How Netanyahu continues to
pursue 'redrawing the map'
by Robert Inlakesh
February 5th, 12:27pm
(Al Mayadeen English)
The Gaza ceasefire deal has no doubt inflicted a major
embarrassment on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and his military, yet this has not
signaled an end to the regional struggle
in his eyes.
The recent visit to Washington and the rhetoric surrounding
the trip leave the impression that there is no end in sight
except ongoing war.
Israeli PM Netanyahu’s visit to the United States, is clearly
tailored to foster a US-Israeli aggressive takeover of West
Asia. During his first term in office, US President Donald
Trump set forth a new path for the Zionist regime
aimed at crushing Palestinian statehood once
and for all, in addition to stamping American
dominance into the region.
While the infamous “Deal of the Century” plan, may have
seemingly collapsed upon its announcement in January
of 2022, this proposal was simply one branch of a wider
strategy that the Biden administration also attempted
to continue growing.
It was clear that the Trump administration, whose policies
were led by hardline Zionist fanatics, was seeking to
collapse the previous regional understanding of
how to settle the Palestinian issue. This was
the dismantlement.. of the “Arab Peace
Initiative” of 2002, the longstanding
accepted guide to stability ratified
by the Arab League.
Replacing the Arab Peace Initiative, which affirmed that no
normalization agreements would be signed without the
establishment of a Palestinian State, the so-called
“Abraham Accords” sought US power in order to
coerce Arab regimes into normalizing ties.... in
exchange for economic and security benefits.
This initiative effectively deleted the Palestinian struggle
from regional power dynamics and sought to redraw the
status quo in a very dangerous manner.
Fast Forward to September of 2023, the Biden administration
was working to implement this new vision for US imperial
domination in the emerging multi-polar world.
At the G-20 summit in New Delhi, Joe Biden proudly announced
the planned construction of the India-Middle East-Europe
Economic Corridor. This new trade route was in line
to bolster the American Partnership for Global
Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), which
was created --- with countering China’s
innovative Belt and Road Initiative
in mind.
The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor sought to
create a land trade route from the United Arab Emirates
(UAE), through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, into Zionist-
occupied Palestine. However, this was going to
hedge upon Riyadh signing a normalization
agreement with “Tel Aviv” first; which
was close to being reached.
That same month, Netanyahu delivered an aggressive speech
at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in which he
presented the “New Middle East," ...featuring the Arab
States that align with Israeli-US interests and not
Iran’s alliance.
All was set to go forth, except for one huge issue standing
in the way - that both the Israelis and the US, completely
underestimated --- the determination of the Palestinian
people. In the occupied West Bank, armed Resistance
factions began forming for the first time since the
Second Intifada in 2021, as tensions escalated
year-in-year-out, as the Palestinian factions in
the Gaza Strip prepared themselves for a war
that would thwart the Zionist-American
agenda --- and save their cause for
Attempts to pave a way - toward disrupting the Israeli-US plot to
destroy the Palestinian cause for rights and self-determination,
including mass nonviolent civil resistance and political
maneuvers were ignored, only provoking further
violence. Hence, Palestinians began taking
matters into their own hands, especially
due to a growing encroachment on
al-Aqsa Mosque, the third Holiest
Site in the Islamic faith, which
sought to end the status quo
inside the compound.. and
even destroy the site to
replace it - with a
During this period.. the Israelis began working toward redefining
their Zionist mission and deciding upon the future of the settler-
colonial project.
On one side, a part of the Zionist population sought to protect
their status quo and maintain an Apartheid regime that
granted Israeli Jews the benefits of a Western-style
liberal democracy.
The other side, led by Netanyahu, sought to overthrow the
Israeli judiciary, Judaize the legal system, and seek
expansionism into what is known as “Greater
Israel”. Evidently, Netanyahu... is getting
his way.
One very important aspect of the ongoing conflict --- is power
perception, and the Israeli-US alliance understands this well.
Up until September of 2024, the Islamic Republic of Iran
appeared to be in a position of unparalleled regional
power, according to popular understanding.
The Hamas-led attack of October 7, 2023, dismantled the
image of the Israeli military, and its ensuing failure to
defeat Palestinian armed groups in Gaza cemented
this view, making Iran and its other allies appear
extremely powerful.
In the aftermath of the Israeli booby-trapped pager attacks
across Lebanon, which injured thousands and were
labeled as terrorism, by former CIA Director, Leon
Panetta --- followed by the assassination of most
of Hezbollah’s senior leadership, this perception
dramatically shifted.
Suddenly, in the propaganda war arena, the perception was
that US-Israeli power was on top and Iran had been
knocked down. Further cementing this view was
the fall of the Syrian government, led by its
former President Bashar al-Assad.
While the Israelis gained the upper hand in the propaganda/
media war front, the reality was that they had scored a
series of tactical victories, while the power of Iran
and allies had not actually diminished in the way
that had been portrayed. Yet, this narrative is
of great importance, because it also affects
the trust between the leadership and
populations inside Iran and with its
Axis of Resistance aligned allies.
The Gaza ceasefire/prisoner exchange has again altered the
media view of the war, regionally, as it has become evident
that the Israelis failed to defeat Hamas despite committing
genocide and using its full US-backed force.
Rationally, the Israelis knew that they weren’t going to win
in a war with Hamas, therefore they agreed to the
ceasefire.. and conceded a tactical loss of the
propaganda front. But they will not wait long
before attempting to salvage their image of
strength and aggressing further, and an
example of this is already beginning
to manifest itself in the occupied
West Bank.
Israeli PM Netanyahu is hell-bent on “redrawing the map,"
expanding his colony’s occupation of Arab lands, while
the Israeli regime threatens all of its neighbours -------
simultaneously. They are clear that they won’t leave
Syria by choice, and.. even if the Israeli military
withdraws from Lebanon, it stresses its need
to maintain its freedom of action inside the
country. “Freedom of action” --- equals the
right to run cross-border incursions.. and
launch airstrikes at any time..... which is
unacceptable by any nation's standards.
Meanwhile, the Israeli military is committing the most extensive
military campaign in the West Bank since 2002, labeling it
“Operation Iron Wall”, which has already resulted in the
murder of over 70 Palestinians. Usurpation of the
territory is the ultimate goal, and.. since Donald
Trump’s Presidential campaign was bankrolled
with 100 billion dollars in order to allow this,
it can be assumed that the US is on board
with the land theft.
The Israelis and their American partners.. are seeking total
domination of West Asia, not stopping --- until they achieve
their goals; something that Netanyahu calls “total victory”.
While some now fear the deterioration of the Gaza ceasefire
in phase 2 of its implementation, along with Trump’s calls
to ethnically cleanse the territory, the larger and more
realistic threat... is what will become of the post-war
process there.
Ethnic cleansing will not be feasible --- which makes it highly
unrealistic and therefore it is most likely that Donald Trump
is talking about this for the sake of Israeli domestic
consumption and little else. If he is actually
serious about such a plan, then this will
almost certainly destabilize Egypt and
Jordan. It could even lead to an
Israeli invasion of the Sinai
Peninsula, which..... it has
already been working on
justifying since at least
October of 2024.
The idea...... of Jordan absorbing hundreds of thousands of
Palestinians from Gaza -- would also likely spell enormous
issues, the least of which will be the fledgling economy’s
ability to deal with such a refugee population. Yet... the
societal repercussions will be much greater and could
lead the already agitated Jordanian public ---- toward
the path of resistance.
Similarly, if the Zionist army invades Egypt, even if there’s
no resistance from the Egyptian army, at first, there is a
high likelihood that resistance will emerge... and both
normalization agreements.... could collapse.
Netanyahu is inventing what we can call the “new Israel”,
because the old Zionist vision appears to have collapsed.
In order to redefine the goals of his Zionist project, he
is aiming to continue mass slaughter - and even the
destabilization of nations' leaderships... who are
friendly to the regime. It is an era of expansion,
extermination, and subjugation. The aim will
be to use as many collaborators in all their
iterations, in order to kill the Palestinian
cause --- and make the region bow to
US-backed Zionism. The only one
that could change the course of
the conflict.... is Donald Trump
and his administration, which
appears extremely unlikely,
to say the least.
The opinions mentioned in this article do
not necessarily reflect the opinion of Al
mayadeen, but rather, express the
opinion of its writer exclusively.
Interesting article, don't you think?
Except for the very last sentence,
which is extraordinarily negative.
Doomsday clock and
"nuclear midnight".
What you need
to know
January 29th, 9pm
The hands of the Doomsday clock, which symbolize the threat of
a global catastrophe, have been moved one second closer to
midnight. They now show 23: 58: 31. So close to midnight —
a symbol of a global nuclear catastrophe — the hands of
the clock have never been before. Why the forecasts
have worsened and what the dial means — in the
material of "Izvestia".
What is the Doomsday Clock?
* The Doomsday Clock - a project of the Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists magazine, which has been in existence since
1947. Every year, the board of directors of the journal,
with the participation of experts and scientists,
decides on the movement of arrows or that
they should be left in place. Midnight on
the symbolic dial means the moment
when people will make the Earth
* Initially, the hands were set at 23:53. The greatest distance
from midnight (23:43) was recorded after the end of the cold
war. In 1991, the administration of US President George H.
W. Bush signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
with the Soviet Union.
* The hands of the Doomsday Clock are set each year by experts
of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science & Safety Board
in consultation with the Board of Sponsors, which was
established by Albert Einstein in December 1948,
when its first chairman was one of the creators
of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.
The council now includes Nobel Prize
winners, many of whom are
specialists ---- in physics,
physiology or medicine.
* The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was founded by a group of
scientists who worked on the "Manhattan Project" (code name
for the work on the atomic bomb during World War II). The
organization was originally designed to measure nuclear
threats, but in 2007... it decided to include climate
change in its calculations.
How the time on the clock changed
* Since 1947 --- the magazine has been assessing the threat of the
"end of the world" and annually decides whether to move
the hands or not. Now there are 89 seconds left until midnight
instead of the previous 90. This is a record short time
before a global catastrophe — for all the 78 years
since this clock was symbolically wound up.
