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If We Are One
(How Can We Die!)

Rich's and Poet's new collaboration
is a grungy, upbeat version of
''no man is an island''
(except Barry)

Ointments against thrush 
reduce the effectiveness 
of condoms
by Valeria Bunina
 March 11th, 3:10am
Ointments that are recommended for thrush in women 
- and men - may reduce the effectiveness of latex 
condoms,  Doctor and clinical pharmacologist, 
the head of the centralized Department of 
Clinical Pharmacology, of the Russian 
National Research Medical Centre
named after V. I. Abramovich ---
Petrovsky Lyubov Selivanov,
told Gazeta.Ru.
"Before any topical application of azole antifungal 
agents (preparations which contain azoles ------ 
ketoconazole, intraconazole, or clotrimazole) 
-- patients should be informed - that these 
agents.. may impair the functionality 
& reliability of rubber diaphragms 
& latex condoms. It is possible,
to consider.... taking the drug 
internally --- instead of using
ointments," the doctor said.
In addition, preparations containing azoles can cause
 a slight local burning sensation in 1-10% of cases. 
Unfortunately, local irritation and dryness can 
actually lead to a decrease in the patient's 
adherence to treatment.
"However, instead of such drugs, you can use antifungal 
systemic drugs, that are taken orally," the doctor noted.

Russians warned about the dangers 
of whitening toothpastes
by Evgeny Odintsovo
March 10th, 3am
Dreaming of a snow-white smile --------- many people buy
whitening toothpastes, using them on a regular basis. 
However, as warned.....   in a conversation with 
Gazeta.Ru, dentist-therapist  "SM-Dentistry" 
Polina Soldatkina, this approach can lead
 to problems with dental health.
The doctor noticed that the mechanism of action of 
bleaching pastes is not aimed at changing the 
colour of enamel, but only at effectively 
cleaning plaque from its surface. 
Enamel damage does not occur, but --- if its structure 
is already broken --- the use of bleaching pastes can 
lead to hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity of the teeth).
"It is necessary --- to use whitening toothpastes with a 
high content of abrasive particles, with the greatest 
care. In bleaching pastes, the abrasiveness index 
(RDA) is usually in the range of 101-250. The 
higher it is ------ the higher the risk of 
hypersensitivity of the teeth," 
the dentist warned.
According to her, after consulting a dentist-therapist 
and there are no contra-indications, you can use 
such pastes - no more than once a week.
"For individual selection of toothpaste, you need 
to consult a dentist-therapist. Regular visits to 
professional oral hygiene, twice a year, will 
help maintain the natural colour of your 
teeth," the specialist concluded.

To Russians: explained how to 
recognize an iron deficiency
by Evgeny Odintsovo
March 5th, 1:56am
''Iron is one of the most important elements for the normal 
functioning of the body. It is involved in the transport of 
oxygen, supports energy exchange and affects overall 
well-being. However, its deficiency is a problem that 
many people face... often without even knowing it.'' 

''How to detect a lack of iron in time - and prevent 
serious consequences," Irina Popkova, certified
nutritionist, and wellness expert of Biogena,
explained to Gazeta.Ru.
"The first thing you should pay attention to, is changes in 
appearance. The skin becomes drier, loses its natural 
elasticity and firmness, and becomes pale. The hair 
begins to fade, become brittle, weak and prone to 
falling out. Changes also affect the nails: they 
thin, exfoliate, become brittle and acquire 
characteristic longitudinal grooves," 
she explained.
''Iron deficiency directly affects energy levels. With a lack 
of this element, a person begins to feel weak, with a
reduced performance.... and constant fatigue.''
"Even after a full night's sleep or a short walk, the 
expected burst of energy does not come.. and 
physical activity is becoming more difficult. 
There is drowsiness and waking up in the 
morning........ becomes a real test,"
expert noted.
''If the problem is ignored, more serious consequences 
may appear over time. These include - headaches, 
tinnitus, palpitations, and shortness of breath.'' 

''Your memory may worsen, and you may 
become distracted ....and have trouble 
concentrating. This is due to the fact 
that a gradual decrease in iron levels 
leads to a lack of hemoglobin, and 
therefore to a lack of oxygen in 
the body's tissues.'' 
''This condition is called hypoxia --- and 
requires immediate medical attention.''
"If you suspect an iron deficiency -- you should consult a 
doctor and take a blood test. It is important not to self-
medicate or take iron-containing medications without 
a specialist's appointment.'' 
''In some cases, the problem may be associated not only 
with a lack of iron in the diet, but also with violations 
of its absorption.'' 
''Iron deficiency, is not just a temporary malaise - but
 a serious problem that can affect the quality of life.''

''Fortunately, it is possible to solve the problem of 
iron deficiency. A careful attitude to your body 
and a timely diagnosis - will help you avoid 
unpleasant consequences and maintain 
your health," she concluded.

Disturbing link between tattoo
size and cancer risk revealed
by Artem Novikov
March 3rd, 10:17pm
An international team of scientists from Denmark and 
Finland found that tattoos can increase the risk of 
skin cancer and lymphoma. At the same time, 
larger drawings .....are more dangerous.
The study is published in the scientific 
journal BMC Public Health.
When tattoo ink is injected into the skin, some of it is
absorbed by the lymph nodes - important elements 
of the immune system. It turned out - that these 
particles are perceived by the body as foreign 
substances, which can lead to constant 
activation of the immune system 
and chronic inflammation.
"We see that ink accumulates in the lymph nodes, and 
we suspect that this may weaken their function or
 lead to other health consequences," explained 
Henrik Frederiksen, a hematologist and 
professor at the University of 
Southern Denmark.
The researchers used data from the Danish Twin Tattoo 
Cohort, which includes information on more than 5,900 
Danish twins. This allowed us to compare pairs where 
one of the twins had tattoos and the other did not, 
taking into account common genetic and 
environmental factors.
The results showed that people with tattoos... are more 
likely to be diagnosed with skin cancer and lymphoma. 
Especially high risk was observed in those who had 
large tattoos (larger than the palm of the hand). 

For lymphoma, the risk was almost three times 
higher ....compared to people without tattoos.
While the study didn't find a clear link between specific 
ink colours and cancer risk, previous research has 
suggested that certain pigments may be more 
harmful. For example, red ink is more likely 
to cause allergic reactions.
Previously, scientists found out that, when tattoos 
are removed, carcinogens are formed in the body.

Russians advised: the best
 products to fight wrinkles
by Evgeny Odintsovo
 February 27th, 1:01am
The health and beauty of the skin, largely depends on the 
diet of a person. Certain foods can help in hydrating the 
skin, stimulating the production of collagen, improving 
blood microcirculation.... and smoothing out wrinkles.
cosmetologist, dermatologist, and SM-Cosmetology  
expert, Nana Nosareva, explains.
According to her, tomatoes and red bell peppers are 
important sources of natural antioxidants - which 
are high in lycopene and vitamin C. Carrots - are 
rich in skin-friendly beta-carotene & vitamin A. 
Watermelon contributes to its hydration and 
healthy colour, due to the content of 
vitamins A and C.
The expert also recommends paying attention to 
products such as chia seeds, turmeric, almond
 milk and buckwheat tea.
"Special attention should be paid to pomegranate, 
which is rich in ellagic acid, which accelerates 
cell renewal. In addition -- it contains about
amino acids that are involved in the 
production of collagen and elastin;
key proteins responsible for skin 
elasticity," the expert added.
She also drew attention to the benefits of nuts, which 
are a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids and
vitamin E, which nourish and protect the skin. 
And olive oil, thanks to its high content 
of healthy fats and vitamin E, helps to 
preserve the youth and elasticity 
of the skin.
"Do not forget about fatty fish varieties, enriched with
vitamins A and D ---- as well as trace elements that 
improve blood flow and oxygen saturation of cells.
 And, of course - it is impossible not to mention 
avocado, which helps to smooth out wrinkles 
and increases skin tone," Nosareva said.
Flaxseed porridge is also useful for skin health, due 
to alpha-linolenic acid, which gives a natural glow. 
Chickpeas, in turn, are an excellent source of 
plant protein.

 The doctor: recommended a recipe 
for diet pancakes for losing weight
 on Shrovetide
by Evgeny Odintsovo
February 22nd, 11pm
Shrovetide is approaching, during which 
the main treat are pancakes. For many 
people who are on a diet, the question 
arises - can they have pancakes, and 
how to make them less high-calorie? 
About this, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru,
endocrinologist, and nutritionist of the
SM-Clinic, Daria Khaikina, spoke.
As the doctor noted, the classic pancakes are flour, 
milk, sugar and butter. As a result, they are rich in 
simple carbohydrates and fats, but contain 
almost no protein and fibre, which is
they quickly cause hunger.
"In the dietary version, we change the composition, 
making pancakes more saturated with protein and 
useful trace elements, while reducing the caloric 
''This recipe.... does not require a large number of 
ingredients. The ingredients here, are designed 
for about 5-6 pancakes.

The recipe includes:

 2 eggs; 100 ml of milk (or a vegetable 
analogue); 2 tbsp oat flour (you can 
grind oatmeal); 1 tbsp Greek 
yogurt; 1 tsp vegetable oil; 
a pinch of salt and baking 
powder; and a sweetener 
(optional)," she shared.
To prepare diet pancakes according to the doctor's 
prescription -- beat the eggs with milk and yogurt 
until smooth, then add oat flour, salt and baking 
powder... mixing everything thoroughly. Then 
preheat the pan, lightly brush with oil and 
fry the pancakes a over medium heat... 
until golden brown on both sides.
The caloric content of such pancakes, is approximately 
80 kcal per pancake. It will contain approximately 6 g 
of protein, 7 g of carbohydrates and 3 g of fat.
As the nutritionist explained, such pancakes are useful 
for the following reasons. They have more protein — 
eggs and yogurt add satiety, which helps to stay 
longer without feeling hungry. They have less 
fat — we replace butter with a minimum 
amount of vegetable oil. 
Slow carbohydrates - oatmeal instead of wheat flour 
stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents sudden 
spikes in insulin. No extra sugar -- you can add 
a natural sweetener or enjoy the pancakes --
with fruit.
"Can I lose weight and eat pancakes? Yes! If you replace 
flour, reduce fat content and add protein, pancakes will 
become not only delicious, but also..... suitable for 
proper nutrition," the doctor concluded.

Gynecologist warns about 
harmful products ---- for 
pregnant women
February 20th, 11pm
Pregnancy is an exciting period in a woman's life that 
requires special attention to health and nutrition. 
Proper nutrition not only provides the necessary nutrients 
for the baby's development, but also helps the expectant 
mother feel good and avoid possible complications. 
Anastasia Sokolova, a gynecologist at the SM-Clinic 
Reproductive Health Centre, told Izvestia --- about 
what foods should be discarded, in pregnancy.
"Proper nutrition during pregnancy.. is an investment in 
the health of the unborn child  --and the well-being of 
the mother. It directly affects the formation of fetal 
organs and systems, as well as the course of 
pregnancy and childbirth," Sokolova said.
Speaking about foods that are recommended to exclude 
or limit during pregnancy, the doctor named raw or 
undercooked meat, fish and eggs. Their danger 
lies in the fact that they can contain bacteria 
(for example, salmonella, listeria) and 
parasites (for example, toxoplasma), 
which can cause serious diseases 
-- and lead to a miscarriage or a
premature birth, so pregnant 
women are recommended 
to use only heat-treated 
Before eating, you should make sure 
that the meat and fish are well fried 
or boiled, and eggs are hard-boiled.
The doctor did not recommend unpasteurized dairy 
products and soft cheeses. The problem is, that 
they can contain the listeria bacterium - which
is especially dangerous for pregnant women - 
so you should only choose pasteurized dairy 
products, and hard cheeses. You should 
avoid soft cheeses, such as brie, feta, 
and camembert, if you are not sure 
about their pasteurization.
You should avoid certain types of fish with a high 
mercury content ------ shark, swordfish, king 
mackerel, tuna (especially tuna steaks).
Mercury, can negatively affect the development 
of the fetal nervous system.  The gynecologist 
advised to eat fish with low mercury content, 
such as salmon, cod, pollock, or sardines, 
and also... limit the consumption of 
canned tuna, to 170 g per week.
In addition, the expert spoke about the dangers of 
raw sprouts: they can contain bacteria such as 
Salmonella and Escherichia coli. Therefore,
 the sprouts must be thoroughly washed 
and thermally treated, before use.
Sokolova drew attention to the fact that alcohol can 
cause serious birth defects in a child, including 
fetal alcohol syndrome. Therefore -- such a 
drink during pregnancy ------- should be 
completely excluded.
In addition, high amounts of caffeine --- can increase the
risk of a miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, its 
consumption during pregnancy should be limited to 
200 mg per day (about one cup of coffee), the 
gynecologist explained.
Processed foods --- that are high in sugar, salt, and harmful 
fats are also harmful. Their consumption does not provide 
the necessary nutrients, and can lead to weight gain, 
gestational diabetes, and other complications. 

It is better to give preference to whole, 
unprocessed foods, rich in nutrients,
 the doctor added.
However, some types of herbal tea may have an adverse 
effect on pregnancy. Therefore, before using them,
it is 
necessary to consult a doctor.
"Every pregnancy is unique -- and nutritional needs may 
vary. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor or 
dietitian to make an individual nutrition plan that 
takes into account.... your characteristics and 
the needs of your child," Sokolova stressed.

Taking care of yourself
five simple ways to quickly 
cheer up in the morning
by Natalia Obryadina (Editor 
of the Self-Care Department)
February 18th, 11pm
FitStars fitness trainer Elizaveta Prokudina 
named five simple but effective ways - for 
you to quickly wake up in the morning. 
Prokudina said that a contrast shower lasting from three 
to five minutes will help to cheer up. According to her, 
you should start with warm water... to relax your 
muscles, and then, gradually... switch to cold 
water. The temperature should be changed 
every 20-30 seconds.
It is recommended to start with warm water, and finish 
with cold water. Temperature fluctuations improve the
blood circulation and activate the nervous system, 
which helps you to - quickly - feel refreshed
Also, according to the fitness trainer, a short, vigorous 
exercise will help you wake up, including squats, high
knee lifts, body bends, and performing the "dog face 
down" asana, which will help warm up all the major 
muscle groups, increase the pulse rate and give a 
sharp release of the happiness hormones 
Prokudina named a 3-minute deep breathing practice.

"Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your 
breath for 4 seconds, and exhale through your 
mouth for six to eight seconds. Repeat this 
cycle five times. This - will saturate the 
body with oxygen -- and awaken the 
mind. Add to this -- a light stretch: 
bending to the sides, stretching 
up, circular movements of the 
shoulders - this will help to 
wake up the body," 
she explained.
Also, the fitness trainer recommended that you eat
 breakfast dishes.... that are rich in protein and 
complex carbohydrates, as well as turn on 
the lights and music. According to her, 
bright light, preferably natural, or 
daylight, and energetic music 
will help the brain - wake 
up faster.
Earlier, the therapist, gastroenterologist Sergey Lopatin 
called an unexpected cause of constant fatigue. In his 
opinion, the abuse of coffee, can provoke weakness 
and deprive you of energy.

Chinese scientists have created a 
variety of rice with beneficial 
effects on heart health
February 17th, 6:29pm
Chinese scientists, have used genome editing to develop 
a new rice variety that can produce CoQ10, which helps 
people get heart-healthy nutrients. This, is reported by 
Xinhua news agency, referencing the journal Cell, 
where the researchers published the results.
CoQ10 is an antioxidant that is naturally produced by our 
body and is essential for overall health, especially for 
good heart function. With age, the body's ability to 
produce this fat-soluble antioxidant decreases, 
which makes it increasingly useful --- to add 
supplements to the diet. It is known that 
cereals, in particular rice, as well as 
some vegetables and fruits,
 synthesize CoQ9.
After performing.. an evolutionary analysis of the natural
variations of the Coq1 enzyme in over 1,000 land plant 
species and applying machine learning techniques, 
the researchers used genome editing to modify 
five key amino acids of the Coq1 enzyme in 
rice - creating new varieties that can 
synthesize CoQ10.
According to Xu Jingjing, a junior researcher at the 
Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden --- under the 
Chinese Academy of Sciences, daily consumption 
of the new type of rice allows you to get from 1 
to 2 mg of CoQ10 per day. 
Given that the average intake of CoQ10 from meat - 
is about 2-3 mg per day, the CoQ10 content of the
 new rice type, is comparable to that of meat; 
therefore, this new type can serve as an 
effective dietary supplement.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists
name ways to reduce anxiety
February 11th, 11:45pm
Psychologist Alisa Reshetnikova spoke about 
the benefits of body-movement therapy for
 reducing anxiety and improving one's
emotional state.
In a conversation with the agency RuNews24.Ru on 
Tuesday, February 11th, the specialist noted that 
body-movement therapy is a way to work with 
the psyche through conscious movement
 and bodily sensations.
"During the dance, we can live out the stuck emotions:
 anger, resentment, suffering. This helps us find a 
safe way out for our feelings," she explained.
According to her, through the movement, you can learn to 
accept yourself and your insecurities. This allows us to 
rewrite the scenarios of our behaviour - and feel free.
Reshetnikova noted --- the importance of taking care of your 
own body. The results will be reduced anxiety, an improved 
emotional state, and improved relationships with others.
Body-movement therapy helps fight panic attacks,
 eating disorders, relationship problems, chronic 
fatigue, and stress.
On February 10th, Pravda.Ru referenced experts -- who wrote 
that sharp corners and hard lines in an apartment can cause 
anxiety. It is also provoked --- by a lack of natural materials,
such as wood, cotton and clay. The mess reflected in the 
mirror, does not add peace of mind. Experts emphasize,
that beautiful things.. increase the level of dopamine.
On February 3, psychiatrist Gennady Gurevich, linked panic 
attacks with a lack of sunlight. According to him, the lack 
of ultraviolet light causes a vitamin D deficiency, which in 
turn causes behavioral and mood disorders. The doctor 
advised to spend more time outside in the daytime, 
work in a place that is maximally illuminated by 
natural light, diversify the diet, and engage
physical activity.
On January 30, neurologist Rustem Gayfutdinov said that the 
method with concentration on three things, relieves anxiety. 

According to the recommendations, to do this, you need to
 sit down, close your eyes and focus on three aspects: 
tinnitus, the darkness of the closed eyelids and the
 movement of air through the nose, reports 360.ru.
January 24, psychotherapist, psychologist, somnologist, PhD 
Elena Kolesnichenko in an interview with the website aif.ru 
spoke about the impact of anxiety on a person's physical 
condition. According to her ---- the consequences of an 
anxious reaction can be a rapid heartbeat, increased 
blood pressure, sweating, a dry mouth, muscular
tension, and 
trembling in the body.

According to the expert, 
anxiety can become
pathological ---- and 
develop into an
anxiety disorder. 
In this case ---- the physical symptoms 
become more pronounced, reports RT.
In November, psychologist Marina Dokuchaeva, named 
rules that help avoid anxiety. First of all, she urged 
not to communicate..... with toxic people.

Rhondda Records adds:

Lol ----- laughter helps!
Perhaps this article
knows what it's


Breast milk accelerates 
eye regeneration --------- 
by Artem Novikov
 February 8th, 11:17pm
Scientists from the University of Colorado have 
found that human breast milk has properties 
promoting the regeneration of eye tissues. 

The article is published in the scientific 
journal Current Eye Research (CER).
The idea for the study came after the mother of one 
of the patients said that she used breast milk to 
treat a chemical burn to the cornea (the outer 
shell of the eye that covers its front part)
of her child.
The result was impressive: the wound healed faster 
than expected. This prompted experts to study
therapeutic potential of breast milk.
In an animal experiment, researchers found that 
treating corneal wounds with breast milk, leads 
to more active re-epithelialization; the process 
of restoring the surface layers of tissue. The 
researchers also found.... elevated levels of 
Ki67 protein, a marker of cell proliferation 
--- which confirms accelerated healing.

Taking care of yourself
Russians urged to give up one 
bad habit before going to bed
by Vera Vladzievskaya (Editor 
of the Self-Care Department)
February 6th, 11:01pm
Blue light from smartphone screens worsens the quality 
of sleep, said psychotherapist Irina Krashkina. In an 
interview with RIAMO, she urged to abandon the 
use of gadgets before going to bed.
"Smartphones interfere with quality sleep for several reasons: 
the blue light from screens suppresses melatonin production, 
which disrupts sleep and its cycles," Krashkina explained. 
She advised you to stop using your smartphone an hour before 
bedtime, as well as use special apps or settings that reduce 
the brightness and filter blue light, and turn on the do not 
disturb mode.
Also, the therapist recommended - to give up the bad habit of 
constantly being distracted by the phone. So, in her opinion, 
you can improve concentration and productivity. If you do 
a digital detox, you can reduce your stress levels, 
she added.
Special applications and a clear plan of action will help 
to painlessly reduce the time spent with gadgets in 
your hands, the psychotherapist assured. 
She advised to spend the free time on 
walks and activities.... that bring joy.
Earlier, Krashkina advised about Internet use lowering the
risk of dementia. According to her, older people who use 
the Internet, maintain their brain activity - and reduce 
the risk of experiencing dementia.

Filimonov: in Vologda Region 
it is necessary -- to stop this
"soldering of the population"
January 25th, 1:58pm
The Governor of the Vologda Region, Georgy Filimonov,
 recalled in an interview with RT that 71% of deaths of 
residents of the Vologda Region of working age 
are related to alcohol.
Filimonov: in Vologda Region it is necessary
 to stop the "soldering of the population"
He said this while commenting on the decision
 to restrict the sale of alcohol in the region.
"We listened carefully...  to the representatives of the alcohol 
business and took their suggestions into account. However, 
our position remains firm: the health and well-being of 
residents is more important. The task is to reverse 
the critical situation in demography --- a huge 
negative contribution to which, is made by 
large-scale soldering of the population... 
Last year alone --- the population of the 
region decreased by 7,500 inhabitants. 
Scary numbers. In terms of scale, it is 
an entire municipality. 71% of deaths 
of our countrymen of working age 
are related to alcohol," 
the governor said.
The Governor stressed -- that most often people die due to 
cardiomyopathy and other diseases of the cardiovascular 
system, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as 
drunk driving.
In the Vologda Region, from March 1*, a law will come into force 
that restricts the sale of alcohol to two hours a day: from 
12:00 to 14:00. On weekends and public holidays... the 
usual trading mode will continue: from 08:00 to 23:00.
[Rhondda Records adds:
March 1st* - is Saint David's Day in Wales
England's first colony - where there is a
huge problem with readily available
alcohol - and its related diseases 
and early deaths.]

Taking care of yourself

The doctor named the reasons for
 the appearance of an urge to 
urinate at night
by Ekaterina Ulitina 
(Editor, Self-Care Dept)
January 21st, 6:03pm
One in three people over the age of 30 experiences 
a frequent urge to urinate at night, according to 
therapist Zoe Williams. The reasons for this 
problem, she told The Sun.
Williams noted that nocturia — the need to urinate frequently
usually occurs in the elderly and progresses with age. Other 
possible causes of this condition include urinary tract
 infections, diabetes, menopause in women, or 
prostate problems in men. In addition, the 
therapist noted that sometimes the 
nighttime urge to urinate is 
provoked - by caffeine, 
alcohol and certain 
The doctor added, that Kegel exercises can help solve the 
problem, as they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, but
 they must be performed correctly, otherwise abdominal 
pain may appear. She also recommended --- not to 
postpone a visit to the doctor.
Earlier, nurse Davina Richardson called the normal frequency 
of urination per night. According to her, for people under 60 
years of age, the need to use the toilet once a night....
 is not unusual.

Foods that will help you
 lower Your Cholesterol 
January 17th, 10:43pm
One simple change in diet can help control weight, lower 
cholesterol, and improve the heart and vascular health. 
High cholesterol remains a serious problem that 
increases the risk of ischemia, heart attack, 
and stroke. However, nutritionist Melissa 
Mitri..... has suggested an effective and
natural way to combat this condition.
How Fibre Helps Lower Cholesterol
The soluble fibre found in oats, beans, lentils, 
vegetables, edamame beans, and fruits....
acts like a sponge.
"It reduces the excess absorption 
of cholesterol into the blood," 
explains Melissa Mitri.
In addition, dietary fibre feeds beneficial intestinal bacteria. 
They, in turn, produce short-chain fatty acids that regulate
the production of cholesterol in the liver - and inhibit its 
release into the bloodstream.
Dietary recommendations
The dietitian suggests the following dietary changes::
Start your morning - with oatmeal. Add berries 
and chia seeds to boost the nutritional value.
Use vegetables, beans, and lentils, as side 
dishes. Canned beans are also suitable, if
their composition is good. Snack on fruit. 
This is a delicious and healthy way to 
increase your fibre intake.
Integrated approach
While adding fibre to your diet is an important step, 
it's not the only thing you need for a healthy 
cardiovascular system.
The nutritionist recommends:
Monitor your weight.
Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
Maintain an active lifestyle.
Follow your doctor's recommendations.
Cholesterol is an organic compound, a natural polycyclic 
lipophilic alcohol found in the cell membranes of
animals, including humans. Cholesterol
insoluble in water, yet soluble in
 and organic solvents.
Author Danila Firsov
Danila Firsov is a freelance 
correspondent for Pravda.Ru
Tutor Elena Timoshkina
Elena Timoshkina - Editor
-in-chief of Pravda.Ru

Russians were given advice 
to protect their eyesight
by Oleg Davydov (Editor of the 
Internet and Mass Media Dept)
January 11th, 1:25am
Ophthalmologist Mikhail Konovalov on the air of the 
program "Live healthy!" on Channel One gave 
Russians advice to protect their eyesight. 
Konovalov recommended to include river eel in the diet 
to protect your vision. "It contains vitamin A, which is 
needed to produce rhodopsin - this is visual purple, 
which begins to be consumed when light hits, 
when it is consumed, an electrical impulse 
occurs, and all information from the eye, 
is transmitted to the brain, so we see,"
 the doctor explained.
Cardiologist Herman Gandelman, in turn, noted that acne 
is also good for bone health, as it contains vitamin D. In
 addition, according to immunologist Andrey Prodeus, 
eating this fish reduces the risk of anemia due to
 the content of vitamin B12 in it.
Earlier, doctor Elena Malysheva named the best medicine 
that will help relieve alcohol-induced headaches. "If the
 headache is related to an alcohol overdose... the best 
medicine is aspirin," she said. She reminded that the
 medicine should be in the home medicine cabinet
 along with other painkillers.

It became known about the British dying
every day --- because of waiting for help
by Marina Sovina (Editor of the 
Operational Information Dept)
 January 11th, 12:18am
About 50 people a day die in Britain due to waiting
 for help in hospitals, according to the Times, 
citing an analysis of the data.
"According to an analysis conducted by leading 
doctors, about 50 people die every day due to
 delays in emergency care," the Times notes.
Major hospitals in the UK are facing difficulties due 
to the increase in the number of patients suffering 
from flu and other viral diseases --- during the 
winter period. In some cases, the waiting 
time in the emergency department is 
up to 50 hours.
In December 2024, about 167,000 patients waited 
more than 12 hours for help. In addition, as a 
result of delays in the provision of medical 
care, the excess number of deaths in 
2024... increased to about 16,000.
In October last year, representatives of the National 
Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain recommended 
to local ambulance doctors a "drop & go" scheme, 
which essentially means that doctors can leave 
patients in hospital corridors --- without 
completing their hospitalization, in 
favour of more serious calls for 
patients with heart attacks, 
strokes and other serious
health conditions.

Spanish universities validate 
intermittent fasting

Madrid, January 8th, 
at 9:36am
(Prensa Latina) 
The last intake at 5:00 p.m. and the next one the next 
morning, involve intermittent fasting, an effective 
formula for weight loss, and improving 
cardiovascular health.
This conclusion, released today, was reached by the 
research carried out by the Universities of Granada 
& the Public University of Navarra, together with 
the Biomedical Research Networking Centre.
According to sources from the Centre of High Studies in 
Granada, not eating anything from 5 p.m. until 9 a.m. 
the next day, helps to improve the regulation of 
glycemia and reduce subcutaneous 
abdominal fat.
The analysis published in the journal Nature Medicine
 indicates that in Spain, the prevalence of overweight 
and obesity reaches 70% in men and 50% in women.
It is associated with multiple metabolic disorders such 
as type 2 diabetes and exponentially increases the 
risk of developing cardiovascular disease, 
hypertension, and certain types
 of cancer.
In a press release, the UGR pointed out that intermittent 
fasting is a nutritional strategy... that helps maintain a 
daily cycle, stabilizing our body’s biological rhythms.

 The doctor gave tips for restoring 
the body after Christmas and
New Year's feasts
January 7th, 3:15am
After the New Year holidays, an abundance of food and
late awakenings, it can be difficult for the body to 
switch to working mode. The Chief physician of 
Palmira Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences, 
psychotherapist Yanina Fedorenko said in an
 interview with "Gazeta.En" on Monday, 
January 6th, how to help the body 
get back to normal.
"One of the main problems after the holidays -- is a 
violation of the sleep schedule. To avoid morning 
fatigue, start preparing your body in advance: go 
to bed 15-30 minutes earlier every day and 
gradually bring the wake-up time to the 
usual level. So you will restore your 
biological rhythms and the first 
working days will be easier," 
the doctor explained.
She noted that usually New Year's feasts lead to the 
fact that the body receives a lot of fatty foods, the 
consumption of salt and sugar exceeds the daily 
norm. Fedorenko advised to include in the diet 
vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, as well 
as protein foods. She also reminded us to 
drink enough fluids to speed up 
our metabolism.
"Rest ---- is not a reason to forget about movement. Ice 
skating, skiing, and other outdoor activities are great 
ways to stay active during the holidays. But even a 
light exercise session or a 30-minute walk in the 
fresh air --- will help restore your tone. If you 
played sports before the holidays, return 
to training gradually.. so as not to over-
load the body," the specialist stressed.
She also recommended -- not to rush to complete the 
accumulated work tasks right away, not to try to do 
everything -- at once. The body needs some time to 
rebuild... and it is better that the transition from 
New Year's holidays to the working schedule
 ...is smooth.
"If you feel low energy, lethargy, or other signs of 
overwork, do not delay your visit to the doctor. 
Holidays, although associated with joy, can 
be stressful for the body, so it sometimes 
needs support," concluded Fedorenko.
Earlier, on January the 2nd, the head of the Laboratory 
for studying and correcting eating behaviour ----- at the 
National Research Centre for Therapy and Preventive 
Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian 
Federation, Sofya Eliashevich, told Izvestia why 
people eat everything they have prepared after 
the holidays and how it harms their health. 
She noted that overeating is fraught with an increase in 
body weight in seven days by an average of 2.5 kg; the 
risk of food infections & poisoning - & exacerbations 
of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The doctor tells us what rules 
should be followed so as not
 to get injured in winter
by Anastasia Rumyantseva
January 7th, 2am
Doctor Zubova gave tips for lovers 
of active winter recreation.
Surgeon Nina Zubova, an expert doctor at the Hemotest
 laboratory, told RT what rules should be followed in 
order not to get injured in winter... in nature.
"The first thing you should pay attention to --- is clothes for 
walking. It must be selected --- so that it does not freeze 
and at the same time does not overheat when driving a 
car. The main rule when choosing winter clothing, is 
layering. The first layer is a thin thermal underwear, 
which will help to keep warm and remove sweat 
from the body. The second is a wool sweater 
and wide trousers. The third, uppermost 
layer is a jumpsuit or bib overalls with 
rubber cuffs on the arms and legs. 
You should wear two pairs of 
socks on your feet — cotton 
socks first, and wool socks 
on top," the expert advised.
According to her, if your feet are usually very cold, 
before a long walk, you can put thermo-chemical 
insoles - hot water bottles - in your shoes — they
 will keep you warm for several hours.
"Instead of gloves, it is better to use mittens — they 
result in less cold fingers. The sole of the shoes 
should be grooved — so you will not slip on ice
 or snow," the doctor added.
For a walk, especially if there are frosts, you should take
 a thermos with hot tea and high-calorie protein food. It 
will also help keep you warm, Zubova advised.
"Skiing or snowboarding is a good workout for your 
muscles. And in order for active recreation to be 
not only pleasant, but also safe, you need to 
use protection — helmets, elbow and knee 
guards, which will prevent injury in a fall. 
During the descent ----- you need to be 
especially careful — to monitor the 
snow cover, take into account the 
workload of the slope. You can 
only stop at the edge of the 
highway --- in a place with 
good visibility. Otherwise 
....the risk of a collision 
with another athlete is 
high," she explained.
Skiing on "cheesecakes", or snow tubing, is 
another popular winter entertainment.
Before you go down yourself or even send a child down 
the mountain, you should assess the situation: how 
many people are riding down the mountain, 
whether there are buildings or trees 
nearby that the cheesecake can 
accidentally drive into, the 
expert warned.
"Therefore, before skating, you need to carefully inspect 
the track and make sure that there are no holes, jumps, 
protruding stones or bushes on it. Also, you should not 
go down the mountain with a steam train-by attaching 
"cheesecakes" ...one to the other. The risk of rolling 
over and getting injured is very high. For the same 
reason, you should not overload the tubing — 
usually the maximum permissible weight is
 indicated on the "cheesecake" itself. It is
 strictly forbidden -- to ride in the snow 
removal zone and tie a cheesecake 
to a car," she stressed.
To avoid falls, it is important to choose the right 
shoes for skating, Zubova stressed.
"Skates should be well sharpened and fit snugly on the 
leg, hugging the ankle joint. On top of the skates, it is 
better to wear tight gaiters — they will fix the place 
of lacing and will not allow the untied lace to get 
under the blade when skating," the 
surgeon advised.
According to her, if you or your loved ones are injured, 
rather call the ambulance team or call for help from 
rescuers who work on the territory.
"While waiting for doctors ...you need to provide rest to 
the victim, do not try to set the bones yourself, do not
 lift or move the person," the doctor summarizes.

Rhondda Records suggests, just stay
indoors --- and eat the cheese cake.


Dangerous consequences of 
a drastic abstinence from 
alcohol ...are revealed
by Natalia Granina (Editor 
of the "Russia" section)
and Mark Leonov (Editor 
of the "Russia" section)
January 5th, 12 midnight
If you wondered why ''the DTs''
are rarely mentioned today ---
this piece from Lenta.ru
will explain a lot!
A sharp refusal of alcohol can lead to dangerous 
consequences for the body. Some of them were 
revealed by the narcologist, professor of the 
Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy 
and Psychosomatic Pathology.. of the 
RUDN University, Doctor of Medical 
Sciences, Yuri Sivolap, in an 
interview with Lenta.ru.
According to him, if an alcoholic person abruptly refuses 
to drink alcoholic beverages, he may develop alcoholic 
epilepsy or alcoholic delirium, known as "Delirium 
Tremens". Sivolap stressed --- that the listed 
consequences, are not just altered states 
of consciousness, in which the alcohol 
addict behaves inappropriately. 
So, the narcologist reported that with delirium tremens, 
acute brain failure develops, and with epilepsy, brain 
cells are massively destroyed.
"Delirium tremens is also an acute brain failure with 
a rather high mortality rate and a large number of 
complications. To mitigate alcohol withdrawal, 
and prevent complications, there are special 
methods of pharmacological treatment and
these... are not downers," Sivolap said.
The narcologist added --- that such acute reactions of 
the body are explained by how the brain's receptors 
react to the absence of alcohol in the blood.
Brain receptors that are used to ethanol are overexcited, 
which causes typical withdrawal symptoms: trembling 
hands, rapid heartbeat, sweating, trouble sleeping, 
anxiety, and hallucinations.

Russians are given a way to spend 
New Year without harm to health
by Oleg Davydov (Editor - of the 
Internet and Mass Media Dept)
December 20th, 3:01am

Rehabilitation doctor and TV presenter Sergey Agapkin 
named a way to spend the New Year without harm to 
health. On the air of the program "About the most 
important thing" on the channel "Russia 1",
the expert advised Russians to eat 
small portions. 

The doctor said that during the New Year's feast, it is 
necessary to limit the use of.. fatty, fried and smoked 
foods. As Agapkin explained, such food can provoke 
pain in the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.

"We, of course, in no case, encourage you to give up
 your favorite dishes. You can just start by reducing
 their number, because it is very important - not to 
overeat. Even at the New Year's table, it is better
 to make portions small. If you are hungry, then 
eat the same portion again," the expert 


The combination of imlunestrant and abemaciclib 
improves progression-free survival rates in 
advanced ER+ HER2- breast tumors, 
regardless of genomic profile, 
according to a study 
released Monday.
December 16th, 5pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
The study, published in The New England Journal 
of Medicine, surveyed 874 women with estrogen 
receptor-positive (ER+) & HER2-negative (HER2-) 
advanced breast cancer, who had progressed 
after endocrine therapy.
Participants were randomly assigned to receive 
imlunestrant monotherapy, the imlunestrant-
abemaciclib combination, or standard 
endocrine therapy. 
The combination of imlunestrant and abemaciclib 
increased median progression-free survival to 9.4 
months, versus 3.8 months for standard therapy.
However, imlunestrant as monotherapy only showed 
a benefit in people with ESR1 gene mutations, 
achieving a median of 5.5 months, versus 
3.8 months for standard therapy.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and 
the second most common cancer overall in the world, 
with approximately 2.3 million diagnoses in 2022.

Doctors warned about the 
dangerous consequences 
of refusing breakfast
by Oleg Davydov (Editor of the 
Internet and Mass Media Dept)
December 11th, 4:41pm
Cardiologist Herman Gandelman and immunologist 
Andrey Prodeus on the air of the program "Live 
healthy!" on Channel One -- warned about the 
dangerous consequences of refusing to eat
a breakfast. 
Gandelman said that skipping a morning meal increases 
the risk of heart disease by 22 percent, and the risk
premature death - by 25 percent. In addition,
 according to the expert, refusing breakfast 
once a week, also increases the risk of 
developing diabetes by six percent.
"If....... you skip breakfast four to five times a 
week - almost 55 percent," the medic added.
According to research, breakfast is necessary until eight 
o'clock in the morning, said Prodeus. "If you do it after 
nine, then every next hour increases by six percent 
....the risks that Herman Shaevich [Gandelman] 
spoke about," concluded the immunologist.
Earlier, therapist Elena Malysheva and immunologist 
Andrey Prodeus ----- named other unpleasant 
consequences of refusing breakfast. 
Doctors said the lack of breakfast leads
----- to stress and reduced productivity.

The top healthiest foods for the heart  include bananas, nuts and olive oil

The top healthiest foods for the heart 
include bananas, nuts and olive oil
by Anastasia Rumyantseva
December 7th, 2am
In case of heart diseases, the body needs potassium.
Products with a high content of this trace element
include --- apricots, bananas, strawberries, and 
currants, said Oksana Pivovarova, therapist 
at the Department of Therapy at the 
Medical Faculty of the State 
University of Education, in 
an interview with RT.
"But you need to be careful: some of them... are sweet, 
and excessive sugar consumption is contra-indicated 
in patients with heart disease. Potassium is also 
found in nuts, liver, and dairy products. They 
should preferably be consumed - with a fat 
content of up to 1%. The use of fermented 
milk drinks and low-fat cottage cheese
welcome," the expert advised.
In addition, according to her, you need magnesium, 
because it affects the vascular wall, preserving
 its tone.
"Magnesium..... is found in legumes, carrots, strawberries, 
avocados, as well as in cereals ------ buckwheat, oatmeal 
and wheat. You need foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids - 
which play a major role in the metabolism of the heart 
muscle. They improve its functioning, contractility, 
reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol and 
maintain the energy value of the diet -- which is 
important, when following a diet. Foods rich in
omega-3s include salmon, tuna and olive oil," 
she said.
In addition, she explained that fibre is important, 
which binds excess fat, thus reducing the level 
of bad cholesterol.
"And these ----- are fruits and vegetables. Vegetables, of 
course, in boiled or baked form, but not fried. Low fat
varieties of meat and poultry - mainly beef, veal, 
rabbit, chicken - are useful for heart diseases. 
And it is necessary, of course, to remove 
the skin and subcutaneous fat layer.
Spices should be limited, because they will adversely 
affect the work of not only the gastrointestinal tract
---- but also, the cardiovascular system," 
the therapist believes.
She also stressed that it is useful to drink weak tea and 
weak coffee drinks, preferably without caffeine, fruit 
and vegetable juices, various decoctions, for 
example, rosehip broth.
The doctor also recommended to exclude too salty foods
 & the use of table salt, because the sodium contained 
in it ---- contributes to the development of edema.
Earlier, Elena Ostrovskaya, an endocrinologist, a 
specialist in preventive and anti-age medicine 
at the European Medical Centre, told RT that 
with the onset of autumn, you do not need 
to give up a variety of fresh fruits 
and berries.

alcohol makes you bald

The psychiatrist told how alcohol
 influences a winter melancholy
by Roman Polosikov
December 3rd, 3:39pm
(Komsomolskaya Pravda)
With the onset of the cold season, many of us face a decline in 
strength and a deterioration in mood. Psychiatrist Victoria 
Zakharova shared with RIAMO simple but effective ways 
to deal with the autumn blues.
According to her, alcohol - is not a friend in this matter. On
 the contrary, its use will only increase the negative state, 
adding to the emotional fatigue and physiological 
The doctor advised to pay attention to the power of nature: herbal 
decoctions of motherwort, mint, peony, valerian, oregano and St. 
John's wort can gently calm the nerves. However, before using
 it, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.
But it's not just your mood, that can be affected by alcohol. Drinking 
alcohol harms not only the soul, but also the body. Andrey Svintsov, 
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information 
Policy, made a proposal to tighten the rules for the sale of 
alcohol — to offer it exclusively in specialized stores with 
separate entrances, completely restricting access to 
teenagers. According to the deputy, such measures 
will help reduce the popularity of alcohol among 
young people, writes Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
However, the problem of alcohol is not limited to the social sphere. 
Scientists have discovered an unexpected effect of regular 
alcohol consumption: it increases the risk of developing 
androgenetic alopecia (AHA), one of the most common 
forms of baldness. Research has shown that people 
who abuse alcohol are 40% more likely to lose
 their hair than those who give it up. This
 is reported by Life.ru.

Doctor Shmelev explained........ why 
smoking on the go is more harmful
December 2nd, 6:08pm
Professor, pulmonologist Evgeny Shmelev, 
commenting on the initiative of deputies 
to ban smoking on the move, explained 
that smoking on the move harms not 
only the health of the smoker... but 
also others who inhale this smoke.
He told about this in an interview with Life.ru.
"When a person smokes on the move, more harmful 
substances get into him, he inhales this poison 
more strongly. And they will do the right thing
......if they penalize those who smoke while 
walking. This is a huge harm to everyone
around you. Second
-hand smoke is very
harmful -- 
especially for those who do 
not smoke, but they have to breathe
it. This --- is 
equivalent to a gas 
attack," the doctor said.
Evgeny Shmelev also said that 
smoking on the go is a sign 
of bad taste.
Earlier, the deputy from the" New People " Amir 
Khamitov, spoke in the State Duma, with an 
initiative - to combat smoking on the go.

An effective way to remove a fat apron

 Freepik by Anastasia Kazakova, PDM
An effective way to
remove a fat apron
November 20th, 6:12pm
Health mentor, Georgy Surenyan, told whether 
massage will help to get rid of the "fat apron".
Often, after losing weight, the skin on the abdomen 
sags...... and an ugly so-called apron is formed. To 
prevent this you could take a course of massage 
- hardware or manual. It will help to remove 
excess fluid --- contribute to a faster 
reduction of the fat layer --- and 
tighten the skin, writes "SE".
"Sustained weight loss takes time and consistency. 
Patience, perseverance and a comprehensive 
approach are the best helpers to achieve 
long-term results - and improve your 
overall well-being," said Surenyan.
He added that massage alone will not help to get rid of
the tummy. Without changing your lifestyle you won't 
be able to achieve a pronounced result. However, if 
you add proper nutrition and sports to the massage,
in a month.. the stomach will noticeably decrease.

The doctor pointed out the benefits 
of home training against the blues
November 18th, 11:45am
Nutritionist Sofia Kovanova on Monday, November 18th, 
announced the benefits of home training to preserve 
the figure in winter ...and get rid of the blues.
In a conversation with the site aif.ru - the specialist 
urged to include joint warm-up, myofascial release, 
as well as light exercises ---- for general physical 
fitness in such trainings.
Kovanova stressed - that such work should be
 performed at least three times a week. Thus, 
you can reduce puffiness and clamps in the 
muscles, as well as generally improve your 
well-being ....and overcome the off-
season blues.
In addition, it is useful to count calories and not go 
beyond the limits - so in winter you will be able to 
save weight, or lose it.
Earlier, on November 13th, the gastro-enterologist of 
the Mytishchi hospital, Irina Perminova, called the
persimmon a fruit that beats the autumn blues. 

Also, according to her, this fruit is a champion
 in the content of beta-carotene, which slows 
down the aging process of the body.
On November 12th, psychologist Daria Dugentsova, said 
that taking a break from social networks ------ will help 
overcome autumn depression. According to her, long
-term scrolling of the news feed and social networks 
negatively affects the psyche. It is recommended
spend the free hours on an activity that brings 
pleasure and joy, notes 360.ru.
On November the 8th, social psychologist Alexey Roshchin, 
in an interview with NSN, called communication a better 
protection from the autumn blues. He noted ------- that 
autumn melancholy, is a disorder associated with a 
change in the general state of nature and affecting
mood. He added that lonely people....... are more 
susceptible to the autumn blues, as they have 
no one to share their experiences with.
In October, psychiatrist Alexander Meshcheryakov - told 
the site kp.ru - to prevent depression.. you should go to 
bed earlier, and alternate between relaxing and active 
moments in life, fill the house with comfort and warm 
aromas, and plan something new and interesting.
Also in October, psychologist Galina Krasnoruzhenko 
explained that --- if a bad mood, fatigue and other
symptoms of autumn blues do not disappear 
after more than two weeks, it is better 
to visit a doctor. In such cases, 
phototherapy can help, 
notes Pravda.Ru.
In March, psychologist Ekaterina Tubis advised to 
adjust the diet to combat the off-season blues, 
giving preference -- to foods rich in useful 
substances. She also pointed out - the 
importance of walking and physical 
activity, writes RT.

Basic memory mechanisms

not exclusive to
the brain
November 14th, 11:02am
 (Prensa Latina) 
Memories do not only reside in the brain, but also in 
other cells of the human body capable of storing 
and processing information, details a new 
study published today in the journal 
Nature Communications
According to the research, cells in non-neuronal tissues 
also respond with greater strength and persistence
when they receive spaced chemical signals, and 
this change in molecular state, represents an 
equivalent to the “memory” that neurons 
activate, when they detect patterns 
of information in the brain.
This process is associated with the activation of 
proteins crucial to memory, such as CREB and 
ERK, whose inhibition interferes with the 
cell’s ability to respond to the spaced 
stimulus, the text states.
With this finding --- experts suggest that memory does 
not depend exclusively on complex neuronal circuits,
 but may be embedded in the dynamics of chemical 
and protein signals common in different types 
of cells.
To test their hypothesis, the scientists replicated one 
of the principles of memory formation, the so-called 
“spacing effect,” in 2 types of non-neuronal human 
They exposed the cells... to spaced pulses of chemical 
signals and discovered that, just as neurons do, these 
cells could “remember” and respond differently when 
the stimuli were applied intermittently - rather 
than continuously.
“Knowing the ways in which these “cellular memories”
 work could help us improve treatments and develop 
innovative therapies to address learning problems 
and memory disorders,” the study states.
It also reveals that if all cells possess a kind of 
“memory,” in the future it would be possible to 
use this quality to train cells in vital organs so 
that they respond better to certain patterns 
or treatments.

Pay special attention to citrus fruits, berries & herbs.

Health Doctors - Autumn
November 13th, 5:04pm
The doctor spoke about strengthening
 the immune system in late autumn
Chief physician of Zaraisk Raptsun Hospital: 
proper nutrition will strengthen the immune 
system in the autumn.
Chief physician of the Zaraisk Hospital Roman Raptsun 
gave advice on Wednesday, November 13, on how to 
strengthen the immune system in late autumn. The
expert noted -- that a few simple rules will help 
protect the body from seasonal diseases.
"The first ---- is proper nutrition. The diet should be filled 
with fresh vegetables, fruits and foods rich in vitamins.
Pay special attention to citrus fruits, berries & herbs. 
Make sure that your menu contains 
sources of vitamins C, D, and zinc.
 The second rule -- is regular physical activity. Even 
simple walks in the fresh air... will improve blood 
circulation and strengthen the immune system, 
"Radio 1 quotes the doctor.
Raptsun added that stress can negatively affect your 
health, so you need to find time -- for recreation and 
hobbies to relax and restore your mental balance.
An important step to prevent colds, the doctor called 
regular hand washing, especially after visiting 
public places.
In addition, flu vaccination is also one of the most 
effective ways to protect yourself in the cold 
season, the expert concluded.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, and Head of the 
Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Advanced 
Training and Professional Retraining of Doctors, 
Vice-rector of Novosibirsk State Medical 
University Elena Kondyurina, told how
 to support the immunity of children 
in the off-season.
According to the expert, to protect the child from 
flu and colds, it is better to use both methods of 
prevention at once: strengthening the body and 
increasing its defenses in various ways, as 
well as vaccination, reports RT.
In October, general practitioner Lyudmila Lapa spoke 
about useful products for colds. According to her, in 
particular, milk and honey are histamine liberators 
and contain a large amount of histamines. 
Their use leads to the fact that the immune system 
becomes aggressive and begins to produce a 
huge amount of anti-inflammatory proteins.

smelly old man

Taking care of yourself
by Alexandra Lisitsa
Editor of the Self-
Care Department
November 12th, 3:33pm
The therapist explained the 
appearance of the smell
 of old age.
Therapist Kondrakhin --- the smell of old 
age appears due to digestive disorders.
The characteristic smell of old age... begins to appear in 
a person after 50 years, confirmed cardiologist Andrey 
Kondrakhin. He explained the nature of this 
phenomenon in an interview with 
Vechernaya Moskva.
The smell, according to him, may appear due to chronic
diseases and medication. "As you know, the skin is 
one of the excretory organs that brings various 
substances to the surface with sweat, which 
acquire certain odours in the process of 
vital activity. Of course... older people 
are prescribed different medications 
depending on their diagnosis -- but 
the drug affects the metabolism 
in this way - by the release of 
an odour," Kondrakhin 
The smell of old age appears against the background 
of ---- urinary incontinence, digestive disorders and 
incorrectly working fat cells, because of which
 fat acquires a different smell — senile, 
he continued. 
"In the skin folds of an elderly person, microorganisms 
that are not typical of a healthy person start up, and 
therefore there are changes in the composition of 
sebum. They feed on this fat ------ provoking the 
appearance of a senile smell," the 
therapist said.
The doctor noted that it is difficult for many elderly 
people to take care of themselves. However, if a 
person follows the rules of personal hygiene, 
the specific smell will be less pronounced.

Proven benefits of
increasing sleep
by Alexander Enikeev (Editor of Science 
and Technology Department)
November 6th, 9:16pm
Baylor University researchers -- have shown that even a 
small increase in sleep duration --- can have a positive 
effect on mental well-being. According to the results 
published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, 
adding 46 minutes of sleep per night - is 
associated with improved measures 
of gratitude, resilience, prosperity, 
and pro-social behaviour.
The study focuses on the effects of sleep on positive 
psychological states, such as gratitude, rather than 
studying the negative effects of lack of sleep. 
Scientists have tested the hypothesis that increasing 
sleep duration may in itself contribute to improving 
mood and well-being, and not just prevent the 
negative effects of lack of sleep.
For the study ---- methods were used to track the 
participants' exact sleep time using actigraphy. 
Researchers selected 90 young people and randomly 
assigned them a later, earlier, or regular bedtime 
during the work week - to identify possible 
changes in their psychological state 
and emotional well-being.
The results of the study showed that participants who 
increased their sleep duration showed significant 
improvements in indicators - such as gratitude, 
resilience, and overall life satisfaction. 
In particular, those who added 46 minutes to bedtime 
experienced greater feelings of gratitude and 
satisfaction with life, as well as showed 
a more stable emotional state.
In contrast, participants who had a reduced sleep time
of 37 minutes per night --- showed a reduction in the 
same indicators. This indicates that even a small 
reduction in sleep time can negatively affect 
mental health and social behaviour.
In conclusion, the researchers emphasized --- that 
increasing the duration of sleep contributes not 
only to better physical well-being, but also to 
an improvement in emotional state and 
social activity. 
The study also reveals that well-rested people are 
more likely to engage in pro-social behaviours, 
such as giving to charity and participating 
in social life.

The clinical psychologist told how 
to cope with autumn melancholy
November 4th, 4:34am
(Donetsk news agency) 
Autumn melancholy is a seasonal phenomenon 
accompanied by a feeling of depression, that 
occurs in many people due to the reduction 
of daylight hours -- and the usual useful 
things can help to fight it — physical 
activity, healthy food and a careful 
monitoring of your emotional state.
Yaroslavl clinical psychologist 
Daria Ivanova, told about this.
Autumn is the time of year... when people often start 
complaining about their psychological state and an 
everyday series of gray, dreary days. 
This phenomenon is called autumn melancholy and 
there are several reasons for its appearance and 
a couple of ways to cope with seasonal spleen.
According to the psychologist, we can begin to feel 
changes in mood... from the beginning of autumn, 
because the heat gradually leaves the streets, 
the amount of light --- we need so much 
decreases, and rain begins. All this 
together affects our emotional 
"Seasonal depressive disorder (SDD)... is on the horizon. 
SDR, is not just a bad mood. It's a form of depression 
that manifests itself in certain seasons, most often 
in autumn and spring. Constant sadness, a 
decreased interest in life and fatigue -
that's what awaits us. SDR can 
seriously impair the quality 
of life, as opposed to a 
temporary malaise," 
Ivanova notes.
But seasonal depressive disorder should not be 
confused - with just a bad mood, as the first 
requires serious measures and treatment 
from a specialist and the second comes 
to naught with the change of season. 
To understand what exactly is happening to your body, 
you could listen to yourself. Autumn blues have 
specific symptoms — mild fatigue, bad mood 
and irritability, but they are not intense and 
usually go away on their own. It.. is also 
believed that women.... have a greater 
tendency to such an autumn ailment,
 if you compare the two sexes.
So, how to deal with the state of apathy and fatigue? 
Ivanova noted that you need to start with activity — 
sports, hiking, any movement can give you energy 
and a good mood. Light therapy --- is also 
recommended — special lamps and 
exposure to sunlight. 
Just as important -- is proper nutrition, you could 
pay special attention to foods high in omega-3s 
and vitamins. 
Your favorite hobbies, support for loved ones, and 
keeping a diary of emotions - can also help you 
cope with autumn sadness, in order to clearly 
sort out your thoughts. If the melancholy 
drags on for just two weeks, it will be 
superfluous to consult a specialist.

How not to kill kidneys at ARVI:
the therapist ---- explained why
coagulants are necessary
November 1st, 7:32am
(DAN News Agency)
A respiratory infection such as severe flu or covid, can 
lead to kidney failure, so it is extremely important not 
to forget anticoagulants. Chairman of the Moscow 
City Scientific Society of Therapists, Professor 
Pavel Vorobyov, explains about it.
"Any infection can cause glomerulonephritis - this is an
autoimmune process - that can be triggered by both 
bacteria and viruses. For example, streptococcus 
also causes glomerulonephritis, that is, after a 
sore throat, the kidneys can get sick," 
said Vorobyov.
During glomerulonephritis, the immune system begins 
to attack the glomeruli — the glomeruli that function 
as blood filters, which can lead to kidney failure. 
Symptoms of the disease include rapid fatigue, fever, 
nausea, low back pain, swelling.... and high blood 
pressure. However - often the disease proceeds 
without obvious complaints - and a diagnosis 
is made on the basis of tests.
''The acute form of the disease is manifested by fever, 
general weakness, swelling and aching pain in the 
lower back; nausea and vomiting, are possible.
''Severe forms of H1N1 influenza ("swine flu") 
and COVID-19, which can cause multiple 
organ failure, are also dangerous.
"With a severe respiratory infection, DIC-syndrome 
develops-intravascular blood clotting ---- which 
primarily affects the kidneys. Blood clots go
 to the kidneys ---- and their function is 
disrupted. You can die from it. 
''Sometimes you need dialysis (connection to an 
artificial kidney machine-ed. note), although 
not for everyone. Pyelonephritis may occur. 

''After acute renal failure, there is a very 
long period of kidney recovery, which 
is, necessarily, accompanied by an
 infection," the professor added.
Anticoagulants are an effective means of protection. 
They help prevent complications such as DIC, 
which can damage the kidneys.
''When the blood's microcirculation is disturbed, 
microthrombosis forms, so anticoagulants 
become necessary. This is true for both 
infectious diseases, and autoimmune 
diseases. Even with a common cold,
 their use is justified. 
''The guidelines for the treatment of thrombosis 
emphasize that acute respiratory infection ---
 is a risk factor. 
Therefore, people with pre-existing kidney problems 
should consider taking preventive anticoagulants 
during respiratory infections.

NHS privatized, taken 
over by Zionist entity
October 29th, 6am
Israel is encroaching into the British National Health 
Service, an institution which is lauded across the 
world for providing care at the point of need to 
millions of people daily, has been targeted 
by stealth.
A key way Israel has been able to entangle itself with
the NHS is through the UK Israel Tech Hub. This 
shady organization is based inside the British 
Embassy of the Zionist entity, and is staffed 
entirely by former Israeli military and 
intelligence personnel.
In addition to the British Embassy itself, the UK Israel 
Tech Hub is funded by three other institutions of the 
British government; The Department for Culture, 
Media and Sport (DCMS), the Department for 
Business and Trade (DBT), and, the Foreign
 Office itself.
The UK Israel Tech Hub's stated objective is procuring
contracts in Britain for Israeli tech companies, most
of which were founded by alumni of the Israeli spy 
unit 8200.
The UK Israel Tech Hub launched the UK Israel 
Dangoor Health Initiative in 2018 which aimed
 to direct profits from the privatization of the 
NHS towards Israeli tech companies.
This scheme is funded by David Dangoor, who 
commented: "We ---- are in the midst of a bio 
health revolution, and Israel is in a supreme 
position to take advantage - and carve a 
lead in this. With all this new computer 
power, we are absolutely at the 
threshold --- of a health care 
revolution, and I'm hoping 
that Israel and the UK ---
will be at the forefront 
of that, hand in hand.”
David Dangoor and his family foundation have funded 
various Israel lobby groups; The Board of Deputies 
of British Jews, the Islamophobic Henry Jackson
 Society, the settlement building, Jerusalem 
Foundation, &, perhaps most interestingly, 
the interfaith Zionist subterfuge, 
Nisa-Nashim, which targets 
Muslim women.
There is a convergence happening around the NHS, 
with the installment of long-time Zionist asset, Wes 
Streeting as Health Secretary, alongside the 
activities of the UK Israel Tech Hub... the 
NHS, is clearly under threat from the 
genocidal Zionist entity and its 
privatization profiteers.
Have you ever heard of the company charging people
two pounds per hour to use wheelchairs in hospitals 
in Britain?
WHEELSHARE uses the phrase 'Simply Care' to market 
its products within the National Health Service. 
It is behind the smash and grab scheme in 
hospitals today.
What is not well-known about the company is that it's 
directed by three Israelis based in a settlement in 
occupied Palestine. The individuals listed as
 directors of the firm on Companies House 
are Israel Kasirer, David Michael and 
Meir Slater, all three are listed as 
citizens of the Zionist entity. 
They give their address as 21 Hamelacha, 
Rosh Haayin, Israel, 48091577.
Rosh Haayin is a Zionist settlement built on top of the
 Palestinian village and Ottoman fort, Ras Al Ayn. The 
village was destroyed when Zionist settlers expelled 
the Palestinians from it in the 1920s.... during the 
British Mandate of Palestine.
There is a plethora of other Israeli companies, 
and British companies run by Israelis, that 
are milking off the privatization of the 
British National Health Service.
The new Health Minister, Wes Streeting, is likely 
to escalate the process, as he has spent over 
a decade as an asset of the Zionist lobby.
Over the past year, Streeting has received funding 
for 'Office Costs' from the key Israel lobbyists, 
Jonathan Mendelsohn and Trevor Chan.
Mendelsohn even funded Streeting through his vehicle, 
Red Capital, at the same time as he directed Europa 
Healthcare Group, which was benefiting from the 
privatization of the NHS.

October 24th, 3:43pm
The doctor told how to distinguish 
ordinary fatigue ....from asthenia
by Valentina Brykalina
Chronic fatigue can lead to insomnia
In Autumn, many people feel tired, but - it is important 
not to confuse normal fatigue, with asthenia. This is
a condition when rest is no longer enough... and 
treatment is required, the general practitioner 
Svetlana Burnatskaya warned, in an 
interview with RIAMO.
''One of the main symptoms of asthenia, is fatigue, 
which does not go away after rest. A person may
feel exhausted even after a full night's sleep or 
vacation. People with asthenia ---- cannot 
withstand the usual physical or 
mental stress," the 
doctor explained.
The doctor added that emotional instability, can also
 indicate that a person has developed asthenia.

 Another disturbing symptom, is sleep 
disorders and insomnia, which 
also do not give a full rest.
Previously, he reported that asthenia is a pathological 
condition of fatigue under normal exercise. Causes 
of chronic fatigue syndrome... include endocrine 
diseases, anemia, viral infections, stress, 
and injuries.
It is important to remember that with asthenia, 
you should consult a specialist ------ for an 
accurate diagnosis.

Taking care of yourself
October 18th, 6:35pm
The 4 most useful supplements to
 porridge for breakfast are named.
Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley and many other options for 
porridge can be made even more useful, if you supplement 
it with various delicious additives. The four most useful of 
them, gastroenterologist Elena Yakusheva named to the
Russians... during a conversation with aif.ru.
The first recommendation of the doctor is to add fruits and 
berries to the morning porridge, which are perfectly
combined with any type of cereals. At the same 
time, it is better to choose peaches, bananas 
and other sweet fruits for oatmeal, while 
citrus fruits and cherries are more 
suitable for semolina or 
corn porridge.
Another useful addition to porridge for breakfast Yakusheva 
called seeds and nuts, both whole and ground. They will 
add additional nutritional value to the dish and saturate 
the body with healthy fats, which are also necessary 
for brain function. However ------ it is still not worth 
abusing seeds and nuts, as they are very high in 
calories, the gastroenterologist reminded.
The doctor also considers dried fruits in small quantities to 
be an excellent option. Raisins, dried apricots and prunes 
are very high in sugar, so you can only eat them 
individually. "Also, dried fruits should be 
especially carefully added to cereals 
for those people who have been 
diagnosed with diabetes," 
Yakusheva warned.
The last useful addition to porridge... will be a small spoonful
 of honey, the doctor believes. Only put it in the finished dish, 
and not when cooking, otherwise all the useful substances
 in it, will be destroyed, the expert warned.
Earlier, general practitioner, and TV presenter, Elena 
Malysheva and her co-host, ophthalmologist Mikhail 
Konovalov, on the program "Live healthy!" on 
Channel One called the best for Russians 
protecting from obesity --- porridge. 
Experts said that the use of logaza porridge, which 
is prepared from barley groats, peas and lard, 
reduces the risk of obesity.

 Murashko called physical activity 
a "universal pill" for all diseases
October 7th, 12:46pm
Physical activity can be called a "universal pill" for 
all diseases. This was announced on October 7 by
 the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation 
Mikhail Murashko.
"Physical activity has a positive effect on 35,000 different
 biochemical processes. Here is a universal pill - if we 
must say so, then for treatment and prevention - this 
is, among other things, physical activity," Murashko
 said during a speech at the Bioprom forum. His 
words are quoted by RIA Novosti.
He also noted that no medical technology has such 
a broad positive effect as physical activity.
The forum "Bioprom: Industry and technologies for 
humans" is being held on October 7-8 in Gelendzhik.
According to the National Health League, the main risk 
factors for chronic diseases include high cholesterol,
 salt abuse, a lack of fruits and vegetables in the
diet, smoking, low physical activity, obesity 
and high blood pressure.

The doctor explained...... the 
craving for harmful products
October 2nd, 5:58pm
The dietitian, MD Mikhail Ginzburg, told about the reasons
for cravings for harmful products. In his opinion, it should
 not be explained by the lack of important substances 
that the body is supposedly trying to fill itself.
In an interview with Radio 1, on Wednesday, October 2nd, 
the doctor noted that when certain bioactive substances 
are deficient, an inversion of tastes occurs when you 
want something inedible. If such incorrect taste 
preferences occur, you should pay attention 
and conduct tests. A lack of iron, which is
 poorly absorbed in the body, can cause
 cravings for meat.
According to the doctor, the usual conversation with the 
patient about his diet helps to identify the lack of some 
substances in the body. For example, he will have an 
insufficient intake of vitamin C if he neglects 
vegetables and berries. B vitamins will be 
lacking --- if the diet is low in nuts and 
cereals. A lack of legumes and nuts 
may indicate a lack of the mineral 
selenium. Its deficiency in people 
over 50 years of age can speed 
the development of athero-
sclerosis ---- especially in the 
absence of favorable factors.
Ginzburg noted that it is important to contact doctors 
who will help you adjust your diet, so that you can 
avoid certain health problems. You can also take 
vitamin and mineral complexes, but also after 
consulting with a specialist.
The doctor called it normal to want to eat chips, buns and
 other harmful products, because a person wants a 
variety of tastes, from which you can get joy and,
 as it were, a reward for your efforts. When a 
person refuses to eat, he risks falling into 
depression. He stressed that frankly 
harmful products should never be 
eaten instead of food.
On the same day, endocrinologist Yurgita Varaeva told the
 website aif.ru about products that will help to overcome
 cravings for sweets. According to her, these include
cereals, and whole-grain bread, as well as fruits, 
berries, poultry meat, fish, some cheeses, soy, 
quinoa, and bitter chocolate. Also, to combat 
this, sweets should not be allowed for long 
periods without food. In addition, it is 
important to observe the sleep and 
wake regime, and maintain 
physical activity.
On October 1st, the doctor Irina Nikulina advised to eat 
fresh fruit to fight cravings for sweets. She pointed out 
that it is necessary to remove sugar and sweeteners 
for three to seven days in order to move away from 
addiction, RT clarifies.
On September 27, rehabilitation doctor Sergey Agapkin, 
on the air of Rossiya 1 TV channel, advised to include 
liver dishes in the diet in order to reduce cravings for 
sweet foods. According to him, the liver is rich in 
chromium. Its lack in the body --- just causes an 
inexplicable desire to eat sweets, notes 360.ru.
In November last year, scientists from the University of 
Sydney found that a lack of protein in the diet can lead 
to weight gain. Consuming high-carb and fatty foods, a
 person can still feel hungry due to a lack of protein,
 and its dilution in a diet with a high content of fats
and carbohydrates, leading to increased energy 
consumption, is called a protein lever, notes
 IA Regnum.
In July, endocrinologist Kamilya Tabeeva said that to 
overcome sugar addiction, it is necessary first of all 
to pass tests, get enough sleep and play sports. It
is also important to check whether there is a lack 
of carbohydrates, iron, B vitamins and other trace 
elements in the diet.
In May, a dietitian, Candidate of Medical Sciences Daria 
Rusakova called a constant craving for sweets a 
harbinger of serious diseases. According to her, 
in the state of prediabetes and diabetes, a lot 
of insulin is produced in the blood, and 
serious glucose spikes are observed. 
Because of this, the person feels dizzy, weak and 
nauseous and wants to eat sweets to return to 
a stable state.

Doctor: it is important to form the 
right eating habits of children 
as early as possible
June 29th, 3:30am
by Anastasia Rumyantseva
Olga Sazonova, market expert at NTI "HealthNet", 
director of the Institute of Preventive Medicine 
of Samara State Medical University, and chief 
freelance dietitian of the Ministry of Health
 of the Samara Region, told RT ---- how to 
properly form food habits in children.
"It is very important, for parents to form the right eating 
habits of their children as early as possible. Of course, 
our eating habits are formed not only from childhood 
and not only in the family — they are influenced by 
society and marketing, but it is the principles of 
nutrition that were defined in childhood that 
model eating behaviour in adulthood," 
Sazonova said.
She specified, that all food groups should be present in 
the diet of children. At the same time, according to the 
expert, special attention should be paid to cooking.
"You should give preference to stewing and steaming. 
The fried crust contains a lot of harmful substances, 
which, if used frequently, eventually lead to the
 appearance of inflammatory processes in 
the body," the source warned RT.
The nutritionist stressed - that breakfast should 
consist of vegetable salads and two hot dishes.
"The first is porridge, potato and vegetable dishes, eggs, 
cottage cheese, and the second, is various hot drinks. 
Lunch includes soup, meat or fish dishes with a side 
dish. Afternoon tea should meet the child's need for 
fluids, since children are thirsty after lunch and 
daytime sleep — it consists of liquids, fruits 
and berries," she said.
According to her, dinner should include necessarily hot
meals, in the form of cottage cheese, vegetables, 
cereals and other dishes, as seconds — 
milk, jelly, kefir, or yogurt.
In addition, the expert noted that you should not eat 
from bags or boxes, as it is difficult to estimate the 
amount of food in them.
"During meals.... it is also necessary to turn off the TV 
and not use gadgets; this will allow you to feel timely 
satiation and avoid overeating," Sazonova concluded.


Taking care of yourself
June 26th, 7:01pm, 
The doctor revealed the main
secrets... of women's health.
To maintain women's health..... it is necessary to have a 
good rest, and follow simple rules of personal hygiene, 
said Tina Gadiati, a leading obstetrician-gynecologist
-endocrinologist, and surgeon at La Salute Clinic. 
According to the doctor, every woman who cares about 
her health should visit a gynecologist at least once a 
year (and ideally once every six months), even if 
there are no complaints. 
"A preventive examination..... allows you to identify many 
female pathologies at the earliest stages --- which may 
initially be asymptomatic. And in the presence of any 
discomfort, abdominal pain, atypical discharge, 
itching and burning, delayed menstruation or 
irregular cycle — and do not self-medicate 
at all. It is important to visit a doctor as 
soon as possible," Gadiati said.
Huge damage to women's health --- is caused by sexually 
transmitted infections --- that can occur for a long time
either with mild symptoms or totally asymptomatic, 
the obstetrician-gynecologist added. She drew 
attention to the fact that --- even with full 
confidence in your partner -- you should 
not lose vigilance and forget about 
protective measures.
Condoms, of course, do not provide an absolute 
guarantee of protection from all diseases, but 
nevertheless, serve as a barrier to sexually 
transmitted infections. If you have a new 
sexual partner, you should visit a 
gynecologist - and take the 
necessary tests.
The doctor also called for weight control, the doctor said. 

She explained that if the weight is constantly changing 
or if a woman follows a strict diet, then the level of 
hormones in the body is disturbed and the 
microflora suffers. And this - in turn -
affects the menstrual cycle and 
overall well-being.
You need to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day, and 
you should go to bed - before midnight. It is during this 
period that the body produces hormones that are 
important for the female body.
The specialist also recommended, not to forget about 
compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene. You 
should wash at least twice a day. 
She recommended performing this procedure after each 
act of defecation, since intestinal bacteria enter the 
vagina and disrupt the microflora. 
"During menstruation, intimate hygiene should be
 monitored very carefully:  change pads every 
two to three hours:  do not use tampons at 
night or for more than two to three hours. 
And the use of daily pads, should be 
reduced to a minimum, since they
provoke ------ the reproduction 
of pathogenic bacteria," 
Gadiati summed up.
Earlier, obstetrician-gynecologist, Evgeny Shipovsky,
 dispelled popular myths about menstruation. He 
called ''incorrect'' .....beliefs that, during 
menstruation, you can not exercise 
and you need to just endure pain.

Microplastic found 
in male semen
June 10th, 10:11pm
Chinese scientists have found microplastics in each 
tested sample of human sperm obtained from 36 
healthy adult men. The results of the study are 
published in the journal Science of the 
Total Environment.
Previous studies have shown that microplastics are 
present in almost all ecosystems of the Earth: from 
mountain peaks to the depths of the world's oceans. 
Scientists have found that the average person consumes 
the equivalent amount of plastic to one credit card per 
week. This occurs through drinking from plastic 
bottles, inhaling air particles, or eating food 
heated in plastic containers. It is noted 
that it is impossible for people to 
avoid swallowing plastic.
In a new paper, researchers have questioned whether 
ingested microplastics could be responsible for a 
global drop in the birth rate. To do this, they 
recruited 36 healthy adult men from the 
city of Jinan (eastern China) who did 
not work in the plastics industry, 
and collected seminal fluid 
samples from them 
for analysis.
Each semen sample was mixed with a chemical solution 
and filtered for subsequent microscopy. Microplastics 
were found in every semen sample, with polystyrene, 
commonly used in packaging foam, being the most 
common of the eight types of plastic identified.
Also, sperm samples containing polyvinyl chloride plastic
 particles showed lower sperm motility. According to the
 authors, this finding may help explain the decline in 
male fertility.

Russia develops network to 
detect Alzheimer’s disease 
and dementia
June 10th, 1:03pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
NtechLab director Aleksei Palamarchuk reported on 
Monday that the company is developing a neural 
network for early detection of Alzheimer's
 illnesses, dementia, and other 
neurodegenerative diseases.
TASS reported that - according to Palamarchuk - using 
video analysis studies based on Artificial Intelligence 
(AI), the brain changes that lead to these diseases 
can be identified ten years before the clinical 
manifestations appear and preventive 
treatment can begin.
Right now, we have created the neural network that 
will help identify degenerative changes in the brain,
 such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, he said.
Palamarchuk explained that the neural network 
...trained with top doctors from major Russian 
hospitals and medical centres.... will process 
the brain’s images by computed tomography
 (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
NtechLab announced earlier that it had received a 
certificate for a neural network to help physicians 
diagnose ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
[Rhondda Records adds: for President Guiseppe 
Biden - this might just be......... a little too late.] 


The endocrinologist listed the 
microelements necessary
a woman's health
May 28th, 2:24am
Timely intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 
(PUFAs) helps women maintain their youth. This is 
stated by endocrinologist, Solgar expert Lira
 Gaptykayeva..... in an interview with
 "Gazeta.En " on Tuesday, May 28.
"Studies show that this solves several problems at once: 
it allows you to lengthen telomeres and thus delay 
biological aging, helps to fight both systemic
 inflammation, which provokes heart and 
vascular problems, type 2 diabetes and 
other chronic diseases, and mito-
chondrial dysfunction.... and 
oxidative stress --- which 
are considered the key 
causes of malignant 
tumors", - said
the expert.
An equally important trace element in the female body, is 
iron. The endocrinologist warned that its deficiency can 
cause disturbances in the synthesis of hemoglobin, 
which is responsible for the movement of oxygen
 in the body.
"Normally, the iron index varies in the range of 9-30 
micromol/l . You can try to support it through 
nutrition by including meat, liver, poultry, 
fish and eggs in your diet. However, 
heat treatment and deterioration 
of the quality of the products 
themselves leads to a 
decrease in the 
content of the
nutrients in 
them," - the 
doctor said.
The third important element is folic acid, which is also 
called vitamin B9. This substance contributes to the 
proper functioning of the immune system, gives a 
healthy appearance to hair, nails and skin, and
 is also responsible for energy exchange.
"During the pre-gravidar preparation of the body and 
directly during pregnancy, the need for this vitamin 
increases by 1.5 times, since it is necessary for 
proper fetal formation, protein division, growth
 and development," the specialist explained.
You can get enough folic acid by eating spinach, peanuts,
 beets, liver, lentils, and asparagus daily. However, all 
these products must be consumed fresh, as any
 treatment -- or even long-term exposure to 
direct sunlight - destroys up to 90% of 
the vitamin B9 contained in them.
"In addition, some people have a genetic predisposition 
to non-assimilation of this substance (polymorphism
the MTHFR gene)," the expert concluded.


Taking care of yourself
Men are warned: about the 
dangerous consequences
 of loving beer
May 24th, 4:31pm
The love of beer threatens men with serious health 
problems, said surgeon Alexander Umnov. He 
warned men about the dangerous 
consequences of drinking this 
drink, in an interview with
According to him, beer alcoholics quickly develop obesity 
and metabolic syndrome. "Hence the increased blood 
glucose and the development of type 2 diabetes," 
he explained.
Umnov added that because of the heavy metal salts
 contained in beer, men's testosterone production
 decreases, which threatens to change their 
appearance to the female type, and 
problems in intimate life, 
including infertility.
Earlier, Umnov named the devastating health 
consequences of drinking vodka. According 
to him, when drinking this drink, the cells of
 the pancreas die, then the liver tissue 
becomes scarred, because of which 
this organ...... cannot effectively 
remove toxins from the body.


The doctor spoke on - the benefits of
 greens for reducing blood pressure
April 25th, 12:01am
Natalia Denisova, a dietitian, senior researcher at the 
Research Centre for Nutrition and Biotechnology, 
PhD, told how to make a diet in such a way --- to 
reduce the dose of blood pressure medications.
In a conversation with the site aif.ru on Wednesday, April 
24, the specialist pointed out that greens are one of the 
main sources of potassium, which helps to remove 
fluids. This reduces blood pressure and reduces 
swelling. According to her, in the absence of 
problems with the pancreas in each meal, 
you should eat 3-4 sprigs of dill, parsley, 
and/or lettuce - this is about 10-15 g 
per serving. Also, greens are useful
for people with excess weight ---
since the dietary fibre of greens 
helps to remove excess 
fat, and cholesterol.
In addition, according to Denisova, fresh greens contain 
antioxidants: vitamin C, carotenoids, and chlorophyll. 
Vitamin C and other antioxidants help improve blood 
circulation, stimulate hematopoiesis, and improve
the oxygen supply to tissues and organs.
The doctor added that the greens are also rich in
 essential oils. In particular, dill reduces gas 
formation, and improves digestion.
On April 18, Natalia Denisova told what foods should 
be included in the diet for people who have a 
predisposition to hypertension. 
In particular, according to her, boiled potatoes help 
reduce blood pressure due to the content of 
potassium, which removes water from the
 body. Potatoes are also considered a 
mild diuretic.
On April 16, endocrinologist and dietitian Ekaterina
 Kazachkova urged not to eat fast food more often
 than once every two weeks. According to her, 
heavy food is best combined with fibre-rich 
foods. Vegetables and herbs are able to 
absorb some of the trans fats, as well 
as help to process the dish without 
harm to health, reports TV 
channel "360".
In February, the surgeon, oncourologist Mark Gadziyan 
called chips and smoked sausage ---- the most harmful 
products. According to him it is important to consume 
sufficient amounts of clean water for the prevention 
of urolithiasis. For the same purposes --- it is 
necessary to reduce the amount of salt 
in the diet and limit meat consumption.
Earlier, cardiologist Denis Sokolov told how to properly 
measure blood pressure. According to him, this should 
be done in a quiet environment, not immediately after
 smoking or drinking coffee. 
The hand should not be held in the air, it is necessary 
to put it on the table and relax, fix it in one position. 
The middle of the cuff should be at the level of the 
heart when measuring, the website kp.ru. writes. 

Ent pointed out the connection 
between the common cold
 and the use of sweets
April 24th, 11:21pm
An otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category,
 Vladimir Zaitsev, said that sugar can lead to a 
runny nose, that is, an active discharge of 
mucus from the nose.
In a conversation with the site aif.ru on Wednesday, April 
24, the doctor explained that sugar is an ideal breeding 
ground for microorganisms.
"Micro-organisms normally live in every person - we carry 
about 2.5 kg of microflora. And without it, we would not 
have lived, we would simply have died. However, the 
question is in the number of these microorganisms:
 if their number increases multiple times, it is bad 
for the body," the expert explained.
According to him, in addition to sugar, milk, fermented milk
 products and yeast are also nutrient media for microflora.

 Sugar, for example, acts as a provocateur of 
inflammatory diseases of the 
paranasal sinuses.
The doctor explained that if a person has inflamed 
maxillary sinuses, then with a large amount of 
sugar in the diet, it will be constantly 
maintained due to the nutrition 
of bacteria.
"Further, the discharge will disturb and move from the 
sinuses to the nasal cavity. When they get there, 
active irritation of the lower nasal concha 
begins. It will be under the constant 
influence of mucus," said Zaitsev.
Thus, the nasal cavity becomes inflamed and is also 
involved in the process of the active production of 
mucus, which irritates the throat.
As lore emphasized, it is also important to take into 
account that excess sugar increases its level in 
the blood, against which there is a decrease in
 immunity. So, for example.... patients with 
diabetes suffer greatly with a runny nose.

 Due to reduced immunity, such patients 
catch any infection transmitted by 
airborne droplets.
The doctor urged to reconsider the approach to the use of 
sugar as it is not provided in a natural food chain of the
 person. It should be a treat or delicacy. If a person is 
ready to "sacrifice their sweet tooth" --- then the
 situation can be corrected, but ---- if not, then, 
according to the doctor, you should prepare
 for a constantly flowing..... nose. This is 
already...... a consequence of such a 
pathology..... as chronic vasomotor 
rhinitis of a neurovegetative form.

The doctor told about
for pensioners

April 24th, 1:31am
Elvira Fesenko, PhD, Head of the Department of Therapy, 
Geriatrics and Anti-Aging Medicine of the Academy of 
Postgraduate Education of the Federal State 
Budgetary Institution of the Federal 
Research Centre of the FMBA of 
Russia, told which diseases 
are most dangerous... for 
patients over 65 years 
of age.
In a conversation with the site aif.ru on Tuesday, April 23, 
the specialist pointed out the danger of problems of the 
cardiovascular system. According to her, these are the 
main problems of older people. She explained that 
with age, the risk of coronary heart disease and 
the blockage of blood vessels supplying it 
She noted that people of retirement age often face
 hypertension, the main danger of which is that it 
can be asymptomatic for a long time. Signs of 
high blood pressure include chest pain, pain 
in the temporal and occipital parts of the 
head, palpitations, & feelings of anxiety. 
In addition, high blood pressure puts a 
strain on the heart, blood vessels and 
kidneys, and can lead to a stroke or 
heart attack.
The doctor also considered diseases of the
 musculoskeletal system to be dangerous: 
osteoporosis, arthritis. Also dangerous is 
type 2 diabetes, as it causes problems 
with the pancreas, which becomes 
unable to produce enough insulin. 
Dangerous cataracts, which significantly 
reduce the standard of living due to the
 inability to focus on objects.
In addition, the doctor added, the exhaustion 
of the nervous system in old age can lead to
 memory loss. It all starts with short-term 
episodes, but the condition worsens and 
the person loses the ability to 
serve themselves.
In February, Olga Shuppo, scientific director of the Grand 
Clinic network of immunorehabilitation and preventive 
medicine, named the causes of early dementia. 
According to her, lifestyle, immunity, social activity, 
and diet, largely determine the risk of this disease.

Link found between  microplastics and  heart diseases

Link found between 
microplastics and
 heart diseases
April 13th, 00:46am
(Prensa Latina) 
The accumulation of tiny plastic particles in blood vessels
 is now linked to an increased risk of heart attacks, 
strokes and deaths, according to a new study 
published in the New England Journal 
of Medicine.
The study, which included some 300 people with
 atherosclerosis, also found that they had tiny 
plastic particles (microplastics and nano-
plastics) encrusted in plaques in the 
carotid artery, a major blood vessel 
in the neck that supplies blood to
 the brain.
“Patients with plastic plaques were more than four times 
more likely to have a myocardial infarction or a stroke 
or to die from any cause within three years,” the 
report noted.
According to the experts, when plaque builds up in the 
arteries, known as atherosclerosis, the thickening of 
the vessel walls reduces the blood flow to parts of 
the body, increasing the risk of a stroke, angina 
pectoris and myocardial infarction.
Such plaques are usually a mixture of cholesterol, fatty 
substances, cellular debris, calcium and a blood-
clotting protein called fibrin or fibrinogen.
Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic no larger than 
five millimetres and are formed when larger plastics
 decompose through chemical degradation 
processes or physical wear and tear.

The doctor listed products 
that improve vision
April 10th, 4:50am
The Doctor-ophthalmologist, doctor-microsurgeon, 
doctor-laser surgeon "SM-Klinika", and Candidate 
of Medical Sciences, Svetlana Mirgorodskaya,
listed products - that can improve vision.
In an interview with Gazeta.En, on Tuesday, April 9, the 
specialist noted that vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, P, 
D and E, as well as lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and
anthocyanins, have a positive effect on your
eye health and vision.
According to her, vitamin A is present in fish from the 
cold northern seas, in eggs, milk, liver, butter, wild
 garlic, celery, and parsley, writes RT.
Mirgorodskaya noted, that B vitamins can be found in meat,
heavy cream, cereals, bananas, and vitamins P and C, are
 found in raspberries, citrus fruits, blackberries, cherries, 
black currants, grapes, rosehips, paprika, bell peppers, 
cabbage, potatoes, and tomatoes.
In addition, it is worth including sea fish and mushrooms in 
the diet, because they are rich in vitamin D. Also useful for 
vision... is zinc, which is high in pumpkin seeds, oysters, 
pine nuts and beans. kp.ru.
Earlier, on March 20, Irina Zimina, an ophthalmologist at 
Atlas clinics, said that in order to prevent deterioration 
of vision, it is necessary to take breaks during visual 
loads, exercises for the eyes, and also moisten the
 air in the room.
In February, nutritionist Alexandra Razarenova said that 
regular use of rosehip helps to strengthen the immune 
system, as well as cope with viruses and bacteria. In 
addition, red fruits can protect against premature 
aging. Vitamin A, which is present in rosehip,
 improves vision, reports the TV 
channel "360".
In August last year, dietitian Elena Solomatina, told 
"Moscow 24" - that eating pumpkin helps maintain 
good vision in the elderly. According to her, it is 
rich in fiber, zinc and antioxidants that are 
good for vision.
Prior to this, Solomatina noted that apricots restore visual 
acuity and have a beneficial effect on the nervous and 
cardiovascular systems. In addition ------ they are 
easy to quench thirst, as they (85%) consist
of water, notes NSN.


 The expert named four 
principles of longevity
April 8th, 11pm
Life expectancy in Moscow, has reached a record 78 years
 on average, Vladimir Filippov, Deputy head of the Moscow 
Department of Labour and Social Protection and head of 
the Moscow Longevity program told Izvestia. According 
to him, this is influenced by a number of fundamental 
factors, such as the quality and accessibility of 
healthcare.... a variety of leisure and self-
realization opportunities, but there 
are also four main principles 
of longevity.
To the first important principle, the expert attributed the 
ability of a person to find happiness in everyday affairs.
"For example, the Japanese, a nation of centenarians, 
have such a popular term --- "ikigai". It means, the 
meaning of life in the most applied sense ----- as 
the ability to find happiness in everyday affairs.'' 

''So ---- most Japanese retirees have a specific plan
for each day of their lives: finish tying a blanket,
feed their grandchildren, go to the market, 
clean the house, walk the dog, and so on.
They are not afraid to plan for months 
-- and years -- ahead.'' 
''This is a serious mental factor that affects life
 expectancy, " Vladimir Filippov explained.
The expert called physical health and timely passing
 of high-quality medical examinations the second 
and third principles.
"Today.... there is an opinion that the best patient, the so-
 called "patient 2.0", is the one who goes to the doctor 
in advance, and passes the necessary checkups to 
prevent or detect diseases at an early stage," 
Filippov said.
According to him, the fourth important law of 
most centenarians --------- is to load the brain.
"In Japan, where old age is probably better studied than 
anywhere else, another study proved that older people 
who were engaged in intellectual work, regularly 
read, guessed crosswords, or played Go, life 
expectancy on average, was four years
 longer," Filippov said.
In addition, one of the key factors affecting longevity, the 
expert called the human environment. Single people on
 average live five to six years less. 
Warm communication prolongs life - the authors of the 
famous Harvard 75-year study on happiness came 
to this conclusion, Filippov stressed.
Earlier, on March 31, Tamara Moseva, brand chief of the 
network of boarding houses for the elderly "Warm 
Conversations", told Izvestia that the secret of
 active longevity lies not only in genetics and 
the level of physical activity, but also in a 
certain diet.
 According to her, it is important for health that the meal 
is varied and balanced and includes: vegetables, fruits, 
cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy products, meat
 its alternatives. 
This diet helps meet the body's needs for vitamins, 
minerals, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. A lack 
of nutrients..... can lead to various diseases,
 she explained.


 The doctor named the early signs
of Parkinson's disease
April 1st, 1:02pm
Excessive movement during sleep, such as twitching,
can be the first signs of Parkinson's disease. About
this on April the 1st, in Gazeta.Ru, stated Sergey
Illarioshkin ---- an Academician of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, and Deputy Director
for Research at the Scientific Centre
of Neurology.
According to him, such a symptom may appear even 10-20 
years before motor manifestations. In this case, a person 
can wave his hands in a dream and throw objects from
 the bedside shelves.
"This is a sign of developing pathology in those parts of
 the brain that are responsible for controlling sleep 
mechanisms and are involved in the earliest 
stage of the disease," Illarioshkin said.
The specialist explained that disabling muscle tone during 
REM sleep is normal, but in people with Parkinson's
 disease, the pathology of certain nuclei of the 
brain stem leads to the fact that the tone is 
preserved. So, a person begins to 
"participate" in his dream.
Illarioshkin cited as an example a case from the United 
States, when a man at the time of such an attack in a
dream strangled his wife. As a result -- he was able 
to avoid criminal liability, since polysomnography 
proved that the patient suffers from a violation
 of behaviour... in the REM sleep phase.
"If a person has such a disorder isolated, then with a 70% 
probability he will develop either Parkinson's disease, or 
dementia with Lewy bodies, or multisystem atrophy —
 three diseases associated with the pathology of 
alpha-synuclein," the neurologist summed up.
Earlier, on March 22nd, it was reported, that Russian 
scientists have patented a drug for the treatment of 
Parkinson's disease in the early stages. It acts on
 the enzyme glucocerebrosidase, which is 
encoded by the GBA1 gene. 
Mutations in it increase the risk of developing pathology 
by 10 times. Tests on patient cells have shown that the
molecule created by scientists.... restores the activity 
of the enzyme.

Taking care of yourself
March 25th, 2:33pm
 Products that help with bloating named
Some products help with bloating, said
the proctologist, Elena Smirnova. 
Among such products, she named celery — it fights 
dehydration, thereby protecting against bloating.
 In addition -- avocados and tomatoes rich in 
potassium.. can reduce the risk of this 
problem, according to Smirnova. 
Potassium, she said, reduces the level
of sodium in the body ------ which 
causes bloating.
In addition, the doctor included kefir in the list, citing a 
study - that proved that the use of this fermented milk 
product removes gases in the gastrointestinal tract
 by 70 percent. This is due to the fact - that kefir 
helps break down sugar in milk, which leads 
to bloating, said Smirnova. She also warns:
that large portions of food, sweets, and 
fatty foods, can lead to heaviness in 
the stomach... and bloating.

Doctors named 3 cancer 
- protecting products
March 20th, 3:01am
Therapist, Elena Malysheva, and cardiologist, Herman 
Gandelman on the air of the program "Live healthy!" 
on Channel One named three products, the use of 
which is useful for the prevention of cancer. The
 program is available on the channel's website.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage have been 
added to the list of foods that protect against cancer. 
"Include it in your diet," Malysheva urged Russians.
According to experts, all these vegetables contain 
the substance sulforaphane. "Sulforaphane 
prevents cancer cells from multiplying 
and, consequently, prevents cancer 
from developing," Gandelman
Earlier, doctor Alexander Myasnikov on the air of the 
program "About the most important thing" on the 
channel "Russia 1" said that the presence of 
a cyst in the ovary after menopause is a 
symptom of cancer. According to 
the doctor, such a cyst must 
be removed.

The professor listed the important
 symptoms of kidney problems
March 15th, 4:17pm
Olga Vetchinnikova, MD, Professor of the Department of 
Transplantology, Nephrology and Artificial Organs at 
the Vladimirsky Moscow State Medical University, 
spoke about what can provoke the development 
of kidney diseases - and explained how to 
recognize abnormalities.
In an interview with Radio 1 on March 14, the specialist 
pointed out that the most common kidney diseases are 
kidney damage in other diseases. We are talking about 
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension.
"All these diseases are currently treated as non-
communicable pandemics. Chronic kidney 
disease, also belongs to these non-
communicable pandemics," 
the doctor explained.
According to her, diseases that can cause kidney damage 
also include arterial hypertension, systemic infections, 
autoimmune diseases, hepatitis, HIV infections, 
urolithiasis, tuberculosis, as well as urinary
tract infections ....and some 
urological diseases.
Vetchinnikova warned that uncontrolled medication intake 
is an unfavorable factor for kidney function. Their health 
is also affected by smoking, obesity, and lipid 
metabolism disorders, so people with such 
ailments should carefully monitor 
their health - and undergo the 
necessary examinations.
The professor noted that kidney diseases are 
characterized by an asymptomatic course of
 the disease. It is important to pay attention
 to changes in the volume and colour
 of urine. 
Also, a symptom of problems with this organ can be an 
increase in blood pressure, especially at a young age,
 the appearance of edema. Also, kidney disease in 
relatives, changes in the size and shape of the 
kidneys during ultrasound examination 
should be alarming. 
In addition, changes in the overall 
urinalysis, protein and red blood 
cell counts - are important.
On March 14, the nephrologist Olga Kozina warned against 
self-medication for kidney stones. According to her, the
 treatment of urolithiasis depends on many factors 
that can only be evaluated and taken into 
account by a specialist.
 In particular, if the stone is large and causes repeated
 episodes of unbearable pain, it is necessary to 
remove it, writes RT. 
She also advised drinking more water to prevent the 
formation of kidney stones. An adult should drink 
at least 1.5 litres of clean drinking water 
a day, the 360 TV channel notes.
On March 3, dietitian, MD Mikhail Ginzburg, in an 
interview with Zvezda TV channel, warned that
 excessive consumption of fat-soluble vitamins
 leads to dangerous overdoses. According to 
him, the main danger lies in the removal of 
excess elements from the body. 
Absorbed together with fat, excess vitamins can not 
be removed by the kidneys, as is the case with 
water-soluble drugs. The most dangerous is 
an overdose of vitamin D: first of all, the
harm is manifested --- in the form of 
calcium retention in the body.
In February, urologist-andrologist Dmitry Zhuravsky said 
that kidney stones are formed due to changes in the 
chemical composition of urine and an increase in
 its salt level. The urologist advised patients 
with oxalate kidney stones to use sorrel, 
spinach, parsley, dill, rhubarb, beetroot, 
and citrus fruits --- with caution.


Taking care of yourself
March 11th, 3:2pm
Russians listed available products
 ...............that slow down aging.
Endocrinologist Mikhaleva urged --- to eat
herring and mackerel to slow down aging.
To slow down aging, it is necessary to regularly eat 
herring, mackerel and other varieties of cold-water
 fish, endocrinologist Oksana Mikhaleva advised.

 She listed these and some other available 
anti-age products, to Izvestia.
Mikhaleva urged to eat wild fish, because it is rich in
 polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids -- which help 
reduce the risk of osteoporosis and prolong the 
youthfulness of the skin. 
Most of the fatty acids - according to her - are found in 
mackerel and herring, and not in expensive red fish,
 as many people used to think.
Herbs, fruits and vegetables, also play a significant role in 
prolonging youth, the endocrinologist continued. An adult 
needs to eat at least half a kilogram of these anti-aging 
foods a day, she said.
To slow down aging...... according to Mikhaleva, the body 
needs a sufficient amount of fibre, which is rich in whole 
grains and legumes. As a healthy source of animal 
protein --- the endocrinologist recommended
 lean meat: rabbit and poultry.
In addition, as the doctor noted, many older people face 
osteoporosis. To reduce the risk of its development, it 
is necessary to include dairy products in the diet.

is important that they are low-fat and
do not 
contain sugar, she stressed.
Earlier, endocrinologist, Natalia Tananakina, told what 
products can replace fatty and fried foods, as well as 
pastries and sweets. According to her, meat, fish, 
as well as fruits and cereals are alternatives 
to these products.



Taking care of yourself
March 6th, 3:32pm
Three available breakfast options for
 preventing bowel cancer are named.
Meredee Birdie, a dietitian who specializes in treating 
cancer patients, named three affordable breakfast 
options for preventing the development of bowel 
cancer. Her advice is provided by 
Business Insider.
According to Birdie, you can prevent bowel cancer if you 
regularly eat oatmeal porridge with milk and added fruit
 for breakfast. She explained... that oatmeal provides a 
positive effect due to the large amount of fiber in the 
composition, which feeds on "good" bacteria in the
 intestines. Also, this porridge protects the mucous 
membranes of the colon.
The second option... for a healthy breakfast for the
 intestines, she called a mixture of unsweetened 
yogurt with berries, nuts and seeds. According
 to Birdie, this simple dish is rich in calcium, 
protein, and probiotics to help support 
normal digestion.
Finally, the dietitian suggested eating scrambled eggs with
 vegetables and halloumi cheese for breakfast. For this 
dish, according to her, you need to fry tomatoes, 
mushrooms and spinach, and in another pan 
— cheese.
Next, you need to mix the ingredients, break the eggs into
 the resulting mixture and continue to fry until the whites 
thicken, the doctor explained. She noted that it is best
to serve the finished dish... with a slice of avocado.
Earlier, nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg warned against
 excessive consumption of white bread. He pointed 
out ---- that bread made from sifted flour can
provoke diseases. such as
diabetes, tumors, 
and gout.

Tories and Labour take away
your right - to see a doctor!

Ultra-processed foods - may
 increase risk of depression
February 29th, 5:35pm
(Prensa Latina) 
Eating high amounts of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) —
particularly those containing artificial sweeteners —
may increase the risk of developing depression,
 according to a new study co-authored by
 researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan 
School of Public Health.
The study was published on September 20th ---- in JAMA 
Network Open. Harvard Chan co-authors included Dong 
Wang, the assistant professor in the Department of 
Nutrition; Olivia Okereke and Mingyang Song --- 
both associate professors in the Department 
of Epidemiology & Andrew Chan, professor 
in the Department of Immunology and
 Infectious Diseases.
To assess the link between UPFs such as packaged snacks
 and frozen meals — and depression, researchers collected 
data on diet and mental health from 31,712 middle-aged 
women enrolled in the Nurses Health Study II between 
2003 and 2017. Participants filled out a questionnaire 
on their dietary habits every four years. They also
reported... if they received a clinical diagnosis of 
depression &/or started taking antidepressants
during the study period.
The study found that participants who were in the top fifth 
of consumers of UPFs — eating 9 or more servings per
day - had a 50% higher risk of developing depression 
than those in the bottom fifth of consumers, eating 
four or fewer servings per day.
The researchers also identified a link ----- between artificial 
sweeteners and depression: Participants in the top fifth of
 consumers had a 26% higher risk of developing 
depression than those in the bottom fifth.
Chan said in a September 20 article in Forbes that people 
“may wish to limit their intake of ultra-processed foods 
wherever possible” — particularly people who already 
live with depression or other mental health conditions.
He noted that the study controlled for confounding factors 
such as exercise and smoking status. In addition, none 
of the study’s participants had depression at the 
outset, which was the study’s strength, Chan
 told The Guardian. 
“We minimized the likelihood that our findings are simply
 due to individuals with depression being more likely to
 choose ultra-processed foods,” he said, in a 
September 20 article.

losing weight   eat no more than 25 g of  dark chocolate per day

Those who lose weight are advised
 to eat ....no more than 25 g of 
dark chocolate per day
by Anastasia Rumyantseva
February 25th, 2am
Lecturer at the Russian Biotechnological University,
 (ROSBIOTECH University) Inga Belyaeva explained 
in an interview with RT -- that almost any of the 
existing diets.... involves a complete rejection
 of sweets ------ but chocolate, can be useful 
for weight loss.
"The main thing is to choose the right product and consume
 it in reasonable quantities. Preference should be given to
 dark chocolate, which contains a lot of natural cocoa 
and little sugar. Such a product helps to reduce the 
level of stress that occurs when following a diet: 
it stimulates the release of endorphin and 
serotonin -- and neutralizes the effect 
of cortisol --- thereby, preventing 
overeating," the expert said.
According to her, cocoa butter.... which is part of 
chocolate, is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.
"They speed up your metabolism and fat burning. 
And even a small piece of dark chocolate can 
effectively - satisfy your hunger. The fibre in 
this product creates a long-lasting feeling 
of satiety," the expert said.
Modern dietetics recommends using no more
25 grams of dark chocolate per day,
reducing weight, Belyaeva noted.
"This is a quarter of a 100-gram tile, six pieces. 
This portion contains about 155 kcal. The use 
of white and milk chocolate can be harmful 
- as it does not contain at all, or contains 
very little, cocoa, but a lot of sugar, 
animal fat, and sometimes other
 additives," she concluded.

Taking care of yourself
February 20th, 6:01pm
The doctor explained the reasons for the 
appearance of an unpleasant symptom 
of menopause
Hot flushes in menopause appear -- due to fluctuations 
in the level of estrogens, directly related to the work 
of neurotransmitters, explained obstetrician-
gynecologist, Ekaterina Volkova. 
The doctor explained the reasons.... why 
this unpleasant symptom occurs during 
menopause in her Telegram channel.
According to Volkova, most women learn about 
menopause by the absence of menstruation, 
and many of them - face hot flushes. The 
doctor noted, that everyone feels this
 symptom differently.
Hot flushes can ferl like a feeling of warmth, 
especially in the upper body and not even 
accompanied by heavy sweating. And...
they can be a real attack with sweat, 
fever and tachycardia.
The obstetrician-gynecologist, Ekaterina Volkova,
clarified that the occurrence of hot flushes is 
associated with a lack of estrogen.

explained, that this hormone is 
important --- for the functioning 
of neurotransmitters, which 
transmit information from 
the body to the central 
nervous system. 
If there are no estrogens, then the information is
transmitted incorrectly. "You don't overheat, 
but in the centre you "hear" ....that it is 
time to cool down," the doctor said.
Earlier, Volkova named five vitamins for 
women over 40 years old. Among 
others..... she recommended 
taking vitamins A and B.


