on European 
security that are currently 
taking place. We cannot 
accept this.”

Morgan Artyukhina is a writer and news editor at
Sputnik’s Washington, DC, bureau...   focusing on
international & breaking news. Born in southern
Maryland, she studied Russian, Central, and 
East European Studies, at the University of 
Glasgow and is a former history professor. 

At Sputnik, she covers military technology, 
the expanding neoliberal police state, and 
the ongoing struggles against it in the US
and around the globe.


Paul Larudee:
Zionist Dream 
Turning into Nightmare
November 25th, 5:26pm (FNA)
 Paul Larudee, political activist and commentator, 
says Zionists have come to this understating 
- that Zionism is now nearing its predestined 
Speaking in an interview with FNA, Larudee 
said, “Zionism planted the seeds of its own 
destruction the moment they created a 
plan for a Jewish state in someone 
else's homeland. It is increasingly 
becoming an international pariah 
...contributing to the wars and 
conflicts in West Asia, South 
America, Africa, and other 
parts of the world. It only 
creates more enemies 
for them.”
Paul Larudee is an - Iranian-born - American political
activist who is a major figure in the pro-Palestinian
 movement. Based in the San Francisco Bay area, 
he is involved with the International Solidarity 
Movement, & was a founder of the Free Gaza
Movement & the Free Palestine Movement.

Larudee was a member of the US delegation 
aboard the 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla,
 which was attacked by Israeli forces.
Below is the full text of the interview:
Q: Yaakov Sharett says “Israel and the Zionist
 enterprise were born in sin.” What do we 
learn about the nature of Israel?
A: Such words from a Zionist leader's son may help to
 gradually sink doubts into the minds of other Zionists,
 but we must not forget that many Jews were opposed
 to Zionism for decades before 1948. It is unfortunate
 that as Zionism became more successful in its
 genocidal project, it also became more 
acceptable to more Jews. But that is 
now being reversed. As Zionism 
becomes more racist, violent, 
and aggressive, it is starting 
to lose Jews who cannot 
stomach such behaviour.
Q: Such a significant assertion was made by the son
 of a signatory to the Israeli declaration in 1948. Do 
you believe settlers will learn a lesson to end their 
occupation of the Palestinians’ land?
A: There are two kinds of settlers that are being used
 to colonize the West Bank and Jerusalem. The most
 aggressive and violent are the ideological settlers,
 who think of themselves as conquering soldiers,
 much like the Europeans who took the land from
 the native peoples in the western hemisphere. 
They want to expel all Palestinians by any means
 necessary, and take their land. They do not need
 Israel to paint a rosy picture. They are ready to
 endure hardship, although Israel actually 
helps and enables them. The other type 
are the opportunists. Israel builds 
subsidized housing and industrial 
parks on Palestinian land... and 
makes it attractive for settlers 
to move there. Israel creates 
many advantages for them... 
so as to increase the Jewish 
population in the occupied 
territories and push the 
Palestinians out.
Q: Yaakov Sharett predicts a dark future for Israel 
and asks settlers to immigrate from Israel; like-
wise, Lawrence Wilkerson, former Israeli State
 Department aide, said Israel will be gone in 
some 20 years. How do you assess
 these statements?
A: Clearly, Sharett is being a realist in this case.
 Despite Israel's influence, propaganda, bribes 
and manipulations of other governments, it is
 increasingly becoming an international pariah, 
contributing to the wars and conflicts in West 
Asia, South America, Africa and other parts of 
the world. They believe that this makes them 
strong, but it only creates more enemies for 
them. Sharett seems to understand that the 
Zionist dream is proving to be unsustainable.
 It can only be realized by committing greater 
and greater crimes, but even many Zionists 
consider this too high a price for their dream, 
and their dream is turning into a nightmare. 
Zionism planted the seeds of its own destruction 
the moment they created a plan for a Jewish 
state on someone else's homeland.


UN Must Prevent Normalization of
 Israeli Violation of Human Rights:
 Iran Envoy
November 20th, 11am (al Manar)

Iran’s ambassador to the UN office in Geneva 
put the onus on the United Nations: to take 
action: against the normalization of the
systematic violation of human rights 
and humanitarian laws, by the 
Zionist regime.

In an address to a meeting between ambassadors 
of the member states of the Organization of 
Islamic Cooperation, residing in Geneva, 
and to members of the Commission of 
Inquiry of the UN Council on Human 
Rights, held on Friday, Esmaeil 
Baqaei Hamaneh called for the
clarification of true and false 
narratives, referring to the 
stories...  that equate the
victims of Israeli crimes 
with the perpetrators 
of the heinous acts.

“It is the duty of all of us to clarify the true and false
 narratives, the narrative that equates the victims 
of Israeli crimes, with their killers, which is 
humanly shocking, legally unfounded, 
and morally shameful,” the Iranian 
envoy stressed.

He added that the inquiry commission has an historic
 responsibility --- to prevent the normalization of 
systematic human rights violations by the 
Israeli regime. 

The Iranian diplomat invited all the participants in the 
meeting to call for justice; and not allow war crimes, 
crimes against humanity, and blatant violations of
human rights, to become normal, Press 
TV reported.

In May, the UN Human Rights Council agreed to initiate 
an international probe into “systematic” human rights
 abuses committed during the asymmetrical war 
between ‘Israel’ and Palestinian resistance 
groups in the besieged Gaza Strip. 

The 47-member forum adopted a resolution presented 
by Pakistan on behalf of the OIC and the Palestinian
 delegation to the UN, by a vote of 24 states in
9 against, and 14 abstentions.

The UN rights body agreed to establish “an ongoing 
independent, international commission of inquiry” 
into the war to probe the “underlying root causes 
of recurrent tensions and instability, including 
the systematic discrimination and repression 
based on group identity.”

Israeli troops have, on numerous occasions, been 
caught on camera, brutally killing Palestinians... 
with the videos going viral online and sparking 
international condemnation. 

The Tel Aviv regime has been criticized for its extensive 
use of lethal force against, and extrajudicial killing of,
 Palestinians... who do not pose an immediate threat 
to the occupation forces, or to the Israeli settlers.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the Palestinian 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, called 
on the International Criminal Court to launch an 
immediate investigation into the Tel Aviv 
regime’s crimes, in the occupied 
Palestinian territories  ---  after 
the Israeli forces shot dead a
young man, in the northern 
part of the West Bank.

Source: Iranian Agencies

John Wight

Syria.. to resume negotiations with the
on constitutional reform.
The question is, 
by John Wight
October 20th, 11:26am (PressTV)
On a facile level the news that another round of UN-mandated 
negotiations on the drafting of a new Syrian constitution... is
about to get underway in Geneva, between representatives
of the government and opposition groups... provides hope
that at long last an end to the inordinate suffering of the
Syrian people may be in sight. We are, after all, talking 
about the most brutal and devastating conflict of 
modern times, one that has resulted in 500,000 
dead, the wholesale destruction of large parts 
of the country, 13 million in need of 
humanitarian assistance, half the 
population displaced, and an 
economy in ruins.
“You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; 
how could you rise anew if you have not first become
 ashes?” Thus writes the 19th-century German 
philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
When applied to Syria the first part of Nietzsche’s admonition
 formulation -- can be readily dismissed. Syria and the Syrian
 people were, most assuredly, not ready to burn themselves 
in their own flame. This horrific fate was thrust upon them 
by internal and external agents, using regional upheaval 
to advance a sectarian agenda, when it came to the 
former, and an imperialist one, with respect to 
the latter.
As for rising from the ashes, when applied to a country and
 people that have endured and suffered to the extent that 
Syria and its people have, the challenge in this regard is
 monumental. Here, it shouldn’t be forgotten that Syria
 remains under foreign occupation - by Turkish forces 
in the north and northwest of the country, and by US 
forces in the Kurdish-controlled east and northeast -
 and that the Syrian opposition has been sponsored 
by those very Western countries that have worked 
tirelessly to ‘destroy Syria in order to save it’ over
 the past decade.
Democracy, in a given state, or country, can only ever 
flourish on the foundations of security and economic
stability. Try to establish a democratic system 
absent of these non-negotiable pillars,
the end result is Afghanistan.
The Syrian people... have been engaged in a protracted
 struggle to return security and stability to the country 
with the indispensable aid of its Iranian, Lebanese 
and Russian allies for over a decade now - and at 
a huge cost. The idea, then, that those who 
remained in Syria and endured so much... 
should acquiesce in the role of a foreign
-based opposition when it comes to the 
country’s future... will be a bitter pill 
to swallow.
The key stumbling block to previous negotiations between
 the government and opposition has been the status of 
Bashar al-Assad. His removal from power has long 
been a non-negotiable condition of the opposition 
and its Western sponsors and backers, which is 
precisely why there has been zero progress up 
to this point, when it comes to achieving a 
negotiated settlement.
The hard truth is that without external support the Syrian
 opposition would be a marginal force at best. And, too, 
an opposition willing to trade sovereignty for power is
 a proxy, rather than a serious government in waiting,
 especially given the scale of the struggle waged by 
Syrian government forces, its allies and people, for 
so long.
Regionally, meanwhile, Assad’s tenacity has begun to bear
 fruit. In a recent Newsweek piece, Tom O’Connor confirms
 that “the Syrian president has not only survived, but 
appears poised to make a stunning comeback on 
the world stage.” O’Connor elaborates: 
“Recognizing reality, many of the countries that cut him
[Assad] off 10 years ago have begun to welcome him 
back - despite ongoing US opposition to his rule. 
Telltale signs: Just last month Jordan reopened 
its border with Syria, and the Arab League is 
widely expected to reinstate its
 membership shortly.”
In some respects, then, the question needs to be asked: 
What does the Assad government stand to gain... from 
going into negotiations on constitutional reform with 
a weak opposition at this particular juncture?
Much of the answer lies with the role of Putin in pushing
 Assad to be more flexible and open to inclusiveness 
when it comes to the opposition. Though Moscow 
has played a major role in the conflict in Syria 
since the end of September 2015, its support 
has come at a price ----- one which suggests 
that its status has been less that of an ally - 
and more that of putative imperial overlord. 
With this in mind, consider the words of former Russian
 diplomat, Alexander Aksenyonok, as quoted in a May 
2020 article by veteran Middle East correspondent 
Martin Jay from May: “If Assad refuses to accept 
a new constitution, the Syrian regime will put 
itself at great risk.”
There is no doubting the fact that Syria has reached an
 historic fork in the road after a decade of unremitting 
conflict. The ocean of blood that has been shed, in 
the course of the struggle for the country’s future 
makes the tentative steps towards a negotiated 
settlement a challenge for Assad's government
 that will be well aware of the danger of 
snatching defeat from the jaws 
of victory.
Whatever the outcome of this new round of negotiations 
with the opposition on constitutional reform, the over-
riding priority of the Syrian government remains 
security, stability and putting food on the table 
of its people. After all, in the last analysis, 
you can’t eat a constitution.
John Wight is an author and political 
commentator based in Scotland.
(The views expressed in this article...  do 
not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

Bill Dores

 China is no threat
to people in the US;
Wall Street, CIA & 
the Pentagon are
-- Analyst
October 16th, 3:14pm (PressTV)
US political analyst and activist Bill Dores says
China is no threat to the people in the US., but
Wall Street, the CIA, and the Pentagon, are.
Dores, a writer for Struggle/La Lucha and a longtime 
antiwar activist, made the remarks in an interview
 with Press TV on Saturday, after the CIA launched 
a new mission centre to address what it calls
most important geopolitical threat”
 by China.
CIA Director William Burns said in a statement last week 
that the new unit, called the China Mission Centre, will
 “further strengthen our collective work on the most
 important geopolitical threat we face in the 21st 
century, an increasingly adversarial Chinese 
Burns said that his agency will still focus on other threats
 as well, including those emanating from Russia, North 
Korea and Iran.
The CIA’s renewed attention to China is the latest evidence
 of the Biden administration’s focus on Beijing as its main
 foreign policy target.
Since taking charge of the White House earlier this year, 
the Biden administration has been directing resources 
toward countering China.
Why is the CIA targeting China?
“The CIA is grabbing more tax money  ---  to start a ‘mission
 centre’ aimed at China, which it calls the ‘most important
 geopolitical threat we face.’ This is ominous news 
- considering the agency’s history of 'fabricating' 
evidence to start wars, e.g. Iraq’s nonexistent
 ‘weapons of mass destruction,’” Dores 
commented to Press TV.
“US troops have left Afghanistan. But not a dime has been
 slashed from the bloated US military budget. Indeed, it’s
 being increased to $778 billion from $753 billion to face 
the alleged ‘Chinese threat.’ That’s more than the 
combined military budgets of China, India, 
Russia, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Germany, 
France, Japan, South Korea, Italy 
and Australia,” he added.
“It’s also been revealed that US Special Forces have been 
operating secretly on Taiwan for two years. Meanwhile...
the US Congress will not pass the Build Back Better Act
 to modestly extend our social safety net,” he added.
“The People’s Republic of China...  has five times the
opulation of the United States. But it spends only 
$258 billion on its military. China’s forces are 
deployed in - or around - the borders and 
coasts of China. By no stretch of the 
imagination is China threatening 
he US militarily. Why would it? 
For what gain?” he asked.
So, what the Sam Hill is a ‘geopolitical threat.’ It’s a
 twisted concept based on the twisted premise that 
the United States, with 4 percent of the world’s 
population, should dominate the world 
politically & economically. And that 
really means the billionaires and 
millionaires, that Occupy Wall 
Street protesters called the 
‘One Percent,’” he stated.
China’s economic  ‘threat’ to US
“China’s real ‘threat,’ in the minds of the US corporate 
ruling class, is economic. China produces more than 
the United States, and its economy is growing
faster,” the analyst said.  
“It has achieved this, not by destroying the economies of 
other countries with war and sanctions, but by growth, 
and trade. China’s Belt and Road Initiative has greatly
 weakened the stranglehold Wall Street banks once 
held on the world economy. An article in the US 
magazine Foreign Policy whined: that China is 
‘whittling away’ at the murderous ‘sanctions 
regime’ the US and West Europe use -- to 
‘punish’ countries that defy their 
dictates,” he explained.
“US corporations do, of course, invest in China. They make
 a lot of money there. But they cannot dictate to China's
 government the way US oil companies dictated to the 
Shah of Iran before the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Or 
the way they dictate to their paid servants in the 
White House and the Capitol today,”
 he observed.
“Politicians and news media tell working-class people in 
the US that China’s growth is, somehow, a threat to our 
well-being. They conceal the fact: that China’s dynamic
 growth is the biggest single factor staving off a global
 economic collapse,” he said.
“Yet it is their own Wall Street masters who have shut 
down plants all over this country and foreclosed on 
millions of homes. It is they who used the techno-
logical revolution as a weapon, to drive down 
wages and destroy millions of jobs,” 
Dores said.
Washington’s ‘hate China’ campaign
“Washington raises several phony issues in its ‘hate 
China’ campaign. One is the alleged persecution of
 the Uighur people in Xinjiang Province. There’s 
nothing but hypocrisy here,” the analyst said.
“If this claim were true - and I’ve seen no reliable evidence
 that it is - Washington would be the last to care. The US 
leads the world in mass incarceration and murder 
by police,” he noted.
“According to the Equal Justice Initiative... ‘Millions of 
Americans are incarcerated in overcrowded, violent, 
and inhumane jails and prisons.. that do not provide 
treatment, education, or rehabilitation.' A majority 
are from the oppressed Black, Latin and Native 
nations... targeted by the police,” he said.
“Among the incarcerated are dozens of political 
prisoners, such as Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard 
Peltier and Jamil Abdullah Al Amin, who have 
spent decades behind bars on framed-up 
charges,” he stated.
“Last year’s Black Lives Matter uprising..... highlighted 
the extent of racist police murder in the US. Between 
1980 and 2018, the US police killed more than 30,000 
people. Half of those killings were misclassified,
according to a study published in the Lancet 
medical journal,” he said.
US supports ‘ethnic cleansing and 
murder of Palestinian people’
“We also can't forget that Washington not only supports
but subsidizes --- the ethnic cleansing and murder of 
Palestinian people --- by the racist state of Israel,
including the mass imprisonment of 2 million
people in the giant concentration camp 
called the Gaza Strip. The US also has 
no problem with the oppression of 
the majority Muslim people of 
Kashmir, by the Indian
Dores noted.
“The US accuses China of stealing ‘intellectual property,’ 
a twisted concept indeed. Perhaps the West should pay 
China for inventing paper, iron smelting, the seed drill,
 the compass, rockets, gunpowder and other 
innovations... that made its economic 
development possible,” he said.
“There is the accusation of currency manipulation. But 
Washington... has flooded the world with devalued 
dollars ever since the Nixon administration took 
the dollar off the gold standard in the 1970s. 
The US has long used the dollar as an 
instrument of financial warfare,” 
he said.
Why is the US Navy in the South China Sea?
“And there is the issue of ‘free navigation’ in the South 
China Sea. Which raises the question, what is the US 
Seventh Fleet doing in the South China Sea anyway? 
For that matter, why is the US Fifth Fleet off the 
coast of Iran and the US Fourth Fleet off the 
coast of Venezuela,” Dores said.
“Every year, ships carry $3.4 trillion worth of goods 
through the South China Sea. Most of that is 
bound to and from China,” he said.
“The PRC has no interest in stopping that commerce. 
It does have an interest in keeping US warships 
away from its coast and ports,” he said.
“For the past seven years, the US Navy has helped Saudi 
Arabia impose a naval blockade that is starving the 
children of Yemen. US sanctions, backed by the 
US Navy, are the main obstacle to commerce 
between nations in the world today,”
 he said.
“Instead of new CIA mission centres, military bases and 
fleets of warships and warplanes all over the world, the
 US should do what China does: Invest in schools, 
health care, housing, railroads and renewable 
energy. Bring all the ships, planes, troops 
and spies home. The world would be a
 much better and safer place,” 
he concluded.

Sa’dollah Zarei

Iran won’t let US, Turkey, Israel 
create crisis in Caucasus
Sunday, October 3rd,
11:51am (PressTV)
by Sa’dollah Zarei
The fact of the matter is, that if there is no more time for
 preventing a conspiracy from taking shape... there is 
still time to thwart the conspiracy that has formed.
 Here are some points with regards to this issue:
1) What the US, the Zionist regime, the governments of 
Turkey and Azerbaijan, and the West in general, are
 pursuing in the regions north of Iran is, firstly,
reaction to the great achievements of the
Islamic Republic and the resistance front.
When the criminal Zionist regime refers to the Republic of
 Azerbaijan as “Lebanon of Israel,” it means that there is 
a “Lebanon of resistance” that has foiled any Israeli
 conspiracy over the past forty years and turned
 into a major crisis for the occupying regime.
Why is a front led by the US, Zionist regime, Turkey and
 Azerbaijan, talking about launching a pan-Turan move
-ment here? Because a powerful religious movement 
has, for more than 40 years, disrupted the plots of 
colonialists and criminals. So, it is quite clear
 the enemy, although very hardworking,
is in a 
state of “passivity.”
Here is another important question: will this evil conspiracy
 ever yield any result? The answer is that there is a serious
 antidote to prevent the realization of this tension-making 
scheme, and if it enters the scene, it will definitely
 thwart the plan, as it has happened so far.
2) Some people make a mistake here and say that the Syunik 
agreement with North Karabakh... is a matter that concerns 
the governments of Azerbaijan and Armenia and that Iran’s
 objection to it is not a matter of concern. They argue that
 the implementation of the agreement is to the detriment 
of Iran’s regional situation, but it is a natural 
consequence and thus does not create a
 right for Iran to legitimize its opposition.
The answer is clear; This is not an agreement between the 
two countries on a disputed region, but one on creating a
 region meant to undermine the security, political and 
economic position of a third country.
While acknowledging their military and political failure, in
 Afghanistan, the Americans explicitly speak of pursuing 
a proxy war model to make up for their defeat. Shortly 
afterwards, it becomes known that they had sent a 
signal to Azerbaijan to launch and attack and a 
signal to Armenia to, in turn, show tolerance 
and accept the post-war reality, and at the 
same time, following the end of a recent 
44-day Karabakh war, the US stated
 that they 'support' the agreements 
reached between Azerbaijan and
 Armenia. All this suggests that 
the US has been standing
behind this war 
and the
 that ensued.
Simultaneously, the Azerbaijani government announced
 the widespread use of Israeli attack drones in the war, 
and the Armenian army called the UAVs the main 
reason for its heavy casualties in the war. This 
means that it was an American-Israeli war.
Everyone knows, that the administration of Armenian 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is a Christian govern-
ment dependent on the West, but it's interesting that 
in this war, the United States and Israel destroyed
 forces and facilities belonging to a pro-West 
Christian administration, and supported a 
Muslim government instead! Isn’t that
 a telltale sign?
The question is, what kind of “proxy war” US officials 
were talking about in the course of their withdrawal 
from Afghanistan? Was it possible for the US to 
start such a war in Afghanistan?  Which forces
could be used by the US to launch a proxy war
in Afghanistan? Could the US bring the Taliban
- which was taking power - into a proxy war?
Proxy war with whom? The answer is no.
Was the Afghan army able to enter a proxy war? The 
answer's clear. Was the army that was not even able 
to defend Kabul for an hour, against the Taliban — 
which took control of the capital without firing a 
single shot — ready to enter a proxy war? 
Could the old mujahedeen forces.. serve 
as the proxies of the American war? The 
answer is clear. The old forces, besides 
having an anti-American spirit...  have
currently no military capability. Could
the USA... create a ''proxy force'' in 
Afghanistan, in the medium term,
with the Taliban et al present on
the scene? The answer to this 
question is also, no. This is 
because...  for at least the 
next 50 years... US crimes
will be in front of the eyes 
of the Afghan people, and
the prospect for any kind 
of Afghan-American,
 is bleak.
So, what did the Americans mean by a proxy war? In fact,
 the Americans wanted a proxy war where there was a
 fertile ground... and the required strength. From the 
American point of view, the “ethnicity” factor must 
be emphasized and turned into a winning weapon 
against anti-American revolutionary uprisings. 