* The magazine's experts explained...... that they moved the clock
closer to midnight on January 28, 2025, because they do not see
enough positive progress in solving global problems, including
nuclear risk, climate change, biological threats, and
advances in "disruptive technologies" such as
artificial intelligence. This year, infectious
diseases ..and the ongoing conflicts in
Ukraine and the Middle East -- were
also identified as negative factors
affecting the situation.
* As experts from the Bulletin's Science Council explain, countries
with nuclear weapons are increasing their arsenals --- investing
hundreds of billions of dollars in something that can destroy
civilization. At the same time, it is the United States, China,
and Russia that are responsible for pulling the world back
from the brink.
* The development of artificial intelligence, biotechnologies and
space technologies ---- is now very important for all of humanity.
However, global threats are being significantly exacerbated by
the spread of disinformation, fakes, and conspiracy theories
that are destroying the communications ecosystem and
increasingly blurring the line between truth
and falsehood.
• In 2023, against the backdrop of the conflict in Ukraine,
increased nuclear escalation, plus the war between
Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the climate
crisis, the hands of the clock were moved
immediately by 10 seconds - to 23: 58.30,
which was a record close to midnight.
Before that, they stayed at the 100-
second mark, for several years in
a row. In 2024, the hands of the
clock did not move.
Main Doomsday Clock Dates
1947: seven minutes to midnight. Setting the clock.
The Cold War between the USA and the USSR.
1949: three minutes. The USSR
tested its first nuclear bomb.
1953: two minutes. The USSR and the United States
tested thermonuclear bombs nine months apart.
Why did you wind up your watch
* The Doomsday Clock was created in a symbolic attempt
to assess how close humanity is to destroying the world.
Midnight means the moment when the Earth becomes
uninhabitable --- due to the results of human activity.
This project is not intended to measure existential
threats or the time remaining before the
apocalypse, but rather, to initiate
discussions on complex topics
that affect the entire
population of
the planet.
* The Doomsday Clock is periodically criticized. One of the main
disadvantages is the combination of different types of risk,
which have different characteristics and develop over
different time scales. The project is also regularly
criticized for the lack of clear criteria for analysis.
For example futurist researcher Anders Sandberg
suggested that talk about the threat of a nuclear
catastrophe or global warming is artificial, and
pessimistic forecasts not only do not give an
objective assessment --- but even mislead.
However.... the clock is still an important
rhetorical device that reminds humanity
year after year... of the precariousness
of the current existence on this planet.
* Watches are widely used in popular culture. This symbol
was mentioned in the lyrics of The Clash (track It's 55
minutes past 11), The Who, Iron Maiden (Two Minutes
to Midnight), Smashing Pumpkins (Doomsday Clock)
and Linkin Park (Minutes to Midnight), and also
formed the basis of a comic book series in
which the characters of "Guardians" Alan
Moore meets Batman and Superman
from the DC universe.
* Experts who move the hands of the Doomsday clock invite
everyone to discuss the changes on the dial in their own
social circle — with relatives, relatives, friends and
colleagues. Such conversations -- can change the
mood of society from small groups to large ones.
And ultimately, such conversations influence
the mood of society and the decisions that
politicians make.
* Personal actions can also make a difference. To make a positive
impact on climate change, in particular, it is suggested that you
evaluate your daily habits and think about whether there are
small changes that you can make in your life. Examples
include walking or cycling instead of driving, saving
resources when heating homes, buying seasonal
and local products instead of imported ones,
sorting and reducing food waste, and
saving water.
Also, we could add - stop pouring bleach into our water,
Take more interest ------ in joining with others, to elect
good, honest, incorruptible councillors and MPs, and
--- if you live in the West --- search out real news
from sources such as Rhondda Records!
What do you think? No swearing!
Little Henchman of the US
Posted by: Red Star |
Jan 19 2025 21:06
(Moon of Alabama)
The US currently has 13 military bases in the UK - they
masquerade as RAF stations, but are leased to the US
- and the UK has very little control over them.
One of these, RAF Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire,
controlled by the US’s National Security Agency
(NSA), is the largest military spy base in the
world - outside the US.
It is believed that another, RAF Lakenheath, is now being
prepared to host US nuclear weapons. The US Dept of
Defense has added the UK to a list of NATO nuclear
weapons storage locations in Europe being
upgraded under a multimillion-dollar
infrastructure programme. The
British public wont have any
say in this --- in fact, the
mainstream media...
(MSM) wont even
mention it.
RAF Lakenheath previously hosted US free-fall nuclear
bombs - until they were withdrawn in 2008, following
consistent anti-nuclear protests. Now, here they
come again.
The UK looks more like an occupied territory - than the
puppet master which controls the US. In reality we're
just the global bully's little henchman.
Cambridge definition of henchman:
Someone... who does unpleasant or
illegal things for a powerful person.
What do you think?
Israel ramps up propaganda blitz,
allocates $150 million ----
to gloss over genocide
by Alireza Akbari
January 7th, 11:22am
Amid the raging genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, the
Israeli regime is intensifying its propaganda blitz,
allocating unprecedented funds - to shape
global public opinion.
Israeli foreign ministry's annual budget for so-called
"public diplomacy", also known as Hasbara, has
surged to a staggering $150 million in 2025,
marking a 20-fold increase from last year.
The move aims to whitewash the apartheid regime's
appalling war crimes in Gaza and repair its battered
international image, as global condemnation grows
over its continued genocidal campaign.
The generous allocation of funds --- aimed at amplifying
pro-Zionist propaganda, comes as global public opinion
has sharply turned against the Tel Aviv regime due to
its war of extermination in Gaza.
Since the launch of the war on October 7, 2023,
the Israeli regime has unleashed 88,000 tons
of explosives on the tiny besieged territory,
destroying houses, hospitals, schools and
refugee camps.
The war has killed nearly 46,000 people and injured
around 109,000 in the past 15 months. Among the
martyrs --- are over 17,800 children and 12,300
women, according to Gaza's health ministry.
The ministry has documented more than 9,000
massacres against Palestinians during this
period with tens of thousands displaced
and rendered homeless, and many
more grappling with hunger.
Under the new budget announced earlier this week, the
Israeli regime's foreign ministry is expected to receive
massive funds for its so-called "public diplomacy"
efforts, in order to wash the stains.
Under this program, the ministry intends to hire
social media influencers, public opinion
leaders and celebrities..... to repair the
tattered image of the child-murdering
regime in Tel Aviv.
Unmasking the evil spirit of Hasbara
Hasbara, a Hebrew term for "explanation," is used by
Israelis to refer to propaganda aimed at altering
global perceptions of Israel.
What is Hasbara?
Hasbara refers to the Israeli apartheid regime's
"public diplomacy" efforts that are aimed at
shaping international perceptions and
justifying its never-ending genocidal
war crimes against Palestinians.
The term was popularized in the early 20th century by
Polish Zionist activist Nahum Sokolow, who described
it as a strategy that “seeks to explain actions,
whether or not they are justified.”
Historically, Hasbara evolved from early Zionist
propaganda efforts, where Arabic-speaking
Jews sought to camouflage Zionism's
real goals to Arab communities.
Today, it encompasses modern communication methods,
including social media campaigns, to counter various
narratives about Israel's deadly offensives and
policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.
According to Zionist watchers - Hasbara functions as a
euphemism for propaganda, distorting facts to present
the occupation regime as a victim --- while portraying
the occupied Palestinians, as aggressors.
Prominent Zionist lobby groups such as AIPAC (American
Israel Public Affairs Committee) and the Jewish Agency
for Israel (JAI) provide resources and training for
advocates to engage in Hasbara.
For instance, the Jewish Agency is tasked with
sponsoring Hasbara Fellowships in different
countries, which train students to promote
pro-Zionist and anti-Palestine views on
university campuses.
The Israeli regime directly supports these initiatives,
with dedicated offices within ministries such as
foreign affairs and diaspora affairs.
Since October 2023, and amid the genocidal war against
Palestinians in Gaza, these efforts have dramatically
escalated, which is evident by the 20-fold increase
in this year's Hasbara budget.
According to experts, the steep rise in the Israeli
regime's Hasbara budget this year is linked to
growing anger and outrage across the world
over the Israeli regime's ongoing genocidal
war crimes in Gaza.
The arrest warrants issued against Benjamin Netanyahu
and Yoav Gallant by the International Criminal Court
(ICC) as well as the historic rulings by the
International Court of Justice (ICJ) on
the Gaza genocide have contributed
to the surge in anti-Zionist
sentiment worldwide.
The daily war crimes and massacres in Gaza, according
to experts, have put the Israeli regime in a dangerous
position with even pro-regime voices now calling
for the end of occupation in Palestine.
The recent Israeli military raid on Kamal Adwan Hospital
in the northern Gaza Strip, which led to the mass
detention of medical staff --- including the
hospital director Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya,
triggered widespread protests globally,
which still continue.
In New York City, demonstrators outside the Israeli
consulate chanted "Free Gaza!" and "Stop the
Siege!" In London, crowds at Trafalgar Square
held signs reading "Healthcare is a Human
Right" and "End Israeli Apartheid."
Activists in Paris marched near the Eiffel Tower,
shouting "Solidarity with Palestine!" and
"No More War Crimes."
In Berlin, protesters at Brandenburg Gate displayed
banners saying "Defend Medical Facilities!" and
"Justice for Gaza!" In Toronto, rallies at Nathan
Phillips Square echoed calls for "Peace
in Palestine."
These demonstrations indicate growing anti-Israel
sentiment across the Western world, where
governments have been complicit in the
ongoing genocide in Gaza.
According to the Israeli daily The Times of Israel, the
allocation of the budget comes as "public opinion"
about the Israeli regime in the United States and
other countries has been "intensely battered."
The Israeli regime's foreign minister Gideon Sa'ar was
quoted as saying that the budget will be directed
toward influencing "sentiment in the foreign
press and on social media."