Exercise can help ease pain 
for people with cancer
February 17th, 8:16am
 (Prensa Latina) 
Engaging in intense exercise might not be the first thing 
that people fighting cancer think to do ---- but a new
study by Trusted Source, reports that a workout 
can help ease cancer-related pain.
“It may feel counterintuitive to some, but physical activity 
is an effective, non-pharmacologic option... for reducing 
many types of pain,” said Dr. Erika Rees-Punia, a study
senior author & the American Cancer Society’s senior 
principal scientist for epidemiology and behavioral 
research, in a press statement.
 “As our study suggests, this may include
 pain associated with cancer and 
its treatments.”
In the study published in the journal Cancer, Rees-Punia 
and Dr. Christopher T.V. Swain, first study author and a 
fellow at the University of Melbourne in Australia, 
looked at 10,651 adults with a past cancer 
diagnosis and 51,439 adults without 
a history of cancer.
Participants were asked to rate their average pain level 
from 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the 
worst pain imaginable. They also were queried 
about their engagement in exercise.
The researchers reported that more physical activity 
was associated with lower pain intensity, whether 
or not individuals had a history of cancer.
Among those with a past cancer diagnosis, those 
exceeding the physical activity guidelines 
established by the U.S. government — 
getting 150 to 300 minutes a week 
of moderate-intensity exercise, or
75 to 150 minutes per week of 
vigorous - intensity aerobic 
physical activity ----- were 
16% less likely.. to report
moderate-to-severe pain 
compared to those who 
exercised less.
Less pain also was reported by those who were
 consistently active or became active as older 
adults compared to those who remained
 inactive, the researchers said.
“Cancer pain can be debilitating and most patients
 in palliative care, often require opioid-based pain 
medications like morphine, just to get by,” Dr. 
Ryan Peterson --- a pain medicine specialist 
and anesthesiologist at NuView Treatment 
Center, a Los Angeles-based addiction 
treatment program, told Medical 
News Today.
''While pharmacological interventions are good, 
I recommend non-pharmacologic therapies 
such as gradual exercise, as tolerable 
when possible ------ so as to prevent 
muscle atrophy and further pain.'' 
''Exercise is also known to aid in the release of 
endorphins ---- which may be helpful in pain 
alleviation and tolerance,” said Peterson,
 who was not involved in the study.


The doctor named ways to reduce 
the daily consumption of sweets
February 5th, 2:13pm
Regular exercise and the use of sugar substitutes will help 
reduce your daily intake of sweets. This was announced 
on Monday, February 5, by the endocrinologist of 
Meditsina JSC (Academician Roitberg Clinic) 
Natalia Tananakina.
"It is possible to get hooked on sweets because of their
 ability to cause a person to feel pleasure and stimulate 
the pleasure centres in the brain. Giving up on this can 
be difficult because of the possible development of 
physiological dependence, as well as 
psychological habits," the doctor 
shared with RIAMO.
According to her, the difference in the use of natural sugar 
and sweeteners lies in their metabolic effects. The first 
product is high in calories, it increases the level of 
glucose in the blood, while the sweetener has 
zero calories. 
The specialist emphasized that it is impossible to
 completely switch to substitutes, since using 
them in large quantities can have a negative 
impact on health.
Earlier, in December, the surgeon, oncourologist Mark
Gadziyan, said that the most harmful products are 
sugar and salt. He explained - that an excess of 
salt in the body can cause blood clots to form 
in the blood vessels, as well as a decrease 
in testosterone levels and an increase 
in blood pressure. 
Sugar is also dangerous, as it negatively affects the 
suppression of insulin production and leads to fat 
deposition in the abdominal organs.

High blood omega-3 levels 
linked to lower risk of 
Alzheimer’s disease
February 3rd 1:28pm
(Prensa Latina) 
Having high levels of omega-3 in the blood is associated 
with a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, 
according to a study co-led by the Hospital del 
Mar Research Institute and published in 
the journal Nutrients.
This is the study with the largest number of participants in 
this field to date, analyzing data from 260,000 people from 
the UK Biobank database. Researchers from the Fatty 
Acid Resarch Institute of the United States and
CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y 
Nutrición (CIBEROBN) have participated
 in the study.
The authors of the study, have been able to access the
blood metabolite profile of individuals included in the 
UK database. As well as examining the associations 
by different types of omega-3, being able to work 
with such a large number of participants has 
made it possible to include younger 
population groups - than those 
traditionally studied.
Thus, they have divided the participants into volunteers 
aged 40 to 50 years, 50 to 60 years and over 60 years. 
They have also been able to relate this information 
to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or other 
dementias, as distinct entities.
As Dr. Aleix Sala-Vila, a researcher in the Cardiovascular
 Risk and Nutrition Research Group at the Hospital del 
Mar Research Institute, explains, “it has helped us to 
study whether having high levels of omega-3 at age 
50 can help prevent the onset of dementia many
 years later”.
The study has taken into account the age, sex, level 
of schooling of the participants and the genetic 
characteristics associated with an increased 
risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
The conclusions indicate that “high levels of omega-3 are 
associated with lower risk for all age groups, for men
women and for both diseases, but the strongest
 associations, are found in men, in people over 
60 years of age, and for dementias other 
than Alzheimer’s disease,” explains 
the lead author of the study.
At the same time, the associations are also particularly 
beneficial for omega-3s other than DHA (docosa-
hexaenoic acid). This omega-3... is provided by 
oily fish, and, therefore, the study “reinforces 
the idea that there are some foods, which 
do not have to be fish, such as walnuts, 
that could be beneficial for brain
health,” says Dr. Sala-Vila.

Report: Progress on Cancer Survival 
in UK -------- at Slowest in 50 Years
February 3rd, 10:25am (FNA)
 Progress on cancer survival in the UK has slowed to its 
lowest rate in 50 years, a report found ----- with experts 
blaming the impact of austerity on the nation’s health.
The study - by researchers at the London School of Hygiene 
and Tropical Medicine, commissioned by Cancer Research 
UK, projects there will be half a million new cancer cases 
each year in the UK by 2040, The Guardian reported.
The report says nearly half of all patients (49.8%) now 
survive cancer for at least 10 years. But the rate of 
progress in improving prognosis slowed markedly 
after 2010 -- rising by an average of 0.6% a year 
between 2011 and 2018. In previous decades, 
10-year survival rose by 1.5%-2.7% a year.
Figures from WHO’s cancer arm, the International Agency 
for Research on Cancer, have suggested global cancer 
cases will rise by more than 75% by 2050 --- due to a 
combination of factors including tobacco use, 
alcohol consumption and obesity.
Mark Lawler --- a professor of digital health at Queen’s
 University Belfast and the chair of Lancet Oncology’s 
European Groundshot cancer commission, said the 
slow improvement in 10-year cancer survival as 
detailed in Cancer Research UK’s study 
made for startling reading.
“Good health and austerity do not mix, leading to less 
resources being focused on cancer prevention and 
treatment. And the bad news is it’s not going to 
get any better soon, as the impact of COVID 
and national lockdowns has set back 
survival for certain cancers like 
bowel by almost a decade,” 
he said.
“Inexplicably, this is the very time that the government has
 moved away from a national cancer strategy to a major 
conditions strategy, going against international best 
practice,” he added.
John Ashton, a former president of the UK Faculty of 
Public Health, said public health budgets meant 
cancer prevention --- is increasingly difficult.
“The agenda for preventing cancer is about smoking
 cessation, healthy weight, less alcohol --- and a 
healthy diet. Public health teams don’t really 
have the resources to get upstream of the 
prevention side of cancer. [Coupled with
 pressures on GP practices and the 
wider NHS] the picture is gloomy 
from a prevention point of view
 ...from an early intervention 
point of view -- and from a 
treatment point of view,”
 he added.
Jon Shelton, the head of cancer intelligence at Cancer 
Research UK, said, “Cancer survival is not improving
 quickly enough. People are waiting far too long for
 diagnosis and to start treatment, with cancer 
waiting time targets consistently being 
missed. And we need to prevent 
more cancers."
Dr Cary Adams, the head of the Union for International
Cancer Control, said, “Despite the progress that has 
been made in the early detection of cancers and 
the treatment and care of cancer patients --- 
significant disparities in cancer treatment 
outcomes exist not only between high- 
and low-income regions of the world, 
but also within countries."
“Where someone lives should not determine whether they
 live. Tools exist to enable governments to prioritise 
cancer care and to ensure that everyone has 
access to affordable, quality services. This 
is not just a resource issue but a matter 
of political will,” Adams added.


The doctor told - how 
to support immunity 
in winter
by Evgeny Odintsovo
January 5th, 8:55pm
Doctor Turtleneck recommended eating
 and ginger in winter for immunity
In winter, the immune system plays a special role in
 maintaining health, as cold temperatures and 
viruses can have a negative impact on the 
body. About this in "Newspaper.En" said 
Angelina Vodolazkaya, a nutritionist 
and endocrinologist at Biogena.
"Without enough UV light, the active form of vitamin D3 
is no longer produced in the skin — it regulates fat 
metabolism, helping to maintain a normal weight,
 and ensures the health of the skin, hair, and 
nails," she explained.
The doctor has identified several products that 
support our health and mood - even in the 
cold season.
"Vegetables are the main suppliers of dietary fibre, 
thanks to which cholesterol is removed from the 
body and the gastrointestinal tract functions. 
One of these vegetables is spinach. It is a 
source of vitamin C, and spinach also 
contains beta-carotene and anti-
oxidants that help strengthen 
the immune system," the 
expert added.
The next important product needed in winter,
 is garlic.
"It has powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties. 
Garlic can help reduce the risk of colds and flu and 
boost the immune system. Ginger, a product that 
can be added to tea or used in the preparation 
of various dishes, also has anti-inflammatory 
properties. It lowers cholesterol levels, 
which protects us from heart disease. 
In addition, ginger, is good for the 
brain ---- it improves memory and 
concentration ---- and also helps 
in the prevention of Alzheimer's 
disease," the doctor stressed.
Vodolazka noted that it is important to use these products 
in combination with a varied and balanced diet in order to
 get all the necessary nutrients to maintain health and 
immunity in winter.

How to avoid the negative health 
consequences..... of overeating
January 3rd, 8:47am (DAN) 
The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer 
Rights Protection and Human Welfare has 
compiled recommendations in case of 
overeating. They include 
four main tips.
It is noted that to improve the functioning of the digestive
 system and relieve stress from the body... you should 
drink more water. To reduce discomfort --- you can 
perform simple physical exercises, or stretching, 
take a walk. It is useful to arrange a fasting day 
to give the stomach a break from digesting and 
assimilating food.
After overeating, you should return to healthy eating habits, 
in particular, eat more vegetables, fruits and protein, and
less food --- with a high content of sugar and fat.

Report: Expired Pfizer COVID 
Antiviral Drugs Set to Cost 
Europe $2.2bln
January 1st  2024, 4:22pm (FNA)
 More than a billion dollars worth of Pfizer’s COVID-19
 antiviral drugs procured in Europe have been wasted,
 according to health data, as tight controls over who 
can receive the medication left millions of doses
 unused before their expiry date.
Paxlovid — designed to be given to patients shortly after 
they test positive for the virus — has been far easier to
 obtain in the US than in Europe, where access has 
often been restricted to the elderly, or people at 
high risk of developing severe COVID-19, The
 Financial Times reported.
But data from analytics group Airfinity, shows European
countries --- including the UK, France, Spain and Italy 
could have made the medication more accessible 
without using up supplies, as more than 1.5mln 
5-day courses of the pill worth about $1.1bln 
have expired despite their use dates being 
extended ------- by six to 12 months.
By the end of February 2024, a total of about 3.1mln
 courses are set to expire, pushing the cost to 
European health systems to about $2.2bln, 
according to Airfinity. The data does not 
include contracts that were EU-wide.
There have also been concerns, over how Paxlovid 
interacts with other common medications, which 
restricts how often it can be prescribed.
The European country with the biggest expiry rate is the 
UK, where an estimated 1mln doses worth $700mln 
were out of date - by early December, the data 
shows. Another 550,000 doses are expected
 to expire in February, with a further 
650,000 by the end of June.
In December 2021, at the height of the Omicron wave,
 the UK agreed to buy 2.75mln courses of Paxlovid.

 The country’s National Institute for Health and 
Care Excellence, the public health body... 
recommends the drug be used - only for 
people with serious underlying health 
conditions such as cancer and HIV 
or recipients of transplants.
The UK health and social care department said more 
courses had been used, without offering its own 
data. A spokesperson, said the government 
had “acted fast to secure enough stock 
of antivirals” at a time of “high 
global demand”.
The restrictions have been less stringent in other 
European countries... with elderly citizens and 
people with more common risk factors such 
as diabetes and obesity able to obtain the
 drug. Yet more than 200,000 Paxlovid 
courses expired before they could be
 used in Spain and about 100,000 
each went out of date in 
France and Italy.
Even in the US — the largest market for COVID outpatient 
treatments — demand for COVID antivirals has fallen, 
tracking the reduced burden of COVID and a drop
 in testing for the virus.
About 5.3mln courses were prescribed in the US this year, 
24 percent down on 2022. The US government arranged
 with Pfizer, to return 7.9mln Paxlovid courses at the 
end of 2023, at an estimated cost to the company
 of $4.2bln.

Taking care - of yourself
 December 18th, 3:03pm

The doctor revealed a non-obvious sign of severe stress.
With chronic stress, a person can have a so-called
psychogenic cough --- said neurologist Marina 
Anikina. A non-obvious sign - of a strong 
nervous strain and its difference from 
a cough caused by a cold, she 
explained, in an interview 
with Sputnik radio.
After a respiratory infection, the doctor specified, two
 weeks are enough... for the cough caused by a cold 
to fade. A prolonged cough, she explained, can 
start with chronic stress and a sense of 
global danger. 
"First ---- the presence of a pronounced anxiety disorder
increases the likelihood that the cough is psychogenic 
in nature. Secondly, such a cough has its own 
frequency ---- it occurs during an emotional 
conversation or some kind of traumatic 
situation ---- but it is not present at 
night," Anikina explained.
If you have a prolonged cough, she continued, you need 
to consult with a number of specialists and undergo a 
serious examination. 
Anikina advised to do a chest X-ray, pass blood 
tests prescribed by the therapist, and consult 
an oto-laryngologist, an allergist, and a

 Doctor Bolibok talked about ways
------- to combat whooping cough
by Anastasia Belousova
December 13th, 9:24pm
Allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok in an interview 
with RT spoke about ways to combat whooping cough 
.....and outbreaks of diseases in schools.
"The most radical method is not to take your child to school.
Go to quarantine in advance. Especially if the child is often
ill. There is probably no other method that guarantees 
not to get infected," the doctor noted.
He also added that whooping cough
----- is a controlled infection.
"We need to raise the documents and see if the child has 
been vaccinated or not. According to the vaccination
 calendar, you need to repeat this vaccination. Our
 immune system is weakened. There are many 
migrant children who are not vaccinated at 
all. Accordingly, whooping cough is 
spreading. The particular danger 
is not so much the microbe 
itself but the toxin that it 
spreads," Bolibok said.
The doctor said that whooping cough is especially 
dangerous for children under four years of age.
"Mostly unvaccinated children under
the age of two --- die," he stressed.

Russian Defense Ministry has hard proof 
US conducted pre-pandemic 
Coronavirus research
December 11th, 4:34pm (TASS) 
The Russian Defense Ministry has obtained documents that 
indicate the US carried out coronavirus research between 
2016 and 2020, Chief of Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical and
 Biological Protection Troops, Lieutenant-General Igor 
Kirillov, said on Monday.
"I would like to remind you - that it was four years ago, in 
December 2019, that the first patients infected with the 
COVID-19 virus were identified," Kirillov stated. "By a 
'curious coincidence' -- the pandemic was preceded 
by a series of research projects on the systematic
 study of coronaviruses funded by the 
US Government."
"Thus, since 2009, the United States Agency for
 International Development (USAID) has 
implemented the Predict Program to 
study coronavirus diseases - and 
capture their vectors," Russia’s 
military official continued. 
"According to the reporting documents available to us for
 the Project 'Assessing Risk of Emerging Infections from 
Insectivorous Bats in Ukraine and Georgia,' 
coronavirus studies were conducted 
in 2016-2020."
"The report notes '... that during the work in Ukraine, bats 
were identified that migrate up to 800 km deep into 
countries such as Hungary and Russia...'
Kirillov said.
According to him, it was suspicious, that scientists who
were experts in the field of bioinformatics participated
in the research on coronavirus strains, although they 
were tasked to study genomes of the 
detected disease.
"It is also worth noting that the research involved 
bioinformatics specialists whose work included 
editing and combining the genomes of 
identified pathogens, i.e. research 
traditionally associated with 
improving the functions of 
dangerous viruses," 
Kirillov said.
Russia’s senior military official also noted that the US 
medical establishment’s preparedness for the COVID
 outbreak points to an alleged deal between "various 
U.S. government agencies & so-called Big Pharma."
"It is, also, difficult to explain the high level of preparedness
 of US mRNA vaccine manufacturers for the pandemic of a 
new coronavirus infection," Kirillov stated. "This suggests 
collusion between various U.S. government agencies and 
so-called Big Pharma."
"The spread of the new coronavirus infection ---- has led to a 
significant increase in the profits of biotech companies that 
produce vaccines and drugs against coronaviruses, as well
 as increased the dependence of developing countries on 
the United States - and created the conditions for the
 continued implementation of dual-use programs," 
Kirillov said.
According to the latest statistics provided by Worldometer
 online stats counter --- over 699,232 million people have 
been infected worldwide with COVID-19 since 2020 
while the global death toll currently stands at 
over 6,954.100 million.


The nutritionist listed the most 
useful products for the brain
December 10th, 2:45am
Nutritionist Rusakova named foods that 
affect human cognitive functions.
Nuts, dairy products, and fish are the most brain-healthy 
foods. On December 9, a nutritionist, Candidate of
 Medical Sciences Daria Rusakova told Regnum
 news agency about this.
"If a person is concerned about the state of his brain, then 
he should focus on fish, dairy products, as well as various
 nuts and seeds," Rusakova said.
In addition, the doctor named products that negatively
 affect the functioning of the brain. Sausage products 
and bacon ----- are dangerous.
According to Rusakova, sausage products are indeed
 subjected to processing that causes a carcinogenic 
effect. Moreover, they contain excessive amounts 
of salt, cholesterol and various additives, which 
makes this product not very useful not only for 
the brain, but also for the entire body 
as a whole.
The doctor warned -- that excessive consumption of
cholesterol-containing products leads to disorders
of the cardiovascular system, impaired blood 
supply and brain function. In addition, 
processed red meat --- can trigger 
cancer of the gastrointestinal 
tract, liver and other organs.
Which foods improve mental performance:
doctors told how fish, nuts & vegetables 
slow down the aging of cells.
Earlier, on December 8, doctor Tikhomirova also 
listed harmful products for the brain. Among 
them, are alcohol, margarine and fast food.

Physical exercise
December 4th, 12:40pm
 (Prensa Latina) 
Poor sleep can reduce cognitive performance, attention
 span, judgment and the emotional state of people, but 
by opting for physical exercises the quality of sleep 
improves, a specialized source revealed toda
According to the journal Physiology and
cardiovascular diseases,
disorders and 
conspire against.....
optimal rest.
Scientists found that 20 minutes of moderate exercise
 can compensate for a poor night’s sleep.
Cognitive performance improves during a session of
moderate-intensity physical activity, regardless of
 a person’s sleep status or oxygen levels.
“One possible hypothesis why exercise improves cognitive
 performance is related to increased cerebral blood flow 
and oxygenation, however, our findings suggest that 
even when exercising in an environment with low 
oxygen levels, participants were still able to 
perform cognitive tasks better than when 
at rest under the same conditions,”
experts argued.
Scientists with this study reinforced the thesis that 
movement ------- is medicine for the body and brain.

A Healthy diet extends
your life - by ten years
November 28th, 9:30pm
An international team of scientists has found that switching
 from a typical Western diet to a healthier lifestyle can 
extend the life of the average middle-aged person 
by 10 years. The results of the research are 
published in the journal Nature Food.
The researchers analyzed data from 467,354 participants in 
the UK Biobank long-term study aged 40 to 69 years, which
 examines the impact of genetic predisposition and
environmental exposure on the development of 
diseases in humans. To learn more about
 impact of eating behaviours on life 
expectancy, researchers grouped 
people by their eating patterns
 ..tracking how they changed
 over the years.
Comparing people who switched from an unhealthy diet to a 
healthy one with participants who were still living the same
lifestyle, experts found that in the first case, life 
expectancy increases by an average of 
several years. 
In particular, middle-aged people who switched from an 
unhealthy diet to a healthy one and followed this
 regime, extended their lives by an average of 
almost ten years. Moving at a later age, 
also added extra years of life, 
but not by as much.
The results show that a diet associated with longevity
 involves the moderate consumption of whole grains, 
fruits, fish, and white meat; a high consumption of 
milk and dairy products, vegetables, nuts, and 
legumes; relatively low consumption of eggs, 
red meat, and sweetened beverages; and
 low consumption of refined grains and 
processed meat.
The strongest positive association with mortality 
was found for sweetened beverages and 
processed meat, while the strongest 
inverse association was found for 
whole grains and nuts.

The doctor named ----- the main 
symptoms of iodine deficiency
November 25th, 9:20pm 
Cardiologist Chugunnikova: main symptom of iodine
deficiency ---- the appearance of a goiter.
Cardiologist "Invitro-Ural" Anna Chugunnikova: one of 
the main indicators of iodine deficiency in the body
 is the occurrence of a goiter - an increase in the 
size of the thyroid gland.
"In most cases, in conditions of mild and moderate iodine 
deficiency, the pathology is formed imperceptibl.., with
 of a small size. In conditions of severe iodine
 deficiency ---- goiter can reach huge sizes... and
 be accompanied... by difficulty swallowing 
and breathing, discomfort in the neck, 
and a hoarseness of the voice,"
specialist said.
A long-term lack of iodine.. leads to the development of 
pathologies caused by a violation of the production of
 thyroid hormones: a decrease in the functions of the 
nervous system: a constant feeling of fatigue, 
drowsiness..... and a decreased memory, 
performance, and attention.
Iodine deficiency also leads to a violation of the metabolism
 of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, impaired functioning of
 the cardiovascular system (increased or slower heart rate, 
heart failure, fluctuations in blood pressure, shortness of 
breath), and reproductive function disorders, including 
menstrual disorders, and infertility.
It is especially important to monitor the level of iodine for 
pregnant women, as it affects not only her health, but 
also the development of the unborn child, the 
doctor explained.

Named: simple effective means 
--- to rid the apartment of mold
November 23rd, 4:52pm
You can fight mold in the house without using household 
chemicals. Remove black plaque by using a simple 
remedy based on vinegar. Folk recipes are
 revealed.... by "BelNovosti".
For the solution, you will need water and table vinegar in 
a one-to-one ratio. The concentrate is sprayed on the 
mildewed area... and then wiped with a napkin or 
brush. It is particularly noted that the product
is not suitable for surfaces made of natural 
stone and wood.
Tea tree oil has also proven its effectiveness. For a single 
treatment, the solution is prepared.. in the ratio of five to 
seven drops of oil, per tablespoon of water. In advanced 
cases — one teaspoon of oil per 200 millilitres of water. 
Before the procedure, you must first remove mold from the 
surface. This product will not only eliminate mold, but 
also fill the house with a pleasant aroma.
The fungus likes to settle in places where moisture 
accumulates: in cold weather, condensation often 
collects on window frames and slopes. Having 
decided to get rid of mold once and for all, 
you must first eliminate the cause of its 
appearance. It is also necessary to 
regularly ventilate the premises 
and monitor the humidity in
Experts of the publication remind that folk remedies do 
not guarantee the complete disappearance of mold.
Earlier, Russians named cheap means to eliminate 
fungus --- in the bathroom. Products based on 
sodium hydrochloride, whiten the surface 
well --- and kill mold.


The dentist spoke about the dangers 
of children's habit - of chewing
 pencils and pens
by Roman Polosikov
November 22nd, 11:58am
At an early age... many children often begin to chew pens 
and pencils, but this habit can adversely affect not only
 the teeth and gums, but also the development of the
 jaw. This was told by the dentist Yulia 
Zhuchkovskaya in an interview 
with Gazeta.Ru.
"If you chew something constantly, then cracks appear on
the enamel, and the teeth become more sensitive and 
can react to cold and hot food --- or even just
to cold air," Zhuchkovskaya added.
Dentist Elena Dunaeva urged not to ignore toothache and
immediately contact specialists. The earlier a person
goes to the dentist, the greater the chance to avoid 
serious consequences. 

The doctor spoke about ----- the dangers 
of low-quality snacks and canned food
November 21st, 10:02pm
Larisa Gabdulkhakova, a nutritionist, explained to Izvestia
 whether low-quality, falsified and expired canned food, 
sauces and snacks can be dangerous and whether 
there is a need to label such products.
Snacks are not the most healthy food, because most snacks 
contain dyes, preservatives, and harmful sweeteners, the
 expert explained. At the same time, according to her, 
there are exceptions: if the composition is "clean", 
then there is less harm to the body.
"There are chips made from a prepared mixture ---
stabilizers, flavour enhancers, colorants)
& others 
from real potatoes with natural spices.
difference between these products ---- is 
huge for health," said the nutritionist.
But finding healthy chips or bread rolls can be quite
 problematic. In some cases --- the product list is 
printed in small print, and it is rarely possible 
to understand it.
The expert noted that the shelf life of the product is
 important, and it is not necessary to use products 
even with a long shelf life — such as snacks — 
after its expiration.
At the same time, the doctor said that poor-quality 
and expired canned food ---- can cause serious 
damage to health.
"If it's a jar with a lid on, then you need to look at the lid.
 If it is swollen or damaged, it is not recommended to 
buy it. It is generally better not to buy canned food 
from your hands, because they are made at home.'' 

''A person can get sick with dangerous intestinal
 infections, and pathogens can get into canned 
food. This also applies to botulism — if poorly 
preserved, the risk of getting sick, is also 
high," Gabdulkhakova explained.
According to the expert, it is impossible to blame stores 
for selling low-quality canned food: if there is a fake, 
claims should be made to the manufacturer.
"If it is improperly preserved, the technology is disrupted,
 then harmful bacteria, fungi, or toxins, can multiply in 
canned food. This is a large toxic load on the body, 
which can lead to serious health problems - and 
death. Children's fragile bodies, of course, are
the most sensitive," the doctor warns.
There are not so many cases of canned food poisoning, 
Gabdulkhakova added. But there is also falsification. 

At the same time, in Russia, specialists, including 
those from Roskachestvo, conduct random 
inspections of canned food.
Speaking about sauces, the expert noted that in 
this category of goods, there is a problem of 
low-quality products.
"For example, often instead of tomatoes in ketchup 
is put applesauce, sugar and dyes. Sauces.. are a 
liquid product, and the lid can  be depressurized
and it is usually 
stored on shelves in the store 
and not in their refrigerators.'' 
''This can lead to the development of various bacteria 
and molds in the sauce ---- which can provoke
Gabdulkhakova explained.

Mediterranean diet --- improves 
brain function in older adults
November 20th, 5:03pm
A team of researchers from the University of Barcelona and 
the University of California has found that a Mediterranean 
diet can improve brain function in older adults, reducing 
the risk of cognitive decline. The results of the study 
are published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and 
Food Research (MNFR). A brief overview is 
provided by Medical Xpress.
The study involved 840 undiagnosed dementia patients 
over the age of 65, who were followed up for 12 years. 
Blood serum and gut microbiome samples were collected 
from the subjects and then analyzed for biomarkers. By 
identifying a specific indicator associated with a group 
of products included in the Mediterranean diet, 
experts assessed its association with 
cognitive impairment.
The results showed that following a Mediterranean diet 
formed a long-term protective effect against cognitive 
decline in older adults. The findings are also 
consistent with previous studies.
In September, researchers at Flinders University concluded
 that the Mediterranean diet has a beneficial effect on the
 gut microbiome, increasing the number of beneficial 
bacteria in the gut.


The doctor spoke about the benefits ---
 and harmful effects of chewing gum
November 15th, 3:55pm
Doctor-gastroenterologist, Natalia Belova, told about 
how to chew chewing gum correctly and not cause 
harm to health.
In a conversation with Pravda.En on Wednesday, November 
15, the specialist noted that chewing gum itself does not 
harm the body, but it should be borne in mind that its
 uncontrolled use can negatively affect health. For 
example, intense and constant chewing can 
cause overexertion of the maxillofacial 
joints, which is fraught with pain in 
the face and head. It can also
lead to tooth decay.... and
other dental problems.
The doctor urged to give preference to sugar-free chewing 
gums in order to minimize the risk of tooth decay. 
Chewing gum should be no longer than 20-30 
minutes, after which you need to rest the 
jaw joints for at least an hour, let the
 muscles relax.
The gastroenterologist also pointed out the benefits of 
chewing gum. So, for example, chewing movements
 stimulate the production of saliva, and this in turn
 contributes to the natural protection of the gums
 and teeth from bacteria and acid attacks. 
Chewing gum can also help reduce anxiety and stress 
levels, as well as improve memory and concentration.
In July, general dentist Lyudmila Shemyakina also warned 
that chewing gum with sugar can cause tooth decay and 
tooth decay. She advised choosing sugar-free chewing
 gums that contain a component such as xylitol. This 
will avoid damage to the enamel of the teeth and
 development of caries, writes RT.
In June, orthopedic dentist Vladimir Yeshidorzhiev said that
 chewing gum can remove all food residues between the 
teeth and remove plaque. He warned that... however, 
you should not try to replace the usual brushing of
 teeth with chewing gum, reports TV channel 
"360". Also, you can not use chewing gum 
on an empty stomach.
Earlier, gastroenterologist Alexey Bueverov warned that the
 constant use of certain chewing gums can cause diarrhea.

 The reason for this is the xylitol contained in the gum, 
which has a laxative effect on the digestive tract,
 the Moscow city news agency notes.

The nutritionist named the vegetable 
that helps "to renew" an organism
November 9th (Lenta.ru)
Cabbage helps to renew the body thanks to the sulphur 
contained in it, said Margarita Koroleva, MD, dietitian. 
She spoke about the benefits of the product,
in an 
interview with Sputnik radio.
The specialist explained... that cabbage helps maintain the
 necessary level of the antioxidant glutathione in the cells 
— a substance that helps to remove toxins from the
body, in a timely manner.
 In addition, according to her, the use of this vegetable will
 avoid chronic intoxication. "If you live in a city, with a 
lot of industrial pollution --- it is important to take 
care of detoxification of the body. Glutathione 
helps us in this, and -- accordingly -- sulphur  
containing products, including cabbage," 
concluded Koroleva.
Gynecologist, endocrinologist Olga Kaplina
 advised: eating beets, pumpkins and other 
seasonal vegetables and root vegetables 
to maintain immunity. 
She pointed out that they contain lots
 of vitamins and useful substances.

by Valentina Brykalina
November 8th, 4:39pm
Nutritionist Senatova: hazelnuts, 
buckwheat and warm water, 
will help to cope with PMS
Expert advises eating foods
rich in magnesium
A proper diet will help to cope with 
PMS symptoms, says the expert.
Premenstrual syndrome... is often accompanied by pain,
a bad mood, irritability and weakness. However, some 
products will help reduce the unpleasant sensations
the nutritionist Daria Senatova, told the online 
publication, Podmoskovye Segodnya.
''It is useful to eat foods rich in magnesium: sesame, 
hazelnuts, pine nuts, buckwheat, carrots and 
sunflower seeds. Green tea, lentils.... and
pistachios have analgesic properties," 
the specialist said.
According to Senatova, women are also recommended
drink plenty of warm water - it helps to relax the
organs and to improve the outflow of bile.
Previously KP.RU reported that the main cause of PMS is
 monthly fluctuations in hormone levels, which cause a 
decrease in the production of endorphins - which are
 responsible for.... good moods. Mood swings are not 
the only sign of PMS. This condition can seriously 
affect both the psychological and physical 
condition of a woman.

Do not eat fatty foods 
for dinner or drink soda
by Valentina Brykalina
November 2nd, 7:15pm
(Komsomolskaya Pravda)
To share
Before going to bed, it is better to 
eat light food in small quantities.
You should not eat red meat, dark chocolate or lard 
at night - these products are most likely to provoke
 insomnia. This was reported by endocrinologist 
Kamilya Tabeyeva.
''Dark chocolate contains caffeine, spicy food and 
spices.. increase the level of endorphins. This 
stimulates the nervous system and disrupts 
sleep,'' said the doctor.
According to the expert, it is better to exclude fatty 
foods, as well as red meat, from the evening menu: 
these products are difficult to digest and take a 
long time, which also interferes with the 
process of falling asleep.
Earlier, the Tsargrad TV channel reported that insomnia 
is one of the most common problems that ultimately 
adversely affects people's health. To get better 
sleep, somnologists recommend eliminating 
coffee and sugary sodas from the diet. In 
addition, it is important to sleep in the 
dark, at a comfortable temperature.
In order to improve your circadian rhythm and wake up 
better in the morning, you can give yourself physical 
activity -- and use the light more actively, Izvestia 
writes. For example, you can use light alarms 
that simulate dawn, or seasonal depression
 light therapy — a bright white lamp of 
10 thousand lux.
Nutritionist tells of foods
that can provoke
blood clots
by Valentina Brykalina
November 2nd, 5:42pm
(Komsomolskaya Pravda)
Doctors recommend avoiding
sweets and fast food, to 
reduce the risk of 
Poor nutrition, can lead not only to obvious problems, 
such as gastrointestinal disorders or excess weight, 
but also to serious diseases, explains dietitian 
Natalia Lazurenko.
''Frequent snacking instead of a full meal, the use of
 sugary carbonated drinks, or fast food... and a
 sedentary lifestyle, increases the risk of 
thrombosis,'' said the doctor.
Lazurenko clarified that the nutrition system determines
 the viscosity of blood. And if there is a small amount of 
water in the diet, then it provokes venous stagnation.
To reduce the risk of thrombosis to zero, it is necessary,
according to doctors, to move regularly, eat right, take
rest and relaxation seriously, and also increase stress
tolerance. In addition -- experts recommend reducing 
weight and using movement and nutrition to regulate 
sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.
If there are reasons to suspect thrombosis, a full
 cardiological examination is necessary, after 
which the doctor will decide on the 
appointment of drugs.

 Taking care of yourself
October 27th, 5:23pm
Cosmetologist named ways to keep
 your skin beautiful and healthy 
in winter.
In winter, the skin becomes dull, pale and dry due to
 temperature changes in the premises, and on the 
street, said the cosmetologist Nana Nosareva. 

To the Life edition, the doctor called ways 
to keep skin beautiful and healthy in the 
cold season.
In winter, the skin can peel off due to dryness, for many
during this period - wrinkles become more pronounced,
the cosmetologist warned. To prevent such changes,
it is necessary to adjust your home care, 
Nosareva assured.
A rich cream with ceramides, lipids and antioxidants 
will help protect the skin. For night use, it is better 
to choose a cream with an enhanced moisturizing 
effect ----- with hyaluronic acid algae extract,
doctor listed.
In winter, alcohol lotions, alkaline soaps and even hot 
water are harmful to the skin, Nosareva said. She 
urged to wash your face with a neutral foam, 
and then wipe the skin with a 
pH-normalizing tonic.
Finally, the cosmetologist advised to apply skin care
 products on the face at least an hour before going 
out, and also encouraged to drink more water, 
thus moisturizing the skin in a natural way.
The doctor listed 3 types of shoes 
----- that are dangerous to health
October 27th, 5:20pm
Orthopedic doctor and blogger Paul (last name unknown) 
from the UK ---- listed three types of shoes that are
dangerous to health. He shared the relevant 
information in his TikTok account.
First, the influencer with the nickname
paulthepodiatrist, called ---- flip-flops. 
According to him, they do not provide any support 
to the feet, and can also easily lead to a fall, 
since the shoes are held solely by 
special loops.
In addition, the expert also added stiletto shoes to the 
list. "A one-and-a-half-inch heel, for example, will suit
 most people. But high-heeled shoes, carry a high
 risk of injury — is it worth it? Even if you want 
to look beautiful?" He asked, indignantly.
In conclusion, the doctor noted that the shoes of the 
US company, Skechers, are unsafe. These items of
 clothing are too soft, which is why the leg is very 
tense while walking, the doctor said. In addition, 
according to Paul, models of this brand can 
squeeze your fingers. "They.... are also 
quite short-lived," he concluded.
Earlier in October, orthopedic traumatologist Sergey 
Aleksutov --- warned Russians about the danger of
unsuitable shoes --- for winter. According to the 
doctor, popular models on flat soles provoke
the appearance of --- flat feet, corns and 
fasciitis... which is accompanied by
inflammation and pain in the
heel area.

Doctors named berry that reduces  the risk of developing dementia

Doctors named berry that reduces 
the risk of developing dementia
October 23rd, 8:30pm 
Scientists at the University of Cincinnati Medical Centre
 found that daily consumption of strawberries increases
 cognitive abilities ---- reducing the risk of developing
 dementia. The results of the study are published 
in the journal Nutrients.
The study involved five men and 25 women aged 50 to 65 
years with moderate cognitive impairment. Scientists
collected the necessary information ----- about the 
patients' health status and took blood samples
 from them. Then the participants were
 divided into two groups.
The first group ate strawberries in dried powdered form 
for breakfast.... and the second group received a 
placebo, with the same taste and smell.
After 12 weeks of the study ---- participants completed 
cognitive tests. Patients who consumed strawberries 
performed better than participants in the placebo 
group. The berry also improved the mental 
health of the subjects in the first group.

People have been shown --- to have
 reduced symptoms of depression.
Scientists suggested that the improvement in cognitive
 abilities could occur due to the fact that strawberries 
are rich in polyphenols.
In July, scientists from San Diego State University
 recognized strawberries as useful for improving 
cognitive abilities, as well as lowering blood 
pressure in the elderly.
The study examined data from 35 healthy men and women
 aged 66 to 78 years. Experts concluded --- that in the
 strawberry group.... the speed of cognitive abilities
 increased by 5.2 percent, systolic blood pressure
 decreased by 3.6 percent, and overall
 antioxidant protection - increased 
by 10.2 percent.

Fitness trainer advised: a set
exercises for the back
a working day
October 20th, 11:03pm
Fitness coach Denis Chernoguzov advised a set of
 exercises that will help relieve tension from
back.... after a working day. 
The specialist recommended starting with head tilts. 
"Turn your head to the right -- and start bending up and down 
five times. Next, move your head to the left side and repeat 
the up-and-down inclines," he described, noting that you
should feel the stretching of the muscles. 
After that, on the inhale, you need to stretch your 
head forward, and on the exhale — take it back.
Next, you can perform 20 forward tilts of the body. Starting
position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, straight 
arms behind your back, in a "lock". 
"On the inhale, lean forward and round your back, try not to 
control the position of the hands, you should feel as if
are outweighing and pulling forward, feel the
tension of 
the back muscles. On exhalation,
you should 
straighten your back and
bring your 
shoulder blades
 he said.
To straighten the spine, Chernoguzov suggested alternately
 pulling up the knees in a supine position. This will stretch 
your middle and lower back. To complete the complex, 
he advised the child's pose - sit on your heels, lean 
forward with a rounded back and stretch your 
arms forward.


Doctor Gadziyan named fat 
- main killer of human body
October 14th, 12:16am
Fat is the main killer of the human body, said 
Mark Gadziyan, a surgeon and oncourologist.
"Obesity on average shortens life by 10 years. Every 
extra three kilograms that are dropped after the 
age of 60, increases the average life 
expectancy of a person -- by one 
year," Gadziyan wrote, in 
his Telegram channel.
According to him --- the waist size and 
body mass index should be monitored.
He noted that for men, a waist 
of more than 94cm, is already 
a problem.

Nutritionist Faerman named  oatmeal and buckwheat  porridge as most useful

  Photo: TASS/Svetlana Denisova
Nutritionist Faerman named 
oatmeal and buckwheat 
porridge as most useful
October 10th, 4:56pm
Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge are the most beneficial for
the human body. About what important trace elements and
vitamins are contained  in oatmeal and buckwheat, is told 
in an interview with the "Gazeta.En" nutritionist, Larisa
 Faerman, on Tuesday, October 10.
According to her, oatmeal contains beta-glucans that have a 
positive effect on cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as
 B vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, including iron and
 magnesium, which help to normalize digestion 
and increase the feeling of satiety.
"For children --- it provides the energy necessary for active 
growth and physical activity, and also contributes to the 
normal development of the nervous system due to the 
content of B vitamins," the doctor said.
"Cereal, is ideal for breakfast, as it provides the body with
 energy for the whole day, supports the digestive system 
& helps to control weight. Porridge is also suitable for
 children, as it is a source of iron ----- which prevents
 development of anemia," said the nutritionist.
She added that among the healthy cereals, you can 
also distinguish kenoa porridge, which is also rich
 in vegetable protein, which contains all the 
necessary amino acids.
Faerman called semolina.. the least useful porridge. 
She explained that semolina is a product of wheat
 processing, it is high in fast carbohydrates, 
which can cause a sharp jump in 
blood sugar.
At the end of August, dietitian Elena Solomatina also spoke 
about the harmfulness of semolina porridge. She noted 
that semolina has a high glycemic index & promotes 
weight gain... and the development of diabetes. 
According to her, semolina porridge used to be valued for its 
high caloric content, but now the level of physical activity
 has decreased --- so an increase in the amount of 
nutrients in the diet, has come to the fore.
At the same time, nutritionist Michael Mosley spoke about
 the dangers of instant cereals --- due to their high sugar
 content. One bowl of instant oatmeal can contain up 
to three tablespoons of sugar, and some brands 
contain a staggering 16 grams per serving, 
he noted.


The therapist told - what vitamins 
are needed for those suffering 
from herpes on the lips
by Valentina Brykalina
October 5th, 7:59pm
(Komsomolskaya Pravda)
If herpes occurs frequently, your doctor may prescribe 
vitamins and dietary supplements
A cold on the lips is a rather unpleasant, but common 
phenomenon, the cause of which is the herpes virus. 
How to protect yourself from the appearance of 
new rashes? Life.ru's general practitioner,
 Anna Sokol answers.
''Many people have the virus, in order to protect themselves
 from exacerbations, you need to normalize the work of the
 intestines, eat right, try to exclude alcohol, avoid stress,''
 the therapist believes.
The doctor clarified that in case of exacerbations, it is
 necessary to monitor the level of vitamins and trace 
elements in the body. Namely, pay attention to 
vitamin D, iron, and vitamins A and B.
Earlier, the Tsargrad TV channel reported that the frequent 
occurrence of a cold on the lips may indicate serious
 disorders in the body. The fact is that the virus 
constantly lives in the body, but in a normal 
state, the body is able to suppress it.
With a pronounced decrease in immunity, a herpetic infection
 can affect internal organs, Izvestia was told. The result may 
be damage to the facial and trigeminal nerves.

Ukraine plans to abolish
the concept of disability
October 4th, 10:59pm
The Minister of Health of Ukraine, Viktor Lyashko, said 
the country plans to abolish the concept of disability 
from 2025, and instead introduce the concept of 
"assessment of loss of functionality".
Information about this appeared in 
A Country.ua's Telegram channel.
According to the minister, the problem in Ukraine, is that 
citizens are chasing disability, because it gives benefits 
and compensation.
"We didn't ask what a person wants ----- but we say that
can give them this. This is the post-Soviet model, 
which we must abandon," said Lyashko.
In August, it was reported that the Armed Forces 
of Ukraine - were being tricked into attacking 
disabled people.

Dr. Ginzburg named
by Maria Rurikova
September 20th, 8:20pm 
Vitamins that inhibit aging were named by dietitian 
Mikhail Ginzburg in his blog on the Yandex.Zen 
platform. According to him, these are 
B vitamins.
According to the doctor, with age, the body accumulates 
homocysteine - a toxic substance that affects blood 
vessels. Vitamins B6, B9 and B12 promote the 
conversion of homocysteine to the useful 
amino acid methionine. 
They are found in large quantities -- in cereals, berries, 
cabbage, salads and fish. By consuming these foods
 in sufficient quantities, you can extend your life for 
several years, in old age, Ginzburg noted.
A lot of methionine is also found in animal protein -- but its 
excessive synthesis in the body is harmful to the elderly. 

As an alternative, the doctor advised eating soy and
 legume products, as well as taking vitamin and 
mineral complexes

 Nutritionist - told about the 
dangers ...of oil and butter
September 14th, 12 midnight
Our body needs variety, so each product carries some benefit.
 If we are talking about vegetable oils --- their benefits in the
 form of vitamins and antioxidant properties are preserved
- only when they are cold-pressed, 
nutritionist Larisa
Gabdulkhakova, told Izvestia.
"When refined, the oil loses all its useful properties, only 
omega-6 fatty acids remain in it, which are harmful to 
the body - in large quantities," she said.
However, the expert still does not recommend frying on 
cold-pressed oils: when heated, harmful substances 
are formed, which leads to inflammation in 
the body.
"Vegetable oils retain all their useful properties if they are 
not subjected to serious heat treatment. Therefore, cold-
pressed oils are recommended to be added to salads, 
porridge, ready-made soups, smoothies, protein 
shakes, coffee, tea or in a natural cocoa 
drink," Gabdulkhakova explained.
As for butter and ghee, they also contain a lot of useful 
trace elements, just like vegetable oils, but they also 
contain animal cholesterol, which stimulates brain 
function and improves bile flow.
However, the doctor drew attention to the fact, that 
there are many low-quality products on the market.
"If butter is of high quality, then it has all the useful
 substances, but there are a lot of fakes on the 
market when good butter is mixed with trans 
fats. Trans Fats do not spoil, do not oxidize 
— manufacturers are increasingly using
 them to significantly extend the shelf 
life of the product and reduce the
 cost of the product," Larisa 
Gabdulkhakova warned.
"Natural milk fat is expensive. Unscrupulous market
 participants replace it with vegetable or beef and 
do not write about it in the composition, which is 
already called a fake. As a result, the production 
cost is lower, the shelf life is longer, and the 
addition of beef fat to vegetable oils also 
complicates the analytical control 
process. There is no benefit in 
such a product and the buyer
is also deceived," the 
expert said.
According to him, olive oil is also actively faked - they sell 
hot pressed oil under the guise of the first cold one, and 
sometimes... they simply mix olive oil with ordinary 
sunflower oil.
At the same time, he noted that the amount of counterfeit 
goods on the butter market is gradually decreasing due
 to the introduced "Honest Sign"labeling system.
He also drew attention to the fact that vegetable oils are not 
subject to labeling, so only vigilance in the store, as well as 
the work of public organizations & supervisory authorities, 
can protect the buyer from purchasing counterfeit goods.
To detect fake olive oil, the expert recommends dropping
a drop on the skin and rubbing it in: good olive oil is
absorbed and does not leave any trace.

Psychologist: up to 
how many years...
men need women
September 7th,
There was no need for a woman at his age. I think this 
phrase has been heard by many at least once, when 
it was addressed in the direction of one or another 
representative of the stronger sex. So we decided 
to ask the opinion of a psychologist, up to what 
age women are still needed by men, in reality.
Such thoughts.. were prompted by another story. Just recently, 
a neighbour started complaining about his elderly father. Tom 
is almost eighty, his wife has been dead for five years, and 
the children are adults, as are their grandchildren. Oh, my 
great-grandchildren. And so they put him in the hospital.
 There, he met a middle-aged nurse and blossomed. 
He began to take care of himself, shaved, cut his 
hair, dressed.
The last straw for the children was the statement of the
father, who was thinking of getting married. Moreover, 
she is almost three decades younger. And he 
resisted --- the taste of life, they say, 
returned, and he felt a man again.
Naturally, all the relatives are hostile. She is accused of 
self-interest, she is in a state of confusion. They say - 
why does he need that woman in his old age?
And here it is necessary to understand consistently. For 
women to men. Spiritual love, physical love, family love, 
procreation love, is all there, of course. That's just 
not the end of it.
A representative of the stronger sex wants to see a muse 
next to him, a source of inspiration that will make him 
feel the value and taste of life, makes him set goals 
and go for them.
Remember that every successful man's personal story is
 inextricably linked to a smart and correct woman who 
inspired and supported him. And if such a muse was
met by an elderly father --- who inspired him with 
strength, forced him to return to life. Is this any 
worse than a suffering and lonely old man who 
has already forgotten that it is necessary to 
strive for something?
Everyone, regardless of age, wants to see such a muse next
 to them. It is such women, and just special women, that 
give a sense of the fullness of life.
And if this woman really has sincere feelings, and not a desire
 to profit and self-interest, then why not. Before you accuse
 the ladies of calculating, you should think about her real
 intentions. And not always, are they associated only
 with the thirst for profit.


Zakharova reminded -
danger of depleted uranium
for the human body
September 6th, 9:30pm
The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry,
 Maria Zakharova, recalled the toxicity and danger of 
depleted uranium for the human body.
Thus, the diplomat commented on the statement of the official
 representative of the White House, John Kirby, that the shells 
with depleted uranium transferred to the Ukrainian army...
not pose a radioactive threat.
"What is it: lies or stupidity? About the toxicity of depleted 
uranium, its special danger to the human body ...they 
wrote repeatedly," the message reads.
Zakharova noted that in places where such ammunition
 is used, a serious increase in oncological diseases 
is recorded.
She stressed that the victims of the consequences 
of the use of depleted uranium - are both military 
personnel and civilians.
On September 6, the United States announced the 
supply of depleted uranium shells for Abrams
 tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

  Marijuana consumers have  high levels of metals in  their bloodstream September 2nd, 10:13am (Prensa Latina)   A study by the Columbia University School of Public Health  in the United States, detected significant levels of metals  in the blood and urin

Marijuana consumers have
 high levels --- of metals
their bloodstream
September 2nd, 10:13am
(Prensa Latina) 
A study by the Columbia University School of Public Health 
in the United States, detected significant levels of metals
 in the blood and urine of marijuana consumers, the
journal Environmental Health Perspectives 
published today.
The authors concluded that marijuana may be an important 
and under-recognized source of lead and cadmium 
exposure --- by comparing these parameters 
between marijuana users and non-users.
This is one of the first studies to report biomarker levels of
 metals in marijuana addicts and most likely the largest 
investigation to date, linking self-reported use with
 internal measures of metal exposure.
Because the cannabis plant is a known metal eliminator, 
it was hypothesized that smokers will have higher 
standards of metal biomarkers compared to 
other non-users, as explained by Katelyn
 McGraw, a researcher in Columbia 
Public Health’s Department of 
Environmental Health 
Sciences, and 
first author.
In the future, research on cannabis use and its contaminants,
 particularly metals, should be conducted to address public
 health concerns related to the growing number of 
consumers, stressed Tiffany R. Sanchez, 
assistant professor of environmental 
health sciences at Columbia Public 
Health, and lead author.
Marijuana is the third most widely used drug 
in the world, behind tobacco and alcohol.

Maduro recalls 18th anniversary 
of the Sandino Commitment
August 21st, 3:37pm
(Prensa Latina) 
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro recalled today
 the 18th anniversary of the historic Sandino 
Commitment, promoted by Cuba and 
Venezuela, which since then has 
made it possible... to assist 
visually impaired people 
in Latin America.
In a message posted on his account on the social network X 
(formerly Twitter), accompanied by a video of that date, the
 president recalled Commander Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) 
and the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel 
Castro (1926-2016), leading figures of that health 
agreement, undertaken by both nations.
‘It is 18 years - since the historic Sandino
 Commitment was made. Venezuela and 
Cuba, healing the sight of millions of 
people in our continent. A brother-
hood that remains firm with the 
examples of Chavez and Fidel.
Building paths of union - and 
true solidarity in the world’, 
wrote the President.
With the signing of the Sandino Commitment, signed in 2005, 
the two countries ratified their solidarity with the rest of the 
peoples of the continent, together with the will to promote
 an integral development based on the complementary 
support between Latin American and 
Caribbean governments.
The program takes its name from the town of Sandino, 
in the western Cuban province of Pinar del Rio, where 
on August 21st, 2005, a special transmission of the 
program, Alo Presidente, conducted by Chavez,
 along with Fidel.
Since then, thanks to this initiative, more than six million
 patients in Latin America and the Caribbean --- have
 received ophthalmologic assistance through 
the Milagro Mission.

ideal way to use chicory

Dr. Pavlova explained the
 ideal way to use chicory
August 19th, 3:42pm 
An endocrinologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences,
 Zukhra Pavlova, named the ideal way to use 
chicory in her Telegram channel. 
The specialist recommended drinking
this, without adding sugar and milk.
The medic clarified that for the preparation of weak chicory, 
you will need one or two teaspoons of this powder per 200 
millilitres of water. At the same time, you can use it
in this form even at night, because this product 
is not invigorating.
The expert also noted that chicory is rich in vitamins and 
minerals, including magnesium, which is useful for
 maintaining the nervous system. 
Also in this product there is inulin, which is responsible
for the stable functioning of the intestines. In addition, 
chicory can reduce cravings for sweets, 
Pavlova stressed.
Earlier, endocrinologist Pavlova warned 
about the non-obvious danger, of sugar.

The nutritionist told about 
the products accelerating 
metabolism after 40 years
August 16th, 2:30am
Endocrinologist & nutritionist Anton Polyakov, said 
that a person after the age of 40, has a decrease 
in their  metabolism, which makes it difficult to
the body slim.
In an interview with Vechernyaya Moskva --- on Tuesday, 
August 15, the doctor pointed out that an acceleration 
of the metabolism, depends, not only on the products 
consumed ---- since this is a related work of the
 whole body.
Food and drink can only have an impact on the 
mechanisms that support metabolism, but 
not directly accelerate it. 
According to the nutritionist, cocoa stimulates mitochondria,
 which provide the body's cells with energy. If they are not 
enough --- the nutrients are not converted into useful 
energy. For this reason, a person consumes more 
calories ...and experiences constant fatigue.
The growth of mitochondria... is also affected by
As noted by the endocrinologist,
it also delivers energy to the
 cells. In addition,
fish is able to improve the cell membranes --- 
so that they better perceive signals from
the outside world. 

The omega-2 found in fish, converts calories
into heat, 
and speeds up your metabolism.
According to the 360 TV channel, bitter chocolate,
garlic, cinnamon and green tea --- can
also speed up 
your metabolism.
In January, a nutritionist, a doctor of preventive integrative 
medicine, PhD Rimma Moisenko, said that the use of fresh 
pomegranate juice, will help replenish the energy supply, 
increase immunity - and improve internal processes in 
the body. The surge of energy that occurs.... after a 
glass of pomegranate juice, according to the 
expert, is due to a rise in the level of 
hemoglobin in the blood.

Doctor shares little-known
 facts ------ about vitamin D
August 9th, 2:49pm
Vitamin D plays a very important role in maintaining human 
health and is responsible for many processes in the body. 
Various myths revolve around it, and some interesting 
facts remain little known, Lyubov Stankevich, Director 
of laboratory Medicine at the LabQuest Laboratory, 
Candidate of Medical Sciences, told Izvestia, on 
August 9.
In particular, she drew attention to the fact that many people 
believe that to produce enough vitamin D, you need to be in 
the sun.
"The skin is really capable of synthesizing vitamin D. But to
 do this, you need to tan the entire surface of your skin 
every day in a bikini or without clothes at all, up to a 
slight erythema. Literally every day to slightly burn. 
Then there is hope to synthesize it through the 
skin," said Stankevich.
At the same time, the doctor noted that, firstly, it is harmful 
to the skin, and secondly, it is unlikely that you can find so
 much time for tanning. In addition, the angle at which 
sunlight falls on the skin is also important. Based on
this, according to her, the generally accepted 
opinion that with the help of tanning you can
 accumulate vitamin D is nothing more than 
a myth.
Speaking about little-known facts about vitamin D, the doctor 
noted that in the last decade it was found out that it is rather
 a hormone, since it has hormonal activity and is responsible 
for 600 biochemical reactions in the body. The receptors 
that are susceptible to it are found in all organs and
 systems throughout the body.
"This is a very powerful immunomodulator. The immune
system... is made up of different cells. Some cells are 
activated by vitamin D - and then antiviral protection
is activated and, very importantly, antitumour 
protection, that is, protection against cancer.
And other cells of the immune system are inhibited, their
activity is suppressed. And this has a therapeutic effect 
for patients with pathologically excessive activity of 
the immune system, " Stankevich said.
According to her, it is from vitamin D, and not from vitamin C, 
that protection against viral infections depends. In addition,
 it is a predictor of cardiovascular diseases, reducing the 
risk of their development.
In addition, as the doctor said, it determines the work of the 
brain. According to her, the relationship between mental 
activity and vitamin D levels occurs even during the
 intrauterine development of the child during 
pregnancy of the mother. It was found that 
pregnant women who were in the process 
of carrying a child in a state of vitamin D 
deficiency, children in adulthood have 
an increased risk of developing 
"Vitamin D, is linked to the reproductive system, not only 
of women, but also of men, since the male reproductive 
potential also depends on the right amount of it," the 
doctor added.
She also said that contrary to advertising, vitamin D should
 not be taken together with calcium, but with vitamin K2, 
which is actively involved in the absorption of calcium. 
According to her, entering the circulatory system, calcium 
should end up in bone tissue, but without vitamin K2, this 
does not happen, and the risk of calcium deposits in
 blood vessels, internal organs and soft tissues,
Your doctor will help you determine 
the exact dosage.
In June, Mariyat Mukhina, a dietitian and cosmetologist, 
pointed out the danger of an overabundance of vitamin
 D in the body. According to her, this can lead to 
chronic pyelonephritis, cardiosclerosis and
increase the risk of fractures.

vape- related lung damage

Ulankina's doctor called 
shortness of breath one 
of the signs --- of vape-
related lung damage
August 6th, 3:30am
Olga Ulankina, an expert doctor at the Hemotest 
Laboratory --- told RT how vaping can affect a 
person's health.
"When vapes were first invented, they were advertised as a 
safe alternative to cigarettes. However, in fact, it turned
out --- 
that they are not so harmless, because they
contain a lot of
 toxic substances. For example,
phenols.... irritate the mucous 
membranes of
the mouth and nose, formaldehyde can lead
 to cancer, glycerin negatively affects the
nervous and 
cardiovascular systems,
and acrolein belongs to the
 list of
extremely toxic substances and
has a detrimental
effect on health," the 
doctor explained.
She added that lung damage associated with smoking 
e-cigarettes and vapes is called EVALI-e-cigarette 
and vaping use-associated lung injury.
"This disease ---  is associated with the inhalation of 
substances.. that are traditionally added to liquids
 for smoking. It is believed that the lungs perceive
them as a foreign object, and 
give an immune
response. It leads to -
 inflammation, allergic
reactions and 
a dangerous accumulation
of fluid 
in the respiratory system," 
Ulankina said.
Usually, the disease is manifested by shortness of breath, 
which increasingly occurs even with the usual physical 
exertion, the interlocutor of RT said.
"In addition, there may be other symptoms -- cough, chest 
pain, fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The most
 dangerous thing in this disease is the development of 
severe complications up to acute respiratory failure 
----- which can lead to death," the doctor warned.
In addition, according to her, vaping increases blood 
pressure, damages blood vessels and increases the 
risk of developing a myocardial infarction, or stroke.
"So.. when comparing the vessels of smokers and vapers, 
the same pathological processes are noted. If you inhale 
toxic fumes, you can also develop "popcorn disease", or
 obliterating bronchitis. This is an inflammation of the 
lungs, which is quite difficult to treat — with the use 
of hormonal drugs, up to a lung transplant," the 
doctor explained.
Other side effects, including constant smoking of 
vape with nicotine-free liquids - are considered to 
be weakened immunity and cognitive impairment.
"It is impossible to predict what kind of damage a 
particular person will have. But the fact that
 inhaling toxic fumes is unsafe can be said 
--- with confidence," the expert noted.
Earlier, Anastasia Marienko, head of the 
oncology department of the Euroonko 
clinic in St. Petersburg, told RT that 
the main factor in the occurrence 
of lung cancer --- is smoking, 
which provokes almost 90% 
of cases of the disease.

Nutritionist Ginzburg:
to prevent aging,
 you need to eat
fish every day
July 27th, 7:17pm
Daily consumption of fish slows down the aging process
 of the body. This was announced on Thursday, July 27, 
by nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, in an interview
with Vechernyaya Moskva.
According to the doctor, to get nutrients to support the brain,
 which over the years loses its former activity, you need to
give preference to oily sea fish.
"Such fish are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which
 essential for the formation of cell membranes.
They  are 
also a source of iodine and vitamin D.
components ------ support the central
system," explained Ginzburg.
In addition, the expert attributed cereals, dairy 
products, vegetables, berries, fruits, as well 
as nuts and seasonings, to foods that slow 
down the aging process. The latter, in 
particular - ginger, turmeric, pepper, 
garlic and onion, can also improve 
brain function.
Earlier, on July 27th, experts in the field of nutrition, 
listed foods that affect human cognitive functions,
 which, in turn, depend on the daily diet. 
These include dark leafy greens, avocado, olive 
oil, nuts, rosemary, mint, saffron, and seafood.


fruit and porridge 
are great options 
for breakfast
July 27th, 3am
Breakfast is a very important meal that you should definitely 
not miss. However, in order for it to benefit, it is important to
 choose the right products. On July 27, Elena Tikhomirova, a 
general practitioner and dietitian at SM-Klinik, told Izvestia 
what the right breakfast should be.
First of all, she noted that eggs are an ideal product 
for breakfast, as they contain protein and fat in the 
necessary balance. Eating them in the morning 
helps the body get the necessary nutrients. In 
addition the protein contained in eggs is one 
of the most useful and easily digestible 
sources of protein for the body.
"To make breakfast even healthier, you need to add 
carbohydrates to the eggs, such as vegetables or
 a small piece of bread. Scrambled eggs.... made 
from two or three eggs, with fresh vegetables, 
or a small piece of bread are an ideal source 
of protein, fat, and the so-called complex 
carbohydrates ----- as well as vitamins 
and fibre necessary for maintaining
 health and energy throughout the 
day," said Tikhomirova.
Another good breakfast option, the 
nutritionist called cottage cheese
 with fruit.
"Cottage cheese is rich in full-fledged milk protein 
and proper milk fat, which are necessary for the 
proper functioning of our body.  And fresh fruits 
enrich this breakfast with vitamins & minerals. 

''This combination also provides the body with 
the necessary and balanced amount of 
protein, fat and carbohydrates," the 
doctor noted.
Also, according to her, a useful breakfast option
 is porridge, which can provide the body with 
energy for a long period of time.
"Cereals are sources of carbohydrates, so if you lead 
an active lifestyle, do sports, especially in the 
evening, the day before or during the day, 
then they will suit you best.''
''Ideal combinations are buckwheat porridge with milk 
and oatmeal porridge with milk or water. Also --- you 
can add nuts (not dried fruits) to the porridge --- as 
they contain useful fats, proteins and vitamins," 
Tikhomirova said.

 A berry that improves  cognitive abilities  is named July 23rd, 11:45pm (Izvestia.ru)  Researchers at King's College London have found that eating  blueberries has a positive effect on the brain and blood  vessels of older people. The results were publis

A berry that improves 
cognitive abilities
 is named
July 23rd, 11:45pm
Researchers at King's College London have found that eating
 blueberries has a positive effect on the brain and blood
 vessels of older people. The results were published in 
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN).
It is noted that with age, susceptibility to cardiovascular and 
neurodegenerative diseases increases, while cognitive 
functions in people over 60 years of age, on the 
contrary, decrease faster.
Scientists in the study looked for ways to slow down or
 prevent these age-related changes. Observations were 
made on 61 people aged 65 to 80 years. The study 
participants were divided into two groups, one of 
which took a placebo, and the second — 
26 g of blueberry powder.
The study found that older adults who consumed blueberry 
powder daily for 12 weeks had healthier blood vessels
 performed better on cognitive tasks
compared to the
 group that
received a placebo.
According to scientists, polyphenols, one of the types of
 which — anthocyanins, are found in blueberries, can 
prevent the deterioration of health. It is at its 
expense that the berry has a blue colour. 
Anthocyanins are strong antioxidants, neutralize the action 
of free radicals, prevent the growth of tumors, and have a 
beneficial effect on the human body. Therefore, 
vegetables and fruits of bright colours are 
considered useful for the body.
Earlier, on June 27, experts listed foods in the diet that affect 
a person's cognitive functions. These include avocados and
 berries, especially grapes and blueberries, as they protect
 the brain... from the harmful effects of oxidative stress, 
prevent premature cell aging and the development 
of dementia.

India develops project --- on 
cannabis-based medicines
by Javier Arana Villasusa
July 23rd, 11:50am
(Prensa Latina) 
India is developing its first research project on the use of
 cannabis in the medical sector, which Minister Jitendra
 Singh considered today of great potential to use this 
drug for the good of humanity.
In a public-private partnership with a Canadian company,
 the initiative is being carried out by the Indian Institute 
of Integrated Medicine, in the territory of Jammu,
will contribute to the production of quality 
medicines for export to patients suffering
 from neuropathies, cancer, diabetes and 
epilepsy, the Minister of Science and 
Technology said during a tour of 
the centre.
Singh described the agreement that gave life to the project
 as historic not only for the region of Jammu and Kashmir, 
but for the whole of India for the scientific contribution, 
and highlighted the role of biotechnology in this effort.
He also commended the work of the scientists in charge 
of the research, mainly those from the Indian Institute 
of Integrated Medicine.
Singh obtained first-hand information on the cultivation 
practices in the protected area and the research work 
being carried out on the plant.
He also visited the greenhouses with climate control 
facilities to improve the varieties according to the 
desired cannabinoid content.
According to the Indian minister, there are already 
medicines in other countries derived from the 
cannabis plant for the treatment of nausea 
and vomiting, neuropathic pain and 
epilepsy, among others.
Report Warns ‘Sickness Explosion’
 in UK ----- Costing Billions
Per Year
July 19th,  2:25pm (FNA)
The UK is being gripped by a “sickness explosion”
 which is costing the economy £15 billion a year,
 experts warned.
The nation has “among the worst population health in 
Europe” --- due to high levels of obesity, excessive 
drinking, & large health inequalities, according
to a new report by health
 experts and peers,
Independent reported.
Poor health in the population, a rising number of elderly 
people and “ballooning demand” for care, are leading 
to a “health emergency”, experts said.
As a result there is a high level of “premature often 
avoidable ill health” which is damaging the 
economy and the NHS, they said.
The new report, titled A Covenant for Health, states 
that millions are becoming prematurely ill, which 
is forcing many to drop out of work.
It has been estimated.. that this cost the economy 
£15 billion in 2022/23 due to higher welfare costs
 and lower tax revenues.
The authors wrote, “It is urgent to act – the UK has among
 the worst population health in Europe, the highest levels 
of obesity, the worst excess drinking levels, very large 
health inequalities, and very many people become ill 
much earlier than they should."
“Our high level of premature, often avoidable, ill health, 
damages lives, our society, localities & our economy. 
Without resolute action it will get worse,”
they added.
The new report --- penned by former Labour Minister Lord 
Filkin, former Health Minister Lord Bethall, public health 
experts and academics from the King’s Fund think tank, 
calls for an “emergency programme for better health”.
Lord Filkin, chairman of the Covenant for Health 
Commission, said, “We have a population health 
emergency – poor population health, more older
 people, ballooning demand, and costs on the 
NHS are leading to a sickness explosion. 
There will be 16 million people living 
with obesity by 2030 and 500,000 
will die from smoking and poor 
air quality, over the next
 five years."
“The NHS alone cannot solve this. Far too many of us get
 avoidable illnesses which harm our lives and cause us 
to drop out of work. Estimates from last week’s OBR 
indicate that in 2023-24 welfare spending due to 
health inactivity, increases in ill-health among 
those in work, and tax losses, as a result of 
rising health-related inactivity and in-work
 ill-health will cost the Government more 
than £15 billion," Filkin said.
“We need to keep well to be happy, to contribute and to
 sustain our economy and our NHS. Yet Government, 
business, society, ourselves, we have all done far
 too little to prevent ill health," Filkin added.
“Yet a great deal can be done rapidly and for low cost to help 
us live healthier longer lives, as our report A Covenant for 
Health sets out. We call for bold action across society 
and by all political parties to develop an Emergency 
Programme for Better Health to help our society be
 healthier and so help make for happier lives and 
to treat fewer illnesses,” he said.
Former Health Minister Lord Bethell added, “Our leaders
 should recognise the public do support measures to 
tackle smoking, obesity, heart disease and other 
chronic illnesses and address junk food, and 
dirty air, to support healthy communities --
and to engage people in their own health.”
Richard Murray, chief executive of The King’s Fund,
 added, “The health of the nation is in bad shape."
“Whether looking at life expectancy, levels of chronic ill-
health, inequalities, mental health or the drivers of poor 
health like obesity, England’s recent record is poor and
 often compares badly to our neighbours," he said.
“Apart from the obvious fact that no-one wants to be ill or to
 die prematurely, this state of affairs weighs heavily on the 
economy and the Exchequer, whether in terms of higher 
treatment costs, increased welfare payments or the 
loss of potential staff to ill-health at a time when 
many parts of the economy are facing deep 
workforce shortages," he added.
“Tackling this problem is not just a job for the NHS – we 
cannot treat our way out of a public health crisis," 
Murray said.
“Improving the nation’s health will require urgent cross-
Government action that encompasses better quality 
housing, policies to ensure the air we breathe is 
clean, and the use of tax and regulation, to 
encourage healthy behaviours," he added.
“And beyond national Government, local councils, 
the NHS, business, and charities all have power 
to improve the health of their employees, 
citizens and beneficiaries,” he said.


The pediatrician - named the
ways to 
increase immunity
of often ill child
July 16th, 4:49pm 
Marina Voevodina, a pediatrician of the Budu online health
management service, said in an interview with Moslenta 
that it is possible to increase the immunity of a 
frequently ill child. She advised parents to 
follow their children's daily routines
closely and walk with them
in the fresh 
air more often.
"It is important --- to pay attention to cleanliness in the
 apartment. It is necessary to regularly carry out wet 
cleaning, ventilate the premises. It is advisable to 
remove things that accumulate dust: carpets, 
soft toys that the child does not use. Toys 
should be stored in special closed 
containers to avoid excess dust,"
 the doctor said.
Vaccination is one of the most important steps in the process
 of developing a child's immunity. It is not superfluous to
 purchase an air humidifier. It is also necessary to 
teach the child to observe personal hygiene — 
first of all, you need to instill in him the habit 
of washing his hands when returning home 
from the street, the specialist continued.
It is important for the child to spend enough time outside. 
After a walk --- you can clean your nose with sea water 
(special baby products). In the cold season -- you can 
reduce the walking time, but increase their number. 
On walks, children move a lot, and physical 
activity has a positive effect on human 
immunity, explained Voevodina.
"It is necessary, to carefully monitor the child's daily routine.
 A sufficient amount of rest and activity, a full sleep of about 
ten hours (the exact amount depends on the age). The diet
 should be varied, fruits and vegetables are mandatory. It
 is important to observe the normal ratio of protein, fat 
and carbohydrates," the pediatrician warned.
At the same time, the expert stressed that the effect of 
pharmacy vitamins to increase the child's immunity 
has not been proven. Vitamins, according to her, 
should be prescribed only for identified 
deficiencies, with the exception of 
vitamin D in a preventive dose.
Earlier, the pediatrician dispelled the myth 
about the benefits of wiping children 
with vodka, for fever !

aspartame in the diet?

 Photo: Pheelings media / Shutterstock / Fotodom
To be or not to be aspartame in the diet?
Nutritionist Antonina Leontieva admits 
that soda with aspartame content has 
advantages. First of all, it really has 
almost no calories, which attracts 
people who want to lose weight. 
Secondly, it does not increase the level of 
glucose in the blood. However, according 
to the expert, the negative effects of 
synthetic sweeteners negate any 
benefits. So, their regular use 
leads to dysbiosis in the 
intestines ------- and to 
disorders of its work.
Sweeteners have another side to the coin. It is 
connected to the nervous system. The fact is 
that when we put aspartame or some other 
sweeteners in our mouths, signals about 
this go to the brain. Then... a whole 
cascade of reactions is triggered
Antonina Leontieva dietitian, 
nutritionist, physiotherapist:
According to Leontieva, carbon exchange occurs
 in the body, but it is not glucose that gets into
the stomach --- but a substance that is not 
embedded in it. As a result, the process
 is idle. In the long run, this can lead to 
damage, warned Leontieva.
The World Health Organization also recommended 
avoiding drinks with artificial sweeteners. 
According to the recommendation issued in May, 
sweeteners do not help either adults or children
 lose weight. Moreover, experts have found that 
the use of aspartame and other sweeteners 
leads to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular 
diseases, and generally increases 
the risk of death.
How to replace aspartame?
Antonina Leontieva and WHO experts agree that there is no 
need to replace aspartame with anything. The nutritionist 
advised not to try to find an alternative to sugar, but to 
try to get rid of this habit altogether --- or limit the 
consumption of sweets, to reasonable limits. 
She pointed out that often cravings for desserts are not due
 to the body's need for insulin, but to psychological factors,
 hormonal disorders, or a lack of essential substances, 
such as iron.

New --- targeted method of 
cancer therapy developed
July 6th, 12:11pm 
Scientists from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced
 Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 
have developed a targeted cancer therapy 
method. The findings... are published in
journal Nature Communications.
The development, is a technology of a new type of acoustic
 tweezers, which allows you to move the target object using 
an acoustic wave. Thanks to their high tissue permeability 
and powerful impact, such tweezers have become much 
more effective than optical and magnetic tweezers in
 destroying cancer cells.
Chinese specialists have created holographic acoustic 
tweezers with a phased array (PAHAT). They are 
based on a high-density planar matrix 
transducer, that generates three-
dimensional acoustic waves.
The researchers were able to precisely control the bacteria
 that destroy cancer cells, so that they reach the lesion 
site in accordance with a pre-planned plan. As a 
the technology effectively slowed down the 
growth of the tumor.

Vitamin D supplements 
recommended against 
heart attacks
by Alina Ramos Martin
June 29th, 2:50pm
(Prensa Latina) 
The risk of suffering a heart attack decreases 
when vitamin D supplements are consumed, 
a specialized source informed.
According to the journal The BMJ, this becomes more
 relevant in people over 60 years of age and 
especially in those.... who take statins or 
other drugs for cardiovascular diseases.
During five years, vitamin D was administered to 31,215 
participants in the clinical trial carried out in Australia, 
of whom 1,336 suffered a serious cardiovascular 
accident, 6,6% in the placebo group and 6% 
in those who took the supplements.
The rate of serious cardiovascular events was 9% lower
 in the vitamin D group compared to the placebo group, 
equivalent to 5,8 fewer events per 1,000 participants.
The source points out that the rate of myocardial infarction
 was 19% lower and that of coronary revascularization 11% 
lower in the vitamin D group, but there was no difference
 in the rate of strokes, between the two.
The publication notes - that cardiovascular ailments are a 
leading cause of death worldwide, and heart attacks and 
strokes are set to increase, as the population continues 
to age and chronic diseases become more prevalent.

Report: Britons’ Earlier Deaths - 
Linked to NHS Underinvestment
June 26th, 2pm (FNA)
 Britons die sooner from cancer and heart disease 
than people in many other rich countries, partly 
because of the NHS’s lack of beds, staff and 
scanners, a study found.
The UK “underperforms significantly” on tackling its 
biggest killer diseases, in part --- because the NHS
been weakened by years of underinvestment, 
according to the report from the King’s Fund 
health thinktank. 
It “performs poorly” as judged by the number of avoidable
 deaths resulting from disease and injury and also by
 fatalities --- that could have been prevented had 
patients received better or quicker treatment,
 The Guardian reported.
The comparative study of 19 well-off nations concluded 
that Britain achieves only “below average” health 
outcomes because it spends a “below average”
 amounts for every person on healthcare.


Report: Almost 25,000 Doctors, 
Nurses Trying to Leave UK
June 25th, 2:34pm (FNA)
Record numbers of British doctors, nurses and midwives 
are trying to move abroad — with Australia top of their 
list, MailOnline revealed.
Almost 25,000 applications to get the documents needed 
to secure a job overseas were made to UK healthcare 
regulators in 2022. The vast majority represent 
NHS workers. 
The toll, uncovered by our investigation, dwarfs the 10,000 
figure seen before COVID struck. Senior leaders in the 
health service on Sunday warned "the exodus is 
only just beginning" and said the stats 
should ''stun ministers into action".
Disgruntled NHS medics say the pandemic has shone a light 
on how poorly they are valued in the UK, a factor that 
helped launched a wave of strike action across the 
UK to boost their pay. But, at the same time, they
been lured by promises of up to £130,000
salaries - 
and a better work-life balance.
Australia has also launched --- a wave of "cheeky" 
tactics touting the merits of a move Down Under, 
such as deploying mobile billboards to NHS 
strike picket lines... to recruit 
disenfranchised medics. 
Yet some medics who have made the move Down Under,
have complained, that it's not exactly the dream some
are selling. British health staff wanting to apply for a
job overseas need to get documents from their UK 
regulator, as part of the application.
These prove to their potential employers they don't have
any marks on their record, their training is up to date, 
and they can be trusted with patients. 
Figures obtained by MailOnline reveal nearly 7,000 doctors 
applied for documents to support an application to work
 abroad from the British medical regulator, the General
 Medical Council (GMC), in 2022.This was up from 
6,100 in 2019. 
Separate figures for 2023, which only go up until May,
suggest this year will see an even bigger exodus, 
with almost 3,500 applying for their documents 
so far. For nurses and midwives, the figures 
are even starker. 
Nearly 16,000 similar applications were made in 2022/23 
— compared to just under 5,500 in 2018, according to 
the UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
Pristine beaches & sunny weather appear to have
convinced many o seek a job in Australia. 
Australia topped the charts for 
total applications, in both 
professional groups. 
Nearly 9,000 doctors have applied to work Down Under in 
the last five years. A 3rd of these, were made in 2022/23. 
And Australian efforts... to lure medics Down Under, 
appear to be paying off. 
Data from the Australian Medical Council, the Aussie
 equivalent of the GMC, show almost 1,000 British 
medics signed up in 2021/22, the latest data 
available, up 16 percent on the year before, 
and the biggest number of any nation. 
This is roughly equivalent to half the UK medics who
 applied to work Down Under, getting a job there. 
For nurses and midwives, 11,000 applications were made to 
Australia since 2017/18. But the number has accelerated in
 recent years, with 4,000 making an application in the last
 financial year alone. The figures also revealed that its 
not just the Aussies looking to poach highly skilled 
NHS staff.
Doctor applications to work in the United Arab Emirates have 
almost doubled from 550 in 2019 to just over 1,000 in 2022, 
lured by higher, tax-free salaries, which can come with 
perks such as subsidized accommodation and 
generous leave packages. 
Nurse and midwife applications to the US have undergone 
an even more dramatic explosion. Applications to the US
reached 6,433 last year, almost 10 times what they 
were in 2017/18. 
The data obtained by MailOnline only records applications
and, therefore ----- are not a confirmation that the health
professional in question actually got the job overseas. 
Multiple applications can be made by individual staff. For 
example, a nurse applying for jobs in both Canada and 
Australia, would be counted twice. 
However, NHS unions said the data demonstrated NHS
 workers' intention to leave, with UK medics feeling 
underpaid and overworked and prepared to vote 
with their feet.
Dr Latifa Patel, the British Medical Association's workforce
 lead, said, "These numbers show the sad reality that, with
 junior doctor pay down by 26 percent, and consultant pay
 down by 35 percent since 2008, more and more doctors 
are making the logical conclusion: this Government 
does not value them or their work and, given the 
current NHS pressures, they would be better 
off abroad."
"With a global shortage of doctors, there are plenty of
 countries willing to pay them what they are worth," 
she said, adding, "The Australian government has 
already noted its popularity as a destination: last 
week they even sent trucks with job adverts to 
picket lines, where junior doctors were 
protesting over their lost pay."
She added that it was "not unreasonable" to conclude 
that even more doctors would look to leave this year, 
leaving the NHS in a further crisis ----- if ministers
 don't act. 
"The Government needs to urgently pull its head from the 
sand and fix their pay and conditions, alongside tackling
 the wider NHS funding issues, to prevent disaster," 
she said.
Pat Cullen, the Royal College of Nursing's general 
secretary, said MailOnline's figures should prompt 
ministers into urgent action. 
''A trebling of applications to head overseas should stun
 ministers into action and end the exodus from the 
nursing workforce," she said, adding, "This trend 
can be reversed with investment in the nursing
 workforce and can start --- by coming back to 
the table to speak about fair pay."
"Failure to act will leave tens of thousands of vacant
 nursing posts, waiting lists at record levels and
 patient care at risk," she added.
NHS sources also told this website Government policy 
was driving some international recruits to abandon
 the health service.
A senior nursing leader in the Midlands, speaking on
 condition of anonymity, said international nurses
 recruited from outside Britain were looking to
 leave --- due to the costs of bringing their 
partners and children to live in the UK.
Under UK visa rules, international nurses must pay £285 
to bring their partner, £315 for one child, and £200 for 
each additional child, to Britain. 
They then have to pay an additional fee of between £247
 and £479 per family member, depending on if they want
 them to stay for under, or over, three years. 
The senior nurse leader said other nurse-hungry nations 
were offering more generous visa packages for 
dependents and this was often cited by
 international nurses as their reason
 for leaving.
Such nurses are considered prime candidates for
 international recruiters from Australia, New 
Zealand, and the US.
This is because Britain essentially does all the validation 
work for them, with the internationally-trained nurses 
able to demonstrate by working here they can work 
effectively in an English-speaking nation.
The senior nurse also warned that "the exodus is only just 
beginning", with many international nurses who were 
recruited by the NHS in the darkest days of the 
COVID pandemic, now approaching the end 
of their three-year contracts. 
Such international nurses can be recruited on special three 
to five year contracts where the NHS pays for their flights, 
initial accommodation, and registration fees in exchange
 for a guarantee they will work for the health service for
 a set period. 
They added even further woe could be on the way, with
 America now following Australia --- and ramping up 
efforts to recruit the UK's international nurses. 
While they could not offer any proof, the huge spike in 
British nurses applying to American employers does 
suggest a potential recruitment drive is ongoing. 
Responding to MailOnline's figures a Department of 
Health and Social Care spokesperson said, "There
 are record numbers of staff working in the NHS 
with over 53,600 more people... compared to a 
year ago – including over 5,400 more doctors 
and over 12,000 more nurses."
They added that Government plans to publish a plan
 to recruit and retain more NHS staff "shortly" but 
din't detail any specific measures that might 
be included. 
The spokesperson also said the Government was 
offering "fair and reasonable" pay to NHS staff.  
"Over 1 million eligible NHS staff, including nurses, 
are receiving their pay rise and one-off payments
this month ----- and we have begun work to 
implement wider measures which will 
better support the workforce, 
including improving 
opportunities for 
nursing career 
they said. 
"We have made a fair and reasonable opening pay offer to 
the BMA and stand ready to resume confidential talks 
once they agree not to call further disruptive strikes 
and show willingness to move significantly from 
their unreasonable position," the spokes
person added.
Both NHS doctors and nurses are in long-running pay dispute 
with the Government which has resulted in waves of strike
 action and the subsequent cancellation of thousands of
 appointments for ordinary Brits.
Unions argue rising inflation is making working in the NHS
 unaffordable and is exacerbating the health service's 
long running staffing issues as workers leave to 
take up better paying roles. 
However, ministers claim unions' demands for double digit 
pay rises are simply unaffordable and would have to 
come at the expense of patient services.
There are very little signs of any compromise in the future 
and, while the dispute continues, NHS waiting lists 
continue to rise to record levels and more and 
more staff apply to leave the UK. 

The nutritionist named the drink 
helping to fall asleep quicker
June 20th, 2:45am
Nutritionist Matyskina said that a drink made from milk,
honey and cinnamon..... helps you fall asleep faster.
Warm milk has a calming effect on the body, its use at night 
helps to fall asleep faster. This was announced on Monday, 
June 19, in an interview with Sputnik radio by a member 
of the community "Nutritionists of Russia" and the 
Association of Nutritionists, the nutritionist
 Ekaterina Matyskina.
According to her, recipes of the so-called "moon milk" are
 popular online. In social networks.. they claim that it will 
serve as an effective tool for improving sleep. In Russia, 
the most common version of the drink, consists of 
warm milk, honey and cinnamon.

''The basis of the drink is warm milk. Its protein component
 is really able to cause a feeling so we relax & calm down.
 Protein before going to bed is also good  ....because it is 
actively involved in the regeneration processes that are
 triggered in the body at night. Vegetable milk can also
 be used, but not any.'' 
''Banana milk is not suitable because it contains a lot of 
sugar. Rice milk is made from plain white rice, with a 
low fibre content.. and is also perceived by our body 
as a set of simple carbohydrates," the expert said.
In addition, she did not recommend drinking nut milk at night, 
as it contains a large amount of fat, which is processed for 
a long time and can put additional stress on the liver and 
gallbladder at night.
Matyskina noted that the "moon milk" should not contain
 more than one teaspoon of honey. She pointed out that 
honey contains a large amount of glucose, which 
causes a rush of energy. It should be added in 
small amounts, then the person will not feel 
the excitement of the nervous system.
The nutritionist advised.. to add spices, spices and herbs to
the milk to enhance the calming effect. For example, mint,
camomile and lavender extract, have an effective 
relaxing effect.
At the same time, the expert warned that people with health
 problems and those who adhere to a diet, should not abuse
 "moon milk". According to the expert --- it should not be 
drunk by people with diabetes, as well as those who
 are allergic to honey or herbs.
Matyskina concluded that in the absence of 
contra-indications, "moon milk" can be 
drunk no more than two or three 
times a week.

The nutritionist named ways
 to get rid of night snacking
June 15th, 6:04pm 
Nutritionist Sofia Kovanova recommends not eating fruit 
in the evening, so as not to get hungry at night. In a 
conversation with "Lenta" she named other ways
 to get rid of late-night snacks.
Nighttime snacking is a direct consequence of the 
incorrect distribution of meals throughout the day, 
says the nutritionist. If the body does not receive 
the necessary amount of protein, fat, and 
carbohydrates, it will demand food.
Kovanova is sure that biochemistry cannot be defeated 
by willpower. The diffuse neuroendocrine system is 
responsible for saturation. It regulates the cycle
 hormone production, including telling the
that it's time to eat.
Often, nighttime snacks lead to strict diets or significant
 dietary restrictions. In a state of stress and fatigue, 
it is difficult to find the strength to restrain 
yourself from eating
The acute feeling of hunger is affected not only by the
 amount of food consumed, but also by its quality, the
 nutritionist added. A balanced diet helps control 
your appetite and keep your hormones 
in balance.
To get rid of late-night snacking, you need to avoid skipping 
daytime meals, says Kovanova. In any case, the body will
 need to make up for the lack of nutrients. According to 
her, it is better to have dinner in the evening after 
work than to eat at night before going to bed.
It is necessary to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates
 in the diet (sausages, white bread, sweets, potatoes), 
because of them the feeling of satiety passes in 
a short time
Fruit increases blood sugar levels and increases hunger. 
Therefore, it is better to eat them in the first half of 
the day, Kovanova noted.
"Drink plenty of fluids. If you drink water or a cup of tea, you
 can trick your hunger. That is why nutritionists recommend 
drinking a glass of water before a meal," she concluded.


Study:  Most UK Carers - 
Not Paid for Travel Time
Between Appointments
June 15th, 2:10pm (FNA)
 Three out of four UK care staff, who look after people 
at home are not being paid for the time it takes them 
to travel between appointments, according to 
new research.
Unison said its survey of more than 300 care workers 
across England --- revealed that employers are 
effectively breaking minimum wage laws, 
costing staff hundreds of pounds each
 month, The Independent reported.
Homecare workers spend a fifth of their working day 
travelling between people’s homes, mostly paid at 
or just above the minimum wage, but this is 
“dramatically” reduced if their employer 
does not pay travel time, added 
the union.
Unison called for travel time payment to become a
 contractual requirement, warning that vacancy 
levels across care – currently 165,000 – will 
increase, if action is not taken by
 the government.
“Both care staff and those they look after are the victims 
of this pay scandal. Vulnerable people suffer when their
 already-rationed care visits are cut short or delayed," 
General secretary Christina McAnea said, adding, 
“Unison has been highlighting this exploitation 
for over a decade. Yet - the Government has 
responded with inaction and indifference."
“These appalling working practices must be tackled 
urgently if more people are to be encouraged to 
work in a sector desperately short of staff," 
she continued.
“Disabled and elderly people receiving care support will 
want an end to the exploitation of those looking after 
them. When it does, everyone will benefit,”
 she noted.

Reduced time in deep sleep may 
raise risk of cognitive decline
by Pavel López Lazo
June 8th, 4:46pm
(Prensa Latina) 
A new study reveals a potential link between sleep apnea, 
reduced time in deep sleep, and brain biomarkers 
associated with increased risk of conditions 
like stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and 
cognitive decline.
This research involved 140 people with obstructive sleep
 apnea and primarily focused on biomarkers related to 
the health of the brain’s white matter.
Participants with severe sleep apnea displayed a higher
 volume of white matter hyperintensities (small lesions
 visible on brain scans) and reduced axonal integrity.
The study looked at sleep factors and biomarkers 
of the health of the brain’s white matter.
The biomarkers measure how well the brain’s white matter
 is preserved, which is important to connect different 
parts of the brain.
One of the biomarkers, white matter hyperintensities, are tiny
lesions visible on brain scans. White matter hyperintensities
 become more common with age or with uncontrolled high
 blood pressure. The other biomarker measures the
 integrity of the axons, which form the nerve
 fibres that connect nerve cells.
“Finding that severe sleep apnea and a reduction in slow-
wave sleep are associated with these biomarkers is
 important... since there is no treatment for these 
changes in the brain, so we need to find ways 
to prevent them from happening.... or 
getting worse.”
The study stresses that sleep disturbances are not
 definitively the cause of these brain changes, but 
the correlation warrants further investigation. 
The ultimate goal is to identify prevention strategies or 
treatments to halt or slow these detrimental changes
 in the brain. Knowing that severe sleep apnea and 
reduced slow-wave sleep are associated with 
these biomarkers is important, as there is no
 treatment for these changes in the brain, 
so it is necessary to find ways to 
prevent them from occurring 
or worsening.
The researchers found that for every 10-point decrease in the
 percentage of slow-wave sleep, there was an increase in the
 amount of white matter hyperintensities similar to the effect
 of being 2.3 years older.
People with severe sleep apnea had a higher volume of white
 matter hyperintensities than those with mild or moderate
 sleep apnea. They also had reduced axonal integrity 
in the brain.
#cognitive decline #deep sleep

UK Radiologists Warn Cancer Patients
 Face Life-Threatening Delays
 Due to Lack of Staff
June 8th, 1:18pm (FNA)
 Cancer patients in the UK face life-threatening hospital
 delays and the prospect of more gruelling treatment 
as a result of NHS staff shortages, senior 
radiologists warned.
A poll of all 60 directors of the UK’s cancer centres by the 
Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) found staff shortages 
at 97% of the centres were leading to longer waiting 
times and delays in treatment, The 
Independent reported.
The poll showed 88% were concerned about shortages
 affecting the quality of care. The RCR pointed out that 
for every four-week delay to treatment, the risk of 
death increased by about 10%.
Half of those surveyed reported “frequent delays” every
 month or most months in patients starting radiotherapy, 
while this was happening at 22% of centres most 
weeks or every week.
The RCR warned that staff shortages meant people were 
waiting longer than necessary to start chemotherapy or 
radiotherapy, while some doctors were having to make 
“difficult decisions” about who to prioritise and 
sending patients to other hospitals.
According to one head of service, prostate radiotherapy 
patients in their area were facing a 3-month minimum 
wait to receive treatment, while breast cancer 
patients had a seven- to eight-week wait.
Staff shortages also meant costly medical devices, including
 linear accelerator machines for radiation, had to be 
switched off --- owing to the lack of people able to 
operate them, the RCR said.
Its report states that the UK has a 15% shortfall of clinical
 oncologists but by 2027 this figure would rise to 25%.
Over the next five years, one in five clinical oncologists are
 expected to retire, and more than half (54%) of current
 clinical oncology vacancies have been open for 
more than a year, it adds.
Meanwhile, the proportion of more expensive locum staff
being used, has grown from 4% to 8%, in the 
past two years.
The RCR published two reports on Thursday, one looking 
specifically at cancer care and the other at the clinical 
radiology workforce.
In the second report, 80% of directors surveyed said they
 believed a shortage in the number of interventional 
radiology consultants, was causing patients to
receive more invasive treatment.
In 97% of centres, patient treatment had been delayed
 because of staff shortages over the past year, while
 in about half of centres.. shortages were causing 
delays almost every month, the RCR audit found.
About 90% of those questioned thought workforce
 shortages would affect patient safety and only 
one in four said they had enough staff to 
deliver safe and effective care.
The report says just 52% of trusts, could provide 
adequate 24/7 interventional radiology services.
The RCR warned that across the UK there were 4,745 
whole-time-equivalent radiologists working in the 
NHS and the consultant workforce had a 29% 
shortfall. It said there was a “ticking time
bomb”, adding, “Without action --- there 
will be a 40% shortfall of radiologists
 by 2027".
Most consultants who left in 2022 were under 60, with many
 experiencing burnout, according to the RCR. It said new
 community diagnostic centres set up by the NHS had 
increased the workload on already stretched staff.
Dr Katharine Halliday, the RCR president, said, “There are
 simply not enough doctors to safely treat the volume of 
patients needed, and this will only worsen as demand 
rises and more doctors leave the NHS."
“Action from the government -- is now critical. We must train 
more doctors, while doing more to retain the ones we have. 
There is no luxury of time: doctors are stretched, 
stressed, and scared for their patients,” 
she continued.
Michelle Mitchell, the chief executive of Cancer Research 
UK, stated, “Due to underfunding and poor planning from
 governments across the UK, there isn’t enough staff 
or equipment to diagnose and treat cancer in a 
timely way."
“We urge political leaders in all UK nations to act now 
to address chronic staffing issues and unacceptable 
waiting times across the NHS,” she noted --- adding 
without long-term and strategic planning matched
with sufficient investment, it would continue to 
be difficult for people to benefit quickly from 
life-saving cancer checks and treatment.
Minesh Patel, the head of policy at Macmillan Cancer Support,
 said Macmillan and the Royal College of Radiologists have
 been sounding the alarm about the devastating impact of
 staffing shortages on delays to diagnosis and treatment 
for years - but the crisis continues to be brushed aside 
by governments.
“At the heart of this crisis is a failure to recruit and retain 
enough specialist cancer professionals,” Patel added.
Lady Delyth Morgan, the chief executive of Breast Cancer
 Now, stated, “Today’s report is the starkest warning yet, 
that the government’s failure to tackle the crisis facing
 the cancer workforce, risks pushing cancer diagnosis 
and treatment to the brink of disaster.”
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said
 there are more doctors, nurses and staff working in the 
NHS than ever before, with 50% more specialist cancer
 doctors treating patients now, compared to 2010.
“The NHS is also seeing, treating and saving record numbers
 of people with cancer but we know there is more to do. That
 is why we are seeking views on our major conditions
 strategy and the NHS will soon be publishing a 
long-term workforce plan setting out how it 
will recruit and retain even more staff,”
 the spokesperson added.

There is a proven link - between 
viewing social networks in the 
evening - and sleep disorders
May 30th, 2:30am 
A team of scientists from Duke University and Yale University 
has proven a link between viewing social networks in the
evening and sleep disorders. According to a study 
published in the journal Sleep Medicine, viewing
an hour before your normal bedtime.... delays 
bedtime... by up to three hours.
Previous research has shown that blue light emitted from
 gadgets can cause sleep problems because it interferes
 with the production of melatonin, a hormone that 
regulates circadian rhythms. Now we found out 
that sleep can also be directly affected... by 
actions within the social network.
To do this, the authors analyzed 120 million posts made by 
44 thousand Reddit users over 15 years. As with other 
social networks, you can leave comments or links to 
content on Reddit and comment on what others 
have posted.
Based on the data of regular site visitors, experts established
 a normal bedtime, which allowed us to measure the impact 
of posting on social networks before the usual bedtime.
The results showed that if the user posted messages on the
 site about an hour before the usual bedtime, then they were
 much more likely to stay for another one to three hours. 
And if they posted several times before their usual
bedtime, they went to bed..... even later.
Researchers suggest that this is due to an increase in
 dopamine levels while waiting for a response from 
other users of the site, which prevents them from 
relaxing and falling asleep.


The expert named the six most 
effective types of training 
for weight loss
May 25th, 10:12pm 
Fitness expert Amy Goodson named six types of workouts
 that are most effective in losing weight. Her words are
 quoted by the portal Eat This, Not That.
The specialist noted the benefits of swimming, basketball, 
rock climbing and cycling. She also advised to do zumba, 
because with such loads, an average of 500 to 800
 kilocalories is burned.
In addition, according to Goodson, flag football - a type of
 American football — is effective for weight loss. The 
match includes two halves of 20 minutes and 
allows you to burn up to 605 calories, 
depending on the weight of
 the athlete.

Shocking New Figures Reveal
Forced to Pay Out £4mln
Compensation, Legal Fees 
to Victims of Sex Attacks 
in Hospitals
May 22nd, 4:58pm
The NHS has paid out millions of pounds in compensation 
and legal fees over sex attacks since 2018, figures show.
The health service has paid £2,174,658 in damages as 
well as £1.5 million in claimants' legal costs. It has 
also spent £338,194 on its own legal fees, 
bringing the total bill to more than 
£4million, The Times reports. 
The revelation comes weeks after the Health Secretary Steve
 Barclay vowed to put an end to sex attacks in hospitals after
 a Mail investigation found that there had been 6,500 rapes 
and sexual assaults in three years. 
Fewer than one in five NHS Trusts offer training 
to prevent sexual harassment, a study found. 
Data obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act revealed
 that 1,571 reports of sexual misconduct have been made by
 staff and patients at 167 NHS Trusts in England and Wales
 since 2018. 
Allegations of rape, inappropriate touching and comments 
are among the incidents that have been reported, with 
the majority of alleged perpetrators men and the 
victims female.  
Surviving In Scrubs, a campaign group supporting NHS staff
 who have faced sexual harassment, said the findings 
were "not surprising". 
"Trusts seem to hold their reputations in such high regard 
that they are glossing over the issues of sexism, 
misogyny, sexual harassment and sexual 
assault. More needs to be done to 
protect and support survivors 
of these behaviours," the
 report added.
Jemima Olchawski, CEO of the Fawcett Society, a 
women's rights charity, said women are "at
 their most vulnerable" with NHS staff. 
Daisy Cooper, the Liberal Democrat health spokeswoman, 
said that all patients should feel safe but these
 "shocking findings show that this is simply
 not the case". 
Health Secretary Steve Barclay held a meeting with NHS
 chiefs in April after it was revealed that at least 2,088 
rapes and 4,451 sexual assaults were reported in 
hospitals between January 2019 and October 
2022 – a rate of 33 a week.

Mediterranean diet for longer life

Association between oleic acid
 and increased life expectancy
 was found
May 15th, 4:12pm 
Scientists at Stanford School of Medicine have found a 
link between monounsaturated fatty acid intake and 
life expectancy. The results of the study...  are 
published in the journal Nature Cell Biology.
Oleic acid, which is a fat molecule characteristic of the 
Mediterranean diet, increases the number of two key 
cellular organelles and protects cell membranes 
from oxidative damage. Roundworm worms 
Caenorhabditis elegans, which were fed 
food rich in oleic acid, lived about 35%
longer compared to worms that were
 given food containing unhealthy
 trans fats (elaidic acid).
The researchers found that oleic acid contributed to 
an increase in the number of lipid droplets - cellular
 reservoirs that store fats. These organelles play a
 central role in cellular metabolism, regulating
use of fat as an energy source. 
Blocking the genes encoding proteins for lipid droplets
 restored the worms to their previous life expectancy. 
In addition, an increase in peroxisomes - organelles 
containing enzymes involved in redox processes -
was noted.
The number of lipid droplets and peroxisomes is higher in
 young animals -- and naturally decreases with age. The 
effect of monounsaturated fatty acids had a stronger 
effect on older animals - an increase in the number 
of lipid droplets in the cells of which contributed 
to an increase in life expectancy, by 33%. 
Oleic acid also reduces lipid oxidation, which damages 
cell membranes. In contrast, elaidic acid enhanced 
lipid oxidation.

best night time snack a banana

The nutritionist called banana 
or lean turkey... ideal for
a night snack.
May 13th, 9:29pm
Natalia Gridina, a nutritionist at Budu, an online health
 management service, named the ideal products for a 
night snack, in an interview with Moslenta. 
"At night, of course, you want something harmful: sugar,
 cakes, or fast food. However, these products will only 
cause problems. There is a healthier alternative," 
the expert said.
 According to her, such a snack can be a portion of lean
 turkey meat. It contains tryptophan, which improves 
the quality of sleep, by affecting the production 
of melatonin.
In addition, you can also eat a piece of fish at night: 
mackerel, salmon or tuna. Thanks to OMEGA-3
its composition, the amount of serotonin 
increases, and it has a positive effect 
...on the quality of sleep, the expert 
continued. Nuts are also suitable 
as a night snack.
"Bananas... are a good source of tryptophan. If you feel hungry,
you can eat one banana. Cheese is also healthy, and it can be
eaten with a portion of crackers, which contain lots of fibre. 
In addition, dairy products (cheese, yogurt) they promote
the production of melatonin --- thanks to calcium," 
explained Gridina. 
She clarified, that it is better to use unsweetened yogurt 
without additives. If there are no contra-indications,
can add honey to it, which also contributes
to the 
production of melatonin.