The Americans have long focused on the 
model of racism and pan-Turanism...  in
 the case of this region, and considered 
them as “a possible solution,” or more 
accurately, the last “remaining arrow,”
 and pinned their hopes on it.
Therefore, the prominent role of this tendency, in the
 developments in the north, and its overlapping in the
 Caucasus, besides the intention to highlight the anti
Iranian and anti-Islamic edges in the rhetoric of the 
officials of these countries, tell us that we are 
facing a “semi-hard” proxy war.
When Azeri President Ilham Aliyev speaks openly in an
 interview about the widespread presence of Israeli 
forces and equipment in the Caucasus, and the 
resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis, he
 is, in fact, blowing the lid off a proxy war.
3) Saudi Arabia’s measures are yet another issue that
 indicative of the proxy war in the developments 
unfolding in Iran’s northwestern frontiers, on 
the one side, and its scale, on the other. The
 Saudis have explicitly said that they are 
working to launch a 24-hour television 
network for the Turkish region of the 
Caucasus called “Turk national.” 
Why is the Saudi regime in the Caucasus trying to launch
 such a TV network? The people in this region are neither
 Arabs nor Sunnis in order for them to be the audience of 
a Sunni Arab country. At the same time, it is obvious
this decision cannot be implemented without
consent and cooperation of the governments
 the region.
4) Naturally, on this front, Iran can't remain silent and turn 
a blind eye to the dimensions and consequences of the 
action that being along its borders; therefore, it has to
 react, but what is the due reaction? There is no doubt 
that military conflict & dragging Iran into the military
 arena is a well-known policy of the American front.

 the other hand... we know that what is intended for
 Caucasus region is not even a full-fledged military 
war, let alone a regional and multilateral war. We 
are thus not talking about a war in the sense
 that it is perceived. We are talking about 
actions that disturb the peace of this 
region and the interests of the 
powers around it.
Isn’t it true... that the Azerbaijani government says Israeli 
drones and forces have been involved in the recent war 
between the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Republic of
 Armenia? Isn’t it true that the Israelis explicitly referred
 to the Republic of Azerbaijan... as “Lebanon of Israel”? 
Since there are talks about the formation of a definite 
security threat against the Islamic Republic, Iran has
 the right to dismantle and confront the centre of 
conspiracy against itself, without coordination 
with any place or individual. 
This type of Iranian confrontation is not so incomprehensible
 to Zionists. Interestingly, an Israeli institution wrote a few
 days ago: “Iran may want to retaliate against Israeli attacks
 in Syria in Azerbaijan.” The regime is attacking areas in 
Syria under the false pretext that Syria has become a 
base for the presence of Iranian military personnel. 
The Israeli institute asks what problem would arise
 if Iran attacked a base in Azerbaijan, where Israeli 
force are possibly present?
Of course, Iran knows very well how to use developments
to the detriment of its enemies. The Islamic Republic will 
naturally begin with negotiations, to fraternally resolve 
the issue between neighbours on Iran’s northwestern
border. Over the past 2 decades, the United States, 
Turkey, and the Zionist regime have faced ultimate 
defeat in any sedition that they incited and gotten 
out of the situation while fraught with humiliation. 

They are inciting sedition while they do not have
 the power to tolerate and manage the war. If 
these acts of sedition are not put aside, they
 will face defeat, thanks to Iran’s measures.
(The views expressed in this article.... do 
not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

Boris Malagurski

It’s time for NATO to leave Kosovo
 before it does any more damage
October 2nd, 10:36am (RT)
By Boris Malagurski, a Serbian Canadian documentary
film director, known for “The Weight of Chains”, 
enlisted in the catalogue of the Library of 
Congress, whose work has been show-
cased on international festivals... 
including Raindance in London. 
Follow Boris on Twitter @malagurski
Just as it all ended badly for the West’s military interventions 
in Vietnam and Afghanistan, so it will in Kosovo. NATO has 
overstepped its mandate, overplayed its hand, and 
overstayed its welcome.
As the last US military helicopters were leaving Kabul, 
Afghanistan, many, including myself, emphasized the 
similarities with America’s embarrassment in Saigon, 
South Vietnam – but one parallel that few dared to 
draw, was with Kosovo.
When I merely asked “Is Kosovo next?” on Twitter, it 
sent Albanian media outlets into a frenzy. Kosovo’s
 Albanian majority celebrates the NATO troops as 
saviours – NATO bombed Serbia, to take away 
control of its Southern province of Kosovo in 
1999. Since then, NATO has been sponsoring 
a nation-building project... that seemed to
culminated in 2008, when Kosovo’s 
provisional authorities declared 
independence from Serbia.
It wasn’t an ‘end of history’ moment. Serbia and much of 
the world didn’t recognize Kosovo as an independent 
country, and Kosovo itself remained heavily 
dependent on Western aid... and military 
support. Most Albanian politicians are 
aware of this and they are highly 
obedient with regards to NATO, 
whose KFOR troops are
 ‘keeping the peace’ 
in Kosovo.
However, NATO has overstepped its mandate. UN Security 
Council Resolution 1244, which put an end to NATO’s war 
with Yugoslavia, guarantees Serbia’s sovereignty over 
Kosovo, while NATO has pushed for an independent 
Kosovo from day one of their occupation. The 
resolution also called for... the return of an 
agreed number of Yugoslav and Serbian 
personnel to maintain a presence at 
significant sites and key border 
crossings....  NATO has never 
allowed this to happen. The 
last Serbian prime minister 
who called for this agree-
ment to be honored, was 
assassinated in 2003,
little over a month
after his request.
On the other hand, what are the results of NATO’s nation
 building in Kosovo? Close to a 30% unemployment rate. 
One of the poorest areas of Europe...  with as much as 
45% of the population living below the official poverty
 line, and 17% being extremely poor. Former Kosovo 
Liberation Army terrorists, some accused of 
trafficking weapons and human organs, 
replaced their military uniforms with 
politicians’ suits and are governing 
the entity. The previous president 
of Kosovo, nicknamed ‘The Snake’
...is currently being tried for war 
crimes, and crimes against 
humanity, at The Hague. 
He’s the one who unveiled the Bill Clinton statue in 
Kosovo’s capital. Bill then came to celebrate with 
‘The Snake’.
Kosovo’s recent license plate row with Serbia was just 
the latest example of a leadership in Kosovo incapable 
of dealing with real issues, but rather... going into 
conflict... to cover its incompetence. Instead of 
negotiating with Belgrade, Kosovo unilaterally
 used force --- to implement the removal of 
Serbian license plates. And all that NATO 
was willing to contribute to deescalate 
the tensions... was to offer its KFOR 
troops, to replace Kosovo’s special 
unit, without even trying to resolve
 the essence of the dispute. What
 is NATO still doing in Kosovo?
Probably the same thing it was doing in Afghanistan. 
Hoping a bad decision to go in, will eventually pay 
off somehow. But it won’t. It didn’t in Vietnam, it 
didn’t in Afghanistan, and it won’t in Kosovo. 
So it’s time for NATO to start packing 
its bags.
The statements, views and opinions expressed 
in this column, are solely those of the author, 
& don't, necessarily, represent those of RT.

 Iqbal Jassat

“Normalization": Betrayal of
 by Arab despots
no easy road
by Iqbal Jassat
October 1st, 11am (PressTV)
Pinning Palestinians down while applying harsh 
measures of violent repression -- accompanied 
by a fanatical settler movement of arch-racists
 given free reign to attack and plunder -- is a 
notorious game Israel has elevated to a 
daily ritual.
In fact the routine of inflicting war crimes has all 
the hallmarks of a rogue regime entirely caught 
up in a misplaced belief --- that to engage in
cleansing, is a religious obligation.
Conflating Judaism with a racist political ideology 
of Zionism has been part of a strategy designed 
to deceive, distort and divert. It has its roots in 
the first Zionist congress held on the eve of 
the 19th century.
That this is well documented and widely known is
 not in dispute. Indeed... awareness of Zionism's 
goal to dismember and dislodge Palestinians 
from their centuries old homeland and 
forcibly impose thereon a foreign
 entity known as Israel, has 
always been a bedrock
 for resistance.
Israel has thus always been considered an enemy 
thrust upon a native population through the most 
horrific forms of terrorism. The memories of Deir 
Yassin remind the world of bloody massacres 
committed by Zionist terrorists which didn't 
spare hundreds of villages... to 
colonize Palestine.
That more than seven decades later the expansionist 
goals of Zionism are still being pursued at great 
human cost to successive generations of the 
indigenous Palestinian population, is 
reflected in daily atrocities.
None of these facts, as attested to by historians, as 
well as organs of the United Nations, are contested. 
Though of course Israel and supporters of it seek 
to distort and malign commentators who speak 
truth to power, as anti-Semitic.
Yet against this background of terrorism and current 
conditions siege, occupation, killings and mass 
imprisonment - recorded and broadcast via 
mainstream media for all the world to 
witness - it is bizarre that a handful 
of Arab regimes, have broken rank 
with Palestine's freedom struggle.
And at a time when even Haaretz describes 
the atrocities by Israel, as a pogrom:
"Residents of the Palestinian communities in the south-
eastern West Bank have experience of settler attacks
 - when they graze their flocks, work their fields, or 
even have a picnic on their own land....  But they 
cannot recall an attack like the one experienced 
Tuesday -- by the small communities of Khirbat 
al-Mufkara, al-Rakiz and al-Tuwani. On Simhat 
Torah, dozens of young Jews, most of them 
masked, conducted what can only be 
described as a pogrom."
The treachery associated with what has become known 
as "normalization" is an outrageous manifestation of 
betrayal and collaboration. Limited to the UAE, 
Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco,.. these regimes 
have in effect confessed that the protection 
of their shaky thrones... counts for more... 
than legitimate rights of the Palestinians.
As unelected self-imposed despots fearful of democratic 
values, they have bargained that "normalization" with 
the usurper of Palestine will "guarantee" safety and 
protection for them. In other words, just as Egypt 
has done, these oligarchs have outsourced their 
intelligence networks and security apparatus
 Israel, knowing full well that in doing so,
have abandoned Palestine.
Though the abnormality of the implicit recognition of an 
illegal colonial enterprise, has been in sharp contrast
 to countless Arab League resolutions... the deal of 
"normalization" pushed by Trump and vigorously 
backed by the Biden administration... has
these leaders - as surrogates
western imperialism.
The case of Bahrain's role in the "Abraham Accords" 
reveals the soft underbelly of Arab dictatorships. 

Besides being financially dependent on its 
neighbours especially the UAE and Saudi 
Arabia, Bahrain’s alliance with Israel is 
designed to entrench its power and 
crush any resistance to author-
itarianism or efforts towards 
freedom and democracy.
In 2011, during the onset of the Arab Spring uprisings, 
Saudi Arabia sent troops to Bahrain to suppress anti
-government protests. This trend continues today 
by Israel --- equally committed to maintaining the 
status quo, and preventing the success of any 
popular uprisings.
In this context, one may justifiably condemn
 gross insensitivity and abject
abdication of 
Palestine's freedom
 as treacherous.
Showcasing Israeli war criminal Lapid’s visit to Manama 
where he is set to open the embassy flying Israel's flag
 is utterly outrageous. This follows the opening of a 
Zionist embassy in Abu Dhabi, and will likely be 
establishing one in Rabat. Sudan thus far has 
reportedly said that it has no plans yet to
 open an embassy in Khartoum.
Not surprising therefore that the Arab street across these 
capitals have vowed to end "normalization". The iron-
fisted grip held by Arab despots notwithstanding, 
human rights movements (many banned and 
leaders exiled) have declared their outright 
rejection of America's much-vaunted 
Abraham Accords.
Stirrings in Sudan are becoming more vocal despite 
Khartoum's attempts to silence critics. In Bahrain 
the main opposition group, al-Wefaq National
 Islamic Society declared Lapid’s trip as a 
"threat", saying, "This is provocative 
news and this trip is completely
 rejected, and he (Lapid) should
 not set foot on Bahraini soil."
Their message is clear: "Any (Israeli)
 on Bahraini soil ---
means incitement."
Iqbal Jassat is an executive at the Johannesburg-
based Media Review Network (MRN), a socio-
political advocacy group, that concerns 
itself with media and political analysis.
(The views expressed in this article do 
not necessarily reflect those of Press TV.)

Paul Antonopoulos

Greece And France Take First Step 
Towards European Independence
 Following AUKUS Debacle
September 28th (South Front)
by Paul Antonopoulos, 
independent geopolitical analyst

Signing of Franco-Greek Agreement is the 
beginning of supplanting NATO in Europe.

Of the 30 NATO member states, Greece is one of the few 
to spend well over 2% of its GDP on defense, as agreed 
upon by NATO Defence Ministers, in 2006. However, 
Greece’s high spending (relative to GDP), is not 
because it is positioning itself as a buffed-up 
military state opposed to Russia, as per the 
aims of NATO, but rather, to defend itself 
against the threats of another NATO 
member, Turkey. 

With NATO consistently downplaying Turkish aggression 
against Greece and the new AUKUS pact creating 
distrust between the Anglosphere and the 
Europeans... Greece has ensured new 
extra security assurances against 
its long-time enemy.

Greece’s strengthened partnership with France highlights 
that the immediate consequences of the AUKUS alliance 
are already being felt, as the two countries are making 
the first serious steps towards a Europe independent 
of Washington.

Alexis Papahelas, one of Greece’s top journalists, explained 
that the Franco-Greek security pact is Macron’s “revenge” 
against the Americans as it will strengthen European 
autonomy. He also confirmed persistent rumours 
that a defensive pact between France and 
Greece was almost reached last year, 
but ultimately broke down at the 
last minute for “unknown

To put the situation in context, Greece for a year and a half-
received bids from six countries, including France, the U.S.
and UK for brand new navy frigates. The finalization of a 
deal was continuously delayed... due to Greece’s 
insistence, that a frigate purchase must
a defense agreement. 

Greece signed its 12-month Mutual Defense Cooperation 
Agreement (MDCA) with the US last year, but ultimately 
did not decide on which frigate bid to accept. With 
negotiations for a Franco-Greek defence pact 
last year stalling, Athens ultimately decided 
to sign the MDCA... with Washington. This 
was rumored to be partially motivated 
as part of 'negotiations' to pressure 
the French to accept Greek terms. 

However, with the sudden emergence of AUKUS, European 
trust in the Anglosphere quickly diminished, and thus 
galvanized Franco-Greek discussions on European
independence. And finally, a deal to purchase 
three brand-new French Belharra-class 
frigates, was stricken.

For his part, Mitsotakis said on Tuesday morning at the 
signing of the agreement that:-  “It is an historic day
Greece and France. Today’s development is an 
initiative that responds to the demands of the 
times on our continent. It paves the way for 
an autonomous and strong Europe of the 
future. Whether there is a timetable for 
creating a European army: the debate 
on European military autonomy, 
evolves. Options such as this 
corporate defense partner-
ship, move to this central 
strategic choice.”

Effectively, Greece and France are advocating for a pan-
European military that would likely drive out NATO, as 
the premier defensive pact in Europe.

Another demonstration that this pact is aimed at 
supplanting NATO... is its careful wording. 
Although Turkey was not mentioned 
explicitly, there is little doubt that 
part of the motivation for the 
Franco-Greek defense pact 
was Turkey’s unilateral 
aggression in the 

Even just minutes after the signing of the Franco-Greek 
agreement, former Dutch diplomat Fons Stoelinga 
tweeted: “EU autonomy in security and defense. 
NATO still does not address the problem of 
NATO-member Turkey destabilizing the 
whole Eastern Mediterranean region. 
France and Greece now react and 
signed a security bilateral pact.”

The mutual defense assistance clause of the agreement 
ensures that if Greece or France is attacked on its 
territory, the other will come to assist, even if the 
attacking country is part of other alliances..... 
including NATO. This is an obvious message 
directed towards Turkey, a NATO member 
that on a daily basis violates Greek air-
space and threatens to invade its 
Aegean islands. 

These violations and threats receive no repercussions from 
NATO as individual members are unwilling to risk their 
economic relations with the country, whilst many 
NATO leaders still believe that Turkey is a
 bulwark against Russia.

France for most of its modern history, but especially 
galvanized under President Emmanuel Macron.. had 
an ambition of creating a more independent Europe.

 The European experience under former U.S. 
President, Donald Trump, and the recent 
snub from President Joe Biden, with the 
AUKUS debacle... has only increased
urgency of achieving European 
independence from Washington.

 Despite this ambition, as well as warning Europe that it will
 become secondary in world affairs, if it does not become 
independent, it appears that France can finally kickstart
 its project alongside Greece.

Achieving EU unity is a difficult prospect, because minnow 
states like Lithuania prioritize the interests of Washington 
rather than the continent, but as Paris and Athens have 
shown --- they will move ahead, in changing the geo-
political balance in the Mediterranean and will not
 wait, while member states continuously bicker 
amongst themselves on foreign policy issues. 

If France and Greece can create strong foundations for an 
independent Europe, it will only be inevitable before more
 EU member states become interested in also being 
integrated into a continental structure that is
 independent of transatlantic alliances.

Eric Zuesse

Why did the Taliban win against
 the Americans in Afghanistan?
by Eric Zuesse
August 21st, 2021 
Why did the communists win 
against the Americans in Vietnam?
Why did the communists win 
against the capitalists in the 
Russian Revolution?
Why did the American Revolutionists 
win against the British Empire?
I shall here propose an answer to all of them, because
answer applies to all such cases, as I'll explain:
When an imperialistic society is as corrupt as Britain has
since the creation of the British East India Company
in 1600, 
and as America has been since the end of World
War II in 
1945, with its takeover and control by the MIC
industrial complex), which has inevitably
produced the 
cancerous growth of America’s
state, what, then, is the
reason to continue living by 
staying merely
as a colonist or a vassal-regime 
(or even
as the imperialist regime itself), 
means, when the imposed regime is
profoundly corrupt --- as any
imperialist power necessarily
is --- to accept 
corruption, as this? 

There’s something that is worse than dying... and it is to continue 
living under a regime that one utterly despises. That’s a dragged
-out death, instead of a quick death. A regime which is as 
corrupt as any imperialistic regime inevitably is, will be
 intolerable for a significant number of the residents in 
any one of its vassal-nations or “colonies.” Death, for 
them, isn’t such a bad choice, if it means that they'll 
go down fighting to overthrow it. They are driven by
 the motivation, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” 
This is a motivation that few, if any, of the imperialistic regime’s hired
 soldiers (regardless of whether conscripted or not) can match. And
 when they are foreigners who are fighting on a foreign soil (instead 
of locals who are defending their land’s own locally determined 
rulers), they especially and certainly cannot match such 
motivation, because only the locals can be fighting with 
a patriotic spirit. This is an intrinsic weakness in any  
empire. And imperialist leaders tend to ignore it, 
because they don’t want to understand how 
repulsive they are, to virtually anyone but
 their own boot-lickers.
Ultimately, the demoralization of a hired soldier’s continuing to place
 his very existence in jeopardy so as to continue the war to enslave 
and control the resisting local subject-population will mount high
 enough to produce self-contempt, desertion, and sometimes 
even suicide, in the oppressing power’s forces, especially if
hat’s a foreign power.

No longer will the rationalizations(that
 “We are protecting
the residents here”) be able to continue 
fooling the
invading-force’s soldier, and the imposed stooge
regime’s soldier. They both (the foreign regime,
and its 
imposed local stooge-government or
colony) are there 
really, to control the local
and, ultimately, enough
of the oppressor’s forces will 
know this to
cause the imposed stooge-
to be conquered by those 
residents there - 
people who will be
as heroes, by the other
residents in that land.