Sa'ar also stated his intention to focus on "American
college campuses," adding that the initiative will be
carried out in cooperation with US Zionist groups.
In April 2024, a wave of college protests swept across
the US ----- marking a significant escalation in student
activism regarding the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza.
The movement began at Columbia University on April 17,
when students set up a "Gaza Solidarity Encampment"
with around 50 tents, demanding that the university
divest from companies supporting Israel.
Following police intervention and mass arrests on April
18, solidarity encampments quickly spread to over 100
campuses nationwide, which were suppressed by law
enforcement agencies.
The Israeli daily Maariv quoted Sa'ar as saying
that he was determined to make a change.
“Every shekel devoted to this cause is an investment,
not an expense, and will strengthen Israel and its
standing in the world," he said, referring to
the Hasbara project.
According to reports, he has held sessions with
social media influencers, cultural figures, and
public diplomacy advocates abroad to
discuss strategies for implementing
the plan. Among the attendees at
these sessions were former
Israeli officials, media
influencers ----- and
even comedians.
On Thursday, Sa'ar held a meeting with a group of
candidates and emphasized the need for a
strategic shift in the regime's approach,
referring to the effort --- as
"consciousness warfare"
rather than "Hasbara."
Throughout the session, Sa'ar reiterated how the
distorted Israeli regime image worldwide has
constrained Tel Aviv’s political leadership's
ability to maneuver on the world stage.
Meanwhile, activists have criticized and ridiculed the
move, arguing that it seeks to justify the regime's
genocidal campaign in Gaza, which has drawn
widespread international condemnation.
The budget increase for the so-called "public diplomacy"
coincides with intensified Israeli military raids on
Gaza's health facilities, including Kamal Adwan
Hospital in northern Gaza.
The last functioning health facility in northern Gaza
was recently fully evacuated, and medical staff
were detained, with no information available
regarding their whereabouts.
Since the start of the war on Gaza in October 2023,
1,068 medical staff members have been martyred.
Additionally, 331 medical personnel have been
detained, with many executed inside prisons.
The Israeli attacks have rendered 34 hospitals non-
functional - forced the closure of 80 health centres,
--- and targeted 162 health facilities. At least seven
mass graves have been identified inside hospitals.
As the Israeli foreign ministry announced its increased
budget for influencers, corporate figure Van Jones
appeared alongside Noa Tishby, a producer,
actress, and an outspoken supporter of
Israeli policies.
On December 29th, Tishby shared a video on her
X account (formerly Twitter) featuring Jones
participating in lighting the "first-ever
Hanukkah candle.”
"@VanJones68 joins me - to light his first-ever Hanukkah
candle. We talked about the powerful bond between the
Black and Jewish communities and the importance of
showing up for one another," she wrote, with many
linking it to the new Hasbara project.
Tishby described Jones as "one of the strongest allies
the Jewish community has had in recent years." The
US author responded by saying they seek to
"repair the world."
The video sparked backlash on social media. Some
commented on Tishby’s post by highlighting
instances of the mistreatment of Black
individuals by illegal settlers in the
occupied territories.
“This is how your people treat Black people in
IsraHell!” wrote a user named Truth Seeker.
On its X account, Drop Site shared a video showing
young boys planting a barrel and explained that
“coordinated Hasbara campaigns” usually
involve prominent propagandists
(Hasbaraists), who spread the
same misinformation despite
substantial evidence to
the contrary.
It also documented how the same undated video was
shared by propagandist accounts, all claiming that
the young boys were Hamas members planting
bombs near a hospital in Gaza.
The page further noted that the video was
initially shared by COGAT, the Israeli
regime body... responsible for
coordinating aid into Gaza,
and was amplified.... by
prominent Hasbarists.
According to the account, this release coincided with
global outrage over Israel’s attack on Kamal Adwan
Hospital in northern Gaza, during which the
hospital was burned down, its director
abducted and reportedly sent to one
of Israel’s notorious prisons...
for torture.
In Slough, when people complained about
the stench from the industrial estate and
traffic fumes... the local buses added
rose petal perfume to the deisel....
What do you think the apartheid
colonialists, should do?
Hind Rajab Foundation ----- names
Israeli war criminals vacationing
after Gaza genocide
December 21st, 4:38pm
by Alireza Akbari
On December 12th, an X account associated with the
Israeli spy agency Mossad --- issued a stern warning
to regime soldiers against sharing personal photos
on social media.
“Do not post a picture of yourself in the battlefields of
Gaza or elsewhere,” it said, underscoring the risks of
exposure to an identity-revealing campaign targeting
members of the Israeli forces.
More than 45,000 Palestinians, most of them children
and women, have been killed in the Gaza Strip since
October 7 last year in the Israeli regime's all-out
genocidal war ----- backed by the West.
The X page affiliated with Mossad highlighted concerns
over a group identifying Israeli soldiers and sharing
their details with foreign authorities in countries
where the soldiers might be vacationing.
It warned Israeli soldiers that they may be "arrested"
and their vacation could turn into a "nightmare.”
Its reference... was to the Hind Rajab Foundation, named
in memory of a Palestinian girl who was tragically killed
alongside her family, by Israeli forces, late last year.
"It is too late; the evidence has been documented.
War criminals who have essentially testified
against themselves --- will not escape
justice," the foundation responded
to the advisory.
“However,” it hastened to add, “the true nightmare is not
that their vacation is ruined—it is the genocide these
criminals have committed.”
Mossad’s warning follows an earlier notice by the Israeli
military in early December, advising around 30 soldiers
to avoid traveling abroad ---- due to legal complaints
filed against them for war crimes.
In October 2024, the Hind Rajab Foundation filed a formal
complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC)
against 1,000 Israeli soldiers --- for perpetrating
war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza.
The foundation, a branch of the March 30 Movement,
was established following Israel’s genocidal war on
Gaza in October 2023, which has since spawned
the worst humanitarian crisis there.
The complaint targeted soldiers across all ranks, from
high-ranking generals and air marshals to low-ranking
personnel ----- for direct involvement in genocidal war
crimes in the besieged Palestinian strip.
The case was bolstered by over 8,000 pieces of
evidence, including videos, audio recordings,
forensic reports, and social media
documentation, meticulously
detailing the soldiers’
war crimes.
The ongoing Israeli genocidal campaign, which began
in October last year, has resulted in over 45,227
Palestinian deaths and left more than
107,573 injured.
Despite the mounting international outcry, some Israeli
soldiers have continued to flaunt their involvement in
the Gaza genocide, sharing photos and videos of
their war crimes on platforms like TikTok
and Instagram.
The simmering humanitarian crisis in Gaza, coupled with
Israeli soldiers boasting about their diabolic war crimes
has now prompted legal experts, activists, and human
rights organizations - to intensify their efforts to hold
the perpetrators accountable for these atrocities.
Among these organizations is the Hind Rajab Foundation,
which has identified several Israeli regime soldiers
and filed complaints regarding their war crimes
in the Gaza Strip.
The foundation is also informing the countries
where these soldiers are vacationing to urge
those governments to arrest the Israeli war
criminals over the ongoing genocidal war.
Israeli soldiers identified by Hind Rajab Foundation
On December the 18th, the Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF)
announced ------- the identification of Gal Ferenbook, an
Israeli soldier implicated in the killing of a Palestinian
civilian and the degrading treatment of their remains.
It located Ferenbook in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and
formally demanded his immediate arrest by the
Sri Lankan authorities. It also submitted a
complaint to the ICC and requested
Interpol to issue a red notice
for his capture.
Ferenbook, a member of Company B, Sayeret Golani,
sparked outrage on August the 9th, 2024, when he
uploaded a video to his Instagram account
showing himself inside an armoured
personnel carrier (APC) in Gaza
after committing war crimes.
The footage, which was widely shared and condemned,
captured Ferenbook watching the remains of a
deceased Palestinian civilian on the
vehicle’s monitor.
The video also included a voice, speaking in Hebrew,
mocking the situation and referring to Ferenbook as
“Gal Foundouk, our terminator,” while laughing and
pointing to the remains.
Ferenbook, seen smiling and boasting, treated the
deceased as a war trophy, a clear violation of
international humanitarian law, according
to legal experts.
The video, corroborated by metadata and other
contextual evidence, confirms Ferenbook’s
presence in Gaza during Israeli genocidal
offensives and implicates him in
horrendous war crimes.
These include the outrages upon the personal dignity
of the deceased, the unlawful killing of a civilian,
and the destruction of civilian infrastructure
outside military necessity.
HRF's complaint, submitted under Article 15 of the Rome
Statute, calls on the ICC to open an investigation into
Ferenbook’s crimes.
The crimes include: outraging personal dignity (Article 8
(2)(b)(xxi)), willful killing of a protected person (Article 8
(2)(a)(i)), and destruction of civilian infrastructure
without military necessity (Article 8(2)(b)(ii)).
Israeli media, meanwhile, reported that the war criminal
Ferenbook had fled Sri Lanka, after the Brussels-based
foundation filed the case against him.
On December the 6th in 2024, HRF filed a legal complaint
in France --- against the Israeli regime soldier Roi Hakimi,
on charges of acts of terror & enforced disappearances
during Israel's genocidal war on Gaza.
The complaint, submitted under French criminal law, said
that Hakimi, a Master Sergeant in the Palhod Unit of the
Nahal Brigade, committed serious violations of
international law during the offensive.
Evidence presented includes Hakimi’s own social media
posts, which feature photos and videos of him in Gaza,
armed and in military uniform, amidst scenes of
widespread destruction.
The posts also document detainees in degrading
conditions and actions ------ indicative of gross
violations of international humanitarian law.
One particularly incriminating image depicts Palestinian
detainees, bound and stripped to their undergarments,
standing in freezing temperatures at night, amid
the ruins of Gaza.
The complaint asserts, that such treatment amounts to
torture and enforced disappearances — both explicitly
prohibited under international law and recognized as
crimes under French statutes.