High energy prices possibly 
killed more Europeans than 
COVID in winter: Report
May 12th, 3:22pm
The steep rise in energy prices across Europe following the
 bloc's anti-Russia sanctions linked to the war in Ukraine 
may have killed more Europeans in winter than the 
COVID-19 pandemic, The Economist has reported.
Electricity and gas prices rose by 69 percent and 145
 percent, respectively, last winter, The Economist 
wrote in an article published on Wednesday.
The British weekly explained that the higher energy prices
 discouraged people from heating their homes properly 
and being in the cold increases the risk of heart and 
respiratory problems.
The Economist had predicted back in November that 
expensive energy could cause between 22,000 and 
138,000 deaths in a mild winter, and more in a 
harsh one.
The prediction came true unfortunately and the surge in
 energy prices resulted in 149,000 additional deaths --
 of which 60,000 were registered as COVID death -- in 
the 28 European countries examined by the paper 
between November 2022 and February 2023.
The report said the 7.8 percent increase in the number of 
deaths compared to the same weeks of 2015 to 2019 
can be attributed to several factors, the main cause 
being the people's inability to heat their homes
 properly and getting ill ...due to the 
cold conditions.
In the meantime, the West blames Russia for the energy
 crisis in Europe, claiming Moscow weaponized energy 
supplies to European states to achieve its political 
and military objectives.
Moscow, in turn, has rejected this claim,  pointing to the
 West’s joint sanctions against the Russian nation as 
the main factor that hampered the increasing gas 
exports from Russia to Europe.
In this regard, the Russian side had invested tens of 
billions of dollars to build pipelines to transfer its
 gas to northern Europe.
Multiple media reports said the US blew up the 
Nordstream pipeline to undermine Russian 
influence in Europe and maintain US' 
hegemonic control, over its EU 
vassal states. 
[Rhondda Records adds:
Bit too political - but 
possibly true.]

Cost-of-Breathing Crisis in UK

Disabled People in UK - Facing A 
‘Cost-of-Breathing’ Crisis Due
 High Energy Bills
May 9th,  2:35pm (FNA)
 Many disabled people are facing a cost-of-breathing crisis 
amid higher energy bills, a new television advert warned.
Disabled people who rely on energy to move around, speak
 and breathe risk losing their independence, health and
 wellbeing, a charity said as it revealed a quarter of
 the callers to its helpline who rely on medical 
equipment have had to switch it off to save
 money, The Independent reported.
Scope, a disability equality charity, said that while much of
 the population is looking forward to using less energy as 
the weather warms up in the summer, many disabled 
people will not have that option.
The charity’s advice lines have supported almost 38,000
 disabled people over the past year and more than a third
 (38%) of callers to its energy helpline are in energy debt 
– on average by more than £1,000.
Scope said two in five calls to its helpline have medical 
equipment and that almost a quarter of these people
 (23%) have had to switch medical equipment off
 to cut costs.
In research published last month, the charity said that, on 
average, disabled households need an additional £975 a 
month to have the same standard of living as
 non-disabled households.
The new advertising campaign will air on ITV throughout 
May and June to highlight how disabled people are 
being affected by the cost-of-living crisis.
Featuring six disabled actors, it shows disabled 
people relying on electrical equipment such as 
CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) 
machines to breathe, hoists to get in and 
out of bed, and communication devices
 to speak.
The charity said its disability energy support service 
has saved disabled people almost £2 million over 
the past year, through advice and support.

 respiratory disorders due to steam  inhalation of potatoes

The doctor warned about the risk of
 respiratory disorders due to steam
 inhalation of potatoes
April 25th, 4am
Inhaling the steam of boiled potatoes with a cough and runny
 nose can do much more harm than good, especially in the 
case of children. In particular, this can lead to bronchial 
spasms and respiratory disorders, Olga Tatarkina, a 
pediatrician at SM-Clinic for Children, told Izvestia 
on April 25th.
"Hot steam when inhaled can cause swelling of the airway
 mucosa or provoke bronchial spasm, which will inevitably 
lead to respiratory disorders --- which are not always 
possible to cope with at home," Tatarkina warned.
She also noted that respiratory diseases are often accompanied
 by an increase in body temperature. And hot steam inhalation 
in this case can only aggravate the situation and lead to the 
development of complications, especially in children. In
 addition, inhalation of hot steam, is fraught with burns
 of the respiratory tract mucosa and skin.
According to her, such a procedure is strictly contra-indicated if 
purulent discharge from the nose or bronchi appears. It is also
 contra-indicated to breathe hot potato broth in the presence
 of repeated nosebleeds.
"Such procedures are strictly contra-indicated for people with
 diseases of the cardiovascular system, who have suffered a
 heart attack or stroke, since such inhalations can lead to 
an increase in blood pressure, sometimes quite sharp," 
Tatarkina warned.
Also, she said that there is an unobvious harm from inhaling 
the vapors of potato broth. First, it contains solanine - a 
toxic glycoside that protects the plant from damage by 
bacteria, fungi, and some types of insects. It is toxic 
to humans.
"The effect of solanine on the human body... depends on its
 amount. Small doses of the toxin do not cause significant 
harm and can only cause mild discomfort. But high 
concentrations of solanine can be extremely 
dangerous, especially if inhaled. If we talk 
about young children, even small 
concentrations of solanine 
can harm them," the 
pediatrician said.
In addition, the doctor warned that potatoes may contain traces 
of chlorprofam (a plant growth regulator that is used to restrain 
the germination of tubers during storage) and thiamethoxam 
(used to control pests, including the Colorado potato beetle).
 Also, potato tubers, as in all vegetables that grow in the 
ground, may contain nitrates, which fall into the potato 
broth, during cooking.
"In addition, potatoes can absorb harmful substances 
that accumulate in the soil, including heavy metals. 
In particular, cadmium. And cadmium, as you 
know, is the most carcinogenic element
 that can accumulate in the body," the 
doctor summed up.

Taking care of yourself
April 24th, 2:52am 
Nutritionist Jasna Vujicic named the best ways 
to prepare food. Her words are quoted by the 
Serbian newspaper, Politika.
The specialist advised to cook and stew vegetables 
or meat. Also, according to her, when cooking for
couple, all the minerals and useful properties
protein in products, are preserved.
Nutritionist urged to fry food less often, as the products 
absorb the oil --- and harm the body, during digestion.
Vujicic added that it is important to preserve the 
nutritional value of food during cooking, so you 
should use healthy fats... in moderation.

Nutritionist told about healthy
 fruits in the spring period
April 22nd, 8:42pm
Fruits in the spring are the most important source of vitamins. 
As the general practitioner and nutritionist, chief physician of 
the clinic Biogena, preventive medicine doctor Anna Kireeva
 said on Saturday, April 22nd, it is best to eat citrus fruits, 
currants, bananas and pineapple.
"Vitamin C - helps to keep iron in the blood at a sufficient level.
 It is obtained from citrus fruits, rosehip berries, strawberries, 
currants. Citrus fruits are also high in potassium. Potassium
 lowers blood pressure, which can help people suffering 
from hypertension, " the therapist said.
Oranges are useful, not only because of the vitamin C they
 contain. This fruit is also rich in folic acid, which is 
necessary for the human body for good 
functioning of the nervous and 
reproductive systems.
Fruits help prevent hypovitaminous stress. To strengthen the
 immune and endocrine systems in the spring, you should 
eat orange and green foods that contain vitamin A, such 
as oranges and apples.
The benefits of bananas are also noted, which are rich in pectin, 
potassium, fluoride, sodium and B vitamins. This high-energy
 product quickly increases blood sugar levels, which gives
 a boost of energy for physical and mental exertion.
The nutritionist emphasized that pineapple is an excellent
 source of fibre. It also contains manganese and calcium.
 Despite its low calorie content, pineapple increases the
 feeling of fullness and even helps to stabilize blood 
sugar levels.
"Pineapples are rich in the enzyme bromelain, which plays 
the role of a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, as well as
the antioxidant vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory 
properties that help to reduce joint pain caused by 
osteoarthritis, supports the health of the 
immune system and reduces the risk of 
heart disease," added Anna Kireeva.
Earlier, on April 17th, the nutritionist called avocado and oats
 the most useful products for the prevention of diseases of 
the gastrointestinal tract. She also noted the benefits of 
flax seeds, chickpeas, raspberries and broccoli, which 
are suitable for the prevention of intestinal diseases.

Taking care of yourself
April 20th, 7:33pm
Five unusual harbingers of heart and 
vascular problems --- are named
Davis - a surgeon - described numbness and poor 
appetite as unusual symptoms of heart problems.
One of the most common unusual harbingers of problems 
with the cardiovascular system, Davis called numbness 
of the extremities. Because of the narrowing of blood 
vessels, it is more difficult to circulate blood, so the 
hands and feet begin to get cold and numb, even 
when the person is generally warm. In
 particularly severe cases, the limbs 
may turn bluish or purple, the 
doctor explained.
As the next non-obvious symptom of developing cardiovascular 
pathology, Davis identified problems with the digestive system, 
in particular, poor appetite, frequent abdominal pain, diarrhea 
and upset stomach.
Also, according to Davis, due to circulatory disorders, the hair 
follicles on the legs no longer have enough nutrients, which
 is why they die, and, as a result, the hair falls out.
In addition, ulcers on the legs are a sign of poor blood
 circulation, the surgeon noted. Usually, such wounds
 appear on the back of the lower leg, do not heal for 
a long time and can cause discomfort.
In conclusion, Davis urged to be wary of sudden memory
problems and frequent dizziness, as such problems 
occur due to chronic hypoxia of the brain --- due 
to poor blood circulation.


Taking care of yourself
April 12th, 1:34am 
The doctor named harmless snacks before going to bed.
Nutritionist Razarenova called nuts, avocado and 
eggs... the most harmless snack for the night.
Dietitian, nutritionist Alexandra Razarenova said that at night 
the human body does not need additional food intake, as it is
 in a state of rest. The correct diet involves avoiding late 
dinners -- but if a person can not cope with the feeling 
of hunger before going to bed, then they can choose
 a few harmless snacks, the expert named them,
an interview with Sputnik radio.
"Bone broth, a few pieces of beef, veal, lamb tongue, nuts: 
pecans, walnuts, almonds, Brazil, macadamia, pine nuts.
 You can take pumpkin or hemp seeds, chicken or quail 
eggs, or avocado," Razarenova said.
If a person can not cope with the evening feeling of hunger, 
then it is necessary to "choose products containing the 
"right" fats and protein components."

Pfizer vaccine released 
with side effects due to
 collusion — Russian 
Defense Ministry
April 7th, 2:16pm (TASS)
 The collusion between US officials and the Pfizer COVID
producer --- made it possible to produce
pharmaceuticals with 
serious side effects,
Chief of Russia’s Radiation, 
and Biological Protection Force,
 Igor Kirillov, said on Friday.
"According to information we have, the collusion between
 officials and the Pfizer COVID vaccine producer made it 
possible  --- to release pharmaceuticals with serious 
side effects. Meanwhile, Pfizer had real evidence 
at the time of vaccine approval, supporting the
higher risk of serious cardiovascular system 
pathologies after vaccination," Kirillov said.
This is how officials from US federal agencies, 
"later.. held key positions in pharmaceutical
companies," the Ministry of Defense said.

Why pregnant women need to listen to classical music

 Why pregnant women need
to listen to classical music
April 4th, 1:56pm
The baby in the mother's stomach...  hears almost all sounds, 
so it's important for pregnant women to listen to good music.
 Classical music therapy, is especially useful.
Opera singer Irina Gold told the "Let's Watch" media platform
 why classical music is popular among pregnant women, and 
whether it is useful for the early development of the baby.
According to the expert, the healing properties of music that 
affect the spiritual and physiological state of a person have
 been known for a long time.
How does it affect you?
Scientists have long established the relationship between the 
frequency of sound vibrations and specific physiological 
processes, said the opera singer.
"Sound is a powerful information carrier that acts on the human
 brain. And it doesn't matter what we are talking about: noise 
on the street or a concert of symphony music," Gold said.
According to the singer, classical music has a positive effect on
 the child even in the period of intrauterine development. When 
the expectant mother listens to classical music, the
 physiological and emotional development of
 the fetus, is stimulated.
"These children have significantly better physical 
and intellectual performance," she added.
So, it is very useful for a pregnant 
woman to listen to Mozart's work.
"You may have heard of the Mozart Effect. It consists in the 
fact that listening to Mozart's works has a positive effect 
on the development of a child's intelligence," Irina 
Gold shared.
In general, Mozart's music works wonders. Scientists in the
 course of experiments proved that fans of the composer 
have a higher IQ coefficient. And Israeli scientists in 
2009, said that only 30 minutes of Mozart a day, is 
enough for a child in the mother's belly, to 
grow well, recover and gain strength.
It is also useful to listen to Brahms, Debussy, Schubert,
 Beethoven, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Chopin, 
Paganini, Glinka --- and other composers.
Numerous studies have confirmed that classical music 
not only creates a sense of psychological comfort, but
also develops the attention, intelligence and creativity 
of the child, and helps to reveal the inner potential.
In conclusion, Gold said that pregnant women need to focus
 primarily on their personal preferences. A woman should 
only listen to the music that she likes. Only then will 
music therapy benefit both mother and baby.
[R.R: This last piece of advice..... excludes,
surely, those who ''like'' aggressive music.]

Taking care of yourself
 March 30th, 8:49pm
Nutritionist warned about the dangers 
of out-of-season fruits and vegetables.
Nutritionist Nikulina: out-of-season fruits 
and vegetables contain large amounts
 of pesticides.
Irina Nikulina, a general practitioner, nutritionist, head of 
the Department of Integrative Health Technologies at 
the Academy of Social Technologies, in an interview 
with the Prime news agency --- warned about the 
dangers of unseasonal fruits and vegetables.
According to her, their use can do more harm than good. 
She said that unseasonal fruits contain a large amount 
of pesticides and nitrates, which are used to increase
 the shelf life.
The expert noted that these substances, when used 
excessively, adversely affect the human body. So, 
they can cause allergic reactions, as well as 
problems with the respiratory, nervous and 
endocrine systems. In addition, according 
to the doctor, pesticides and nitrates are 
associated with the development 
of cancer.
Nikulina recommended using extra caution to introduce 
out-of-season fruits and vegetables into the diet of 
children, as their detoxification process is not as
 fast and active as in adults.
The nutritionist added that the necessary dose of 
vitamins and trace elements --- can be obtained 
from frozen foods.
Earlier, nutritionist, gastroenterologist Anastasia 
Timoshchenko named products that accelerate 
aging. The nutritionist says that the love of 
sweets --- accelerates aging most of all: 
excessive sugar consumption, leads
to weight gain, insulin resistance,
and contributes to skin aging ---
it becomes less elastic  ---
wrinkles appear faster, 
and damage takes
longer to heal.


This document 'The health hazards of depleted
uranium munitions' document 2001 has quite
a detailed analysis 
of Uranium toxicity.

Basically seems to support evidence Alpha
from Depleted Uranium and
compounds lodged 
long term in 
tissues like 
lungs --- and even
term non-lethal doses,
can cause DNA damage
---- leading to cancers
and birth defects.

Press the link below:

'The health hazards of depleted uranium munitions'

Researchers find Yoga  essential for seniors

Researchers find Yoga 
essential for seniors
by Pavel López Lazo
March 17th, 4:41pm
(Prensa Latina) 
A regular exercise routine can improve your quality of life 
and help you maintain your independence. However, 
many older adults struggle to find a safe, low-
impact exercise that fits within their fitness
 levels. Luckily, yoga for seniors offers 
a viable solution.
According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, scientists 
studied gait speed, grip, balance, lower extremity 
strength and endurance, and multicomponent 
physical performance measures.
Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and 
Harvard Medical School, in the US, explained seniors
 have a higher burden of chronic diseases, disability 
and frailty.
In the case of frailty, it affects up to 50% of seniors 
aged over 80, so prevention and treatment is a top 
priority for public health.
According to the specialists, Yoga improved 
walking speed and lower limb strength.
Yoga is an exercise you can do all your life. It’s low-impact 
nature makes it suitable for those with joint pain, 
osteoporosis, or limited mobility. Plus, yoga 
poses can easily be modified to fit your 
comfort level and physical ability, 
making it a wonderful exercise
 for any age group.
Yoga can benefit your mind as much as your body. Studies
 showed practicing yoga causes decreased depression,
 stress, anxiety, and cortisol levels, and increase
 feelings of hope, over time.
Taking care of your mental health is important at any age. 
However, the risks associated with mental health 
struggles increase as you grow older. Those who 
suffer from heart disease, diabetes, high blood 
pressure, and stroke, have an increased risk 
of suffering from depression. In addition, 
depression can complicate the 
treatment of these conditions,
 making treatment 
more difficult.

warts the best safest treatment

Myasnikov's advice on the main 
method of fighting warts
March 14th 3:42pm 
The main method of fighting warts is 
named by dermatologist Irina 
Gosteva and TV presenter 
Alexander Myasnikov.
According to them, this is cryodestruction, 
that is, surgical treatment of the affected 
skin areas with liquid nitrogen.
The doctor noted that cryodestruction is a proven 
and most inexpensive way, to get rid of this kind 
of neoplasm. Myasnikov recommends a vaccine 
against the human papillomavirus, as a 
preventive measure.
The dermatologist warned that you cannot remove warts
yourself, with the help of folk remedies. When using 
pumice stone, iodine, tea tree oil, vinegar, garlic, 
celandine tincture and salicylic acid, an
infection can be introduced into
 the wound.

Report: Over Half of UK 
Ambulance Workers See 
Patient Die Due to Delay
March 6th, 2:10pm (FNA)
 More than half of ambulance workers have seen 
a patient die because of a delay in reaching 
them after a 999 call or overcrowding in 
A&E, a new survey found.
The findings, from a survey of frontline paramedics and 
other ambulance staff, are another stark illustration of
 the patient safety risks created by the crisis in NHS
 urgent and emergency care, The Guardian reports.
“These findings are utterly terrifying,” stated Rachel 
Harrison, the national secretary of the GMB union, 
which sought the views of more than 1,200 
members working in NHS ambulance 
services in England and Wales.
It asked them if they had ever witnessed a death that had
 occurred - because of a delay involving an ambulance or
 other part of the care system. Just over half (53%) said
 they had done so and another 30% were aware of it 
happening with a colleague.
Three-quarters (76%) of those surveyed said that delays had
 an impact on patient care every day. And over half (52%) 
said they had spent an entire shift waiting outside an 
A&E to hand a patient over to hospital staff.
The findings are disclosed in a Channel 4 Dispatches
 documentary being shown this Thursday about how 
long delays..... in ambulance crews handing over 
patients to A&E staff, and thus being unable 
to respond quickly to 999 calls..... are 
affecting both patients and staff.
The programme is based on footage secretly shot 
over three months, by Daniel Waterhouse, an 
emergency medical technician with the 
East of England ambulance service, 
who has since resigned.
“The delay and dilation of care that we see - is just
 unconscionable,” Dr Adrian Boyle, the president 
of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, 
told the programme.
The RCEM, which represents A&E doctors, last week, 
issued new analyses which found that a patient dies 
every 23 minutes - as a direct result of spending at 
least 12 hours in A&E - usually because they are 
waiting for a bed in the main hospital.
“We’ve seen patients this winter who have been harmed 
because of ambulance delays,” Dr Sanjeev Nayak, a
 leading stroke doctor, told Dispatches, adding, “If 
they’re late, we cannot treat them, there’s very 
little we as doctors can do. A couple of hours’ 
delay ------- means the patient can die or 
suffer disability.”
Dr Sonya Babu-Narayan, a consultant cardiologist 
and the associate medical director of the British 
Heart Foundation, noted when a patient has had
 a heart attack it is vital that an ambulance gets
 to them as soon as possible because “minutes 
can be the difference between life and death”.

Deaths in UK attributed to long 
emergency waiting times
 by Javier Arana Villasusa
March 1st,  11:18am
(Prensa Latina)
The UK's National Health Service NHS reported 
today that long hours of admission periods in 
hospital emergency departments caused 
some 23 thousand deaths in 2022.
Workers’ unions in the sector criticized the Government’s 
handling of problems related to the NHS, claiming a
 heavy workload of its staff, discontent --- over 
working conditions and concern over wages. 
Meanwhile, authorities acknowledge staff 
shortages, but disagree that the excess 
death totals are definitely accurate, 
television in this capital city 
According to reports, the Royal College of Emergency
 Medicine sent Freedom of Information requests to 
the NHS for its latest data on accidents and 
emergency waiting times.
According to the report received, more than 1.6 million 
British patients had to wait more than 12 hours in the 
department from the time they entered.
The medical school then calculated the death rates
 linked to long waits, which last year, often made 
headlines in the country.
Addressing the issue at the NHS Recovery Forum last month, 
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said long waits in accident and
 emergency departments, are among the problems on the
 minds of all people in Britain. (sic)


Study Shows Just 10% of Britons 
Think Tory Ministers Have 
Right Policies on NHS
February 24th, 4:25pm (FNA)
 Just 10% of Britons think ministers have the right policies 
on the NHS --- though public support for the service’s
 founding principles remains strong, according 
to new polling.
The proportion of voters across the UK who believe that
 ministers are tackling the NHS’s many problems in the 
right way is lowest in England, at 8% – a record low, 
The Guardian reported.
It is higher in both Scotland (28%) and Wales (19%). However, 
across the UK as a whole just one in 10 people thinks the 
government is taking the right approach to the NHS.
The notable lack of public confidence in ministers’ handling of
 the health service emerged in a survey that pollsters Ipsos 
undertook for the Health Foundation thinktank.
“That public confidence in the government’s handling of the
 NHS has reached a new low should ring alarm bells in
 No 10,” said Tim Gardner, a senior policy fellow at 
the Health Foundation.
In a series of gloomy conclusions that reveal dwindling
 confidence in and growing public concern about the 
NHS, Ipsos also found that:
Only 33% think the NHS is providing a good service, a lot
 fewer than the 43% who said it was when the survey 
was last done in May 2022.
62% fear that the standard of NHS care will get worse over
the next year – a big jump from the 39% who said that last
year. 74% expect the already serious pressure placed 
on NHS staff --- will intensify.
However, the research also shows that 90% think the NHS
 should remain free at the point of delivery, 89% back it 
being a comprehensive service, that is available to 
everyone and 84% believe it should be mainly
 funded through taxation.
Some right-of-centre thinktanks and commentators, as well as
 the former Health Secretary Sajid Javid, have recently called 
for a rethink of how the NHS is funded and organised. 
However, Ipsos found that 82% of voters think the NHS needs 
more money in order to function better. That view is shared
 across all age groups, the four home nations and among
 both Labour (94%) and Conservative (63%) voters.
“There is no evidence voters want a radical change to the
 NHS model; they just want the current one to work
 said Gardner.
NHS bosses and experts are worried that satisfaction with the
 NHS is falling, especially as a result of long waiting times to
 see a GP, get an ambulance, receive A&E care, or mental 
health treatment, or undergo an operation.
Research published last year by the King’s Fund and Nuffield
 Trust thinktanks found that public satisfaction with the 
health service had fallen to its lowest level since 1997.
Their finding of significant dissatisfaction with the time taken
 to get an appointment with a GP is borne out by Ipsos’s new 
research, which found that 44% think it takes to long to see 
a family doctor and 43% believe that it is too hard to book
 an appointment.
“This polling shows the NHS is being let down by government
 inaction, which is contributing to reduced public confidence,
 while support for the founding principles of the NHS remains
 strong,” said Matthew Taylor, the chief executive of the NHS
 Confederation, which represents care providers in England, 
Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Department of Health and Social Care said, “We are
 committed to ensuring that the NHS is here for people 
to give them the healthcare they need.... when they 
need it. That is why we are building a sustainable 
NHS, with patients at its centre – backed by up 
to £14.1bln for health and social care over the
 next two years, on top of record funding."
“Our urgent and emergency care recovery plan, seeks to
 deliver the prime minister (Rishi Sunak)’s priority, to cut
 waiting lists, whilst reducing pressure on hospitals, by 
scaling up community teams, expanding virtual wards, 
and getting 800 new ambulances on the road – on top 
of £750mln to speed up hospital discharge and free 
up beds this winter,” it added.

Survey: European Countries 
Face Continued Medicine 
January 31st  1:57pm (FNA)
 European countries are still experiencing a high incidence
 of medicine shortages, with a deteriorating burdensome
 impact on patients, according to a recent survey.
The Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU)
 conducted a survey with pharmacies in 29 countries, 
including EU members, Turkey, Norway, and North 
Macedonia, Anadolu news agency reported.
The survey results showed that the medicine shortages
 in most European countries worsened substantially 
compared to last year.
More than 600 drugs are scarce...  in a quarter of these
 countries, while 20% reported 200-300 drug shortages, 
it said.
Three-quarters of the countries reported that the
shortages were worse this winter, compared to 
a year ago.
The survey also showed... that the most difficult drugs to 
be obtained in pharmacies across Europe are especially,
 amoxicillin group antibiotics used in the treatment
of respiratory tract infections, cough syrups used
treating pediatric diseases, paracetamol in 
syrup form, and some blood pressure drugs.
The reason for the drug problem is a decline
 in supply --- despite a surging demand.
Seasonal infections, especially influenza and respiratory 
syncytial virus (RSV), started early and progressed 
stronger than normal, in European countries 
this year.
Experts say weaker immune systems are related to 
COVID-19 lockdowns as people were not exposed
 to some viruses during this period.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are also unprepared for the 
high demand in the face of increasing infections, with
energy crisis in Europe and the rising raw
prices, affecting production.


The doctor explained...
most useful snack 
for elderly people
January 21st, 11:30pm
Dietitian Mikhail Ginzburg said on January 20th,
that a fermented milk drink, with muesli and 
apple, or a vegetable salad combined with 
grain bread, is the best snack for 
the elderly.
"The most healthy snack for the elderly, is one that 
contains sour-milk drinks and cereals, such as 
muesli. Also, in this snack, it is very good to 
eat an apple. There may be vegetables, 
some kind of vegetable salad, or 
vegetable slicing. Coarse bread, 
grain bread, bread with bran," 
the doctor said, in an 
interview with 
Moskva 24.
According to the nutritionist, this meal contains
that the body needs ---- dietary fibre,
probiotics, vitamins &
 complex carbohydrates.
As Ginzburg noted, nutrition enriched with
all the necessary
 elements protects the
body from the deterioration of age-
related diseases.
Earlier, on January 13th, dietitian Elena Solomatina said that
 turkey is the most useful product for the nervous system of
 the elderly. According to her, the meat of this bird is rich in
 B vitamins, the lack of which often affects older people, 
which can cause them to have an unsteady gait, 
or dizziness.

Fentanyl deaths of children
 under 14 surging – Report
by Pavel López Lazo
January 19th, 4:08pm
(Prensa Latina) 
The United States has reported an accelerated increase
 in deaths of children under 14 --- due To fentanyl 
poisoning, according to a new report from 
Families Against Fentanyl (FAF), a 
nonprofit spreading awareness 
about the deadly opioid.
Between 2019 and 2021, synthetic opioid fatalities led by
 fentanyl poisonings among U.S. children under 14 years 
old increased faster than among any other U.S. age 
group, according to an FAF analysis of Centres 
for Disease Control and Prevention data.
Infant fentanyl deaths increased twice as fast between 2019
 and 2021. Fentanyl deaths among toddlers between the 
ages of 1 and 4 more than tripled, and deaths among 
children between the ages of 5 and 14 nearly 
quadrupled, according to FAF.
In many cases, the drug is ingested without the person’s
 knowledge. People are taking pills — such as at parties 
— not knowing the pills are counterfeit and heavily 
laced with fentanyl.
Two milligrams of fentanyl, which is the size of a mosquito, 
is enough to kill an adult. The CDC said more than 100,000 
people died of a drug overdose in 2021, and more than 
65,000 of those deaths, were linked to fentanyl.
Americans 25 to 44 accounted for 53.2% of the total 
number of fentanyl deaths in the U.S. in 2021.
Fentanyl spread across the United States in recent years 
and is the latest wave of a drug crisis started with 
addictive painkillers and followed by heroin.
The Drug Enforcement Administration warned that Fentanyl
 is the deadliest narcotic nationwide and according to 
federal agents 379 million potentially deadly doses 
were intercepted in 2022.

the importance of sleep for health

The clinical psychologist ---
spoke on 
the importance
of sleep --- for health
January 18th, 8:20pm
Olesya Tolstukhina, a clinical psychologist at the Doctor Next
 Medical technology company, said in a conversation with
 Izvestia on January 18th, that regular full — fledged 
sleep is an extremely important element of mental 
and physical health.
"During sleep, many processes in the nervous system 
are stabilized, as well as physical stabilization and
 regeneration in internal organs. When the sleep 
regime fails, the psyche suffers first of all, a 
prolonged lack of normal sleep can 
indicate the beginning of
psychotic states," 
she said.
According to Tolstukhina, the longer a person is without 
sleep, the more severe the consequences: the body's 
key life support systems fail.
"Severe changes in brain tissue critically reduce 
immunity, the body is depleted to the point of 
death," the expert warned.
She noted that with complaints of disturbed sleep, you 
should contact a neurologist or psychiatrist to find out 
the causes of sleep problems, as they may be 
psychological or organic.
Earlier in the day in Moscow, a 16-year-old teenager died 
from a rare form of insomnia, which refers to incurable
 hereditary diseases.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, neurologist-somnologist 
Elena Tsareva told Izvestia on January 18th about how 
to recognize the symptoms of the rarest form of 
insomnia — fatal family insomnia, which 
caused the death of a teenager.
According to her, the key signs that insomnia has a deadly
 form are the complete inability of a person to fall asleep 
and the lack of response to sleeping pills due to the
 fact that the disease changes the structure of 
the brain.

US Guards Use Pepper Spray, Stun
Guns --- to Subdue Prisoners 
in Mental Health Crisis
January 3rd, 1:49pm (FNA)

 Prison guards in the US state of Pennsylvania use
 aggressive and distressing tactics to subdue
 prisoners with mental health illness, who 
may not be able to comply with orders,
 an investigation found.

According to a joint probe by WITF and NPR that
 looked at 456 incidents from 25 county jails in
 Pennsylvania, nearly 1 in 3 "use of force" 
incidents.. involved a person who was 
having a mental health crisis or who 
had a known mental illness during 
the last quarter of 2021.

In many cases, guards used weapons like stun guns
 and pepper spray... to control and subdue such
 prisoners despite the fact that their severe
 psychiatric conditions meant they may 
have been unable to follow orders — 
or even understand what was 
going on.

Most uses of force in prisons don't lead to death, but
 the practices employed by prison guards every day
 in county jails can put prisoners and staff at risk 
of injury.

“There are always going to be use-of-force incidents 
at the prison," Dauphin County Spokesman Brett 
Hambright told NPR.

And Craig Haney, a psychology professor, says some
 of those mentally ill inmates are being traumatized.

“Some mentally ill prisoners are so traumatized by the
 abuse that they never recover, some are driven to
 suicide, and others are deterred from bringing
 attention to their mental health problems 
because reporting these issues often 
results in harsher treatment," 
Cruz said.

Correctional authorities, however, claim the use of
 physical force is an important option to prevent
 violence between inmates, or violence 
against guards themselves.

Records kept by correctional officers at the 25
 Pennsylvania county jails, however, show that
 just 10% of "use of force" incidents were in 
response to a prisoner assaulting 
someone else.

Records also show one in five uses of force — 
88 incidents — involved a prisoner who was 
either attempting suicide, hurting them
selves or threatening self-harm.

Pamela Rollings-Mazza, who provides medical and
 behavioural services at about 35 county jails in
 Pennsylvania, says her team frequently sees 
people come to jail -- who are "not reality-
based" due to psychiatric illness, and 
can't understand or comply with 
basic orders.

In one of such “use of force” incidents in a jail in
 Harrisburg county in Pennsylvania, a prisoner 
with mental health proble...., Ishmail 
Thompson, was killed after a guard 
covered his head with a hood and 
put him in a restraint chair, 
strapping down his arms 
and legs.

Some 20 minutes later, an officer noticed something
 wrong with Thompson's breathing. He was rushed 
to the hospital, but 5 days later, Thompson died.

The district attorney.. declined to 
bring charges against the officer.

According to experts, prison is not an appropriate
 setting for treating serious mental illness.

Currently there are thousands of local jails across
 the US, and they depend on the local and state
 governments... that set correctional policies, 
and that fund — or fail to fund — the mental 
health services that could keep vulnerable 
people out of jail in the first place.


UK Chancellor Admits NHS
 Is on Brink of Collapse 
After 12 Years of 
Tory Rule
November 13th,  4:44pm (FNA)
 UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on Sunday admitted 
the NHS is on the brink of collapse, after 
12 years of Tory rule.
The Chancellor warned... “we’re all going to be paying 
a bit more tax”, as he unveils his Autumn Statement 
Budget on Thursday, The Daily Mirror reported.
Reports suggest he will cut the £150,000 threshold for
45p tax to £125,000 to generate £1.3billion a year,
and cut energy bills support from £60bln in the
current six months, to just £20bln... in the 
six months afterwards.
But health leaders have demanded extra funds 
for the NHS --- amid record waiting times.
He was told by Sky News presenter Sophy Ridge that
 “Frankly this doesn't look like a health service that 
can find efficiency savings - this looks like a 
health service that is on the brink 
of collapse”.
The top Tory, a former Health Secretary and ex-
chairman of the Commons Health Select 
Committee, replied, “There are massive
 pressures in the NHS."
"Obviously --- it’s something I know very well, from
previous jobs I’ve done, and I think that doctors, 
nurses, on the frontline, are, frankly, under 
unbearable pressure --- so I do recognise 
the picture you say" he said --- adding, 
"It’s also true there is a lot of money 
going into the NHS.”
NHS England figures showed a record 43,792 people 
waited longer than 12 hours in October, from
decision to admit, to actually being
admitted on to a ward.
These ‘trolley waits’ were up a staggering 34% 
from 32,776 in September - the highest since 
records began in 2010.
Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said, “Public 
services are already on their knees - seven 
million people are waiting for an NHS 
operation or support.”
It came as Hunt admitted he will be a “Scrooge”
 in his Autumn Statement on Thursday with
 no "rabbits out of the hat”.
He refused to deny it would mark a “return 
to austerity”, replying --- there will be 
“difficult decisions” and “we will 
be asking everyone for 
He warned he won’t be offering “motherhood and
 apple pie” or "cakeism" - an accusation he laid 
at Boris Johnson’s door.
The Chancellor... is eyeing up £33bln a year of 
spending cuts and £21bln a year of tax rises
 by 2027 in a bid to balance the books.
Echoing George Osborne’s austerity rhetoric, he 
tried to claim the nation’s finances were like a
 family budget - despite the £2.4trillion 
national debt.
“We are going to see everyone paying more tax, 
we are going to see spending cuts”, he told 
the BBC.
Speaking to Sky he added, “Families have to make
 sure that in the end, they can pay their bills. They
 don't just max out on their credit card without 
having any way of repaying those debts. It's
 just the same for countries - and we have
 to do that."
“Because if we want to put more money into the NHS,
 if we want to help people who are going to find it 
very, very difficult this winter,..then we need to 
have the resources to do that and that means 
we have to take difficult decisions even at 
moments like this,” he added.
The Chancellor will slash back the Energy Price
Guarantee - which limits average annual bills
to £2,500 - from April ---- after warning it is 
costing the same as “an entire 
second NHS”.
On Sunday, more details emerged of what that 
will cost Brits, as it is limited to only the very
 most vulnerable.
The scheme is costing about £60bln between 
October and March, but the Sunday reports
 it may cost only £20bln in the six months 
Treasury officials have discussed the average 
bill going up from £2,500 to between £2,850 
and £3,100.
That could mean a £600 rise on current bills, 
and a rise of nearly £2,000 a year since 2021.
Hunt said, “We don't want anyone, not to be able
 to afford to heat their home over this winter or
 indeed future winters."
"But in the long run, what you need is a plan that
 means we don't need to have to give very, very
 expensive support as taxpayers,” he added.
He added, “We need to recognise there's only so 
much you can ask from people on the very 
lowest incomes so that will be reflected 
in the decisions that I take.”
But he rejected striking nurses' demands for a 17% 
pay rise, which his Health Secretary blasted as
 "neither reasonable nor affordable".
Hunt said, “I think we have to recognise a difficult
 truth that if we gave everyone inflation-proof pay
 rises, inflation would stay, we wouldn't bring 
down inflation.”
Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said “it’s a badge 
of shame”.. that nurses are staging their first ever 
nationwide strike in England, but also refused
 to commit to a 17% pay rise.
She said "I’m not going to pluck numbers out of the
 air" and "it’s up to the pay review bodies to work 
with the unions", despite the fact the pay review
 bodies have already reported back and it's up 
to the government.
Reeves said, “I don't believe that austerity 2.0 after
 the austerity that we've gone through for the last 
12 years... is the right approach.”
She said she would close tax loopholes on “big 
global multinationals” to bring in £7billion a year.
She also repeated Labour’s pledge to levy 45% 
capital gains tax on private equity fund 
managers, instead of the current 28%.

Italy eliminates sanctions 
against anti-vaccine 
health personnel
by Ana Luisa Brown
October 28th, 3:38pm 
 (Prensa Latina) 
The Italian Health Ministry announced today 
that sanctions against doctors, nurses and 
other health personnel, imposed for their 
refusal to be vaccinated against 
Covid-19  ---  will no longer
in effect.
The new Italian Health Minister, Orazio Schillaci, made 
the announcement on Friday and added that, data on
 those infected and deceased as a result of the 
disease will no longer be published on a daily 
basis, as has been the case up to now.
According to the communiqué, the health authorities
 consider it necessary to initiate a gradual return to
 normality, although they call for responsible 
behaviour, in compliance with the rules 
still in force.
The suspension of employment for non-compliance with
 the vaccination obligation is revoked ‘in view of the
 expiration of the provisions in force on December 
31st and the worrying shortage of medical
 personnel’, the document states.
Schillaci also announced the creation of a 
commission of inquiry ‘to clarify what 
happened from the administrative 
point of view’ --- regarding the 
expenses incurred... by the 
previous administration, 
to face Covid-19.
And in Wales?

Hearing Discovery Reveals  Ear Architecture That Turns  Vibration into Sound

Hearing Discovery -- Reveals 
Ear Architecture That Turns 
Vibration into Sound
October 17th, 1:31pm (FNA)
 In what’s described as a breakthrough decades in the
 making, scientists at Oregon State Health & Science
 University (OHSU) have revealed the inner ear
 architecture that converts vibrations into 
sound, in near-atomic detail.
The ability of the ear to turn vibrations into the
 sensation of sound... is facilitated by an inner 
structure, called the mechanosensory trans-
duction complex. Despite its critical role in 
human hearing, the composition of this 
structure & mechanisms that underly 
its function... have remained poorly 
“This is the last sensory system in which that 
fundamental molecular machinery has 
remained unknown,” said senior 
author of the new study Eric 
“The molecular machinery that carries out this
 absolutely amazing process has been 
unresolved for decades.”
The team’s work involved the roundworm
 Caenorhabditis elegans, a popular model 
for scientists as the creature shares a 
similar genome and many cellular 
pathways with humans. 
The scientists spent five years ---- studying more than
60 million worms through cryo-electron microscopy, 
an emerging technique used to create 3D
 reconstructions of proteins.
This enabled the scientists to piece together the
 protein complex that turns vibrations into the 
electrical impulses our brain recognizes as 
sound. The highly detailed portrait of this
 intricate biological architecture.. was a
long time coming, according to fellow 
OHSU hearing scientist, Peter 
Barr-Gillespie, who wasn’t 
directly involved in
 the research.
“The auditory neuroscience field.. has been waiting for
 these results, for decades, and now that they are right
 here - we are ecstatic,” he said. “The results from this
 paper immediately suggest new avenues of research, 
and so will invigorate the field for years to come.”
Because hearing loss can came about through genetic
mutations that change the proteins making up the
mechanosensory transduction complex... an 
ability to now visualize the protein complex 
may present new ways to counter
 the mutations.
“It immediately suggests mechanisms by which one 
might be able to compensate for those deficits,” 
said senior author Eric Gouaux. “If a mutation 
gives rise to a defect in the transduction 
channel that causes hearing loss, it’s
 possible to design a molecule that 
fits into that space and rescues 
the defect. Or it may mean we 
can strengthen interactions,
 that have been weakened.”

  Are Smartwatch Health Apps  to Detect Atrial Fibrillation  Smart Enough? October 13th,  2:25pm (FNA)   Extended cardiac monitoring in patients and the use  of implantable cardiovascular electronic devices can  increase detection of atrial fibrillation (

Are Smartwatch Health Apps 
to Detect Atrial Fibrillation 
Smart Enough?
October 13th,  2:25pm (FNA)
 Extended cardiac monitoring in patients and the use 
of implantable cardiovascular electronic devices can
 increase detection of atrial fibrillation (AF), but the
 devices have limitations including short battery 
life and lack of immediate feedback. 
Can new smartphone tools that can record an
 electrocardiogram (ECG) strip and make an 
automated diagnosis overcome these 
limitations and facilitate timely 
The largest study to date, in the Canadian Journal of 
Cardiology, published by Elsevier, finds that the use 
of these devices is challenging in patients with
 abnormal ECGs. Better algorithms and 
machine learning may help these tools 
provide more accurate diagnoses, 
investigators say.
"Earlier studies have validated the accuracy of the
 Apple Watch for the diagnosis of AF in a limited 
number of patients with similar clinical profiles,"
 explained lead investigator Marc Strik, MD, PhD, 
LIRYC institute, Bordeaux University Hospital, 
Bordeaux, France. "We tested the accuracy 
of the Apple Watch ECG app to detect AF 
in patients with a variety of coexisting 
ECG abnormalities."
The study included 734 consecutive hospitalized
 patients. Each patient underwent a 12-lead ECG,
 immediately followed by a 30-second Apple 
Watch recording. The smartwatch's 
automated single-lead ECG AF 
detections were classified as 
"no signs of atrial fibrillation,"
 "atrial fibrillation," or 
"inconclusive reading." 
Smartwatch recordings were given to an
 electrophysiologist who conducted a 
blinded interpretation, assigning each 
tracing a diagnosis of "AF," "absence 
of AF," or "diagnosis unclear." 
A second blinded electrophysiologist interpreted 
100 randomly selected traces to determine the 
extent to which the observers agreed.
In approximately one in every five patients --- the 
smartwatch ECG failed to produce an automatic
 diagnosis. The risk of having a false positive
 automated AF detection was higher for 
patients with premature atrial and 
ventricular contractions (PACs/
PVCs), sinus node dysfunction, 
and second- or third-degree 
 For patients in AF, the risk of having a false negative
 tracing (missed AF) was higher for patients with
 ventricular conduction abnormalities (inter-
ventricular conduction delay) or rhythms 
controlled by an implanted pacemaker.
The cardiac electrophysiologists... had a high level of 
agreement for differentiation between AF and non-AF.
 The smartphone app correctly identified 78% of the
 patients who were in AF and 81% who were not in 
AF. The electrophysiologists identified 97% of the 
patients who were in AF and 89% who were not.
Patients with PVCs were three times more likely to have
 false positive AF diagnoses from the smartwatch ECG, 
and the identification of patients with atrial 
tachycardia (AT) and atrial flutter (AFL) 
was very poor.
"These observations are not surprising, as smartwatch
 automated detection algorithms are based solely on
 cycle variability," Dr. Strik noted, explaining that 
PVCs cause short and long cycles, which 
increase cycle variability. 
"Ideally, an algorithm would better discriminate 
between PVCs and AF. Any algorithm limited to
 the analysis of cycle variability will have poor 
accuracy in detecting AT/AFL. Machine 
learning approaches may increase 
the smartwatch AF detection 
accuracy in these patients."
In an accompanying editorial, Andrés F. Miranda-
Arboleda, MD, and Adrian Baranchuk, MD, 
Division of Cardiology at Kingston Health 
Science Centre, Kingston, ON, Canada, 
observed that this is the first "real-
world" study focusing on the use 
of the Apple Watch as a 
diagnostic tool for AF.
"It is of remarkable importance because it allowed us
 to learn the performance of the Apple Watch in the
 diagnosis of AF is significantly affected by the
 presence of underlying ECG abnormalities. 
In a certain manner, the smartwatch 
algorithms for the detection of AF in 
patients with cardiovascular 
conditions are not yet smart 
enough. But they may soon 
be," Dr. Miranda-Arboleda 
and Dr. Baranchuk said.
"With the growing use of smartwatches in medicine, 
it is important to know which medical conditions 
and ECG abnormalities could impact and alter 
the detection of AF by the smartwatch... in 
order to optimize the care of our patients,"
 Dr Strik said. "Smartwatch detection of 
AF has great potential, but it is more 
challenging.... in patients with 
pre-existing cardiac disease."


British women ‘more depressed 
than men’ over cost-of-living 
crisis: Poll
October 7th,  2:30pm
Women in the UK are more worried than men about 
paying bills and household expenses and are more 
depressed than men when faced with financial 
crises, according to the findings of a survey.
The survey was conducted by YouGov, a charity and
 representative of British psychologists in the UK 
between September 6 and 7.
The results of the survey showed that 61% of women
 compared to 47% of men are more worried about 
paying their bills compared to last year.
Also, 3 out of 10 women said that financial worries
 make them feel depressed. This rate is 26% in men.
The results of the research show that women are more
 worried about meeting household expenses in the
 coming year, including paying energy bills (77%
 of women and 65% of men).
Julia Faulconbridge, official psychologist and a member 
of the clinical psychology department of the British
 Psychological Society (BPS) said: “We know 
women often shoulder more of the childcare
 and home responsibilities and are more 
likely to be in low-paid and insecure 
work, increasing their chances of 
being hit by rising prices, and 
subsequently experiencing 
greater anxiety, stress 
and worry.”
“There is a clear causal link between living in poverty
 and mental health difficulties,” she said. “We know 
that the stress of raising a family in poverty can 
have a huge impact on parents’ mental health 
and that poverty is one of the major risk 
factors for the development of mental 
and physical health problems 
in children.”
“This is magnified in a single-parent household, which
 is why we urgently need the Government to confirm
 they will support those who need it most by 
uprating benefits in line with inflation.”
The BPS is joining a range of organizations and 
politicians calling on the government to 
increase benefits in line with inflation.
The UK government has not ruled out actual
reductions in benefits, as reports suggest
payments could increase in line with 
average income increases.
The decision is expected to be made in 
November .....and implemented in April.

Physiotherapist spoke 
about the 'dangers' of
 heavily roasted coffee
 for digestion...
 September 30th, 4:21pm,
Doctor Philip Glubokov: strongly roasted 
coffee depresses digestion.
Heavily roasted coffee can depress digestion, warned 
the physiotherapist Philip Glubokov in an interview 
with the"Fifth Channel".
Glubokov referred to the opinion of scientists, about the 
different effects of roasting coffee on digestion. "There 
is evidence that coffee of different degrees of roasting
 has different effects on digestion. For example, 
strongly roasted coffee, can slightly depress 
digestion, make it slower, while coffee with 
a lighter roast will, on the contrary, speed 
up digestion," the physiotherapist said 
about the harm of the drink.
Therefore, Glubokov continued, it is not necessary to
 combine strong coffee with full meals — it is better
 to use it in between meals.
Earlier, the doctor Monica Wassermann warned 
about the dangers of coffee. According to her, 
drinking coffee can increase the risk of 
blood clots.

Endocrinologist named lard 
and pumpkin products --- to 
support the immune system
September 21st, 2022, 11:03pm
Lard, pumpkin, sunflower seeds and kefir will help
 strengthen the immune system, said Elena
 Evdokimova, an endocrinologist and a
member of the Russian Association 
of Endocrinologists and the 
European Association for 
the Study of Diabetes.
 Writes " Gazeta.Ru", 
September 21st.
According to the doctor, fat, thanks to a large amount 
of arachidonic acid, helps prevent viral diseases and 
strengthens the immune system. Kefir fungi, which 
are contained in kefir, help to normalize the 
microflora, and vitamin D, which is also 
contained in it, is a source of protein 
that is easily absorbed in the body.
"Another product with non-obvious benefits is pumpkin. 
It contains a huge amount of carotenoids and trace 
elements, which greatly strengthen the immune 
system. Many dishes made from pumpkin are 
useful: juice, mashed potatoes, cream soup, 
as well as baked pumpkin," 
says Evdokimova.
Also, peeled sunflower seeds have a beneficial effect
 on the immune system. Seeds contain a lot of fat-
soluble vitamins A, D and E, as well as a large 
number of minerals ---- that have
 immunomodulatory effects.
On the same day, hepatologist Alexandra Yakovleva
 also spoke about the benefits of using fat. 
According to the doctor, the fats present in fat
 contribute to the formation of a protective 
film on the surface of the lungs.

China creates mask with sensors
 --- capable of detecting viruses
by Aleynes Palacios Hurtado
September 21st, 11:07am
 (Prensa Latina)
 Chinese scientists have developed a face mask that
 has sensors, uses a rechargeable lithium battery 
and can detect different types of viruses, 
including SARS-CoV-2, which causes 
Covid-19, CGTN reported 
on Wednesday.
The face mask was developed by professionals at
 Shanghai’s Tongji University --- and the built-in 
system allows the wearer know if he or she
 is exposed to pathogens ...such as the 
common flu, H5N1 & H1N1 influenza.
The device sends alert signals wirelessly to cell 
phones and works best in enclosed spaces 
with poor ventilation, such as elevators.
To test its effectiveness, its creators sprayed virus-
laden liquid on it, simulating scenarios with 
people talking and coughing.
As part of its strategy to fight Covid-19, China 
maintains the mandatory use of face masks, 
to access any public place and most people
keep it on, even if they walk in the street
the open air.
Since October 10th, 2021 and until the end of October, 
2022, the government put into effect new adjustments
 to the sanitary mechanism, also coinciding with the
 week of holidays for its National Day and the
 celebration of the 20th Communist 
Party Congress.
The changes imply that all provinces require
 population to present negative results
RT-PCR test taken 48 hours before 
boarding any means of public 
transportation, that is, a
train, plane or ferry.

Pfizer Isn’t Sharing.... COVID
Vaccines with Researchers 
for Next-Gen Studies
September 8th, 12:37pm  (FNA)
Researchers studying next-generation vaccines to fight 
an evolving Covid-19 threat, are running into problems
 getting existing vaccines to use in their research.
Because Pfizer and Moderna hold the patents for the 
current vaccines, researchers would likely have to 
get the companies’ permission to use them for 
research into products like nasal or pan-
coronavirus vaccines. 
Right now, Pfizer isn’t sharing its vaccines for research
purposes, a spokesperson confirmed to STAT. 
Moderna, didn’t comment when we asked.
Some university researchers argue the posture slows
 global progress toward more effective vaccines in 
the future, especially since the United States has
 already wasted tens of millions of doses of the 
Covid-19 vaccines.
Yale University virologist and immunologist Akiko
 Iwasaki has designed a study of nasal vaccines
 against Covid-19, which - she argues - could 
provide better protection against infection
 and transmission than shots alone. 
The ideal study would be conducted on subjects that 
have already had a primary vaccine series, to 
simulate real-world scenarios. She inquired 
with Pfizer about obtaining some vaccine
 to use in her study of nasal vaccines, 
but has not received any.
“In order for us to develop a better vaccine -- we need 
a comparator. For that reason, everyone who’s doing
 research in this area is in the same boat, we don’t 
have access to do a comparison,” Iwasaki said.
California Institute of Technology professor Pamela
 Bjorkman said her lab has had similar troubles 
obtaining existing Covid-19 vaccines, that 
would otherwise be discarded, in order 
to research a vaccine candidate that
 could provide protection against a
 variety of Covid-19 variants.
“Whatever policy prevents using such vials, does a
 great disservice to global efforts to develop new 
and improved vaccines,” Bjorkman said.
When asked whether Pfizer has provided any vaccines
 for research purposes, spokesperson Sharon Castillo
 said, “We are not accepting or reviewing 
applications for possible clinical 
research that studies the 
Covid-19 vaccine.”

COVID godfather prepares to  start a new career chapter

COVID godfather prepares to 
start a new career chapter
September 1st, 3:08pm
Coronavirus fine-tuning takes place 
in US biolaboratories --- in Ukraine.
President Biden’s top medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci, 
dubbed Dr Evil, has announced he is stepping down 
next December to “continue the next chapter” of 
his career: “I am announcing today, that I am 
stepping down.. as director of the National 
Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases 
(NIAID) and head of the NIAID immuno-
regulation laboratory and as chief 
medical adviser to President

The departure of Fauci, 
one of the protagonists
of the 
recent world-wide “pandemic” 
is no small event.
One of America’s most prominent political
 commentators, Tucker Carlson, told Fox 
News that “for the last two years, Fauci 
recommended treatments & preventive 
measures against COVID that did
 not work.''
 ''He admitted to the New York Times, that he lied about
 collective immunity in order to sell more vaccines…
 which really weren’t even vaccines and have 
hurt tens of thousands of people.''
The report of the placebo vaccines turned out to be just
 one of the information bombs. Global Research says: 
“It’s been almost a year since the FDA (U.S. Food and
 Drug Administration) gave full approval to Pfizer’s
 COVID mRNA injection… Many will be surprised 
to learn that this particular vaccine in FDA-
approved form never actually existed and 
never will. The widely touted --- ''FDA'' 
approval by the Biden administration 
was just a sleight of hand. It was a 
bureaucratic sham.”
The U.S. government ran a drug campaign, deceiving
 citizens into giving them vaccinations --- that the
 authorities assured them were FDA-approved.
 In fact, everyone in America has been 
administered and continues to be 
administered, another version of
 the vaccine with what is known 
as an “Emergency Use 
Authorisation” (EUA). 
The FDA-approved Comirnaty vaccine has 
never been available to Americans.
Fauci lied not only about vaccines, but also about 
quarantine, about self-isolation, about masks:
“You have to wear masks when you cycle, 
you get too much life-enhancing oxygen. 
What you really need, is more carbon 
dioxide.” This Dr Evil spelled it out 
publicly. And, privately, he was 
saying that:- “the usual mask 
you buy at the drugstore is
 actually ineffective in 
protecting against
 the virus”.
When Fauci testified under oath before 
Congress, he concealed that he had 
helped create the coronavirus:
Senator RAND PAUL: ''Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a 
crime to lie to Congress, do you want to withdraw 
your May 11 statement where you claimed that
 the NIH [National Institutes of Health], never 
funded the Wuhan enhancement research?''
FAUCHI: ''Senator Paul, I have never lied to Congress and
 I am not retracting that statement. That document 
you referred to is qualified by staff at all levels
 as ineffective…''
RAND PAUL: ''You take an animal virus and enhance its 
ability to be transmitted to humans. Are you saying 
that’s not enhancing the function?''
The Intercept... spoke to virologist, Vincent Racaniello, 
professor of microbiology & immunology at Columbia 
University. “There is no doubt,” said Ricaniello, “that
 the weight loss in the mice in the study is a gain of
 function. Tony Fauci is wrong to say it is not.”
 Fauci was yowling and wiggling his way 
through the conversation to interpret 
the term “gain of function,” and 
The Intercept reports:
''Scientists working under an NIH grant, to the
Environmental Health Alliance to study bat 
corona viruses (2014) --- combined 
genetic material from the parent 
coronavirus -- known as WIV1, 
with other viruses.'' 
They produced more potent viruses 
--- and Fauci supervised the work.
This kind of work was banned in the US, so the 
experiments were conducted abroad. And not 
just in Wuhan, but in us biolaboratories in
Ukraine. Tucker Carlson writes that:
''At some point, someone… will ask the question, 
why are all these bio-laboratories of ours, in 
Ukraine, located everywhere? Ukraine 
does not seem to be a hotbed of 
pharmaceutical research.''
In a letter to the House Oversight Committee, NIH 
spokesman Lawrence Tabak wrote that a “limited 
experiment” was conducted in Wuhan to test 
whether -- “spike proteins from natural bat 
coronaviruses circulating in China could 
bind to the human ACE2 receptor, in a 
mouse model”. The finalisation of the 
virus took place --- in Ukrainian 
In early 2020, Christian Andersen, a virologist at the
 Scripps Institute in La Jolla, California, wrote to 
Fauci about the COVID-19 virus as follows: 
“Some functions (potentially) look 
engineered.” And Nobel laureate 
in medicine, biochemist and 
virologist David Baltimore 
said he had found: 
evidence of the 
artificial origin 
of the virus”.
It can be considered established, that the coronavirus
 has been artificially bred. Why is a separate question. 
As for a vaccine against the American-created virus, 
in 2020 Fauci proclaimed that the solution to COVID 
would be remdesivir, a drug produced by the 
pharmaceutical giant. Gilead. 
“The time has come” --- declared Dr Evil. 
He only did not say what the time is for.
The Biden administration, government health agencies
 and Pfizer have launched a massive PR campaign to
 overcome “indecision on vaccines”. The media 
joined in this campaign. Fake FDA-approved 
status was used to put pressure on private 
companies to get their employees 
vaccinated. And millions of 
Americans were forced to 
vaccinate because they 
could not afford to be 
And after a while it was discovered that the mRNA
 drug didn’t work, that it was dangerous for young
 men and wasn’t a vaccine, in its classic 
definition, at all.
So the Biden administration first sanctioned the
 creation of the virus -- and then, together with 
Big Tech and Pfizer, tricked Americans into 
taking “FDA approved” vaccines against
 COVID --- that did not exist.
by Agniya Krengel, FSC

   Pictured  - UK air pollution  The toxicologist told about millions of deaths annually  because of polluted air August 21st, 7:30pm   (Lenta.ru)  Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy  of Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of  the Russian Ac

Pictured  - UK air pollution
The toxicologist --- told about
millions of deaths annually 
because of polluted air
August 21st, 7:30pm  
Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy 
of Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of 
the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 
toxicologist Mikhail Kutushov, in an 
interview with Ura.ru --- said that 
every year -- about seven million
people die, due to polluted air. 
He explained that death occurs 
due to the diseases caused by 
the environmental situation.
"Many people suffer from health problems.... 
especially if they live near large industrial 
facilities, or near busy highways. 
Approximately seven million 
people a year, die from 
polluted air.'' 
''It is believed that a third of strokes, and 
other heart diseases -- and lung cancer, 
are caused by a polluted environment. 
Diseases begin with asthma, and
 bronchitis," the specialist said.
He noted that, since human lungs work together 
with the heart, diseases begin to worsen in the 
event of air pollution. According to him, the 
main disease that can occur in humans is 
cancer. In addition, cases of asthma or 
chronic bronchitis are common, the 
toxicologist added.
Kutushov stressed that the greatest danger for
 residents --- is represented by enterprises 
located within the city limits, that work 
with toxic substances. 
He said that it is necessary to move such enterprises
 out of the city, green the city, and people should 
drink more water, as well as eat more 
vegetables and fruits.
Formerly, Shanghai, Moscow and Tehran, have 
been named as the cities with the highest 
level of nitrogen dioxide air pollution in 
the world. This is the conclusion 
reached, by the US non-profit 
organization, Health Effects 
Institute - and the research 
institute for Health Metrics 
and Evaluation.
86% of UK Towns and Cities 
Fail Air Pollution Tests
Gibbons Group

  Possible control of type 2  diabetes by rhodiola root  say scientists by Elsy Fors Garzon August 17th, 00:11am (Prensa Latina)   The extract from the roots of the Rhodiola rosea plant,  known as rhodiola, could be effective in helping to  control type 2

Possible control of type 2 
diabetes by rhodiola root
 say scientists
by Elsy Fors Garzon
August 17th, 00:11am
(Prensa Latina) 
The extract from the roots of the Rhodiola rosea plant, 
known as rhodiola, could be effective in helping to
 control type 2 diabetes, a scientific source 
reported today.
Experts from the University of California at Irvine, 
United States, found that “it reduced fasting 
blood sugar levels, improved response to
 insulin injections, modulated the 
composition of bacteria in the 
gastrointestinal tract and 
decreased...  several bio-
markers of inflammation”.
The team used a genetically engineered mouse 
model that develops obesity, insulin resistance,
 and hyperglycemia, similar to advanced 
human type 2 diabetes.
Such a laboratory procedure – specifies the journal 
Scientific Reports – had the objective of verifying
 if rhodiola could improve glucose homeostasis.
The extract from the roots of this plant acts through
 changes in the microbiome that lead to an increase
 in the integrity of the intestinal barrier and a lower 
translocation of inflammatory molecules to the
 blood circulation.
“The integrity of the intestinal barrier, influences body
 weight and the response to insulin, and could improve
 the responses of liver and muscle tissues to insulin 
produced by the pancreas,” the specialists 
point out.
Known as rhodiola, this herb grows in the colder, 
more mountainous regions of Europe and Asia.
The golden root, as it is also called in the Scandinavian
 culture and Siberian peoples --- is used to increase
 resistance at work and improve altitude sickness.
A clinical trial showed that taking 400 milligrams of
 Rodhiola rosea extract daily for 12 weeks improved
 symptoms of anxiety, exhaustion, and irritability.
Its properties are related to two of its active 
ingredients, rosavin and salidroside.

Chinese scientists have found a  new way to reduce the risk of  heart and vascular diseases August 8th, 7:59pm (trud.ru)  For the prevention and treatment of such diseases,  it is necessary to reduce the level of lipids in the  blood serum and liver.  Chi

Chinese scientists have found a 
new way to reduce the risk of 
heart and vascular diseases
August 8th, 7:59pm
For the prevention and treatment of such diseases, 
it is necessary to reduce the level of lipids in the
 blood serum and liver.
Chinese scientists have found that inhibiting the ASGR1
 receptor in the liver can reduce serum and liver lipids, 
thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
This was reported on Monday, August 8th, by the
Xinhua news agency, with a link to an article 
published in the journal Nature.
As the authors explain, the ASGR1 receptor is
expressed - exclusively - in the liver. Little is 
known about how it affects the metabolism 
of cholesterol, the accumulation of which 
can lead to an increased risk of 
heart disease.
 At the same time, reducing the level of lipids is
 necessary for the prevention and treatment 
of these diseases.
A research team from Wuhan University in China found
 that inhibition of ASGR1 promotes the elimination of
 cholesterol – with bile and faeces, which reduces 
the level of lipids in the serum and liver.
Based on the results of the study, biologists have
 developed a neutralizing anti-ASGR1 antibody 
that can effectively reduce lipid levels, by
 increasing cholesterol excretion.

Russian Defense Ministry 
considers the possibility 
of US involvement in 
the spread of COVID
August 4th, 2:50pm
The Ministry of Defense of Russia suggests that the United
States was involved in the emergence of the COVID-19
pandemic and its spread in the world.
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world,
suggests the deliberate role of US organizations in
 its emergence. This -- was announced at a briefing 
on August 4th, by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, 
Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological 
Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces.
“We are considering the possibility that the United
 States Agency for International Development 
(USAID) is involved in the emergence of the 
new coronavirus,” Kirillov said.
The general recalled the words of the leading expert of 
the authoritative medical journal, The Lancet, Jeffrey 
Sachs, who said in May 2022, that the COVID-19
virus --- was 
artificially created. 
Sachs specified that there is a high
that US achievements
in the field of 
were used in 
its creation.
 "There is enough evidence, that this should be
investigated, but it is not being investigated,
neither in the United States - nor anywhere
else. I think they (US officials - Gazeta.En) 
don't really want to look too much, under
the carpet," Sachs emphasized.

 The "Achilles heel" of almost  all types of cancer, including  drug-resistant ones,  has been found by Olga Muraya July 31st, 2:05pm  (Vesta.ru)   New genetic data is helping to better understand t

The "Achilles heel" of almost 
all types of cancer, including 
drug-resistant ones, 
has been found
by Olga Muraya
July 31st, 2:05pm 
New genetic data is helping to better understand the
 causes of different types of cancer in humans. 
This, in turn, will help to develop new methods 
of cancer treatment.
Medical researchers from several leading institutes 
in the United States have found that at least 70% 
of cancer types and 8% of all individual tumors
 activate a single gene that is normally 
"turned off" in most body tissues.
It turns out that scientists have 
discovered a universal cancer switch?
So far, the study is improving our understanding of how
 different types of cancer develop. But the team that 
made this discovery has already begun working 
with chemists and biologists to figure out how 
to target this gene with possible 
new treatments.
What did the scientists find? It turned out that many
 cancers show abnormal expression of the FOXR2
 gene. This gene is normally expressed 
("switched on") only in the testes —
 the male sex glands.
In a further study involving mice that artificially
 activated the FOXR2 gene, it turned out that 
the expression of the gene increases the 
growth rate of brain tumors.
The team suspects that FOXR2 may be part of 
a broader scheme in which normally inactive 
testicular genes --- are switched on in 
cancer patients.
The authors are already working with other 
laboratories to develop cancer treatments 
that target FOXR2.
The study was published in the July 
8th, 2022 issue of Cancer Research.
At the same time, scientists from Spain have 
revealed the mechanism by which some 
cancer patients do not respond well 
to treatment.
A condition known as multi-drug resistance (MDR) 
can seriously reduce the number of available 
cancer treatment options. However, exactly 
what factors contribute to the development 
of MDR and how it can be controlled...
 remains unclear.
The team started by looking at genes that may play 
arole in causing cancer resistance to drugs. To do 
this, the researchers used CRISPR gene editing
technology in mouse stem cells. A gene 
known as FBXW7 quickly caught 
their attention.
The researchers found that mutations in the FBXW7
 gene endow cells with resistance to most existing
 drugs, with lower levels of FBXW7 expression
 associated with a poorer response 
to chemotherapy.
But importantly, the team also found 
a way to use this feature for good.
The researchers found that a drug called tigecycline
 activates a process known as the integrated stress 
response (ISR). This process helps to" clean" cells
 of toxic proteins that are produced due to a 
mutation in the FBXW7 gene.
Subsequent tests with other drugs that activate
the ISR... also showed some effectiveness.
The work of the Spanish scientists, was 
published in EMBO Molecular Medicine.
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NHS England... Short of 
Tens of Thousands of Staff in
'Greatest Workforce Crisis 
in Its History'
July 25th, 9:30am (FNA)
 NHS England is short of tens of thousands of doctors, 
nurses & midwives with the persistent understaffing 
creating a "serious risk to staff and patient safety", 
MPs said in a damning report.
Health and social care services in England face “the
 greatest workforce crisis in their history” and the
 government has no credible strategy to make the 
situation better, according to the cross-party 
Health and Social Care Committee, 
ITV reported.
Fresh research by the Nuffield Trust shows the NHS in 
England is short of 12,000 hospital doctors and more 
than 50,000 nurses and midwives, revealed in a new 
report from the committee.
It said maternity services are “under unsustainable 
pressure”, while the number of full-time equivalent 
GPs also fell by more than 700 over three years,
 to March 2022.
Projections suggest an extra 475,000 jobs will be 
needed in health and an extra 490,000 jobs in 
social care... by the early part of the 
next decade.
The report said staff are under pressure and the NHS 
loses millions of full-time equivalent days to staff 
sickness caused by anxiety, stress 
and depression.
“The result is that many in an exhausted workforce, 
are considering leaving - and if they do pressure will 
increase still further on their colleagues,” the study 
said, adding that some simple things are not in 
lace, such as access to hot food and drink on 
shifts and flexible working.
MPs said the government has shown a "marked 
reluctance to act decisively", adding, “The 
workforce plan promised in the spring has 
not yet been published and will be a 
‘framework’ with no numbers, which
 we are told could potentially follow 
in yet another report --- later 
this year.”
MPs said that while some progress has been made
 towards a target of recruiting 50,000 nurses, the 
government is set to miss its target to recruit 
6,000 more GPs, as promised in the 
Conservative Party manifesto.
“The persistent understaffing of the NHS now poses a 
serious risk to staff and patient safety both for routine
 and emergency care. It also costs more as patients
 present later with more serious illness," it added.
“But most depressing for many on the frontline is the
 absence of any credible strategy to address it,” 
it said.
MPs said the government’s “refusal” to make
 workforce planning data public “means that 
the basic question which every health and 
care worker is asking: 'are we training 
enough staff to meet patient need?' 
will remain unanswered”.
The report also criticises NHS pension arrangements
 which are leading to senior doctors reducing their 
working hours, owing to facing hefty tax bills.
More needs to be done on social care worker 
pay to stop people leaving, it added.
A separate report by the committee’s panel of 
independent experts rates the government’s 
progress overall to meet key commitments 
it has made on workforce as “inadequate”.
Health and Social Care Committee Chairman and Tory
 MP Jeremy Hunt said, “We now face the greatest 
workforce crisis in history in the NHS and in 
social care with still no idea of the number 
of additional doctors, nurses and other 
professionals we actually need."
“NHS professionals know there is no silver bullet to
 solve this problem but we should at least be giving
 them comfort that a plan is in place. This must be 
a top priority for the new prime minister,” he added.
He told Times Radio that before Brexit, both parties
 believed that if there was a staffing problem, they 
will “fill it with immigration”.
The report said almost every part of the NHS was
 suffering staff shortages. On maternity, it said 
552 midwives left in the last year showing a 
“clear problem with midwifery retention”.
MPs criticised the government and NHS England for
 failing to set out when safe staffing in maternity 
would be reached, a failure that “demonstrates
 a lack of responsibility” and “is absolutely 
Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers, 
which is part of the NHS Confederation, said the
report “once again highlights the extent of the
workforce crisis now facing both the NHS and 
social care”. He said “it is time for a reality 
reset on the NHS”.
He added health leaders are “beyond worried that the
 government has shown a sustained reluctance to act
 decisively on NHS and social care staffing and echo
 the Committee’s concerns that the lack of long-term
 planning and investment risks the government’s 
plans to tackle the waiting list backlog and 
poses a serious risk to both staff and 
patient safety”.
Patricia Marquis, the Royal College of Nursing’s
 director for England, added, “On pay, the 
committee was very clear saying it is 
unacceptable that some NHS nurses
 are struggling to feed their families,
 pay their rent, and travel to work."
“Their recommendation that nursing staff should be
 given a pay rise that takes account of the cost of 
living crisis should make government rethink the 
latest pay deal that follows a decade of, in real 
terms, pay cuts --- that will force even more to 
leave the profession,” she said.
Unison General Secretary Christina McAnea said, 
“The government’s had years to improve the 
workforce situation, but has done little."
“Only last week ministers could have acted to stop 
the exodus of porters, healthcare assistants and 
other NHS staff with an above-inflation wage 
rise. But chose not to,” she added.
Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting 
accused the government of having “utterly 
failed” to address the crisis.
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson
said, “We are growing the health and social care
workforce, with over 4,000 more doctors, and 
9,600 more nurses compared to last year, 
and over 1,400 more doctors in general
practice, compared to March 2019."
“As we continue to deliver on our commitment to 
recruit 50,000 more nurses by 2024, we are also 
running a £95 million recruitment drive for 
maternity services and providing £500 
million to develop our valued social 
care workforce, including through
 training opportunities and new 
career pathways," the spokes
person added.
“We have commissioned NHS England to develop a
 long term workforce plan to recruit and support 
NHS staff while they deliver high quality, safe 
care to patients and help to bust the COVID 
backlogs,” the spokesperson said.

Rhondda Records adds:

and in Wales? Would you bet your life
everything's just fine and dandy???


Up to 70% of recovered patients
 --- experience post-COVID
 expert says
July 22nd, 4:56am (TASS)
Up to 70% of recovered coronavirus patients
 experience post-COVID conditions, the 
Russian Health Ministry’s Chief 
Freelance Neurologist Nikolay 
Shamalov, told reporters.
"The professional medical community, has been
 discussing the so-called post-COVID syndrome
 recently. In fact, 30 to 70% of recovered 
coronavirus patients experience these 
conditions. The figure ranges because 
experts use various research methods 
but in any case, it is about a large 
number of patients.'' 
''When it comes to the post-COVID syndrome, cognitive 
functions are affected in the first place, which concern
 qualities such as memory, attention and speech, as
 well as motor and cognitive skills. Besides, people
 often suffer from headaches, sleep disorders and
 asthenia," Shamalov pointed out.
According to the expert, the older the patient, the
 higher the risk of the post-COVID syndrome 
because the coronavirus... often 
exacerbates already existing
 health issues.
"When patients notice symptoms of the post-COVID
 syndrome, they should consult a neurologist," 
Shamalov added.

Drug overdose epidemic  wreaks havoc in the US by Pavel López Lazo June 24th, 3:29pm    (Prensa Latina)   A drug overdose epidemic kills two people an hour in the US, The New York Times reported on Friday.   The report stated that many more people ar

Drug overdose epidemic 
wreaks havoc in the US
by Pavel López Lazo
June 24th, 3:29pm  
 (Prensa Latina) 
A drug overdose epidemic kills two people an hour
in the US, The New York Times reported on Friday.
The report stated that many more people are 
currently dying in the US of drug overdoses 
than at any other time, Jeneen Interlandi, 
member of the US newspaper’s editorial
 board, stressed.
The North American country´s drug overdose death
 rose afresh to record-breaking levels, by exceeding
 100,000 cases per year for the first time in 2021, 
and as of mid-2022, it appears to be increasing 
even much higher (latest figures come out to 
about 300 people per week or over 2 people 
per hour).
Interlandi pointed out that it is tempting to see 
such a crisis as the inevitable byproduct of an
 unprecedented moment. The astonishing 
malpractice of the drug industry, the rise 
of economic inequality and the Covid-19 
pandemic conspire to ramp up the drug 
overdose death rate.
The analyst said that drug addiction itself is 
as enduring a part of human experience as 
cancer, diabetes or Alzheimer’s.
In fact, it is at least as common as any of them. 
And the fact we do not treat it early and 
carefully is not an accident. It’s a 
choice, she pointed out.

What goes around?
‘Playing with fire’: COVID-19 cases in
 US 30 times higher than reported
June 3rd, 7:56am (PressTV)
The United States finds itself in the throes of the
 fourth wave of coronavirus, according to the 
official case count, albeit experts say the 
actual current rate could be 30 times 
higher than reported.
About 94,000 people in the world’s worst-hit 
country are contracting the virus every day, 
and hospitalizations have also surged this 
month, but officials insist --- the rate is
than in previous waves.
A new survey of the surge in New York, cited in a
 Guardian report, on Thursday, suggests that the 
virus cases could be undercounted by a factor
 of 30.
“It would appear that official case counts are under-
estimating the true burden of infection, by about 
30-fold, which is a huge surprise,” Denis Nash, 
an author of the study and a professor of 
epidemiology at the City University of 
New York School of Public Health, is 
quoted as saying in the report.
According to the study, which has not been peer-
reviewed or published, at least 1 in 5 people in 
New York.. had COVID-19 between April 23rd 
and May 8th, constituting about 22 percent 
of the city's population.
This means that more than 1.5 million people in the
 city have been infected with coronavirus, in just 
two weeks, which is more than the official 
figure, the study finds.
While it is focused on New York, the findings may be
 true throughout the rest of the country, Nash said, 
adding that undercounting could be even 
worse elsewhere.
“It’s very worrisome. To me, it means that our ability
 to really understand and get ahead of the virus is 
undermined,” Nash said.
This week marks the eighth consecutive week of
 a surge in COVID-19 cases in the United States.
In recent weeks, confirmed daily US cases have 
been rising again, powered by a rising tide of
 Omicron sub-variants currently circulating
in the country.
US hits another grim milestone 
with 900,000 COVID-19 deaths
The milestone comes more than 13 months into 
a vaccination drive that has been confounded 
by misinformation, political and legal strife, 
and vaccine hesitancy in segments of
he population.
It also marks the seventh consecutive week that child
 COVID-19 cases have been increasing in the country, 
according to the American Academy of Pediatrics 
(AAP) and the Children's Hospital Association.
More than 112,000 child COVID-19 cases were
 reported in the United States during the past 
week, a doubling of case counts from the 
four weeks before that.
The daily COVID-19 death count is also increasing.
 More than 500 COVID-19 deaths were reported
 nationwide on Wednesday, sending shock-
waves across the country.
Amid a rise in infections, a growing list of school
 districts and universities... are now moving to 
bring back mask requirements.
“This idea that we need to return to normal and that’s
 the most important thing, rather than just actually
 using mitigation measures to save lives – it’s not 
that hard, and if it were normalized, we could do
 it,” Lara Jirmanus, a family physician and 
clinical instructor at Harvard Medical 
School, is cited in the report.
“To just decide that it’s perfectly fine for everyone to
 be infected three to four times a year in the future
 with a new virus, whose effects we don’t fully
 understand, is a huge, huge gamble,” she
 continued. “We just don’t know what 
Covid could lead to in the future… 
We’re playing with fire.”
Reports citing medical experts say the most 
dominant form of COVID-19...  currently 
spreading in the US, appears to spread 
faster than earlier variants and
is believed to be a mutation
genetically linked.. to both 
Omicron & Delta versions 
of COVID-19.

Four US biolabs operate in Nigeria,
 where monkeypox came from 
— Defense Ministry
May 27th, 5:47pm (TASS)
At least four US-controlled biological laboratories
operate in Nigeria, where monkeypox came from,
the Russian Nuclear, Chemical and Biological 
Protection troops head, Igor Kirillov,
stated on Friday.
He pointed out that, according to the World Health
 Organization, the monkeypox pathogen strain was
 imported from Nigeria, where the US deployed its
 biological infrastructure.
"According to the available information, at least four
 US-controlled biolaboratories operate in Nigeria,"
 Kirillov said.
According to Kirillov, in this regard, it is necessary 
to point out a "strange coincidence that requires 
additional inspection by specialists."
"According to European and US media, materials 
of the 2021 Munich Security Conference (that is 
amid the COVID-19 pandemic), mentioned the
practice of a monkeypox countering 
scenario," the NCB troops 
commander said.

Confirmed Monkeypox Cases 
Hit US, Europe, Australia, 
May 20th, 11:01am (FNA)
Cases of Monkeypox are being investigated in
 European countries, as well as the US, 
Canada and Australia, according to 
health authorities and local 
media reports.
A case of monkeypox has been confirmed in
 Melbourne, while a probable case in Sydney 
remains under investigation, the Australian 
ABC News reported on Friday. 
Canada has confirmed its first two cases of 
monkeypox, both in the province of Quebec, 
the country's Public Health Agency said in 
a statement issued on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the US Massachusetts Department 
of Public Health said it had confirmed a single 
case of monkeypox virus infection in a man 
who had recently traveled to Canada.
Several European countries have also reported their 
first confirmed monkeypox cases, including the UK, 
Sweden, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
The outbreak spread in Europe after cases 
were initially reported in the UK.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) 
confirmed that an individual.. has been 
diagnosed with monkeypox in England 
who has traveled from Nigeria, where 
they are believed to have contracted 
the infection, before travelling to 
the UK.
Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that occurs
 primarily in tropical rainforest areas of Central 
and West Africa and is occasionally exported 
to other regions, according to the World 
Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO said monkeypox is usually a self-limited 
disease with the symptoms lasting from 2 to 4 
weeks, but severe cases can occur.
 PressTV adds:

Monkeypox causes fever, body aches, 
enlarged lymph nodes and eventually 
"pox," or painful, fluid-filled blisters 
on the face, the hands, and feet, 
according to medical experts.
Most people recover from the illness (which is 
endemic in parts of central and western 
Africa and usually the result of close 
contact with infected animals)
within a few weeks,
but it 
can be
One of its versions is deemed deadly and kills 
up to 10% of those people infected, but the 
version spreading presently in the UK, is 
said to be milder with a 1% fatality rate.


John Ioannidis: 'Public Health 
Officials Need To Declare 
The End Of The Pandemic'
by Tyler Durden
Authored by Ross Pomeroy
via RealClear Science,
April 2nd, 12pm (ZeroHedge)
John Ioannidis, a Professor of Medicine, of
 Epidemiology and Population Health and 
by courtesy, of Statistics & Biomedical 
Data Science at Stanford University, 
lauded for championing evidence-
based medicine, has been harshly 
criticized over the past two years. 
Like many highly-credentialed health experts,
Ioannidis made some predictions during the
pandemic that eventually proved incorrect. 
During a once-in-a-century pandemic replete
 with unknowns, that is to be expected. But
 perhaps.. the greatest reason he has come
 under fire is for questioning the orthodoxy 
of strict lockdowns, divisive vaccine 
mandates, and other restrictive 
measures to manage the 
Ioannidis is sure to court more controversy with
 a new commentary published to the European
 Journal of Clinicial Investigation, in which he
 argues that it's time to declare the end of 
the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This does not mean... that the problem is 
inappropriately minimized or forgotten, 
but that our communities move on 
with life," he writes.
"Pandemic preparedness should be carefully
 thought and pre-organized, but should not
 disrupt life."
While Ioannidis recognizes that there are 
no quantitative definitions for the end of 
a pandemic like COVID-19, he contends 
that the amount of immunity now 
present worldwide exceeds the 
threshold needed to declare 
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that 
causes COVID-19, endemic
 – constantly present but 
not a public health 
"By the end of 2021, probably 73-81% of the
 global population had been vaccinated,
infected or both," he says. Pockets of 
low immunity, such as in places that 
pursued zero-COVID policies and/or 
with limited access to effective 
vaccines, may persist, causing 
regional outbreaks but we will 
likely never see COVID-19 
again trigger a global 
Declaring the pandemic phase of COVID-19 
to be concluded means understanding and
 accepting a new "normal".
"A decrease of COVID-19 deaths back to typical
 seasonal influenza levels may not necessarily
 happen in 2022 or even beyond," Ioannidis
 cautions. "With an increasingly aging 
global population, "normal" may still 
correspond to higher death counts.. 
This should not be mistaken as a 
continued pandemic phase."
Easing out of the pandemicm, requires a
 widespread mental shift, as well. This 
means focusing more on indicators 
such as hospital intensive care 
admissions to guide policy, 
rather than just infections.
"If the perception of risk focuses on the number
 of documented cases, the spurious perception
 of emergency situations may be difficult to 
quell," Ioannidis writes.
Exiting the pandemic, also means reducing 
fearmongering coverage of COVID-19 in the
 popular media, the propagation of which,
 undoubtedly contributed to the public's 
warped perception of COVID's risks 
throughout the pandemic. 
On average, Americans believed in early 2021
that 8% of deaths had occurred, in people 
under the age of 24. The real percentage
as of today, is 0.3%. Moreover, a third of
 the population has consistently 
believed that COVID leads to 
hospitalization in over half 
of infections. During the 
most recent Omicron 
wave, the proportion
 was 3% or lower.
Declaring an end to the pandemic phase of
COVID-19 has benefits, Ioannidis says. For 
example.. it could allow public health
organizations... to refocus their time 
and money, on more pressing global 
health issues like poor nutrition and
hunger, which collectively claim the
lives of 9 million people each year, 
including 3.1 million children. 
For comparison, at least 6.2 million people have
died from COVID-19 over the past two years, 
the vast majority over age 65. Accepting
endemicity and reducing societal 
restrictions & disruptions would 
also permit economies to 
stabilize more rapidly 
..alleviating hardship, 
easing inflation and 
reducing global 
Lastly, moving on from the pandemic could 
ease some of the political divisions that 
have fractured societies across 
the globe.

drink water to reduce heart failure risk

 Good hydration may reduce 
long-term risks for heart 
failure – Study
by Pavel López Lazo
March 30th, 4:28pm (Prensa Latina) 
UK scientists strongly recommended 
staying well-hydrated to reduce the
of developing heart failure, a 
specialized source reported 
on Wednesday.
''Similar to reducing salt intakes, drinking enough
water and staying hydrated, are ways to support
 our hearts, and can help reduce long-term risks
 of heart disease,'' the European heart Journal
 magazine said.
The team assessed how hydrated the
 participants were by analyzing serum 
sodium levels which increases when
 fluid levels decrease. This can be a 
useful marker for identifying
 individuals at risk of
 heart failure.
The research also helped pinpoint older adults
 at higher risk of developing both heart failure
 and left ventricular hypertrophy.
“Serum sodium and fluid intake can easily be
assessed in clinical exams and help doctors
identify patients...  who may benefit from 
learning about ways to stay hydrated,” 
the experts said.

Distribution of pathogenic
 from Ukraine will
lead to pandemic
-like situation
March 24th, 10:11am (TASS) 
Sending pathogenic biomaterials from Ukraine to Europe
...could lead to a situation comparable to the COVID-19
pandemic the chief of Russia's radiation, chemical
and biological protection force, Igor Kirillov,
said on Thursday.
"The current situation... with the distribution 
of pathogenic biomaterials from Ukraine to 
European countries, could result in death 
and create a hotbed of epidemiological 
instability, the scale of which would
comparable to the COVID-19
Kirillov said.

fat people have all kinds of risks

 Obesity may impact on 
mental and emotional
by Pavel López Lazo
March 17th, 4:43pm  (Prensa Latina) 
A study revealed that excess weight is closely
 related to people´s mental and emotional
 health, who can suffer from depression, 
insecurity and low self-esteem, a 
specialized media reported 
on Thursday.
Other psycho-social damage linked to obesity
 include problems getting a job, falling asleep, 
poor sex life, social isolation, 
and discrimination.
Infosalus.com website pointed out that personal
looks, shape and weight are all-important
 elements in the 21st century.
Excessive weight and feeling bad creates more
 anxiety, we generate cortisol levels, so this 
sustained situation causes low moods, 
causing an overweight person to be 
worse off, with greater emotional 
lability which can appear with 
an uncontrollable burst 
of crying.
Sometimes depressed people tend to have a
 huge binge, take refuge in food; so this will 
cost much more when dating or socializing.
Obesity not only affects psychologically, but
 also socially, emotionally, and personally, 
experts said.

vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 helps strengthen
 defenses against Covid-19
 – Study
by Pavel López Lazo
February 24th, 7:41pm (Prensa Latina) 
Vitamin D3 could balance people's immune
 system and help strengthen defenses 
against viral infections including 
Covid-19, the Swiss publication 
Frontiers in Immunology 
reported Thursday.
In a collaborative study by the Universities of
 Surrey & Brighton, researchers investigated 
the impact of vitamin D supplements – D2 
and D3 – taken daily over a 12-week 
period on the activity of genes in 
people’s blood.
Those involved in the research, contrary to
widespread opinion, found significant
differences between the two vitamin 
D supplements, as they discovered 
that vitamin D2... leaves a 
questionable mark on
human health.
“Vitamin D3 appears to stimulate the type I 
interferon signaling system in the body –
a key part of the immune system that 
provides a first line of defense... 
against bacteria and viruses.'' 
Thus, a healthy vitamin D3 status may help
 prevent viruses and bacteria from gaining 
a foothold in the body,” said Professor 
Colin Smith, lead-author of the study
 from the University of Surrey.
“Our study suggests that it is important that
 people take a vitamin D3 supplement, or
 suitably fortified foods, especially in
 the winter months.”
Although some foods are fortified with vitamin
D, like some breakfast cereals, yogurts, and
bread, few naturally contain the vitamin.
Vitamin D3 is produced naturally in the 
skin from exposure to sunlight or 
artificial ultraviolet UVB light, 
while some plants and fungi 
produce vitamin D2.
Many people have insufficient levels of vitamin
 D3... because they live in locations where 
sunlight is limited in the winter, like the 
UK. The Covid-19 pandemic has also 
limited people’s natural exposure to 
the sun, due to people spending 
more time in their homes.

Withholding vaccine safety
data ‘morally indefensible,’ 
medical journal says
January 22nd,, 4:17pm (RT)
The British Medical Journal (BMJ), has urged public
health regulators & pharma majors to immediately
 release all raw data from Covid-19 vaccine trials
 for independent scrutiny --- arguing that
 “complete data transparency” is a 
matter of “public interest.”
Branding Big Pharma as “the least trusted industry,” 
a recent op-ed by BMJ editors stated that it was 
“morally indefensible” that this information
remains inaccessible to doctors, public,
and researchers -- despite the global
of vaccines and treatments.
In the scathing editorial, the writers – senior BMJ
 editor Peter Doshi, former editor-in-chief Fiona
 Godlee and her successor Kamran Abbasi – 
accuse pharmaceutical companies... of 
“reaping vast profits without adequate
 independent scrutiny of their
 scientific claims.”
At least 3 of the many companies making Covid-19
 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements
 costing them billions of dollars. One pleaded 
guilty to fraud. Other companies have
pre-Covid track record.
In particular, the editorial collective calls out Pfizer,
 Moderna and AstraZeneca for not providing “timely
 access” to “anonymized individual participant
from their clinical trials. 
This granular data is available to regulators like the 
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which told
 a judge last month to give it 75 years to publish all
 data relating to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
But the BMJ said Pfizer – whose trial was “funded 
by the company and designed, run, analyzed, and 
authored by Pfizer employees” ------ has indicated
 that it will not entertain data requests until May
 2025, a full two years after the primary study
 is completed.
This lack of access to data is “consistent across 
vaccine manufacturers,” the editors write, 
noting that the industry is not “legally 
required” to honour requests from 
independent researchers.
Further, they point out that regulatory bodies like
 Health Canada and the European Medicines
 Agency, do not even “receive or analyze”
 trial data, whereas the UK’s Medicines 
and Healthcare Products Regulatory 
Agency does not “proactively
 release” such info.
“The purpose of regulators is not to dance to 
the tune of rich global corporations... and 
enrich them further; it is to protect the 
health of their populations,” 
they concluded.

Ireland: To Fully Lift
 COVID-19 Restrictions
January 21st, 11:50pm (teleSUR)
Irish Prime Minister, Micheal Martin, announced 
that COVID-19 restrictions that have been in 
place for almost two years, are now lifted.
Micheal Martin, Irish Prime Minister disclosed that
 the governments decided that almost all COVID-19
 restrictions placed for about two years, are lifted.
Ireland is placed among the countries with the highest 
rate of COVID-19 infections in Europe, and now also, 
the continent's highest uptake of booster vaccines,
 which made possible the number of seriously ill 
people remained below the previous peak.
"We have weathered the Omicron storm," the minister
 stated, on Friday's televised address --- in which he
 noted, booster vaccines had "utterly transformed"
 the country's situation. "I have stood here and 
spoken to you on some very dark days. But 
today is a good day," he added.
Ireland was one of the most cautious countries
 in Europe about the risks of COVID-19, having 
some of the longest-running restrictions on
 travel and hospitality. According to public 
health officials' advice, the government
 decided: that bars and restaurants will 
no longer need to close at 8pm, a rule 
held late last year when the Omicron 
wave struck, or to ask customers 
for proof of vaccination.
The full capacity has been restored for the indoor
and outdoor events --- paving the way for full 
crowds, for next month’s Six Nations rugby
 championship. Martin highlighted that the
 measure which decreed.... the need of 
wearing masks in public places will 
remain at least until the end 
of February.  
The Irish hospitality sector, which has been
by one of Europe’s toughest lockdown
 regimes, has welcomed the decision.
[and in Wales?]


Bye Bye, Mask and Covid Pass: 
Boris Johnson --- Announces
of Plan B Restrictions
in England
January 19th, 1:43pm (Sputnik)
 UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced 
on Wednesday the end of the so-called Plan B
 implemented in England since December, to 
prevent the spreading of the Omicron
 variant of the SARS-CoV-2.
Addressing Parliament, Johnson said.. that the 
working from home guidance, the requirement
 to wear face masks, and the use of COVID 
passports, in some settings, will be 
dropped, next week.
"This government got the toughest decisions right,"
 the prime minister told lawmakers, adding that the
 government "will trust the judgment of the British
 people" ...when it comes to social distancing 
measures and face mask covering... to 
prevent the spreading of the virus.
The so-called Plan B was originally rolled out in 
December to combat the spread of the highly 
transmissible variant.
Reacting to the announcement, the leader of 
the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, called it an 
attempt to distract the public’s opinion on 
the crisis the prime minister is facing... 
following revelations, that he and his 
staff in Downing Street held parties 
during the COVID-19 lockdown.
[Rhondda Records adds - and in Wales?]
Booster programs... will 
prolong COVID pandemic,
 not end it, WHO chief
January 17th, (various media)
Blanket vaccine booster programs are likely to
 prolong the COVID-19 pandemic, as inequity
 in access to jabs, could lead to more 
mutated variants that drag out the 
crisis, the head of the World 
Health Organization 
(WHO) warns.
[The UK and others in the West...
simply don't care, Rhondda
Records adds]


Cannabis could prevent 
Covid --- study claims
January 12th, 2:57pm (RT)
The next breakthrough in stopping Covid-19, may
 come not from Big Pharma, but from the humble
 pot plant. Researchers in Oregon in the US,
 discovered that two compounds found in
he devil’s lettuce can stop the virus
 its tracks.
Rather than attempting to smoke their way 
to immunity, a team of scientists at Oregon 
University isolated two compounds from 
hemp -- cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and
 cannabidiolic acid (CBDA)  -- and found 
 they bind to the coronavirus’ spike 
protein and stop it from binding
the outer membrane of
human cells. 
This latter binding process, is normally how the
virus enters the human lungs and other organs.
The two compounds are precursors to CBG and 
CBD, which are widely legal, and available to 
consumers. The CBG and CBD cannabis oils 
and extracts are commonly used to treat 
anxiety, sleep disorders, epilepsy, and
wide range of other ailments. 
CBGA and CBDA “are not controlled substances like
 THC... the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana and
 have a good safety profile in humans,” said Richard 
van Breemen, a researcher with Oregon State’s 
Global Hemp Innovation Centre. Van Breemen 
added that these compounds “can be taken 
orally,” and “have the potential to prevent 
as well as treat infection” by 
the coronavirus.
Van Breemen and his team published their research in
 the Journal of Nature Products on Tuesday. However,
 they have a long way to go before doctors begin 
writing hemp oil prescriptions en masse. While
 the study found CBGA and CBDA effective 
against both the Alpha & Beta variants 
of the coronavirus, it was carried out
human cells in a laboratory rather
actual human test subjects.
Still, the scientist sees these hemp compounds
eventually being used alongside vaccines... to 
make “a much more challenging environment” 
for Covid-19. One of the main criticisms of the 
current crop of vaccines is that they use the 
original spike protein of the virus as an 
antigen, meaning that when variants
emerge... with new spike protein 
mutations, they are more likely 
to evade the protection
 by a vaccine.
“These variants are well known for evading antibodies
 against early lineage [Covid-19].... which is obviously
 concerning given that current vaccination strategies 
rely on early lineage spike proteins as an antigen,”
 said van Breemen. “Our data show CBDA & CBGA
 are effective against the two variants we looked
and we hope that trend will extend to other
 existing and future variants.”


 UK government gives NHS
to private companies 
to ''help''with Covid
January 10th 10:52am (PressTV)
The National Health Service (NHS), the publicly funded
 healthcare system in the UK, is seeking ''help'' from
private health companies to deliver critical treat-
ments... such as cancer surgery.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid has ordered England's
 NHS to strike a ''3-month'' agreement with private
 health companies --- to allow patients to get 
specific treatments, as the NHS hospitals
 are ''overwhelmed'' with COVID-19.
David Sloman, NHS England chief operating officer
and COVID incident director, said on Monday the 
deal “places independent health providers on 
standby to provide further help should 
hospitals face unsustainable levels of 
hospitalizations or staff absences.”
The agreement includes Practice Plus Group, Spire 
Healthcare, Circle Health Group, and several other
 leading private companies, according to the NHS.
Circle CEO Paolo Pieri said the company has been
helping the NHS, since the first COVID wave in 
March 2020, performing urgent treatments 
for over 400,000 NHS patients.
According to the Spire Healthcare, under the agreed
deal the company “will grant NHSE access to 100%
of its facilities and teams on a local, regional or 
national basis, in the event of a surge of 
COVID-19 patients in NHS hospitals 
in England.”
The Spire said the deal ''expires'' on March 31st, 2022.
The new plan comes in the wake of the highest level of 
hospital staff absence in England, since the vaccine
 rollout began.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has expressed
sorrow over the “terrible toll” of more than 150,000
deaths inflicted by the coronavirus in the UK.
The UK’s death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic 
has reached more than 150,100, making it the 
world's seventh worst official pandemic toll.
PM Boris Johnson confirmed the number and
 expressed sorrow over the fatalities last
weekend. He said the coronavirus has 
“taken a ‘terrible toll’ on the country.
Housing Secretary Michael Gove was at pains
 assert that there is mounting pressure on 
British hospitals... and the country is ''not 
yet'' in a position to live with 
the pandemic.

UK care sector declares
‘red’ alert
 amid Covid
staffing shortage
January 5th, 1:42pm (RT)
Over 11,000 care home workers are currently unable
 to work, amid the spread of the Omicron strain, with
 staffing shortages leaving the UK sector struggling 
to cope and infections delaying hospital discharges.
Government data shows that, across England, 9.4% of 
care home staff are temporarily off work, with around
 3% self-isolating due to Covid. Although the figures
 could be higher, having been undercounted... due 
to the festive period and bank holiday weekend.
The situation has forced more than 90 care operators
 to declare a “red” alert, meaning that they don’t have
 the staff to meet patient demands. This has been
 exacerbated by a shortage of PCR tests, 
delaying workers from getting test 
results and forcing them to 
isolate at home longer 
than needed.
Barchester, one of the UK’s largest care home
 operators, running 250 establishments, has 
warned: that it is facing Covid outbreaks
105 of its homes. Under government 
guidelines, care homes with active 
outbreaks cannot accept hospital
 discharges, creating a backlog 
and preventing the struggling
 NHS from clearing beds.
Staffing shortages have forced care agencies to offer
 up to £80 ($108.31) an hour for temporary staff – four
 times the normal cost – as well as resulting in homes
 poaching staff from other providers at the last minute.
“The spread of Omicron across the country will bring
 more care homes into outbreaks, put huge pressure
 on the already compromised staff group, and mean
 those who need care, do not get it,” said Vic 
Rayner, the chief executive of the
Care Forum.
To address the situation, one care operator in
 Yorkshire, Mike Padgham, called on the UK
 government to establish a “volunteer 
army”... of retired nurses, doctors, 
and carers who could potentially
 fill shifts at short notice.
Despite the situation in care homes, the chief 
executive of Barchester, Pete Calveley, says 
that the virus is not causing serious illness
 and death among the majority of residents
 ....with most only showing “minor or 
cold-like symptoms.”

Growing evidence that 
Vitamin K improves 
heart health
by Pavel López Lazo
January 2nd, 5:27pm (Prensa Latina) 
New Edith Cowan University (ECU) research 
has found that people who eat a vitamin K-
rich food... have up to a 34% lower risk of
 atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular
 disease, the US magazine 
SciTechDaily reported.
Researchers examined data from over 50,000
 people taking part in the Danish Diet, Cancer, 
and Health study, over a 23-year period. 
They investigated whether people who ate 
more foods containing vitamin K, had a 
lower risk of cardiovascular disease 
related to atherosclerosis (plaque 
build-up in the arteries).
There are two types of vitamin K found in foods 
we eat: vitamin K1 comes mainly from green
 leafy veggies and vegetable oils, while 
vitamin K2 is found in meat, eggs, 
and fermented foods, such 
as cheese.
The study found....  that people with the highest
intakes of the vitamin K1.. were 21% less likely
 to be hospitalized with cardiovascular disease
 closely related to atherosclerosis.
For vitamin K2, the risk of being 
hospitalized was 14% lower.
University of Western Australia researcher Dr. Jamie
 Bellinge, the first author on the study, said the role 
of vitamin K in cardiovascular health, and 
particularly in vascular calcification, 
is an area of research... offering 
promising hope for the future.
“Current dietary guidelines for the consumption of
 vitamin K are generally only based on the amount
 of vitamin K1 a person should consume, to 
ensure that their blood can coagulate,”
 explained ECU researcher and 
senior author on the study,
 Dr. Nicola Bondonno.
However, there is growing evidence that intakes of
 vitamin K - above current guidelines - can afford 
further protection against the development of
other diseases, such as atherosclerosis.
“Although more research is needed to fully
 understand the process, we believe that
 vitamin K works by protecting against 
the calcium build-up in the major 
arteries of the body leading to
 vascular calcification.”
“Cardiovascular disease remains a leading cause
 of death in Australia... and there’s still a limited
 understanding of the importance of different 
vitamins found in food and their effect on 
heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral 
artery disease,” Dr. Bellinge said.

Chinese Think Tank:
US Most 
Likely Origin
of COVID-19
December 25th, 1:50pm (FNA)
The US is most likely the country where the
 coronavirus originated and it is most 
responsible for the fast global 
spread of the deadly viral 
pathogen, according to 
a research report.
The report titled...  ‘US Responsible for Global Spread 
of COVID-19’ was jointly released by the Intelligence 
& Alliance Think Tank and the Taihe Institute in 
China ,on Friday.
China's official Xinhua news agency, published
 report’s findings, saying data from multiple 
sources had shown that the US was to blame
for the coronavirus out-
break as its political
manipulation of
 the disease had made the
anti-pandemic efforts, difficult 
and challenging.
“Evidence indicating COVID-19 originated from
 the United States has kept cropping up,” the 
report said.
“For example, the timeline of the outbreak in the 
United States has been continuously backdated, 
the role of the US military is implicated in the 
origin and spread of COVID-19, and early 
cases, in many countries, are linked to
 the United States,” it added.
Calling the United States "the main force of global
 COVID-19 spread", the report said... the country 
missed the best time to contain the pandemic
 at an early stage... and its open-door policy
as well as its irresponsible 
of immigrants... had 
exacerbated the
global spread
 of the virus.
Xinhua also said that the US troops stationed
 overseas have repeatedly violated epidemic
 prevention protocols and accelerated 
the transmission.
The country's failure to control COVID-19 in
international events, has led to "super-
spreading" of the virus and its 
unilateral sanctions have led
to a humanitarian crisis, 
according to 
the report.
Stressing that the US political manipulation has made
 the global fight against the pandemic more difficult,
 the report said the country shirked responsibility 
for pandemic prevention, which undermined 
international anti-pandemic efforts.
“The United States has been obsessed with political
 self-interest and evaded due responsibility,” Xinhua
 cited the report as saying, adding that political
 polarization harmed both America and the
 world at large.
Underlining that the US should abandon its obsession
 with political self-interest, and reflect on epidemic
 prevention and control, the report called on the
 country to stop politicizing the coronavirus 
and undermining international anti-
pandemic cooperation.... and 
 actively share its vaccines 
with the world.
It also urged the US, to conduct origins tracing
 research in a scientific manner and facilitate 
global economic recovery, so that the 
COVID-19 pandemic will be 
eventually defeated.
The theory that the contagion had leaked from a 
Chinese lab was originally hyped up by, among
 others...  the administration of former US 
President Donald Trump, as part of his 
hawkish anti-China policies.
Since infecting its first victims in the central Chinese
 city of Wuhan, in late 2019, the pandemic has 
spread to nearly every country across the 
globe, causing more than 278 million 
infections and nearly 5.4 million 
deaths worldwide.
Last week, Trump said the US should make China pay
for the COVID disaster, demanding that the US tariffs
 on Chinese goods be increased “very substantially”
 as reparation payments for the chaos unleashed
the virus.
China has repeatedly called on the US to give a full
 clarification on its bio-military activities at home 
and abroad, a matter of concern shared by 
Russia and others.