This is an 
advantage that any revolutionists 
have, against the imposed regime.
This is the real  meaning of “martyrs,” in the deeper sense than 
merely of a religious type — it is instead of the patriotic type; it
 concerns the land -- and not necessarily any religion -- such as 
Christianity, Islam, or Marxism. Their loyalty is to Afghanistan; 
or it is to Vietnam; or it is to Russia; or it is to China; or (before
America became imperialistic) it was to America. And so forth.
It is to the local land, not to any dictators. It is to the country 
that the foreign invader’s forces are occupying. The 
invader’s forces and their imposed stooge-regimes 
can’t match this motivation.
Similarly, when the American invaders were conquered by the 
residents of Vietnam, the winners were the Vietnamese, not 
really the communists; and, in fact, the Marxist philosophy 
(or ‘religion’) subsequently has waned there. America, in 
Vietnam, as in Afghanistan, was the invader, in a land 
which had not invaded their own. 
That similar situation exists in Afghanistan. The Sauds had invaded
 America on 9/11, with the assistance of G.W. Bush, Condoleezza 
Rice, and perhaps others in the Administration. And so, the U.S.
-imposed soldiers in Afghanistan couldn’t even possibly have 
been fighting against Afghanistan for any authentically 
patriotic real (factually true) reason, at all. Therefore, 
lies were constantly needed by the U.S. regime, not 
only against Iraq, but even against Afghanistan. 
(Furthermore, if Bush’s objective had really been to identify whom 
and how was actually behind the 9/11 attacks, then he would have
 pursued that at the U.N. Security Council and would have gotten
 unanimous backing for it, which would quickly have isolated 
and led to the destruction of Al Qaeda. It could all have been 
done without any war between nations, and also fully in 
accord with international law. To the extent that 9/11
state-sponsored terrorism, it was actually being 
sponsored by the Governments of the U.S. and 
Saudi Arabia. 
George W. Bush, who was buddy-close with the Sauds, used 9/11 as 
an excuse to trash both the U.S. Constitution and international law 
so as to hoist yet higher his own tyranny, his own power - not only
internationally but also.. in his own nation. An imperialist would, 
of course, like to trash both, and to hoist his personal power as 
high as possible. And GWB had the boldness to do it, and -
 because America has been imperialistic ever since 1945
 (i.e., international aggressions... have been America’s 
culture since 1945) — he has been able to enjoy the 
success of getting away with doing it. However, 
everyone else, and especially outside
MIC, suffers from it.
What have the mere soldiers of invading and occupying 
imperialist powers actually earned by having placed
 their own lives at risk? Maybe a tombstone back 
home, in the country that had invaded and 
occupied that colony.
By contrast, even if a defending soldier has died as a 
hero among the locals in a failed revolution against 
the imperialist power, any tombstone will be 
unnecessary to be that person’s memorial, 
because the true memorial is in the heart, 
and in the mind, of the locals there, not 
in anything that is in the land of the 
invading foreign power.
And, so, I propose that the answer, to the question here, is that, 
whereas America’s Founders were waging war as heroes 
(because their war was just), today’s Americans are 
waging war as villains (because our wars are unjust 
- imperialistic aggressions, instead of heroic 
defenses against an aggressor). Between 
America’s founding and the present time, 
America has switched from doing war 
against military occupiers, to doing 
war as military occupiers.
And this, I maintain, is the reason why: “The Taliban’s 80,000 
troops have retaken Afghanistan with cities falling like 
dominos while the 300,000-strong government forces,
 better equipped and trained, mostly melted and 
surrendered with no will to fight.”
What today’s Taliban are to today’s Afghanistan is therefore what
 the 1776 American Revolutionists were to the America of that era. 
It’s not the ideology; it is the love of that land there, which has 
motivated the residents’ forces to victory, against the forces 
of the invading-and-occupying foreign power. This can 
happen in any land, at any time.
America went into Vietnam focused on the “body counts.” That’s 
how stupid America’s imperialistic leaders were, back then. The 
only motivation they really understood was fear: “body counts.” 
They’ve evidently learned nothing since. That is how corrupt 
America is.
Right now in America, the ‘debate’ about Afghanistan is about Joe 
Biden, who is basically irrelevant. He wanted to end America’s 
military occupation there, just as Trump did, and just as 
Obama did. He acted on it, whereas they did not — they 
didn’t want to be accused by their political opponents 
of having ‘lost Afghanistan on their watch’, but Biden 
was evidently willing to risk it. 
His only failure in the matter is that he kept lying to the American 
people (and probably also to himself) about how chaotic the 
evacuation would inevitably be, and about how collapsed 
Afghanistan is, and has been, ever since the Soviets 
invaded there in 1979. 
Throughout America’s imperialistic era, the U.S. Government has
 routinely been lying to the American people. Imperialism isn’t as 
bad for the imperialistic nation’s public as it is for the conquered
land’s people, but it is very bad, even for them. The only people 
who benefit from it are the billionaires, who control companies 
such as Lockheed Martin, and ExxonMobil, and Amazon. 
Those are the people (the owners), who hire the leading 
politicians, including the members of Congress, and the 
Presidents, to spread their empire, and their control. 
They also hire the ‘journalists’ who shape their nation’s public 
to support these invasions and military occupations. The 
Government officials of an imperialistic regime represent 
not the nation’s public - but its aristocracy - who hire and 
appoint millions of the rest, the many agents (employees,
 etc.) of the few billionaires. The billionaires really control 
their country. After all: America is a thoroughly corrupt 
country, just as any imperialistic country is. (All 
imperialistic countries, are controlled by their 
aristocracy. And every aristocracy is corrupt.) 
The public in Afghanistan have long known this fact about America -
 that it is corrupt. And this is the main reason why the Taliban now 
rule that country. They represent that land. Not this land. It’s a 
different culture, and a different place. To most Afghans, 
America represents only corruption. There is nothing 
unique about what is now happening in Afghanistan. 
It has been happening for thousands of years, and 
it’s just replaying an ancient script, but in that 
particular location.
However, instead, the U.S.-and-allied media are focusing on Biden’s 
bit part (which was always in a supporting role) in America’s 
invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. So, probably 
nothing will be learned from America’s invasion and 
occupation of Afghanistan, just as nothing was 
learned from America’s invasion & occupation 
of Iraq, and from America’s invasion and 
occupation of Vietnam, and from the 
many other such post-WW-II 
American foreign disasters. 
For America’s billionaires, these have all been great successes 
(very profitable); and, so, probably nothing that’s useful to the 
American people will be learned from history; and, instead, 
the myths will continue that have caused “The Military” to
 be either the highest-respected or the second-highest-
respected of all of the 19 named institutions in
 - the world’s permanent-
warfare state. 
The American military wastes the most money and the most blood 
of any institution in America, but Americans nonetheless respect it 
enormously. That, too, is a mark of an imperialistic country. The 
way to control a public is to sustain the myths. U.S.-and-allied 
billionaires make sure that it is done - however much it costs.
As regards the future of Afghanistan itself: On August the 19th, 
the most reliable geostrategic reporter and analyst, Alexander 
Mercouris, headlined at The Duran, “US Freezes Afghanistan 
Reserves, Threatens Economic Crisis. Russia Works to 
Establish New Government”, and he explained why the 
Taliban will either cooperate with Russia, China, and 
Iran, or else will degenerate yet further into a failed 
state, especially because the U.S. and its allies will 
do everything possible to strangle the fully looted 
Government of Afghanistan — the new Islamic 
Emirate of Afghanistan. So: even after the US 
and its allies have all left that land, the war 
against the people there will continue, in 
full force, from the same people, though 
with different methods.
PS: The philosopher Zizek headlined at RT on August 20th, “The
 true enemy for Islamists is not the West’s neocolonialism or 
military aggression, but our ‘immoral’ culture”, and he said 
“it was not neocons who boosted Islamic fundamentalism, 
this fundamentalism grew up in a reaction to the influence 
of Western liberal secularism and individualism.” 
He did not understand that though religious fundamentalists 
(including the Taliban) focus especially on sexual and gender 
issues, a person didn’t have to be at all religious in order to 
consider the financial and economic corruption of the
 imperialists and of their stooges to be disgusting. 
Americans didn’t invade & occupy Afghanistan, in order to 
spread “liberal secularism and individualism,” but in order 
for US-and-allied billionaires to expand their wealth, their 
empire, and their global control. Even if the Taliban and 
other religious persons might object only (or even just 
mainly) to the sexual and gender issues... a broader 
segment of the Afghan population were repelled by
 the rampant financial and economic corruption of 
the imperialists, and of their stooge-rulers. 
This was not a defeat for “secularism and individualism.” 
It was a rejection of imperialism: a rejection of it even
people who don’t understand what “imperialism”
(Source: Strategic Culture Foundation)

 Iqbal Jassat

Israel is committed to
 aggressively pursuing 
'Zionist colonialism', 
says analyst
August 14th, 9:38am (PressTV)
A political commentator says Israel is relentlessly 
following its "Zionist colonialism" in the occupied 
Palestinian territories, and the evacuation orders 
handed out to indigenous Palestinian families
in the West Bank and 
Jerusalem al-Quds,
are in line 
with the regime’s land 
expropriation policies: to build
more illegal 
settler homes.
“Israel aggressively pursues Zionist colonialism, which
 has been the bedrock of the regime’s illegal ethnic-
cleansing agenda for the last seventy or more 
years,” Iqbal Jassat, an executive member 
of Johannesburg-based Media Review 
Network, told Press TV, in an 
exclusive interview 
on Saturday.
He lambasted the Tel Aviv regime’s systematic theft of 
Palestinian property as “a reprehensible disregard 
for the inalienable rights of indigenous 
Palestinians to their own lands 
and homes.”
“The racist practice of evacuation, is a misleading 
interpretation of forced expulsion, illegal under 
the international law. It is also indicative of 
the Group Areas Act [of 1950], under the 
former apartheid regime of South
 Africa,” Jassat noted.
The South African analyst also criticized the United Nations
 and the International Criminal Court (ICC), for their 
“impotence” ...to prevent Israel's unjust and 
blatant violations of international 
conventions and principles.
“It also raises serious questions about the inherent biases
 existing within these institutions. These biases prevent 
the exercise of law --- to halt land grabs, home 
demolitions, expulsions and incremental
he pointed out.
Jassat went on to say that Western countries’ decades-long 
guilty conscience has prevented these states from 
criticizing Israel, for its barbaric and brutal 
practices, as such denunciations would 
be treated as anti-Semitic.
“The US and its allies in NATO view Israel as a bulwark of 
their interests in the heart of the Muslim world. They,
 therefore, place their so-called security goals 
above injustices against Palestinians,”
 the analyst said.
“Moreover, the Arab world is mainly made up of unelected 
despots, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab 
Emirates and Bahrain. Their collective view, pivots 
on the false notion... that their security is tied 
to Israel. That explains the close proximity 
between their notorious intelligence 
services and Israel's Mossad 
and Shin Bet.”
Jassat further noted that the controversial normalization
 agreements that several Arab states have struck
Israel, have stifled opposition to the
Tel Aviv 
regime’s colonialist and
expansionist policies.
He said the unacceptable betrayal of the Palestinians' 
struggle for liberation from the Israeli occupation,
has even resulted in the regime being granted 
observer status, at the African Union.

Daniel Patrick Welch

Peak hypocrisy: 
US is ''concerned'' 
about China's nukes
by Daniel Patrick Welch
August 7th, 11:45am

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns of 
China's nukes, on the anniversary of his own 
country dropping the only one ever.
The US empire never disappoints in its endless quest 
to project the behavior of a true sociopath. As with 
Goebbels’ Big Lie (which he stole from the US's
Bernays anyway), the tried-and-true strategy, 
is to attack others, for actions it has itself 
performed on a regular basis. 
Hence the whole Russiagate charade about foreign 
interference in sacred elections by a country other
than the US —reigning and uncontested champion 
of regime change campaigns. Now comes Blinken,
the US talking head du jour on the world stage, to
warn Asia about China’s nuclear weapons. Huh?
If irony wasn’t dead, Blinken and crew (Winken, Nod 
et al) would track it down and strangle it with their 
bare hands. On August 6th, the State Department 
announced Blinken’s warning... to China’s 
NUCLEAR BOMB on Hiroshima. 
I would say “not to put to fine a point on it,” but it just 
can’t possibly be sharpened any further. Run that 
back, with the reverse tape noise and all.
The ONLY country EVER to drop a nuclear bomb on another,
 the United States, chooses the very anniversary of the
 of those two genocidal crimes against humanity,
express grave concern about China’s nuclear 
arsenal. I guess you could just drop the mic 
here — there really is so little left to say. 
What comes after tragedy and farce?
 Even Old Man Marx didn’t mention 
a third, though I might venture 
Cynicism Made Flesh?
Of course, Blinken--I just can’t stop saying the name… it’s like 
DICK Cheney and COLIN Powell, or that library cop Bookman 
from Seinfeld—Blinken isn’t to blame for the blasphemy of 
rewriting history. He and his cohorts have a generational 
head start on stupid. Seventy-five years of relentless 
assault on Americans’ knowledge of history and 
political consciousness, has left a populace 
with a Hollywood understanding of WWII 
that has almost no relation to reality. 
Even Eisenhower knew (and said) that the bombings were of no 
military use. Lost to Americans’ history—but importantly, not 
the world’s—is the cold truth that Truman knew as well and 
didn’t care. Perhaps the meanest, and most small-minded 
of US presidents, he offed a hundred thousand Japanese
in one fell swoop, just to scare the Russkies. And by his 
own admission, never lost a night’s sleep. Brrrrrrrr.
But Back to the Future: Blinken’s degenerate idiocy also further 
exposes the infantile disorder of the Lesser Evilists and the rest
of the Harm Reduction menagerie. He is himself, of course, no 
more than a cardboard clown, or more likely made entirely of 
wood, spouting vituperations like a useful ventriloquist’s 
dummy while sitting on the knee of whoever plays Edgar 
Bergen in this cynical farce. The masters who pay 
Blinken, Biden, (O)Bama, Bush and Bacchus
 keep them on a short leash. The sociopaths 
in charge make the real decisions.
The notion that “getting back to normal” would yield anything other
 than a smooth return to the endless killing machine was not just 
wishful thinking, but deliberate self-delusion, a lazy and selfish 
need to play pretend and self-soothe while the world burns.
Unforgiveable, really. From Iran to Venezuela, Russia, China and
beyond, and with clockwork precision, the Enemies of Humanity
are ramping up war fever, concocting lies & manipulating truth 
and fear like never before. The New York Times’ perversion of 
the Tokyo medal counts, to pretend the US won, is more than
instructive: it is the stock in trade and lifeblood of the 
predator class, honing its exceptionalist rhetoric to 
wield when needed. Dark days ahead.
Daniel Patrick Welch is a writer of political commentary and 
analysis. Also a singer and songwriter, he lives and writes 
in Salem, Salem, Massachusetts with his wife. Together
 they run The Greenhouse School. He has traveled 
widely, speaks five languages and studied Russian
 History and Literature at Harvard University.
Welch has also appeared as a guest on several TV and radio 
channels to speak on topics of foreign affairs and political 
analysis--around his day job. He can be available for 
interview requests as time and scheduling permit.
Despite the price of being outspoken against US foreign policy
 and military adventurism -- which can be steep, in today's
 circumstances -- he believes firmly, as did Rosa
 Luxemburg, that "It will always be the most 
revolutionary act, to tell the truth out loud."
Welch wrote this commentary
for the Press TV website.

Finian Cunningham

Russia-China the Endgame
by Finian Cunningham
July 3rd, 1:41pm (Sputnik)
The consolidation of the Russia-China alliance this week 
spells the endgame for Western imperialism and the 
never-ending wars that it spawns.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and China’s leader Xi 
Jinping celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Sino-
Russian Treaty of Friendship, first signed in July 
2001. The hallmark of that historic accord is a 
mutual commitment to peace, prosperity 
and global stability. 
As Putin commented, the alliance between Russia and China
 is a vital source of “stability at a time of increasing geo-
political turbulence”. The latter remark is an oblique 
reference to the US-led Western states which are 
driven by ratcheting up antagonism and 
tensions with Moscow and Beijing, 
using all sorts of spurious 
The attempt by Washington (whether Republican or Democrat) 
and its Western minions to make trouble with Russia and 
China has become almost frenetic. Step back from the 
daily headlines in Western media and it is glaring just
 how much the agenda has become irrationally 
hostile towards Moscow and Beijing. 
Week after week there are unfounded allegations about 
aggression, security threats, cybercrime, interference, 
Covid-19, & so on. It’s like a mad cacophony to wind 
up tensions. Nevertheless, the deranged attitude of 
Western ruling cliques is but the death throes of a 
world order that has reached its expiration. 
Russia and China’s partnership has hugely transformative 
geopolitical significance. Both these giant nations straddle
 the continents of Asia and Europe, connecting the Pacific 
with the Atlantic, ranging from the Arctic to the 
Mediterranean. Both are committed to a vision 
of a multipolar world where nations cooperate
 for mutual development. 
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) linking Eurasia with 
Africa and the Americas is the vision of the future, and 
Russia is a key partner in implementing that 
ambitious win-win project for global peace
 and prosperity. 
This vision stands in stark contrast to the prevailing Western 
capitalist paradigm which operates through dominance, 
control and exploitation for American and European 
profiteering. That kind of centuries-old system 
necessarily involves imperialist conduct ...
whereby the natural resources of foreign 
nations are commandeered by brute 
military force, conflict, subjugation, 
subterfuge, skulduggery and 
other machinations. 
The multipolar vision of global relations advocated by Russia 
and China is the nemesis of the Western imperialist system. 
And that explains why the Americans and their European 
vassals make every effort to demonize and distort 
Russia and China. 
But the geopolitical potential of Russia and China is 
unstoppable. There is a force of natural justice that 
all nations will inevitably subscribe to as the only 
reasonable, feasible & sustainable way forward.
It’s about people-centered development ...
versus profit-driven disorder.
Moreover, the partnership between Russia and China is a 
geographer’s wonder study. Russia is the world’s largest
 national territory by landmass. With over 17 million sq.
 kilometres, it covers 11 time zones out of the world’s 
total of 24. The abundance of natural resources that 
Russia possesses is astounding, from reserves of
 natural gas, oil, metals and minerals, to forestry, 
agriculture and fisheries. It also can boast of 
highly advanced technology in multiple 
sectors. And... it shares a long land 
border with China, for easing trade. 
Meanwhile, China has a population of 1.4 billion people, ten 
times that of Russia. With highly advanced technology and 
manufacturing, China is not only a vast market for Russian
 resources, it is also a gateway to the world economy. 
China has already become the world’s biggest 
economy over the United States, according 
to some measures. 
The US and Europe are post-industrial economies that are 
also post-peak of their prime. Their “prime” was always 
based on an extractive predatory relationship with the
 rest of the world that was predicated on inflicting 
conflict and poverty on others. 
As China and Russia build on their strategic partnership for
 mutual prosperity and peace the upshot will inevitably 
entail the endgame for Western imperial powers,
 which are atrophying from massive inequality,
 indebtedness, moral decadence and 
social decay. 
Fortunately, too, and this is crucial, Russia and China have
 military defenses from new generations of hypersonic 
weaponry that make them impregnable against any 
warmongering notions by the United States. A 
failing empire like the US and its Western 
satellites is always a dangerous time, as 
it tries to prevent the inevitable collapse, 
but starting a war with Russia & China
 ...is not an option. 
The views & opinions expressed in the article 
do not - necessarily - reflect those of Sputnik.

Barry Grossman

Barry Grossman: US, Israel 
Adopting Bullying Tactics 
for ICC War Crimes 
Investigation in 
June 30th (FNA)

Barry Grossman is an international lawyer and political 
commentator focused on human rights related issues. 
He has been extensively published, on various legal 
subjects and is a frequent commentator on political 
affairs. He has taught law at the University of 
Melbourne’s Faculty of Law and Monash 
University’s Faculty of Law.
Below is the full text of the interview:
Q: How do you see the ICC ruling and the
 issue of anti-Semitism raised by Israel? 
A: To be sure, Benjamin Netanyahu has himself said that 
“when the ICC investigates Israel for fake war crimes,
 this is pure antisemitism”.
There can of course be no doubt that antisemitism is real;
 indeed, every bit as real as Islam-phobia. But the long 
standing ruse of conflating antisemitism with any and 
all criticism of Zionism or Israel, is no longer taken 
seriously, by a growing and very substantial 
minority of people in the wider population.
Meanwhile the tactic of tarring everyone who resists Zionism 
or criticises Israel with the antisemitism brush is having the 
unfortunate, though not necessarily unintended 
consequence of discrediting even the most 
genuine efforts to draw attention to those 
people whose speech is, indeed, 
motivated by little more than
 hatred for Jews.
Q: There are huge media attacks towards ICC’s probe to
 Israeli war crimes in Palestine. Do you believe the ICC
 can make a correct ruling under this media hegemony?
A: Propaganda about the ICC case published by the 
Atlantic World’s Corporate Media Cartel is of course 
preceded by pressure and instructions from think-
tanks, as well as the security/policy making 
apparatus, which are, of course, fully 
infiltrated by individuals promoting 
Zionist agendas.
In that regard, both the US and Israel have openly declared 
their hostile intentions towards the ICC and there is already 
clear evidence that they're deploying all their usual tactics, 
including intimidation, extortion, bribery and garden variety 
corruption, to get politicians around the world, lawyers 
involved in making Palestine’s case, and members of 
the ICC to fall into line.
That said, if the myriad jurisdiction related technicalities 
raised by Israel can be overcome, I am quite sure the
ICC is capable of reaching what many of us consider 
the correct position regarding ubiquitous war crimes 
and other violations of international law, perpetrated 
by the occupation.
The real problem is that the ICC is quite limited in its ability 
to enforce any ruling against responsible individuals and 
Israeli organizations, so long as the key Atlantic World 
nations continue to provide unqualified support for 
the occupation, or, at the very least, to remain 
neutral, in the face of clear evidence of the 
occupation’s crimes.
A second very significant strategic issue arises from a 
prevailing political reality which dictates that, in order 
to make a reasonable finding about the occupation’s 
crimes, the ICC will also have to use its authority to 
investigate violations of international law alleged 
against Hamas and other Palestinian groups ---
bearing in mind that the law of armed conflict 
does not concern itself with the order in 
which things played out and any finding
against Palestinian groups will certainly 
receive far more traction, both in the 
international community as well as 
in occupied Palestine, than any 
finding of culpability on the 
part of the occupation.
Indeed, from where I sit, I do not see Palestine as 
having much to gain from this process, but it 
does stand to lose no small part of the 
standing in public opinion, which it 
has taken decades to develop, at 
the cost of thousands of 
Palestinian lives.
Q: Is it hypocrisy that Israel says Palestine is not 
a sovereign state to have a delegation at ICC?
A: Hypocrisy hardly even begins to cover it. No nation 
is in a position to dictate that Palestine is not a 
sovereign nation-state, even if the UN has not 
yet extended Palestine’s observer nation 
status to full membership --- the way it 
quickly recognized Israel’s existence 
as a full member, in 1949.
It is also worth remembering that 
31 UN member nations still do 
not recognize Israel.
Of course, none of this is relevant to the Palestinian 
delegation’s participation in ICC proceedings 
investigating allegations of war crimes and 
other violations of international law 
committed against Palestinians by 
Israeli nationals & organizations, 
even though Israel is not, itself, 
a party to the ICC treaty.
On the other hand, the Palestinian Authority (PA), 
whose statehood and sovereignty has been 
subject to intense dispute across the 
international community...  is a 
signatory to the Rome Statute 
(that is, the ICC Treaty), so it 
would be bizarre, if it was 
not permitted to have a 
delegation present, at
the ICC proceedings.