The case relies on Articles 689-1, 689-2, and 689-13 of
the French Code of Criminal Procedure -- which grant
French courts jurisdiction over international crimes,
including torture and enforced disappearances,
if the accused is present in France.
Hakimi is currently believed to be on French soil,
as evidenced by his social media activity, which
shows him spending quality time at a ski resort
in Savoie.
Brussels-based HRF has called on the French authorities
to exercise their jurisdiction and initiate immediate legal
proceedings to hold Hakimi accountable for war crimes.
On December the 3rd, in 2024, the HRF, in collaboration
with the March 30 Movement --- urged Belgium to deny
accreditation to Colonel Moshe Tetro, Israel’s newly
appointed military attaché.
The groups cited Tetro’s involvement in war crimes,
crimes against humanity, and genocide during his
tenure as head of the Coordination and Liaison
Administration for the Gaza Strip (CLA).
In a formal complaint filed with the ICC, it accused Tetro
of implementing policies that deliberately starved
Gaza’s population - by restricting essential
resources such as food, water, and
medical supplies.
These measures, described as a form of man-made
famine, have been condemned as collective
punishment targeting one of the world’s
most vulnerable civilian populations.
The ICC has previously addressed the use of starvation
as a method of warfare, notably in its warrants against
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the
military affairs minister, Yoav Gallant.
HRF argued that Tetro’s actions followed the same
pattern, perpetuating widespread suffering --- in
violation of international humanitarian law.
Tetro is also accused of directing attacks on hospitals,
including the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis city and
Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, resulting in mass
civilian casualties.
Evidence submitted to the ICC -------- includes records of
Tetro’s communications with hospital directors, before
the attacks - which systematically dismantled Gaza’s
healthcare system, leaving civilians without access
to critical medical care.
In a letter to Belgium’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HRF
Chairman Dyab Abou Jahjah emphasized Belgium’s
moral and legal responsibility ------- to reject
Tetro’s accreditation.
HRF and its partners have called on Belgium to take a
principled stand against impunity by denying Colonel
Moshe Tetro... diplomatic recognition.
The case has underscored the growing push for
accountability over Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
On November the 29th, the HRF, in partnership with the
March 30 Movement and represented by the attorney
Haroon Raza ------ filed another legal complaint in
Amsterdam, demanding the immediate arrest
and prosecution of three Israeli regime
soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
The accused ------- Yehuda Tsfa, Yotam Shmuelevich, and
Liran Magal --- are members of the Latak Unit of the 932
“Granit” Battalion of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).
They participated in the destruction of civilian
properties in Gaza, including the burning of
homes in Gaza City and the destruction of
critical infrastructure, at Rafah Crossing.
The complaint, grounded in international humanitarian
law, asserts that these actions constitute grave
violations of the laws of armed conflict, which
protect civilian objects and prohibit attacks
that are indiscriminate, disproportionate,
or lacking military necessity.
The targeted destruction of civilian homes and
infrastructure is highlighted ---- as part of a
broader pattern of collective punishment
against the Gaza population.
The complaint referenced key provisions
of international law, to substantiate
the allegations:
Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the
destruction of property by an occupying power unless
necessary for military operations. The burning of
homes and destruction at the Rafah Crossing
do not meet this criterion.
Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention classifies
extensive destruction of property, as not justified by
military necessity and carried out unlawfully and
wantonly, as a grave breach of the Convention.
Article 54 of Protocol I --------- prohibits attacks on objects
indispensable to the survival of civilians, including food
supplies and drinking water installations. The Rafah
Crossing, essential for the delivery of food and
medical aid, falls within this category.
Article 8(2)(b)(ii) of the Rome Statute criminalizes
deliberate attacks on civilian objects that are
not military objectives.
Article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Rome Statute prohibits
starvation of civilians as a method of warfare -
including depriving them of objects essential
to their survival.
Rafah Crossing’s destruction has had devastating
consequences for Gaza’s civilian population,
exacerbating famine by blocking the flow
of food, medical supplies, and other
essential goods.
The deliberate targeting of such infrastructure,
the complaint argues, represents a calculated
strategy to collectively punish civilians --- in
violation of international law, according
to experts.
The complaint stresses that, under international law,
the Dutch authorities are obligated to act, as the
accused soldiers have reportedly been
present in the Netherlands.
By invoking legal precedents.. from the ICC and the
International Court of Justice (ICJ), the foundation
highlighted the responsibility of states -------
to apprehend and prosecute individuals
suspected of war crimes, and crimes
against humanity.
This case not only seeks accountability for the actions
of Tsfa, Shmuelevich, and Magal but also underscores
the critical need --- to address the ongoing impact of
such violations on the civilian population of Gaza.
On November the 27th, in 2024, the HRF submitted a
formal complaint to the ICC against Israeli soldier
Liam Shkedi, accusing him of war crimes, crimes
against humanity, genocide, and crimes
of aggression.
The complaint -- demands Shkedi's
immediate arrest and prosecution.
It detailed Shkedi’s involvement.. in the destruction
of a civilian home in Ni’lin, Ramallah, on March 23,
2023, as well as his role in a massacre in Gaza’s
Al-Bureij camp.
The attacks on Al-Bureij -- which targeted densely
populated residential areas, caused devastating
civilian casualties ---- and were characterized
as indiscriminate.
These incidents, the complaint asserts, are part
of a broader pattern of systematic violations of
international humanitarian law. The actions
attributed to Shkedi highlight the deliberate
targeting of civilians and civilian
infrastructure in Gaza and the
occupied West Bank.
HRF confirmed, that Shkedi is currently in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates, and formally requested that the Emirati
authorities arrest him. Citing the UAE’s obligations
under international law, the Foundation urged his
immediate transfer to the ICC for prosecution.
To substantiate the case filed against the soldier, HRF
provided extensive video and photographic evidence,
including material sourced from Shkedi’s own social
media accounts.
The evidence reportedly documents his participation
in unlawful attacks on civilian infrastructure.
On November the 18th, in 2024, the HRF announced it
was investigating reports of the possible detention
of Israeli reserve officer Elisha Livman in Cyprus,
after complaints of war crimes committed
in Gaza.
Despite the development, Livman reportedly fled Cyprus
with direct assistance from the Israeli regime, as was
revealed by the Israeli newspaper, Israel Hayom.
This intervention, described by the HRF as a "brazen
example of state-sponsored impunity" --- has drawn
sharp criticism for undermining international law
and obstructing justice.
The HRF --- had filed a formal complaint with the Cypriot
authorities, presenting extensive evidence of Livman’s
involvement in war crimes. Among the evidence -- was
video footage showing Livman setting fire to a civilian
home in Gaza, declaring: “We will not stop until we
burn all of Gaza.”
The HRF highlighted that his statements and actions
demonstrate clear genocidal intent, violating both
the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute.
In a strongly worded statement, the HRF condemned
Livman’s escape, orchestrated with the active
involvement of the Israeli regime. “This is
not just an obstruction of justice; it is
a deliberate attempt to shield a war
criminal from accountability,”
it said.
It also underscored that Cyprus retains full
jurisdiction over the case and called for
the investigation into Livman
to continue.
On November the 6th, in 2024 --- the HRF formally
requested the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)
in the UK to launch an investigation into Alon
Elgali, Chief Executive Officer of Meshek
Afar Limited, for war crimes in Gaza.
Elgali was reportedly in the UK at the time of the
complaint ---- accused of direct involvement in
grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions
and international humanitarian law.
The HRF’s letter to the MPS Commissioner detailed the
complaint that Elgali oversaw and participated in the
unlawful destruction and appropriation of civilian
property, including a mosque in Rafah, southern
Gaza Strip, between October the 31st and
November the 4th, 2024.
These actions, targeting civilian infrastructure in
protected areas, are cited as potential war
crimes under the UK’s ICC Act 2001 and
Geneva Conventions Act 1957.
The HRF provided video and photographic evidence
from Elgali’s social media accounts, which show
him operating and supervising bulldozers
demolishing civilian structures.
Witness statements corroborated that Meshek Afar
Limited was stationed in Rafah, specifically for
these operations demolitions.
Under Article 8(2)(a)(iv) of the Rome Statute,
the intentional destruction of civilian
property without military necessity
is classified as a war crime.
Additionally, Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention
identifies extensive destruction of civilian property as
a “grave breach,” requiring contracting parties, such
as the UK, to take legal action against those
The HRF urged the Metropolitan Police’s Counter
Terrorism Command (CTC), which specializes in
investigating complex international crimes,
to prioritize the case.
The HRF highlighted guidelines from the College of
Policing, emphasizing the importance of handling
such serious complaints with urgency,
impartiality, and diligence.
On October the 24th, in 2024, another complaint was
filed in Ecuador against Sahar Enrique Cohen, an
Ecuadorian citizen over war crimes and crimes
against humanity during the Israeli genocide
in Gaza.
The complaint, submitted to the Criminal Court
of Guayas, seeks prosecution under both
Ecuadorian and international law for
Cohen’s role in systematic attacks
targeting Palestinian civilians
and medical facilities.
Cohen is accused of participating in the March 18,
2024, assault on Al-Shifa Hospital.... in Gaza City,
where thousands of civilians had sought refuge.
The attack resulted in the deaths of patients, including
children and the elderly --- due to the destruction of
critical medical infrastructure and the intentional
denial of life-saving resources.
The complaint terms these assaults as genocide and
crimes against humanity under international law.
The filing also details horrific acts of torture and
persecution committed by Cohen, including
physical and psychological abuse, forced
nudity, rape, and the deprivation of
essential resources like food
and water.
Citing Article 14 of Ecuador’s Comprehensive Organic
Criminal Code (COIP), the Foundation called on
Ecuador to prosecute Cohen for these grave
violations, asserting that Ecuadorian
jurisdiction..... extends to crimes
committed beyond its borders
when they contravene
international human
rights laws.
On October 18, 2024, the HRF revealed evidence that
Israeli war criminal Moshe Gafni was present in the
United Arab Emirates.
It announced plans to officially request his arrest and
notify UAE authorities. “We will officially request his
arrest and notify the UAE authorities.”