Doctor who flagged Omicron 
advises against harsh
December 14th, 1:23pm (RT)
There is ''no need'' to impose tougher restrictions over
 the Omicron variant as the cases are “predominantly
 mild”, the head of South Africa Medical Association
 Dr. Angelique Coetzee, has said.
The South African GP was the first medic who raised
 concern about the new Covid-19 variant four weeks
 ago. Answering questions of the UK Parliament’s
 Science & Technologies committee on Tuesday, 
Dr Coetzee said... that “we don’t have all the 
answers” and that “we need to see how
 this virus progresses”.
However, the current picture shows that Omicron is a
 “mild disease”, & less dangerous than Delta variant,
 thought it might be more transmissible, she added.

 Dr Coetzee said that the existing data, though 
limited, shows that the symptoms in Omicron 
patients, even in those who are hospitalized,
 are milder, they get better quicker & there
 have been no cases of long COVID in 
these patients.
Therefore, she noted that, before imposing travel bans
 and other tough restrictions, it would make sense for
 governments to take measures internally:  to get 
more people vaccinated, make sure that they 
are wearing masks, avoid crowded places, 
and keep social distance.
Saying that South Africa is “still on the same level of
 restrictions”, she underlined that “we don't see 
the need for stricter restrictions."
“The virus is everywhere. Maybe, in a way, we
 need to learn how to live with this,” she said.
Earlier, in an article for Daily Mail, Dr. Coetzee was
 even more straightforward.. in her criticism of 
what she called “knee-jerk reactions”, to the 
news of discovery of the new COVID variant. 

The UK was one of the first countries to
 impose bans on travel from South 
Africa in the aftermath of the
“Indeed, I am disappointed by such knee-jerk
 reactions. They bear no relation to what we
are seeing in surgeries in South Africa, 
where people rarely even discuss 

As one Twitter user 
'Covid's become a UK neurosis’”,
 she wrote.

impotent vapers?

Study names major 
risks for vapers
December 1st, 2:36pm (RT)
Men who vape or use e-cigarettes are more than twice
 as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than those
 who have never used the popular nicotine-based 
smoking alternatives, a new study has found.
The study, which analyzed self-reported data from 
almost 14,000 US men aged between 20 and 65, 
found that regular e-cigarette users were 
around 2.2 times more likely to 
experience impotence than 
The findings were published in the American
 Journal of Preventive Medicine on Wednesday.
The risk was found to be 2.4 times greater in a smaller
 sample of men younger than 65 – with normal body
 mass indexes and no history of heart disease – 
when compared to non-vapers. The study did 
not include data on whether the respondents 
were taking medications that can raise the 
risk of erectile dysfunction.... such as 
antidepressants or heart medication.
Researchers noted the “abundant evidence” already 
linking smoking and nicotine to sexual dysfunction 
and theorized that the particularly high level of
 nicotine in vaping liquid reduces blood flow 
to the penis and interferes with the normal 
functions of blood vessels, though they
 didn’t definitively prove the link.
Nonetheless, the study’s authors – from New York
 University and Johns Hopkins University – noted 
that vaping enthusiasts needed to be warned 
about the potential impact on their 
sexual health.
Citing research based on rodent models, the
 researchers also noted that another 
“plausible” link was exposure to 
e-cigarette “refill liquids.. with or 
without nicotine.” These contain 
chemicals that may reduce 
testosterone levels in the 
human body and impair 
normal erectile function.
“Overall, e-cigarettes are likely less harmful than
 smoking cigarettes to the degree that they 
substitute cigarette smoking,” the study’s 
lead author, Omar El Shahawy, told Insider. 
He added that men who view vaping as a
 healthier alternative should try to “limit”
 the habit as it is “simply not risk free.”
The study comes as England gears up to become
 the first country to prescribe e-cigarettes as a 
method to help smokers kick the habit. In 
October, the UK’s Medicines and Health-
care products Regulatory Agency issued
 updated guidance.. that would allow the 
products to be offered through the NHS.
But El Shahawy warned that the relationship 
between vaping and impotence needs to be 
“fully investigated” in further studies. The 
study did not detail whether the risk of 
erectile dysfunction was comparable 
to that posed by smoking.

Report: Tens of Thousands
Cancer Referrals
in UK ''
Due to COVID-19''
December 1st, 11:43am (FNA)
 The NHS may be missing more than 9 million 
referrals, while patients face - a “postcode 
lottery” for cancer treatment and routine
 operations, a parliament watchdog
has warned.
Millions of patients... have either avoided, or been 
unable to obtain healthcare during the pandemic
leaving the NHS with a potential unknown back-
log of operations, which could push the 
national waiting list to 12 million by 
2025, The Independent reported.
A report from the government’s National Audit Office,
on Wednesday, also warned that patients across 
England are facing a postcode lottery in terms 
of waits - with some hospital waiting lists far
 larger than others following the pandemic.
The findings come ahead the government’s plan to
 tackle the NHS’ treatment and surgery backlog, 
which is expected to be published this week. 
In November the NHS recorded its highest 
ever waiting list, at 5.8 million.
According to the NAO’s analysis NHS services in 
Birmingham and Solihull have racked up the 
longest waiting lists - with 51 percent of 
patients waiting more than 18 weeks, 
compared to 20 percent in Surrey.
Birmingham and Solihull also had the worst for 
cancer waiting times according to the data, 
with 57 percent waiting more than three 
months compared to Surrey, Kent 
and Cornwall.
The NAO said variations may reflect, differences in
 areas, such as poverty levels and rates of routine
 operations, prior to March 2020, as well as the 
direct impact of the pandemic.
The findings come after NHS data in November,
 revealed the number of patients waiting more
 than two years for treatment following a 
referral, rose to a record 12,491.
The report also estimated there were between 240,000
 and 740,000 “missing” urgent GP referrals for 
patients with suspected cancer between 
March 2020 and September 2021 and 
up to 60,000 patients, missing first 
treatments, in the same period.
The NAO warned, “The NHS was doing more work
year-on-year, before the-pandemic, but the 
demand for its services was increasing... 
even faster. To keep pace, it would have 
needed either more beds and more staff 
or a different way of working, or most 
likely, a combination of all three.”
When COVID-19 first hit England, the NHS rapidly
 agreed a deal with 27 private sector hospitals to
 carry out routine operations.... amid fears 
hospitals would be overwhelmed.
Under this national contract, during 2020-21, the NHS 
will have paid £2.1 billion to private sector providers
in return for 3.3 million completed treatments,
according to the NAO’s report.
Between March 2019 and February 2020, 
independent providers carried out 8% 
of routine operations for the NHS.
Following the pandemic... the NAO said there was
“sharp” reduction in operations carried out by 
private sector hospitals in the initial stages of 
the pandemic but that this increased to pre-
pandemic levels from June 2021.
It is not clear how many operations and treatments
 were expected to be carried out by private 
providers under the £2.1 billion contract, 
and NHS England has never officially 
released this information.
However, in November last year, the Health Service
 Journal reported just one third of capacity paid 
for by the NHS in private hospitals was used 
following the first pandemic wave.
Eve Byrne, head of campaigns and public affairs,
Macmillan Cancer Support, said, “This report
 confirms what we hear --- day in, day out, from 
people living with cancer.... Chronic staffing 
shortages are already having a devastating 
impact on cancer patients, and we have
 major concerns that is only set to 
worsen without urgent action."
She said the government’s plan to tackle 
the operations backlog must be backed 
up by steps.... to ensure enough 
nursing staff.
“Without these critical pieces of the puzzle, we 
risk increasing numbers of people facing later
 diagnoses, poorer care and potentially worse 
chances of survival. This has to change,” 
she added.
As part of its recommendations the NAO has said 
the government, NHS England and education 
body Health Education England, should 
develop a detailed plan to address 
shortages in the workforce over 
the next 12 months to 3 years.
The recommendation comes just after the government 
rejected an amendment to the Health and Care Bill by
 MP Jeremy Hunt which would have required the
 Secretary of State for Health and Care to 
publish independent assessments of 
NHS workforce gaps, every 2 years.
Dr Tim Mitchell, vice president of the Royal College 
of Surgeons of England said, “The NHS faces huge 
challenges as staff continue to treat COVID-19 
patients, while trying to reduce the vast 
waiting list for planned care.
He called for the government’s upcoming plan to
 include guidance --- on how it would set up 
“surgical hubs” and separate planned 
surgery from emergency care... to
for operations to continue
during the pandemic.
The royal college vice president added, “Also we urge
 the government to amend the Health and Care Bill, to
 ensure there are independently verified assessments
 of workforce numbers. It will take investment both
 surgical hubs and staff to bring waiting times
 to acceptable levels.”
An NHS spokesperson said, “Treating more than half 
a million patients in hospital for COVID...  as well as 
delivering a world-leading vaccination programme,
has inevitably had an impact on some routine and
non-urgent care, yet, since the pandemic began, 
the NHS has performed millions of routine 
procedures, and over 450,000 people 
have started treatment for cancer."
“NHS staff are now pulling out all the stops to recover
 elective activity levels, making good use of additional 
resources to open new surgical hubs and diagnostic
 centres, develop innovative ways of working and
 perform more operations, tests, checks and 
scans, so anyone who is concerned about
 their health should come forward so the
 NHS can help you,” the spokes-
person added.
(Rhondda Records adds: and in Wales?)


Long-term efficacy of Russian 
Sputnik V jab revealed
November 24th, 6:32pm (RT)
The Russian-made Sputnik V Covid vaccine 
has demonstrated high long-term efficacy, 
according to data collected in San Marino.
 The jab remains around 80% effective 
against the disease 6 to 8 months 
after being administered.
The data was revealed on Wednesday by the 
Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the 
sovereign wealth fund which bankrolled
 the vaccine’s development.
Evaluation of the vaccine’s performance is based 
on analysis of real-world experience obtained in
 the Republic of San Marino. About 70% of the
 microstate’s 34,000-strong population have
 received the Russian-made vaccine.
“The data is based on the number of Covid infections
 in San Marino, in November 2021. Efficacy was
 calculated based on data obtained from over 
18,600 individuals fully vaccinated with 
Sputnik V not less than five months 
before November,” the RDIF said
 in a statement.
The analysis shows that the vaccine remained some
 “80% effective against coronavirus infection from 
6 to 8 months, after administering the second 
dose.” Hospitalization rates among those
 Sammarinese who got vaccinated with 
Sputnik V have been extremely low, 
with “only 0.75 per 1,000 people” 
ending up in hospital, over the 
span of the mass vaccination 
campaign, from February
November 2021. 
“This rate is more than two times lower than that 
of any other vaccine used in the country,” the
 RDIF noted.
“Efficacy of Sputnik V in 6-8 months, is much higher
 than the officially published efficacy of mRNA
 the fund added.
Multiple studies have raised the alarm: about the
 waning efficacy of mRNA vaccines - with the US
Pfizer jab in particular, faring rather poorly over 
a long period of time. According to a study, 
bankrolled by Pfizer itself - and published 
in the leading medical journal the Lancet
-- the jab demonstrated 88% efficacy in
 the first month, after full vaccination, 
dropping to only 47% after 5 months. 
The study was based on analyzing a large amount
 of data, harvested during vaccination campaigns 
in the US.
A competing mRNA vaccine, the Covid-19 shot by
 Moderna, another US company, has apparently 
shown significantly better long-term efficacy 
than Pfizer’s shot. According to the firm’s 
own claims, the jab remains some 93%
 effective... six months after full 
vaccination, compared to the
 shot’s initial efficacy of 94%.
These estimates have been corroborated by 
research from the US Centres for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC).
The research showed the Pfizer jab’s efficacy 
falling from 91% to 77% over the 120-day 
period after vaccination, compared to 
Moderna’s shot -- demonstrating a
decline from 93% to 92% during 
the same period.
An analysis of effectiveness of the mRNA shots over
 a longer period of time, however, has produced
 worrying results. According to a study, based 
on data from of nearly 800,000 US veterans 
and published in the Science journal early 
this month, both Pfizer and Moderna jabs
 demonstrated ''a major decline'' in
 over a 7-month period. 
While effectiveness against the disease was 
some 89% for Moderna and 87% for Pfizer 
in March, it dropped to 58% and 43% 
respectively, by September.
Assisted death...
only for vaccinated, 
euthanasia association says
November 24th, 9:21am (RT)
Anyone wishing to be euthanized now, has to first
 present proof of vaccination, or recovery from 
Covid, as per the new guidelines issued by 
Germany's euthanasia association.
A statement put out by the Hamburg-based group on
 Friday reads... “assisted suicide and the preliminary
 examination of a patient’s ability to make decisions
 freely implies physical closeness between people. 
However, that is precisely the precondition for
spread of Covid.”
In February 2020, Germany's top court overturned 
a ban on providing euthanasia as unconstitutional.
A number of German regions have put in place strict
 curbs, banning the unvaccinated from most public
 places. Across the country, only recovered or 
inoculated people can enter restaurants, 
museums, and similar venues, while 
those even with a negative Covid 
test cannot. Amid the surge in 
cases, the German states of 
Saxony and Bavaria have
 both cancelled.... all 
Christmas markets.
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, told her fellow 
party members on Monday that the current wave 
of Covid in Germany, was worse than any 
previous one, and called for stricter 
measures to contain it. 
The country’s health minister, Jens Spahn, went 
even further, claiming that “by the end of this 
winter, everyone in Germany will either be 
vaccinated, recovered, or dead.”
Those statements came as the seven-day infection
 rate per 100,000 people broke a new grim record 
on Wednesday, reaching the 404.5 mark.... as 
reported by Germany’s disease control and
 prevention authority, the Robert Koch 

Covid jab compensation 
claims soar in Australia
November 17th, 3:15pm (RT)
Australia’s government could be forced to spend tens
 of millions in payouts - after receiving over 10,000
 compensation claims from people who suffered 
side effects and a loss of income, due to 
Covid-19 vaccines.
Under a no-fault indemnity scheme, eligible claimants 
can apply for compensation amounts... of between 
AU$5,000 (US$3,646) to AU$20,000 (US$14,585) 
to cover medical costs and lost wages, as a 
result of being hospitalized, after getting 
the shot. The scheme’s online portal 
is scheduled to be launched 
next month.
Official figures suggest, however, that over 10,000 people
 have already indicated their intention to make a claim, 
since registration opened on the health department’s
 website in September. If each claim was approved, 
the government could face a bill of at least 
AU$50 million (US$36.46 million).
There were around 78,880 adverse events to Covid-related 
vaccination in Australia as of November 7th, according to 
the Therapeutic Goods Administration, which regulates
 national health products. The majority of side effects 
were minor, including headaches, nausea, and 
arm soreness.
Only people who experienced a moderate to significant 
adverse reaction that resulted in a hospital stay of at 
least one night are eligible for coverage under the 
government’s scheme. Those seeking $20,000 
or less have to provide proof their claims are 
vaccine-related – although there has been 
no information, as yet, on exactly what 
evidence would be acceptable.
“Adverse events, even though they happen to a tiny
 proportion of people, for the people it does impact
 it’s really quite devastating,” Clare Eves, head of
medical negligence at injury compensation firm 
Shine Lawyers, told the Sydney Morning Herald.
Among the adverse reactions covered... are the blood 
clotting disorder “thrombosis with thrombocytopenia
 syndrome (TTS)” linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine 
and... the “myocarditis and pericarditis” heart 
conditions associated with the Pfizer vaccine.
 Other reportedly accepted side effects are Guillain-Barré
 syndrome, a rare neurological condition, and immune
 thrombocytopenia (excessive bleeding due to low
 platelet levels).
Claims for over $20,000, including those for vaccine-
related deaths, will be assessed by an independent
 legal panel of legal experts and compensation 
paid on its recommendations. Nine people 
have reportedly died after an adverse 
reaction to one of the 3 vaccines
 in the country.
Eves told the Morning Herald that her firm was 
representing a number of litigants over the 
vaccine side effects, including several 
who are not eligible for the scheme.

Ambulance Logjams Leave 
Patients Dying With 12,000 
Annually Suffering 'Severe 
Harm', Says NHS Report
November 15th, 3:30pm (Sputnik)
Although the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is 
known to have struggled for a long time to meet 
'recommended ambulance response times' for 
patients who have suffered a stroke or severe
 burns – classified as Category 2 – in recent 
months some patients have been forced to
 wait for nearly an hour, after calling 999.
Increasingly long times to hand patients arriving in 
ambulances, over to the Accident & Emergency 
department (A&E) are resulting in more people 
either dying or suffering a permanent setback
 to their health, according to a damning report 
by the UK NHS ambulance service.
Long periods of waiting before patients can be admitted
 to hospitals --- because of bed shortages caused by 
COVID-19, delays in discharging patients and 
record demand for care, could be affecting 
up to 160,000 patients annually, said the
 report, cited by the  daily newspaper, 
the Guardian.
Clarifying that a typical handover, takes much longer 
than the projected 15 minutes, an estimated 12,000 
of the aforementioned patients, suffer “severe 
harm”, stated the document, drawn up by the 
Association of Ambulance Chief Executives
 (AACE) and based on official NHS figures. 
The conclusions were drawn after all handover delays 
of more than an hour, spanning 10 ambulance trusts 
on January 4th - and the ensuing harm – had been 
The data was used to estimate... how many patients 
annually suffer a deterioration in their health, or a 
condition necessitating more invasive treatment 
such as surgery, as a direct result of 
waiting times.
“When very sick patients arrive at hospital and then have 
to wait an excessive time for handover to emergency
 department clinicians to receive an assessment and 
definitive care, it is entirely predictable and almost 
inevitable that some level of harm will arise. This 
may take the form of a deteriorating medical or 
physical condition, or distress and anxiety, 
potentially affecting the outcome for 
patients and definitely creating a 
poor patient experience,”
the document.
Those patients who finally get admitted to hospital after
 languishing in the back of an ambulance or waiting in 
their home after dialing 999, are increasingly not 
saved - because paramedics are overwhelmed 
at A&E departments.
Although stopping short of saying how many patients 
die annually because of ambulance logjams, the 
report is cited as adding:
“We know that some patients have, sadly, died while 
waiting outside ED [emergency departments], or 
shortly after eventual admission to ED, after
a wait. Others have died while waiting
 an ambulance response in 
the community.”
The AACE report also estimated that because of the 
pressure that hospitals are under, about 190,000 
handovers a month – around half the total –
 longer than they should.
Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth was cited
 by the outlet as deploring the scale of harm being 
done to patients thanks to “years of Tory NHS 
neglect”. In the wake of the report, a 
Department of Health and Social 
Care spokesman was cited 
as saying:
“We are committed to supporting ambulance crews who 
work tirelessly, responding to emergencies every day. 
NHS England and Improvement, has given ambulance 
trusts an extra £55 million to boost staff numbers for 
winter, helping them to bolster capacity in control 
rooms and on the frontline.”
The UK Department of Health and Social Care, also stated 
it had pledged support to the NHS to meet unprecedented 
challenges amid the coronavirus pandemic. It cited 
record investments this year, including an extra 
£5.4 billion over the next six months to support
the  COVID-19 response, and £36 billion for 
“health and care over the next 3 years”.

Latest scientific discovery may
 lead to a cure for Alzheimer’s
November 15th, 11:11am (RT)
A team of scientists from the UK and Germany has
 managed to reverse memory loss in mice...  and 
says the treatment could, potentially, lead to a 
breakthrough in fighting Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers used the “humanized” therapeutic 
antibody called TAP01_04, and the vaccine 
called TAPAS.
According to a study published in Molecular Psychiatry, 
both drugs triggered “a striking reduction” in the 
formation of harmful deposits of protein, that 
prevent communication between neurons 
of the human brain.
Previous drugs for Alzheimer’s have a similar 
mechanism, but have shown little success 
and have sometimes produced negative
 side effects.
One of the study’s authors, Mark Carr, a professor 
from the Institute of Structural and Chemical 
Biology at the University of Leicester, said, 
“While the science is currently still at an 
early stage, if these results were to be 
replicated in human clinical trials,
 then it could be transformative.”
The researchers are now looking for a
partner to run the anti-
body, and the vaccine, 
clinical trials on humans.

UK: NHS Waiting List at Record High
as 5.8mln Still Waiting for Treatment
November 11th, 2:14pm (FNA)
 More than 5.8 million patients were waiting for routine
 surgery by the NHS, in England, by the end of 
September, new data revealed.
This is the highest figure since August 2007 and comes 
as hospital leaders have warned: the health service is 
at “breaking point”, The Independent reported.
Ambulance services answered 82,000 emergency 999 
calls in October, which was more then any other 
month on record, while response times
 have skyrocketed.
The average response time for category two patients 
who needed emergency, but not life threatening, 
care such as strokes, was nearly 54 minutes -
 the longest average waiting time since 
records began in 2017.
Response times for urgent calls - such as late stages of
 labour, non-severe burns and diabetes - averaged three 
hours, nine minutes and 58 seconds. This is up from 
two hours, 35 minutes and 45 seconds in September, 
and again is the longest average since current 
records began.
The Independent has previously revealed ambulance
 response times doubled during the pandemic, amid 
a spike in patient deaths recorded by services.
Patients waiting for more than 12 hours in A&E also 
reached the highest levels ever in October, with 
7,059 waits recorded. This is more than five 
times higher than the number of 12 hour 
waits recorded in October 2020, which 
saw 1,268 patients waiting.
Meanwhile there were 121,000 patients waiting over 
four hours in A&E, following a decision to admit, 
during the same month. Which is the highest 
number on record.
The number of patients waiting more than year for 
treatment has also risen for the first time in five 
months, from 292,138 in August to more than 
300,566 in September.
A total of 12,491 people in England were also waiting 
more than two years to start routine hospital 
treatment at the end of September 2021.
This is up from 9,754 at the end of August and is more
 than four times the 2,722 people who were waiting
 longer than two years in April.
NHS England has told hospitals to eliminate all waits 
of more than two years by March 2022 and is due to
 publish a plan on how the NHS will recover its 
growing backlog of routine operations, later
 this month.
For key diagnostic tests like X-rays and MRI scans, NHS
 England data shows almost 370,000 people have waited
 longer than six weeks. This is an improvement on 
September 2020, when there were 419,841.
But in September 2019, before the pandemic, there were 
just 38,802 people waiting longer than six weeks for a
 diagnostic test.
The NHS has been given £5 billion to reduce NHS backlogs
 including opening 100 community diagnostic hubs to try
 and carry out more tests away from hospitals.
The number of urgent cancer patients who waited more 
than two weeks to see a doctor was the highest-ever 
on record in September, as was the number of 
people who were left waiting more than a 
month for treatment. 
However, the numbers of people starting treatment for 
cancer, in September, had risen.... compared to 
pre pandemic levels.
Responding to figures, head of policy at Macmillan Cancer
 Support Minesh Patel, stated it was “deeply concerning” 
to see record numbers of people waiting too long for
 specialist cancer treatment, in addition to this 
she said “progress to clear the 
backlog, stalled".
Professor Stephen Powis, medical director for the NHS 
noted, “there is no doubt pressure on the health 
service remains incredibly high”
He added, “But, despite high demand, NHS staff are 
going above and beyond to see more patients and 
deliver millions more tests, checks, treatments 
and operations.
“Increasing numbers are coming forward for 
treatment and this is expected to go up, but 
it remains really important -- people do not 
delay seeking help from the NHS, if they 
feel unwell,” he continued.
Tim Gardener, senior fellow for think tank the Health
 Foundation said, “Today’s figures provide further 
evidence of the increasingly serious pressures 
facing hospitals across the country."
“The government has said that the NHS is under 
‘sustainable pressure’, but it would be extra-
ordinary to look at what’s happening in the 
NHS right now.... and claim that it is 
sustainable," Gardener continued:
“That we are facing pressures this significant, 
before we have reached the peak of winter, is 
concerning, particularly as cases of seasonal 
viruses, and rising staff absences, are likely
add further pressure.”

pancreatic cancer detection

 New symptoms that could
help doctors diagnose
pancreatic cancer
by Pavel López Lazo
November 10th, 5:10pm (Prensa Latina) 
Researchers at the University of Oxford, UK, have
 a series of symptoms associated with
cancer, including two previously
 symptoms - feeling thirsty
and having 
dark urine.
The study has confirmed a further 23 signs of pancreatic
 cancer, after looking at data from 24,230 patients who 
were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in England 
between 2000 and 2017, using a large electronic 
database (QResearch).
The research, which is the largest study of its kind, 
found 23 symptoms linked with the diagnosis of 
PDAC... (yellowing of the skin, bleeding in the 
stomach or intestine, problems swallowing, 
diarrhea, change in bowel habits, vomiting, 
indigestion, abdominal mass, abdominal 
pain, weight loss, constipation, fat in 
stool, abdominal swelling, nausea, 
flatulence, heartburn, fever, 
tiredness, loss of appetite, 
itching, back pain, thirst, 
and dark urine).
Nine symptoms were linked with PNEN (yellowing of
the skin, blood in stool, diarrhea, change in bowel 
habits, vomiting, indigestion, abdominal mass,
abdominal pain, and weight loss).
“When pancreatic cancer is diagnosed earlier, patients 
have a higher chance of survival. It is possible to 
diagnose patients when they visit their GP, but 
both patients and GPs... need to be aware of
 symptoms associated with pancreatic
cancer.” Dr. Weiqi Liao said.
While most symptoms were not specific to pancreatic 
cancer and could be due to other benign conditions,
 the researchers found patients diagnosed with 
pancreatic cancer, had a higher chance of 
experiencing some of these non-specific 
symptoms, one year before diagnosis.
Dr Liao said: “These new findings enable us to conduct
 further work on understanding symptoms that could 
suggest pancreatic cancer. This will help GPs to 
make decisions - about who to refer for urgent
 tests, especially when patients have several 
seemingly non-specific symptoms.”

Swedish doctors sign petition 
to stop Pfizer rollout
suspected fraud
November 9th, 9:36am (PressTV)
A group of doctors from Sweden, along with researchers
 have signed a petition demanding the suspension of 
vaccination with Pfizer jabs --- over reports of 
violations in the trial of the vaccine.
In the petition, a group of 16 Swedish medical 
practitioners have expressed grave concern 
over what they call “gigantic” side effects
 the Pfizer vaccine --- amid reports of
suspected research fraud.
It comes as the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a weekly
 peer-reviewed medical journal from the UK, last week 
cited a whistleblower as saying that a subcontractor 
to Pfizer falsified data and failed to promptly follow 
up on adverse events reported during the crucial 
phase III trial of the vaccine last autumn.
Brook Jackson, who served as the regional director at 
the Ventavia Research Group, told the BMJ that the 
company unblinded patients, and employed
 inadequately trained vaccinators.
According to the report, staff members who conducted
 quality control checks were “overwhelmed by the 
volume of problems they were finding.”
An employee at a US-based contract research company
 helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine 
trial was fired, after reporting massive clinical trial 
violations, a report says.
‘Extremely serious'
The group of Swedish doctors considered the 
report surrounding Pfizer “extremely serious”.
“It undermines confidence in Pfizer, which is responsible 
for testing the vaccine and for the safety of the vaccine
 currently used by Swedes, including hundreds of 
thousands of children,” the petition said.
The health experts also suggested that the extent of 
the number of reported suspected side effects of 
Pfizer jabs, is “gigantic”.
They put the number of suspected side effects reported
during the 10 months that vaccination has taken place, 
at 83,744 ------ 10 times more than all the side effects
 per year.
“The strong suspicion, that parts of the clinical trial of 
Pfizer's vaccine were not performed in a scientifically
 acceptable manner, and where the study results can 
not be considered reliable, combined with the large 
extent of reported suspected side effects, after 
vaccination - many of a serious nature - makes 
us, as doctors, researchers & immunologists 
--- deeply concerned,” the petition stated.

UK Senior Adviser Says 
Vaccinated Patients 
Dying of COVID Due
 to Waning Immunity
November 8th, 11:46am (FNA)
Double-jabbed vulnerable and elderly people are 
dying from COVID-19 due to the efficacy of the 
vaccine waning, a senior adviser said.
The effects of coronavirus vaccines are known to 
wane some five or six months after the second 
dose, as discovered in multiple studies 
during the pandemic, PA news 
agency reported.
It comes as the government launches a campaign 
to encourage take-up of booster jabs this autumn.
While most of those dying with COVID-19 are 
unvaccinated, reports last week said Number
 10 was concerned about hospital admissions 
& deaths among double-vaccinated people
 rising, due to waning immunity.
Dr Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UK 
Health Security Agency... told the BBC’s Andrew 
Marr Show there are deaths among the elderly 
because around 5% remain unvaccinated.
She added, “We’re still seeing deaths in mainly the
 unvaccinated population ... but increasingly, 
because of immune waning effects, there 
are deaths in the vaccinated group 
as well.”
She added that the majority of deaths are occurring
 in the older age-groups --- particularly the over-70s, 
and also among the clinically/extremely vulnerable
 and those with underlying medical conditions.
She continued, “As we’ve mentioned, the immune 
effects wane and what we see is, especially in
older or the vulnerable groups, those are
people whose immunity will wane
the most."
“So, if you’re a healthy 30-year-old, then two doses 
will protect you for a longer period. That’s why
 those people need to come forward for their 
third dose as soon as possible,” she added.
Patients over 50 and those most at risk from COVID-19 
are currently eligible for a booster six months after 
their second jab.
More than seven in 10 people aged 80 and over have 
had their boosters while almost three in five people 
50 and over have also had their top-ups, 
according to NHS figures
 from Sunday,
From Monday, booster jabs can be booked 
one month earlier than previously allowed.
Under previous rules, people could only book their 
booster six months after receiving their second 
dose. Now, they will be able to arrange an 
appointment after five months, and 
attend as soon as the six-month
 period is up.
The move is meant to accelerate the programme by 
making it easier for people to book their inoculation.
Dr Hopkins said that, while the uptake of booster jabs
has  been “quite good”... it has also been slower 
than with previous doses.
“I think.. that may be due to people thinking they’re already
protected, which is why we’re giving a lot of public health
messages about why it’s so important for them to come
forward for that third dose,” she added.
She added, “We know the virus is circulating at very 
high levels in our community. So... unless people get 
vaccinated, we will have a long and difficult winter.”


Veteran care worker loses job 
over vaccine mandate, blasts 
November 8th, 7:07am (RT)
A UK care worker who worked in the field for over a dozen
 years, decried the Covid-19 vaccine mandates, after her
 refusal to be vaccinated cost her... her job. The story 
has grabbed national headlines.
Louise Akester, 36, worked at Alderson House in Hull for
 the last three years and in the healthcare field for 14 
years, but has now lost her job, due to her non-
compliance with a mandate stating that all 
care workers must be fully vaccinated 
after November 11th, unless they 
receive a medical exemption. 
Opponents of vaccine mandates have argued that this
 approach could lead to major staffing issues over 
the winter months, while supporters insist it will
 offer more protection to vulnerable care 
home residents. 
In a video she reportedly took... on Friday afternoon, 
after her final shift, Akester tearfully explained how
 losing her job and walking away from the people 
she has cared for, was the hardest thing she
ever done.
“I just can't believe what the bloody government 
is doing to us, I just don't get it, I don't 
understand,” she said. 
Akester said the situation is unfair, as residents and 
guests are not required to be vaccinated under the 
new rules. She claimed residents at her facility 
are “crying their eyes out” over her departure, 
and noted that she has been tested for 
Covid-19 regularly --- and has worn 
proper protective gear at her job.
Thousands could lose their jobs after November 11th, 
and Akester, who said she made the minimum wage
at her last job, said she has received lots 
messages of support.
“It’s nice to know I’m not alone - that there’s 
other people in my shoes,” she said. 
Akester insisted that she is not against vaccines, 
but is not ready to be vaccinated for Covid-19 
just now. She previously told the Daily Mail 
she is waiting -- due to concerns over the 
potential long-term side effects.
“This choice should be my basic human right. 
I do not deserve to be punished for saying 
no,” she said. 
However, she did not rule out being 
vaccinated for Covid-19... at some 
point in the future.


Covid-19 causes hearing
 and balance disorders
by Pavel López Lazo
November 4th, 8am (Prensa Latina) 
A team of experts disclosed that the SARS-CoV-2
virus causes hearing and balance disorders ---
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 (MIT) reported.
“Coronavirus can infect cells of the inner ear, including
 hair cells, which are critical for both hearing and 
balance, causing hearing loss and tinnitus,” 
researchers stressed.
In both human inner ear samples and stem cell-derived 
cell models, specialists found that certain cells
and Schwann) express proteins
necessary for the 
virus to enter.
A new study... from MIT and the Massachusetts Eye and 
Ear provides evidence that “these two proteins include
 the ACE2 receptor, which is found on the cell surface, 
and two enzymes called furin and serine 2
 transmembrane protease, which help the
virus to fuse with the host cell.”
Damage to cochlear hair cells, which can cause hearing
 loss, is generally assessed by measuring otoacoustic 
emissions, sounds made by sensory hair cells when 
they respond to auditory stimulation.
Possible pathways for the virus to enter the ears include 
the Eustachian tube, which connects the nose to the
middle ear.
The virus can also escape through the nose via small
 openings surrounding the olfactory nerves. That 
would allow the virus to enter the brain and
 the cranial nerves, including the
one connected
 to the inner ear.
According to the Reports Nature’s Scientific journal, 
Covid-19 causes more than 50 negative effects in
 humans. These discomforts can last for weeks 
and even months after a patient’s recovery is 
decreed. The list of complaints is led by 
fatigue, headache, attention disorder, 
hair and tooth loss, shortness of 
breath, loss of taste, smell, 
cough, chest discomfort,
the decreased ability to 
pulmonary diffusion, 
sleep apnea....  and 
pulmonary fibrosis.
Patients may also have heart disorders such 
as arrhythmias and myocarditis; in addition 
to tinnitus (when a ringing or other noise is
felt in one or both ears) and night sweats
...in addition to neurological disorders, 
including dementia, depression, 
anxiety... and obsessive-
compulsive disorders.

High efficacy of Russia’s Sputnik V
in protecting the elderly
confirmed by the large
Argentinian study
November 1st, at 10:57am (RT)
A real-world study carried out in Argentina's capital 
of Buenos Aires, has proven the high efficacy of 
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19 
in those aged above 60, the distributor of 
the jab has said.
The results of the large-scale research by the Ministry 
of Health of the City of Buenos Aires were published
 in the prestigious, peer-reviewed Journal of the 
American Medical Association (JAMA)
last week.
The study included more than 660,000 elderly residents 
of Buenos Aires who'd been vaccinated with Sputnik V,
 AstraZeneca, and Sinopharm jabs, between June the
1st and June the 15th, 2021.
According to the paper, infection rates decreased by 
over 88% among those fully vaccinated, while 
mortality dropped by 96.6%.
Two-dose vaccination also contributed to a 94.2% 
reduction of all-cause deaths among those aged 
80 and over, and a 98.2% reduction among 
those aged between 70 and 79.
Sputnik V was the leading vaccine in the survey, 
with over 63% of the participants injected with
the Russian-designed jab.The Argentinean 
study: “reconfirms the great efficacy of 
Sputnik V, in protecting the elderly,” 
the Russian Direct Investment 
Fund (RDIF), which funded 
the development of the 
Russian jab, and now 
oversees distribution 
...said in a statement. 
The RDIF pointed to other research by the Buenos 
Aires health ministry that was published in June
 ...and revealed the single-shot Sputnik Light 
vaccine had an efficacy of 78.6–83.7% 
among people aged between 
60 and 79.
Sputnik V has been one of the main vaccines used in 
Argentina’s immunization drive. Russia's jab has
 contributed to Covid-19 cases in the capital 
dropping “at least 15 times”, over the
five months, the RDIF said.
Its high efficacy of 97.6% in those fully vaccinated 
and its lack of any significant known side effects 
has generated praise in the international 
scientific community --- including from 
the prestigious medical magazine,
 The Lancet.
The Russian jab is already registered in 70 countries 
but still lacks authorization from the EU's regulator, 
the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the 
World Health Organization (WHO). 
In late October, the WHO said it was resuming the 
approval procedure after a month-long pause 
...caused by the claimed discovery of 
''irregularities'' at one of the plants 
where Sputnik V is manufactured.
During his address to the G20 summit over the 
weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin 
urged the world’s leading nations to work 
out a mechanism: to efficiently update 
vaccines against Covid-19. in light of 
the new variants and accelerate the 
recognition of each other’s jabs. 
Competition in the area of vaccines, only 
undermines global vaccination efforts, 
and exacerbates inequality in access
to the jab, he pointed out.
Putin again highlighted the high effectiveness 
of Sputnik V, and said its single-component 
version could be used as a booster shot... 
to vaccines produced by other countries. 

Pandemic-hit NHS -- wastes over 
£560mn yearly on ‘unnecessary’ 
and addictive pills with severe 
withdrawal symptoms – study
October 19th, 2:46pm (RT)
Despite the Covid pandemic, the NHS is reportedly 
wasting as much as £568 million yearly on habit-
forming drugs like painkillers and sleeping pills 
that the majority of patients do not need,
 leading to dangerous addictions.
Doctors in England, are unnecessarily pushing 
dependency-causing opioids, antidepressants 
and other pills, according to a new study by 
the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry.
Researchers found that 3 in 4 prescriptions 
were totally unnecessary in some cases.
The study, published Tuesday in the journal Addictive
Behaviours, revealed that, for many patients, their 
symptoms... were not severe enough to warrant 
such medication. In other cases, safer options 
of treatment such as counselling or less toxic
 drugs, were not fully explored, while there 
were also instances of patients who were 
put on the pills for longer than required.
“Money is being wasted at a time when the health service 
is strapped for cash. The NHS, is not taking this problem
 seriously and many doctors don’t appreciate the extent 
to which withdrawal from these medicines is a
Dr James Davies, the study’s
co-lead author, told the
 Daily Mail.
Between 2015 and 2018, the study estimated, there 
was a taxpayer bill of £1.7 billion for prescriptions
 for... antidepressants, opioids, gabapentinoids, 
benzodiazepines and Z-drugs (sleeping pills). 

The total costs accounted for the price of the 
drugs, the average consultation cost (about 
£33) of seeing a General Practitioner (GP), 
and dispensing fees.
NHS figures reportedly show that nearly 17 million people 
a year, in the country, are getting a prescription for such 
drugs. The level of waste is so colossal that it could go 
towards paying the salaries of another 10,000 GPs or 
20,000 nurses, according to the Daily Mail, which 
reported that the Department of Health and 
Social Care is yet to finalise plans to 
tackle the issue.
Nearly half the taxpayer money being wasted each year
to the tune of £288 million – goes towards highly 
addictive opioid painkillers followed by £158 
million a year for gabapentinoids. But the 
researchers, at Roehampton University, 
Greenwich University, plus University 
College London, warn that it is likely 
the total amount lost is far higher 
than the “conservative” 
estimates in the study.
In addition, the study does not account for the significant
 costs related to harms caused by habit-forming drugs. 
These include higher disability payments and lost tax
 revenues, as well as workplace absenteeism and
 decreased productivity.
Besides the financial losses, unnecessary prescription also
 exacts a human cost: when people try to kick the habit, they
 suffer severe withdrawal symptoms --- including stomach
 cramps, blurred vision & loss of appetite. For instance, 
studies on benzodiazepine usage reportedly show that 
50% of those on the drugs for as little as four weeks 
suffer anxiety, dizziness, concentration problems,
 nightmares and weakness. That figure rises to 
100% for people taking the medication for
 over six months.
Commenting on the study, the Tory MP Danny Kruger, who
 chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed 
Drug Dependence, said a “fraction of these wasted 
costs should now be invested in a helpline and
 withdrawal support services.”
In 2019, a Public Health England report revealed that
 “hundreds of thousands” of patients... .had become 
dependent on medicines.. and recommended face-
to-face support, better training for doctors on the 
risks of drug dependency, and a 24-hour helpline 
on how to reduce medication.
While little action has occurred since, a Department of
 Health and Social Care spokesman told the Daily Mail
 that ministers are finally backing plans for a helpline 
and will be “working closely” with the NHS to
 implement the recommendations.


Psychosis Cases Soar in England 
as Pandemic Hits Mental Health
October 18th, 3:22pm (FNA)
Cases of psychosis have soared over the past two years 
in England... as a rising number of people experience
hallucinations and delusional thinking, amid the 
stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic.
There was a 75% increase in the number of people referred
 to mental health services for their first suspected episode 
of psychosis between April 2019 and April 2021, NHS
shows, The Guardian reported.
The rise continued throughout the summer, with 12,655
 referred in July 2021, up 53% from 8,252 in July 2019.
Much of the increase has been seen over the last year, 
after the first national lockdown, according to data 
analysed by the charity Rethink Mental Illness. 
More than 13,000 referrals were made in May
 2021, a 70% rise on the May before, when 
there were 7,813 referrals.
The charity is urging the government to invest more 
in early intervention for psychosis to prevent any
 deterioration in people’s mental health,
from which...
 it could take them years
to recover.
It says the statistics - provide some of the first concrete
 evidence... to indicate the significant levels of distress
experienced across the population in the pandemic.
A study earlier this month, found that anxiety & depression
around the world, increased dramatically, in 2020, with an 
estimated 76mln extra cases of anxiety and 53mln extra 
cases of major depressive disorder than would have 
been expected.. had COVID not struck. Women and 
young people were disproportionately affected, 
the researchers said.
Psychosis can involve seeing or hearing things that other
 people do not (hallucinations) and developing beliefs that 
aren't based on reality (delusions), which can be highly
 distressing. It can be a symptom of mental illness...
as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe 
depression, but psychosis can also be a 
one-off, potentially triggered by a 
traumatic experience, extreme 
stress or drug and alcohol 
Despite the continued pressure on mental health services, 
Rethink Mental Illness is highlighting the importance of 
rapid access to treatment to prevent further episodes 
of psychosis... and reduce people’s risk of 
developing severe mental illness.
Nice guidelines for people experiencing a suspected 
first episode of psychosis state they should receive 
an assessment within two weeks. However, the 
charity fears that if the increase in referrals is 
sustained, more people will have to wait 
longer for vital treatment.
Brian Dow, the deputy chief executive of Rethink Mental
 Illness, said, “Psychosis can have a devastating impact 
on people’s lives. Swift access to treatment is vital to 
prevent a further deterioration in people’s mental 
health... which could take them years to 
recover from."
“These soaring numbers of suspected first episodes of 
psychosis are cause for alarm. We're now, well beyond 
the first profound shocks of this crisis and it’s deeply
 concerning, that the number of referrals remains so 
high. As first presentations of psychosis typically 
occur in young adults, this steep rise raises 
additional concerns about the pressures 
the younger generation have faced 
during the pandemic," he added.
“The pandemic has had a ''gamechanging'' effect on our 
mental health and it requires a revolutionary response.
 Dedicated additional funding for mental health and 
social care must go to frontline services to help 
meet the new demand, otherwise thousands 
of people could bear a catastrophic cost,” 
he added.
A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social 
Care said, “It is vital everyone can get the right support 
when they need it and we are delivering the fastest 
expansion in mental health services in NHS 
history, backed by an additional £2.3bln a 
year, by 2023/24, benefiting hundreds
 thousands more people.
“On top of this, we’ve invested an additional £500mln
 this year to help people whose mental health has 
been particularly impacted by the pandemic. All 
NHS mental health providers have established 
24/7 urgent helplines, which have answered
 around three million calls... during the 
pandemic,” the spokesperson said.

López Obrador - again - asks WHO to
 recognize all anti-Covid-19 vaccines
 October 14th, 4:30pm (Prensa Latina) 
President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 
asked today, again, the World Health Organization 
(WHO)... to approve the anti-Covid-19 vaccines 
that have already been positively tested.
In the morning press conference at the National Palace,
 the president said that, if it is already proven they are 
not harmful, but quite the opposite, that they help
and the efficacy is also proven, why are
they not 
yet ''authorized'', he wondered.
In the case of the United States, there is already some
advance... since they stopped talking about allowing 
entry to that country only to those vaccinated with 
locally made immunizers. Previously, they said 
only Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, but now
 they accept AstraZeneca and others.
Apparently they will allow the entry of people vaccinated 
with those authorized by WHO. It is no longer a single 
country deciding, but a world organization, and
must be without political or ideological
interests, but exclusively supported
by science.
It should not be possible, he said, that there is an effective
 vaccine in a country with a different political system and
 they try to marginalize it, as that resource is used in 
many other countries and has shown it helps.
Political issues should not be mixed with those of health 
and science, he reiterated. Hopefully, all (vaccines) in 
progress, finish the analysis and are approved and 
authorized by WHO... and we can travel
To a question about Cuba's 'Abdala' and its application in
children, the president said there is an agreement with 
the government of Havana, to acquire their vaccines,
but it has not yet been possible, and reiterated the 
optimal relationship of bilateral cooperation in 
the field of medicine, and that they will 
continue to work together.
It is the 2nd time the president addresses the issue 
due to the delay of WHO... to approve numerous 
vaccines from other countries, outside those 
where the drugs are already authorized.

said the world institution has to act
rectitude, without political or 
ideological bias, and with 
adherence to science.
Concerning the case of Mexico and the reopening of 
borders with the United States, the problem is the 
large number of Mexicans vaccinated with 
Russian and Chinese drugs -- which have 
not yet been approved by WHO, despite 
their wide and generalized use.
López Obrador asked WHO to hurry, because they have 
been in the process for a long time, and there are 
vaccines being applied by millions of doses that 
have saved lives. And most importantly, there
no report in the world, that they have 
caused harm.

Users Unable to Access 
NHS App, Website 
& COVID Pass
October 13th, 3:48pm (Sputnik)
Brits were stranded in airports on Wednesday, unable 
to access their Covid-19 vaccination records, due to
 technical issues.
The National Health Service (NHS) reported problems 
with user access to the Covid Pass on the NHS app 
and the website, adding that the issue is being 
The NHS Covid Pass is used to prove one's vaccination
 record and allows people to travel, as well as access 
events and venues in the UK and other countries.
Travellers took to social media on Wednesday to
 and fume about the incident, saying
they couldn't take 
their trips, take tours,
or go to museums.
The NHS said it would update users 
on the matter "as soon as we can."


‘Alarming’ drop in life expectancy 
in England --- even before Covid
 pandemic hit, new university 
study shows
October 13th, 12:53pm (RT)
Life expectancy across the UK was falling even before 
the Covid pandemic hit, with researchers finding an
 “alarming” drop over the past decade, according 
to a study published by Imperial College
 London (ICL).
Having examined around 8.6 million death records in 
England from 2002-2019, ICL found life expectancy
 decreased in one of five communities for women 
and one in nine areas for men, over the 
past decade.
The analysis, published on Wednesday, comes after 
the Office for National Statistics (ONS), released a
 report earlier in 2021, estimating life expectancy 
for men had fallen for the first time in 40 years... 
due to the Covid pandemic. 
However, ICL researchers found it had actually 
started to decline, years before the pandemic
 impacted communities.
“There has always been an impression in the UK that
 everyone's health is improving, even if not at the 
same pace,” said Professor Majid Ezzati, who
 led the study, but “data show that longevity 
has been getting worse for years, in large 
parts of England.”
For such declines to be seen in 'normal times' 
--- before the pandemic --- is alarming.
Beyond the national picture across England... the study
 outlined the stark difference between life expectancy 
in different parts of the country. At the most extreme
 point, there was a 20-year gap between women 
living in the London borough of Camden and 
Leeds, West Yorkshire, while there was a 
27-year gap between Kensington and 
Chelsea and Blackpool, Lancashire.
The analysis, released in the peer reviewed Lancet 
journal, blamed the differences in life expectancy
on poverty, employment issues, welfare support, 
and healthcare, urging the government to boost
 investments in areas that have the lowest life 
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his government 
recently pledged to tackle inequalities between 
different regions --- laying out his so-called 
‘levelling-up’ agenda, which will seek to 
providing funding to towns, cities and 
rural areas, giving local authorities 
''greater control'' over how 
government investment 
is spent.
(Rhondda Records adds: twenty years ago, the
Rhondda's life expectancy was worse than
Ruanda's - want to guess what Wales'
figures are now?)

Phthalates in toys, shampoo,
 makeup, linked to early 
deaths in US
October 12th, 8:21pm (PressTV)

A new study has found that the chemical phthalates 
used commonly in various industries, has been 
causing early deaths in the United States. 
According to the study published on Tuesday
 in Environmental Pollution: Phthalates, also 
known as plasticizers, may contribute to 
some 91,000 to 107,000 premature 
deaths a year, among people 
ageD 55 to 64 in the US.  
The lead author of the study, Dr. Leonardo Trasande, 
said the research confirmed earlier studies showing
that Phthalates exposure, led to a range of health 
Trasande, who is a professor of pediatrics, environmental
 medicine, and population health at NYU Langone Health 
in New York City, said industries needed to stop, or at 
least reduce, the use of the hazardous man-made 
chemicals found in hundreds of consumer 
products, including food storage 
containers, shampoo, makeup, 
perfume, and children's toys.
 "This study adds to the growing database
on the impact 
of plastics on the human
body, and bolsters public 
health and
business cases --- for reducing or 
eliminating the use of plastics."
Several earlier studies had shown that Phthalates 
exposure was linked to obesity, diabetes, heart 
disease, and cancer.
According to the National Institute of Environmental 
Health, phthalates can interfere with important 
hormone functions: affecting the immune and 
reproductive systems, as well as the brain, 
liver, and other organs.
People are exposed to phthalates almost everywhere
 because they are added to most consumer products.
Exposures commonly come from breathing contaminated
air, or eating or drinking foods that came into contact
the plastic, according to the US Centres for
Control and Prevention.

Iceland Halts Moderna Jabs... 
over Heart-Inflammation Fears
October 10th, 10:47am (FNA)

Iceland, on Friday... suspended the Moderna 
coronavirus jabs citing a slightly increased 
risk of cardiac inflammation, going further 
than its Nordic neighbours which,
previously, only limited the
of the vaccine.
"As the supply of Pfizer vaccine is sufficient in 
the territory ... the chief epidemiologist has 
decided not to use the Moderna vaccine 
in Iceland," said a statement published
 on the Health Directorate website, 
AFP reported.
This decision owes to "the increased incidence of 
myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with
 the Moderna vaccine, as well as with vaccination 
using Pfizer/BioNTech", the chief epidemiologist 
said in a statement.
For the past two months, Iceland has been administering 
an additional dose "almost exclusively" of the Moderna
vaccine to Icelanders vaccinated with Janssen, a 
single-dose serum, marketed by America's 
Johnson & Johnson, as well as to elderly 
and immunocompromised people, who 
received 2 doses of another vaccine.
This will not affect the vaccination campaign in the island 
of 370,000 inhabitants, where 88% of the population over
 12 years old, is already fully vaccinated.
Since Thursday, Sweden & Finland have also suspended 
the use of Moderna vaccine, but only for those under 30, 
because of a risk of inflammation of the myocardium, 
the heart muscle, and the pericardium, the 
membrane covering the heart.
Denmark and Norway... have formally 
advised against it, for those under 18.
According to the Swedish authorities, most of these
inflammations are benign, and pass on their own, 
but it is recommended that medical advice be 
sought, should symptoms occur.

picture of depressed man

 Image by Holger Langmaier

Study: Covid has caused 
dramatic rise in anxiety,
October 9th, 11:44am (PressTV)
Cases of depression and anxiety went up by more than
a quarter worldwide, in 2020, due to Covid-19, shows 
a study.
Cases of major depression and anxiety around the world 
increased dramatically in 2020 due to the Covid-19 crisis, 
according to the first global estimate of the impact of
 pandemic on mental health.
The study, published in the Lancet medical journal, is the
 latest to suggest the pandemic has taken a serious toll 
on mental health, with an estimated 76 million extra 
cases of anxiety and 53 million extra cases of 
major depressive disorder, than would have
 been expected, had Covid not struck.
In 2020, cases of major depressive disorder and anxiety
 disorders increased by 28% and 26%, respectively.
 Women were affected more than men, and 
younger people were more affected than
 older age groups, according to the 
recent study.
Countries with high Covid-19 infection rates, and major
reductions in the movement of people - a consequence 
of measures such as lockdowns and school closures – 
had the greatest increases in the prevalence of major
 depressive disorder and anxiety disorders.
The head of the research group from the Queensland 
Centre for Mental Health Research, School of Public 
Health, University of Queensland, Australia, said, 
“This study is the first to quantify the prevalence 
and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders 
by age, sex, and location globally in 204 
countries and territories, in 2020.”
Women and young people are more likely to be affected 
than men or older people. The study showed... that 
almost 52 million of the added cases for anxiety 
during the first Covid year were accounted for
 among women, contrasted with 24 million 
for men.
“We believe [that] is because women are more likely to 
be affected by the social and economic consequences 
of the pandemic,” said the lead author, Dr. Damian 
Santomauro of the University of Queensland.
“Women are more likely to take on additional career and
 household responsibilities, due to school closures, or
 family members becoming unwell. Women also tend
 to have lower salaries, less savings... and less 
secure employment than men....  and so, are 
more likely to be financially disadvantaged 
during the pandemic,” he said, adding: a 
rise in domestic violence, may also
a role.
Although Covid caused more death and serious illness 
among older people, it was younger people who faced 
the greatest burdens of depression and anxiety.  
The category with the highest burden, the 20 to 24-year 
age bracket, had an estimated 1,118 added depression 
cases per 100,000 people, and 1,331 more per 100,000
 for anxiety.
“School closures and wider restrictions limiting young
 people’s ability to learn and interact with their peers,
 combined with the increased risk of unemployment, 
also meant that young people were also more 
heavily impacted by major depressive 
disorder and anxiety disorders 
during the pandemic,” says 
Alize Ferrari, one of the 
University of Queens
-land researchers.
“We are hoping that these findings encourage more dialogue
by policy makers, governments, 
researchers and people
resource allocation and planning for
mental health responses….
 It is crucial --- that
take underlying factors such as
these into account... as 
part of measures
to strengthen mental health services,”
 he added.


Armed police... drag passenger off 
Eurostar train - after staff member 
accused him of wearing the 
‘wrong type of mask’
October 8th, 1:46pm (RT)
Eight armed, uniformed French police boarded a 
Eurostar train on Thursday afternoon, after it 
made an emergency stop in Lille, to forcibly
 remove a passenger who was accused of
 “not wearing the right type of mask.” 
The incident occurred on a Eurostar service that was
 traveling from Paris Gare du Nord to St. Pancras on
 Thursday afternoon but was halted in Lille after a
 train manager reportedly got into an aggressive 
argument with a man over his face mask, 
according to passengers.
Following the confrontation, the manager stated that 
they would be informing the police at Lille, for his
 failure to follow Covid regulations, with the train 
making an emergency, unscheduled stop at the 
station where eight officers forcibly removed 
the passenger. 
As he left the train, the passenger, thought to be in 
his 40s, claimed he had been accused of “not 
wearing the right type of mask” and would
 now “be left alone in France,” calling it 
“very cruel treatment.”
A spokesperson for Eurostar defended the response to
the situation, claiming that “the passenger became
 aggressive and intimidating toward the on-board 
team” after they reminded him of their rule on 
mask wearing and as a result, he “was asked
 to leave the train at Lille station.” 
In accordance with the company’s “normal 
procedure” police officers were called “to
 attend and assist.”
French police confirmed the man had been arrested 
over the incident on the train, but provided no 
further update on the situation.
Eurostar states on its website that all passengers 
must wear a face covering on its trains, even if 
they have been fully vaccinated, with those 
who fail to comply potentially being 
refused travel. 
The company’s guidelines don’t state what type of 
mask is required, only that it must cover the 
mouth and nose of passengers.
Now scientists have confirmed 
that natural immunity is more 
effective than vaxxed
why can’t I have my 
freedoms back?
October 8th, 10:36am (RT)
By Rachel Marsden, columnist, political strategist 
and host of an independently produced French-
language program that airs on Sputnik France.
 Her website can be found at 
I’ve got immunity from having had the virus, so where’s
 my permanent health pass and an end to testing hell? 
Governments are ignoring an avalanche of clinical 
studies proving that the Covid-recovered could
be left alone.
As someone who has recovered from Covid-19, I’m tired 
of spending the better part of a year, now, contending 
with brainwashed sheeple glued to every word of our 
flip-flopping, agenda peddling, manipulative govern-
ment authorities trying to sell us on the idea that
you’ve already had the virus, you still need to
 at least one approved anti-Covid jab.
The fact that governments can’t even agree on whether 
the Covid-recovered should get either one or two jabs
to qualify for their government-issued QR code health 
pass, allowing them to live & travel freely, as before 
this fiasco, should already make thinking people 
Here in France, government propaganda requires the 
Covid-recovered to take just one jab to qualify for the 
national QR code health pass – which is insufficient 
for travel to my home country of Canada, which
 requires that all travelers be double-jabbed 
three months after any Covid infection.
But If I have evidence that my acquired immunity is equal 
to or superior to the jabs, then getting even a single dose
 implies potential risk...  for little or no reward – or even 
potential detriment. So why would I roll that dice? It's
not like hospitals are filling up with the unjabbed 
Covid-recovered. So why aren't the authorities 
acknowledging this - & reacting accordingly 
- to remove us from their jab treadmill.
An Israeli study is often cited to justify jabbing the Covid-
recovered, claiming they are twice as protected from
 re-infection than if they relied solely on acquired 
immunity. But when you dig into the data, you 
realize that the odds of re-infection are
 already infinitesimal, and that two 
times nil, is still nil. 
Another study, published in the medical journal, Viruses,
 concluded that “compared with mRNA vaccination... 
natural infection induces a more robust humoral 
immune response” ...meaning that the Covid-
recovered, have systems better primed with
memory to respond to any future exposure 
...even after blood antibody levels wane. 
And in a bombshell undercover video sting published this
 week, Project Veritas revealed ... Chris Croce, a senior 
associate scientist at Pfizer, admitting on camera the 
advantage of acquired immunity over his company’s
 vaccine. “You’re protected most likely for longer 
since it’s a natural response,” Croce revealed. 
Nick Karl, a Pfizer biochemist, told the undercover operative:
 “When somebody is naturally immune – like they got COVID
 – they probably have… more antibodies against the virus
 because what the vaccine is that protein is just on the
 outside… It’s just one antibody against one specific 
part of the virus. When you actually get the virus - 
you’ll start producing antibodies against multiple
 pieces of virus, not only the outside portion but 
the inside portion, the actual virus -- so your 
antibodies are probably better at that point
 than the vaccination.” 
Another article published last month on Cold Spring
 Harbour Laboratory’s preprint server... concluded: 
“While vaccinations are highly effective at protecting 
against infection & severe COVID-19 disease, our 
review demonstrates that natural immunity in 
COVID 19-recovered individuals is... at least 
equivalent to the protection afforded by full 
vaccination of COVID-naïve populations.  
There is a modest and incremental relative benefit to
 vaccination in COVID-recovered individuals;  how-
ever, the net benefit is marginal on an absolute 
basis.” The researchers recommended that... 
“vaccination of COVID-recovered individuals 
should be subject to clinical equipoise
individual preference.” 
And that’s not all... “Israelis who had an infection were 
more protected against the Delta coronavirus variant -
han those who had an already highly effective COVID-
19 vaccine,” wrote Science Magazine... of the bench-
mark Israeli study from August (while still bizarrely,
 claiming vaccinations were “vital”). Since then, 
we’ve learned that the effectiveness of these
 ‘highly effective vaccines’ – like Pfizer/
BioNTech’s – wanes after 6 months. 
In Pfizrael, sorry, Israel – the primary ground for Covid-19 
jab experimentation according to Dr. Philip Dormitzer, 
vice president and chief scientific officer at Pfizer, 
who called the country a “sort of laboratory” – a 
record explosion of Covid infection has resulted
 in calls for a FOURTH dose, even as the double
jabbed who haven’t yet received their 3rd jab 
started losing their QR code health pass
 privileges... this week. 
It looks like endless jab hell. So how about just giving 
the Covid-recovered our lifelong health pass already 
and leaving us alone, so we can ignore this circus
 and move on with our lives? Why are you holding
 us hostage? Let me take my own ‘jab’ at 
answering that.
What’s clearly lurking behind the reluctance of authorities 
to acknowledge acquired immunity is the fear that if they 
just decided to leave us alone while subjecting everyone
 else to their endless jab and pony show --- then an 
increasing number of people would eventually 
decide to find a way to deliberately catch
 recover from Covid, so they could
be left
 alone, too.
The authorities are literally going against the science and
 lying to victims of Covid... in order to avoid creating a 
benefit that others might seek out at a potential risk.

 Except that, they themselves....  are responsible for 
creating the restrictive system, from which, people 
are now literally seeking out infection to find relief
 – if only to acquire a health pass good for six 
months so they’re able to access everyday
 venues and basic freedoms.
As Sir Walter Scott once wrote, in his epic poem: 
“O what a tangled web we weave, When first we 
practise to deceive!” So maybe stop manipulat
-ing people, in a lousy attempt at social
engineering and start actually follow-
ing your beloved ‘science’, rather 
than cherry picking it, to suit 
your corrupt narrative, you
 inept clowns.


Finland becomes Third country
limit use of the Moderna vaccine 
over cardiovascular side effects
October 7th, 5:25pm (PressTV)
Finland becomes the third country, after Sweden and
 Denmark, to pause the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 
vaccine for younger males, over reports of its
 cardiovascular side effects.
In a statement on Thursday, Mika Salminen, director 
of the Finnish health institute, announced the news, 
saying that Finland would instead give Pfizer-BioN
Tech COVID-19 vaccine, to men born in 1991 
and later.
The precautionary decision was made by Helsinki after
 a Nordic study found that those aged 30 and below 
had a “slightly higher risk” than others, of 
developing myocarditis.  
“A Nordic study involving Finland, Sweden, Norway and
 Denmark, found that men under the age of 30, who 
received Moderna Spikevax, had a slightly higher
 risk than others, of developing myocarditis,” 
he said.
Finland currently offers COVID-19 
vaccines to people aged 12 
and over.
The decision by Finnish authorities came, just a day after 
Swedish and Danish health officials announced that they
 would halt the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
all young adults and children, citing the same 
unpublished Nordic study.
Norway already recommends the Cominarty vaccine, 
and Finland was expected to publish a decision later.
Salminen said the study will be published in the next 
couple of weeks, and that the European Medicines 
Agency (EMA) had already received preliminary 
data, for further assessment.
Back in July, the safety committee of the EMA 
announced that the reported inflammatory 
heart conditions could be observed in 
very rare cases after the use of 
Spikevax, or the Pfizer/BioN
Tech Cominarty jab, more 
often in younger males, 
after the second dose.

‘Fact-checkers’ rush to defend 
Bill Gates --- as video of him 
praising vaccines’ abilities
 to reduce population 
growth, goes viral
October 6th, 5:59pm (RT)
Self-proclaimed ‘fact-checkers’, have been forced 
to walk back some of their more forceful denials 
of Bill Gates’ opinions on population control, in
 another effort to frame the philanthropist’s 
critics, as loonies.
FactCheck.org has seemingly revised its view of 
Gates’ infamous 2010 TED Talk... in which he 
declared doing a “great job” on vaccination 
in the developing world... could bring down 
the population count. In ITS statement on 
Wednesday, the organization announced
 that while Gates had -- “said health care 
& vaccines could reduce unsustainable 
population growth,” his words had 
been taken out of context – and
 had never said “3 billion
 need to die.”
The ‘fact-checker’ had gleefully seized upon a 2019 
video featuring naturopath R. Young addressing a
group of judicial-cosplay 
conspiracy theorists
known as the
 International Tribunal for
Justice, noting that there is
documented evidence of Gates 
uttering any of the words Young
was putting 
into his mouth –
the “3 billion
people” line.
However, most of Gates’ detractors have never 
accused him of outright claiming 3 billion 
people need to die, though many have 
referred to him - in one form or
another - 
as a eugenics fan. 
The vaccine evangelist’s claim that the world’s 
population, standing in 2010 at 6.8 billion and 
“headed up to nine billion”, at the time of the 
infamous TED Talk, could be reduced “if we
 do a really great job on new vaccines, 
health care, reproductive health 
services,” and the like...  “by, 
perhaps, 10 or 15% percent” 
can itself be considered an
incriminating statement -- 
and FactCheck.org ..has 
acknowledged that he 
said it.
Many of the self-proclaimed ‘fact-checking’ groups 
have become somewhat notorious for seizing on 
bizarre conspiracy theories about figures like 
Gates and using such falsehoods to smear 
legitimate criticism of those figures.
Additionally, a Gates TED Talk, from last year, was 
edited post-broadcast to remove a line regarding
 vaccine certificates, which, at the time, were 
considered to be much too redolent of the 
police-state mentality... for any of the 
democratic countries to accept.
A year and a half later, lockdown-mad populations 
have been driven into the arms of such passport 
regimes, and Gates’ prediction - which persists
in the audio version of his talk - sounds
 almost restrained.


1 in 4 Brits give up on NHS
 non-emergency calls due
 long queues caused
 staff shortages
October 3rd, 11:14am (RT)
Almost a quarter of callers hang up, while attempting
ring the National Health Service’s non-emergency 
111 phone line, because of waiting times that far 
exceed the service’s call-handling target.
The average wait time across the UK, was roughly eight 
minutes in July, but in northeast England, some callers 
were left waiting for up to 25 minutes, The Guardian 
reported on Sunday. In comparison, NHS targets 
suggest a caller should not be waiting for
 than 20 seconds.
111 is an NHS phone line that can be used to report health
 concerns that are not considered to be an emergency. 
It’s used by many British people when they need to
reach a medical practitioner more quickly than it 
would take to secure an available appointment
 with their own doctor.
Due to the lengthy queues, 24% – or nearly one in four 
callers – bailed on their attempts to reach 111 in July 
– up by 16% since April, when callers were left 
waiting for just over a minute and a half... on 
average. In the Northeast... the figure was 
even higher, with half of all callers giving 
up before reaching a staff member. NHS 
targets suggest that just 3% of callers 
should be put in a position where 
they consider it preferable to 
hang up before connecting.
A spokesperson for the NHS told The Guardian that the
long waiting times were due to an “increased demand” 
amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the backlog it has 
caused, with “call handlers seeing a 44% rise
 in calls during July compared with the
month in 2019”.
The GMB trade union’s public-services officer... Rachel
 Harrison...   said the long queues were also due to: “a 
staffing crisis” in the health sector, with “exhaustion 
and burnout, Covid sickness and the impact of low 
pay on workers”, leading to fewer staff to deal
 the increased numbers of callers.
“When people can’t get through to 111, they turn to 999 –
 which, in turn, increases the demands and pressures 
on our already-overstretched ambulance services,” 
Harrison added.


Canadian Military Used COVID-19
 to Test Afghan-Like Propaganda 
Techniques on Citizens: Report
September 30th, 6:40pm (RT)
The government in Ottawa reportedly didn’t authorise 
a covert propaganda operation against its own 
citizens, according to a plan designed by 
Canada's military leadership.
The Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) used
 the COVID-19 pandemic to test its propaganda 
techniques - similar to those used during the
 Afghanistan war - on its own citizens, the 
daily paper Ottawa Citizen reported, 
citing documents obtained through
Access to Information law.
What the Operation Was About
According to the newspaper, the plan was hatched last year 
by the CJOC, which at the time was headed by Lt-Gen Mike 
Rouleau. The operation called for “shaping” & “exploiting”
 information during the health crisis to make the 
government’s messages about the pandemic 
more effective and prevent any civil 
disobedience from Canadians.
The CJOC reportedly issued the directive for the plan on 
April 8th 2020 but it was quickly shut down by General 
Jonathan Vance, then-chief of the defence staff who 
stepped down from his post in January 2021.
Vance was reportedly prompted to kill the initiative after 
hearing the concerns from his advisers about the 
scheme’s legality and ethics. The plan was still
 reportedly active until May 2nd... when the 
general’s halting order finally took effect.
Investigation Launched
Vance then invited retired Major-Gen Daniel Gosselin to 
investigate how the CJOC had been able to launch the
 propaganda scheme without getting authorisation 
from higher levels. Gosselin’s report concluded 
that military commanders were not seeking 
approval from the authorities because they 
apparently didn’t believe they needed it. 
Canada’s federal government never 
authorises initiatives, Gosselin 
According to the investigative report... the CJOC saw
pandemic as a “unique opportunity” to test their 
''techniques'' on ordinary citizens. Gosselin notes 
that the plan did not emanate from “passionate” 
propaganda specialists but was a result of the 
CJOC’s deeper “mindset” that supported the 
use of such techniques.
Gosselin cited the views of the body’s former chief of 
staff, Rear-Adm Brian Santarpia, who believed that
 pandemic was “an opportunity to monitor and
public information to enhance awareness
for better 
command decision-making.”
The report concluded that CJOC held a “palpable, 
dismissive attitude” towards concerns of other 
military bodies and leaders when launching 
the scheme.

Gosselin has recommended 
that Canadian
Forces review their policies,
 when it
comes to information operations 
– especially those concerning
domestic audience.
‘Controversial’ Issue?
Ottawa Citizen argues that “military propaganda training 
and initiatives within Canada, over the past year....  have 
proved controversial”. The paper cites a recent incident
in Nova Scotia, when a fake letter from
 the government
designed by the military, 
warned about “wolves on the
causing panic among locals and officials who
were unware about 
the ongoing ''operation'.'
But revelations about the military’s reported move didn’t 
simply stir controversy among some readers but down-
right outrage.
As such, Lorne Gunter - a columnist on another daily 
newspaper, the Toronto Sun - has raged in a recent
 piece, against “censorship, propaganda and 
manipulation” --- which typifies the
government's “toolkit”.
“The military should never treat Canadian citizens as if 
they are the enemy,” he wrote, suggesting that this 
attitude is “increasingly popular among the
Canadian elites”.
Canada’s political leaders have 
kept silent on the report so far.

Antibodies in Fully Vaxxed 
With Pfizer, AstraZeneca
 --- Decline Steeply After 
Several Months – Study
September 30th, 7:05am (Sputnik)
Swedish national broadcaster SVT described the new 
findings as a piece of the puzzle why Sweden and 
other heavily-vaccinated countries are now 
seeing more and more breakthrough 
infections among those who duly 
received their two shots.
Antibody levels among fully vaccinated people wane
 faster than researchers previously thought, a major
 recent study performed in Sweden has concluded.
In total, over 2,000 healthcare employees have been 
included in the Community Study -- whose goal is to
 learn more about immunity after COVID-19 and the 
effect of vaccines, inasmuch as how quickly 
immunity wears off.
For Pfizer-vaccinated people who haven't had COVID-19, 
antibody levels were halved after only three months. 
After seven months, only 15 percent of the original
 levels remained – a decrease of 85 percent, 
national broadcaster SVT reported.
Because the staff who received the AstraZeneca vaccine 
received the booster shot later, the researchers were 
only able to follow them for three months. Never-
theless, the decline was even steeper. After 
barely three months, AstraZeneca-
vaccinated people had only one-
fifth of the Pfizer-vaccinated 
antibody levels.
A handful of participants received Moderna's vaccine, 
but that group was too small... and had a too short 
follow-up time. for the researchers to say 
anything conclusive.
“The fact that antibody levels fall over time is fully expected, 
but I am surprised that it has dropped so significantly in 
such a relatively healthy and young group”, research
 leader Charlotte Thålin told SVT. “The low levels 
mean that we can have an increased spread 
even in vaccinated groups, and this can 
have consequences for our elderly. 

This is worrying and indicates that 
the elderly and fragile must 
receive a third refill dose
 as soon as possible”,
 she added.
SVT described the new findings as a piece of the puzzle 
why Sweden and several other heavily-vaccinated 
countries have begun to see more and more 
breakthrough infections among those who 
have duly received their two shots. How-
ever... researchers still don't know
the protection line goes.
“Antibodies are only part of the immune system, we know 
that high antibody levels.. are associated with protection 
against infection. But the immune system also contains
 memory cells, that quickly supplement the antibody 
levels when we are exposed to the virus and we do
 not know exactly where the limit is, for becoming 
infected or ill”, Charlotte Thålin.
Sweden, a nation of over 10 million, has vaccinated over 
63 percent of its population. So far, it has had 1.15 
million cases of the disease, with over
 15,000 deaths.
While famous for not introducing any comprehensive 
lockdowns even at the height of the pandemic,
 unlike its neighbours, earlier on Wednesday
 September 29th, Sweden lifted the last 
restrictions in place. In practice, this 
means that the number of guests at 
events, is no longer limited, that 
Swedes are no longer recom-
mended to work from home 
and that the distancing 

Pope Francis calls for
 a comprehensive 
approach to health
September 27th, 3:07pm (Prensa Latina) 

Pope Francis said here today, that considering health 
in its multiple dimensions, at a global level, helps 
to understand and responsibly assume the 
interconnection between phenomena.
Upon receiving participants in the Plenary Assembly of
 the Pontifical Academy for Life, the Supreme Pontiff 
pointed out that this is how it is better seen how 
living conditions derived from political, social
 and environmental decisions, produce an 
impact on the health of human beings.
If we examine life expectancy, and healthy life... in
countries and social groups, we discover
inequalities, Francis said, at the three-day 
event, inaugurated today, and focused 
on the theme 'Public health in a 
global perspective. Pandemic,
 bioethics, future'.

After noting that these differences depend on variables 
such as... level of income and education and places of 
residence, the Pope specified that 'we state that life 
and health are equally fundamental values for all, 
based on the unalienable dignity of the 
human person'.
But if that declaration does not follow the appropriate 
commitment to overcome inequalities, in fact, we 
accept the painful reality: that not all lives are 
equal, and health is not protected in the 
same way, for everyone, he said.
When highlighting how the Covid-19 pandemic made clear 
the profound interdependence 'both between us and 
between the human kind and our common home', 
he recalled that 'our societies, especially in
West, have tended to forget that
 interconnection', with the 
resulting 'bitter 
The Pope called to reverse this trend through synergy 
between different disciplines, such as biology and 
hygiene, medicine and epidemiology, but also 
economics and sociology, anthropology 
and ecology.
In this sense, he stressed that the objective should be 
- in addition to understanding the phenomena - to
 identify the technological, political and ethical 
criteria for action --- on the health system, 
the family, employment, and 
the environment.


Back to normal everyday life’: 
Norwegian PM announces 
end of Covid restrictions
September 24th, 1:22pm (RT)
Speaking at a press conference... on Friday, Norway’s 
prime minister, Erna Solberg, stated that the country 
will reopen the country on Saturday... ending Covid 
restrictions on businesses and social interactions.
The decision to remove the strict Covid measures comes 
561 days after they were first introduced to reduce the 
spread of the virus, with Norwegian health authorities 
also giving the green light for other restrictions, 
such as those on sports venues and travel, 
to end in the coming weeks. 
“Now we are going back to a normal everyday life,” Solberg 
stated... as she announced that, from 4pm (3pm GMT) on 
Saturday, the country will “remove most of the infection 
control measures,” giving “a big thank you” to citizens 
for complying.
Celebrating the removal of restrictions, Solberg hugged 
Health Minister Bent Hoie at the press conference, 
which the two said was acceptable, as they are 
both fully vaccinated. 
While measures will be lifted in the next 24 hours,
 Norwegian PM urged businesses to not start 
preparing for customers to return until 
tomorrow, as the rules are still in 
place until the “common time” 
that has been agreed. 
Although Norwegian officials feel comfortable enough to 
start reopening the country, the official urged eligible 
citizens to ensure they are fully vaccinated, 
describing it as their “civic duty” and
 issuing a plea to “minority 
communities” who have
 not yet had the jab.
Responding to the announcement, the head of the 
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, Ole Erik 
Almlid, declared that this is what “the whole 
society has longed for,” even though “the 
finish line has not yet been reached,” 
with more work to come until
 industries have fully


England’s cancer treatment backlog 
could take ‘decades’ to clear after 
Covid pandemic crippled patient
 care – report
September 24th, 11:25am (RT)
The cancer treatment backlog in England could “take 
decades to address” ...after the Covid pandemic 
caused the health service to “collapse rapidly”, 
according to a new report from the Institute
 for Public Policy Research (IPPR).
In the research, released on Friday, the independent 
progressive think tank warned of the impact of the 
pandemic on cancer treatment, urging officials to 
take steps to prevent potentially “severe” 
consequences... that will require 
“considerable catch-up” 
work to be done.
While the UK government has announced a three-year 
funding proposal to address issues that have 
emerged in the NHS during the pandemic,
 IPPR said there was “more to be
done” if 
Britain is to “build back
better”... as 
Prime Minister
Boris Johnson 
Highlighting how the impact of coronavirus had caused 
the health service to “collapse rapidly”, the think
said the crisis had forced the NHS to take 
“unthinkable steps --- like cancelling cancer
treatments”, leaving an 
estimated 19,500
people with 
undiagnosed cancers.
Examining the ways to clear the backlog, the study warned
 that it would take until 2033 before hospitals, already 
“stretched” to capacity...  could clear the backlog
- even if treatment interventions were increased
 by 5%. If they rose by 15%, it could potentially 
be cleared by next year. However, if the NHS 
didn’t boost cancer treatments, the backlog 
“could take decades to address”, the 
researchers said.
The IPPR’s report urges the government to implement 
greater funding as a matter of urgency, as the funds 
announced so far were “just about enough to keep 
the health service afloat”, it said, given that data 
showed that, before the pandemic, the cancer 
survival rate in the UK already lagged “far 
behind most similar countries”.
“These alarming estimates lay bare just how urgently 
investment in equipment, and, crucially, in NHS 
staffing, is needed to avoid a devastating 
decade of further disruption to cancer 
diagnosis and treatment,” the chief 
executive of Breast Cancer Now, 
Baroness Delyth Morgan, said
 following the release of
 the report.
The UK government has not yet issued 
a response to the IPPR’s findings.
[Baroness Delyth Morgan, hmm...
that's a Welsh name -- wonder
if she could offer to publicise
what on earth is happening
in Wales?]

ER Doc Accuses Gov’t of ‘Shoving’ 
Vax Side Effects ‘Under the Mat’
 in Vid Leaked to Project Veritas
September 22nd, 8:35pm (Sputnik)
A Department of Health and Human Services ER doctor from 
the Phoenix Indian Medical Centre, has been caught on 
hidden cam footage... calling the vaccines being 
administered in the US “bullsh*t” and accusing
 the federal government of willfully ignoring 
serious and potentially fatal side effects.
The video, published by investigative journalism collective 
Project Veritas, shows a discussion between DHHS doctor 
Maria Gonzales and her colleague, Dr. Dale McGee, as 
well as Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse, regarding 
vaccine safety and effectiveness.
“So how come after 18 months, we haven’t had any research?
 Isn’t that fishy to you?” O’Malley, who filmed and leaked the
 footage to Project Veritas, asks Gonzales. “It does – it is 
fishy,” the doctor replies.
“It’s not that it hasn’t been done. It hasn’t been 
published, that’s why,” Dr. McGee interjects.
“It hasn’t probably been done because the government 
doesn’t want to show that the darn vaccine is full of 
sh*t,” Gonzales alleges.
In separate conversation with Gonzales, O’Malley complains 
to the ER doctor that a 30-something-year-old patient began 
suffering from congestive heart failure after receiving a 
second dose of the jab.
“He’s probably got myocarditis!” Gonzales exclaims. “All this
 is bullsh*t. Now probably myocarditis due to the vaccine.... 
But now, they’re not gonna blame the vaccine,” she adds.
“They are not reporting. Because they want to shove it under 
the mat,” Gonzales says, referring to federal guidelines put 
out by the Centres for Disease Control requiring hospitals 
to report severe adverse side effects, including congestive 
heart failure –a side effect occasionally reported in mRNA
-based vaccines, including the Pfizer and Moderna jabs 
being deployed in the US.
“The problem in here is that they are not doing the studies. 
People that had it and the people that have been vaccinated, 
they’re not doing any antibody testing,” Gonzales tells
O’Malley also secretly filmed a conversation with Deanna Paris,
 another DHHS registered nurse at the hospital, discussing the
 situation of people falling ill after being vaccinated.
“It’s a shame they are not treating people like they’re supposed 
to, like they should. And, I think they want people to die,” Paris
 bluntly tells her colleague.
“How many have you seen that have gotten vaccinated here?”
 O’Malley asks. “A lot!” Paris replies, adding that “nobody” 
is writing the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System 
(VAERS) reports “because it takes over a half hour to 
write the damn thing.”
O’Malley told Project Veritas that she decided to come forward 
after an unnamed colleague of hers who had expressed 
vaccine hesitancy died from complications after getting
 the jab. “She didn’t want to take it. She didn’t want to 
take it because of her religious beliefs and she was 
coerced into taking it. Nobody should have to 
decide between their livelihood, being ‘a part 
of the team in the hospital’, or take the 
vaccine,” the nurse said, tearing up.
“Now we’re just making people take it and then there’s reactions
 to it, and then you have a medication that has been shown 
effective and surely has no adverse reactions for trying it,”
 the nurse added, referring to Ivermectin, a medication 
often derided in mainstream media reporting as
 “horse paste.”
O’Malley further explained that the vaccines that the US has been 
using are currently in stage three clinical trials. “Normally, stage 
three clinical trials is where you gather your data. What the
 responsibility on everyone is, is to gather that data and 
report it. And if we’re not gathering that data and 
reporting it, then how are we going to say that 
this is safe and approved for use?” 
she asked.
The nurse admitted that she was afraid that the government might
 retaliate against her, but said her “faith lies in God and not man,” 
and that her career was to “help people,” not harm them.
VAERS: The Figures
According to the latest CDC data, about 6,000 people across the 
United States have died from various complications after taking 
at least one dose of the available Covid vaccines, with “death” 
appearing 6,055 times under “2021VAERSSYMPTOMS.” To 
date, about 182 million Americans have been fully 
vaccinated against the coronavirus.
OpenVAERS, an independent non-profit VAERS reporting service
 which bases its figures largely on US data, but also information 
coming from other countries, has reported nearly 15,000 
fatalities to date, plus over 1.5 million reports of other 
‘adverse effects’, ranging from hospitalizations and 
urgent care to doctor office visits, anaphylaxis, 
Bells Palsy, heart attacks, miscarriages, 
Shingles and severe allergic reactions.
In addition to the mRNA-based Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the 
US Food and Drug Administration has also approved Johnson 
& Johnson's Janssen vaccine, a viral vector-based single jab
 preparation. Like the AstraZeneca preparation, which has 
not been approved in the US, the Janssen vaccine has 
been associated with rare blood clots, with CDC 
guidelines advising women younger than 50
 years of age to be aware of the risks of 
this particular vaccine.
Earlier this month, the Biden administration began pushing a
 federal vaccine mandate, requiring all businesses with more 
than 100 employees to either get staff vaccinated or provide 
weekly testing for infection. The directive has run into 
resistance from some governors, lawmakers, mayors, 
and industry leaders, as well as ordinary Americans
expressing hesitation amid concerns of the 
potential side effects.

(Of course, the above is all about the USA...

waxing gibbous moon

Men Sleep Worse During
 Waxing Moon, Women 
Unaffected – Study
September 20th, 8:53am (Sputnik)
One hypothesis concerns the amount of sunlight that is
 reflected from the moon around the time when people 
usually go to bed. Men's brains are suggested to be 
more receptive to ambient light conditions 
than women's.
Men's sleep seems to be affected more than women's by
 the moon's cycle, a study conducted by researchers at 
Uppsala University has indicated.
While many men sleep worse during the waxing stage of
 the moon, women's sleep was largely unaffected, the 
researchers concluded, having studied the quality 
of sleep of 492 women and 360 men who slept at 
home in their own beds.
To this end, they used polysomnography – a comprehensive
 test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography 
records brain waves, the oxygen level in the blood, heart 
rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements.
The people whose sleep was registered were unaware of the
 researchers' interest in the link to the moon's movements 
that the researchers were interested in.
Men, but not women, exhibited lower sleep efficiency, and 
were longer awake after sleep onset on nights during the 
waxing period.
“We could see that men whose sleep was measured during 
the first phases of the moon had poorer sleep quality and
 woke up more often during the night compared with men 
whose sleep was measured during the waning phases of
 the moon. In women, sleep was largely unaffected by the 
lunar cycle. 
Our results were robust for adjustments for chronic sleep 
problems and sleep apnea,” Christian Benedict, associate 
professor and sleep researcher at Uppsala University, 
said in a statement.
According to researchers, a possible mechanism that can 
explain the moon's effect on sleep is the amount of sun-
light that is reflected from the moon around the time 
when people usually go to bed. As a recently 
published study suggested, men's brains 
may be more receptive to ambient light 
conditions than women's.
“However, our study cannot determine whether it is the lunar 
cycle that affects sleep in men or whether the lunar cycle 
co-varies with some other factor that affects sleep,” 
Christian Benedict told the science news portal 
Forskning.se, suggesting further research.

Appeals court overturns ruling on
child gender treatment --- in UK;
 doctors CAN prescribe puberty 
blockers to under-16s
September 17th, 3:47pm (RT)
The Court of Appeal has ruled that under-16s do not lack
 the capacity to give informed consent concerning 
medical treatment which delays the onset of 
puberty --- overturning a ruling from
last year.
On Friday, the court overturned a 2020 ruling by a divisional 
court which stated that under-16s lacked the capacity to 
give informed consent to treatment concerning 
transitioning gender. The original case had 
been brought forward by Keira Bell... who 
claimed doctors should have challenged
her more, when she requested puberty 
blockers at a young age.
However, on Friday, the Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the 
appellant, the Tavistock Trust, which runs the UK’s only 
gender identity clinic for young Britons, and overruled
 the 2020 decision.
Friday’s ruling noted that the divisional court “had made no 
findings of illegality”. Judges at the Court of Appeal said 
they understood “the difficulties and complexities” of 
the issue, but insisted “it is for the clinicians to 
exercise their judgement --- knowing how 
important it is, that consent is properly
obtained according to the particular 
individual circumstances.”
In its written conclusions, the court acknowledged that clinicians 
will inevitably take great care before recommending treatment to 
a young patient and ensuring that both the parent and child are 
aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the 
proposed treatment.
The court also contended that doctors are subject to professional
 regulation and oversight, and while some may have fallen short 
of standards in the past, it did not impact the lawfulness of 
the practice.
The NHS prescribes gender identity treatment, including the use 
of puberty blockers, to some children who are experiencing 
gender dysphoria. The blockers are drugs which pause the 
process of puberty by suppressing the body’s release 
of hormones.
In December 2020, the divisional court ruled that children under 13 
were “highly unlikely” to be able to give informed consent, adding
 that it was “very doubtful” that those aged 14 and 15 would have
 the requisite understanding to make the life-changing decision.
Bell - now 24 - started taking puberty blockers at 16. 
She has said she now regrets her “brash” decision.

Wales to impose mandatory vaccine
 certificates for nightclubs and large 
events... from October 2021
September 17th, 2:22pm (RT)
The Welsh government announced on Friday that, from 
October 11th,, over-18s will be required to prove they 
have been fully vaccinated against Covid or tested 
negative in the past 48 hours, to enter clubs or 
large events.
Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford stated that the 
requirement to show an NHS Covid pass, to enter 
these venues was needed because “coronavirus 
cases have risen to very high levels,” resulting 
in more people “dying from this terrible virus.”
“My message to you, today, is a simple but serious one – 
the pandemic is not over and we all need to take steps 
to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” Drakeford 
said in his announcement.
The vaccine certificate mandate will apply to nightclubs, 
indoor non-seated events that have more than 500 
people, outdoor non-seated events with an
attendance of more than 4,000 and any 
event with an audience over 10,000.
The measure comes despite warnings from the Night Time
 Industries Association that the Covid restriction will have
 a “hugely detrimental impact on trade,” potentially
 resulting in customers leaving Wales to visit 
businesses in England.
In a letter, the trade group cautioned that “any implementation
 of vaccine certification will be inevitably arbitrary,” as Welsh 
officials have failed to outline the criteria required to identify
impacted businesses. 
Alongside the need to show a Covid pass, the Welsh government 
urged people to work from home if they can and stated that 
enforcement of social distancing measures, including the
 need to wear face coverings in public places and on 
public transport, would be stepped up.
Wales saw a rise in Covid infections since the start of August, 
and has a rate of 494.3 cases per 100,000, compared with 
neighbouring England’s rate of 347.9 cases per 100,000.
The decision to implement a vaccine passport scheme in Wales 
comes after England scrapped similar plans, with the UK 
Health Secretary Sajid Javid claiming the government 
“shouldn’t be doing things for the sake of it.” 
Scotland is set to require proof of vaccination for entry
into nightclubs and large events, from October the 1st.

First in EU, Denmark FULLY lifts 
Covid restrictions almost 550
days after lockdown was 
September 10th, 10am (RT)
All remaining anti-coronavirus rules, including an 
obligatory Covid pass, were officially cancelled 
in Denmark on Friday, making it the first state
 in the EU to wholly get back to pre-pandemic
 daily life.
Starting from midnight on September 10th, the deadly 
virus is no longer classified as a “socially critical 
disease” by the Danish government, meaning no 
special measures will be applied to deal with 
Covid-19 in the European country.
 All restrictions previously enforced by authorities, including
 ‘coronapass’ requirements to enter night clubs and other 
venues, a ban on mass gatherings and obligatory mask-
wearing, have been lifted, 548 days after Prime Minister 
of Denmark Mette Frederiksen initially declared a lock
down in his country, local media reports.
 In March 2020, Denmark was among the first nations 
to enforce harsh measures to fight coronavirus.
Having first announced the decision to abandon the legal
 basis for restrictions last month, Danish authorities said 
“the epidemic is under control.” They reserved the right 
to reinforce special measures “if the pandemic again 
threatens important functions in society.”
According to Denmark’s health officials, “record high 
vaccination rates” helped the country set a 
precedent in the European Union and 
return to life with no Covid-related 
restrictions whatsoever. 
Three out of four Danish citizens consider vaccination 
against the virus a civic duty, according to a Euro-
barometer survey conducted last month on
 behalf of the European Parliament.
Out of 1,000 representatively selected Danes, 43% 
completely agreed to the statement that everyone 
should be vaccinated, while 31% said they tend 
to agree. For all of the EU, the percentage of 
people who completely or predominantly 
agree to the statement stands at 66%, 
Denmark’s Ekstra Bladet 'paper 
reported on Friday.
“Throughout the pandemic, Denmark has had higher 
acceptance than many comparable countries,” 
Professor Michael Bang Petersen, who 
advised the Danish government on 
the subject, wrote on Twitter,
 adding that “no mandates
 [were] needed.”
 An “incredibly high and completely stable” trust in 
the authorities’ management of the pandemic, is
 behind the vast vaccine acceptance in the 
country, Petersen wrote.
 He also suggested that lifting of the restrictions 
became possible thanks to collective action... 
after the government “formulated distancing 
as a moral project, which gained high 
public support.”
By September, over 73% of Denmark’s 5.8 million 
population had been fully vaccinated, with more 
than 8.6 million anti-Covid doses administered 
in total. 
Throughout the pandemic, the EU country 
registered over 352,000 cases of the virus.

AstraZeneca vaccine designer says
Covid boosters are unnecessary for 
most people - & should be sent to 
countries in need instead
September 10th, 10:59am (RT)
The designer of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine 
has called for surplus doses in the UK to be 
sent to countries with lower levels of 
vaccination --- calling plans for a 
booster program unnecessary
for the majority of
Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert – who also developed
 the universal flu vaccine – expressed doubt over 
the vaccination of healthy children and booster 
shots for people who are still well-immunised 
from their first 2 shots, in an interview with 
the Telegraph newspaper on Thursday.
Professor Gilbert urged the UK to instead send their 
doses to countries in need, declaring, “We need to 
get vaccines to countries where few of the 
population have been vaccinated so far. 
We have to do better in this regard. 
The first dose has the most impact.”
“The immuno-compromised and elderly will receive 
boosters. But I don’t think we need to boost every-
body. Immunity is lasting well in the majority of 
people,” she added.
AstraZeneca and Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccines have 
both been approved by government regulators 
to be used as booster shots.
The professor previously questioned the government’s 
plan to vaccinate children, and in July she told La 
Republica, “If you can’t prevent transmission 
by vaccination... and the children are not at
 risk of severe disease and hospitalisation 
and death, which the vast majority of 
children are not, you have to ask 
yourself: ‘What would be the 
benefits of vaccinating 
On Friday, the Times reported that the UK’s Joint Committee 
on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) had been 
“presented with data yesterday showing that a 
top-up Pfizer-BioNTech dose months after a 
second jab greatly boosted” the immune 
system against Covid-19 and that the 
government may be looking to 
provide booster jabs to old 
people in the late autumn 
to protect them ahead 
of winter.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid also declared on Thursday 
that “we are heading towards our booster programme” 
and said he is confident the booster programme “will 
start later this month,” subject to final advice.


Children can get Covid-19 vaccine 
even if their parents are opposed, 
UK minister says
September 5th, 2:14pm (RT)
Asked by Times Radio’s Tom Newton Dunn what would 
happen if a teenager’s parents said no to vaccination
 but the teenager said yes, the UK vaccine minister 
Nadhim Zahawi, said they would still be able to
 get jabbed without permission.
Claiming that the NHS “is really well-practiced in this 
because they’ve been doing school immunisation 
programmes for a very long time,” Zahawi told 
Newton Dunn on Sunday  “what you essentially
do is make sure that the clinicians
this with the parents, with the 
and if they are then deemed
 to be able
to make a decision that is 
then that decision will 
go in favour
of what the 
teenager decides
to do.”
Newton Dunn questioned...  “So to be clear, the teenager 
can override the lack of parental consent? If a teenager 
really wants a jab and is only 15, the parents say no, 
the teenager can have it?” ...to which, Zahawi 
responded, “They’d need to be competent 
to make that decision, with all of the 
information available.”
Bizarrely, on the same day, Zahawi told Sky News 
that children would require parental consent to 
get vaccinated against Covid-19.
Asked by Sky News’ Trevor Phillips... whether he could 
“assure parents that if there is a decision to vaccinate 
12 to 15-year-olds, it will require parental consent,” 
Zahawi declared, “I can give that assurance, 
Despite the fact that the UK’s Joint Committee on 
Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) refused to 
recommend - on Friday - that healthy children
 between the ages of 12 & 15, be vaccinated 
against Covid-19, given they are considered 
extremely low risk, the government is still 
pushing for vaccination – with The Times 
newspaper reporting that child 
vaccination could occur as
 early as next week.
JCVI’s deputy chairman, Professor Anthony Harnden, 
noted on Saturday, that: “the health benefits from 
vaccinating well 12- to 15-year-olds” are only 
“marginally greater than the risks,” and said 
that any decision should ultimately require 
“parents’ consent.”
“Both the teenagers and the parents need 
to be involved in that choice,” he argued.
The age of consent in the UK is 16.
On Friday, protesters stormed the London H.Q.
of the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare Products 
Regulatory Agency --- in protest over the 
government’s likely intention to 
vaccinate children under
the age of 16.

UK care workers leave industry 
en masse after being told to 
get vax or quit, with unions
begging govt to reconsider 
September 4th, 3:55pm (RT)
Many care workers in the UK who were told to get 
vaccinated against Covid-19 --- or lose their jobs, 
have left the industry en masse for better paid 
positions at companies such as Amazon, 
creating massive staffing shortages.
According to the Guardian, which spoke to several 
care home industry officials, “three-quarters of 
care home operators are reporting an increase
in staff quitting since April,” with the reasons
being... “a desire for less stress and for
higher pay” and “to avoid mandatory 
vaccination... which comes into
on November the 11th.”
The newspaper reported that many care workers 
are leaving for other positions in the NHS, where 
vaccination has not yet been made compulsory, 
and for unrelated jobs at companies such as 
Amazon, where they have been offered... a 
30%increase in pay and other incentives.
One care worker left their £9.30 an hour job to work 
as an Amazon warehouse picker, which pays
 £13.50 per hour and also offers a £1,000 
joining bonus, according to the report.
In response to the mass exodus, the industry is now 
desperately calling on the government to end its 
mandatory vaccination policy for care workers, 
warning that a “catastrophe” is on the horizon.
National Care Association executive chairman Nadra 
Ahmed told the Guardian that the National Health 
Service (NHS), will ultimately “have to pick up
 this mess” and called on the government to 
reconsider its policy, while public service 
union Unison declared that ministers 
“must immediately repeal ‘no jab, no 
job’ laws for care home staff in 
England, to avert a staffing 
crisis - that threatens to 
overwhelm the sector.”
The government must scrap the ‘no jab, no job’ rule 
now. Widespread care home closures could be the 
consequence if they ignore the warnings. This 
would be disastrous for elderly people... and 
those who cannot live without care support.
Unison warned that the “draconian” mandatory vaccination
 policy is “pushing thousands to the brink of quitting care 
work” and said the government is “sleepwalking into a 
disaster”... by ensuring a massive shortage of staff 
during a pandemic.
The union also revealed that many care workers – who are 
already underpaid and overworked – “feel totally under-
valued” and that “being bullied” into taking a vaccine
they didn’t want, was “the last straw” for many in 
the industry.
The vacancies for care workers could total more than 
170,000 people -- with 70,000 being those who refuse
the jab - after mandatory vaccination is implemented 
later this year, according to government estimates 
cited in the media.
During the first wave of the pandemic, elderly people in 
care homes made up roughly half of all Covid-19 
deaths in the UK between March and 
September 2020.
Nearly 30,000 residents died and it was later discovered 
that a shortage of personal protective equipment 
contributed to the problems experienced.

‘More data needed’: Top health officials 
reportedly urge White House to ‘follow 
science’ & DELAY vaccine booster plans
September 4th, 10:15am (RT)
Top US health officials have called on the White House 
to pump the brakes --- on plans to administer Covid 
vaccine booster shots to millions of US citizens 
later this month, pointing to insufficient data, 
according to multiple reports.
While President Joe Biden’s administration already moved 
ahead with its booster announcement last month – with
 Biden stating that all US adults should receive a third 
dose within eight months of their second shot...
 beginning September 20th.
US health agencies have said the move could be premature, 
as they have yet to approve universal boosters for any of 
the three jabs used in the country. 
During a White House meeting earlier this week, the heads of 
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centres for 
Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) told officials their 
agencies may be able to recommend boosters for the 
Pfizer vaccine alone sometime in the coming weeks
and possibly only for certain recipients at that – 
according to a Friday report in the New York 
Times and corroborated by Axios.
The briefing from the agency heads... suggests Biden’s 
September rollout date could have been set too early, 
not allowing enough time for regulators to authorize 
third doses for the other inoculations. 
Asked about that meeting on Friday, a White House spokes-
man told the Times that “We always said we would follow 
the science, and this is all part of a process that is now 
underway,” noting that the Biden team is seeking a 
“full review and approval” for boosters.
While the FDA, CDC and other top health agencies have 
publicly backed Biden’s booster plan, citing waning 
vaccine-induced immunity in the US, acting FDA 
head Janet Woodcock has expressed her
reservations in private... according to 
sources cited by the Times...  In one 
closed-door discussion, Woodcock
reportedly said it was “risky” to 
put a hard date on the booster 
campaign, before regulators 
had an opportunity to look
 through the data. 
Further controversy was stirred over the booster debate 
earlier this week after two top FDA executives involved
 in vaccine research abruptly resigned their posts, 
reportedly in protest over a number of federal 
missteps, with Biden’s premature booster 
announcement, apparently, the 
last straw.
US health officials have vacillated on the question of 
additional vaccine doses in the past. In July, top 
White House Covid-19 adviser Anthony Fauci 
suggested it was far too early to discuss 
boosters, even noting that Pfizer CEO 
Albert Bourla had apologized to him 
for publicizing the company’s work 
on boosters at such an early stage. 
Just a few weeks later, however, Fauci changed his tune,
 arguing that all US citizens... would “inevitably” need 
extra doses...  explaining that many vaccines lose 
effectiveness over time – a factoid he apparently
forgot to mention in more than a year of prior
regular public appearances . 
Pharmaceutical firms stand to reap a massive windfall 
from a booster drive, while Pfizer’s Bourla has gone 
even further, floating the idea of regular, yearly 
Covid-19 immunizations. Between Pfizer and 
Moderna – the top two vaccine producers in 
the US – $50 billion in coronavirus jab sales 
are expected this year alone, according to 
Reuters. That figure does not account for 
the millions of additional doses that will
 be produced and sold as boosters... 
which will be sure to further juice 
Big Pharma’s already-massive 
pandemic profits.

Major UK Covid-19 test provider 
faces probe by market watchdog,
 reportedly still selling tests
September 3rd, 6:54pm (RT)
The UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has 
opened an inquiry into Expert Medicals – one of the 
nation’s major Covid-19 test providers – following 
customer complaints. The company still 
allegedly sells the tests, though.
Expert Medicals, one of the largest providers of PCR
tests in the UK, has been removed from a list
companies that “self-declare that they meet
the government’s 
standards for
COVID-19 testing,” 
the CMA said, in
a press release, 
on Friday.
The competition watchdog said it had opened a formal probe 
into the test provider since it had been “the subject of a high 
number of complaints.” Expert Medicals has reportedly 
been accused of failing to provide tests and results in 
a timely manner, or even at all, as well as failing to 
respond to customer complaints and issue 
refunds... when due.
“Our actions today are the next steps in our work to ensure 
the PCR testing market works for consumers and we are 
preparing to take further action in this sector,” said 
Andrea Coscelli, the CMA’s CEO.
One of the cheapest Covid test providers on the UK market, 
Expert Medicals has been selling kits for travelers for £28 
($39), including postage and packing. The company 
received a large number of complaints over delays 
in delivery of its tests and customer results, 
according to some media reports.
However, the test provider is apparently still able to sell the kits 
despite being removed from the government list, the UK’s 
‘Which’ media outlet said. That is despite Oncologica – 
one of the Covid-19 test laboratories Expert Medicals
 used to work with – telling ‘Which’ it is unlikely to 
cooperate with the test provider, after it was 
pulled from the official list.
Apart from taking action against Expert Medicals, the CMA also 
warned further Covid-19 test providers that they should 
improve their pricing information, or face some action 
from the watchdog.
The move comes about a week after the agency issued 
another statement, telling Covid test providers that 
some of their “harmful” practices could be in 
breach of consumer protection law.
The chief issue concerned some companies advertising PCR 
test prices that do not include additional obligatory charges, 
or advertising very cheap tests that are available only in 
very small quantities or not at all.
Failures to meet the required timeframe and refusals to provide
 customers with refunds when due were also on the CMA’s list 
of “practices of concern.” The watchdog demanded that test 
providers include the full cost of tests in their ads and 
provide “honest, accurate and clear timescales on
 when tests will be received.”
“PCR test providers should be in no doubt that they need to get 
on the right side of the law. If they don’t, they risk enforcement 
action,” said the CMA General Counsel, Sarah Cardell.