US trying to direct Yemen war gets drones shot down

Fearful of Yemen’s victory, 
US resorts to direct 
intervention in war
June 22nd, 6:36pm (PressTV)
by Jafari 
(Jafari is an independent
journalist and blogger.)
Battle rages on fiercely in Ma’rib and the other fronts of
 the war in Yemen. After the Saudi mercenaries’ defeat 
in recapturing the strategic al-Khanjar base in Khabb 
wa ash-Sha'af District of al-Jawf Province, which 
incurred very heavy casualties on them, it looks 
like the continued expansion of the clashes 
serves to indicate the frustration... of the 
Omani side’s idea for the establishment
of a ceasefire. It is said that more than 
200 of the attackers were either killed, 
injured or captured, during the assault
 on the base, most of the deaths being 
caused by Saudi warplanes’ strikes 
on fleeing mercenaries.
The Americans consider the war in Yemen... especially in 
Ma’rib, to be part of their grand project for their regional 
and international competitions. The American side’s 
insistence on a cessation of the war and its ploys of 
ending its military support for the invading Saudi-
led coalition could not, however, cover up this 
grand strategy, and Yemen’s significance 
within this strategy. In fact, these days, 
the Yemenis are officially fighting a 
coalition of Arab and Western 
countries... at the same time.
The Omanis have effectively faced defeat in their mission 
--- since Saudi Arabia has not made good on its verbal 
pledges to them of leaving the humanitarian matters 
(such as reopening Sana’a airport for travel towards
certain destinations.. & allowing commodities 
& oil
products into al-Hudaydah port) out of 
other issues.

It had been agreed, for the process 
of preparing
and writing an agreement, to 
start... upon the
return to Muscat. 
Riyadh has, however, bottled out of its commitments & 
mooted some conditions --- the most important among 
which, is an end to all attacks in Ma’rib. According to
Akhbar paper, the emergence of such a condition, 
indicates that Washington has been more insistent 
on imposing it on Sana’a, than Riyadh, during the
recent negotiations --- so it can stem Yemen’s 
geopolitical role in the region and the world.
Expounding on this significant issue, the paper has unveiled
 a portion of this grand strategy. Al-Akhbar’s report reads:
“Washington leaves no stone unturned to ensure the 
simultaneous realization of a batch of its interests; 
the Israeli interests in the Red Sea, and the Bab-el
Mandeb Strait as well as the American interests
 in the Makran waters, and in the Indian Ocean, 
pertaining to the US’s ongoing competition 
with China. The US and China’s war over 
various straits, maritime commercial 
corridors, and vital islands, have 
compounded the difficult pre-
dicaments. that concern the 
Yemeni & Saudi sides, and
the tough political
they set.”
“Yemen has turned into the main battlefield 
in this war, due to its special geographical
The United States is going through fire and water 
to prevent Yemen from exploiting its strategic 
position --- and to stop Sana’a from gaining 
control over the city of Ma’rib, and Ma’rib
 Province’s oil facilities. Washington... is 
taking all political & military measures
it has at its disposal, to get in the
of such a prospect. 
It believes that Ma’rib’s potential liberation, would allow 
Yemen to draw broad benefits from its strategic position.
 It is of the opinion that, on Ma’rib Province’s recapture, 
the Yemeni army & Popular Committees would set out 
to liberate the western areas that overlook Bab-el-
Mandeb. Because of this, the battle in Ma’rib has 
come to constitute the focal point of American 
diplomacy, and risen to the top of American
 Yemen envoy, Tim Lenderking’s, agenda.
The American envoy had realized that no one attaches any 
importance to the superpower’s emissary in Sana’a!! He 
then resorted to threats, strongly warning, during one 
stage in the talks, that Washington would change its 
tone... if the battle in Ma’rib did not end.
Elsewhere in its report, the Lebanese paper points to 
Washington and London’s direct exertion of influence 
toward an attainment of the goal. It notes that along
side the Saudi forces, a number of US and British 
officers spearhead the Saudi-Emirati coalition’s 
aerial operations targeting Yemen --- directly 
managing the military operations in Yemen 
and supervising the plans and tactics. 
Under the new US administration, no new aerial operation 
has been recorded against al-Qaeda terrorist organization 
in Yemen. Daesh and al-Qaeda’s elements, who had fled to
al-Bayda Province, have been allowed to wage war along-
side the forces of the former Yemeni government of Abd 
Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. The terrorists have also been 
armed and assigned the responsibility of a number
 of [battleground] axes too.
In fact, in addition to battling the Saudi & Emirati armies, 
Hadi’s mercenaries, al-Qaeda & Daesh, the Yemeni army 
and Popular Committees are directly fighting Britain and 
the US. Direct participation in the war by US drones and 
warplanes, signal the [US’s sensing a] necessity for a 
change in the standing equations.
The US’s concern about the Yemeni army and Popular 
Committees’ success may consist of only one aspect 
of this issue, while Washington’s direct intervention 
indicates that the Saudi army and its Sudanese and 
Yemeni mercenaries, are far from capable of stop-
ping the Yemeni fighters. What Yemen stopped 
short of achieving in the coastal area of the 
mountainous Kahboub area in 2017 as a 
result of direct Emirati intervention,
be easily regained.
 Now, the American side is fearful that Yemeni fighters may
 reach the rough terrain and restore their command on the
 Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. This matter is of such importance 
that a US army drone squad has deployed to the King 
Khaled Airbase in Khamis Mashit, to directly gather 
information about the axes of confrontation.
The recent crash of two drones in less than four days 
bespeaks the extent of this intervention. On the one 
hand, the American strategy of trying to push back 
against the Yemeni army and Popular Committees 
belies the new US administration’s allegation of 
non-intervention in Yemen & attempts at ending 
war in the country. On the other... it indicates
 that the Saudis have suffered an ignominious 
defeat... in the mission they have
been assigned.
 As stated above, the US’s policy of trying to keep the 
Yemeni army and the Popular Committees away from 
Ma’rib, takes pride of place in the US envoy’s mission
in Yemen. Lenderking’s main problem, 
however... is
that he lacks the necessary 
vehicles of exerting
political & economic
 pressure on the Yemenis
--- since these 
vehicles, have already
been exhausted.
The only means that remain at the US’s disposal is military
 intervention, which, in turn, would provoke the Yemenis’ 
intense reaction. Yemen’s drone & missile capabilities 
have turned into major issues for the American side. 
Because, with the American intervention rising to the fore
 (as seen in the case of the ScanEagle drones’ crashes),
 the Yemeni fighters’ retaliatory strength... would win 
more credibility too. For the same reason, the US’s 
positions in Djibouti, Saudi, inside Yemen itself, 
and even the Persian Gulf region’s states...
 could start coming under missile & drone
attacks. This is something that 
drone and missile units 
offered a
peek into, over 
and Sunday.

Eva Bartlett on genocide of Syrians by illegal US sanctions

A Western-backed war 
couldn’t destroy Syria, 
now sanctions are 
starving its people
by Eva Bartlett
June 16th, 5:39pm (RT)
Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist 
and activist. She has spent years on the ground 
covering conflict zones in the Middle East, 
especially in Syria and Palestine (where 
she lived for nearly four years). Follow
 her on Twitter @EvaKBartlett
A little over a decade ago, Syrians lived in safety and financial 
security. After ten years of war on Syria, while safety has 
largely returned, Syrians are struggling to exist under 
increasingly crippling Western sanctions.
As Syrian analyst Kevork Almassian noted, “Were it not for the
 CIA regime change war, arming & training tens of thousands 
of multinational terrorists, draconian sanctions, foreign 
occupation of North & East, looting the oil & burning 
the wheat, Syria would've now a brilliant economy 
& high standard of living.”
When I first visited Syria in 2014, and in the years following, 
mortars and missiles fired from terrorist groups occupying 
eastern Ghouta pummeled Damascus on a daily basis. 
Likewise in government-controlled areas of Aleppo, 
and elsewhere around Syria.
Parents never knew if their children would return from school, 
or be shelled while at school. Untold numbers of Syrian 
civilians have been maimed over the past decade by 
such shelling, untold numbers more killed.
So one might expect that in 2021, with most of the terrorism 
in Syria eradicated, Syrians would have begun returning to
 the normal lives they had ten years prior. But the brutal 
sanctions have truly wrought hell on Syrians over the 
years, and under the latest ones, life has gotten 
exponentially worse.
Last year, I was in Syria for half of the year, after the borders 
closed due to Covid confusion. With ample time on hand,
I walked for hours around Damascus, daily. One after-
noon, wanting to get a good view of the city, I walked 
along narrow lanes going up the side of Qasioun 
mountain, encountering locals who spoke of 
community and supporting one another
 in hard times.
I had stopped to take a photo of the vista when a young girl's
 voice called out to me. Shortly after, I was seated in her 
family's humble sitting room, drinking cold water and
 talking with the family.
Only by chance did I learn that the father was ill with prostate 
cancer and suffering greatly for a want of affordable 
medications, increasingly difficult to get a hold of 
due to the sanctions. And that was in April, 
before the sadistically-named Caesar 
Syria Civilian Protection Act came 
into effect, months later.
I say sadistically, because these sanctions, while ostensibly 
intended to target the Syrian government and its allies, in 
order to punish and discourage supposed “war crimes” 
against civilians, in reality inflict endless misery on 
those same Syrian civilians. This is, as I wrote, 
something former US envoy for Syria, James 
Jeffrey, boasted about, reportedly saying 
that the sanctions “contributed to the
 collapse of the value of the 
Syrian pound.”
US sanctions are part of a multi-front war on Syria, 
and its long-suffering civilians are the main target.
It’s a pattern we’ve already seen with Western sanctions 
– in Venezuela, they have not only made people’s lives 
hell, but, as I also wrote, have killed up to 40,000 
Venezuelans in the span of one year, according 
to the Center for Economic & Policy Research.
A recent guest article in the Financial Times addressed 
Syria's ongoing (and orchestrated) economic crisis, 
with particular attention to the sanctions, noting 
that 60% of Syrians are suffering from 
food insecurity.
That number might actually be significantly higher, as in
 a July 2020 article detailing the illegality of the sanctions,
 the author cited 83% of the population living below the 
poverty line. That article noted, because of the 
Caesar sanctions:
“Unlike the pre-existing sanctions, they apply to transactions 
anywhere in the world that engage the Syrian Government or 
certain sectors of the Syrian economy, even when those 
transactions have no connection to the United States.
“Such sanctions cripple a state’s economy; disrupt the 
availability of food, medicines, drinking water, and 
sanitation supplies; interfere with the functioning 
of health and education systems; and undermine 
people’s ability to work.”
These are not unintended effects – they are the whole idea.
The FT article notes that after the Caesar Act came into effect, 
the Syrian pound, “lost almost 70% of its value against the 
dollar in the following months. This spurred an inflationary
 spiral affecting food prices, which more than tripled
 in 2020.”
And, in contrast to how the US pretends to “protect” Syrians
 with these sanctions, the Caesar Act is, “severely affecting 
the local economy especially in the construction, energy,
 and financial sectors, blocking any possibility of 
reconstruction in this phase of lower-
intensity conflict.”
Although I continued to follow events in Syria after leaving in 
late September 2020, when I returned in the last week of May 
this year, even I was surprised at the skyrocketed cost of 
basic things. About half a kilo of hummus that was 400 
Syrian pounds last year is 2,200 now. At the current 
official exchange rate of 2,500 that’s slightly less 
than a dollar – but the average salary in Syria is 
around 50-60,000 Syrian pounds/month.
The FT article noted a kilogram of beef “costs about a 
quarter of a public employee’s average monthly salary. 
For perspective, in Italy this translates as €700 per kg.
 In the UK? £300 per lb.”
I chatted with a friend who has just one child. He described 
spending 15,000 (about $6) on vegetables, that would last 
several days. That's a quarter of his salary gone, and 
many expenses still to pay.
In the Midan district of Damascus—an area usually brimming 
with shoppers coming for the famous sweet shops there, but
not crowded the day I went—a cigarette vendor I spoke with
described how he struggles to provide food for his wife and
two sons. Like the majority of Syrians, selling cigarettes is a 
second job for him. Some are working three jobs, morning 
to late evening, and still can't make ends meet.
He spoke of the self-sufficiency Syria had prior to the war, 
how everyone had work, but now, people are suffocating.
“We are rationing! I used to buy a kilo of meat every month, 
but now I buy 200 grams. My salary is 55,000, and if I can 
earn 50,000 from this second work, I will have 100,000 
Syrian pounds. But, this amount is still not enough.”
“Yesterday, I bought some yogurt, cheese, a box of mortadella 
(meat), and a box of tissues. I paid 11,000 Syrian pounds. This
 is for one day, and just breakfast.”
He said a dearth of fertilizers and insecticides, due to 
sanctions, is directly impacting the agricultural sector.
While in Damascus, I also met with French humanitarian, 
Pierre Le Corf, who has lived in Syria for six years, most 
of that time in Aleppo. Le Corf, working and living with 
some of the poorest and most affected Syrians in 
Aleppo, spoke of how the sanctions are designed
 to kill hope, in addition to killing civilians.
“You might not see people starving in the street, but that's 
not what suffering is. People are suffering in silence. More 
and more, the youth are leaving the country, not because 
they want to leave Syria or feel oppressed, but because
 they feel that they have no hope anymore.
The currency went from 50 Syrian pounds [for a dollar, 
before the war] to 4,000 Syrian pounds. People work 
from morning to night, and at the end of the day, 
their kids might ask for a banana. One kilogram 
of bananas is 5,000 Syrian pounds. When you 
earn 60,000 a month...”
He spoke of the pressure the US puts on every company 
and person who deals with Syria, that they can be 
imprisoned, fined. “They are forcing companies 
to not work with Syria,” to isolate Syria.
“I know families for who I'm trying to figure out how to bring 
them medicines that they can't find any more. A week ago, I 
went to bury a guy who we had been bringing medicine, 
because we couldn't find it any more. It became 90,000 
pounds a box, he needed four boxes a month. He 
needed more medicine and better treatment - that 
we can't have, because it’s forbidden. Forbidden
why? Because they pretend it's 'double use', 
maybe it could be used for the army. The 
people are paying the price, no 
one else.”
In an interview on Syria Insider, British journalist 
Vanessa Beeley condemned on the sanctions 
against Syria, saying:
“Western governments are starving the Syrian people. 
They are depriving them of their right to return home,
 because the rebuilding process is being delayed. 
They are punishing the Syrian people for the 
resistance of the Syrian people against what
 they want to impose upon them. It's nothing t
o do with the Syrian government or 
President Assad.”
Sanctions are never ever non-lethal practises. They are 
almost the most lethal of all weapons used in the hybrid
 war against the people of a targeted nation.
“At the same time as the sanctions are in place, the West 
is stealing the oil, burning the food resources, selling the 
food resources outside of Syria, all to deprive the Syrian
 people of their own resources, of the abundance of their
 own country.”
In a recent, detailed, presentation focussing on the 
sanctions, Beeley highlighted their effects not only 
on incomes, food, medicines, but also on fuel, 
industry, agriculture, health care and 
hospitals, electricity and water.
She aptly noted: “One could argue that the US Coalition 
is responsible for genocide in Syria, under Genocide 
Convention article II (e) – deliberately inflicting on 
the group, conditions of life calculated to bring
 about its physical destruction in whole or
 in part.”
In US President Joe Biden’s meeting with Russia’s Vladimir 
Putin today, perhaps among the scripted talking points 
there was tut tutting of Syria and Russia's alleged 
preventing of humanitarian aid, a tired old trope 
debunked but still trumpeted by hypocrites in 
the West.
And while such integrity-devoid Western representatives 
launch accusation after accusation at Syria and Russia,
 it is abundantly clear that the suffering of Syrians is a 
product of the illegal war on Syria and the deadly, 
criminal, sanctions against the Syrian people.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this 
column are solely those of the author and do 
not necessarily represent those of RT.