On October the 13th, in 2024, French-Israeli singer
Refael Allush was accused of involvement in the
ongoing genocide in Gaza. Allush participated
in the destruction, looting, and appropriation
of civilian homes and neighbourhoods,
according to the HRF.
Despite these complaints, Allush continued to travel
freely to France -------------- to perform at social events.
On October the 5th, in 2024, HRF issued an urgent call
to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ---- urging them
to arrest the Israeli war criminal.. and US citizen
Elias Gibs in accordance with international law.
It confirmed credible information about Gibs' presence in
the UAE, identifying him as a member of the infamous
Ghost Unit (Refaim). Gibs is implicated in the killing
of 120 Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
The March 30 Movement, which partnered with the
Foundation, echoed these concerns, emphasizing
the urgency of Gibs' arrest, under the UAE's
obligations to international law.
On September the 27th, in 2024, the HRF revealed that
Israeli soldier Moshe Avichzer had been detained
in Morocco --- for his involvement in war crimes
committed during Israeli offensives in Gaza.
It reiterated its stance that "justice and accountability
must prevail," ---- highlighting the significance of
the detention ---- as a step toward holding
war criminals accountable.
Hats off to these wonderfully patient people
pursuing justice for the Palestinians. I say
.....thank you and God bless you!
What do you say?
Assad knew, aligning with pro-Israel Arab
rulers - would mean betrayal of Palestine
by Omer Khaled
December 18th 3:09pm
Doomsayers are imprudently speculating that the
resistance axis has been crushed in Syria with
the ouster of Bashar al-Assad and the rise of
West-backed militant groups.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The resistance axis has in fact neutralized a significant
strategic threat --- which will become evident over time.
This axis remains undefeatable ---- and continues to be
a formidable force in the region.
The strategic importance of Syria to the resistance axis
in its protracted struggle against Israeli occupation and
Western imperialism cannot be overstated. Syria has
been a key player in this fight.
For decades, Syria served as a crucial logistical route for
supplying weapons to resistance groups in Lebanon and
Palestine, steadfastly supporting them despite crippling
sanctions and terrorism.
This unwavering commitment to the resistance front with
the goal of the liberation of occupied Palestinian
territories from Zionist occupation, ultimately -
cost Assad his long-standing hold on power.
Assad’s removal from power had for long figured high on
the agenda of the Zionist regime and its Western allies.
While the resistance axis and the Assad government
in Damascus were focused on confronting Israeli
occupation, some Arab states moved to
normalize ties with the very regime.
The farce of normalization with the Israeli occupation
not only represented a betrayal of the Palestinian
cause that the Arab nations claim to support,
but also served as a means to settle scores
with Assad.
Most of these regimes in the Arab world have for long
only offered lip service for the Palestinian cause to
avoid being in the crosshairs of the Tel Aviv
regime and its patron-in-chief, the US.
The 1978 Camp David Accords marked the beginning of
efforts by some Arab nations.... to normalize the Israeli
occupation of Palestine. This trend continued with the
1993 Oslo Accords, in which the Palestinian Liberation
Organization (PLO) formally recognized the illegitimate
Zionist entity.
Neither of these agreements found support or
acceptance among the people of West Asia,
including Palestinians. Nevertheless,
both deals played a significant role
in solidifying the presence of the
illegitimate entity on occupied
Palestinian land.
The 2020 Abraham Accords, orchestrated by showman-
turned-president Donald Trump, marked another major
milestone in the campaign to legitimize the illegal
occupation of Palestine. Many Arab regimes
fell into the vicious trap --- in exchange
for meager economic incentives.
Authoritarian regimes across the Arab world openly
competed to normalize relations with the Israeli
regime, publicly confirming what had been
privately known for decades — their
betrayal of Palestine.
This trajectory continued until October 7, 2023, when
Operation Al-Aqsa Flood changed everything. This
historic event fundamentally altered regional
dynamics and shook the very foundation
of the Zionist occupation ------- and its
Western patrons.
The October the 7th operation, launched in response to
decades of occupation, oppression, and subjugation,
was followed ----- by an all-out genocidal campaign
against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.
In light of the genocidal war crimes perpetrated by the
Israeli regime in besieged Gaza — later.... extended to
Lebanon — normalizing relations with the occupation
ceased to be seen as a viable course of action.
Even some Western countries publicly condemned the
genocidal war crimes, and the International Criminal
Court (ICC) was compelled to issue arrest warrants
for Israeli war criminals.
Since the outset of the occupation of Palestine and the
establishment of the illegitimate apartheid entity on
stolen land, the US has acted as its sword & shield,
providing unwavering support to entrench the
occupation --- and enable settler-colonial
activities in the occupied territories.
For any country seeking favor with American elites and
the privileges that come with it, the formula has been
simple and clear: establish ties with the Israeli
occupation and turn a blind eye to its
atrocities against the Palestinians,
including women and children.
This is the primary reason --- why some Arab and Muslim
countries in recent years chose to shake hands stained
with the blood of Palestinian children for short-term
gains. However, the resistance axis refused to
compromise, standing its ground firmly in
rejecting the West-sponsored settler-
colonial project.
The Israeli-US project employed every tool at its disposal
to knock out the resistance axis and coerce countries in
West Asia into submission. While many yielded, Syria
remained steadfast in its support for the axis,
despite suffering - in many different ways.
The occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights and the
deep-seated hatred for the Zionist regime among
ordinary Syrians made the fight against the
occupation an existential priority for
the Syrian government.
Thus, ensuring the survival of this "cancerous tumour"
required one thing: the removal of Assad in Syria. Any
ruling dispensation in Syria that regards the Israeli
regime as an enemy would inevitably face
unrelenting hostility.
For years, Western powers, backed by the Israeli regime,
sought to overthrow the democratically elected Assad
government in Damascus, employing sanctions,
terrorist groups, and foreign mercenaries,
as part of their strategy.
After years of crippling and draconian Western sanctions
that decimated Syria’s economic infrastructure and
plunged its society into poverty, Assad was left
with limited choices.
Either he had to fight the armed militants while his army
was on the brink of collapse, or he had to accept offers
from Arab monarchies -- to abandon support for the
Palestinian cause -- and embrace Israel.
Assad fully understood what aligning with Arab rulers
who colluded with the US and Zionists would entail.
Such a move would inevitably draw him closer to
the US and, ultimately, require normalizing ties
with Israel. That - was the proverbial red line.
Amid this strategic ambiguity, Syria, steadfast in
its commitment to the resistance axis, was not
offered on a platter to the Zionist enemy, as
many mistakenly assume.
Instead, these turn of events have created a
new opportunity for the axis to shock
the enemy in the future.
Omer Khaled is a Syrian journalist who has covered
foreign-backed militancy in the Arab country for
many years.
(The views expressed in this article
do not necessarily reflect those of
Press TV.)
No, but they represent the views
of those... who have watched
the US and Israel - blowing
the arms and legs off of
children. What do you
think about that?
South Korea --- Eyes
a Rich BRICS Road,
to the Global South
by Lakhvinder Singh
December 4th, 2024
In 2024, the BRICS nations continue to consolidate their influence
in the global arena, collectively accounting for over 40% of the
world’s population and approximately 30% of global GDP
in purchasing power parity terms.
According to recent IMF projections, BRICS countries are set to
contribute over 50% of global GDP growth in the coming years,
underscoring their increasing weight in the international
economic landscape.
China and India, in particular, remain the principal economic
engines of the group - each maintaining robust trajectories
fueled by China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and India’s
ascendancy as a prominent manufacturing hub.
Complementing these giants, Russia leverages its vast energy
resources, Brazil capitalizes on its agricultural and natural
wealth and South Africa anchors the coalition’s outreach
on the African continent. This strategic diversity enables
BRICS to wield considerable influence in shaping global
economic and political agendas.
Today, the BRICS is positioning itself as a counterweight to
traditional Western-led financial institutions like the IMF
and World Bank, aiming to restore balance and justice
in the emerging global economic order.
Central to this effort is the New Development Bank (NDB),
which began with an initial capital of US$100 billion to
fund infrastructure and sustainable projects,
extending beyond the BRICS members
to other emerging economies.
This initiative, combined with efforts to promote trade in local
currencies, reflects a strategy to reduce reliance on dollar-
based systems and challenge Western dominance in
global financial governance.
Moreover... BRICS has increasingly positioned itself as
a representative of the Global South --- advocating for
principles of non-interference & mutual development.
The 2024 BRICS summit in Russia reinforced this by welcoming
Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE,
highlighting its ambition to form a more inclusive
grouping with greater global influence.
Today, BRICS is not merely an economic grouping; it represents
the desire of the Global South for a shift toward a multipolar
global order, with the grouping increasingly diverging from
Western narratives on critical geopolitical issues.
This rising influence is reflected in efforts to reshape the
international financial architecture, promote new
development models ------ and challenge the
dominance of Western-led institutions
in international politics.
The group’s coherence in advancing the interests of the Global
South and its proactive pursuit of economic sovereignty and
technological self-reliance is pivotal to its vision of a new
world order.
Strategic Seoul positioning
South Korea’s rise as a major economic and technological player
has positioned it as an influential actor in global geopolitics. As
a significant member of the G20 -- and an active participant in
multilateral forums, South Korea has consistently advocated
for greater representation of emerging economies in global
governance institutions.
Despite its non-membership in BRICS, South Korea shares many of
the coalition’s aspirations, particularly in diversifying economic
partnerships and reducing dependence on a Western-centric
international order.
South Korea’s strategic policies, such as the New Southern Policy
(NSP), emphasize greater engagement with emerging economies
in South and Southeast Asia, regions where BRICS nations,
particularly India, hold considerable sway.
Furthermore, South Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategy aligns with BRICS
interests, particularly in fostering connectivity and infrastructure
development, providing fertile ground for deeper engagement
on both bilateral and multilateral platforms.
For South Korea, closer cooperation with BRICS, offers numerous
benefits. By actively engaging with BRICS-led initiatives such as
the NDB, South Korea can gain a foothold in emerging financial
frameworks, reducing its reliance on traditional Western
financial systems and broadening its influence in
global economic governance.