How (and why) Israel changed 
what “fully vaccinated” means
by Kit Knightly
September 2nd (off-Guardian)
Newspeak definition opens the door for more 
authoritarian control, huge Big Pharma 
profits…and, potentially, the worst 
deception of the entire 
Israel... has been at the forefront of the vaccination
ever since November 2020, when they signed 
agreements with Pfizer, to run what were 
essentially medical experiments on
 their civilian population.
They were the first country to roll out the Pfizer vaccine. 
They were the first country to try out the (abandoned)
“Green passes” system of
 medical segregation. And
now they’re
 the first country to change the terms 
of the “get vaccinated and get your freedom
back” contract.
That’s right. Just as “three weeks to flatten the curve” 
turned into around 18-months (and counting), 
“double jabbed” is now evolving into 
“triple jabbed”.
To quote Dr Salman Zarka, Israel’s “coronavirus czar”:
''We are updating what it means to be vaccinated,”
So, there you have it. In Israel, officially, those who have 
been injected with two doses of Pfizer’s so-called 
vaccine, are no longer counted as vaccinated.
What does this mean?
Well, first of all, it means all those “vaccinated” people 
can kiss their recently acquired freedoms goodbye, 
unless they’re willing to get at least one
 more booster.
According to the Wall Street Journal [paywalled article]:
''Holders of Israel’s vaccine passports must get a third dose 
of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine within six months of their 
second dose, or lose the so-called green pass that 
allows them more freedom.”
It should also be noted that the third booster is not considered
 the last. The Israeli Ministry of Health “has not ruled out 
further boosters in the future” and the third shot will 
only extend the “vaccinated” status for six months, 
not permanently.
So, essentially, the precedent has been set that your freedoms 
are the state’s to take away on a whim. And, if you comply, 
they will simply use your compliance... as an excuse to
 take even greater liberties (pun very much intended).
Israel has been the Petri dish for this since the beginning. 
If it works there, expect the “booster shot requirement”
to be instituted in other countries all over the world, 
fairly quickly.
To all the people who have taken the vaccine, and are now 
realising they may have done something foolish. Sorry, 
but we did try to warn you this would happen.
Financially speaking, this is yet another boon in a golden 
year, for Pfizer, who can now ship even more doses of 
their experimental (and unnecessary) gene therapy
 to people who are, literally, legally obliged to use
 it. If you don’t want to take the jab, just take 
some of Pfizer’s new magic anti-Covid 
pills instead.
So don’t worry about the death of freedom and democracy 
in the name of an almost-completely-harmless disease. At 
least the Pfizer shareholders can afford that second 
private island, and golden costumes for their 
human chess sets.
However, the predictable seizure of freedoms, and obvious 
financial motives behind it, aren’t even the worst part.
The potentially far more cynical part comes later. In three
 months or so, when the flu season hits and the elderly 
and infirm start dying, as they do every winter.
It won’t be called “flu season”, of course. It will be all
classified as “Covid”. Combined with this new 
definition of “vaccinated”, the “fourth wave”
 or the “sigma variant”... (or whatever they 
call it) could now be used to produce a 
whole new manipulated statistic.
Think about it: Every Israeli citizen who gets sick and/or 
dies, after being double jabbed but not triple jabbed, 
will be officially labelled “not fully vaccinated”.
They could therefore claim that Covid is primarily affecting
 “unvaccinated people”, even if the majority of people 
getting sick have had two doses of Pfizers 
mRNA cocktail.
Just as they used linguistic tricks to turn “deaths from any 
cause” into “Covid deaths”, and “asymptomatic positive
 tests” into “Covid cases”, they have now created a
 loophole to turn “vaccinated people” who get
 sick into “unvaccinated people”.
Worse still, it’s possible that, over the coming winter, 
people who have been “vaccinated”, may die at an
 even greater rate than normal.
If the theory that the mRNA vaccines may cause antibody-
dependent enhancement (ADE) proves correct, a lot of 
people could be killed by viruses this winter as a 
direct result of being “vaccinated” …and then 
be used as evidence to prop up the idea of 
“vaccine effectiveness”.
In twenty months of obvious scientific malpractice,
manipulation, statistical dishonesty, and full
linguistic reversal…we may be about to see
 the worst lie of all.
This is all supposition at this point, of course. But for anyone 
out there thinking “they would never do that”, I remind you
 that a man was counted as a Covid death, after shooting 
himself in the head. There is, literally, no bar so low
 that the powers-that-be couldn’t limbo under it.
Even if time proves my theory wrong, the solid, admitted 
reality of the booster-shot system, is bad enough. 
Freedom forever, under a dangling sword of 
Damocles, and yet another assault on 
language as part of a years-long 
campaign... to rob our very 
words of meaning.
And while all this may seem incredibly cynical, if you 
haven’t become incredibly cynical in the last two 
years, then you weren’t paying attention.

Japan suspends Moderna 
Covid vaccine: as another
 million doses are found 
contaminated bringing
 total to 2.6 million
August 30th, 10:41pm (RT)
Japanese officials have suspended the use of millions
 of doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine, after foreign 
substances were found in a number of batches
 two people died after receiving jabs
from the 
affected lots.
The Japanese government discovered the contamination 
over the weekend, in a batch of the Moderna Covid 
vaccine in Gunma prefecture, close to Tokyo, 
forcing officials to temporarily suspend
of the vaccines.
The decision to suspend a total of 2.6 million doses of 
the Moderna vaccines comes after 1.63 million shots
 were halted, last week, following the discovery of 
contaminants in some vials, in a batch that was 
shipped to over 860 vaccination centres
 across the country.
While the source of the contamination has not been confirmed, 
Moderna and pharmaceutical company Rovi, which 
manufactures the Moderna vaccines, said that it 
could be due to a manufacturing fault on one of
 the production lines, rather than anything
 more concerning.
The country’s health ministry has confirmed that two 
individuals who were vaccinated, using doses from 
the batch have died. However, the cause of death 
in both cases is under investigation and officials 
claim, that no safety concerns have been
 identified yet. 
In a statement, Moderna and Japanese distributor Takeda 
stated that “we do not have any evidence that these 
deaths are caused by the Moderna 
COVID-19 vaccine.”
Gunma is now the seventh Japanese prefecture to discover
 contaminants in doses of the Moderna vaccine, after 
similar incidents in Aichi, Gifu, Ibaraki, Okinawa, 
Saitama and Tokyo. It comes as Japan battles 
a surge in Covid cases --- that has pushed 
nearly half of the country’s prefectures
 into a state of emergency.
Since the start of the pandemic, Japan has recorded 
1.38 million confirmed cases of Covid and 15,797 
fatalities from the virus. So far... Japanese 
officials have administered 118,310,106 
doses of a Covid vaccine. 

Scientists Discover - Chilling 
Similarity Between COVID-19
 Infection and Rattlesnake Bite
by Max Gorbachev
August 30th, 6:56pm (Sputnik)
Using machine learning algorithms, researchers analysed 
blood samples from hundreds of individuals. They say 
the results of their study could be used to better
coronavirus patients, as well as
potentially... to save 
hundreds of
thousands of lives across
 the globe.
An international group of scientists claims to have discovered 
one of the leading causes of death from SARS-CoV-2. 
According to their study, published on August 24th
the Journal of Clinical Investigation, getting a 
severe case of the novel coronavirus, is like 
getting bitten by a rattlesnake. An enzyme 
that skyrockets, after a person falls ill
 a serious case of COVID-19, is
from the 
same family as the
enzyme in
Ironically, the human body contains the secreted A2 p
hospholipase group (sPLA2-IIA) in low concentration,
with the enzyme protecting the organism from 
microbes, and fighting off infections.
But in high quantities, sPLA2-IIA is perilous to humans, 
as it can "shred" vital organs, said Floyd "Ski" Chilton
 ...a professor at the University of Arizona, and lead 
author of the study.
"In other words, this enzyme is trying to kill the virus... but 
at a certain point it is released in such high amounts that
 things head in a really bad direction. It is a disease 
resistance mechanism until it has the capacity
 turn on the host human", Chilton said.
Professor Chilton and his colleagues discovered this enzyme
 in blood samples from patients who had severe cases of 
COVID-19. The researchers say that medicines used for 
treating snake bites could be repurposed for battling 
the coronavirus.
"Because inhibitors of sPLA2-IIA already exist, our study 
supports the use of these inhibitors... in patients with 
elevated levels of sPLA2-IIA... to reduce, or even 
prevent, COVID-19 mortality", said D. Maurizio 
Del Poeta of Stony Brook’s Renaissance 
School of Medicine, a co-author of
 the study.

Two Men Die in Japan... 
After Receiving 2nd Dose 
of Moderna Vaccine
August 28th, 7:24am (Sputnik)
The Japanese Health Ministry said on Thursday
 it had halted the use of 1.63 million Moderna 
doses from three lots produced at ROVI’s
 manufacturing site in Spain.
Two people died: after receiving Moderna COVID-19 
vaccine shots that were from the same production
 line suspended following the discovery 
of ''contaminants''.
According to Japan's health ministry, two men in their 30s 
died recently, within days of receiving their second 
Moderna doses. Each had a jab from one of three 
manufacturing lots suspended on Thursday. 
However, the cause of the deaths
 is still being investigated.
Japan froze the use of 1.63 million Moderna doses 
delivered to 863 vaccination centres nationwide
after reports of ''contaminants'' in some vials.
Spain's ROVI pharmaceutical firm...  which is 
manufacturing Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, 
opened an investigation - on Thursday - to 
determine how vials of the vaccine sent 
to Japan were contaminated with 
''foreign particles''.
US vaccine maker Moderna is reportedly
 conducting a parallel investigation.
Japan's NHK broadcaster cited the ministry 
as saying: that the ''contaminants'' were 
magnetic and appeared to be metallic 
particles. No safety issues linked to 
the three lots have been observed.
[A blogger observes: The magnetic property 
of the experimental mRNA vaccines was 
discovered several months ago, I think
by a Spanish lab... but was ignored,
I suspect, in favour of the dollar.]

NHS plans Covid-19 vaccination
 for 12-year-olds that would NOT 
require parental permission
 – reports
August 26th, 12:19pm (RT)
The UK National Health Service (NHS) has reportedly 
made plans to vaccinate children as young as 12 
without the need for their parents’ permission –
a plan that government advisers have not 
yet supported.
Under the NHS’ plan, children between the ages of 12 
and 15 would start being vaccinated in less than two 
weeks’ time after returning to school following the 
summer holidays, according to The Telegraph, 
which obtained emails sent by NHS’ regional 
offices. The newspaper also reported on 
Thursday that the children “would not 
need parental consent” to 
get vaccinated.
Though Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine has been approved
 in the UK for children aged 12 and over... the 
Department of Health said on Wednesday 
that a decision on the vaccination of 
young children had not yet
 been made.
Government advisers on the Joint Committee on 
Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) have been
 reviewing whether to approve widespread 
vaccination of children, but had earlier 
said only children with certain health 
conditions would receive jabs.
Earlier this month, England’s deputy chief medical 
officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, expressed his support 
for the vaccination of under 18s, claiming to be 
“very much in favour” of 16- and 17-year-olds 
getting jabbed.
Vam-Tam also said that it was “more likely rather 
than less likely” that the number of children
between the ages of 12 and 15 who were
eligible to get vaccinated, would 
soon expand.
News of the NHS’ plan angered many people on social 
media ,who pointed out that the risk vs reward 
conclusion for vaccinating young children, 
was still uncertain.
Reform Party leader Richard Tice called the plan 
“shocking” while pub entrepreneur Hugh 
Osmond called it “grotesque.”
 Conservative academic Adrian Hilton --- a former 
adviser to Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove 
--- pointed out that “12-year-olds cannot 
consent to a medical procedure.”
Other Brits protested that “the government does 
not own my child” and threatened to pull their 
children out of public schooling.
Some supported the idea, with one Welsh social media
user stating that she agreed 12- to 15-year-olds “can 
consent” and are “mature enough to make that call,”
but thought it should be “done near to medical care
like mine was, not in school.”
In the United States, the Centres for Disease Control 
and Prevention (CDC), advises all US citizens aged
and over, to get vaccinated against Covid-19. 
Roughly 600,000 children between the ages 
of 12 & 15, were vaccinated in less than
week after Pfizer’s vaccine was
for under 16s,
in May.
Many European Union countries, have also started 
vaccinating children - with the EU approving Pfizer 
for 12- to 15-year-olds in May and Moderna in July.


Physical exercise helps 
stroke survivors reduce
risk of death by 54%
 August 20th, 12:36pm (Prensa Latina) 

People younger than 75 years of age, stroke survivors 
who engage in physical activity three to four hours 
per week, can lower their risk of death, according 
to new data published in Neurology magazine.

A new study has shown that people who walk at least
 three to four hours per week or bike at least two to 
three hours per week, or the equivalent after 
having a stroke, may have a 54 percent 
lower risk of death --- from any cause.

'Our results are exciting - because just three to four hours
 a week of walking was associated with big reductions in 
mortality & that may be attainable for many community 
members with prior stroke,' said study Raed Joundi 
study author, M.D., D.Phil., at the University of 
Calgary in Canada and a member of the
 American Academy of Neurology.

The study found the most benefit for younger stroke 
survivors. When people under the age of 75 
exercised at least that amount, their risk 
of death was reduced by 80 percent.

Looking specifically at stroke survivors under 75 years 
of age, Joundi et al. found that 11% of patients who 
were physically active died and 29% of patients 
who were not physically active died.

Meanwhile, stroke survivors over 75 years of age who met 
minimum physical activity requirements were 32% less 
likely to die—not quite as much of a benefit, but still
 a significant number.

''Our results suggest that getting a minimum amount of 
physical activity may reduce long-term mortality from 
any cause, in stroke survivors,'' Joundi said. ''We 
should particularly emphasize this, to stroke 
survivors who are younger in age, as they 
may gain the greatest benefits from 
walking just 30 minutes each day.'


Welsh Labour govt. blasted
‘catastrophic’ record 
NHS waiting lists as ''Covid
to hospital
August 19th, 3:01pm (RT)

The NHS in Wales has reported record long waiting lists
 for non-urgent treatment, as the number of people who
 have had their medical care delayed, reached almost 
625,000 in June, the latest month for which data
 is available.
The growing waiting list came as A&E departments and the 
ambulance service in Wales recorded their busiest period 
since the Covid pandemic began, further delaying 
appointments for those awaiting non-urgent 
June saw the number on the list grow to 624,909, marking a 
41% rise since the start of the pandemic, with 233,210
 waiting more than 9 months for treatment.

waiting times within the country’s A&E
were the worst ever recorded,
with 30.2% of 
patients not being seen
within four hours.
Addressing the situation, the opposition Conservative Party’s 
health spokesperson, Russell George, criticised the Welsh 
government, calling the situation “catastrophic.”
“To record the worst ever A&E waiting times and the longest 
NHS treatment waiting list in the same month, shows a 
complete lack of leadership,” George said in 
a statement.
While a spokesperson for the government conceded that 
“waiting times for treatment continue to grow,” they 
expressed optimism that the number of people 
waiting more than 52 weeks has fallen “for 
the third month in a row.”
The latest figures come... as £551 million ($753.29 million) in 
extra funding was handed to the Welsh NHS to help alleviate
 the pressure caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. 

The money is set to be spent on the country’s vaccination 
programme, Covid testing, PPE, and cleaning, to prevent 
the spread of the virus, according to Health Minister, 
Eluned Morgan.

vaccine jabs and periods

‘Is it anti-vax to be concerned?’: 
Magazine editor reports 
changes to period after 
Covid jab, the latest in 
over 30,000 UK women
August 19th, 11:32am (RT)
At least 30,304 British women, have disclosed 
changes to their menstrual cycle after getting
 vaccinated against Covid-19.  An editor for 
The Spectator is one of the most recently
 affected, and says many more are
to come out.
Lara Prendergast, an executive editor at London's 
Spectator magazine, raised some concerning 
questions in a column, on Thursday, after 
reporting that she had been affected 
since receiving her first Pfizer
 in May.
Noting that it is an “uncomfortable” and sensitive topic
to discuss – indicating that the true number 
of women
with period-related vaccine side effects 
could be far
greater than the 30,304 documented 
– Prendergast
revealed that her cycle has not 
been right, since
she was vaccinated, 
months ago.
“Millions of British women have been jabbed, so 
30,304 reports will be a tiny proportion: a 
negligible number, you might say.  But it 
doesn't seem negligible if you're one of
 those women” she wrote, adding that 
friends have told her  “they've also 
been affected” but “didn't report it 
either” due to the topic being both 
awkward and sensitive... and 
because of ''fears'' of being 
branded an ‘anti-vaxxer’.
“Is it ‘anti-vaxx’ to be concerned that these jabs may 
be having an effect on our menstrual cycles?” 
Prendergast questioned...  before claiming 
that a women's health doctor had told her 
it is not exactly normal, “for vaccines
affect periods in such a way.”
Prendergast also expressed concern that “if the jabs 
are affecting so many women's periods, who knows 
what else might be going on,” noting that millions 
of women can only “hope and trust” that the 
medical officials and influencers who are 
pushing for young women to get 
vaccinated are right about the 
allegedly low risks involved.
Though she acknowledged that officials, such as Royal 
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) 
President Dr. Edward Morris, have assured women 
that it would be ''impossible'' for the vaccines to 
affect a woman's fertility, Prendergast pointed 
out that most women do “associate their 
periods with their fertility,” and that side 
effects are thus extremely alarming
 those who experience them.
“A month after my second jab, I make a note that
latest cycle is messed up, once again,” she 
concluded in the column.
The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory 
Agency (MHRA) has advised concerned women that 
menstrual issues are “mostly transient in nature” 
and that “there is no evidence to suggest that 
Covid-19 vaccines will affect fertility and
ability to have children.”
RCOG Vice President Dr Jo Mountfield has also said that 
although “changes to periods can be concerning,” it 
appears “most women's menstrual cycles return 
to normal after one to two cycles.”
Menstrual cycle changes do not appear on the list of 
side effects given to Brits, before they receive a 
Covid-19 vaccine in the UK.
The UK government announced on Monday that the MHRA 
was reviewing “suspected side effects of menstrual 
disorders and unexpected vaginal bleeding 
following vaccination against Covid-19 
in the UK.”


COVID App Error Possibly Caused 
Thousands to Needlessly Isolate, 
Media Says
by Andrei Dergalin
August 18th, 6:17pm (Sputnik)
The matter regarding the app was reportedly brought 
to the attention of the former Health Secretary Matt 
Hancock shortly before his resignation, but it 
wasn't until a month later that his successor 
Sajid Javid announced that the app would 
be updated.
Thousands of people in the United Kingdom may have 
isolated for no reason due to an error with the NHS 
COVID app, The Guardian reports, citing a source
 in Whitehall.
As the newspaper points out, while official guidelines 
for the app "defined close contact as occurring two 
days before the infected person had symptoms,"
 users apparently weren’t told that the app could
 "notify of contact with an infected person as far 
back as five days before the positive test."
"The standard definition of a contact in all the scientific 
and public stuff from Public Health England and NHS 
test and trace is someone who has been in contact 
from two days before they have symptoms and if 
they don’t have symptoms but test positive, you 
go back two days from the test," the source 
said. "But the app had five days in it."
They also mentioned that this matter was apparently 
brought to the attention of former Health Secretary 
Matt Hancock, shortly before his resignation.
"A submission was made to Hancock from test and trace 
people around the time of his resignation saying ‘it’s five
 days but it should be two days: should we change it 
now? And it didn’t happen,’" the source remarked.
The Labour Party has apparently used this opportunity to 
take pot shots at the government, with Shadow Health 
Minister Justin Madders calling it "another shambolic 
situation from hapless ministers."
"The COVID app has been one mess after another and a 
lack of clear information and guidance around the app 
only undermines its effectiveness," he said.
About a month after that, Hancock’s successor, Sajid Javid, 
said that the app would be updated in order to have the 
contacts of people who tested positive for COVID 
tracked from the last two days instead of five.
The health secretary reportedly said that it was being 
"updated based on public health advice to look back 
at contacts two days prior to a positive test."
The Department of Health and Social Care didn't challenge 
the whistleblower’s account, the newspaper notes, adding 
that the department is "making the case that the COVID 
app had different definitions of a close contact to test 
and trace... with a five-day period chosen for the 
asymptomatic, because it is the halfway point 
in a potential 10-day infectious period."


WHO slams wealthy nations’ 
rush towards COVID 
vaccine boosters
August 18th, 5:03pm (PressTV)
The World Health Organization has condemned the rush 
by wealthy countries to provide COVID vaccine booster 
shots, while millions around the world have yet to 
receive a single dose.
Speaking before US authorities announced that all 
vaccinated Americans would soon be eligible to 
receive additional doses, WHO experts insisted 
there was not enough scientific evidence that 
boosters were needed --- and said providing 
them, while so many were still waiting to 
be immunized, was immoral.
"We're planning to hand out extra life jackets to people who 
already have life jackets, while we're leaving other people 
to drown without a single life jacket," WHO's emergency 
director Mike Ryan told reporters from the UN agency's 
Geneva headquarters, on Wednesday.
"The fundamental, ethical reality is we're handing out second 
life jackets while leaving millions and millions of people 
without anything to protect them."
WHO called earlier this month for a moratorium on COVID 
vaccine booster shots to help ease the drastic inequity
 dose distribution, between rich and poor nations.
But that has not stopped a number of countries from 
moving forward with plans to add a third jab, as
 struggle to thwart the Delta variant.
US authorities warned Wednesday that COVID-19 vaccination
 efficacy was decreasing over time, and said they had 
authorized booster shots for all Americans from 
September 20th, starting eight months after
 an individual has been fully vaccinated.
The officials said while the vaccines remain "remarkably 
effective" in reducing the risk of severe disease, 
hospitalization and death, from the effects of 
COVID, protection could diminish in the 
months ahead... without boosted 
Washington had already authorized an extra dose 
for people with weakened immune systems.
The coronavirus pandemic has killed at least 
4,382,528 people and infected 208,617,866 
'Shame on all humanity'
But WHO experts insisted that the science was still out 
on boosters and stressed that ensuring that people in 
low-income countries, where vaccination is lagging,
received jabs ------ was far more important.
"What is clear is that it’s critical to get first shots into arms 
and protect the most vulnerable before boosters are 
rolled out," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom 
Ghebreyesus told Wednesday's 
press conference.
"The divide between the haves and have nots will only 
grow larger, if manufacturers and leaders prioritize 
booster shots, over supplies to low- and middle-
income countries," he said.
"The virus is evolving and it is not in the best interests 
of leaders just to focus on narrow nationalistic goals 
when we live in an interconnected world and the 
virus is mutating quickly."
Tedros voiced outrage at reports that the single-dose 
J&J vaccine ...currently being filled and finished in 
South Africa, was being shipped for use in Europe
 "where virtually all adults have been offered 
vaccines at this point".
"We urge J&J to urgently prioritize distribution of their 
vaccines to Africa before considering supplies to rich 
countries that already have sufficient access,"
he said.
"Vaccine injustice is a shame on all humanity... and if we 
don’t tackle it together, we will prolong the acute stage 
of this pandemic for years - when it could be over in a
 matter of months."
(Source: AFP)


Drug, Alcohol Deaths
 ...Hit Record High...
UK Government 
Cuts Funding for the
Treatment Services
August 15th, 12:35pm (FNA)
 Deaths from drug and alcohol misuse hit a record 
high, following sharp cuts to treatment services 
across the UK, according to a report.
An analysis by the House of Commons Library found 
that more than £100 million less was being spent per 
year on services between 2016-17 and 2019-20, The 
Independent reported.
In a record high, more than 11,000 people died from 
drug and alcohol-related diseases in England and 
Wales, in 2020.
In the years leading up to the peak, services were cut 
by 15 percent, with sharper slashes to local council 
areas, in particular.
The Commons Library figures show that just 10 councils
have been ''able to'' find the cash to increase resources 
for drug and alcohol misuse.
Meanwhile, in four local authorities – South Tyneside, 
Wiltshire, Staffordshire, and Medway – cuts of more 
than 40 percent were made to drug and alcohol
misuse services.
“Years of Tory cuts to vital public health services have 
seen sickness increase and health inequalities widen,”
Jonathan Ashworth, Labour’s Shadow Health 
Secretary, said.
“It’s unacceptable for public health services that tackle 
alcohol and drug addiction, to be left so weakened 
because of deep cuts, when we know that they 
can cause huge harm and death," he noted, 
adding, “We need a new settlement for 
public health services, a clear target 
to reduce inequalities and action to
minimise harm... and help prevent 
so many dying from addiction.”
In total, spending on services fell from
£762mln in 2016-17 to £690mln
 in 2019-20.
Government figures show that in 2020 a record 
number of 7,423 people in England and Wales 
died from diseases that were a direct
consequence of alcohol, with a 
further 4,561 people dying 
from causes related to 
drug poisoning.
A government spokesperson said, “Any death 
due to substance misuse, is a tragedy."
“We are investing £148mln to tackle the root causes 
of drug misuse including £80mln for treatment and 
recovery – the largest investment in the drug 
treatment system for 15 years – as well as 
tightening controls on dangerous 
substances... and we will bring 
forward an ambitious drug 
strategy later this year,"
the spokesperson 
“On top of that, we are backing local authorities, 
who know their communities best, with over 
£3.3bln in 2021-2022 to spend on public 
health services, including drug and 
alcohol treatment,” the spokes-
person added.

Our planet Earth

Experts Say Booster Jabs
for Rich Countries --- 
Will Cause More 
Deaths Worldwide
August 14th, 10:02am (FNA)

 Many more people around the world, will die of COVID, 
if Western political leaders “reject their responsibility
 to the rest of humanity” by prioritising booster shots 
for their own populations, instead of sharing doses,
 the head of the Oxford vaccine group warned.
Writing for the Guardian, Professor Andrew Pollard, and 
Seth Berkley, the chief executive of Gavi, the vaccine 
alliance, say that the scientific and public health 
case for large-scale boosting, has not been 
made ---- and could have far-reaching 
consequences in other countries.
“This is a key moment for decision-makers,” they write, 
adding, “Large-scale boosting in one rich country will 
send a signal around the world - that boosters are 
needed everywhere. This will suck many vaccine 
doses out of the system, and many more people
will die because they never even had a chance 
to get a single dose. If millions are boosted,
the absence of a strong scientific case, 
history will remember the moment at 
which, political leaders decided to
reject their responsibility to the 
rest of humanity, in the 
greatest crisis of 
our lifetimes.”
On Tuesday, Sajid Javid said plans were in place, to 
offer all over-50s a COVID booster at the same time 
as they receive the flu jab.
But Prof Adam Finn, who sits on the Joint Committee 
on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which 
advises the government, said such a mass 
rollout may not be needed, with it more 
likely boosters would only be needed 
to protect a small number of the 
most vulnerable people.
Germany, France and Israel are all planning, or already 
administering, boosters for older citizens, although
 the eligibility details vary by country.
This is despite the World Health Organization saying that 
halting booster shots until at least the end of September 
would help ease the drastic inequity in vaccine 
distribution between rich and poor nations. 
The US also indicated it would not heed 
the WHO’s call, describing it as a 
“false choice”.
But Pollard and Berkley write that while vaccines have 
brought hope and will likely save millions of lives 
globally... thousands are still dying of COVID 
every week, and many countries are still in 
despair, with their hospitals overwhelmed.
“The vast majority of people who will die of COVID this year 
could have been saved if we had got this right,” they said, 
adding, “Vaccinating those at risk everywhere, is in our 
self-interest. It may reduce the risk of new variants 
arising, and will relieve pressure on health 
systems, open travel, resuscitate the 
global economy, and raise the
 international authority of 
politicians prepared to
 take such moral 
They also stress that the level of antibody or T-cells required 
to prevent people from getting seriously ill cannot yet be 
measured. While the yellow fever vaccine, which 
provides lifelong protection with one dose, the 
flu jab is given annually. Somewhere in-
between is the tetanus vaccine, which
 requires five to six doses for lifelong 
protection. Pollard and Berkley say
 it is ''unclear'' where the COVID 
vaccine sits on the spectrum 
but – so far – it is clear it is
 offering protection against 
severe disease, including 
that caused by the 
main variants.
“The focus of vaccination policy... cannot be
on sustaining 
very high levels of antibodies
to prevent mild infection,”
 they write.
"If we focus on antibody levels alone, we could end up 
vaccinating everyone repeatedly to cope with a virus 
that keeps mutating. The point of vaccination isn’t to 
prevent people from getting mild infections; it’s to 
prevent hospitalisation and death,” they added.
They say that it is not an “all or nothing” argument, 
with careful analysis of data required to ensure
 there are no groups for whom boosters are 
already warranted. But... they add that,
those who do not respond well to 
vaccines – a group which some 
have suggested, should get
booster – “more doses 
won’t help”.
The pair conclude, “Since we have the two-dose luxury 
of having time on our side, we should not rush into 
boosting millions of people, while time is running 
out for those who have nothing. First doses
 It’s that simple.”
A government spokesperson said, “We are preparing for
 a booster programme and the independent JCVI has 
published its interim advice on who to prioritise
a third vaccine from September 2021."
“The UK is committed to supporting a global recovery 
to the COVID-19 pandemic and improving access to
 vaccines – and we have committed to donate 
100mln doses by June 2022, with the first 
deliveries starting last week,” the 
spokesperson added.


Study Finds One in Ten
UK Patients 
Caught COVID
in Hospital
 in First Wave
August 13th, 3:49pm (FNA)
About 1 in 10 patients were infected with coronavirus while 
in hospital during the first wave of the pandemic in the UK  
and that figure rose to about one in six after the peak of 
COVID hospital admissions, researchers found.
However, vaccines, improvements in diagnostics and PPE 
supply, and an enhanced understanding of the virus have 
dramatically reduced the risk of catching COVID in 
hospital settings, they stressed, The 
Guardian reported.
“Things have changed for the better - enormously - ” said
Christopher Green, a senior clinical lecturer and
physician in infectious diseases,
at the University 
of Birmingham.
During the first wave, on average 11.3% of COVID patients in 
the UK contracted COVID-19 after being in hospital for other 
reasons, and that percentage spiked to about 15.8% in May 
after the peak of hospital admissions. This was the worst 
of the pandemic, as far as hospitals were concerned, 
said Green.
The average level of hospital-acquired COVID was not entirely 
surprising, the researchers said, given that the average risk 
of contracting flu in hospital settings is about 10%.
The researchers studied 72,157 patients (two-thirds
all UK hospital admissions) admitted across 314 
hospitals... during the first wave. They inferred
patients were infected after admission,
based on 
information on how long it takes to
symptoms, following infection with
virus that causes COVID-19.
Using the cut-off date of August 1st, 2020, the researchers 
estimated that between 5,699 to 11,862 patients were 
infected, during their hospital stay...  but cautioned
that this range was likely to be an underestimate, 
given that the researchers could not identify 
patients who were infected during 
admission, but were discharged 
before developing symptoms 
...or patients infected during 
another healthcare visit 
before admission.
There were the stark variations in the risk of contracting 
COVID in different hospital settings: acute and general 
care hospitals had the lowest proportion at about 
9.7%; residential community care and mental 
health hospitals had a higher overall 
proportion, 61.9% and 67.5% 
Given that patients in residential and long-term facilities 
tend to stay for protracted periods, it is not unusual 
that those rates were higher.
However, there were also substantial variations among 
acute and general hospitals. In some busy hospitals, 
there were outstanding examples of good infection 
prevention control and practice... but there were 
also instances where the standard was not as 
good, said Calum Semple, a professor in 
child health and outbreak medicine at 
the University of Liverpool.
The scientists attributed the variations to multiple factors, 
including inadequate PPE and test supply as well as a 
poor understanding of how the virus transmits.. but 
noted that these wide variations meant that there 
were important lessons to be learned, for 
future outbreaks.
Although this data has now been published in the Lancet 
journal, the researchers have been sharing their 
analysis with the NHS and policymakers since 
last year. They continue to monitor what 
proportion of cases could be hospital-
acquired – and that range is looking 
much better at 3% to 5% now, 
said Green.
“I don’t want people to be afraid about coming into hospitals 
because we do actually understand a lot more that we 
didn’t know back then,” he said.
“One of the key differences, of course, is the high rates of 
vaccine coverage – being vaccinated … dramatically 
reduces the risk of you getting sick – but even if 
you’re unlucky enough to still be infected,
 despite being vaccinated... it also 
dramatically reduces the ability 
for you to transmit to some-
body else,” he added.
Hopefully, there will now be a greater focus on reducing
the risk of hospital-acquired infections, added Semple.
“Looking at hospital-acquired infections needs to be 
business as usual for [NHS] trusts, rather than an 
exceptional activity,” he said.


Vietnamese herbal medication 
effective to fight Covid-19
August 10th, 2:56pm (Prensa Latina) 
A Vietnamese medicine based on medicinal herbs 
and already subjected to preclinical research, 
has showed high effectiveness in treating 
Covid-19 patients, national scientists 
announced on Tuesday.
The medicine, called Vipdervir, is capable of preventing 
SARS-CoV-2 from sticking to host cells, or in any case 
activating immune cells so that they can recognize, 
block, and eliminate the viral particles, Chu Hoang 
Ha, vice president of the Vietnam Academy of 
Science and Technology (VAST), explained.
Synthesized as of medicinal herbs whose names the 
scientist did not reveal, the medication remains 
under evaluation for its safety, stability and 
capability to inhibit the spread of the 
deadly virus, as well as 
A/H5N1 influenza.
If the research is successful, as it appears to be, the 
relevant studies will be carried out to master the 
manufacturing technology of Vipdervir and 
turn it into a new tool in anti-Covid-19 
The VAST's Institute of Biotechnology, the Vinh Gia 
Pharmaceutical JSC and the Vietnam Chemical 
Pharmaceutical JSC, are participating in
 the research.

catnap better

A daytime nap helps to
increase productivity.. 
more than night sleep
: study
 August 6th (Prensa Latina)
 In an interesting study, Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology researchers have shown that a 
daytime nap, rather than a night sleep of a
longer duration, will be more beneficial
 in increasing the productivity 
of people.
Spending more time in bed, does not confer any 
benefits in work productivity, earnings, a sense
 of well-being, or even lowered blood pressure.
Scientists - according to the statement - proved 
that daytime naps tend to be more beneficial, 
as they contribute to improving the process 
of cognition, efficiency, decision-making 
and well-being, in a general sense.
'Sleeping more hours does not equate to greater 
well-being - an aspect that is closely linked to
quality of sleep,' the source emphasized.
Regarding the quality of sleep, the Mayo Clinic 
scientific website suggested reviewing the
 and supplements that people take.
Avoid drinking fluids up to two hours before 
going to bed, to reduce times going to the 
bathroom, and keep the environment as 
dark as possible.
Liquors help people to fall asleep, but once 
the effect wears off, the person is more 
likely to wake up during the night.

China stops issuing passports 
due to Covid-19 rebound
August 4th, 6:21pm (Prensa Latina) 
China, on Wednesday, announced the suspension 
of procedures to issue passports and other 
travel documents, as part of its strategy
stop the outbreak of Covid-19, that
forced the authorities to declare
risk of contagion, for 144 cities.
National Immigration Administration Director Liu Haitao said 
they will only process applications from individuals with 
real and urgent needs to leave the country; that is, for 
study, work or business.
China will work with neighbouring countries to carry out joint 
patrols, neutralize illegal crossings, smuggling and other 
criminal activities at border points.
Liu reported on a tightening in the supervision of each ship,
 passengers and cargo arriving at the country's air and 
maritime terminals.
The Administration proceeded with these measures in order 
to minimize cross-border movements and entrance from 
abroad of Covid-19-infected people, while China faces
 rebound, with the dangerous Delta variant of the 
SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
The Government is on the alert due to the rapid spread of 
the virus in some twenty provinces, the daily rise in local 
cases and the concentration of infectious outbreaks in 
at least three cities.
Authorities ordered the relevant departments to use up
resources to contain the outbreak, as it is already 
considered the worst, after the beginning of the 
pandemic in Wuhan.


British study shows children 
unlikely to contract severe 
Covid, as UK reportedly set 
to begin vaccinating teens
August 4th, 2:47pm (RT)
A new study has found that prolonged illness from Covid 
among minors is uncommon, reaffirming data showing 
that the virus is rarely deadly for children. The findings 
come as the UK prepares to start giving teens the shot.
The research, conducted by King's College London 
scientists, revealed that children aged between 5
 and 17, who test positive for coronavirus,
 typically recover in less than a week. 
Headaches and tiredness were the most common symptoms
observed, according to their paper, which was published on 
Tuesday in the Lancet. 
Using data provided by parents to a non-profit group that 
supports Covid research, the study examined medical
 information collected from 1,734 minors, who 
developed symptoms and tested positive
 for the virus, between September
 and February 2021.
The researchers said they were “reassured” to find that
 fewer than one in 20 of those with the virus exhibited 
symptoms, for four weeks or more. Incidences in 
which children showed symptoms for more than
 eight weeks, were even rarer, being recorded
 one in 50 cases.
The scientists also examined cases where children had 
symptoms but tested negative for coronavirus. Only a 
handful of subjects remained symptomatic for
28 days
 or more. 
The main takeaway from the study, is that it’s uncommon 
for children to suffer from prolonged illness after getting 
Covid, Emma Duncan, professor of clinical endo-
crinology at King's College London, said. She
 also stressed that it would be ill-advised
focus only on Covid-linked
among children. 
“We need to be looking after all children who have protracted 
illnesses, irrespective of whether that illness is Covid-19 or
 anything else,” the researcher noted.
Although the data used in the study was more than six months 
old, the findings seem consistent with the current figures 
regarding Covid among UK youth. While some experts 
have suggested that the more transmissible Delta 
variant may pose a greater risk to the general 
public... the disease continues to have an 
almost non-existent impact on mortality 
among children. In the first 12 months 
of the pandemic, NHS data shows 
only 25 under-18s died from
 the illness.
While the study seems to caution against overstating the virus’ 
effect on children, there may be limitations to accurately 
gauging Covid infections among young Britons: last 
month it was revealed that pupils in the UK were 
applying orange juice to Covid lateral flow test 
kits, in order to test positive for the virus and 
get a two-week holiday from school. 
The study coincides with reports that the British government
 is preparing to approve Covid jabs for 16- and 17-year-olds. 
According to the Telegraph, Downing Street is expected
update its advisory to include teens in the nation’s 
inoculation drive. The youngsters will be urged to 
get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, the outlet 
reported, citing a government source. 
The British government had previously signaled that jabs 
would only be offered to vulnerable 12- to 15-year-olds 
and those nearing their eighteenth birthday.
The reported U-turn would mean that the UK is joining
United States and European states that have
begun to vaccinate minors as
young as 12.

Covid-19 speeds up 
Alzheimer's-like symptoms
 August 3rd, 12:14pm (Prensa Latina) 
Scientists have assured, that suffering from Covid-19 
speeds up Alzheirmer's-like symptoms, a specialized 
source reported.
Many people with Covid-19 experience short- and long
-term neuropsychiatric symptoms, including loss of 
taste and smell, and persistent cognitive and 
attention deficits and care, knows as
brain fog.
Experts who attended the International Conference of the 
Alzheimer's Association - in a virtual way - said thanks 
to the studies conducted, a considerable number of 
older adults, frequently suffer with persistent
Other key findings by the consortium suggest that the
biological markers of brain injury, neuroinflammation 
& Alzheimer's, correlate strongly with the presence 
of neurological symptoms in a Covid-19 patient.
Individuals experiencing cognitive decline, post-Covid-19 
infection, were more likely to have low blood oxygen 
following brief physical exertion, as well as a poor 
overall physical condition, the researchers said.
More than half showed persistent problems 
with forgetfulness, and roughly one in four 
had additional problems with cognition...
including with language and executive 
dysfunction, the researchers stated.

UK govt is working with companies 
to offer cheap fast food for Covid-
vaxxed youth, despite warning
 of obesity risk
August 1st, 11:25am (RT)

The UK government is cooperating with major food 
delivery companies such as Uber and Deliveroo,
offer discounted fast foods for young people
get vaccinated against Covid-19.
According to the Department of Health and Social Care
 (DHSC), Uber, and its takeaway delivery service, Uber 
Eats, as well as rival food delivery service Deliveroo,
 chain restaurant Pizza Pilgrims, & the ride-hailing
 platform Bolt, are involved with the plan.
The DHSC announced - on Sunday - that the companies 
"will be offering discounts & incentives to customers
 who get a Covid-19 vaccine, and help protect the 
country from the virus," ...as it continues in its 
plan "to further drive uptake in young people."
"Uber, for example, will be sending reminders to all users
 in August, encouraging them to get the vaccine, & will 
be offering discounted Uber rides and meals on Uber 
Eats... for young adults who get the jab," the 
government revealed, while Bolt will offer
 free rides to vaccination centres.
Discount coupons and vouchers could also be offered to 
people getting vaccinated at pop-up sites and other 
vaccination facilities, although the participating 
companies will not store any health data,
 DHSC pledged.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid thanked the companies in a 
statement and urged the youth to "go out and take 
advantage of the discounts" ...when they 
become available.
Many Brits, however, described the scheme as dystopian 
and questioned how giving young people access to 
cheap, discounted fast food, would help 
public health.
"One reason why the UK has suffered so badly from Covid
 is due to having a large, unhealthy population," pointed 
out one social media user. "So offering more junk food 
makes perfect sense…"
Another person noted that the scheme "seems at odds with 
the eat healthy and save the NHS policy," while 90s pop 
band, Right Said Fred, compared the situation to
episode from Black Mirror."
GB News producer Liam Deacon, however, argued, "A little 
carrot is surely better than compulsion, force, and the 
removal of freedoms?"
In July 2020, the DHSC unveiled a new strategy 
to combat obesity and "protect the NHS."
"Obesity is one of the biggest health crises the country faces," 
the Department of Health claimed at the time, warning that 
"almost two-thirds (63%) of adults in England are over-
weight or living with obesity" while "1 in 3 children
 leave primary school overweight or obese."
The department also warned that "living with excess weight 
puts people at greater risk of serious illness or death from 
COVID-19," noting that "nearly 8% of critically ill patients 
with COVID-19 in intensive care units have been 
morbidly obese, compared with 2.9% of the 
general population."
Roughly 67% of people in England between the ages of 18 
and 29 have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine dose.


Delta COVID-19 Variant 
Shed by Vaccinated People, 
Spreads Like Chickenpox
-- CDC Document
July 30th, 5:31pm (al Manar)
The Delta COVID-19 strain spreads as easily as chickenpox,
 with fully vaccinated people also transmitting the virus, 
The Washington Post has reported, citing an internal
 document from the US Centres for Disease Control 
and Prevention (CDC), expected to be published 
later on Friday.
The transmissibility of the Delta variant is almost as high as 
chickenpox, with each infected person, on average, 
infecting eight or nine others, according to 
the document.
Fully vaccinated people can transmit the virus as well as 
unvaccinated people, it also said. Vaccination, however, 
provides substantial protection against the virus, the 
document added.
The disease control centre called for universal mask
 requirements and vaccination, as the best tool
 against the Delta variant.
The United States is now experiencing a spike in COVID-19 
cases, with the Delta strain accounting for over 80% of new 
infections as of July 20th. Some 70% of US adults, or 178 
million, have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 
vaccine and 60%, or 155 million, are fully vaccinated,
 according to the CDC.
Source: Sputnik

Certain standards of beauty are impossible to achieve

 Certain standards of beauty are impossible to achieve.
From perfection
to depression
July 28th, 6:18am (Prensa Latina)
By Joel Michel Varona cyt@prensa-latina.cu
The obsession for physical perfection is suffered by many 
people, who, dissatisfied with their image, look for 
alternatives that, sometimes, far from satisfying 
them, cause them to end up totally depressed, 
because of the expenses and time wasted.
Such fixation not only leads to problems such as depression,
 but even digestive problems, according to a team of 
scientists from the Moscow State University of 
Psychology and Pedagogy.
Reaching certain standards of beauty sometimes becomes
 impossible and then the level of dissatisfaction generates 
a crisis.
To counteract the effects of such a tendency, a method was
 developed to diagnose this psychological state that 
attaches great importance to appearance, which 
will help to develop measures of psychological 
hygiene and prevention of disorders to help 
young people achieve a healthy and 
harmonious treatment of their 
bodies, Konsultativnaya 
magazine reports.
Experts claim that the phenomenon of 'negative
of one's own physique, is a
consequence of
'the internalization
of the ideal image, that 
exists in
today's popular culture'.
Thus, many resort to the use of retouching and various
 alterations, which in the end, the psychologists point 
out, is unrealistic and unnatural... if it does not 
result in feelings of rejection of oneself.
This procedure consists of a questionnaire that includes 
three subscales that evaluate the manifestation of the 
willingness to resort to plastic surgery to correct 
imperfections, high standards of physical 
appearance and the degree of attention.
Also, the inclination to make unfavorable comparisons
 with other people, and suffering in relation to their
alleged defects.
The research proved that 'there are close links between
 indicators of this method, with body dissatisfaction
 and symptoms of depression and worry'.
(Taken from Orbe)

Majority of Covid patients in hospital 
may have been admitted for OTHER
 ailments before testing positive, 
leaked NHS data suggests
July 27th, 12:38pm (RT)
Over 50% of Covid patients in England tested positive 
only after being hospitalised – likely for other reasons
 – leaked NHS data has suggested, raising questions 
about the true impact the virus is having on the
 healthcare system.
The previously hidden figures --- covering all NHS trusts in 
England, showed that as of last week, only 44% of those 
classified as Covid patients had tested positive for the 
virus, by the time they were admitted to hospital. 
Despite broad public testing for the disease, an incredible
 56% of Covid hospitalisations involve already-admitted 
patients who were administered routine Covid tests,
 Telegraph reported. Forty-three percent of Covid
positive patients were identified within two days 
of admission, while 13% were flagged in the 
following days and weeks. 
According to the outlet, health officials were instructed last 
month to begin placing Covid patients into two categories:
 those who were in hospital primarily because of the virus, 
and those who were admitted for other reasons. However,
 the NHS has, so far, withheld this data from the public. 
With the majority of Covid patients being diagnosed after 
admission - in some cases weeks later - the leaked data
 points to the possibility that the virus may only have a
 minor or negligible role, in many hospitalisations 
blamed on coronavirus. 
The leaked figures also suggest that a large number of Covid
 hospitalisations are the result of nosocomial transmission, 
meaning that healthcare facilities – rather than restaurants, 
stadiums, schools, or other public venues – may be 
driving up infections requiring medical care. 
Ultimately, the NHS leak indicates that many Covid patients are
 actually in hospital for non-Covid reasons, especially when 
one considers the widespread and regular use of PCR tests, 
Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for 
Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of 
Oxford, told the Telegraph. 
“When people hear about hospitalisations with Covid, they will
 assume that Covid is the likely cause, but this data shows 
something quite different – this is about Covid being 
detected after tests were looking for it,” he said, 
adding that the current data being fed to the 
public could lead to “false conclusions” 
and exaggerate the virus’ actual 
impact on the NHS. 
Heneghan described the leaked figures as “incredibly
 important” and urged the government to stop 
withholding such data.
Tory MP Graham Brady issued a similar call for greater 
transparency, noting that even after 18 months of the 
health crisis, the government has failed to make 
detailed information about hospital admissions 
publicly available, on a regular basis. 
Brady’s colleague, Conservative MP Greg Clark, said that
 he would write to Health Secretary Sajid Javid and urge 
him to be more forthcoming with hospital data. The 
lawmaker noted that the accuracy of such 
information was vital, seeing as it is used
 to determine “how quickly restrictions 
should be lifted.”
He added that there is a “big distinction” between people 
admitted solely for Covid, and those who are in hospital 
for something else but “have Covid in such a mild form
 that it was not the cause of their hospitalisation." 
An NHS data expert who spoke with the Telegraph said that
 the government’s published statistics were “despicable” 
because they do not provide a “true picture” of how 
Covid is affecting public health. 
An NHS spokesperson insisted that many patients are 
admitted with symptoms linked to the virus, and are
 later confirmed Covid cases.. upon receiving a post-
admission test. Other patients in hospital may have
 “presymptomatic or asymptomatic” cases, the 
spokesman said. 
Recent news reports, have been highlighting renewed 
pressure on the NHS, with Downing Street suggesting 
that the decision to lift many Covid restrictions earlier 
this month, has led to an uptick in cases.
However, even senior health officials appear to admit that
 the issue cannot be blamed on Covid alone. A letter from
 NHS hospital trusts to the government, warned that a 
“massive backlog” of patients in need of care, as 
well as a large number of medical staff ordered 
to self-isolate or on annual leave, was 
exacerbating the crisis. 
In April it was reported that 4.7 million were waiting for 
operations and procedures in England, after the NHS 
stopped offering routine care, in order to focus on
 Covid patients.

Questions Arise - as More Than 
One in Five Danes Infected With 
Delta COVID Have 'Corona Pass'
by Igor Kuznetsov
July 27th, 5:07am (Sputnik)
Given the new circumstances, rules for the validity of
passport should be changed, experts have argued. 

However, despite the apparently poorer protection,
 the country's medical authorities have urged their 
compatriots to fully vaccinate themselves, 
emphasising that even a single shot can 
still contribute to a milder experience 
with the disease.
More than one-fifth of the new, more contagious delta 
variant of coronavirus has been found in vaccinated 
Danes issued a so-called “corona pass”, the State
 Serum Institute (SSI) has warned.
22 percent of those infected with the delta variant
had a 
valid corona pass after the first shot
when they were 
found infected.
“The first tests we did of the vaccine showed that they 
protected well after the first jab. These were the 
studies that led to the vaccine being approved. 
Now we have a dominance with delta virus, 
and there we have a poorer protection,”
 SSI department head Palle Valentiner
-Branth ,told Danish Radio.
According to SSI's latest estimate, the delta variant 
accounts for up to 91.2 percent of those newly 
infected with coronavirus, making this strain
 the most dominant in Denmark.
However, despite the apparently poorer protection, Palle 
Valentiner-Branth emphasised that even a single shot 
can still contribute to a milder experience with the 
disease, if one should become infected.
“You will probably be infected to a lower degree
than if 
you were unvaccinated, and you will
not be as ill,” 
he said.
Jørgen Eskild Petersen, a professor at the Department of 
Clinical Medicine at Aarhus University, calls it “worrying” 
that people can still go out and use their corona pass, 
even though they may be infected with the delta 
variant. To rectify this, he proposed only 
handing out corona passports after
second shot.
“It is not the vaccines that have changed since
they were 
introduced, but it is simply a new
virus that is less 
sensitive to the immunity
that the vaccines 
he underscored.
He cited a major study from England, which showed that 
both AstraZeneca, and Pfizer, only gave a 30-percent 
protection after a single shot, calling it unreasonable
 to grant corona passports, after only a single shot.
However, Danish parties from both left and
 right, were against changing the rules.
Liselott Blixt, health spokesperson for the national-
conservative Danish People's Party, argued it was
''too late'' to change the rules now, and, instead, 
urged people themselves to take responsibility.
“Keep your distance and make sure you maintain good 
hygiene. People are already confused enough and we
 are tired of hearing about corona. If we change that
 now, then I think we're losing people,” she mused.
The Socialist People's Party, urged Danes to listen to the
 SSI and the National Board of Health, in which it has full 

Palle Valentiner-Branth cautioned fellow Danes that they 
can still become infected with only one shot - and urged 
them to become fully vaccinated, at the first opportunity.
“When you are fully vaccinated, we rarely see that you get 
a breakthrough infection,” Palle Valentiner-Branth said, 
citing figures from the SSI, according to which, only
percent of fully vaccinated people have been
 infected with COVID-19.
As of now, the corona pass becomes valid 14 days after 
the first vaccine shot. A valid passport can also be 
obtained, after previously becoming infected, or 
producing a negative PCR or antigen test.
Denmark has fully vaccinated 50.9 percent of its population. 
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, it has seen 312,000 
cases, with some 2,500 fatalities.

'Worse Than Useless': UK Councils
 Warn 'Pingdemic' May Disrupt Key 
Sectors for Weeks to Come
by Oleg Burunov
July 24th, 5:55am (Sputnik)
On Friday, UK Cabinet ministers announced that workers 
critical to the food supply industry will be exempt from 
the "pingdemic", in order to prevent supermarket 
shelves in the country from going empty.
The UK government plans to set up a scheme in order to 
let more key workers take daily COVID-19 tests rather 
than isolate for ten days... to tackle a possible 
economic meltdown over the so-called
In the past week, over 600,000 British workers have been 
"pinged" by the National Health Service app, telling 
them to stay at home for up to 10 days after they
recorded as being in close contact with
positive people.
On Friday night, the government said that police, fire service 
staff, border staff, transport, and freight, should also be 
included in the exemption scheme, which is expected
 to resolve increasing numbers of isolating staff.
Earlier that day, Environment Secretary George Eustice and 
Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced plans for daily 
contact testing for the food and drink industries, 
saying that critical food-supply employers will 
be exempt from self-isolation, if they test 
negative for coronavirus on a daily 
basis and are fully vaccinated.
UK Councils Urge London to Clarify
on Self-Isolation Exemptions

The country's councils and companies have, meanwhile, warned
 that England may face weeks of "pingdemic" disruption, which
 will most likely ride roughshod over key services and the
supply of food.
The British Meat Processors Association urged the government 
to publish more information as soon as possible to give "clear,
 unambiguous guidance on which sites are exempt [from self-
isolation], which job roles qualify for exemption, and exactly
 how these new rules will be applied".
"Our fear is that, if infections keep rising at the current rate, there 
will be so many non-exempt workers taken out of the system that,
 regardless of those protected 'key sites', the rest of the supply 
chain around them will start failing", the association said.
This position was echoed by Richard Harrow, chief executive of the
 British Frozen Food Federation, who called the current situation 
"worse than useless", with confusion "continuing to pervade".
James Jamieson, chair of the Local Government Association, for 
his part, urged Downing Street to clarify what councils and 
employers should do, when it comes to exemptions for
 their critical workers.
"Residents will need to bear with us if they experience disruption 
to some services, if councils are forced to prioritise services that 
protect the most vulnerable in their communities", Jamieson 
pointed out. 
Shadow Environment Secretary Luke Pollard, in turn, insisted that 
security of the food supply is fundamental and that empty shelves 
in supermarkets "show the system is failing".
"The government caused this chaos by recklessly releasing all 
restrictions at once in the face of the Johnson variant, hitting 
the accelerator while flinging off the seatbelt", he said, in an 
apparent nod to the July 19th lifting of all coronavirus 
restrictions in England, touted by Prime Minister 
Boris Johnson as "freedom day".
Pollard welcomed the government's "right" move stipulating that 
"some critical workers in the food supply sector may be exempt
 if fully vaccinated and, crucially, tested daily", adding, however, 
that ministers "must be cautious, given the surging 
transmission rate".
"Labour warned against removing all restrictions in one go and 
we want to see a return of mandatory mask wearing in shops 
and the continuation of workplace testing. The rushed plan 
ministers have now published looks like a bureaucratic 
nightmare for businesses, while being unlikely to be 
sufficient. They have a right to be furious", the 
shadow environment secretary noted.
Gov't Lifts Stage Four COVID Restrictions
He spoke after the government went ahead with scrapping Stage
 Four restrictions on Monday, allowing nightclubs and music 
venues to reopen, and lifting the last restrictions on pubs, 
cafes, and restaurants and the attendance limits at 
weddings and funerals.
Some employers have, however, complained that up to 10% of
 their staff cannot work, after being told to isolate for 10 days 
by the NHS app.
Downing Street responded by announcing that as of August 16th, 
those who have had both doses of the coronavirus vaccine more
 than two weeks prior, will no longer have to isolate if "pinged", 
but must undergo a PCR-type test as soon as possible, to see 
whether they are infected.
COVID-19 death rates in the UK have approached triple figures 
this week, peaking at 96 on Monday. The total death toll in the 
UK since the first case was identified there in January 2020 
stands at 128,980, according to the World Health 
Organisation's latest estimates.

French hospital goes on 
INDEFINITE strike: to protest
 Covid-19 vaccination mandate
July 23rd, 6:09pm (RT)
The staff of the hospital in Montelimar, in the French 
department of Drome, have gone on indefinite strike
 to protest at the new rules demanding they take a 
vaccine against Covid-19 by mid-September --
 or face losing their jobs.
The strike against “forced vaccination” was announced on 
Thursday by the CGT-GHPP trade union, and affects some 
200 doctors and 1,500 nurses in the southeastern 
French city. 
Hundreds of them gathered outside the hospital on Friday, 
denouncing lockdowns and vaccine mandates and 
chanting “liberté!” (freedom). 
The French legislature is finalizing the proposal that would 
require all medical professionals in contact with the 
vulnerable, to be fully vaccinated by September
or else lose their salaries and even
their jobs.
“We are against mandatory vaccination and vaccine coercion,” 
Elsa Ruillere, local union representative, told Sputnik France. 

“There is no choice between tests or vaccination: vaccination 
is compulsory. No, we don't agree. We want to have the choice
 like the rest of the world and we do not want compulsory 
Ruillere says her union supports “free and informed consent” 
and is not against vaccination on principle but is against 
coercion. Some of the medical workers said they are 
waiting for the French-made Sanofi-GSK vaccine, 
promised for December. 
“We are well aware of the evolution of the virus. We do not 
take it lightly,” Ruillere said. However, she and her striking 
colleagues point out that, even with the rise in positive
 tests for the Delta variant of the coronavirus, there is 
no commensurate rise in hospitalizations.
“Yes, we turned ‘red’ but that's in fact due to the positive tests.
 In terms of hospitalizations, we are fine at the moment, we did 
not need to reopen beds, we have far fewer hospitalized 
people than before and fewer people in intensive care,”
 she added.
Another union gripe is the lack of public debate, since France’s 
National Assembly seems to have simply proceeded on the 
advice of the High Health Authority (HAS), which called
vaccination mandate “justified.”
There have been widespread protests in France since mid-July,
 as the government of President Emmanuel Macron imposed 
the vaccination mandate on health workers and introduced 
a  “health pass” requirement to access public venues with
 more than 50 people in attendance. The pass requirement 
will extend to cafes, restaurants and shops, starting on
August 1st. 
There has been a 150% increase in coronavirus cases over
 the past week in France, attributed to the Delta variant. The
 government says 96% of those infected are unvaccinated.

People jabbed with PLACEBOS 
during vaccine trials will have
same privileges as those 
‘fully’ vaxxed, UK 
minister says
July 23rd, 11:18am (RT)
The UK government views people who were given 
placebos during Covid-19 vaccine trials... as fully 
inoculated, Britain’s vaccines minister has said, 
adding that they would enjoy all the privileges 
granted by the NHS Covid Pass.
In remarks given before Parliament on Thursday, 
vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi touted the 
country’s controversial NHS Covid Pass as
 having an “important role to play in 
slowing the spread of the virus,” 
and urged 'certain businesses' 
and large venues, to adopt the
 domestic health certificate in 
order to “keep their clients
 their customers safe”. 
The NHS app can be used to show proof of vaccination 
status, negative test results, or natural immunity. 
But it seems the urgent need to methodically document
people’s vaccination status, and to use this private 
medical information, to grant certain privileges,
 contains at least one loophole ----- individuals 
who have participated in vaccine trials will 
be viewed as “fully vaccinated”, whether 
they received a placebo, or an actual 
shot, Zahawi said. 
It’s unlikely that he misspoke, as he made the same 
declaration in two separate exchanges, while 
answering questions from Parliament
Labour MP Rupa Huq complained to Zahawi, that several of
 her constituents who took part in Novavax trials, are “now 
being treated as if they are vax deniers with the texts they
 get from the NHS”. She also seemed to suggest they had 
been “grounded”  --- due to not being considered fully 
vaccinated. She pointed to the case of an American
 who had participated in the drug trial who said he
 felt it was on account of “xenophobia” that he 
could not access events that Brits can.
“People think that they are being punished for doing the 
right thing. Will the Minister rectify that?” she pressed 
According to the official transcript of their conversation, 
Zahawi promised the MP that those in clinical trials, 
including that by Novavax, would have their status 
on the NHS Covid app recorded as ‘fully 
vaccinated’, whether they received
 the placebo or the vaccine.
Minutes later, Labour MP Barbara Keeley echoed Huq’s 
concerns and asked for a solution to be found for the 
“wonderful volunteers” who had joined the 
Novavax trial. 
“They now find themselves not able to travel, as they 
cannot get a vaccine certificate and their vaccines 
are not recognised in the EU,” the lawmaker said. 
Zahawi repeated his previous position on the matter. 
“We are working with other countries to make sure that 
that is recognised, but as far as the UK is concerned, 
they will be considered fully vaccinated, whether 
they have had the placebo or the vaccine,” he
 reassured the MP. 
The vaccine developed by US-based Novavax has yet 
to receive emergency use authorisation in the UK. 
Participants in trials for the drug have complained that
 they have been denied an approved jab --- due to their 
involvement with the clinical tests. The Department 
of Health said in June that it would ensure that the
 volunteers weren’t disadvantaged by their 
participation in the trials. 
Britain’s rollout of ITS domestic digital Covid passport 
has aggravated many, who see the scheme as a 
serious government intrusion, into peoples’ 
ability to carry out their normal activities. 
Notably, Zahawi described the divisive
policy as “discriminatory” while 
speaking about the concept,
 in February. 
However, he later changed his tune. In April, he insisted that
vaccine passports wouldn’t be discriminatory, if they could 
also be used by people who had tested negative for 
the virus. 


India reports over 45,000
 ''Black Fungus'' cases,
 Health Minister says
July 21st, 12:05pm  (Prensa Latina) 
A total of 45,432 cases of mucormycosis (black fungus) 
have been reported by states and Uts., till July 15th, of 
which, 21,085 affected people are receiving treatment 
and 4,252 have passed away, the Health and Family 
Welfare Minister, Mansukh Mandaviya, said in a 
written reply.
A large majority of mucormycosis patients (84.4%), 
had reported a history of Covid-19, Mandaviya said.
In the wake of the 2nd wave of Covid-19, an increased
 number of mucormycosis cases were reported and
ministry of health, after thorough gap analysis
consultations, took a number of steps to
 the problem.
Mucormycosis and other fungal infections, are most 
commonly seen as an opportunistic infection. They
 are found in those with underlying immunity either 
due to diabetes, cancers, particularly hematolo-
gical malignances, etc., or, as a side effect of 
the prolonged/irrational use of certain drugs 
like steroids, & immunosuppressive drugs
 for management of other disorders... 
including Covid-19, the minister 
Taking cognizance of the association between elevated 
blood sugar levels (in those with pre-existing diabetes
mellitus, or hyperglycemia due to steroid 
therapy), an
updated Clinical Guidance on the 
Diagnosis and
Management of Diabetes, 
at the Covid-19
Patient Management facility, 
issued by the ministry, on
June 11th.
Mucormycosis, which affects patients recovered from this 
disease, is acquired by contact with spores of the fungus 
present in the environment, or by the skin, through cuts 
or open wounds.
It can have serious consequences for
 those with AIDS, cancer, or diabetes.
The most common symptoms are poor appetite, weight 
loss, tiredness, and necrosis or death of cells and tissue.
In addition to itchy eyes and nose, fever, bloody vomiting, 
coughing, and shortness of breath, signs include: one-
sided facial swelling, headache, nasal congestion, 
and black lesions on the nasal bridge and the
upper, inner part of the mouth.

‘Save our NHS!’: Some in alcohol
 & obesity-ridden Britain fear Tory 
bill just passed by MPs, could 
privatise the health service
July 16th, 10am (RT)
Many Britons have taken to social media, to register 
their anger at the government’s Health and Care Bill 
after MPs passed a contentious motion, on its 2nd
 reading, with some claiming it will lead to further
 NHS privatisation.
On Wednesday evening, the governments Health and 
Care Bill passed through the House of Commons by
 356 votes to 219... While the bill’s future impact on 
the National Health Service (NHS) is disputed, the 
movement from paying publicly owned trusts to 
private companies to provide services, has 
stoked fears that the Tory government 
may further privatise the NHS.  
Following the vote, Green Party leader Caroline Lucas 
called on her supporters to join their campaign to 
scrap the bill, which she claimed “entrenches 
privatisation & does nothing to address
social care crisis.” 
Lucas was backed up by Labour MP and Corbynite 
Zarah Sultana, who said the Tory privatisation 
would “open the floodgates to cronyism, & 
incentivises cuts & closures.” She vowed
 to keep fighting against what she called
 an “NHS Corporate Takeover Bill.” 
With #SaveourNHS trending on Twitter, many commenters
 jumped to slam Boris Johnson’s government... One person 
said he didn’t realise there could be a more “destructive” 
government than that of former Prime Minister Margaret 
Thatcher, who oversaw widespread privatisation, 
adding “Johnson’s government are evil,
 terrifyingly so. #ScrapNHSBill” 
While many criticised the government, others highlighted
 the nation’s hypocrisy, as the UK, one of Europe’s fattest
 and most alcoholic states, suffers immensely under the 
strain of alcohol- and obesity-induced illness. The 
government estimates that it spent over £6 billion
 on treating obesity related illness in 2014-2015, 
with around two-thirds of the UK’s adult 
population considered overweight... or 
obese. In 2020, more than one million
 people in the UK were hospitalised 
due to obesity-related illnesses.
Meanwhile, it is estimated that the effect of UK alcohol 
consumption costs the NHS around £3.5 billion each 
year, marking a huge increase from the decade 
before ...when the spend was around 
£2.7 billion a year.
One person noted that while people were locked down to 
“save the NHS,” it’d be equally effective if people looked 
after themselves, to stop them being unnecessarily 
hospitalised for being fat. 
Others concurred, one said the country is too soft on fat, 
claiming “obesity is crippling our NHS.” Another 
suggested the NHS stop treating fat people 
and save billions.
“How long before obese people are called selfish, for 
putting a strain on the NHS?” one commenter asked, 
stating that the country should move from the Covid
-19 track-and-trace system, to fitness trackers. 
We “don’t need 107 new hospitals”, wrote one Twitter
responding to a Labour MP who proposed new 
investments in the NHS, adding that the country 
should focus on ...preventing the UK from 
“being the most obese country
 in Europe.” 
Another person admitted to being a “big lad” and said it 
was his fault and he should foot the bill. “Obese people 
shouldn't get anything from the NHS if they need it, 
They should be made to pay for it,” he wrote. 
The NHS has been at the centre of many policy discussions
 in recent months, following a year in which it was tested 
extensively by Covid-19. In June the government passed
 a new law that would ban the advertising of unhealthy 
food before 9am, although it won’t come into effect 
until the end of 2022. The law hopes to stamp out 
childhood obesity, which is also rife in the UK. 

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Some Britons angry, as 
govt quietly passes bill 
making Covid-19 vaccines
mandatory for carehome
staff in England
July 14th, 12:38pm (RT)

Some Britons have slammed the government after 
the UK parliament voted on Tuesday to make 
vaccines compulsory for care home staff
 England, unless they have medical 
exemption. There are others that 
back the move.
On Tuesday the British parliament voted by 319 votes to 246 
to make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory for those working
 in England's care homes. As a result, from October, anyone 
who works in a Care Quality Commission-registered care 
home in England, must prove they have been jabbed 
twice in order to retain their job. Some people will 
be medically exempt.
While the bill was criticised in the house by Tory MPs, as there
 had been no impact assessment published before the vote, 
its passing was also slammed by some on social media. 
On Wednesday, references to the Nuremberg Code – a post-
WWII convention that seeks to protect people from cruelty 
and exploitation...  including non-voluntary medical 
procedures... trended on Twitter, as exasperated 
Britons claimed that the UK government has 
contravened the more than 70-year-old
 principle, by making vaccines 
compulsory for work.
“The UK is now a medical fascist state” wrote politician 
David Kurten, leader of the Heritage Party, blasting the 
vote to make what he termed “experimental injections” 
compulsory. He added that “those who did not vote 
against are responsible for breaking the 
Nuremberg Code.” 
One person claimed that the British MPs must either be 
“stupid or paid off,” while another asserted that they 
were now guilty of committing crimes against 
humanity, adding the hashtag #nuremburg2, 
a reference to the convention and the 
historic Nazi war crimes trials.
However, these opinions were not held by everyone, and
 a number of people were keen to point out the need for 
workers in care homes to be vaccinated, reiterating 
anger from earlier in the year when it emerged that 
care workers, many of them from non-white back-
grounds, had a certain hesitancy in taking the 
Covid-19 vaccine. 
“On the one hand, obviously staff should be vaccinated as 
they are caring for societies most vulnerable,” one lady 
wrote, adding that her mother, a care home resident, 
may now lose seven “valuable carers that are sadly
 victims of vaccine misinformation.” 
This sentiment was reinforced by Dr Rohin Francis, a 
cardiologist and Youtuber who ran a poll on Twitter, 
asking “Should healthcare workers, including care 
home staff, have mandatory covid vaccination?” 
Around 9% of the 941 people who voted 
answered "no." 
Meanwhile, human rights barrister Adam Wagner sought 
to dispel the myth that “the Covid-19 vaccines are 
experimental,” also sharing a document which 
outlined why mandating Covid shots is not in 
conflict with the Nuremberg Code. It’s 
“difficult policies to protect vulnerable
 people which involve trade-offs in 
personal autonomy,” he wrote in
 a tweet.  
In June, the government said that 78%, or 1.2 million, care 
home staff had received the vaccine, despite vaccinations 
being open to care home staff for seven months.
Analysis from February suggests that frontline healthcare 
staff were showing a degree of scepticism in taking the jab. 
While many white staff had been inoculated, only 37% of 
black staff were jabbed. 
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Autistic People in UK 
are Suffering From 
'Intolerable Treatment'
 at Inpatient Facilities,
 Report Says
by Oleg Burunov
July 13th, 2:03pm (Sputnik)
Earlier on Tuesday, the British Department of Health and 
Social Care claimed that the number of people with 
autism in the country's mental health hospitals
 has decreased by around 30%, over the 
past few years.
A UK House of Commons committee has called for a ban
 on all new long-term detentions of autistic people and
 individuals with learning disabilities, except
 admissions for forensic cases.
In a new report released on Tuesday, the Health and Social Care
 Committee claimed individuals can be subjected to "intolerable
 treatment", including "abusive restrictive practices", at 
inpatient facilities across the UK.
The survey claimed that autistic people and those with learning
 problems can be kept for "long periods of time in facilities that
 do not meet their needs" and that such individuals are kept 
long distances from their families and friends.
The report also referred to the "fatal misunderstanding" that
autistic people at inpatient facilities are treated as if their 
conditions are illnesses, not a fundamental part of 
their identity.
This results in a situation where they start to suffer from mental
 or physical illnesses, something that is then used to justify 
their detention.
The MPs pointed to a "shocking" six-year average stay of autistic 
people in assessment and treatment units, which should be 
closed in the next few years amid the "immediate action on
 the use of restrictive practices by staff".
The lawmakers stressed that some descriptions of the use of 
physical restraint and long-term segregation at in-patient 
facilities are not "worthy of a 21st century healthcare 
system". According to them, bespoke community 
care should be offered, instead of individuals 
being detained in hospitals.
Committee chairman Jeremy Hunt, for his part, insisted it is
 a "national shame" that "far too many" people are still 
being detained.
This was followed by a Department of Health and Social
Care spokesperson, stressing that the government's
priority is "to
 ensure autistic people and people
with learning disabilities
 are supported to
live well in their communities, receive
safe and high-quality care, and are
treated with dignity
 and respect".
The spokesperson also claimed the department is "building" 
on an alleged 30-percent reduction in the number of autistic 
inpatients and those with learning disabilities "with 
additional funding to cut admissions further and
 support the discharge of these patients back 
into the community".
According to statistics from the UK's National Health Service 
(NHS), there are about 2,000 people with autism and/or
 learning disabilities, who are still being locked away 
in the country's inpatient units... on a long-
term basis.

France’s call not to recognize 
Russian, Chinese vaccines 
unacceptable — diplomat
July 8th, 3:48pm (TASS)
 The French Foreign Ministry’s call not to recognize Russian 
and Chinese vaccines in the EU is unacceptable, Russian 
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said 
on Thursday.
"Such remarks are unacceptable. This is a hybrid of racism,
 imperial hegemonism and neo-Nazism: entire peoples are 
denied equal rights and opportunities, and this is being 
done in violation of laws, ethics and morals, pushing
 the world towards confrontation at a moment when 
it endures the most difficult trials by the
she said, in her Telegram
channel, on Thursday.
"The nerve, the cynicism and brutality, with which the Western 
states fight for profit, abandoning their own humanistic ideals 
- without thinking about the fates of millions of people during 
humanity’s fight against the pandemic - are shocking,"
 the diplomat said.
"The people who authored these words have nothing to do 
with the France that gave humanity the ideals of liberty,
 equality and fraternity," Zakharova added.

Real-world evidence clearly shows 
Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 jab 
both ‘safe & effective’ -  British 
science journal Nature reports
July 7th, 11:16am (RT)

World-leading academic journal Nature has published
 a new analysis of Russia’s flagship coronavirus jab, 
Sputnik V, saying its efficacy has been 
demonstrated, despite the EU and 
others dragging their feet on 
approving it for use.
The article, published on Tuesday by Australian science
 journalist, Bianca Nogrady, describes the formula, 
developed by Moscow's Gamaleya Institute, as 
"the subject of fascination and controversy 
since the Russian government authorized 
its use last year, before early-stage trial 
results were published." The news that 
the country had become the first in the 
world, to register a jab against the 
virus, was met with a mixture of 
surprise and derision, by the
Western commentators.
However, Nogrady goes on to say, "evidence from Russia 
and many other countries, now suggests it is safe and 
effective." Approved in 67 countries, and with all 
the published data seemingly in, Nature accepts
that there
 is little doubt that the vaccine works.
Despite a number of companies in the EU vying for the rights
 to manufacture Sputnik V, the bloc's central regulator, the 
European Medicines Agency, is still conducting a drawn-
out review of the evidence behind the jab. Two member 
states, Hungary and Slovakia, have jumped the gun 
and begun including the Moscow-made formula 
in their national immunization programs.
However,  the article notes, there are still some questions
 about monitoring for side effects, which are thought to 
be similar to such formulas as those made by Astra-
Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson. 
While some vaccines, most notably AstraZeneca's, have been 
thought to be associated with very rare side effects such as 
blood clots, Russian scientists have insisted that there is 
no record of major adverse events from their jab.
Revealing in June that he himself had received two doses of 
Sputnik V, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “now 
more than 20 million – 23 million – … have already been 
vaccinated [in Russia]... you can see everything is fine 
with us. Thank God, we haven’t had such tragic 
situations, after vaccination, as [have 
occasionally been seen] following
the use of AstraZeneca or 
Pfizer elsewhere.”
For the EMA, Nogrady notes, this could be a sign that Russia's
 population surveillance system is not robust enough to detect
 any cases. However, she notes, several studies are underway
 in countries that have already approved the jab, like Argentina, 
Venezuela and Turkey, so more evidence will soon be available 
to wary regulators.
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England’s legal Covid-19 restrictions 
to be dropped - in two weeks - PM 
Johnson says, despite warning
 ‘more deaths’ on way
July 5th, 4:24pm (RT)
(updated 20hrs ago)
Nearly all of the remaining Covid-19 curbs in England, 
including all legal restrictions, will be lifted on July 
19th, despite an increase in cases and the 
expectation of more deaths from the 
virus, Prime Minister Boris 
Johnson said.
Face masks will no longer be required on public transport,
 nightclubs will reopen and the limit on group sizes in 
private homes to six people, will all be scrapped, 
Johnson told a press conference on Monday.
Other limits on the number of people at weddings and funerals
 will also end, as will social distancing requirements and 
limiting bars and restaurants to table-service only.
Johnson said England was still seeing a rising number of 
Covid-19 infections and hospital admissions -- warning
 that there could be 50,000 cases per day by July 19th.
“We must reconcile ourselves sadly to more deaths from 
Covid,” he said, adding that the government must take a 
“careful and balanced” decision on restrictions.
Johnson said he expects the government will be able to 
lift the majority of remaining restrictions on July 19th, 
with a review of the latest health data, set for 
July 12th.
The national test, trace and isolate system will remain in 
operation from July 19th, Johnson said, although the 
government is looking at different arrangements for 
fully-vaccinated people, and for children. People
 must still self-isolate if they test positive for 
the virus, or are ordered to quarantine by
 NHS Test and Trace.
The PM also indicated that restrictions 
could be re-introduced down the line.
"I didn't want people to feel that this is, as it were, the 
moment to get demob happy... it is very far from the
 end of dealing with this virus," Johnson said.
"Obviously, if we do find another variant that doesn't 
respond to the vaccines... then clearly, we will have 
to take whatever steps we need to do to protect 
the public."
As the restrictions are lifted, the government will no 
longer require people to work from home and a 
limit on the number of people allowed to visit 
care homes will be dropped. A statement is 
set to be made this week by the UK’s 
Education Sec., Gavin Williamson,
 on the 'possible end' of so-called
 classroom “bubbles” which are 
designed to protect schools 
from Covid outbreaks.
Johnson said the pace of the UK’s vaccine rollout would
 also speed up so that people under 40 years of age will 
be offered their second dose eight weeks after their
as opposed to the current 12-week interval.
Speaking alongside the PM on Monday, England’s chief 
medical officer Professor Chris Whitty warned of the 
potential pressure Covid-19 may place on the 
National Health Service (NHS) next winter.
 “This coming winter may be very 
difficult for the NHS, and I don’t 
think that’s a particularly 
controversial point,”
 he said.
On Monday the UK reported a further nine deaths within 28 
days of a positive Covid test, and more than 27,000 new
 infections. The current rate of infection, is 230 per 
100,000 people, and, in the last seven days, there
 has been a 50% increase in new cases 
compared to the previous week, 
according to the latest
 government data.
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Delta Variant of COVID-19 
Claims Lives of 50 
Vaccinated Britons
June 28th, 5:28pm GMT (Sputnik)
The Delta variant of COVID-19 has killed just 
over 100 people in the UK — but 50 of those
 were fully-vaccinated.
A briefing paper by Public Health England (PHE) 
published Friday, showed that just 117 people
had died of the so-called "Indian" variant of 
concern, out of just over 92,000 
identified cases.
The figures represent a mortality rate of just 0.13 
per cent — less than a twentieth of the overall 
2.88 per cent for UK cases, since the start
 the pandemic.
But worryingly, 50 of those who died had been given 
both doses of the coronavirus vaccine, although all 
of those were in the over-50 age group... which 
accounts for 99 per cent of deaths in the UK.
Eight people under the age of 50 died of the Delta 
variant, but none were fully-immunised against 
COVID-19 and only two had even received 
their first jab.
"Does this mean the vaccines are ineffective? Far 
from it," statisticians, David Spiegelhalter and 
Anthony Masters, wrote for The Observer on 
Sunday. "It's what we would expect from
effective but imperfect vaccine".
Fears of the Delta variant, thought to be more transmissible 
than other strains of COVID-19, prompted Prime Minister 
Boris Johnson's government to postpone the final lifting 
of lockdown restrictions by four weeks from June 21st, 
to July 19th, to buy time to get all the over-40s 
The latest PHE data, published on Monday afternoon, 
showed just three deaths nationwide — despite new 
infections soaring by almost 70 per cent week-on-
week. Almost 23,000 new cases were recorded 
on Sunday. Another ray of hope, was that 
hospital admissions had only risen by 
10% over the past week, with 227
new patients admitted with
virus, on Sunday.

300+ confirmed cases of 
heart problems among 
teen recipients of 
Pfizer vaccine
June 23rd,  3:37pm (PressTV)
The United States’ Centres for Disease Control and 
Prevention (CDC) is to host a panel of experts on 
Wednesday, to discuss the more than 300 
confirmed cases of heart problems 
among adolescents who have 
received the Pfizer/BioN
Tech vaccine.
During the session, the experts will hear a risk-
benefit analysis about whether the shots can
cause myocarditis, as well as cases of 
inflammation of the heart lining.
"These cases are rare, and the vast majority have fully 
resolved with rest and supportive care," said the CDC 
director Rochelle Walensky last week.
Although 300 cases out of 20 million adolescents who 
have received their shots is not a great number, many
 believe that it is still likely higher than what would 
otherwise be expected for the age group.
The vaccination of adolescents in the US was begun in 
mid-May after the CDC voted 14 to 0 in favor of the use
 of the mRNA vaccine made by the Pfizer/BioNTech.
A federal advisory panel claimed that children between 
12 to 15 years old can receive the COVID-19 vaccine 
made by the Pfizer and BioNTech.
This came as, according to the national polls, only a 
limited number of families were eager to get their 
children inoculated.
Nearly a month later, the CDC announced that the 
preliminary findings from two vaccine safety 
monitoring systems suggest a higher-than
-expected number of cases of heart 
inflammation after the second dose 
of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in
 young men.
More than half of the myocarditis or pericarditis cases 
reported to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting 
System after patients had received Pfizer/BioNTech 
vaccines were in people between the ages of 12 
and 24, the CDC said on June 10th, 2021.
The body also promised to hold a meeting of its Advisory 
Committee on Immunization Practices... to further
the evidence and assess the risk of
myocarditis after
 mRNA vaccinations
for COVID-19.
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US Warns of Illness Caused 
by Hand Sanitizers ...in
Latest COVID-19 Update
June 22nd, 10:35pm GMT (Sputnik) 

 Hand sanitizers ---  a ubiquitous presence during the 
coronavirus pandemic, threaten users with nausea, 
dizziness and occasional adverse events requiring
 treatment by healthcare providers, the US Food 
and Drug Administration (FDA) warned 
on Tuesday.
"FDA reviewed case reports submitted to FDA and cases
 from calls to US poison control centres... of adverse 
events after applying alcohol-based hand sanitizers
 to the skin. While the majority of cases resulted in
 minor or minimal effects, some cases resulted in
 treatment by a health care professional," an
 press release said.
The FDA explained in the release that common symptoms, 
including headache, nausea, and dizziness, typically 
result from fumes released by alcohol-
based sanitizers.
Consumers should limit use of sanitizers to well-
ventilated areas, and to use soap and water,
available, the FDA said.
"The best way to prevent the spread of infections and 
decrease the risk of getting sick, is by washing your 
hands, frequently, with plain soap and water, for at
 least 20 seconds", it said.
Some 50 cases of serious adverse events have
 identified after applying alcohol-based
sanitizers, all reported after the
pandemic sent much of
the US into lock-
down mode, in
March 2020, the 
FDA added.
(and no, it's not April Fool's Day!)

New Season of Pandemic?
 Chinese Researchers Discover 
New Coronaviruses in Bats
 Similar to COVID-19
by Max Gorbachev
June 12th, 11:03am GMT (Sputnik)
The news comes amid heightened attention over 
the origins of the infectious disease, which
-- according to John Hopkins University --
killed 3.7 million people worldwide. 
Initially, scientists brushed aside 
allegations that SARS-CoV-2
a man-made virus, as
While the international community is yet to gain the upper
 hand in the fight against COVID-19, Chinese scientists 
say they have discovered a new batch of corona-
viruses similar to the infectious disease that
 been ravaging the world.
According to their study, researchers collected samples 
of urine, faeces, and saliva from small bats that lived in
 the forests of Yunnan Province, between May 2019 
and March 2020. They assembled 24 novel 
coronavirus genomes, including "four 
SARS-CoV-2-like" diseases.
Scientists write that one strain of the virus discovered 
in the bat species Rhinolophus pusillus had a striking 
resemblance to SARS-CoV-2, although there were 
differences in spike proteins, which are used to 
attach to cells they infect.
Researchers note their discovery demonstrates that 
viruses related to COVID-19 continue to circulate in 
bat populations and in some regions "may occur 
at a relatively high frequency".
Origins of the Virus
The news comes amid heightened attention over the origins
 of the infectious disease that has so far infected 175 million
and killed 3.7 million (number provided by Johns Hopkins 
University). At the beginning of the pandemic, scientists 
said the virus originated in bats, and jumped on an 
intermediary animal (most likely a pangolin), 
and then to humans.
As the pandemic swept more and more countries, allegations 
started appearing that the outbreak began due to a leak in a 
laboratory in Wuhan, where the first known cases of COVID
-19 were reported. These claims were supported by several
 high-ranking US politicians, ex-Secretary of State Mike 
Pompeo and former President Donald Trump, who 
accused Beijing of a cover-up and called for
 international investigation.
Chinese officials, for their part, alleged that COVID-19 
patient-zero came from the United States, claiming
 the virus may have originated at a US military 
base in Maryland that hosts the nation's
 biological defence programme.
The majority of scientists dismissed the allegations of 
a Chinese lab leak --- as wild conspiracy theories and 
misinformation. The World Health Organisation, too, 
rejected the allegations, saying in a report, written 
with Chinese scientists, that it is "extremely 
unlikely" COVID-19 was man-made.
At the end of May, The Wall Street Journal wrote, citing 
previously undisclosed documents... written by US
 intelligence, that three employees of the Wuhan 
Institute of Virology sought medical care for a 
disease similar to COVID-19, three weeks 
before Chinese authorities reported the 
first case of COVID... There has since
 been a ''change in attitude'' towards 
the lab leak scenario, with several 
officials voicing regret that the
 international community did
 not pay attention to 
this hypothesis.
The same month, the Biden administration announced
 new probe into the origins of COVID-19. The move 
prompted a rebuke from Beijing --- which accused 
Washington of "political manipulation” and said
 the White House "does not care about facts 
and truth, nor is it interested in serious 
scientific origin tracing".


EU adds another rare blood 
condition as side effect of 
AstraZeneca coronavirus 
June 11th, 8:25pm (PressTV)
Europe’s drug regulator on Friday identified another 
very rare blood condition as a potential side effect
 of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine and said it 
was looking into cases of heart inflammation 
after inoculation with all coronavirus shots.
The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) safety 
committee said that capillary leak syndrome 
(CLS) must be added as a new side effect to
 labeling on AstraZeneca’s vaccine, known
 as Vaxzevria.
People who had previously sustained the condition, 
where fluids leak from the smallest blood vessels 
causing swelling and a drop in blood pressure, 
should not receive the shot, the EMA added.
The regulator first began looking into these cases, in 
April and the recommendation adds to AstraZeneca’s 
woes after its vaccine was associated with very rare 
and potentially lethal cases of blood clotting, that 
come with a low platelet count.
Last month, the EMA had advised against giving a 
second AstraZeneca shot to people with that 
clotting condition... known as thrombosis 
with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS).
The committee reviewed six validated cases of CLS 
in people, mostly women, who had received 
Vaxzevria, including one death. Three
 a history of the condition.
More than 78 million Vaxzevria doses have
administered in the European Union,
 Liechtenstein, Iceland & Norway, 
and Britain.
In a statement, AstraZeneca pointed to the extreme
 rarity of CLS cases, at less than 1 in 10 million 
vaccinated individuals.
Britain’s regulator, the MHRA, said it was considering 
precautionary advice for people with a history of CLS 
but does not see a causal link with the vaccine.
Two of eight reports of capillary leak syndrome 
following AstraZeneca vaccination in the UK 
were in people with a history of the 
condition, and 40 million doses of 
the vaccine had been given,
 it said.
Separately, the EMA said it was continuing its probe 
into cases of heart inflammation known as myo-
carditis and pericarditis, primarily following
 inoculation with the Pfizer/BioNTech, and
 Moderna mRNA shots, but also, after
J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines.
US health officials said on Thursday they had 
registered a higher-than-expected number of 
heart inflammation cases in young men who 
received a second dose of the mRNA shots, 
though a causal relationship could not
 be established.
Both Pfizer and Moderna have acknowledged the 
observations but said a causal association with
 their vaccines has not been established.
BioNTech said adverse events, including myocarditis 
and pericarditis, are being regularly and thoroughly 
reviewed by the companies and regulatory 
“More than 300 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech 
COVID-19 vaccine have been administered globally 
and the benefit-risk profile of our vaccine 
remains positive.”
(Source: Reuters)

 Over 1,000 terminally-ill patients 
rejected for UK benefits each year
 and spend final weeks fighting for
 charities warn
June, 9th, 3:50pm (RT)

Two British charities have called for the rule 
which requires terminally-ill people to prove 
they have six months or less to live, to 
qualify for state benefits, to be 
abolished, as hundreds die
every year, without 
More than 100 people per month are being denied 
their lawful benefits by the UK government within
 the last six months of their life, the end-of-life
 charity Marie Curie and the Motor Neurone 
Disease Association (MND) said 
on Wednesday.
The figure comes from data released to Parliament
 by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
 last year, which indicated that there were at
1,860 such incidents, over an
18-month period.
Marie Curie expressed “serious concerns” over the 
DWP’s ability to properly evaluate the condition of
 terminally-ill patients, saying that, due to its 
actions, “many spend their final weeks of
 life, either fighting for support, or dying 
without any.”
“When somebody is diagnosed with a terminal illness,
 a DWP benefits assessor is not well-placed to judge 
how long they have left to live,” Mark Jackson, 
policy and public affairs manager at Marie 
Curie, said. “The current law plunges 
dying people into uncertainty – they 
know they are dying, but because 
they do not know how long they
 have left they can’t access 
financial support quickly.”
Marie Curie and the MND have been campaigning for 
the six months rule to be scrapped, saying that key 
state benefits should become accessible... as soon
as patienst are diagnosed with a terminal disease.
 In their statements on Wednesday, the charities 
described the current regulations as “arbitrary, 
outdated and amount to cruelty toward some
 of the most vulnerable people in society.”
They also called upon the government to
finally release
 the findings of a 2019
review into the benefits system 
for the terminally ill.
“The publication of the review is well overdue and 
people are still struggling and suffering. It’s not 
good enough. We need the Government to 
publish the review immediately and make 
the changes to the system, that are so 
desperately needed,” Susie Rabin, 
MND’s head of policy and 
campaigns, argued.
When questioned on the issue by the Mirror 'paper,
 a UK government spokesman said dealing with 
 benefits applications of terminally-ill people
and compassionately” is a priority
for the authorities, 
adding that this work,
has also continued during
 the pandemic.
“We are working across government, on proposals 
including changing the six-month rule and raising 
awareness of the support available,” he added.
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Israel finds ‘likely’ link between
 Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine... and 
cases of heart inflammation
 in young males
June 2nd, 10:58am (RT)
A specially appointed epidemiological team has found 
“a likelihood of a link” between receiving the second 
dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine and the onset of 
myocarditis in young men, Israel’s Health
 said, in a statement.
The ministry says the team was set up following reports 
of cases of heart inflammation, known as myocarditis, 
among males aged 16 to 30 shortly after the second 
dose of the Pfizer vaccine was administered. The 
link was found to be stronger in people aged 16-
19 relative to other age groups, and weakens
the age of the recipients increases.

patients who experienced the problem spent
up to four days in the hospital, 
and 95% of the
cases were 
classified as mild, according to
 the ministry.
The Health Ministry commissioned the study after 275 cases 
of myocarditis were reported in Israel between December 
2020 and May 2021. Nearly 150 cases were recorded 
after the vaccine was administered. The number of 
cases reported after the second shot, was four 
times greater than those recorded after the
 first, the ministry said.
Myocarditis is a condition characterized by chest pain, 
shortness of breath, or palpitations, and can be 
caused by Covid-19, according to the ministry.
While the type of vaccine in question is not directly 
mentioned in the statement, Israel relies almost 
exclusively on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 
and it’s the only product mentioned on the 
vaccination information page of the
Ministry website. 
Pfizer said in a statement cited by Reuters that it has
 recorded a higher rate of myocarditis than would 
normally be expected in the general population. 
The pharma giant added, that it was aware of 
the Israeli observations of myocarditis, but 
has not established a causal link to
 its vaccine.
The Israeli Health Ministry says that given the findings, it
 will review the 12-15-year-old population’s eligibility for
 the vaccine. The shot was recently approved in the 
EU for people aged 12 and older. 
Israel has been a leader in the world’s vaccination effort, 
having already inoculated 55% of its population of 9 
million. It has now removed social distancing 
restrictions and the vaccination passes that 
were required in order to enter 
certain venues.
Last week, the US Centres for Disease Control & Prevention 
reported that since April 2021, there has been an increase in 
cases of inflammation of the heart – myocarditis and 
pericarditis – occurring after mRNA Covid-19 
vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna)
 in the US. 
It recommended further study of the potential link between 
the heart conditions and mRNA vaccines, such as those of
 Pfizer & Moderna, but reiterated that it still recommends
 the vaccines for patients aged 12 and older.
Last month, three cases of a rare disorder affecting the 
blood’s ability to clot – hemophilia – were reported 
among recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-
vaccine in France. The country’s health 
authorities are investigating the matter.
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 Canadian health officials apologize 
after children receive unapproved 
Covid-19 vaccine by MISTAKE
June 1st, 8:28am (RT)

A regional health authority in British Columbia apologized
 - after admitting that 12 children were given the Moderna
 vaccine, which is yet to be approved for use in those
 under 18, as the child vaccination campaign 
kicked off.
Vancouver Coastal Health, a regional health authority that 
serves one in four residents of British Columbia, Canada, 
has confirmed that 12 children were given the wrong 
vaccine on Friday and Saturday, last week, as
teenagers in the province became eligible 
for vaccination.
Currently, only the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been 
cleared for use in children aged 12 to 17 in Canada. 

However, officials said they do not expect the 
children to develop any adverse side effects, 
noting that Moderna claimed recently, citing 
preliminary data, that their vaccine protects 
children, the same as it protects adults, 
while triggering similar side effects.
Children from 12 to 17, around 310,000 people, became 
part of British Columbia’s vaccine rollout on May 20th.

 Although young children are considered to be at lower
 risk of developing Covid-19 complications, & are less
likely to spread the disease, compared to adults, 
Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry,
said at 
the time, that - by vaccinating
children - the 
government seeks to
reduce “the overall 
of Covid in the population.”
According to data from Health Canada, Canadians under 
19 account for 18.9% of the total Covid-19 cases, trailing 
only the 20-29 age group. However, only 1.8%, or 1,245
 teenagers, were hospitalized, including 11 who died 
from the disease – the lowest percentage of all 
age groups.
As of last week, a little more than half of Canada’s total
 population has received at least one dose of the 
coronavirus vaccine. Fewer than 5% have been 
fully vaccinated, however.
Last week, Health Canada approved the use of 45,000 
AstraZeneca vaccine doses past their original expiry 
date. Canada’s Ministry of Health said the doses can
 be used until July 1st, citing assurances from
 AstraZeneca that they would still be safe and 
efficient past the expiry date of May 31st.
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UK doctors call for special 
surgery hubs - to address
 ‘colossal’ Covid-19 back-
log of operations
May 28th, 12:14pm (RT)
The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has called on the 
UK government to set up special surgery hubs to 
address the “colossal backlog” of non-urgent 
procedures that were cancelled because of
 the Covid outbreak.
Issuing a warning to the UK government, the professional 
body said that the issue had to be tackled urgently or
 there is a risk that waiting lists will become 
The proposal from the RCS would see temporary surgery 
hubs set up in every region of England to ensure that 
procedures can continue even if there is another 
wave of Covid-19 infections or other diseases 
that impact the ability of the NHS to deal 
with non-urgent cases.
“We need government support for a New Deal for Surgery 
to reduce the colossal backlog in elective surgery and to 
help the NHS weather future pandemics,” the president 
of RCS, Professor Neil Mortensen, said in a statement.
We cannot allow surgery to grind to a halt again
 or waiting lists will become insurmountable.
The RCS is asking the government to include an extra £1 
billion ($1.42 billion) of spending on surgery annually for
 a five-year period, as well as 11 other recommendations 
that would seek to provide long- and short-term 
measures “to improve the future sustainability 
of surgical services.”
The UK government has previously pledged a one-time 
provision of £1 billion to address elective-surgery 
delays but the chief executive of NHS Providers, 
Chris Hopson, has warned that the money 
could be spent by autumn, with more 
required to get through the bulk of 
delayed procedures.
NHS figures released earlier in May found that almost 
five million people in England are currently on waiting 
lists in a record backlog of delayed non-urgent 
hospital procedures, with more than 400,000 
already having waited more than a year
 to have their surgery.
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Drinking alcohol causes 
damage to the brain, 
study finds
 May 21st (Prensa Latina) 
Drinking any amount of alcohol damages the
human brain´s structure and functioning, a 
study by researchers from the University
 of Oxford warned.
Although alcohol consumption risks have been long 
known, with this observational study, which has not 
yet been peer-reviewed, researchers noted that the 
more people drank, the less the volume of their 
gray matter, in other words, in those regions in 
the brain that make up important bits where 
information is processed, according to lead 
author Anya Topiwala, a senior clinical 
researcher at Oxford.
'So many people drink moderately and think this is 
either harmless or even protective,' Topiwala said.
Previous research has found that brain damage 
can crop up in subtle ways, which are not 
immediately detectable in routine tests 
and can ''progress'' uncontrollably.
On the other hand, Sadie Boniface, head of research 
at the UK´s Institute of Alcohol Studies, added that 
while we cannot yet say for sure whether there is
 no safe level of alcohol regarding brain health 
at the moment, it has been known for decades
 that heavy drinking is bad for brain health.
We also shouldn´t forget alcohol affects all parts of 
the body and there are multiple health risks, said 
Boniface, who was not associated with the 
University of Oxford study.
A study published in the scientific journal The Lancet 
in 2018 pointed out that alcohol was the key risk 
factor for disease and early death in men and
 women aging 15 to 49, worldwide, in 2016.


Boris Johnson's Nurse Resigns 
Because of 'Lack of Respect' 
For NHS - Report
May 18th, 1:54pm GMT  (Sputnik)

Last spring Boris Johnson fell seriously ill with the 
COVID-19 virus. On April 6th, 2020, he was taken 
into an intensive care unit and there were fears 
he would become the first prime minister in
 modern Britain, to die while in office.
A nurse who looked after Prime Minister Boris Johnson 
when he was seriously ill with the COVID-19 virus last 
year has reportedly resigned in disgust at the "lack 
of respect" shown for NHS workers by 
the government.
Jenny McGee made the remark during a Channel 4
 documentary, which will be broadcast in Britain
 next week.
Ms McGee was one of the team who were by Mr Johnson's 
bedside, in an intensive care unit at St Thomas' Hospital 
in London, for two days.
She said she was angered by the one percent pay rise
 being offered to NHS staff and said in the film: "We're 
not getting the respect and now pay that we deserve.
 I'm just sick of it. So I've handed in my resignation".
Ms McGee said the pay offer was the last straw, after
 a year in which the pandemic had rocked Britain.
"Lots of nurses feel that the government hadn't led very 
effectively – the indecisiveness, so many mixed 
messages. It's just very upsetting",
McGee added.
In the documentary, entitled "The Year Britain Stopped", 
she also referred to seeing Mr Johnson when he first 
arrived in the intensive care unit.
"All around him there was lots and lots of sick patients, 
some of whom were dying. I remember seeing him and 
thinking he looked very, very unwell. He was a
colour really", she said.
It is not clear whether Ms McGee plans to return 
to her native New Zealand, after quitting her job. 