US Encirclement of China

US Encirclement of China:
 A 'Progress' Report
by Brian Berletic 
May 22nd  (The Saker)
We post this long-read article in full - 
as the New Eastern Outlook site has
 been down for a number of days.
Tensions between Washington and Beijing are not merely
 the recent results of former US President Donald Trump’s
 time in office – but rather, just the latest chapter in US
 efforts to contain China, that stretch back decades.
Indeed, US foreign policy has, for decades, admittedly
at encircling and containing China’s rise, and
primacy over the Indo-Pacific region.
The “Pentagon Papers” leaked in 1969 would admit in
 regards to the ongoing US war against Vietnam that:
…the February decision to bomb North Vietnam and the 
July approval of Phase I deployments make sense only 
if they are in support of a long-run United States policy 
to contain China.
The papers also admitted that China, “looms as a major 
power threatening to undercut [American] importance
and effectiveness in the world and, more remotely but
more menacingly, to organize all of Asia against
The papers also made it clear that there were (and still are), 
“three fronts to a long-run effort to contain China: (a) the 
Japan-Korea front; (b) the India-Pakistan front; and (c) 
the Southeast Asia front.”
Since then, it is clear that from the continued US military
 presence in both Japan and South Korea, the now two 
decades-long US occupation of Afghanistan on both 
Pakistan’s and China’s borders, and the emergence 
of the so-called “Milk Tea Alliance” aimed at over-
throwing Southeast Asian governments friendly
 with China and replacing them with US-backed 
client regimes – this policy to contain China
 endures up to today.
Assessing US activity along these three fronts reveals
 the progress and setbacks Washington faces -- and 
the various dangers to global peace and stability
 Washington’s continued belligerence poses.
The Japan-Korea Front 
Military.com in their article, “Here’s What It Costs to 
Keep US Troops in Japan and South Korea,” reports:
In all, more than 80,000 US troops are deployed to Japan 
and South Korea. In Japan alone, the US maintains more 
than 55,000 deployed troops — the largest forward-
deployed US force anywhere in the world.
The article notes that according to the US Government 
Accountability Office (GAO), the US spent “$34 billion 
to maintain military presences in Japan and South
 Korea between 2016 and 2019.”
The article cites the GAO providing an explanation as to 
why this massive US military presence is maintained in
 East Asia:
“…US forces help strengthen alliances, promote a free 
and open Indo-Pacific region, provide quick response 
to emergencies and are essential for US national
“Alliances” that are “strengthened” by the physical 
presence of what are -- essentially, -- occupying US 
forces, suggests the “alliance” is hardly voluntary
and claims of promoting a 
“free and open Indo-
Pacific region”
 is highly subjective – begging
question of, to whom, is the Indo-Pacific
“free and open”.
And as US power wanes both regionally in the Indo-
Pacific as well as globally, Washington has placed
 increasing pressures on both Japan and South
 Korea to not only help shoulder this financial 
burden, but to also become more proactive 
within Washington’s containment strategy
 toward China.
Japan is one of three other nations (the US itself, 
Australia, and India) drafted into the US-led 
Quadrilateral Security Dialogue – also 
known as the “Quad.”
Rather than the US solely depending on its own military 
forces based within Japanese territory or supported by
 its Japan-based forces, Japan’s military along with 
India’s and Australia’s are also being recruited to
 take part in military exercises and operations
 in and around the South China Sea.
India’s inclusion in the Quad also fits well into the US 
3-front strategy that made up Washington’s contain-
ment policy toward China as early as the 1960s.
The India-Pakistan Front 
In addition to recruiting India into the Quad alliance, the 
US helps encourage escalation through political 
support and media campaigning of India’s 
various territorial disputes with China.
The US also targets Pakistan’s close and ongoing 
relationship with China – including the support of 
armed insurgents in Pakistan’s Baluchistan 
Recently, a bombing at a hotel in Quetta, Baluchistan 
appears to have targeted China’s ambassador to 
Pakistan, Ambassador Nong Rong.
The BBC in its article, “Pakistan hotel bomb: 
Deadly blast hits luxury venue in Quetta,”
 would claim:
Initial reports had suggested the target 
was China’s ambassador.
Ambassador Nong Rong is understood to be in Quetta
 but was not present at the hotel at the time of the 
attack on Wednesday.
The article also noted:
Balochistan province, near the Afghan border,
is home to several armed groups, including
Separatists in the region want independence from the 
rest of Pakistan and accuse the government and 
China of exploiting Balochistan, one of 
Pakistan’s poorest provinces, for its 
gas and mineral wealth.
Absent from the BBC’s reporting is the extensive and 
open support the US government has provided these 
separatists over the years and how – clearly – this is 
more than just a local uprising against perceived 
injustice, but yet another example of armed 
conflict-by-proxy waged by Washington 
against China.
As far back as 2011 publications like The National 
Interest in articles like, “Free Baluchistan” would 
openly advocate expanding US support for 
separatism in Pakistan’s Baluchistan
The article was written by the late Selig  Harrison
--- who was a senior fellow at the US-based 
(corporate-financier funded) Centre for 
International Policy --- & would claim:
Pakistan has given China a base at Gwadar in the 
heart of Baluch territory. So an independent 
Baluchistan... would serve US strategic 
interests, in addition to the immediate 
goal, of countering Islamist forces.
Of course, “Islamist forces”... is a euphemism for US-
Persian Gulf state sponsored militants used to both
fight Western proxy wars, as well as serve as a 
pretext for Western intervention. Citing 
“Islamist forces” in Baluchistan, 
Pakistan - clearly - serves as
example of the latter.
In addition to op-eds published by influential policy 
think tanks, US legislators like US Representative 
Dana Rohrabacher, had proposed resolutions 
such as (emphasis added),
“US House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution 
104 (112th): Expressing the sense of Congress that
 the people of Baluchistan, currently divided 
between Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, 
have the right to self-determination and
 to their own sovereign country.”
There is also funding provided to adjacent, political 
groups supporting separatism in Baluchistan, 
Pakistan, as listed by the US government’s 
own National Endowment for Democracy 
(NED) website under “Pakistan.”
 Organizations like the “Association for Integrated 
Development Balochistan” are funded by the
government and used to mobilize people 
politically, constituting clear interference
 by the US, in Pakistan’s internal 
political affairs.
The Gwadar Port project is a key juncture within China’s 
growing global network of infrastructure projects, as 
part of its One Belt, One Road initiative. The US 
clearly opposes China’s rise & has articulated
robust strategies to 
counter it; everything up
and including, open war, as seen in the
Papers, regarding the
Vietnam War.
The recent bombing in Baluchistan, Pakistan demonstrates
 that this strategy continues, in regards to utilizing local 
militants to target Chinese-Pakistani co-operation, and 
is one part of the much wider, region-wide strategy: 
of encircling and containing China.
The Southeast Asia Front
Of course the US war against Vietnam was part of a wider
 effort to reassert Western primacy over Southeast Asia 
...and deny the region from fueling China’s
inevitable rise.
The US having lost the war and almost completely retreating 
from the Southeast Asia region saw Southeast Asia itself
 repair relations amongst themselves and with China.
Today, the nations of Southeast Asia count China as their
 largest trade partner, investor, a ''key partner'' in infra-
structure development, a key supplier for the region’s
 armed forces, as well as providing the majority of 
tourism arrivals throughout the region. For 
countries like Thailand, more tourists 
arrive from China, than from all 
Western nations combined.
Because existing governments in Southeast Asia have 
nothing to benefit from by participating in American
 belligerence toward China, the US has found it 
necessary to cultivate and attempt to install 
into power various client regimes. This has 
been an ongoing process, since the 
Vietnam War.
The US has targeted each nation individually for years.
In 2009 & 2010, US-backed opposition leader-in-exile, 
Thaksin Shinawatra, deployed his “red shirt” rioters
in back-to-back riots - the latter of which included 
some 300 armed militants and culminated in city-
wide arson across Bangkok, and the death of 
over 90 police, soldiers, protesters, and 
In 2018, US-backed opposition groups took power in 
Malaysia after the US poured millions of dollars, for 
over a decade, in building up the opposition.
Daniel Twining of the US National Endowment
Democracy subsidiary – the International 
Republican Institute – admitted, during a talk
by the 
Center for Strategic & International
that same year, that:
…for 15 years working with NED resources, we worked 
to strengthen Malaysian opposition parties -- and guess 
what happened 2 months ago after 61 years? They won.
He would elaborate on how the NED’s network played a 
direct role in placing US-backed opposition figures into 
power, within the Malaysian government, stating:
I visited and I was sitting there with many of the leaders 
the new leaders of this government, many of whom
 were just our partners we had been working with
 for 15 years and one of the most senior of them
 who’s now one of the people running the 
government said to me, ‘gosh IRI you 
never gave up on us even when we 
were ready to give up 
on ourselves.’
Far from “promoting freedom” in Malaysia  ---- Twining 
would make clear the ultimate objective of interfering
 in Malaysia’s internal political affairs, was to serve 
US interests, not only in regards to Malaysia, but 
in regards to the entire region and specifically 
toward encircling and containing China.
Twining would boast:
  …guess what one of the first steps the 
new government took? It froze Chinese 
infrastructure investments.
And that:
[Malaysia] is not a hugely pro-American country. It is 
probably never going to be an actual US ally, but this
 is going to redound to our benefit, and and that’s 
an example of the long game.
It is a pattern that has repeated itself in Myanmar over 
the decades --- with NED money building a parallel 
political system within the nation and eventually 
leading to Aung San Suu Kyi and her US-backed
 National League for Democracy (NLD) party 
taking power in 2016.
For Myanmar, so deep and extensive is US backing for 
opposition groups there, that the elections virtually 
guarantee US-backed candidates win.. every single
 time. The US National Endowment for Democracy’s 
own website alone... lists over 80 programs and 
organizations receiving US government money
- for everything from election polling, and
 building up political parties - to funding 
media networks and “environmental”
 groups used to block any Chinese-
initiated infrastructure projects.
The move by Myanmar’s military in February this year, 
ousting Aung Sang Suu Kyi and the NLD, was meant
 correct this.
However, in addition to backing political groups 
protesting in the streets, the US has – for many 
decades – backed and armed ethnic rebels 
across the country. These rebels have now 
linked up with the US-backed NLD and are 
repeating the US-backed regime change 
tactics used against the Arab World in
2011 --- in nations like Libya, Yemen, 
and Syria – including explicit calls
 for “international intervention.”
A US-Engineered “Asia Spring”  
Just as the US did during the 2011 “Arab Spring” – the US 
State Department, in a bid to create synergies across 
its various regime change campaigns in Asia, has 
introduced the “Milk Tea Alliance” to transform 
individual US-backed regime change efforts
Asia, into a region-wide crisis.
The BBC itself admits in articles like, “Milk Tea 
Alliance: Twitter creates emoji for pro-
democracy activists,” and that:
The alliance has brought together anti-Beijing
 in Hong Kong and Taiwan, with
campaigners in Thailand
and Myanmar.
Omitted from the BBC’s coverage of the “Milk Tea Alliance”
 (intentionally) is the actual common denominators that 
unite it – US funding through fronts like the National 
Endowment for Democracy and a unifying hatred 
of China - based exclusively on talking points 
pushed by the US State Department itself.
Circling back to the Pentagon Papers and recalling the 
coordinated, regional campaign the US sought to 
encircle China with – we can then look at more
 recent US government policy papers like the 
“Indo-Pacific Framework” published in the 
White House archives from the Trump 
The policy paper’s first bullet point asks:
How to maintain US strategic primacy in the Indo-Pacific 
region, and promote a liberal economic order, while 
preventing China from establishing new, illiberal 
spheres of influence, and cultivating areas of 
cooperation to promote regional peace 
and prosperity?
The paper also discusses information campaigns designed 
to “educate” the world about “China’s coercive behaviour 
and to influence operations around the globe.” These 
campaigns have materialized in a propaganda war 
fabricating accusations of “Chinese genocide” in 
Xinjiang, China, claims that Chinese telecom 
company Huawei is a global security threat,
 and that China – not the US – is the single 
largest threat to global peace and 
stability today.
In reality US policy aimed at encircling China -- is 
predicated upon Washington’s desire to continue 
its own decades-long impunity upon the global 
stage, and the continuation of all the wars, 
humanitarian crises, and abuses, that 
have stemmed from it.
Understanding the full scope of Washington’s 
“competition” with China...  helps unlock the 
confusion surrounding unfolding individual 
crises like the trade war; the ongoing 
violence and turmoil in Myanmar;
 bombings in southwest Pakistan;
 students mobs in Thailand; riots
 in Hong Kong; and attempts by
 the US to transform the South 
China Sea, into an inter-
Understanding that these events are all connected - then
 assessing the success or failure of US efforts - gives us
clearer picture of the overall success of Washington
encircling China.  It also gives governments and 
regional blocs a clearer picture of how to manage
policy, in protecting against US 
subversion: that
threatens national, 
regional, and global peace 
and stability.
Brian Berletic, is a Bangkok-based
researcher and writer,
especially for the 
online magazine
“New Eastern Outlook”.

Australians should be ashamed that they have a
regime propped up to serve US racist agendas!

sanctions infograph

How Exceptional America Is
by Eric Zuesse
September 30th, 2020

America is becoming exceptionally exceptional. In some votes 
at the UN General Assembly - the Assembly of nations - only 
Israel, or one or two other U.S. allies, vote along with it, and 
all others either vote against it, or else abstain in order to 
prevent U.S. retaliation against their own nation. No other 
nation is anything like that. In fact, on many occasions, 
the U.S. arm-twists other delegations -- in order to get 
them to abstain from voting so as to make less stark, 
and less embarrassing, America’s international 
isolation. But America is also extraordinarily 
exceptional in other ways, which have 
nothing to do with the UN.

America is truly an exceptional nation. As the 
Republican Party magazine National Review 
stated, on September 15th, “Last week, 
the US and Israel were the only states
to vote against a General 
resolution on the
response. Some have 
upon that vote to paint the 
USt as a bad faith actor
that stands alone
in the world.” 

However, this vote wasn’t about only “the global 
coronavirus response.” It was — perhaps even 
more importantly - about U.S. sanctions against 
Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Russia, China, and other 
countries that the U.S. regime considers to be 
its enemies. (None of these countries ever 
invaded or even threatened to invade 
the USA; all of those sanctions are 
100% U.S. aggression. 

They are target-countries that America’s aristocracy 
wants to take over. (The world’s U.S.-sanctioned 
countries are marked in red -- on the map of the 
world below.) Israel strongly supports sanctions 
against both Syria and Venezuela, and routinely 
invades and bombs Syria just for good measure. 
So, it joined America’s position on that.

That UN General Assembly vote was held on September 
11th. America’s Associated Press bannered the next day, 
“UN assembly approves pandemic resolution; US, Israel 
object”, and reported that, “The 193-member world body 
adopted the resolution by a vote of 169-2, with Ukraine 
and Hungary abstaining. It was a strong show of unity 
by the UN’s most representative body, though many 
countries had hoped for adoption by consensus.” 

The AP further stated:

It calls on governments and international financial institutions 
“to provide more liquidity in the financial system, especially 
in all developing countries.” It supports recovery plans that 
“drive transformative change towards more inclusive and 
just societies, including by empowering and engaging all 
women and girls.”

And it urges UN member nations “to adopt a climate- and 
environment-responsive approach to COVID-19 recovery 
efforts”, including by aligning investments and domestic 
policies with the UN goals & the 2015 Paris agreement
to combat climate change. …

By a vote of 132-3, the assembly amended the resolution to 
urge all countries “to refrain from promulgating and applying 
any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in 
accordance with international law and the Charter of the 
United Nations that impedes the full achievement of 
economic and social development, particularly in 
developing countries.”

The United States was then overwhelmingly defeated in 
attempts to remove 2 paragraphs from the resolution, 
one referring to women’s rights to “sexual and 
reproductive health” --- and the other --- to 
“promoting global sustainable transport.”

In addition to arguing against the language on sanctions, 
the United States opposed all references to the World 
Health Organization, which the US administration had 
stopped funding, accusing the UN agency of failing 
to do enough to stop the virus from spreading 
when it first surfaced in China.

Nowhere in the AP’s article was any mention made that 
in the “vote of 169-2,” the two nations which had voted 
against the Resolution were the US and Israel, but only 
that there had been “objections from the United States 
and Israel,” regarding attachment, to the Resolution, of 
the Amendment that added the anti-sanctions provision 
to it. This omission was not an error. It is a type of 
omission that is common in propaganda. America 
was more isolated than that ‘news’-report 
made clear.

This vote was about only a “Resolution,” a statement of 
the various nations’ values, to work toward, not about 
any nation’s policy, but the U.S. and Israel don’t share 
those goals — not even rhetorically. This opposition 
to that Resolution’s goals, was truly exceptional.

In particular, nothing is more abhorrent to the US regime 
--- than to stop or impede its sanctions. These sanctions 
include, for example, punishments against any company 
or government that will, in any way, assist in Russia’s 96% 
completed NordStream 2 natural gas pipeline to Germany, 
for the EU to buy Russia’s pipelined natural gas instead of 
America’s fracked, canned, shipped, natural gas. The U.S. 
regime insists that EU nations buy the far costlier trans-
Atlantic-shipped fracked US liquefied natural gas (LNG). 

That insistence upon the EU’s wasting money, in order to 
prop-up America’s fracking industry, is, indeed, exceptional, 
because European nations haven’t customarily been treated
as being mere colonies of other powers. America is treating 
purchasers from, or cooperators with, that competitor (Russia), 
as being its enemies. The way the U.S. Representative stated 
this (after a lengthy diatribe which blamed China for Covid-19 
and said that the U.S. had quit the World Health Organization 
because WHO lacked “independence from the Chinese 
Communist Party”) was: “Economic sanctions are a 
legitimate means to achieve foreign policy, security, 
and other national and international objectives, and 
the United States is not alone in that view or in that 
practice.” (That exact same sentence had, earlier, 
been stated by the US regarding a different matter, 
on 18 November 2019.) Actually, the U.S. regime is 
very “alone” on it. Furthermore, the other part was 
also a lie: the U.S. regime asserts that coercing 
corporations and countries to not buy from the 
lowest-cost supplier, is within its sovereign 
right to do. 

However, as Professor Alfred de Zayas, who until recently was 
the UN’s top expert on this topic, explained in depth on 27th 
June 2019, that assertion is blatantly false, on many clear 
grounds concerning international law. It is a blatant lie, no 
matter how many times the U.S. regime asserts it (and 
asserts that the US regime isn’t “alone” in asserting it).

Even back when Barack Obama (the man who repeatedly 
claimed that “The United States is and remains, the one 
indispensable nation”) was America’s President, the US
was exceptional at the United Nations. For example, on 
24th November 2014, I headlined “U.S. Among Only 3 
Countries Officially Backing Nazism & Holocaust-
Denial”, and reported that - “In a UN vote, on 
November 21st, only 3 countries - the US,
Ukraine, and Canada — voted 
against a
resolution to condemn racist fascism, 
or nazism, and to condemn denial of
World War II Holocaust
against, primarily, Jews.'' 

This measure passed the General Assembly, on a vote of 115 
in favour, 3 against, & 55 abstentions (the abstentions were 
in order not to offend U.S. President Obama, who was 
opposed to the resolution).” Then, on 21 June 2015, 
I headlined “America’s UN Ambassador Continues 
Standing Up for Nazis” and noted that, again, 
Obama’s UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, 
had stood up for nazism; she had just 
delivered an address -- in Ukraine -- 
rallying that country’s supporters 
of nazism to war against Russia. 

Then, on 21 November 2017, I headlined “Trump 
Continues Obama’s Support of Nazism”, and 
reported that:

On November 16th, US President Donald Trump, acting 
through an agent of his agent, UN Ambassador Nikki 
Haley, voted at the UN against a resolution that 
condemns bigotry, and especially condemns 
nazism & all forms of racism. He thus, yet 
again, continues in the tradition from his 
predecessors, Presidents Obama, and 
Bush, each year, placing this nation in 
the company of only one or two U.S. 
allies throughout the world who join 
with the US in refusing to commit to 
opposing and doing everything to 
reduce, not just political Nazism 
(which, of course, is past), but 
ideological nazism, racist 
fascism - institutionalized 
bigotry (which, sadly, is 
not past).

But, be that as it may, the U.S. is also exceptional in 
many other ways. I listed some of those on July 13th.

There are two main reasons why the U.S. regime is able 
to coerce other nations to not violate its will. One is that 
although publicly available reports allege it spends 
approximately 37% of the entire world’s military 
expenditures, the U.S. regime  actually - spends 
around 50% of the entire world’s military costs, 
and therefore, it possesses an extraordinary 
physical capacity to impose its will, if and 
when merely economically blockading an 
‘enemy’ country (via sanctions) fails to
the job of getting it to comply. 

And the other main reason is that, since the US government 
is at least as corrupt as the average “third-world” country is, 
but is instead one of the world’s richest countries, arranging 
pay-offs to other world leaders, in order to obtain their 
cooperation, is easily affordable... (These payoffs are 
being paid by all US.taxpayers, not by only America’s 
billionaires, who reap all of the profits from the 
empire that is imposed.)

American exceptionalism is real. It’s not the type of 
exceptionalism that the regime’s propaganda claims 
to be the case, but, nonetheless, it is real.

(Strategic Culture Foundation)

sanctions map

Please watch the video above...
We have never existed in such peril,
and yet almost no-one is able to act.

Nuclear words:
Putin's FINAL warning:

(People DO need reminding -- unless
US, UK and French policy changes,
and stops being so 'exceptional'
-- that is, outside the UN legal
Charter and thus, criminal
--- there will be a reaping.)

BREAKING: Russia's State TV
Advising Russian Citizens on

how to survive a World War !


The Doomsday clock of the
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

website now has the final singular
moment that will bring
to final nuclear annihilation, at
90 seconds to midnight.

This is the closest it has ever been.
Scott Ritter says it should be 2 seconds

President Assad drives
 to E. Goutha - in a Honda!

 Syrians support Assad, but BBC
 won't report it, British baroness
 tells RT after fact-finding trip
April 24th, at 4:36pm

Most Syrians support their president and military, but
the BBC presents Britons with a different, one-sided
story, a British baroness and member of the House
 of Lords told RT, after returning from a trip to the
 war-torn country.

Caroline Cox, a baroness and Life Peer in the House
 of Lords, recently returned from a tour of several
Syrian cities, during which she spoke with a
"wide range of people," including government
officials, opposition leaders, artists,
intellectuals and ordinary Syrians walking
in the park.

According to Baroness Cox, despite claims from
western governments and media outlets, the
vast majority of Syrians are thankful to
President Bashar Assad and the
Syrian and Russian militaries
for fighting Islamic State (IS,
 formerly ISIL) and jihadist

The Syrian people "are very grateful to the Syrian Army,
to Assad and, I may say, for Russian help in getting
rid of the terrorists. They are the perpetrators of
the most appalling atrocities and killings."

However, British media like the BBC have done a poor job
 of accurately conveying this public attitude, Baroness
 Cox told RT.

"People are very keen to hear the point of view from people
 inside Syria. It's widely felt and widely reported, that BBC
reporting is very biased and very one-sided, and so they
really want a bigger picture."

She also dismissed accusations that her trip to Syria was
 in any way inappropriate or was somehow staged for
propaganda purposes.

The baroness explained how she spoke freely with random
 people she met in the park, "something that couldn't have
 been 'arranged' by the government."

"I talked to two delightful Muslim ladies, in one of the parks
 in Aleppo, and that wasn't pre-arranged, and I asked them
 what they felt about the situation, and what they said
was entirely consistent with what we'd hear in the
formal meetings," she said.

According to Cox, her message to the British people – and
to the entire world – is very simple: "Please, may we leave
 the Syrian people the freedom to decide their own future."

(Source - RT)


 Why Can’t US Wage War on Syria?
by Mohammad Salami

April 12th, 2018, at 3:50pm

Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria in 2011, the United
 States of America has been supporting the terrorist groups
 to fight the Syrian army, government and people, in order
destroy the entire country and impose partition
across its

Syria, which functions as the centre of the axis of resistance
 in the region, has been facing heavy international pressures
 to change its strategic political position in the area. After
facing heavy political & diplomatic pressures, Syria had
 to confront a ferocious takfiri war & intermittent Israeli
air raids on various targets in the country. Finally, the
manager and the leader of the international wars on
Syria and the whole axis of resistance, the U.S.,
decided to directly interfere in the ongoing
 battle in Syria.

Playing the same ‘chemical game’ which covered up the US
war on Iraq in 2003, President Donald Trump decided, on
 behalf of the whole world, to strike Syria due to what he
claimed were “chemical attacks” launched by the
government troops in Eastern Gouta.

Regardless of the unfounded chemical allegations, the US
 administration faces a number of obstacles, which block
its military aspirations in Syria & the entire Middle East.