This involvement also positions South Korea as a neutral partner
that bridges traditional Western alliances with emerging powers
in BRICS, enhancing its diplomatic leverage and strategic
flexibility in an increasingly multipolar world.
The diversification of its export markets, supply chains, and
diplomatic engagements through partnerships with BRICS
nations will be essential for maintaining competitiveness
and securing long-term interests.
Collaborating with BRICS institutions, also provides South Korea
the opportunity to access emerging markets, and participate in
the growing regional integration efforts among BRICS members
and their allies.
India-South Korea in BRICS embrace
India and South Korea are already strong strategic and economic
partners. However... as BRICS expands its influence in the global
arena with India as a key player, it presents a unique opportunity
for South Korea to enhance its global status by strengthening its
bilateral ties and collaborating more closely on global security
and strategic issues.
Both nations possess complementary strengths and shared
interests, making cooperation increasingly beneficial amid
shifting global dynamics. India and South Korea have
established a robust economic partnership, but
there is still significant potential to deepen
trade and investment ties.
In the wake of BRICS’ rise, the two countries could focus on
expanding the Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Agreement (CEPA) to include areas such as digital
trade, intellectual property rights, and services.
This would not only provide preferential market
access and boost bilateral trade volumes but
also help South Korea strengthen its ties
with the Global South.
Additionally, South Korea can leverage India as an alternative
manufacturing hub amid shifting global supply chains,
particularly in electronics, semiconductors and
automotive manufacturing.
Participation in India’s ambitious infrastructure projects, such as
the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) and the Smart Cities
Mission, presents further opportunities for Korean firms to
expand their influence and capitalize on India’s rapid
growth trajectory, reinforcing South Korea’s
engagement with BRICS countries.
The evolving geopolitical landscape demands stronger strategic
ties between South Korea and the Global South. Closer
cooperation with India in maintaining a free and
inclusive Indo-Pacific region, enhancing naval
coordination, and strengthening joint efforts
in counter-piracy and in counterterrorism
operations will bolster regional security
and stability, enhancing South Korea’s
role as a net security provider.
Moreover, the defense industries of both countries offer scope for
collaboration in areas such as co-production of defense systems
and joint development of critical technologies like missile
defense, drones, and cybersecurity, reducing the Global
South’s dependence on Western defense industries
for national defense capabilities.
Both India and South Korea are leaders in innovation and
technology, and collaboration in emerging fields such as
artificial intelligence, renewable energy, quantum
computing, and green technologies can yield
substantial benefits not only for their
national economies but also for the
wider region and the Global South.
South Korea’s leadership in semiconductors can further support
India’s ambitions to build a robust semiconductor ecosystem
through joint investments and technology transfers, thereby
boosting India’s position within the Global South.
Strengthening cultural ties... and enhancing people-to-people
exchanges are essential for sustaining deeper collaboration.
By deepening academic exchanges, providing scholarships,
establishing joint research centres, and promoting cultural
collaborations in areas such as film, music, and cuisine,
South Korea can enhance mutual understanding and
support broader partnerships with India.
This cultural engagement can serve as a gateway for South Korea
to connect with BRICS nations and the Global South, which has
been a challenge due to its close ties with the United States
and Western-dominated institutions. Developing deeper
cultural relations with India... can correct this
diplomatic anomaly and allow South Korea
to extend its engagement beyond the
US and the West.
India and South Korea share common values of democracy,
development and international cooperation. With the rise
of BRICS, India can act as a bridge, bringing South
Korean perspectives into multilateral dialogues.
Joint efforts in platforms like the G20, UN, and
ASEAN can enhance diplomatic influence and
promote shared interests, including global
governance reforms, climate action
and cybersecurity.
Sustainability remains a key concern for South Korea.
Collaborative projects with India and BRICS member
countries in renewable energy infrastructure, smart
grids, electric mobility -- and autonomous transport
systems, can contribute to mutual energy security
and support a sustainable future while integrating
South Korea’s economy more deeply with the
rising Global South. By focusing on green
technologies, India and South Korea can
play a pivotal role in the global
energy transition.
South Korea’s engagement with BRICS, especially through
its strengthened partnership with India, offers a strategic
pathway for enhancing its global influence and securing
its long-term interests in an evolving multipolar world.
A robust partnership for a new era
As a member of the US-led security order in Northeast Asia and
heavily dependent on the United States for its security and
economic prosperity, it may not be easy for South Korea
to become a member of BRICS in the near future.
However, as the global order evolves with the rise of BRICS,
South Korea is uniquely positioned to enhance its
cooperation and engage in BRICS initiatives.
The rise of BRICS signifies a shift towards a multipolar global
order, wherein traditional power dynamics are being
redefined, and emerging economies are asserting
their influence on the world stage.
By proactively engaging with BRICS, South Korea can secure
strategic advantages, reduce its dependency on traditional
Western institutions, and expand its economic and
geopolitical reach.
South Korea’s strategic positioning as an intermediary between
Western alliances and BRICS nations - presents an opportunity
to shape regional and global dialogues, ensuring that its voice
remains influential amidst shifting power structures.
By focusing on strategic, economic, and technological
collaboration with India and engaging with the
broader BRICS coalition, South Korea can
protect its interests, seize new
opportunities and bolster its
status in an increasingly
multipolar world.
The foundation of South Korea’s partnership with India rests on
shared values, mutual trust, and complementary strengths,
making their cooperation pivotal, for navigating the
uncertainties of a changing global landscape.
Actively engaging with BRICS allows South Korea to align itself
with a coalition that is reshaping the global order, securing its
position as a key player in the evolving multipolar landscape,
and expanding its influence on the global stage.
This proactive engagement..... not only enhances South Korea’s
diplomatic & economic leverage but also solidifies its role as a
dynamic actor in a redefined global order - positioning itself as
a bridge between the emerging powers and those established
global players.
It is time for South Korea to adjust its diplomatic strategy to
claim its due place in the emerging new order in the region.
Lakhvinder Singh is director of peace and
security studies at the Asia Institute in
Seoul, South Korea.
Asia Times
What a beautiful piece!
What do you think?
"Kaya Kallas is good for Russia":
the Balts --- will help the EU
by Evgeny Umerenkov
November 30th, 6:57pm
(Komsomolskaya Pravda)
Political analyst Mezhevich explained the advantages
of appointing Kaya Kallas as the EU's top diplomat.
The EU Parliament, has approved the new composition
of the EU Commission. Among 27 EU commissioners
- ministers who will join a new EU government from
December the 1st - there are three Balts at once.
Kaya Kallas, the former Prime Minister of Estonia, will
replace the EU's top diplomat, Josep Borrel. Former
Prime Minister of Lithuania, Andrius Kubilius - will
become the Commissioner for Defense and Space
- this post is newly created. Valdis Dombrovskis
the former Prime Minister of Latvia, will be
the Commissioner for the Economy.
What can we expect from them in the EU government?
On this, I had a conversation with Nikolai Mezhevich
the President of the Russian Association for
Baltic Studies.
In February 2024, Kaju Kallas, then Prime Minister of
Estonia, was put on the wanted list by the Russian
Interior Ministry. Presidential press Secretary,
Dmitry Peskov explained - that this step was
a response to its "hostile actions towards
both historical memory and our country."
Callas has made it clear that while serving in the EU,
she will seek indefinite sanctions against Russia.
"We should not be afraid of our own strength," the
Estonian woman said, about the possibility of
sending NATO troops to Ukraine. "Russia
says that this or that step is an
escalation, but defense is
not an escalation."
At the hearing on his appointment to the post of
EU Commissioner, Andrius Kubilius said that he
expects --- a war with the Russian Federation
within "six to eight years" (despite the fact
that President Vladimir Putin called such
speculation "absolute nonsense"). So -
the EU is obliged, to increase military
production. In general, Kubilius sees
his main task as --- "preparing for
military aggression against EU
member states by Russia."
Former Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, has
been working in the EU structures for 15 years. In his
native country, he became famous for reducing the
pensions of working pensioners by 70%, and non-
working - by 10% (later, the Constitutional Court
declared this illegal).
"Russia -------- is obligated to pay reparations to Ukraine,"
Dombrovskis said a year ago -- as vice-president of the
EU Commission. "That's why we need to pay attention
to frozen Russian assets, including the reserves of
the Central Bank of the Russian Federation."
Dombrovskis called the signing of a memorandum
between the EU and Ukraine... on assistance to
Kiev for $18 billion euros - at the expense of
profits from our frozen assets -
"a great honour".
- Why is there such a preference for the Baltic States?
- If you were recruiting Jesus Christ for the team, only
people would be needed. But for the Judas team,
they are completely different --- and for it, the
Baltic representatives -- would be just right,"
says Nikolai Mezhevich. "These politicians
with demonstrative anti-Russian positions
have been tested for years, and are
completely manageable. At the
same time, you can be a
corrupt official, like
Kaya Callas.
"Callas repented ---------- when it was revealed that her
husband, Arvo Hallik --- was still trading with Russia
after the start of the SVO. And for millions of euros.
She explained that she had "no idea" about her
husband's business…
- If this is repentance, then I'm sorry… In general,
the main qualification requirement, is not to be
an absolute idiot. The Defense Commissioner
does not need to know the military industry
at all. As to the Commissioner for Foreign
Affairs policy, we understand, that the
Balts do not and will not have ----- an
independent foreign policy, such as
that of Russia, China, and the US.
- How will these appointments affect Russia?
"I'll assume...... that's a good thing for us. Because.. a
person who has never dealt with such issues will be
responsible for space. And for foreign affairs - an
ambitious woman, but, firstly, semi-literate, and
secondly, very semi-experienced. I would not
compare the experience of the Estonian
Prime Minister with the experience of
the head of Yekaterinburg - where
there are many more residents.
About St. Petersburg - and even more
so Moscow, it is not even necessary
to speak.