Sweden records: 30,000 
suspected side effects
 from Covid vaccines: 
with AstraZeneca’s jab
 linked to more than 
half of all reports
May 12th, 12:16pm (RT)
An official tally of suspected side effects resulting from 
Covid vaccination in Sweden, has surpassed 30,000, 
with the majority of cases occurring in people 
inoculated with AstraZeneca’s shot.
According to the Swedish Medical Products Agency, as 
of last week, the Scandinavian nation had received 
31,844 reports of adverse reactions linked to the
 rollout of Covid-19 vaccines. 
Sweden is currently offering three variants of the drug. 
There are currently 2,103 reports of side effects from 
the Moderna shot, while the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine 
has been associated with 9,117 health issues. But
 the number of suspected adverse reactions from 
the two shots seems relatively small --- when 
compared to the 19,961 reports linked to
 AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria.
The most common side effects for all three drugs were 
fever and headache. Other reported adverse reactions
 included nausea, joint pain, and dizziness. 
Notably, the AstraZeneca shot only accounts for about 
26% of the roughly 2.7 million vaccines that have been 
administered so far in Sweden, but makes up around 
63% of the side effects reports. 
Of the nearly 32,000 reports, 663 cases have been 
registered where it’s unclear which vaccine was 
administered. Two-thirds of the reports have 
been submitted by the general public. The 
agency cautioned that individual reports 
do not - necessarily - demonstrate a 
correlation between the medical 
episode and the vaccine. 
Ebba Hallberg, an official with the Medical Products Agency, 
told Swedish media that it was unusual to receive so many 
reports of side effects, but noted that the figure was likely 
high, because of public focus on the new vaccines. 
Healthcare providers are likely only reporting more “serious” 
side effects, the official theorized. Hallberg also said that it 
was possible that AstraZeneca was overrepresented in 
the data, because the shot was given to many young 
people and healthcare workers, who are more tech
-savvy and would therefore be more likely to 
report an issue. 
According to one Swedish outlet, the agency has
more reports of suspected side effects
over the past 
several months, than it
typically does, over
 four years. 
In March, Sweden was one of several nations to temporarily 
suspend the use of the AstraZeneca jab, following reports 
of abnormal blood clotting in recipients. AstraZeneca, as 
well as the European Medicines Agency, have insisted 
that the vaccine is safe, after it came under scrutiny. 
Since then, new reports have linked the drug to severe 
medical episodes, and even death. Earlier this month, 
a 35-year-old female medical worker in Vietnam died 
from anaphylaxis after being injected with the jab,
what has been described as a “very rare” case
adverse reaction to the vaccine. 
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Not only blood clots? EMA 
‘assessing reports’ - of
Zeneca jab link to
May 7th, 1:40pm (RT)
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is investigating 
reports of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine causing 
Guillain-Barre syndrome, as the pharmaceutical 
company remains embroiled in controversy 
over the jab’s link to blood clotting.
In a meeting this week, the European Medicines Agency’s 
Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) 
revealed that it was “assessing reports” of the rare 
immune system disorder being found in people 
following vaccination.
“As part of the review of the regular pandemic summary 
safety reports for Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 
vaccine, the PRAC is analysing data provided by the
 marketing authorization holder on cases of
-Barre syndrome (GBS) reported
vaccination”, the
PRAC declared.
“GBS was identified during the marketing authorization 
process as a possible adverse event requiring specific 
safety monitoring activities”, the committee continued
adding that it has requested “further detailed data”
the cases and will release new information, as
 becomes available.
According to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), 
Guillain-Barre syndrome is a “very rare and serious
 condition that affects the nerves”, and can create 
feelings of numbness, weakness, and pain, in 
those who have it.
Though the NHS advises that Guillain-Barre syndrome is 
a treatable condition and: “most people will eventually 
make a full recovery”, it can also be life-threatening
leave those who have had it, with “long-
term problems”
Following hundreds of cases of blood clotting – and 
dozens of deaths – AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine 
has already been restricted in many countries...
older people only (sic).
In the UK, those under the age of 40, are set to be offered 
an alternative vaccine, provided this causes no “delays” 
in the vaccination program, however, the European 
Medicines Agency maintains that the vaccine’s 
benefits outweigh the risk, for much of 
the population.
UK vaccination committee says the under-40s
opt for alternative to blood clot-linked
… unless it causes ‘delays’
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Denmark Stops Using 
Johnson & Johnson
 COVID-19 Vaccine
May 4th, (teleSUR)

Nevertheless, citizens still have the opportunity
 to choose both the dropped AstraZeneca and 
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines, 
voluntarily and for free.
The Danish Health Authority (DHA) has decided 
to drop the Johnson & Johnson vaccine from
 its mass coronavirus vaccination program.
"Taking the present situation in Denmark into account, 
what we are currently losing in our effort to prevent 
severe illness from COVID-19, cannot outweigh the 
risk of causing possible side effects in the form of 
severe blood clots in those we vaccinate," the 
DHA Deputy Director-General Helene 
Probst said.
"In the midst of an epidemic, this has been a difficult 
decision to make, especially since we have also had 
to discontinue using the COVID-19 vaccine from 
The authority's decision that "the benefits do not 
outweigh the risks" comes after the European 
Medicines Agency (EMA) concluded that a 
possible link existed between rare but 
severe cases of blood clots (vaccine
-induced immune thrombotic throm-
bocytopenia or VITT), and the 
Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The decision will affect those in the 20 to 39 age group, 
who will now face a delay of up to four weeks in their 
vaccination. However, the DHA noted that the 
decision does not rule out that Johnson & 
Johnson vaccines may be used later.
On April 14, Denmark decided to entirely cease administering 
the AstraZeneca vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer
/BioNTech and Moderna are currently included in Denmark's
official vaccination program. Nevertheless, citizens still have
the opportunity to choose both the dropped AstraZeneca &
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines, voluntarily and 
for free.
In a majority vote, the Danish Parliament has supported the 
decision. The optional vaccination scheme is expected to 
begin in May, the Danish news agency Ritzau reported 
on Monday.
Denmark on Monday registered 762 new COVID-19 infections
 with no new deaths in the past 24 hours. To date, the country 
has reported 253,673 cases and 2,490 deaths, while 1,367,495
 Danes have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine,
 which corresponds to 23.4 percent of the population.

TUC Calls for Immediate
 Public Inquiry into
 COVID Deaths
April 28th, 12:24pm (FNA)
 The Trades Union Congress is calling for an 
immediate public inquiry, into the handling
 the COVID pandemic, insisting it should 
examine whether workers were kept 
safe enough, after about 15,000 
people of working age, died 
from COVID in England 
and Wales.
The GMB union, said the Prime Minister, Boris 
Johnson’s reported comments, that he would 
rather see “bodies piled high”, than approve 
a third lockdown, “shows why a public 
inquiry is needed now”, The 
Guardian reported.
It said its members “deserve to know why they 
were put in harm’s way unnecessarily, and if 
the prime minister think it’s OK for them
 to die”.
The unions want Downing Street to announce the 
start date and consult the public about its scope.

 Men working in processing plants, security, 
care and restaurant work were most at risk 
of dying from COVID --- according to figures 
up to the end of last year, while for women 
it was machine operators and 
care workers.
No 10 told bereaved families earlier this month, the 
government did not have time for an inquiry and 
would not, for months to come. It has said
will be “an independent inquiry
at the
 appropriate time”.
Calls for an immediate inquiry are gathering momentum. 

The TUC’s affiliated unions represent 5.5 million workers 
...and its intervention follows similar demands for an 
inquiry from the archbishop of Canterbury, Labour, 
government scientific advisers, and thousands
the bereaved, who have voiced outrage at 
Johnson’s alleged comments.
They include Lobby Akinnola, whose father Olufemi, 60, 
was a care worker in Leamington Spa, who died a year 
ago. He was visiting different clients’ homes,
 improvising PPE from a winter scarf 
and gloves.
“If we had locked down a week earlier, how many people 
could have been saved?” said Akinnola, adding that he 
was “disgusted” by reports the prime minister said
the bodies pile high”.
“My dad was on the threshold of life and death, but fell on 
the wrong side. Throughout this pandemic we have relied
 on frontline workers, but the government didn’t seem to 
support them,” Akinnola added.
The TUC has set five priorities for an inquiry: workplace 
infection control, including financial support to self-
isolate; the impact of a decade of spending cuts on
 the capacity of public services; COVID’s unequal 
impact on workers, particularly ethnic minorities 
and people in insecure jobs; the impact of 
employment support packages, such as 
furlough; and government procurement 
and its effect on supplies of PPE.

‘Whose lab? America's’: 
Speaker says coronavirus
 might have escaped 
from US facility
April 27th, 12:51 (TASS) 
The coronavirus disease might have escaped 
from a US biological laboratory and the 
Russian government should raise the
 issue of responsibility for the virus'
 leak, Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker 
of Russia’s State Duma, or lower
 parliament house, said 
on Tuesday.
"Since the client states of the United States are silent, 
and the United States itself remains mum as well, one
 conclusion could be logically drawn: obviously, this 
is because of a leak from one of the laboratories 
they have set up across the globe. It would be
 right for the government to raise these
 matters," he said at a meeting of the 
Council of Legislators of the 
Russian Federation.
He urged the United States to halt research that 
might have spawned the COVID-19 outbreak. 
"And, let them think about how to compensate
 all those countries for the losses they have
 sustained. The virus was found in Wuhan. 
But whose laboratory is it? It is an 
American one, financed by 
America," he noted.
He did not rule out that work was being conducted 
to model the virus "and it is being done by the
 United States." If such research is not 
stopped, the world "will be held 
hostage to another similar 
situation," he warned.
The lower house speaker noted that American 
laboratories were operating in Georgia and 
Eastern Europe. "It should be placed under
 control. <…> these matters should be 
raised. Let us have a closer look at 
them," he said, addressing Deputy 
Prime Minister, Tatiana Golikova.

UK Health Regulator
Concerned over 
Use of
Rapid Coronavirus
April 26th, 11:09am (FNA)

 The UK’s healthcare regulator has expressed concern 
to the government that its multibillion-pound mass 
testing programme is “a stretch” of the authorised 
use of rapid tests, the Guardian learned.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
 (MHRA) has approved the lateral flow devices to be used to 
find coronavirus cases but not to act as a “green light” for 
people who test negative to enjoy greater freedoms.
The regulator is concerned that people who test negative 
will be given false reassurance by their result and will let 
down their guard if they believe they are COVID-free.
There is very little data to show how well the Innova lateral 
flow devices detect the virus when used as a self-test by 
someone who has no symptoms. They are being used 
by millions of people a week in England under the 
government’s universal testing programme.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has put mass testing at the 
centre of his strategy to lift the UK permanently out of 
lockdown, alongside the vaccine programme. The 
government has bought millions of the lateral flow 
tests as part of the £37bln budget for NHS test 
and trace.
However, the MHRA told officials in the Department of Health
and Social Care (DHSC) that the twice-weekly testing regime
unveiled earlier this month, was “a stretch” of its 
authorisation for how the tests should
 be used.
The regulator raised the concerns before and after the 
programme was announced on April 5th, the Guardian
 has learned.
The MHRA has authorised LFTs to be used as a “red light” test
 – to find infectious people and order them to self-isolate – but 
not as a “green light” test to allow people greater freedoms if 
they test negative. The regulator is concerned that the 
government’s universal testing programme blurs the
 lines between the two.
The concern stems from a lack of data on how well the tests 
perform when taken by people who do not have COVID-19 
symptoms. It is estimated that one in three infected people 
will display no symptoms of the virus, making it more 
difficult to track.
A recent Cochrane review – an analysis of 64 studies – found 
that rapid tests correctly identify on average 58% of people 
who are infected with the virus but have no symptoms, 
meaning more than one in three cases are missed. 
However, this was based on relatively few 
samples, limiting the conclusions that 
could be drawn.
The concern is that people will take a one-off test before visiting 
loved ones indoors, for example, and that they may be carrying 
the virus even though they have tested negative.
The MHRA is understood to have asked Matt Hancock’s department 
to provide evidence about the expected accuracy of the test – and 
how it performs in reality – and to carry out a public information
 campaign to explain the benefits and risks of universal testing.
The MHRA said the government was “the legal manufacturer of the
 test and as such are responsible for the safety and performance 
of the test whilst it is in use in the UK”.
The regulator said it met government officials regularly “to discuss
 a range of issues, including the data they collect on performance”, 
and added, “False negatives carry a risk of unwitting onward 
transmission. Therefore, even with a negative test result 
people must continue to follow national and local rules
 and guidelines including regular handwashing,
 social distancing and wearing face coverings, 
where required.”
A million people a day are taking coronavirus tests, with the majority
 using lateral flow tests that produce a result in about 30 minutes. 
Use of the tests has risen steadily to about 830,000 a day since 
April 9th, when every adult in England was encouraged to 
request free twice-weekly tests to be taken at home in 
the biggest expansion of the government’s testing 
programme to date.
A DHSC spokesperson said the department had been clear that 
nobody should interpret a negative test result or a vaccine dose 
as a green light to drop their guard and that, regardless of a test 
or vaccine, people must stick to lockdown rules.
She added, “There is clear evidence that by using rapid testing we 
are identifying cases we would otherwise not find, allowing people
 to isolate, so they can prevent further spread of the disease and
 save lives.”
Innova’s lateral flow devices are cheaper and quicker than the gold
-standard PCR tests and are good at finding the most infectious 
cases and those that might not otherwise be found, but they
 are more likely to produce erroneous results.

pregnant persons advised to get vaccine by USA

Eyebrows raised as 
green-lighted by US 
government to get 
Covid vaccine shots
April 24th, 12:04 (RT)

US health officials have encouraged “pregnant people” 
to get vaccinated against coronavirus... saying shots 
are safe for them. However, it’s not just the scientific 
credibility of the guidance that has been questioned.
“Pregnant people experienced the same side effects 
as others following vaccination,” the director of the 
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
CDC), Rochelle Walensky said at a White House
 briefing on Friday. “Importantly, no safety 
concerns were observed for people 
vaccinated in the third trimester or
 safety concerns for their babies,”
 the health official added.
The go-ahead statement, is based on a recent study by 
CDC researchers published in the New England Journal 
of Medicine. Titled ‘Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid
-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons’, it suggested 
that Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines have not 
proved more harmful for those who are expecting a 
child. During the vaccines’ preauthorization process,
 “pregnant persons” were excluded from clinical trials.
 The updated guidelines for “pregnant people” 
have been widely reported by US media.
Offering ‘Information about COVID-19 Vaccines for
who Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding’, the
previously, cautiously advised people to
make a 
personal choice about receiving a
jab, after
 a consultation with a doctor. 
The recent “no safety concerns” recommendations are 
based on preliminary findings from self-reported data. 

More than 35,000 “persons … identified as pregnant,”
 from 16 to 54 years old participated in the research, 
using a smartphone-based tool for US vaccine
monitoring systems. Over 800 of them
had a 
completed pregnancy. 
More frequent injection-site pain was reported among
 possible vaccine-related complications, “whereas 
headache, myalgia, chills & fever, were reported
 less frequently,” according to the study. 
Saying that pregnancy outcomes for the vaccinated 
patients were “similar” to pre-pandemic results,
study concluded: “Preliminary findings did
show 'obvious' safety signals, among
persons who received mRNA
Covid-19 vaccines.” 
US health officials have warned before that those who 
are pregnant during the new coronavirus pandemic, 
are “at increased risk” for more severe suffering 
from the illness, as well as being endangered
adverse pregnancy outcomes, including 
preterm birth. 
On the same day as good news for “pregnant people” 
was delivered at the White House, UK politician 
and RT host, George Galloway, expressed his 
apparent concern, with the same choice of 
wording in the UK. The former MP shared 
a poster from an English hospital offering 
information for “pregnant people and 
their support partner.”
The tweet sparked a heated argument. Last year, a 
similar trans debate on Twitter got British writer 
JK Rowling into hot water. The Harry Potter 
author questioned the use of the term “
people who menstruate” --- evoking 
harsh criticism from transgender 
rights activists, as well as from 
actors featured in the 
popular series.

Norway:  Risk of Dying from
AstraZeneca Higher
of COVID-19
April 23rd, 11:47am (FNA)

 Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being 
inoculated with AstraZeneca's vaccine, than from 
COVID-19, the National Institute of Public Health 
(FHI) concluded in its analysis of the vaccine,
previously linked to serious 
in the form of rare blood 
clotting and
haemorrhages, amid low 
platelet counts.
Abstaining from the vaccine could possibly prevent 
up to 10 deaths related to side effects, the FHI
 according to the newspaper
Verdens Gang.
So far, Norway has seen five cases of serious incidents 
reported shortly after vaccination, with three fatalities. 
FHI has calculated the mortality rate from the Astra-
Zeneca vaccine as 2.3 per 100,000 vaccinated.
The FHI stressed that continuing to inoculate
 by contrast, expose younger women to
“unreasonably high risk”, given the 
current relative levels of infection 
in Norway.
Furthermore, the institute is against offering the 
vaccine on a voluntary basis, which has been 
proposed both in Norway and fellow 
Scandinavian nations.
“We believe that such an alternative may appear 
unethical, and with a high risk, that those who 
make such a choice, have not fully under-
stood the risk to which they are
the institute said.
The FHI also ventured that recommending
AstraZeneca vaccine for further use
lead to lower confidence among
 population, in vaccination 
programmes in general.
“This could lead to a lower vaccination rate and 
vaccination rate in the long run, and that 
patients in risk groups, will also say
 to vaccines,” it added.
A recent survey by the FHI in collaboration with 
Mindshare and Norstat, indicated that 76% of 
respondents were sceptical of at least one 
of the vaccines, even though 82 % were,
initially, positive about getting 
Of the vaccines, AstraZeneca gained the highest level 
of scepticism at 99 percent, compared with Moderna
9 percent) and Pfizer (8 percent).
However, the government believes it is too early to 
discontinue the vaccine completely, and is instead 
launching a new expert group to further investigate 
both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, which 
triggered similar concerns.
Pending a final decision, however, Norway has decided 
to distribute its stock of AstraZeneca to fellow Nordic 
countries that actually want to use them.
Of the Norwegian stock, Sweden will borrow 
200,000, while 16,000 will go to Iceland.
“If the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine is resumed, we will 
get back the doses we lend, as soon as we request it. 
Sweden and Iceland will then send back the doses
 from their first deliveries from AstraZeneca,” 
Health Minister Bent Høie said, as quoted 
by Verdens Gang.
The Swedish Public Health Agency has made a different 
assessment of the AstraZeneca vaccine and concluded 
that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks and
 the side effects.
The agency's Swedish equivalent, the Swedish Public 
Health Agency, has, however, made a completely 
different assessment and believes that the 
benefits of the vaccine far outweigh the 
risk of side effects.
State epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, described the 
contentious vaccine, as having a “high protective 
effect” and “reducing the risk of serious illness 
and death, especially among the elderly 
and weak”.
Earlier this spring, dozens of countries temporarily 
stopped the use of the AstraZeneca shot amid 
reports of side effects. Of them, many, like 
Sweden, have since resumed inoculation, 
citing a precarious infection situation 
and shortages of other vaccines.

FDA inspectors find peeling walls
 and residue at US plant that
15m Johnson and
vaccine doses
April 22nd, 9:54am (PressTV)

Unsanitary conditions and other problems at a 
manufacturing plant, were what ruined over
15m doses of the Johnson & Johnson 
coronavirus vaccine, according to 
an inspection report: by the US 
Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA report published on Wednesday shows
 the Baltimore factory operated by Emergent
 BioSolutions “is not maintained in a clean 
and sanitary condition.”
The agency reported that proper manufacturing 
procedures were not followed and there were 
peeling paint, and black and brown residue, 
on the floors and walls in the factory.
Poorly maintained facilities and a lack of employee 
training, were other issues cited in the report, 
resulting in ''a contamination of material''
was going to be put in the shots.
As a result, new production was halted at the
request, Dr. Janet Woodcock, acting
commissioner, and Dr. Peter Marks, 
director of the FDA's Centre for 
Biologics Evaluation and 
Research, said in a joint 
statement released 
on Wednesday.
"For the vaccines already manufactured, the products 
will undergo additional testing and will be thoroughly 
evaluated to ensure their quality before any potential 
distribution," Woodcock and Marks said. "We will not
 allow the release of any product, until we feel 
confident that it meets our expectations 
for quality."
“The firm has failed to adequately train personnel 
involved in manufacturing operations, quality 
control sampling, weigh and dispense, and 
engineering operations, to prevent cross 
The report also shows that the equipment in the factory 
was not of adequate size to facilitate operations for its
intended use, or for cleaning.
The plant had been making coronavirus vaccines 
under contract for both Johnson & Johnson and 
In March, a batch of Johnson & Johnson "drug product," 
which could have made 15 million doses of the vaccine, 
failed quality control, and was taken out of production.

US health officials have paused distribution of 
the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, as 
scientists probed the potential link between
 rare cases of blood clots and their vaccine.

UK border force ‘seizing 
every day, MPs told

documents ‘very
easy’ to forge
April 20th, 2021 (RT)

A representative of the UK’s immigration service 
has told MPs that border officials are spotting 
around 100 fake certificates, which are
 required as proof of testing negative 
for Covid-19, every day.
On Tuesday, Lucy Moreton of the Immigration Services
 Union (ISU), which represents border immigration and 
customs staff in the UK, told MPs of the practical 
challenges in implementing the government’s 
strategy for preventing people with Covid
from entering the country.
Moreton said that vaccine certificates were proving 
“very easy” to forge & that, in many cases, officers
simply had no way of checking
 whether the
documents were indeed 
real. Asked how
agents verified the 
documents, she said
“it’s pre
dominantly taken on trust,” 
adding:  “We do get 100, or more,
a day, of fake Covid 
– that 
we catch.” 
Moreton said that of the 20,000 people entering 
the UK every day, most of them were hauliers. 
She added that the queues at airports may well 
be a “breeding ground” for the virus and that 
there was “little to no” evidence as to
people were adhering to
quarantine rules.
While foreign travel for holidays is banned across 
the UK, people can still leave & enter the country 
for business purposes. On Monday, England (sic)
India to its extensive “red list”, meaning
 trying to enter the country from there,
either be turned away --- or made to 
quarantine in a government-approved
hotel for 10 days,
 due to concerns
about a 
new Covid variant,
detected in India.
Scientists have expressed concern that variants, 
like those from South Africa and Brazil, could 
minimise the impact of the UK’s vaccination 
programme --- by being more resistant to 
antibodies. More than 500 cases of the
 South African strain, have been 
identified in the UK. 
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''Fears'' Frontline NHS Staff, Are 
Refusing to Get COVID Vaccine
April 18th,14:36 (FNA)

Nearly 15% of health service workers in England 
remain unvaccinated -- and the numbers coming 
forward for a jab have decreased sharply in the
 last two weeks, NHS figures revealed, 
prompting concerns that many 
frontline staff are refusing
 the vaccine.
But health leaders, patients’ groups and unions have 
been quick to dismiss any suggestion of mandatory 
vaccinations after it emerged that Matt Hancock,
health secretary, had already embarked on plans
- before the 
pandemic - to make flu vaccinations
compulsory for 
NHS staff, The
Guardian reported.
Last week, the government began a consultation on 
whether or not to mandate vaccinations for care-
home workers, and a London NHS trust 
discussed making the vaccination
 a condition of employment.
The latest figures show that only 6,259 NHS staff
England had their first dose in the seven days 
before April 11th, down from 11,483 the previous
 week.. and substantially lower than the average
 of 22,985 per week during March. Now 190,697
 workers out of 1,378,502 directly employed by
 the NHS, remain unprotected against the 
coronavirus --- four months, after they 
became 'eligible' for vaccination.. The
figures don't include agency workers, 
and will include some under-45s who 
are not frontline staff and are still 
waiting their turn.
Some NHS trusts would ''like to'' introduce mandatory 
vaccination because they believe efforts to persuade
the remaining staff are a distraction from other 
important tasks... such as tackling the 
enormous waiting lists that have 
grown during the lockdowns.
Lesley Watts, the chief executive of Chelsea and 
Westminster hospital foundation trust, wrote to 
other NHS trusts, with a draft letter to staff, 
saying COVID vaccination would be 
After the letter was leaked, Watts said there was “no 
intention to mandate vaccination of our staff”, but 
did not explain why the letter was written 
or distributed.
Hancock was a strident critic of anti-vaxxer movements 
before the pandemic, and told a fringe meeting at the 
Conservative party conference, in 2019, that he 
favoured making vaccinations compulsory for 
all childhood diseases. He then asked civil 
servants at the Department of Health and 
Social Care to work out how to make flu
 vaccines mandatory for NHS staff. The 
DHSC did not say if the proposal was 
still being considered.
Opponents of mandatory vaccination believe it could be 
counterproductive & cause vaccination rates to fall in 
the future. If a vaccine is mandatory, it is harder for 
people to voice concerns they may have, & there 
are fewer opportunities to persuade them to 
get innoculated.
North Middlesex University hospital trust has drawn up 
32 reasons for hesitancy and matched them to clinical 
advice, so that staff can ''easily find evidence'' to
counter any concerns.
Saffron Cordery, the deputy chief executive of NHS 
Providers, said the issue was “incredibly complex”
 and that the consultation on social care had 
“inevitably put the spotlight on whether a 
similar policy should be introduced in the
 health service or other parts of 
social care."
“Mandatory vaccinations raise a number of legal and
 ethical questions and, as expected, there is a wide 
and diverse, range of views on this, among trust 
leaders,” she said, adding, “While we're pleased 
with the strong uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine 
among staff groups so far, we know more 
needs to be done to address vaccine 
''hesitancy'' within the workforce
throughout society.”
One-to-one conversations had been 
particularly effective, she added.
Dame Donna Kinnair, the general secretary of the 
Royal College of Nursing, said compulsion might
 affect future vaccination programmes.
Unison’s general secretary, Christina McAnea, said, 
“Forcing NHS staff to have the COVID vaccine would 
be premature and counterproductive. Work must be
 done to understand and address the concerns of
 hesitant staff. A heavy-handed approach could 
stoke resentment and further erode morale,
 already near rock-bottom after the 
government’s insulting 1% pay 
rise recommendation.”
The NHS said:,“The vaccination programme has 
successfully vaccinated 19 out 20 people aged 
50 and over as well as nearly nine in 10 NHS 
staff. While the vast majority of staff have 
been jabbed, local NHS teams are 
making every effort to ensure 
staff feel confident in taking
 up the offer.”

food greed

Scientists reveal new explanation 
for why people are persistently 
hungry all the time
April 18th, 12:58pm (RT)

A study between multiple universities has revisited 
the link between blood sugar and appetite, and
 found the relationship is far more complex 
than previously understood -- yielding new
 insights on how to tame persistent hunger.
The researchers examined blood sugar responses and 
other indicators from 1,070 participants, in the UK, & 
the US, sourcing data from the PREDICT (Person-
REsponses to DIetary Composition Trial)
research project. 
The volunteers ate standardised breakfasts, after which 
they were free to choose their remaining meals through-
out the remainder of the day, observing a fasting 
window for three hours after breakfast.
They continuously wore blood glucose monitors and 
recorded what and when they ate each day using a 
phone app, along with their self-reported hunger 
levels, over the study period of two weeks. 
The researchers discovered that dips in blood glucose
 levels, aka “sugar dips,” were significantly linked with 
appetite levels and energy intake/calorie consumption.
Participants with big blood sugar dips experienced a 
nine percent increase in appetite, consumed their 
second meal of the day half an hour sooner, and 
posted an overall average consumption of 300 
calories more throughout the course of the 
day, than those who didn’t experience 
these sugar dips.
The research shows “great potential for helping 
people understand and control their weight and 
long-term health,” says senior author and 
genetic epidemiologist Ana Valdes from 
the University of Nottingham.
“Many people struggle to lose weight and keep it off, 
and just a few hundred extra calories every day, can
 add up to several pounds of weight gain over a year.”
Prevailing wisdom and research in the modern era 
focuses heavily on hormones such as ghrelin, but 
this latest research indicates that glucose levels 
hours after eating can still have an impact on 
hunger levels throughout the day, to a far 
greater extent than previously thought.
“We've now shown that sugar dips are a better predictor 
of hunger and subsequent calorie intake than the initial
 blood sugar peak response after eating, changing how
 we think about the relationship between blood sugar 
levels and the food we eat,” says nutrition scientist
 Sarah Berry from King's College London.
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‘Public Deserve Answers’: 
UK Health Secretary Faces 
Pressure over Family 
Company Awarded
 NHS Contracts
April 17th, 1:17pm (FNA)
Matt Hancock is facing pressure to explain how
company with family links, and that he holds 
shares in, was awarded NHS contracts, as
Labour accused the health secretary of a
possible breach of the ministerial code.
In the latest MPs’ register of interests – published 
earlier this week –Hancock declared he now owns 
shares in the company Topwood Limited, which 
specialises in secure storage, shredding and 
scanning of documents.
It emerged last night the company was awarded a 
three-year £150,000 contract from NHS Wales – 
run by the devolved government – for THE
idential destruction of waste, last
just days after Hancock took
the share.
The Health Service Journal (HSJ) first reported the 
firm, which is part-owned by the health secretary’s 
sister, Emily Gilruth, also won a place on a frame-
work to provide services to England’s NHS, in 
2019, after Hancock was appointed to his 
current cabinet role.
There is no suggestion the health secretary was 
directly involved in any of the contract awards 
and it also understood he has no direct 
involvement in the running of 
the company. 
However, the register of members’ interests did not 
mention the company’s family links, or that his 
sister is declared as a “director” of Topwood 
Limited, according to Companies House.
Labour’s Deputy Leader, Angela Rayner, said, “The 
health secretary needs to explain in a public state-
ment today, how a company owned by his family 
members which he holds shares in came to win
 a place on a business services framework to 
provide services to the NHS, as well as 
explaining why he did not declare that
 the company is owned by his 
family members.”
Citing the ministerial code, which states ministers 
“must scrupulously avoid any danger of an actual 
- or perceived - conflict of interest between their 
ministerial position, and their private financial 
interests”, Rayner added, “It appears that the 
health secretary has breached the ministerial 
code, and the public deserve answers”.
As the government faces questions over links to 
private business, amid the Greensill lobbying 
scandal, she went on, “It is clear that Tory 
sleaze and cronyism has engulfed this 
government, making it even more 
urgent --- that the government 
publish the delayed register 
of ministers’ interests in
- immediately”.
Before registering that he had received “more 
than 15%” of TopWood’s shares... Hancock 
discussed his proposed involvement, with
 the top civil servant at the Department for 
Health and Social Care (DHSC), who said 
he was confident that, if any conflicts of 
interests arose they could be dealt with 
in line with the ministerial code.
A government spokesperson said, “Mr Hancock 
has acted entirely properly in these circum-
stances. All declarations of interest have 
been made in accordance with the 
ministerial code. Ministers have 
no involvement in the awarding 
of these contracts, --- and no 
conflict of interest arises.”
A man who answered the 'phone, when The 
Independent called Topwood on Thursday 
evening, to ask questions relating to the 
health secretary’s role in the company, 
said only “no comment”, before
 terminating the call.

Report: British Workers 
in Insecure Jobs Twice
as Likely to Die of COVID
April 17th, 11:34am (FNA)

 Workers on zero-hours contracts and other 
insecure jobs, are twice as likely to have 
died of COVID-19, as those in other 
professions, according to a 
report - revealing stark 
inequalities in the 
The research from the Trades Union Congress 
in England and Wales, showed those on the 
frontline of the pandemic, such as care
 workers, nurses and delivery drivers,
 were at a higher risk of death,
 Guardian reported.
It said many of these key workers were in insecure 
work, such as zero-hours contracts and agency 
employment, landing them with a “triple 
whammy” of no sick pay, fewer rights 
and endemic low pay, while having
 to shoulder more risk of infection.
According to analysis of official figures by the trade 
union umbrella group, COVID-19 mortality rates 
among male workers in insecure jobs was 51
 per 100,000 people aged 20-64, compared 
with 24 out of 100,000 in more secure 
work. For female staff the rate was 
25 per 100,000, compared with 13 
per 100,000 in higher-paying 
secure work.
Insecure jobs were defined using occupations with 
a higher proportion of workers employed on 
contracts that did not guarantee regular 
hours or income, or low-paid 
According to the TUC’s analysis, sectors such as care,
 leisure, and occupations such as labouring, factory 
and warehouse work have the highest rates of 
insecure work, compared with managerial, 
professional and administrative roles, 
which have some of the lowest.
Official figures have previously indicated that men 
working as machine operatives, restaurant 
managers, chefs, taxi drivers, nursing 
assistants, local government 
administrators, nurses and 
bus drivers, all had higher 
COVID-19 mortality rates.
Insecure workers account for one in nine of the total 
workforce, with women, disabled people and BAME 
workers, more likely to be in precarious roles.
The TUC added the figures were stark, and called for
 more research --- to understand the links between 
precarious work and infection and death. It said 
the pandemic needed to be a turning point, so 
that everyone could enjoy dignity
 in employment.
The union body added the lack of proper sick pay was 
forcing those in insecure jobs --- to choose between 
protecting their lives and putting food on the table. 
The UK has one of the lowest rates of sick pay in 
Europe, and nearly 2 million workers, including 
many in insecure work, do not earn enough to 
qualify for it.
Polling by Britain Thinks on behalf of the union group 
found that 67% of insecure workers stated they had 
received no pay when off sick, compared with 7% 
of those in secure employment.
As COVID restrictions are gradually relaxed this spring,
 the TUC announced the UK’s lack of proper sick pay 
was failing those in insecure work and undermining
 the prospect of a safe return to work. It called on 
ministers to raise statutory sick pay in line with 
the real living wage, a voluntary minimum pay
 rate, set at £9.50 an hour and £10.85 in 
London, saying this would stop 
insecure workers suffering 
hardship, when needing 
to self-isolate.

A Quarter of deaths involving 
Covid-19 in England & Wales 
not caused by virus itself,
 govt statistics show
April 14th, 8:28am (RT)
In roughly a quarter of deaths involving Covid-19, 
in England and Wales, people actually died ‘with’
the coronavirus rather than ‘from’ it, new weekly
 data from the government reveals.
According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), 
400 coronavirus-linked deaths were registered in
 England and Wales, in the week ending April 2nd. 
Covid-19 was recorded as the underlying cause 
of death in 308 cases, which means that 23% of 
people died ‘with’ the virus, rather than ‘from’ it.
Deaths involving Covid-19 made up 4.9% of deaths 
registered in England and Wales over the same 
period, compared with 7.2% the week before 
and 45% in mid-January.
Daily Covid-linked deaths have been steadily 
decreasing in the UK since the second wave 
of infections peaked in mid-January.
Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, argues that the 
positive trend is mainly a result of lockdowns, 
rather than an ongoing vaccination campaign. 

The PM warns that the infection rate will 
“inevitably” rise again ---  if the country 
starts to reopen now.
More than 32 million people across the UK have
 received their first vaccine dose... On Tuesday, 
England started using the Moderna vaccine... 
joining Scotland & Wales that began using it 
earlier this month. Other vaccines that are 
currently in use, are the Pfizer/BioNTech 
and AstraZeneca/Oxford ones.
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 Denmark becomes 1st
European country to

completely halt 

AstraZeneca jab

‘the real 
risk of

severe side effects’
April 14th, 1:07pm (RT)
AstraZeneca’s increasingly scrutinized Covid-19 
vaccine has been permanently discontinued in 
Denmark, following investigations that linked 
the jabs to rare blood clotting.
In a statement on Wednesday, the Danish Health 
Authority announced it had “decided to continue
 the rollout, at this time, without AstraZeneca,”
 citing...  “a possible link between very rare 
cases of unusual blood clots, bleeding, 
low blood platelets counts” and
 the jabs.
“Our overall assessment is there is a real risk of 
severe side effects associated with using the 
COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca,” 
Danish Health Authority Director 
General Soeren Brostroem 
claimed, explaining the 
He added that the country has other vaccines to 
distribute, while he considers that the epidemic
 is currently under control. Danish people who
 have already received their first AstraZeneca
 jab, will be invited to get vaccinated with 
another provider.
WHO ‘awaiting’ J&J Covid vaccine reviews as US 
suspension prompts drug maker to delay Europe
 rollout amid blood clot fears.

Good Job We Left E.U.!

For the first time ever, the ECHR has weighed in
 on the issue of compulsory vaccinations. And
 the ruling has major implications, for those
 hoping to avoid a Covid jab in E.U. states.
In a decision bound to generate controversy, the 
European Court of Human Rights on Thursday 
ruled against several Czech families who had 
refused to give their children compulsory 
The parents had appealed against fines they had 
received, as well as the children’s exclusion from 
preschool. The ruling was not on Covid vaccines, 
but rather on vaccines for 9 diseases compulsory
 for children under Czech law: including measles, 
diphtheria and hepatitis B. The judges voted by
 a majority of 16 to one that there had been 
‘’no violation’’ of Article 8, the right to 
respect for private life.

UN - Unesco resolution, article 6, Universal 
declaration on bioethics and human rights: 
Article 6 – Consent
1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical 
intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, 
free and informed consent of the person concerned, 
based on adequate information. The consent should, 
where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn
 by the person concerned at any time and for any 
reason without disadvantage or prejudice.
It is free to download from their website.
All state members signed this resolution.


lies, damn statistics, and Bell's Palsy
The rates of Bell’s palsy in both Moderna’s 
and Pfizer’s trials, were higher than the 
known baseline levels (about 40,000 
people in the US, per year).
Paul Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Centre 
and professor of pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital 
of Philadelphia: “I’m not quite sure how we are so 
comfortable with this being a background rate.”
 Rachel Zhang, MD, a medical 
officer on the FDA panel:
“This is something we’re looking
into and thinking a lot about.”


UK pauses AstraZeneca Covid-19 
vaccine study on children as drug
 regulator investigates blood clot
 risk among adults
April 6th, 7:33pm (RT)
A trial of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine 
on children has been suspended while the UK’s
 drug regulator investigates a potential link to 
rare blood clots in the brain reported among 
some adults who have received the jab.
The vaccine, which was developed in partnership 
with Oxford University, is awaiting approval
the Medicines and Healthcare products 
Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for use among
children. It was greenlit 
by British
regulators for use 
in adults,
at the end of 2020.
“Whilst (sic) there are no safety concerns in the paediatric 
clinical trial, we await additional information from the 
MHRA, on its review of rare cases of thrombosis/
thrombocytopaenia that have been reported in 
adults, before giving any further vaccinations 
in the trial,” a University of Oxford spokes-
person told British media, on Tuesday.
The trial of the vaccine on children aged between six 
and 17 began in February, and is the first of its kind 
to test the jab’s ability to generate an immune 
response in the under-18s.
Reports have surfaced in recent weeks of blood clot 
incidents among a very small number of people who
 received a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the 
days before their illness - though no clear causal 
link has been established between the clots and 
the inoculation. The EU’s drugs regulator, the 
European Medicines Agency (EMA), said last 
month that the benefits of the jab outweigh 
its risks, after a number of member states 
paused their rollouts of the vaccine after 
reports of blood clots.
Following the regulator’s opinion, many states resumed 
their use of the vaccine, while investigations by the 
EMA’s safety committee into a causal link between
 the jab and rare blood clots, continued.
Fresh updates from the MHRA and the EMA about the use 
of the drug are expected in the next few days. The EMA
 said it expects its committee to issue an update on the 
jab this week, but the regulator’s head of vaccines 
strategy, Marco Cavaleri, on Tuesday, suggested
 that the vaccine is linked to blood clotting.
Although governments resumed their rollout of the vaccine, 
some countries imposed age restrictions on its use, due to
 the apparent higher prevalence of blood clots in younger 
people who had received it.
Germany’s medicines regulator limited it for use in people 
aged under 60, while Canada paused its rollout to those 
under 55. France has limited the jab for those under 55, 
and last month Denmark extended its suspension of 
the vaccine, for three weeks.
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importance of dopamine to psychosis events revealed

Importance of dopamine
 in psychosis revealed
 April 6th (Prensa Latina) 

A scientific team has discovered the role of dopamine 
- and how it is linked to speech in mental disorders 
such as psychosis - the News Medical site reveals.
In a new study - developed by researchers at the 
Washington University in St. Louis, experts have
found elements of how this neurotransmitter 
changes brain circuits, to produce 
They found that a rise in the levels of this hormone in
rodents, preceded events similar to hallucinations.
Although this is also known to occur in humans and 
can be treated with antipsychotic medications the 
finding shows.. the presence of a ''neural circuit''
regulated by dopamine, that, when unbalanced, 
produces hallucinations & psychotic episodes.
They also found that people's beliefs and 
expectations can prepare them to 
experience hallucinations.
Expecting to hear a certain word makes an individual 
more likely to actually say that they heard it, even 
when the word was not uttered in any context.
Consequently, the mysteries surrounding human 
speech & its understanding would also be vital:
 this system can become chaotic - from one 
moment to the next - and produce a 
''tendency'' to hallucinations.

Netherlands Halts
Vaccination With 
Astrazeneca COVID-19
April 3rd, 8:05pm (teleSUR)
The decision comes after reports of serious adverse 
effects in women between 25 and 65 years of age. 
The Netherlands' Health Minister Hugo de Jonge 
announced a temporary suspension on the use 
of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines for 
people below 60 years of age. 
At least five cases of serious adverse effects in
 between 25 and 65 years of age, one of
whom died, 
were reported in the country.
The decision comes days after the German government 
also decided to halt inoculations with AstraZeneca's 
vaccines over concerns of "unusual blood clots" in
 some patients. 
The Netherlands has applied this vaccine to people 
between 60 and 64 years of age, health personnel, 
and people with Down's syndrome or 
morbid obesity. 
It is the second occasion that Dutch health authorities 
have halted AstraZeneca vaccine use -  after a two
suspension approved last month.
Recently, the European Medicines Agency authorized 
a new name (Vaxzevria) after AstraZeneca applied for
 the change. The agency maintains that the vaccine 
is "effective and safe" but does not rule out
 isolated risks.
"The key question is whether the problems observed 
in these people, are due to conditions before, or
 the vaccine. Until then, it is best to
press the
 caution button,"  De Jonge
RELATED:  Spain Could Produce Sputnik V Vaccine

Germany says AstraZeneca Covid shot
should only be given to people over 60!!! 
(country has 9 deaths from blood clots)
March 30th, 1:58pm (RT)

Introducing ‘Vaxzevria’:
renames Covid vaccine
as firm fights 
off controversy over drug...

Germany has restricted the use of AstraZeneca’s 
Covid-19 vaccine as a ''precautionary'' measure 
- amid reports the jab is being linked to more 
cases of suspected adverse effects - some
 resulting in death.

The country’s Standing Vaccination Commission 
recommended on Tuesday that AstraZeneca’s 
Vaxzevria only be given to men and women 
over 60!!!, or, in exceptional cases. 

The decision was made due to “available, 
albeit limited, evidence” concerning
drug’s safety.

The commission announced its recommendation hours 
after the city of Berlin introduced an identical policy. 
Earlier, two state-owned clinics in the city halted 
AstraZeneca shots for women under 55 years 
of age. Munich followed suit with its own 
rule --- banning the shot for people... 
under 60!!! 

Health Minister Jens Spahn was scheduled to speak 
with regional counterparts about the AstraZeneca 
drug later on Tuesday, a ministry spokesperson 
announced. Germany had suspended its
emergency use of AstraZeneca shots, 
earlier this month --- then lifted the 
temporary ban, as EU regulators 
''deemed'' it to be safe.

The latest restrictions placed on the drug come after 
Germany's vaccine regulator, Paul Ehrlich Institute,
disclosed that, as of March 29th, the country has 
recorded 31 cases of CSVT (cerebral sinus vein 
thrombosis), 9 of which resulted in death, after 
people were given the Vaxzevria injection. 
CSVT is a rare form of blood clot that 
forms in the brain. 

Of the 31 cases of CSVT -- all except two involved women 
between the ages of 20 and 63. Before the new guidelines 
were issued in Berlin, a district in North Rhine-Westphalia 
state suspended shots for women under 55!!! --- after two 
women suffered from blood clots. 

Nearly 2.7 million first doses of Vaxzevria, have been 
administered in Germany. According to the official 
figures, women under the age of 70, make up two
-thirds of those vaccinated with the AstraZeneca 
drug. It’s believed that more women than men 
have received the shot because nurses were
 among the first group in Germany to take
 the jab. 

AstraZeneca has been scrambling to reassure governments
that its product is safe, after more than a dozen countries 
temporarily halted their rollout of the vaccine following 
similar reports of blood clots. Canada is the latest 
country to issue an advisory about the drug, 
instructing that the vaccine should not be 
administered to people younger than 55!!!

EU health authorities have insisted that the vaccine is safe
 and that the medical episodes cannot be linked to the jab. 

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Conversation & Comments

Sounds like they want to get rid of everyone over 
60. Maybe... to save on pension cheques...  lol

Yes, this decision is indeed unusual, to put it mildly. 
Had it not been for the influence of Big Pharma, 
few countries would buy Western vaccines, 
which are using new methods. According 
to analysts --- these newly introduced UK
vaccines should have been tested for a 
period of ten years. Instead, they were 
rushed into production, with doctors 
and nurses dying from them.

Anything for a dollar.

Oxford/Astrazeneca have changed their name - 
maybe their new name won't cause Blood clots. 

 trouble falling asleep

 The stuff of nightmares? 
Fewer than 1 in 10 adults
 sleeping well during UK’s
 Covid lockdowns,
study says
March 29th (RT)

Are you having trouble falling asleep at night,
can’t sleep as well as you used too? Don’t
surprised – fewer than one in 10 adults in
UK are managing to sleep well during
lockdowns, researchers say.
Since the pandemic began over a year ago, researchers 
say our quality of sleep has seriously deteriorated. A 
team from the University College London (UCL) has 
been looking at 70,000 people over the past year 
--- and their response to the pandemic. The
 researchers measured how they were 
following government advice each 
week, how their mindset changed, 
and how they were doing mentally.
The study found that when the pandemic started, many 
people couldn’t sleep because of fear of catching Covid.
 Less than a third (28.7%) of those surveyed now report
 being stressed by Covid – a big drop even from the end 
of 2020, when almost one in two (45.1%) feared
the coronavirus.
Dr. Elise Paul, the report’s lead author and a researcher 
in epidemiology & healthcare at UCL, said the findings
 show that many “have suffered from poor sleep quality”
 during the pandemic, adding that lockdown brought 
major disruption to normal daily routines, or
 to living circumstances.
Stress is also likely to be a factor [in sleep quality], especially,
as those from groups living in more stressful circumstances, 
such as people with lower household incomes and those with
 mental or physical health conditions, are reporting higher
 levels of poor quality sleep.
The researchers say that less than one person in 10 reports 
sleeping well now, with study participants saying finances
 and job security are weighing heavily on them. One-third 
of respondents, on average, cited money woes as a
 for worry.
People with lower household incomes, with a mental or 
physical health condition, those with lower levels of 
education, and people from ethnic minority back-
grounds, reported higher levels of ‘very poor’ 
sleep quality.
Conversely, people over 60 years of age, those in good 
health, men, those of white ethnicity, and people not 
living with children, reported sleeping better over
 the past year.
The researchers said that now that lockdown restrictions 
are starting to ease across the UK, people are beginning 
to sleep better.
The UCL study is also part of a larger international project 
that looks at people's mental health, across 70 countries.
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US Health Agency Says
May Have Included
‘Outdated Information’ in 
COVID Vaccine Trial
March 23rd (FNA)

A US health agency, on Tuesday, said that AstraZeneca 
may have included outdated information in trial results 
of its COVID-19 vaccine, potentially casting doubt
published efficacy rates.
It comes just one day after the findings of a large US trial 
showed that the vaccine was safe and highly effective, 
and throws into question, whether AstraZeneca can 
seek US clearance for the vaccine next month,
planned, CNBC reported.
The Data Safety Monitoring Board “expressed concern that 
AstraZeneca may have included outdated information from 
that trial, which may have provided an incomplete view of
 the efficacy data,” the US National Institute of Allergy
 Infectious Diseases, said in a statement.
“We urge the company to work with the DSMB to review the 
efficacy data and ensure the most accurate, up-to-date 
efficacy data be made public as quickly as possible,” 
it said.
The NIAID was notified of the concerns late Monday, along with
 AstraZeneca, and the Biomedical Advanced Research and 
Development Authority. Led by White House Chief Medical 
Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIAID is part of the 
National Institutes of Health.
On Monday, the US trial results showed that the coronavirus 
vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of 
Oxford, is 79% effective in preventing symptomatic 
illness, and 100% effective against severe 
disease and hospitalization.
The findings were welcomed as “surprisingly positive” and 
“good news for the global community”. It was thought the 
trial data could help to bolster public confidence in the 
shot, and move it a step closer, to US emergency
AstraZeneca did not immediately respond
 to a CNBC request for comment.
Shares of AstraZeneca dipped 0.7% 
during Tuesday trading in London.
AstraZeneca said it planned to prepare for the primary analysis 
to be submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration for 
emergency use authorization, before mid-April.
Data from the late-stage human trial study was based on more 
than 32,000 volunteers across 88 trial centres in the US, Peru 
and Chile.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine had been temporarily 
suspended in several countries after reports of blood 
clots in some vaccinated people. Health experts 
sharply criticized the move, citing a lack of 
data, while analysts expressed concern 
about the impact on vaccine uptake,
the virus continues to spread.
AstraZeneca said on Monday, that the independent 
DSMB had found no increased risk of blood clots.
Ruud Dobber, executive vice president of AstraZeneca’s
 biopharmaceuticals business unit, told CNBC’s 
“Squawk Box”, on Monday, that it was: “very 
pleasing to see that, even with a magnifying 
glass, the Data Saftey Monitoring Board 
didn’t see any imbalance between the 
vaccinated group and the 
placebo group”.
“So, that gives us a lot of confidence,” he added.
Europe’s drug regulator said, earlier this month,
its initial investigation of possible side
concluded that the shot is safe
and effective, 
adding that the
benefits still 
the risks.
The World Health Organization and the International 
Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, have 
recommended that countries continue to 
use the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
Late last year, AstraZeneca faced criticism from US 
health experts over the results and methods used
 in their phase 3 vaccine trials. Analysts at US-
based health care and biotech investment 
bank, SVB Leerink, said at the time that
 they believed the vaccine would 
“never be licensed in the US”.
AstraZeneca pushed back against the criticism, saying 
the studies “were conducted to the highest standards” 
and that more data would follow.

German Study Reveals Why 
AstraZeneca Vax Can Cause 
Brain Blood Clots as WHO, 
EU Give Jab Green Light
by Ilya Tsukanov
20.03.2021 (Sputnik)

AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine, developed by the 
pharma giant together with Oxford University, uses 
a modified chimpanzee adenovirus vector to enter 
cells, release and transport genes to cell nuclei, 
and stimulate the formation of antibodies. This
 month, nearly two dozen nations temporarily 
suspended use of the vaccine amid safety
Researchers at Germany’s Greifswald University Hospital 
have completed a study of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus 
vaccine, concluding that “in rare cases”, the 
preparation can create antibodies which
 lead to the formation of blood clots in
 the brain’s venous sinuses.
In a press statement Friday, scientists explained that they 
reached their conclusions, by studying samples provided 
by Germany’s vaccine regulator. Analysis of the samples 
of six patients who had developed blood clots after 
getting vaccinated, determined that, in some
vaccination triggers the activation
of platelets --- 
small colourless cell
fragments of bone 
marrow in our
blood, which, ordinarily, 
clots to stop bleeding and 
heal injuries.
On the basis of these findings, the researchers proposed
 a course of treatment using drugs that assist against
 thrombosis, but stressed that such treatment is 
possible only after blood clots are detected,
 and not on a preventative basis.
Greifswald University Hospital shared the findings with
 the German Research Association for Thrombosis and 
Hemostatis, who subsequently issued new guidelines 
for patients taking the AstraZeneca vaccine - urging 
them to seek medical assistance if they suffer from
 headaches, dizziness or vision problems, for more 
than 3 days after being jabbed. The association 
stressed that the complication is “very rare”
that it couldn’t be ruled out that it is
brought on 
by “other causes.”
Commenting on the research, Greifswald University Clinic 
professor Dr. Andreas Greinacher similarly told reporters 
“very, very few people will develop this complication,”
 and “if it happens, we now know how to treat
The results of the scientists’ findings, set to be published
the British medical journal The Lancet in the coming
echo the independently reached conclusions of
a group 
of Norwegian researchers, who issued their
own report 
this week, attributing blood clots in
some patients jabbed
 with the AstraZeneca
preparation, to an overly strong
system response.
The Norwegian scientists’ work was based on an examination 
of 3 Norwegian healthcare employees, who were admitted
 to hospital, suffering from acute pain, severe blood clots
unusual places, including their stomachs and brains, 
bleeding, and low platelet counts. One of the workers
died on Monday shortly after 
being admitted for care.
All 3 were 
healthy and under the age of 50.
The evidence by the German and Norwegian researchers 
contradicts fresh statements by the European Medicines 
Agency (EMA) & the World Health Organization, both of 
which announced this week, that AstraZeneca’s
is safe for use. 
At least 20 countries temporarily stopped inoculation
the company’s vaccine in early March amid
growing reports 
of complications and deaths
from blood clots, but many 
including Germany and France,
decided to
 lift suspensions
after receiving the all
clear from 
the EMA.
On Friday, Chancellor Merkel of Germany said
she would 
“definitely” get vaccinated with
the AstraZeneca 
preparation --- but
that she... “would like to wait 
[her] turn”, before
doing so.
The AstraZeneca jab has yet to be approved by the US 
Food and Drug Administration, with reports citing 
Biden administration officials indicating that 
Washington is debating whether or not to
dump millions of doses of
 the vaccine
now sitting in
 US manufacturing
abroad, including to
EU, Brazil and Britain.
In other news... ssh...
Bill Gates says he is ‘not very surprised’ 
by the spinal cord damage caused by 
AstraZeneca’s Coronavirus vaccine.

Health Minister Says Lebanon 
Currently Suspending Usage 
of AstraZeneca Vaccine
March 17th at 14:27 GMT
(Source: Al-Manar Englih Website)

Caretaker Minister of Public Health, Dr. Hamad Hasan, on 
Wednesday told the Voice of Lebanon Radio station that 
Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health was currently 
suspending the usage of the AstraZeneca 
vaccine pending the decision of the 
international health authorities.
“The ministry does not take any hasty decisions that 
might endanger the citizens’ health,“ Dr. Hasan
He went on to explain that the first shipment of AstraZeneca
 vaccine was supposed to arrive to Lebanon in mid-March, 
yet the company had postponed the delivery date, “which 
rules out any commercial intentions involving the vaccine.”
Dr. Hasan added that the private sector sought to secure the 
Russian and Chinese vaccines for private initiatives, and 
that the ministry had not prevented, but rather,
encouraged, private sector companies to 
do so.
“The Ministry of Health has given permission to more than 
thirty pharmaceutical companies and drug warehouses to 
negotiate with vaccine companies abroad, provided that
 the vaccine is provided to citizens free of charge,” he 
added, stressing that free vaccination for citizens is
 a nonnegotiable decision.
He finally added that next week, the state’s vaccination 
campaign will begin to target age groups that range 
between sixty-five and seventy-five years, as well 
as those suffering from chronic diseases.

Spanish Drug Regulator 
Probes Death of Woman
 Vaccinated With
17.03.2021 (Sputnik) 
 The Spanish medicines agency is looking into the death 
of a woman who suffered a brain bleed, caused by a 
blood clot, days after getting an AstraZeneca shot,
 the Health Ministry said, on Wednesday.
"AEMPS, other regulators and the European medicines 
agency, EMA, are gathering data and conducting a 
thorough investigation, to determine whether,
addition to a temporal connection to the 
administration of the vaccine, there was 
a possible causative relationship",
statement read.
The 43-year-old received the first dose of the AstraZeneca 
vaccine on March 3rd & reported a headache within hours,
which was dismissed as a common side effect. She sought
medical help 10 days later, after her symptoms worsened. 
The surgery revealed a brain bleed and swelling. She 
died on Monday.
The Health Ministry said she had suffered an ischemic 
stroke, which transformed into a brain haemorrhage.
The woman was among three people, reported to have 
developed a combination of unusual symptoms: blood 
clots & a low count of platelets -- which may point to 
an "abnormal activation of the coagulation system, 
associated with the formation of blood clots in 
unusual places".

Italian Prosecutors Open 
Manslaughter Probe -- as 
Man Dies After Receiving
 AstraZeneca Vaccine
March 16th (FNA)
 Prosecutors in Italy, launched a manslaughter probe, into 
the death of a 57-year-old music teacher, Sandro Tognatti, 
who died on Sunday, a day after obtaining AstraZeneca's 
coronavirus vaccine, the Daily Mail reported on Monday.
A preliminary investigation was launched in Northern Italy's 
Biella judiciary, and the teacher's cause of death remains
 unknown. They emphasized that there is no connection 
to AstraZeneca's vaccine, at this time, and that an 
investigation is being conducted, to see whether 
someone has a case to answer.
It comes after one health worker died and three others became
 ill as a result of clots after receiving the vaccine, despite the 
fact that the EMA, the World Health Organisation, and 
AstraZeneca, all say the vaccine is safe.
Meanwhile, Italy has also suspended the use of all AstraZeneca 
vaccines due to concerns that they cause blood clots, with 
France and Germany following suit and stating that they 
are awaiting guidance from European regulators.
It came as earlier in the day Italy reintroduced lockdown measures, 
with 13 of the country's 21 regions now in a "red zone", which 
means schools, restaurants, stores, and museums must 
close, and people are prohibited from leaving their 
homes, except for work, health, or other 
important reasons.
Seven more regions have been designated as "orange zones", 
with shops and beauticians permitted to remain open except 
during a night-time curfew, while all other businesses must 
close, and citizens' movement outside the local area, is 
limited. Only Sardinia is in a "white zone", that is not 
under lockdown.
On Monday evening, the EMA insisted that immunization with 
the AstraZeneca vaccine must continue. The EMA said earlier 
that there was no need to stop using the vaccine because 
"the benefits outweigh the risks of side effects", but the 
agency's review is still ongoing, with a new study 
expected to be released on Thursday.
Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Bulgaria 
have all suspended vaccinations with the AstraZeneca jab. One 
batch of vaccines believed to be connected to clots has been
 seized by Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.
AstraZeneca said on Sunday that it had found no evidence of 
increased risk of blood clots from its COVID-19 vaccine after 
conducting a careful review of safety data of over 17 million 
inoculated people across the EU and the UK.
EU countries and drugmaker AstraZeneca have been in dispute 
over the vaccine for quite some time now, with the ministers 
enforcing export bans on the company's vaccines. 
The decision by some European countries to suspend the use 
of the vaccines comes as a third wave of the novel coronavirus 
sweeps the continent, forcing leaders to reimpose lockdowns 
as vast swaths of the population remain unprotected. Cases 
of COVID-19 are also on the rise in European countries, 
such as Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland,
 the Netherlands, and Sweden.
Due to the ongoing vaccine supply crisis in the EU, some member 
states have lost trust in Brussels and decided to make early 
orders, separately.
Thus, Hungary turned to Russia and China in a bid to ensure a 
sufficient number of vaccine doses. As a result, the country 
has the best results in the EU in terms of vaccinated people,
 far ahead of all the heavyweight EU countries.

Norwegian Medical Worker 
Dies --- After Receiving 
AstraZeneca Shot
15.03.2021 (Sputnik) 

 One of the three medical workers hospitalised in Norway 
with unusual symptoms after receiving a shot of the 
AstraZeneca vaccine has died, the director of the 
Norwegian Drugs Agency said, on Monday.
The three people, aged under fifty, were taken to an Oslo 
University hospital on Saturday for blood clots, bleeding 
and a low count of platelets. Similar symptoms were 
reported in Denmark.
"Rikshospitalet said that one of those hospitalized 
has died", Steinar Madsen told a news conference.
He said the drug regulator was looking into all reports 
of patients developing potentially deadly blood clots.
Norway and several other Nordic countries suspended the 
use of the UK-Swedish drug on Thursday amid concerns 
over the drug’s safety. More nations have since paused 
the AstraZeneca rollout, including Germany.

Ireland Becomes Latest Nation 
to halt rollout of AstraZeneca 
Vaccine --- Following New 
Reports of Blood Clotting
March 14th  (FNA)

 Ireland put the brakes on plans to administer the AstraZeneca 
COVID vaccine, following in the footsteps of other countries
 that have suspended its use, over concerns that the drug 
may be linked to blood clotting.

The Irish Department of Health confirmed to the media that the 
rollout of the jab had been “temporarily deferred”, RT reported. 

The decision came at the urging of Ireland’s National Immunisation
 Advisory Committee, following four new cases of “serious”
blood clotting, that occurred in adults who received
the vaccine 
in Norway.

Ireland's Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ronan Glynn, said 
shelving the drug was a “precautionary” measure and 
stressed that there was no established link between 
the medical issues and the vaccine. 

The European Medicines Agency is currently investigating the 
issue. AstraZeneca has said that it is conducting its own 
review, and will share any new information 
“without delay”.

The new advisory comes just two days after Irish medical
officials approved the AstraZeneca vaccine, for people
 older than 70.

Officials had previously determined that only people under
the age of 65 should be given the drug --- amid concerns 
about limited data on its efficacy for older age groups. 

Denmark announced on Thursday that it would suspend use 
of the AstraZeneca vaccine for two weeks, after some
ecipients of the jab developed blood clots. Norway 
followed suit, describing the move as a 
“cautionary decision”.

Austria, Iceland, Italy, and a number of other countries have also
 postponed or restricted their rollout of the jab, after reviewing 
the worrying reports about potential adverse reactions. 

The World Health Organization has insisted that the vaccine can 
still be used, as there is no established link between the drug 
and the blood clotting. 


Boris Johnson Backs AstraZeneca 
COVID-19 Vaccine, After Countries 
Halt Jab Over Blood Clotting Scare
by Svetlana Ekimenko
12.03.2021 (Sputnik)
A probe was earlier launched by the EU after the 
European Medicines Agency said it received 
reports of 22 cases of blood clotting among 
those vaccinated with the Oxford/Astra-
Zeneca jab in continental Europe – 
including one person who died 
ten days later.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, on Thursday, 
dismissed growing concerns regarding the 
safety of the Oxford/AstraZeneca corona-
virus jab, after cases of blood clotting 
were reported in vaccinated people, 
urging Britons to continue taking it.
“We've been clear that it's both safe and effective, 
and when people are asked to come forward and 
take it, they should do so in confidence,” a 
spokesman for Downing Street was cited 
by the Daily Mail as saying.
The Prime Minister also hailed the success of
 the vaccination programme across the nation.
“And, in fact, you're starting to see the results of the 
vaccine programme in terms of the (lower) number 
of cases we are seeing across the country --- the 
number of deaths, number of hospitalisations,” 
added Johnson’s spokesman.
As over 11 million doses of the Oxford jab, have been 
administered in the UK, Dr. Phil Bryan, the Medicines 
and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) 
head of vaccines safety, was quoted by the outlet 
as saying:
“Reports of blood clots received so far are not greater 
than the number that would have occurred naturally 
in the vaccinated population. The safety of the 
public will always come first. We are keeping 
this issue under close review but available 
evidence does not confirm that the 
vaccine is the cause.”
Blood Clotting Scare
This comes after a number of countries, earlier, moved 
to halt the use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab, amid an
 EU-launched probe into reports of blood clots in 
vaccinated Europeans.
22 cases of blood clotting had been registered so far 
by the European Medicines Agency, among the three 
million given the shot on the continent, with a nurse
 in Austria, 49, having died from a clot on 8 March, 
reported Reuters.
Despite millions of doses of the vaccine being administered 
safely, concerns spiralled, with Denmark becoming the first
 to announce its suspension of the vaccine for 14 days as a
 ‘precautionary’ move, 'following reports of serious cases 
of blood clots' among people who had received the 
vaccine, stated the country's Health Authority.
The nation suspended the shots after a 60-year-old woman 
who received an AstraZeneca jab from the same batch - 
ABV5300 - used in Austria, formed a blood clot 
and died.
Defending the move of the Danish health authorities, 
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen told press:
“Things have gone well in Denmark, but there are some
 risks linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine that need to be 
examined more closely. That seems, to me, to be the 
right way to proceed.”
While also using vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, and 
Moderna, Denmark is to receive 2.6 million doses
 from AstraZeneca, over the coming months.
A host of European countries, such as Norway, and 
Iceland, have taken similar moves, blocking use of
the AstraZeneca jabs. Italy suspended a different 
batch, designated ABV2856, after the death of 
a non-commissioned naval officer, of cardiac
 arrest , 24 hours after receiving a dose,
 followed by the death of 
another person.
Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg 
have suspended the use of the specific batch of 
AstraZeneca vaccine linked with the fatal case
in Austria. That consignment had been sent 
to 17 European countries.

On Friday, Thailand's PM, Prayut Chan-o-cha,
members of his cabinet, cancelled plans
 to receive AstraZeneca vaccine shots, when 
Thailand delayed use of the vaccines, over 
reports of blood clots in some European 
nations, a health official stated, at a
ministry news conference.
However, other countries have decided to refrain from 
drastic moves regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine. 

France’s Health Minister, Olivier Veran, said at a 
Thursday news conference, that, after he 
consulted with the French medicines 
agency, he decided there was 'no 
need' to suspend use of the jab.
Other European nations, including Sweden, Spain and 
The Netherlands, have claimed they did not find 
sufficient evidence, to halt vaccination with
 the AstraZeneca's jab.
“There is nothing to indicate that the vaccine causes 
this type of blood clots,” stated Veronica Arthurson, 
head of drug safety at the Swedish Medical 
Products Agency, at a news conference.
French President, Emmanuel Macron, recently made 
a U-turn regarding the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
Macron had sparked a row after claiming, earlier,
 the jab was 'quasi-effective' in over-65s –
thing that was widely dismissed by
scientists – 
leading to France and a
host of other 
European nations, 
blocking the use 
of the jab
for the elderly.
However, French PM Jean Castex has since endorsed 
the jab, conceding that it was as effective as any
vaccine approved in the EU.
Germany has also recommended the shot for
 the over-65s.
‘Benefits Outweigh Risks’
On 23 November 2020 the British-Swedish multinational 
pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, Astra-
Zeneca announced the completion of its COVID-
vaccine's successful trial --- claiming it
70% of people from developing
symptoms of
 the respiratory disease.
In January 2021, India approved the use of the Oxford–
AstraZeneca jab, with EU regulators following suit, 
January 30th.
Following the recent developments, AstraZeneca sought
 to allay concerns regarding its vaccine, on Thursday.
“Regulators have clear and stringent efficacy and safety 
standards for the approval of any new medicine, and 
that includes COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca. The 
safety of the vaccine has been extensively studied
 in Phase III clinical trials, and peer-reviewed data, 
confirms the vaccine is generally well tolerated," 
the company said in a statement.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) added that the
 vaccine's benefits “continue to outweigh its risks”.
"...The vaccine can continue to be administered while 
investigation of cases of thromboembolic events is 
ongoing," stated the EMA.
The European Medicines Agency insisted there was 
'no indication that vaccination has caused these 
conditions (clots), which are not listed as side 
effects with this vaccine'. It has since 
launched a probe into the quality 
of the ABV5300 batch.


Two separate studies debunk theory 
that vitamin D supplements offer 
greater protection against
March 10th  (RT)
Two separate non-peer-reviewed studies looking 
into the use and effectiveness of Vitamin D 
against Covid infection have both reached
 the same conclusion: there’s no clear 
benefit to using supplements.
In the first study, researchers examined a database 
of nearly 450,000 mostly white people of European 
ancestry, to understand whether giving them 
vitamin D supplements would lower the 
probability of contracting Covid-19.
The researchers, from 10 separate universities in 
Canada, Israel, Japan, Italy and the UK, looked
genetic markers that would leave people 
predisposed to vitamin D deficiencies. 
They concluded that:  “vitamin D supplementation 
as a means of protecting against worsened Covid 
outcomes is not supported by genetic evidence,” 
they wrote in the study. “Other therapeutic or 
preventative… avenues, should be given 
higher priority for Covid-19 randomized 
controlled trials.”
In the second study debunking vitamin D’s usefulness 
against Covid, researchers from Aristotle University, 
Thessaloniki, in Greece, examined data on vitamin D 
deficiency from 24 European countries & compared
 it to data on Covid infections, recoveries, & deaths.
The researchers, who did not include data from those 
living in nursing homes, looked at how vitamin D 
deficiency rates varied across European nations 
- and compared that data to infection rates.
They concluded that the “prevalence of vitamin D 
deficiency was not significantly associated with 
either the number of infections, recoveries, or 
the mortality rate of Covid-19” across Europe.
The 2 new studies contradict a preprint study released 
in mid-February, by researchers at the University of 
Barcelona. It suggested that giving high doses of 
vitamin D to Covid patients in hospital, could cut 
deaths by 60 percent. The Lancet, a leading 
medical journal in the UK, has since 
removed the paper from its server, 
after concerns were expressed 
over the methodology used
support its conclusion.

Labelling every bad habit as
an ‘addiction’ simply means 
people with no self-control 
fail to take responsibility
for their behaviour
by Frank Furedi
The medicalisation of everyday problems – such as spending 
too much time on your phone – is stunting our development. 
It is creating a society of powerless ‘patients’ who refuse
 take accountability for their actions.
So, what are we to make of a recently published alarmist report 
that claims that almost four out of 10 students are addicted to
 their smartphone?
The authors of the report claim that smartphone addiction 
causes serious sleeping problems and can be both a 
symptom and cause of mental health issues.
No doubt many young people spend far, far too much time 
messing around with their phones. But does it help to 
diagnose their bad habit as an addiction?
There are, unquestionably, many troubling aspects
smartphone usage among young people. But to 
diagnose these as ‘smartphone addiction’, is to 
mystify, and also to medicalise, what are, in 
effect, social and cultural problems 
facing society.
The addiction that I really worry about is society’s 
addiction to addiction. Let me explain.
There was a time when the label of addiction was confined 
to alcoholics and drug abusers. In recent decades, society 
has become so medicalised, that it has embraced the 
unattractive idea of diagnosing normal bad habits 
and irresponsible behaviours, as mental health 
problems and the markers of an addiction. So, 
apparently, it is not only smartphones, but 
just about any technological gadget, that 
can now be portrayed as addictive. We 
have gaming addiction, technology 
addiction, and Internet addiction 
The addiction industry is flourishing throughout the western 
world. Clinics and self-help groups devoted to treating the 
recently discovered epidemic of sex addiction, are doing 
a roaring trade. Celebrities gain publicity and headlines 
when pictures showing them check into a rehab clinic 
are flashed around the world.
Fashionable cultural norms are enthusiastic about
 people’s bad habits. Just about any
character flaw can be 
recast as an addiction.
Through the years, society has 
''accustomed'' to using terms, such as 
workaholism, shopaholism, cybersex 
addiction, porn addiction, addiction 
to love, ''compulsive helping''(!), 
exercise addiction, tanning 
and chocolate addiction.
People who pray too much can be diagnosed as suffering from
 addiction to religion and some of them may even have to be 
weaned off the ‘God Drug’! And if you are too focused on 
another person, and feel too much affection for her or 
him, you may well be suffering from addiction to love.
Professionals promoting the ever-growing number of addictions 
insist that they are in the business of providing treatment and 
help. However, through medicalising every dimension of 
human behaviour, they turn us into patients and clients.
The real problem is the message that the diseasing of human 
behaviour sends to all of us. Take the fashionable label of an 
addictive personality. It encourages people to fatalistically 
acquiesce to their worst instincts. Addicts are portrayed 
as victims of circumstances beyond their control: they 
are literally counselled to accept powerlessness as 
the defining feature of their existence. Sexaholics 
Anonymous, mimics the '12-step' approach of 
Alcoholics Anonymous. The first step that a 
sex addict takes on the road to sexual 
sobriety, is to admit that “we were 
powerless over lust.”
The promotion of the ''myth of human powerlessness'' has fostered 
a climate where addiction has become normalised. Addiction plays
 the role of a cultural fetish -- through which, people’s potential to 
exercise moral independence is constantly called into question. 
The normalisation of this status of dependence is continually 
reinforced by constant exhortations to seek professional 
support. As a result, a new culture of dependency is 
constantly upheld and promoted.
In this context, the term “irresponsible” has undergone a radical
 transformation. People who cheat on their partners, cannot be 
held accountable for their addiction.
The only grounds for condemning them as irresponsible is if 
they refuse to seek professional support. Perversely, those 
who attempt to deal with their problems through the 
exercise of self-control, are castigated as being in 
denial, and criticised for failing to come to terms 
with the gravity of their illness. Seeking help is 
mandatory, not an option, for those diagnosed 
as addicts.
Western society has become so hooked on addiction, because it 
finds it difficult to ''imagine'', that people can be authors of their 
destiny. It's therefore drawn towards a fatalistic interpretation 
of human behaviour.... This idea that people “can't help it”, or 
are “victims of their emotions” represents an abandonment 
of the standard of accountability associated with the ideal 
of human choice. Through its devaluation of the idea of 
moral independence, the medicalisation of bad habits, 
diminishes the human capacity for self-determination.
The ''good news'', is that people can overcome their bad habits
if they choose to do so. People who, in one stage in their life 
became far too distracted by sex, can learn to value and 
cultivate a durable intimate relationship. And there is 
also hope for university students clutching their 
smartphones in their bedroom. Even without 
the help of professional counsellors, they 
are likely to get bored with waiting for 
the next message.
Though it has become unfashionable to say this, a bit of self-
control can go a long way towards limiting the negative 
consequences of your bad habits.
Frank Furediis is an author and social commentator. He is
an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of 
Kent, in Canterbury. Author of How Fear Works:
Culture of Fear in the 21st Century.
Follow him onTwitter @Furedibyte
(Source  (RT)
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evil spy

Looking into Palantir:
 want NHS
come clean
secretive deal with 
data-mining company
Under a deal negotiated in secret with the British government, 
shady data firm Palantir will continue to manage NHS data for 
two years. Activists calling for transparency have now
 brought the NHS to court.
When the British government unveiled its ‘Covid-19 data store’ 
last March, controversial “spy tech” firm, Palantir, was given 
control of the data collected from the public, which included 
sensitive data, such as patients’ ages, addresses, health 
conditions, treatments & whether they smoke or drink, 
among other private information. Given the contract 
for a nominal fee of £1 ($1.40), Palantir was only 
supposed to hold this data until the end of the
 coronavirus pandemic, but was awarded a 
second £23 million contract in December,
 ensuring the data-gathering project will 
continue until at least December 2022.
The government’s data store – used to inform its pandemic 
response – was criticized last March for its reliance on US 
tech firms, like Microsoft, Amazon, & the aforementioned
 Palantir, to handle Britons’ data. According to an NHS 
impact assessment, Palantir processes data that
 includes details on patients’ sex lives, political 
views, and religious beliefs.
The government inked the deal behind closed doors, and 
large sections of the contract are redacted – including 
sections laying out who has access to patient data, 
how it will be used, and with which third parties it 
will be shared. Readable in the contract is a line 
stating that, after the coronavirus pandemic 
subsides, the database may be repurposed 
for “general business-as-usual monitoring.”
Activists with OpenDemocracy and lawyers with Foxglove
 Legal this week sued the NHS, claiming that the renewed 
deal with Palantir warranted a fresh impact assessment
 and demanding public consultation over the deal, 
which was awarded without the usual 
tender process.
As news of the lawsuit broke on Wednesday, the Bureau 
of Investigative Journalism also revealed that Palantir 
executives had been lobbying the NHS for access to 
patient data since summer 2019, six months before 
the coronavirus first cropped up in China. 
According to emails seen by the bureau, Palantir’s UK boss, 
Louis Mosley, hosted a meal attended by Lord David Prior, 
chair of NHS England, in July. In the days afterwards, he 
thanked Mosley, for supplying him with “watermelon 
cocktails,” and asked him to get in touch with ideas 
to help the NHS “structure and curate our data.” 
In the months afterwards, Palantir offered demonstrations of
 its services to Prior and his colleagues at its San Francisco
 offices, and at the World Economic Forum in 
Davos, Switzerland.
In October 2019, NHS bosses reportedly met with representatives 
of Microsoft, Amazon, and vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca, to
 discuss the creation of a “single, national, standardised, event-
based longitudinal record for 65 million citizens,” which would 
be built in the following two years and contain medical and 
genetic records of every single UK resident. Palantir was 
said not to be present at the meeting, but Mosley 
reportedly told Prior, shortly afterwards, that
had a “very positive meeting” with a
top NHS 
official, in private.
Like the mythical seeing-stone it’s named after, Palantir is 
a company shrouded in secrecy. Launched by billionaire 
Peter Thiel, Palantir received start-up funding from the 
CIA and counts multiple US government agencies, law 
enforcement departments, and military branches 
among its clients. Its true number of employees
 is unknown, and former workers are, 
reportedly, often forbidden from
 talking to the media.
Its software has been used by police departments to
 likely offenders, and predict future crime; by
military to predict roadside bombings in Middle 
Eastern war zones; and by immigration authorities
to help track, apprehend, 
and deport illegal
immigrants – a 
partnership it has tried
to keep 
under wraps, before.
With both Palantir and the NHS seemingly keen on continuing 
their partnership, Foxglove director Cori Crider told the BBC 
that her aim is to prevent the government using “the 
pandemic as an excuse: to embed major tech firms 
like Palantir in the NHS, without consulting
 the public.”
"The datastore is the largest pool of patient data in UK history.
 It's one thing to set it up on an emergency basis, it's a 
different kettle of fish to give a tech firm like Palantir 
a permanent role in NHS infrastructure," she added.
 (Source: RT)

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Decline in Sperm Counts Caused by 
Chemicals Threatens Humanity's 
Existence, New Book Claims
by Andrei Dergalin
26.02.2021 (Sputnik)
Dr. Shanna Swan, leading environmental and reproductive
 epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
 has warned of a potential threat to the very survival of the 
human race, in her new book.
According to Axios, Swan’s work points at an apparent decline 
in sperm counts, that has been "falling for decades", with the 
major reason for this development being chemicals that 
"disrupt the body's hormonal system".
"If you look at the curve on sperm count and project it forward 
— which is always risky — it reaches zero in 2045," she said. 
"That's a little concerning, to say the least."
The book, titled "Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening
 Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development,
 and Imperilling the Future of the Human Race", notes factors such as 
an increase in "boys with clear genital abnormalities" and a "decline 
in anogenital distance in infant males", as well as "earlier appearance 
of puberty signs among girls”"
Such outcomes are apparently related to "changes in hormones or
 endocrines", with Swan and her colleagues reportedly blaming the
so called "everywhere chemicals" such as phthalates and 
bisphenol-A, which are found in things like cosmetics, 
plastics and pesticides, and which affect endocrines.
"Chemicals in our environment and unhealthy lifestyle practices in 
our modern world are disrupting our hormonal balance, causing 
various degrees of reproductive havoc," Swan suggested.
She did point out, however, that other factors, such as growing 
obesity levels and smoking, also negatively affect both male 
and female fertility.
"The current state of reproductive affairs can't continue much
 longer without threatening human survival," Swan warned.

Click to read - then ask yourself why UK
you do NOT have any choice... !!!

UK to deliberately expose 
volunteers to Covid-19
 world's first trial after 
study given green light
February 17th (RT)
The world’s first Covid-19 human challenge study has 
received ethics approval in the UK, with 90 healthy 
volunteers to be exposed to the virus in the 
coming weeks, in an attempt to learn
about Covid’s effect on
the body.
Researchers have started their search for 90 people aged 
18-30 who will willingly expose themselves to Covid-19 as 
part of a study to learn more about the virus, which has 
killed more than two million people worldwide after the 
government announced the trial had received ethics 
approval on Wednesday. 
The British government said the study, which is backed 
by £33.6 million of taxpayers’ money, will “play a key 
role in developing effective coronavirus vaccines 
and treatments.”
Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng added that, while 
there has been significant progress with regards to 
vaccine and treatment development, more
 is required.
The Covid-19 virus being used in the study has been 
created by a team at Great Ormond Street Hospital 
for the Children NHS Foundation Trust, in London, 
in collaboration with industry-leading clinical 
company, hVIVO.
Volunteers will be 'compensated' for their 
time and their participation in the study.
On Sunday the UK hit its target of inoculating 15 million 
of the most vulnerable people against Covid-19 and 
now aims to vaccinate 32 million people, all
groups, by May.
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Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID shot
 less effective against South 
African variant: Study
February 7th (PressTV)
British drugmaker AstraZeneca AZN.L said on Saturday 
its vaccine developed with the University of Oxford 
appeared to offer only limited protection against 
mild disease caused by the South African 
variant of COVID-19, based on early 
data from a trial.
The study from South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand 
and Oxford University showed the vaccine had significantly 
reduced efficacy against the South African variant, 
according to a Financial Times report published 
earlier in the day.
Among coronavirus variants currently most concerning for 
scientists & public health experts, are the so-called British, 
South African and Brazilian variants, which appear to 
spread more swiftly than others.
“In this small phase I/II trial, early data has shown limited 
efficacy against mild disease primarily due to the B.1.351 
South African variant,” an AstraZeneca spokesman said 
in response to the FT report.
The newspaper said none of the more than 2,000
 trial participants had been hospitalized, or died.
“However, we have not been able to properly ascertain its 
effect against severe disease and hospitalization, given 
that subjects were predominantly young healthy 
adults,” the AstraZeneca spokesman said.
The company said it believed its vaccine could protect 
against severe disease, given that the neutralizing 
antibody activity was equivalent to that of other 
COVID-19 vaccines that have demonstrated 
protection against severe disease.
The trial, which involved 2,026 people, of whom,
half formed
 the placebo group, has not been
peer-reviewed, the FT said.
While thousands of individual changes have arisen as the 
virus mutates into new variants, only a tiny minority are 
likely to be important or change the virus in an 
appreciable way, according to the British 
Medical Journal.
“Oxford University and AstraZeneca have started adapting 
the vaccine against this variant and will advance rapidly 
through clinical development so that it is ready for 
Autumn delivery should it be needed,” the 
AstraZeneca spokesman said.
On Friday, Oxford said their vaccine has similar efficacy 
against the British coronavirus variant, as it does to the 
previously circulating variants.
(Source: Reuters)

It’s not just Covid-19
that’s killing Britons… 
alcohol is taking them
out in record numbers
by Chris Sweeney
February 3rd (RT)
Chris Sweeney is an author and columnist who has 
written for newspapers such as The Times, Daily 
Express, The Sun and Daily Record, along with 
several international-selling magazines. Follow 
him on Twitter @Writes_Sweeney
Sales of booze have soared during lockdown, while alcohol-
related deaths leapt by 16% last year. Experts are calling for 
higher prices, and urgent campaigns to tackle the UK’s 
notoriously liberal attitude to drinking.
Newly released figures have uncovered shocking statistics, 
which reveal that England and Wales have just recorded the 
biggest death toll from alcohol since records began in 2001.
In the first nine months of 2020, there were 5,460 deaths, 
a dramatic 16.4 percent increase, compared to 2019.
While it’s impossible to prove direct causation, there is 
certainly a link to the first nationwide lockdown 
between March and June.  
Drinking during lockdown has soared in the UK. Weekly 
wine sales at Waitrose’s 338 supermarkets are up by a 
third, beer by 49 percent, while spirits such as rum and 
tequila have risen by 64 percent and 56 percent.
Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, chair of Alcohol Health Alliance 
UK, warned: “Alcohol dependence is often triggered by a 
number of factors including bereavement, job insecurity, 
mental health conditions or troubled relationships. 
“All of these issues have been exaggerated greatly, during 
the pandemic, for many. We must start preparing now, if we 
wish to limit future harm.”
That’s a grim warning and, with a new lockdown set to 
continue in some form for months, the numbers are 
expected to keep rising.
Julie Breslin of the drug, alcohol & mental health charity, 
We Are With You, said:  “While it is hard to pin-point the 
exact reasons behind the rise, front-line services have 
seen how social isolation and the anxiety of living 
through a pandemic, has led to an increase in
potentially harmful drinking. 
“At the same time people are understandably concerned 
about placing extra strain on health services at the 
current time, with many struggling alone.”
That extends to another unwanted trend: the numbers seeking 
help for alcohol addiction has fallen by 20 percent since 2014. 
Experts agree that for a variety of factors, alcoholics in Britain 
are becoming more hesitant to seek help. This has only been
 exacerbated by the lockdown with some individuals 
completely cut off from the outside world.
Breslin added: “We know that around 4 out of 5 dependent
drinkers aren’t accessing any kind of support. Sadly, these 
statistics show the impact of what occurs when a majority 
of people with an issue with alcohol, are not accessing
treatment or support, especially in a country with such
 a heavy drinking culture as the UK.”
A breakdown of the numbers, proves that 
lockdown is the main driver behind the rise.
The first quarter of 2020 was statistically similar to other 
years, but the second and third quarters showed large 
jumps - mirroring the beginning of lockdown in March.
The hardest hit group by age is those between 55-64 and 
We Are With You has created a dedicated helpline, to try 
to reach them.
“Many are unable to see their loved ones or friends, and are 
drinking more as a way to cope with increased loneliness, 
isolation and anxiety,” explained Breslin. 
“Our research showed that at the end of last year more than 
one in two over 50s were drinking at a level that could cause 
health problems now or in the future, with nearly one in four 
classed as high risk or possibly dependent.”
Healthcare workers are concerned that the advanced age of 
most victims points to years of alcohol misuse. So this is a 
problem that, even with intervention, may take many years 
to curb.
Another way to categorise the data and one which 
shows another strong pattern, is by location.
Compared to 2001, London and Scotland are the only 
UK regions to have witnessed a drop in deaths.
All the other parts of the UK have seen an increase. However,
 in the more affluent areas of the south east and south west 
of England, the rise has been minimal. Conversely, the 
northern regions of England have seen significant 
rises, which reflects their lack of relative 
economic prosperity.
Similarly, economically challenged Northern Ireland had already
 suffered record deaths in 2019, showing a jump of 18 percent. 
Professor Gilmore cautioned: “It is easy to forget how lax  the 
present regulation is for this psychoactive and addictive drug. 
“In France, for example, there is a complete ban on broadcast
 advertising and of sports sponsorship by alcohol producers,
 and is it sensible for alcohol to be available 24/7, for example 
at petrol stations?
“Most importantly of all, the government must set out an 
alcohol strategy to tackle the alcohol harm crisis once 
and for all. This strategy must be science-based and 
introduce measures to support and transform the 
lives of harmful drinkers, their families and 
One possible initiative is to introduce Minimum Unit Pricing 
(MUP), which dictates the minimum price per unit of alcohol 
and legally bars producers from selling at lower prices.
It makes all drinks less attractive to consumers, but stronger 
spirits like vodka, whisky and gin will cost relatively more 
than lower strength options such as beer or wine. The 
difficulty though, much like smoking, is that alcohol 
has inelastic demand, meaning price rises will 
result in a less than proportionate effect 
on demand.
Scotland became the first country in the world to introduce 
MUP in May 2018, at a rate of 50 pence per unit. The nation 
has the highest alcohol death rate of anywhere in the UK, 
but it has been decreasing.
Alison Douglas, chief executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland, 
said: “Scotland continues to experience considerably 
higher levels of alcohol-specific deaths than England 
and Wales. Every death from alcohol is preventable, 
and we should not be seeing these high numbers. 
“The evidence from the evaluation of MUP, so far, is 
encouraging. It appears to be having the intended 
effect on alcohol consumption, with a reduction of 
4 to f5 percent in off-sales in Scotland, compared 
to England and Wales, in the first year. 
“It is particularly encouraging that it is poorer, heavier 
drinkers – who are more likely to become ill or die due
 to alcohol use – that have cut down most.  
“Now it looks like we may be beginning to see this translate 
into health benefits, with alcohol deaths having reduced by 
over 10 percent in 2019.”
There are now calls for the Scottish government to increase 
the rate above 50 pence, as it has been eroded by inflation.
Wales brought in MUP last year (also at 50 pence), and there 
are plans to do it in Northern Ireland too, but England, is 
currently abstaining.
While it may be time-consuming to introduce legislation to 
tackle the current deaths spike, Professor Gilmore points 
to a quicker solution: “There are steps the government 
should take in the next few weeks that would start a 
fightback against alcohol harm. The chancellor 
needs to increase alcohol duty by two percent 
above inflation, in the upcoming budget. 
“Alcohol is now 74 percent cheaper than it was 30 years ago, 
and its availability at low prices, is having a catastrophic
 impact on our nation’s health.”
While most of the attention is directed at the increased death
 toll, there are serious secondary effects. Alcohol misuse has 
a devastating impact on home life, children and employment, 
and can lead to families falling into poverty or suffering 
mental health issues.
For example, men are six times more likely to commit 
domestic abuse if they have problems with alcohol. 
Leading calls to support families struggling, The National 
Association for Children of Alcoholics said: “We must 
remember that alcoholism is a family problem, rarely 
isolated. Behind these statistics are mothers and 
fathers whose children will have been living with 
the chaos of an alcoholic household. They take 
on caring roles and try to make everything okay
 for mum or dad.
“There will be countless children right now who feel that
 their parent’s untimely death was their fault. But with 
greater accessible help and support for families, we 
can help to break the cycle, find healthy ways to 
cope with lockdown, and bring these 
numbers down.”
Despite variations across ages and locations, there is no 
doubt that alcohol is having a devastating effect on the 
UK and killing too many. It is tattooed across daily life, 
with millions of Brits correlating drinking with 
enjoyment. Serious change has to happen 
if the rising death toll is to be reversed.
Professor Gilmore warned: “Alcohol harm is not taken 
seriously enough in the UK as drinking is so deeply 
ingrained in our culture.
“We must not forget that alcohol is an addictive and 
harmful substance that needs to be better regulated.
 It is linked directly to around 200 health conditions 
including seven forms of cancer, as well as heart 
disease and strokes. 
“We must, therefore, all start to take our health seriously, 
create safe spaces for those who wish to talk about the 
harmful effects of alcohol and carefully reassess our 
own relationship with alcohol.
“The latest figures serve as a stark reminder of what 
we risk when we do not take alcohol harm seriously.”
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UK Covid-19 variant has mutated again
with some worrying new genetic
changes, scientists say
February 2nd  (RT)
A UK scientist who advises the government has warned 
of a “worrying” and “spontaneous” mutation of the 
British Covid-19 variant which may impact the 
efficacy of the vaccines currently in use.
“The mutation of most concern, which we call E484K,
 has also occurred, spontaneously, in the new Kent 
strain in parts of the country too,” Calum Semple, 
a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for 
Emergencies, told BBC radio on 
Tuesday morning. 
The new and perturbing E484K mutation had already 
been reported in a technical briefing published by 
Public Health England but had not been widely 
noticed outside of scientific circles.
“A limited number of B.1.1.7 VOC (variant of concern)...
genomes with E484K mutation have been detected,” 
said the summary of the briefing.

Dr. Julian Tang, a virologist at the University of Leicester, 
said the mutation was worrying, but not unexpected. 
“The acquisition [of the E484K mutation] may be due to a
recombination with one of the South African/Brazilian 
variant viruses that may have co-infected the same 
cell – as we see with different influenza viruses 
– but this is rarer with coronaviruses,”
 he explained.
The Kent strain, also widely referred to as the British variant, 
has been proven to be more contagious, while this new 
mutation may reduce the efficacy of the vaccines 
currently being administered around the UK.  
“If this E484K mutation is acquired by most of the UK B.1.1.7 
variants – the recent reassurances from recent studies 
showing that mRNA vaccines will still offer optimum
 protection against the original UK variant – may
 longer apply,” Tang said.
The E484K mutation has already been seen in the South 
African and Brazilian variants but while the mutation is 
likely to affect vaccine effectiveness, it is unlikely to 
make the current jab redundant. 
Studies conducted on the South African variant show that 
the mutation is capable of evading parts of the immune 
response induced by natural infection or vaccination.

'Vaccine for All Mankind': 
Lancet Article Validates 
Sputnik V Efficacy at 91.6%
 02.02.2021  (Sputnik)
This is the well-respected medical journal's second 
publication about Sputnik V since September 2020. 
It's dedicated to Stage 3 of the vaccine's
clinical trials.
Sputnik V is safe, efficient, and provides full protection 
against severe cases of COVID-19 - this is the key 
takeaway from a publication in The Lancet. It 
took months of research for Russian
immunologists....   and for 19,866 
volunteers to complete Phase III 
of the clinical trials, which have 
confirmed a 91.6% efficacy.
The other important finding is the immunogenicity of the 
Russian jabs. The 14,964 volunteers, who received 
actual shots of Sputnik V developed 1.3-1.5 times 
more antibodies against the novel coronavirus 
than those who recovered from COVID-19. 
During the study, the remaining 4,902 
participants received a placebo - as 
was required by the rules of regular 
large-scale clinical trials. 
The trial included a group of volunteers aged 60 to 87, 
showing impressive results for this particular age 
strata. Surprisingly, Sputnik V's efficacy among 
the elderly, was comparable to the 18-60 age 
group (91.8%).
When it comes to safety, the Independent Data Monitoring 
committee has confirmed 94% of all adverse effects were 
mild. No serious adverse effects or allergies connected 
with the product were detected, and most mild 
complications were limited to flu-like 
symptoms or headaches.
The Russian Direct Investment Fund -  the country's 
sovereign wealth fund - established to make equity 
co-investments, primarily in Russia, alongside 
international strategic and financial investors,
is currently tasked with ramping up Sputnik
V's production & international distribution.
RDIF CEO Kirill Dmitriev has hailed The Lancet
saying "this is a great day in the
fight against the 
COVID-19 pandemic": 
"The data published by The Lancet proves that not only 
Sputnik V is the world's first registered vaccine, but 
also one of the best. It fully protects against
COVID-19, according to data which
has been 
independently compiled, then 
reviewed by 
peers and then published
in The Lancet. 
''Sputnik V is one of only three vaccines in the world with 
an efficacy of over 90% but outperforms them in terms 
of safety, ease of transportation due to its storage
equirements of +2 to +8 degrees, and a more 
affordable price. Sputnik V is a vaccine for 
all mankind".
Globally, only 4 vaccine developers, including the 
Gamaleya Institute, have published their Phase 3 
clinical trial results, in leading peer-reviewed 
medical journals. Sputnik V, is one of only 
three vaccines in the world with a proven 
efficacy of over 90%. Other vaccines
lower efficacy rates, such as
62.1% for 
AstraZeneca, 50.4% for
Sinovac, & 
79.3% for Sinopharm. 
However, it beats the other vaccines with an efficacy of 
over 90%, providing easier logistics, lower price, and a
 longer lasting immune response achieved through so-
called "heterogeneous boosting", and the use of
different vectors, in two separate shots  
The RDIF has repeatedly said that Sputnik V is ready to 
help increase the efficacy of other vaccines, with an 
efficacy rate below 90%, by providing one of Sputnik 
V's shots. It's already cooperating with AstraZeneca 
to increase its efficacy from 62.1% to a higher level 
by adding a Sputnik V shot to AstraZeneca. 
'Easy to Produce and Convenient to Deploy'
With criticism of only several months ago gradually waning 
in the face of solid data, many Western scientists have 
also welcomed the new publication.
"The development of the Sputnik V vaccine has been 
criticised for unseemly haste, corner cutting, and an 
absence of transparency. But the outcome reported 
here is clear & the scientific principle of vaccination
 demonstrated, which means another vaccine can 
now join the fight to reduce the incidence of 
COVID-19", according to Dr Ian Jones from 
the University of Reading and Dr Polly Roy 
from the London School of Hygiene & 
Tropical Medicine, who were not
 involved in the peer review of
 the article in The Lancet.
Research Director at France's National Institute of Health 
and Medical research, Cecil Czerkinsky, emphasises 
Sputnik V's definite advantages, when it comes to 
logistics, as well as its formulation:-  "The interim 
results of the Phase 3 clinical trials of the Sputnik
V COVID adenovirus vector vaccine, are fairly 
impressive. This vaccine appears to be highly 
efficacious & immunogenic across age groups. 
This is, clearly, good news ---- as this dual 
formulation vaccine is comparatively easy
to manufacture - and to deploy - amid the 
anticipated global shortage of vaccines 
and logistical problems in vaccination 
rollouts of temperature-sensitive 
vaccines recently authorised 
for emergency use".
In Argentina – a country that has already received a 
shipment of the Russian vaccine and launched 
a successful immunisation campaign, health 
professionals praised the product's efficacy: 
"The paper, published in The Lancet, confirms successful 
results and provides additional information about the 
efficacy and the safety of this vaccine in different 
subgroups", says Omar Sued, the President of 
Argentina's Society of Infectologists.
"From the public health point of view, the efficacy of the 
vaccine was very high. The safety profile was very good. 
The dissemination of this information is vital for 
informing the scaling up and rollout of this 
vaccine worldwide".
"Presently, the world needs all the good vaccines that it 
can get against COVID-19", says David Livermore, a 
Professor of Medical Microbiology at the UK's 
University of East Anglia. "And these are 
impressive results: Sputnik V is the first 
adenovirus vector vaccine to achieve 
the 90% efficacy seen with the two 
mRNA vaccines".
In the meantime, as the number of people getting their 
shots of vaccines against coronavirus grows, US 
scientist, Hildegund C.J. Ertl, from the Wistar 
Institute's Vaccine & Immunotherapy Centre, 
highlights that Sputnik V "is 100% effective 
in preventing serious disease or death --- 
which, in the end, is the most crucial 
parameter; we can all deal with the 
sniffles, as long as we stay out of
 the hospital or the graveyard".
"Even after a single dose, of this prime-boost regimen, 
protection against disease was at 87.6%. Sputnik V is 
thus, more effective than the AZ or J&J.  Sputnik V, 
which, unlike the equally efficacious RNA vaccines
 of Pfizer and Moderna, can be stored in the fridge, 
will be of tremendous value to combat the global 
COVID19 pandemic".
Expanding Reach
Sputnik V was developed in May of 2020 by the Russian 
Health Ministry's Gamaleya National Research Centre 
for Epidemiology and Microbiology. The vaccine was 
designed, using a well-known and reliable human 
adenoviral platform, and it's also one of the least 
expensive in the world, with a price of $10 per 
shot. At the end of last year, the product 
received approval for use in a full-scale 
domestic vaccination campaign in 
Russia that began in December 
2020 and is completely free 
for Russian citizens.
According to the RDIF, Sputnik V has been registered in 
16 countries. It's expected that within the next few days 
shots of the Russian vaccine will be administered to 
people in:  
Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Palestinian Authority, 
UAE, Paraguay, Hungary, Armenia, Algeria, Bosnian 
Serb Republic, Venezuela, and Iran. 
More than 50 nations have requested 1.2 billion doses of 
Sputnik V, with the RDIF's partners in India, Brazil, China, 
South Korea, and other countries, preparing to produce 
the vaccine for the global market.


WHO warns pregnant women 
NOT to take Moderna 
Covid-19 vaccine
January 26th (RT)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued new 
guidance on the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, including 
worrying advice that pregnant women should not get 
the jab unless they are at high risk of exposure.
The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on 
Immunization issued a series of recommendations on the 
Moderna vaccine Tuesday, advising that pregnant women 
should not take the shot, unless they are health workers 
or at particularly high risk of exposure.
“While pregnancy puts women at a higher risk of severe 
COVID-19, the use of this vaccine in pregnant women is 
currently not recommended,” SAGE wrote.
WHO director of immunisation Kate O'Brien said that clinical trials 
of the Moderna vaccine were needed on pregnant women.
The report also stressed that the vaccine should be administered
 in two doses with an interval of 28 days between each shot, with
 the possibility of extending this interval up to 42 days,
 if necessary. 
The SAGE report also emphasised the need for the vaccine to be
 administered in facilities where treatments for allergic reactions
 are readily available. The group of experts issued guidance on 
the rival Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine several weeks ago.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US and the
 Independent Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices said 
that there was insufficient evidence to suggest the Moderna and 
Pfizer vaccines were suitable or not for pregnant women, as 
neither contains the virus itself and they therefore cannot 
cause Covid-19 but insufficient data was available to
 make a call. 
The latest guidance from Public Health England supports this 
position, stating that, “The early Covid-19 vaccines do not 
contain organisms that can multiply in the body, so they 
cannot infect an unborn baby in the womb.”

People in English-Speaking Countries, 
Scandinavia, Get Drunk Most Often,
 Global Survey Finds
25.01.2021  (Sputnik) 
 The 2020 edition of the Global Drug Survey has found that 
residents in English-speaking countries and Northern 
Europe drink to intoxication more often than in any 
other region of the world.
"Based on data from > 90,000 people who drink, respondents 
to GDS from predominately English-speaking countries and 
Scandinavia, get drunk more times per year than in any 
other country," the report's executive summary read.
The survey defined drunkenness as “having drunk so much
 that your physical and mental faculties are impaired to the 
point where your balance / speech was affected, you
unable to focus clearly on things and that
conversation and behaviours were
obviously different to people
know you.”
UK residents top the list with 34 episodes of intoxication 
per year, or almost every 10 days. Next come Australia 
and Denmark with 32 episodes, and Finland with 
28 episodes.
The least frequent drunk drinkers reside in South America 
— people in Argentina and Colombia get intoxicated fewer 
than seven times per year, according to the findings.
The global average is 21 episodes of intoxication per year. 
Men aged 25 and younger get drunk most frequently (28 
times per year), while women aged 25 and older, get 
drunk the rarest (12 times per year). Regrets about 
excessive consumption are common among
 of respondents, the poll found.
One in 30 women younger than 25 seeks emergency medical 
treatment from intoxication, which is almost three times
than among men and women aged 25 and older.
The survey was conducted in 25 countries from November 7th
to December 30th 2019 --- before the COVID-19 pandemic.


Israel’s Coronavirus Chief Says 
1st Dose of Pfizer’s Vaccine 
Effective Than 
Company Presented 
by Arty Katkov
24.01.2021 (Sputnik)

Over two million Israelis have already had their first 
Pfizer shot, while over 400,000 have had the second.

Israel’s coronavirus commissioner has criticized the 
Pfizer vaccine and warned that it may not protect 
against new strains of the virus.

During talks among Health Ministry officials ahead of 
Tuesday’s cabinet meeting on the issue of nationwide 
lockdown, Dr. Nachman Ash said that the protective 
effect of the first dose of the vaccine is “lower than 
Pfizer presented”, Army Radio reported.

Pfizer has previously claimed that trials of the vaccine it
produced with BioNTech show it is roughly 52% effective 
around 12 days after the first shot is administered and 
becomes about 95% effective ''a number of days'' after 
the second dose.

The Israeli government signed a deal with Pfizer and 
BioNTech in November for 8 million doses of their 
COVID-19 vaccine. Israeli Health Minister Yuli 
Edelstein has ordered healthcare workers to 
prepare to administer up to 250,000 daily 
injections in the coming days.

At the same time, there were some issues reported during
 the mass vaccination in Israel. Last week, media reported 
citing health ministry officials, that at least 13 Israelis have 
suffered mild facial paralysis as a side effect after getting 
the Pfizer vaccine. The report said, however, that the 
country's health ministry recommended the patients 
should go ahead with the second sot of the vaccine, 
but only if the paralysis passes.

Earlier, some 240 Israelis have been diagnosed with
 the coronavirus, days after being vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus cases in Israel 
topped 10,000 on Tuesday morning - an all-time high 
since the pandemic began - despite lockdown 
measures and vaccination efforts.