First, the US military bases in the Middle East will be
under direct intensive attacks from the opposing
forces. Second, the allied Arab regimes would
face unstable conditions in case a largescale
 war erupted in the region. Third, the Zionist
 entity would pay the heaviest price for any
American adventure against Syria and
axis of resistance.

Considering the key obstacles mentioned above, as well as
 many others, the US administration finds itself unable to
 deal any blow to Syria in the context of a major war, as
the consequences would be destructive with respect
to the US strategic interests in the Middle East.

In case the United States is mulling limited air raids on
certain targets in Syria, such actions have not proved
 to be fruitful and game changing. In April, 2017, the
US warplanes struck Shoairat military airport in
Homs in Syria, yet the blow failed to achieve
any political or field result.

In politics, surprises are always expected; however, the
available political and military conditions do not allow
the United States to take any reckless measure
against Syria and the whole region.

(Source: Al-Manar Website)


World Will Not Survive the US'
 Neocons' Doctrine of US World
 Hegemony - Paul Graig Roberts
Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

"The government of the United States is clearly in
demonic hands. We are overflowing with proof",
writes American well known analytist and ex-
official Paul Graig Roberts in his website.

Take today (2-2-18) for example. A report from the
House Intelligence Committee was released that
is proof that the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
 the Department of Justice --- and the Democrat
National Committee, are now in a conspiracy
against American democracy and the
President of the United States,
 with the full support of the
presstitute media.

As if that is not enough, also released today, is the
Pentagon’s new Nuclear Posture Review. A nuclear
posture review specifies a country’s attitude to
nuclear weapons and their use. In past posture
reviews, nuclear weapons were regarded as
unusable except in retaliation for a nuclear
 attack. The assumption was that no one
would use them. There was always the
chance that false warnings of incoming
ICBMs would result in a nuclear button
being pushed - setting off Armageddon.

There were many false warnings during the Cold War
President Ronald Reagan, was very concerned about
a false warning, ending in mass death & destruction.

This is why his principal goal was to end the Cold War,
which he succeeded in doing. It did not take
successor governments long, to
resurrect the Cold War.

The new US nuclear posture is a reckless, irresponsible,
and destabilizing departure from the previous attitude
 toward nuclear weapons. The use of even a small part
of the existing arsenal of the United States would be
sufficient to destroy life on earth. Yet, the posture
review calls for more weapons, speaks of nuclear
weapons as “usable,” and justifies their use in
First Strikes, even against countries that do
not have nuclear weapons.

This is an insane escalation. It tells every country that
 the US government, believes in the first use of nuclear
weapons against any & every country. Nuclear powers
 such as Russia & China must see this to be a massive
 increase in the threat level from the US.

Those responsible for this document should be committed
to insane aslyums, not left in policy positions where they
can put it into action.
The neoconservatives are a small group of conspirators.
Most neoconservatives are Jews allied with Israel. Some
 are dual-citizens. They created an ideology of US world
 hegemony, specifying that the chief goal of US foreign
policy, is to prevent the rise of any other power that
could serve as a constraint on US unilateralism.

As neoconservatives control US foreign policy, this
explains US hostility toward Russia and China and
also the neo-conservatives’ use of the US military
to remove governments in the Middle East, seen
by Israel as obstacles to Israeli expansion. For
two decades --- the US has been fighting wars
for Israel in the Middle East. This fact proves
 the power and influence of the insane neo-
conservatives. It is certain, that people
as insane as the neoconservatives,
would launch a nuclear attack
on Russiaand China.

The Russian and Chinese governments seem to be
 completely unaware of the threat that the neo-
conservatives pose to them. I have never
experienced in interviews with Russians
 and Chinese, any awareness of the neo-
conservative ideology. Possibly, it is
too insane for them to grasp.

Ideologues such as the neoconservatives
are not fact-based

They are chasing their dream of world hegemony. Russia
& China are in the way of this hegemony. Having learned
 the limits of conventional military power—after 20 years
 the US “superpower” has been unable to defeat a few
thousand lightly armed Taliban in Afghanistan—the
neo-conservatives know: conventional invasions
of Russia or China, would lead to the total
defeat of US forces.

Therefore, the neoconservatives have elevated nuclear
weapons to a First Strike, usable, arsenal that in the
neoconservative dream of world hegemony can be
 used to destroy Russia and China.

Ideologues who divorce themselves from the facts
 create a virtual world for themselves. Their belief
 in their ideology blinds them to the risks for them-
selves and others that they impose on the world.

Thanks to the American liberal/progressive/left, the
entirety of the world is faced with a far more likely
nuclear demise than ever threatened us during the
 Cold War with the Soviet Union.

By its collaboration with the military/security complex
& the corrupt Hillary DNC, the liberal/progressive/left
has forever discredited itself. It is now seen by every
thinking person worldwide as an insane propaganda
ministry --- for the neoconservatives’ plan to use
nuclear weapons to eliminate constraints on
US unilateralism.

The liberal/progressive/left has endorsed
“hegemony or death.”

They will get death. For all of us.

(Source - DONi News Agency)

According to: PaulGraigRoberts.org


Syrian Girl - The Truth
About The Kurds In Syria

Full Text: Official Declaration
 of the Malorossiyan Federation

Zakharchenko announces a new federal state, Malorossiya,
(means ''Little Russia'') as the legal successor of Ukraine.
DONi News Agency

On 18.7.2017 the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic,
Alexander Zakharchenko, declared the creation of a new
federal state, Malorossiya, which will become the legal
successor of 'Ukraine'. The new state formation, will
consist of 19 regions of the former Ukraine with the
capital in Donetsk city. Kiev remains a historical
and cultural centre, without the status of
capital city.

Here is the full English translation of the declaration:

Political Declaration

The project of the state of "Ukraine", formulated 150 years ago
 and implemented in different versions during the 20th century,
has reached its logical conclusion --- and led to the country's
disintegration, civil war and the death of tens of thousands
of people, including children, women, and elderly people.

And this process is irreversible. An attempt to turn the story back
will result in "balkanization" of the conflict, expansion of chaos,
escalation of civil war and even bigger numbers of casualties.

To stop the civil war and avoid new victims, we representatives
of the majority of the regions of former "Ukraine" assembled
in Donetsk on July 18, 2017, discussed the current situation
and came to the following conclusions:

- the state of "Ukraine" has revealed itself as a failed state and
demonstrated its being incapable of granting its inhabitants
a peaceful and prosperous present and future;

- the current authorities  – elected in Kiev, after the coup d'etat,
against the backdrop of political terror and the absence
 of elections in the Crimea and Donbass, are illegitimate;

- the state of "Ukraine" is on the brink of
economic catastrophe and depopulation;

- an ultranationalist coup is brewing in Kiev, as a result
of which outright neo-Nazis will come to power
of "Banderites with a European face";

- the Ukrainian nationalistic project (the Galician one)
discredited itself, by the shedding of civilians'
blood in
 the country;

- the ideology of "Ukrainism" has proved to be misanthropic,
 mixed with xenophobia (Russophobia, anti-Semitism,
Polonophobia) and neo-Nazism (the ideology of
national exclusivity and superiority);

- resulting from historical development and due to the Maidan,
the word "Ukraine" is forever associated with the names of
the Nazi accomplices, Bandera and Shukhevich, with the
tragedies of the Baby Yar, the Volyn massacre & Khatyn,
and, nowadays, with the mass murder of people on the
Maidan, in the Trade Unions' House in Odessa, and
Genocide of the Donbass people.

On the basis of the above, we believe that the state of
 "Ukraine", in the form it was established, after the
collapse of the USSR, is UNSERVICEABLE.

We, representatives of the regions of the former "Ukraine",
propose to re-establish the state and to proclaim the state
of MALOROSSIYA, under an historical background, out of
the former "Ukraine". In this case, it is of fundamental
importance to rename the country, since "Ukraine"
as a state, is guilty of war crimes, mass terror
and the genocide of its own people.

In turn, the new name of the country, based on historical
traditions, will enable us to reunify those pieces of the
former "Ukraine" that seemed to have parted ways
forever, including because of participation in the
civil war, on different sides of the front line.

We must turn the page of our people's history, which
is flooded with the blood of our brothers and sisters.

Malorossiya is an INDEPENDENT, SOVEREIGN state, with
a new name, a new flag, a new constitution, a new state
structure, new principles of social and economic
development, and new historical prospectives.

But this is NOT A REVOLUTION ! This is a return to
history. This is a novelty that restores, not destroys.

In view of the economic plight of the country, the chaos
& disintegration potential, and regarding the possibility
of launching a "war of all against all", we consider it
necessary to declare a state of emergency for the
transition period – up to 3 years. During this time,
the process of adoption of the new Constitution
and the establishment of the rule of law,
should be completed.

Under a state of emergency, a ban on the activities of
political parties and foreign funds is to be introduced,
& penalties for criminal offenses, especially against
the person, are to be increased. The fight against
corruption will be toughened, as well as the
penalties for it.The shadow arms market is
 to be eliminated, including by registering
weapons in accordance with the new law.

In the same period an investigation is to be carried
out, with the involvement of foreign specialists –-
from Russia, Belarus & the European Union –- into
the crimes committed by the Maidan Kiev regime:
the murders on the Maidan, the murder of Odessa
citizens in the Trade Unions' House on May 2nd,
 2014, and the war crimes in Donbass, in the
so-called ATO.

In the same period, the People's Tribunal is to be
prepared to charge the state criminals who have
led the country into disintegration and civil war:
V.F. Yanukovich (with a request to Russia for his
 extradition), P.A. Poroshenko and his clique:
 Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, Paruby,
Nalivaichenko and others.

We are sure that, having recovered from the criminal
neo-Nazi ideology of "Ukrainism", we will be able to
build a new society on the basis of friendship and
mutual assistance -- but not hatred and envy. The
creative genius of our people will manage to bring
 Malorossiya to the forefront of global civilization
and play a role in history. The role of Good,
 and Truth.

Official translation by the DONi
Donbass News Agency, 07/18/2017

(Source - Russia Insider)


Nato – A Dangerous Alliance
May 24th

As Nato ends its summit in Brussels, Rae Street explains
why the military alliance remains a threat to world peace

When the Warsaw Pact ended, after the collapse of communism,
some optimists might have expected Nato to be broken up too.
After all, the Labour Party in Britain had been opposed to Nato
 in the mid-1980s. But that was not to be. The US, which had
always dominated Nato, quickly began to reinvent Nato
and furthermore, to expand it.

Following the end of the Warsaw Pact many central and east
European governments wanted to join Nato. This, of course,
was music to the ears of the US military manufacturers.
 Indeed, the chair of the expand Nato committee, Bruce
 Jackson, was technical director of Lockheed Martin,
 the largest military manufacturer in the world. So, for
the new Nato members because of the policy on
“interoperability,” that is Nato personnel being
able to use the same military equipment, it
was out with the old Soviet military hard-
ware and in with sales of, for example,
Lockheed’s military aircraft ,costing
 millions of dollars.

This continues to this day in countries which can ill afford
 it, with struggling economies. The latter includes Greece.
Think of the situation in Greece today.

Expanding Nato up to the borders with Russia, was a
provocative policy. The dangers were pointed out but
 the military industrial complex and the “hawks” in
the West, took no notice.

To this day, this helps President Vladimir Putin:
more and more of the Russian people believe
that “the West” is against them.

Decades later, we read: “British troops have arrived in
 Estonia, as part of a major Nato mission in the Baltic
states, to deter Russian aggression.”

From the start, Nato has always held a nuclear
armed policy.  It continues to claim that nuclear
weapons “preserve peace.” Manifestly, nuclear
weapons do not deter conflict.

Governments, including Britain’s, now analyse the main
threats to security as cyber warfare and terrorism.
Remember September 11th 2001, when New York
 was attacked by terrorists in planes,
 brandishing knives?

The US then had and still has, 13 nuclear armed Trident
submarines, of which several will be roaming the seas
 fully operational. Britain has four, with one constantly
 on alert at sea.

Were these any use in the madman’s attack
on Westminster, or in any terrorist attacks?

Trident is “integrated” into Nato. Even worse, Nato
 still has a policy of “first use of nuclear weapons.”

When the then minister of defence, Geoff Hoon, was
asked in Parliament why Britain has a policy of “first
use,” he replied: “Because of our obligations
to Nato.”

Under the direction of the US administration, with its
policy of global domination, Nato has established a
string of nuclear-armed bases across Europe, in
Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and
Turkey, at Incirlik.

The latter is now causing deep problems as relations
between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the
US, become more and more fractious.

There is now a real problem for Nato, as Erdogan is a
 repressive dictator — how can Turkey remain in Nato?

Nato states are supposed to uphold principles of human
 rights and democracy, notably lacking in Turkey today.

The nuclear-armed bases come under Nato’s “nuclear
sharing policy” — in effect a violation of the nuclear
 Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Nato continues to expand. The policy of not acting “out
 of area” was dropped long ago. “North Atlantic” simply
means, a domination of policies by the US.

Nato claims in its “strategic concept” that “the promotion
 of Euro-Atlantic security is best assured through a wide
network of partner relationships with countries and
organisations around the globe.”

In 1994 Nato established the Partnerships for Peace
 across Europe, extending as far as Uzbekistan.

 Nato surrounds Russia from the west and east. These
 Partnerships for Peace (note the language again) now
 include 22 states, including “neutral” Ireland.

Then there is the ''Mediterranean Dialogue,'' with
''arrangements'' with countries in the Middle East.
Few people realise that Nato carries out
military exercises with Israel.

 Nato has also established bilateral relations — named
individual partnerships — with Afghanistan, Australia,
Iraq, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, New
 Zealand and Pakistan.

In this part of the globe, where Nato carried out a military
 exercise in 2014 with Japan, named Ocean Shield, they
 are surrounding and menacing China, as the enemy.

Then there was the statement by Nato that “co-operation
 between Nato and the United Nations continues to make
 a substantial contribution to security in operations
round the world.

“The alliance aims to deepen political dialogue and
practical co-operation with the UN, as set out in
the Nato/UN declaration, signed in 2008.”

This seems like Nato bidding
to be the UN's military arm.

This hardly accords with the UN Charter. It was the
Organisation for Security & Co-operation in Europe,
set up under Chapter 8, of the UN Charter, to
prevent and resolve conflict by non-military
means and to promote co-operation in
humanitarian and other fields.

The 54 member states stretch from Iceland to Kyrgyzstan
and include Russia. Alas, how many times do you read
of their work in the press, compared with the times
you hear about Nato?

Nato is sold to us as a peace-making body. After all,
the US is home to the finest PR companies in
the world.

To summarise, Nato is pursuing yet more militarism and war:

- All Nato states are required to increase their military budgets
 to 2 per cent of GDP. That means stealing more money from
 social needs. Readers of the Morning Star know those all
too well: the NHS, education, adult social services; the
 list is endless.

- Nato member states will have to spend 20 per cent of defence
 budgets on military equipment: warships, war planes, drones,
 bombs. By fuelling the arms race, Nato makes a mockery of
moves for conflict resolution.

- Nato and its member states multiply interventions outside
their territory and increase their presence through world-
wide partnerships and “coalitions of the willing.”

- Nato extends its nuclear policies as a supreme “guarantee
 for the allies’ security,” notwithstanding that the majority of
countries in the world are negotiating a treaty to ban nuclear
 weapons. In the meantime, nuclear weapons in Europe —
under the guise of Nato — and elsewhere, are being
modernised at a cost of many tens of billions of
dollars and pounds. Think of Trident at a cost
of £205 billion.

The Nato summit will be held and activists will
beholding a “counter-summit”
with protesters
organising workshops and a 

CND activists will be there from the 
UK, but
-- we also need people to raise the issues

with their MPs, write letters to the press
raise awareness on social media.

Let’s put pressure on the government to
invest in social welfare, not Nato, not war.

(Source - Morning Star)

Legendary memorial at Saur-Tomb
''restored by May 2017''

DPR authorities have finished restoring the
Saur-Tomb by May 2017. It was announced
by the Building Minister, Sergey Naymets.

‘Saur Tomb has been being restored
since November, and we planned to
finish  this by May 2017’, the
Minister said.

He said "many people contributed to this
project of restoration of the
damaged by shelling," Naumets noted.


Cool Russia!

[Eng Subs] Children of Donbass,
"Toys for Poroshenko"
Music Video by Artem Grishanov

I guarantee you will cry - and if you don't
- please seek psychiatric help.

In 2017 in the Donbass -
give the children Peace!

Ethnic Ruthenes of sub-Carpathian
Ukraine demand autonomy

Activists of a Slavic ethnic group known as Ruthenes
-- or Rusyns -- who reside in the Trans-Carpathian
Carpathian) region of Ukraine, have turned
President Pyotr Poroshenko with a demand:

  recognize the results of 1991's regional
  referendum --- when 78% of the region's
residents, voted in favor of granting it
the status of a
self-governing region.

"We have two main demands - to recognize the
 Rhuthenes as an ethnos and to acknowledge
 the regional referendum of 1991, where 78%
sub-Carpathians voted for the region being
 a self-governed territory within Ukraine,"
Vesti quoted Ivan Palinkash, the
of the Ruthene movement &
a member
the People’s Council's presidium  
of Sub-
Carpathian Ruthenes.

Natalya Magalina, a deputy of Uzhgorod district
 council, told the meeting of leaders of Ruthene
ethnic organizations it is important to maintain
 the Ruthene language by establishing minimal
 norms for broadcasting in the native tongue,
over the state regional TV Channel Tisa-1.

This isn't the first time that the Ruthenes of the sub-
Carpathian area have asked the Kiev government to
 recognize the outcome of the referendum held 25
 years ago. The Coordination Council of Ruthene
 Organizations of the Trans-Carpathian Region
turned to the central authorities with the
same requirement, the previous time,
the summer of 2015.

It was also in the summer of 2015 that the activists
 of Ruthene organizations adopted an appeal to the
 Council of Europe, the European Commission, the
Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe
& the UN, as well as to the parliaments of Hungary,
 the Czech Republic, & Slovakia, to wield pressure
 on President Poroshenko and force the Ukrainian
 government towards accepting the result of
 their referendum.

The Ruthenes are an indigenous sub-Carpathian
 people. Ukrainian authorities do not consider
 them to be a separate ethnos, and continue
calling them Ukrainians, although the UN
 has issued recommendations more than
once, to recognize their status as a
separate ethnos.

More than that, Kiev accuses the leaders of
Ruthene organizations of making appeals
 for encroachments on the territorial
 integrity of the country.

(source - TASS)


Zionist lobby preventing West
from criticizing Israel: Analyst
Fri Dec 16, 2016

The European Union has censured the Israeli regime
 for destroying Palestinian shelters and structures in
the occupied territories. According to a statement
by the European bloc, the Tel Aviv regime has
 demolished 866 structures so far in 2016 in
Area C of the West Bank, which is under
 full Israeli military control.

Anthony Hall, editor-in-chief of the American Herald
 Tribune from Alberta, says that the European states
 have been under the influence of the Zionist lobby
to go along with Israeli interests - and thus refuse
 to slam crimes against the Palestinian people.

“Every government within the EU has a very strong
 Israeli lobby, and this is one of the dilemmas that
 the Western people are facing,” Hall explained.

“Not only the governing parties but the opposition
parties as well, are constraining discussion and
 discourse within a very narrow range, that puts
 Israeli priorities at the top of the list in all our
 Western countries,” he added.

The professor also called on Western citizens
 to “intervene directly and make contact with
the Palestinian people, directly.”

“We, as the citizens in the EU, citizens in Canada,
& citizens in the US, have to find ways to bypass
the constraints of our governments & the biases
and power of this lobby over our governments,”
he noted.

Hall criticized the EU for its forensic accounting
of homes demolished in Palestine.

“This type of numerical accounting fails to really
 describe the nature of this destruction of homes
 in its broader context ------ where thousands of
Palestinian people are in dungeons and being
 tortured in Israeli incarceration facilities,”
he said.

“The reality: that the world is letting this
 happen is very discouraging,” he added. 

Hall warned that the prospect of a Palestinian
state is no longer viable, given the emphasis
on building up settlements, and destroying
the structures of the indigenous people
 of Palestine.

"This goes beyond apartheid,” he said.

The Israeli policy of demolishing houses in
West Bank to build illegal settler units
affected 5,704 Palestinians, of whom,
have been rendered homeless,
 including 586 children.

   (source - PressTv)


UN Adopts "Paper Tiger"
Resolution, on Israel's

Withdrawal from the
Syrian Golan
Fahwad Al-Khadoumi - The UN General Assembly
 adopted yet another resolution demanding that
Israel withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan
 Heights, in line with a resolution of June 4, 1967.

However, UN General Assembly resolutions are
non-binding and no more than a paper tiger, with-
out a unanimous decision by the permanent UN
Security Council members, to enforce them; A
highly unlikely prospect.

In its latest resolution, the UN General Assembly
 again condemned Israel's non-compliance with
UN Security Council Resolution 497 (1981).
 The General Assembly reiterated that Israel's
 decision from December 14th, 1981, to impose
Israeli laws, administration & custody on the
 occupied Syrian Golan Heights, is null and
void -- and has no legality at all.