"Kaya Callas. She's the daughter of a Soviet banker…
- Her father... managed the system of savings banks, that
is, actually Sberbank --- in the territory of the Republic
of Estonia. This is not so small. He was an absolutely
wealthy man, a member of the CPSU, and a member
of the highest level of the Soviet nomenklatura.
- Callas ----- has contradictory memories of her Soviet
childhood. Then she complains that because of the
security assigned to her, she could not play with
children on the street. Then - she starts a song
about the hard life under the Soviet regime -
there were no sweets, we had to eat sour
cream, with sugar.
- Yes, the whole of Estonia laughed at the words about
candy. First, sour cream with sugar is a traditional
Baltic dish, which is eaten by both small children
and the elderly.
As for sweets, there was a brand store of the Kalev
confectionery factory next to the building of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Estonia. Kalev sweets -- were everywhere,
they were inexpensive, and there were
lots of them.
And she's lying about Dad's security detail. The head
of Sberbank did not have security. In Soviet Estonia,
only two or three people had security. Including the
First Secretary of the Estonian Communist Party &
the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme
Soviet of the Republic of Estonia.
- There is a direct demand --- for semi-literate and
deceitful, but absolutely controlled politicians.
Annalena Burbock --- the German Foreign
Minister --- who suggested that Russia
should turn 360 degrees, is a classic
option. And now --- Callas..... has
reached the European scale.
- Yes, absolutely. But why... do you offend Kubilius with
your attention? Unlike Callas, he was prime minister
twice. But also semi-literate.
- He admitted that --- in 2004 his party conducted a
survey among Lithuanians: when was life better,
in the USSR or now? 54% said they were better
off in the Soviet Union. The results were not
made public ..but Kubilius concluded: "We
are dealing with a lost generation."
He also called for cutting off all economic ties with
Russia, although Lithuania was thoroughly fueled
by the export of dairy products to our country.
This mentality is now very suitable for the
EU's sanctions excitement.
- If Charles de Gaulle had been appointed to the
EU Commission, I assure you that they would
have demanded a written condemnation of
the Soviet regime, and Ivan the Terrible,
and Alexander III and so on. This - is
euro-madness - a disease where
paranoia becomes the norm.
How do we respond to this? Rejoice! Because with
such guides as Kallas and Kubilius - the EU's path
will end. The EU is not our friend, not our brother,
but our enemy. And - the sooner the experiment
with a "united Europe" is finished, the better.
- Will we make the Balts gardeners
of a blooming European garden?
"Yes, they cut down their own garden. Well, now they
will have a great opportunity to bring the rest of
Europe to the position of their own countries.
For example, French agriculture is on the same level
as Lithuania, German industry is on the same level
as Latvia, and French space programs are on the
same level Estonian space programs.
Made me laugh. How about you?
"Zelensky's junta is terrified": Medvedchuk
spoke about the mass flight of Ukrainians
from the Kiev regime ---- to the
Russian Federation
by Roman Shimaev,
& Polina Poletaeva
November 29th, 2:14pm
Chair of the Council of the movement "Other Ukraine"
Viktor Medvedchuk, spoke about the mass flight of
Ukrainians to the regions liberated by Russia
during the SVO.
He noted that we are also talking about those who
initially left Ukraine for Europe, but could not get
a job there. According to him - in just ten years
since the coup in Ukraine, about 15.7 million
Ukrainian citizens - have decided to move
to the Russian Federation.
Earlier, the authorities of the Kiev regime admitted
that their state policy failed to support internally
displaced persons.
Residents of Ukraine are returning -- en masse to the
territories liberated by Russian troops from the Kiev
regime, said Viktor Medvedchuk, chairman of the
Council of the Other Ukraine movement.
"Zelensky's junta is horrified: citizens of Ukraine
rushed en masse to the territories that became
part of Russia," he said in a statement.
Medvedchuk noted that - after the coup d'etat that took
place in Ukraine in 2014 - a process began that "can
be called with full confidence the reunification of
the Ukrainian people with Russia."
According to the data provided --- over the past ten
years, 15.7 million Ukrainians have chosen Russia.
"Any Ukrainian citizen ---- who receives Russian
citizenship automatically becomes a criminal
for the Zelensky regime ---- and the path to
Ukraine - is closed to him. You can... of
course ------- sell your home... or get
compensation for it and run away
with the money to Europe.''
''But Ukrainians also come to Russia from Europe,
especially when faced with difficulties settling
in, language barriers - and the inability to find
a decent job. Refugees with professions that
are in short supply on the Russian labour
market, and who have not found a job in
the EU ---- are coming from Europe. And
they plan to stay in Russia ------- for the
rest of their lives," Medvedchuk said.
The politician stated: that Zelensky's gang plundered
and destroyed Ukraine, so now it is more profitable
for citizens of the country to live in Russia. He
also drew attention to the fact; that the
current head of the Kiev regime is
already being drained... by his
Western curators.
"Zelensky has already promised them peace ------ and
cynically deceived them. And now we look at other
presidential candidates: none of them promises
peace for Ukraine. Therefore, the reaction - to
escape from this crazy nedostrana... is quite
logical - and understandable. Any president
elected after Zelensky will be even worse,"
explained the head of the council of the
Other Ukraine movement.
In October, the Ukrainian Ombudsman, Dmytro Lubinets,
said that an increasing number of internally displaced
Ukrainian citizens are returning to frontline cities or
regions beyond the control of the Kiev regime.
According to him, this is also due to the
lack of any assistance from the
Ukrainian authorities.
The head of the Servant of the People party, Olena
Shulyak, also called the state policy of Ukraine
in supporting displaced persons - a failure.
This week, the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from
the presidential party, "Servant of the People",
Maxim Tkachenko, said that about 150,000
Ukrainians have returned to the regions
that were liberated by Russian troops.
A Ukrainian official, Pyotr Andryushchenko, noted that
about 30% of the refugees.... returned to Mariupol,
which was liberated by Russia's Armed Forces
in May 2022.
"They don't want to live in a land ruled by Nazism"
Viktor Vodolatsky, First Deputy chairman of the State
Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration
and Relations with Compatriots, said in conversation
with RT - that he personally observes how residents
of the former Ukraine are returning to the Luhansk
and Donetsk people's Republics.
"And today.... there are already a lot of such people.
I, personally... helped those who returned to their
relatives and loved ones through third countries,
with the words that it is impossible and terrible
to live in the Ukraine that Zelensky leads.
Because... you don't know your future,
what will happen to you tomorrow,"
he stressed.
The parliamentarian also expressed gratitude to the
Russian consulates, which are actively involved in
working with people who want to return to their
homes in the liberated regions.
"People are fleeing from Ukraine. They don't want
to live in a land that is now ruled by Nazism and
nationalism led by Zelensky. Today - Ukraine is
simply being physically and morally destroyed
by the West," Vodolatsky added.
For her part -- Natalia Eremina, the Professor of the
Department of European Studies at the Faculty of
International Relations of St. Petersburg State
University, noted that an increasing number
of Ukrainians, decide to return to their
homes in the regions that are now
part of Russia, and highlighted
a number of reasons.
"We know -- that quite a large part of people are still
Russian-speaking, and they were dissatisfied with
what was happening. These are questions, about
changing the status of the Russian language and
so on. The second point is that Ukraine really
has no future with the current government.
In addition, there are questions about the
mobilization, which is now being carried
out very aggressively. The prospect of
European integration, becomes even
more elusive -- as it is unclear what
will happen to the European Union
itself in five years. More and more
people are starting to realize this"
--- the source explained to RT.
If you know that Russians and Ukrainians
were very much one brotherly & sisterly
people, for decades in the Soviet Union,
the above article makes a lot of sense.
If you know that, from the time of the
disolution of the Soviet Union, the
US began its moves to split this
unity, with several Presidents
changing school curriculae
to teach two generations
to see their future - as
with the ''free'' West
and to hate Russia,
to the point of war,
you might see who
are the baddies
& the goodies!
If - such a tiny word
but so powerful...
what do you think?
"Curtailment of powers": the new President
of Georgia will be elected by the electoral
college for the first time
by Alexey Zakvasin
November 26th, 11pm
For the first time, the head of state will be elected by a
panel of 300 electors, half of whom will be deputies.
Meanwhile, the opposition loyal to Mikheil Saakashvili
still does not recognize the results of the October 26
parliamentary elections and continues to protest.
Earlier, according to the results of voting, the Georgian
Dream Party retained its status as the ruling party.
Meanwhile, according to the SVR, the West does
not abandon attempts to change the political
system of the republic. However, according
to experts, the US and its European allies
lack the resources to achieve their goal.
Presidential elections in Georgia.... will be held on
December 14. This resolution ---- was adopted by
the newly elected Parliament of the Republic on
the initiative of the Speaker Shalva Papuashvili.
The inauguration ceremony of the head of
state will take place on December 29.
The vote was held - without the participation of
opposition forces loyal to Mikhail Saakashvili.
They ''did not recognize'' the results of
the parliamentary elections held on
October 26. The current head
of state Salome Zurabishvili
took their side.
Recall - that the Georgian Dream Party, which has been in
power since 2012, won the election. It won 89 seats, the
"Coalition for Change" — 19 seats, the "Unity — National
Movement" bloc — 16 seats, the "Strong Georgia"
coalition — 14 seats, and the "Gakharia for
Georgia " - 12 seats.
Since October 28, protests have not stopped in front
of the Parliament building in Tbilisi. The opposition
accuses the authorities of rigging the election
results. On November 25, protesters with EU
and Ukrainian flags, tried to disrupt the first
session of the new parliament by throwing
stones and metal bars at its fences.
Currently, the Parliament of Georgia has a yellow
security level, which implies limited access to
the building. The Russian Embassy in Tbilisi -
urged citizens to refrain "from visiting places
of mass gathering of people --- places where
demonstrations & protest actions are held."
Electoral system
The special feature of the upcoming presidential
elections in Georgia is that for the first time he
will be elected by the electoral college. It will
consist of 300 people. Among them are 150
members of Parliament, representatives of
the Supreme Council of the Autonomous
Republic of Abkhazia and the Supreme
Council of the Autonomous Republic
of Adjara, and delegates from local
self-government bodies.