Senior Doctors Attack UK Decision
 to Make People Wait 12 Weeks for 
Second Dose of COVID Vaccine
January 23rd (FNA)
Senior doctors criticized the decision to make people wait 
12 weeks for a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in the 
UK, calling for the wait to be halved.
The UK is the only country to have introduced such a 
long gap, flouting a World Health Organisation (WHO) 
recommendation, the British Medical Association 
(BMA) announced, The Independent reported.
“What we're saying is that the UK should adopt this best 
practice based on international professional opinion,” 
Dr. Chaand Nagpaul, its council chairman, said, 
adding, “If the vaccine's efficacy is reduced....
then, of course, the risk is, that we will see 
those who are exposed maximally to 
the virus, may get infected.”
It emerged on Friday that the Sage advisory group
raised a possible risk of triggering a “vaccine-
resistant mutation”, by delaying second doses.
However, both the chief medical officer and the chief 
scientific adviser, have backed the decision to rip up 
the original promise of a second Pfizer dose, after 
just three weeks.
Chris Whitty, the medical officer, stated it was a "public 
health decision" that would allow "many more people 
to be vaccinated much more quickly".
And Patrick Vallance, the scientific adviser, told the 
Downing Street press conference, “The most risky
 thing in terms of new mutations is to have very 
high prevalence.”
But the WHO recommended a gap of 4 weeks 
between doses ---  to be extended, only in 
exceptional circumstances, to 6 weeks.
Pfizer has announced it has tested the level of protection 
given by its vaccine, only when the two doses are given 
up to 21 days apart.
Nagpaul said he understood the “rationale” behind the 
decision to delay the second dose to 12 weeks, but 
argued it was “difficult to justify”.
“Most nations in the world are facing challenges similar 
to the UK in having limited vaccine supply and also 
wanting to protect their population maximally,” 
he told BBC Breakfast time show.
“No other nation has adopted the UK's approach. We think 
the flexibility the WHO offers, of extending to 42 days,
 is being stretched far too much to go from 6 weeks
 right through to 12 weeks," Nagpaul continued, 
adding, “I do understand the trade-off and the
 rationale but if that was the right thing to
then we would see other nations
 following suit.”
There is no similar concern over the 12-week wait for
second dose of the Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine, 
which is being made in the UK.
Its trials provided greater confidence that the first dose 
can continue to provide protection for at least a few 
months before the booster shot.
The researchers found it delivered 64.1 percent protection, 
compared with 70.4 percent after two full doses and – in a 
baffling result – 90 percent in people who received one 
half dose, followed by one full dose.

Hacked emails allegedly detail 
how EU drug regulator was 
pressured to approve Pfizer 
jab despite ‘problems’ 
January 18th (RT)
An alleged cache of email exchanges between EU officials 
and the European Medicines Agency show that the drug 
regulator was uncomfortable about fast-tracking 
approval for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid jabs, 
Le Monde has reported.
The EMA has claimed that the contents of the messages, 
which were obtained by hackers and published on the 
dark web, were tampered with in order to undermine 
confidence in the drugs, without providing further 
details. However, the agency acknowledged to the 
French newspaper that the correspondences 
reflect “issues and discussions” that took 
place in the lead-up to the decision to 
grant approval to the vaccines. The 
agency said it can’t specify which 
documents are genuine. 
Some of the “discussions” appear to have been less than 
congenial. For example, in a document dated November 
19th, a senior EMA official described a “rather tense, 
sometimes even a little unpleasant” conference 
call with the European Commission regarding 
the review process for the drugs. The official 
said he felt there was a clear “expectation” 
that the vaccines would be approved. A 
day later, the same individual had an 
exchange with the Danish Medicines 
Agency --- in which he expressed his
surprise that Ursula von der Leyen, 
the president of the European 
Commission, had announced
that the Moderna and Pfizer 
jabs could receive the green
light before the end of 
the year. 
“There are still problems with both,” the unnamed 
EMA official noted in the leaked correspondence. 
According to Le Monde, the hacked documents primarily 
detail issues that the EMA had with the Pfizer/BioNTech 
drug. The regulator apparently had three “major issues” 
with the vaccine: certain manufacturing sites used for 
its production had not yet been inspected, data on 
batches produced for commercial use were still 
missing, and, most importantly, available data 
revealed qualitative differences between the 
commercial batches and those used during 
clinical trials. 
The EMA expressed particular concern about the last point, 
noting that mass production had decreased the purity of 
the RNA contained in the vaccine. The Pfizer jab uses a 
mRNA strand, a sequence of molecules that tell cells 
what to ‘build’ in order to produce a disease-
specific antigen.   
The EU drug regulator signaled that it was worried that less 
rigorous manufacturing methods would make the vaccine 
less effective and safe. However, Pfizer appears to have 
agreed to make the necessary adjustments, in order to 
meet the EMA’s standards. 
Despite its hesitancy, it appears the EMA understood that it
 was under a clear deadline. In an email exchange between 
colleagues at the agency, one employee said the EMA needs
 to “accelerate the process to align [with other agencies],” 
and risks facing “questions and criticisms” from Brussels, 
the media - and the general public -  if it did not fast-track 
The Pfizer jab was granted approval by the EU on December 
21, while the Moderna variant was given the go-ahead earlier
 this month. Since then, numerous reports have emerged of 
both drugs being linked to adverse effects in countries 
around the world, prompting investigations by health 
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Woman who suffered convulsions 
after taking Pfizer Covid jab being 
screened for permanent neuro-
logical damage, son tells RT
January 18th  (RT)
After a video of his mother’s condition went viral, the 
son of a woman who was hospitalized after receiving 
Pfizer’s Covid jab told RT that, even though he was 
not an anti-vaxxer, he had serious doubts about 
the drug’s safety.
Brant Griner issued an appeal on Facebook last week,
 after his mother began experiencing serious medical 
issues... several days after taking the vaccine. In a
-viral post, Griner shared a video of his mother 
shaking uncontrollably, as she attempted to walk,
using nearby walls and a door to 
support herself
as she inched forward. 
“Mom is getting even worse today and I still don’t have 
any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please 
pray for her. I can’t stand to see my mom this way. It 
makes me want to cry. knowing I can’t do anything 
to help her. Please don’t take the covid19 vaccine,”
 he wrote. 
The message and accompanying video has been 
shared nearly 160,000 times, and has racked up 
more than 35,000 comments. 
Some replies questioned the truthfulness of Griner’s story, 
but he told RT, in an interview, that there was nothing 
fictitious about what had happened to his mother. 
He stressed that she had been eager to take the
vaccine because she had wanted to do every-
thing she could, to lessen the chance of 
spreading the virus to her own elderly 
parents. Griner declined to disclose at 
which hospital his mother received the 
vaccine, explaining that he didn’t want 
the facility to become the target of an 
online harassment campaign. 
“I’m not in any way shape or form an anti-vaxx person. 
My mom wasn’t – she was all for the vaccine before 
this happened,” he said. 
Griner described his mother as a “very healthy” 45-year
-old who had never before suffered from any kind of 
serious disease or health condition. According to 
the Louisiana resident, she woke up with a 
headache a day after receiving the shot. 
Several days later, she began suffering 
from “seizure-like movements” in her 
left leg. By the fourth day, she had 
“no control” over her legs, & was
rushed to the emergency room. 
The hospital determined that she was experiencing a 
“neurological reaction,” he said, adding that doctors 
believe the medical condition was caused by “the 
metals in the vaccine.”
Although the headaches have been a daily occurrence, 
the convulsions have been sporadic, Griner explained. 
Sunday was the first day she had not experienced a 
headache, and her uncontrollable leg movements 
also seemed to be less severe, he said. 
Now discharged from the hospital, Griner’s mother is 
undergoing tests and her doctors are hopeful that 
she will make a full recovery, provided there is 
no permanent brain damage. 
Although he has been smeared, by some, as peddling 
disinformation, Griner insists he initially had nothing 
against the jab. “I wanted it to be good. My mom 
wanted it to be good. That’s the reason she got 
it. Everybody wants their immunity. Everybody’s 
ready for Covid to go away,” he said. Now, 
however, he seems less sure about 
being inoculated himself. 
If it’s going to cause reactions like what it 
caused to my mom, it’s not worth it to me.
Since posting the video of his mother, Griner says he 
has received messages from “hundreds” of people 
sharing their stories, about vaccines triggering 
serious medical episodes. One woman who 
contacted him said she was experiencing 
“continuous” health issues, after 
receiving the Moderna
Covid shot. 
In a follow-up video posted by Griner on Saturday, his 
mother explained that she opted to have the jab to 
“protect her parents” and that, so far, MRI scans 
and blood tests have not revealed any 
underlying condition that might have 
prompted the adverse reaction.
“Before you take this vaccine, please think. It has 
definitely changed my life,” she said in the video, 
as she held back tears. 
Pfizer said in a statement to RT that it was “researching”
 the case, but has so far been unable to “confirm” it. 
“Neuromuscular disorders have not been a safety 
signal identified to date,” a representative of the 
pharmaceutical firm said. 
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Second Dose in Doubt After
Pfizer Vaccine Reportedly 
Leaves Dozen of Israelis 
With Facial Paralysis
17.01.2021 (Sputnik) 
 At least 13 Israelis have suffered mild facial paralysis 
as a side effect, after getting the Pfizer vaccine,
reported, citing health ministry officials.
According to Israeli news site Ynet, doctors estimate 
that the number of similar cases could be higher 
and are questioning if they should administer 
the second dose of the vaccine to those 
who suffered facial paralysis.
However, the country's health ministry recommends 
they should go ahead, but only if the paralysis 
passes, the report says.
The Israeli government signed a deal with Pfizer and 
BioNTech in November for 8 million doses of their 
COVID-19 vaccine. More than 20% of Israel's 9 
million citizens has so far received the first 
vaccine dose since the rollout began. At 
least two elderly people with chronic 
underlying conditions died after 
being inoculated.
Meanwhile, on Saturday, the Epoch Times reported -- citing 
the data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System 
(VAERS) -- that 55 people in the United States have died 
after receiving Moderna or Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines. 
In some cases, patients passed away, just hours 
after being injected.
The media outlet reported around 96 life-threatening cases
ollowing COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as 24 permanent 
disabilities, 225 hospitalisations, and 1,388 emergency 
room visits, in the US.


Belgian Resident Dies 5 Days 
After Receiving Pfizer 
COVID-19 Vaccine
15.01.2021  (Sputnik) 

A resident of Belgium has died five days after receiving
Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine against COVID-19, the 
Federal Agency for Medicines and Health 
Products (FAMHP) said in a statement, 
adding that an investigation has 
been launched.

"On 14 January 2021 … the FAMHP was informed of the 
death of an 82-year-old with health problems, five days 
after vaccination. The case will be further investigated 
to determine whether there is a causal link between 
vaccination and the individual's death", the agency 
said in a statement on Thursday.

An investigation is also ongoing in Norway after 23 people 
died after being inoculated with Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine 
against the disease, the Norwegian Medicines Agency 
said, on Thursday.

Several European countries, including the Netherlands and 
Bulgaria, have reported instances of individuals suffering 
adverse side effects, such as swelling around the eyes 
and rashes, after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine
 against the coronavirus disease.

European Union member states launched their mass 
vaccination campaign, using the US-German vaccine,
 in late December.


 About 100 people 
Report Side effects 
After Pfizer
Vaccine Shots in 
Reports Suggest
15.01.2021  (Sputnik) 
About 100 people in the Netherlands reported developing 
side effects after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine developed 
by Pfizer/BioNTech, the NOS broadcaster reported on 
Friday, citing pharmacovigilance centre Lareb.
Lareb director Agnes Kant told NOS that severe allergic 
reactions to the Pfizer shot were identified in two cases 
in the Netherlands.
"These people had symptoms such as rashes and swelling 
around the eyes. They received treatment and recovered 
quickly," Kant said.
The health expert added that other cases of side effects are 
more usual for the post-vaccination period and include 
headache, fatigue and pain at the injection spot. 

According to Kant, such side effects are logical 
consequences of the vaccination, as shots 
activate the immune system.
"We thought that 20 to 25 reports [of side effects] would occur 
for every 10,000 vaccinations, so this is in line with our 
assumptions. But not all cases of side effects are 
reported to us," Kant added.
The Netherlands launched its vaccination campaign on 
January 6th, with medical workers being the priority 
group to receive the vaccine. According to the
 latest data, approximately 47,000 people 
have received the shots.
A number of counties have shared data on the side effects 
of Pfizer’s vaccine. The Norwegian Medicines Agency said 
on Thursday that specialists are investigating the deaths 
of 23 people, who died after being vaccinated with the 
Pfizer vaccine.
Moreover, the Israeli Health Ministry said in late December 
that one in 1,000 vaccinated Israelis developed mild side 
effects from the vaccine --- while Bulgaria reported four 
side effect cases, after inoculating nearly 5,000 people.


Norway Links 13 Deaths to 
Pfizer Vaccine’s Side Effects
January 15th  (Sputnik)
4 days before New Year’s Eve, inoculation with 
the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine began in Norway. 
Since Svein Andersen (67) at Ellingsrudhjemmet 
elderly home became the first Norwegian to take 
the jab, over 33,000 Norwegians have received 
the vaccine in the subsequent weeks.
It was announced in advance that the vaccine may 
cause side effects of varying severity, and now the 
Norwegian Medicines Agency has mapped which 
ones have occurred in the country. A total of 29 
side effects were reported, yet with an 
alarming share of deaths.
“Of these, there are 13 deaths, nine serious side effects 
and seven less serious side effects”, medical director 
of the Norwegian Medicines Agency Steinar Madsen 
told national broadcaster NRK.
A total of 23 deaths have been reported by the Norwegian 
Medicines Agency, in connection with the vaccination. 
However, only 13 of these have been assessed so far.
All surveyed deaths have occurred among frail, elderly 
patients in nursing homes. All of the dead are over 80 
years old and some of them are even over 90.
“It seems that some of these patients get such severe side 
effects in the form of fever and malaise, that it can lead to 
a very serious illness even a more serious one, which 
may lead to death”, Madsen said.
At the same time, Madsen emphasised that these cases 
are rare and that many thousands of frail people have 
been vaccinated, without a fatal outcome. “Frail” 
means patients with advanced heart conditions, 
dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary 
disease and other serious diseases.
Madsen said his authority is not worried about
 the extent of side effects confirmed so far.
“We are not alarmed by this. It is quite clear that these 
vaccines have very little risk, with a small exception 
for the most frail patients”, Madsen said.
The nine patients who have had serious side effects 
complained of allergic reactions, strong malaise 
and severe fever. The seven less serious side 
effects included severe pain at the
 injection site.
Still, the Norwegian Medicines Agency cautioned 
the authorities to carefully consider the order 
of vaccination.
“Doctors must now carefully consider who should be 
vaccinated. Those who are very frail and at the very 
end of life, can be vaccinated after an individual 
assessment”, Madsen said.
This is in line with the recommendations released by the 
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, earlier this week.
Previously, six people died during the Pfizer/BioNTech 
vaccine trials, but only two of them were actually 
given the vaccine. The other four were given a 
safe placebo solution of salt and water.
As of today, Pfizer and Pfizer and the Centres for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC) are looking into the death 
of a doctor who died after taking the jab. The 56-year-
old doctor at Miami’s Mount Sinai Medical Centre 
died 16 days after receiving the vaccine, 
developing a rare blood disorder.
Norway has seen over 57,000 cases 
of Covid-19 and over 500 deaths.

UK nurse catches COVID-19
 three weeks after getting 
Pfizer vaccine
January 10th (Press TV)
A British nurse has caught COVID-19 three weeks 
after getting the vaccine, prompting experts to 
issue warnings that it would take time for
 immunity to build up.
The nurse, who has been working for the Hywel Dda 
University Health Board area in west Wales, said that
 she got the virus while waiting for the second dose 
of the Pfizer-BioNtech jab, which was first rolled 
out in the UK last month.
She said she was “angry and heartbroken” 
about catching the fatal disease at this stage.
"It gave me peace of mind. It made me feel safer and
 that I was doing the right thing for my family... but it 
gives a false sense of security," she said.
The nurse, who asked not to be identified, said she 
was told it would take 10 days for the vaccine to 
offer some protection, however, she started 
feeling unwell three weeks later.
She said she had "quite severe symptoms" of a bad 
cough, high temperature and breathlessness, and 
that she was shocked when she tested positive.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Executive of Hywel Dda 
health board, Dr Philip Kloer, said that, although 
a COVID vaccine “reduces your chance of 
suffering” from the virus, no vaccine is 
ever 100% effectual.
On Friday, the Welsh First Minister warned people 
receiving the vaccine to “continue to act in a 
precautionary way.”
Professor Tim Spector, who heads up the ZOE Symptom 
Tracker App study, has also said that some junior NHS 
staff members have contracted the virus after getting
 the shot.
"We are getting reports of reinfections, some soon after 
vaccination, "I'm a junior doctor and have had Covid 
twice: the last one five days post vaccination..."',
wrote on Twitter.
"Remember vaccinations take several weeks to have 
a preventive effect so keep alert and keep logging!"
This comes after a 56-year-old American doctor in South Florida 
died two weeks after getting a first dose of a Pfizer vaccine.
Two weeks after getting a first dose of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, 
a 56-year-old American doctor in South Florida has died, the US 
media have reported.
Dr. Gregory Michael, a Miami-Beach obstetrician, was in good 
health, the Sun-Sentinel reported. He received his first dose 
of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on December 18 at Mount 
Sinai Medical Center.
However, small spots began to appear on his feet and hands 
after three days and he went to the emergency room at 
Mount Sinai, where he had worked in private practice
 for 15 years.
Michael’s blood count was far below normal ranges, and he 
was admitted to the intensive care unit. Doctors tried for
 two weeks but could not raise his platelet count.
The doctor was “conscious and energetic” through the 
process, but just days before a last resort surgery, he 
suffered a stroke and died.
Health officials from Florida and the Centers from Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC) are investigating whether 
the vaccine played a role in his death, which possibly
 is the country's first death linked to the vaccine.
Also, a California nurse tested positive for the coronavirus 
more than a week after receiving Pfizer vaccine.
Matthew W., 45, who works at two different local hospitals, 
said in a Facebook post on December 18 that he had 
received the vaccine.
He told the ABC News affiliate that except for his arm, that 
was sore for a day, he had suffered no other side-effects.
However, six days later on Christmas Eve, he got sick after 
working a shift in the COVID-19 unit. He got the chills and
 later came down with muscle aches and fatigue.
He then went for a test, to find that he was infected 
with the COVID-19 virus, the day after Christmas.

Killer vaccine? 'Healthy' South Florida 
doctor died 2 weeks after receiving 
COVID-19 vaccine
January 8th, (Press Tv)
A 56-year-old doctor passed away this week, two weeks 
after getting his first dose of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine,
 the Sun-Sentinel reported.
Two weeks after getting a first dose of a Pfizer COVID-19 
vaccine, a 56-year-old American doctor in South Florida 
has died, the US media have reported.
Dr. Gregory Michael, a Miami-Beach obstetrician, was in 
good health, the Sun-Sentinel reported.
Health officials from Florida and the Centers from Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC) are investigating whether 
the vaccine played a role in his death, which possibly 
is the country's first death linked to the vaccine.
The doctor received his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech 
vaccine on December 18 at Mount Sinai Medical Center, 
according to his wife, Heidi Neckelmann.
Small spots began to appear on his feet and hands after 
three days and he went to the emergency room at Mount 
Sinai, where he has worked in private practice for 15 
years, according to reports.
According to his wife, Michael’s blood count was far 
below normal ranges, and he was admitted to the 
intensive care unit.
Doctors tried for two weeks but could not raise Michael’s 
platelet count. “Experts from all over the country were 
involved in his care,” she wrote. “No matter what 
they did, the platelets count refused to go up.”
Michael was “conscious and energetic” through the process, 
but just days before a last resort surgery, he suffered a 
stroke and died.
Michael's wife said that he spent the pandemic delivering 
hundreds of babies and was a COVID-19 vaccine advocate.
Iran cancels import of US' Pfizer COVID-19 
vaccines after Leader bans it
The Iranian Red Crescent Society announced the news in 
the wake of a national address by Ayatollah Khamenei.
On Friday, the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) said the 
import of American Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines had been 
cancelled after Leader of the Islamic Revolution 
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei banned the 
purchase of coronavirus vaccines 
produced by the US & UK.
“The import of 150,000 doses of the coronavirus vaccine 
[developed by] Pfizer Inc from the United States to the 
country by the Iranian Red Crescent Society is 
cancelled,” the IRCS spokesman Mohammad 
Hassan Qosian Moqaddam told IRNA 
on Friday.
US COVID-19 vaccines more dangerous
 than the virus: Professor
US COVID-19 vaccines are more dangerous than the virus 
itself, because they have not been tested properly, says 
E Michael Jones, an American writer and former professor.
In an interview with Press TV, Professor Jones said, “The 
people in America, right now, are afraid of the vaccines.

Investigation launched as 2 people die
 in Norway nursing home... days after 
receiving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine
5th of January, 2021 at 8:45pm (RT)

The Norwegian Medicines Agency has announced that 
two nursing home residents passed away, days after 
receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, 
and that an investigation has been launched 
into the deaths.

“We have to assess whether the vaccine is the cause of 
death, or if it is a coincidence that it happened soon 
after vaccination,” Medical Director Steiner 
Madsen said, in a statement about 
the deaths. 

He also noted that, because people of advanced age are 
receiving the vaccine first, it is entirely possible the 
deaths could be coincidental. Around 400 people 
die every week in Norwegian nursing homes. 

The agency, along with the National Institute 
of Public Health, are looking into the deaths.

Reported side effects from the vaccine have been minor 
and temporary, although there have been reports of 
allergic reactions in the US and UK among people 
who had a history of such. 

Numerous government officials have received the 
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, including US Vice 
President Mike Pence. Vaccinations with 
the drug began in Norway on 
December 27th.

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Family of Mexican Doctor Paralysed 
After Pfizer Shot Calls for Additional 
Vaccine Studies
 05.01.2021 (Sputnik) 

 Carlos Palestino, the brother-in-law of Mexican doctor 
Karla Cecilia Perez, paralysed hours after receiving 
Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, has told Sputnik 
that the vaccine should be exposed to additional 
testing to find out whether it can cause such 
severe side effects.

The Mexican Health Ministry said that it started the research 
on the incident, saying that Perez had been diagnosed with
 encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal 
cord). Before the inoculation, Perez experienced an 
allergic reaction to antibiotics called trimethoprim 
and sulfamethoxazole that can cause similar 
severe adverse reactions.

"We are not insisting that it was caused by the vaccine... 
However, it is necessary to clarify whether it is connected
 to the inoculation with the vaccine. We are not arguing 
that it was the reason. There should be a research to 
confirm it", Palestino said.

Perez's brother-in-law stressed that the doctor's relatives 
had decided to draw the attention of the media to the 
incident, not to discourage people from vaccination, 
but to make sure that Perez would be cured 
adequately and this case would be studied 
to prevent further incidents.

"The main goal is to care for the health of my sister-in-law, 
to make sure that she will have no complications. Since it
 is a new case, no one is able to determine its nature. 
That's why it's necessary to disseminate [information]", 
Palestino said, adding that Perez's relatives did not 
support "the anti-vaccination movement" and did 
not have "any political or economic interest" in 
boosting publicity around the case.

On 30 December Perez was paralysed several hours after 
being inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine developed 
by US-based Pfizer and German BioNTech 
pharmaceutical companies.

Earlier that month, the US Centres for Disease Control and 
Prevention reported on 4 cases of partial facial paralysis
 experienced by the recipients of the Pfizer vaccine.


'Alarming' number of US 
health care workers, are
refusing COVID-19 vaccine
by Kenneth Garger
(New York Times)

US health care workers are first in line to receive 
the COVID-19 vaccine - but an alarming number 
across the country are refusing to do so. 

Earlier this week, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine disclosed 
that about 60 percent of the nursing home workers
in his state have so far chosen not to get vaccinated. 

More than half of New York City’s EMS workers have 
shown skepticism, The Post reported last month.

And now California and Texas are experiencing 
a high rate of health care worker refusals, 
according to reports.

An estimated 50 percent of front-line workers in Riverside 
County in the Golden State opted against the drug, the 
Los Angeles Times reported, citing public 
health officials. 

More than half of the hospital workers at California’s St. 
Elizabeth Community Hospital who were eligible to
 receive the vaccine, did not, the newspaper. 

And in the Lone Star State, a doctor at Houston Memorial 
Medical Center told NPR earlier this month, that half the 
nurses in the facility would not get the vaccine, citing 
political reasons. 

The excuse shared by the Texas nurses was echoed in a 
recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey that found 29%
 of health workers were “vaccine hesitant,” the 
Times reported. 

Majority of Ohio nursing home workers
 not taking COVID-19 vaccine

Survey respondents leaning against taking the vaccine 
said, among other reasons, that they were concerned 
how politics influenced the development of the 
vaccine, the newspaper reported. 

A nurse at a California hospital, who chose to not take
 the vaccine, because she is pregnant, said her co-
workers who chose the same path as she,
 that they don’t need the vaccine
to make it through
 the pandemic. 

“I feel people think, ‘I can still make it until this ends, 
without getting the vaccine,’” April Lu, a 31-year-old 
nurse at Providence Holy Cross Medical Centre, 
told the Times. 

A high percentage of vaccine refusal among not just 
health care workers, but the general population, 
could be problematic, Harvard epidemiologist 
Marc Lipsitch told the newspaper. 

“Our ability as a society to get back to a higher level 
of functioning depends on having as many people 
protected as possible,” said Lipsitch.


Boston doctor says he almost had to be 
INTUBATED after suffering severe allergic 
reaction from Moderna Covid vaccine
26th of December, 2020 (RT)

A physician in Boston said he suffered one of the worst allergic 
reactions he’s ever experienced after receiving Moderna’s 
Covid-19 jab, following a string of similar cases resulting 
from Pfizer’s vaccine.

Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a hematology oncology fellow at Boston 
Medical Center, was given the drug on Christmas Eve. The health 
care worker, who has a severe shellfish allergy, said his heart 
began to race after taking the vaccine. Initially, he thought his
 increased heart rate was due to anxiety he had about the jab, 
stemming from reports of serious medical episodes 
occurring after people with allergies were injected
with Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine.  

However, he soon realized that he was suffering from something 
far more dangerous. Within minutes, Sadrzadeh’s tongue and 
throat began to tingle and go numb, a reaction that he 
associated with his shellfish allergy. Even more 
concerning, his blood pressure then dipped 
so low that it wasn’t even detectable with 
a monitor. 

Luckily, the doctor had brought his own EpiPen, which he 
administered on himself before hospital staff rushed him
to the emergency room. He was given several medications, 
including steroids and Benadryl. A record of his hospital 
visit stated that he was admitted to the ER for “shortness 
of breath, dizziness, palpitations and numbness after 
receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.”

By Friday morning, he said that he was feeling normal. But 
the doctor seemed to suggest that the episode could have 
been far more harrowing had he not come prepared for 
the worst. 

“I feel that if I did not have my EpiPen with me, I would be
intubated right now, because it was that severe,” he said, 
adding that it was the worst allergic reaction he had 
experienced since he was 11 years old. 

The physician said he now recommends that people with 
allergies receive the vaccine in a hospital setting, instead 
of getting it from a clinic or local provider. 

“I knew the symptoms. I had the experience. I was a physician,
 and I was scared to death. Imagine someone who does not 
have the information,” he noted. Sadrzadeh has offered 
Moderna a blood sample in an effort to help the firm 
identify what ingredient in the vaccine may have
 triggered the allergic reaction.

“I really don’t want anybody to go and experience 
this and go through this event that I had,” he said.

The concerning case is the first of its kind to be linked to the 
Moderna jab. Officials with the Food and Drug Administration 
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are 
investigating at least six cases of severe allergic 
reactions occurring in people who took the 
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. However, it is still 
being determined whether an ingredient 
in the vaccine is responsible for the
 health episodes.

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super ghonerhea

Overuse of antibiotics amid Covid-19 crisis 
could drive surge in ‘untreatable SUPER 
GONORRHEA’, health experts warn
23rd December, 2020 (RT)
The excessive use of antibiotics during the Covid-19 pandemic 
could be fueling a spike in a highly drug-resistant STI – “super
 gonorrhea” – the World Health Organization has warned amid
 a recent uptick in the disease.
While no antibiotic has been found to be effective in fighting off 
the coronavirus, the drugs were heavily administered in the 
early stages of the pandemic, with one Cambridge study 
showing that more than 70 percent of Covid-19 patients
 in the US received them between March and April. 
Though they are also used to prevent “co-infections” in hospital
 settings, the researchers found the drugs were still overused,
 reporting a “significant mismatch” between bacterial co-
infections and patients receiving antibiotics.
The over-reliance on the medications risks unleashing a new wave 
of antibiotic-resistant infections, such as “super gonorrhea” – a 
more hardy and drug-resilient version of the sexually-transmitted
 infection (STI) – a World Health Organization spokesperson told
 the Sun.
“Overuse of antibiotics in the community, can fuel the emergence 
of antimicrobial resistance in gonorrhea,” the WHO representative 
said, adding that Azithromycin, a common antibiotic for treating 
respiratory illnesses, was given to countless Covid-19 patients
 earlier in the health crisis.
Such a situation can fuel the emergence of resistance in gonorrhea
 including gonorrhea superbug (super gonorrhea) or gonorrhea 
with 'high level resistance' to current antibiotics recommended
 to treat it.
The spokesperson also pointed to disruptions in STI services 
during the pandemic, saying “this means more STI cases are 
not diagnosed properly with more people self-medicating as
 a result.”
Kevin Cox, the executive chairperson for British biotech firm 
Biotaspheric Ltd., said the 'phenomenon' could soon render 
the disease untreatable, telling the Sun that new approaches 
are “urgently” needed as those infected pass on the illness 
and “accelerate” its drug-resistance.
The WHO has warned elsewhere that antimicrobial resistance
 in gonorrhea has “increased rapidly in recent years” and 
“reduced options for treatment,” even prior to the 
emergence of the coronavirus on the world stage 
late last year. 
Though the lion’s share of the 90 million or so gonorrhea cases
 reported worldwide annually are recorded in Africa, Europe 
has also recorded an uptick in the illness, seeing a 22%
 spike between 2017 and 2018, according to the latest 
data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention
 and Control. The US experienced a smaller surge, 
about 5 percent, in the same period, official 
numbers show.
Chlamydia & gonorrhea rates in younger US women SOAR, as 
health experts raise alarm over drop in tests during pandemic
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A global team of experts
has found 10 FATAL FLAWS 
in the main test for Covid
and is demanding 
it’s urgently axed.
As they should
December 1st, 2020  (RT)

By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in 
London. He has a background in the life sciences, and 
graduated from the University of Glasgow with a 
degree in genetics

A peer review of the paper on which most Covid testing is based 
has comprehensively debunked the science behind it, finding 
major flaws. They conclude it’s utterly unsuitable as a means
 for diagnosis – and the fall-out is immense.

Last week, I reported on a landmark ruling from Portugal, where 
a court had ruled against a governmental health authority that 
had illegally confined four people to a hotel this summer. They 
had done so because one of the people had tested positive 
for Covid in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test – but 
the court had found the test fundamentally flawed and 
basically inadmissible. 

Now the PCR testing supremacy under which we all now live has 
received another crushing blow. A peer review from a group of 22
 international experts has found 10 “major flaws” in the main 
protocol for such tests. The report systematically dismantles
 the original study, called the Corman-Drosten paper, which 
described a protocol for applying the PCR technique to 
detecting Covid.

The Corman-Drosten paper was published on January, 23, 2020, 
just a day after being submitted, which would make any peer 
review process that took place possibly the shortest in history. 
What is important about it is that the protocol it describes is 
used in around 70 percent of Covid kits worldwide. It’s 
cheap, fast – and absolutely useless.

The 10 deadly sins

Among the fatal flaws that totally invalidate
 the PCR testing protocol are that the test:

is non-specific, due to erroneous primer design

is enormously variable

cannot discriminate between the
whole virus and viral fragments

has no positive or negative controls

has no standard operating procedure

does not seem to have been
properly peer reviewed

Oh dear. One wonders whether anything at all was correct in the
 paper. But wait – it gets worse. As has been noted previously, 
no threshold for positivity was ever identified. This is why
 labs have been running 40 cycles, almost guaranteeing 
a large number of false positives – up to 97 percent,
 according to some studies.

The cherry on top, though, is that among the authors of the 
original paper themselves, at least 4 have severe conflicts 
of interest. 2 of them are members of the editorial board 
of Eurosurveillance, the sinisterly named journal that 
published the paper. And at least three of them are 
on the payroll of the first companies to perform 
PCR testing!

Heroes we deserve

The 22 members of the consortium that has challenged this 
shoddy science deserve huge credit. The scientists, from
 Europe, the USA, and Japan, comprise senior molecular 
geneticists, biochemists, immunologists, and 
microbiologists, with many decades of 
experience between them.

They have issued a demand to Eurosurveillance to retract the 
Corman-Drosten paper, writing: “Considering the scientific 
and methodological blemishes presented here, we are 
confident that the editorial board of Eurosurveillance 
has no other choice but to retract the publication.’’ 
Talk about putting the pressure on.

It is difficult to overstate the implications of this revelation. Every 
single thing about the Covid orthodoxy relies on ‘case numbers’,
 which are largely the results of the now widespread PCR tests. 
If their results are essentially meaningless, then everything we
 are being told – and ordered to do by increasingly dictatorial 
governments – is likely to be incorrect. For instance, one of 
the authors of the review is Dr Mike Yeadon, who asserts 
that, in the UK, there is no ‘second wave’ and that the 
pandemic has been over since June. Having seen 
the PCR tests so unambiguously debunked, it is
 hard to see any evidence to the contrary. 

The house of cards collapses

Why was this paper rushed to publication in January, despite clearly 
not meeting proper standards? Why did none of the checks and 
balances that are meant to prevent bad science dictating 
public policy kick into action? And why did it take so 
long for anyone in the scientific community to 
challenge its faulty methodology? These 
questions lead to dark ruminations, 
which I will save for another day.

Even more pressing is the question of what is going to be done about
 this now. The people responsible for writing and publishing the paper 
have to be held accountable. But also, all PCR testing based on the 
Corman-Drosten protocol should be stopped with immediate effect. 
All those who are so-called current ‘Covid cases’, diagnosed based
 on that protocol, should be told they no longer have to isolate. All 
present and previous Covid deaths, cases, and ‘infection rates’ 
should be subject to a massive retroactive inquiry. And lock-
downs, shutdowns, and other restrictions should be 
urgently reviewed and relaxed.

Because this latest blow to PCR testing raises the probability that we 
are not enduring a killer virus pandemic, but a false positive pseudo-
epidemic. And one on which we are destroying our economies, 
wrecking people’s livelihoods and causing more deaths than 
Covid-19 will ever claim.

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Efficacy vs safety?
vaccine is ‘busted flush’
 IF it cannot help elderly –
but US jabs may be worse, 
UK doctor tells RT
November 26th, 2020  (RT)

AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine could be a lost cause if
 it turns out that it cannot protect the elderly against the 
disease, Malcolm Kendrick, an NHS GP, told RT. He 
warned that on the other hand, US vaccines 
could be dangerous.

“Realistically, it has got to work for the elderly, otherwise it is a
busted flush,” the Scottish doctor said, commenting on the 
recent media reports about the jab’s potential efficacy. 

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that the vaccine developed by 
the British-Swedish drug manufacturer 'might be' much 
less effective for the elderly population, than it is for 
younger people.

The reports came after the company released quite puzzling 
Phase-III clinical trials data demonstrating diverging results 
in two different groups of participants. The jab somehow 
turned out to be much more effective when a half dose 
was injected and then followed by a full dose, a 
month on.

Bloomberg suggested, citing Moncef Slaou, the head of the US 
Operation Warp Speed program, that the surprisingly 90%-
effective half-dose regimen, was injected to people of 
younger ages, while another group, which included 
the elderly, had received two full doses that 
showed only a 62%-efficiency.

If Bloomberg’s report turns out to be true, Kendrick says that 
would mean the vaccine is virtually useless, explaining that 
the younger population is “remarkably unaffected by the
 virus itself” and has an extremely low Covid-linked 
mortality rate. So, it would hardly need as strong 
protection as people of older age.

The doctor cautioned against jumping to conclusions as he said 
that any trial results published by pretty-much any vaccine 
developer nowadays should be considered “a very early 
stage efficacy testing, rather than a major trial.”

“So, all the [tests] are at very, very early stages. It is too early for 
other companies to be jumping up and saying: ‘yours does not 
work and ours does’.”

In fact, other vaccines developed by AstraZeneca’s rivals across 
the pond – Moderna and Pfizer, which also collaborates with 
Germany’s BioNTech – might pose a much greater risk than 
just a possibility of a vaccine being not as effective, 
Kendrick warned.

Both American vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) to combat 
the virus. That is an advanced genetic therapy that uses the 
virus’ own genetic material against it. Kendrick, however, 
warns that the technology is really new and untested, 
meaning no one really knows how it could affect 
human health, since it literally hijacks the 
cellular reproduction mechanism.

“When you are dealing with something that has never been tried 
before, the efficacy might not be so important but safety issues 
should absolutely be looked at very carefully,” he said. “We 
really do not know what these things might end up doing, 
after a prolonged period of time.”

The fact that this rivalry between the drug manufacturers could
 end up with information of vital importance to the public being
 concealed, is something that is completely out of place during 
the global pandemic, the doctor said.

“They are still playing these secret games, which is not appropriate
 right now when the world needs to feel confident that people are 
being given as much information as possible,” Kendrick said, 
while calling on the vaccine developers to “be as honest 
and open and share as much data as they possibly can.”

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Frank Furedi:

''Since the pandemic, anxiety about the mental health 
consequences of loneliness, have intensified. This 
tendency to interpret the act of fearing, existential 
pain, disappointment & distress, through the prism
of mental health, is best captured by the concept 
of medicalisation.The term medicalisation draws 
attention to the 'trend' towards interpreting the 
problems people encounter in their daily lives, 
as medical ones.

This means human problems 
often come with a
diagnosis. You are no longer 
shy, for example
– you suffer from social phobia. 

Energetic boys who are ''deemed'' to be too active 
and don’t pay attention to their teacher, are given 
the label Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

 A child’s temper tantrum is now described as 
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder. Is it 
surprising that mental illness is always said 
to be on the increase?''


Researchers: UK Government Justifies 
2nd National Lockdown Using Outdated 
Death Scenarios That May Be 4 Times 
Too High
November 2nd, 2020 (FNA)
The British government has used out-of-date death-scenario
modelling to illustrate the coronavirus crisis and justify a 
second national lockdown, new research showed.
The selection of data has not been based on the current 
reality, Carl Heneghan, the director of the Centre for 
Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University 
said, in comments published on Monday, 
RT reported.
The death forecasts could be four to five times too 
high, Heneghan insists.
"I cannot understand why they have used this data, 
when there are far more up-to-date forecasts from 
Cambridge that they could have accessed, which 
show something very different," Heneghan added.
The government’s scientific advisers showed a scenario 
from Cambridge University at a Downing Street press 
conference on Saturday, and graphs suggested 
England could see 4,000 daily deaths early 
next month. But this data was based on 
different models from at least three 
weeks ago, Heneghan and Daniel 
Howdon of Leeds Institute of 
Health Sciences explained 
on Monday.
The Cambridge estimated projection for November 1st 
is 1,000 deaths, the experts stated.
The most recent research from Cambridge forecasts 
240 daily deaths for next week, while this figure 
stands at around 500 in the second half 
of November.

No Sputnik V for you!
EU insists only ‘approved’
 Covid vaccines allowed
after Orban says 
Hungary is in talks
with Russia & China
 October 31st, 2020 (RT news agency)
EU member states will be allowed to use only official 
EU-approved Covid-19 vaccines, Brussels said --- in 
response to remarks by Hungarian Prime Minister 
Viktor Orban that Budapest was negotiating for 
shots with Russia and China.
“There is no question that any vaccine that is, or could 
be, made available on the territory of the European 
Union would have to comply both with the quality 
standards that are expected for these types of 
products in the EU and follow the approval 
procedures” currently in effect, European 
Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said 
at a press conference on Friday, asked 
about Orban’s comments.
While not calling out Orban by name, Mamer’s comments 
came after the Hungarian PM said Budapest was talking
Beijing and Moscow and hoping to have two or three 
different vaccines by early next year.
The first shipment of vaccines should arrive in December 
or January, and Hungary will be able to “declare victory 
over the pandemic” by next spring, Orban said on 
Friday in a radio interview.
It appears that Brussels will not allow Hungary to do so, 
however, as the bloc has signed agreements with 
AstraZeneca, Sanofi-GSK, and Johnson and 
Johnson for “safe and effective vaccines” 
against the coronavirus, once they 
complete the clinical trials.
“We are not in negotiations with either Russian or Chinese 
companies,” Mamer added. “That is the European vaccine 
strategy. All member states have signed up to this process.”
Johnson & Johnson had paused its trials in mid-October, 
citing an “unexplained illness” in one of the participants. 
AstraZeneca had also halted their trials over a UK 
volunteer experiencing complications, but 
restarted them, even after a Brazilian 
volunteer died on October 20th.
Russia was the first in the world to register a coronavirus 
vaccine. Dubbed ‘Sputnik V’, it is based on the adenoviral 
vector platform previously studied and considered safe, 
and is currently undergoing phase-three trials. Moscow 
has applied for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 
Emergency Use Listing program, which would allow 
accelerated approval of the vaccine for use.
Brussels and Washington have objected to the Russian 
vaccine, ostensibly on the grounds of safety. The US 
also appears to have leaned on governments to 
pressure them away from ‘Sputnik V’. On 
October 16th, the US embassy in Kiev 
announced that Ukraine “will NOT 
be buying Russia’s [Covid-19] 
vaccine, which has not 
passed clinical trials 
for safety!”
Meanwhile, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has 
expressed his distrust of Western pharmaceutical 
companies, accusing them of being “all about 
profit.” Duterte said he would seek a deal to 
buy the vaccine from China or Russia --- 
which Manila was prepared to pay for.
Some 2,000 doses of the Russian vaccine were sent to 
Venezuela in early October, after the authorities in 
Caracas asked for help due to US & EU sanctions 
ravaging the country’s healthcare system. 
The virus, which was first detected in China in December 
2019, quickly spread around the world, with the WHO 
declaring a pandemic in March. Almost 45.5 million 
people have been infected so far, with 1.18 million 
deaths attributed to the virus. Much of Europe 
and the US have locked down in an effort to 
slow the spread, with disastrous economic 
The EU’s Mamer did acknowledge that “at some point” 
vaccines produced outside the bloc “may” be 
considered for distribution, but declined 
to elaborate.
Are Western attacks on the Russian Covid-19 
vaccine a corporate cold war against humanity?
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Maduro says Venezuelan scientists
developed medicine 
that ‘cancels
100% of Covid-19’ --- with no
October 26th, 2020 (Source - RT)

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says his country has
designed “a highly effective antiviral”, which decimates 
coronavirus --- without any side effects. The drug will 
be presented to the WHO for certification, he added.

"I want to say that Venezuela has developed a medicine 
that annihilates 100% of the coronavirus," Maduro said 
on Sunday, describing it as a “highly effective antiviral.”

It was designed by the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific 
Research (IVIC), which has been working on a cure for 
the virus for the past six months, he noted.

The medicine is based on a molecule called TR-10, 
which was isolated and, when pitted against the 
virus, proved its absolute effectiveness, 
he claimed.

Maduro said the study has already been reviewed by 
experts and scientists, and will be presented to the 
World Health Organization (WHO) so that it can 
certify its findings. 

As he touted the potential breakthrough in Covid-19 therapy, 
Maduro said Venezuela looks forward “to offering this 
treatment to the world,” congratulating the IVIC on 
“this great contribution to humanity.” Mass 
production of the drug will be facilitated 
through “international alliances,” he 
said, without elaborating.

The newly-developed drug is completely safe, the institute 
claimed, insisting it “does not affect healthy molecules in 
the body” and does not result in any side effects. 

The studies were conducted on virus cells isolated from 
Venezuelan coronavirus patients, Gabriela Jiménez, the 
minister of science and technology, said.

The molecule is an ursolic acid derivative, which “has 
shown 100 percent inhibition of virus replication in 
vitro [outside of a living organism],” she said, as 
cited by EFE News Agency.

Earlier this month, Venezuela became the first Latin 
American nation to receive Russia’s Sputnik V 
Covid-19 vaccine. Around 2,000 people are 
expected to be immunized in Venezuela 
as part of the phase III trial. It was 
registered in Russia in August 
--- making it the world’s first 
registered Covid-19 vaccine.

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Brazilian Volunteer in Clinical Trials
of Oxford 
Anti-Covid Vaccine
Dies, Health Authority Says
17:13 GMT 21.10.2020 (Sputnik News Agency)

It's not clear yet whether the late participant 
was receiving the vaccine...  or a placebo.

A volunteer from Brazil who was taking part in 
the Oxford coronavirus vaccine trials has died, 
the country's Health Regulatory Agency 
Anvisa confirmed.

According to the agency, they were notified about 
the death of a 28-year-old volunteer on 19 October. 
The person's death has apparently occurred as a 
result of "complications from COVID-19", Globa 
newspaper reported.

Anvisa did not, immediately, clarify whether the
olunteer was taking the vaccine or the placebo, 
and the situation is still under review.

The anti-COVID vaccine in question is being developed 
by the University of Oxford in partnership with British-
Swedish multinational pharmaceutical giant 
AstraZeneca. It is presently in the third 
stage of clinical trials in Brazil, UK, 
India and South Africa.

AstraZeneca has refused to comment on 
the situation so far, amid the lack of an 
official position.


Pippa Bartolotti: No Compassion
in Capitalism during Covid-19
October 12th, 2020  (FNA)

 Pippa Bartolotti, former Leader of Wales Green party, says 
a capitalist system sacrifices people for the sake of the
economy, as witnessed in the coronavirus outbreak in 
the US.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, Mrs. Bartolotti 
said the mismanagement of the US Administration is obvious 
during the Covid-19, and added, “The queuing for miles at 
foodbanks, the attitude of the banks in withholding 
stimulus checks to the poverty stricken, the many 
thousands of homes with no water supply because 
they could not pay the bills, the empty shelves in 
supermarkets, are all juxtaposed against the 
$500-billion in bail-out gifts made to the 
already wealthy, pointing the long finger 
of mismanagement at a system which
weak at best, failing at worst.”

Pippa Bartolotti is an author and political activist. She 
served as the Wales Green Party Leader from 2012 
for four years, and then as the joint-deputy leader 
until 2017. She is now based in the US.

Below is the full text of the interview:

Q: Do you believe that Americans are benefitting from the 
“all-time high market” during the coronavirus outspread?

A: ''It is becoming more and more evident that markets, just 
like GDP and other monetary measures, do not reflect the 
true health of a nation. Indeed, even the words ‘strong 
economy’ are more a reflection of hubristic neo-
liberalism than reality. Covid-19, whilst a death 
knoll for too many, is allowing many ordinary 
people a space for reflection & consideration.''
''The queuing for miles at foodbanks, the 
attitude of the banks now in withholding 
stimulus checks to the poverty struck,
the many thousands of homes with no 
water supply, because they could not 
pay the bills, the empty shelves in 
super-markets, are all juxtaposed 
against the $500-billion in bail-out 
gifts made to the already wealthy, 
pointing the long finger of mis-
management at a system 
which is weak at best, 
failing at worst.''

Q: Why does Donald Trump firmly insist on 
Americans returning to work? Does this 
put the lives of Americans at risk?

A: ''The cracks in the system are widening. When a country, 
for so long reliant on a ‘just in time’ policy discovers that 
the policy is in fact ‘just too late’, there is panic at the
Food shortages are very close. Starvation has an 
immediacy, like no other. Never before have so 
many people lived more than one day’s walk 
from a food supply. Urban dwellers will take 
to the streets -- and system collapse will be 
inevitable. That's why there's huge pressure 
to get people back to work. For those who do 
not, run a 'very high risk' of losing their lives, 
their legs or their loved ones, engineering a
situation whereby people start demanding 
to go back to work, is likely. There is no 
compassion in capitalism. People will 
be sacrificed, to prop up what passes 
for the economy.''

Q: How do you believe the capitalist system 
implemented in the US can deal with the
coronavirus outbreak?

A: ''I believe that those who have been working the 
capitalist system for their own ends, will find it 
almost impossible, to change the way they do 
things. Even if they did, there would be great 
suspicion and mistrust. Capitalism has failed 
us. It cannot stand up to disasters such as a 
virus pandemic, and it will not be able to 
stand up to the problems brought by 
climate change. Ordinary people are 
likely to become disengaged from a 
system, which they can now see with 
their own eyes, has impoverished the 
vast majority. Of course the mass media 
plays a big part in what news and current 
affairs people may or may not hear about, 
but the mounting numbers of dead --- the 
lack of equipment for doctors and nurses, 
cleaners and front line workers, the pitting 
of state against state for PPE & ventilators 
will not be forgotten. Advanced capitalism 
- otherwise known as vulture capitalism - 
leaves no room for doubt – for capitalism 
to survive, it has to put itself before the 
needs of the people who've unwittingly 
made it such as success.''

''Ultimately it is down to individuals themselves to value 
their lives and their loved ones above the economy. 
Right now, we are seeing the magnificent sight of 
cleaner air and resurgent wildlife, whilst at the 
same time allocating a diminishing importance 
to consumerist spending. This in turn will cut
 manufacturing demand. As the price of dollar-
backed oil & fracked gas plummets, we hover 
on the brink of a complete re-evaluation of our 
economy, our priorities, and the way we live. 
The people of the world could go back to 
the old ways, but why would they?''


119 if you're in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
Scotland number given below will result in friendly, 
expert [non-privatised] GOOD help and advice)

So phone 0300 303 2713 if you're 
in Scotland, England, or Wales!

P.S. The tests themselves are of very dubious value
as they are complicated, self-administered, and
controlled by (privatised) non-medical staff, who
are more 
alert to their own ''safety'' than yours!


Privatisation to Blame for
Track and Trace Disaster 
--- Not the NHS
23:12 GMT 27.09.2020
by Tommy Sheridan

For over a week now I have been racked with the pain 
of an aggressive bout of Shingles and largely confined 
to bed and ordered to swallow daily medication 
designed to undermine the virus and relieve 
my pain.

However no amount of tablets in the world could relieve 
my anger at this dishonest, deceitful, and corrupt Tory 
government which is literally privatising the National 
Health Service before our eyes and playing an 
almighty con-trick on the public with the 
shabby and shameful assistance of the 
pathetically docile and deferential 
mainstream media.

The NHS Track and Trace system that Unscrupulous Johnson 
and Hopeless Hancock keep bleating on about doesn’t exist. 

They privatised it in June, to reward Tory donors with 
lucrative government contracts, despite the dubious 
and dodgy records of performance, including criminal 
behaviour, of those Tory supporting companies. This 
privatised system is an expensive, chaotic cock-up, 
and no proper or honest journalist should ever allow 
it to be associated with the NHS.

Privatised Track and Trace System is a Shambles

The ‘world beating’, privatised scheme is not just incapable 
of testing enough people locally or timeously - it has had to 
send off almost 200,000 swabs and tests to other countries 
to be processed, as the testing lab network introduced by 
the private providers has proved woefully understaffed, 
ill-prepared and overrun.

To add insult to world-wide embarrassment and bemusement 
we now learn that the over-hyped but essential App system 
required to facilitate the effective operation of any test 
track and trace scheme, is not compatible with the 
existing NHS England data systems, meaning that 
users of the App cannot currently input positive or 
negative results from tests carried out at NHS 
hospitals or Public Health England Labs (PHE) 
labs, according to the app’s website.

And just in case anyone doubted the shambolic nature of the 
whole situation, the information that tens of thousands of 
tests couldn’t be input to the new contact tracing App 
was discovered by accident, when NHS England 
informed a man who was trying to input his test 
results that it wasn’t possible to do so, only a 
day after a massive public launch, costing 
tens of millions to advertise.

Track and Trace in England is
NOT an NHS Run Service

It was launched on Thursday, after months of delay, but 
within twenty-four hours came the humiliating admission 
that more than 60,000 tests couldn’t be input, thereby 
making a mockery of the whole system. A comedic, 
expensive, politically criminal reality, which was 
confirmed by the Tawdry Tory government 
last Saturday:

“The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has said 
it is “working urgently” to make sure people can add their 
positive test results to the app who are not given a code 
to do so”.

What is infuriating and merits investigation by the Trades 
Description enforcement officers is the use of ‘NHS COVID
-19 app’ to describe this privatised system on Twitter, as 
the ignominious truth was revealed.

Repeat it over and over again. It is NOT an NHS Track 
and Trace system and it is NOT an NHS Covid-19 app.

It is a farce designed and delivered entirely by private 
companies at great cost to the public purse. Ministers
like Hancock should be sacked - or resign - over this 
whole fiasco, but to sack him would take leadership
from Johnson, and to resign would require integrity 
from Hancock. Neither of them possesses leader-
ship qualities or integrity.

Channel 4 Report Rare Exposure 
of Privatisation at Heart of NHS

Take the time to check out the Channel 4 News Report the 
other night, which uniquely examined the background of 
the test and trace mess and exposed the fact that the 
responsibility for the current omnishambles lies with 
the Tory privateers and the companies they 
appointed, not the NHS.

The Tories were irresponsibly slow in setting up a track 
& tracing system to get to grips with the Covid19 threat. 

All across the world, without exception, the countries 
which have dealt best with the Covid19 pandemic and 
protected their citizens and economies, are the ones 
who responded quickest to the threat and introduced
 robust and extensive test, track and trace systems.

The World Health Organisation advice couldn’t have been 
simpler, so even dodos like Johnson and Hancock cannot 
claim they didn’t understand the “test, test, test” advice 
issued away back on 16th March. World Health 
Organisation head, Tedros Adhanom 
Ghebreyesus, said then to the world:

“… there has not been an urgent enough escalation in testing,
 isolation and contact tracing, which should be the "backbone"
 of the global response … it is not possible to "fight a fire 
blindfolded", and social distancing measures and hand-
washing will not alone extinguish the epidemic”.

Yet the Tories didn’t launch a track and trace system until 28th May, 
over two months after the World Health Organisation exhortations. 

An allocation of £10 billion was announced and testing was 
originally conducted at 8 Public Health England Labs and 
44 NHS Labs. Scotland launched their own distinct Test 
and Protect scheme.

Within weeks the privatising instincts and intentions of the 
Tories in relation to the NHS, were laid bare. The Covid19 
crisis brings out the best in public servants like health 
and care workers, but exposes the creed of greed 
which courses through the Tory blue veins of the 
rich and powerful.

Behind the scenes lobbying and promises of sinecures and 
future paid consultancy posts, led to Hancock appointing 
consultancy firm Deloitte to take over the track and trace 
scheme. They built the website for booking tests, the one 
that advises thousands seeking tests to travel hundreds 
of miles to get one, and then sub-contracted private firms 
like Serco, Sodexo and G4S, to run testing centres. How 
much each company is being paid is not entirely clear, 
but no tendering process was carried out. Private 
consultancy firm Deloitte was awarded money, 
allocated originally to the NHS, to pick and 
choose their pals and pay them juicy sums 
to run testing centres under the flag of 
the NHS.

Test swabs were to be sent to a series of ‘Lighthouse Labs’ 
for processing with a mixture of private and public labs. 
The private labs used different equipment to the public 
ones, leading to kit compatibility problems whenever 
help was requested. Latest figures show that the 
number of tests turned around in 24 hours has 
dropped from an uninspiring 32% a week ago, 
to a positively pathetic 14% this week. So 
much for super duper Tory Peer Dido Harding 
who was appointed head of the new Health 
Protection Agency, whatever the hell that’s
supposed to be, despite not possessing 
any health service skills, qualifications 
or experience. She has been a high heid 
yin at Sainsbury, Tesco and Talk --- but 
would you trust her to keep the health
service well-funded & in public hands?

Outsourcing Giants are Modern Day
Pirates Pillaging the NHS

If someone tests positive, contact tracers employed by Serco 
and Sitel are paid to plot the infected person’s interactions 
with people during the infectious period. Serco’s tracing 
contract alone is worth £108 million, but will rise to 
£432 million if it continues into 2021.

This huge privatisation of a vital health service responsibility 
is carried out in camouflage. Like Pirates in the lawless days 
of high seas robbery who used to sail under dishonest flags 
to dupe and surprise their unsuspecting victims before 
pillage and robbery, so the private companies running 
the track & trace system are allowed by government 
to describe their operation as NHS Test and Trace - 
when it is nothing more or less than a profit driven 
exercise in ripping off the public purse and 
denying the NHS vital monies.

The Pirate analogy is entirely appropriate here. Serco
 is a company soaked in dishonesty and exuding 
incompetence and fraud in equal doses. They 
were fined £19.2 million last year, after a six 
year Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigation 
into a massive scam in connection with a 
prisoner electronic tagging scheme which 
unearthed fraudulent claims for tagging 
dead people, people who didn’t live at 
the addresses submitted, and people 
who were actually in prison. The fraud 
raked in millions dishonestly for Serco 
& G4S and the admission to the fraud 
is what prevented a criminal trial.

Under the Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) scheme Serco 
and G4S avoided criminal charges by paying back millions to 
the Ministry of Justice, admitting guilt to three of the many 
charges and paying fines and SFO investigation costs. G4S 
paid £121 million back to the Ministry of Justice, Serco 
paid back £70 million. G4S paid a fine of £38.5 million 
and £5.9 million costs to the SFO. Serco paid £19.2 
million and £3.7 million respectively.

Of G4S the SFO director Lisa Osofsky said:
“G4S Care & Justice repeatedly lied to the
Ministry of Justice, 
profiting to the tune of
millions of pounds --- and failing to provide 
the openness, transparency and overall
good corporate 
citizenship --- which
UK taxpayers expect and deserve
companies entering into
government contracts.”

Her comments on Serco were equally damning. 

They were, she said: “engaged in a concerted
effort to lie to the Ministry of Justice
 in order
to profit unlawfully at the expense of
UK taxpayers.”

Companies Guilty of Criminal Fraud 
Given Multi-Million NHS Contracts

Deloitte was complicit in the 2011-2013 electronic tagging scandal
as they were supposed to monitor and check the activities and 
books of Serco and G4S, but failed miserably. They were 
investigated by the Financial Reporting Council and pled
guilty to financial incompetence charges - coughing up 
£4.2 million to pay a fine that was reduced by £2 million
because they pleaded guilty. Clearly, deep pockets in 
the corporate world ensures you avoid proper justice. 

Imagine just how much Serco and G4S defrauded the 
public purse by, if they agreed to pay back £191 
million in connection with their criminal scam?

Both companies pay for expensive PR, to try and convince us 
these criminal frauds were the actions of rogue directors and
not part of the DNA of outsourcing firms existing like parasites 
on billions from the public purse. The Serco contract to house 
5,000 asylum seekers awarded last year is worth £1.9 billion 
alone. It reminds me of the consciously dishonest defence 
against illegal phone hacking offered up by the putrid News 
of the World before the extent of their illegality was partially 
exposed and they were compelled to close down the rag.

Deloitte, Serco, G4S, Sodexo, Sitel and several other
profit crazed outfits, desperate to get their hands-on 
public money which should be invested in public 
services, are the villains behind the test and 
trace system in England and Wales. It should 
NEVER be referred to as ‘NHS Track and Trace’.

 How can companies like Serco, with their 
criminal past, continue to secure massive 
public contracts?  Serco’s CEO is a former 
Bullingdon Club member and brother of 
recently retired Conservative MP 
Nicholas Soames. His name is 
Rupert Soames and he has 
said he wants Serco to:
“cement the position of
theprivate sector” 
the NHS supply chain.

The current junior health Minister is Edward Argar. 
Guess who he worked for before being elected to 
Parliament? Yep. He was Head of Public Affairs 
for Serco. The contact tracing contract they 
were awarded was not subject to any tender.

Deloitte has advised the Tories for years on how to 
cut NHS budgets, through staff reductions and 
increased outsourcing. Now they are in the 
heart of the health service and in charge
a vital service. The track and tracing 
disasters are theirs, but they will seek 
to shift blame onto the NHS and hope 
to undermine public confidence in it 
and support for it. They must not be 
allowed to succeed.

Hidden under all the headlines of anti-lockdown protests 
the other day, the Tories have removed ear-wax syringing 
from the NHS, and a private pharmaceutical NHS supplier 
has raised the price of Lithium tablets from £3 to £87 a 
packet for people with bipolar. These are not isolated 
decisions. The no-deal Brexit Johnson is hoping for, 
and the free trade deal with America, are absolutely 
critical dangers to the survival of the NHS. It is one 
of the many reasons Scottish independence is now 
so popular. We love the NHS and we will not allow 
the cold, cruel, callous and unrepresentative Tories
in London to sell it off. The NHS is being privatised 
before our eyes. We will defend ours in Scotland, 
via independence. England and Wales must 
mobilise decent citizens and the trade
movement to defend theirs,
before it is 
too late.


Link between social media use
and mental health stronger
 in girls: study
January 6th, 2019

Xinhua - Teenage girls who spend more time on social media
have a higher risk of depression, according to a study
published in the British journal EClinicalMedicine
on Thursday.

Researchers led by Yvonne Kelly from University College
 London (UCL) in Britain found that almost 40 percent
of girls who spend more than five hours a day on
social media show symptoms of depression,
while the rate is much lower for boys,
which is less than 15 percent.

The researchers said the underlying processes
 of this phenomenon are not well understood.

Simon Wessely, an ex-president of the Royal College of
 Psychiatrists, told the British newspaper The Guardian
 that the researchers "still cannot definitely say that
social media usage causes poor mental health,
although the evidence is starting to point in
that direction."

Two-fifths of girls studied by UCL researchers have
suffered online harassments or online bullying
compared to a quarter of boys, while 40%
of girls, compared to 28% of boys, have
 suffered sleep loss because of online
habits, according to the study.

Compared with boys, girls are more likely to have
 low self-esteem and body weight dissatisfaction,
 and be unhappy with their appearance, said
the study.

The research is based on interviews with almost
11,000 14-year-olds who are taking part in the
Millennium Cohort Study, a major research
 project into children's lives.

The researchers claimed that these findings are
highly relevant to current policy development
on guidelines for the safe use of social media
 and call on industry to more tightly regulate
hours of social media use for young people.

walk into a bar

Clean cut: Dutch hospitals ditch
US body-part distributors

 over ethics, disease
December 9th, 2018.

Hospitals in the Netherlands are dropping US body-part
 distributors on ethical grounds after a decade of
unregulated trade in dissected human limbs.

In the United States, everything has its price, and as
the large scale dead-body market shows, this does
not end, after death. In a Reuters exclusive, two
Dutch hospitals revealed that they would be
cutting off their business ties to American
companies that have been profiting off
the sale of human body parts, in light
of disturbing revelations.

The scrutiny began after Oregon-based MedCure came
under suspicion of selling diseased body parts to
customers in America and abroad, drawing
attention from the FBI. The company has
sold tens of thousands of pounds of
human parts all over Europe,
including numerous severed
heads that were purchased
by Amsterdam’s Academic
Medical Centre (AMC) for
training and research.

No evidence of disease was discovered in these particular
shipments, but AMC and another Dutch hospital said they
 would drop the suppliers over their questionable ethics.

The parts the companies sell are often acquired from
 macabre deals where families are offered discounts
 on incredibly expensive funeral arrangements (with
 an average price-tag of $7,000 to $10,000 dollars in
 the US), in exchange for allowing companies to
 dismember and sell pieces of their loved ones’
corpses... yet, most don’t even realize that
someone is making money from their

According to another Reuters article from 2017, many funeral
homes have struck mutually beneficial deals with body-parts
 distributors – tipping them off on potential donors, in
exchange for referral fees – to take advantage of a
‘product’ that can easily be obtained for free.

Whereas Dutch law is fairly strict in regard to the transport,
sale and use of human organs, the body-part market is
essentially a free-for-all, with the health industry
claiming that regulations are not needed as the
 hospitals themselves are trusted to take
precautionary measures.

Freek Dikkers, a nose, ears and throat specialist at AMC
whose department had purchased heads from MedCure,
called such morbid business strategies “unacceptable.”

 Reuters reports that the going rate of a human head
on the US market is $500 dollars and an entire body
can fetch as much as $10,000...  although the
hospitals themselves declined to comment
on how much they had been paying.

MedCure say they are “an accredited and regulated
institution and adhere to the best-in-class industry
standards for safety ethics, and transparency,”
 who sells the parts in order to facilitate
scientific and medical research.

MedCure is not the first global medical supply company
to draw heavy scrutiny for exploiting an unregulated
market. The International Consortium of Independent
Journalists published a study, just this year, about
American based Medtronic, which made millions
selling faulty biometric implants - linked to
thousands of deaths.

(Source - RT)


Alcohol dependence & 
psychiatric disorders, 
share genetic links
- study

November 28th at 1:13am.

Xinhua - An international team of researchers have
 identified a gene, known to affect the risk for
alcohol dependence, and determined many
 other genes which contribute to the risk, 
to a lesser degree.

The researchers linked genetic factors associated
 with alcohol dependence to other psychiatric
 disorders, such as depression, and showed
that genetic factors tied to typical drinking
sometimes are different from those linked
 to alcohol dependence.

The study involved 50,000+ people. It compared
 genetic variants from nearly 15,000 individuals
 diagnosed with alcohol dependence to nearly
 38,000 people without such a diagnosis.

The one gene that stood out, called ADH1B, regulates
how the body converts alcohol to a substance called
 acetaldehyde. Variants in the gene speed the
 conversion to acetaldehyde, a compound
 linked to unpleasant side effects from
 drinking, and that compound has a
protective effect, making people
less likely to drink heavily or
become alcoholics.

The researchers found that the genetic risk factors
 related to alcohol dependence, were also linked to
 risk for other psychiatric disorders, such as
depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and the
use of cigarettes and marijuana.

A key aspect of the study is that it included genetic data
 from 46,568 European people and 6,280 people of
African ancestry. Although the same ADH1B gene
 was linked to alcoholism risk, both in people of
 European ancestry, and African ancestry, the
researchers found that different variants in
the gene altered risk in the 2 populations.

The researchers also found that the genetic factors
 related to simply drinking alcohol, were a little
 different, from the genetic factors that
 contributed to alcohol dependence.

In other words, at least at the genetic
level, there is a difference between
simply drinking alcohol, even large
amounts of alcohol, and becoming
 dependent on it.

"People suffering from alcohol dependence generally
drink a great deal, but they also experience other
problems, related to their drinking, like losing
 control over when and how much they drink,"
 said senior author Arpana Agrawal, a
professor of psychiatry, at
School of Medicine, 
St. Louis.

"I think it's likely that, as the sample sizes of our studies
 increase, we may find new DNA variants related to
these problematic aspects of alcohol dependence
- but possibly not related to typical drinking"
Agrawal said.

"The risk conferred by the ADH1B gene is one of the
strongest single-gene effects seen in people with a
psychiatric illness, but overall, it explains only a
small proportion of the risk," Agrawal said.

"Many additional gene variants are making small
contributions to alcoholism risk, but to find
we'll need to study more people."

The researchers plan to continue investigating those
 links between genetic susceptibility to alcohol
dependence, and the risk for other types of
psychiatric illness.

It is estimated that one in eight Americans
 suffers from alcohol dependence.

The study was published online, on November
 26th, in the journal, 'Nature Neuroscience'.

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toothpaste can cause type 2 diabetes

Toothpaste Can Cause
Diabetes, Study Says
July 24th, 2018

The titanium dioxide present in toothpaste favours
 the appearance of diabetes type two, according
 to research by the University of Texas, USA.

To demonstrate that statement, the authors analyzed
small samples of pancreas tissue from eleven
says an article in the journal
Chemical Research
in Toxicology.

As a result, eight of them suffered from diabetes type
two, and titanium dioxide (E171) was found in their
parts. No trace of the chemical was found in the
remaining three people.

The authors announced they expect to repeat
the experiment in a larger group of people.

E171 is widely used in cosmetics and food industries
for its ability to provide a whitish colour to products.

Diabetes type two is a metabolic disorder characterized
by high blood sugar levels. Its classic symptoms
are excessive thirst, frequent urination and
constant hunger.

(Source - Prensa Latina)

when the Welsh are marching instead of watching rugby...

Huge explosion in numbers
waiting to get NHS care
by Ceren Sagir

The number of patients waiting over a year for NHS care
has seen a sharp 75 per cent rise, according to a new
official report.

Figures from NHS Improvement show that 2,647 people
said they had waited for over a year for treatment in
March, compared to 1,513 the previous year.

Recent figures show that GP closures have forced
 1.3 million patients to move surgeries in the last
five years.

Shadow health and social care secretary Jonathan
Ashworth said it “exposes a real crisis” in primary
care after “eight years of grinding Tory austerity.”

“Labour has long called for primary care to be
given greater priority and investment,“ he said.

“A key test for Theresa May in the coming weeks
will be whether or not she finally delivers the
 level of investment and support that
primary care so obviously needs.”

The report also highlights that NHS providers ended
 the year with a “challenging level of vacancies” of
 more than 92,000 posts.

A national survey of GPs has revealed that those
who plan to leave the profession in the next five
 years, is at an all-time high.

More than nine out of 10 GPs reported experiencing
considerable or high pressure, from increasing

Fresh calls have been made on the government through
 a petition to review immigration policies for overseas
doctors who are applying to work in the NHS.

Between December 2017 and March, over 1,500 visa
applications from doctors with job offers in Britain
 were refused as a result of the Home Office’s cap
on the number of tier 2 visas it issues to workers
 from outside the European Economic Area.

(Source - Morning Star)


Depressed parents blamed for
childhood friendship breakup
- study
May 10th 2018
(Source: Xinhua) 

A study published on Thursday in the Journal of Family Psychology
sheds light on why childhood friendships tend to fall apart,
demonstrating that parents are an important source
 of those breakups.

Looking at data from 1,523 children, among them 766 boys,
 from grades one to six, researchers from Florida Atlantic
 University (FAU) and the University of Jyvaskyla in
Finland conducted a survival analysis to identify
 the characteristics of parents that predict the
 stability of their children's friendships.

The researchers examined mother and father reports of their
 own depressive symptoms and parenting styles to predict
the occurrence and timing of the dissolution of kids' best
 friendships from the beginning to the end of elementary
school (grades one to six).

The researchers assessed three commonly recognized
parenting styles: behavioral control such as curfews
and monitoring; psychological control such as
 shaming and guilt; and warmth and affection.

They also assessed parental depression to disentangle the
unique contributions of parenting styles from parents'
 mental health difficulties known to shape parenting.

Lastly, they assessed the children's peer social status or
how well-liked they are by other children to separate the
effects of parenting from difficulties that children have
 getting along with peers.

"We already know that peer status plays an important role
 in friendship outcomes. For example, well-liked children
have more long-lasting relationships than do their class-
mates," said Brett Laursen, a co-author of the study and
 a professor and graduate studies coordinator in the
 Department of Psychology in FAU's Charles E.
Schmidt College of Science.

Laursen, who collaborated with lead author Daniel J. Dickson
and co-author Melissa Huey, both of whom received their
doctorates from FAU's Department of Psychology, and
 their collaborators in Finland, wanted to determine if
negative parenting characteristics such as
 manipulative and coercive behaviours
disrupt children's friendships.

Results from the study found clear support for their hypothesis
that negative features of parenting, such as depression and
psychological control, increase the risk that best
friendships would end.

According to the study, for children with clinically depressed
parents, the risk of best friendship dissolution increased by
up to 104 percent.

There was a similar, although not quite as dramatic, increase
 in the risk of best friendship dissolution for children with
psychologically controlling parents.

Parent depression and parent psychological control, uniquely
predicted subsequent child friendships breaking up, above
and beyond the contributions of peer difficulties.

A surprising finding from the study that was contrary to the
 researchers' expectations, was that they did not find any
 evidence that positive parenting behaviours like warmth
and affection, altered the stability of children's best

"We were hoping that positive behaviours would help extend
the life of friendships and that it would be a buffer or a
protective factor," said Laursen. "This wasn't the case.
Warmth and affection don't appear to make that much
of a difference. It's the negative characteristics of
parents that are key in determining if and when
 these childhood friendships end."

Findings from this study also confirmed that most friendships
were transitory. Fewer than 10 percent of first-grade best
friendships survived from the first to the sixth grade,
 with roughly half or 48 percent dissolving within
a year of initiation.

"We believe that children with depressed and psychologically
 controlling parents are not learning healthy strategies for
 engaging with other people, which could have long-term
 consequences for their future relationships,"
 said Laursen.

an alcoholic liver failure

Chronic drinking in adolescence
adds risks of liver diseases
 in adulthood: study
Monday, January  22nd, 2018.
Xinhua - Swedish researchers confirmed in a study
 published Sunday, that chronic consumption of
alcohol during adolescence can lead to greater
risks of developing liver diseases later in life.

The research by the Swedish scientists with Karolinska
University Hospital of Sweden showed that young men
who drank 20 grams or more of alcohol each day during
 their adolescence have higher risks of developing liver
diseases, including liver cirrhosis or even liver-related
deaths, later in their adult life.

The study, published in the Journal of Hepatology, was
based - partly - on the retrospective statistics of over
 49,000 Swedish young men aged between 18 and 20.

The data were collected in a nationwide survey conducted
from 1969 to 1970 on Swedish males conscripted then into
 military service.

The Swedish researchers examined the link between alcohol
 consumption early in life and later development of severe
liver disease.

After 39 years of follow-up research, the scientists found
that 383 men developed severe liver diseases later in
their life, such as liver cirrhosis, decompensated
liver disease, liver failure, or were killed by
liver diseases.

In some countries, recommended cut-off levels suggest that
safe alcohol consumption for men to avoid alcoholic liver
disease is 30 grams a day, roughly equivalent to 3 drinks.

However, the latest study indicates that the risk is dose-
dependent and young men consuming only two drinks,
or about 20 grams or more of alcohol every day, would
face greater risks of developing liver diseases in

It is generally known that alcohol is the leading cause of
 liver cirrhosis and liver-related deaths, and a 2014 report
 by the World Health Organization says that alcohol-related
cirrhosis leads to 493,300 deaths globally each year.

While alcohol-related disease is theoretically 100 percent
preventable, the scientists believe that it is needed to take
 measures to curb excessive alcohol consumption among
young people.

put the phone down

Put the phone down:
US health officials warn
of cancer & infertility risk
16th of December, 2017

The California Department of Public Health has issued guidelines
on cell phone exposure, warning residents to keep their cell
phone away from their body to reduce potential cancer
and infertility risks.

The release follows a legal battle initiated by UC Berkeley researcher
Joel Moskowitz last year after he discovered draft documents on the
 issue had existed since 2010, without being made available to
the public.

The precautionary document, ‘How to reduce exposure to radio f
requency energy from cell phones’, states that while the science
is still evolving, some studies have suggested a link between
long-term mobile phone use and cancer.

Qualifying that these studies have not established a definitive
relationship between the two, and that potential health risks
from cell phones are still contentious among scientists, the
health department states its advisory is for those
 concerned about the possible risks.

The main piece of advice issued by the authority is to keep the
phone away from your body. “Keeping your phone just a few
feet away from you, can make a big difference,” it says.

This means using the speakerphone option or a headset
instead of holding the phone up to your ear and keeping
your mobile device in a backpack or handbag and not
 in a pocket.

The guidelines also warn against a common habit for those
who also use their device as an alarm clock – sleeping next
 to your cell phone. Unless the phone is off or in airplane
mode, keep it at least a few feet away from your bed,
the guidelines recommend.

The report highlights that children could be at greater risk
as their body is still developing and over their lifetime
they will have a lot more exposure.

The release of the CDPH guidelines follows a ruling by the
 Sacramento Superior Court handed down in March. The
state argued in court that the unofficial document would
 cause unnecessary panic, reported KAZU.

A draft document was initially released but these
 new guidelines offer a more detailed picture.

In July, the California Brain Tumor Association held a
demonstration in Sacramento outside the CDPH
building to call for the public release of the cell
phone warning document.

CDPH director Dr Karen Smith said they released the guide-
lines because of a continued public interest in cell phone-
related health risks and the decision had little to do with
the court battle.

The latest safety recommendations are similar to those
issued by the Connecticut Department of Public Health
 in May, 2015.

A number of expert agencies including the US Food and
Drug Administration, the National Cancer Institute and
the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention have
said sufficient evidence has not been presented to
show an ''association'' between exposure to radio
frequencies from a cell phone & health problems.

The agencies suggest more research is needed. The
International Agency for Research on Cancer has
classified radio waves as “possible carcinogens”
but note there is limited evidence. The US's
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
the National Toxicology Program (NTP),
meanwhile, have not formally classified
 cell phones as to their cancer-causing

A study published earlier this year by University College Cork
in the Republic of Ireland, on ''myths'' about cell phones and
a cancer risk, found huge disparities between fact and fear.

“The results of our research show that a significant proportion
of Irish males incorrectly believe certain cancer myths, for
example between 45% to 52% believed that wearing tight
underwear, carrying mobile phones in pockets or the
extended use of laptop on the lap, increased their
risk of testicular cancer,” the team concluded.

FAT uk

UK is fattest country in Western Europe
 with 63% of adults overweight & obese
 – OECD study
12th of November, 2017

The UK is the most overweight country in Western Europe,
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) has stated.

Over 63% of UK adults are overweight, OECD says.

The 2017 Obesity Update report found that the UK is the sixth
fattest nation out of 35 OECD member countries, with a 27%
adult obesity rate. The US, Mexico, New Zealand, Hungary
and Australia fare worse than the UK, though. The countries
 with the lowest levels of obesity are Japan, Korea, Italy
 and Switzerland.

Adult obesity rates in the UK have increased by 92 percent
since the 1990s, while in the US with an obesity rate of 38%,
the increase has been a “mere” 65 percent. A further 36% of
the UK population are overweight. When it comes to children,
 the UK falls slightly below average, with a 24% obesity rate,
 compared to the average of 25 percent.

Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of more
than 30. Overweight people are classed as those with a BMI
of between 25 and 30.

While the overall health and life expectancy of Britons are
average, obesity rates of 27% far surpass the average
OECD rate of 19 percent. According to the study, 40%
 of Britons will be obese by 2030.

“One could weep over the figures,” Tam Fry, chair of the
National Obesity Forum told the Times. “The result of
successive governments who have, for 30 years,
done next to nothing to tackle obesity.”

Obese people are at risk of cholesterol, diabetes and heart
disease. OECD says “more could be done” to fight the issue,
 while recognising the UK’s efforts to ban super-size
chocolate bars from hospitals and the impending
sugar tax. The report also pointed a finger at the
 UK for its teenage drinking, and its shortage of
doctors and nurses.

(Source - RT)

drink kills brain cells - especially for women

Drinking frequently kills new brain
cells, especially
for women: study


Xinhua - Frequent alcohol drinking kills new cells in key brain regions,
with females being more vulnerable, a new study on mice said Thursday.

Researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at
 Galveston discovered that alcohol killed the stem cells that are
responsible for creating new nerve cells and important to
maintaining normal cognitive function in adult mouse brains.

And for the first time, the research showed that brain changes
due to alcohol exposure are different for females and males.

The findings, published in the journal Stem Cell Reports,
may help open a door to combating chronic alcoholism.

For the study, UTMB researchers used a cutting-edge technique to tag
brain stem cells in order to observe how they migrate and develop into
 specialized nerve cells over time.

This allowed the researchers to study the impact of long-term alcohol
consumption on the cells. It showed that chronic alcohol drinking
 killed most brain stem cells and reduced the production and
 development of new nerve cells.

However, the effects of repeated alcohol consumption
differed across brain regions.

The brain region most susceptible to the effects of alcohol was one
of two brain regions where new brain cells are created in adults.

The researchers also found that female mice displayed more severe
intoxication behaviors and more greatly reduced the pool of stem
cells in a brain region called the subventricular zone.

Ping Wu, UTMB professor in the department of neuroscience and cell
 biology, who led the study, said in a statement that the discovery
 "provides a new way of approaching the problem of alcohol-
related changes in the brain."

"We need to understand how alcohol impacts the brain stem cells
 at different stages in their growth, in different brain regions and
in the brains of both males and females," Wu said.

     Pollution Causing More Deaths Worldwide  Than War or Smoking: Lancet  Prensa Latina - Environmental pollution, from filthy air to  contaminated water, is killing more people every year  than all war and violence in the world.

Pollution Causing More
Deaths Worldwide
War or Smoking
: Lancet

Prensa Latina - Environmental pollution, from filthy air to
 contaminated water, is killing more people every year
than all war and violence in the world.

More than smoking, hunger or natural disasters. More than
AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. One out of every
six premature deaths in the world in 2015, about 9 million,
could be attributed to disease from toxic exposure,
according to a major study released on Thursday
October 19th, in the Lancet medical journal.

The financial cost from pollution-related death, sickness
 and welfare is equally massive, the report says, costing
some $4.6 trillion in annual losses, or about 6.2 per cent
 of the global economy.

The report marks the first attempt to pull together data
 on disease and death caused by all forms of pollution

Asia and Africa are the regions putting the most people
at risk, the study found, while India tops the list of
 individual countries.

Still, many poorer countries have yet to make
 pollution control a priority, experts say.

cancer drugs in us and eu not proven

Europe's cancer drugs
mostly ineffective: Study
Thursday October 5th, at 4:02pm

European regulators approved 39 new cancer drugs between
2009 and 2013, despite having no evidence that they worked
better than existing medicines, or at all, researchers said on

The number represented more than half of 68 treatments to
become available for European cancer patients during this
period, they said, "raising serious questions about the
current standards of drug regulation."

Apart from dashing patient hopes, allowing unproven medicine
onto the market also unnecessarily exposed people to toxicity
 inherent in all drugs, while inflating state pharmaceutical

Writing in The BMJ medical journal, a team of public health
experts expressed concern about the approval of often-
pricey new cancer drugs by the EU regulator, the
European Medicines Agency (EMA).

"This situation has negative implications for
patients and public health," they warned.

"When expensive drugs that lack clinically meaningful
benefits are approved and paid for within publicly
 funded healthcare systems, individual patients
can be harmed, important societal resources
wasted, and the delivery of equitable and
affordable care, undermined."

Many drugs were approved on the basis of inconclusive,
early test results such as lab experiments, which were
unable to predict whether they would actually make a
patient feel better or live longer.

Another study, published in 2015, had found that most
cancer drugs approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) between 2008 and 2012
similarly came with no evidence that they
boosted patient survival or improved
quality of life.

One of the authors of the American study, Vinay Prasad
from the Oregon Health & Science University, pointed
out that the average cancer drug in the US costs
more than $100,000 (85,000 euros) per person
 per year.

"In the US, this broken system means huge expenditures on
cancer drugs with certain toxicity, but uncertain benefit,"
 he wrote in a comment also carried by The BMJ.

"The US Medicare program is legally required to pay for any
 drug approved by the FDA, without any negotiation on price."

Given the toxicity and expense of cancer drugs, patients
should be exposed only "when they can reasonably
expect an improvement in survival or quality of
life," said Prasad.

The new study found that 11 new drugs approved by the EMA
between 2009 and 2013 were not shown to work any better
than existing medicines to which they were compared, co-
author Courtney Davis of King's College London told AFP.

In the case of 20 drugs, they worked no better than a placebo
or "dummy" drug, and another eight were not compared to
anything at all, "so we don't know whether they extend
or improve life," she said.

(Source: AFP)


i think i won

Humanity at risk as sperm levels among
 Western men plummet to a record low

Chemicals, diet, stress, and lifestyle choices have caused
 the sperm levels of Western men to plummet to less than
 50 percent of what they were four decades ago, a new
study has found.

The research found that sperm in the ejaculate of men from
 Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand fell by
 1.4 percent every year between 1973 2011, leading to an
 overall drop of just over 52 percent.

“The results are quite shocking,” said study co-author
 Hagai Levine, an epidemiologist from the Hebrew
 University of Jerusalem, according to Reuters.
 He called the results an "urgent wake-up call."

Levine added that, while fertility treatments such as
IVF can sometimes offer solutions to the procreating
problem --- little is being done to address the root of
the issue: an overall general decline in men's health.

Poor sperm counts have also been associated with
testicular cancer, increased male mortality rates,
 children born with one or both testicles missing,
and the onset of male puberty, according to the

"Eventually, we may have a problem, and with
 reproduction in general, and, it may be, the
 extinction of the human species,”
Levine told the BBC.

Environmental influences, heat, lifestyle factors,
bad diet, stress, smoking, and obesity --- both
prenatally and in adult life --- have all
been “plausibly associated” with
 the decline, states the study.

“Therefore... sperm count may sensitively reflect the
impacts of the modern environment on male health
throughout the life course,” the paper reads.

In particular, the paper notes, chemical exposures or
 maternal smoking “during critical windows of male
reproductive development, may play a role in
prenatal life, while lifestyle changes and
 exposure to pesticides, may play a
role in adult life.”

Published in the medical journal Human Reproduction
Update, the “rigorous and comprehensive” research
analyzed data from 185 studies. Researchers from
Israel, Denmark, the US, Brazil, and Spain, took
 part in the study.

The trend has not been recorded among men in Africa,
 Asia, or South America, 'though the authors concede
that fewer studies have been made, in those regions.

The study’s authors have called for urgent work to
narrow down the causes for the decline in sperm
 levels among Western men.

“This definitive study shows - for the first time - that this
decline is strong & continuing,” said one of the study’s
authors, Professor Shanna Swan, of the Icahn School
of Medicine, at Mount Sinai.

(Source - RT)


Recreational cocaine users get addicted
much earlier than they think – study

Folks who snort lines of cocaine “only recreationally,” to
socialize and have fun with friends, are actually much
 closer to becoming hooked than they think, say
researchers, who found that just watching
 someone using cocaine, can
 bring on cravings.

Even among non-dependent cocaine users, cues associated
 with cocaine consumption trigger the release of dopamine,
the so called “pleasure chemical,” in an area of the brain
 believed to promote compulsive use, scientists at
 McGill University in Canada say.

This means that people that refer to themselves as modest,
 recreational users, who think they can give up at any time,
 could be much closer to being addicted than they think.

“The study provides evidence that some of the characteristic
brain signals in people who have developed addictions are
also present much earlier than most of us would have
imagined,” Marco Leyton, an expert on neurobiology
 drug use and addiction and professor in McGill’s
 Department of Psychiatry, said in a statement.

Just standing in the corner while quietly watching someone
else using cocaine is enough to trigger a dopamine release
 and lead to cravings, the findings, published in Scientific
 Reports, say.

As the addiction gets worse, the cue-induced release of
 dopamine spreads towards the dorsal striatum, a
 structure deep inside the brain, whose role in
determining how we respond to pleasure,
 has been intensively studied.

“This area of the brain is thought to be particularly important
 for when people start to lose control of their reward-seeking
behaviours,” Professor Leyton said.

“The dorsal part of the striatum is involved in habits – the
difference, for example, between getting an ice cream
 because it will feel good versus being an automatic
 response that occurs even when it is not enjoyable
 or leads to consequences that you would rather
 avoid, such as weight gain or serious health
 hazards,” he explained.

Scientists used positron emission tomography (PET) scans
to see what happens in the dorsal striatum of recreational
cocaine users. They filmed participants ingesting cocaine
 in the laboratory with a friend with whom they had used
 the drug before. The participants later underwent a PET
 scan while watching the video of their friend taking
 cocaine. Exposure to cocaine-related cues proved
to increase both craving and dopamine release
 in the dorsal striatum.

“An accumulation of these brain triggers might bring people
 closer to the edge than they had realized,” Professor Leyton
 said, highlighting the “importance of providing help early”
to avoid the grave effects of dependency.


Record Number Of
Nurses Quit NHS
by Felicity Collier

Bargain-basement Britain has lost more than 10,000
 nurses and midwives over the last four years, driven
 out by poverty pay & worsening working conditions.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) said more
nurses are leaving than joining the profession, with
 those from Britain, leaving in the largest numbers.

The latest stats add to mounting pressure on the
Tories, to end their hated public-sector pay cap.

Alarmingly, the NMC study shows that workers below
 retirement age, are leaving at over twice the rate,
than in 2012-13.

Overall, the number of leavers - including workers
 from overseas -- rose from 23,087 in that period,
to 34,941 in 2016-17. Those who first registered
for the profession in Britain, made up 85% of
 the entire register.

Staffing levels and workload were top concerns for
those aged 21 to 30, while low pay and benefits
 were also cited, alongside the worsening
quality of care for patients.

An increased number of staff left for similar jobs abroad.

Both the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the Royal
 College of Midwives (RCM,) urged the government to
 scrap the pay cap to alleviate the crisis.

About 1,783 left the profession in 2016-17, but
that figure shot up to 3,264 for this year alone.

RCM policy director Jon Skewes said pay freezes
 and increasing workloads, have left workers
“demoralised and disillusioned.”

Unison head of health Sara Gorton said:

“Many organisations, including the NHS pay review body
 have warned that the pay freeze was not sustainable.

“Nurses and midwives’ pay has been held down for too
many years, despite demand for their expertise
growing. So it is no surprise, that they are
leaving the NHS.

“Ministers must also grant an automatic right to remain
for the 30,000 EU workers in the NHS as well as scrap
the pay cap --- if they are serious about keeping
patients safe.”

NHS Providers policy director Saffron Cordery insisted
 that a new staff retention programme will assist NHS
 trusts with the highest leaving rates, though this will
 help little, in the face of the 1 per cent pay cap.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has hinted that
 the government could lift the pay cap for NHS staff —
despite the Conservatives recently voting against
 raising the derisory cap for public-sector workers.

He said: “These pay review bodies have been set up
 in order to ensure that we can have authoritative
 advice on what’s required in order to ensure
that the public services on which we rely
are effectively staffed and the people
within them, are effectively

His comments came amid claims in the Observer that
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt will be calling for a lift
of the pay cap for NHS workers, in light of a report by
 the NHS pay review body -- highlighting “widespread
concerns” about recruitment, retention & motivation.

Shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth called on the
government to give NHS workers a pay rise as it will
improve recruitment & staff retention and reduce the
need for agencies, saving money in the longer term.

During the election campaign, Prime Minister Theresa
May came under fire after she told a nurse who hadn’t
 had a pay rise for eight years, that there was
 “no magic money tree.”

(Source - Morning Star)


Don’t Deserve This

Britain’s nurses are on the brink of industrial action for the first time.

The Royal College of Nursing’s consultative ballot shows 78 per cent
of nurses are ready to strike — and more than nine in 10 are up for
action of other kinds, to resist Conservative plans for an eighth
successive year of shrinking wage packets.

The RCN estimates that the below-inflation 1 per cent rises since the
 Tory-Lib Dem coalition imposed “austerity”, mean nurses’ incomes
 have shrunk by 14 per cent since we last had a Labour government.

At the same time the catastrophic squeeze on NHS Trust budgets
across the country, as a result of chronic underfunding, means
that trusts around the country are proving unable to fill nursing
vacancies, a task made harder by the removal of bursaries for
 student nurses by the Tories in their 2015 “spending review.”

There are some 40,000 posts unfilled across England,
 twice as many vacancies as existed just 4 years ago.

The Royal College of Nursing has not taken strike
action once --- in the 101 years of its existence.

Nursing is a vocation, a job taken up by people
who devote their lives to looking after others.

It has always been appallingly underpaid, considering the vital
 role nurses play in caring for the sick and elderly, the highly
 skilled nature of the work, the grave responsibilities that fall
 on their shoulders and the huge societal contribution they
make by comparison with many more lucrative professions.

Even so, nurses have not walked out for higher wages. Nobody
becomes a nurse in order to rake in the big bucks, and they
have shown a principled reluctance to do anything that
 might risk the health of the people in their care.

Far from earning them respect, this fortitude and generosity
 of spirit has led the government to take them for mugs,
forcing their pay down for years and leaving them
struggling to cope in understaffed wards.

Confronted on the Andrew Marr show over the scandal
of nurses relying on foodbank handouts to survive, PM
 Theresa May didn’t miss a beat, sneering that there were
“many complex reasons” nurses might go to foodbanks.

As the author David Rosenberg retorted, she must be a
genius — having pondered it for hours, he could only
think of one.

May’s obfuscation is easily explained. The PM knows
 there are nurses living in poverty.

She doesn’t care — any more than she cares about the
 millions of other working people who've lost thousands
 of pounds a year in pay ---  thanks to seven years of
government of the rich, for the rich and by the rich.

Health Minister Philip Dunne might plead that nurses
 deserve a pay rise, but that it's unaffordable in these
hard economic times.

But this month’s Sunday Times Rich List surely gave the
 lie to that threadbare excuse. Britain’s billionaires are
rolling in it, with the 1,000 richest people adding 14/%
 to their wealth over the last year — bringing their ill-
gotten gains to an eye-watering £658 billion.

Nurses planning a summer of protest
deserve our
solidarity and support.

(Source - Morning Star)

There's a new petition taking off on Change.org, and
we think you might be interested in signing it.

Minister for Disabled People Penny Mordaunt MP: End the uncertainty for disabled people who are having their adapted vehicles taken away

Dave Gale
United Kingdom

My name is Dave Gale. I have Becker muscular dystrophy, a muscle-wasting condition that severely impacts my mobility. 

I need a car to get to my job 30 miles away to provide for my family. I can’t use a regular car because of my condition, but I have a government-funded Motability car that is adapted to my needs.

However, the government is in the process of reassessing all disabled people’s benefits, and when mine were assessed in 2016, they decided to take my car away.

On 11 October, I had to give my Motability vehicle back. I was devastated and lodged an appeal to get it back.

In the meantime I had no choice but to use our family savings to buy a new adapted car in order to keep my job.

An appeal tribunal eventually overturned the original decision– but our savings are gone.

Sadly, mine is not an exceptional story. Since 2013, 50,000 people have lost their Motability vehicles as the government has been moving people from the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to the Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Many get them back on appeal. But before that point, too many of us have seen our savings wrecked or our independence compromised because the Government haven’t conducted their assessment process correctly.

There is a very simple solution: people should be allowed to keep their vehicles until their appeals have been heard.

Penny Mordaunt MP, the Minister for Disabled People, told Parliament last year that she was going to do something to help people in my position. But months later, the minister has said nothing more.

We need to make sure that Penny keeps her promise, and we need your support to make sure that thousands more people don’t face the problems I have faced. 

sleep can cure

Happiness in Life
Could Be as Easy as
a Quick Afternoon Nap
British researchers have found that power napping can not
 only help get you through the day, but can actually make a
you happier person -- an effect the researchers have
dubbed “nappiness.”

More than 1,000 people of various ages participated in an
 online survey conducted for the Edinburgh International
Science Festival. The findings showed that their level of
 happiness depended somewhat on whether or not, and
 for how long, they snoozed in the daytime.

Participants were divided into three groups: those who
don't nap, short nappers of 30 minutes or less, & long
 nappers of 30 minutes or more... Having analyzed the
 participants' responses to a number of psychological
questions, the researchers found that 66 percent of
short nappers not only increased their productivity
but also felt happier, compared with 60 percent of
 non-nappers, and 56 percent of long nappers.

On the five-point happiness scale, short nappers had
 an average score of 3.67, as compared to 3.53 for
 non-nappers, and 3.44 for long nappers.

Almost 15% more participants aged 18-30
took naps, than those over 50.

"Previous research has shown that naps of under 30
 minutes make you more focused, productive, and
creative, and these new findings suggest the
tantalizing possibility: you can also become
 happier, just by taking a short nap," said
psychologist Richard Wiseman, of the
University of Hertfordshire, pointing
out how firms like Google... install
 special nap spaces for employees.

Among survey respondents, only 11 percent
said they were allowed to take naps at work.

Wiseman stressed that while brief naps, from 20 to
 30 minutes, benefit health and boost performance,
frequent longer dozing is associated with various
 health risks.

In another study on sleepy military pilots, the US space
 agency NASA, found that taking a short nap when the
co-pilot was in control, boosted alertness by more
than 50 percent.


Planned Parenthood Director
Caught Admitting: 
Born Alive After Abortion
are Killed

Thursday, 30 March, 2017 at 10pm

A shocking new undercover video exposes a Planned
 Parenthood medical director admitting that babies
born alive after abortion, are sometimes killed.
The top Planned Parenthood official is caught on video
essentially admitting that it “depends on who is in the
room” as to whether or not a baby who is born alive
after a failed abortion, is taken to the hospital,
 or left to die.

The new undercover video shows DeShawn Taylor, former
 Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of Arizona and
longtime abortion practitioner at Planned Parenthood
 Los Angeles, graphically describing how to deliver
intact fetuses in late-term abortions to harvest
high-quality body parts, and indicating a
possible cover-up of infanticide.

The footage is never-before-released material obtained by
 The Centre for Medical Progress, whose undercover videos
 recorded top-level Planned Parenthood leaders negotiating
 the harvesting and sale of the hearts, lungs, livers, and
brains of aborted fetuses, for financial benefit.

At a networking reception at a Planned Parenthood
conference, CMP investigators posing as buyers
from a biotech company, are introduced to Dr.
Taylor by Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned
 Parenthood Federation of America’s
 Senior Director of Medical Services.

Taylor explains to the investigators, “In Arizona, if the
 fetus comes out with any signs of life, we’re supposed
 to transport it. To the hospital.” When an investigator
 then asks, “Is there any standard procedure for
verifying signs of life?”

Taylor replies, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key
you need to pay attention to who’s in the
room, right?”

Taylor then laughs as she repeats what the Arizona
 law requires, and says, “It’s a mess. It’s a mess.”

The Planned Parenthood medical director, also admits
 that Planned Parenthood does its best to obtain intact
 fetal organs to sell — essentially the body parts of
aborted babies.

Taylor confirms she does elective abortions on healthy
 fetuses and pregnant women up to 24 weeks. When the
 investigators ask her about obtaining intact fetal organs,
 Dr. Taylor replies, “It’s not a matter of how I feel about it
 coming out intact - but I gotta worry about my staff and
 people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby.”

Additionally, the Planned Parenthood official says she
doesn’t like it when people call unborn children babies
-- because she considers that “creepy.”

She continues, “We have the people who do our paperwork
 for the fetal death certificates, they email us calling them
 ‘babies’. Baby this, baby that, baby so-and-so, and I’m
like, that’s creepy!”

(Source: Lifenews.com)


Revolving doors:-  Former Tory government health
 adviser joins US firm involved in NHS privatisation
5th of February 2017
Posted by Mike Sivier

The most worrying part of this is that services 
 the Conservative government is paying your
money to private firms, include contract

Is that really a constructive use of our millions?

Wouldn’t that money be better-used helping
people to actually, you know, get healthy?

A former Government health adviser has joined a
US firm involved in NHS privatisation – in a move
 campaigners say demonstrates the “wafer-thin
partition” between Tory policy makers and
 private health industry.

Nick Seddon, who was Cameron’s Special
 Adviser for Health, became Executive Vice
President of Optum, just four months after
he left his political role in July last year.

For-profit health management company Optum is
 part of multinational insurance firm UnitedHealth
Group, which made more than $8.4bn (£6.7bn)
in 2015.

The head of NHS England, Simon Stevens,
is also a former UnitedHealth executive.

Optum already provides 156 NHS organisations,
 which it calls its “partners”, services such as
 contract negotiations and medication

A policy change made by David Cameron’s government
 in 2014, meant Mr Seddon’s move to the private sector
did not need to be vetted for conflicts of interest by a
 semi-independent advisory committee, as was
previously the case.

Instead his new appointment was approved by the
 Cabinet Office, which did so on the condition he
did not lobby the UK Government on behalf of
Optum in his first 2 years in the role or “draw
 on privileged information available to him,
a Crown servant”.

(Source - Vox Political)


CALL ON Government

Add your name to the letter demanding action

Dear Secretary of State

I am writing following events brought to my attention
 at (fill in)University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
site in recent weeks. In all of my dealings with
(fill in) NHS Trust, as a Local Ward Councillor
 and Member of Parliament, there has never
been a time when the sheer number of
 raising concerns with me
has been so great.

I've been inundated with emails from constituents
 detailing the problems with waiting times and
 specifically the accident & emergency depts
 being overcrowded – particularly during the
last week.  There have been various social
media posts, including images, which have
 depicted the sad state of affairs.

I care passionately about our NHS, but it is currently
 engulfed in a crisis that has been allowed to ensue
on this Government’s watch. These increasing

pressures have led to an already overstretched
 system appearing to be at near breaking point.

Whilst we all recognise the fantastic work of
 our doctors, nurses and other staff who work
in our NHS, they need Government support
at this difficult juncture – so that their
extraordinary efforts are not only
 recognised, but underpinned
with practical help.

Therefore, I would be grateful if you could
 outline what steps your  Department is
 taking to urgently address the problems
 hospitals are facing in my constituency
 and indeed across the country.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

(fill in gap)


We the undersigned, demand
 the government takes action
to end the NHS crisis:

please go here to add your name today:



A&Es Forced To
Turn The Sick Away

by Steve Sweeney
Saturday 7th January, 2017

And now... even Red Cross is intervening in
 the crisis as Tories run service into ground

Patients are dying in corridors as a crisis engulfing
the NHS has pushed overflowing A&E departments
to shut their doors to urgent cases, it was revealed

A woman died in a resuscitation bay after she
 had suffered an aneurysm and waited on an
emergency trolley in an A&E corridor.

A second patient died from a heart attack
while on a trolley for more than 35 hours
 waiting to be transferred to a ward.

Overall, A&E departments in England couldn't
attend patients on 143 occasions in December
 — an astonishing 63 per cent rise compared
the same period in 2015 — according to

 figures from NHS England.

The latest statistics revealed a record number of 42
 diverts --- when patients are sent to other hospitals
as a “last resort” -- in the week ---  compared with
an average of 20 over
 a typical week in the NHS.

And 50 out of the 150 NHS trusts in England told the
 Nuffield Trust they have been struggling to cope with
the demand. Seven warned that they were not able
to deliver even the most basic care to patients.

Nuffield Trust chief executive warned that the
situation could worsen in the coming weeks.

He told Radio 4’s Today programme: “As we know,
 there are major problems in social care. But also
in NHS community services. The ability of
 to get people out, is still
really tricky.

“The real crunch point generally comes in week two
 or three after the Christmas break. I think there
 early signs, that there is a problem.”

The crisis has become so bad that even the UK
Red Cross is diverting resources to help. The
humanitarian charity, more usually seen at front-
line disaster zones, has responded to what it is
 calling the “humanitarian crisis in our hospital
 and ambulance services across the country”
by deploying its own staff to ease the burden
on the NHS, according to the charity’s chief
executive Mike Adamson.