The latest UNGA resolution was adopted by an
 overwhelming majority of UN member States.
 The resolution reaffirmed the illegality of
acquiring territories through the use of
military force. The General Assembly also
 repeated that Israel's continued occupation
 & enforcement of Israeli law & administration
 violates international law, the UN Charter, &
 the Geneva Convention's principles on the
 protection of civilians during war.
During the UNGA session, a number of states
 condemned the Israeli practices in occupied
 Syrian Golan, calling on Israel to withdraw
from Golan, in line with June 4th, 1967.

 37 states proposed the now adopted draft
resolution. However, UNGA resolutions are
 non-binding and no more than a paper tiger,
 unless permanent Security Council members
 are willing to put their money where their
 mouth was, when they adopted UNSC
 Resolution 497 (1981) - decades ago.

Moreover, none of the permanent UNSC members
 - China, France, Russia, the UK and the US - took
any tangible steps when the now former Israeli
Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman,
declared that "Israel and the Golan are part
and parcel" and that "the international
community should get used to facing
the fact that Israel will permanently
annex the Syrian territory".

Most favourite scapegoat

The favorite scapegoat among permanent UNSC
 members, with regard to supporting Israel and
 neglecting Israel's illegal occupation of Golan
is the US. However, Russia is in no way more
actively pursuing Israel's adherence with
UNSC Resolution 497 (1981) than any
other of the self-anointed permanent
UNSC members. In April 2016, Russia
and Russian President Vladimir Putin,

were ominously silent about the Golan
Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu,
visited Moscow.

Russia failed to respond to what Netanyahu had
 declared "a red line" - occupation of the Golan.

A brief review of recent history pertaining to the
 Israeli occupation, international affairs & Israel's
 use of the Golan to wage war on Syria, suffices
 to show that the UN System has failed, utterly,
 and that it is perverted to the point that many
 analysts call for abolishing the UN altogether.

In June 2013 an Austrian UN Disengagement &
 Observer Force (UNDOF) officer told the press
 that Israel is running a joint operations room
with the insurgents in Syria in the Golan. The
UNSC failed to respond and more importantly,
 failed to take action. In July 2013, the Syrian
 permanent representative to the UN in Geneva,
Dr. Fayssal al-Hamwi, noted how Israel, since
 it occupied the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967,
has displaced about half a million of the
Golan´s original inhabitants.

Also in Feb. 2014, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
 preempted a public relations quagmire by visiting
a field hospital for "Syrian Freedom Fighters" in
the Golan to show how much Israel cares and
does, on the humanitarian front. It turned out
that the "Freedom Fighters" belonged to the
Syrian Al-Qaeda franchise, Jabhat al-Nusra.

In March 2014, Israel launched one of many
 military attacks against Syrian military and
 security forces, from the Golan, while the
 UNSC and most media were "silent".

In April 2014 The Director of Israel's Military
 Intelligence, Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi,
a protegé of the now deceased Ariel Sharon,
 was appointed to head the Israeli Defense
Forces Northern Command.

NSNBC international editor-in-chief, Christof
Lehmann, reported that the appointment of
Kochavi, indicated that Israel was planning
large-scale military operations via the Golan
in the near future and the widening of the
Syria war. Lehmann was right on the money.

In May 2014 Israel denied Syrians in Golan the
 right to participate in Syrian elections. The UN
 was "silent". In mid-April 2016, ahead of talks
with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Israeli
 PM Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed that Israel
would hold on to the Golan.

A UNDOF withdrawal has left a 12-16 km wide
 corridor uncontrolled by the UNDOF...  In 2013,
it transpired that Israel was giving support to
Jabhat al-Nusrah, such as a joint intelligence
and military operations room in the Israeli
occupied Golan, plus logistical support,
weapons, field hospitals, and direct
combat support.

In September 2014, Israeli machinations, resulted
in the displacement of UNDOF troops from a 12-16
 kilometer-wide corridor in the disengagement zone
 in the Golan by Jabhat Al-Nusra.. The corridor has
 since been used to supply Al-Nusra and the other
 terrorists and to launch attacks against Syria.

All permanent UNSC members with the exception of
 Russia were "silent". Russian diplomats tentatively
 spoke out against terminating the peace keeping
 mission in the Golan. The UNSC failed to act.

In 2015 it came out that Israel planned a major
hydrocarbon extraction project in the Golan.
 Partners in crime include Genier Energy.

On the board of directors? Dick Cheney,
James Woolsey, Bill Richardson, Jacob
Lord Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch, Larry
Summers and Michael Steinhardt,
among others.

Other players involved include the Israeli subsidiary,
Afek Oil and Gas, American Shale, French Total and
 BP. Thus, there exists a broad and powerful nexus
of US, British, French and Israeli interests: at the
 forefront of pushing for the break-up of Syria and
control of what's believed to be potentially vast
untapped oil and gas resources in the country.

On April 20th, 2016, NSNBC international editor-
in-chief Christof Lehmann, said Netanyahu's
"Red Line" would be a litmus test for Russia,
as a permanent UNSC member. On April
21st, after talks between
and Putin in Moscow, it could be
 concluded that Russia failed
-- spectacularly.

In September 2016, Israel started a wave of home
 demolitions in the Golan. The UNSC was "silent".
 In October 2016, Israel announced plans to
build 1,600 settlement units in the Golan,
& none of the permanent UNSC members
 took any action.

So much for the latest UN
General Assembly
 paper tiger.


The UK Labour MPs who
 didn’t back the Yemen vote
 have blood on their hands
by David Wearing

Presenting the motion in the Commons, Thornberry
 was subjected to a series of ill-judged interruptions
 by Labour MPs, such as Kevan Jones, Toby Perkins
 and John Woodcock. Indeed, Thornberry received
 more vocal support in the chamber from the SNP
 group than from her own supposed comrades.

According to subsequent reports, some Labour
members even tried to work with their Tory
 counterparts, in order to defeat their own
 party’s motion.

Woodcock, a former 'Progress' Chair, claimed that
 British support is “precisely focused on training
the Saudis” to improve their targeting - so as to
 “create fewer civilian casualties” -  parroting
 the official government line. The idea that the
 Saudis’ “widespread & systematic” attacks
on civilian targets are just a series of well-
meaning errors, is one that, to put it as
gently as possible, lacks credibility.

And if decades of training provided by the
British to the Saudi pilots hasn’t prevented
these supposed errors by now --- it seems
rather unlikely that it will in the near future.

In any case, this misrepresents the true nature
of the UK's role. When the intervention began,
the foreign secretary Philip Hammond, vowed
 to “support the Saudis in every practical way
short of engaging in combat”, including “spare
parts, maintenance, technical advice, resupply”
 and “logistical support”. The reality is that the
 Saudi Air Force, roughly half UK-supplied and
 half US-supplied jets, could barely function,
without this ongoing assistance from
Washington and London.

If there is Yemeni blood on the hands of the Saudi-led
 coalition - then that blood is also on the hands of the
 coalition’s western backers, enablers and apologists.

The Saudis and their allies can only wage this war
 because the Anglo-American suppliers of their air
 forces are providing active, material support. And
 British and American politicians can only collude
in these outrages, because the political cost on
them, so far, has been low. However, it is in the
gift of their constituents – you, the reader –
to change that equation.

(source - The Guardian)

This could be defeated --- with

But unfortunately, there are "entryist"  MPs who, for
decades, have been groomed by CIA cold war relic
organisations -- like the Atlantic Council -- and are
now trying to misdirect the Labour Party towards
cuts, a militarised police, and a US war agenda...
 and their anti-peace MPs are hobbling Labour.

129 Labour MPs voted to stop support for
Saudi Arabia’s campaign in Yemen. The
vote was defeated by a majority of 90.

The motion called for ---- support to be withdrawn
from the Saudi government until a United Nations
 investigation could determine whether the Saudi
 bombing had breached international law.

 The motion didn't explicitly include
a suspension
 of UK arms sales.

100+ Labour MPs didn't vote on the motion.
If all of them had voted to support it, the
government would have been defeated.

The following, are the Labour MPs who
abstained, or weren't present to vote.

Adrian Bailey
Andy Burnham
Angela Eagle
Angela Smith
Ann Clwyd
Ann Coffey
Anna Turley
Barry Sheerman
Ben Bradshaw
Bridgit Phillipson
Caroline Flint
Catherine McKinnell
Chris Bryant
Chris Elmore (Teller)
Chris Evans
Chris Leslie
Clive Lewis (ill)
Connor McGinn
Dan Jarvis
David Crausby
David Lammy
Diana Johnson
Fiona MacTaggart
Frank Field
Gareth Thomas
Gavin Shuker
Geoffrey Robinson
George Howarth
Gerald Kaufman
Gill Furniss
Gisela Stuart
Gloria De Piero
Graeme Jones
Graham Allen
Graham Stringer
Heidi Alexander
Helen Jones
Ian Austin
Ian Murray
Ivan Lewis
Jamie Reed
Jim Fitzpatrick
Joan Ryan
John Mann
John Spellar
John Woodcock
Judith Cummins (Teller)
Julie Elliott
Kate Hoey
Keith Vaz
Kevan Jones
Kevin Barron
Liz Kendall
Luciana Berger
Lucy Powell
Madeleine Moon
Margaret Beckett
Margaret Hodge
Maria Eagle
Mark Hendrick
Mary Creagh
Meg Hillier (Paired)
Melanie Onn
Michael Dugher
Mike Gapes
Natascha Engel
Neil Coyle
Nia Griffith
Pat McFadden
Paul Flynn
Peter Kyle
Phil Wilson
Rachel Reeves
Rob Flello
Rob Marris
Roberta Blackman-Woods
Rosie Cooper
Rushanara Ali
Ruth Smeeth
Shabana Mahmood
Siobhain McDonagh
Stephen Kinnock
Susan Jones
Toby Perkins
Tom Blenkinsopp
Tom Watson
Tracy Brabin
Tristram Hunt
Vernon Coaker
Wayne David
Wes Streeting
Yasmin Qureshi
Yvonne Fovargue


‘How Can I Deselect
My Labour MP?’ A Short
to Reselection and
Democratic Accountability

by Eric Sim, excellent free advice here:



US Impunity Erodes World Justice

Nicolas J S Davies is the author of Blood On Our
Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction
of Iraq.  He also wrote the chapters on “Obama
at War” in Grading the 44th President: a Report
Card on Barack Obama’s First Term as a
Progressive (Lol) Leader.

In the past weeks, Burundi and S. Africa have joined
 Namibia in declaring their intention to withdraw from
the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
(ICC). They are likely to be followed by a parade of
other African countries, jeopardizing the future of
an international court, which has prosecuted 39
officials from 8 African countries, but has failed
 to indict a single person who is not African.

Ironically, African countries were among the first
 to embrace the ICC, so it is a striking turnaround
 that they are now the first to give up on it.

But it is the United States that has played the leading
 role in preventing the ICC from fulfilling the universal
mandate for which it was formed, to hold officials of
all countries accountable for the worst crimes in the
world: genocide; crimes against humanity; and war
crimes - not least, international aggression, which
 the judges at Nuremberg defined as “the supreme
 international crime”, from which, all other war
crimes follow.

As the ICC’s founding father, former Nuremberg
prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz, lamented in 2011:
“You don’t have to be a criminologist to realize
that if you want to deter a crime, you must
persuade potential criminals that, if they
commit crimes, they will be hauled into
court and be held accountable. It is the
policy of the US to do just the opposite
as far as the crime of aggression is

"Our government has gone to great pains - to
be sure that no US citizen will be tried by any
 international criminal court, for the supreme
 crime of illegal war-making.”

The US has not only refused to accept the
jurisdiction of the ICC over its own citizens.
It's gone further, pressuring other countries
 to sign Bilateral Immunity Agreements (BIA),
in which they renounce the right to refer US
citizens to the ICC for war crimes committed
on their territory.

The US has also threatened to cut off US aid to
 countries that refuse to sign them. The BIAs
 violate those countries’ own commitments
under the ICC statute, and US pressure to
sign them, has been rightly condemned:
as an outrageous effort to ensure
impunity for US war crimes.

Resistance to US Impunity

To the credit of our international neighbours, this
US strategy has met with substantial resistance.
The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed
 a resolution, stating that BIAs are incompatible
with EU membership, and urging EU- member
states and countries seeking EU membership
not to sign them.

Fifty-four countries have publicly refused to sign
 BIAs, and 24 have accepted cut-offs of US aid as
 a consequence of their refusal. Of 102 countries
that have signed a BIA, only 48 are members of
the ICC in any case --- and only 15 of those
countries are on record as having ratified
the BIAs in their own parliaments.

Thirty-two other ICC members have apparently
 allowed BIAs to take effect without parliament-
ary ratification, but this has been challenged by
 their own country’s legal experts in many cases.

The US campaign to undermine the ICC is part
of a much broader effort by the US government
to evade all forms of accountability under the
laws that are supposed to govern international
behaviour in the modern world ----- even as it
continues to masquerade as a global
 champion of the rule of law.

The treaties US policy systematically violates
 today, were crafted by US statespersons and
 diplomats, working with foreign colleagues,
to build a world where all people will enjoy
 some basic protections... from the worst
 atrocities, instead of being subject only
 to the law of the jungle or “might
makes right.”

So current US policy is a cynical betrayal of
the work and wisdom of past generations of
US citizens, as well as of countless victims
all over the world to whom we are effectively
denying the protections of the UN Charter
& Geneva Conventions, the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child, and many other
 multilateral treaties our country ignores,
violates or refuses to ratify.

Avoiding jurisdiction in international courts
 is only one of the ways that the US evades
international accountability for its criminal
behaviour. Another involves an elaborate,
 well-disguised, public relations campaign
 that exploits the powerful position of US
corporations in the world of commercial

Major Propaganda Funding

The US government spends a billion dollars
per year on public relations or, more bluntly,
propaganda, including $600 million from the
 Pentagon budget. The work of its PR teams
and contractors is laundered by US news-
papers --- and repeated and analyzed ad
nauseam, by monolithic, flag-waving
 TV networks.

These profitable corporate operations monopolize
 the public airwaves in the US, and also use their
 financial clout, slick marketing, and the support
of the US State Department to maintain a power-
ful presence in foreign and international media

Foreign media in allied countries provide further
 legitimacy and credibility to US talking-points
 and narratives as they echo around the world.
Meanwhile, Hollywood fills cinema and TV
screens across the world with an idealized,
glamorized, inspirational version of the US
that still mesmerizes many people.

This whole elaborate “information warfare”
machine presents the US as a global leader
for democracy, human rights and the rule of
law, even as it systematically and catastroph-
ically undermines those same principles. It
enables our leaders to loudly, persuasively,
 demonize other countries and their leaders
 as dangerous violators of international law,
even as the US and its allies commit far
 worse crimes.

Double Standards in Syria / Iraq

Today, for instance, the US & its allies are accusing
Syria & Russia of war crimes in east Aleppo, even
 as the US’s own and allied forces launch a similar
assault on Mosul. Both attacks are killing civilians
& reducing much of a city to rubble; the rationale
is the same, counterterrorism; & there are many
more people in the line of fire in Mosul, than in
east Aleppo.

But the US propaganda machine ensures that
 most US citizens see only one, in Mosul, as a
 legitimate counterterrorism operation (with
Islamic State accused of using the civilians
 as “human shields”) and the other, in east
Aleppo, as a massacre (with the presence
of Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, the former
Nusra Front, virtually whited out of the
 West’s coverage, which focuses almost
entirely on the children and makes no
 mention of “human shields”).

The phrase “aggressive war” is also a no-no in
 the Western media when the US government
launches wars, across international borders.
In the past 20 years, the US has violated the
 UN Charter to attack at least eight countries
 (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan,
Yemen, Somalia, Libya & Syria), and the
 resulting wars, have killed about
 two million people.

A complex whirlwind of conflict and chaos rages
on in all the countries where the US and its allies
 have lit the flames of war since 2001, but our US
 leaders still debate new interventions and/or
 escalations as if we are the fire brigade not the
 arsonists. (By contrast, the US government and
 the Western media are quick to accuse Russia
 or other countries of “aggression” --- even in
 legally murky situations, such as after the
US-backed coup in 2014, that ousted the
elected president of Ukraine.)

Systematic violations of the Geneva Conventions
 are an integral part of US war-making. Most are
 shrouded in secrecy: the propaganda machine
spins the atrocities that slip through into the
public record, as a disconnected series of
aberrations, accidents and “bad apples,”
instead of as the result of illegal rules
of engagement and unlawful orders
 from higher-ups.

The senior officers and civilian officials who
 are criminally responsible for these crimes
in US & international law -- systematically
 abuse their powerful positions to subvert
investigations, cover up their crimes, &
avoid any accountability whatsoever.

Pinter’s Complaint

When UK playwright Harold Pinter was awarded
 the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, he bravely
 and brilliantly used his Nobel lecture to speak
about the real role the US plays in the world,
 and how it whitewashes its crimes. Pinter
recounted a meeting at the US Embassy
in London in the 1980s in which a senior
embassy official, Raymond Seitz, flatly
denied US war crimes in Nicaragua ----
for which the US was in fact, convicted
of aggression by the International Court
 of Justice (ICJ). Seitz went on to serve
as Assistant Secretary of State, US
 Ambassador to the UK, and then
Vice-Chair of Lehman Brothers.

As Pinter explained: “this ‘policy’ was by no
means restricted to Central America. It was
conducted throughout the world. It was
never-ending. And it is as if it never

“The United States supported - and in many cases
 engendered every rightwing military dictatorship
 in the world, after the end of the Second World
War. I refer to:-  Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay,
Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines,
Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile.
The horror the US inflicted upon Chile in 1973
can never be purged, & can never be forgiven.

“Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place
 throughout these countries. Did they take
place? & are they in all cases, attributable
 to US foreign policy? The answer is 'yes',
 they did take place, and are attributable
 to American foreign policy. But you
wouldn’t know it.

“It never happened. Nothing ever happened.
Even while it was happening it wasn’t happ-
ening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.
The crimes of the United States have been
 systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless,
 but very few people have actually talked
 about them. You have to hand it to the
US. It has exercised a quite clinical
manipulation of power, worldwide,
 while masquerading as a force
 for universal good. It’s a brilliant
 - even witty - highly successful,
act of hypnosis.”

If, in 2016, the world seems to be more violent
and chaotic than ever, it's not because the US
 lacks the will to use force or project power, as
 both major party candidates for President, &
their military advisers appear to believe, but
because our leaders have placed too much
stock in the illegal threat and use of force,
and have lost faith in the rule of law, any
international cooperation and diplomacy.

After a century of commercial dominance,
 & 75 years of investing disproportionately
 in weapons, military forces & geopolitical
 schemes, perhaps it is understandable
 that US leaders have forgotten how to
 deal fairly and respectfully with our
 international neighbours. But it's no
longer an option, to muddle along,
leaving a trail of death, ruin and
chaos in our wake, counting on
 an elaborate propaganda mach-
ine, to minimize the blowback
 on our country and our lives.

Sooner, rather than later, US citizens & our
 leaders must knuckle down and master the
 very different attitudes & skills that we will
need to become law-abiding global citizens
 in a peaceful, sustainable, multipolar world.


Russia ends treaty limiting

plutonium production in response
to recent US escalation
of hostility

Fort Russ News - Topwar.ru - Lenta - News.Ru - 
  translated by J. Arnoldski

TopWar: On October 3rd, Russian President
 Vladimir Putin signed a decree on suspending
compliance with the agreement with the US on
 disposing weapons-grade plutonium. The main
 reason for this decision was pointed out as the
 “unfriendly attitude of the US towards Russia.”

Sources from the State Duma have reported that
 Russia is ready to resume the agreement, if the
 US cancels all the anti-Russian sanctions. Plus,
Russia demands that the US reduce its military
 contingent in Europe, before Russia resumes
 compliance with the protocols. The State
Duma’s statement reads:

“Acting according to the agreement and the
protocols of the agreement can be resumed
after the US eliminates the reasons which led
 to this radical change in circumstances: after
the US reduces its military infrastructure and
the number of its troop contingents deployed
on the territory of the NATO countries having
 joined NATO after September 1st, 2000, down
 to the level at which they were on the day that
 the agreement and its protocols entered force.

 "Since then NATO has grown to encompass 9 states
 of Eastern Europe. Just around the corner is NATO’s
 10th state to be included since 2000 - Montenegro.”

In addition, Russia has demanded, as one of its
 conditions, that Washington cancel the so-call-
ed Magnitsky Act.

We await a reaction from the US.


Popov: Russia can and
should withdraw 
1997 treaty with Ukraine

By Eduard Popov for Fort Russ
 - translated by J. Arnoldski -

The other day, the disturbing news came from Lvov,
the unofficial capital of Ukrainian Galicia, that the
 Lvov regional council has filed a lawsuit to forcibly
 evict the Pushkin Russian Cultural Centre. As the
head of the regional council, V. Girnyak, said in his
statement, organizations tied to the Anti-Terrorist
Operation are preparing to transfer the building on
Korolenko Street. The Lvov deputies hardly expect
to earn more money from these “ATOers.” Rather,
 the eviction of Pushkin Russian Cultural Centre
 is explained by a different motive: once again,
punishing anyone ideologically representative
 of an “enemy” Russian culture.

This centre’s building was leased to the Russian
 community of Lvov, in 1990. In 1999, the then
mayor Vasiliy Kuybida, set the symbolic rent
fee of 5 hryvnia (around $1 back then).