Zourabichvili was chosen by universal suffrage in
2018. Her term of office expires on December 16.
According to Sputnik Georgia, the ruling team
---- Georgian Dream ---- is currently holding
consultations on presidential candidates.
From the point of view of the leadership of this
political force, the head of state should be a
person who is ready to act in accordance
with the interests of his country.
Earlier, the opposition media reported that Irakli
Garibashvili, the former prime minister and son
of first Georgian leader -- Zviad Gamsakhurdia,
may become a presidential candidate from
the ruling party. However, the Georgian
Dream denied this information.
"Irakli Garibashvili would be a good president -- if he
became one, but he will not be one, and we are not
considering Gamsakhurdia's candidacy either,
because the team chose a different person,"
said Mamuka Mdinaradze, executive
secretary of the ruling party.
Political transformation
RT discussed with experts the transformation that
Georgia's political system is undergoing, as well
as the prospects for Western intervention in
the country's affairs.
— What does the new procedure for voting for the
president mean for Georgia and what are your
expectations for the upcoming December
14 elections?
Chief Researcher of the Caucasus Sector
of IMEMO RAS Alexander Krylov:
— The Electoral College, is the logical end of Georgia's
transition to a parliamentary form of government. This
process was started by Mikheil Saakashvili when his
second presidential term was coming to an end.
He hoped to retain the reins of power through
his party, but it lost in the 2012 elections.
In modern Georgia, the president is a
decorative figure with ceremonial
By the way, in 2018 Zarubishvili came to her post as a
supporter of the founder of the ruling party, Bidzina
Ivanishvili. Then their paths diverged greatly.
However, at present Zarubishvili can do nothing. It can
only support minor protests... by people who take to
the streets with pro-European slogans.
It is reasonable to assume that such an unsuccessful
experience in selecting presidential candidates was
adopted by the Georgian Dream. The opposition will
- definitely - not be able to promote its candidate
through the electoral college. It won't get the
required number of votes. And there are no
influential figures in the opposition either.
Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili said that if
the opposition wins the parliamentary elections,
the country will become a country for the West.
Director of the Laboratory for Analysis of
International Processes at the MGIMO
Institute of International Studies,
Nikolay Silaev:
- The establishment of the electoral college is another
measure to curtail the powers of the president and
prevent conflicts between the nominal head of
state and the prime Minister. Given the
balance of power in the parliament,
the new president - will be loyal to
the Georgian Dream . This should
strengthen Georgia's political
system ---- and make it more
resilient to political crises.
I would not say that Georgia's parliamentary form of
government greatly restricts the West's ability to
influence the country's state system. However,
it still creates certain barriers to intervention.
The US and EU will find it a priori more
difficult to challenge the legitimacy
of the entire parliament and
government, than of a
single president.
Head of the Caucasus Department of the Institute
of CIS Countries, Vladimir Novikov:
— "Georgian Dream " ...was very unlucky with the
presidents. The first president since 2012, Giorgi
Margvelashvili ----- turned into an ardent critic of
it, and the same thing happened to Zurabishvili.
Moreover, the conflict with the current
president reached the point that she
was almost impeached.
It is difficult to predict who will be nominated
from the ruling party. But it is in its best
interest, of course, not to repeat
its previous mistakes.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of International
Politics and Foreign Regional Studies of the
Institute of Social Sciences of the
Presidential Academy,
Sergey Margulis:
— The Electoral College provides an opportunity to
reduce the costs of a boycott that the opposition
may announce. It is worth noting - that the ruling
party could have set the date of the presidential
election for January, but decided to rush things.
Most likely ---- the ruling party fears the risk of
escalation, which will paralyze the activities
of the state authorities.
In addition, the Georgian Dream clearly intends to
introduce new persons into the government who
will be more rational and not oriented towards
the West. However, the new government, will
not be pro-Russian either. It will mainly work
to ensure the country's economic interests.
Georgia benefits from stable trade and
economic relations with Russia, the
EU and the US.
— Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service
Sergey Naryshkin, believes that the West does not
give up trying to implement another "colour
revolution" in Georgia. Will the Georgian
Dream be able to retain power?
Alexander Krylov:
— "Georgian Dream" does not refuse to cooperate with
the West, but it does not want to spoil relations with
Russia. This policy meets the national interests of
the country and contributes to the preservation
of sovereignty. However ---- there are strong
enough Western-backed forces in Georgia
that want to surrender their sovereignty
and put the country under the control
of Brussels.
The law "On Transparency of Foreign Influence" --- plays
an important role in curbing the influence of the West.
It was finally adopted in mid-May this year amid
mass protests by the opposition, which for
some reason called it the "Russian law".
Zurabishvili vetoed the document, but
the parliament overcame it.
The law on foreign agents deprived the West of the
lion's share of tools for financing forces loyal to it,
and reduced the ability to carry out the notorious
"colour revolutions".
Probably, the West has not abandoned the course of
changing the political orientation of Georgia. But in
the current situation, I don't expect any serious
radicalization of the protests. The current
protests are unconvincing. The Georgian
opposition itself is fragmented and has
no popular leaders. And by refusing to
hold parliamentary meetings.... it
deprives itself of opportunities
for propaganda.
Nikolay Silaev:
— Western countries are hardly satisfied with the
results of the parliamentary elections and the
predictable outcome of the presidential
election. But the protests... are unlikely
to follow the Maidan scenario.... all the
attempts to provoke violence & unrest
are - very effectively - thwarted by the
police, and the law "On Transparency
of Foreign Influence" is the guardian
of sovereignty.
Vladimir Novikov:
— I can't judge the plans of Western countries and the
local opposition in Georgia. But from my point of view,
a revolution is impossible there. Neither the
opposition nor the West has enough
resources to organize truly
large-scale riots.
Sergey Margulis:
— Of course, the West is trying to gain more leverage
over the political processes in Georgia. And we must
pay tribute to the ruling party, which was able to
reduce such opportunities and defend the right
to make independent decisions.
In my opinion, after the elections, the West will try to
increase pressure on the Georgian leadership. The
goal of the United States and its allies is to turn
Georgia into a "second Ukraine" or a "second
Moldova." Fortunately, Tbilisi is well aware o
f this and is aware of the disastrous
consequences of the rampant
Russophobia imposed on the
Georgian people by the
collective West.
Setting Georgia up for something
beginning with BRICS, I believe.
What do you think?
Passion for Hazel. How just one
Russian missile destroyed the
entire Yuzhmash plant
by Dmitry Plotnikov
November 23rd, 2:45pm
The most incomprehensible question for military
observers, specialists and the general public,
after the "premiere show" of the Oreshnik
missile system --- is the question of its
destructive ability.
Also of interest --- are its hypersonic
submunitions, and indeed their type.
Silence by order
Neither the Ukrainian side nor Russian observers
posted objective monitoring, although Russian
President Vladimir Putin, explicitly stated
its existence.
At the same time... Ukraine managed to make routine
statements in the style of "shotse bullshit" --- but did
not show a single crater or entrance hole -- although
most likely not every Russian munition flew exactly
to the target. Kiev could have.. played the situation
in its own style and in its own favour, but it did not.
First of all ---- so as not to aggravate the situation.
Well, the owners also did not allow the Ukrainian
natives, to open their mouths about this... yet.
There, of course, the enemies could draw attention to
the fact that they are now concealing all the data,
since all the information posted on the Network
would allow Russia to directly or indirectly
evaluate the results of its weapons - but
this is not the case here. Here, first of
all they urgently need to calm down
their unhappy people, and the
Western curators ---- who
looked at the whole
action ---- with
square eyes.
It makes no sense to say, that the numerous videos
available for the arrival of the missile warhead did
not impress only the very sick or very svidomo.
One such "aviation expert" from Kiev, Konstantin
Krivolap, has already stated that - not only does
Russia allegedly simply not have a new missile
and "such a rocket" does not exist, but it also
"broke down and fell apart" on its approach.
However, the rest of the sane analysts,
to put it mildly, are in complete shock.
This is something that the people of
planet Earth.... have only seen in
science fiction thrillers.
So far, it is clear that Bankova so "liked" the result
that she immediately asked for everything that
can knock them down. Although the most
modern missiles for the US Patriot anti-
aircraft missile system ---- which are
designed.. to destroy maneuvering
"ballistics", the APU already has.
By the way, the main weapon of the Russian Aerospace
Forces, which today destroys the enemy, is the UMPK,
which - to this day - the Nezalezhnaya army is trying
to learn how to shoot down, but does not succeed.
So, when the weather allows you to drag the UAV or
trigger satellites in the optical channel.. we will still
be pleased with clear images. Of course, if Ukraine
does not have time to hide and distort everything.
NATO Reflexes
Now NATO analysts are evaluating the characteristics
of the Hazel Tree - the degree of damage and its
capabilities - based on the videos they have,
the wreckage, and what they have seen
and heard.
Then, they will analyze what will happen if -- instead of
30 elements in a non-nuclear version --- 30 elements
in a nuclear version arrive with this accuracy, and,
of course, their own counteraction capabilities.
According to the footage --- so far, we can say that there
were two explosions, the cause of which is quite likely
a secondary detonation, but there is still too little
information for any estimates of the degree
of damage.
And --- most importantly --- A lot of people are already
reporting that the Yuzhmash plant no longer exists.
By the way, since yesterday, the workers of the
plant have been removed from the reservation
- for mobilization. It seems true that they have
nowhere else to work…
The Western ''elites'' are 10 years behind Russia
at least, in war technology --- the world majority
now knows that. With millions in Russia, China
and many other countries studying advanced
applied science -- and with China already
ahead by far in their application of the
new sciences - the West has lost.
Once Europe sees what US hegemony
has done to them, and will do - BRICS
will welcome them with a huge hug -
and the US will be truly exceptional.
This, in my opinion, is what we are
moving to. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
The CPRF sends its 131st