Royal College of Emergency Medicine president
Dr Taj Hassan blamed chronic underfunding and
 understaffing: as he warned that hospitals are
“in an absolute acute state of distress.”

Unison head of health Christina McAnea said:
“The NHS is a lifesaver but it’s being starved
of cash — and patients are suffering.”

Labour's Shadow health secretary:

“The government urgently needs to take action to
make sure that our NHS can cope, and is able to
provide the best 
possible care for patients.”

Tory Cuts Cost Lives

Sufferers with progressive and mental
 illnesses have benefits cut by the DWP
15 Dec 2016 - by Mike Sivier

The figures cover a period beginning under
David Cameron and ending with Theresa May.

The Department for Work and Pensions’ current
 system of assessing the sick and disabled for
 benefits is on a par with medieval tests for

Back in the day, people accused of being witches
 were submerged in a nearby river using a ducking
 stool --- on the expectation that their evil powers
 would allow them to survive. When they died, the
 conclusion was - they weren’t witches after all.
This was, of course, no comfort to the dead
suspect or their bereaved family.

Now, people with illnesses that are expected to end
 their lives in the near future are being deprived of
 Personal Independence Payments because “they
were expected to live beyond six months”.

What if they don’t?

The DWP will conclude that they were terminally ill
 after all – but you can bet there will be no comfort
for the dead claimant or their bereaved family ---
 as the DWP will not even offer a back-payment
 of benefit.

This is despite the possibility that deprivation of
 benefit may contribute to the deaths of claimants.

It is a sick, sick system.

This Writer would advise anybody who has lost
benefits to start going through an appeal process.
 If the DWP’s treatment of you affects your mental
 health in such a way that you consider self-harm,
 or even suicide – write a letter to them, spelling it
 out, and give a copy to a near family member or
 friend. And keep a diary of ways your health is
 affected because of the DWP’s decision.

The government gets away with this treatment of
 innocent people because it has been able to deny
 responsibility for what happens to them.... If you
make this denial implausible, these people will
 have to think again – possibly while facing
 criminal charges.

Thousands of people with progressive diseases
 and mental illness have lost their disability
benefits in a cruel Tory cut.

Charities sounded the alarm tonight over a
 “devastating” shake-up which has axed or
 reduced 230,000 people’s Personal
 Independence Payments (PIP).

Around 110,000 DLA claimants reassessed for
the new benefit – 21% of the total – have been
 rejected since PIP launched in 2013.

Another 121,000 – 23% of those reassessed –
were given PIP but at a lower rate than their
previous benefit.

Those who lost out include many with progressive
 diseases – around 450 Parkinson’s sufferers, 3,069
 people with multiple sclerosis and 4,450 suffering
 unspecified ‘malignant diseases’.

Others with progressive conditions who saw benefits
 axed or reduced were around 294 cystic fibrosis
sufferers, 36 people with motor neurone disease
 and 1,617 people classed as “terminally ill”.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said
 those in the last group were found to no longer be
 “terminally ill” because they were expected to
live beyond six months.

Mental health charity Mind warned 74,580 former
 DLA claimants with 4 key psychiatric disorders
 lost some or all of their benefits – 55% of all
 those who were reassessed.

PIP was denied or cut back for around 2,525 blind
 people, 570 people with AIDS, 128 haemophiliacs
 and 19 double amputees.

Also hit were approx 20,050 people with back pain,
----- 34,545 with arthritis, 8,084 with chronic pain
 syndromes & 10,725 with learning difficulties.

All figures are approximate because the DWP rounded
 the total number of claims for each condition to the
 nearest hundred.

The figures, covering April 2013 to October 2016
 and compiled by the Department for Work and
 Pensions (DWP), were slipped out without
 fanfare on the government’s website.

*Don’t congratulate me on the comparison;
 I’m simply quoting somebody else.

Join the Vox Political Facebook page.

If you have appreciated this article, don’t forget
 to share it. Politics is about everybody – so
try to get everybody involved!

Circumcision on young boys

‘Informed & personal choice’: Danish
 doctors rise against child circumcision

The doctors association in Denmark calls to ban
child circumcision, & the country’s government
has made it obligatory to report circumcision
 to the authorities, starting next year, in a
to tighten restrictions on the
unregulated practice.

Circumcision must be “an informed, personal choice,”
and therefore should be postponed until adulthood,
the Danish Medical Association says, in a press
release. It believes the current state of affairs
 deprives boys of the ability to make their
own decisions about their bodies and
 their cultural and religious beliefs.

Norway may ban non-medical circumcision of boys

“Circumcision, should be an informed, personal
 choice. It is most consistent with an individual’s
right to self-determination, that parents not be
 allowed to make this decision but that it is left
 up to the individual when he has come of age,”
The Local quoted Lise Moller, the chairwoman
 of the doctors’ association’s ethics board,
as saying.

The Danish association does not favor a total ban
circumcision, however, but believes it should

 be performed, on children, only for medical

“We have discussed it thoroughly, also in our
ethics committee. We came to the conclusion
 that it's difficult to predict the consequences
of a ban – for the involved boys, who could
for example face bullying or unauthorized
procedures with complications – and for
the cultural and religious groups they
 belong to,” Moller said.

A majority of circumcisions in Denmark,
take place outside the public healthcare
system --- in religious ceremonies, and
 in private clinics. Somewhere between
1,000 & 2,000 circumcisions, mainly on
 Muslim and Jewish boys, take place
 yearly, according to estimates from the
 Danish Health and Medicines Authority.

A 2015 study, based on the data of 340,000
Danish boys, links circumcision with autism.

The study argues that autism is related to
painful experiences in early childhood.
 Critics say correlation does not mean
causation & more research is needed.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is banned
in Denmark, yet male circumcision is legal
& almost unregulated. Circumcision 'fans'
 claim that it is a beautiful tradition, which
 helps people hold to their ethnic, cultural
and religious roots, and that banning it
would violate basic human rights.

Circumcision opponents, however, say that
 keeping their privates intact is also a human
 right, and while the procedure does not have
any confirmed health benefits, it could harm
 children, both physically and mentally.

Multiple polls and studies indicate that
the majority of Danes support banning
 it on underage boys.

The Danish government, however, has
ruled in favor of the pro-circumcision

(source - RT)


Remember Mark Wood?
the number
of people likely to die like he did

(by Mike Sivier, Vox Political)    

Mark Wood: He died of starvation several months
 after his ESA was stopped without warning by
 the DWP.

Mark Wood starved to death four months after the
then-government sickness benefit assessor, Atos,
 found him fit for work.

His death was never entered in Department for Work
 and Pensions death statistics, as it did not happen
 within 2 weeks of his claim being cut off. So the
 DWP could deny responsibility, even though he
 plainly wasn't fit for work when he
was assessed.

Now it seems government policies are deliberately
sending thousands of people to die the same way
poverty-stricken malnutrition.

Perhaps ministers think they have found a
to make the deaths look coincidental?

Consider: Government policies make people too poor
to eat, so they either starve to death at home like Mr
 Wood, or they become a burden on an already-
overworked National Health Service, forcing
further towards collapse.

If they live, they have helped push the NHS further
into difficulty, that can be used later to justify a
switch to insurance-based private health;- if
die, they cease to claim state benefits.

It’s easy to understand that this is how
Jeremy Hunt and Damian Green think.

    The number of people so ­malnourished
they need
 hospital treatment has
QUADRUPLED in 10 years.

    In a shocking indictment of the nation’s food
 poverty, 16,000+ cases of malnutrition were
 reported in hospitals in England last year,
 an average of 45 every day.

    Over 900 of these cases were classed as
   severe; meaning patients were in danger
of starving to death.

    But these alarming NHS figures... are just
extreme tip of an iceberg of misery &

deprivation as GPs treat thousands more
 poverty-stricken patients for malnutrition.

    Campaigners blame spiralling food prices,
 falling wages and ruthless benefits cuts
 and sanctions.

Heated vegetable oil toxic

Heated vegetable oil is so toxic
even lard is healthier, says study

Vegetable oils produce harmful toxins when they
are fried that could lead to cancer and dementia,
 according to research that contradicts the
NHS’s healthy living recommendations.

Unsaturated fats found in corn and sunflower oil have
 well-documented health benefits when used at room
 temperature.  However, vegetable oils lose these
 qualities when heated, -- undergoing “a complex
series of chemical reactions which results in
accumulation of large amounts of toxic
said professor Grootveld
of De Montfort University 
who has carried out research
on oils.

He told The Telegraph:

This major problem has received scant or
 attention from the food industry
and health research.

The toxic chemicals are called aldehydes, and are
formed in sunflower and corn oil at temperatures
above 190C (374F). A standard meal of fish and
chips fried in vegetable oil produces 100 to 200
times more than the safe aldehyde daily limit
 by the World Health Organization.

 In the De Montfort University study, butter, olive
oil and coconut oil and even lard were all found
to release fewer of these toxins, which enter
the body through eating or inhalation.

However, the NHS Live Well website says that
 government guidelines advise using vegetable
oil and not butter when frying food, sticking
to the idea that ''unsaturated fats'' should
always be chosen over saturated fats.

Reports from as early as 2012 warn of the heated
 vegetable oil and toxicity, although few studies
have attracted the media’s attention and the
government continues to support their use
 – not least because there is still strong
 for the use of vegetable oil
instead of butter in
 the medical
community. For example Jean

 Gazzaniga-Moloo, PhD, RD, a
 for the USA's
Dietetic Association, said:

Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats is still
one of the healthiest changes most people can make.

The new study’s conclusion, however, dismisses the
 plausibility of Gazzaniga-Moloo’s comments, not
 highlighting the toxicity of vegetable oils,
but also 
questioning the safety of their high
levels of 
omega-6 fatty acids.

Fatty Acids

Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid, like omega-3.
The two work together: omega-3 decreases the
 inflammation that some omega-6 acids cause.
Both are “essential” because the body does
 not produce them naturally.

The problem is that the western diet includes
 far more omega-6 than omega-3, causing an
 imbalance that leads to a greater risk of
inflammation, which can contribute to
vascular disease, depression
and some 
forms of cancer.

John Stein, Oxford University’s emeritus professor
of neuroscience believes the balance of fatty acids
is vitally important, and that vegetable oils must
be consumed in moderation. He said:

If you eat too much corn oil or sunflower oil, the brain
is absorbing too much omega-6, and that effectively
forces out omega-3. I believe a lack of omega-3 is
 a powerful contributory factor to such problems
 increasing mental health issues, and other
such as dyslexia.

For now...  health experts are yet to come to a
conclusive opinion on the issue, so it appears
that when it comes to maintaining good health,
the key to a healthy diet could be moderation.

(from article in The Canary)

chemo toxic danger

Shocking: UK Study Reveals Deadly
of Chemotherapy
Cancer Treatment

A startling study by Public Health England and Cancer
Research UK has found that cancer treatment itself
may be killing up to 50 percent of patients.

Chemotherapy has long been controversial, as the
 treatment does specifically target cancerous cells,
& destroys healthy cells in the process. In a first-
of-its-kind study, researchers researched cancer
 patients who died within 30 days of starting their
 treatment, indicating that the treatment caused
 the death, not the cancer.

Across the nation, they found that 8.4 percent of
those undergoing treatment for lung cancer, and
2.4% of those being treated for breast cancer,
died within a month of beginning treatment.

 Results varied greatly based on the hospital
however, as an alarming 50.9% of those in
 Milton Keynes Hospital beginning chemo-
therapy treatment for lung cancer, died
 within 30 days.

Researchers note that the total number of patients
 treated at the hospital was much smaller than the
norm, but the numbers remain eye-opening. “The
 statistics do not suggest bad practice overall
- but there are some outliers,” said Professor
 David Dodwell, Institute of Oncology at Saint
James Hospital, Leeds, a researcher behind
 the study. “It could be data problems, and
figures skewed because of just a few
but, nevertheless, it could
also be down to 
problems with
clinical practice.”

One particularly important finding in the study
 showed that there were significant differences
in fatality, based on patients age and health.

Researchers now suggest not to opt for
chemotherapy if patients are in poor
 or are weak, as the invasive
treatment can
do more harm
than good.

 “I think it’s important to make patients aware that
 there are potentially life threatening downsides to
 chemotherapy. & doctors should be more careful
about who they treat with chemotherapy,”

 Hospitals with higher-than-average mortality rates
 were notified, and asked to review their practice.

“The identification of hospitals with significantly
 higher 30-day mortality rates, should promote
review of clinical decision making in these
hospitals. Furthermore, our results highlight
 the importance of collecting routine data
beyond clinical trials to better understand
the factors placing patients at higher risk
of 30-day mortality, & ultimately improve
 clinical decision making,” the
report stated.


If you’re desperate to see a GP,
 new scheme will make you pay
by Jessica Gay
 (Source The Canary)

A new scheme has been launched which enables
 people to skip queues in GP surgeries and have
an on-demand doctor visit them in their own
home. Within 90 minutes. The only catch
 — it costs £120.

The service

The new ‘private primary care’ service, developed by
 GP Delivered Quick (GPDQ) --- has people ‘booking’
 a doctor via a smartphone app. They select a date
 and time for them to visit. Each consultation lasts
 around 25 minutes and the doctors are on call
seven days a week between 8am and 11pm.

But if you’re desperate to see a doctor, it’ll cost you.
To book a 25-minute weekday consultation costs
 £120. For weekend visits, it’s £150. And for a
 bank holiday, £200!

The service, which has been approved by Care
 Quality Commission (a ''health regulator'' which
 the UK regime now controls), was launched in
London in 2015. It has now recently been
 rolled out across Birmingham.

The man behind the app:

Dr Anshumen Bhagat is the N. London GP behind
the app. After working 15 years in the NHS and in
 private healthcare, Bhagat decided to launch the
 app to provide greater flexibility for patients.

 He said:

This is digitising the home visit – it really is that
 simple. Patients benefit from speed & flexibility,
 with the ability to see a doctor when & where
 it suits them, booking and tracking their GP
 through their smartphone. Our 25-minute
 appointments allow for a more in-depth
 consultation, whilst our two-hour
 prescription delivery service
provides an extra level of

Regarding how GPs will benefit from
the service, Bhagat continued:

It also enables all GPs in the UK to see patients on
a private basis, work flexibly, and earn extra income
in the process – they’re essentially running a virtual
clinic through our state of the art mobile platform.

While the consultation price does include written
 prescriptions and referrals, the fact that this app
 prioritises those with money is troubling. £120,
 for example, is a lot of money. Especially for
those on benefits and low incomes, and for
 children and elderly people.

Also, London and Birmingham (where the service
 has been rolled out) have some of the highest
 levels of poverty in the UK.  27% of people in
London and 37% of children in Birmingham
live in poverty. Given this, it is almost
 impossible for society’s vulnerable
 people, to afford this service.


According to the app’s website:

 “every GPDQ doctor must meet our
high standards of clinical experience
 and patient care”. As well as this,
 each doctor “continues to work
 within the NHS”.

But with the cutting of NHS budgets left, right
 and centre, it questions whether the NHS will
 even exist, in a couple of years. The cuts have
 already forced many local practices to close,
 much to the delight of private healthcare
 services (like Virgin Care), which have
 been snapping them up.

So while the service secures a role for GPs if the
 NHS goes under, it does little to provide for those
 who depend on national heath care. The service,
which has been approved under Hunt’s watch,
gives us another indication of how the Health
 Secretary envisages future health care.

So far, it involves sucking the NHS dry, over-
exerting doctors, and shaking hands with
billionaire privateers. Sadly, it’s the same
 tale. And we’re wondering how he’s
still able to get away with it.


Are you insured?!?

    NHS doctors are now being ordered by chiefs
-- to ask patients if they have private health
 insurance and, if so, to ‘gently’ remind
--- to use it.

    This unprecedented move now exposes the dire
 financial predicament the NHS is currently in -
and confirms that the ‘universal’ commitment
of the health service... is well and truly over.

 Labour built the NHS. Now it
 must fight to save and rebuild it.

If you're interested, go now to:


From wales:

My late partner was told she couldn't enter
the room where her son was then near to
death - unless she had an MMR vaccine.
I advised her to refuse the vaccine and
to insist on seeing her son, anyway...
the staff relented. (Her son survived).

Why did I do this? Because a dear
friend had had the MMR vaccine &
shrank from a fit, 14 stone man

-- to a thin, shaking wisp of his
former self. His friends were
horrified - and when, after a
year of watching him suffer,
they advised him to sue...
he was told it was 'too late.'

From the US:

Parents must be informed
From Jon Rappoport:
"On July 29, US Congressman Bill Posey made his
 last stand on the floor of the House. Granted five
 minutes to speak, he laid bare the lying of the CDC
 in a now-famous 2004 study, that exonerated the
 MMR vaccine and claimed it had no connection
 to autism."

"No connection to autism" was the lie...

"Parents who are, in ignorance, allowing their
children to receive the MMR vaccine, must be
informed. They must know what is going on.

They must know the danger to their children."

"Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, Germany,
 France, India, China, South Africa…wherever the
 MMR vaccine is given…parents must be made
aware: they’re gambling with their children’s

"Government officials anywhere in the world who
 make this continuing crime possible are liable."

"So are manufacturers of the MMR."



Determining Factor
in Child Autism

    by Kenji Tsuchiya

The age at which parents have children, shapes
their neurophysiological development, and the
 diagnosis of the autistic spectrum, Japanese
 expert, Kenji Tsuchiya, explained, at the 18th
 Conference on Psychophysiology, in Havana.

Starting from his lecture, the 'Neurological
Development of Children during the First
Years of
Life. An analysis of the Child's
Development and the
Diagnosis of the
Autistic Spectrum,' the expert
said that
his study is based on the information

collected from 1,250 children in Japan.

With the data from this research, it is possible to
verify how children from parents at an advanced

 age, meaning 35 years or older, are at higher risk
of being autistic and of having slower progress
in developing
language abilities and physical-
motor capacities -
characteristics that could
appear during the first
24 months of life,
Tsuchiya asserted.

Theresa May and her husband Philip

Tory Plot To Sell Our
Medical Records

It seems the government is about to resurrect the
privatisation of our medical records, but this time
 without even telling us.

The government review into the care.data
scheme recommended that it be scrapped.

But buried in the report is a new scheme to
sell our medical records to big corporations.

The government’s review proposes to allow medical
 records from your family doctor, (possibly including
 NHS Numbers, diagnoses, referrals, prescriptions
- along with postcodes and dates of birth - ) to be
 uploaded to a giant national database – but this
 time without telling us or asking for our consent.

One of the schemes to replace care.data is called
 the “Single GP dataset”. The government’s review
 into care.data proposes to send all patient records
 from family GPs to the central database without
 the express consent of patients. Once in the
system, it can be “sold” to any customers of
the ‘Health and Social Care Information
centre”, including private companies.

The government buried this announcement
 on the day of the report into the Iraq War.
It is hoping no one will notice this new
land grab on our medical records.

As is now inevitable with such attempts
 at skulduggery, the plan is now exposed
and there is a petition against it, which
you can sign here:


cancer caused by meat eating say researchers

A Sad Day for Carnivores:
 Meat Eaters Higher Cancer Risk

Eating meat could be linked to cancer, whereas
 consuming whole grains, fruit and vegetables,
 may lessen the cancer risk, Danish

A research team at the National Food Institute
 reviewed several studies on meat consumption
 and cancer risk, after last year's International
Agency for Research on Cancer summary,
which listed processed meat in the same
category of carcinogens as cigarette
 and asbestos, Food
Navigator reports.

 In June, the World Health Organization (WHO)
 published a report indicating that processed
 meat may be carcinogenic. The WHO report
said processed meats like bacon, sausages,
salami and canned meat, may all increase
 the risk of cancer.

Preben Vestergaard Hansen, a doctoral candidate
 in human nutrition from Metropolitan University
 College, explained to Danish Radio which three
 details aroused researchers' suspicion.

"According to new official dietary guidelines, we
need to cut down on fatty meat and red meat, and
 this applies to all meats from four-legged animals,
including pork. This concerns both fried and
cooked meat," Hansen told Danish Radio.

"Blood in the meat is the first probable culprit, as
iron (hemoglobin) takes oxygen around the body
- and is suspected to influence the development
 of cancer. Basically, we know that red meat is
 associated with ncreased risks of colo-rectal
 cancer, but the link has never been
with certainty,"
Hansen explained.

The second hypothesis is that all kinds of fried
meat can cause greater risk of cancer. In this
case --- so-called nitrosamines from the meat
membrane are the apparent culprit. And finally,
nitrite salts, which are used in processed meat
for preservation, are also associated with a
higher risk of cancer.

According to the reports, a daily intake of above
 50 grams a day -- leads to an increased risk of
 developing cancer. This amounts to roughly 3
 slices of bacon or one slice of ham, which is
 not much, considering that Danes consume
 to 100 kg of meat per year.

Despite a lack of conclusive evidence, Danish
food authorities are discouraging Danes from
eating processed meat --- if possible.

However, there are indications that other life-
style-related causes such as lack of activity,
alcohol and smoking --- must be taken into
account to understand the whole picture.

Cancer is the leading cause
of death, in Denmark.

Cancer charity naughty investments

 UK cancer research pensions plan funds
 invest millions in British American Tobacco

Pension plans for scientists working at Cancer
 Research UK are among those to have invested
 in British American Tobacco to the tune of £211
 million (US$308 million).

The fund, which caters for university lecturers
and staff, is worth just shy of £50 billion. Its
 biggest investment (£344 million) is in Royal
 Dutch Shell, and is equally controversial,
reports The Guardian.

News that Cancer Research UK money has
 essentially been used to fight the effects of
 smoking and to fund the tobacco industry,
 comes as a shock to many.

A UK Universities' spokesperson, defends
the investments choice of the Universities
 Superannuation Scheme - and insists that
financial return takes precedence over
 any moral dilemmas raised.

“The USS, as part of its investment duties,
 takes into account wider social, ethical,
 environmental & governance issues, so
long as that ensures that the assets

 of the scheme are invested in the
 financial interests of the
members and 
they say.

Earlier this year, the European Public
 Health Association (EUPHA) called on
people & companies to stop investing
in tobacco.

“For decades, it has actively sought to
mislead the world about harms caused
by its products. It has corrupted public
officials, been complicit in illicit acts,
 such as smuggling, and undermined
legislation to protect the health of
 the public,” reads the statement.

EUPHA President, Professor Martin McKee
 added that “it is simply unacceptable that
USS should continue to invest in this
 discredited industry.”

Cancer Research UK Tobacco Policy Manager
George Butterworth admitted he was unhappy
 with the investment situation, but insisted the
 Tobacco Free Portfolios movement shows
 that things can change.

“The tobacco industry’s deadly products,
are responsible for 1 in 4 cancer deaths.
Many people would be shocked to learn
 their pensions are invested in tobacco
 company shares --- especially those
striving to develop cures for those
 caused by this lethal
he said.

“Cancer Research UK’s own pension
 funds are tobacco-free, but many of our
 researchers, are based at institutions
 where that isn't the case,” he added.

“To help make it easier for organisations’
pension schemes to opt out of tobacco
 shares, we are now funding the UK arm
 of Tobacco Free Portfolios to encourage
 investment funds to divest from tobacco
 stocks. AXA’s move earlier this week to
withdraw billions in investment from
the tobacco industry, shows what
 can be done.”

blood dialysis  machine

Surgery should be standard treatment
option for diabetes: guidelines

New clinical guidelines endorsed by forty-five
international diabetes organizations, call for
bariatric surgery, involving manipulation
the stomach / intestine, to be considered

as a "standard treatment option" for
type 2 

The guidelines recommend surgery to induce
 weight-loss for certain categories of people
 living with type 2 diabetes, including those
 who are mildly obese and fail to respond
 to conventional treatment.

The recommendation is based on evidence
from 11 clinical trials, that bariatric surgery
--- can improve blood glucose levels more
effectively than any lifestyle or pharma-
ceutical interventions, in obese people
 with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Care Editor in Chief William Cefalu
 said in a statement that the new guidelines
 mark the 1st time surgery is recommended
 as a treatment option ------ for diabetes.

"Given the rapid developments in the field,
it's important to focus on this topic for
 who care for individuals with
diabetes," Cefalu

"These new Guidelines - based on
of multiple clinical studies - validate
metabolic surgery's indicated for
people with diabetes ------ and can
significantly improved outcomes."

Bariatric surgery involves the removal of
 part of the stomach -- or a reroute of the
 small intestine.

Although it's as safe as other common
operations such as gallbladder surgery
--- there are risks of complications and
 long-term nutritional deficiencies that
 require rigorous long-term follow-up
 by expert teams.

The new guidelines emerged from the
Second Diabetes Surgery Summit, an
 international consensus conference
 held in London in September 2015
 - and jointly organized with the US
 Diabetes Association, International
 Diabetes Federation, Diabetes UK,
Chinese Diabetes Society, and
Diabetes India.

According to the new guidelines, bariatric
 surgery should be recommended to treat
patients with type 2 diabetes who have a
 BMI of 40 and those with a BMI of 30 who
 are not able to adequately control their
 blood glucose levels via other means.

These BMI thresholds should be reduced
 by 2.5 for Asian patients as they develop
type 2 diabetes at lower BMI than other

The BMI is a measure of obesity for adult
 men and women --- and is calculated by
 dividing body weight in kilograms, by
 height, in metres squared.

"Surgery represents a radical departure
 from conventional diabetes approaches"
 stated Francesco Rubino, professor of
Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery at King's
 College, London, in Britain, and the
author of the report.

"The new Guidelines effectively introduce,
both conceptually and practically, one of
 the biggest changes for diabetes care
 in modern times," he added.

Global Sleep Crisis

‘Global sleep crisis’ caused by
 social pressures – scientists

A new study, using data collected via
a smartphone
app worldwide, shows
modern-day social pressures
are eat-
ing into more and more of everyone's

The data was compiled by scientists at
the University
of Michigan --- who were
looking to analyze sleeping
around the globe.

They used information
such as age,
gender and even the amount of light

 that people sleeping are exposed to.

The aim of the study, carried out in 100
was to get a better under-
standing of how cultural
can have the ability to supersede

 biological rhythms.

"The effects of society on sleep remain largely
 unquantified," the study, published on May 6th
 in the Science Advances journal, states,
 according to Reuters.

"We find that social pressures weaken and/
or conceal biological drives in the evening,
leading individuals to delay their bedtime
and shorten their sleep."

A lack of sleep can lead to an increase in
risk of becoming obese or contracting
or heart problems.

The study found that middle-
aged men
suffer the most from sleep deprivation

-- and get less than the recommended
eight hours
per day -- which can also
prove to be a danger
to society.

"It's middle-aged men that seem to be getting
 a remarkably little amount of sleep, and we
 think that is very significant," the study's
 lead author, Professor Daniel Forger, of
University of Michigan, told CBC.

 "They are behind the wheel driving trucks,
driving airplanes, and when they do it with
 so little sleep, that can pose risks to them-
selves --- and also to society."

Around 6,000 people over the age of 15 were
 asked to send data on their sleeping patterns
such as when they went to bed and woke up,
 and how much light they were exposed to.

The amount a person sleeps is affected by
20,000 nerve cells located behind the eyes.
They adjust to how much light
they are
exposed to, especially natural light ---
which can cause a person to
wake up earlier.

Wake up! Too much sleep increases risk
 of dying from heart disease, study says.

"If you've very little sleep, you can perform
just as well as when you're drunk, so not
getting much sleep, is, indeed, a global
right now," Forger says.

The study found that those in Japan and
Singapore, received the least sleep, at 7
& 24 mins, and Netherlands subjects

got the most, at 8 hours and 12 minutes.

Although this is a difference of less than
 an hour, even a difference of 30 minutes
can impact on a person’s health, & how
 they are able to function.

"Impaired sleep presents an immediate,
 pressing threat to human health," the
 study mentions, according to Reuters.

However, a recent study shows that getting
 too much sleep may not be good for you, as
 those sleeping for more than 8 hours, face
 a higher risk of dying from heart disease.

Although previous studies had shown that a
lack of sleep was linked to stress, increased
 blood pressure & the secretion of adrenaline
 – all of which are factors of an increased risk
heart disease – the effects of too much
on heart disease, came as a surprise.

“We don’t know which mechanism can
explain a direct causal link --- between
 long sleep duration & an increased risk
 of dying from coronary heart disease,”
 lead author, Dr. Linn Beate Strand,
says, in a statement.

breastfeeding is best feeding

Breastfeeding may reduce mother's
 heart attack, stroke risk: study
June 22nd, 2017.
Breastfeeding is not only healthy for babies, it may also
 reduce a mother's risk of having a heart attack or stroke
 later in life, according to a new study of 300,000 Chinese
women published today.

Those who breastfed their babies, had about a 10 percent
 lower risk of developing heart disease or stroke compared
 to those who did not, and the longer they breastfed, the
greater effects they had, according to the study,
published in the Journal of the American
Heart Association.

"The findings should encourage more widespread breastfeeding
 for the benefit of the mother, as well as the child," study co-
Zhengming Chen, a professor of epidemiology at
the University
of Oxford, said in a statement.

"The study provides support for the World Health Organization's
recommendation, that mothers should breastfeed their babies
exclusively, for their first six months of life," Chen said.

Previous studies have suggested that mothers get short-term
 health benefits from breastfeeding, such as weight loss and
 lower cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose levels after
pregnancy. However, the long-term effects of breast-
feeding on the risk of developing cardiovascular
diseases in mothers, were unclear.

In the new study, researchers from the University of Oxford,
 the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking
University, studied 300,000 Chinese women aged 30
 to 79 years, as part of a large prospective cohort
study called the China Kadoorie Biobank,
which provided detailed information
about their reproductive history
 and other lifestyle factors.

After eight years of follow-up, there were 16,671 cases of
 coronary heart disease which includes heart attacks,
 and 23,983 stroke cases among the 290,000 women
who had no previous history of cardiovascular
 disease, when enrolled in the study.

The researchers found that compared to women who had
 never breastfed, mothers who breastfed their babies had
a nine percent lower risk of heart disease and an eight
percent lower risk of stroke.

Among mothers who breastfed each of their babies for
two years or more, heart disease risk was 18% lower
and stroke risk was 17 percent lower, than among
mothers who never breastfed.

Each additional six months of breastfeeding per baby was
 associated with a four percent lower risk of heart disease
 and a three percent lower risk of stroke, researchers said.

"Although we cannot establish the causal effects, health
benefits to the mother from breastfeeding may be
explained by a faster 'reset' of the mother's
metabolism, after pregnancy," said study
co-author Sanne Peters, research fellow
at the University of Oxford.

"Pregnancy changes a woman's metabolism dramatically,
 as she stores fat to provide the energy necessary for her
 baby's growth & for breastfeeding once the baby is born.
 Breastfeeding could eliminate the stored fat faster and
more completely," Peters added.


UNICEF says breastfeeding has lifesaving benefits

Breastfeeding has lifesaving benefits, the
 United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),
states, reports Xinhua news.

"Investing in breastfeeding has a significant impact
 on the health of women and children --- and on the
 economies of both rich and poor countries," says
 UNICEF Chief of Nutrition Werner Schultink, citing
 a new series published by the UK weekly medical
 journal, The Lancet.

"The series provides crucial evidence for the case
 that breastfeeding is a cornerstone of children's
 survival, health, growth and development --- and
 contributes to a more prosperous & sustainable
 future," he says.

The study found that breastfeeding saves babies
 lives, reducing the risk of sudden infant deaths
 and intestinal diseases.

It also highlighted the economic benefits of
breastfeeding and called on governments to
support mothers with policies --- such as a
 minimum of 14 weeks maternity leave.

It found that countries lost over 500 billion
 dollars a year -- through losses in cognitive
 ability which led to lower earning capacity
 for people not breastfed as babies.

In China, the study found that breastfeeding
 decreased by 5% between 2003 & 2008 and
 that a 10% rise in breastfeeding, could cut
the treatment costs of childhood disorders
 by 30 million dollars, in urban China alone.

UNICEF, which contributed to the Lancet
series, says the study shows that breast-
feeding can help to achieve the UN's
 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These are 17 economic, social and environ-
mental goals all UN member states agreed
 to work towards achieving by 2030.

"Breastfeeding is..... the most natural, cost
effective, environmentally sound & readily
 available way we know, to provide all our
children, rich or poor, with the healthiest
start in life," stresses Schultink. "It's a win-
win for all concerned, to make it a priority."

vaccination terror

Recent Italian Court Decisions
on Vaccines and Autism

On September 23, 2014, an Italian court in Milan
 awarded compensation to a boy --- for vaccine-
induced autism.

A childhood vaccine against six childhood
 diseases caused the boy’s permanent autism and
 brain damage.  While the Italian press has devoted
 considerable attention to this decision & its public
 health implications, the U.S. press has been silent.

Like the U.S., Italy has a national vaccine injury
compensation program to give some financial aid
to those people who are injured by compulsory
 and recommended vaccinations.

The Italian infant plaintiff received three doses of
GlaxoSmithKline’s Infanrix Hexa --- a hexavalent
vaccine administered in the first year of life. The
 doses occurred from March to October, 2006.

The vaccine is to protect children from polio,
 diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, pertussis,
 and Haemophilus influenza type B.

 In addition to these antigens, however, the
 vaccine contained thimerosal, the mercury-
containing preservative, and aluminum, an
adjuvant, as well as other toxic ingredients. 

The child regressed into autism shortly after
receiving the three doses.  When the parents
 presented their claim for compensation first to
 the Ministry of Health, as they were required
to do, the Ministry rejected it. So the family
sued the Ministry in a general jurisdiction
 court, an option which does not exist
 in the same form in the U.S.

Based on expert medical testimony, the court
 concluded that the child more likely than not
 suffered autism and brain damage because of
 the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his
susceptibility from a genetic mutation. 

The Court noted that Infanrix Hexa contains
 thimerosal, now banned in Italy because of
 its neurotoxicity, “in concentrations greatly
exceeding the maximum recommended
levels for infants weighing a few kilograms.”

Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo considered
another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-
page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report
 (now available on the Internet).

  This industry document has provided ample
 evidence of adverse events via the vaccine,
 including 5 known cases of autism resulting
 from the vaccine’s administration during its
 clinical trials.

In many developed countries, government,
 not industry, compensates families in the
 event of vaccine injury. So GSK’s apparent
 lack of concern for the vaccine’s adverse
 effects is notable & perhaps not surprising.

  In the final assessment, the report states:
 “[t]he benefit/risk profile of Infanrix hexa
 continues to be favourable,” despite GSK’s
 acknowledging that the vaccine causes
side effects including:

 “anaemia haemolytic autoimmune,
 thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic
purpura, autoimmune thrombocytopenia,
 idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,
 haemolytic anemia, cyanosis, injection
site nodule, abcess and injection site
abscess, Kawasaki’s disease, important
neurological events (such as encephalitis
and encephalopathy), Henoch-Schonlein
 purpura, petechiae, purpura, haematochezia,
 allergic reactions (including anaphylactic &
 anaphylactoid reactions),” and death.

The Milan decision is sober, informed and
well-reasoned. The Ministry of Health has
stated, that it has appealed the Court’s
 decision, but that appeal will likely take
 several years & its outcome is uncertain.


US Senate Passes Bill Approving
 Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans

Basically..... biological warfare is sneaky.
 It involves a microbial sucker punch to its
 intended target, often accomplished in a
 manner in which the aggressor can claim
 clean hands, while his victim may suffer
or die.

Biological warfare can take a number of forms.
The question—how to get a bacteriological or
toxic agent on board without the target being
 alerted– has been asked and answered.....

 In addition to using humans and animals as
 vectors, biological warfare agents can be
 airborne, waterborne, foodborne, or put
into pharmaceuticals.

Substantial concerns have been voiced.
Polio vaccines have been found to contain
cancer. A Merck rotavirus vaccine was
found to be contaminated with a pig virus.

Another Merck product, the Hepatitis B
vaccine, was reported to have been laced
 with the AIDS virus., In addition, a tetanus
vaccine distributed in the third world was
 found to contain human chorionic gonad-
otrophin, an anti-fertility agent known to
 produce spontaneous abortions.

The correlation between the rise in
 vaccinations of children & autism,
 has become an urban legend.

A Bill has just passed the US Senate:

Section 101 of Senate Bill 1203, named the
21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act,
says the Department of Veterans Affairs will
 be tasked with the mandate to “ensure that
veterans receiving medical services under
ch. 17 of title 38, US Code receive each
 immunization on the recommended adult
immunization schedule at the time such
 immunization is indicated on that schedule.”

The schedule is frankly staggering.
Over ninety vaccines are listed.

The issues. First, an entire group of individuals,
who at one time were in military service, will
 lose their inherent right to opt out of receiving
what is considered prophylactic treatment.

Anita Stewart, who served in the Air Force,
& now hosts Wise Women Media radio show:
“This could include experimental vaccines,
 or vaccines that have not been tested.”

It is believed that those who refuse will,
under this Bill, lose their medical benefits.

Second, the numbers of immunizations on
 the required schedule could be enough to
 sicken anyone.

Flu vaccines have been known to cause Guillain-
 Barre syndrome, which is a neurological disorder
 wherein a person’s own immune system attacks
 the nerve cells and can cause paralysis.

Gulf War Syndrome, which may manifest with
 such symptoms as:- rashes, severe fatigue,
muscle and joint pain, headache, irritability,
 depression, gastrointestinal and respiratory
 disorders and neurological cognitive defects,
is thought by some researchers to have been
 caused by “vaccine overload.”

 According to Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Professor
Malcolm Hooper, US Gulf war soldiers had
“at least 17 different vaccines, including
 live vaccines (polio and yellow fever as
well as experimental vaccines that had
not been approved (anthrax, botulinum
 toxoid) and were of doubtful efficacy.”

Others attribute Gulf War Syndrome
specifically to the anthrax vaccine
given to the troops.

In addition, a certain cluster of vaccines has
 been linked to type one diabetes.  The H1N1
vaccine has been linked to miscarriages and
 stillbirths. According to this report, the H1N1
 shot resulted in SIXTY TIMES the rate of
 miscarriage associated with the seasonal
 flu vaccine.

H1N1 was also found to be linked to a spike
 in narcolepsy in children. According to this
study, there was a 400 percent increase in
 the incidence of narcolepsy in those under
20 years, who received swine flu vaccine.

It would literally be possible to go on for
pages here. The pattern is clear. Vaccine
 safety is a realistic concern.

In light of the considerable scientific evidence
that vaccines cause illness, one must ask what
 this piece of legislation hopes to attain. Writes
Anita Stewart:

“Forced mandates are nothing more than medical
 tyranny….Vaccines in most cases do not cure or
 protect us, but could make some of us sicker and
 definitely create a huge and continuing revenue
 stream for Big Pharma.”

There are no studies of the effects of these
numbers of vaccines on adults. Equally,
 there are no studies concerning the “poly-
pharmacy” effects of combining them.

Given the increasing scrutiny of civil rights
 abuses in the US, plus escalating concerns
 over apparent covert US biological weapons
 activity in a number of different venues, one
 might expect that Senate Bill 1203 will
result in an upsurge of protest.

Veterans have already served their country.
To re-enlist them as lab rats diminishes both
 the concepts of freedom and democracy ---
 & those who served to protect these ideals.

Drug deaths in US soar

‘We’ve never really seen
 anything like this’:
US suicide rates
hit 50-year peak
November 29th, at 9:42am

The US witnessed the most deaths in a single year, since
 official records began, in 2017, with suicide and drug
overdose deaths soaring among an aging population,
 according to the Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).

It marks the third consecutive year life expectancy has
dropped in the US, and the longest life expectancy
decline trend since the late 1910s, when WWI
the worst flu pandemic in modern
combined, to kill
approximately 675,000


All told, the US recorded 2.8 million deaths in 2017, with
middle-aged deaths making the biggest impact on life

“These sobering statistics are a wake-up call that we
are losing too many Americans, too early and too
often, to conditions that are preventable,” Dr.
Robert Redfield, the CDC’s director, said.

The suicide rate in 2017 was the highest in 50 years,
 reaching roughly 47,000 cases (up from just below
45,000 the previous year).

“We’ve never really seen anything like this,” said Robert
Anderson, who oversees CDC death statistics. Suicide
is the tenth leading cause of death in the US, for the
 tenth year in a row.

Increases have been prominent among the female
 population, despite the fact that most people who
 die by suicide, are still male. The female suicide
 rate rose by 53 percent between 1999 and 2017,
 with a 26 percent increase for men, during the
same period.

“I really do believe that people are increasingly hopeless,
and that that, leads to drug use, it leads potentially to
suicide,” said Dr. William Dietz, a disease prevention
 expert, at George Washington University.

Among the 10 leading causes of death, only cancer
fell, while there were increases in suicide,
diabetes, Alzheimer’s, flu/pneumonia,
lower respiratory diseases, and

unintentional injuries.

The number one cause of death in the US, heart disease,
levelled off. Improvements in prevention and treatment
of the condition, usually offset increases in other
 leading causes of death.

Meanwhile, drug overdoses surpassed 70,000 in 2017,
solidifying the ongoing crisis as the  deadliest such
epidemic in US history. Accidental drug overdoses
accounted for one third of unintentional injury
deaths, while intentional overdoses made up
roughly a tenth of suicides, according to
the CDC. The CDC’s numbers are
subject to change as more data
becomes available, however.

The US still ranks as having among the lowest
life expectancy rates, for developed nations.

(Source - RT)


Drug abuse leading cause of
injury & deaths in US: Report

Drug abuse in the US is at “epidemic levels” where
 they are the leading cause of injury-related deaths,
surpassing car accidents and gun violence, says a
 new US government report.

About 46,470 US citizens died of drug overdoses in
 2013, the last year which data was available, while
 35,369 people died in traffic-related accidents and
33,636 were killed by guns, the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) says, on November 4th.

"Drug abuse is ending too many lives too soon
and destroying families and communities,”
DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg says.

"We must reach young people at an even earlier
 age --- and teach them about its many dangers
and horrors."

Drug overdose deaths have risen sharply in
the last ten years, up more than 50 percent
 from 30,711 fatalities in 2004.

"Overdose deaths, particularly from prescription
 drugs & heroin, have reached epidemic levels,"
 Rosenberg says.

The DEA report also finds that heroin and
 prescription pain killers, are among the
top drug threats in the US.

Heroin use in the US has skyrocketed in
 recent years and there was a 51 percent
 increase in users between 2013 and 2014.

According to new findings by researchers,
middle-aged white people in the US have
suffered a startling rise in death rates
since 1999 --- most likely because of
problems with legal and illegal drugs,
alcohol and suicide.

transplanting wombs

Womb transplants given UK go-ahead

Doctors have been granted approval to carry out
 the UK's first 10 womb transplants, following the
 success of the procedure in Sweden.

The go-ahead has been given by the Health
Research Authority as part of a clinical trial
 - which launches in the spring.

Around one in 7,000 women are born without a
 womb, while others lose their womb to cancer.

If the trial is successful, the first UK baby could
 arrive in early 2018.

Over 100 women have already been identified
 as potential recipients of donor wombs.

Dr Richard Smith, a consultant gynaecologist
at the Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital
 in London who has been working on the project
 for 19 years, will lead the transplant team.

He said childlessness could be a "disaster"
 for couples, but the technique would offer
hope to those whose only other option is
 surrogacy or adoption.

How would the procedure work?

    The operation takes around six hours,
with the organ coming from a dead
 donor, whose heart is kept beating.

    The recipient will need to take immuno-
    suppressant drugs after the transplant
    and during any pregnancy --- to prevent
rejection of the donor organ.

    The woman's health is monitored closely
 for a year and then an embryo implanted
 in the womb.

    This embryo would arise from a combination
 of the woman's own eggs and the partners'
 sperm - using an IVF procedure.

    If all goes well the baby will be delivered
 eight months later by caesarean section.

    Couples will be given the option of trying for
 2 pregnancies before the womb is removed.

    Once it is no longer needed, the womb can
be taken out by a team of surgeons. This
 prevents the need for the woman to be on
 immunosuppressants for the rest of her life.

Dr Smith on BBC Radio 4's Today programme:
"Over the years I've had quite a lot of crises
with this... but when you meet the women
 who have been born without a uterus, or
who have had their uterus removed, for
one reason or another, this is really
heart-rending stuff and that is what
 has kept us going.

According to his team at Womb Transplant
 UK, each procedure costs up to £50,000,
but women will not have to pay for this.

The project has so-far been self-funded
 & supported by public donations which
researchers say will allow them to take
 on two procedures for now.

The women selected for the trial must
meet criteria set by Womb Transplant
 UK, which include being 38 or under,
having a long-term partner and being
 a healthy weight. They will also need
 to have healthy ovaries that are able
 to produce their own eggs.

More than 300 women have approached
the team, of whom 104 meet the criteria.

In October last year a woman in Sweden
 became the first in the world to give birth
 to a baby after having a womb transplant,
 but from a living donor.

Womb transplants are still very much at
 an experimental, trial stage.

For years researchers tried to perfect
 the technique on animals - from mice
 to monkeys.

A further three babies have since been
 born in Sweden using transplanted wombs.

There have been concerns that using
anti-rejection drugs in pregnancy
 could harm the foetus.

But researchers argue these medications are
 likely to be safe at the right dose, building on
 the success of earlier pregnancies involving
anti-rejection drugs for kidney transplants
 and other conditions.

How many need or want this procedure?

Estimates suggest one in 5,000 women are
 born with Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser
 syndrome... where they have no vagina,
cervix or uterus.

In some cases women may have wombs
 removed after surgery for, eg, cancer.

But not all these patients will be eligible.

 For the first few volunteers there is still
 a long and cautious road ahead.

glioma brain tumour

Australian Researcher:
Phone Radiation
 is a
Hotline to Brain Cancer

A highly respected Australian doctor, currently
remission from brain cancer, is speaking out
  about his
belief that radiation from wifi, cell
phones and their
towers, is a major factor
in increasing brain cancer

Dr. John Tickell is trying to raise awareness
calls for more funding for brain cancer
as it has become the number one
most deadly cancer
for young Australians. 

According to the
Australian government,
there are 35 new cases of
the cancer
discovered each week, with four out
 five cases being fatal in the first
5 years.

"Leukaemia was once the leading cause of
deaths in Australia for under 40s,
but it now has a
5 year survival rate
of 80%+.

Breast cancer is about
90% --- compared to
brain cancer, which is around
20%," Tickell
tells the Herald Sun.

The Australian Mobile Telecommunications
 Association denies there are any detrimental
 health effects at all from their radiation, but
the World Health Organization has recently
 upgraded the radiation threat to category
 B2, meaning "possibly carcinogenic."

"You can say you can't prove it but in my mind
 it's proven, looking at the studies that are not
 funded by the industry," he says.

The largest study to take place so far, was
conducted among 5,000 cancer patients.
The study found no increased risk of cancer
overall, but cellphone use was linked to the
patients having a 40% increased likelihood
 of developing Glioma, a common type of
brain cancer.

Tickell blasts the US Federal Communications
 Commission (FCC) and the fact that they have
 seemingly left all investigative studies, to the
 telecommunications companies themselves.

"The telco-funded studies say they’re safe but
 the FCC has not done any tests on radiation
 from 'phones, in 20 years," Tickell laments.

"There's a million more times radiation in the
 air today than there was fifty years ago —
that is frightening," he says.

aging and cancer prediction

Early diagnosis: Revolutionary study says most
cancers can now be predicted years in advance

After a 13 year study, US scientists identify a
'specific pattern of change' in the length
of a
biomarker present in cells which occurs
before patients begin having
cancer symptoms.

A joint Harvard and Northwestern team monitored
 792 initially cancer-free people for the period, 135
 of whom were eventually diagnosed with various
 forms of cancer. In those years, they constantly
 monitored their telomeres.

Telomeres serve as a protective cap on the ends
of chromosomes. As people age, and their cells
 replicate more and more times, telomeres grow
 shorter, until eventually the cell can't multiply
 again, and simply dies. They can be both an
 indicator of ageing -- a sort of internal body
clock -- and a cause of it, as cells with worn-
down telomeres can malfunction, causing
 a range of age-related diseases.

Those eventually diagnosed with cancer saw
 their telomeres deplete alarmingly many years
 before cancer actually developed – with some
 future patients having telomeres typical for a
person 15 years older.

Some of this catastrophic shortening could be
 predicted and diagnosed externally: eg, simply
 by looking at patients who are already suffering
 from inflammations, oxidative stress and other
 conditions that age their cells at a rapid rate.
But in other people, who appeared to have few
 external risk factors for cancer, measuring this
 rate could produce a revelatory diagnosis.

But this is not the most surprising part of the study.

Suddenly, three to four years before the diagnosis,
 the shortening would stop, and stabilize – but this
 was not good news.

“We found cancer had hijacked the telomere
 shortening, in order to flourish in the body,”
says Dr. Lifang Hou, a professor of preventive
 medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg
 School of Medicine, and the lead author of the
 study, published in EBioMedicine magazine.

Normally, a cell with a shortening telomere
might be “aged,” but would self-destruct, to
 prevent any of the cell abnormalities being
 allowed to spread through the body. But in
 future cancer patients, the cells multiplied,
 as if with the help of the enzyme telomerase,
 eventually, likely, contributing to the cancer.

The study's authors say previous “snapshot”
studies failed to understand the long-term
complex interaction between telomeres and
cancer, but that the relationship is clear &

“Understanding this pattern of telomere growth
 may mean it can be a predictive biomarker for
 cancer. Because we saw a strong relationship
 in the pattern across a wide variety of cancers
 - with the right testing, these procedures could
 be used to eventually diagnose a wide variety
of cancers,” says Hou.

To go beyond merely early testing, scientists
 now face two separate medical battles.

One is to slow down the telomere shortening,
 or whatever underlying conditions may cause
 it. The other, according to Hou, is to develop
 a potential cancer treatment that will force
 the afflicted cells to self-destruct instead of
making copies, but which won't merely age,
and kill off swathes of healthy cells.

Chemotherapy brain changes irreversable

Chemotherapy causes
irreversible brain changes

Post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment, also
 called 'chemo brain' has long been suspected,
 but no research could confirm it.

 Now research shows cognitive impairment
 does result from chemotherapy treatment.

The research was conducted by scientists
 from the University of British Colombia's
Departments of Psychology and Physical

Chemotherapy treatment, they conclude,
 can generate 'mind wandering' and an
inability to concentrate.

Patients recovering after breast cancer
 therapy, were asked to complete tasks.
The results showed their brains stayed
 in a 'disengaged' state.

Todd Handy, a professor of psychology
 at UBC:- "A healthy brain spends some
 time wandering & some time engaged.
 We found that a 'chemo brain' is a
chronically wandering brain -- they are
essentially stuck in a 'shut out' mode."

Even as women were trying to focus
 on a subject, measurements showed
that the major part of their brain was
turned off. They couldn't concentrate.
They were focused on their 'inner
world', instead.

'Physicians now recognize that the effects
 of cancer treatment persist long after its
 over, and these effects can really impact
 a person's life,' says Kristin Campbell, an
 associate professor in the Department of
 Physical Therapy & research team leader.

It was also evidenced that, in a relaxed
 state, the brain was excessively active.

This 'forgetfulness', as patients have to
deal with it, brings major challenges at
work, and in social situations.


E-cigarettes more addictive than tobacco

59% of e-cigarette smokers are less likely to
 give up smoking & 49% are less likely to cut
 down on their usage of cigarettes.

These are the results of a new study by the
University of California's San Diego School
of Medicine.

Previous major research on the success
of e-cigarettes devices is refuted by the
new report.

Wael Al-Delaimy, MD, PhD, professor, and
 head of the Division of Global Public Health
 in the Department of Family Medicine and
 Public Health, concludes:

"We need further studies to answer why
can't quit. One hypothesis, is that
are receiving an increase in
nicotine doses,
by using e-cigarettes."

In addition to vapour, smokers inhale
 heavy metals and particles of aero-

The US Food and Drug Administration is
 still misinforming American citizens with
 its guidelines on e-cigarettes appeal and
 safety, ignoring the new study's results.

Women's brains danger with pill

Contraceptive pills ‘shrink’ part
of brain influencing emotions

California scientists say contraceptive pills
may change the structure of users’ brains -
 eventually leading to anxiety & depression.

The new find adds to those previously known
 side effects, which include: headaches, mood
swings, nausea, blood clots, breast, liver and
cervical cancer.

Specifically, synthetic hormones in the pill
 shrink 2 principal regions of women's brains
--- changing their structure and function...
Also, the same ingredients are believed to
suppress women's natural hormones.

Neuroscientists at the University of California
Los Angeles, studied the brains of 90 women,
44 of whom took contraceptive pills.

The researchers found that the lateral orbito-
frontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex,
 were much thinner in the women on the Pill.

The lateral orbitofrontal cortex regulates both
 emotions and responses to rewards, while the
 posterior cingulate cortex governs the ‘internal
 state’: inward-aimed thoughts, the processing
of emotions and finding memories.

Taking the Pill can lead to increased anxiety
 and depression and other alarming symptoms
 such as decreased attraction to their partner.

“Some women experience negative emotional
 side effects from taking oral contraceptive pills,
 although scientific findings have been mixed.
 So it's possible that this change in the lateral
 orbitofrontal cortex may be related to emotional
 changes that some women experience when
 using birth control pills,” Nicole Petersen, the
 research’s lead author, tells media.

The scientists say they aren’t certain if the
 effects last after a woman stops taking the
 contraceptive pill.

Further, all risks associated with the Pill
 rise if a woman smokes, has thrombosis,
 is overweight, diabetic, has high blood
pressure, or high cholesterol levels.

The study was published in the Human
 Brain Mapping journal.

caesarean-sections-WHO warning

Caesareans should only be performed
 when medically necessary: WHO

25% give birth by Caesarean section
now, in
the UK.

The World Health Organization calls
 for more careful use of caesareans,
 and states they should only be per-
formed when 'medically necessary'.

Caesarean section is one of the most
 common world surgeries. Rates keep
 rising mostly in high & middle-income

WHO says 'though caesarean section
 can save lives, it is often performed
with no
medical need, & puts women
and babies at
risk of short and long-
term health problems.

According to WHO, the world's health
community since 1985, has thought
"ideal rate" for caesareans, to be

 between 10% to 15%.

But new studies show when they are
 10% of births or under, mother & new
-born deaths fall
--- yet when the rate
goes above 10%,
there is no evidence
that death rates improve...

The UN's WHO makes several points:

 1) Bad effects like stillbirths, or deaths by
birth asphyxia, need to be made clear.

 2) More research on their impact
on women's psychological and

 social well-being, is needed.

3) High rates of unnecessary caesarean
 sections can pull resources from other
needs in overloaded and weak health-
care systems.

4) WHO proposes Robson classification as
 an internationally applicable caesarean
 section classification system, as there
is no standard world system in place.

5) The variation in Europe is far too high
- 25% give birth by Caesarean section in
 the UK. In Cyprus it's 52%; Sweden, 17%.

The UK's Royal College of Midwives:

'We need a review of policies, guidelines
 and further research - to ensure that UK
clinical practice is based on evidence',
says Professor Alison Macfarlane, of
City University, London.

Its study says Caesarean section rates
in most EU states show "a continuous
 rise", 'though in a few countries there
are signs that they are flattening out'.

There are several possible explanations
 for the rise "including a fear of litigation,
 financial incentives, women's requests
 for Caesarean section, and the common
perception that Caesarean section is a
safe procedure".

The study says there are consequences
 to this -- including potential raised risks
for mothers and babies -- such as more

 still-births in future pregnancies.

The countries with the highest rates for
Caesareans planned even before labour
starts, are Cyprus (38.8%) & Italy (25%).

The lowest rates are in Finland (6.6%),
the Netherlands (7.7) & Norway (6.6).

Prof Alison Macfarlane:- "Given that people
 are supposed to be practising according to
the evidence, it's surprising there are such
 wide variations between countries.

She stresses the importance of mothers'
 and children's health being prioritised...
more than at present.

Gail Johnson, professional advisor for
 education and research at the Royal
 College of Midwives, affirms that the
percentage of UK women giving birth
 by Caesarean section is 'a bit too high'.

"A Caesarean is an emergency procedure
 done if normal birth is not going to work.
It's not a lifestyle choice, and although
 it's a safe operation, it does carry more
 risks than a vaginal birth."

Nuts help you live longer

   Go NUTS!  ---  For Heart Health  

A recent study published in 'Amazing' finds
people from different ethnic and socio-
backgrounds who consume nuts
- and peanuts
(considered a legume) tend
to have a lower risk
of death from cardio-
vascular disease --- and live
longer too!

"We found consistent evidence that high nut/
peanut consumption, is associated with a
reduced risk of total mortality and of CVD
mortality," the authors of the study state.

"This inverse association was observed
among both men & women and across
 each racial/ethnic group ------ and was
independent of metabolic conditions,
smoking, alcohol consumption
and BMI.

Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine
 research team, headed by Dr. Xiao-Ou Shu,
gathered data from 71,764 black and white
 men and women from the southeastern US,
 & 134,265 Chinese men and women, from
 Shanghai, China.

Researchers were able to assess nut and
peanut consumption equally in participants
from the US;  but only peanut consumption
 was analyzed in participants from China.

Men in both groups consumed
 peanuts than women.

Nut and peanut consumption led to a reduced
 risk for overall mortality due to cardiovascular
 disease and ischemic heart disease --- across
 gender, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.

Risks for overall mortality were reduced by
21% among participants from the US, and
 by 17% among participants from China,
ate the most peanuts.

Although peanuts are often included as nuts
 in data, they are classified as legumes, with
 a nutrient content similar to tree nuts.

Nuts aren't only a healthy source of protein,
 fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,
but are also high in mono-unsaturated fats,
which are emphasized as part of the heart
healthy 'Mediterranean' diet.

The American Heart Association recommends
 eating four servings of unsalted, unoiled nuts
 a week -  'serving size' being a small handful,
 one and a half ounces of whole nuts, or two
 tablespoons of nut butter.


50% of all children to be autistic in 10
years - Mass. Institute of Technology

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of
 Technology's Computer Science & Artificial
 Intelligence Laboratory, state that half the
 children in the world, will be suffering
autism, by 2025.

Senior Researcher, Stephanie Seneff,
says the drastic rise is largely thanks
to Monsanto, and the use of its own
brand of glyphosate (a pesticide),
known as Roundup Ready.

Monsanto is a world leader in herbal bio-
technology. It sells genetically modified
corn seeds, soybeans and cotton, plus
 the world's most widely used herbicide.

According to researchers, the substance
 created when glyphosate is metabolized
by plants and animals, is highly toxic.

Its cytogenetic toxicity is 1,000 times
higher than the parent compound, say
the scientists.

Glyphosate is used to suppress annual
 & perennial weeds. It's recommended
 for use in vineyards and orchards, &
 in tea and citrus plantations.

Unfortunately, Roundup ''contributes'' to the
 destruction of beneficial intestinal bacteria
 required for the proper functioning of the
human immune system.

Another study in 2014, showed Roundup
 as 125 times more toxic than glyphosate.

Roundup use is linked to inflammation,
 cellular damage and an increased risk
of developing multiple cancers. It has
 been associated with a higher risk of
Parkinson's & Alzheimer's diseases.

Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder
 characterized by: impaired social inter-
action, impaired verbal and non-verbal
 communication, restricted or repetitive
 behavior, typically developes gradually
--- although some individuals hit their
 childhood development milestones at
 a normal pace, and then regress.

Repetitive stacking or lining up of
objects, is sometimes displayed. 


India Celebrates Declaration of
               International Day of Yoga              

 Indian state and private institutions specializing
 in Yoga, practitioners, social institutions and the
media, celebrate the United Nations’ decision to
declare June 21st as 'International Day of Yoga'.

"I have no words to describe my joy", PM Narendra
 Modi, promoter of the initiative, writes on Twitter.

In a message on passage of the resolution,
 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says:

"Yoga can contribute to resilience against
non-communicable diseases and can bring
 communities together in an inclusive way
that generates respect. Yoga is a sport
can contribute to development &
peace and 
can even help people in
emergency situations, 
to find
relief from stress."

In suggesting June 21 as International the
Day of Yoga, Modi said that it is the longest
day in the Northern Hemisphere, and has
a special significance, in many parts of

Estimates suggest that about 250 million
people practice Yoga worldwide.


If you are taking hormones from the
major pharmaceutical companies...





Russia bans methadone in Crimea

Russia will ban methadone - a narcotic drug
to treat of drug addiction - in Crimea,
Federal Drug Control Service chief,
Ivanov, says (on Wed, March 26).

Methadone has become a criminal business in
 Ukraine says Ivanov, and although its efficacy
 isn't clinically proven, there are hard statistics
 showing that deaths from its use in the US and
 UK -- have risen considerably, as addiction to
 methadone is much stronger than with heroin.

“Methadone is not a cure. Practically all methadone
 supplies in Ukraine are circulating on the secondary
 market as a narcotic drug in the absence of control.

 "As a result, it has spread to the black market and
trades there at much higher prices. It has become

a source of criminal income,” Ivanov says & adds
 that 200 million US dollars are spent in Ukraine
methadone therapy.

 Russian specialists and their colleagues in other
 countries, including the US, do not recognise it
 as a means of efficient treatment, he states.

There are twice as many drug addicts in Crimea

 as in Russia, Ivanov says. He describes the drug
 situation on the peninsula as “difficult”; blaming
 unemployment, the available means of making
poppy straw, its closeness to Turkey (a transit
 country for Afghan heroin), and the trading of
 methadone, in Ukraine.

noise kills

Death from Respiratory Causes

                  Linked to Noise Pollution               
Experts have shown - for the first time -
a close relationship between deaths
respiratory diseases, with
 noise levels in
a city.

To establish this link, the experts analyzed
 daily deaths from respiratory causes data,
registered from 2003 to 2005, in Madrid.

The European Respiratory Society publishes
 that these results may be extrapolated to
 town registering noise levels similar
to those 
existing in Madrid.

According to the authors of the article, the
 cause of increase in deaths from respiratory
 problems can be linked to the rise of
 levels in the blood, a
hormone released in stress

 situations, including noise.

The study affirms the effect of noise on mortality
 is 6.2% for every decibel of rise in noise levels.

It also states that the most vulnerable individuals
 are those over 65 years old.

the sun


New research indicates that higher levels of
vitamin D in mothers during pregnancy help
babies have stronger muscles in later life.

The study conducted by the scientists at the
University of Southampton shows the impact
 of vitamins on baby during mum’s pregnancy.

The study on 678 children unveiled that women
 with high levels of vitamin D in the late stages
 of pregnancy are more likely to have children
with greater muscle strength.

When the children were four years old, their grip
strength & muscle mass were measured,

 researchers show in the study report
published in
 the journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism.

"There's some evidence that 'fast' muscle fibres
 go down, in vitamin D deficiency, and you get
more fat in muscle," says the lead scientist
Dr Nicholas Harvey, from Medical Research
 Council Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit (MRC
 LEU), at the University of Southampton.

“These associations between maternal vitamin D
 and offspring muscle strength --- may well have
 consequences for later health; muscle strength
peaks in young adulthood, before declining in
 older age & low grip strength in adulthood
 been associated with poor health
 including diabetes, falls
and fractures," he adds.

An earlier study by Australian researchers shows
 that women with low blood levels of vitamin D
during pregnancy are more likely to have
with language problems.

Their study, published in Pediatrics journal
 in 2012, highlighted the role that vitamin D
 levels play especially during the 2nd & 3rd
trimesters, in the development of certain

brain regions used in language learning.

 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine, 3 times
 a week, is highly recommended. 

Many experts recommend a daily 10
 microgram vitamin D supplement
 pregnant mums.

Vitamin D may also be obtained with a well-
balanced diet, including various types of
 soymilk, broccoli, egg, liver, cheese
& butter, 
and fortified milk and cereals.


Each year, of those diagnosed with AIDs,
80% are between 15 & 19 years old.

8 out of 10 are men --- and 9 out of 10
are men who have sex with other men.

The use of a condom is advised.

Perhaps better still, continence.

keeping healthy


Leading an active lifestyle through the
practice of healthy hobbies
- such as
gardening -
may reduce the risk of
heart attacks and strokes, affirms

a specialized source.

According to a recent edition of the British
Journal of Sports Medicine, daily activities
like gardening are as effective as physical
exercise in helping elderly people to lower
their risk of suffering from these diseases.

The study monitored the heart health and
activities of almost 4 000 people aged 60
or older in Stockholm, Sweden, for 12 and
a half years.

Over the course of the study, the highest
level of physical activity, regardless of the
amount of formal exercise, was linked to
a 27% cut in heart attack or stroke risk
and a 30% lower risk of death from
all causes.

Previous studies affirmed that a healthy diet,
keeping to a proper weight, and exercise,
are some of the main factors that help
prevent these types of illness.

UK toddlers milk over-sweetened

The UK government is being criticizised over
the lack of nutrition information for toddler’s
milk -- as new research shows the milk has
less than the recommended daily intake of
calcium -- and over twice the amount of
sugar compared to natural cow’s milk.

Consumer group Which? says parents could be
wasting hundreds of pounds on “unnecessary"
toddler milks that can contain more sugar and
less calcium than cows' milk. In their survey
they found 46% of mums use toddler’s milk.

“Ministers should make their advice much
clearer --- and introduce guidance on the
ingredients of toddler milks, including the
level of sugar and calcium,” says Richard
Lloyd, the executive director at Which? .

Baby and toddler dairy products companies
that distribute across the UK, like Aptamil
and Hipp, and the UK-based Cow & Gate,
mix additives - such as vanilla extract -
which attracts a child to that type of
milk and builds a preference for
sweetened food.

 Conventional milk has 4.7g of sugar in 100ml
--- compared to 7.9g of sugar per 100ml in
toddler’s milk. In 100ml of toddler milk by
Aptamil and Cow & Gate there is 86mg of
calcium, which means children drinking
that milk, get half of the 122mg of
calcium in conventional milk.

And the toddler milk is more expensive than
cow’s milk. The annual cost of toddler milk,
has been shown to be almost 10 times more
expensive than cow’s milk, at £62 per year
for cow’s milk compared to £593 for ready-
to-feed toddler milk.

“At a time when so many household budgets
are severely squeezed, parents could be
saving hundreds of pounds on toddler
milks, that the government says are
unnecessary”,says Lloyd.

Save the NHS

Up to one-third of children in the UK have either

 attempted or considered taking their own lives,
according to a new report which sheds light on
 the ‘shocking statistics’ of suicide in the UK.

The latest study for the mental health charity
MindFull, a sister of the BeatBullying charity,
reveals that 29% of UK youngsters have
 deliberately harmed themselves, 32 % have
 considered suicide, and over 12% have felt
 they were failures on an almost daily basis,
 before they reached the age of 16.
Almost 75% of the 850,000 UK youngsters
 with diagnosable mental health problems,
 get no treatment at all, due to a huge lack of
 support for those seeking help, says the report.

“Too many children who try to speak out about
the way they are feeling are being let down or
simply ignored,” says Emma-Jane Cross,
 founder and chief executive of MindFull.

“It’s unacceptable that so many are having to
resort to harming themselves on purpose in
order to cope, or worse still are thinking
about ending their own lives.”

The ‘Alone with my thoughts’ research was based
 on the first-hand experiences of over 2,000 UK
 youngsters between 16 and 25 years of age.
“We are at risk of failing a generation of young people,”
the report warns, calling for a “transformation in the
way we address young people’s mental health.”
"Children and young people are growing up in a toxic climate,
that they exist in a 24/7 online world where they never switch
off, where cyberbullying, consumerism and pornography,
sexting and the pressure to have the perfect body bombard
them daily, where any exam grade below a C means failure
and employment prospects are bleak,”  the director of
YoungMinds policy Lucie Russell says, at Mindfull's launch.
“These shocking statistics highlight what YoungMinds
has been saying for many years - that children and
young people’s mental health is a vital issue that
must be prioritized,” she adds.

According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics,
 there were 6,045 suicides in people aged 15 and over
 in the UK in 2011 - an increase of 437 people from the
 year before. Over 4,000 children under the age of 14
 attempted to take their own lives in 2007, according
 to NHS figures. The figures show a 50% increase
 in student suicides between 2007 and 2011.

Among the key factors for childhood depression
 appears to be a growing fear of the future, a
 permanent lack of confidence, and constant
 pressure from schoolwork.

Mindfull, which has the support of Labour leader
 Ed Milliband and clinical psychologist Professor
 Tanya Byron, is offering free professional online
 help to 11-17 year olds who feel they cannot
 overcome life's ups and downs alone.

The organization offers to work with schools
across the UK, to teach youngsters how to
 manage anxiety and stress.

link between cell phones and brain tumours


The Italian Supreme Court has ruled that there is a
causal link between mobile phone use & brain tumours.
The ruling sets a legal precedent that could potentially
trigger a deluge of lawsuits.

Innocente Marcolini, a 60-year-old retired businessperson
argued that excessive use of his mobile phone for around
six hours every day for 12 years caused a benign brain
tumour that left his face partially paralyzed.

The Italian court ruled in the businessperson’s favour,
conceding that there is a “causal link” between phone
use and the development of the tumour.

"This is significant for very many people. I wanted this
 problem to become public because many people still do
not know the risks,”
said Marcolini to Corriere della Sera.
“I was always on the phone for at least five or six hours
a day. Always with a mobile pressed to my ear.”

Marcolini’s tumour was on the trigeminal nerve, close
to where his cellphone touched his head. Although the
tumour was non-cancerous, it endangered his life, as
it could have spread to the carotid artery and blocked
one of the main blood vessels to the brain.

He argued that the electromagnetic radiation emitted
by cellphones can damage cells, making tumours
more likely to occur.

Oncologist and professor of environmental mutagenesis
Angelo Gino Levis, who gave evidence during the court
hearing, says the ruling is “extremely important.”

“Finally a correlation has been officially recognized
between electromagnetic waves and the development
of tumours, in spite of the anti-alarmist propaganda and
research financed by mobile phone manufacturers,”

Levis told the Corriere. He stressed that after working
on several case studies the relationship between the
use of mobile phones and the increased risk of brain
tumours, is proven.

"It'll open, not a road, but a motorway to legal actions
by victims. We're considering a class action,”
told UK newspaper The Sun.

Currently the World Health Organization classifies
mobile phones as “carcinogens” and places them
in the same category as pesticides.

alzeimers cured with spring water

Silicon-rich mineral water prevents cognitive decline
in those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, a study
by UK researchers at Keele University shows.

UK researchers suggest that drinking silicon-rich
mineral water can reduce the levels of neurotoxin
aluminium in the body, which is linked to dementia.

Their study reveals that the majority of patients
who consumed at least one litre of mineral water
every day for 13 weeks showed no further signs
of cognitive decline; an improved mental health
condition was also noted in some patients.

Aluminium levels have long been linked with
Alzheimer’s-related mental damage, but the relationship
has never been conclusively proven scientifically.

“When you drink silicon-rich mineral water, aluminium
 throughout the body is gathered up into the blood and
 then excreted through the urine,” says Professor
Christopher Exley, Keele University, research leader.

“The most interesting thing was that we did see this
potential relationship between the removal of aluminium
 and the positive improvement in cognitive function.”

Aluminium levels were reduced by as much as 70% in
 some patients, which gives hope to those struggling
with the devastating disease.

heading football causes brain damage


Heading footballs frequently, may cause brain
damage leading to subtle but serious declines
in thinking and coordination, a new
study suggests.

Researchers used an advanced MRI (Magnetic
Resonance Imaging) technique to analyse
in the brain's white matter of 32
adult amateur 
soccer players who head
balls 436 times a year, 
on average, and
found that players who head 
frequently --- 1,000 or more a year ---

show abnormalities similar to traumatic
injuries suffered in car accidents.

"This is the first study to look at the effects
of heading on the brain using sophisticated
diffusion tensor imaging," says Dr. Michael
Lipton, a leading researcher and associate
director of the Gruss Magnetic Resonance
Research Center at the Albert Einstein
of Medicine in New York City.

"We found the real implication for players isn't
from hitting headers once in a while, but
repetitively, which can lead to the
degeneration of
brain cells,"
he adds.

The researchers compared neurological images of
study participants, whose average age was 31,
and found those with the highest volume of
headers had abnormalities in 5 areas of the
brain, responsible for attention, memory,
physical mobility and high-level
visual functions.

The findings come in the wake of mixed reports
on the so-called "cognitive" consequences of
frequently heading soccer balls at practice.

Dr. Chris Koutures, a pediatrician and sports
medicine specialist in Anaheim Hills, California,
says the imaging study is fascinating, but needs
more data to effectively determine safe header
limits, especially for younger players.

Dr. Lipton agrees that neuropsychological damage
from headers is hard for a coach or physician to
notice, as cognitive problems develop gradually,
and even the players might not be aware of
memory loss.

"We can't tell an individual today not to head
a ball, but caution is a good thing," Lipton
says. "We need more research for
answers, and we have
the advanced 
imaging tools
to do it."

idigenous people aren't psychopaths


Der Spiegel reports that two researchers at
University of St Gallen in Switzerland, in

comparing profiles for 28 successful stock
market traders, with an equal number of
diagnosed psychopaths, found that the
easily “outperformed” all crazies
-- in terms of
“reckless manipulation”.

Even at the risk of
hurting their own profit
margins, according to
Dr Thomas Noll, a
prison administrator, “they
spent a lot of
energy trying to damage
their opponents.”

white fleshed fruit helps stop strokes


Daily consumption of white-fleshed fruits and
vegetables - -such as apples and pears -- can
significantly cut the risk of developing a stroke.

During a 10 year study and follow up of 20,069
healthy adults aged between 20 and 65, Dutch
researchers analyzed the effects of the daily
eating of fruits and vegetables of various
colours in lowering the risk of
developing a stroke.

Results show that the risk of a stroke is
lower for people who ate a lot of
fruits and vegetables.

Every 25 grams per day of white fruits and
vegetables such as apples, pears, bananas,
cauliflower, chicory, cucumber and mush-
led to a 9% decrease in the risk
of strokes, 
say Wageningen University

According to the report published in Stroke:
Journal of the American Heart Association,
the colour of the edible portions of fruits &
vegetables shows the presence of beneficial
phytochemicals (plant compounds), such
carotenoids and flavonoids.

“Green, orange/yellow & red/purple fruits and
vegetables weren't related to stroke. Yet the
risk of stroke incidence -- was 52% lower for

people with a high intake of white fruits and
vegetables, compared to people with a low
intake,” says lead author, Linda M.
Oude Greip.

“To prevent strokes, it may be useful to consume
considerable amounts of white fruits and
vegetables,” she adds, saying “an apple
a day, 
which weighs approximately
120 grams, is an 
easy way to raise
white fruit & vegetable intake.”

"However, other fruit & vegetable colour groups
may protect against other chronic diseases.

Therefore, it remains of importance to
a LOT of fruit & vegetables."

good news for worlds children


Giving vitamin A supplements to children under
the age of five can save the lives of 600,000 in
low and middle-income countries, every year!

A review of 43 trials --- shows that vitamin A
supplements reduced child mortality by 24%
in developing countries by preventing many
deadly infections in children.

A team of researchers from the UK and Pakistan
studied over 200,000 children aged 6 months to
5 years, and found that taking vitamin A can
also reduce disabilities such as severe
impairment, blindness and
complications caused 
severe infections.

According to the World Health organization (WHO),
vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is the leading cause
of preventable blindness in children, and
increases the risk of disease and death
severe infections such as diarrhea
and measles.

About 190 million children under the age of five
might have vitamin A deficiency, especially in
Africa and South-East Asia, a condition that
hits young children and pregnant women in
low-income countries.

Supplements are already distributed twice a year
in at least 60 countries, but about 20% of the
target population is not covered.

"I've never really seen something that works so
clearly," says author of the study, Evan Mayo-
Wilson. "From the 1970s through to today, the
picture hasn't changed. It's striking because
the evidence of a really big reduction in
mortality, is very consistent."

"Until other sources are available, supplements
should be given to all children who are at risk
of vitamin A deficiency,” he recommends.

Researchers from the University of Oxford and
Aga Khan University, stress that the findings
are so compelling and clear that further
of vitamin A with placebos, would
be unethical.

UK drugs expensive and unsafe


The UK pharmaceutical industry is in “crisis.”
UK scientists are finally raising their worries
about the growing number of ineffective

medicines, with their adverse drug
named as "side effects"
by the industry's chiefs.

The clinicians express their worries in a letter
to PM David Cameron & Health Sec Andrew
urging a rethink of the way
new medicines are tested.

The signatories say in The Lancet, that currently,
“epidemic proportions” of drugs cause adverse
reactions, while patients have to pay
sums of money for
their prescriptions.

Figures show that some 197,000 citizens of
the EU
die of an adverse reaction to drugs
every year.

The letter calls for a change of approach
drugs testing, as testing on animals
results that are not the same
for humans.

"Our reliance on animals to establish safety
results in the exposure of clinical volunteers
and patients to many treatments, are at best
ineffective and at worst dangerous," their
letter says.

Tony Dexter, one of the signatories, and head
a research lab in Cheshire, describes trying

drugs on animals and assuming they are safe
humans as; “really the toss of a coin."

"A fundamental problem -- is that a rat is not a
human. They are different sizes, have different
metabolisms and have different diets; so using
animals to predict effects on humans is difficult.

"50% of compounds that prove to be safe in rats
prove not to be safe in humans, so it really is
the toss of a coin," Dexter tells Sky News.

The signatories of the letter urge new procedures
in favour of testing medicines on human cells -
before issuing certificates for any new drugs.

They also voice concerns about the soaring costs
of most new drugs, that make them unsustain-
as high prices are “creating an ever-
burden on the National
Health Service”.

A lack of adequate treatment for diseases like
Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, many cancers,
and strokes, is another source of concern for
the scientists and clinicians.

"The UK pharmaceutical industry is in crisis.
Likewise, health care, is in a web of crises,
many of which, are intimately linked to the
pharmaceutical industry's major problems"
- the scientists' letter cautions.

angel news


Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a 4th
Indicator, the Tongue.

STROKE: Remember the 1st 3 Letters;- S. T. R.


During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little
fall - she assured everyone that she was fine
(they offered to call paramedics). She said she'd
just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate
of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up,
Jane enjoyed herself for the rest of the evening.

Jane's husband called later telling everyone that
his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6pm
Jane passed away.) She'd suffered a stroke at the
BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of
a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today.
Some don't die. They end up in a helpless,
hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this.

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke
victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the
effects of a stroke ....totally. He says the
trick is getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed,
and then getting the patient medically cared for
within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps,
STR. Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to
identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness
spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer
severe brain damage, when people nearby fail to
recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke
by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK
(i.e. It is sunny out today.)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these
tasks, call the emergency number immediately
and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke --- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this:
Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.
If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one
side or the other, that's also an indication
of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this
passes it on by email to 10 people; you can bet
that at least one life will be saved.

I have done my part. Will you?


The University at Cardiff, Wales, headlined research
last year that vitamin D is a major health boost.

Now new research indicates that taking vitamin D
can ward off vision loss from age-related
macular degeneration (AMD), in women
than 75, according to media
reports today.

In the research, women under 75 who consumed
sufficient vitamin D, cut their risk of developing
early age-related AMD,a leading 
cause of
vision loss and blindness, by 59%,

when compared to women with
vitamin D-poor diets.

Researchers found that vitamin D levels among
patients in the study were most affected by
the amount of vitamin D they consumed,
through certain fish, dairy, eggs, and
leafy greens, NOT by the amount of
outdoor exposure they had.

Considering that many in the West are deficient
in vitamin D, this study may offer one more
reason for women to include vitamin D-rich
in the diet, says the lead author on
the study,
Amy Millen of the University
of Buffalo.


A fresh study at the University of Eastern Finland
shows that vitamin D deficiencies can increase
a person's risk of death, Finnish media report.

Researchers studied the effects of vitamin D on
over 1,000 people aged from 53 to 73 who didn't
suffer from cancer or vascular diseases, but
65% of the subjects were found to have low
levels of vitamin D. Subjects were monitored
for an average of nine years. A total of 87 of
the participants died in the course of
the study.

The study confirms that a lack of vitamin D
increases the risk of chronic diseases.
Individuals with low levels of vitamin D
are about twice as likely to die early --
compared to those with higher levels.

During the summer months in Finland, people
are able to obtain vitamin D from exposure
to the sun. However, persons living in
must rely on vitamin D from
food or supplements 
during the
darker months of the year.

Oily fish & eggs are major sources of vitamin D.
As, of course, is sunlight. The Cardiff study
highlighted exposure for "at least" half an
per day, as vital for health
and wellbeing.

The brain after meditation grows!


Meditation has REAL pain relieving effects,
a study in the Journal of Neuroscience
says now.

In the study, researchers mildly burned 15 men
and women in a lab on two separate occasions,
before and after the volunteers attended four
20-minute meditation training sessions,
in 4 days.

The second time, after the participants were
instructed to meditate, they rated the same
pain stimulus - 120-degree heat on their
calves  - 
as being 57% less unpleasant
and 40% less intense.

"This is the first study to show that only a
little over an hour of meditation training
can ''dramatically reduce''  --- both the
experience of pain and pain-related
brain activation,"

says Fadel Zeidan, lead author of the study and
a post-doctoral research fellow at Wake Forest
Baptist Medical Centre, in North Carolina.

The reduction in pain ratings was substantially
greater than those seen in similar studies
involving placebo pills, hypnosis, and
morphine and other painkilling
drugs, he adds.

Past research has found that Buddhist-style
meditation known as mindfulness meditation
can help people cope with pain, anxiety, & a
number of other physical and mental health

problems. But in most cases, the training
weeks, not days (as in this study).



Eight weeks of meditation can trigger measurable
changes in the brain, contributing to increases
in the amount of grey matter in areas associated
with learning and awareness.

A study of 16 volunteers who took the eight-week
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program,
shows that meditation can actually alter the
brain's structure, report scientists from Mass.
General Hospital, & Giessen University, Germany.

A comparison between the brain MRI scan of
meditators and non-meditators, two weeks prior
to the study, and 8 weeks after the meditation
program, shows that the practice can increase
grey-matter density in the hippocampus, the part
of the brain related to learning and memory, and
in brain areas associated with self-awareness.

The program included weekly meetings to practice
mindfulness meditation and audio recordings for
guided meditation practice. The participants
were asked to keep track of the time they spent
practicing each day.

The meditation group spent an average of 27 mins
per day doing mindfulness meditation exercises
which focused on nonjudgmental awareness of
one's feelings, sensations and state of mind.

According to the study published in Psychiatry
Research: "Neuro-imaging", participants reported
reduced stress after 8 weeks of meditation.

"It is fascinating to see the brain's plasticity
and that, by practicing meditation, we can play
an active role in changing the brain, and can
increase our well-being and quality of life,"
says the main author, Britta Holzel.

While previous studies have found structural
differences between meditators and other non-
meditating individuals, they couldn't prove
that meditation had caused this effect.

"Other studies in different patient populations
have shown that meditation can make significant
improvements in a variety of symptoms, and we
are now investigating the underlying mechanisms
in the brain that facilitate this change," she adds.

Left wingers think more!!


They say laughter is the best medicine,
so perhaps this news item will make
you smile!

Neuroscientists are examining whether political
allegiances are hard-wired into people, after
finding evidence that the brains of Tories
a different shape to those of

Scans of 90 students' brains at University
College London (UCL) uncovered a "strong
correlation" between the thickness of two
particular areas of grey matter, and an
individual's views, reports
The Independent.

Self-proclaimed right-wingers had a more
pronounced amygdala - a primitive part of
the brain associated with emotion - while
their political opponents from the
opposite end 
of the spectrum had
thicker anterior cingulates.

The research was carried out by Geraint Rees,
director of UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuro-
science, who says he's "very surprised" 
the finding, which is being peer reviewed

before publication this year.

It was commissioned as a light-hearted experiment
by actor Colin Firth, as part of his turn, guest
editing BBC Radio 4's Today program, but
has now 
developed into a serious effort
to discover if 
we're programmed with
a particular political view.

Professor Rees says that, although it's not
precise enough to be able to predict some-
stance simply from a scan, there is
“a strong 
correlation that reaches all our
tests of significance.”

The US Dream becomes a sick show


It seems the US culture of slaughter, is reaching
out to our children from a US dream gone wrong.

The received wisdom is that whatever happens in
the US, the UK will soon do too. Time, perhaps,
for our physical and mental health, to change
& stop following the US to fat and ruin now?

Take a look at US "Health"... if you live there.

Most of the beef you eat, has been exposed to
excrement during processing. Your poultry is
infected with salmonella. Your stock animals
and poultry are overdosed with hormones
  and antibiotics.

In most countries, governments try to protect
their citizens against all this, but in the US
the government's increasingly bribed by
companies to avoid regulations and
proper inspections.

In a few years, the majority of all produce
for sale in the US will be from genetically
modified crops --- thanks to the cozy
relationship between Monsanto
Corp & the US government.

Worse, due to vast quantities of high-fructose
syrup US people consume, fully one-third of
US children born today, will be diagnosed
with Type 2 diabetes at some point in
their lives.

And it's not just the food that's killing you,
it's the drugs. If you show any signs of life
when you're young, they put you on Ritalin.

Then, when you get old enough to take a good
look around, you'll get depressed, so they'll
give you Prozac. If you're a man, this makes
you chemically impotent, so.... you'll need
Viagra to get it up. Meanwhile, your steady
diet of trans-fat-laden food is guaranteed
to give you high cholesterol, so you'll be
given Lipitor.

Finally, at the end of the day, you'll lay awake
at night, worrying about losing your health
plan, so you'll need Lunesta to go to sleep.

Is this the way you want for you & your children?
And it all started in the good ole US, where ten
years ago they started diagnosing lively
with little respect for
authority, as "sick"....

"Hyperactivity" and "Attention Deficit Disorder"
are now being misdiagnosed to control OUR kids,
yet they ARE exposed to extreme violence on TV
in their US created video games - and can watch
so-called superstars, publicly decapitate Santa.

Good Health !?!

There is, surely, a better, brighter way.

stinging nettle


Urtica dioica, a herbaceous perennial flowering
plant also known as stinging nettles, has long
been known for its many medical properties.
The herb is effective in treating prostate
disorders, respiratory problems,

stomach Catarrh and anemia.

The high content of secretin in the plant makes
Urtica dioica an effective herb for treatment of
several gastrointestinal-related conditions.

Now scientists have succeeded in producing the
world's first oral vaccine from stinging nettles
to fight diabetes and high blood sugar levels.

Its "discoverer" says that a peptide cycle found
in Urtica dioica improves the entrance of blood
sugar into the cells, a process believed to be
impaired in diabetic patients.

Shabani Domala, the researcher, says the drug has
successfully finished its trials and is expected
to enter the market by next year. He says the
best benefit is that the new oral drug, unlike
injecting insulin, is completely pain free.

“I started the project fifteen years ago in Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, for my diabetic
nephew, who was forced to inject insulin on a
daily basis,” the lead researcher, says.

So perhaps we in Wales won't get any benefit
from this at all... since we're slaves to the
UK's pharmaceutical monopolies, & "our"
UK regime
, for its own reasons, doesn't
"its" subjects to be friends
with Iran.

Mind, if Wales got off its ***e and produced its
own biotechnology, that would be true liberation.

An economy for Wales - is good for yewer health!!!

Cancer cells


A new study suggests that cancer was extremely
rare in antiquity and is therefore a modern,
manmade disease caused by
environmental factors.

Researchers at Manchester's KNH Centre for
Biomedical Egyptology Cancer studied mummified
remains and literary evidence from ancient Egypt,
literary evidence from ancient Greece, & medical
studies of human & animal remains from earlier
periods, going back to the age of the dinosaurs.

According to the study published in Nature
Reviews Cancer, cancer is the result of diet
& pollution in the modern age. Only one
of cancer was found among
hundreds of Egyptian 
withfew written references
to it.

One unnamed mummy was diagnosed with rectal
by Professor Michael Zimmerman, visiting

Professor at the KNH Centre, PhysOrg reports.

The rate of cancer, especially childhood cancer,
has exploded since the Industrial Revolution,
showing that old age is not the main reason
behind cancer, scientists say.

“In industrialized societies, cancer is second
only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of
death. But in ancient times, it was extremely
rare,” says Professor Rosalie David, of the
Faculty of Life Sciences.

“There is nothing in the natural environment
that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-
made disease, down to pollution & changes
to our diet and lifestyle.”

Scientists believe that the short life span of
ancients, precluded the development of cancer,
but people of ancient Egypt and Greece did live
long enough to develop cancer, having diseases
such as atherosclerosis, Paget's & osteoporosis.

The team found the first descriptions of cancer
operations in the 17th century, and the first
reports in scientific literature of distinctive
tumors, within the past 200 years.

you CAN choose to be happy!


In a new study, Australian behavioral scientists
explode the theory that happiness is linked solely
to genetics, in a study viewed as a breakthrough
in psychological research.

The results of a 25-year study on 60,000 Germans
show very strongly that long-term happiness IS
determined by lifestyle decisions;- including
partner choice, love for others, work & religion.

The study discovers that people who put their
relationship with their partner & children first
are happier than those interested in careers or
material success, as are those who help others
through social or political activities.

Working less hours doesn't necessarily lead to
happiness, but working a lot more or less than
they want, makes people VERY unhappy.

"Other things that matter are social activities,
getting involved in social and community
with friends in an active kind of way,"

Professor Headey, team leader, says.

He adds that a link between religion and
happiness is also quite evident.

"Religion seems to work for people - people
regularly attend church or mosque are
a bit
happier on average, than people who
are non-
religious or non-attenders...

"So having some kind of belief system that
gives you
a sense of meaning or purpose
is important for happiness."

"People who select or happen to be selected
partners with relatively benign personalities,

with low levels of neuroticism, and who are
reasonably extroverted and outgoing, tend to
be happier than average, and happier than
would be, just on the basis of their own

personality traits," adds Professor Headey.

Professor Headey says these findings are
first of their kind on such a large scale.

"It is, I think, something of a breakthrough,"
Professor Headey says.

"People want to be happy, they want to know
they can do to make a difference, and
this gives
some indication of the kinds of
choices that matter.

"So we don't have to be stuck with the idea
happiness is set, like disease or height
or genes."

Study leader and Associate Professor at the
University of Melbourne, Australia, Bruce
says the study turns the idea of
happiness being
linked to personality,
firmly on its head.

"Happiness isn't just a matter of heredity;
it isn't just in the genes," he says.

"Genes might be about 50% of the story,
but the rest depends on lifestyle choices:
choices relating to your partner, and also
relating to your work life."

The study is being published in the official
journal of the US National Academy of Sciences,
& based on data from the German Socio-Economic
Panel, conducted by scientists partly from Australia.

It analyzed responses from a representative sample
of people aged 16 & over, who answered questions
every single year from 1984 to 2008.

Plastic people


Plastic dishes or packaging were very rare
in the Soviet Union. Soviet food stores did
not use polyethylene film & fresh groceries
were wrapped in fresh clean packing paper.

Now it's considered normal to have foodstuffs
packed in various plastic containers, bags,
with fizzy reactive drinks in plastic bottles
& even plastic kettles are used to boil water !

Disposable plastic kitchenware appeared first in
the USA at the beginning of the 20th century.
Mass production started at the end of the 1950s,
and paper was gradually replaced with plastic.

Yet plastic kitchen utensils can be dangerous,
because as they're heated in a microwave oven
or filled with hot water, they discharge toxins
into both food and drinks.

Drinks in plastic bottles can be very dangerous
for children. When such bottles are heated, they
emit bisphenol A. This substance can trigger the
development of various cancers, heart ailments,
obesity, diabetes, etc. Bisphenol A is dangerous,
and especially for boys: it can often affect the
reproductive system of male embryos in
the womb.

Baby bottles containing bisphenol are banned in
the US. US companies now manufacture plastic
bottles without the chemical. Nothing has been
changed for other countries, though.

Phthalate is another extremely toxic substance
used in the production of plastic kitchenware.
Phthalates are used as plasticizers: they make
plastic materials flexible and soft.... They are
contained in polyethylene films that are used
for packing meat, sausages & other foodstuffs.
Phthalates can most easily penetrate into fats.

Therefore, specialists recommend that people
keep food in glass, metal or ceramic containers.
It's best to use plastic just for cold food & drinks.

Dmitry Zykov, a food technologies specialist:

"For hot food and water, you should only use
materials that have been exposed to a process
of being burnt in a furnace. Surfaces become
inert as a result of this process, and no toxins
can penetrate from such dishes or containers
your food. Tableware made of glass or
steel, doesn't react chemically
with hot food.

If you have a plastic electric kettle at home,
I would recommend that you replace it with
metal one. It's more expensive, but it's a
better for your health."

green veg and wholemeal bread to avoid diabetes


For the Welsh, cursed with a high incidence of
diabetes, here's some welcome research...

Following a diet rich in whole grains, which are
high in magnesium, lowers the risk of developing
diabetes in the long run, AND mitigates further
complications for diabetics, a new study finds.

Previous studies have reported that adopting a
healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits
lowers the risk of developing diabetes, coronary
heart disease, strokes, and some cancers.

According to a study published in Diabetes Care,
individuals who receive about 200 milligrams of
magnesium from foods and vitamin supplements
for every 1,000 calories they consume, are at
a 47% lower risk of developing diabetes over
the next 20 years.

The higher magnesium an individual receives,
the lower would be the blood levels of several
markers of inflammation. High blood levels of
magnesium are linked to low insulin resistance.

"Increasing magnesium intake may be important for
improving insulin sensitivity, reducing systemic
inflammation, and decreasing diabetes risk,"
says lead researcher Ka He, at the University
of North Carolina.

Magnesium is needed for the proper functioning
of several enzymes responsible for the precise
process of glucose in the body, the study finds.

Scientists therefore are urging both diabetics
& individuals at risk of developing the condition
to follow a healthy diet rich in magnesium in
order to lower the risk of developing diabetes
and avoiding wosening its complications.

Little Jamie "back from dead"...



A mother saved her premature baby's life recently,
after being told by doctors "Sorry, we couldn't
save him". Read what happened next here...


less meat better for your health


Following a low-carbohydrate diet in which plants,
rather than animals, are the main source of fat
and protein, can lower the overall risk of death.

Previous studies all report that low-carbohydrate
diets can promote weight loss and improve blood
cholesterol levels. According to a new study,
published in the Annals of Internal Medicine,
adopting a higher-vegetable low-carbohydrate
diet, can lead to a 20% lower risk of death.

A low-carbohydrate diet rich in meat? -
this increases mortality rates by 23%.

A diet rich in meat is linked with a higher risk
of dying from cardiovascular diseases. It also
increases the risk of a cancer-related death,
albeit not "significantly".

Following the "Eco-Atkins" diet, which is rich
in vegetable-derived fats and proteins, lowers
the overall risk of death and the heart disease-
related mortality rate, by about 20%.

Lack of unsaturated fats, dietary fibre, vitamins,
minerals and phytochemicals in meat-based diets
may be responsible for the high death rate in
individuals following a meat-rich diet.

"These results suggest that the health effects of
a low-carbohydrate diet may depend on the type
protein and fat, and a diet that includes mostly

vegetable sources of protein & fat is preferable
to a diet with mostly animal sources of protein
and fat," says lead researcher, Frank B. Hu.

US Health industry


As we now see Health insurance company salesmen
on our streets, pretending to be "legal advisors",
and watch helplessly as the UK's health "industry"
is touted to more and more "experts" - by bribing
GPs to front the smashing of the UK's once world-
famous National Health Service; take a good look
at the US way... and see the dark abyss loom!

1 - Even as the rest of the US economy deeply
struggles, US health insurance companies
increased their profits by 56 percent in 2009.

2 - According to a report by Health Care for
America Now, the US's five biggest for-profit
health insurers ended 2009 with a combined
profit of $12.2 billion.

3 - The top executives at the five largest for-
profit health insurance companies in the US
received $200 million in "compensation" in 2009.

4 - According to an article on the Mother Jones
website, health insurance premiums for small
US employers increased 180% between 1999 and 2009.

5 - Health insurance premium increases are
getting totally out of control. For example,
the 39% increase in health insurance premiums
Anthem Blue Cross imposed on some California
customers last year, made national headlines.

6 - Since 2003, health insurance companies have
given $42 million in state election contributions.

7 - More than two dozen pharmaceutical companies
made over a billion dollars in profits in 2008.

8 - Each year, tens of billions of dollars is
spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the US alone.

9 - Nearly half of all US citizens now use
prescription drugs on a regular basis, according
to a CDC report that was just released.

According to the report, approximately one-third
of all US citizens use 2 or more pharmaceutical
drugs, and more than ten% of all US citizens
use 5 or more prescription drugs, regularly.

10 - According to the CDC, approximately three
quarters of a million people a year are rushed
to emergency rooms in the US because of adverse
reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.

11 - According to a very surprising new study,
85% of new pharmaceutical drugs are "lemons"
and pose serious health risks to their users.

12 - The Food and Drug Administration reported
1,742 prescription drug recalls in 2009, which
was an increase from 426 drug recalls in 2008.

13 - Shocking new research has found that
expectant mothers taking antidepressants
have an astounding 68% increase in the
overall risk of miscarriage. Yet pharmaceutical
companies are doing nothing to stop this.

14 - The use of psychiatric medications among 18
to 34 yr old members of the US military & their
wives, increased by 42% between 2005 and 2009.

15 - There are new medical studies that suggest
that many of the most popular anti-depressant
drugs are no more effective than a placebo.

16 - Pharmaceutical companies continue to rake in
billions of dollars from selling vaccines and
are encouraging even pregnant women to take them,
even though there is mounting evidence that
taking vaccines while pregnant, dramatically
increases the rate of miscarriage.

17 - One woman in New Hampshire is seeking more
than $24 million in damages from the manufacturer
of a prescription drug that she took for shoulder
pain. It turns out that as a result of taking
the drug, she is now blind and has been left
scarred by internal and external burns.

18 - According to a study, the medical liability
system in the US added approximately $55.6
billion to the cost of health care in 2008.

19 - Pharmaceutical companies have become so
greedy that now they are even attempting to
patent our genes. It is being reported that
over three million gene patent applications
have been filed with the US government so far.

Tens of thousands of gene patents have already
been granted at this point. It is estimated
that companies hold approximately 40,000 patents
on sections of the human genome right now. Those
patents cover approximately 20% of our genes.

20 - According to a recent report, US citizens
spend about twice as much as residents of other
developed countries on health care, but get much
lower quality and far less efficiency in return.

You are what you eat


There was a massive campaign in Wales to make
people have to carry an "I don't want my organs
donated" card, in order to be able to opt out
from having body parts taken at death...

and in 2015, Welsh AMs capitulated to
the lobbyists... but beware!

Now that system -- of only donor card carriers
having organs removed automatically - is gone,
the ghouls have carte blanche to steal organ
parts --- when they were stealing them from
UK people illegally already... !!!

An inquiry has found that organs and bones
from the bodies of dead UK nuclear industry
Sellafield workers, were illegally harvested
without their consent for over 30 years.

The inquiry's findings reveal that relatives of
64 staff discovered that their loved ones had
been stripped of livers, tongues and even
legs, decades after they were buried, the
Belfast Telegraph reported.

The findings also proved the existence of an
“old boys' club” among pathologists, coroners
& scientists around Sellafield, prior to 1992,
which prioritized the needs of the nuclear
industry, above grieving family members.

The workers r
epresentatives told the inquiry's
Chair, Michael Redfern QC, that they felt as if
bodies had been “mutilated” and treated as
“commodities” to assist in research on behalf of
the industry to try to disprove the link between
cancers and radiation at Sellafield & elsewhere.

Some missing bones had been replaced with
broomsticks for deceased workers' funerals.
Redfern says families have been “wronged”.

“In most cases considered by the inquiry,
relatives were let down at a time when they
were most vulnerable, by those in whom they
were entitled to place absolute trust," he says.

In the Commons, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne
apologized to the families, and stated that the
practice has now "been stopped".

The 650-page report, following a three-year
inquiry, which also examined 3 other studies
involving the nuclear industry, in which 6,500
bodies, including children, were used, says the
removal of organs & tissue was “unnecessary
  & inappropriate” in a majority of Sellafield cases.



that microwaves were originally developed
as a weapon of war to destroy human flesh?

that ALL microwave cookers were banned
in Russia - until the collapse of the USSR?

that research shows that microwave cooking
mutates molecules and is probably responsible
for stomach cancers, Russian research shows?



Meyerhoff, group leader of new research, says that
the alcohol consumption among the heavy drinkers
his team studied, was only 60% of that typically
found among alcoholics in clinics...

These are the ONLY group normally ever studied.
But his team studied - for the first time - heavy
drinkers living among the general population.

Even in these "binge" drinkers, they found that
frontal white matter NAA was much lower in heavy
drinkers than light drinkers, and was associated
with lower executive & working memory functions.

In other words, binge drinkers are brain-damaged!

"Although the men and women who drank heavily for
many years demonstrated fewer changes in brain
metabolites than do alcoholics in treatment,"
Meyerhoff says, "the abnormalities we found, are
nonetheless associated with lower brain function."

Lower cognitive functioning, he says, can affect
daily living routines in not-so-obvious ways –
the changes may be too gradual or too weak to
noticeable – but they may still interfere with
basic cognitive processes, such as: decision
making; planning; regulation of emotion and
motivation; memory; and motor control.

"These deficits may have an affect on a heavy
drinkers' ability to judge his/her drinking, as
adversely affecting his/her life," he adds, "and
can also interfere with the drinker's decision

to seek treatment or reduce drinking, thus
perpetuating drinking behaviour."

Meyerhoff says some behaviours associated
with these metabolite changes, include the
inability to apply consequences from past actions;
difficulties with abstract concepts of time & money;
difficulties with storing and retrieving information;
and frequently needing external motivators.

Both Martin & Meyerhoff say the study's findings
of chemical abnormalities in the brains of heavy
social drinkers provide evidence of brain damage,
even if the drinkers cannot see it themselves.

"Our major aim was to detect the early adverse
of alcohol drinking on brain function, and
provide useful information to the heavy alcohol
drinker, family practitioners, and society," says
Meyerhoff. "Our message is: 'Drink in moderation!

Heavy drinking damages your brain ever so slightly,
reducing your cognitive functioning in ways that
may not be readily noticeable. To be safe...
don't overdue it.'"

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