Let us quote one founding document signed by
Ukraine, the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation,
and Partnership between the Russian Federation
 and Ukraine from May 31st, 1997. Point 12 of the
 agreement reads: “The High Agreeing Parties shall
 protect the ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious
identities of national minorities on their territory
and create conditions for the fostering of their
identity….they will contribute to creating equal
opportunities and conditions for studying the
 Russian language in Ukraine and the Ukrainian
language in the Russian Federation, training
pedagogical staff for teaching these languages
 in educational establishments, and for these
purposes, provide equal state support.”

Points 1-2 of the agreement are based on the
 recognition of the friendly relations between the
 countries and their territorial integrity. Hence why
the agreement is often called a border treaty. For
Ukraine, whose territorial sovereignty over some
territories (including Galicia, which was part of the
 Second Polish Republic until September 1939) is
 quite disputed, this agreement was a real gift. It
is no coincidence that a number of patriotic
politicians in Russia, demanded that this
document not be signed.

Russia’s recognition of Kiev’s sovereignty over
territories included in the Ukrainian state is founded
on Ukraine’s observance of the rights of its Russian-
cultured citizens. After the coup d’etat in 2014,
Ukraine began pursuing a policy of cultural genocide
(ethnocide) against the Russian-cultured population.

Now Ukraine is discussing the initiative of the
scandalously infamous politician Irina Farion, to
deprive Russian residents in Ukraine of civil rights.

In fact, this measure is already being implemented.
The number of Russian schools has rapidly declined
 while Russian organizations are being prosecuted
and their activities are under close surveillance
 Kiev’s intelligence services.

In accordance with the 1997 treaty, an entire
 network of federal & regional organizations of
Ukrainians is funded in Russia. For example,

 in the Rostov region there is a city-level and
regional national-cultural autonomy of Ukrainians.

 The organization receives funding from the city
 and regional budgets. Its head, the businessman
Makarchuk, is a member of the Public Chamber of
 the Rostov region and is proud of his friendship
 with Rostov governor Vasili Golubev. Meanwhile,
Makarchuk is published on the website of the
Ukrainian neo-Nazi Svoboda party and
 frequently makes Russophobic statements.

Unfortunately, Russia is largely to blame for the fact
 that the civil rights of Russian-cultured people in
Ukraine are being massively violated. An example
of this is the patronizing policy of Rostov region's
authorities. But on the federal level as well, the
state does not make sufficient (or any) efforts
 to defend the Russian population of Ukraine
 (nearly half of the country’s total population).

Meanwhile, a more responsible attitude towards
 obligations would lead to discussion of the 1997
treaty. In a situation in which the second country
(Ukraine), massively violates the treaty’s basic
premises, then Russia has the right to withdraw
 from the treaty with all the legal and political
implications. I see no reason for the Russian
budget to support the activities of Ukrainian
 organizations in Russia, or recognize the
 territorial sovereignty of Ukraine.



The Ron Paul Institute has pointed out: “We
have demonstrated that the White Helmets
are an integral part of the propaganda van-
guard, that ensures obscurantism of fact
and propagation of Human Rights fiction
 that elicits the well-intentioned and self
 righteous response from a very cleverly
 duped public. A priority for these NGOs
 is to keep pushing the No Fly Zone
scenario which has already been
 seen to have disastrous implications
 for innocent civilians in Libya, for

What better chance to push “the No Fly Zone
 scenario” than arriving within “moments” of
the convoy tragedy, filming it and creating a
propaganda scenario before any meaningful
forensic investigation could even be started,
 since the trucks were still burning. And of
course, the “White Helmets”, aka “Syrian
Defence Force”, were filming, rather than
 attempting to put out the fire and rescue
those in the burning trucks.

[Ed. Yet the UK's Guardian, that snivelling wreckage
of a "Liberal" newspaper, lies, & describes them as
"the White Helmets, a volunteer rescue group,"
quotes their accusations of Syrian & Russian
"constant bombing of civilians" and calls for
a "no-fly-zone" now --- as in Libya.]

The Russian Defence Ministry subsequently
caused outrage by claiming that their Drone
 footage: “shows the bombed Syrian aid
included a truck full of militant
carrying mortar guns.”

However: “The footage emerged as the United
 Nations rowed back from describing the attack
 on the aid convoy as air strikes, saying it did
 not have conclusive evidence about what
 had happened.”

It must be asked, why on earth, after long and
 protracted negotiations over the convoy would
 Syria and or their Russian ally risk the wrath of
the US & “coalition”, and of further decimation
of the country, by laying themselves open to
 accusations of bombing aid convoys?

The tragedy has emphatically achieved 1 thing,
 however. Wiped from the headlines, is another
 atrocity - the US bombing which killed over 60
 Syrian soldiers and wounded over 100 others,
 just two days earlier, on Saturday 17th Sept.
 - causing Russian Foreign Ministry spokes-
woman Maria Zakharova, to comment: “We
 are reaching a really terrifying conclusion
for the whole world: That the White House
 is defending Islamic State. Now there can
be no doubts about that”, according to
 the RIA Novosti news agency.

Again - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the guards?


US prepares an
Islamic army in Kosovo

Pravda.Ru - The US is preparing a reserve echelon
 in the territory of its Kosova enclave. But to keep
a secure strategic space, the Southern Serbian
provinces may be separated from Kosovo. Given
the total apathy of the authorities of Republika
Srpska... this plan is inching closer to its

The goal of the Americans is clear: if Berlin's
discontent ousts US bases from Germany,
after all, the US will have a spot in Kosovo.
It's no secret that the crime and terrorist
 mayhem plaguing Kosovo, is under the
patronage of the US.

Yelena Guskova, a Senator, and member of the
 Academy of Sciences of the Republika Srpska
 (Bosnia and Herzegovina), honoured with many
 Russian and Serbian state awards, commented
to Pravda.Ru on this matter, in an interview.

Former Commander of the French foreign legion
 in Kosovo -- General Jacques Ogar, has recently
confirmed to Pravda.Ru, evidence obtained from
confidential US sources -- that there are at least
 five ISIS training camps in Kosovo, which are
preparing suicide bombers and an army of
Islamists to conquer Europe.

Having found no evidence that proved
Milosevic was guilty, the Hague tribunal
 exonerated him. What do you think of it?

Slobodan Milosevic is a very significant historical
 person in Serbia's modern history, and the whole
of Yugoslavia. In the early 1990s he was seen as
 the last communist in Europe -- who should be
 annihilated. His own country turned him over
 to the Hague; the so-called new government
 -- after the colour revolution of 2000.

However he was a leader who defended his country
 and the truth. He combated a large amount of lies
at the Tribunal, which tried to prove that only the
 Serbs were guilty of all the events of the 1990s,
 as they were charged with collective crimes.

No leader of the Muslim territories of Yugoslavia was
 convicted, only Serbian ones. The figure of Milosevic
 was very important, but they didn't manage to find
 any evidence.

His brother Borislav Milosevic says they secretly
 took some samples of food and water Slobodan
 had been given and tested it in Moscow. And it
 turned out that poison had been added. And it
was difficult to breathe for him, which means
that something was infiltrated into the air.

Then he stopped eating, but the process had been
 launched. His death is mysterious but the Tribunal
admitted that he was not responsible for crimes
in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Colonel Jacques Ogar, who was Commander of
a foreign legion in the territory of Yugoslavia in
 the UN group admits that they were ordered to
stand for the Kosovars against the Serbians...
Western troops openly supported separatists
 and participated in punitive actions against
the Serbians. Do you have such data?

Surely. I'm a Head of the Centre for the Study of the
 Contemporary Balkan Crisis at the Russian Academy
of Sciences. Our main task is to collect documents
 and publish them. There occur more and more
 documents on the events since 1990, which
confirm it.

It's absolutely clear that international organizations
 were biased. The Albanians approach their dream -
to create a big country with an Albanian population
 only. The US has worked a lot to support this
 movement, as Kosovo is a project of the US.

And they would have got independence long ago,
 unless it was for Russia. Russia said No to their
 plans in 2007. it disturbed them, and now they
 do not influence Russia, but try to govern the
Serbian authorities. But I think the process
hasn't been completed, & there's a chance
 to return Kosovo to Serbia.

As they say, there are 8 ISIS training camps in
 the territory of Kosovo. It is reported that they
 train suicide bombers to carry out acts in the
 Western Europe and create a whole army to
 conquer it. How can you comment on this?

When huge flows of refugees were going across
 the Balkans in Europe, there were mainly young
men and almost no couples. They were well-
dressed, were going by three, and had enough
means to live in decent hotels. It is clear that
 there are those among them who should stay
 in the Balkans & orchestrate implementation
 of their leaders' aims.

As the Serbian officials struggle to join the EU,
they implemented all the terms. And they were
 told, to not only to let in these refugees, but
also to build camps for them. Many stayed
 in the South, where the population is
majority Muslim . A great quantity
went to Kosovo and Metohija.

And there's an uncontrolled NATO base Bondsteel
 there, where enormous resources are deployed.
This territory is not controlled by anyone. And
when questions of the US military camps in
 Europe occur, no one speaks of Kosovo.

In Kosovo's camps, where terrorists are trained,
they are set absolutely free. It's very dangerous
for the whole of Europe, and the Balkans first of
all. The US, though, wants to whip Serbia into
 submission and recognize the independence
 of Kosovo and Metohija.

 In Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika
 Srpska, and Serbians who reside there, are
 hampering these plans.

There is evidence that, as early as in the mid-
1990s the US aimed to go down to the Balkans
when the agreement with Germany terminated
 if they had to leave. They need a territory in
Bosnia & Herzegovina, in Kosovo, Metohija,
Montenegro, Serbia & Macedonia. Republika
Srpska hampers implementation of this plan

They need to annihilate the Republic and make
the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina a unitary
 state. They didn't manage to conduct a colour
revolution in the Republika Srpska, while the
 terror acts, which may be backed by Muslims
in other territories, may be fruitful.

These plans may come forward in the nearest
future, and it's a threat for the whole of Serbia.
As there is a plan to separate the Southern
regions of Serbia, where a lot of Albanians
and Muslims reside. Today Serbian officials
 regard these refugees calmly, as well as
capable of possible terrorist acts. But it
should be paid 'special attention'.

Interview by Alexandre Artamonov


Shocking: South Korean
Death Camps Uncovered

If you want to read the original AP report:


If you want to read the Truth...

there's a big difference between the news,
and the truth - if you want the latest news
and the truth, say, on Brazil - then please
go to our One Union page


US/UK elite
bankrolled A. Hitler

Germans were paid in company shares for loans
 that managed Germany's war reparations -- thus
 US capital began to actively integrate into the
 German economy.

The total amount of foreign investment in German
 industry during 1924-1929 amounted to almost 63
 billion gold Marks (30 billion was accounted for by
 loans), and the payment of reparations — 10 billion
 Marks. 70% of revenues were provided by bankers
 from the US, and most banks were from JP Morgan.

As a result, in 1929, German industry was in second
 place in the world, but it was largely in the hands of
 the USA's leading financial-industrial groups.

"Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie", main
 supplier of the German war machine, financed 45%
 of the election campaign of Hitler in 1930, and was
 under the control of Rockefeller's "Standard oil".

 Morgan, through "General Electric", controlled the
 German radio and electrical industry, via AEG and
 Siemens (up to 1933, 30% of the shares of AEG
were owned by "General Electric") and through
 the Telecom company ITT — 40% of the 'phone
 network in Germany.

In addition, they owned a 30% stake in the air-
craft manufacturing company "Focke-Wulf".

"General Motors", belonging to the DuPont
 family, established control over "Opel".

Henry Ford controlled 100% of the shares of
  Volkswagen. In 1926, with the participation
 of the Rockefeller Bank, Dillon, Reed & Co,
 the second largest  industrial monopoly in
 Germany, after I.G Farben, merged with
 metals group, "Vereinigte Stahlwerke"
 (Steel trust) plus Thyssen, Flick,
 Wolff, Feglera etc.

US co-operation with Germany's military-
industrial complex, was so intense and
 pervasive, that by 1933, the key sectors
 of German industry, & large banks such
 as the Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank,
Donat Bank, etc, were all under the
control of US financial capital.

The political force that was intended to
 play a crucial role in the Anglo-American
 plans was being simultaneously prepared.

We are talking about the funding of
 the Nazi party and A. Hitler personally.

As former German Chancellor Brüning wrote in
 his memoirs, from 1923, Hitler received large
 sums from abroad. Where they went, is not
known, but they were received through
 Swiss and Swedish banks.

 It is also known that, in 1922 in Munich, a
meeting took place between A. Hitler and
the military attache of the US to Germany
 -- Captain Truman Smith -- who compiled
 a detailed report for his Washington
superiors (in the office of military
intelligence), in which he spoke
 highly of Hitler.

Through Smith's circle of acquaintances, A.
Hitler was introduced to Ernst Franz Sedgwick
 Hanfstaengl, (Putzie), --- a graduate of Harvard
 University who played an important role in the
 formation of A. Hitler as a politician, rendered
 him significant financial support, and secured
 for him, acquaintance & communication with,
 senior British figures.

Hitler was prepared politically, but, as Germany
reigned in prosperity, his party remained on the
 periphery of public life... The situation changed
 dramatically with the beginning of 'the crisis'.

In the autumn of 1929, the collapse of the US
 stock exchange was triggered by the Federal
 Reserve, and the next stage of the Anglo-US
financial circles' strategy, had started.

The Federal Reserve and JP Morgan, decided to
 stop lending to Germany --- inspired by the bank
 crisis & economic depression in Central Europe.

 In September 1931, England abandoned the gold
 standard, deliberately destroying international
 payments systems and completely cutting off
 "financial oxygen" to the Weimar Republic.

But a financial miracle occurred for the Nazi
party: in September 1930 as a result of large
 donations by Thyssen and I.G. Farben --- the
 party got 6.4 million votes & took 2nd place
 in the Reichstag;- after this, more generous
 investments from abroad were activated.

The main link between the major German
 industrialists and foreign financiers,
 became H. Schacht.

On January 4th, 1932, a meeting was held
 with the largest English financier, a Mr M.
Norman, A. Hitler, and von Papen, which
concluded a secret agreement on the
financing of the NSDAP.

 This meeting was also attended by US
 policy-makers, the Dulles brothers ---
 something their biographers do not
 like to mention.

On January 14th, 1933, a meeting between
 Hitler, Schroder, Papen & Kepler took place,
 where Hitler's program was fully approved. It
 was here that they finally resolved the issue
 of the transfer of power to the Nazis, and on
 30th January, A. Hitler became Chancellor.

The implementation of the next
 stage of the strategy thus began.

The attitude of Anglo-American ruling circles
 to the new government was very sympathetic.
 When Hitler refused to pay reparations, which
 naturally called into question the payment of
war debts, neither the UK or France pressed
 their payment claims.

Moreover, after a visit to the US in May 1933,
 H. Schacht was placed, again, at the head of
the Reichsbank, and, after his meeting with
the President and the biggest bankers on
Wall Street, the US allocated Germany
new loans --- totalling $1 billion.

In June, during a trip to London & a meeting
with M. Norman, Schacht sought an English
 loan of $2 billion and a reduction and then
the cessation of payments, on old loans.

Thus, the Nazis got what they could not
 achieve with the previous government.

In the summer of 1934, Britain signed the Anglo-
German transfer agreement, which became one
 of the foundations of British policy towards the
Third Reich, &, at the end of the 30's, Germany
 became the main trading partner of England.

Schroeder Bank became Germany's main agent
in the UK & in 1936 his New York office teamed
 up with the Rockefellers, to create Schroeder,
 Rockefeller & Co. investment Bank, which the
Times magazine called the Berlin-Rome
"economic propagandist axis".

As Hitler himself admitted, he conceived his 4-
year plan on the basis of foreign financial loans,
so it never inspired him with the slightest alarm.

In August 1934, US Standard oil acquired
 730,000 acres of land in Germany... then
 built large oil refineries which supplied
 the Nazis with oil.

At the same time, Germany secretly took
delivery of the most modern equipment
 for aircraft factories, from the US, which
would begin producing German planes.

Germany gained large numbers of military
patents from US firms Pratt and Whitney,
Douglas, and Curtis Wright --- and it was
US technology, building the Junkers-87.

In 1941 --- as world war ll was raging ---
 US investments in Germany's economy 
amounted to $475 million. Standard oil
 invested - 120 million, General motors -
$35 million, ITT - $30 million, and Ford
 - $17.5 million.

The close financial & economic co-operation
 of Anglo-American and Nazi business circles,
was the backdrop against which, in the 30's,
 a policy of appeasement led to world war II.

Today, as the world's financial elite begins
 to implement the 'Great depression 2' plan
with its subsequent transition to the "new
world order", identifying its key role in the
 organization of crimes against humanity,
becomes a priority.

Yuri Rubtsov is a doctor of historical
 sciences, academician of the Academy
 of military sciences, & a member of the
 International Association of historians
 of world war II.

Results of UN vote condemning glorification of fascism

US spokesman protects Israeli nuclear weapons


The US is protesting at a report by the IAEA
voicing concern over Israel's clandestine
program & its potential capability.

"Israel's fully cooperated with the IAEA,"
a State Department spokesperson says.

They note that Washington believes that
the agency is "not the forum" to discuss
accession to the nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty.

"We believe there is really no basis for
a debate
at the IAEA," they insist.

In Washington's view, any IAEA step
is unnecessary since it could..........

"interrupt progress we think is possible
now we're back into direct negotiations"
between Israel & the Palestinian Authority.

What the US might be forgetting is that all
in the world & all in the Middle East
Israel in the NPT, and a nuclear-free
Middle East.

The Egyptian government, on behalf of
all the Non-Alignment Movement states,

demands that there be an exhaustive
on Israel's nuclear arsenals.

The Tel Aviv regime refuses to confirm
or deny possessing nuclear weapons
but is widely
believed to possess over
200 nuclear warheads.

Having endorsed Israel's policy of "nuclear
ambiguity" for 40 years, the US is warning
the Arab states against renewing efforts to
focus on Israel, at the next IAEA meeting.

Leonard Peltier


Indigenous rights activist Leonard Peltier, 
  in prison in the US for 38 years, received
the first international human rights prize
of Uruguay's Mario Benedetti Foundation.

At a ceremony in Montevideo, where the
winner was announced, the human rights
group calls Peltier the longest-serving
political prisoner in the Americas, AFP

Peltier, a Native American activist who
was a member of the American Indian
Movement (AIM), was convicted in 1977
for the alleged murder of  two US FBI
agents during a 1975 shootout on the
Pine Ridge Reservation in S. Dakota.

He was sentenced to 2 consecutive
terms of life imprisonment.

"Leonard Peltier, who on September 12th, 2014,
turned 70, has spent over half his life in prison.
He's a symbol of resistance to repressive state
policies by the US, where there are people in
jail for ethnic, racial,
religious & ideological 
reasons," the foundation's statement says.

Ricardo Elena, a member of the foundation's
honorary board, says Peltier's case "is one
that is repeated over and over: violation (of
rights), persecution, eviction, invasion and
expropriation of indigenous people, from
the time it was 'discovered', until now.

"It doesn't just happen in the United States;
it is happening in southern South America,
with the (indigenous) Mapuche people, and
with indigenous people in North America,"
he states.

Elena says the United States "likes to think
it's the seat of democracy, but it has political
prisoners just like a dictatorship might have."

The Mario Benedetti Foundation was founded
to support human rights and cultural causes
in line with the work of the Uruguayan writer
after whom it was named, who died in 2009.

Peltier is incarcerated at the United States
Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

James Swan, the head of the Black Hills chapter
of the United Urban Warrior Society - a nonprofit
group that helps Native Americans fight racial
discrimination and injustice - describes Peltier
as a political prisoner whose case needs to be
reviewed by an independent body.

"What we want people to realize is that this
is an injustice," AP quotes Swan as saying.

Peltier, 66, was given two life sentences in
'77, on false charges of killing 2 FBI agents.

Peltier asserts that he is innocent and
the FBI framed him for political reasons,
especially for his activities as a member
of the Native American Movement. He
has lodged numerous appeals against
the conviction - but all unsuccessfully.

He's been denied parole again and
again, and will not be eligible for it
again until 2024, when he turns 79.

Peltier's relatives say he suffers a
number of health problems such as
diabetes, arthritis, and the loss of
vision in an eye after a minor stroke.

Many activists say Leonard Peltier is
the most important political prisoner
in the US.

In a review of the US' human rights record,
at a United Nations Human Rights Council
UPR conference in Geneva, a group called
for a new trial for him.

The US Human Rights Network filed a 423-page
submission to the Geneva meeting about him.

One item, entitled “Political Repression -
Political Prisoners,” about 19
70's cases,
indicts the FBI: accusing COINTELPRO of
“maiming, murdering, false prosecutions
and frame-ups, destruction and mayhem
throughout the country.”

It cites the FBI for targeting the Puerto Rican
Independence Front, the Black Panther Party,
the Weather Underground, the American Indian
Movement, the Black Liberation Army, as well
as “peace activists and everyone in between,”
  and says “many of today's political prisoners”
in the US were jailed indefinitely as a result.

Repression has grown since 9/11, it says.

The political repression paper demands an
“immediate criminal investigation into the
and also new trials for two
aged activists jailed on
murder charges,
Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier.

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